2019/20 Activities Report - London Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple

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倫敦佛光山 弘法報告

教育 | Education London Fo Guang Shan Trains Dharma Teachers for Propagation in Prisons On 31 May, London Fo Guang Shan organized the first online training session for Dharma propagation in prison. The session was led by Helen Ni, a lay Dharma teacher who has 15 years of experience in preaching Dharma in prisons and detention centers. More than 10 members of BLIA attended the session.

培訓監獄佈教師 挹注正向力量 倫敦佛光山舉辦「監獄佈教培訓課程」,在英國疫情期間,5月31日首次以線上 教學方式展開,共有10餘位對監獄布教有興趣的佛光人參與。主講人國際佛光會 檀講師倫敦協會督導倪世健,在英國數所監獄及拘留所,有15年布教經驗,期望 經驗傳承,讓有心投入的義工學習。 倪世健分享,成為佈教師緣由2005年曾和法師參觀監獄,15年中不同的因緣際 會,讓他成為數個監獄及拘留所的常駐佈教師。有一次,倪督導受邀到一個距離 倫敦車程2個多小時的拘留所,本來覺得路途太遙遠,但深感到那些人或許正處 於需要人幫忙的困境中,便決然的接下了這個工作。 佈教師的工作內容,除了固定時間的課程之外,也可能涉及個案處理以及心理諮 商。面對拘留所中非英語系的學員,佈教師也可能需要充當翻譯。有些學員會有 自殘或打架的行為,甚至覺得人生沒有希望、沒有目標。「想成為佈監獄教師, 必須有喜歡助人的熱忱和積極弘法的心。」倪世健說道。 以在家眾身分成為監獄佈教師,需要具備一定的條件。為了能傳遞佛法的正知正 見,必須是佛光會員、皈依三寶、清淨持戒、信仰堅定,且具備宣講員資格。最 重要的是,要調整自己的心態,能以開放的心面對不同背景的學員,真誠地聆 聽,並知道知道布教的目的是藉由佛法,幫助學員找到內心平靜,度過困境。 課程結束前,倪世健安排20分鐘的實例示範,並強調,唯有愛才能打開對方的心 牆。

Since her initial visit to a prison in 2005, Helen has become a regular preacher of Dharma in several prisons and detention centers. One time, she was invited to a prison that is more than 2 hours by car from London. She initially thought it was too far, but she ended up taking the job because she knows that those people are in urgent need of guidance. Besides timetabled classes, they also help with individual cases and sometimes translation for those who don’t speak english well. Some prisoners may self-harm, fight with others, or even think there is no hope or goal in life. A preacher must be passionate towards helping others in order to deliver the messages. To propagate Dharma in prisons, one must be a BLIA member, a Dharma speaker, have taken refuge in the Triple Gem, uphold precepts, and be strong in faith. One must be able to adjust their mindset and open their mind in facing different people; whilst helping them to find inner peace with the means of Dharma. Before the end of the class, Helen also demonstrated an example for the group, emphasizing that only with love and care can one break the boundaries with others.

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