Fall 2022

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Dr. Ralph Barrale and Barb Cronin Retire After Decades of Service Active-Duty Service Members, Veterans Choose Logan to Advance Career Goals Logan Welcomes New Vice President and Dean 2022 Women’s Health Symposium
Features 5 Meet Dr. Brian McAulay Dr. McAulay joins Logan as vice president of academic affairs 14 Reaching for the Stars MS-SSR graduate lands dream job as trainer at Sports Academy at the Star in Frisco, Texas 19 Gut-Brain Communication Study is the first to use 4D cine MRI and fMRI data to investigate how the stomach and brain communicate 28 A Chiropractic Career Change Second-career students share stories about being called to chiropractic In This Issue 5 The Insider 6 Leaders Made 8 Mission Forward 10 College of Chiropractic 14 College of Health Sciences 18 Research 20 Capital Campaign 22 Donor Snapshot 24 Women’s Health Symposium 26 Logan Connects 28 Student Life 30 Graduating Class 32 Recognizing Success 34 Admissions 36 Under the Tower 37 Industry Update 39 Postscript The Tower is a publication of Logan University for alumni, students, employees and friends of the University Contents 8 THE TOWER Vol. 3, FALL 2022 The Tower is published three times a year: Spring, Summer and Fall. On the Cover: Dr. Ralph Barrale and Barb Cronin Inside photography: Sierra Carter, Mike Chappell The Tower is produced by the Department of Marketing and Communications. Reader comments can be emailed to Tower@Logan.edu. THE TOWER Logan University 1851 Schoettler Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 Tower@Logan.edu | Logan.edu 636-230-1704 2 FALL 2022 • LOGAN UNIVERSITY TOWer the 14 20


Logan University has been named one of the best colleges in the nation to work for, according to the Great Colleges to Work For® program, one of the largest and most respected workplacerecognition programs in the United States. The results released in a special insert of The Chronicle of Higher Education are based on a survey of 212 colleges and universities. This year, Logan won honors in the Compensation & Benefits and Job Satisfaction & Support categories. This is the fifth year Logan has been recognized by the Great Colleges to Work For® program.

Logan University celebrated Club Day and Founder’s Day on September 14. Attendees learned about more than 30 clubs and organizations that offer numerous opportunities for students to serve, learn and lead, from sports to Greek organizations to chiropractic technique clubs. Festivities to honor Hugh B. Logan, DC, who founded Logan in 1935, included food, music and games.


To help Logan student doctors explore a variety of career options and build their network of professional contacts, Career Services hosted its first Career Roadshow on August 22 and 23 in Chicago. The 10 student doctors who participated had the opportunity to tour Aligned Modern Health, which offers a range of chiropractic and wellness services, and shadow some of its doctors. They also attended breakout sessions on a variety of topics such as men’s health, women’s health, herbal medicine, mental health, pain management and more.

MilitarySupportiveColleges.com has identified Logan as one of the most military-supportive colleges in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Northeast District, which includes 17 states and Washington, D.C. Dedicated to helping active-duty service members, veterans and their families access and use military education benefits to earn their degrees, the site includes institutions that:

• Accept VA education benefits

• Offer dedicated academic and career advising services

• Apply college credit toward degrees for military training and experience

• Provide counseling and support services for veterans

• Honor a tradition of respect and admiration for military service

• Earmark scholarship and grant money for veterans, service members and their families

Stay up to date on the construction of the Fuhr Science Center and renovations to the Administration Building by visiting Logan.edu/Campaign.


In my ongoing quest to be the best leader I can be, I spend a great deal of time studying other leaders, particularly those who came before me and whose work continues to stand the test of time. One such leader is Nelson Mandela, South African social rights activist, philanthropist and former president.

I often consider one of Mandela’s most famous quotes, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Every time I look upon Logan’s bright and talented students, I see tomorrow’s health care leaders who will make a difference in the well-being of their patients and communities. It is a great privilege to watch them on their journeys to rewarding careers in chiropractic and health sciences every day.

It is also an honor to watch graduates and friends like Mark Korchok, DC (’87) give back to Logan University. His generosity as well as that of countless others is helping to fund the current renovation and expansion of the Fuhr Science Center, made possible by a $1 million lead gift by Arlan W. Fuhr, DC (’61) and


Mrs. Judi Fuhr. You can read more about Dr. Korchok on page 20 of this magazine. I continue to be awed by the responsibility our donors feel to ensure future generations continue on the paths and traditions set out by those who came before them.

Contributions come in many forms, and some of the most valuable are from individuals who dedicate all or part of their careers to helping others achieve their dreams. The role Logan faculty and staff play in advancing our commitment to excellence in education is immeasurable. One shining example of an educator who has helped shape countless careers and lives is Ralph Barrale, DC (’69). Over an impressive 40 years at Logan, Dr. Barrale’s long list of accomplishments include building what is now Logan’s Postgraduate Department. This summer, upon his retirement, we bid farewell to Dr. Barrale as our vice president of academic affairs and alumni relations, but we look forward to regularly welcoming him back as our alumnus and friend. Turn to page 10 to learn more about Dr. Barrale and his dedicated service to Logan.

Another integral part of Logan’s advancement and success, Barb Cronin, the face of Logan’s continuing education efforts for 24 years, also retired this summer. Barb supported Dr. Barrale as an administrative assistant before becoming the director of the Alumni & Friends House in 2014. While Barb is looking forward to

traveling and spending more time with family and friends, we eagerly await her return visits and the bright smile she will undoubtedly bring with her. A story about Barb and her legacy can be found on page 12 of this issue.

I would like to end this letter with a couple of fall highlights. The fourth annual Women’s Health Symposium, held at Logan in conjunction with the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) Council on Women’s Health in September, welcomed nearly 100 health care professionals who had the opportunity to earn up to 12 hours of valuable continuing education credit. A recap of the event is on page 24.

Similarly, the 11th World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) Global Education Conference held in early November brought educators, researchers, academics and association leaders from around the world to Logan’s campus to experience all that we have to offer while working to improve consistency in chiropractic education.

Finally, National Chiropractic Health Month in October reminded us of the benefits of chiropractic care and its natural, patient-centered approach to health and wellness. May you all continue to enjoy both of those things as we head into the holiday season.


Dr. Brian McAulay Named Vice President of Academic Affairs

In August, Logan welcomed Brian McAulay, DC, PhD as vice president of academic affairs.

As a senior leader with three decades of service as a college president, board member and provost with several colleges and universities, Dr. McAulay brings expertise in strategic planning, new program development, online education and enrollment development to his new role.

“I am extremely excited to be part of the Logan community and to work with the outstanding team here to develop innovative new educational offerings that will not only meet but help to define what it means to be a practitioner providing conservative health care in contemporary practice, education and leadership,” Dr. McAulay said.

Dr. McAulay most recently served as the vice chancellor for academic affairs for South University in Savannah, Georgia, where he oversaw the academic experience of 11,000 students in 45 programs across eight campuses as well as a robust online learning community. He previously served as president of Parker University and as provost and vice president of academic affairs at Life University and at Palmer College of Chiropractic and Sherman College of Chiropractic. He led his own chiropractic practice in Newtown, Pennsylvania, for 13 years while serving on the teaching faculty of Pennsylvania College where he was elected president of the Faculty Senate.

“Brian is an incredible asset to our university as the senior academic leader,” said Logan President Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD. “I’ve worked closely with him over several years in multiple capacities and seen firsthand the deep expertise he brings to both the

chiropractic profession and higher education. He embodies the highest academic standards, a collaborative leadership style and the enthusiasm to create and embrace new opportunities.”

Dr. McAulay holds a PhD in business and management from Temple University, a DC from Pennsylvania College of Chiropractic, and a bachelor’s degree in commerce from the University of Toronto. He left his native Canada to study chiropractic in the United States, inspired by chiropractic’s natural approach to healing and respect for the body’s innate ability to self-regulate. Selected as a fellow of the American Council for Education (ACE) during the 2008-2009 academic year, he is the only DC educator ever to complete the highly selective program. Dr. McAulay has also completed the New President’s Program at the Institute for Educational Management at Harvard University.

Dr. McAulay has served on numerous boards, including in his roles as president and chair as well as vice president, secretary and treasurer for the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC), the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, New Zealand College of Chiropractic, the American Council on Education Council of Fellows, and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta. He has been a site team chair for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges for many years.

“I am extremely excited to be part of the Logan community and to work with the outstanding team here to develop innovative new educational offerings.”
– Dr. Brian McAulay

Some people are natural-born leaders, and that is certainly the case for ZACH AYRES, trimester 6 Doctor of Chiropractic student at Logan. The list of leadership positions he currently holds is long and impressive: vice president of Logan Student Government (LSG) executive board, trimester 6 class president, vice president and co-founder of Logan United, Logan student ambassador, student representative for Logan’s Safety Committee, and co-founder of a student podcast called Adjusting to the Curve, which will debut this fall.

enhanced. We work hard, so we must enjoy our downtime.”

Originally from Chillicothe, Ohio, Zach attended Ohio Northern University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in exercise physiology. In January of 2021, he moved to St. Louis to begin his studies at Logan. “I chose Logan because it is a sports-centered university, and my longterm goal is to work with high-performance athletes,” he said.

Zach was impressed with Logan’s support of the sport of para powerlifting. Logan recently hosted the first international competition for the sport of para powerlifting in the United States.

“I love the idea of focusing on a holistic approach for athletes and working with trainers and coaches to create smarter training programs that help prevent injuries,” Zach said.

On track to graduate in the spring of 2024, Zach has been heavily involved in student government. In his position as LSG vice president, he recently came up with a new way for student clubs and organizations to access their funds: a debit card system that is scheduled to launch this fall. The system will make it easier to set up events, conduct fundraising and plan community service projects.

The podcast Zach is helping set up will be led by DC students Pierce Jackson and Grace Reinken. They plan to focus on the Logan student experience. “We have a great student base here,” Zach said. “A diverse group with such unique experiences needs to be sharing thoughts on a regular basis.”

Zach aspires to be LSG president so he can continue the work he has started. “We are the next generation of chiropractic, and we have to propel our field forward so we mesh well with other professionals,” Zach said. “The future is integrated and innovative, and that includes inclusive thinking in all aspects of health care.”

PATRICK BATTAGLIA, DC (’12), DACBR works to facilitate chiropractic integration in St. Louis with various community- and hospital-based partnerships. As director of Health Policy and Interdisciplinary Care at Logan University, he oversees

“The best part of Logan life is how easy it is to get involved in activities and clubs,” Zach said. “There are so many opportunities for student involvement. I love solving problems and making improvements so that every student experience can be

In January of 2022, Zach co-founded Logan United, which promotes inclusion and educates the community on health care disparities. The club serves as a safe and welcoming space for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and others to discuss best practices to improve the student experience. Dedicated to helping more than 40 members become wellinformed doctors who are sensitive to the challenges the LGBTQIA+ community faces, the group meets monthly.

Logan University is a community of extraordinary leaders.
Learn how these individuals are making an impact in their own communities, careers and beyond.
Zach Ayres Dr. Patrick Battaglia

clinicians at more than five locations in the St. Louis area.

Originally from Windsor, Ontario, Dr. Battaglia completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Windsor and came to Logan for his chiropractic degree. After graduating in 2012, he spent three years completing a residency in radiology and a one-year fellowship in musculoskeletal imaging at Logan. He began his career as an attending clinician at Affinia Healthcare in 2017, and in 2019, he accepted his current position overseeing chiropractic operations as well as student and resident training at various clinics. His contributions in this role helped him earn a place in the 2022 St. Louis Business Journal 40 Under 40 class.

“One of our goals is to maintain and grow an integrated footprint to provide the best possible patient care,” Dr. Battaglia said. “We have two full-time chiropractic clinicians, and in 2020, we brought in an occupational therapist to round out our team.”

Dr. Battaglia is joined by Kelsey Lewis, DC (‘18) and Jevinne Khan, DC (’20) in addition to Bernadette Sheffield, MS-OT. Collectively, they see 400 to 450 patients per month. The bulk of their patients come to the clinics for treatment of complex chronic pain in addition to other health concerns. Dr. Battaglia and his team provide traditional chiropractic care as well as myofascial therapy, rehabilitative and therapeutic exercises, and mind-body therapy. The team works closely with other health care professionals, including primary care physicians, women’s health providers, podiatrists and others for an integrated approach to patient care.

Recently, the Integrated Health Centers Department was incorporated into Innovation and Research. “This new reporting line enables us to continue to grow our integrated operations in creative, forward-thinking ways. I am thrilled that Logan continues to find ways to expand and innovate our approach to patient care at our Health Centers, and I am pleased to be a part of this movement,” Dr. Battaglia said.

In fact, Dr. Lewis spent time this summer participating in a community outreach effort promoting holistic healing and patient education in underserved areas around the community, and Dr. Khan has been contributing content to the local website, www.beyondpainstl.com.

“We have an amazing team in place with many accomplishments,” Dr. Battaglia said. “They are individuals who continue to learn and spread their knowledge around the community. Undoubtedly, the new Innovation and Research Department will help us continue to move our profession forward.”

SETH HUDSON, DC (’11) always knew he wanted to work in health care, but it wasn’t until he suffered an injury playing college baseball that he realized he wanted to be a chiropractor.

After deciding to pursue a career in chiropractic, choosing Logan for his education was easy.

“I’m from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, so I spent a lot of time in St. Louis and was familiar with the area,” Dr. Hudson said. “Plus, I shadowed a few chiropractors who went to Logan, and the reputation of the university is incredible. The campus is beautiful, and the facilities are truly world-class.”

While working toward his Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Hudson also enrolled in Logan’s Master of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation (MS-SSR) program. As a lifelong athlete, Dr. Hudson wanted to specialize in treating sports injuries.

Just two years after graduation, Dr. Hudson opened his own practice, Hudson Chiropractic, in Cape Girardeau.

“It was challenging to go out on my own, but now I’m proud to say my partners and I have built one of the largest practices in Missouri,” said Dr. Hudson. “We recently acquired another local practice that was founded by Dudley G. Ruopp, DC (’39), who was one of the members of Logan’s first graduating class.”

In addition to treating a variety of patients in his practice, Dr. Hudson has served on the Missouri State Board of Chiropractic Examiners for three years. In this governorappointed role, he assists in creating the language behind many of the rules and regulations in the field of chiropractic. He is also a member of the organization’s disciplinary board and aids with chiropractic examination approvals.

“While diving for a ball, I landed wrong and had whiplash, my arm went numb, and my neck seized up,” said Dr. Hudson. “One of the team physicians suggested I see a chiropractor, which allowed me to go from being unable to lift a bat to being back on the field in just 10 days.”

In recognition of Dr. Hudson’s dedication to furthering chiropractic, he was awarded the 2022 Missouri Chiropractic Physicians Association Chiropractor of the Year Award, a prestigious accolade given to only one chiropractor each year.

“It was such an unexpected honor to be chosen as Chiropractor of the Year,” Dr. Hudson said. “I feel so lucky to work in a field that I truly love. Helping people heal and feel better is what I’m passionate about, so it was incredible to be recognized for that.”

Dr. Seth Hudson

SERVEServing Those Who Logan’s Commitment to Military Students

After serving in the United States Air Force as a nuclear weapons technician for more than six years, Dominique Roberts was gifted a 3D printer that inspired them to pursue a career creating prosthetics for disabled veterans.

“I realized this was an area where I could affect change and have an immediate and measurable impact in peoples’ lives,” Dominique said. “And it’s the least I could do to give back to the community that I served with and take care of them as some of them have taken care of me.”

With the goal of earning a master’s degree in prosthetics and orthotics, Dominique enrolled in several bachelor’s degree programs in electrical engineering, but complications due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) forced them to drop out of each one. Then they discovered Logan.

“I realized that a more logical route to working toward my master’s degree was through biology, adding related coding and engineering certifications as needed,” Dominique said. “I picked Logan’s Bachelor of Science in Human Biology program for several reasons, including positive reviews from multiple sources, small class sizes and the ability to attend classes fully online.”

Since beginning the program in 2021, Dominique has found a supportive and caring community.

“The high faculty-student ratio ensures students’ needs are met regardless of their unique situations,” Dominique said. “The level of individual care that is provided is unmatched by any other institution I’ve attended.”

According to Lulu Brinkley, MBA, director of admissions at Logan, the myriad resources and programs the university offers, including academic advising and coaching, counseling, care and well-being services, career training, and involvement opportunities, gives the 50 active-duty service members and veterans currently pursuing degrees at Logan what they need to succeed.

“Whether you are online or on campus, our first priority is supporting our students,” Lulu said. “There are few schools that offer as many touchpoints as we do to ensure students feel connected to the Logan community and achieve academic success.”

MilitarySupportiveColleges.com recently identified Logan as one of the most militarysupportive colleges in the Veterans Affairs (VA) Northeast District, which includes 17 states and Washington, D.C. The site, which

helps active-duty service members, veterans and their families access and use military education benefits to earn their degrees, includes schools that not only accept these benefits but also understand how to assist students in making the most of them.

To offer additional funding for veterans’ education, Logan also participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program. The program is a partnership between schools and the VA that can help veterans pay for out-of-state, private school or graduate school tuition and fees that the GI Bill does not cover. Additionally, service members applying to Logan benefit from waived application fees.

“The VA and Logan have worked well together to ensure I am able to obtain my education without complication or added stresses,” said Jacob Schaake, a trimester 10 DC student who served as a staff sergeant in the Air Force for six years.

The award-winning online bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and doctorate program that Logan’s College of Health Sciences (COHS) offers also allow students who are serving in the military to further their education on their own time,


regardless of the country, continent or time zone they are in.

“Synchronous classes are often not conducive to the demanding schedules of active-duty service members, many of whom are scattered across the globe,” Lulu said. “Those enrolled in our online degree programs can take classes, do homework and complete exams wherever and whenever they need to.”

Chelsea Reinoehl, who was a corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps for five years, is pursuing Logan’s Master of Science in Strength and Conditioning (MS-SC) degree. The program’s accelerated format that enables students to complete it in just one year played an important role in her decision to attend Logan. After graduating in summer 2023, she hopes to open her own weightlifting studio.

“There are not many MS-SC programs to choose from, so I feel fortunate that Logan’s provides the flexibility I need,” Chelsea said. “I am looking forward to instilling my joy and passion for weightlifting into a new generation of athletes.”

Service members and veterans in Logan’s DC program also appreciate opportunities to give back to the military community. Since 2005, Logan has been an academic affiliate of the VA St. Louis Health Care System (VASTLHCS), a full-service health care facility serving veterans and their families in East Central Missouri and Southwestern Illinois. Additionally, in 2014, Logan became one of only four chiropractic schools in the U.S. selected to participate in a first-of-its-kind chiropractic residency program with the VA. Funded through the VA Office of Academic Affiliations, the one-year program trains DCs to work in the VA, other integrated hospital positions and academia.

“Offering chiropractic care to veterans is just one way we can thank them for their service and dedication,” said Jason Napuli, DC, MBA, VASTLHCS integrated chiropractic clinical practice residency program director and member of the Air Force Reserve. “Working with these patients who usually have a complex set of comorbidities in addition to chronic

musculoskeletal pain is an educational opportunity for our students that is second to none; however, it is also an honor to help improve their quality of life with conservative care.”

According to the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, 65 percent of veterans suffer from chronic pain, and they are two times more likely than nonveterans to die from accidental overdoses of highly addictive painkillers. As DCs continue to become increasingly vital members of integrated care teams at VA facilities, they are uniquely positioned to provide safe, effective, drug-free care to service members.

“Chiropractic offers a solution to help people live a healthy lifestyle without being dependent on medications,” Jacob said. “I want to relieve pain and teach people how to take care of themselves naturally. I also hope to be able to help my patients become better versions of themselves and discover that their potential is greater than they ever thought.”

Jacob Schaake Dominique Roberts Dr. Jason Napuli

Dr. Ralph Barrale Retires After 40 Years of Dedicated Service

After an illustrious career spanning four decades, Ralph Barrale, DC (‘69), Logan University’s vice president of chiropractic affairs and alumni relations, retired in August 2022.

“It’s tough to pick one moment or memory that stands out to me the most, but I’d have to say I’m most proud of all the doctors we have made here at Logan,” Dr. Barrale said. “I met my students when they were budding doctors, and now they have their own practices and meaningful careers. They had a profound, positive impact on me, and the pride they all show for the chiropractic profession makes everything worthwhile.”

Upon graduating from Logan, Dr. Barrale spent 13 years in private practice but was called back to his alma mater in 1982. As an instructor, he taught body mechanics, basic correlation, diversified adjusting technique and case management. During this time, he became not only an educator but a lifelong advocate of chiropractic as a way to improve health, performance and quality of life naturally and noninvasively. Further, he represented Logan as a liaison to the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company Symposium on Malpractice and was invited as a visiting scholar to the Interdisciplinary Symposium at Los Angeles College of Chiropractic.

In 1990, Dr. Barrale was promoted to associate professor. Eight years later, he transitioned from the classroom to postgraduate education when he was appointed director of postdoctoral and related professional education. He became a dean before being named vice president of chiropractic affairs and alumni relations in 2013.

Over the last nine years, Dr. Barrale built what is now Logan’s Postgraduate Department by collaborating with chiropractic leaders to bring quality education to DCs while also meeting licensure requirements from state associations.

“Ralph has been a cornerstone of Logan University from the moment he stepped onto campus,” said Logan President Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD. “He is a remarkable lifelong learner and educator, responsible for bringing enriching and stimulating opportunities that have not only enhanced the skills and career development of thousands of chiropractic practitioners around the world but have also helped move the profession forward. I’m going to miss him.”

Throughout his rich history in chiropractic and at Logan, Dr. Barrale has presented more than 50 seminars and lectures to various state chiropractic associations and organizations, published research in chiropractic journals, and been a member of numerous committees, boards and associations. He has also earned accolades and awards, including Logan Alumnus of the Year in 1997 and the 2010 Heritage Award, the Logan Alumni Association’s highest honor.

While he is appreciative of the recognition he has received over the years, Dr. Barrale was a humble, selfless individual whose sole focus was to advance excellence in chiropractic education.

“Ralph represents the best of Logan and humankind,” Dr. McDonald said. “His love for chiropractic and this institution, his integrity and intelligence, and his gentleness and kindness are irreplaceable in the very best way. He will be greatly missed as he departs Logan.”

Dr. Barrale’s contributions have and will continue to make a difference in the Logan University community for years to come.

“It’s been a good ride,” Dr. Barrale said.

“Ralph has been a cornerstone of Logan University from the moment he stepped onto campus.”
– Dr. Clay McDonald
Dr. Ralph Barrale during his early teaching career at Logan

Barb Cronin Leaves Lasting Legacy for Logan Alumni and Friends

Barb Cronin worked in Logan’s Alumni & Friends House for 24 years—to the day—before retiring in August 2022. Prior to joining Logan, Barb worked in a busy chiropractic office as the office manager.

programs,” Barb said. “I met so many fabulous people over the years, and I enjoyed working with them to come up with new ideas, events and programs.”

One of her favorite memories took place shortly after Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD became president of Logan University.

“It was October of 2013 when Dr. McDonald poked his head in our office,” Barb said. “He told us he wanted to host an educational event where chiropractors from around the country could attend and earn all their continuing education credits for the year in order to renew their licensure.”

From this interaction, the idea for Logan’s annual four-day Symposium was born.

“We thought it was a great idea and were eager to make his vision come to life,” said Barb. “Then he told us he wanted to host the event in April, which was six months from that point.”

vendors and partners in addition to a variety of other tasks.

“I was really fascinated with the chiropractic profession, and I loved my role managing a private practice office,” said Barb. “When the opportunity to do a similar job at Logan presented itself, I was excited to make a transition.”

She began her career at Logan on September 1, 1998, as an administrative assistant in the Alumni & Friends House. In her role, she supported Ralph Barrale, DC (’69), who later served as vice president of chiropractic and alumni relations. Eventually, she was promoted to executive assistant and then to director of the Alumni & Friends House in 2014.

“I liked working with the postgraduate instructors as they developed their

Dr. McDonald gave Dr. Barrale, Barb and her team his target for the number of attendees, and they got to work. When April came around, Logan’s first Spring Symposium went off without a hitch. The event far surpassed Dr. McDonald’s expectations and was a great success.

“Planning events like Spring Symposium was one of my favorite parts of my job,” Barb said. “I loved finding new ways to improve them or incorporate new elements to better serve our alumni and friends.”

In addition to Symposium, Barb was responsible for coordinating several alumni events, including the annual Winter Warm Up, a happy hour for Logan’s faculty and staff. She and her team also facilitated license renewals for Logan and other

“As the face of Logan’s continuing education efforts, Barb has been an integral part of the university’s advancement and success,” Dr. McDonald said. “She has cultivated and maintained relationships with thousands of members of the Logan community and beyond. Barb is incredibly organized, professional and service-oriented, but above all else, she is one of the kindest people I have ever known.”

One of Barb’s favorite parts about working at Logan was all the incredible faculty, staff, alumni and students she met over the years.

“Without a doubt, I miss the people the most,” Barb said. “I loved interacting with my team as well as so many other departments each day. I made some true lifelong friends thanks to Logan.”

Now, Barb is looking forward to traveling and spending more time with her family.

“This is such a bittersweet time,” Barb said. “I will miss being at Logan each day, but I am also excited for what my retirement holds.”

“I met so many fabulous people over the years, and I enjoyed working with them to come up with new ideas, events and programs.”
– Barb Cronin
Barb Cronin

Preceptorship Program Bridges Classroom and Real-World Experience

Qualified Logan University Doctor of Chiropractic students can spend their final trimester working in a clinical setting, which helps them make a smooth transition from student doctor to graduate. Logan’s Preceptorship Program matches students with practicing chiropractors who are living the dreams students envision for themselves, which makes reaching their own goals more attainable.

Vice Chair of Logan’s Board of Trustees Allen Hager, DC enjoys sharing with students his experience working at Essentia Health in Fargo, North Dakota, a multidisciplinary health system. He also likes imparting learnings amassed throughout his diverse career, which include establishing chiropractic clinics and continuing education programs in Scotland, as well as insights he gleaned from working on the insurance side of health care at Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota.

As a member of Logan’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Hager brings executive leadership skills he honed at elite programs offered at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis. Under the direction of Logan President Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD, the board has identified preceptorships as a priority to prepare students for practice.

“Dr. McDonald has been instrumental in moving the university forward in myriad ways,” said Dr. Hager. “He recognizes the need to diversify Logan’s program offerings and prepare students to not only pass exams but also to make the transition into private practice or integrated models of care.”

Accordingly, Dr. McDonald invited Dr. Hager to consider serving as a preceptor for Logan’s student doctors. Dr. Hager enthusiastically accepted and is now mentoring trimester 10 student Nicole Wurtzberger in the 15-week Preceptorship Program.

“I’m always amazed at how students come out of chiropractic school with this tremendous command of the science

behind the practice of chiropractic,” said Dr. Hager. “But historically, there has been a gap between the knowing and the doing. Learning the art of talking to a patient also takes practice. Not just asking, ‘Where does it hurt,’ but knowing how to best position questions to elicit meaningful answers that help guide us to determine the root of the problem and identify the best course of treatment.”

Dr. Hager added that for students obtaining their DCs, the patients they work with during their clinical rotations do not typically exhibit the complex cases they are likely to see once they start practicing, especially if they are serving in a hospital or other multidisciplinary setting.

“From the very beginning, I saw Nicole’s confidence increase as a result of the experiences she has gained through this preceptorship,” Dr. Hager said.

Dr. Hager also believes chiropractic’s expansion into integrated models of care is increasing awareness of the profession, which has driven the need for more chiropractors like Nicole.

“When I started at Essentia Health, I was the only chiropractor on staff,” Dr. Hager said. “Today, we have five. The more people who see and experience what we can do, the role we play and the value we provide, the more referrals we get, which increases the demand for the care we give.”

This shift is well-timed for Nicole, who has always wanted a profession that is hands-on and helps to improve health naturally and noninvasively.

“I love working with Dr. Hager at Essentia Health because I have had the opportunity to see a variety of patients with simple and complex cases,” Nicole said. “I’m also surrounded by great people who help me grow both professionally and personally.”

Ninety-five percent of Logan’s trimester 10 DC students seek and are accepted for placement in fast-paced clinical settings. They can interact with 300 or more patients per month. These invaluable experiences are made possible by preceptors like Dr. Hager who are driven by a desire to help nurture the next generations of chiropractors to carry on the work of those who came before them.

“This opportunity provides a bridge between school, where we learn things, to here, where we figure out how to use that knowledge on a day-to-day basis,” Nicole said.

Trimester 10 DC student Nicole Wurtzberger and Dr. Allen Hager

Carolina Cisneros Lands Trainer Position at Sports Academy at the Star

What began as an internship opportunity led Carolina Cisneros, who graduated from Logan’s Sports Science & Rehabilitation (MS-SSR) program in 2022, to her dream job as a trainer at the Sports Academy at the Star in Frisco, Texas.

Carolina’s journey to a career in sports science and rehabilitation began when she tore her ACL as a high school athlete, which prevented her from participating in the sports she loved.

“After going through the full rehabilitation process myself, I had so many questions of why and how,” Carolina said. “I wanted to know why my body hurt the way it did and what I could do to see improvements. That sparked my interest in helping other people achieve similar rehabilitation goals.”

While wrapping up her MS-SSR at Logan, Carolina was in search of an internship that would complement her coursework and help prepare her for the next step in her career. She was excited to be offered a one-semester internship with the Sports Academy.

“The first time I walked into the facility, I glanced around and saw all the memorabilia in the front lobby,” Carolina said. “That’s when it clicked: This was formerly the Mamba Sports Academy created in part by Kobe Bryant himself. That alone was a big deal for me.”

Carolina knew she was in the best place for her to gain high-quality experience in her field. From performance training to returnto-play rehabilitation, the Sports Academy offers a full spectrum of services to develop youth, amateur and elite athletes to the peak of their potential. With more than 50,000 square feet that includes an indoor and outdoor turf field, basketball court, diagnostics lab, world-class weight room, recovery suite, classroom space and more, it is also located next to the Dallas Cowboys

World Headquarters and practice facility.

“One of my main focuses during the internship was assisting a group of athletes who were preparing for the National Football League (NFL) Scouting Combine, a weeklong showcase where college football players perform physical and mental tests in front of NFL coaches, general managers and scouts,” Carolina said. “We helped assist trainers with strength and conditioning exercises, which made each day run smoother.”

Toward the end of her four-month internship, Carolina was offered a position as a Return to Play trainer for the Sports Academy, giving her the opportunity to move from her hometown of Houston to Dallas. The Return to Play program is designed to aid athletes on their journey through and after physical therapy. As a trainer, Carolina works with her clients to develop fully customized, systematic, evidence-based plans to help them get back to their prior or even an advanced level of competition.

“What I enjoy most is helping people of all backgrounds, from professional athletes to children to geriatric clients,” Carolina said. “It’s not just return to play; it’s return to life.”

Carolina is grateful for the knowledge and experience she gained from Logan. She uses what she learned in the MS-SSR courses on upper and lower body rehabilitation on a daily basis when adjusting training to clients’ needs.

She recently worked with a client who was struggling in his recovery. Setback after setback, he had trouble understanding why he was not seeing improvements.

“I could relate to his frustration because of my ACL injury,” Carolina said. “But I was also able to use my training and education to help him answer the same questions I used to have. Eventually, he began getting better, which was very rewarding.”

“After going through the full rehabilitation process myself, I had so many questions of why and how. I wanted to know why my body hurt the way it did and what I could do to see improvements. That sparked my interest in helping other people achieve similar rehabilitation goals.”
– Carolina Cisneros

Dr. April Taylor Named Dean of Logan’s College of Health Sciences

Logan University is pleased to welcome April Taylor, DBA, JD as its new dean of the College of Health Sciences (COHS).

Dr. Taylor comes to Logan from South University in Savannah, Georgia, where she served as dean of both the College of Business (including health care programs) and the College of Arts and Sciences. Her career in higher education began at South University when she became a program director following her role as an assistant attorney general working as a prosecutor for the South Carolina attorney general’s office.

“As an instructor, I loved the change I was able to see in students’ lives when they graduated,” Dr. Taylor said. “They already have intellect, knowledge and skills when they come to us, but over the course of their education, they are able to improve upon those, to gain a degree and to put their skills into a package for an employer.”

Arriving at Logan University for the first time, Dr. Taylor recalls driving the winding road to campus and seeing a group of deer on the front lawn. “Driving up and seeing this gorgeous campus felt very welcoming for me,” Dr. Taylor said. “I had the clear sense that there is meaningful work to be done here.”

“Genuine love, care for and commitment to students is what I think makes the biggest difference. The Logan community wants students to do better, to learn and to grow.”

– Dr. April Taylor

Dr. Taylor brings her expertise from past dean roles, as well as her determination and passion to see people succeed, to her new position at Logan. These qualities shape how she approaches her responsibilities to continue to improve the COHS for students, faculty and staff by reviewing policies and appeals, assessing all aspects of the programs under her management, and working with faculty and staff to foster the growth of each program.

“I am fortunate to have programs that are doing well and meeting accreditation standards in addition to excellent, in-field program directors who are looking to further grow the scale of their programs,” Dr. Taylor said.

Only a few months into her new role, Dr. Taylor already recognizes the dedication the faculty and staff have to ensuring student success. “Genuine love, care for and commitment to students is what I think makes the biggest difference,” Dr. Taylor said. “The Logan community wants students to do better, to learn and to grow.”

As an engaged dean, Dr. Taylor’s goal is to immerse herself in the worlds of students, faculty and staff to gain an in-depth understanding of what the COHS needs to do to continue offering the highest quality educational experiences.

“I’m a dean who prioritizes student interaction,” Dr. Taylor said. “I will find students on campus or off to talk about what’s working and not working for them. I want to know how their classes are going and what they are enjoying. I want to know about their experiences.”

She hopes she will receive honest answers that will help her make improvements to enrich the lives of all students. “People are always welcome to stop by my office,” Dr. Taylor said. “I have an open-door policy. When you come into a new university, part of the challenge is figuring out the culture, so I want to take this opportunity to learn from Logan and share my ideas as well.”

Dr. April Taylor
“Driving up and seeing this gorgeous campus felt very welcoming for me.”
– Dr. April Taylor

Austin Kuennen Receives First Dr. Ken Leistner Memorial Scholarship

Austin Kuennen, a student in the inaugural class of Logan’s Master of Science in Strength & Conditioning (MS-SC) program, received the first Dr. Ken Leistner Memorial Scholarship, which awards $1,000 to one MS-SC student every trimester. The scholarship honors the late Kenneth Evan Leistner, DC (’80), world-renowned chiropractor and strength and fitness coach.

“I appreciate and value Logan and the Leistner family for awarding this scholarship, their willingness to listen to a stranger’s story, and invest in a mind of tomorrow,” Austin said. “It means a lot that they are willing to give back to students working their hardest to learn and work their way up in this field.”

Austin’s interest in health and wellness developed throughout his childhood as he watched his mom, Laura Kuennen, clinical rotations coordinator at Logan, serve in various roles at the university. As an undergraduate student, he completed some of his first courses at Logan. In December 2021, he earned Logan’s Master of Science in Nutrition & Human Performance (MS-NHP) and is now pursuing his MS-SC.

“I have nothing but positive things to say about both the MS-NHP and MS-SC programs and the quality of

education,” Austin said. “Anyone who is familiar with online schools understands it’s quite different from being in person, but the professors in these programs make it as engaging as possible.”

After he completes his MS-SC, Austin hopes to become one of only a handful of professionals with more than one credential in his field. “One of my instructors emphasized the importance of being keenly aware of the holistic approach to athletic performance as well as the clinical aspects,” Austin said.

Austin applied for the Dr. Ken Leistner

Memorial Scholarship because he wanted to do everything in his power to further his education.

“As a student, there is a lot on your plate, between personal life and academic performance,” Austin said. “Finances are tied to everything you do. Any assistance goes a long way to help relieve that financial burden.”

When Austin heard he had been awarded the scholarship, he was elated and a bit surprised. “I just wanted to tell my story,” Austin said. “Any student can attest to how any help or guidance goes a long way for someone who values their education.”

Dr. Leistner’s daughter, Bariann Smith, hopes that her family can help make the strength and conditioning field more accessible by continuing to offer the Dr. Ken Leistner Memorial Scholarship. She is proud of her family’s efforts to honor her father’s life and legacy by encouraging others to pursue careers in strength and conditioning, and she looks forward to seeing what the future holds for Austin.

“Austin shows that he understands that strength is not just about physical ability, but also mental endurance,” Bariann said. “His perseverance and determination in pursuing his education are exemplary. Austin’s goal is to help others, and his generous and selfless spirit shone through in his scholarship application and essay.”

To donate to the Dr. Ken Leistner Memorial Scholarship, scan the QR code at right.

Austin Kuennen
“I appreciate and value Logan and the Leistner family for awarding this scholarship, their willingness to listen to a stranger’s story, and invest in a mind of tomorrow.”
– Austin Kuennen

Dr. James M. Cox Demonstrates Cox® Technic at Chiropractic Grand Rounds

Logan Holds 15th Annual Joseph W. Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging

Logan University’s Department of Radiology held the 15th annual Joseph W. Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging on July 15. Organized by Norman W. Kettner, DC (’80), DACBR, FICC, dean of research and professor emeritus of Logan’s Department of Radiology, the oration is designed to honor the contributions and achievements of Joseph W. Howe, DC, DACBR, FICC, Fellow ACCR to the education, research and practice of chiropractic radiology.

Every year, eminent speakers from the fields of radiology, clinical practice, education and research are selected to deliver the oration. Jeff King, DC, MS, director of chiropractic at the Medical College of Wisconsin in the Department of Neurosurgery, delivered this year’s oration address titled, “Cervical spine pain in the concussion patient: Discussion of the current literature.”

Following the oration, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions

and observe a panel consisting of Dr. King, Patrick Battaglia, DC (’12), DACBR, Logan’s director of Health Policy and Interdisciplinary Care, and Ross Mattox, DC (’07), RMSK, instructor and lead chiropractic clinician for Logan at CareSTL Health. The panel highlighted examples of chiropractic care in an integrated clinical setting, the financial benefits of integrated care as an early intervention, putting patients at the center of their health care plans, and empowering patients through education regarding nonspecific diagnoses.

“We need to show patients it’s OK to feel frustrated and mad and to not have a specific diagnosis,” Dr. King said. “What they may need is reassurance, education and understanding.”

The Logan community mourns the loss of Dr. Howe, who passed away October 21, 2022. Turn to page 37 for more on his life and legacy.

James M. Cox, DC, DACBR, FICC, HonDLitt, FIANM(H) delivered a lecture titled “Cox® Technic: Research Leads The Way” during Logan University’s Chiropractic Grand Rounds on September 30. Organized by Norman W. Kettner, DC (’80), DACBR, FICC, dean of research and professor emeritus of Logan’s Department of Radiology, the Chiropractic Grand Rounds series gives Logan Doctor of Chiropractic students the opportunity to learn from some of the most highly respected chiropractors in the nation.

Dr. Cox explained how his own adjusting technique, the Cox® Technic flexion distraction and decompression, can be used to relieve spinal pain caused by conditions such as disc herniation, stenosis, and sprains and strains. During the presentation, audience members were

From left: Dr. Ross Mattox, Dr. Jeff King, Dr. Norman W. Kettner and Dr. Patrick Battaglia
on page 21
Dr. James M. Cox

New Study Explores Gut-Brain Communication with Multimodal MRI Approach

Norman W. Kettner, DC (’80), DACBR, FICC, dean of research and professor emeritus of Logan’s Department of Radiology, contributed to a study titled, “Cine gastric MRI reveals altered gut-brain axis in functional dyspepsia: gastric motility is linked with brainstemcortical fMRI connectivity.” Recently published in Neurogastroenterology & Motility, the study combines magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessment of gastric kinematics with measurements of the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) located in the brainstem to evaluate how gut-brain axis communication is associated with functional dyspepsia (FD) pathophysiology.

“This is the first study to utilize both our novel, recently validated fourdimensional (4D) cine MRI and brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to analyze stomach function and central processing of gastric afference in FD,” Dr. Kettner said.

Functional dyspepsia, which affects 25 percent of people worldwide, is a disorder of gut-brain interaction that is characterized by a range of bothersome symptoms in the upper digestive tract that are not caused by organic, systemic or metabolic disease. Although it is not well understood, FD could include altered gastric function and gastric myoelectric activity as well as alterations in brain processing, which may be linked to gastric afference.

According to Dr. Kettner, the vagus nerve acts as the primary link in

communication between the stomach and brain, carrying both descending motor signals that coordinate movement and ascending sensory information such as pain.

“Previous research has noted altered brain activity and connectivity in patients with FD compared to healthy controls,” Dr. Kettner said. “To gain a better understanding of FD etiology and pathophysiology, we aimed to conduct a deeper investigation into gut-brain axis communication using assessments of gastric kinematics and brain processing of vagal afference.”

Dr. Kettner and his team hypothesized that compared to healthy adults, patients with FD would demonstrate altered antral motility and NTS connectivity to higher cortical regions known for executive and cognitive processing of sensory signaling. They also predicted gastric dysmotility in FD would be linked with NTS connectivity to the same cortical processing brain regions.

Participants with FD as well as ageand sex-matched healthy controls were enrolled in the study. They attended a screening visit, a behavioral assessment session where they completed several clinical questionnaires, and an imaging visit. During the imaging visit, subjects consumed a contrast meal consisting of a mixture of vanilla pudding and blended pineapple. Then they underwent three abdominal scans and three brain scans. Before each scan, subjects were asked to rate their level of abdominal discomfort. After analyzing the 4D cine stomach images and brain fMRI data, the researchers found:

• Propagation velocity of antral peristalsis was significantly lower in patients with FD.

• In both groups, the NTS was most strongly connected to the default mode

network (DMN), known for being active when daydreaming or mind wandering. But in patients with FD, the NTS was more connected to the frontoparietal network (FPN), which is involved in sustained attention, working memory and problem solving.

• Patients with FD demonstrated higher NTS connectivity to insula, anterior cingulate, prefrontal cortices and the presupplementary motor area.

• NTS connectivity was linked to propagation velocity in healthy controls, while NTS connectivity was linked to peristalsis frequency in patients with FD.

“This groundbreaking study is the only one to date that directly links mechanoreceptive gastric afference to brainstem viscerosensory connectivity in patients with FD,” Dr. Kettner said. “These associations suggest that patients suffering from FD show specific plasticity in gut-brain communication, which can be assessed with our multimodal MRI approach.”

In addition to providing new insight into FD pathophysiology, Dr. Kettner hopes this study will open the door for future investigations into other functional disorders.

“Functional disorders are widespread, but at this point, we have not been able to identify a pathological cause,” Dr. Kettner said. “If we can gain a better understanding, we can develop more effective interventions.”

Scan the QR codes below to read the most recent study on FD (left) and the 2021 study on 4D cine MRI (right).

Dr. Norman W. Kettner

Dr. Mark Korchok: Guardian of the Chiropractic Profession

Mark Korchok, DC (’87), DACBSP® has long prided himself on being a guardian of the chiropractic profession. While chiropractic has evolved since he was an aspiring Doctor of Chiropractic student, he has played an integral role in helping shape the field that first piqued his interest when he was a student-athlete.

Serving on the Ohio State Chiropractic Board where he is now board member emeritus, Dr. Korchok has been instrumental in crafting laws and regulations that not only govern the practice of chiropractic but also elevate its status to that of medical doctors, physical therapists and occupational therapists. Dr. Korchok credits his Logan education for helping give his voice credibility throughout these pursuits.

In recognition of his contributions to chiropractic, Dr. Korchok has received the Exemplary Service Commendation by Ohio Governor John Kasich for service and commitment to the Ohio State Chiropractic Board on behalf of the Citizens of Ohio, as well as an Exemplary Service Commendation by the Ohio Senate and Ohio House of Representatives for exemplary service as a member of the Ohio State Chiropractic Board.

Dr. Korchok’s road to becoming a preeminent practitioner began in Canada where he grew up. His father was the head basketball coach at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. Dr. Korchok spent a lot of time around his father’s teams, which is where he was first introduced to the intersection between athletics and health care. The teams benefited from the services of an athletic trainer named Tom Kearney who loved sports and serving others, according to Dr. Korchok.

Dr. Korchok went on to play basketball at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. While there, he came to further appreciate the role that health care professionals play in athletes’ success. His team had an on-staff athletic trainer and a chiropractor. Dr. Korchok said this exposure to chiropractic made a lasting impression on him.

“The team chiropractor did more to keep us healthy than any other team doctor,” Dr. Korchok said.

Pursuing a DC seemed like a natural next step for


Dr. Korchok. “I recall visiting Logan and being impressed by its facilities. I still remember how helpful the Admissions Department was in assisting me throughout the application process and ensuring I felt supported, as I was not just enrolling in postgraduate school but also moving to a different country.”

Dr. Korchok thrived at Logan, and upon graduation, he established his own practice, the Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center of Cincinnati, where he still works. His wellness-based practice integrates advanced chiropractic techniques with

lifestyle education, exercise rehabilitation, nutritional counseling, athletic performance enhancement and family care. The clinic’s mission is to evaluate, educate and provide highly skilled care for patients, helping them achieve better health and optimal human function through chiropractic care.

“Our stated purpose is to help our patients and their families enjoy the journey of their lives by enriching their health and well-being,” Dr. Korchok said.

Dr. Korchok has always believed that every chiropractor has a responsibility to help foster and advance the chiropractic profession, to be a strong advocate for the care that chiropractors provide, and to work to ensure chiropractic has and maintains a prominent place in the health care arena. He credits much of his philosophy and approach to his training at Logan, where he studied and graduated with health care professionals who continue to provide high-quality care and conduct meaningful research.

At this point in his career, Dr. Korchok said he is beginning to see things come full circle, which has inspired him to make a generous donation to Logan’s Advancing Education, Transforming Lives campaign. This investment in the institution’s continuing commitment to experiential, hands-on learning supports the renovation

and expansion of the Fuhr Science Center and updates to classrooms and offices in the Administration Building.

“Logan is where it all began,” Dr. Korchok said. “When I think back to when I was a student, and I look at how much Logan has grown and all the phenomenal offerings students enjoy today, I decided I wanted to be a part of that. It aligns well with my career-long philosophy to continue helping move chiropractic forward. For me, there is no better way to do that than investing in the chiropractors of the future.”

Dr. Korchok believes continuing to learn is important for all health care professionals, students and experienced practitioners alike.

“If you think you know it all, you will always be proven wrong,” Dr. Korchok said. “I encourage everyone, regardless of what stage they are at in their careers, to continue their thirst for knowledge and never lose the desire to learn.”

Visit Logan.edu/Campaign to learn about the ways you can support Logan University, including the Advancing Education, Transforming Lives campaign, or contact the Office of Development at Development@Logan.edu or 636-230-1877.

Dr. James M. Cox Demonstrates Cox® Technic at Chiropractic Grand Rounds

able to ask questions and observe the Cox® Technic.

“My hope is that by being around students like yourself, you will understand that the future of spinal manipulation belongs to those who do the research,” Dr. Cox said during his lecture.

Dr. Cox has dedicated his life to chiropractic care since he graduated from the National College of Chiropractic in 1963. A recognized speaker on spinal pain and relief, he has presented to physicians

around the world. He is also the author of two textbooks and multiple peer-reviewed articles, is an editorial board member of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, a co-researcher in biomechanical and clinical chiropractic studies, and a diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology. More than 60 percent of American chiropractors currently practice the Cox® Technic.

“Dr. Cox is a wonderful person with many impressive contributions to the

Continued from page 18

chiropractic profession,” said Kelly Brinkman, DC, MCS-P, Logan professor who has taught the university’s Cox Flexion Distraction course since 1991. “His research, technique and specially designed Cox® Table have had a phenomenal effect on our profession.”

To watch Dr. Cox’s lecture, scan the QR code below.

“If you think you know it all, you will always be proven wrong. I encourage everyone, regardless of what stage they are at in their careers, to continue their thirst for knowledge and never lose the desire to learn.”
– Dr. Mark Korchok

Business and Career Partners Advance Chiropractic, Health Science Education

Logan University’s Business and Career Partners are a vital part of our campus and community. Their generosity helps our students become innovative leaders in health sciences and chiropractic care by funding ongoing improvements in Logan’s curriculum, facilities, equipment and more.

We wish to express our gratitude for the following Business and Career Partners that help us sustain our commitment to excellence in all that we do.

For more information and to find out how to become a Business or Career Partner, contact the Office of Development at Development@Logan.edu or 636-230-1877.


New Scholarship Honors Chiropractic Career of Dr. Steve Engen

Steve Engen, DC (’79) said these words during an interview about his profession. He was a practicing chiropractor for almost 40 years until he passed away in May 2019. To honor his career, memory and unparalleled dedication to his patients, his daughter, Tianna Engen, established a scholarship in his name called the Dr. Steven W. Engen Memorial Scholarship.

“Education and caring for patients were extremely important to my father, and he spoke highly of his formal education and time at Logan,” said Tianna. “He was proud to bring his children to campus and show us how hands-on the education he received at Logan was.”

This year, the scholarship will be awarded to one trimester 7 student at Logan who exhibits exemplary patient care and plans to practice in the Minnesota or Nebraska areas. The recipient will also need to submit a letter of recommendation and an essay about a chiropractic mentor.

But Tianna does not want to stop there. To further honor her father, she is working toward creating an endowed scholarship for $25,000.

“My goal is to raise $25,000 by 2025,” said Tianna. “I am confident I can reach this goal by enlisting the support

of my father’s network of friends and colleagues who will be thrilled to honor his legacy.”

After graduating from Logan, Dr. Engen started practicing chiropractic in Slayton, Minnesota. A lifelong learner with a thirst for knowledge and deep commitment to his patients, he became certified in applied kinesiology, chiropractic neurology and as a performance enhancement specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. In the 1990s, Dr. Engen moved to Kearney, Nebraska, where he opened his own practice next door to his home. He continued caring for patients he viewed as members of his family until he retired in 2017.

“Outside of his practice, my dad’s hobby was racing cars, and he would compare the human body to a car engine to explain medical topics to his racing friends,” said Tianna. “He had a great way of getting his point across to anyone and explaining medical issues in their terms. He used to bring a skeleton to school for show-and-tell and to discuss wellness with the class.”

Tianna hopes to continue celebrating her father’s life and legacy via the new Dr. Steven W. Engen Memorial Scholarship. For more information about the scholarship, email Tianna at TiannaEngen@Frontiernet.net.

“Being a good doctor is a way of life. It’s a commitment, and more than a job, it’s a responsibility.”
From left: Dr. Steve Engen with his family, Lisa Engen, Jaden Engen and Tianna Engen

Logan Hosts Fourth Annual Women’s Health Symposium

In conjunction with the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) Council on Women’s Health, Logan University hosted the fourth annual Women’s Health Symposium on its campus September 24 and 25.

Themed “Advances in Women’s Healthcare,” the symposium was open to all health care professionals working with female patients. In addition to earning up to 12 hours of continuing education credit, nearly 100 attendees enjoyed a variety of keynote speakers who presented on topics such as nutrition, sleep issues and trauma-informed care.

“This event was a great opportunity to hear from high-caliber professionals from across the country who are experts in women’s health,” said Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, DC, MS, FICC, FACC, interim dean for Logan’s College of Chiropractic and immediate past president of the ACA Council on Women’s Health. “A lot of these topics are not always discussed in the chiropractic profession, and they need to be brought to light so we can better serve our female patients.”




and Health Sciences Education
Healing begins with an accurate diagnosis. Let us be your professional imaging partner. Logan University offers image interpretation and diagnostic imaging services to Doctors of Chiropractic and their patients. With years of professional experience, final interpretation and reporting are provided by our radiology diplomates who are published authors, experienced instructors and notable researchers. Connect with us and learn more by emailing Robert.Kuhn@Logan.edu

New Registered Dietitian Workshop Brings St. Louis Students, Professionals Together

Logan University hosted a new workshop for students at Logan and Fontbonne University in St. Louis who are pursuing the registered dietitian (RD) credential on September 8.

Led by RDs from a variety of local RD long-term care consulting groups in medical nutrition therapy (MNT), this first-of-its-kind workshop at Logan offered participating students educational and networking opportunities as well as hands-on learning activities.

“We wanted to collaborate and grow the community of RD professionals and students in the St. Louis area,” said Sophia (Dia) Finder, MEd, RD, LD, clinical coordinator for Logan’s Master of Science in Applied Nutrition & Dietetics (MS-AND) program. “One of our goals at Logan is to offer students valuable professional experiences while earning their degrees, and this workshop was a way for RD students to not only learn different aspects of MNT they may wish to pursue but also to network with career RDs who can help them get there.”

Amy Bollam, RDN, LD, MPS, Kim Fremont, MSEd, RD, LDN, and Jennifer Sisk, RDN, LD, CNSC delivered presentations on a variety of MNT topics,

including creating culturally sensitive and person-centered menus, the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) and its implications for long-term care and health care meal plans, careers in consulting dietetics, and nutrition-focused physical exams.

“The speakers were some of the best presenters I have ever listened to,” said Mandeep Kaur, an MS-AND student in her sixth trimester at Logan. “They spoke in a way that helped students understand the material and made things interactive. They did a great job getting everyone involved and focused on what they were saying.”

– Dia Finder

Students were also given the opportunity to participate in several hands-on learning activities such as case studies and conducting nutrition-focused physical exams.

“Getting to try modified diet options necessary for people who have had a cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and require thickened liquids due to swallowing difficulties was cool for me,” said Hannah Gravot, trimester 7 student in Logan’s MS-AND program. “We learn about things like thickened liquids in class but seeing and tasting them firsthand was a completely different experience I’m happy to have gotten.”

The workshop included an hour-long lunch break, allowing time for students to network.

“A huge goal of this workshop was for everyone attending to gain or take away something from the event,” Dia said. “We wanted students to make connections, the professionals to recruit potential employees, and the faculty to become more confident in potential collaborations with dietetic programs in the St. Louis community.”

Students, faculty members and RDs who attended the workshop confirmed that the goals for the event were met.

“The workshop was wonderful,” said Fontbonne University Assistant Professor Melissa Ramel, PhD, MPH, RD, LD. “The mixture of content and the level of expertise from the different dietitians was incredibly valuable for all attendees.”

Logan plans to host a collaborative workshop every trimester where different topics of interest within the nutrition and dietetics profession will be explored. For more information or to register, call Dia at 314-719-9323 or Helen Halley, MS, RD, LD, CSO, clinical coordinator for Logan’s MS-AND program at 314-578-8234.

“We wanted to collaborate and grow the community of registered dietitian professionals and students in the St. Louis area.”
Participants engage in educational and networking opportunities as well as hands-on learning activities at Logan’s Registered Dietitian Workshop.

DC Students Prove It’s Never Too Late to Pursue Career Dreams

Many people who decide to pursue a career in chiropractic have had some sort of life-changing experience after receiving chiropractic care. That was the case for three current Doctor of Chiropractic students who had other jobs before their time at Logan.


Trimester 4 student Chris Northcutt was injured playing basketball when he was 15 years old. He underwent physical therapy and chiropractic care, which helped him make a full recovery and avoid surgery.

“After that experience, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in physical therapy and chiropractic,” said Chris. “I completed my undergraduate degree, then got my master’s degree in physical therapy with plans to go back to school after a few years to get my DC.”

A few years turned into 20. Chris finally decided that if he was going to go back to school, he needed to do it sooner rather than later. He’d had a successful career as a physical therapist, but he was ready to make a change.

“I had been seeing a chiropractor in my hometown for some neck issues, so I spoke with him when I started considering returning to school,” Chris said. “He was a Logan graduate and suggested I visit campus, and I immediately fell in love with the atmosphere. I felt welcomed from day one.”

Now, Chris is excited to be learning about a model of health care that first piqued his interest two decades ago.

“The first year was tough,” Chris said. “It’s such an intense program, and it took me a while to get reacclimated to being a student again, but I’ve enjoyed making new friends and getting to experience all St. Louis has to offer.”

When he graduates, Chris will return to his hometown in Tennessee to be with his family. He plans to open his own chiropractic practice, which will also incorporate physical therapy.

“Making a huge life change can be scary, but this has been in my heart for so long, I knew I had to take the leap of faith to make it happen,” Chris said. “And I’m so glad I did.”


The 15 years Christie Longstreet spent working in retail took a major toll on her body.

“I was promoted at the grocery store I had been working at when I started regularly working 14-hour days,” Christie said. “I was lifting, unloading and moving a lot of heavy crates and boxes, which left me absolutely exhausted and in a lot of pain after every shift.”

She started seeing a chiropractor, who adjusted her regularly and prescribed weightlifting in place of painkillers.

“This care plan completely changed my life,” Christie said. “I was able to work through my shifts with no pain, then come home and have enough energy to spend time with my wife and daughter.”

“Making a huge life change can be scary, but this has been in my heart for so long, I knew I had to take the leap of faith to make it happen.”
– Chris Northcutt

After retiring from her job in retail, Christie bought a franchise of Apex Leadership Co, an organization that combines entrepreneurship, business and philanthropy to fundraise for schools while teaching children leadership and development skills. When COVID-19 hit, things slowed down enough for Christie to stop and do some soul-searching.

“I started doing a lot of research on chiropractic care, and I even spoke with my chiropractor and shadowed a few places,” Christie said. “I loved that these health care providers had the ability to change lives with just their hands.”

She chose Logan for her DC because of the high-caliber professors, access to a multitude of internships and preceptorships, and cutting-edge technology.

“Logan blew every other school out of the water,” Christie said. “They truly take care of you from the minute you send the initial email that you’re interested in applying. Everything is personalized, too. I’m only in my second trimester, and many faculty members already know me by name.”

Before deciding to pursue her DC, Christie did not have any experience in health care. However, she feels prepared to take on any challenge that comes her way thanks to the people she has met at Logan.

“After I graduate, I’d love to open a multidisciplinary practice in partnership with someone else,” Christie said. “I believe chiropractic is the future of health care and is the key to fighting the opioid crisis, so I’m excited to be part of that movement.”


Alex Novak has wanted to be a business owner for as long as he can remember.

“When I was a kid, I used to draw up plans and diagrams for different business ideas I had,” Alex said. “In college, studying business and accounting seemed like a natural choice for me.”

After graduation, Alex worked in a variety of roles in finance and consulting while finding ways to pursue his other passions: health and wellness.

“Staying healthy and active has always been really important to me,” Alex said. While I was working full time, I did nutrition coaching on the side for a few clients and coached boxing.”

Then, Alex sustained a shoulder injury, which required him to see a chiropractor for rehabilitation.

“Before that point, I didn’t have much experience with chiropractic care,” Alex said. “Seeing the results of this form of health care firsthand started turning the gears in my mind. My goal in life is to serve others, so I started thinking about how I could help them get better physically rather than financially.”

Alex reached out to more than 30 people in various areas of health care, stages of careers and backgrounds. He did a lot of research and began shadowing

heath care professionals.

“I was interested in physical therapy and occupational therapy, too, but after my incredible experience with chiropractic care, I knew that was the direction I wanted to take,” said Alex. “I looked at quite a few schools, but Logan was my top choice from the beginning.”

Now in his second trimester, Alex is glad he took a leap of faith and changed careers.

“This is a tough program, but the faculty, staff and students have made the transition smooth for me,” Alex said. “Someone is always there to help or answer questions or point you in the right direction to find a resource you need. The community here is phenomenal. Everyone has the same aspirations, but it’s not competitive. People are helpful and welcoming.”

After he graduates, Alex wants to open his own chiropractic practice and incorporate his passion for nutrition.

“I’m eager to be in a field where I’ll be able to make a true difference in peoples’ lives,” said Alex. “I feel even more excited—and lucky—to be able to combine all of my passions into my career.”

“Logan blew every other school out of the water. They truly take care of you from the minute you send the initial email.”
– Christie Longstreet
“I’m eager to be in a field where I’ll be able to make a true difference in peoples’ lives. I feel even more excited—and lucky— to be able to combine all of my passions into my career.”
– Alex Novak

Class of August 2022

Hope Brock President Emilie Jones Secretary Jessica Berelsman Vice President Samantha Parsons Treasurer Education Coordinator Hassan Ali Jake Cromwell Logan Cook Deborah Curry William Emch Hannah Fredrickson Sydney Fenton Jessica Goddard Grant Kernick Wyutyi Kyaw Michael Kramer Hyunjung Lee Jenna Mooney Crystal Ofoegbu Samantha O’Brien Yoshua Ortiz-Betancourt Nicholas Rodriguez Janet Tanski Megan Still Brian Trautman

Doctor of Chiropractic Graduates

Blake Freed Athletic Director Logan Bates Athletic Director Terance Carter Diversity & Inclusion Representative Adrianna Bigger Education Coordinator Douglas Day Gabrielle Davis Mario Del Frate Julian Hawkins Timothy Hausl Khristian Kellum Michael Hawks Kyara Martinez Keynan Long Brandon Matteson Renata Mendez Julia Rhoades Tyler Parsons Rachel Parsley Anna Propst Ahmad Drea Trevor Allen David Vega Jr. Andrew Callahan (Not pictured) (Not pictured)


Human Biology

Aileen Alvarez

Emily Nicole Barron

Fawn J. Bomar

Summa Cum Laude

Brandon K. Broadwater

Magna Cum Laude

Irisa Kennette Brown

Jessalyn DeFranzo

Magna Cum Laude

Jessie Catherine Hanks

Cum Laude

Natasa Jankovic

Cum Laude

Vanessa A Keeton

Summa Cum Laude

Anthony Mitchell Lowery

Cum Laude

Angelee M. Martinez Rodriguez

Summa Cum Laude

Courtney Jene Myatt

Emily Nicole Stefan

Ryan Joseph Sweeney

Cum Laude

Jamila Aisha Tatum

Shauntee LaShawn Williams

Chrystal R. Winstead

Magna Cum Laude

Morgan Marie Zeck

Magna Cum Laude

Life Science

Alexis Leigh Goodman Magna Cum Laude

Gerald Graves

Cooper Krone

Cum Laude

Amber Jo Miller

Zachary M Petruso


Applied Nutrition & Dietetics

Bailey Kaye Allen**

Tami Bowen**

Hannah Elane Burger*

Katelynn Johannah Cook**

Kenia Nicole Haroldsen*

Sarah Ellen Jordan**

Melissa L. Moule** Ciara E Rogers*

Health Informatics

Daraujanae Artis**

Dr. Abdelrahman Awad**

Thomas Warren Blanchard*

Meagan Danielle Carter** Heather Dalton*

Dr. Ibukun Flourish, Eboji**

Omoruyi Moses Egharevba** Sabrina Nahar Latif*

Jadin Ray**

Grace Oluwatoyin Tinubu Austin Michael VanSumeren**

Nutrition & Human Performance

David Nicholas Beaird*

Christine Bielicki*

Lauren E. Biestek

Jesse Breidenbach

Caleb Castle Camacho

Nicole Carroccia

Cassidy Ann-Marie Childs**

Kadeshia Clark**

Cassandra Diyer

Brian Dubyak**

William M Emch

Ashley Adele Frankoski**

Gillian Gorsuch**

Geoffrey R. Hodgson

Luisa Holland

Emilie Suzanne Jones**

Kimberly M. Kamats**

Lauren Kucia

Tina Leskiewicz*

Katelyn Mangels

Krismarie Marrero Ramos* Brandon S. Matteson** Kenneth Mecham

John Mitchell**

Maria Moreno Kelli L. OBrien**

Katherine Paschal* Sarah R Ramsay Guadalupe Romero* Sydney Saxon** Cortney Thomas* Amanda Waleryszak*

William Edward Wallace**

Luke Welch

Aubrey Leigh Yost**

Sports Science & Rehabilitation

Noah Banks**

Susan Cole

Leah Davis**

Jenna Marie Elsbernd*

Christopher Gaertner

Jazmine Harris**

Julian A. Hawkins*

Zachary Higginbotham

Nathan King

Lauren Lachmayer*

Karl William Lane**

Anastasia Svetlana McKenzie*

Gianna Merlino**

Ceola Yantae Mitchell

Jenna Mooney**

Cathryn Niehoff* Sebastian Patellis* David Pelletier*

Jesse Politowski

Patrick Rebadow** Jeremy R. Russell* Terry Nathan Tilmon** Blake Wills**



Jasmine T. Agnew**

Jacob Timothy Clark**

Melissa Ellen Hudson*

Ashley Munoz*

Brandy Nickels-Johnson**

Madison Jane Schmidt*

Timothy Zachary Victorella**


Doctor of Chiropractic

Academic Honors

Cum Laude

Andrew James Callahan

Julian A. Hawkins

Renata Marie Mendez

Jenna Mooney

Rachel Catherine Parsley

Samantha Anne Parsons

Julia Lyn Rhoades

Megan Still

Caya Janet Marie Tanski

Brian Trautman

Magna Cum Laude

Grant Kernick

Summa Cum Laude

Jessica A. Berelsman

Hope Victoria Brock

Brandon S. Matteson

Valedictorian Academic Excellence Award Brandon S. Matteson

Outstanding Faculty Awards College of Chiropractic Outstanding Pre-Clinic Faculty Award

Anthony Miller, DC

Patrick Montgomery, DC, MS, FASA, FICC

College of Chiropractic Outstanding Clinic Faculty Award Alan Banaszynski, DC, MSW

University Basic Science Outstanding Faculty Award Yuan Gao, MD

College of Health Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award Sarah Carter, PhD Mario Vassallo, MA

University Mission Awards Diversity and Inclusion Award Daraujanae Artis Yoshua A. Ortiz-Betancourt

Deborah J. Curry Omoruyi Moses Egharevba Kyara Martinez Melissa L. Moule

Evidence Informed Award

Bailey Kaye Allen

Hope Victoria Brock

Jessie Catherine Hanks Karl Lane

Anna Nicole Propst Austin Michael VanSumeren

Leaders Made Award

Jasmine T. Agnew Tami Bowen

Meagan Danielle Carter

Alexis Leigh Goodman Tina Leszkiewicz

Anthony Mitchell Lowery Renata Marie Mendez Gianna Merlino

Samantha OBrien

Rachel Catherine Parsley Tyler Michael Parsons Timothy Zachary Victorella

Logan RESPECT Award

Dr. Abdelrahman Awad

Brandon K. Broadwater

Terance Alonzo Carter

Melissa Ellen Hudson

Renata Marie Mendez

Samantha Anne Parsons Jesse Politowski Ciara E. Rogers

Service Award

Adrianna Belle Bigger

Gabrielle R. Davis

Kenia Nicole Haroldsen

Ceola Yantae Mitchell

Samantha Anne Parsons

President’s Honor Roll

David Nicholas Beaird

Hope Victoria Brock

Jessalyn DeFranzo

Brandon S. Matteson

Aubrey Leigh Yost

Hugh B. Logan Awards

Hugh B. Logan Outstanding Staff Award Stacia Rosen, MA

Hugh B. Logan Outstanding Faculty Award Jane Wibbenmeyer, DC

Hugh B. Logan Clinic Excellence Award

Samantha Anne Parsons

**With High Distinction

*With Distinction


Fall 2022 Doctor of Chiropractic White Coat Ceremony

“When you walk across this stage, you are joining the most rewarding profession you could have chosen, and everything you need to be successful is in this auditorium. Three things are needed to provide competent care to improve the quality of life for your future patients. However, I have only four words I need you to retain: My best, then better.”

– Megan Mattox, trimester 9 DC student

To watch Megan’s entire student address from the September 2022 White Coat Ceremony, scan the QR code at right.

Fall 2022 Doctor of Chiropractic White Coat Ceremony



Faculty and Staff News


to …

Patrick Battaglia, DC (’12), DACBR, director of Health Policy and Interdisciplinary Care at Logan, who was included in the 2022 St. Louis Business Journal 40 Under 40 class.

Allison Harvey, DC, senior clinician and assistant professor at Logan, who passed her Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (DICCP) Board Certification

examination, which evaluates the knowledge and clinical competency of candidates to provide quality care to pediatric and pregnant patients.

Angela Poletti, office manager at Logan, on the birth of her son, Ezio Daniel Nerviani, on October 24.

Student News

Congratulations to …

Payton Birkel, trimester 6 DC student and captain of Logan’s Running Club, for qualifying for the 2023 Boston Marathon that will take place on April 17.

Alumni Notes

Congratulations to …

Class of 1981

Vivian Ebert, DC (’81), who was presented with the Outstanding Achievement award for her service to the Florida Chiropractic Association. Dr. Ebert has been serving the Southwest Florida region for more than 30 years.

Class of 1987

Donna Mannello, DC (‘87), who was elected to serve as an at-large director by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) Board of Directors.

Class of 1989/2010

Jeffrey McKinley, DC (’89), who was recognized with the

2022 James R. Cole Heritage Award, and Brock Martin, DC (’10), who was honored with the Chiropractor of the Year Award at the Southern Chiropractic Conference® hosted by the Tennessee Chiropractic Association in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on August 20. Dr. McKinley and Dr. Martin earned their awards for their outstanding achievements and service to their communities and profession.

Class of 2018

Alyssa Troutner, DC, MS (’18), who was named a Spineline 2022 20 Under 40 winner. Individuals are selected based on accomplishments, community service and philosophy of care.

Dr. Allison Harvey Payton Birkel (center) with trimester 10 DC student Alex Coleman (left) and trimester 7 DC student Lucas Rayburn Dr. Vivian Ebert Dr. Jeffrey McKinley

In Memoriam

Class of 1958

Michael P. Veglia, DC

August 14, 2022

Class of 1965

Nicholas J. Driever, DC August 23, 2022

Class of 1978

James Napoli, DC September 7, 2022

Class of 1989

Gary J. Graziano, DC August 24, 2022

It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of Joseph W. Howe, DC, DACBR, FICC, Fellow ACCR, who passed away October 21, 2022. Dr. Howe gave many years of service to Logan University, dating back to 2002 when he served as faculty in Logan’s Department of Radiology until 2019. His vast knowledge and expertise in diagnostic imaging led to the creation of the Joseph W. Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging, which has become an annual event that honors his contributions and achievements. With deep dedication to the education, research and practice of chiropractic radiology, Dr. Howe served as an incredible knowledge base, educator and mentor to many.

The Logan University community offers its deepest condolences to Melissa Warren, associate director of strategic performance, for the loss of her mother, Alice J. Moore, who passed away July 20, 2022; Kimberly Cerf, DC, instructor, whose father, Bob Cerf, passed away August 4, 2022; and Law Pickett, chief of security, for the loss of his grandmother, Ann Pickett, who passed away August 8, 2022.

Industry Organizations Coordinate Educational Opportunities

ACA Engage 2023 Offers Cutting-Edge Education, Networking, Leadership Development Opportunities

The American Chiropractic Association’s (ACA) annual conference and advocacy day on Capitol Hill, ACA Engage, will take place January 25-28, 2023, in Washington, D.C. Engage 2023 will offer a variety of education sessions (with continuing education credit available), as well as advocacy and leadership development opportunities, presentations from chiropractic thought leaders and other experts, and information on advances in chiropractic care. This event will bring together chiropractors, students and industry leaders from across the country to network, learn and advocate for pro-chiropractic issues and legislation. Featuring a full day of lobbying on Capitol Hill, Engage 2023 will also give attendees the opportunity to meet with their legislators and discuss important issues affecting the chiropractic profession. The full Engage 2023 schedule is now available, and registration is open. Visit ACAToday.org/Engage to learn more.

ACA continues to advocate for the Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act, which has bills in both the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 2654) and the U.S. Senate (S. 4042). This legislation would ensure that Medicare beneficiaries have access to all Medicare-covered services that DCs are licensed by their state to provide. The bills continue to build bipartisan support—H.R. 2654 had already gained 148 cosponsors by mid-September, and S. 4042 has five cosponsors. For more information, visit ACAToday.org/Medicare.

INDUSTRY UPDATE Continued on page 38
Dr. Michele Maiers ACA President Chiropractor of the Year Dr. Brock Martin (left) with former Tennessee Chiropractic Association President Dr. R.J. Crawford Dr. Joseph W. Howe

Industry Organizations Coordinate Educational Opportunities

FICS Hosts 2022 Virtual Global Sports Chiropractic Symposium, ICSC Educational Seminars

believes it is vital for our members to have opportunities to continue to learn and improve their understanding and skills to benefit their patients.

It has been a long time since I have been this inspired by the benefits of chiropractic care. At The World Games held in Birmingham, Alabama, in July 2022, I was reminded of the power of chiropractic and its impact on health and performance. With athletes from 100 countries competing in 30 sports, this world-class event showcased human capabilities and revealed how vital chiropractic is to the sporting world. While not all events are this grand, the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic/Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS) provides chiropractors for many sports around the globe, including water skiing, wakeboarding, tug of war and powerlifting championships.

On December 3, 2022, FICS is hosting its next Virtual Global Sports Chiropractic Symposium in partnership with Parker Seminars and featuring keynote speaker Dr. Stuart McGill, professor emeritus of the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

The FICS International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC) upper and lower extremity educational seminars are winding down for 2022; however, there is still time to jump into a class. FICS

FICS leadership is currently working on goals for the organization’s next three-year strategic plan. We will continue to support chiropractic as a core service at all the world’s multisport athletic events, but we cannot do it without you. Every Logan faculty member and student is a member of FICS, which comes with a variety of benefits. Learn how you can become more involved in the exciting world of sports chiropractic today by visiting our website at FICS.sport.

WFC Showcases Importance of Chiropractic Education and Care Around the Globe

The WFC recently announced that Sidney Rubinstein, DC, PhD, associate professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has been appointed as the new chair of its Research Committee. He is a clinician-scientist who splits his time between working in private practice and conducting research at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Dr. Rubinstein replaces Christine Goertz, DC, PhD who stepped down from the committee after 10 years to focus on her role as professor of musculoskeletal research at the Duke Clinical Research Institute and as director of system development and coordination for spine health in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Duke University.

The 11th World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) Global Education Conference was held at Logan University November 2-5, 2022. With a theme of “Leveling Up: Creating Consistency in Chiropractic Education,” the WFC welcomed representatives from across its seven world regions, providing a unique opportunity to share best practices, network and learn from many keynote, plenary, workshop and educational research presenters.

In September, I had the honor of representing the chiropractic profession at the 37th Fédération Internationale de Médecine du Sport (FIMS) World Congress of Sports Medicine in Guadalajara, Mexico. By delivering two keynote addresses and convening a panel discussion, I enjoyed the opportunity to showcase the importance of chiropractic in elite sports before an audience of multiple national sports ministries.

The WFC was also represented in Cape Town, South Africa, at the Chiropractic Association of South Africa and African Chiropractic Federation meetings and at the Universidad Central del Caribe in Puerto Rico, where I delivered an address at the 2022 White Coat Ceremony and took part in a chiropractic student body event.

Finally, I am eager to announce that the WFC has signed an agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO) to become the donor organization for the creation of Benchmarks for Training in Chiropractic. We look forward to undertaking this two-year project, which commenced on August 1 and will involve drafting the benchmark document and comprehensive international consultation.

page 37
Continued from
WO RLD FEDERATION OF CHIROPRAC TIC Dr. Richard Brown WFC Secretary-General Dr. Keith Overland FICS Secretary General

Former Maryknoll Seminary Students Visit Campus

The Logan University campus used to be home to Maryknoll Seminary students, who were 13- to 18-year-old Catholic boys from around the United States. Acquired by Logan in 1972, additional buildings have been constructed and renovations have been made. However, remnants from the campus’ former occupant remain, including what is now the Alumni & Friends House and the iconic bell tower on the plaza. On October 21, 2022, 11 former Maryknoll Seminary students had the opportunity to visit the grounds where they learned decades ago.

Every building and room the men toured sparked memories. “We have a lot of fun stories from this place, including some we probably shouldn’t share,” joked Frank Gravois.

The men shared recollections that often ended with fits of laughter from the group. “This was the best hiding spot if you wanted to skip a class,” said one man. “I got poison ivy here after you guys dug an obstacle course through it,” said another.

In addition to reminiscing, many were excited to see what had changed and what stayed the same in the 50 years since Logan purchased the campus.

“The newer buildings are very faithful to the original architecture,” said John Rossfeld. “Everything blends together really well.”

Logan’s library, which used to be the Maryknoll Seminary church, was a crowd favorite.

“I love that the church has been repurposed as the library,” said Chris Reynolds. “The campus is lovely, and Logan has done an amazing job.”

TOWer THE MAGAZINE OF LOGAN UNIVERSITY the 1851 Schoettler Road | Chesterfield, MO 63017 LOGAN UNIVERSITY SYMPOSIUM 2023 APRIL 13-16, 2023 On campus and at St. Louis Union Station 4 fast-paced days. 24 hours of CE credits. Hundreds of leaders in chiropractic. Learn more at Logan.edu/Symposium. Register today for early bird pricing! C M Y CM MY CY CMY K SYMPTOWERBACKCOVER FINAL.pdf 1 11/7/2022 10:31:18 AM

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