Bestselling "Ruby Fairygale" (Children's Fiction, 10+)

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Children‘s, 10+ COMING UP: Fall 2023 Vol. 6 Fall 2024 Vol. 7 Fall 2025 Vol. 8 Goblins, mermaids, fairies – the fantastic realm of Irish Mythology is occupied by countless mythical creatures. And now, these legends come to life. By following Ruby Fairygale’s way into Ireland’s Green Magic, Ruby finds out where she belongs – and that’s when her magical adventure begins!

Concept: At first glance, Ruby’s story is about taking care of creatures from a secret fantasy world, full of Irish myths and legends. However, her (to be discovered) ability to shape-shift as a mythical creature herself, is not only adventurous, but also brings up the question about her identity – so her new friend on this lonely island becomes a big support. Together they are in search for their roots… Ruby is looking for her place in the world – together with Noah, whose roots are where Ruby finds hers, in the magical parallel to his origin.

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Trend location Ireland & fairies Feel-good fantasy for kids “Spiegel”-Bestseller By fresh, but already well-established & popular YA author Kira Gembri Strong protagonist Girls – Myths – Fantasy More than 100,000 copies sold of the series

Rights sold: French, Lithuanian, Russian Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Children‘s, 10+

What happens in Volume 1:

13-year-old Ruby Flanagan lives with her grandmother on a small island near the west coast of Ireland. There, Ruby is being trained by Nana to become a veterinarian. But although she loves animals, it can get pretty lonely on the windswept island. Ruby wants nothing more than a best friend. Or at least someone her own age, with whom she can roam the island together. But there's another reason, why Ruby is different from the other islanders: she knows that the Irish myths and legends are all true. And that there are not only lots of normal animals on the island, but also magical mythical creatures. As a promising veterinarian, she also takes care of injured fairies and mermaids, but only Nana is allowed to know. Since hardly any strangers ever come to the island, there is actually no danger of being discovered. But when one day the mysterious, socially conspicuous Noah and his caretaker show up, Ruby and Nana must do everything they can to ensure that the secret doctor's office for the mythical creatures is not discovered. But then one of the sea creatures is in danger and Ruby needs Noah's help. She must decide quickly whether she can trust him! Sure enough, Noah helps her, and all seems well until he disappears. Ruby feels betrayed and, above all, she is afraid for the mythical creatures. But in the end, it turns out that the mysterious social worker is behind everything. He had received a tip that the goblins were hiding gold on the island and was just using Ruby and Noah to find it. When the two convict him, Noah is allowed to stay on the island and do an internship at the vet's office. Ruby is overjoyed she has finally found a friend! But there's more to her than she suspects, and even her grandmother has some things to tell Ruby about her origins ... More on that in the next volume!

Kira Gembri/Verena Körting RUBY FAIRYGALE 01 – Call of the Mythical Creatures b/w illustrations throughout, no. 0459, 320 pages, 10+ February 2020

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Children‘s, 10+

What happens in Volume 2: Finally, 13-year-old Ruby no longer feels alone on the island! Her new friend Noah is allowed to stay on Patch Island for the summer. He's the only one who knows Ruby and her grandmother's secret: they take care of not only sick animals in their practice, but also injured mythical creatures. But when Nana has to go to the mainland for a while, Ruby finds out that she has magical powers herself. She is a Pooka and can take the form of animals! Can this gift help her stop the mysterious schemes of the substitute veterinarian? Good thing Ruby has Noah by her side - and, of course, her loyal wolfhound, some clever fairies and a bunch of goblins!

Kira Gembri/Verena Körting RUBY FAIRYGALE 02 – Guardians of the Magic Bay b/w illustrations throughout, no. 0460, 320 pages, 10+ July 2020

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Children‘s, 10+

What happens in Volume 3: Ever since 13-year-old Ruby found out she was a Pooka, nothing on Patch Island has been the same. Ruby's fascinating gift of being able to transform into an animal and talk to them causes trouble among the mythical creatures: a Pooka can't be trusted! That's why their practice is empty - even though a mysterious disease is afflicting the mythical creatures. With her friend Noah by her side, Ruby sets out to find her parents and learn more about her gift. Ruby must find her parents at all costs and win back the trust of the mythical creatures - after all, the fate of the magical world depends on it . . .

Kira Gembri/Verena Körting RUBY FAIRYGALE 03 – The Animal Shifter’s Secret b/w illustrations throughout, no. 0461, 320 pages, 10+ February 2021

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Children‘s, 10+

What happens in Volume 4: Patch Island is in absolute chaos. More mythical creatures than usual are in the village and cause unrest and turmoil. In addition, Ruby is troubled by her relationship with her father, as she doesn't know if she can really trust him. The High Council of the Fairy World invites Noah and Ruby to the Fairy World, because it becomes suspicious and considers the human world no longer safe enough for mythical creatures after the many incidents in the past. Are Ruby, Noah and Nana not allowed to help any magical beings in the future? Especially the night elf Nocturno opposes further cooperation between humans and mythical creatures. On the way back, they meet the lively fairy Felicity, who was friends with Nana's mother. Apparently, Nana's mother was an herbalist who used to help magical beings in the fairy world with her knowledge. Felicity wants to help Ruby restore harmony to Patch Island. Luckily, they find an old book in the attic with recipes for various tinctures and potions that can help them. They mix a potion that can remove blockages. Noah secretly mixes his own potion, which allows him to pursue his goal with complete focus, because he absolutely must pass his next exams, or he will not be allowed to stay on Patch Island. At the last moment he decides against it and throws the potion away. Unfortunately, Brenda finds the potion and suddenly becomes quite angry with the mythical creatures. Gradually, however, the friends find out that someone is deliberately blocking the fairy portals and that Mrs. Silverton is once again involved. Ruby's father helps her destroy Mrs. Silverton's records and gains her trust. And with their mixture from the herbal book, they can open the fairy portals again and bring peace to the island.

Kira Gembri/Verena Körting

RUBY FAIRYGALE 04 – Gate to the Fairy World b/w illustrations throughout, no. 0952, 336 pages, 10+ July 2021

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Children‘s, 10+

What happens in Volume 5: Since Noah has been away at boarding school in California, Ruby misses him a lot. Patch Island just isn't the same without him. But there's plenty to keep her distracted: Adelinda, Felicity's cousin, hurt her wing a while back during a visit to the human world and grew the wound back herself, but the spot has become infected. Nana has to operate. Fortunately, the operation goes as desired, but Adelinda is a very ungracious patient and flees before Nana could make her wings functional again through extensive training. When Noah doesn't check in for a long time, Ruby becomes seriously concerned. She is quite concerned that something has happened to him. Does Mrs. Silverton have her fingers in the pie again? Ruby absolutely has to go to California! The fairy Felicity helps her to make a plan: In the fairy castle there is a scroll with a secret spell that can be used to create portals leading to places outside Ireland. But it is strictly forbidden to use the spell ... Felicity, Ruby and Flynn manage to get the spell and use it, despite some wisps. However, it goes wrong and they end up in the past, where they meet Eileen, Nana's mother and former best friend of Felicity. Since she used to live in the fairy world, she helps the friends with the portal and they finally get to California. However, Noah no longer remembers Ruby.

Through will-o'-the-wisps, the night elf Nocturno was able to pick up the children's trail and explains to them that he has put a spell on Noah making him forget everything magical. His goal is to strictly separate the fairy and human worlds.

Kira Gembri/Verena Körting

RUBY FAIRYGALE 05 – The Forbidden Spell b/w illustrations throughout, no. 0952, 336 pages, 10+ July 2021

Ruby tries to guide Noah back to Patch Island and free him from the spell, but Nocturno attacks her. As the father of Adelinda, he accuses her of mutilation. The attack violates the rules of the fairy world, so the High Council shows up and saves the friends. Later, at a hearing, it is decided that the portals will be sealed and Nocturno will be thrown out of the council. Noah regains his memories and is allowed to return to Patch Island.

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Children‘s, 10+

Ruby was found in the sea when she was a baby and ever since lives with her grandma on a small island. Her favourite thing in the world is caring for mythical creatures.

Mr. Bennet is seemingly unable to cope with Noah‘s behaviour. But then it turns out that he is not as innocent as it seems…

Nana is the coolest and bravest grandma around who walks around in leggings, rain boots and big sweaters with her sleeves rolled up to the elbows. She is really good in keeping secrets and even better in helping others.

Noah has been expelled by various schools due to inappropriate behaviour and is therefore sent to the island with his supervisor to spend the summer. But wherever he goes there‘s trouble so it doesn‘t take long for him to turn everything upside down.

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Children‘s, 10+

Prologue Later they would say that she had found the baby at the port. “It was just laying on the pier,” she would say, “and whoever passed it would have found it.” But that was a lie. She had really fished it out of the sea at the North Beach, in the little rocky bay that no island inhabitant ever went to. Cleo Collins did not want to tell the others why she had been there – and she was exceptionally good in keeping secrets. The only thing she was even better in was rescuing needy creatures. She gently wrapped the baby in her coat and pressed it to her chest. Strangely enough, it did not seem chilled through even though it had been laying naked in the ice-cold water. Its tiny hands felt warm and it had red cheeks. “Red like a sweet apple,” Cleo noted. “I think I will call you Ruby.What do you think?” The baby apparently did not have any objection. It dreamily listened to the seagulls as if their mewing was a nice melody. Cleo looked down on the tiny bare head and felt a twitch deep inside her. She had had countless little fosterlings which she had dismissed again into freedom later: birds with broken wings, stray cats, lonely baby seals. And still she shivered thinking that she would have to give away the warm bundle in her arms at some point. “Ruby,” she said slowly, almost ceremoniously. The storm tore the words from her lips and blew it over the sea. “Brave little Ruby. I think fortune has brought you to exactly the right place.” Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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