Sample Translation of "Tafiti and the Mysterious Cushion Thief" (Bedtime Story)

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Tafiti and the Mysterious Cushion Thief A picture book story by Julia Boehme, illustrated by Julia Ginsbach March 2016 © Loewe Verlag GmbH Page 1/2: In the middle of Africa, where the savanna is the most beautiful, that’s where Tafiti lives. Together with Grandmama, Grandpapa, Tutu and Baba. And with Bristles. He may not be a meerkat like the others are, he is a Red River Hog, but he is Tafiti’s very best friend. When the two of them are not seeking for adventures, they lie together in the hammock and look at the clouds. “This one looks like it rhino who has a cough” giggles Bristles. “And this one like King Kofi with wing” screams Tafiti and laughs. Because actually, the mean lion is everything but an angel!

Page 3/4: Time for beddy-byes. The sun set is long over. “My cushion” says Tafiti. “I left it in the hammock!” “Then we’ll go and get it” sighs Bristles and digs himself out of the bed. Outside, the moon is round and bright in the sky. Tafiti jumps over to the hammock. “Gee!” heis astonished. “Where is it?” Bristles and Tafiti look around, searching for the pillow. Maybe it just fell out of the hammock. But it’s not on the ground. It’s lost – without a trace!

Page 5/6: Bristles wiggles with his ears. “Maybe someone borrowed it?” “MY cushion?” Tafiti gasps for air. “We need to get it back. Go, let’s look for it!” “Now?” Bristles looks at him with wide opened eyes. “In the middle of the night? Are you insane?” “But I need it” explains Tafiti. “Without my cushion, I can’t sleep!” “It’s much too dangerous in the night! There are many weird animals out there right now…” Bristles ears are shaking a little. “And what’s more, it’s really too dark!” Right then, the night is getting bright as daylight. “May we help you?” it whispers. “Great! If you light us the way, we’ll find my cushion in no time!” says Tafiti happily and he nearly beams as brightly as the antsy fireflies.

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Page 7/8: Suddenly, they hear rustling. Startled, Tafiti and Bristles turn around. Right in front of them stands a strange animal with a trunk, bunny ears and a kangaroo caudate. “Kukukifuku!” grunts Bristles in relief. “You scared us!” The aardvark grins. “What are you even doing here in the middle of the night? Shouldn’t you be sleeping by now?” “Yes, but we’re looking for my cushion” explains Tafiti. “By the way, have you seen it?” “Nope!” Kukukifuku shakes his trunk. “But I have an idea. I know some guys who take everything they can. And if it’s a hundred times bigger than they are. Follow me!”

Page 9/10: The three friends stop in front of a big anthill. “You think it was the ants?” Bristles disbelievingly shakes his head. “Of course” nods Kukukifuku. “You have no idea how much stuff they drag into their den!” Tafiti bends over double towards the little crawlers. “Have you seen my cushion?” he asks friendly. “Go away!” the ants scream because Kukukifuku normally doesn’t say ‘no’ to a yummy ant bake. “We don’t have your stupid cushion. Basta!”

Page 11/12: Suddenly, Tafiti has a feeling that they are being observed. His heart jumps when he sees a pair of really big eyes. For sure, these belong to a terrible monster. But fiddlesticks! It’s Lori. He’s very small and harmless – only his eyes are big. Motionless, he hangs down from one of the tree limbs. “Well hello!” says Tafiti in relief. “I’m not even here” breathes Lori “so you can’t eat me!” Bristles puffs and blows. “Nobody here wants to eat you. We are looking for Tafiti’s cushion. Have you seen it maybe?” “No” mumbles Lori. “I honestly haven’t”. “Oh my” sighs Tafiti “You keep your eyes open, allright?” “Okay” mutters Lori and watches their backs.

Page 13/14: “Look, somebody lives here!” Tafiti slips into the cave. “Hello, we have one question for you.” “Thieves, intruders!” bawls the badger. “You just want to steal my honey!” “We don’t want to steal nothing” grunts Bristles. Well, actually he would have liked to try this yummy honey… But Tafiti gives him a harsh look. “We’re just looking for something” he explains. “We’re looking for my cushion.” “Your cushion? I have never heard such a bad excuse in my life” growls the honey badger. “And now out with you! Pronto!”

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Page 15/16: So the two friends keep looking. Bristles yawns. “We’ll hopefully find it soon!” Then suddenly, a shadow splits from the tree and something big jumps towards them. It’s Leo the leopard. He has already grabbed them. “Now I have you!” he yells with the brightest smile. “Yumm, meerkat and pork roast! I didn’t think I would get such a nice dinner tonight!” Tafiti and Bristles look at each other in despair. Oh boy! What now?

Page 17/18: But before Tafiti can say a peep, they here rustling in the savanna grass and His Majesty, the Lion King Kofi moves towards them. With a strange, glazed look in his eye. “I am thfe besft!” he lisps. “I am thfe sftrongest! Make way for Hisf majesfty! “ “Oh!” That wipes the smirk off Leo’s face. King Kofi doesn’t like it at all if others hunt in his territory. “Dear highly adored majesty” murmurs Leo. “ Look at what I have scavenged just for you! Bon appetit!” Leo hastily takes a bow and runs away. He rather wouldn’t mess with King Kofi.

Page 19/20 Abashedly, Tafiti and Bristles stand in front of King Kofi. They managed to escape from him a few times until now. But how can they do it this time? Running away won’t help. The lion is three times faster than they are. But what’s that? King Kofi doesn’t even look at them. He just marches on as if they weren’t there. “I am thfe besft! I am thfe sftrongest! Make way for Hisf majesfty! “ he murmurs at the same time. He would even have hit a tree if it wouldn’ t have been for Tafiti who softly pulled him to the side. “He’s not even awake! He sleepwalks” whispers Tafiti towards his friend Bristles. And then the two of them step on it before His Majesty might wake up!

Page 21/22 After a while, the two friends stop gasping for air. And then, all of a sudden, Tafiti sees his cushion. “Hey, stop!” he shouts. “That is my pillow!” The springhare jumps higher than usual. “No way, that’s my new trampoline!” “No it’s my cushion!” clarifies Tafiti. “I need it for going to sleep.” “Really?” The hare lies dowin quickly and tries the cushion. “Woah, it’s so soft. Can I sleep on it, too?” Tafiti yawns. “When do you usually go to sleep?” “When the sun rises” explains the springhare and hops exuberantly around Tafiti and Bristles. “Ok, as soon as I wake up, you can have my cushion” says Tafiti and yawns again. “Really? Great!” cherishes the hare and jumps for joy up in the air.

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

Page 23/24 Tired, Bristles jumps on his bed. “Finally home!” he sighs. And now Tafiti realizes how tired he actually is, too. Happily, he cuddles with his cushion. “Good Night Bristles! And thank you so much!” he mumbles. But Bristles is already asleep. And Tafiti’s eyes fall down, too. But one thing is for sure, with his cushion, Tafiti dreams the best dreams!

Loewe Verlag GmbH, Bühlstraße 4, 95463 Bindlach, Germany,

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