Lodge and Legend - Paleo Issue

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“We were together. I forget the rest.” — Walt Whitman Welcome to this special Paleo issue of Lodge and Legend, our quarterly publication from Saskatoon Lodge. I’m writing this as I sit at home, self-isolated in the midst of all this crisis of the coronavirus and, I had an epiphany. I was so overwhelmed, worrying about our business, keeping our employees paid, and of course, everyone’s health, that I almost completely missed one of the gifts the crisis had given me—time to spend with my family. People who know us well, know Renee and I work many hours—typically seven days a week. But this is why I work for myself, so I can have my family together in the same place every day. If I could not have my wife and children be at work with me every day, I would definitely not work those hours—that would be insane. What is almost as insane? Having both of our children here with us because they are finishing school online at home, and not appreciating and enjoying it and not being present with them. At what other time would we ever have such an opportunity? Many of us are struggling under the weight of this crisis: fear of getting sick; fear of what it is doing to us financially...but we can’t control that. What we can control is how we react to this crisis and what we do. I’m reflective now about being able to capture some of that time doing the important things. I’m also realizing that, as we work on this issue focusing on our Paleo meal plans, that we need to be able to do this long after the virus is gone. We need to focus on our family, yes. And we also need to focus on our health, too, so we can spend that time with them. Part of that is eating well. Part of that is taking care of our bodies and the unique challenges they all face. Part of that is providing clean foods as nutrition to be able to fight off different illnesses. And friends, I’m here to remind you that all of that is what Paleo does best. If you’re looking to get healthy, lose weight, fight inflammation, or even just stop eating chips on the couch (as so many of us did during self-isolation), the time is now. In the meantime, take care of yourself and your families. Enjoy the times you have together—however you can get them. And believe me when I say: I can’t wait to see you all back in the Lodge when all of this has passed. Thank you, and we’ll see you at the Lodge!

Edmund, Renee, and the family at Saskatoon Copyright @2020 by Saskatoon Lodge and The Brand Leader. All foreign and U.S. rights reserved. Contents of this publication, including images, may not be reproduced without written consent from the publisher. Published for Saskatoon Lodge by The Brand Leader.


T H E S A S K ATO O N D I F F E R E N C E Community — /kmyoonde/ noun.   A F E E L I N G O F F E L L O W S H I P W I T H O T H E R S , A S A R E S U LT O F S H A R I N G CO M M O N AT T I T U D E S , I N T E R E ST S , A N D G OA L S .

Making the decision to start a program like Paleo isn’t always easy. Oftentimes, between the decision to make the jump itself and the baggage you’re carrying, it can seem daunting. And if you’re starting off on your own, or without a lot of information, it can be overwhelming. The thing is, at Saskatoon—whether you’re dining in for the night or just starting off with our Paleo meal plans—you become part of our family the second you walk in the door. And that’s not just lip service. Here are a few things you should know about the community at Saskatoon Lodge and our Paleo plan.

1. YOU’RE PART OF A FAMILY NOW. When you join the Saskatoon Paleo meal plan, you’re not just scheduling a time to pick up great food. You’re also joining hundreds of other men and women from across the Upstate who have made the same decision you have—to put their health first, and to reap the benefits that the Paleo program comes with. Being a part of the larger, worldwide Paleo family is a badge of honor; it means you’re serious about your health and wellness. Surrounding yourself with those who feel the same way gives you the support you need when times get hard, or when you just want someone who understands what you’re experiencing. 2. EVERYONE NEEDS A SUPPORT SYSTEM. The decision to start a Paleo or clean eating program is not a small one. It’s typically one that brings about a lot of change and requires some physical, mental and emotional investment. While we’ve made it as easy as possible for you by removing the meal planning and cooking part, be aware that having a support system can make all the difference between a few weeks of healthy eating and a full transition to a healthier lifestyle. For this reason, we are here for you every step of the way—whether that means helping you work around lifestyle requirements for your diet, to offer advice on staying on plan during hectic times, or helping with food substitutions for allergies or food aversions. We’re here for you, no matter what.

During the Paleo program, personal, private support is only an email away. All you have to do is reply to any of the emails Edmund sends to Paleo members…and he’ll be there to give advice or direction on any challenge you’re facing. You are NOT alone on this journey. There are hundreds of other men and women across the Upstate following the same plan…and the Saskatoon Paleo Meals Program has helped thousands over the years lose weight and feel great. 3. COMMUNITY IS WHAT WE DO. At Saskatoon, we’re more than just Paleo. We’re a restaurant that has been in operation for more than three decades. But in that time, we’ve learned that it’s not just about providing great food and great service. It’s about becoming family for the customers we serve. That’s why any given night you can find our “regulars” perched by the bar or ordering their favorite plate. It’s why during the COVID-19 lockdown you could find those same people picking up a meal to eat out in the parking lot. It’s why our service staff knows guests by name, and how we are able to make every single experience the best one you’ve had so far. Everything we do at Saskatoon is about building a relationship with our customers, and our Paleo meal program is simply an extension of that desire.

So, if you’re looking for a meal plan, great. We can do that for you. But if you’re looking for the support and advice to make it stick and make it work? Well, we can do that, too. And we can’t wait to see you soon. 1

Paleo 101: What is it, and Why Does it Matter? T

he Paleo diet pops to the top of list for anyone who has begun any level of research on diets, healthy eating or the management of chronic illnesses. Taking its name from the Paleolithic era, the Paleo diet is a modern take on the diet of humans living during that time. It has been consistent since its origins in the 1970s, unlike many other dietary regimes which pop up, show little evidence of benefits, and then disappear back into the fray. The Paleo diet has even grown in popularity since the book The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat, was released in 2002 by Loren Cordain. But what exactly is Paleo, and why has it stayed so top-of-mind in health and wellness circles for so long? What does it take to start Paleo? And what benefits does it give?

WHAT IS PALEO? As we mentioned, Paleo is a dietary form based on the assumed diets of humans in the Paleolithic period—as many will call it, “The Caveman Diet.” The theory of Paleo is that it is the diet closest to our origins as humans. Therefore, it is based on food that the human body was designed to digest best. Because of this, most of what is found on the diet is minimally processed. And while today you may come across a variety of Paleo-based groups that include and exclude different things, there is a foundational element across all of them that most will agree upon. Included, generally, are fruits and vegetables, roots, nuts and seeds (which include

potatoes and yams), lean meat and fish, and animal byproducts like honey and eggs. In addition, herbs, spices and plant-based oils are generally included, although it’s hard to imagine Fred Flintstone cooking his elk with thyme or sage. In contrast, excluded are grains (including wheat and oats), most legumes, dairy, salt refined sugars and highly processed products. In general, a Paleo diet emphasizes clean, whole foods processed at the lowest possible amount. In comparison to a standard Western diet—full of grains and other carbs, highly processed foods and fats—Paleo is a huge improvement in healthful eating.

Listen to Edmund’s Paleo Life Podcast interviews of Paleo thought leaders like Dr. Cordain! 2


WHAT BENEFITS ARE THERE IN A PALEO DIET? The Paleo diet can create external, holistic benefits like reducing the amount of processing our food is subject to in the current food system. There are also a number of health and wellness reasons for someone to begin Paleo: WEIGHT LOSS. Eating clean, minimally processed food in a low-carb/highprotein mix naturally optimizes the body for weight loss. Once you combine quickburning energy boosters and long-burning, muscle-building proteins, many Paleo beginners quickly start seeing pounds melting away. And while consistent and continued weight loss is a benefit of the plan, it’s not the most important. MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC ILLNESS & HIGHER IMMUNE FUNCTION. The Paleo diet is naturally free of common inflammatory agents like gluten and dairy—all of which create a number of problems for the body’s immune system. Many on the program seek it out for the management of chronic illnesses like Hashimoto’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and even cancer or surgical recovery. With a lack of inflammatory agents, the body is able to build an improved immune function, and is optimally positioned to fight off infections and build a healthy, self-healing system. INCREASED ENERGY. You can expect to have a significant increase in energy after being on the Paleo program. This could be because of improved sleep or simply that your body is getting the proper nutrients for energy. Either way, many Paleo eaters begin fitness regimens as well as a natural “second step” to the program, based solely off of the new boost in energy. OVERALL HEALTH. Healthy bodies just tend to work better, and bodies free from inflammatory agents and being fed with a balanced palate of nutritional elements tend to be healthier. Even for those not dealing with chronic illness or a specific health need, Paleo is a great way to simply eat better, cleaner and healthier.

If you’re considering Paleo as a first-timer, or simply looking to eat better or lose weight, let us know! At Saskatoon, our Paleo program is designed with you in mind, and customized to a daily lifestyle that you are likely to maintain, increasing your chances for success right out of the gate.

For more on the Saskatoon Paleo plans, visit our website at saskatoonrestaurant.com/ low-carb-paleo.


How Saskatoon’s Paleo Program Helped Fight Hashimoto’s Disease

H Jaudon Bennett REASON FOR PALEO: To manage Hashimoto’s Disease diagnosis TIME ON PLAN: 15 weeks

RESULT: “...One of my doctors said, ‘You’ve just added years to your life and by cutting all the junk out of your diet, and not only has it helped your weight lost but it’s helped your heart and everything.’”


ashimoto’s Disease, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland, is a condition most often caused by viral or genetic issues. Although it is the most common form of hypothyroidism, affecting around 14 million people in the United States alone, it is also hard to ward off, with the immune system and the thyroid constantly under attack. For those who have Hashimoto’s, both the symptoms and the treatments can vary. Medications are usually prescribed, and constant oversight is needed for those who suffer from it. But as with most autoimmune conditions, there is significant research to show that many of the symptoms and the challenges begin in a common and easily addressable area of the body—the gut—and as such, can often be relieved with proper diet and care of the digestive system.

Living with Hashimoto’s is complicated, so when Jaudon Bennett learned she had the condition, she was overwhelmed. Often tired and constantly drained of energy, she put off facing the disease as long as she could, and when her doctor mentioned that she needed to switch to a “clean” or Paleo diet, she avoided taking action—at least, at first. “My doctor told me about it about a year ago, and I didn’t do anything,” she says, noting that she had been following a low-carb diet for years, interspersing with Keto, which hadn’t seemed to work at all. “It just seemed so impossible to eat organic, to avoid allergens and all the other things. How was I going to take all these things out of my diet and still have anything I wanted to eat?” For Jaudon—as with many others who have autoimmune conditions—the other concern was how to make such a drastic dietary change consistent and sustainable when her body was constantly under attack. “I couldn’t spend hours trying to source it or go to the store and trying to figure it all out,” Jaudon says. “Really, I don’t have that much energy.”

THE START When she finally decided to take action in her diet, Jaudon attempted a Keto diet again, but didn’t lose a pound. Finally, while researching her options, she came across Saskatoon Paleo meal program and joined the mailing list. Then, when she realized the plans could be customized to fit all of her dietary restrictions and requirements, she signed up. “It’s real food. They make everything and if you have limitations like I do, they can handle it. They make it or bake it specifically for you,” she says. “You’re eating real food that isn’t prepackaged…you can freeze it and heat it up when you have to. They lay everything out for you and all you have to do is eat it.” For Jaudon, while the convenience of the freshlyprepared meal plan was great, the specialization to the plan was instrumental. “Not only did I start off with a list of things I couldn’t have, but then I ended up adding to it,” she says. In the end, Jaudon couldn’t have whey, dairy, soy, or legumes, but that didn’t deter the Paleo team at Saskatoon. “There’s a section where you can make a note and just remind them what you can or can’t have and they have

been incredible. They even have two people that specifically work to make sure that anyone who has dietary concerns is taken care of.” THE RESULT Since starting the program, Jaudon has completed three sets of the five-week program, and the change has been undeniable. Not only was she able to lose weight, but her hair stopped falling out, her health improved and her symptoms eased. Her doctors noticed the change as well. “They are shocked—absolutely impressed,” she says. “I just saw one of my doctors yesterday and he said, ‘You’ve just added years to your life and by cutting all the junk out of your diet, and not only has it helped your weight lost but it’s helped your heart and everything.’” With the goal to get her Hashimoto’s into remission, Jaudon credits the team at Saskatoon with much of her incredible transformation, and notes that her story could be anyone’s. “Anybody can do it,” she says. “But I could never have done this without them as my team.”

They make it or bake it specifically for you. JAUDON





AJ Harrison REASON FOR PALEO: To lose weight TIME ON PLAN: 4 months

RESULT: “It’s so simple, you just have to do it. If you follow what Edmund says to do and just eat what you get each week, you can’t mess it up.”

For AJ Harrison, adding weight came easily. “I was a single dad for years, and then I got married to a wonderful person,” the former police officer says. His marriage made him happy, and that was part of his problem. “When you truly find happiness, you get happy all the way. I got happy, and got content, and got fat.” By the time he hit 250 pounds, he knew something had to change. He had “had enough”, and he had to do something. But he also knew that in order for it to stick, it would have to be convenient and easy— or “idiot proof,” as AJ adds. “I didn’t want to meal prep,” he says with a laugh. “I just wanted someone to tell me, ‘This is what you can have for breakfast. This is for a snack, and for lunch and for your dinner.’”

One day, he stumbled across the Paleo program with Saskatoon, and it stuck in his head. He had heard people talk about the program before, and after learning more about it, thought that it could be the perfect fit. Knowing that having a boring, monotonous diet would never work for him long-term, he was excited to see the variety in the weekly menu where the menu changed every week—and to have someone lay out his meal plan meal-by-meal for him. So, he signed up.

THE START AJ did a few things that would prove to be catalysts toward success. First, he decided to keep a record of his progress, week by week. One of the perks of the Saskatoon Paleo Meals program is a weekly check-in when Edmund would review AJ’s progress and would make recommendations and adjustments to the meals. There are a number of different protocols—regular, lower calorie, very low carb/keto, intermittent fasting—and Edmund will switch clients back and forth between programs, depending on how they are doing. Second, he set a goal. “I love to go to Las Vegas—just for the energy and the people watching and everything,” AJ says. “So I told my wife, ‘If I ever get the weight off, we’re going to Vegas, I’m going to be rocking the all black Bradley Cooper suit from The Hangover, and we are going out on the town.’” Week by week, AJ tracked his progress toward that goal. In the first week—December of 2017—he dropped 13 pounds. After that, he lost anywhere from two to six pounds every week, just by following the plan. As weight came off, his energy increased and he headed back into the gym. He re-learned how to eat, and how to pay attention to what he was eating and be conscious of portion sizes. He welcomed cheat day “it got me through; it gave me something to look forward to each week,” he says. The pounds kept falling off.

THE RESULT After around four months, AJ went from 250 pounds to 198—a total loss of 52 pounds. But he wasn’t done yet and hit his lowest weight to date, at 186 pounds. He took his wife to Vegas and donned the infamous black suit. And, he says, it’s something that anyone on the Saskatoon program has the potential to do. “It’s so simple, you just have to do it,” he says. “If you follow what Edmund says to do and just eat what you get each week, you can’t mess it up.” Edmund says it was a pleasure to work with someone who had such good motivation and the discipline to stay with the program. “AJ just kept at it. He stayed true to the program. He worked out. He was great!” Since that point, AJ has managed to keep the weight off, and now stays active and lean. He continues to keep track of his macro intake and what he eats, and stays conscious of portion sizes. He’s even recommended to a number of his friends that they join the Saskatoon program, too. “It all came down to changing the way I ate, but it was the simplicity of the program and if you stayed loyal to it, then it worked,” he says. Still, he quickly notes he could have easily ended up in a different place, had he not stumbled upon the program all those months ago. “It was out of control there for a while,” he says. “But you know what? I really appreciate this program. You guys helped get my life back in order.”

“I really appreciate this program. You guys helped get my life back in order." 7



Jackie Heintzelman REASON FOR PALEO: To reduce impact of gastroesophageal reflux disease TIME ON PLAN: 1 year

RESULT: “I noticed a big difference when I went on Paleo; my acid reflux was gone, I came off my blood pressure medication, and this past year my cholesterol drastically went down.”

As most Paleo connoisseurs know, there is a selfprotectiveness that begins when you start the plan. You have to stay focused on your goals and you have to be careful when you go out to eat. Stay on plan and don’t accidentally (or in a moment of weakness) eat something that could set you back mentally or physically. So when Jackie Heintzelman first started Paleo meals with Saskatoon, she too was rather strict, to ensure that she would be able to stay on plan and on the road to health. Jackie, however, went to the extreme. “One time we went to Saskatoon for dinner, and I had just started the meals,” she remembers with a laugh. “I was so strict that I actually took my pre-packaged meal and had them heat it up for me at the restaurant.”

Outside of how Edmund and the team feel about heating up their own Paleo creations during dinner hours (he just chuckles fondly when he remembers this), that level of commitment had huge payoffs for Jackie. Since starting the Saskatoon Paleo meal plan a little over a year ago, she has had significant health benefits that she loves to tell others about whenever possible. About three years ago, health complications led Jackie to believe that she might have Barrett’s Esophagus, a potentially serious side effect of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Her internist at the time, Dr. Sheila O’Grady-Irwin, recommended significant dietary changes to help rein in the issues she was having. “If there was ever anyone I wanted to thank, it would be her,” Jackie says. “I knew I had to make a choice then: Do I want to have a healthy lifestyle or continue down the path I was going?” With high blood pressure, and elevated blood sugar, she knew she had to do something.

THE START With Dr. O’Grady-Irwin’s help, she first started by removing gluten, dairy, caffeine and sugar from her diet, and while it helped, eventually she hit a plateau. It was at that point that she remembered something a co-worker had once told her about. “About three years ago, a girl from work came in with one of their Paleo meals and told me about it,” she remembers, “We had eaten at Saskatoon for years, but I hadn’t heard of the Paleo meals. But after that point I didn’t think any more about it.” Eventually, though, her doctor would recommend Paleo, and that conversation would pop back into memory. So, she signed up, and noticed huge results—many of which were due to her own level of dedication to the program. “One time we went to Saskatoon for dinner, and I had just started the meals,” she remembers with a laugh. “I was so strict that I actually took my pre-packaged meal and had them heat it up for me at the restaurant.” THE RESULT That level of commitment had huge payoffs for Jackie. Since starting the Saskatoon Paleo meal plan a little over a year ago, she has had significant health benefits that she loves to tell others about whenever possible.

“I noticed a big difference when I went on Paleo; my acid reflux was gone, I came off my blood pressure medication, and this past year my cholesterol drastically went down,” she says, noting that the portion control the meals offer is a big part of her health. “I like it being portion controlled. It’s too easy overeat otherwise, and I am miserable when I do. “I’m probably now in one of the best spots I’ve been in a long time.” Now, she’ll eat at home every night, even if it means she misses eating out with her husband. “He eats at a local restaurant most nights. So much so that one of the servers asked if we were still together, because they never see me.” Still, because of her successes, Jackie has become an inspiration for many—even though she says she doesn’t see it that way—to embrace the Paleo lifestyle and reap the benefits for themselves. “People I have worked with, like my boss and his son, have went on the plan. Then, building management went on the plan because they saw how successful they were with it,” she remembers. “One of the girls who works for building management said I was a walking advertisement for Saskatoon and how I inspire others without even knowing it. “I don’t know about that,” she adds, “but I would like to think I do.”

“When we went on vacation & I was off the plan for a while, I noticed the symptoms coming back.” 9

F Fraser & Linda League

REASON FOR PALEO: Better overall health TIME ON PLAN: 7 months RESULT: “I had new blood work done after six months, and the results were shocking. I stood there in the office and looked at the report—my cholesterol and LDL were stable. It was a near reversal of the numbers I had before Paleo.”­ - Fraser League


raser & Linda League made the decision to commit to their health and begin Saskatoon Lodge’s Paleo Program together. Fraser owns a fourth generation manufacturing business and is often on his feet all day, managing the plant. While they both wanted to lose a little weight, other health concerns were the main motivation to try Paleo. “For me, it was a matter of cleaner eating that would support my healthy lifestyle,” said Fraser. “I’ve had several health issues in the past decade that made me want to change my diet, including a quadruple bypass ten years ago, and then kidney cancer five years ago. Following my nephrectomy, I started doing a lot of research about heart and kidney health to find out what I could do on my end to take control and better my health. I learned that some people are able to slow down or even reverse these conditions with the proper diet—and my research led me to Paleo.”

THE START According to Fraser, he spent a few weeks delving into a number of diets in town as well as online meal services before landing on Saskatoon Lodge’s Paleo Meals Program. “We were big fans of the restaurant already and knew we would love the meals. Where else can you get a full week of chef prepared meals that you know are going to be fresh and healthy? Not only was the quality much better than any of the other services I looked into, but it was also an incredibly fair price,”

Honestly, the program couldn’t be easier... It’s truly amazing how much more time I have in the week since starting Paleo. FRASER


The selection was also important to Fraser because of the health goals he was trying to achieve through the Paleo Program. “The variety and the ability to tailor your weekly menu is what sets this program apart from any other program in town. I had this conversation with my cardiologist recently. Paleo isn’t what you think of as a go-to diet for someone with heart disease; it has a reputation for being the Caveman Diet, packed with red meat and not a lot of veggies or fresh fruit,” Fraser said. “But since I can go in and pick my meals and there’s such a huge selection, I can choose three salmon meals, lean toward fish and chicken, and I can make my order mirror what I need.” Finally, both Fraser and Linda have been thoroughly pleased with the convenience of the program. “Honestly, the program couldn’t be easier. I choose my meals from the weekly menu and pick up my prepared meals when they’re ready. This is the only program that includes all three meals for the entire week, as well as snacks and supplements, so there’s no time at the grocery store, no time prepping meals, no time cleaning up after meals. It’s truly amazing how much more time I have in the week since starting Paleo,” Fraser said.

THE RESULT Of course, for Fraser, the proof of the program would be in the results. “My cardiologist told me that my condition was largely the result of genetics. I was on medications, a stringent exercise program, and strict diets, but despite all my efforts and medications, I was still building plaque in my arteries,” Fraser said. “My blood work has not been encouraging over the past ten years, and I’ve had three more heart surgeries to put in stents to help correct the condition.” He has been on the Paleo Program for about seven months, and he’s been closely monitoring his progress along with the help of his cardiologist. “I had new blood work done after six months, and the results were shocking. I stood there in the office and looked at the report—my cholesterol and LDL were stable. It was a near reversal of the numbers I had before Paleo,” said Fraser. “I had done so much research, read so many studies and books. I did believe that good health was possible for me, that a reversal was possible, but I never saw it happen.” As for how that made the Leagues feel: “Having this first taste of success, seeing those numbers change. We feel excited and hopeful about my condition for the first time in a decade.”



Paleo Story

Two years ago, Tim Poole knew he had to do something. Sitting in the hospital weighing in around 600 pounds, his health was failing. With blood clots in both lungs, he was facing a life of diabetes ahead. Before


Tim Poole REASON FOR PALEO: To lose weight

and walk his first 5K

TIME ON PLAN: 18 months

RESULT: “Going from October almost two years ago when I wasn’t even able to walk the distance of a basketball court, to walking in a 5K race six months later, and now working on another one—that’s just awesome.”

Still, he knew he wanted more, and was willing to fight for it. A tenured Boy Scout leader for almost 42 years, Tim was facing the reality that he may no longer be able to go camping or keep up with the boys in his troop. “Basically,” Tim says, “I needed to do something or I wouldn’t be around much longer.” Almost instantaneously, Tim realized that he could either change his lifestyle or his lifestyle would change him. So, Tim decided to take charge. He got a trainer but was never quite able to get the nutritional side in order. Then, his boss at Burdette Engineering mentioned Saskatoon’s Paleo meal plan, which seemed like it could not only provide the nutrition he needed, but could also fit within his busy lifestyle. “I’m a single person. I don’t have time to cook,” he says. “Between 50 or 60 hours of work and 40 hours a week of volunteer stuff, I just don’t have time to cook and all that. So I needed something that was going to be very simple; something I didn’t have to worry about.”

THE START After signing up for his meals, Tim noticed almost immediately the changes—primarily in the portion size that kept him on track from meal to meal. “The first few months was probably the hardest,” he says. “The amount of food I was eating before, compared to what I was getting through the Paleo Plan—I could definitely tell when it was time to eat the next meal.” Before, he gave himself little time to feel hungry before eating again, but he began to notice when he was hungry and how to manage that hunger. Instead of filling up on fast food, he began to enjoy the planned meals; looking forward to meatloaf and breakfast casseroles as his favorites. And soon, between his physical training and the Paleo meal plan, he began to see results.

THE RESULT Although his weight loss has been steady—around one to two pounds per week—it has added up. Since beginning the plan around 18 months ago, Tim has lost more than 155 pounds.

I needed something that was going to be very simple; something I didn’t have to worry about. TIM


Edmund says, “It is amazing what Tim has accomplished despite a very busy schedule. He just keeps going, and week in and week out sticks to the plan…just look at what he has done!” But more than that, Tim’s life as a Scoutmaster and community leader has grown, as well. A few years ago, one of his troop members—Connor McManus— was killed in a fateful airplane crash in Alaska, and a 5K was set up in his memory. While in the hospital, Tim promised himself that he would participate in the next race, as a way for him to honor Connor. Six months later, he did, marking the first 5K race he’d ever participated in, and the first one after implementing such major changes in his life. Today, Tim is continuing on the Paleo plan, and making plans for his next 5K. “Going from October almost two years ago when I wasn’t even able to walk the distance of a basketball court, to walking in a 5K race six months later, and now working on another one—that’s just awesome,” he says.


Laura Todd REASON FOR PALEO: To get

healthy and lose weight TIME ON PLAN: ???

RESULT: “I happened to start about a month before I was supposed to be a bridesmaid at my best friend’s wedding. To my surprise, by the wedding day the dress fit perfectly.”


n early 2016, Laura Todd realized that she wanted to get healthier and increase her energy—that she wanted to look and feel better so that she could keep up with her busy lifestyle. She began with a New Year’s Resolution to get to the gym and exercise more frequently but didn’t change her diet. While exercising made her feel better, none of her clothes were getting any looser. “I was 28 at the time, so I think my thirtieth birthday was looming large in my mind,” said Laura. “I had noticed the pounds start to creep on in the second half of my twenties, but I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I wanted to get back in shape before I turned 30.” In March, after three months of exercising without seeing the results she was hoping for, Laura’s chiropractor introduced her to the Paleo Program at Saskatoon. And the rest is history. “I have Celiac Disease, so I’m restricted in what I can eat to begin with,” Laura said. “But what I realized when I started eating Paleo was that, even though I was staying away from gluten, that didn’t mean I was eating healthy. I don’t cook at all; when I was diagnosed I made the mistake of eating a lot of gluten-free substitute items, like rice pasta, and a lot of processed, pre-packaged convenience foods. That’s why I’d slowly put on weight and why the exercise was having almost no effect. I was eating a bunch of junk that wasn’t good for me.”

THE START Laura made an appointment and met with Edmund and Renee to discuss her personal goals and dietary needs before she signed up for the program. While there are other Paleo or premade meal services in the area, Laura says that the high-quality ingredients and the personal attention drew her to Saskatoon’s program. “Edmund and Renee were very good to me. We started with the standard plan and went from there. They sat down with me for about 45 minutes and talked over my objectives, concerns, and hopes for the program,” Laura said. “Then they customized a plan that worked for me. They really care that you’re meeting your goals and getting what you want to get out of the program.” Because Laura did not want to eat breakfast, Edmund customized a five week program that included Intermittent Fasting protocol with Branched Chained Amino Acids for breakfast followed up by 7 lunches, 6 dinners, snacks, desserts and supplements. “I have never been a big breakfast person,” said Laura. “In fact, the thought of eating breakfast makes me a little sick to my stomach. But nearly every diet I’ve ever seen insists you have to eat breakfast to lose weight and be healthy. Edmund and Renee had an alternative that works for me, fills me up, and gets my metabolism going without making me feel sick in the morning. That’s the kind of personalization I’m talking about.” THE RESULT Laura’s initial goal for the five-week program, which she started in conjunction with a total body transformation exercise plan, was to lose a couple pounds so she’d be more comfortable at an upcoming wedding. “I happened to start about a month before I was supposed to be a bridesmaid at my best friend’s wedding,” Laura said.

“Technically, my bridesmaid’s dress fit—but breathing was a challenge. So I thought, I’ll give this a try for a month and see what happens. To my surprise, by the wedding day the dress fit perfectly.” According to Laura, the convenience of the program and the ability to eat healthy without having to think about it are the factors that have contributed the most to her success. She says she’s incredibly impressed with the results and with how good she feels—because she doesn’t just want to look skinny, she wants to take good care of herself, too. “Edmund and Renee want everyone to eat well and feel great. I come all the way down from Seneca once a week to get my meals, so you know I love this program,” Laura said. “When I think about it, though, even with the drive I’m saving so much time every week because I never have to cook or spend any time shopping or cleaning up after I make a meal. I’m also getting restaurant-quality food without paying restaurant prices. For someone like me, it’s an incredible value.” Encouraged by her initial success, Laura continued on the Paleo Program with the ultimate goal of losing 30 pounds. She has currently lost 55 pounds and is continuing to get lean. “I was never interested in a quick fix or a fad diet that I wouldn’t be able to maintain. I didn’t want to lose weight quickly, feel miserable, and then put it all back on again,” said Laura. “With the Paleo Program, I’ve lost a steady 1.5 to 2.5 pounds a week. I’ve lost the weight I wanted to lose, and I’ve felt great the whole time. In fact, I recently tried on that same bridesmaid dress for comparison, and it’s now 3 or 4 sizes too big!”

For someone like me, The Paleo Program is an incredible value. LAURA



turkey bacon sandwich on Paleo Bread

primal greek chicken salad




korean beef bulgogi


Roasted pork

chicken stroganoff 16

Steak Strips

italian sausage bolognese with spaghetti squash

Grain Free Granola

Sesame Salmon

Roasted Vegetable Meatloaf

Veggie Quiche

Paleo Pesto Spaghetti

Chicken with Apple Chutney

Lemon Rosemary ChickeN

Paleo Pancakes 17

681 Halton Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 297-7244


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