How important is bing to your seo life

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How important is BING to your SEO Life What do you know about Bing SEO? Is it just about the Algorithmic similarities and differences between Google and Bing. While both search engines are similar the two search engines also have differences. Bing has roughly about 1.5 times average click rates than Google and a couple more people are using it. The fact had been discussed in Forums and talked about in other known SEO sites that backlinks do not carry as much weight in Bing as in Google, Backlinks anchor text matters more in Bing than in Google, On-page factors carry more weight in Bing and there is no dependence between the Bing and Google page rankings. The topic also includes other thing in mind having a chance of being real like fresh content matters less on Bing because it may have to do with the slower indexation in Google and also includes that flash on the Bing search engine is better and No follow links pass no Bing network as well. A study by MOZ.COM formerly SEOmoz mentioned that a statistical data reveals comprehending not a necessary ranking factor just as Bing seems to reward keywords in subdomains more than does Google, also prefers a shorter content due to long contents has a small negative impact on Bing Rankings and favors shorter URL. Please also keep in mind Bing favors website homepages more than does Google and the number of unique linking root domains seems to matter even more to Bing than Google. The definition of SEO for Bing is that it is optimize for Google, should you use a subdomain you need to consider including words to it, do not use spam based URL’s and do not forget Do-Bing based keyword search when relying on SEO Bing online.

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