BACKSTAGE at the Lobero, Fall 2016

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BACKSTAGE at the Lobero

board and staff BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Amy MacLeod, President Stephen H. Hayes, Vice President Melissa Fassett, Secretary Bridget Foreman, Treasurer Jeff DeVine, Past President Tim Casey, At Large Charles de L’Arbre, At Large BOARD MEMBERS David Anderson Laurie Bentson Kauth Steve Cloud Mason Farrell Janet McCann Graciela Montgomery Ronald Morrow John Murphy William Nasif Frank Schipper Ben Trosky Bo Willis Doug Wood LOBERO THEATRE ASSOCIATES Janet McCann, President Leslie Haight, Vice President Joan Crossland, Treasurer Lily Marx, Corresponding Secretary Margaret Slater, Recording Secretary Maribel Jarchow, Parliamentarian Emily Johnson, Past President ADVISORY BOARD Barbara J. Burgess Leland Crawford Jr. Patrick Davis Rod Lathim Bob Light Paula Lopez Lillian Lovelace Craig Madsen Alfred V. Morgan

Jim Morouse Mike Pahos Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree Marilyn Schuermann Jan Severson Rob Skinner Anne F. Towbes Anthony Wall Judi Weisbart Gay Ashforth Wilson Nancy R. Lynn, Executive Director Emeritus

table of contents 3

Board and Staff


President’s Message


Annual Report


Jim’s Corner


Lobero FUND


Highbrow Lowdown


Corporate Sponsorship


Ghostlight Society

STAFF David Asbell, Executive Director Angie Bertucci, Marketing & Communications Sheila Caldwell, Database Management & Development Marianne Clark, Lobero Fund Director Dave Compton, Audio Engineer Betsy Craig, Reception Coordinator J.O. Davis, Audio Engineer Jim Dougherty, Director of Development Gina Graham, Assistant Box Office Manager Naseem Hyder, Web Development Will Gonzalez, Maintenance Assistant Todd A. Jared, Technical Director Rachel Karagji, Box Office Associate & Hospitality Coordinator Tony Mangini, Lighting Director Cecilia Martini-Muth, Graphic Design Don McGreevy, Controller Luis Mejia-Luna, Maintenance Assistant Erik Moore, Projectionist John Peake, Box Office Associate Daniel Ramirez, House Manager Genevieve Rhiger, Box Office Manager Jessica Simon, Sponsorships & Special Events Diane Torres, Box Office Associate


Green Business Certification


Volunteer Update


Associates Spotlight


Lobero Youth & Community Outreach


DANCEworks Spotlight


DANCEworks Donors


Brubeck Circle Donors




Adele Roadtrip


VIP Tickets


Lobero LIVE Stage Photos


Lobero Green Room


Poster Raffle


In Memory: Betty Richardson


Planned Giving


Endowment Donors


Lobero FUND Donors


Advertiser Index



Buy a Seat

Performance photos by David Bazemore.

BACKSTAGE AT THE LOBERO, Fall 2016 edition BACKSTAGE AT THE LOBERO is published biannually by the Lobero Theatre Foundation. 33 E. Canon Perdido Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Free of charge.

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president’s message Amy MacLeod

Welcome to a new season at the Lobero! I am excited to begin my term as Lobero Board President. I have served as a Board member since 2009, and wish to express my appreciation to my predecessors and mentors, Jeff DeVine and Doug Wood, who led the Lobero through the Encore capital campaign which, through your generosity helped us provide the new, larger seats, updated bathrooms, air conditioning, and beautiful esplanade you enjoy today. Now as we kick off a new season, we are making yet another major stride toward the Lobero’s long-term health. Throughout this edition of Backstage at the Lobero, you may notice a theme. The Board and staff are focused on creating the fiscal groundwork that this organization will stand on for decades to come. We are seeking to build a strong endowment, enhancing the theatre’s capacity to remain a vibrant and supportive community asset, despite changes to the economic climate.

We are seeking to build a strong endowment, enhancing the theatre’s capacity to remain a vibrant and supportive community asset, despite changes to the economic climate.

You may wonder, after more than 130 years as Santa Barbara’s cultural heart, why doesn’t the Lobero have a sizable endowment already? The Lobero Theatre Foundation became a non-profit organization in 1938 to act as stewards of the theatre, which at that time was owned by the County. In 1996, following a successful seismic renovation, it was deeded to the Foundation, but with many physical needs still to be addressed. For the past 20 years, we have been hard at work upgrading rigging, lighting, and sound systems, and addressing audience amenities, including a detailed renovation of its beautiful historic aspects. Today, with the building in top physical condition, I am committed to ensuring that the Lobero will continue to be Santa Barbara’s community stage for generations to come. My daughters are sixthgeneration Santa Barbara residents, and though they are only three and one, they have already enjoyed their first show as Lobero audience members. I can’t wait until their first performance on the Lobero stage! This theatre is an important part of Santa Barbara’s heritage. Help us build the funding source so that all ages can continue to enjoy magnificent events in this historic building. Consider making an endowment or planned gift today. Thank you for being a supporter and part of the Lobero family!

Amy MacLeod Lobero Board President 5

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Community Stage

During the 2016 fiscal year the Lobero Theatre Foundation continued to fulfill its mission to operate and maintain the historic Lobero Theatre as a performing arts center and cultural asset to the community, and to present the highest quality productions in music, dance and theatre. Our focus, first and foremost, is the building and its role in the community as a local arts performance space.

Resources & Management The past year presented a very real challenge in terms of earned income. While we succeeded at being an accessible venue for the community, 177 nights of activity represents a 10% decrease from the prior year, and a 23% decrease from our benchmark high. We are working to analyze this change in order to better understand and predict the rental market, but in the meantime we are seeking new rental clients from both the arts and corporate sectors. The Lobero has an experienced Development team and a base of deeply committed donors who help to balance the financial scales. We are committed to earning that trust and commitment by maintaining this historic treasure as a true asset for our local performing arts community. We are grateful for your support in helping us to overcome our fiscal hurdles.











INCOME Rental Operations: $719,233 (30%) Individual Donors: $604,379 (25%) Programs & Presentations: $412,480 (23%) Foundations/Government: $210,250 (9%) Board Of Directors: $131,271 (5%) Corporate Sponsors: $88,155 (4%) Endowment Interest: $37,407 (2%) Lobero Theatre Associates: $46,725 (2%) EXPENSES Rental Operations: $903,020 (37%) Program Expense: $791,406 (33%) Employee Costs: $527,295 (22%) Fundraising: $125,450 (5%) Management & General: $82,498 (3%) 7

LOBERO LIVE The second focus of our mission is to present quality touring artists without creating undue competition for Santa Barbara’s local arts professionals. We do this through our Lobero LIVE series, which makes up 15% of the theatre’s activity and features jazz and other American roots music, family programming, and a collaborative dance residency.

The stage was in use for 177 days with events ranging from youth performances to local professional arts organizations to world-class touring artists.

CAMA Masterseries


Life Chronicles

LOL Comedy Festival

Music Academy of the West

New Noise Music Festival

Santa Barbara Aerial Arts

Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra

Santa Barbara Choral Society

Santa Barbara Dance Theatre

Santa Barbara International Film Festival

Santa Barbara Revels

Sings Like Hell

State Street Ballet Young Dancers

Summerdance Santa Barbara / DANCEworks

UCSB Arts & Lectures

This year we were pleased to distribute


Jensen’s Rock Camp

Montecito Union & Cold Spring Schools

782 complimentary tickets to students, families and seniors through social service agencies and schools. We also partnered with local music, dance and theater education programs to provide a professional stage experience for

930 students. Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz Foundation

Santa Barbara Youth Ensemble Theatre

Santa Barbara Youth Symphony

Teen Star Dance

How YOU can help Please consider making a commitment to the Lobero Theatre Foundation today. The Lobero Theatre Foundation was established as a 501c3 non-profit organization in 1938 to act as stewards for, and to raise funds to maintain and operate an important historic institution. As committed managers of this community treasure, we ask for your partnership. Those who love the theatre, attend its performances, and care about preserving its unique history are our best resource for ensuring that the Lobero Theatre remains a vibrant center for performing arts. If you’re passionate about jazz and American roots music, make a contribution to the Brubeck Circle to support outstanding performances and ongoing jazz music education in local schools.

A gift to our Lobero Fund supports all the great work that happens at the theatre, from outreach to performances to preservation of an important historic building.

To make sure the Lobero remains an accessible stage and venue for young artists and low-income individuals, designate your gift to Youth & Community Outreach.

Consider naming the Lobero in your Estate Plan. A Legacy gift can be designated to one of our performance pillars (American Roots, Dance, Theatre, Classical Music or Youth Performances), or to the ongoing preservation of the iconic Lobero Theatre. We are happy to provide recognition during your lifetime with notification of your irrevocable planned gift.


jim’s corner

THE LOBERO HERITAGE CAMPAIGN A campaign to create a financial foundation for the 21st century and beyond David Bromberg

Jim Dougherty

Today we embark on a commitment to put in place an endowment that will secure and embrace the future of this proven gem and icon of our community. Throughout the 143-year history of the Lobero, there have been times when the spectre of a stage gone dark loomed. Happily, each time the community was able to find a path to lead the theatre from its financial doldrums. It is time to dignify this place that has served to inspire and define a cultural legacy imbued in the fabric of Santa Barbara. The Lobero is too valuable to the vitality and character of Santa Barbara not to succeed. As in the past, it will be a commitment made by and for the community that will prevail. If you have experienced the magic of the Lobero, please consider how you can participate. The Lobero Foundation seeks all forms of gifts including estate and planned gifts that can be directed toward any of the program pillars or areas of interest. A planned gift can be a way to make a statement about what you value, just as the legacy of the Lobero speaks for the values of our community.

The Pillars of our Endowment • American Roots Music • Towbes Family Endowment for Dance • Classical Music • Theatrical Productions • Kelly J. Morgan Endowment for Youth Programs • Capital Maintenance and Improvements •

Learn more at


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A heartfelt thanks to those who have made an estate or planned gift commitment to the Lobero Theatre Ruth Appleby* Julia R. Bates* George Burtness Charlotte M. Castalde* Sheila Ehrman* Konnie & Andy Gault Christine A. Green Elaine & Herbert Kendall Shirley & Seymour Lehrer Robert Pedraglia Betty L. Richardson* Leslie & Frank Schipper Michael T. Smith Linda & H. Doug Wood *In memoriam 11

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lobero fund

Jerry Douglas

Community Ties Did you know that when you make a donation in support of the Lobero Fund, you are actually making a commitment to our community? That’s because the Lobero is so much more than just a building. Since 1873, the Lobero Theatre has been woven into the fabric of Santa Barbara life. It is a cultural heart, a home for performing artists and educators, a meeting place for the entire community and a symbol of Santa Barbara’s style and charm. The Lobero’s influence is seen in the Spanish Revival architectural around town, and celebrated during Old Spanish Days. You feel it each time you walk through the front doors to experience another of the great performers who have graced the stage for more than 130 years. You know that you are part of something very special when you attend a performance of any of the wonderful local arts organizations that use the Lobero – something uniquely Santa Barbara.

Take pride in being a link to generations of families who have been enriched and entertained at the Lobero.

Your commitment to the Lobero Fund is put directly to work enhancing this cultural asset and enriching our quality of life. Here’s how your gift is being used: • To maintain this beautiful, historic building that has such a place in the community’s heart • To present world-class artists – from jazz to comedy to dance • To provide a home stage for local arts organizations like the Music Academy, Film Festival, Sings Like Hell, Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra and more • To be the first stage for hundreds of young performers such as the Santa Barbara Youth Symphony, Santa Barbara Youth Ensemble Theatre, and Gustafson Dance • To provide music education programs in our schools and on our stage with Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz Foundation and Jensen Music’s Rock Camp • To provide hundreds of tickets for at-risk students and seniors for cultural events that would otherwise be out of reach Please take the time today to return the enclosed envelope with your gift. Your tax deductible donation, in any amount, makes an impact that goes beyond this building. It plays a role in the unique and special community that is Santa Barbara.


highbrow lowdown

Fostering Creativity The team at the Lobero thrives on creative energy. We love collaborations, we welcome new ideas, and we work hard to keep delighting our audiences. If you have an idea for an unforgettable meeting, private event or performance, or performance that you’d like to see set in the Lobero Theatre, call me. The Lobero isn’t just for bands and plays, it can be a dramatic backdrop for all kinds of unique events. And, with such talented individuals and resources available, the possibilities are endless.

We are both a community minded theatre and a state-of-the art venue; a home for performers from town hall to Carnegie hall. We are thrilled to host both current and future professionals at the Lobero. A great example of this is our partnership with the Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz Foundation (SBVJF). Aided by the support of the Lobero’s Brubeck Circle donors, SBVJF brings their enriching jazz curriculum of music, movement, and history into area schools. At the end of their course, the students perform on the Lobero stage in front of their family and friends. We open our doors to DANCEworks each year, offering an emerging choreographer four weeks to create a new work of contemporary dance, and work together closely during their stay to realize their ideas. Whether that means

building a large-scale set, sourcing custom music or unique and varied props–we are there for our artists. We want this year’s choreographer-in-residence, Shannon Gillen, to feel unencumbered during her creative residency. Ms. Gillen’s kinetic choreography and collaborative company of talented and energetic dancers are well positioned to create something wholly new and wonderful on this stage this September. (more on pg 28) Kerrilee Gore and Zen Arts will return for a three-night run of When the Lights Go Out in October. This innovative production is performed in a lounge seating formation onstage with the performers. She has graciously thanked our crew, saying, “The Lights Out [staging], could have been a technical nightmare, but they handled it flawlessly. They make you feel as though your show is just as important to them as it is to you.” This unique performance features elements of cabaret dance, acrobatics, and video projections with a cirque sensibility. Ms. Gore has been carefully shaping the piece for several years in a few different performance spaces, and we look forward to its newest incarnation. Keep dreaming big,

David Asbell Executive Director

Clockwise: Denise Dannemiller, Christy Martin, David Asbell and Marc Cosentino. Mark Dendy. Mangia del’Arte. John Scofield, Steve Cloud, Joe Lovano, David Asbell, Joe Woodard


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Corporate Sponsors are the Lobero’s Rock Stars behind the scenes. Each guitar solo and stellar encore by Lobero LIVE artists is thanks to the generosity of these companies. Show them some love, and think about how your company can join in on the fun.

Corporate Sponsors Enjoy: • Ad in BACKSTAGE at the Lobero

Sponsorships are available now from $2,500- $10,000.

• VIP Tickets for clients and employees • VIP receptions with complimentary food and bar • Banner at the theatre for Lobero LIVE performances • Donor recognition • Prominent Logo display

CONTACT: Jessica Simon, Sponsorships & Special Events to learn more. 805.679.6007 or 17

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Ghostlight Members

Lyn & David Anderson James Argyropoulos The Bentson-Kauth Family Coleen & Ted Friedel Lynne Cantlay & Robert Klein Lillian Lovelace Marilyn & Richard Mazess Susan & Ron Morrow Norm Waitt Dianne & Daniel Vapnek


Lillian & Jon* Lovelace Anne & Michael Towbes

Nori & Ed Brown Louise & Tim Casey Sarah & Roger Chrisman Nancy Crouse Melinda Goodman Kemp & Robert Kemp Rhea & Steve Hayes Joan & Palmer Jackson Susan & Palmer Jackson Jr. The McAlister Family Janet & John McCann

Lyn & David Anderson Baroness Leni Fe Bland*

Sara Miller McCune Mary & Jim Morouse Phyllis & Angelo Mozilo Ruth & Robert Reingold Leslie & Frank Schipper Barbara Stupay Anne & Michael Towbes Louise Tighe Bo Willis Linda & Doug Wood

Artistic Luminary Charles Lloyd

*in memoriam and with gratitude

For 140 years, through the leanest times and grandest evenings, the Ghostlight has cast a warm glow over our intimate stage. It’s a beacon for the muses of drama, dance and music – a spark of brilliance to keep creative spirits company from curtain-down to curtain-up. The strong and steady support of the Lobero Ghostlight Society illuminates our behindthe-scenes efforts and – like the steadfast bulb at center stage – keeps our vibrant theatre from ever going dark. 19

volunteer update

Without a solid foundation, you’ll have trouble creating anything of value. – Erika Oppenheimer

Compliments and Composting It has been another busy year at the Lobero Theatre. We are proud to announce that we have completed the Santa Barbara County Green Business Program – the first theatre and historical building in downtown Santa Barbara to do so! We have worked hard over the past several years to reduce our environmental impact, beginning with joining the City of Santa Barbara’s Recycling and Composting programs in 2011. Encore: Renovations brought in eco-friendly updates including low-flow toilets, drought tolerant landscaping and efficient electrical system upgrades. We are very proud to be a part of the Green Business community, and will keep working hard on conservation efforts. I am also happy to report that we continue to see excellent service from our dedicated ushers. (I firmly believe we have the best ushers in town.) To many of our ushers and volunteers, the Lobero is like a second home. This feeling creates the foundation for unbeatable, quality service. Our volunteers pull together so that patrons can enjoy the show in the ambiance of this wonderful,

historic theatre, and share their love of the arts. Everyone wants to make sure that you feel at home too. If you’ve received terrific service while at the Lobero, please let us know! Saying thank you can brighten someone’s day. The Lobero’s family of ushers welcome you back for a terrific season!

THANK YOU! Ushers of the Month: Kris Rehler October 2015 Sherry Shultz November 2015 Joe Legacy December 2015 Aninha Brill January 2016 Cathy Wagner February 2016 Barbara Petronis March 2016 Robert “Bob” Arenz April 2016 Kathy Raschka May 2016 Tim Pettit June 2016 Sarah Boyajian July 2016

50 Shows: Daniel Ramirez House Manager, Lobero Theatre PS, Don’t forget to compost

Evelyne Chezum Phil Parson Joe Legacy Sherry Shultz

Want to join the fun? Contact Daniel at 679.6006 21

JOIN THE LOBERO THEATRE ASSOCIATES! The Lobero Theatre Associates have been committed advocates of the Lobero Theatre for over 40 years, contributing over $1 million to ensure the Lobero Theatre remains a vital and enduring home for the arts in Santa Barbara. Improvements such as the patio renovation, tent and furniture purchase, a new ticketing system, Steinway piano, and contributions to the renovation of the women’s restroom and youth outreach programs are all thanks to the Associates.

Executive Board: Janet McCann, President Leslie Haight, Vice President Joan Crossland, Treasurer Lily Marx, Corresponding Secretary Margaret Slater, Recording Secretary Maribel Jarchow, Parliamentarian Emily Johnson, Past President

How the Associates Make an Impact In 1938 the Lobero Theatre Foundation was incorporated as a 501c3 organization that manages, maintains, preserves and programs the Lobero Theatre. In 1972, the Associates were founded as a women’s auxiliary to support the theatre’s mission. The Associates hold a Board Seat on the Lobero Theatre Foundation and the Associates President attends meetings.

The Associates continue to encourage and recruit new members who have a love of the performing arts and willingness to financially support the Lobero Theatre Foundation. This is a fun and diverse group of women–from moms with young children to grandmothers, working women and retirees. Members are encouraged to support the Lobero by attending events, or helping with check-in at pre-event parties on the patio.

Two levels of membership are available: Active and Mini. Active members: • Attend monthly social and planning lunch meetings, co-hosted by the rotation of members, from October through June, the first Wednesday of each month. • Participate in the December Holiday Tea and the Hats Off Luncheon. • Enjoy voting privileges.

Mini members: • Participate in the Holiday Tea and Hats Off Luncheon, but do not attend meetings or have voting privileges. • However, Mini’s can participate in planning committees for the annual fundraiser. If you would like more information about joining the Lobero Theatre Associates, please contact Joan Crossland at

associates spotlight

Here’s to all the ladies. Lisa See’s formula for her best-selling novels includes gutsy female protagonists and a fascinating historic backdrop rich in Chinese culture and history. It’s clear that Ms. See possesses each of those endearing characteristics as she gave her talk at the Lobero Theatre Associates’ Hats Off Luncheon. Held on a beautiful March day at the picturesque Coral Casino La Pacifica Ballroom with Chinese-inspired outfits and décor, guests were eager to hear insights from a top-tier novelist. Ms. See is very knowledgeable about her family’s origins in China – both for the larger context of their journey to the United States, and the entertaining details that bring such a journey to life. Her talk was peppered with personal jokes and anecdotes, and no topic was off limits. From foot binding and breast enhancement, to the history of the Mai Tai (named after a San Francisco Chinatown showgirl), to stories of exotic Chinese cuisine and other tales from her travels and research. Ms. See has a gift for shining a light on some overlooked aspects of the modern Chinese identity. In addition Ms. See’s riveting speech, guests enjoyed Gil Rosas at the Piano, gorgeous hand painted centerpieces courtesy of Angie Ferraro, and a wonderful raffle. The raffle boasted some outstanding prizes this year, including trips, wine & dine packages, gorgeous jewelry and spa packages. Hats Off is the Associates annual luncheon, which raises funds for the Lobero Theatre Youth Programs, and offers a tip of the hat to a notable presence in the arts. Ms. See certainly fits the bill; in addition to her career as a novelist, she has been honored as National Woman of the Year by the Organization of Chinese American Women and was the recipient of the Chinese American Museum’s History Makers Award. She continues to do good work as a trustee on the University of California Press Foundation, and has endowed the Lisa See Endowment Fund in Southern California History and Culture. Big thanks to Associates President Janet McCann, and event co-chairs Joan Crossland and Holly Murphy for putting on such a successful lunch, and raising $36,000 to support the Lobero Theatre’s Youth Programs.

Hats Off Committee members: Holly Murphy, Janet McCann, Emily Dempster, Angie Ferrero, Joan Crossland Susan Keller, Anne Towbes, Judi Weisbart Lily Marx, author Lisa See Photos: Monie Photography


When the Associates get together, it’s a celebration of girl power. Ms. See’s novels too, are a reminder of the power of sisterhood.

New Member Luncheon: September 15, 2016 Holiday Tea: December 7, 2016 Hats Off Luncheon: March 15, 2017 23

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It’s Magic! Reception. Photo: Louie Esquivel

youth and community outreach Kids + Music The Lobero Theatre hosts arts educational opportunities throughout the year in coordination with area schools, performing arts training programs, and social service agencies. Opportunities range from experiencing a live performance to learning new skills and performing on the professional stage. Participation in the arts gives children necessary tools for future success in all aspects of life: creativity and problem solving, confidence, greater focus and dedication, and the ability to collaborate with and learn from their peers. Programs like these inspire children to continue pursuing the arts throughout their education, and in some cases throughout their careers. Youth Performance Subsidies – The Lobero is the home stage for the culminating performances

of a number of arts-specific educational programs. We underwrite a portion of theatre expenses to ensure the success of these performances and encourage their continued growth at the Lobero. Recipients include the SB Youth Symphony, SB Youth Ensemble Theatre, Gustafson Dance, Teen Dance Star and more. Performing Arts Residencies – These programs by Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz Foundation and Jensen’s Music teach the performing arts to local students and allow them to demonstrate their newly acquired skills on the Lobero stage. Ticket InReach – Underserved students and their families have the opportunity to experience live performance at the Lobero Theatre free of charge. Performances include It’s Magic!, Santa Barbara Revels and Nebula Dance Lab.

Santa Barbara Youth Symphony Music Festival 2016 gave kids and families a chance to get their hands on orchestral instruments, crafts, and musical software, all before a lovely concert performance. Photos: Stephanie Kao

The Lobero’s Youth Programs are made possible through the generosity of the following donors: Elaine F. Stepanek Foundation Harold P. McAlister Foundation Nichols Foundation Brown Family Foundation


SBVJF’s residencies are funded in part by the Organizational Development Program using funds provided by the City of Santa Barbara in partnership with the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission, in addition to generous support by The Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts, a field of interest of the Santa Barbara Foundation. 27

The wildly creative Shannon Gillen will be DANCEworks’ 2016 choreographer-inresidence along with her company, VIM VIGOR Dance. Named among New York’s top 20 artists by Brooklyn Magazine, Shannon Gillen has Shannon Gillen and Dianne Vapnek had an extensive career as a dancer and choreographer in NYC and Europe. She is the artistic director of VIM VIGOR DANCE COMPANY, the new home for her choreographic and educational endeavors, which recently debuted in NYC to sold-out audiences at GK Arts Center. DANCEworks supporters were treated to a preview performance from two of VIM VIGOR’s company dancers, Laja Field and Martin Durov, during their first visit to Santa Barbara in May. VIM VIGOR launched into a preview of current work-in-progress with sparse music laying the backdrop for athletic dance passages and dreamy monologues. After the performance, Shannon and her dancers engaged the crowd in a thoughtful Q&A, where they described their techniques, European influences, and engaged in a discussion about dance-theater’s many ways of defying traditions. Gillen’s enthusiasm for the format of the residency was readily apparent in her eloquent descriptions of her work and the company’s goals.

“This is such a luxury,” Gillen remarked, gesturing around the theatre. “To be able to have all of this to work with is an indulgence.” After leaving Santa Barbara, the company headed up to San Francisco to set work on Alonzo King’s Lines Ballet Training Program–their first stop on a packed summer schedule that includes Montreal Springboard Danse, and summer intensives in New York City before circling back to the Lobero in September to begin their residency.

Known for an innovative combination of heroic physicality, electric emotional life and cinematic imagery, VIM VIGOR will create a new work of dance-theater, FUTURE/PERFECT which will premiere on September 23 & 24 at the Lobero Theatre.

What is


DANCEworks is an innovative collaboration between SUMMERDANCE Santa Barbara and the Lobero Theatre Foundation, which offers contemporary choreographers a one month residency in which to create, rehearse and premiere a new work on the Lobero stage.

DANCEworks residencies breathe life into the world of contemporary dance through original works that live on in perpetuity and tour internationally. This has proven to be an invaluable gift to American dance.

Making an Impact: This unique DANCEworks format provides a much-needed opportunity for choreographers to have sustained time, space and artistic freedom with their company. These residencies have the potential to alter the course of an artist’s career. Thanks to all of our supporters! Acacia Wealth Advisors Susan Alexander Audrey Austin Alisa Baur Norrine Besser Jill & John Bishop Melissa Bower Susan E. Bower Karen & Peter Brill Laurie Burnaby Capezio Dance Foundation Judith Wallner & Larry Chandler Weslie Ching City of Santa Barbara Bijian Fan & Jerry Clifford Alexandra Cole Sallie & Curt Coughlin Lisa Crane Margaret DuCharme Cecilia Eaton KD Farris Starr Siegele & Larry Feinberg Vasanti & Joel Fithian Susan Rose & Allan Ghitterman Nancy Gifford Tim Gill

Ghita D. Ginberg Nancy & Frederic Golden Christine A. Green Steven Blain & Paul Guido Lila Trachtenberg & George Handler Ann Bronstein & Mark Hansen Mary Harris Mindy Horwitz Larry Keigwin Donald Polk & J. Paul Longanbach MacFarlane, Faletti & Co Deanna & William Major Julie McLeod Megan Murphy National Endowment for the Arts Gail Osherenko Colette & Jim Philippi Raymond Family Foundation Elizabeth Raymond Albert Reid Victoria Riskin & David Rintels Regina & Rick Roney Lois & William Rosen Santa Barbara County Arts Commission Santa Barbara Independent

Arlene Satterlee Michael Seabaugh Tonia Shimin Lynne Sprecher Sudi Staub Barbara Stupay Judie & Mel Swope Towbes Family Endowment for Dance Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts a field of interest of the Santa Barbara Foundation Dianne & Daniel Vapnek Foundation Walstad Investment or April Walstad Julie Weiner Gail & Oran Young DANCEworks Executive Committee Dianne Vapnek, Acting President Daniel Vapnek, Treasurer Michael Seabaugh, Secretary Laurie Burnaby Larry Keigwin Starr Siegele Dianne Vapnek, Executive Director


Commercial real estate done right. Since 1993

Proud sponsor of the Lobero Theatre | 222 E. Carrillo St, Suite 101, Santa Barbara, California

An Evening with Pat Metheny (9/14) Los Angeles Guitar Quartet (10/28) Charles Lloyd and the Marvels (11/28)


These dedicated individuals, along with Jazz at the Lobero series subscribers, are the glue that holds the Lobero’s various American Roots series together. Through their gifts, the Brubeck Circle of donors has made it possible for Jazz at the Lobero to bring amazing jazz, blues and roots artists like Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Dr. John, Chris Thile, Robert Cray, and Keb’ Mo’ to the Lobero stage. The Brubeck Circle fund also brings music education programs to local students, creating future jazz audiences and instilling a love of this uniquely American music.

DownBeat Magazine once again recognizes the Lobero Theatre in their 2016 guide to Great Jazz Venues. This is the Lobero’s sixth year on this prestigious list – which also includes venerable institutions such as the Blue Note and Preservation Jazz Hall.

Viola & Charles Arnold Denise Dannemiller & David Asbell Margery Baragona Becton Family Foundation Jill & Arnold Bellowe Debra Brandon Robert Brown Janice Brubeck Elizabeth & Andrew Butcher Peggy & Bill Callahan Christina Criswell Nancy Crouse Charles & Barbara de L’Arbre Julia Delgado Michael Dunn Julia Emerson Courtney Tan & Warren Eustace Dr. Bob Forinash Judy & James Garrett Konnie & Andy Gault Gene Geller Ghita D. Ginberg Lisa Vignale & Kerry Goldberg Robert Guttman Michael Hakan Laurie Harris Ronald Hays Anne & Raymond Higgins Paul Hilbun Janis & Roger Ingham Lynne Cantlay & Robert Klein Doris Murray Kuhns Denise & Larry Laborde David Landecker Kit & Barry Liker Denise & George D. Lilly

Lojo Foundation Cherie Mignone & Ted Long Leslie & Ray Mathiasen Mavis & John Mayne Amanda McIntyre Peter Melnick Shahin Motallebi Christie & Rod Ontjes Lee & Bobby Orgel Pamela & Chris Passalaqua Debra & Ted Reed Ellen Reid Joan & Morgan Reis Bert Rivera Susan Sheller & Bob Roe Roz & Richard Rosin Mike Russell Richard Schiada Leslie & Frank Schipper Nancy Schlosser Patricia Dallam & Maren Semler Julie & David Siegel Carol & Mid Squier Charles Stauffer Carol & Joseph Sullivan Linda Taber Joyce & James Tamborello Henri Albert & Stanley Tsunoda Gail Elnicky & Rich Untermann John Vega Nancy & Tony Wall Jennie & David Whaley Marsha White Laurie Wilson Ed & Grace Yoon Nanette Yoshimi

Colvin & Earle


16 17

calendar of events

Visit or call 805.963.0761 for the most up-to-date listings and to buy tickets. Events subject to change without notice.

september 6

Pat Metheny

Colvin & Earle

As Colvin & Earle, longtime friends and admirers Shawn Colvin and Steve Earle have united to record their self-titled debut, a true standout in careers already filled with pinnacles and masterpieces. Few things can touch the magic of artists so in tune that they seem to be able to read each other’s minds. The evening promises to be a rich and inspiring musical experience as the pair share the stage performing songs from their new album and extensive catalogues as well as some of their favorite songs by other classic songwriters. Presented by Lobero LIVE Music: Folk, Blues. Tuesday, September 6, 8 PM


Sara Watkins Band + Special Guest

Acclaimed songwriter and multiinstrumentalist Sara Watkins’ new album, Young In All The Wrong Ways, sees her boldly stepping in to the role of front woman following the collaborative groups of Watkins Family Hour and the Platinumselling, GRAMMY® Award-winning Nickel Creek, which she first formed with her Sara Watkins brother Sean Watkins and Chris Thile when she was just eight years old. Easily her most cohesive and fully realized album of her solo career, it is also her most powerful, personal and revealing; she wrote or co-wrote each of the 10 songs. Presented by Sings Like Hell. Music: Folk. Saturday, September 10, 8 PM


Go to Hale: The Concert for New York City In honor of the 15th Anniversary of September 11

Rock ‘n roll fan and music lover Hale Milgrim has carefully crafted a loving tribute to honor the 15th anniversary of 9/11 with powerful excerpts from the Concert for New York City, featuring many legendary artists including David Bowie, Bon Jovi, Eric Clapton, Billy Joel, Elton John, James Taylor, John Mellencamp, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, Paul McCartney, The Who, and more. Presented by Lobero LIVE, Panda Man and KTYD. Film: Concert Footage with Commentary. Sunday, September 11, 6:28 PM


An Evening With Pat Metheny w/ Antonio Sanchez, Linda Oh & Gwilym Simcock

Recently inducted into the Downbeat Hall of Fame as its youngest member and only the fourth guitarist, 20-time GRAMMY® winning guitarist Pat Metheny will present a range of music from throughout his career. Joining Pat will be his long time drummer Antonio Sanchez, Malaysian/Australian bassist Linda Oh, and British pianist Gwilym Simcock. *Part of the Jazz at the Lobero Fall Series. Presented by Jazz at the Lobero. Music: Jazz. Wednesday, September 14, 8 PM

Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally


Brett Dennen


Brett Dennen

Brett Dennen continues his extensive North American tour this fall, celebrating his acclaimed new album Por Favor, out now on Elektra Records. Por Favor is Dennen’s sixth fulllength album and his first since 2013’s Smoke and Mirrors. Released to widespread acclaim, Rolling Stone called his most recent record his, “strongest effort yet,” while NPR’s Weekend Edition described it as, “a deeply personal work.” Presented by KCRW. Music: Folk. Sunday, September 18, 7 PM



Named among New York’s top 20 artists by Brooklyn Magazine, Shannon Gillen has had an extensive career as a dancer and choreographer in New York City and Europe. She is the artistic director of VIM VIGOR DANCE COMPANY, known for an innovative combination of heroic physicality, electric emotional life and cinematic imagery. VIM VIGOR will create a new work of dance-theater, FUTURE/PERFECT, during their DANCEworks residency, which will premiere on September 23 & 24 at the Lobero. Presented by DANCEworks. Dance: Contemporary. Friday & Saturday, September 23-24, 8 PM


Nick Offerman & Megan Mullally

Summer of 69: No Apostrophe

Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally are ready to take you to the Summer of 69: No Apostrophe. With this show, Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally are yanking the britches right off of their marriage, exposing

The Hot Club of Nashvil


the salacious details of their fiery union for all the world to enjoy, featuring songs, funny talking, heavy ribaldry, light petting and an astonishing final act of completion. Presented by Live Nation. Comedy. Sunday, September 25, 7:30 PM

october The Hot Club of Nashville 1 with Richard Smith, opening with Muriel Anderson

Inspired by the Hot Club genre of Django Reinhardt gypsy-swing, The Hot Club of Nashville brings fiery guitar and violin soloing on a repertoire from the 1930’s and 40’s. Focusing early on with the guitar style of Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed, Richard Smith has performed worldwide and become renowned for his mastery of instrument and for his knockout shows. One of the world’s foremost guitarists, Muriel Anderson is the first woman to have won the National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship. Her obvious joy of music, her humor and her facility across several genres of fingerstyle is revered by guitarists worldwide. Presented by Santa Barbara Acoustic Instrument Celebration Music: Gypsy Jazz. Saturday, October 1, 7:30 PM 33


Jerry Douglas Band with special guest Maura O’Connell

Called “dobro’s matchless contemporary master,” by The New York Times, 14-time GRAMMY® winner Jerry Douglas is one of the most innovative recording artists in music, both as a solo artist and member of Alison Krauss & Union Station. Maura O’Connell has made a name for herself on two continents as a superb singer. Her restless muse could not be safely contained under the banner of Celtic music, she soon discovered an affinity for progressive American roots music. Presented by Lobero LIVE. Music: Folk, Bluegrass. Monday, October 3, 8 PM

Pete & Maura Jerry Douglas



Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra Opening Night Concert & Party

The Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra kicks off its 2016-17 season with a duo of exceptional works: Dvoák’s richly emotional “New World” Symphony and Gershwin’s spirited Concerto in F – featuring acclaimed pianist Wendy Chen. Join the SBCO for their Opening Night Party on the Lobero Esplanade followed by an evening of unforgettable music! Music: Classical. Saturday, October 8, 7:30 PM

Brian Culbertson FUNK! Tour


Brian Culbertson FUNK! Tour

Brian Culbertson is an award-winning multiinstrumentalist, writer and producer who crosses genres between contemporary jazz, R&B, and funk. Inspired by the great R&B/Jazz/Pop artists of the 70’s like EWF, Tower of Power, Chicago, David Sanborn, and others, Brian Culbertson has self-produced 16 solo albums, most of which have topped the Billboard Contemporary Jazz charts. Presented by Long Night Out. Music: Funk, Fusion. Thursday, October 6, 7:30 PM


Pete & Maura Kennedy with Radoslav Lorkovic + Dead Rock West

Pete and Maura Kennedy, seamlessly weave their influences over the last two decades; Buddy Holly style roots, the tuneful cadences of the Everly Brothers, and the ringing 12-string jangle of the early Byrds, interspersed with darker moments that recall British folk rock a la Fairport Convention. Drawing from a multitude of influences, Radoslav Lorkovic has taken on an unusually broad musical spectrum and refined it into his distinctive piano style. Dead Rock West is a little bit country, a little bit rock and roll, and completely likable thanks to their charming harmonies. Presented by Sings Like Hell. Music: Eclectic, Folk. Saturday, October 15, 8 PM


Jonathan Bliss

When the Lights Go Out

Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz


Jonathan Biss, piano with Bretano Quartet

Pianist Jonathan Biss teams up with the Brentano Quartet for an unforgettable evening of some of Beethoven’s most profound and searching masterpieces, including the final piano sonata and final string quartet. Quartet-in-Residence at Princeton University for fifteen years, Brentano Quartet is now Quartet-in-Residence of Yale School of Music since 2014. Jonathan Biss is worldrenowned for his deep musical and intellectual curiosity, performing a diverse repertoire in concert and in recording. In 2016 he releases the fifth volume of his nine-year, nine-disc recording cycle of Beethoven’s complete piano sonatas. Presented by CAMA’s Masterseries. Music: Classical. Monday, October 17, 8 PM


When the Lights Go Out An Immersive Theatrical Experience

It’s what happens inside our dreams, between the sheets, and the secrets that we keep ... When the Lights Go Out - An Immersive Theatrical Experience, created by Kerrilee Gore is a unique theatrical experience onstage at the Lobero Theatre featuring immersive elements of cabaret and acrobatics from some of Los Angeles’ best choreographers and creative minds. The Santa Barbara Independent praised the show’s previous engagement, saying, “There’s no limit on where the night

Bretano Quarter

can go.” Seating is limited. Presented by Kerrilee Gore and Zen Arts in collaboration Jennifer Smithwick. Dance; Burlesque, Aerial. Multi-media. Thursday/Friday, October 20/21, 8 PM. Saturday, October 22, 5 & 9 PM.


Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz Foundation presents El Camino School

Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz Foundation wraps up another 8-week residency at El Camino School with a professional performance on the Lobero stage. Up to 140 fourth through sixth graders participate in this immersive program, delving into the history of jazz, the music that was made in America. Students learn the origins of jazz, are introduced to many of its innovators, and bring it all to life with a fun and informative performance for the whole family. Presented by Lobero Youth Programs. Music: Youth Jazz. Thursday, October 27, 7:15 PM 35

The Mastersons

Nebula Dance

Los Angeles Guitar Quartet


Los Angeles Guitar Quartet

For over three decades on the concert stage, the members of the GRAMMY® Award-winning Los Angeles Guitar Quartet have continually set the standard for expression and virtuosity among guitar ensembles, while perennially redefining themselves in their musical explorations. Experience the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet in a jazzfocused evening that also features the music of Antonio Carlos Jobim, Miles Davis and John Coltrane. *Part



of the Jazz at the Lobero Fall Series Presented by Jazz at the Lobero. Music: Jazz, Classical. Friday, Oct 28, 8 PM

A Celebration of Joni Mitchell

Acclaimed Jazz artist, Kimberly Ford, delivers Joni Mitchell’s songs with subtlety and dynamism. Songs like “Both Sides Now,” “Help Me” and “Woodstock” evoke deep emotion, rapt attention and sometimes laughter and tears from her audiences. Ford and the six world class, musicians who comprise A Celebration Of Joni Mitchell have performed their show to sold-out crowds throughout the U.S and Europe. Guest artists to be announced. Presented by Lobero LIVE as a benefit for Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz. Music, Folk. Monday, November 7:30 PM

november 2

Nebula Dance Lab

“The Inquisitor,” inspired by the short story “The Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy with original music score by Adam Phillips, and original visual art by Shelby Lynn Joyce returns to the Lobero for one night only. This critically acclaimed piece is full of rich characters & intricately woven choreography, and also features “Snapshots” repertory work by Emily Tatomer and a premiere from Meredith Cabaniss. Presented by Nebula Dance Lab. Dance. Wednesday, November 2, 8 PM


The Kin and Hauschka Live in concert and in open conversation with Dawa Tarchin Phillips and Jack Canfield

Enjoy two inspiring live performances by The Kin, an energetic alternative duo, and renowned experimental musician Hauschka, followed by a conversation about creativity and awakening lead by Dawa Tarchin Phillips, Jack Canfield and special guests. Proceeds support Bodhi Path Santa Barbara. Music & Discussion: Alternative, Experimental, Spiritual. Friday, November 11, 7:30 PM

Augustin Hadelich



Santa Barbara Youth Symphony


Santa Barbara Youth Symphony

The Santa Barbara Youth Symphony is an orchestra of 65-70 young musicians from Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. Andy Radford, the ensemble’s conductor, is also principal bassoonist with the Santa Barbara Symphony and has a truly wonderful relationship with the students. These students, ages 1218 and all from our regional schools, are challenged with serious pieces from the standard orchestral repertoire.

Bill Carter

Music: Youth Classical. Sunday, November 13, 4 PM


Kris Kristofferson

In 1965, Kristofferson moved to Nashville to pursue his music. After struggling in Music City for several years, Kristofferson achieved remarkable success as a country songwriter at the start of the 1970s. His chart-topping hit songs “Me and Bobby McGee,” “Help Me Make It Through the Night,” “Sunday Morning Coming Down,” and “For the Good Times,” helped redefine country songwriting.


Presented by Emporium. Music: Country. Wednesday, November 16, 7:30 PM Kris Kristofferson


Bill Carter + Special Guest

Austin-based singer-songwriter Bill Carter’s list of bona fides is so long, it’s hard to decide which credits to note first. Carter’s songs have been covered by scores of major artists, from John Mayall and Ruth Brown to Robert Palmer and Waylon Jennings. Presented by Sings

Augustin Hadelich, violin and Joyce Yang, piano

Augustin Hadelich returns to Santa Barbara following his captivating performance with Orpheus Chamber Orchestra in last season’s International Series. His remarkable consistency throughout an enormous range of repertoire is seldom encountered in a single artist. Hadelich plays the “Kiesewetter” Stradivarius violin, crafted in Cremona c.1723. Pianist Joyce Yang captivates audiences with her virtuosity, lyricism, and interpretive prowess. Yang showcases her colorful musical personality in solo recitals and collaborations with the world’s top orchestras and chamber musicians. Presented by CAMA’s Masterseries. Music: Classical. Tuesday, November 22, 8 PM

Like Hell. Music: Rock, Country. Saturday, November 19, 8 PM 37

Charles Lloyd



Charles Lloyd & the Marvels

Tenor great Charles Lloyd’s supreme improv talents and passion for cross-pollinating jazz is alive and well with The Marvels. This exciting new collaboration highlights the guitar wizardry of Bill Frisell and slide guitarist Greg Leisz alongside Eric Harland on drums and Reuben Rogers on bass. Their recent release, I Long to See You has been met with wide critical praise. *Part of the Jazz at the Lobero Fall Series Presented by Jazz at the Lobero. Music: Jazz. Monday, November 28, 8 PM


Go to Hale:Concert for George Honoring the 15th Anniversary of George Harrison’s Passing

On the 15th anniversary of George Harrison’s passing, Hale Milgrim will pay homage by presenting the moving Concert for George, featuring Eric Clapton and friends giving the performance of their lives singing George’s songs. Enjoy special performances by Eric Clapton, Jeff Lynne, Billy Preston, Anoushka Shankar, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and of course, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, plus more. Presented by Lobero LIVE, Panda Man and KTYD. Film: Concert Footage with Commentary. Tuesday, November 29, 7:28 PM

december Eric Taylor + Kevin Gordon 2

Eric Taylor is a sage musician, a lyrical genius and a master of the guitar. His songs have been performed by people such as Nanci Griffith and Lyle Lovett, and he has created a multitude of fans and devotees that consider Taylor to be a teacher and a lantern bearer whose time is long overdue. A Louisiana native, now 20-year East Nashville resident, Kevin

Popovich Comedy Pet Theatre

Gordon is a touring recording artist and songwriter. His latest release, Long Gone Time, has garnered high critical praise, just like 2012’s Gloryland, which got rave reviews in The New York Times, USA Today, Rolling Stone, and many others. Presented by Sings Like Hell. Music: Folk, Rock. Friday, December 2, 8 PM



Ring in the Holiday cheer with Gustafson Dance’s annual presentation of Rudolph. Children ages 2 and up will get to dance to well-known holiday tunes, along with the State Street Ballet Young Dancers. Rudolph embarks on a journey where he learns, along with many other “misfits” that everyone, even though they may be different, has something unique to offer. Presented by Gustafson Dance. Dance: Youth Ballet. Saturday, December 3, 2 & 6 PM


Popovich Comedy Pet Theatre Holiday Circus

Voted Best Family Show in Las Vegas, Comedy Pet Theatre Holiday Circus is a European-style circus extravaganza including physical comedy, juggling, acrobats from the Moscow Circus, highly intelligent dogs and cats doing tricks like you’ve never seen before! Popovich, a fifth generation circus performer, has rescued a majority of his performers from shelters all over the country, turning them into Las Vegas stars. POPOVICH COMEDY PET THEATRE has been voted “Best family show in Las Vegas” and were finalists on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT. Theatre: Live Animals. Sunday, December 4, 3 PM


A John Waters Christmas

Like a wayward Santa for the Christmas obsessed, legendary filmmaker and raconteur John Waters (Pink Flamingos, Hairspray, A Dirty Shame) rides into town on his sleigh full of smut

Hale Milgram


highland dances, haunting strains of the pipes, competition between clans, stories and seasonal rituals of that time and place. Our colorfully-costumed company of more than 60 actors, singers, dancers and instrumentalists inspire awe and excitement. Join us and be joyous! Presented by Santa Barbara Revels. Musical Theatre: Holiday. Friday, December 16, 7:30 PM, Saturday, December 17, 2:30 & 7:30 PM, Sunday, December 18, 2:30 PM.

Santa Barbara Revels



Barbara Higbie, Alex DeGrassi and Todd Boston A John Waters Christmas

spreading yuletide cheer with his critically acclaimed oneman show, “A John Waters Christmas.” Putting the X in Xmas, Waters’ rapid-fire monologue explores and explodes traditional archetypes as he shares his compulsive desire to give and receive perverted gifts, a religious fanaticism for Santa Claus, and an unhealthy love of true crime holiday horror stories. Presented by T Productions. Theatre: One Man Show. Tuesday, December 6, 8 PM


The Hallelujah Project

Fast becoming one of the city’s most anticipated holiday musical events, the Hallelujah Project offers a family-friendly blend of approachable classical choral music and traditional seasonal favorites, a guest appearance by the Children’s Chorus, and a celebrity in a format designed to put young and old alike in a festive holiday mood! Presented by the Santa Barbara Choral Society.

Windham Hill founder and GRAMMY®-winning guitarist, Will Ackerman, and GRAMMY® Award-nominated singer, fiddler, pianist, and songwriter Barbara Higbie, and the GRAMMY®-nominated guitarist and composer Alex de Grassi come together to lead joyous holiday concerts. Celebrate the winter solstice and its warm traditions with the WINDHAM HILL WINTER SOLSTICE 30th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT, featuring original and traditional acoustic music drawn from the multi-platinum selling Winter Solstice series as well as their many solo releases. Presented by Lobero LIVE. Music: Contemporary Classical, Holiday. Monday, December 19, 8 PM.

The Hallelujah Project

Music: Classical, Holiday. Sat., Dec. 10, 8 PM. Sun., Dec. 11, 3 PM


The Christmas Revels: A Scottish Celebration of the Winter Solstice

A favorite Santa Barbara seasonal tradition, this year’s show transports audiences to mid1700’s Scottish Highlands to experience and enjoy lively Windham Hill


Teen Dance Sta


Cracker + Camper Van Beethoven

Santa Barbara

Paul Huang


Cracker + Camper Van Beethoven

Cracker, the alt-rock radio band known for such hits as “Low” and “Get Off This” dive headfirst into the California country sound with their double album, Berkeley to Bakersfield. Camper Van Beethoven was one of the most original and influential indie rock bands of the late ‘80’s, combining an iconoclastic lyrical stance with a free-spirited eclecticism Presented by Lobero LIVE. Music: Rock, Eclectic. Wednesday, December 28, 8 PM

january 13

Go to Hale: Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration A Toast to 54 Years of Bob Dylan’s career as a recording artist

For the third installment of this series, Hale Milgrim has chosen to pay homage to the indomitable Bob Dylan by presenting highlights from the Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration. Enjoy performances by members of Booker T. and the MG’s, Johnny Cash and June Carter, Eric Clapton, George Harrison, Kris Kristofferson, Roger McGuinn, Mike McCready, John Mellencamp, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Lou Reed, Ronnie Wood, Eddie Vedder, The Band, Neil Young, Johnny Winter and of course, Bob Dylan. Presented by Lobero LIVE, Panda Man and KTYD. Film: Concert Footage with Commentary. Friday, January 13, 7:28 PM


The Greats

Hailed by The New York Times as a “rising artist” and lauded by The Strad magazine for his “stylish and polished playing,” Paul Huang will showcase his immense talent in a performance of Beethoven’s expansive and ground-breaking Violin Concerto in D. Also featuring Schubert’s beloved The Great Symphony in C Major, Op. 61. Presented by the Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra. Music: Classical. Tuesday, January 24, 7:30 PM


Teen Dance Star

Teen Dance Star will bring Santa Barbara County’s best young dancers to share the Lobero Stage for an opportunity to showcase their talent and vie for a $1,000 cash prize. This unique event brings teen dancers across several genres – ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, jazz, tap, and more. The showcase finale will feature a high-energy group performance number, celebrity judges from the dance world and from TV’s popular show “So You Think You Can Dance.” Proceeds benefit youth scholarships with the Arts Mentorship Program. Presented by Santa Barbara Teen Star. Dance: Youth Dance Competition. Saturday, January 28, 7 PM

Lobero LIVE is funded in part by the Events and Festivals Program using funds provided by the City of Santa Barbara in partnership with the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission.

See more ph otos on the Lobero’s instagram wi th #lovethelober o

Adele roadtrip The best seats in the house? Yours. To say that Adele has been on a hot streak lately would be a major understatement. The husky-voiced British singer has captured the attention of the world with her classy throwback style, signature winged eyeliner, and emotionally charged songs that speak to anyone with feelings. With her third album 25 at the top of the charts, and a completely sold out worldwide tour underway, 2016 was the summer of Adele.

Adele burst onto the scene in 2008, winning two GRAMMY® awards for her debut album, 19. Her follow-up, 21, was also a huge success, and Adele continued to collect awards and break records. Her newest album 25 was released in 2015 and has already sold over 100 million copies, making Adele one of the bestselling recording artists in the world. Her 2016 world tour quickly sold out, making this opportunity even more exciting. Those who dedicated a seat made a valuable contribution to the theatre and got to share the unforgettable experience of the Lobero’s first roadtrip. Guests kicked off the afternoon by getting to know each other and discussing their favorite shows at the Lobero to a soundtrack peppered with past Lobero LIVE artists, and enjoying snacks from C’est Cheese and beverages in souvenir wine glasses. After battling

12 lucky Lobero supporters were able to enjoy Adele’s sold-out show at the Staples Center on August 10, as very special bonus for naming a seat at their favorite hometown venue.

Los Angeles traffic, the gang got to enjoy a catered buffet including prime rib, potato pancakes, and chocolatecovered strawberries. Once Adele took the stage, everyone was primed for a terrific performance. Between her inspiring songs, she posed for selfies, told hilarious personal stories, and proved that she is the most down-to-earth superstar imaginable. This was the first time that the Lobero Theatre Foundation made this type of offer to our supporters, and the response was tremendous. So much so, that we hope to put together another road trip soon!


A Spectacular Season Awaits At Ensemble Theatre Company! By William Shakespeare Directed by Jonathan Fox September 29 – October 16, 2016

Spurred by his wife’s unquenchable thirst for power, Macbeth murders King Duncan in his sleep, throwing the kingdom into a bloody upheaval in Shakespeare’s masterpiece of blind and bloody political ambition... arriving just in time for election season.

By Neil Simon Directed by Andrew Barnicle December 1–18, 2016

Despite the obvious chemistry, the road to romance is a bumpy one for these not-so-young lovers in this heartwarming and semi-autobiographical comedy about second-time-around dating.

By George and Ira Gershwin And DuBose Heyward Directed by Jonathan Fox February 9-26, 2017

A bold reimagining of this American theater classic showcases a live jazz quartet, a timeless story of love and heartbreak, and beloved songs such as “Summertime” and “It Ain’t Necessarily So.”

By Tennessee Williams Directed by Jenny Sullivan April 13-30, 2017

This seductive black comedy follows a vengeful cotton gin owner’s attempts to seduce his rival’s 19 year-old bride, “Baby Doll.” But he faces a steep challenge when he discovers Baby Doll sleeping in a crib and wearing children’s nightgowns. The final show of the 2016-17 season will be announced at a later date, and runs June 8–25, 2017

Season Subscriptions Start at Just $145! (prices subject to change) | 805 965 5400 33 w. Victoria Street


2 0 E C ot a S t , S an t a B ar b ara, CA

www.N ec t

We applaud the Lobero for enriching our community.

Our Partners: Dianne Duva, CFP ® Wells Hughes John Lorenz Arthur Swalley, CIMA® Joseph Weiland, CFP ®

100 E. De La Guerra St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805.699.7300













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Photos by Penelope Salinger


± breakfast ÷

Grilled cheese for breakfast? Um ... yes please. Join us for breakfast! Now serving breakfast grilled cheese, steel-cut oatmeal, waffles, crepes and more. Seven days a week from 7am - 11am (8am Sunday). 825 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, CA 805.965.0318 •

Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra

2016|2017 Presenting the world’s finest classical artists since 1919



MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2016, 8PM All Beethoven Program: “The Late Style”



SUSAN GRAHAM mezzo-soprano

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2016, 8PM Beethoven, Dean, Ysaÿe, Franck Jonathan Biss


“J.S. Bach: The Circle of Creation” THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017, 8PM

“Frauenliebe und -leben: Variations” Songs from and relating to Schumann’s song cycle

Augustin Hadelich

Susan Graham

Season Subscriptions on Sale Now! 4-CONCERT SERIES SUBSCRIPTIONS: $160, $120


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with confectionary delights expressing a true

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Carl Allen

Photos By David Bazemore David Bazemore specializes in photographing live concerts, dance, theater and more, capturing the charisma of artists and the spirit of their performances like no one else. He has been the Lobero’s house photographer and videographer for over 15 years, showcasing the best of the Lobero and all the talent on our stage. View his impressive body of work at

David Lowery

John Scofield & Joe Lova


Kenny Barron

Gary Burton Sean Jones

Linda Ronstadt

Tierney Sutton

Mark O’


Sarah Lee Guthrie

Christian Mc


Tia Fuller

Mark O’Connor Hot Sw



2 1 3 6

backstage in the artist green room 5

Lobero LIVE Corporate Sponsors, Ghostlight members and board members enjoy great perks–including meeting the artists in their green room after the show. Check out even more photos from the greenroom and VIP receptions at


1. Kevin Keating, Kenny Barron 2. Sarah Lee Guthrie, Peter Melnick, Laini Melnick 3. John and Adrienne Sullivan, Christian McBride 4. David Lowery, Bo Willis, Chris Dyer, Johnny Hickman 5. Jimmy Argyropoulos, Charles Lloyd, Bob Fead. Photo: David Bazemore 6. Pattie Boyd, Maureen Donaldson, Anita DeAragon, Annie Milgrim. Photo: Joanne Calitri 51

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poster raffle

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Recently, we began raffling off posters signed by the artists at the end of their performances for just $5 per ticket. That’s right, for less than many items at the concession stand you can throw your name in the running to win a poster from that night’s concert. So far Linda Ronstadt, Arlo Guthrie and Preservation Hall Jazz Band have graciously accepted our offer and signed on. All proceeds benefit the Lobero Theatre. Check out some of our happy winners, and bring some change to our next Lobero LIVE show for your chance to join them. Photos by Penelope Salinger

Simple. Rustic. California.

Pre-theater dining located in historic La Arcada 1114 State Street, Suite 18 | 805.965.1730

in memoriam Betty Lou Richardson Betty Lou Richardson passed away on Friday, July 8, 2016. Betty was born in Anderson, Indiana to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Eckert. She earned her bachelor’s degree from UCLA, and her master’s from Occidental College. Betty and husband Don settled in Pacific Palisades, and Betty pursued a career in arts production and administration, working at the Los Angeles Music Center and KCRW Radio. In collaboration with Don, she also taught courses at the Music Center, including “Arts and the Music Center,” and “Arts and the Hollywood Bowl.”

Betty & Michael Feinstein, Betty Richardson, James Whitmore, Noreen Nash, Meghan Stoll

In 1995 the Richardsons relocated to Santa Barbara, where Betty became an active volunteer in the Newcomers Club. It didn’t take long before she jumped headfirst into local arts organizations. In 1997 she joined both the Lobero Board and the Music Academy Women’s Auxiliary. In May of 1999, she was elected to serve as Lobero Board President, a role in which she served for five years. Betty and Don loved to work and create together, and were well known for their annual Christmas cards, each featuring an original holiday composition with music and lyrics by the Richardsons. Betty was predeceased by Don in 2010.

WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? Jose Lobero loved opera, and in 1873 he built a theatre to house that love. In 1922, Pearl Chase and a group of impassioned Santa Barbarans committed to rebuild that theatre. It was a love of the arts and this community that gave us today’s Lobero. Throughout the years, volunteers and donors have come forward to steward and give new life to the theatre when needed. Apparently love’s got a lot to do with it.

Please show your love for the Lobero through a planned gift in addition to your annual giving. For more information, talk to your estate planning professional, or contact Jim Dougherty at 805.679.6005 or 55

Consider a gift to one of our Endowment Pillars to help ensure that history continues to be made at the Lobero Theatre. Santa Barbara has made history again and again at the Lobero Theatre. From its re-building in 1924 to its beautiful restoration in 2013, we have shown how much this theatre means to us as a community. Now it is time to look to the future. Towbes Family Endowment for Dance From Martha Graham to Mikhail Baryshnikov, from rising stars to toddlers in tutus, the Lobero stage has hosted the finest dancers of our time, as well as those who wish to follow in their remarkable footsteps. The Towbes Family Endowment for Dance was created to keep our dance program en pointe and growing by leaps and bounds. Lobero Theatre’s Endowment for Theatre The stars of Hollywood, Broadway and London’s West End have been sashaying in and out of our spotlight since 1924. The Endowment for Theatre will strengthen our dramatic success, keeping the curtain up for both esteemed local troupes and acclaimed touring companies from across the globe.

Carol & Marshall Ackerman Lyn & David Anderson Ann Jackson Family Foundation Anonymous Margo & Jeffrey Barbakow The Coeta & Donald Barker Foundation Beck, Whitehead & Company Linda & John Paul Beltran Richard Benjamin Marlyn Bernard Bernstein Emily Blair Linda Blazy Bleakley Development Company Juanita & Leland Breneman Dixie Brummel Marlyn & Gladys Burch George L. Burtness The Estate of Janet Caminetti Ann C. Carneros Louise & Tim Casey Jack Cowles Jeffrey Cox

L. Haney Crocker Jerald Davis Barry De Vorzon Jayne Eckhardt Christi Frey Gary Friedman Paula C. Gaskins Konnie & Andy Gault Bernice Gracey Anne & Ken Graham Robert W. Hanrahan Catherine & Jim Haslem Steve Hausz Dr. Marshall Havenhill II Nancy & Oliver Hayden Monika Henreid Richard Hilliard The Hollis Norris Fund Hutton Parker Foundation Dr. John Ise Shami & Brett Keegan Elaine & Herbert Kendall Marilyn Lee

Lobero Theatre’s Endowment for American Roots Music The Lobero grew up alongside American music, from jazz, blues and folk to boogie-woogie, rock and funk. Legendary artists Dave Brubeck, Dr. John, Odetta and Joan Baez have treasured the Lobero for its fine audiences, acoustics and ambience. The Endowment for American Roots Music keeps us in tune with a nation that has always marched to its own soulful beat. Lobero Theatre’s Endowment for Classical Music As intimate as it is elegant, the Lobero is the ideal setting for arias and overtures–and for introducing young ears to the genre’s inimitable icons. Isaac Stern and Andras Schiff, Marian Anderson and Kiri Te Kanawa have all performed here. The Endowment for Classical Music ensures that our halls will always resound with music. Kelly J. Morgan Endowment for Youth The Lobero has always been a community stage, a place where young artists have found their wings and chased their dreams. Just ask David Crosby, who first performed here in his teens. The Kelly J. Morgan Endowment for Youth, named in memory of a young thespian that loved the theatre, provides an opportunity for children to explore their talents on the Lobero stage.

The Lehrer Family Foundation Joan & Jim Lindsey Liselotte Kuttler Trust Ted Loughrin Jerome Lowenthal Wilda Lunt Virginia & Kenneth Miller Kirk Miller Peggy & Alfred V. Morgan Mary & Jim Morouse Helga & David Morris Jerry Mulinex Eileen & William Nasif Jerome Nerman Kimberly & Kevin O’Brien Neil Oehme Jr. Clifford Oldham Muriel Osterhaus Robert Pedraglia Kären Pick William Ramsay Sr. Donald Resch James Resch

Betty Richardson Douglas Safreno Trudie Safreno Sarah & Roger Chrisman Rhoda Schulte Schlinger Chrisman Foundation Jan & John G. Severson James Shelton Susan & Joseph Skenderian Lewis M. Smith Michael T. Smith Riichiro Suzuki Mary Jean Thomson Anne & Michael Towbes Paul R. Trent Jr. Calvin Underwood Ed Wehkamp Jodie & Bruce Willard Linda Woodrow WWWFoundation Fritzi & Robert Yamin

Ruby Circle $15,000+ Ann Jackson Family Foundation Louise & Tim Casey Deckers Brands Lynne Cantlay & Dr. Robert Klein Janet & John McCann Phyllis & Angelo Mozilo Santa Barbara County Arts Commission Linda & Doug Wood

Lobero Fund Family of Donors 6/1/15-7/15/16 Emerald Circle $25,000+ Lyn & David Anderson Sarah & James Argyropoulos Bentson Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Coleen & Ted Friedel The Hollis Norris Fund Laurie Bentson-Kauth & William Kauth Kind World Foundation Lobero Theatre Associates Lillian Lovelace MacDonald Family Foundation Marilyn & Richard Mazess Susan & Ronald Morrow Elaine F. Stepanek Foundation The Walter & Holly Thomson Foundation Dianne & Daniel Vapnek Foundation Norm Waitt The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation

Gold Circle $10,000+ Brown Family Foundation Nori & Ed Brown Nancy Crouse Melinda Goodman Kemp & Robert Kemp Nichols Foundation Olive & George H. Griffiths Charitable Foundation Harold McAlister Charitable Foundation Hayes Commercial Group Rhea & Steve Hayes Joan & Palmer G. Jackson Sr. Susan & Palmer Jackson Jr. Manchester Capital Management Sara Miller McCune Mary & Jim Morouse National Endowment for the Arts Ruth & Robert Reingold Leslie & Frank Schipper Sarah & Roger Chrisman Barbara Stupay Louise L. Tighe Towbes Family Endowment for Dance Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts a field of interest of the Santa Barbara Foundation Silver Circle $5,000+ American Riviera Bank Arlington Financial Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf

Mary Lane Scherer & James Brous Cinda & Don Erdman Christine A. Green Robert Guttman Nora & Michael Hurley Elaine & Herbert Kendall Amy & Don MacLeod Peter Melnick Metro Solutions Inc. Montecito Bank & Trust Santa Barbara Foundation Santa Barbara Travel Bureau Schipper Construction Co. Eileen & William Nasif The Whimsie Fund Star Circle $2,500+ Mary Jane & Gunther Baumgartner Becton Family Foundation Dr. Erwin B. Clahassey Lisa & Stephen Cloud Sallie & Curt Coughlin Sallie & Jim Dougherty Barbara & Charles de L’Arbre Josie & Jeff DeVine Fenton Family Foundation Dr. Bob Forinash The Kevin & Masha Keating Family Foundation Tamra & John Murphy Channing Soladar Alice Travis Cheryl & Ben Trosky Angels $1,000+ Allstate The Giving Campaign Anonymous Denise Dannemiller & David Asbell In honor of the great Lobero staff Anita & Don Barry Bayhurst Foundation 57

Mary & John Blair In honor of James E. Dougherty Ella & Scott Brittingham Wendy Bruss George L. Burtness Elizabeth & Andrew Butcher Leila & David Carpenter Foundation Nancy & Michael Casey Marianne & Jordan Clark Barbara Cole In memory of Robert L. Cole, M.D. Marianne Cooper Nancy & Thomas Crawford Jr. Mary D. Curtis Wendy & James Drasdo Ginni & Chad Dreier Jane Dyruff Amherst 1031 Exchange Margo & Robert Feinberg Julie & Mason Farrell Frances & Eldon Ford In memory of Grace Ford Bridget & Mark Foreman GE Foundation Robert Guttman In honor of Charles Lloyd receiving the Artistic Luminary Award Ronald Hays In honor of Janice Brubeck Robert Hecht Chana & James Jackson Dawn & Joel Kaufman In honor of Hale & Anne Milgrim and Peggie Jones Ellen & Robert Lawson Denise & George D. Lilly Lojo Foundation Joyce & Fred Lukas Leslie & Ray Mathiasen Graciela Montgomery & David McKeever Bruce McRoy Jean Lustig & Bob Meyers Maryanne Mott Joanne & Peter Norris Nuveen Investments Ellen & John S. Pillsbury III Julie & Richard Powell In honor of Powel/Ringler Trust Sheila & Tom Prendiville Raymond Family Foundation Laurie & Marc Recordon Roy E. Crummer Foundation Robert Ruby Santa Barbara Bowl Education Outreach Committee Nancy Schlosser Melissa Fassett & David Sheehan Missy & Chuck Sheldon Julie & David Siegel Anita & Jack Sheen Rachel & David Stein

Anita & Jack Sheen Tomchin Family Charitable Foundation Patricia Toppel Gebb Turpin Jr. Watling Foundation Janice Willis Benefactors $500+ Lynda & Dean Anderson Denise Dannemiller & David Asbell In honor of The Lobero Theatre Foundation Staff B & B Foundation Eliza & Richard Banks Bergman Fund of Triangle Community Foundation Paul Blake Judith Mosley & Steven Botts Annette & Richard Caleel Cedars of Lebanon Foundation, Inc In memory of Maria Caleel Malinda Chouinard Bridget Colleary Patricia & John Coppejans Sallie & Curt Coughlin In memory of Stuart Watling Christina Criswell Delphine Dannemiller Sara Lytle & Mr. Fred Davis Margi & Roger Drue Cecilia Eaton In honor of Angie Bertucci Courtney Tan & Warren Eustace Konnie & Andy Gault In memory of Dave Brubeck Beth & Dodd Geiger Gene Geller Phyllis & Bill Helm In honor of Todd Jared Diane & Donald A. Jackson Eleanor H. Jacobs In honor of Jim Dougherty Hope Kelly Dawn & David Lafitte Carrie Towbes & John Lewis Lobero Theatre Associates In memory of Frederic B. Ingram Sandra Lynne Glennis & James Malcolm Siri & Bob Marshall Lynann & Edward McGinn Lee & Bobby Orgel Meg & Dan Purdy Jean M. Reiche Melissa Riparetti-Stepien In memory of Pauline & Perf. Riparetti Susan Sheller & Bob Roe Regina & Rick Roney Daron Builta & Stephen Schaible Maryan Schall Christiane Schlumberger Carol & Mid Squier

Sarah & Phillip Vedder Alison Daniels & Tim Whitcomb Wood River Women’s Charitable Foundation Sustainers $250+ Nancy & Jerar Andon In honor of Jim Dougherty Joan & Norman Armour Belita Ong & Gordon Auchincloss Susan & Richard Ayling Linda & Gary Beatson Helene & Jerry Beaver Jill & Arnold Bellowe Susan E. Bower Debra Brandon In memory of Bob & Ione Brandon Janice Brubeck In memory of Henry, Dave & Peter Brubeck Leslie & Scott Deardorff Barbara Ann Dobbs-White Michael Drury In memory of Evelyn Hill Julia Emerson Martha & John Gabbert Gail & Hunt Gammel Hallie Goodall Anne & Walon Green Michael Hakan Claudia Gay Whitman & Dr. Richard Handin Jane & Jeffrey Hankoff Laurie Harris Andy Heller Janis & Roger Ingham Gerd & Peter Jordano Doris Murray Kuhns Denise & Larry Laborde Gail & David Teton-Landis Kit & Barry Liker Cherie Mignone & Ted Long Amanda McIntyre Elizabeth & Charles Newman Glenn Ray In memory of Ruth Ann Ray Sybil Rosen In honor of Jim Dougherty Roz & Richard Rosin Sue Sassoon In honor of Jim Dougherty Susan & Roger Schow Peter Simeth Barbara Koutnik & Melbourne Smith Robert A. Sorich Peggy & James Swartchild Sally Swift Linda Taber Polly & Geroge Turpin Sr Patricia Van Every Patricia & Nicholas Weber Suzanne Wedow Laurie Wilson Laura & Geof Wyatt

Gary P. Yencich Nanette Yoshimi Guardians $100+ Patricia & Doug Aiken Susan Alexander Sue & Brent Anderson Linda Anderson Kathryn Andrews Brook Ashley In memory of Tallulah Bankhead Marilyn & Michael Avenali Joyce Niland & Stanley Azen Dinah & Jerome Baumgartner Lisi Belz-McCarthy Bonnie Belz Barbara Benon Linda & Peter Beuret Charles Blaugrund Angela Moloney & Stuart Braverman Michael Brinkenhoff Melissa & Ronald Brooks In memory of Fritzi Yamin Robert Brown Barbara J. Burgess Barbara Calder Peggy & Bill Callahan Stephen Carlan Gillian Christie Linda & David Cohen Judith Bell & Montey Cole Mary Blackwood Collier Carol & James Collins In honor of Hope Kelly Mary Jane & Andrew Cooper Melissa Cunningham Oswald Da Ros Scott Holbrook Dahlquist Kitty Glanz & Steve Daniels Kathryn & Michael Dean Dr. Julia Delgado Linda Diamant Michael Dunn Jean & Ronald Ehmsen Nancyann & Robert Failing Jennifer Farmer Gianna Cicinelli & Randy Fields Judy Foggia Mary & Paul Genis Nancy & Dan George Anne & David L. Gersh Ghita D. Ginberg In memory of Paul Ginberg Jessica & Randy Glick Lisa Vignale & Kerry Goldberg William Goodale Kathryn Greene Aurora Lombardi & Charles R. Grimm Trish Holden & Michael Guthrie In honor of Al Jarreau, thank you for bringing him to us!

Susan Gwynne Cynthia & John Hall Margaret & Charles F. Hamilton Gail & Greg Hart Pamela Hecker Andree & Stuart Herscovici In honor of Peace & Harmony with the love of music Anne & Ray Higgins Paul C. Hilbun Michele & Ted Hoagland Deborah Holmsen Rob Hunt Marge & William Hynes Caroline MacDougall & Gerald Isenberg Janet Jared Emily & Christopher Johnson Kim Johnson David Jones Patricia & E. Robert Jones Rev. Willem Jonker Susan Kadner Tracy & Eric Kanowsky Bruce Karsh Jill Dore Kent Wendy & David Kipperman Laszlo Kiraly In honor of David Asbell Fred Klein Janet Knispel Wendy Foster & Pierre Lafond David Landecker Elinor & James Langer Jere & Fima Lipshitz Jennifer & Clare Little Lobero Theatre Associates In memory of Winifred “Teddie� Vedder Leslie & Peter MacDougall A.G. Marcus Sandra & Giovanni Mastromonaco Mavis & John Mayne John McKenzie Julie McLeod Suzanne & Duncan Mellichamp Flavyn Mendoza Anne Meyer Harold Michel Frank Migliazza Alecia Moore Robyn Morris-Valenzuela Michael J. Neff Carol Newman Nichole Hazard & Oren Nissim Christie Ontjes In honor of Rod Ontjes Rod Ontjes Rebecca Amundsen & Tim Owens In honor of David Asbell & Steve Cloud Vivian & Michael Pahos Sage Parker Carol & Kenneth Pasternack

Rosemary Peters In honor of Jeff Shelton & Kirk Webb Hensley & James Peterson Marie & Joe Pinto Peggy Wiley & Wilson Quarre Stephen Randolph Debra & Ted Reed Albert Reid Ellen Reid Joan & Morgan Reis Sharon Hanes & Russell Richardson Jane & Marc Rieffel Edythe & Lamar Robinson David Rogriguez Loretta H. Roper Mike Russell Cynthia & John Sanger Richard Schiada In Memory of Dave Brubeck & In honor of Al Reese Kent Schmidt Kathy Scroggs Patricia Dallam & Maren Semler In memory of Noah Semler Dallam Elle & David Seymour Maureen & Les Shapiro Patty & Gene Sinser Sue & Joe Skenderian In Memory of Pam Skenderian Elizabeth & Donald Smith Anne Sprecher Charles Stauffer Heidi Stilwell Sherri & Sam Stoddard Carol & Joseph Sullivan Nancy & David Sullivan Joyce & James Tamborello Marshall Thomas Anne & Michael Towbes In memory of Maryln Bernstein Toyon Research Corporation Mark E. Trueblood Henri Albert & Stanley Tsunoda Marshall Tulin John Vega Nancy & Tony Wall Mary Walsh Tisha Weber Ford Jennie & David Whaley Marsha White Thaddeus Wilson Sr. Joy Winer Linda Wisner Jana Wright Margaret W. Wright Grace & Ed Yoon Gina & Alex Ziegler


Under $100 Frederick S. Allen Viola & Charles Arnold Edward Bailey Catherine A. Balboa Bank of America Foundation Margery Baragona Darcie Barnes In memory of Doreen C. Duellea Carol Bartoli Martha Barrett Diane Baskin Linda Baumann Andrea Bayles Francis Baysinger Paul Bendix Bruce Berlow Robert D. Bernstein Vicky Blum Stephanye Bolton Alexandra & Joost Bomgaerts Joy Bowman Jeff Boyd Susan Brady Kasia & Barry Brand Maria Brant Karen & Peter Brill James Brinkman Ellen Birrell & David Bunn Linda Stafford Burrows Denise Caracas Margaret & David Calberg Ellen Chase Eleanor & Yale Coggan Wayne M. Cole Tom Conklin David Correia Shirley & Michael Cribbs Caroline Albertson & Tony Da Pra Gregory Davis Peter Davis Telma Dawallo Joel Dee Joan & Thomas L. Dent Margaret Deus Priscilla Diamond Lorraine Duerr Carolyn & Robert Duncan Tara & Michael Dunham Pamela Perkins-Dywer & Thomas Dywer Phillip W. Easterday Mimi A. Elder Paul Erie Patricia & Rick Escalera Rod Evans Farris Family Charitable Fund David Fellinger Dorothy Flaster In memory of Stanley Flaster Marjorie Fleming Alexander Flury

Charley Gallay Judy & James Garrett Laura Glenn Alma Gonzalez Marshall Gorges Betsy Green Jim Gstettebbauer Jean E. Hane Jennifer Harlan Rand Hayes Lee Heller Tom Hester Sharon Hill Denise Hinkle Sharon Landecker & Glen A. Holden Jody & Tom Holehouse In honor of Bill Nasif & Jeff DeVine Barbara Hoyler Patricia Indictor Mark L. Itzkowitz Jill Jamar Sharlae & Greg Jenkins Carol Johansen Bob Jones Steve Kahn John Joseph Kelly Charles A. Kelley Andrew Kendrick Shelley Kingsbury Frances Kliza Vivien Kooper Willy Kornips Kroger Peter F. Kulp Catherine Lee In memory of Lutah Maria Riggs Alexis Lettington Peggy Levine Michael Lewellen Jay Lowery Ella & James Markham Jennifer & John Markham Susan & Richard Martin Michael Marzolla Merri Mays Martin McKenzie Toni & Terry McQueen Hugh McTernan Melissa Meistrell Carla Melson Karen Michaels Joseph Miller Lynne Gay Milligin Cynthia Mobraaten Dixie & Martin Moore Mark Morgan Mark Morrison Shahin Motallebi Nancy Murdock Charles Myers Lloyd Nugent

Helen C. Olson Pamela & Chris Passalaqua Amy & Ray Perkins Jean M. Perloff Christy Martin & Brian Perona Lanette & Mike Perry Michael Petracca Cris & David Prichard Marsha & James Prudden Michael Quigley Pamela Rai Deborah Reber Sue Slater & Chris Rendessy In memory of Joel Goldberg, devoted Lobero usher and friend Suzanne & Bruce Reuter Marylisa Rincon Bert Rivera Carol Roberts Karen Roberts Florence O. Russell Kate Samsa Linda Mason & James Sanders John Sanford III Santa Barbara Axxess Martins Saulespurens Christine & Hal Saunders In honor of Marcie Tuttle Courtney Scarborough Frank Schmidt Kimberly Sheffield Andrew Silver David Silver Cynthia Simmons Joanne & George Singer John Sloatman Rhonda Spiegel Sudi Staub Lee & Everette Stevens Robert Sullivan Stan Tabler Mary Ellen Tiffany Hunter Turpin Duane Tyler Kathleen Ulinski Marc Viljoen Carol & Steve Vukovich Paul Wagner Ann Wallace Jeff Waxman In memory Rex Marchbanks Tisha Weber-Ford Julie Weiner Julie & David Wexler Larry Whitehead William Whitehead Lisa Wilson Carolyn & Kenneth Wolf Dalia Wolinski Tasha Young

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2016 – 2017 SEASON PREVIEW


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Programs and Artists Subject to Change.


Index of Advertisers American Riviera Bank


Arlington Financial Management


Art Without Limits


Babcock Winery


Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, LLP Bella Vista Designs, Inc.


Blush Restaurant + Lounge


Bobby and Lee Orgel


Bryant & Sons


C’est Cheese


Chaucer’s Books


Chocolats du CaliBressan


Community Arts Music Association




Deckers Brands


Ensemble Theatre Company




Hayes Commercial Group


Jano Graphics


KCSB 91.9 FM


La Playá Azul Cafe


Manchester Capital Management


Metro Solutions Inc.


Montecito Bank & Trust


Nectar Eatery & Lounge


NS Ceramic, Inc.


One Hour Martinizing

Cover photo by Jason Rick. To see more images, visit



Pickles & Swiss


Santa Barbara Axxess


Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra


Santa Barbara Independent


Santa Barbara Travel Bureau


Schipper Construction Co.


South Coast Deli


Spanish Garden Inn


State & Fig


State Street Valet


The Upham Hotel & Country House


Voice Magazine


Whole Foods Market


Antoinette Amorteguy Lyn & David Anderson Bea & Mortimer Andron Margo & Jeff Barbakow Keith Berry Mary & John Blair Ella & Scott Brittingham Joyce Bryan Carol Burnett & Brian Miller Louise & Tim Casey Virginia Castagnola-Hunter Bridget Colleary Jan & David Crosby Mary Curtis Josie & Jeff DeVine Sallie & Jim Dougherty Cinda & Don Erdman Nancyann & Robert Failing Kate & Brooks Firestone Dorothy Flaster Eldon Ford Bob Forinash Nancy Furlotti Marlena & Tony Handler Rhea & Steve Hayes Robert Hecht Hind Foundation Maurine & Preston Hotchkis Josephine Ireland Jackson Family Foundation Luci & Richard Janssen Lauren & Todd Jared Masha & Kevin Keating Susan Keller & Myron Shapero Hope S. Kelly Kind World Foundation

Antonia Larocca Joyce & Leon Lunt Glennis & Jim Malcolm Siri & Bob Marshall McAlister Foundaton Janet & John McCann Elise & David McKee Betsey & John Moller Montecito Bank & Trust Mary & Jim Morouse Susan & Ron Morrow Phyllis & Angelo Mozilo Mrs. Raymond King Myerson Eileen & Bill Nasif NS Ceramic John Pillsbury Sheila & Tom Prendiville Sybil Rosen Anne & Jim Rothenberg Maryan & Richard Schall Leslie & Frank Schipper Maureen & Ed Seder Missy & Chuck Sheldon Olivia Erschen & Steve Starkey Pru & Rob Sternin Stone Family Foundation Barbara Stupay Louise Tighe Anne & Michael Towbes Winifred Vedder Annie & Bill Williams Carolyn & Carl Williams Bo Willis Janice Willis Linda & Doug Wood Wood-Claeyssens Foundation 63

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