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No. 85




EID mAuluD: joNAThAN, FASholA, IGP, oThERS SAluTE muSlIm FAIThFul 6

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PDP, APC InWar OfWords Over Party Manifesto 4

Kwankwaso, Amaechi, others implementing our policies – Mu'azu

No, it is not true – Lai Mohammed

Nigeria’s Peace, Stability More Important Than Winning Election – Gumi Kaduna-based Sunni scholar and cleric, Sheikh Ahmad Abubakar Gumi needs no introduction. However, his recent comments on the aspirations of both President Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari have generated heated debates in the polity. In this exclusive interview with BODE GBADEBO on the eve of 2015, the cleric reiterates his warnings over the likely dangers in the forthcoming presidential election six weeks from now and his relationship with the frontline candidates, among other critical issues. ➔ CONTINUED ON PAGE 4


#BringBackOurGirls 263 day

Friday, January 2, 2015

Editor’s Note Welcome to today, the second day of the year and the first Friday of many.You are not here because everyone is here, you are not here because you are not there, you are here because it is where you should be. Let me tell you what the year is not; It is not the year of regrets, it is not the year of crisis, it is not the year of the enemy, it is not their year, it is the year of the Lord and you are in it because He works in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure for you. Every time anyone reminds you of your situation, tell him it is just the beginning of the year. You started this journey yesterday – the first day of the first month, you set out to get to the end of the year and beyond, you will get there by the grace of God. Last year may be bad but, believe me, you will end this year on a better note. My prayer today, for this year is for God to show me the way to go and what to do. What is your prayer? Enjoy the year but don't forget to thank God it is today.

For Feedback: fridayleadership@leadership.ng To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge

cHIbOK In tHe WeeK Saturday, december 27, 2014 a member of the bringbackOurGirls group, bukky Sombare, noted that 98 per cent of the internally displaced persons (IdPs) in yola, adamawa State, live with their families instead of the IdP camps provided, and are living in abject poverty and despair. Sunday, december 28, 2014 a group of individuals and youth-led organisations, which has entered into collaboration with the bbOG group in the advocacy for the freedom of the abducted chibok schoolgirls unfolded 10 key action points that could help in curbing terrorism in nigeria. mOnday, december 29, 2014 For the over eight months of the abducted chibok schoolgirls in boko Haram’s captivity, a frontline leader of the bbOG advocacy group, dr Oby ezekwesili, stated that the nigerian government wasn’t doing anything to rescue the girls as the government hardly talks about it, let alone taking an action. tueSday, december 30, 2014 Having celebrated the 2014 christmas with the over 200 abducted chibok schoolgirls who are still in captivity of the boko Haram

sect for over eight months, the bbOG group reportedly lamented the fact that the girls would still be missed during the new year celebration by nigerians, especially their families and friends. WedneSday, december 31, 2014 In response to a report of massive attack in Kautikari, said to be the largest town in chibok local government area of borno State, about 7km away from chibok town, the chibok community in abuja lamented and condemned the ugly incident. tHurSday, January 1, 2015 the parents of the chibok schoolgirls abducted who are still being held captives by the boko Haram sect after over 8 months of abduction were to join the bbOG group in its daily sit-out as they continue to lament the absence of their daughters in the new year.

Some parents of the abducted Chibok school girls during a New year special meeting with the members of the #BringBackourGirls advocacy group at the unity fountain in abuja, yesterday.

Parents Finger FG In Girls' Kidnap By Chika Mefor, Abuja

Parents of abducted Chibok schoolgirls have accused the federal government of having a hand in the abduction of the 219 Chibok schoolgirls. Nine parents whose daughters are among the abducted girls by the Boko Haram sect, met with the #BringBackOurGirls group, and expressed sadness over President Goodluck Jonathan's failure to recue the school-girls six months after he promised to rescue them. One of the parents , Mr Goni Murtah accused the government of having a hand in the abduction of the girls, noting that the Principal of Government Secondary School, Chibok, had locked the girls in their hostel and warned them against leaving, hours before the abduction. "Some of them had only two papers to finish up. The principal and vice principal ask everyone to bring their form. They didn't allow them to stay where they usually stayed. They locked them in the hostel. The matron who was there with the girls during the abduction was not taken. They were asked not to leave the school or they would be punished. Three hours to the time of the kidnapping, there was a message. Some

people came and collected their children. The hands of the government is in this kidnapping. If they can't rescue our girls, they should bring in the United Nations to help bring our girls back," he said. He added that the relatives of the principal and the school matron, were able to rescue their daughters from the sect, leaving other girls in their custody. However, another parent, Rev Mark Enoch, commended the BBOG for not allowing the issue to be swept under the carpet. "We came from Chibok to show our appreciation for the BBOG group. We lack words to say thank you. Chibok girls would have been swept under the carpet. We appreciate your effort. You are also fighting for the whole nation. We pray for an end to the insurgency. We hope before April, our girls will be back," he said. Another parent, Mrs. Samuel Yaga, who lamented the abduction of her daughter pleaded with the President to fulfil the promise he made in July, 2014, when he met with the parents. Yaga stated that the federal government initially denied the abduction, before Jonathan met with the parents and pledged to rescue their daughters.

tOday, FrIday, January 2, 2014 Parents of the abducted chibok schoolgirls have expressed sadness over President Jonathan’s failure to rescue the girls 8 months after their abduction while meeting with the bbOG group, accusing the Federal Government of having a hand in their daughter’s abduction. ...As compiled by ABAH ADAH

Members of the #BringBackourGirls during a New year special meeting with some parents of the abducted Chibok girls at the Unity fountain in abuja, yesterday. PHOTOs BY OYEDELE OMOKAGBO

By hook or by crook.

― Egyptian Proverbs

our stand


January 2, 2015

Who Benefits From Fuel Subsidy?


he issue of fuel subsidy has come to be perceived as one huge scam the government is not coming clean on. It moved the country to near fiscal collapse between 2011 and 2012. Between 2008 and 2010, the federal government paid a total of N1.2trillion, an equivalent of $8billion, on subsidy at the 2011 exchange rate. The fact of the matter is that subsidy creates soft money for ‘smart persons’ and the privileged in the society. The result is the creation of billionaires who have negligible impact on the economy, because they do not have the capacity to create jobs or employment, or add value to production. While they make humongous wealth from subsidy, the rest of society suffers from decay of infrastructure and in all other sectors of the economy, especially education and health. Subsidy withdrawal is a far-reaching economic restructuring strategy that requires tough political will and an even greater measure of toughness to ensure that the savings from its removal are judiciously utilised to meet the needs of the people. It is not enough to announce its removal, government

must also engage in a communication strategy to inform the common man of the cost and benefits of the policy. The issue of subsidy removal is not going to go away and one of its greatest challenges lies in the lack of trust the people have for the government. As long as government decides to run a ‘closed shop’, there will be perpetual suspicion of its policies, no matter how well meaning. The subsidy on fuel is a total waste of resources and drain on our common wealth, but if the government decides to withdraw it, there must be adequate preparation to address the immediate effects. This is because it is easy to deduce that in an economy where more than

Ag. Editor Pembi David-Stephen Deputy Editor Kazeem Akintunde Editorial Board Safiya M. Adamu, Chairman Christian Ochiama, Deputy Chairman Standards ’Lara Olugbemi, Assistant Director

half of the population lives in poverty, 38% of its women population have no education and less than 10% attended school beyond secondary level, an inadequately planned economic policy will only have adverse effects. The meagre purchasing power of the poor would be further eroded, thereby deepening poverty the more. We like to tout the fact that Nigeria is now the largest economy in Africa. It is also the world’s 10th largest oil producer, even though much of it is lost to oil theft and bunkering, but this giant has not done well for itself. We have lived with economic recklessness before, but not on this scale. Our infrastructure has been decaying from the 1980s, but never at this rate of acceleration when the country is earning so much. Excuses could be made that the military juntas were incapable of appreciating our political and economic needs, but ‘civilians’ have been in the driver’s seat since 1999, and now with a world class economist managing our finances and even coordinating the economy. The subsidy should go, but there must be put in place measures to cushion the effect on the common man.

Founder Sam Nda-Isaiah Group Managing Director Azubuike Ishiekwene Group Executive Directors Michael Okpere Dr Kazeem Durodoye Divisional Directors Iyobosa Uwugiaren Salisu Alhassan Bichi General Managers Aminu Abubakar Sule Abdulmumin Balogun Zipporah D. Tanko

Leadership Holdings

Managing Director Abraham Nda-Isaiah Executive Director Nnamdi Samuel New York Office Mohammed Bello Shehu London Office Dr Bello Salihu Johannesburg Office Abiodun Oguntuase

Every white has its black, and every sweet its sour — Egyptian Proverb

LEADERSHIP is a national paper symbolically embedded in the nation’s capital. We shall stand up for good governance. We shall defend the interest of Nigerian people even against their rulers, and we shall raise our pen at all times in defence of what is right. These are the values by which we intend to be assessed. We shall never, ever for any reason forget the noble reason of our coming into being: For God and country!


January 2, 2015


One health tip daily Foods Take food less than your hunger - It has been established through experiments that the life expectancy of a person goes up two times, if his food intake is reduced by 40%. The Golden gifts of the nature for you:Pomegranate (Anar)- Contains all the important minerals and vitamins required by our body Honey - Collected from flowers, a superb gift from nature. Coconut water - The water of green coconut lifted from the earth, and after processing at many stages stores the health nectar with great potentialities of health and vigour. Amla - provides us with many essential vitamins, best for all types of heart diseases.

PDP, APC In War Of Words Over Party Manifesto

— Source: livelongto100years.com

Nigeria’s Peace, Stability More Important Than Winning Election – Gumi ➔ FROM COVER

The ongoing trial of soldiers accused of mutiny and other offences during the counter-insurgency operations in Northeastern Nigeria have generated a lot of controversies in the polity. What is your take on this?

My take on those soldiers is to plead with the Commanderin-Chief of the Armed Forces to have mercy on them. True, they broke a law but it was not intentional. They were forced to break a law because they were not equipped by the same system that is now trying to Gumi apply the law to them. If you want to finish the Boko Haram, Muslims and bringing up all the you have to put mercy in your vices. heart. They are ruthless, that is When they became why they are failing, let’s not be militarized, some internal ruthless like the Boko Haram, and external forces capitalised let’s have mercy on them, equip on their ignorance to further them and send them back to the promote some things which war front. are either political, ethnic or other motives. Categorically, it Given the fact that you are a redepends on which stage of Boko tired army officer and now a reHaram one is talking about; but spected Islamic cleric, what are what I can say is that whoever your thoughts about the ragwas using Boko Haram for ing insurgency and how do we any other purpose must have come out of it? realised that it is not the way This insurgency took so many [to go]. I can say effectively now stages. Truly, we believe in that all hands are on deck to see the existence of the Boko that the menace is contained Haram, youths who think that ➔ CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Western education is corrupting


Mu’azu By Kazeem Akintunde, Lagos and Chibuzo Ukaibe Abuja

The campaigns for the 2015 general elections yesterday gathered momentum as the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) differed over the ownership of programmes and policies of the five former PDP governors who dumped the party for the APC. While the ruling PDP maintained that the policies and manifestos of the five governors were driven by the PDP, the APC, however, counteracted this, insisting that the five governors had since imbibed the APC culture of transparency and accountability. Five state governors, Rotimi Amaechi (Rivers), Musa Kwankwaso (Kano), Abdulfatai Ahmed (Kwara), Aliyu Wamakko (Sokoto) and former governor of Adamawa State, Murtala Nyako, had defected to the APC from the PDP after they fell out with the presidency and the party’s hierarchy. But the PDP national chairman, Dr. Ahmadu Adamu Mu’azu, while reacting to recent criticisms by leaders in the APC over the state of the nation under the PDP since 1999, declared that the five governors that defected to the APC are still implementing the ruling party’s manifesto in their

states. Mu’azu, who criticized the APC for adopting a propaganda approach over their assessment of PDP’s performance in the last 15 years, said the APC, which he described as the PDP’s nearest rivals, was not only spinning out of control but had succeeded in elevating propaganda into an art form to try and win at all costs. He declared that the PDP government had done a lot to deserve re-election in the 2015 elections next month. Mu’azu, in a statement signed by his chief press secretary, Chief Tony Amadi, said: “Those APC politicians who consistently point an accusing finger at the PDP for failing to make a difference in the governance of Nigeria over the past 15 years must know that they share more of the blame for the so-called ‘incompetence and cluelessness’. This is because as they point one finger at the PDP, four of their fingers are pointing back at their APC. “How can the gang of five governors who left the PDP in 2013 extricate themselves from those accusations when they were all part of the decision making organs of the party? For the better part of the eight or four years they governed Rivers, Sokoto, Kano, Adamawa and Kwara states, they executed PDP manifesto before they defected to join the APC where they have continued to execute

Everything comes to him who waits. ― Egyptian Proverb

the PDP blueprint for success. “Nigerians should ask Governor Amaechi if he has executed any other manifesto other than those of the PDP even after he left the party. Ask Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso whether his infrastructural successes were not planned by the PDP government that he headed in Kano State? Has Sokoto’s governor Aliyu Wamakko done any work that was not originated by the PDP government through which he came to power? Describing the opposition party as ‘All Propaganda Congress’, he reminded its members that Nigerians were no fools, noting that propaganda does not win votes but only complicate matters “because sooner rather than later, their propaganda and lies will fall flat on their faces.” “We all know their empty game plan, the result of which will dawn on them after Nigerians cast their votes on February 14, 2015. They will then turn around to say that PDP has massively rigged the election,” he noted. Mu’azu added that the opposition will fail in its bid to scuttle PDP’s bid for a historic fourth presidential electoral victory, stressing that all the ruling party has to do is state the “facts of our achievements on the ground over and over as ➔ CONTINUED ON PAGE 5


January 2, 2015

PDP, APC In War Of Words Over Party Manifesto ➔ FROM PAGE 4

they stand because Nigerian voters are not dumb or silly.” The APC national publicity, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, has, however, countered Mu’azu’s claims, attributing the good governance of the governors to the opposition party’s culture of transparency and accountability.

He also asserted that the giant strides recorded by the APC seem to be unsettling the PDP. Mohammed said, “This party (APC) was formed less than 18 months ago. The five PDP governors that defected to the APC have imbibed the culture of transparency and accountability which we are noted for. He challenged Mu’azu and his party to

base their campaign on what the PDP has done at the federal level since 1999 or what they are going to do better in future. “Let him campaign on what Jonathan has done since he came to power at the centre. We in the APC have said that we are going to create three million jobs every year. We have said we are going to tackle corruption. We are offering Nigerians better deals,” he said. Jega

Nigeria’s Peace, Stability More Important Than Winning Election – Gumi ➔ FROM PAGE 4

and finished. At this stage, the Boko Haram is receding, they are no more expanding because all hands are on deck. Everybody has realised that this is an international and national conspiracy which must be stopped. You have been in the news recently over your comments on both President Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari. Interestingly, Governor Sule Lamido of Jigawa and Prof Bolaji Akinyemi are some of the prominent Nigerians who have re-echoed your views. Before now, what was your relationship with Jonathan and Buhari, respectively?

I have never met or seen President Jonathan, I just hear about him from those who know him directly. What I understand is that the president had a humble beginning and [that] he is not a harsh person. At the same time, he is surrounded by people from his ethnic group who are expecting too much from him; thus, he is trying to strike a balance among different groups, due to his inexperience and the fact that he has been based in the South. He is very mush unlike those who had experience in the North – like Obasanjo – who knows the psychology of the both regions. Before one become a successful president in Nigeria, one needs to understand the psyche of the people one is ruling. You should how to deal with them and what pronouncements to make in order to smoothly navigate on different terrains. I think this is what he lacks and that is why he has problems. Now, you must know that Jonathan has gone through stages; when he was the acting president, he felt the North was a threat to his presidency, so his actions were different. When he became the substantive president, he assumed the North was against him, so his actions too (by negligence or indulgence) were anti-North. Then, as the 2011 elections were approaching he found out that he needed votes from the North and his attitude also changed and, after about five years now, he is still trying to learn on the job. As for Buhari (a retired majorgeneral), I know him. I was in the army

when he and his men took over, but I never had contact with him until the 2007 elections, when I went all out to support him to defeat Umar Yar’Adua. I worked for Buhari to be elected and I am not shy about that, but when Umar finally got the mandate, I felt that he should be supported rather than let Nigeria crumble. That was where I differed with the Buhari, because he insisted on going to court and I insisted that Umar should be supported to ensure Nigeria’s stability. During the course of Yar’Adua’s government, I said let there be a Unity Government and he agreed. He called the other parties and confessed that the election was flawed and a Unity Government was formed. My involvement in politics, therefore, is about stabilising the polity, eschewing violence and unrest and embracing patience where our faults are involved, because we are not perfect – not only in elections. Look at the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital in Shika. If you go to the operation theatre and bring a surgeon from London, he will tell you that he can’t operate in that theatre. It’s faulty. If you bring a military expert to our barracks, he will ask you ‘what are you using? You people are sleeping’. In any field of endeavour in Nigeria, if you bring an expert, he will find a fault. Nobody is doing his/her work. In the light of that, how can you blame the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)? My point is this; let’s be patient with the little we have, we are developing and we’ll get there someday. Let’s not kill ourselves. You said you have never met President Jonathan before. Does that mean that you have never being invited by the president for a parley or a ‘breaking of fast’ like he does to other clerics during the holy month of Ramadan?

Actually, I got two greeting cards for Easter or Christmas from Jonathan’s office with his signatures but no invitation. To be honest, though, the way I feel or speak about Jonathan, even if he invites me, I will not go because there are things that need to be corrected. Don’t you think that going to see the president may give you an opportunity to discuss and bring some of these things you talk about to his attention?

In my religion, when a scholar or cleric goes to a leader, he tarnishes his image; but when the leader goes to the scholar, it is a perfume on the leader because even the leader’s followers will say, “Oh, look at this leader, he listens”. But if a scholar goes to a leader, even his followers will say “Ha! This malam too wants to take his share.” So, we avoid going to them but any leader who wants to get advice, the door is open. On General Buhari, you said you supported him against the late President Yar’Adua in 2007. Di you do it because of the camaraderie of being in the army or did you prefer him to the other candidates?

No! It is simple. The politics of Nigeria at that time was such that people were accusing Obasanjo just as they are accusing Jonathan. It’s not because of religion or the North-South thing, no; it is the way things are going. For Obasanjo, one of his ministers from Sokoto, who has been interacting with him, told me that, contrary to my opinion of Obasanjo, he never condones injustice and he tries to be fair. Although he can still be whatever, he tries to weigh and be fair. When he anointed Yar’Adua, we said “okay Yar’Adua will continue what Obasanjo was doing” [and we didn’t want that]. So, automatically, anybody contesting against Yar’Adua then was our candidate. This is how Buhari became our candidate. However, when I drew closer and saw the dirty struggles of politics, I realised that, beyond praying for your candidate to win, there is the need for peace and stability. Consider Syria. Over the course of 40 years, Syrians grew tired of Assad and they started demonstrations with the Arab Spring. What I realise is that change comes slowly and gradually. If it is sudden and acute, it will have a reaction to your action. When Assad agreed that there will be elections, they should have calmed down and voted him out but they insisted that he must step down and, in trying to achieve that, they now have a full-blown war on their hands because they wanted acute change. That is very much akin to the Boko Haram taking over Nigeria now if there is any disturbance from the elections.

Everything is good in its season. ― Egyptian Proverb

They’ll just sweep Nigeria like the Houthis in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a. If there is political violence in 2015, you will see the Boko Haram in Abuja. So, we have to realise that peace is more important than winning elections. Whatever will stabilise the polity is more important, so as we go into the election, there must be fairness. They should give it to whatever wins and anybody that is cheated should go to court. Even during the court cases of Buhari versus Yar’Adua and Buhari versus Jonathan, most of the times the Supreme Court judges acted with the stability of the country in mind and not the fine judgment, because they are so matured to know that the lives of the people are more important than that of an individual or two persons. We need to break down our quest for change and government must be fair to all in order to engender meaningful change. Given your recent admonitions that both Jonathan and Buhari’s aspirations are not worth dying for, who would you recommend for Nigerians as their new president in 2015 in order to eliminate the North-South divide – if it were left to you?

I am now holding a whistle just like a referee, but if I suggest anybody to Nigerians I am no more a referee. So, I am just telling Nigerians to vote who they want to, but they must abstain from post-election violence. Go to the court instead; don’t waste anybody and don’t prevent anybody from campaigning. Don’t use religion to castigate people, let’s speak peace, speak good language and accept our many faults. Finally, what is your take on the recently launched controversial memoir by former president Obasanjo titled ‘My Watch’?

Obasanjo has done a lot for the nation, both good and bad. One of his good deeds was that (as a military man) when they took over with Murtala Mohammed from another military government, they didn’t violate the constitution. Rather, they violated military decrees and, immediately, they took over they promised to put in place a programme for the return to civil rule and they did it. In that light we can say he is a democrat, because his coup was against another ➔ CONTINUED ON PAGE 6


January 2, 2015

Eid Maulud: Jonathan, Fashola, IGP, Others Salute Muslim Faithful

by CHIKA OTUCHIKERE, George Agba, Adesuwa Tsan and Jonathan NdaIsaiah, Abuja and GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos

Prominent Nigerians have been giving their Eid-Maulud messages to Muslim faithful across the country, with a call on Nigerians to ensure that 2015 ends peacefully with a successful general election. President Goodluck Jonathan, who led in the felicitations, assured Nigerians that none of them will be discriminated against in the name of religion, ethnicity or social standing under his watch as president. Jonathan also admitted that corruption, insurgency and slump in oil prices were the major challenges confronting the country at the moment and gave a hint of his New Year action plan to tackle the major issues disturbing Nigerians. In his Eid-El-Maulud message to Muslims, Jonathan felicitated with all Nigerians of the Islamic faith as they commemorated the birth of Prophet Mohammed and urged them to offer special Jumat prayers for successful and peaceful elections in Nigeria in February. In a statement, the presidential spokesman, Dr Reuben Abati, conveyed the president assurances to Muslims and all Nigerians that the federal government will do all within its power to ensure that the general elections next month were free, fair, credible and violence-free. He said, “President Jonathan believes that this is essential to guarantee that Nigeria remains politically stable and continues on a steady path to the fulfilment of its peoples’ collective vision of a strong, united and prosperous nation. “The president also calls on all adherents of Islam in the country to seize the opportunity of the New Year and Eid-el-Maulud holidays to reflect deeply on the need for a greater

application of the Prophet Mohammed’s teachings of piety, charity, tolerance, justice and peaceful co-existence with others in the collective effort to overcome current national challenges.” Meanwhile, President Jonathan has declared that the battle against corruption goes beyond arresting suspects and showing them on television. Speaking at a New Year special service held at the Dunamis International Church, Abuja, the president noted that, in this new year, his administration will concern itself with building institutions and strengthening existing ones so that the system can on its own deal with the issue of containing corruption. He also assured that in the new year, government would redouble its efforts in the battle against the Boko Haram sect, saying: “I can assure you that, like Ebola, we will defeat terrorism.” On the general elections scheduled for next month, the president frowned at a situation whereby some politicians do not mind burning the country, in their desperate quest for power. Senate president David Mark, in his felicitation with Muslims and all Nigerians alike, called on them to reflect on the teaching of Prophet Mohammed and to imbibe his true attributes. Mark, who spoke through his chief press secretary, Paul Mumeh, said, “We should reflect and indeed imbibe the true teachings of Prophet Mohammed . Those attributes of love, selfless services, sacrifice and care especially for the less privileged should of a necessity be our guide today.” Senator Mark further called for constant prayers, honesty and unwavering commitment to the ideals of nationhood on the part, to help the country overcome present challenges, especially insecurity. He implored religious leaders across the divide to always preach love, peace and unity and to consciously stress on those things that unite Nigerians as


one people with a common destiny and heritage. The Senate president gave the assurance that in spite of the anxieties being expressed in some quarters about the conduct of 2015 polls, the exercise would mark a positive turning point in the nation’s political life. Government, he assured, has put in place enough safe guard measures, including an improved security network, to ensure hitch-free polls. “Nigerians now know that our destiny is in our hands. Citizens now know the value of their votes. They can no longer be tele-guided. They would vote according to their choices and the votes will count,” Mark stressed. Senator Mark cautioned against mudslinging and the politics of bitterness because the political space has been widened enough in terms of the number of political parties for everybody to pursue their ambitions. Meanwhile, the inspector-general of police, IGP Suleiman Abba, who joined his Muslim brothers and sisters

across the globe in celebrating the birth of Prophet Mohammed, urged all Muslim Umma to emulate the lifestyle of the Holy Prophet by being kind and accommodating to their neighbours and everyone they come across. Abba, who made the call in a statement by the Force spokesman, Emmanuel Ojukwu, ordered all commands and formations of the Force nationwide to remain alert and ensure the security architecture put in place was improved upon to ensure adequate protection of life and property. The police boss who lauded the hard work of officers and men during the Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year festivities, further directed all officers to be more professional in the course of discharging their duties so that the citizens can have a hitch-free holiday and Eid-el Maulud celebrations. Lagos State Governor Babatunde Fashola, in his message, charged Muslims to imbibe the virtues of humility, sacrifice and sharing as demonstrated by the life and times of

Nigeria’s Peace, Stability More Important Than Winning Election – Gumi ➔ FROM PAGE 5

military government. He has done well and his good intentions engineered his return as president in a democratic dispensation, because they said “this is a soldier”. Also, Obasanjo enjoys international reputation because he never usurped constituted authority. That is why he is regarded highly, a man who took power from the military and handed it over to

the civilians and we have to understand that. For eight years there was stability and when Jonathan began maladministrating Nigeria he came out openly and told the president to correct himself. What do you expect from a leader? If all the leaders we have are like that, Nigeria will progress. It is better than being hypocritical and remaining quiet. Well, he has his memoirs, though many people have written things about

him. He has his own vision of life, which doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly like any other, so I don’t think there is anything unhealthy about this [his book]. For one thing, I was anti-Obasanjo but his courage impresses me, unlike those who just keep quiet. I am not saying that whatever he does is 100 per cent perfect; I didn’t like his privatisation programme, he turned Nigeria into some people’s private property but, generally, courageous leader and Nigerians should be lenient with him.

Evil communications corrupt good manners. ― African Proverb



January 2, 2015

Ogbeogonogo Market Inferno: Police Arrest 23 Suspected Thieves By Kola Eke-Ogiugo, Asaba

The Police detectives in Asaba, Delta State, have arrested no fewer 23 suspected persons in the recent Ogbogonogo Market inferno in Asaba, Delta State. Goods and properties worth millions of Naira at wee hours of Wednesday, were destroyed by fire at a section of the market. But speaking to our correspondent, some officials of the market, after inspecting the extent of the damage by the inferno, described the fire out break as unfortunate and a colossal loss. The commissioner, Bureau for Special Duties, Pastor Powell Ojogho, had appealed to all Deltans and non Deltans resident in the state, to be mindful of fire especially in the present harmathan period to avoid fire disaster, he however commended the state fire service for their quick response that saved other parts of the market from being gutted by the inferno. The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Celestina Kalu, who confirmed the arrest of the suspects, said that the suspects were currently undergoing interrogation following a tip off that led to their arrest by the police. She disclosed that the suspects and some other persons now at large allegedly invaded burnt stores to cart away properties that were still useful to the owners, adding that it was in that regard that the Police detectives sworn into action upon a tip off to execute their arrest. Meanwhile, two communities, Isieke and Umudaike in Asaba and the authorities of Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC) are in disagreement following the refusal of BEDC to restore electricity to the residents after providing money for the repair of the vandalised transformer. A press statement signed on behalf of the residents by one Ogbueshi Ben Odiachi, a copy made available to our correspondent, alleged that rather than using the money provided for them by a philanthropist after four months of darkness, the BEDC refused to restore the light until the communities collect outstanding arrears of bills owed by some members of the community. The aggrieved community however expressed sadness that after providing the fund for the repair of the vandalized transformer, BEDC refused to restore the light until the community collects the outstanding arrears.

A mother of one of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls being consoled by members of the Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) group at the Special New Year Day Session for the Chibok girls in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO BY DELE DAMISA

Jealous Woman Showers Rival With Pepper By Matthew Dike, Lagos

It was a mild drama on the eve of the New Year in Ajegunle area of Lagos State, when a jealous woman sprinkled pepper into the eyes of her rival and lover. The jealous woman identified as Juliana, was said to have gone to the residence of her lover, David, at Ojoro street, but unfortunately he was out with another woman called Esther. A girl, Chinasa informed Juliana in the premises that David went to St Mary’s Catholic Church, Ajegunle.

Juliana was said to have vowed to deal with David and her rival Esther. Chinasa disclosed to LEADERSHIP Friday that Juliana went back home to grind pepper which she wrapped in a nylon. Chinasa said, “Juliana waited for the two lovers along Mba street where she expected them to walk back home. Few minutes to 1am, she saw the two lovers returning and holding each other. Juliana told me she came from behind and sprinkled the pepper in the eyes of David. She said as he was screaming she quickly did same to

the ‘husband’ snatcher who also screamed before she attacked her. “Juliana told me she tore Chinasa’s clothes. She said she had succeeded in tearing her bra and was about doing same to the underwear when some people came to her rescue. Before they would ask her to explain she lied that she was going to call her relations and escaped. She called me on phone to explain what transpired, but I told her she was wicked. She said she escaped to Surulere, but I know she is within Ajegunle, she was lying,” Chinasa said.

New Year Shocker: 4 Family Members Killed In Suspected Food Poison By Kola Eke-Ogiugo, Asaba

In what looks like fables in unbelievable manners yesterday enveloped Ubulunor Community, Delta State, when a four family members were allegedly killed in suspected food poison, making security agents to swung into investigations to uncover the mystery behind their death. Reports said that the victims of inexplicable death were seen bubbling at the New Year watch night eve where hundreds of persons within and outside the community were seen jostling to catch the glimpse of church services before the New Year day. It was reliably gathered that the victims had returned from their various vis-

itations and retired to bed. Sources said that the victims’ death was noticed at about 2:30pm when their peer groups visited their house to invite them for a village party said to have been organised by the youths in the community. But this was not to be when the four persons between the ages of 21, 22, 23 and 24 were allegedly noticed with white foam emitting from their mouths. Police Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Celetsina Kalu when contacted denied of such incident, assuring that she was going to investigate the report before getting back to the press. A police officer in the area, who did not want his name in the print, however confirmed that the security agents in the area have

Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. ― Nigerian Proverb

commenced a full scale investigation to uncover the circumstances that led to their untimely death. A relation of one of the victims, one Ogbueshi Stephen said, “we family members have suspected that the victims were poisoned because of the white foam that was coming out of their mouths. At the watch night day, they were bubbling with lives and I do not imagine how come they retired to sleep and did not wake up until it was discovered at 2:30pm.” With the death of the youths, palpable tension and fear of the unknown have enveloped the community and neighbouring communities with its residents calling for proper investigation into their death.


January 2, 2015

Fireworks Blind Boy, 10, On New Year’s Day By MATTHEW DIKE, Lagos

A ten- year-old boy who was playing with fireworks in Olodi- Apapa area of Lagos State, on New Year Day, has turned up in a hospital blind. The boy identified as Tajudeen Akomolafe, reportedly got blind by the firecracker which exploded in his face along Tolu road, at about 12.15am. A man, Friday had scratched the firecracker against a box of matches and was waiting for it to detonate, but to no avail. Akomolafe was said to have picked the firecracker up and attempted to examine it when it exploded in his face. An eye witness, Emmanuel told LEADERSHIP Friday that he believed the cracker blinded the victim. His words: “The way blood was gushing out from his eyes I don’t think the

boy will see with his eyes again. His nose and lips were also affected. The firecracker made terrible sound when it exploded. The man who bought the firecracker vanished into thin air immediately he noticed that the boy was injured. Somebody called him Friday. Some people who know the victim were said to have rallied round and took him to a private hospital where the patient was rejected. They said a doctor referred them to general hospital.” In another development, children playing with firecrackers at Bale street, Ajegunle set a generating set ablaze with the item. The residents had to out out the fire before it spread to the building. Policemen attached to Ajegunle division arrested many people detonating firecrackers in the area.

Kogi State First Lady, Hajiya Halima Ladi Wada, donating items and cash to the family of the first baby of the year, during her visit to the family at the hospital in Lokoja, yesterday. PHOTO BY government house

Police Recover 24 Explosives In Kano BY Abubakar Salihi, Kano

Kano State Police Command yesterday said it recovered 24 high-calibre explosive devices, 546 ammunitions and 85 arms in 2014. In an end of the year report made available to newsmen in Kano, the state commissioner of police, Alhaji Adenrele Shinaba disclosed that his command recorded tremendous achievement in crime prevention and detection, thereby providing a relative security of lives and property across the state. “We were able to arrest 482 armed robbers and suspects of violent crimes, recovered 85 arms, 546 ammunitions. Recovered 125 stolen and abandoned vehicles. The number of rape suspects

is 214, suspects charged for homicide 27 and 24 high-calibre explosive devices,” he stated. According to him, this achievement is owed to the cordial synergy with all the sister security organisations, state government, traditional institutions, members of the Press and the good people of Kano State. He added that members of the public had greatly assisted the command in tackling insurgent activities in the state, thereby relegating their activities to the barest minimum. The police commissioner disclosed that the command witnessed a total of 578 capital crimes committed in 2014, which indicated a slash against the year 2013.

L-R: First Lady of Lagos State, Dame Abimbola Fashola, carrying the first baby of the year 2015 in the state. With her are the parents of the baby, Mr and Mrs Ogunnaike, at the hospital the baby was born, yesterday in Lagos. PHOTO BY GBENGA OLAJOBI

2015: Ekiti To Procure 20 Armoured Carriers, Patrol Vehicles BY Alo Abiola, Ado-Ekiti

Ahead of the February general elections, Ekiti State Governor Ayo Fayose has promised provide 20 new patrol vehicles, armoured personnel carriers and other necessary support to enhance policing in the state. A statement signed by his chief press secretary, Mr Idowu Adelusi, in Ado-Ekiti yesterday, said the Fayose administration was determined to support the Nigeria Police and other security agencies in tackling the security challenges in the state. Governor Fayose said the patrol vehicles and the APCs would be given to the police in the state as soon as they were procured, the state government was liaising with commercial banks on the issue. He said, “We are monitoring some areas where criminals such as kidnappers are using for their operation. The issue of security goes beyond leaving it for the police alone. We are going to buy 20 new patrol vehicles for the police and set up

rapid response team. “Also, Armoured Personnel Carriers will be procured with the help of some banks. We have already beefed up security at Ado Prisons, a new comptroller has been sent and we are glad that those changes were made there, as there was connivance by some people there with those who broke into the prison recently,” he said. On water supply, the governor noted that rehabilitation work had commenced at various water dams across the state. Fayose said the education sector was being re-positioned, saying technical education would be given priority, as that was necessary to produce middle level manpower and artisans for the state “We will revive the sector and we will rehabilitate the colleges and we are starting with the technical college in AdoEkiti,”he added. He added that the state government had approved the payment of bursary, adding that local governments had been mandated to commence payment.

Wife of Osun Governor, Ambassador Sherifat Aregbesola with first baby of the year 2015 in the state. With her are the parents of the baby, Mr and Mrs Rauf Adekunle, at Ijugbe Oja-Ale Primary School, Ode-Omu, State of Osun, yesterday. PHOTO BY GOVERMENT HOUSE

Rivers State PDP governorship candidate, Barrister Nyesom Ezenwo Wike and his running mate, Dr (Mrs) Ipalibo Banigo, admiring the first baby of the year at Hilton Hospital, Port Harcourt, during their New Year visit to the hospital.

January 2, 2015



January 2, 2014

Group News Editor: Tony Amokeodo

Adeboye Allays Fears Of Insurgency, Ebola In 2015 President Goodluck Jonathan (middle); his mother, Eunice (left); Pastor Paul Enenche and his wife, Becky, during New Year Day church service at Dunamis International Gospel Church, Abuja, yesterday PHOTO BY REMI AKUNLEYAN

APC Welcomes Jonathan’s Commitment To Credible, Violence-free Polls Bayo Oladeji, Abuja

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has welcomed the stated commitment of President Goodluck Jonathan, in his New Year message, to the conduct of free, fair and violence-free elections this year, but urged the president to match his words with action. In a statement issued in Lagos yeswterday by its national publicity secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party expressed satisfaction that the president and his party had come out publicly to join the APC in pledging commitment to successful and violence-free polls next month. “In a statement we issued on December 28, 2014, we assured Nigerians that we will do everything in our power to make the 2015 elections violence-free. Since

then, PDP national chairman Adamu Muazu and the president have joined us in making similar pledges. This is a welcome development that will gladden the hearts of our citizens who are very apprehensive about the forthcoming elections,’’ it said. APC, however, said the best way to make the elections free, fair and devoid of violence is for the federal government to ensure a level playing field for all the parties by not tampering with the independence of INEC, not using the security agencies to witch-hunt the opposition and not deliberately disenfranchising those qualified to vote “If an election is free, fair and transparent - and seen to be so by all, it will be easy for all concerned to accept the outcome, and there will be no violence. Violence only occurs when there is a real-

ization that the process has been skewed against some and in favour of others,’’ the party said. It restated its assurance to Nigerians and the international community that it will do all in its power to make sure that the 2015 general election is violence-free “We also restate our stand that even with the little time left for the election to hold, a meeting of the leadership of the two main political parties, the APC and the PDP, will send a powerful message to our compatriots and indeed the international community and douse the tension that is building up ahead of the election,’’ APC said. The party urged them to be prepared to use their votes to install a government that will make their dreams come true and make Nigeria a proud member of the comity of nations.

Calabar Carnival: Master Blasta Wins Again By SOLOMON NDA-ISAIAH, Calabar

The 2014 edition of the Calabar Carnival had in attendance different celebrities dressed up in their various costumes for the carnival train. The carnival is a display of the African heritage showcased through music, dance, drama and visual creativity with a blend of western spice and flavour, which reflect in the design of floats and costumes. The Calabar Carnival is believed to be the largest cultural festival in Africa, with a numerical claim of 50,000 costumed revellers, two million spectators and an audience of over 50 million television viewers according to organisers. For the third year in a row, Masta Blasta band in the annual fiesta took the lead in an enduring 16-kilometre parade which cli-

maxed at the U.J. Esuene Stadium early Sunday morning. Although other bands such as Passion Four, Freedom Band, Seagull and Bayside proved their skills at the event, the tiara was adjudged to fit the Masta Blasta, which took the streets by storm, featuring twin singers and dancers, P-Square. Other notable celebrities at this year’s event include Kate Henshaw, Jim Iyke and Don Flexx. The 2014 edition of the carnival, which is the last for the Imoke-led administration, was also attended by the Israeli ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Uriel Palti, and his wife as well as former Rwandan envoy to Nigeria Ambassador Joseph Habineza. Touted as the biggest street party in Africa, the carnival which entered its 10th edition this year, was flagged off by Cross Riv-

er State Governor Liyel Imoke. Imoke, who described the show as unique in promoting talents and unity among Nigerians, said going by the theme of this year’s carnival, “Celebration Time,” the people of Cross River State had remained united as one throughout the year. According to the governor, plans are already in place to privatise the carnival which he described as a big boost to the economy of the state. He urged successful government in the state to ensure that the carnival is sustained in the years ahead, saying, “This year’s carnival is my last carnival as the governor of this state, but I believe it will continue in the years ahead. It has truly become the ambassador event for Africa. There must be continuity in leadership which is very critical for us.”

Between two stools one goes (falls) to the ground

*Says all will be well in Nigeria after 2015 polls By GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos

The general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has allayed the twin fears of insurgency and Ebola Virus Disease rocking, saying they will be weakened across the globe in the new year. Adeboye, who declined to speak on the outcome of the country’s forthcoming polls because of the sensitivity of the election year, made the predictions at the crossover service held at the Redemption Camp, Kilometre 46, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State, to usher in year 2015. He said there was no need to lose sleep over the peace and unity of the country, saying all will be well with the country after the polls. “Unfortunately, because it is election year, I can’t tell you all that God told me about Nigeria, but I will tell you this: “By the end of the year, many will say ‘all is well that ends well,’” he said. He emphatically said the dreaded Ebola Virus Disease, which has killed over 7,000 people so far, will finally die in the New Year, urging the mammoth crowd that turned up for the service to pray fervently against it. The frontline clergyman revered for his precise predictions added that God said the world should pray against “massive calamities, massive earthquakes and strong hurricanes and typhoons.” He said other prophecies would be relayed to them through their pastors, and urged members of the church, who obeyed the instruction to fast for 100 days in 2014, to expect a great harvest of blessings from God in the New Year. Adeboye said God told him that 2015 will be a year of fulfilled dreams, miraculous completion of projects, miraculous restorations and a year that will be replete with testimonies such that “those who have none before will have some this year.” He said scientific and medical breakthroughs will be many, particular in the areas of brain disorder and insomnia.



January 2, 2015

Paucity Of Fund Won’t Slow Me Down - Aregbesola By JOSHUA DADA, Osogbo

Osun State governor, Mr. Rauf Aregbesola has said that his administration will do everything possible to ensure that it is not slowed down in any way by the unpleasant financial weather. The governor in a New Year broadcast yesterday held that his government is poised to meet and surpass the target it has set for the development of the state. Aregbesola also noted that ongoing projects in road construction and rehabilitation will continue even as new ones will commence where necessary. Recounting happenings in the year 2014, the governor pointed out the year as one with financial challenges like no other when allocation from the Federation Account dipped to less than 25 per cent of what the state used to get. He said, “The year 2014 witnessed an unmatched upsurge in sectarian violence and wanton destruction of lives and property in some states in the northern part of the country. “This is most regrettable. I will like to express our heart-felt condolence to the government and people of the states affected. “I want to call on you all to be vigilant and security conscious. Please report all suspicious activities and strange behaviours capable of undermining security of lives to the police, security agencies and other relevant authorities. “We look forward to the New Year with hope and courage. We shall do everything possible to ensure we are not slowed down in any way by the inclement financial weather”. The governor urged Nigerians to take wise electoral decisions that would redirect Nigeria into peace, prosperity and safety, away from the current course of chaos, insecurity and poverty come February general elections. Aregbesola charged those that are yet to collect their permanent voter cards to collect theirs at the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)’s offices at the various local government areas. He stressed that Osun State has learnt in the past four years to brace up to the responsibility of developing the state by generating its own income through productivity. He said, “We must brace up to the responsibility of developing our state, generate our own income through productivity and wealth creation and change the culture of dependency on others for our sustenance. “In the last couple of months, some of you have had to endure hardship and make sacrifices on account of dwindling income. This is unusual and we are doing everything possible to address it. “We shall resolve this and return smile to the faces of those affected, especially workers in the state. We shall deploy all our God-given resources, human and material, to shore up our revenue base.”

One of the victims of bomb explosion At Tudun-Wada in Gombe receiving treatment in an undisclosed hospital, yesterday. PHOTO BY NAN

Sacked Taraba Acting Governor Withdraws From Senatorial Race By Andrew Ojih, Jalingo

The acting governor of Taraba State, Alhaji Sani Danladi, has said that the sacked acting governor of the state, Alhaji Garba Umar, has withdrawn his Taraba North senatorial candidacy for him. Danladi stated this yesterday in Jalingo when he was unveiled as the new Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate for the zone by the state’s party chairman, Mr. Victor Bala. He stressed that Umar being an elder brother to him, was magnanimous to for-

feit his senatorial ambition to his “cherished younger brother”. He promised absolute loyalty to the PDP, saying that he would continue to contribute his quota to the development of the party. Responding, the state party chairman, Mr Victor Bala, said Danladi was ordained by God to become the PDP’s flag bearer in the zone. He expressed optimism that Danladi would deliver the zone to the PDP come 2015, given his influence and popularity in the area. On the party’s preparation against the

coming elections, Bala said the PDP had concluded arrangement to defeat the opposition parties in the state in the general elections. LEADERSHIP Friday recalls that Umar had reportedly withdrawn from his governorship ambition of the state earlier which led to the emergence of Mr. Darius Ishaku as the party’s governorship candidate. The former acting governor later emerged as the party’s senatorial candidate for the zone after he reportedly defeated the former governor of the state, Rev. Jolly Nyame.

PDP Decries Bad Governance In Yobe, Calls For Total Emancipation BY MUH’D ZANGINA KURA, Dutse

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Yobe State has called for unity and commitment among party members to emancipate the state from the bad leadership that stunted its development in the last 16 years. The state party caretaker chairman, Alhaji Sule Dogo made the call while speaking at a reconciliation meeting with party leaders, candidates, aspirants and aggrieve members held in Dutse, Jigawa State capital. He said that it is a matter of sacrifice and patriotism for all people of the state to unite

and vote out the APC from the state Government House in the forthcoming election to pave way for a better future for the state. In his speech at the meeting one of the founding fathers of the party in the state and also minister for Science and Technology, Dr Abdullahi Bulama said, for the party to win elections at all levels in the state all the party members must work as a single family and bury their differences. The minister lamented that Yobe State is far from the dreams of its founding fathers and is now among the most backward states in the federation as a result of the 16 years

of poor governance. “ Yobe State is in critical condition that required a total sacrifice and patriotism to liberate our people from the shackles of poverty, agony, illiteracy and other indices of backwardness that had become a hallmark of our state in the last 16 years. “I am very optimistic that, if we are united and vote for PDP in 2015 all the above mentioned problems would be over, and all kinds of social and infrastructural development we are seeing in neighbouring states like Jigawa and Bauchi would be available in our state,” the minister said.

hope even at the present circumstances. The former minister in a statement made available to newsmen in Kaduna yesterday said, “2015 provides us all a chance to change our country and our state by electing leaders who can provide good governance, and put us on the path to peace, progress and prosperity. Nigerians face monumental choices in the coming 2015 elections. I am hopeful that Nigerians will embrace social harmony, resist division and

rediscover the sustained solidarity that is needed to collectively tackle the grave problems that menace.” “As we all welcome the New Year, 2015, I urge the people to look with optimism to the future, and better times for Kaduna State and Nigeria. The past year featured quite a few threats and challenges, including worsening insecurity, a gloomy economy and continuing difficulties with job-creation and growing poverty.

El-Rufai Urges Nigerians Not To Lose Hope Over Nation’s Challenges BY MIDAT JOSEPH, Kaduna

Former minister of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT and All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate in Kaduna State, Mal. Nasir El-Rufai has asked Nigerians to remain hopeful for a better and new Nigeria. El-Rufai who saluted the people of Kaduna State and all Nigerians over the New Year celebration, said Nigerians must not lose

A good anvil does not fear the hammer.

Egyptian Proverb

12/ NEWS

January 2, 2015

Controversy Over el-Rufai’s Attendance Of Afan Festival In Kagoro By Isaiah Benjamin, Kaduna

Resident priest of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Gwagwalada, Abuja, Rev. Fr. Sam Okorie, sprinkling holy water on parishioners during a Cross Over vigil mass at the church, yesterday. PHOTO BY NAN

Buhari Takes Campaign Online With New Sites By Ebriku John Friday, Abuja

The presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari, has launched new websites in a bid to respond to the barrage of falsehoods making the rounds against his person. Buhari made the announcement on his twitter handle @thisisbuhari yesterday as he kick-started his presidential campaign ahead of the February 15 presidential poll and sent his New Year message to his supporters on the social media platform. The sites, according to Buhari, are an avenue to get the facts about him and help address the many “lies” spreading

around. He said the ‘Get the Facts’ link on http://thisisbuhari.com also takes you directly to this platform: #GetTheFacts #ThingsMustChange #GMB15 He said, “As we welcome the New Year, we are also announcing the launch of the very important site, FactChecki. ng. #ThingsMustChange #GMB15 “As the campaign for #Change is ramped up, this site will address and dismiss the many untruths about our vision and our campaign. Very well done to the volunteer team that delivered this. If you see any issues you want addressed, please email lies@factchecki. ng.” He, however, added that as he combats the distractions, his focus must re-

main on his vision, plans and solutions for #Nigeria. He also urged his supporters to share his party’s message on reviving the economy, spreading wealth, solving power, creating jobs and tackling corruption. #GMB15 He said, “Remind your friends and family that we cannot settle for a Nigeria of the barest minimum, when we have what we need to truly be great. A country defined by corruption, by mediocrity, by waste and by insecurity cannot deliver the future that we desperately need. “The site is now live. You can go to FactChecki.ng now. Happy New Year to you and yours. #GMB15 #ThingsMustChange.”

Jerry Gana, Fani-Kayode, Peter Obi, Others Appointed Jonathan’s Campaign Directors By Ebriku John Friday, Abuja

Former minister of information and member of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Board of Trustees, Prof Jerry Gana, former aviation minister, Femi Fani-Kayode, and former Anambra State governor, Peter Obi, have been named as President Goodluck Jonathan’s Campaign directors. Others who made the list include former minister, Tunde Adeniran, special duties minister, Kabiru Turaki, former minister of information, Aliyu Umar, former finance minister and senator, Nenadi Usman. Also named are former Senator Nimi

Amange, Emmanuel Imohe, PDP’s national youth leader, Abdullahi Maibasira and deputy director-general of Goodluck Support Group, Prof Nick Eze. The presidential campaign team headed by a former PDP national chairman, Chief Ahmadu Ali, will be inaugurated by Jonathan on Monday in Abuja, ahead of the February 14 presidential poll. A release by the special adviser to the president on political matters, Prof Rufai Alkali, yesterday, said the inauguration will take place at the PDP Presidential Campaign Office, the Legacy House, in the Maitama District of Abuja by 2pm.

The release also stated that the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the PDP, Tony Anenih, has been appointed the national campaign adviser. Adeniran will serve as deputy directorgeneral of the campaign’s head office, while Turaki and Obi, will serve as deputy directors-general for the North and South respectively. Fani-Kayode will be the director of media and publicity, while Gana heads the campaign’s Contact and Mobilisation Unit. Aliyu Umar will head the Directorate of Administration and Logistics, while Usman, takes charge of Finance Directorate.

Christmas comes but once a year, but when it comes, it brings good cheer.

Controversy is now trailing the attendance of this year Afan Festival in Kagoro, Kaduna by the APC governorship candidate in Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai. The former FCT minister was said have left the event midway yesterday on the grounds that the event was almost turning into a political event. Prominent indigenes of the state from different walks of life, including Vice President Namadi Sambo, Kaduna State Governor Ramalan Yero, el –Rufai, the host, Chief of Kagoro, Mr. Ufuwai Bonet and others attended the event. But el-Rufai and some of his aides suddenly left the event before Bonet delivered his speech. Efforts to get the response of el-Rufai’s spokesman, Bar Mohammed Soba, on why his principal left the event midway proved abortive as several calls and test messages sent to his phone were not responded to at press time. In his remarks at the event, Yero disclosed that plans have been concluded to upgrade the Kafanchan Campus of the Kaduna State University (KASU) to fully fledged Kaduna State University of Technology Kafanchan (KSUT) by the state government. According to the governor, a technical committee will soon be inaugurated to begin the process of establishing the university. He said, “In view of the challenges being faced in securing admission into universities by our students, our administration has concluded plans to upgrade the Kafanchan Campus of the Kaduna State University (KASU) into a fullfledged University of Technology. A technical committee with Prof A. Abdulrasheed as chair and Prof Barnabas Qurix as deputy will soon be inaugurated to begin this process.”

NAPPS FCT Donates Hand Sanitisers To Schools By Peter Agbo Ekele, Abuja

The National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS), Federal Capital Territory (FCT) chapter has donated tons of hand sanitisers to schools in Abuja, with a view to sustaining the culture of hygiene occasioned by the outbreak of Ebola virus in the country in 2014. The donation was made when the association was giving a cross-section of the less-privileged Christmas and New Year treat in the FCT. Speaking at the occasion, the president of NAPPS, FCT chapter, Hajiya Samira Jibrin, commended the federal government for ridding Nigeria of Ebola, saying teaching and learning would not have been possible if the Ebola virus was still in Nigeria. She noted that the distribution of the hand sanitisers to schools in the nation’s capital was part of its contributions to the sustenance of the conducive learning provided by the absence of the Ebola virus, adding that continued practice of hand washing and other hygiene practices would definitely keep the pupils healthy and fit for school activities.


January 2, 2015

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January 2, 2015

A/Ibom Holds Solemn Assembly To Usher In 2015 By Bernard Tolani Dada, Uyo

Government and people of Akwa Ibom State in collaboration with the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), is set to hold a one day Solemn Assembly/Thanksgiving Service to usher in the New Year. The thanksgiving service, with the theme, “It is a good thing to give thanks to God” is slated to hold at the Ibom Hall Grounds today at 12pm. The occasion, will have the state governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio, as the special guest of honour. Also expected are the wife of the governor, Mrs. Ekaette Unoma Akpabio and the deputy governor, Lady Valerie Ebe. According to the state commissioner for Orientation and Communication, the thanksgiving service, which has become an annual event in the state, also serves as an opportunity to bring people from all walks of life together in appreciation of the goodness of God and to commit the affairs of the government and people of the state to God at the beginning of every year. The speaker of the State House of Assembly, Elder Sam Ikon and members of the State House of Assembly, the state chief judge, Justice Idongesit Ntem Isua, and members of the Bar and Bench are billed to attend. Also invited are the secretary to the state government (SSG) Nkereuwem Ekanem; the Head of Civil Service, Mrs. Cecilia Udoessien, commissioners, permanent secretaries and heads of extra-ministerial departments.

New Year Critical To Survival Of Democracy – Okorie By PAUL UWADIMA, Abuja

The presidential candidate of the United Progressive Party (UPP) Chief Chekwas Okorie has said that the New Year is critical to the survival of democracy in Nigeria even as he admonished Nigerians to exercise their franchise in the coming general elections and vote out incompetent leaders. Chief Okorie made the assertion in a statement issued by the chairman Chekwas Okorie Presidential Campaign Organisation (COPCO), Chief Flint Obiekwe and made available to LEADERSHIP Friday in Abuja yesterday, saying 2015 is a year of decision as the electorate decide and choose those who will lead the nation in the next four years. He said, “The February 2015 general election is critical for the survival of our frail democracy. It is time for change. It is time to vote out political office holders who have impoverished the citizenry and shattered the people’s hope of a great, prosperous and just democratic nation. It is time to elect visionary, purposeful, patriotic and dynamic leaders that will usher peace, security, employment, justice and improve the people’s standards of living.

Members of Young Traders Associaion of Nigeria (YTAN) during a rally in support of President Goodluck Jonathan re-election in Abuja.

Yobe PDP Governorship Aspirants Reject Waziri As Flagbearer By Adesuwa Tsan, Abuja

Following an alleged resolution of the stalemate recorded in Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)’s governorship primary in Yobe State by Vice President Namadi Sambo, frontline gubernatorial aspirants in the state, Malam Ibrahim Talba and Alhaji Hassan Kafayos, have dissociated themselves from the purported resolution that led to the emergence of Adamu Waziri as the flagbearer of the party. This is just as they have vowed to continue with their legal action to stop what they described as an attempt to impose a candidate on the party through undemocratic means. The two frontline aspirants who had duly obtained both the expression of interest and nomination forms to contest the gubernatorial primary, said in a statement made available to LEADERSHIP Friday yesterday that they were surprised to learn that while they were working towards seeing to the resolution of the matter in a legally recognised and democratic manner, a meeting was called in Kaduna between their two other colleagues, Adamu Maina Waziri and Yarima Ngama with Vice President Namadi Sambo presiding. They added that at the end of the

meeting, it was “claimed that the stalemate has been resolved and that the aspirants have now agreed to work with Waziri as the PDP gubernatorial flag bearer in the state”. Rejecting the outcome of the alleged meeting, Talba and Kafayos faulted the entire meeting and its purported outcome and resolutions because the convener and participants in the meeting pretended that the primary was “only between Adamu Maina Waziri and Yarima Ngama when the whole world is aware that the issue was way beyond the two as it is on record that four persons obtained forms to contest the primary before the logjam”. Going further, they said for the Kaduna meeting to try to give the impression that the entire aspirants in the Yobe PDP have agreed to the decision taken at the meeting is a fraud which should not be associated with any person that lays claim to personal integrity, while insisting that they are bona fide aspirants in the race for the PDP ticket and that any effort to resolve the issue must factor them. in as they did not go into the contest for the fun of it but to give the people of the state quality leadership which they believe they are immensely qualified to offer.

“We expect that as a vice president and one of the leaders of our great party, that the VP should have availed himself of the details in the issue before offering to mediate and if he had done so, he would have saved himself embarrassment of being deceived that there are only two aspirants in the race for the governorship ticket of the PDP in Yobe and would have reached out to all of us in the spirit of fairness,” they stated. Talba and Kafayos said much as they tried to overlook the issue as a probable error, they cannot fail to see the sleight of hand similar to the one that purportedly threw up Waziri as the purported flag bearer of the party in the state, where 19 out of the a total of 670 delegates were said to have elected him. “We realise that the struggle to entrench truth and the tenets of democracy comes with challenges due to the bid by some to circumvent the process out of selfish interests , but we shall not relent in our efforts to see that the right things are done and we are by this calling on the leadership of the PDP to take note that as far as we are concerned PDP in Yobe does not have a candidate yet as no primary has been held for that purpose.”

Politics Is Not Made In Abuja – Araraume By Stanley Uzoaru, Owerri

A Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) aspirant who is claiming victory of the gubernatorial primary held in Imo State, Senator Ifeanyi Araraume has advised his fellow contestants for the governorship race of the state to start from the grassroots rather than depending on the strength of the corridors of power in

Abuja. Araraume who stated this during his campaign in Owerri, the state capital maintained that his efforts in building his structure at the grassroots paved the way for his success in politics in the state. He noted that he never had a delegate prior to the gubernatorial primary but triumphed because of his grassroots background.

Every tub must stand on its own bottom.

Egyptian Proverb

“I never had a delegate, it was just one man and three women but you can see the result, we are telling those who rely on Abuja that politics is not played in Abuja, it is localized,” Araraume stated. Araraume who stated that he has contributed so much to the party in the state, however affirmed that he would emerge victorious in 2015 if given the PDP ticket.


January 2, 2015

ALL PROGRESSIVES CONGRES Justice, Peace & Unity Office of The National Legal Adviser

December 29, 2014 The Managing Partner, Festus Keyamo Chambers, 1, Festus Keyamo Lane, Off Gbagada Expressway, Behind HotelNewcastle, Anthony Village, Lagos 13, Nouakchott Street, Near Keystone Bank (Formerly Bank PHB), Wuse Zone 1, FCT, Abuja. ATIENTION: BENECDICTA N. 0BANYE/B. I. DAKUM, ESQ. Dear Sir, RE: PETITION AGAINST AMINU BELLO MASARI FOR THE PRESENTATION OF FORGED CERTIFICATE TO INEC CONTRARY TO SECTION 182(1)(J) OF THE 1999 CONSTITUTION The above caption and your letter dated December 18, 2014 referred. We write in response to your letter referred to above wherein you (as solicitors to Senator Mahmud Kanti Bello) raised certain allegations in opposition to nomination of Hon. Aminu Bello Masari as our gubernatorial candidate for the upcoming Kastina State general election. In the said letter you raised two major allegations namely: I. financial sponsorship of Hon. Aminu Bello Masari’s campaign by ta member of PDP with the hope of disqualifying him before or after the general election; and II. presentation of forged certificate to INEC. Please be informed that the National Working Committee of our great Party has considered your letter with particular reference to the said allegations and do not find the allegations raised therein meritorious. It is based on the foregoing that we are unable to reverse the nomination of Hon. Aminu Bello Masari as our gubernatorial candidate for Kastina State general election scheduled to come up in February, 2014. We thank you and your client for taking the time to write to us.

National Legal Adviser

16/ NEWS NATIONAL Road Safety: NEMA Flags Off Operation Eagle Eye In South East By Nnamdi Mbawike, Enugu

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has flagged off the 2014 “Operation Eagle Eye” exercise in the South East zone. The exercise is in line with the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action against road crashes. South East zonal coordinator of NEMA, Major James Eze, who spoke at the event held at 9th Mile Corner in Udi council area of Enugu State, said the annual operation is aimed at reducing road crashes in major roads especially during the yuletide or peak periods. According to him, the exercise is always carried out during festive periods such as Christmas, in collaboration with the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC). Eze further explained that the operation is in line with the UN Decade of Action on road mishaps which commenced in 2010 to climax in 2020. “We are strategising to reduce road crashes; the ultimate aim is to ensure that our people enjoy free flow of traffic. “We have cutting edge instruments to help accident victims when they are trapped; we have the kits to help them out,” he stated. He explained that the 10-day programme, expected to last between 24th December, 2014, and 2nd January, 2015, would begin from 7am to 6pm daily.

Economy: Buhari Group Calls For Finance Minister’s Resignation By Abah Adah, Abuja

In response to the conflicting signals regarding the wellbeing of Nigerian economy in recent times, a political group in support of the All Progressives Congress (APC)’s presidential candidate for the 2015 elections, known as Buhari Support Group (BSG), has called on Mrs Ngozi OkonjoIweala to do the honourable thing and quit as finance minister and coordinating minister of the economy. In a statement, coordinator of the BSG in Kaduna State, Hon Suleiman Kwari, said the resignation of the minister was long overdue as that is the practice in civilized societies where the Hon Minister has operated in the past three decades. According to Kwali, the minister, before tendering her resignation, must however explain to Nigerians why government failed to forecast free fall of oil prices and why necessary steps were not taken to guide against foreseen shocks in the global oil market in the face of alternative energy sources, wondering what happened to the country’s back-up accounts. “The prized but equally difficult job of managing a struggling economy in the face of increasing terrorists attacks and dwindling oil revenues requires an economist whose pedigree speaks volume and not some Bretton woods-trained town planner.”

January 2, 2015

L-R: APC candidate for Enugu North House of Assembly, Hon Usman Yusuf Eze; national chairman of the Forum for Patriotic Members (FOPAMEC) of APC, Alhaji Lawal Garba and chief of staff to General Muhammadu Buhari, Col. Hamidu Ali, during a political strategy meeting in support of Buhari/ Osibanjo presidential ticket in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO BY OYEDELE OMOKAGBO

2015: Rivers Won’t Return To Dark Days – Amaechi By Anayo Onukwugha, Port Harcourt

Rivers State governor, Hon Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, has charged the people of the state not to allow the state to return to the dark days of militancy and criminality. This is as he promised to give account of his stewardship before the end of his tenure. Amaechi gave the charge yesterday, during his New Year broadcast to the people of the state, urging them to vote wisely in the forthcoming general elections in order to maintain the prevailing peace in the state. Amaechi said: “We must agree that in

2015, the Year of Change, we would not either by acts of omission or commission allow our state to return to the dark inglorious years when we were a pariah, witnessing the fault lines of criminality and militancy in our region. Never again shall we go back to violence, armed gangs and destruction of our assets. “Never again will our children become cannon fodder for a greedy and self-serving few whose consciences have been seared with iron. Never again will we allow our laughter ring hollow because of the pain of a prostrate economy. “We must join hands to guarantee the

future of our present and future generations, the right to vote and be voted for, and above all, the right to enthrone peaceful change with our votes and bring about those things that we have been clamouring for. “2015 is important for us as a people determined to take our destiny in our own hands through the choices we may make. “We are aware that the actual change of baton is still a little far off, though political activities are already in full gear and elections are around the corner. Our administration is, however, mindful of the tasks still ahead,” the governor said.

I Have Revived IBB University – Kolo By Abu Nmodu, Minna

The outgoing vice chancellor of the Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida University (IBBU), Lapai, Professor Ibrahim Kolo has said that he has revived the university he met in limbo amidst paucity of funds. He explained while handing over to the new vice chancellor of the university, Prof Mohammed Maituare on Tuesday at the Temporary Senate Chamber that the university was in serious financial crisis when he took over in 2009. Kolo, however, said that he was leaving a fulfilled man after repositioning and setting a solid development foundation for the institution

within five years of his tenure as vice chancellor of the institution. In his valedictory address tagged “Consolidation of the founding of a University, a Testimony Account at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University (2010-2014), an account of Service as Vice Chancellor, IBBU”, Prof Kolo noted that he worked assiduously for the accreditation of the university programmes within five months of his resumption. He said, “There were 26 academic programmes in IBBU; suffice it to say that none of the undergraduate programmes of the university had undergone accreditation by the National Universities Commission (NUC) when I

assumed duty as the vice chancellor. Matters were compounded by the paucity of funds, noncommencement of preparation and lack of direction in preparing for the impending accreditation for which NUC had issued a final letter requiring the university to conduct it in February 2010”. “As at today, most of the programmes have been accredited,” he declared, while lamenting that non-release of funds accruable from the 25 local governments of the state to the institution amounting to over N350million has hindered the smooth operation of the university and, therefore, called on the new vice chancellor to follow up on the release of the money.

ism and counter-insurgency. According to a press statement by the Niger State public relations officer (PRO) of the NSCDC, Ibrahim Yahaya, yesterday in Minna, the essence of the training is to prepare officers and men of the corps to carry out their constitutionally assigned role of protecting government’s critical infrastructure including protection of petroleum pipelines from vandals. The statement said that the commander, 313 Artillery Brigade, Brigadier Gener-

al Abba Mohammed Dikko, in his address, tasked all the graduands to make effective use of what they have learnt from the centre as the federal government deemed such training necessary most especially for job efficiency and improvement in productivity. The commander urged the officers to sustain the unity of the nation and tasked them to have Nigeria at heart by fighting the nation’s economic saboteurs who are indulging in pipeline vandalism.

Army Trains 142 NSCDC Officers In Counter-terrorism By Abu Nmodu, Minna

The Nigerian Army has completed the training of 142 officers and men of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Niger State Command, at its 313 Artillery Regiment Brigade, Minna, on counter-terrorism and insurgency. The officers who were drawn from Zone D Command, State Headquarters and Divisional Offices were trained on the rudiments of weapon handling, counter-terror-

A good anvil does not fear the hammer.

Egyptian Proverb


January 2, 2015

Don’t Drag Us Into Politics, Ekiti Nut Warns Politicians By Alo Abiola, Ado Ekiti

Public primary and secondary school teachers in Ekiti State have cautioned politicians in the state against dragging them into politics. Acting under the auspices of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), they said the body voted against Dr Kayode Fayemi in the June 21, 2014 governorship election for allegedly introducing anti-teachers policies during his tenure. The body was reacting to a programme aired on an Akure, Ondo State-based Radio Station, where some teachers were alleged to have phoned Fayemi, who was appearing on a live programme and apologised on behalf of their members, having now spotted the difference between the former governor and the incumbent, Mr Ayodele Fayose. The state NUT chairman, Comrade Samuel Akosile, in a statement, described those who rendered the apologies as Fayemi’s apologists and not members of the union. While advising the former governor to refrain from dragging the body into politics, Akosile said, “In as much as we do not want to be dragged into politics because we are civil servants and unionists, we feel constrained to ask former Governor Fayemi and his apologists who deserves apology, Fayemi or Ekiti teachers in this matter? “Do we need to apologise for refusing to sit for an examination that was meant to retrench us? Do we need to apologise for going on strike for demanding our rights for the payment of 27.5%? Do we need to apologise for standing up as a union to oppose policies that are inimical to educational development and teachers’ welfare?” Akosile described the statement credited to the All Progressives Congress (APC) commending the teachers for showing remorse and tendering apologies as uncalled for. He said the teachers have not been subjected to any dehumanising treatment under Fayose to warrant any lamentation by his members. The NUT leader added: “Must we apologise for refusing to be intimidated and suppressed by a cabal within Fayemi’s administration? “Must we apologise for refusing to be coerced into politics? Must we apologise because teachers decided to take their fates in their own hands and resolved to survive beyond Fayemi’s administration?”, Akosile queried. He said his members have no regrets for voting Fayose as the validly elected governor during the governorship poll, urging the APC to stop orchestrating fake individuals to act like his members in a manner that could ridicule the body. He said: “What has Fayose done to teachers in less than three months into his administration that calls for regret? “From what happened before and during the governorship election, we think the last administration should realise that this kind of media intrigue and shenanigan has no effect on Ekiti people. “Ekiti teachers have more than enough reasons to vote Fayemi out of government and we can never regret it”, Akosile maintained.

R-L: Lagos State governor, Mr Babatunde Fashola (SAN), Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu, the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate in Lagos State, Mr Akinwumi Ambode and the managing director, Lagos State Signage and Advertising Agency (LASAA), Mr George Noah, during the grand finale of the 2014 Countdown at the Bar Beach, Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO BY BENEDICT UWALAKA

Palestine: NSCIA Condemns FG’s Position By Abdullahi Olesin, Ilorin

The Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) has condemned in strong terms the decision of the federal government to abstain from voting for the freedom of the people of Palestine. The secretary-general of NSCIA, Prof Ishaq Oloyede made the position of the body known at a news conference in Ilorin, Kwara State yesterday. While registering the body’s displeasure at the government’s decision, Oloyede said that whatever must have influenced the position of the federal government “is condemnable by all lovers of peace and liberation all over the world.” He added: “The main thrust of our op-

position is just to call the attention of the people of Nigeria to the very, very sad situation which we have been plunged into by the federal government. You all know the historic position of Nigeria in terms of fighting for freedom and liberation all over the world. You know Nigeria has always been on the side of justice and liberation from South Africa, etc. Nigeria’s position has always been very firm on the part of liberation and freedom of the people. “We were, therefore, amazed by the turn of events at the Security Council where nine votes were required for endorsement of freedom for the people of Palestine, only for Nigeria, having played a mischievous role of expressing its good position about liberation, to turn round immediately after

communication with some so-called leadership of the foreign affairs managers to abstain from voting for this historic resolution of the 66 years old crisis. “NSCIA is very sad about this development and we feel that the federal government has betrayed the people of Nigeria and has created a very serious problem for our foreign policy. “We believe that what Nigeria has just done is not only a somersault in terms of foreign policy of Nigeria, it is also a slap on those who are lovers of freedom all over the world, and one cannot explain why this ought to be so except that we believe the Nigerian government is carrying its divisive domestic policies to the foreign policy of the country and this is very sad”.

Pray Against Demonic Politicians Contesting In 2015 Elections – Dickson By Osa Okhomina, Yenagoa

The Bayelsa State governor, Hon Seriake Dickson, yesterday called on the people of the state and the entire nation to intensify prayers against politicians he described as having “demonic strongholds” and seeking political power for the wrong reasons in the 2015 elections. Governor Dickson said though God has revealed to him that the year 2015 is for the children of God who believe in what is good,

Nigerians should use the New Year to pray for the destruction of demonic strongholds by some persons seeking political power for the wrong reasons. Speaking at his country home in Toru Orua, Sagbama local government area of the state at an open air church service to usher in the New Year, the governor called on the people of the state to remain united and guard against agents of destabilisation, who want to foment crisis to truncate the prevailing peace and development

of the state. He said, “I urge the people of the state to remain steadfast in God and pray for peace and stability to be sustained in order to achieve the greatness God has destined for the state and the nation.” Congratulating the people on what he referred to as ‘triumphant entry’ into 2015, Governor Dickson enjoined them to be appreciative to God for the gift of life, describing the year as a significant one for the country.

‘Community Policing ‘ll Boost Fight Against Terrorism’ By Lanre Arotimi, Calabar

The presiding bishop of Christian Central Chapel International (CCCI), Bishop Emmah Isong, has predicted that Nigeria’s fight against terrorism will receive a boost with the introduction of community policing in 2015. Isong, who spoke on Wednesday night in Calabar during a crossover service to usher his congregation into year 2015,

also said the Nigerian army will be empowered and motivated in the New Year. While stressing the importance of prophetic utterances, the renowned man of God encouraged the congregation to attempt greater things through the exercise of faith in year 2015. He said, “Community policing shall be encouraged to stop the sporadic effect of terrorism in Nigeria which seemed to be extending to the South but has been

A good anvil does not fear the hammer.

Egyptian Proverb

stopped by a miraculous hand. “2015 is the year when the nation’s federal army shall be empowered and motivated. The Nigerian army shall enjoy international collaboration that was lacking.” Bishop Isong prophesied that Nigeria’s economy will experience a shake-up in the New Year, adding that the shake-up will eventually ignite the diversification of the country’s economy.”



January 2, 2015

37.2% Percenatge of operational efficiency recorded by Unity Bank Plc

Electricity: FG To Enforce Agreements As TEM Begins BY Juliet Alohan, Lagos

As the Transitional Electricity Market (TEM) commences, all contracts entered into by participants during the privatisation of the power sector has now been activated, the federal government has said. A statement issued yesterday by the ministry of power stressed that activities in the electricity market would now carry the full obligations outlined in the various contracts. Consequently, the electricity market will now be governed by a framework of contracts, regulations, market rules, systems and processes as outlined in all

vesting agreements, the statement said. Before now, the market was driven by a set of interim rules initiated by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC). The TEM is the most critical milestone in the power reform process since November 1, 2013, when power generation and distribution assets were handed over to the new owners. Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo, disclosed yesterday that while the benefits of the power sector reform were expected to be gradual due to decades of neglect suffered by the sector.The commencement of TEM will increase the performance

expectations for all the market participants and facilitates the much needed discipline in the market. “It demonstrates that the power sector is maturing and advancing in the right direction under the right conditions, within the right environment,” the minister noted. He added that under TEM “all parties pay for services received and for services rendered. Unlike before, there are consequences for market participants who fail to deliver on contracted services. It is expected that the activation of contracts will lead to market behaviour that will produce sustainable and comprehensive electricity supply

to Nigerians,” Nebo said. According to the ministry, the new transitional electricity market will protect electricity consumers from market inefficiencies by ensuring that market contracts are adhered to while liabilities will be allocated to the appropriate contracting parties. “Unfortunately, over all, Nigerians have been deprived of this necessity for far too long. We urge fellow Nigerians to join us in this reform process by paying their electric bills, and to report any fraudulent activity or act of vandalism of their electric power infrastructure to the appropriate authorities,” the statement added. Under TEM, electricity tariff is

BUSINESS QUOTE Ten minutes are not just one-sixth of your hourly pay. Ten minutes are a piece of yourself. Divide your life into ten-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity. Ingvar Kampard, founder of IKEA (1926-)

Unity Bank Foresees Positive Performance This Year BY OLUSHOLA BELLO, Lagos

L-R: Executive director, Operations, Bank of Industry, Mohammed Alkali; facilitator, KPMG partner, Mrs Adebisi Lamikanra; managing director/chief executive officer, Bank of Industry (BOI), Mr Rasheed Olaoluwa and executive director,Small -scale Enterprenuers of the bank, Mr Waheed Olagunju, during the bank’s corporate transformation retreat in Lagos. PHOTO BY BENEDICT UWALAKA

IPSAS Accrual Basis: FG Shifts Implementation To 2016 BY NSE ANTHONY-UKO, Abuja

The federal government has said that the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) Accrual Basis in Nigeria would commence in 2016. The secretary, Federation Accounts Allocation Committee (FAAC), Mr Chris Nyong, who made this known in Abuja, said

that the committee has made immense progress in establishing the processes to ensure effective implementation Speaking during an interactive forum with the Finance Correspondents Association of Nigeria (FICAN), Nyong said that Nigeria migrated to the IPSAS cash basis in 2014. For the successful implementation of the accrual basis next year, he

said that the process was ongoing to amend the Finance Control and Management Act and harmonise the Financial Regulations and Treasury Manual of the federal government of Nigeria (FGN), financial instruction of states and financial memoranda of the local governments into one PFM regulations. He said that the three tier of government also need to implement the approved governance structure

for the IPSAS implementation in Nigeria. “We still need to do a lot of capacity building because this is a new system that requires a lot of training for accountants, budget officers and operators in all the three tiers of government,” Nyong said. According to the FAAC subcommittee, the adoption of IPSAS would create a uniform accounts system for the three tiers.

Unity Bank plc is optimistic that recent positive growth it achieved in third quarter, 2014 result released at the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) will continue this year . The bank said it would continue to leverage on its growth strategy which it noted was strictly that of operational efficiency derived from its business model and strategic intent. The managing director/CEO, Unity Bank, Henry James Semenitari, disclosed this in Lagos recently, saying that the bank recorded a tremendous growth from a loss position of N33.64 billion as of December 2013 to a profit position of N12.02 billion before tax as at third quarter, September 2014. Unity Bank Plc also recorded improvement of 37.2 per cent in operational efficiency with a costto-income ratio (CIR) reduced from 95.7 per cent as at December 2013 to 60.03 per cent currently. According to him, the bank in 2014, successfully completed its Rights Issue and Special Placement of about N40 billion and the offer was oversubscribed. Unity Bank performance highlights in third quarter, 2014 showed that gross earnings rose by 6.05 per cent to N48.14 billion from N45.40billion in 2013, the net interest income also improved by 23.36 per cent to N25.70 billion compared to N20.83 billion in 2013 and total operating income improved by 22.86 per cent to N35.06 billion. Also, the bank’s total operating expenses reduced by 22.13 per cent to N20.87 billion, while ProfitAfter- Tax (PAT) improved by 858.84 per cent to N11.02 billion from N1.15 billion in 2013. Follow these reports on leadership.ng/business


January 2, 2015

Nigeria’s Cocoa Output Target At Risk As Disease Festers BY Kingsley Alu, Agency Report

The target of the federal government to produce 500,000 mtric tons of cocoa in the 20142015 season is being threatened by outbreak of fungal blackpod disease, Bloomberg reported. “The devastating effect of the excessive rains last August and September is now telling on the overall tonnage of cocoa beans

harvested,” said Adeola Adegoke, coordinator of the Cocoa Farmers Association(CFA), who was quoted by Bloomberg. “The season virtually ended in November. There are no more ripe cocoa pods on the trees to harvest.” According to Bloomberg, Nigeria produced 350,000 tons of cocoa in the 20132014 season, according to

the Agriculture Ministry. The International Cocoa Organization(ICO) assessed Nigeria’s production for that season at 240,000 tons. Farmers from Nigeria’s southwest region that accounts for two-thirds of the country’s output are reporting the absence of the “December cocoa harvest boom” that usually supplies 35 per cent to 40 per

cent of output, according to Adegoke. “We lost this to the heavy rains,” he said. In the southeastern growing areas around the town of Ikom, which accounts for about 30 per cent of Nigeria’s output, there is less impact of blackpod disease and mold, according to Godwin Ugwu, a cocoa trader based in the town. The harvest in the region is

expected to continue until the middle of January, he said by phone. Nigeria has two cocoa harvests include the main crop from October to December, and the smaller light crop from April to June. However, most of the cocoa output in the country is from farmers working on small plots in the southern cocoa belt.

Devt Bank To Boost Long-term Financing, Businesses – Yuguda BY NSE ANTHONY-UKO, Abuja

The planned take-off of the Development Bank of Nigeria (DBN) early this year would help in sustaining economic growth despite the decline in oil revenues as it would greatly enhance and improve medium to longterm financing for Nigerian businesses, going forward. Minister of State for Finance, Amb Bashir Yuguda, who made this known in an end of year interaction in Abuja, stressed that the government would not waver in its resolve to further diversify the economy, significantly boost non-oil revenues, plug loopholes and cut unnecessary expenditures. The minister also restated federal government’s determination to maintain growth and stabilise the economy in 2015 despite the challenge of declining revenues among oil producing countries. Yuguda described 2014 as a challenging year, but maintained that the country managed to maintain a stable economic growth and reestablished itself as Africa’s largest economy with an impressive diversification trajectory. Crude oil price yesterday slid further, clearly below the 2015 budget benchmark of $65 per barrel, a trend analysts say if sustained for long might impede government spending in 2015. However, Yuguda emphasised that the government’s scenario-based approach to the regime of oil

price shocks is structured to proactively respond to such situations. Yuguda noted that the development bank, which would utilise an on-lending model and channel financing through existing commercial banks as well as restructured specialised banks such as the Bank of Industry and the Bank of Agriculture to fund businesses, would deepen growth and generate more jobs. According to him, the partners that have committed to invest in the bank include the World Bank, the Africa Development Bank, the BNDES Bank in Brazil, and KfW in Germany. The World Bank and AfDB have pledged $500 million apiece for the take off of the bank. Yuguda added that the EU has also indicated interest to invest in the bank, through its development financing outfit, the European Investment Bank (EIB) but added that negotiations were still ongoing. “On our part, the Government has set aside the sum of N4 billion in addition to another N16 billion provision in the 2014 budget for the take-off of the project,” Yuguda said. “Our existing Bank of Agriculture and Bank of Industry will be re-structured as specialised institutions to retail financing from this new wholesale development bank.” Yuguda said that the government was working on a system of tax incentives for micro-finance banks in order to promote financial inclusion for the poor.

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Regional health manager, Sub-Saharan Africa, Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCo), Dr Femi Oduneye (right) presenting keys and documents of two buses and handing over of the upgraded / equipped clinic to the national director, SOS Children’s Villages, Mr Eghosa Erhumwunse at the SOS Children’s Village in Lagos by NNPC-SNEPCO. PHOTO BY GBENGA OLAJOBI

Oil Prices: We Shall Diversify Economy In 2015 – Jonathan BY Emeka Umejei, Abuja.

President Goodluck Jonathan has hinted at the diversification of the Nigerian economy in 2015 in his New Year speech, yesterday. “Being very conscious of the inherent perils of our over-reliance on income from crude oil exports for national development, we have focused on accelerating the diversification of our economy,” the president said in his speech. Adding, “The non-oil sector which has grown by an average of 8 per cent in the last few years is now a major driver of growth in our economy.” The President emphasised that the 2015 national budget, which is now before the National Assembly, was geared towards deepening efforts at diversifying the Nigerian economy to the nonoil sector. The President in veiled reference to the falling oil prices said that measures have been

put in place in the budget to countervail its impact on national development plans. “We are adjusting our financial processes to safeguard our economy. “We are also taking steps to ensure that the poor and the low and medium income earners do not bear the brunt. In 2015, this administration will continue to lay the foundation for a vibrant economy that attracts significant Foreign Direct Investment and promotes policies that ensure economic stability,” the President said. He also touched on the stability of the naira, a critical economic factor for the Nigerian economy in 2015. “We will ensure stability in the value of the naira by striving to take away speculative behaviours that cause market exchange pressures,” the President added. “We will continue to build and maintain a healthy external

reserves position and strengthen fiscal buffers. “We will ensure the naira remains strong, and gives foreign investors the clarity and certainty that they need, to guide future investment decisions.” The President said that his government would introduce “broad spectrum of financial instruments to boost sectorspecific enterprise areas in agriculture, micro, small and medium-scale enterprises (MSMEs), manufacturing, and oil and gas to enhance our aggregate supply capacity, reduce poverty, promote job creation and increase the general well-being of our people.” He said that his administration launched the Youth Employment in Agriculture Programme (YEAP) and the $100 million dollars Government and Donor Fund for Agriculture Finance in Nigeria (FAFIN) to transform the agricultural sector.

20/ analysis

January 2, 2015

2015 Budget Estimates Analysis

comparative estimate for 2014. The capital budget at N 634 billion compared to the Wednesday December 17, estimate of N 1.100 trillion 2014 the Coordinating for 2014 Minister of the representing Economy Dr. Ngozi a drop of Okonjo-Iweala laid 42.4 per separately before cent has both chambers of drawn the House at the scathing National Assembly comments the 2015 Budget by estimates. As one compatriots. contemplates the It has been dilemma which must argued have confronted that no those charged with meaningful the responsibility of growth can putting the budget be expected estimates together in the one is reminded of economy that popular saying with that attributable to Tai level of Solarin of blessed capital memory; May Your budget. This Road be rough! It probably does not take any explains deep introspection why the to appreciate the authorities wisdom in that saying. If your way is L-R, Chairman, Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) Dr. Musa Babayo, presenting an Award to the Ag. Executive based rough you will never Chairman, Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) Alhaji Kabir Mashi, for FIRS’ contribution to the educational sector at on their independent become complacent, Taxpayers Forum held at Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos. calculations drop your guard or have take anything for reviewed granted. You are implementation. But the fact adjudged close to call. If there downwards the projected bound to be on the alert with is change in government it that we might have issues growth in GDP to 5.5 per your eyes wide open. It must is a fact that we will be back with the benchmark price cent down from the earlier have been rough putting the to the drawing board with does not affect the integrity estimate of 6.75 per cent with budget details together this different actors and of course of the estimates as no one the IMF weighing in with their time around in the context of an entirely new estimates for sure can second guess own estimate of Nigeria GDP the prevailing global economic what will happen to the price being considered as the growth of 5 per cent. But what scenario hallmarked by entire budget is revisited. of oil over the period. The is even more worthy of note in cascading oil price. As at last But even if President authorities have expressed this regard is that the effective count we had at least three Jonathan is returned it is their belief that oil price will capital expenditure in the changes to the benchmark still a transition; a cross over average between 65 to 70 budget particularly during price of oil; it was 78 dollars from one regime to another dollars next year and be that 2014 is within the range of the per barrel when the Medium even if in the latter case the as it may whatever happens projected estimates for 2015. Term Expenditure Framework should be accommodated disruption to the budget will How about that for realism! was presented in September, be minimal. There is also through close tracking and But the fact remains that 2014; then 73 dollars before monitoring with appropriate transition from the fact that this projected level of capital we finally settled at 65 dollars response elicited as the need the budget as we have been expenditure representing an per barrel which has been forced by circumstances is arises. In fact align with eight year low even below a retained even if on the eve now not as dependent on this prevailing sentiments comparable low expenditure of the presentation the price the oil market as oil now the Speaker of the House of of N 785.17 billion included of oil was trading at below contributes 53 per cent to the Representatives was quoted in the 2008 budget estimates the benchmark price of the funding of the budget. And to have sought assurances not factoring in what that budget. this is a major most welcome to the effect that there will expenditure represents today This situation occasioned and desired transition be no further review of in real terms. all manner of comments with which this country has been the benchmark price of oil Aggregate revenue for the some people even suggesting angling for since the midupon his acceptance of the year is 3.602 trillion Naira that the authorities could eighties. This is a landmark estimates. Once the budget down from 3.731 in 2014 have bided their time and not in the annals of the country has been approved there will signaling a rate of drop of 3.5 present the budget when it as it might signpost the most certainly be no going per cent. While oil revenue was presented. But in spite of back on the entire budget and end of vulnerabilities and component of this estimated the country’s unimpressive shocks which the Nigerian therefore there is nothing to at 1.918 trillion in 2015 down record with getting the economy had suffered due to worry about. It will be left from an estimate of 2.114 budget ready for approval volatilities in the oil market. to the authorities to grapple trillion in 2014 representing and implementation early Budget 2015 has proposed and come to terms with any a drop of 9.3 per cent. Non-oil enough, it could have been aggregate expenditure of fallouts. sector contribution to revenue irresponsible to delay the The Budget has been tagged N 4.358 trillion down from in 2015 is estimated at 1.684 presentation of the budget N 4.542 trillion in 2014 Budget of transition and trillion up from an estimate because of uncertainties representing a drop of 6.1 Budget of transition truly it of 1.616 trillion in 2014 occasioned by the volatile per cent. The Recurrent is. Elections are due in two representing an increase of 4.2 oil market factoring in expenditure in the budget is months and the estimates per cent. the fact that successfully estimated at N 2.622 trillion; will remain relevant The revenue estimate from budget implementation is 86 per cent of the budget depending on the outcome the oil sector was premised on crucially dependent on the representing an increase of of the elections which most the production of 2.28 barrels time the budget is ready for informed commentators have 7.6 per cent relative to the BY Boniface Chizea

per day down from 2.39 in 2014 with a benchmark price of 65 dollars and at an exchange rate of N 165 to the dollar. Issues have been raised with these assumptions. It is argued that the estimate of daily oil production is not quite realistic considering the experience of not being able to meet the production quota for some time now due to leakages underscored by vandalism and illegal bunkering and also that realistically a higher exchange rate could have been used which could have meant that higher revenues would accrue to the subnational governments. But sometimes we fail to factor in the full implications of the suggestions we make. What message will the authorities be sending out if they had used a higher rate of exchange and what impact could that have had on the psychology of the market and the battle which the Central Bank is currently waging to stabilize the rate of exchange and avoid the Naira going into a free fall mode? The Fiscal deficit is therefore N 755 billion or 0.79 per cent of GDP. The deficit included in the 2014 budget on the other hand was 911.9 billion Naira. The Debt Management Office indicated that at 12 per cent the post rebased aggregate Debt to GDP ratio is low and therefore provides head room for additional borrowing. But instead of celebrating this reduction in the ratio of deficit to GDP commentators have asked if that is really the way ahead considering the fact and the reality staring us on the face of worsening unemployment situation. It is argued that this is the time to attempt some reflation of the economy to facilitate badly needed growth in job opportunities. It will be interesting to see what the attitude of the legislature will be against the background of the awaited elections and if they will adopt a wait and see attitude. And if in their deliberations an attempt will still be made to once again hike the benchmark price of oil which has now become trademark even as commentators have asked why the budget of the legislature should not be reviewed downwards in the context of the prevailing austerity measures which the authorities have unfolded. —Dr. Chizea is CEO BIC Consultancy, Lagos


January 2, 2015

Tourism: Duke, Usman, Adediran, Advocate Professionalism, Effective Regulation By Chika Okeke, Abuja

In the face of plummeting oil prices, stakeholders have said that tourism could serve as a viable source of revenue for the Nigerian economy. However, they emphasise that repositioning tourism as a viable alternative to oil would require enactment of requisite legislation and appointment of professionals to key positions. Some of the experts that spoke to LEADERSHIP Friday on the state of the tourism sector included the Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation, High Chief Edem Duke; Director- General, National commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM), Mallam Abdallah Yusuf Usman; President of the International Council of African Museums (AFRICOM) Mr Nath Mayo Adediran; President of Hospitality & Tourism Management Association of Nigeria (HATMAN), Mallam Aliyu Badaki Ajayi; Organizer of Abuja Bantaba and Akwaaba African Travel Market, Mr Ikechi Uko and National President of Institute for Tourism Professionals (ITP), Chief Abiodun Odunsanwo. According to them, there is need to revisit the Tourism Master plan, which was inaugurated six years ago adding that 54 years after Nigeria attained her independence in 1960 that Classification of hotels and tourist sites had become a mirage. For his part, Duke said that the classification of hotels and tourist sites required the collective responsibility of Nigerians since the assets were located within the State. “Classification of hotels and tourist sites requires a collective responsibility of each and every one of us,” said Duke. “Very many of these assets are located within the State and it’s important for us to collaborate with the State in certifying these Resorts as well as in identifying the quality standard.” He was optimistic professionals at the Hospitality and Tourism Stakeholders organized by the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR) would reach a consensus on the classification which may likely commence in 2015 as a major part of their mandate. Disclosing the federal government’s intent on listing National Monuments, Duke added, “The federal government has identified 100 monuments around the country and we are

already trying to engage with the private sector to see how we can invest in restoration because if we don’t have these monuments, definitely, a lot of our history will go away in years to come.” While stating that transformation is underway in the sector in terms of human capital development, infrastructural development and restoring national heritage, he insisted that factors will result in a major initiative of the transformation agenda. For his part, the DirectorGeneral, National commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM), Mallam Abdallah Yusuf Usman noted that the federal government through NCMM has identified more tourist sites, historical sites and monuments for protection saying that a number of museums were opened while exhibitions were carried out abroad which helped in laundering the image of the country positively. “The way forward for the industry in 2015 is to sustain the game by coming up with imaginative programmes that will capture the attention of policy makers, political leaders and the general public; intensify action and improve on capacity building as well as strengthening the institutions, the administrative and legal frameworks and getting quality staff who can push the initiatives forward,” he said. He enumerated poor perception of the importance of museums and monuments by the public and low budgetary allocation as major setbacks in the sector insisting that with the rebasing of Nigerian economy that On repatriating Nigerian artefacts carted away by the colonial masters, he added, “As I keep saying, the issue of repatriation is both legal and political.” “We are exploring these two avenues and we are engaging the countries that kept the artefacts in their museums and through the process, we have succeeded in repatriating quite a large number this year. We have in our custody, over a hundred of such artefacts that have come in from Europe and United States within the last three to four years.” He said NCMM has contributed in growing the economy by providing, developing and managing tourist destinations such as museums, heritage sites and monuments adding that the essence of developing the sites was to attract more investments

L- R: Former National President, Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) Chartered, Dr. Sally Nkem Adukwu-Bolujoko; Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation, Chief Edem Duke ; Founder of Igbinedion University , Sir (Dr) Gabriel Osawaru Igbinedion; Niger State Commissioner for Tourism and Culture, Mrs Susan Gana and Chief Executive of National Council for Arts and Council (NCAC), Mrs Dayo Keshi while declaring open Arts & Craft exhibition during 11th Edition of NCAC Honours Lecture/Awards Series in Abuja, recently. PHOTO BY CHIKA OKEKE

and help in growing the economy. Usman concluded that the seizure of contemporary works at the entry and exit point of the airport and borders are done in order to provide opportunity to control and ensure that antiquities are not smuggled under the guise of contemporary work. “At the point of exit, professionals will determine whether the works are antiquities or contemporary works,” he said. “It is the responsibility of the NCMM to issue clearance permit for the Customs at the border point to see as evidence that the objects are not antiquities and can be allowed to be exported out of the country.” In his contribution, the President of the International Council of African Museums (AFRICOM), Mr, Nath Mayo Adediran said the great cultural diversity that Nigerians enjoyed over the years should be used to foster unity and progress in the country as a united and indivisible entity. “The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) through their survey said that it cost about $25 to $70,000 to produce a film in Nigeria within a period of one month on the average which can be recovered within two or three weeks of its release to the public, whereas, it is not so in Bollywood and Hollywood,” said Adediran. Adediran, who is the Chief Executive Officer of RAA Heritage Global Resources

Limited admitted that there is scanty strategy, capacity and capabilities within the leadership of the sector . He emphasised that the sector also lacked adequate finances and sponsorship from corporate bodies to market their products. “Where are the honourable people that compiled the Tourism Master Plan? Who did they hand it to? The problem was that there was no succession; it did not sensitise the sectors enough to carry them along at least to make demands for its implementations; and it was not institutionalised for ownership. It came as an orphan and has remained in that position,”he said. He said there was no systematic approach adopted in repatriating Nigerian artefacts outside the country noting that the left over in Nigeria have been bastardised by illegal looters of monuments and heritage sites. On the state of the sites, he said, “The sites are there and nothing is being done to even enhance them for local and domestic tourism. Where locals don’t go, will you invite anybody to go there? There is a need to develop more museums in the country in segments Textile; Colonial and Local Histories; Science and Technology; Natural History; Folklore; and Agriculture in order to address the existing gap because the surviving ones are depreciating fast while morale and motivation

A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.

are grossly eroded.” The President of Hospitality & Tourism Management Association of Nigeria (HATMAN), Mallam Aliyu Badaki Ajayi described Culture and tourism as a vehicle for both rural and urban revitalisation that stimulates the growth of local economy as well as the provision of basic social amenities. “Undoubtedly, today tourism has become an important pillar that unlocks and enhances economic growth, Foreign exchange earnings, contributes to government revenues, infrastructural development, trade promotion, global peace, poverty eradication and particularly employment generation,” he said. “It is therefore, one of the strategies being used to facilitate the attainment of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) particularly in the developing economies of the world in which Nigeria is one.”Ajayi regretted that 54 years after Nigeria attained independence in 1960 Classification of hotels and tourist sites has become a mirage saying that Tourism professionals were not engaged in most cases to anchor strategic tourism positions. According to him, “There is no appropriate law/legislation towards the development of tourism and hospitality sector in Nigeria. In our present society, we are still relying and been guided by the obsolete decree 81 of 1992.


January 2, 2015

2015: Defining Year for Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) The impact of the Agriculture Transformation Agenda (ATA) in 2014, according to experts, has contributed in making agriculture a viable sector of the Nigerian economy. Hence, there are anticipations among many Nigerians that agriculture will, in the face of plummeting oil prices, serve as a buffer for the Nigerian economy. Ruth Tene Natsa in this analysis concludes that 2015 will be a defining year for Nigeria’s agriculture. The federal government with great optimism had asserted that “with the ATA on course, the fall in the price of oil or devaluation of the naira will not lead to the collapse of the Nigerian economy in 2015 but rather the stringent commitments and investments in the sector will yield high dividends that create buffer for the economy in 2015”. The Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA), launched in 2012, is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development to support the President Goodluck Jonathans Transformation Agenda. The goal of the ATA is to build commodity value chains and the institutions required to unlock the country’s huge agricultural potentials with the targeted outcome such as add 20 million tonnes of food to the domestic food supply by 2015, create 3.4 million jobs and ensuring import substitution through the acceleration of production of local staples; aimed at reducing dependence on food imports and turning Nigeria into a net food exporter A major success story of the ATA in 2014, was the news that Nigerian Food import bill had dropped by N466bn thereby adding N780bn to the economy during the period. While Many Nigerians have applauded the development in the nation’s agricultural sector, many are also of the view that the claims to a drop in the nations’ food import bill does not correspond with markets development as the prices of food and agricultural commodities have remained on the rise despite claims to huge gains in the sector. For Mrs Danbaba, a housewife living within the FCT there is no doubt that success is being made in the agricultural sector, because we hear something every day in the news but I am really worried that despite all the gains not many lives are being transformed

and prices of goods and produces are still the same. For his part, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Akinwumi Adeshina said, “ We knew to diversify the economy and we have, because of the food production and the fact that we have produced over 21 million metric tonnes of additional food that has created the buffer that we see today.” Speaking with LEADERSHIP at the launch of the Youth Empowerment in Agriculture “YEAP” in Abuja recently, he said that the YEAP is President Jonathan’s flagship programme to raise a new cadre of young farmers and agro-business leaders in Nigeria. “The program targets women and men aged between 18-35 years from across Nigeria with the aim of providing them with decent employment along priority agricultural value chains,”Adesina said. He added that the program aims to reach 760,000 youths over a period of 5 years with necessary support to establish and run wealth creating agricbusiness enterprises with the targeted beneficiaries being market oriented youths. “With the YEAP programme, it is expected that the common youth drudgery to agriculture will be revamped and there will be a new injection of young brains and energy into the sector,” said Adesina. Pointers in 2014 had indicated that the agricultural sector was experiencing its greatest boom since the discovery of oil in the late 60s with the setting up of ATA aimed at making agriculture more attractive to not just the ageing farmers but to Youths through the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GES). The GES was designed to capture agricultural development following a value chain approach of various commodities to capture all interest groups


including men, women and the youths with the launch of Nagropreneus by the President in 2012. Records sourced with the Ministry showed that over 14 million farmers had been registered in the ATA data base to benefit from the Growth Enhancement Scheme (GES), with over 10 million of those farmers being northern beneficiaries. “We developed Nigeria’s first ever database of farmers, so we can identify farmers and manage farmers identity,” said Adesina. “Over 14.5 million farmers have been registered in the past three years”. Despite the optimism of government, stakeholders have expressed doubt at the level of success, insisting that the figures of success are not tallying with reality.” Reacting to the success of the ATA, Chairman Board of Trustees, National Agricultural Foundation of Nigeria (NAFN), Senator Abdullahi Adamu called on the federal government through to furnish Nigerians with concrete up to date and correct information, backed with figures and statistics on all the various aspects of the implementation, achievements and failures of the Agricultural

Transformation Agenda (ATA) The Lawmaker lamented “that a sector that once produced all the nations food requirements with a lot left for export, employed over 70% of the nation’s active workforce and contributes up to 40% to GDP and 6% of foreign exchange earnings have been left to decay, with its growth stunted due largely to years of neglect of the sector”. “Our country in the 60s was a major player in the global food market, it is no longer the case today, now we cannot feed ourselves, we import food to the tune of about 3b USD, we import food items at the rate of about 11% which is unsustainable,”Adamu said. He assured the support of government saying, “We are in full support of and have been doing all we can to ensure the success of Mr Presidents ATA with its stated mission of achieving hunger free Nigeria, it is adoption of an overall strategic focus instead of isolated projects, its plan to develop strategic partnerships to stimulate investments, its focus on the creation of value chains and its emphasis on job creation and empowerment of millions of Nigerians.” Meanwhile records from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural

Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him.

Development have revealed that Private sector investments in fertilizer manufacturing has expanded, with over $5 billion private sector investments in fertilizer manufacturing in the past three years. It further revealed that the sector witnessed a turn around as the share of total bank lending expanded from about 2% in 2011 to 5% by 2013. Bank lending to seed companies and agro-input dealers expanded from $10 million in 2012 to $53 million in 2013; while bank lending to fertilizer companies expanded from $100 million in 2012 to $500 million by 2014. It is also to be recalled that President Goodluck Jonathan also launched a N50 Billion farm mechanization policy drive to take hoes and cutlasses into the museums and replace them with affordable and appropriate modern farm machinery” For the year 2015, an end of year policy document from the Ministry of agriculture and rural Development assures that the sugar industry will experience an upsurge in fortune as the quantum of national revenue that has been going into sugar importation is unsustainable, particularly in the context of dwindling oil fortunes and devaluation of naira. The document revealed that in 2015, Nigeria is set to witness a take-off of agro-industrial clusters, known as Staple Crops Processing Zones which will create thousands of rural jobs, stem rural-urban population drift and add to food supply in Nigeria. The operation of SCPZ is expected to play a role in provision of rural infrastructure in the affected areas. The Ministry also anticipates a major increase in rice production in 2015, with the continued implementation of two-cropping system. “In 2015, Nigeria may become a net exporter of rice, away from the decades of annual importation that has cost the country an average of N1 billion daily. Despite the new involvement of billionaires in rice farming, the small farmers will still continue to contribute significantly,” the ministry said. Irrespective of the various views, 2015 has come and optimists and pessimists alike are waiting to see the efforts of the past 3 years of ATA pay off. So indeed 2015 is the defining year of the ATA.


January 2, 2015

Inadequate Funding, SMEDAN’s Major Challenge – Masari Bature Umar Masari is the director-general of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN). In this interview with PEMBI DAVIDSTEPHEN, he talks about the activities of the agency, its achievements and challenges, saying SMEDAN’s major challenge remains the issue of inadequate funding. What is the mandate of SMEDAN?

Over the years, since 2003 when the agency was established, it has been doing a lot in the area of enterprise creation and development, and identifying Nigerians who are interested in entrepreneurship creation and development; and providing training in entrepreneurship and vocational skills, so that Nigerians can be equipped to go into entrepreneurship creation and development. There are a lot of activities going on in the agency nationwide, and we have been able to ensure decentralisation of the activities of the agency in all the states of the federation, with offices in the six geo-political zones in the country. We did this so that our personnel can operate closely with their populace in the rural areas, who mostly need our intervention. We have equally increased the tempo of our activities in the area of entrepreneurship creation and vocational skills acquisition, especially with the introduction of National Enterprise Development Programme (NEDP). It’s an idea initiated by our minister, Dr. Olusegun Aganga, to ensure a holistic development of MSMEs in the country. It is a programme that is tailored along the potentialities of individual local government area in Nigeria. Before we commenced the implementation of the programme, we undertook the survey of the 774 local governments in the country to identify their areas of intervention. We have been to every local government in Nigeria where we were able to identify areas of advantages that every local government area has over and above other local governments. So far, we have been to engineer the formation of over 60, 000 cooperatives across the country. And we have been able to guide and mentor millions of Nigerians who have enterprise ideas. In a nutshell, I can tell you categorically that the role SMEDAN is playing in Nigeria currently is very important. It is so important that it can no longer be neglected. The earlier the federal government sits up to its responsibility in ensuring that MSMEs are properly supported for them to be able to go and develop in the country, the better for our economy and the nation as a whole. MSMEs development is tantamount to poverty alleviation and economic advancement of every nation. And they also contribute immensely in the area of employment generation. All over the world MSMEs account for growth, 80 per cent of all employment opportunities, even in developed countries. In Nigeria, the contribution of MSMEs to employment opportunities is about 70 per cent. So we intend to maintain that figure and keeping growth higher, so that the level of unemployment

can be properly addressed and the level of poverty can equally reduce. When there is employment for the teeming populace, definitely the level of poverty will go down; even the criminal activities we have in the country will equally go down, since such activities are usually associated with poverty and unemployment, not only in Nigeria, but all over the world. You made mention of people that actually need the financial intervention of SMEDAN. How do you reconcile this with the insinuation that most people that get the funds are not the actual people that need such funds?

Honestly, we are very careful in the selection of Nigerians who want to go into entrepreneurship creation and development. And the fact that the funds are not being distributed by government agencies is another indication that definitely there has to be fairness, that whoever is selected is someone who is an entrepreneur and someone who really needs the intervention and support of the government. And like I told you, our attention is mostly focused on the rural areas of country, where you find majority of Nigerians who need government. And we are very busy, like I said, we have personnel in every state of Nigeria. We are reaching out to them through various media, including radio jingles, for them to link up with SMEDAN offices close to them and avail themselves of the opportunity to access funds so that they can set up businesses of their choice. And so far, we have never had any problem throughout the country, either in the mode of selection or those who are being linked with financial institutions to access funds. We are, indeed, being very careful. And I want to assure you that under my leadership, definitely, any Nigerian who is not qualified to get the intervention fund, will surely not benefit. I am very meticulous in my approach, and we will ensure that those who are selected for our various programmes are those who genuinely need the intervention. What would you say SMEDAN has achieved in 2014?

SMEADAN achieved a lot in 2014, particularly in three areas. One, in 2014, we witnessed the launch of National Enterprise Development Programme (NEDP). The NEDP programme, like I told you, earlier, is the chief programme of the agency currently. All other programmes of the agency are presumed under the programme, the NEDP programme was launched for the agency and for Nigerians by Mr President on February 11, 2014. And we immediately commenced the implementation of the programme in every state of the federation.


And so far, we have engineered the formation of over 60, 000 cooperatives, which is a very big achievement. And in the process, we were able to create over 380, 000 new jobs for Nigerians. And the number of new jobs created is increasing on daily basis. As the business ideas which we have engineered in various strata of Nigeria are receiving financial support to go ahead with the establishment of enterprises, more Nigerians are being gainfully employed, and more funds are being pumped into the economy, and the level of poverty is definitely going down. So you can only imagine the impact of the NEDP programme nationwide. And it is our prayer and hope that in another year or two, the impact of the NEDP programme will manifest in every nook and cranny of the country. Our second achievement is in the area of the establishment of the National Council of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. This is the first time that such a council is being set up by the highest body of government, which is the federal government. The National Council of MSMEs came about as a result of government’s realisation of the need to ensure that all MSME activities in the country are properly coordinated; we needed to have a coordinating body. Interestingly, the national council is being headed by no other person, but the Vice President of Nigeria, Arc. Namadi Sambo, which underscores the importance that the government attaches to the issue of MSMEs in the country. The council is now very busy and is alert to its responsibility of ensuring that the problem of lack of access to finance and MSMEs development is properly sorted out, so that Nigerians who hitherto had no access to funds, can now access funds to establish enterprises of their choice. And I want to assure you in that regard that in the first quarter of 2015, Nigerians will witness a lot of transfor-

Every miller draws water to his own mill. — Nigerian Proverb

mation in the area of accessing funds for the establishment of MSMEs in every local government area in the country. We have equally been able to engineer the setting up of state councils of MSMEs. It is a structure that we have developed. Both MSME national and state councils will work together to ensure proper coordination of all MSME activities in the country, for the overall interest of our economic growth. Our third major achievement in 2014 is in the area of conducting a fresh survey of the MSMEs that are operating in Nigeria. The last time SMEDAN in collaboration with National Bureau of Statistics conducted a survey of MSMEs in the country was four years ago. Currently, we are in the field trying to identify the number of MSMEs operating in the country. We are also trying to identify the major challenges affecting MSME development in Nigeria and equally identify the progress made over the years. We are also trying to identify the number of employment opportunities that have been created between the last survey and now. The totality of the idea of the current national survey is to ensure that we have up-to-date data that can be used for national economic planning. What is SMEDAN’s major challenge?

The major challenge SMEDAN is facing is the issue of inadequate funding. Over the years the agency has been grappling with inadequate funding. But of recent, the federal government has been doing everything possible to ensure that SMEDAN gets the necessary support and succeeds in its mandate. I want to appeal to goodspirited Nigerians who are running NGOs to partner with us. We are not only running SMEDAN programmes, we are willing to partner with them, so that their activities in the areas of poverty alleviation and skills acquisition can be properly managed.


January 2, 2015

Bernard Okhakume MC & A Weekly Digest market consumer advertising 08053040003


Basically, marketing is about differentiation. Differentiation underlines the individuality of brand in their totality, at the market place. A brand represents itself among competition at the market place, representing its individuality, with all its character traits, attribute and offer. This community of brands exists in the presence of broad and peculiar similarities that becloud their individuality, in varying degrees. Among brands in same market segment, the similarities are more pronounced. Because brands can only sell on the strength of their individuality, the most important challenge, therefore, is carving any given brand’s individuality, communicate same for the purpose of (1) creating awareness for the brand and its offer, among its target market, (2) establishing a contact or meeting point between the brand and its target market, (3) effectively tell a persuasive story (including the brand’s offer and promise) that will, at least, pull the target market towards trying the brand’s offer, believing it will deliver on its promise. These three target objectives are primary and fundamental to every brand. When a marketing campaign or advertising achieves the above, the brand is established and ready for new targets. Unfortunately, however, brand communication or campaigns common today, do not show evidence of appreciation

of these basic marketing communication objectives. As mentioned above, inadequate professionalism and/or lack of it, results in creative products that, at best attempt to create awareness for their brands. Even at that, they create the awareness with the wrong effect. All kinds of reasons are given for such weak creativity, including size of relatively similar brand offering, near-commodity posturing of competing brands. As is commonly said, brands in particular market segments share so many similarities, it is almost impossible to successfully achieve differentiation. Take leisure and tours, snacks, carbonated drink market, body care market and recently, energy drink market. Majority of brands in the markets mentioned above are more often to suffer from improper differentiation. Consequently, a campaign developed for them neither make concrete promise nor leave the target audience with memorable information that is important for top-of-mind presence, engagement or recall after “initial contact”. But, the task of effective and functional differentiation is primary for every creative process. It only requires deep thinking, proper and articulate understanding of the contending issues, scientific, knowing what questions to ask and where to seek what information, ability to properly

Agbaji Chinedu business 1:0:1 Agrobusiness with Agbaji Chinedu 08035004617

2015 is here with full expectations, agribusiness is the only business in this year that one will invest into and have high return on investment especially in Nigeria as Government policies on Agriculture will come to play this year, recent decline in crude oil and shift to Agriculture and different initiatives to promote Agribusiness at all level such as YEAP&FAFINL, NSAP etc. Federal Government cut down wheat importation by 20 percent to save over N127 billion from its annual wheat import bill of over N635 billion as from 2014, this as a result is an opportunity for cassava flour production, also to review the fish import quota, as an avenue to cut down the increment on the price of fish across the country as a result will encourage local production. These are among policies that will be playing out this year in Agric sector. Agribusiness includes all business enterprises that buy from or sell to farmers. The transaction may involve


either a product, a commodity or a service and encompasses items such as (a) productive resources e.g. feed, seed, fertilizers equipment, energy, machinery etc. (b) agricultural commodities e.g. food and fiber etc. (c) facilitative services e.g. credit, insurance marketing, consultancy, storage, processing, transportation, packing, distribution etc. Agribusiness can also be defined as science and practice of activities with backward and forward linkage related to production, processing, marketing and trade, distribution of raw and processed food, feed, fiber including supply of inputs and service for these activities. In a developing country like Nigeria, agribusiness system with forward and backward linkages consists of the following four major sectors such as agricultural input, agricultural production, agricultural processingmanufacturing or agro processing,” and agricultural marketing-distribution sector.

Brand Communication: The Imperatives For Brand Positioning

articulate available information, scientific analysis of market and consumer insight and a very aggressive, bold and purposeful visual interpretation and execution. We do not think there is any brand that cannot be distinguished from competition and be made to stand alone for its offer, peculiarities, and promise and market position. For every brand communication or advertising campaign, the process must establish the operative strategic thrust, the broad creative platform and the brand’s positioning statement. All of these are the creative imperatives that set the focus towards a successful creative execution. In sequence, the creative imperatives are derived; derived from a proper application of the creative brief forms, examined at a properly constituted creative review session, seen through by a team of

experts intellectually equipped enough to logically and scientifically piece the hoard of information presented at such sessions together, to tell a whole story. The job is completed when the story that emerges at the end of the creative process play out good enough to achieve the marketing and communication/advertising objective, as should be contained in the originating document: THE CLIENT’S BRIEF. The missing link and the reason we find majority of ads and campaigns that are empty of substance, ineffective and dangerous, is that this logical sequence is considered too difficult a road to travel, for many people who go about parading themselves as advertising practitioners on the one hand, and those on the clients’ side who have also become too lazy to discern who the true professional is, and how to fit in to the creative process. So many so-called brand managers today cannot read a good brief (not to talk of writing one). Most brand managers/ marketing managers/corporate affairs on the clients’ side are not trained for the responsibilities of their offices. Consequently, they corrupt the system from the start point. Brands and brands owners must begin to rethink their work system and value preferences, because until the present system changes, casualty in form of failing brands will keep rising at them.

2015 Agribusiness Opportunities

These four sectors act as interrelated parts of a system in which the success of each sector depends, to a large extent, on the proper functioning of the other sectors. Thus, agribusiness is all about how to conduct successful business in the food and agriculture related sectors. It is a business that has many opportunities and gives room to all players to participate at all level. It is a business you can start at the back of your house, at home or start without capital. With the coming of departmental stores

Death is the grand leveller. — English proverb

and plazas, food processing and packaging has become the order of the day, also with the increasing number of middle class in the society and the busy nature of house wife one is sure of making money once your invest into agribusiness both online and offline. Finally we will be bring to you this year activities that will encourage you to be part of Agribusiness such Agribusiness opportunities Exposition, Business and Investment opportunities in Agribusiness workshops, talk show, etc. On this platform also we will promote your Agric-Produce and Services Supported by leadership Groups and other Organisations.We have over 20 manuals of different Agribusiness you can go into and make it big in this year no matter where you are. Thank God to leadership Group for this platform to create jobs, wealth and food security in Nigeria. If we all can contribute our quota as they have done Nigeria will eradicate poverty in the near future.

FRIDAY EXTRA January 2, 2015


buja is the administrative quarters of Nigeria. The city is the seat of the Nigerian government, therefore all nationalities of the World are well represented there. In Abuja, you will find the head office of diplomats, oil companies, construction companies amongst others.The city is often referred to as a city for civil servants and politicians. However, for the young folks, that love to party, they party with so much class. In comparison to Lagos and Port Harcourt, Abuja is less stressful and traffic void. First timers in the city are mesmerised by it beauty, although there are different school of thoughts on when the city is at it best. To some, the city is most beautiful during the day , while others, like party goers, feel the city is much pretty at night when the streets light are on. There is never a dull moment in this city as each district has something to offer. Despite the bomb blast and skirmishes that have characterized the city, Abuja has remained a relatively peaceful, quiet place. The attacks has not robbed the capital city of its fun. Friday nights/ saturday morning happen to be the best time for residents to let their hair down and party till mama calls. As the saying goes to each man his own, that is how each night crawler makes a personal choice on how they rock the night. Some residents prefer to chill at gardens after work on friday with business partners and friends over a cold bottle (s) of beer or wine alongside a plate of fresh fish pepper soup\ suya. While some will prefer to relax at indoor game centers/ restaurants or lounge; not withstanding there is a long list of places to be whatever your preference or situation. For the average joe, here is a quick run down of how a typical weekend night is in Abuja. First rule is for you to have an open mind to different adventures as usually things don’t go as plan when you with a lively set of people. Sometimes or rather most times, when you leave your home with one destination in mind, you might end up somewhere else. The hours of 6 to 9pm, is regarded as the warm up time in anticipation of what is to come. It is advisable to stay


By 9pm to 11pm, it is assumed that you are properly warmed up; time to call friends and decide on which location is best to visit. You may start the night off by visiting game centers or lounges; there is Trukadero place (it is a bowling joint) Aqua club, Sofa Leather Lounge amongst others

Some ladies, defining Abuja night life

Celebrating Nightfall In Abuja indoors if you have something doing in the morning. This is because you might get tired with the high energy exhausted at night. By 9pm to 11pm, it is assumed that you are properly warmed up; time to call friends and decide on which location is best to visit. You may start the night off by visiting game centers or lounges; there is Trukadero place (it is a bowling joint) Aqua club, Sofa Leather Lounge amongst others. At this time you also get to see a lot of people coming out to party as well. As the evening progresses, its time to plot and acertain if you should call it a night or keep on partying. If you have an early morning appointment you probably want to retire home now, if you are still in the mood for some more fun, then by 1 am its the ideal time to hit the clubs. Abuja lifestyle is charcterised with new fun spots opening up every day, so the party crowds tends to waiver from one spot to the other. You must be abreast with the happenings and the direction of where the party people are headed. If you have to be in the right place at the right time in order to not miss in the fun. Another key thing to note is that no one joint has it all, so unless you are having massive fun in one club, you are entitled

Big Questions & Answers nobel 10 ultimate top list

Abuja city at night

to go to another and enjoy yourself and your money. The bottom line is that whatever your taste or your vices are, you need to ask the right people the

right questions and you will be pointed in the right direction, to fullfil your heart desires. — SOURCE: My Destination Nigeria

Why... answers to scientific questions


January 2, 2015

Sango Festival

communion with the spirits to make him pure before the festival and rids his palace of evil forces. The King the lead his people to Okemogun shrine, where he renews his oath as an Ooni at the foot of Oketage hill by a priest.

Eyo Festival

10 Weird Festivals In Nigeria You Won’t Find Elsewhere


ne of the most fascinating things about coming to Nigeria as a tourist is to escape the ordinary and experience weird and mind-blowing festivals around the country. The country has a lot of cultures and traditional customs which are fully expressed in festivals. Here are some of Nigeria’s festivals that have a lot of weird activities that you would definitely enjoy: 1. Eyo Festival In the past, the Eyo Festival takes place when they want to escort the soul of any departed King or Chief in Lagos and also in welcoming another king. White clad Eyo masquerades are seen in their thousands with some as tall as a palm when they move around, this festival is celebrated in Tinubu Square Lagos and these masquerades can beat up people who are seen with bicycles, motorcycles, suku which is a popular hairstyle among the Yorubas, those who are putting on sandals and anyone who smokes during the festival. 2. Sango Festival Sango Festival is a celebration to honour an ancient hero, Sango – the god of thunder in Oyo State. In this festival the Sango faithful are decorated in

a weird manner, all dressed in red while the Ifa priests are clothed in white regalia. Masquerades, drummers and hundreds of traditional dancers still give this festival one of the most respected and experienced by thousands of tourists around the world. 3. The Benin Festival The Benin Festival is held every four years, at the end of raining season in Benin. Thousands of people gather to witness this weird festival, where eligible men and women in their prime are put in match-making festival as they become ritually acquainted. In the olden days, these young men come out nude, but nowadays, they are clothed and heavily painted. It is only the wealthy families in Benin who can afford this expensive ceremony. The ladies are beautiful dressed with heavy costumes. 4. Leboku New Yam Festival If you want to experience the New Yam festival that would involve the celebration of the ancestral spirits and the earth goddess, you should visit Yakurr in Cross River State where Leboku New Yam Festival takes place. This annual festival has a lot of weird activities which take place within three weeks. Activities such as engaged maidens are paraded, exchange of visits to families,

the ancestors are appeased and no one is permitted to do any intense farming. Women dressed in beautiful attires parade new harvested yams at the beginning of the festival. 5. Argungu Fishing Festival This colourful fishing festival is witnessed in a village called Argungu in Kebbi State. This festival is a sort of extreme fishing that is held for four days and thousands of competitors are seen inside the Malan Fada River to catch the biggest fishes with either traditional fishing nets or with their bare hands. Imagine catching fishes that weighs more than a human with bare hands; this makes the festival very weird. 6. Osun Festival At the end of the raining season in August, the Osun Festival is held at the creepy Oshogbo Sacred Forest for seven days, the Osun devotees celebrates the river goddess, Oshun where the deity priests conduct rituals for protection of the locals. Barren women are believed to be blessed with children when they attend this festival. 7. Olojo Festival The Olojo Festival is held in Ife, Osun State where the Ooni ( The King of Ife) separates himself from the world for

Between two evils ‘tis not worth choosing.

8. Sharo Cultural Festival The Sharo cultural festival is witnessed by the Fulani tribe of northern Nigeria, this festival is a traditional rite of passage for the young men who want to get married. There is no love story in this festival because these men are led into a ring without clothes, the man who endures the flogging from men armed with whips amid drumming, loud cheering from the crowd and singing without crying out wins the hand of the bride in question. This festival is so weird because it is believed that any man who can withstand the intense pain from flogging is a strong man, scars gotten are forever. 9. Ivbamen Festival You may have attended some weird festivals in different parts of the world, a visit to Ozalla in Enugu State would present you to the Ivbamen Festival where boys are initiated in a ceremony that involves some spiritual rites and rituals. 10. The Onitsha Ivory Festival We have talked about the festivals that are mostly dominated by the men, but in Onitsha Ivories Festival, it is the women who indulge in weird activities, wives of wealthy men are seen collecting ivory and coral that would be used to design their own costumes. Any woman who has been able to acquired plenty coral and ivory to decorate her ivory costume will be given the prestigious title ‘Ozo’ – An Ivory holder. To be qualified, the participant is expected to have two large pieces of ivory, which weigh 25 kilos each. — Source: travelstart.com

Barren women are believed to be blessed with children when they attend this festival

my town 27

January 2, 2015

By Chika Mefor

The first catholic church in the town (inset) Statue of the father of the village

Abatete: The Omaliko Town


batete is a town in Anambra State in Nigeria. Abatete is bordered by Uke, Ogidi, Abacha, Oraukwu, Alor, Ideani, Eziowelle, Umuoji. It is located in Idemili North local government area of Anambra State. It is made up of four villages: Nsukwu, Agbaja, Ogbu and Odida. Its people are one of the Igbo speaking peoples of Eastern Nigeria. Abatete, like most Igbo communities, has a rich cultural heritage. Okolie Otie was indisputably the ancestral father of Abatete, Umuoji and Nkpor, but his origin is still unsettled. Otie had three sons: Edeogu, Ora and Ideke. Edeogu his eldest son married Mgboko eke, and they had nine sons: Viz, Nsukwu, Agbaja, Isiuzo, Akwa, Azu ogwa, Mputu, Odida, and Ogbu in that order. Ora married and had a son he named Oji. When Oji had his own son he gave him his grandfather’s name. Oji’s descendants are known as Umuoji. The first village in Umuoji is Eziora as a reflection of their grandfather’s name. Ideke’s descendants are known as Nkpor. Edeogu the father of Nkpor. Edeogu the father of abatete proudly referred to his nine sons as (Igwulube-otie-denoting the plurality of his children). Over generation Mbateghete was corrupted to Abateghete and to Abatete with the advent of British rule. Out of nine sons of Edeogu only four survived to form the four pillars of Abatete namely: Nsukwu, Agbaja, Odida and Ogbu. Isiuzo clan had group into a quarter but was driven out of Abatete due to constant feud. In 1904, the British administration through the Protectorate of Southern Nigeria based in Onitsha sent a Gun Breaking expedition (Otiji Egbe) to Abatete as a prelude to imposing imperial rule. Armed surrogates posing as peacemakers were deployed in all the four quarters

of Abatete. At first, they pleaded with the natives for assistance to subdue a troublesome neighboring community. They requested that every gun owner assemble at the market square with their guns. Most natives took the bait. What happened next shook the foundation of the town. Suddenly, the soldiers unleashed their superior firepower and burnt down market stalls and shrines. Capitulation was complete. Native guns were confiscated, stacked and set ablaze. As the fire smoldered so did the pride and power of Abatete. In 1905, District Officer in charge of Onitsha asked the four quarters of Abatete to select their warrant chiefs. Agbaja selected Eze Omaliko-Atulee Ekusa of Ezimuku, but Ogbuefi Omenyi Anaekwe begged to differ. He reminded, “King makers” that Omaliko deity would be deeply troubled by the trappings of office of the Warrant Chief. His argument prevailed and Ogbuefi Anaekwe was selected to become a Warrant Chief. Chief Onwadiebo Nebuwa Ezekwe, the charismatic grandson of Ebube Ogu, the progenitor of Nri lineage in Nsukwu was a favorite son and well credentialed to serve as Warrant Chief. of NsukwuChief Eze-Elisiaku Anyaegbu was selected and appointed Odida Warrant Chief. Otiji Egbe expedition was traumatic to Ogbu people and that bred mistrust of white men. Rightful titled chiefs declined nomination for Warrant Chief, and Chief Uduezue Omaliko volunteered and thus became a Warrant Chief by default. The first church/school was built in 1908 by a Catholic Priest Rev. Father Ward at Agbaja. Chief Anaekwe sought and secured the approval of the project from other Warrant Chiefs. In return, quota system of equal representation on admission was instituted. It allowed 50 boys from each quarter of Abatete to

enroll for classes. Penalty for tardiness/ absence was one fowl for each transgression. But other Warrant Chiefs from Nsukwu, Odida, and Ogbu watched with disbelief as the loot from extortion of yam, fowl or goat for missing Akwukwo. Anaekwe went exclusively to Chief Anaekwe, despite the fact that most of the fines were coming from their district because of distance to the school. The Warrant Chiefs of Nsukwu, Odida and Ogbu met and decided to get even by inviting the Church Missionary Society (C.M.S) to build church/school in their own backyard. There was a catch. They had to pay teachers salary of 6.00 pounds. Chief Onwadiebo Ezekwe could afford it. He paid up and Christ Church was built at Olile-Nsukwu in 1914. Odida and Ogbu Warrant Chiefs pulled their resources together and got St John’s Church was built at Ogbu-ikwele. In 1930, both churches merged and moved to present location at Afor-Agu as Holy Trinity church. The churches did not come with schools attached. The young converts would have to attend school at a very far location at Eziowelle. It was afternoon school and at an appointed time the town crier would beckon the pupils to school with Ekwe: Gbaghalu ji, Gbaghalu ede Jebe akwukwo, Kpom kpom kpom In 1937, Holy Trinity School was built incorporated and popularly known as Uno Akwukwo Afo-Agu. In 1929 St Dominic’s Church/School Agbaja branched out to Ekeagu. It’s staff residence was built by Otu-Nkwali, Ogbu. New Africa school and later renamed Chukwura Primary School was built by great philanthropist Sir P. E. Chukwura and was commissioned in 1945. Holy Rosary Convent

One of these days is none of these days. ― Egyptian Proverb

School was built in 1948 to enhance and promote female education at Abatete. Notre Dame High School, which started life as Lugard Memorial High School was built by Chief T. O. Morah and Chief S. Mbakwe of Abacha in 1958. Girls Secondary School was built by the Abatete Social Club of Nigeria and was commissioned in 1979. The Warrant Chiefs in their wisdom brought to Abatete Church/Schools for salvation, education, and knowledge. But they never imagined the problem religious intolerance and zealotry would create. Thus, Abatete waded from one religious crisis juxtaposed with politics and greed to another for three decades. Every issue had religious undertone, it was either Anglican or Catholic, nothing in between. Never mind that at the time, majority were traditionalists, God was either an Anglican or a Catholic. Whether it was commissioning of maternity clinic or Igwe selection, myopic views prevailed. Abatete crisis reached a crescendo in 1959 when Eastern Region Government asked towns to nominate community heads. Chief Peter Aroh Eze-Onyeka was unanimously selected for installation as Igwe of Abatete, but the Igwe designate had a problem: he was an Anglican extraction. Many Catholic faithful gave their blessings to Chief Onunkwo Ezenwayo for Igweship as a counter weight for an Anglican backed Igwe. Abatete was in quagmire with two Igwes, each with enthusiastic supporters. The animosity between the two camps produced soundbites ‘Utala n’ofe’ ostensibly referring to Peter Aroh Eze-Onyeka’s camp while ‘Akpu aghaka’ referred to Ezenwayo’s chairleaders. Such was the situation until 1963 when the impasse was resolved at Ekeagu. In 1976 the Anambra State government made a policy requiring every town to nominate a Chief for recognition. Nsukwu, Odida, and Ogbu nominated Chief P. U. Mkpume. Other candidates Chief J. C. J. Anaekwe and Chief Anisiobi also filed their nomination papers at Ogidi. Justice Agbakoba’s Commission of Enquiry was set up to resolve the issue. In the end Chief Mkpume was the winner and Anambra State government recognized Mkpume as the Igwe of Abatete. On Nkwo, Saturday June 9, 1990, Chief Patrick Ugochukwu Mkpume was conferred as the Igwe Edeogu 1 of Abatete. Abatete has four Obis representing each quarter (in red below) and Ichies representing each of the 25 wards. Abatete sits on a high altitude plane, hundreds of feet above sea level. The seasons swing between long periods of dry and wet seasons with a little touch dry harmatan. Natives are agrarian but early settlers were artisans. Because labor was needed for production on the farm, polygamy was a necessity. The more hands on the till, the better the production. In the middle of the 20th century, the natives started branching out to less laborintensive and better paying jobs Driving and carpentry were at the head of the class. Then, they developed the technology of customizing vehicles. On merchandise retailing Abatete is a top dog. Today, Abatete excels in all fields, both public and private sector. — Additional report from Wikipedia.


January 2, 2015

Towards Resuscitating The Moribund AT&P Company In Sapele Lifeline is currently being given to the AT & P Sapele in an effort to keep hope alive for Deltans, writes Kola Eke-Ogiugo.


he name Africa Timber and Plywood (AT&P) will always remain fresh in the minds of residents of Sapele and its environs in Delta State. They are used to the early hooting sound of AT&P clock for the resumption of work every morning. AT&P, Sapele, was once upon a time the greatest provider of raw materials and labour to a large number of people among other industries and companies in Niger Delta region. In those years past, the convoy of workers riding on their bicycles with cringing sounds as they pedaled in a hurry to beat resumption time was a remarkable event in Sapele. There is no doubt that the punctuality orientation inculcated by UAC on their workers eventually had a positive effect on the lives of children of AT&P workers generally. It moulded their character to imbibe strong moral values, learning and the making of sound judgment while growing up. Today, AT&P, once rated as the second largest timber and plywood processing company in the world is in comatose. The company’s huge plants and machinery are now lying idle, wasting away. And this has become its fate after six years of abandonment by UAC for reasons ranging from poor management to declining supply of logs as well as problem of keeping pace with modern technology against several of it obsolete machines. The company was dealt a final blow after the exit of the UAC managing Director, Chief Earnest Shonekan, followed by the many shake-ups in UAC that was characterised by attendant problems of log procurement to run the mills. AT&P administrative office was finally shut and the last batch of workers either retired involuntarily or were retrenched for the company to be closed for all forms of operations for six years. The administration of Chief James Ibori, former governor of Delta State paid several visits to Sapele and negotiated with UAC for its purchase, hoping that all things being equal, with AT&P’s resuscitation, employment opportunities could be created for the youth in Delta State. In the middle of the second tenure of Ibori, residents of Sapele were awakened one morning by the blaring sounds of *AT&P *hooter and this echoed through the length and breadth of the sleeping town and the people greeted the sound with enthusiasm. According to the talk of the town in the days that followed then, AT&P was back on stream and there was a glimmer of hope for the unemployed people in the

town. But their joy was short-lived owing to months of efforts in revitalising the boulder machines in the Plymill, Sawmill Woodyard Dimension Mill, Particle Board and Research department because of their levels of decay, even the Clinic was not spared as it was all discovered to have been vandalised owing to its porous security during the years of the factory closure. On resumption after the re-buying by the Delta State Government, the vandalised machines from various departments were refurbished and used in the production of flush doors while the Dimension Mill engaged in production of furniture, school benches and desks of high quality. It is on record that AT&P in the past, through its Sawmill factory, produced railway slippers for export and the wood company became the main money spinning department to the larger UAC conglomerate and this was evidenced by years of its record of achievement as UAC posted AT&P as its highest profit earner before all company’s fortunes began to dwindle. In an earlier interview on the problems and prospects of the company after its purchase by the Delta State government, the then Managing Direcyor, Mr. Alex Ebigwai, listed several challenges that were temporally ameliorated through the acquisition of delivery trucks and forklifts to cushion the effect of hiring to and from the forests of Edo and Ondo States for logs and replacement of stolen and vandalised forklifts, among other items, to run the factory. Power generation was also taking a devastating toll on the small income being generated as a result of high cost of diesel and this became a teething problem to the company struggling to sustain an average consumption of about N3 million monthly bill on diesel alone to keep the few running machines going. Succor came the way of the company after over three years as the owners (Delta State government) eventually purchased and installed a high capacity transformer connected to the national grid, thereby relieving the company of the huge burden of servicing the generating plant. Several modifications were made subsequently especially through in-house technology to get AT&P from its sick bed to a virile state and in that direction, various machine components that can no longer be sourced as spare-parts from overseas had to be fabricated locally and internally; yet the problem of AT&P persisted. Lack of government patronage of its own company became a serious issue coupled with the fact that the Dimension Mill was the only functioning unit in the entire company. Its benches and school desks, despite

their quality, were left without being purchased as they lie in massive heaps and stacks waiting for government especially Ministry of Education, but the government contractors were looking at other directions for the same products to be supplied to the Ministry. While the herculean task of putting AT&P back on mid-stream is left for the government and technocrats, the current administrator of the company, Mr. Edward Ovuasa, in a recent interview listed some innovative steps being taken to reposition the company. Ovuasa disclosed that only the Dimension Mill is functioning and is the only life wire sustaining the company presently while others are lying idle. He explained that Plymill could not be run on a level of profit making due to insufficient logs of wood. The particle board technology is obsolete and has to be replaced by a modern machine known as MDF that may be purchased and installed with close to N5m, adding that MDF machine is what is in vogue in the industrialised world. The machines, according to Mr. Ovuasa, are produced in Italy and China and more sophisticated than Particle Board, adding that MDF products are in high demand all over the world and will boost the company’s profile and sales when available, adding that it would shoot company’s production level above 50 percent. “Towards this, we have been appealing to the state government and the banks to assist AT&P on this noble venture that is expected to yield immediate dividends”, he added. On what is responsible for the short-

Custom is the plague of wise men and the idol of fools. ― Egyptian proverb

fall in wood supply to the Plymill, he bemoaned the takeover of AT&P forest reserve at Sakponba, Edo State, by illegal fellers, explaining that it was a result of years of the company’s closure before its acquisition by Delta State government and withdrawal of forest guards that gave the poachers sufficient time to carry out illegal felling of the company’s wood. “Now, they have completely taken over the forest reserve and have deprived us from harvesting or maintaining the plantation and we are helpless to reclaim it, especially with the threat and confrontation by indigenes and merchants around the area on our staff. “While we have made several complaints about these alleged thieves in our report to the state government in a bid to take back the forest reserve, we are appealing the state governor, through the actualisation of the Delta Beyond Oil Vision, to look at the prospect of reviving the company especially the possibility of installing the machine for more job creation in the state,” he said.

Ovuasa disclosed that only the Dimension Mill is functioning and is the only life wire sustaining the company presently while others are lying idle


January 2, 2015


A Century Of Prize Winners

Frank Kellogg

Principally for his great novel, Buddenbrooks, which has won steadily increased recognition as one of the classic works of contemporary literature.

Thomas Mann


(1875-1955) A German forced to write in exile, Thomas Mann was a fervent opponent of the Nazi regime. He received American citizenship and only visited his homeland after World War II, preferring to base himself in Switzerland until the end of his days. He was born in Lubeck and was the second son of a respected merchant and senator of the city, J ohann Heirich Mann. His mother, [ulia da Silva Bruhns, was born in Rio de Janeiro and was taken to Germany when she was seven years old. Mann described himself as a young man with an innate resistance to orders of any kind. As a result of this temperament he hated school. He said that his “official” instruction only gave him rudimentary knowledge, little more than a few grammatical rules that were later useful in learning foreign languages. Thomas was I5 when his father died, a victim of septicemia, but the family grain firm provided a period of prosperous living for the Mann. His mother then went to live in Munich with the younger children. Mann followed her after finishing school poorly and beginning to work at an insurance company. He then prepared himself for a career in journalism by studying history, economics, art and literature. He lived in Rome for a year with his older brother Heinrich and shortly afterward, in I898, he published his first collection of short stories, Der Kleine Herr Friedmann. (Little Herr Friedmann) and started writing the novel Buddenbrooks (I90I). In I9I3 he published Der Tod in Venedig (Death in Venice). Mann moved to Switzerland in I933, shortly after the Nazis had come to power in Germany and started a campaign against him. He was formally expatriated in I936, and a year later the University of Bonn withdrew his honorary doctorate (later restored in I946), an event that led him to launch a counteroffensive, describing his condition as a writer in exile. Mann, who received the I929 Nobel Prize in Literature, had warned of the rise of fascism during the Weimar Republic and continued to fight against it in pamphlets and speeches throughout the Nazi regime and World War II. He became an American citizen in I940 and lived in Santa Monica, California, from I94I to I953, frequently traveling to Europe after the war. In I949 Mann was decorated with the Goethe Prizes ofWeimar (East Germany) and Frankfurt (West Germany). When he left America for good, however, he chose to live near Zurich in Switzerland, where he died in I955.


(1856-1937) Frank Billings Kellogg played a central role in the preparation of the Pact of Paris (or Kellogg-Briand Pact), in which IS nations agreed to banish war for good, and was appropriately recognized for his work toward this most important of all goals. Kellogg was born in Potsdam, New York, but his family was caught up in the great pioneering spirit that swept the western United States at the end of the Civil War, and they established a wheat farm in Minnesota. Frank did not have a regular education during these early years and, after brief periods at schools in New York and Minnesota, he obtained a position at a lawyers’ office in Rochester, Minnesota. He was mainly self-taught, not just in matters oflaw, but also in history, Latin and German - even the books he used were often lent to him by others. He became an attorney first in Rochester and then Olmsted County. Frank Kellogg joined a law firm where he stayed for the next 20 years. He amassed a considerable fortune in this time, serving clients that included owners of Minnesota railroad companies, iron mines and foundries. Kellogg made friends with figures of high finance, including Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and [ames Hill. He managed to maintain these friendships without compromising his strong principles, which won him fame prosecuted monopolies as a special attorney of the United States government at the request of President Theodore Roosevelt. One of these antitrust campaigns saw him up against Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company. It was one of the most dramatic legal battles before World War I and in the following year, 1912, Kellogg was nominated president of the American Bar Association. A Republican, he was elected a senator in 1916. His difficulty in capturing the attention of the electorate, however, meant that he lost his second election in 1922. It was then, after an invitation from President Harding, that his diplomatic life began, when he participated in the fifth Pan-American Conference in Chile. In 1923 President Coolidge nominated Kellogg as ambassador to London, England. Two years later, he succeeded Charles Evans Hughes as the American secretary of state. Kellogg’s most important achievement, which earned him the 1929 Nobel Peace Prize, was to broker a unilateral pact in which the signators renounced war as an instrument of national policy, thus improving the proposal of his French counterpart, Aristide Briand, who merely wanted an accord of perpetual friendship between France and the United States. Until his death on the eve of his 8rst birthday, Kellogg never lost faith in the accord signed in Paris.

For his efforts in concluding the Pact of Paris (Kellogg-Briand Pact) in 1928.

Better the foot slip than the tongue. — Dominican Proverb

Culled from the book ‘Nobel’

30 FRIDAY EXTRA/Best places to go...

January 2, 2015

In the interest of full disclosure, my uncle, David Rochlen, was a legendary surfer, and he rode with the best in Southern California and Hawaii. (He was later inducted into the Surfing Walk of Fame.) Thanks to him, I first learned how to surf on Sandy Beach in Oahu. That Hawaiian experience led me to mistakenly think I was good enough to try my luck on the treacherous North Shore. And that experience ultimately led me to realise my true limitations! Instead, I’m now a practicing stand-up paddle boarder on the East Coast, on the Great South Bay on Fire Island in New York. But every once in a while, in a fit of stupid nostalgia, I’ll return to Hawaii and try my luck again.



hen you think of surfing in the United States, what comes to mind first? Most likely Hawaii. Home to some of the most legendary big waves in the world, Hawaii is practically the birth-place of modern surfing. The good news is, you don’t have to be a local pro to get started. First-timers and novices can learn to surf right on Waikiki Beach, where the gentle Canoes surf break is located right in front of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Just rent a board and hire an instructor at the beach shackyou’ll know you’re in the right place if you can see the statue of Hawaiian surfing legend Duke Kahanamoku. Definitely get there early and on a weekday if you want to avoid the crowds. On the island of Maui, you want to head to the beautiful Launiupoko State Wayside Park for a beginner lesson. The waves are bro- ken up by coral reefs, making them gentle and smooth enough for newbies to handle. (And with a children’s wading pool, snorkeling, and picnic tables, this is also a great spot for a family day out.) On Kauai, Hanalei Bay on

the northern shore has a 2.5-mile-Iong, white-sand beach where the waters tend to remain calm and easy to manage in the summer, making it perfect for learning. Prefer to watch, not surf? Go to the North Shore of Oahu, where the locals go. The waves are at their highest in the winter months. Although there’s no guarantee of where and when the big waves will hit, you can usually get a great view of the surfers on massive waves at Waimea Beach Park. If you want to bring your board, remember, winter waves on these beaches are for the experts only, so be prepared. (However, the waters calm down tremendously in summer.) The famous Banzai Pipeline reef break, considered one of the most challenging waves in the world, is located at Ehukai Beach Park on the North Shore. North Carolina’s Outer Banks, a string of barrier islands more than 175 miles long, is a surfer’s paradise, with big swells on the ocean side ofthe peninsula. On the northern end of the Outer Banks, Corolla is ideal for beginners. What happens here is that waves break when they encounter water that is shal-

lower than they are tall (so, for example, a 3-foot wave will not break in 4 feet of water). The barrier sandbar makes the waves break at manageable heights, and surfers can walk out to the breaks rather than exert energy by paddling. On the northern end, you don’t have to worry about rocks, the water is shallower, and the beach is much flatter. Summer is a great time to go-there are fewer crowds, shallower waves, and warm water. Those looking for more of a challenge just need to head south of Corolla at the peak of hurricane season between August and November. And last, but certainly not least, experienced surfers should try Cape Hatteras, which holds the biggest, most consistent waves along the islands. Your best bet for lessons is Corolla Surf Shop whether you’re a first-timer or looking for a refresher course. On the West Coast, one of the great surf spots for beginners isn’t in Southern California, it’s in the Central Coast town of Santa Cruz. Cowell’s Beach, just north of the main beach, receives long, easy waves, while Capitola Beach is an even less crowded alternative for beginners.

Between the devil and the deep (blue) sea. — Egyptian Proverb

Both Cowell’s Beach Surf Shop corn) and Santa Cruz Surf School can show you the ropes. If you’re a skilled surfer, there’s a place for surfers and downright dangerous if you’re not very experienced. Keep in mind; the waves in Santa Cruz tend to ➔ CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

January 2, 2015

...Scenic Driving FRIDAY eXTrA 31 Surf and Yoga

The Sol Sessions camps in La Saladita, Mexico, and Block Island, Rhode Island, offer twice-ayear surfing and yoga retreats to work out both your mind and body. Pura Vida Adventures offers a similar type of experience in Costa Rica several times a year, so you can combine the art of wave riding with yoga within a beautiful natural setting. Former pro surfer Richard Schmidt runs weeklong surf clinics in Nosara, Costa Rica, every year, which include classroom and water-based instruction plus daily yoga sessions.


In Oaxaca, Mexico, Puerto Escondido, a.k.a. the Mexican Pipeline, is one of the top surfing spots in the world. Although there are places for less experienced surfers, the big draw here is the annual Quiksilver Pro surf competition in August. But you have to be flexible. The waves here are so powerful that officials will frequently postpone the event until they reach safe levels. Between April and November, surfers hang ten at Playa Zicatela, where the breaks and riptides are among the most powerful in the world. This spot is no joke, so unless you’re extremely comfortable out on the waves, you’re best off watching from the shore. If you’re in the mood for an adventure, head to the more remote, laid-back Oaxacan spots. San Agustinillo, about 40 miles south of Puerto Escondido, sits on a small bay where it meets the Pacific Ocean. The

area has two surfable beaches: Playa San Agustinillo on the west end, and the eastern Playa Rinconcito, which has calmer, more sheltered waters. Bahias de Huatulco is a well-kept secret among surfers. It’s barely on the tourist radar and an especially beautiful spot where the Sierra Madre del Sur meet the Pacific Ocean. Several protected bays, including La Bocana, have some powerful surfing breaks. Troncones, in the Mexican state of Guerrero, isn’t a major tourist destination-which is exactly why you should go. The point that juts out into Manzanillo Bay is suitable for many levels and the surf is good yearround, but newer surfers should stick to November through April, when the waves are smaller (watch out for the rough, rocky bottom). Summer brings a larger but more consistent swell.

Pro Surfing Competitions

Most of the major surf brands have competitions on the coast throughout the year, so if you prefer to watch the experts at work, this is the place to do it. Probably the biggest and the best is O’Neill Surf de Nuit (night surf) contest, which takes place in mid-August on Anglet’s Sables d’Or beach in France. Bells Beach, also known as the gateway to Victoria’s Surf Coast on the Great Ocean Road, is host to the world-famous Rip Curls Pro competition, the Longest-running event in professional surfing.

Europe Franee’s Basque Coast, which stretches from Bordeaux to the Spanish border, is practically the surf capital of Europe. The chic resort town of Biarritz is at the center of the action, known for its consistent conditions and ritzy social scene. In town, La Cote des Basques


Most out-of-towners will head to Australia’s famous Sydney beaches, Manly and Bondi, to test the waters. But don’t overlook Maroubra Beach, a.k.a. the “Bra,” a national surfing reserve just outside of Sydney. This small beach is more of a local hangout than a tourist attraction, but it’s a favorite spot for its consistent surf and long waves. Just watch out: This is the beach that spawned the notori- ous Bra Boys gang, so while the surfing itself is great, be careful to respect the locals and general surfing etiquette. If you’re not an experienced surfer, opt for a lesson with an outfitter like Sydney Safe


has gentle, long waves that are great for beginners, while La Grande Plage tends to be a little more challenging for more advanced surfers. Biarritz beaches get crowded in summer, so pick the slower shoulder seasons or head out of town for a more local experience.

Surf Schools With locals as your guide. The famous Gold Coast in Queensland is considered to have the best surfing conditions in all of Australia-so much so that there’s actually a beach called Surfers Paradise that’s a main hub for tourists and locals alike. But for beginners, locals will take you a little farther north to an area called the Spit, where a break wall makes the waves much easier to handle than the more exposed beaches. You can take surf lessons from a local company like Surfing Paradise where instructors are intimately familiar with the swells in this area.

First-time windsurfers can have a great experience on South Padre Island in Texas, where the waters of the 120-mile-long Laguna Madre are warm and shallow, and the wind is steady and not too strong. In the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Hatteras Island acts as a sandbar, creating calm, shallow conditions in Pamlico Bay, which are perfect for those just learning. In Naxos, Greece, July and August bring the famous Aegean wind, also known as the Meltemi. The swells can be challenging in some spots, but look for sheltered inlets like Mikri Vigla and Agios Georgios that are protected from the winds. The inner part of Lac Bay on the island of Bonaire is well protected, so it’s a great beginner spot. As you get toward the mouth of the bay, the winds become stronger and create conditions for more skilled windsurfers. Want a serious challenge? Lake Arenal in Costa Rica sits between two mountain ranges, so it acts like a wind tunnel, creating waves up to 5 feet high.

Insider tips

Every November, the Triple Crown of Surfing is held on Oahu’s North Shore in three breaks: Haleiwa Ali’i Beach Park, Sunset Beach, and Banzai Pipeline.

South America Believe it or not, Chile offers a landscape not unlike central California. It’s got a slightly cool climate and even cooler waters, dark sand, and craggy coastlines (rather than the balmy weather and white sand usually associated with surf spots). The resort town of Pichilemu in central Chile, about a 3- to 4-hour drive from Santiago, has two main beaches: Punta de Lobos and Puertecillo Beach, which offer

a great variety of point breaks-everything from huge waves that the pros like to tackle, to “shadowed” swells that are good I for beginners. This is the Southern Hemisphere, so the waves are at their best in April and May. For spectators, there are some major surfing competitions at Punta de Lobos, namely the Quiksilver Ceremonial Big Wave Invitational.

Exotic Kite Boarding Cabarete, a beach town on the north coast of the Dominican Republic, is a huge kite boarding destination. The calm water and trade winds make it an ideal spot for beginners or experts. Don’t miss the annual Cabarete World Cup in mid-June. Or how about kite boarding in ... Vietnam? That’s right, the small fishing village of Mui Ne

Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. — Cambodian Proverb

(about 5 hours north of Saigon) has enormous sand dunes and constant winds, attracting kite boarders from around the world. And in Namibia, Africa, the shallow lagoon at Luderitz gets a strong wind every March and August to create perfect conditions. It’s home to the well-regarded Luderitz Speed Challenge.


January 2, 2015


... answers to everyday scientific questions

Why do we feel pain? We feel pain so that we know to stop doing whatever is causing the pain. Pain is your body’s way of signalling to your brain that it is being damaged. If something causes damage to the cells of, say, your foot, pain receptors in your foot fire off nerve signals that travel along your nerves to your brain. Your brain translates these signals into the feeling of pain, and this makes you do something to stop the pain. If the pain had started after you stepped on a very pointy rock, you might take your foot off it. Without pain, you wouldn’t know that you needed to move your foot, and so you might end up losing it, which wouldn’t do your chances of survival any good at all. People who cannot feel pain don’t live very long. There are some conditions, such as syringomyelia, which stop the pain receptors from working properly, and as a result people don’t feel pain. This can be dangerous in lots of ways - if you don’t realize you’ve cut your foot, you won’t do anything to stop it getting infected (like keeping it clean). But the greatest danger to people who can’t feel pain is joint

damage. If you hold one position for too long, your joints will start to hurt, prompting you to change position before you’ve done any damage to your joints. People with syringomyelia don’t change their position because they don’t realize they are damaging their joints, and they end up destroying them. Eventually they die of blood poisoning. Pain can be hard to describe because everyone’s experience of it is different. Dr Justin Schmidt studies biting and stinging insects and he has devised a scale that rates and describes the pain caused by different bugs. At the bottom of the scale, with a pain rating of 1.0, is the sweat bee; Schmidt describes its sting as ‘light ... almost fruity ... [as if] a tiny spark has singed a single hair on your arm.’ Near the middle of the scale comes the bullhorn acacia ant with a score of 1.8; its bite feels like ‘someone has fired a staple into your cheek’. The most painful insect is the pepsis wasp: its sting scores 4.0 and Schmidt says it is like ‘a running hair dryer has been dropped into your bubble bath’.

Better Crows untaught do not pick than crow’s ill-taught eyes ——Cambodian Chinese Proverb Proverb

Culled from Why?: Answers to everyday scientific questions

January 2, 2015

Worst Nigerian Hit Songs Of 2014 Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. ― Egyptian Proverb

esseNTIals PlaYlIsT



January 2, 2015

Highest-grossing films of 2014 1. Transformers: Age of Extinction $1,087,404,500

4. X-Men: Days of Future Past $746,045,700

2. Guardians of the Galaxy $772,462,030

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier $714,083,572

3. Maleficent $757,752,378

6. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 $708,982,323

7. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes $708,299,389


10. How to Train Your Dragon 8. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay 2 – Part 1 $618,909,935 $671,939,828 9. Interstellar

fridayleadership@leadership.ng follow us on Twitter @essentialsng


Essentials Playlist Don Jazzy: The Voice Of The Nigerian Music Industry?

Trust me, there’s a million and one things that can go right when you have Don Jazzy doing background vocals or even a solo freestyle on your track. Agreed, he’s not vocally skilled like Banky W, Praiz or Oritse Femi even but there’s a special something about his baritone tenor heavily dotted with cultural influences over it. Don Jazzy has a way of shaking things up and spicing ‘em with his voice. It is special, for him at least. To some others (me), there’s this awkwardly mesmerizing effect that it comes with. The sound of his voice on a track is hitherto like the song’s reawakening. It is magical. And not forgetting that it is always accompanied by the midas touch of his only boastful technical know how – the music production. I can recall Don Jazzy’s singing as far back as the a-days of the Mo’hits crew. Not only was he guy man D’Banj’s confam producer, he also doubled as background vocalist. On Tongolo, which officially announced D’Banj’s star sign, Don Jazzy got a series of backlashes from music sweethearts and comedians especially who relished opportunities to take him down over his cry baby vocals on the hook of that song. Personally, when I heard that voice I thought to myself “who is this phonie? Could he try out an art other than singing?” But no, Don baba J didn’t back down. Instead, he upped his game which necessarily didn’t include intense vocal coaching and exercising. May be he drank sparking water a lot more before lacing his ‘voice of life’ on records in the studio; perhaps he chewed bitter kola or

avoided greasy meals, cold liquids, rough textured snacks like roasted corn, biscuits and snickers chocolate; might be that he cleared his throat 70 times 7 (lol!) we’ll never know for sure. So here’s what I think. Don Jazzy took all that criticism and “hate” (like some of y’all are too quick to term it) and he fired back with better boldness, confidence and a zeal to do better in his own way little way and he’s become darn good at it. Look at Mrs Billz who clearly enjoys an enviable vocal chemistry with the doroboss; in my review of her debut album I had to cry out that there was already too much Don Jazzy on the work. Yet, those songs have remained a favourite selection off Once Upon a Time. Or is it Dr Sid’s Siduction whose voice I suddenly couldn’t tell apart Don Jazzy’s at some point? More people dismiss the effort but never overlook the Don Jazzy collabos. Now, there’s the infamous Dorobucci and Adaobi. They’re both songs that caught us off guard with the former still pulling in a breaking record of mp3 downloads and Youtube views. So you see? Not like his “sing sing” (like a friend of mine actually termed it) deserves all the credit but you gotta agree that it is paying off and wonderfully well even. Undoubtedly, most of the songs with IDJA’s voice on it are a music collector’s item. Ikechukwu’s Now Is The Time, Wande Coal’s The Kick, Dr Sid’s smash hit single Surulere, Tiwa Savage’s Without My Heart and Eminado, including the unofficial features on Mrs Billz most recent single My Darlin, Di’Ja’s Yaro, Reekado Banks’ Chop Am and Korede Bello’s Cold Outside where he spices things with mild vocal embellishments in the form of adlibs. The best part would be that he’s not even all about the Mavin folk alone. Need I remind you about Kcee’s Pull Over Remix, DJ Xclusive’s Gal Bad, Ayo Vincent’s Serve The Lord (which I looooove by the way) and P-Square’s Collabo? Oh, there’s Skelemba with Olamide offering too. Regardless, the smart man knows well not to launch an official music career ‘cos that just might be the beginning of the end. I think his outstanding nature lies in the fact that he has the wherewithal to being whoever he wants to but he’s chosen to be who he’s supposed to… and that right there people, defines the mind of a Mavin! — Courtesy tooxclusive.com

Keeping Up With The Kardashians A reality television series that has aired on E! Since October 14, 2007, it focuses on the personal and professional lives of the KardashianJenner family. The series focuses on sisters Kim, Kourtney, and Khloé Kardashian. It additionally places emphasis on their brother Rob Kardashian, their mother Kris Jenner, their stepfather Bruce Jenner, their half-sisters Kendall

and Kylie Jenner, and Kourtney’s boyfriend Scott Disick. In season 8, Bruce’s children Brody and Brandon, and Brandon’s wife, Leah became recurring cast members. Keeping Up with the Kardashians has received moderately favorable reviews from critics. However, it is often criticized for emphasizing the “famous for being famous” concept and appearing to fabricate aspects of its storyline.

movie review


Genre: Drama Director: Jon Favreau Year: 2014 This delightful charmer written, directed by and starring Jon Favreau can feel like blithe, feel-good fare. And it is, but it’s also an artful tale of a man (Favreau) determined not to let his stature dwindle. That goes for his status as a respected California chef and his relationship with his doting preteen son (darling breakout star Emjay Anthony), with whom he sets out to start a bustling food truck.

Their road trip takes them to Miami, Austin and New Orleans, giving us a mouth-watering cultural fusion that turns into a heartfelt look at familial bonds and midlife self-discovery. With a supporting cast that includes Scarlett Johansson, Sofia Vergara, Dustin Hoffman, John Leguizamo, Bobby Cannavale and Robert Downey Jr., a kicker here about how “Chef” is delicious fun would be corny, but also appropriate. — Reviewed by Matthew Jacobs

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January 2, 2015

Essentials Taste

Nigerian Fried Rice with clean cold water. Step 2: Place the washed rice in a pot and add the Stock (I used turkey stock for this). Add some water, Curry powder (For colour and taste), Seasoning cubes, Salt to taste and minced garlic. Cover the pot and leave to cook till the liquid in the pot dries up leaving the softened (But not too soft) rice.

Happy Holidays! Now, one good way to enjoy the holiday is to give your family a simply irresistible treat with homemade fried rice. The Nigerian fried rice is a delicious meal which is quite popular with kids and adults. It's also likely to come top on the list of foods loved by Nigerians. No Birthday, Wedding, Event, Ceremony is complete without fried rice which makes it a favourite go-to meal for special occasions. With the colourful veggies in the rice, I’d have to say it's highly nutritious. Fried rice can be served with Salad, Chicken, Fish, Moi Moi etc. Ingredients: • 3 cups of White Rice • 2 cups of Liquid Stock (Boiled meat water) i.e. Turkey stock, Beef Stock or Chicken stock • 2 tablespoons of Curry Powder (For Colour) • 3 seasoning cubes • Salt to taste • 4 cloves Garlic, minced • 8 tablespoons of Vegetable oil • 3 medium sized Carrots • 2 large Green Capsicum (Green bell pepper) • 1 cup Green Peas • 2 bulbs Red Onion • A handful Green Beans • 200g Cow Liver Directions:

Preparation Of The Liver Wash the liver thoroughly with water and dice. Place the diced liver in a small pot, season with salt and steam for 10 minutes. Turn off the burner and set aside. Preparation Of The Vegetables Step 1: Scrape the back of the carrots, Wash and dice. Step 2: Remove the seeds from the green bell pepper, Wash and dice. Step 3: Wash and dice the runner

beans. Step 4: Wash and steam the green peas with a little salt to taste. Step 5: Wash and chop the Onions. Set the veggies aside. Preparation of the Curried rice Step 1: Parboil the rice in water for about 10mins. Cooking for this short period of time ensures it doesn't get too soft before the real curried rice preparation as well as removes some of the starch to prevent it from sticking together. Wash and rinse

The Fried Rice Preparation Fried rice is usually done in batches (if you want to go the Authentic way) so you’d have to divide the veggies, rice and liver into 4 batches (let’s call it batch 1, 2, 3, 4) Step 1: Heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large pan. Step 2: Add the batch 1 veggies (carrot, green pepper, peas, runner beans, onions) and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Add the liver (Batch 1) and stir-fry for 2minutes. Add the rice (Batch 1) and stir to incorporate the mixture, leave for 1 minute before turning out into a pot. Repeat the process above till the whole batch is used up P.S: If you do not want to go through the stress, Simply Stir-fry all the veggies and liver in a pan, Add it to the curried rice and mix to incorporate. Leave to heat further on low heat before turning off the burner. Serve hot!

Sardine Coleslaw Recipe As i write this, I’m so hungry because i just woke up and my sense of smell always seems to intensify on an empty tummy. The one and only thing i crave for right now is a bowl of sardine coleslaw. Luckily, I’ve got some leftover salad in the fridge so i probably won't starve this morning. This is one of the healthiest salads to make and it's also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to the sardines packed in olive oil plus the creamy dressing which makes the taste simply mouth-watering. Ingredients: • ¼ Medium Cabbage • 1 medium sized Carrot • ¼ Red onion • ½ green bell pepper • 2 Lettuce leaves • 2 sardines • Salad cream/ mayonnaise - as desired Directions: Step 1: Scrape the back of the

carrot, Remove the seeds from the green bell pepper, and remove the onion skin. Wash the vegetables thoroughly with clean water. Step 2: Grate the carrot, Chop

the lettuce, cabbage, Onion, green pepper, Mash the Sardines with a fork. Step 3: Mix them all together and add your Cream Topping

Better Caution As welcome one-eyed is theasparent than flowers stone-blind. ofin safety. May. ――Egyptian Egyptian ― Egyptian Africa Africa Africa

Step 4: Place in the refrigerator and Serve Chilled. — Courtesy Dobbysignature.


January 2, 2015

SnoopBond DoggWould and Iggy 'Between A Black James BeAzalea Visionary'

The on-going between AzaleaIdris andElba As the debatefeud rages on overIggy whether legendary rapper Snoop Dogg has been should be cast as the first ever black James described the ‘World’s most randomsupport rap Bond, he’sas landed some high-profile in feud’ and of it all started when postedrapper, a the form Kanye West. TheSnoop outspoken insists that 42-year-old Idris would be perfect picture mocking Iggy’s makeup-free face. Snoop for the coveted currently held by Daniel posted the photorole, showing an albino-looking Craig, branding the possibility woman with cornrow braids and‘visionary’ the caption casting. He told The Sun: knowof Idris a little “Iggy Azalea no make-up.”‘IMany Snoop’s bit and he is a big talent.were The movies he has 3.5million-plus followers also tickled by been the derisive picture, as making are special, and when the role for James Bond comes up it it scored thousands of likes and comments within hours.actors Well, Iggy needs to be his. ‘James Bond is a role made for British and got wind of the picture and blasted Snoop on Twitter, saying “why you won’t find a British actor who has the talent of Idris. Artists would post such a mean picture onBond Instagram you sendno shouldyou be visionaries. A black James wouldwhen be visionary your body ask me for pictures every time wenot areinteresting at shows.” doubt. ‘ In guards a 2011 to interview with NPR, Idris said he’s Snoop responded by posting another pictureConnery online ofwasn’t him wearing a in becoming the ‘black’ James Bond. ‘Sean the Scottish James and Daniel CraigSnoop wasn’t the blue-eyed James platinum blondeBond, wig under the words: Dogg and Iggy Azalea Bond, so if I played him, I don’t want to be called the black James Bond,’ the actor said.

Chris Brown’s ‘Ebola Tweet Apology’ Not Accepted By Fans American musician ChrisKhloe Brown is not a Dating Is Weirddoctor he doesn’t even play one on TV and he’s now learned to keep his mouth shut when Kardashian it comes to important medical issues like the

According to reality TV star Khloe Kardashian, Ebola Recently, tweeted that datingcrisis. ‘is so weird.’ The Chris ‘Keeping Up with the“I don’t know but I think this Ebola epidemic is her Kardashians’ star, who filed for divorce from a form of population control. S**t is getting crazy bruh.” The estranged husband, Lamar Odom, in December 2013 and ended immediate furiousrelationship backlash included that French followed was her on-again,and off-again with rapper Montana definitely expected. “You’re not a smart person at all,” and “You in December 2014 , admits she’s still adjusting to being single believe this based on what evidence? Oh yeah, none” and “Why and doesn’t want to rush into another romance. ‘By the time I hit morons gottaI would be famous?” 30, I thought have kids and still be married. But because Chris conceded after 3 minutes byand tweeting, “Let that’s not the waydefeat it went, youjust can’t sit in a ball cry. I had a me shut my black ass up!” But the angry responses kept coming. husband, so I think there’s an adjustment period, which I don’t This is one of Chris’s want tonot rush. Dating is so finest weird.’moments. She said. Going further, she said: ‘I don’t crave sex. I talked about it more openly when I was married because it’s more comfortable.

Wizkid Is An Ungrateful Person – Samklef

Popular musician WizKid is currently in the eye of the storm over issues bordering on attitude and excessive collaboration charges from his fellow artistes, Samklef and lately Saeon. It all started when WizKid allegedly labelled his former producer Samklef’s beats ‘Amateur’ Popular musician Davido announced in aTwitter recent interview and Samklef, via that his second album not willtaking be the comments siting down WizKid released in April 2014. He replied however didn’t immediately. He made feelings in Davido’s second disclose the exact datehis and title ofknown the album. an interview withfeature Linda Ikeji. not happy with WizKid. I am‘Gobe’ angry album will likely the“I’m hit singles ‘Skelewu’ , ‘Aye’, and . becauseinhe’s about disrespecting my talent. his not music Earlier thegoing year, the pop singer announced thatI like he will be but l don’tan likealbum him asina2014 person anymore. The reason I don’t like him dropping because he wanted to concentrate anymore is, why do you go about spoiling other people’s business? on promoting other acts on his label. Davido’s first album Omo I neverOlowo: spoiled your business, came out to Also, say anything Baba The Genesis was never released in 2012. Davido bad about you for four So why would you released go to an OAP and tell also revealed that years. amongst all the albums in 2014, he the OAP thatenjoyed the reason you no workalbums. with me is because particularly M.I,why Wizkid andlonger Olamide’s

Davido’s Second Album To Drop In April 2015

Sound Sultan’s Wife Is Not A Fan Of His Music

My Band Doesn’t Get Shows Due To Political Reasons

Musician, fashion designer and entrepreneur Lanre Fasasi, aka Sound Sultan recently made a shocking revelation that his wife, Farida Fasasi is not fanlate of his music. king, Fela, and an amazing Sonaof Afrobeat While speaking a recent withrecently NET, the musician in hisinown right.interview Seun Kuti, ‘Naija Ninjas’ boss said ‘My wife does not listen returned to the country from a 6-month to my she likes to Blackface and Bob tourmusic, that took himlistening to countries like Canada, Marley. ’ Trinidad, Cannery Island, Algeria and so many Sound Sultan, a devoted long other countries. Asked Muslim, why he married doesn’t his perform term Igbo Christian girlfriend, Chichi Morah in in Nigeria as much as he does abroad, he 2009 and his has since converted Islamback after answered bywife saying ‘I don’t know. I to come getting married to the Satellite Town bred star, here to rest because I don’t get jobs here. I don’t understand itfully as adopting the Islamic faith and the Farida.it is just a shame. It is well. At times, I am saddened byname, it because The union between Sultan, started in 2000ofwith the not even about meSound but the bandwhose whichcareer has the pedigree being release of his hit single, ‘Jagbajantis,’ and his wife, is currently blessed a big band. But just for political reasons, we are being excluded. I with 3 children. believe afro beat should be in high demand in Nigeria, Fela did a lot for Nigerians. I watch the shows here and it is not as if they are Entertainers Invest better than what I do.’ N1 Billion In Hospitality Businesses Who agrees with him? With Nigeria standing tall as the fastest-growing hospitality sector in sub-Saharan Africa, according to data collected by W-Hospitality Group, top entertainers in the country have also delved into the sector, investing almost N1b this is according to NET. Though some of these entertainers have failed in operating The that 2 of Nigeria’sothers top music Wizkid few news of their investments, havestars teamed up and withDavido experts were at each other’s throat was a big story in 2014. However,AY’s it was in the sector to invest heavily and wisely. From Comedian, recently confirmed that both musicians are no longer at war. In a recently opened ‘MVP Lounge’ to 2face Idibia’s ‘Rumors’ and Dayo recent interview with NET, Davido said: ‘It’s all good now, some rich Adeneye’s D&C Suites and bar; entertainers keep investing in the men brought us together and it’s finally Wizkid inhave a recent hospitality sector in recent time. Otherresolved.’ entertainers who tweet also encouraged his fans to turn out to support the recently invested in the hospitality sector are Femi Kuti ‘Afrikan Shrine’, held Davido and FriendsHotel, Concert further to show that Victor Olaiya, Stadium andwhich Flavour, 2nitegoes Klub.

Wizkid And Davido No Longer At War

In some not-so-funny news, was recently 40 year old itSpanish Actress and mother of that two Penelope Cruz revealed after almost was recently named the Sexiest 20 years of marriage, Chris Woman Alive according to Esquire Rock and his wife, magazine’s annual list ofMalaak desirable Compton-Rock, are divorcing. female beauties. This WAS revealed in a statement Malaak released to People magazine.

Kim Kardashian hasthat the World’s The news Best butt! This is according Justin Bieber recentlyto recent research commissioned acquired a private jet worth by Longevita plastic surgeon Prof. $60m has been everywhere. Dr Fuat Yuksel . And over 45% But according to TMZ, it was percent of women seeking to enlarge their butt in last one merely chartered bythe Justin for a year want flight what they refer toto Christmas fromnow Canada ‘TheaKim’ . NYC. Itaswas 22-seater

G4 plane which is up for sale. He didn’t buy it.

TiSPY Did Justin TiSPY

Bieber a Namebuy the private jet? musician that has a nightclub in Festac?

II'm AmNot NotThat A Lesbian Rich Nnaji –-Genevieve Yvonne Nelson

Sometimes, movie lovers find it hard to Star differentiate between an actor’s private actress life and a role he or she has played. One Genevieve actress who has been forced to refute Nnaji was news making the rounds that she is a a guest on TV show lesbian is Yvonne Nelson. Truth’ In a recent interview with Vanguard ‘The with Olisa Newspaper, the Ghanaian actress Adibua. denounced lesbianism in its entirety. In the ‘Lesbianism is against my religious interview, beliefs, it’s against my cultural norms she and I think it was very mischievous opened for people to insinuate such about up on someone they hardly knew. The rumour almost was started by a notorious website in Ghana last year when they reported that they had never seen me with a man. In their warped and twisted calculation, I was thus a lesbian. Can you imagine such crass reasoning?’ The actress who said he has forgiven those circulating the reports, restated once more that she would forever remain a heterosexual woman. ‘That they had not seen me with a man, and may have seen me with my girlfriends going out to have fun, and then automatically I was a lesbian. It was a hatchet job – an attempt to discredit me, but they all failed. I am heterosexual and would remain one till the end. When you are in the public light as I have been blessed and privileged to being, your life becomes a public property and some mischievous people will say all manner of things about you. It comes with the territory, so I forgive them.’ She said.

TheThings Things The

They Said Said They

“I“Ididn’t saycare anything about Tiwapeople Savage’s might don’t whatever marriage” have said about my marriage”

–Musician KceeIni Edo —Actress “Life sweet die”

is an impressive young man” –“Olamide Musician Davido — APC vice presidential candidate Yemi Osinbajo


“I don’t want to settle until find the right person” ”Ibinabo is an easy down person toIlove” –Actress Genevieve Nnaji —Ibinabo Fiberisma’s husband Uche Egbuka


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