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Saturday, February 7, 2015

BONUSPACK $6.9 150 kmh million




Fastest speed for a towed skateboard acheived by Norway's Steffen Eliassen.


China United States India Japan Brazil Russia Germany Nigeria United Kingdom France Mexico South Korea Indonesia Philippines Egypt Vietnam Turkey Italy Spain Canada Pakistan Poland Argentina Colombia Iran South Africa Malaysia Australia Thailand Morocco Taiwan Netherlands Ukraine Saudi Arabia Kenya Venezuela Peru Romania Chile Uzbekistan Bangladesh Kazakhstan Belgium Sweden Czech Republic Sudan Hungary Portugal Switzerland Austria Tanzania Greece Algeria Israel Syria Ecuador Hong Kong Denmark Azerbaijan Uganda Finland Dominican Republic Belarus United Arab Emirates Norway Tunisia Slovakia Yemen Ghana Singapore Sri Lanka Bulgaria New Zealand Ireland Bolivia Serbia Nepal Angola Cuba Croatia Jordan Lebanon Bosnia and Herzegovina Senegal Lithuania Guatemala Iraq Costa Rica Zimbabwe Kuwait

641,601,070 279,834,232 243,598,922 109,252,912 107,822,831 84,437,739 68,296,919 55,930,391 54,861,245 54,473,474 44,173,551 41,091,681 38,191,873 37,602,976 36,881,374 36,140,967 35,990,932 35,531,527 33,870,948 29,760,764 29,128,970 24,969,935 23,543,412 22,160,055 20,504,000 20,012,275 19,200,408 18,129,727 17,779,139 17,770,081 17,656,414 15,559,488 15,115,820 14,111,459 13,805,311 12,353,883 11,287,915 10,924,252 10,482,463 10,369,924 10,148,280 9,341,977 8,559,449 8,557,561 7,632,975 7,183,409 7,170,086 6,900,134 6,752,540 6,657,992 6,136,331 6,029,983 5,690,291 5,568,961 5,474,994 5,348,765 5,207,762 5,155,411 5,145,531 4,941,704 4,789,266 4,539,869 4,523,412 4,517,169 4,471,907 4,447,885 4,386,470 4,321,814 4,217,454 3,971,318 3,927,948 3,881,287 3,873,982 3,730,402 3,517,991 3,500,047 3,332,602 3,058,195 2,839,881 2,822,427 2,668,644 2,535,918 2,535,356 2,490,631 2,397,517 2,255,845 2,210,175 2,202,308 2,156,791 2,095,304

please cut along this line and keep

SEEN & OVERHEARD Comedy Anyone who thinks women aren’t funny is an idiot: two of my favourite comedians of the last 25 years are Lily Savage and Dame Edna Everage. RICKY GERVAIS

Is it possible for a comedian to be too Irish? BRUCE DESSAU

That was so funny I almost forgot to laugh. GILDA RADNER

Computer please cut along this line and keep

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.


To start press any key. Where’s the ‘any’ key? HOMMER SIMPSON

Great, isn’t it? I’ve got a $2,000 computer and all I know how to do is play the golf game on it. MARK HARDY

I have just paid an enormous amount of money for a Dell laptop and it’s like giving somebody a 747. I can barely get on the internet to get my mail.


Beauty I can’t believe we still have the Miss America pagent. This is America! Where we’re not supposed to judge people based on how the look; we’re supposed to judge people based on how much money they make.


It was God who made me so beautiful. If I weren’t, then I’d be a teacher.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Get it out with Optrex. SPIKE MILLIGAN

Intelligence It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value. STEPHEN HAWKING

He has just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more. P. G WOODHOUSE

He doesn’t know, but if anyone knows, he would. MURRAY WALKER

JUST UNBELIEVABLE Total amount of money spent to make Michael Jackson’s Black or White music video.


Easier/sooner said than done A suggestion or idea is theoretically attractive but impractical or difficult to implement. Have something/nothing to say for oneself To be able (or unable) to justify or excuse one’s actions, behaviour, etc. As soon as young Newland had ... surveyed Wildgoose’s face, half-shaved (which he took for disguise); ‘Well, you rascal,’ says he ... ‘What have you to say for yourself, guilty or not?’ ‘Ah,’ says Wildgoose ... ‘I am but too guilty.’ That/it goes without saying That is too obvious or familiar to mentioning. ‘There is also a restless young woman in the case’, Lady Muriel added. ‘That goes without saying, my child’, said her father. ‘Women are always restless!’ That is to say In other words: used (as a fuller form of that is) to introduce a further explanation of something just said. A fish that is waterless (out of water) - that is to say, a monk out of his cloystre. There is no saying One cannot be certain about something. I never spent so happy a summer ... there is no saying what it may lead to. When all is said and done Once everything has been taken into consideration. You can say that again An exclamation of agreement with or approval for something just said. It’s a free country said the man swinging an ax-handle at his neighbour. You can say that again said the neighbour swung against and swinging back. You don’t say Used to express (often ironic or sarcastic) suprise at something just said. ‘Look at that young lady with the white beads round her head,’ whispered Catherine, detaching her friend from James. ‘It is Mr Tilney’s sister.’ ‘Oh! Heavens! you don’t say so! Let me look at her this moment.’


At all events/in any event Whatever the circumstances, in any case; at any rate. He took the precaution of stepping into a chemist’s shop and buying a bottle of the very strongest smelling-salts. ‘By George!’ said Mr Bounderby, ‘if she takes it in the fainting way, I’ll have the skin off her nose, at all events!’


Saturday, February 7, 2015

SOKOTO STATE GOVERNMENT I SALUTE YOUR WORTHY CORONATION I, Alhaji (Dr) Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, GMON, MMWL, NIIFE (Sarkin Yamman Sokoto), Executive Governor, Sokoto State wish to on behalf of my family, myself and the people of the most peaceful state in Nigeria (Sokoto State) congratulate you on your cherished coronation as the 14th Sarkin Kano today, Saturday February 7, 2015. Your Highness, I wish to state that your ascension to the revered traditional stool confirms your meritorious service to humanity. I have no doubt that your reign as Sarkin Kano will further add to your cherished principle of equity, fairness, transparent and just leadership. While wishing you Allah’s blessings and guidance, I pray that you remain an exceptional blessing to the traditional institution (Kano Emirate), North and Nigeria at large.

Once more, congratulations

His Highness, Alhaji (Dr.) MUHAMMADU SANUSI II Emir of Kano Signed: ALHAJI (DR) ALIYU MAGATAKARDA WAMAKKO, GMON, MMWL, NIIFE (Sarkin Yamman Sokoto) Executive Governor, Sokoto State


Saturday, February 7, 2015

CONGRATULATIONS! I wish to, on behalf of my family, Management, Staff and Students of Baze University heartily rejoice with HRH, Emir of Kano, Alh. (Dr.) Muhammadu Sanusi II on his coronation as the 14th Emir of Kano on February 7, 2015. “The reward of hardwork is more work” I am confident that you will continue to discharge your responsibilities to the people of Kano Emirate and all Nigerians with fairness and justice. I pray Almighty Allah to protect you, grant you good health and wisdom in the years ahead.



Pro-Chancellor: Baze University Chairman: Baze Construction Ltd MD: Baze Research & Data Services Ltd Address: Plot 686, Cadastral Zone C 00, Kuchigoro, Abuja. Nigeria


Saturday, February 7, 2015

known e v a h o t ghted ich you h w , s e I am deli d er 4 deca v o r common o n f u u d yo e t i ys exhib a w l a e v alities; a u ha q p i h s r d eade principle y l h sterling l g i h ous and e g a r u o c al. individu ted as a n o r o c officially e r a ur reign u o y o y y a r As p Kano, I f o r i rity and e m p E s o r the p , e r in peac e h s u l l i r w d of you n a l e h t joy to ay your m d n a s r forefathe go less not shadow ah. insha All


Senator Abubakar




His Highness, Alhaji (Dr.) MUHAMMADU SANUSI II Emir of Kano


Saturday, February 7, 2015


Saturday, February 7, 2015

for the record

Christians, Beware Of Dogs! ➔ CONTINUED from yesterday

By Sharon Faliya Cham

The north is being destroyed through “Boko Haram”. That’s just it. 31. “We won’t cede any part of Nigeria to terrorists” - Defence Headquarters (DHQ), page 4, LEADERSHIP newspaper, Thursday, August 14, 2014 * Story! Story! Story! Propaganda! Propaganda! Propaganda! I have lost count of the number of towns and villages under “Boko Haram” occupation as at now! Well, maybe the Defence Headquarters will recapture them after the 2015 elections. But so far, according to an investigation, “Boko Haram” has seized territory up to 21, 545 sq km of land with more than 2 million people in 17 local government areas affected. According to the investigation, the size of the captured area is even slightly larger than the size of Imo, Abia and Ekiti states combined together in land mass! See front page of DAILY TRUST newspaper of Monday, November 3, 2014. 32. “We will help Nigeria rescue Chibok girls” - Mr. Arthur Lenk, the Israeli Ambassador to South Africa (page 16, The PUNCH, Monday, November 3, 2014) * I have lost count of the number of countries that have promised to help Nigeria rescue the Chibok schoolgirls, which have yielded no fruit. I suspect the Nigerian government has not been cooperative enough, which could be why the powerful countries that offered to help backed out! False Flag suspected? Most likely! 33. “Boko Haram: Federal Government, U.S., France, U.K., Chad, Cameroon, Niger meet in Paris” - Headlines, front page, THIS DAY, Sunday, May 11, 2014 * So, after that meeting, what happened? Who is frustrating the possible outcomes of that meeting? 34. “Chibok Schoolgirls Abduction: Army ignored 48 hours advance warning” - Amnesty International (Headlines, front page, Saturday PUNCH, May 10, 2014) * According to Amnesty International, the Nigerian Army was given intelligence information about the impending attack and abduction of the schoolgirls 48 hours before it occurred, but the Army ignored it. Well, this is usual with the way they were always ordered to vanish from checkpoints for “Boko Haram” to pass and go and destroy towns and villages in the north! But look at the next one: 35. “Troops flood Otuoke over President’s cousin kidnap” - Page 5, The PUNCH, Thursday, February 27, 2014 * Everybody in Nigeria is familiar with this drama! Chibok schoolgirls were abducted and till today there has been no military or

security forces looking for them, but for the President’s cousin, troops were massively deployed, and they succeeded. And then we keep having unidentified female suicide bombers now! What’s happening? 36. “Federal Government approves funds for military hardware” - Senator Musliu Obanikoro, Minister of State for Defence (page 8, DAILY TRUST, Friday, July 18, 2014) * This was a claim made since July 2014, but since then till now there is no noticeable change in Nigeria’s military merchandise. Jonathan’s request for One Billion Dollars loan for the purchase of weapons was approved by the National Assembly in October 2014, and this is even after 4 trillion naira (over 30 billion dollars) have been expended on the so called war against “Boko Haram” without any good result. So, who is fooling who in this regard? 37. “Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, form regional force to fight Boko Haram” - page 7, The PUNCH, Friday, July 25, 2014 * Where is the combined regional force? Who is frustrating its formation? If “Boko Haram” has political benefits for President Jonathan, will he support and encourage such a regional force? Remember, this pledge was made since July 2014 and since that time “Boko Haram” has been waxing greater and greater! 38. “Boko Haram: Federal Government acquires 40 attack helicopters to fight militants” - page 3, THE NATION, Saturday, July 26, 2014 * Note that this acquisition was made since July 2014, but there have been no reports of our military vanquishing the “terrorists” with military helicopters, rather, it is the “terrorists” that keep using helicopters to overcome our soldiers! “Boko Haram” might as well be the only terrorist organization in the world that

uses aircraft. If you have heard of any kindly tell me! I suspect that less than 5 military helicopters will even be enough to crush “Boko Haram”, talk less of 40! Well, look at the next item: 39. “Boko Haram supplied by helicopters” - Father of one of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls (Headlines, front page, Saturday PUNCH, May 10, 2014) * I have always maintained that “Boko Haram” could be the only “terrorist” organization in the world that uses helicopters within the borders of a sovereign country without the government of the country destroying them and their helicopters. Or, could it be that the government is at war with a part of the country? Well, look at the next item; it may help clear some air: 40. “17 Niger Delta youths qualify as commercial pilots in Jordan” - Page 11, DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 20, 2014 * The story has it that the 17 were another set of trainees under the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), and that they have now become 48 persons to have successfully finished the training. Now, I have always asked to know where they are working after their graduation in the light of the fact that helicopters helping “Boko Haram” have become a recurring decimal in our daily news! One thing is certain: foreigners cannot invade our airspace without our Air Force intercepting and destroying them. So, who are those helping “Boko Haram” with helicopters? Check out this next item also: 41. “Revelations in Senate: ‘Helicopters ferry in arms, attackers’’ - Front Page Headlines, DAILY TRUST, Friday, March 21, 2014 * Does anyone still have any doubts

about “Boko Haram” being a False Flag Operation? Check out this next one: 42. “Controversy over Turkish Airlines arms shipment to Nigeria” - Page 2, The PUNCH, Thursday, March 20, 2014 * The story has it that two Turkish Airlines shipped weapons into Nigeria for unknown groups so much that the Prime Minister of the country, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan was caught on tape lamenting that he felt so guilty over the shipment, and that he didn’t know whether the weapons were going to be used to kill Muslims or Christians! Well, the underlining fact in this matter is, those two planes couldn’t have landed in Nigeria with their contents offloaded without government knowledge. Just check out who was Aviation Minister at that time, and also check out those who head the key security agencies in the country. And, by the way, why was this story swept under the carpet by government? Check out the next shocking item: 43. “2, 700 anti-aircraft bombs intercepted in Rivers” - Page 9, Saturday PUNCH, February 1, 2014 * The story has it that 6 men were arrested by some very watchful State Security Service operatives with a 20-foot container aboard a sea vessel identified as MV Iron Trader in Port Harcourt, and that the container had 2, 700 anti-aircraft and anti-tank bombs concealed in it, and that the ship and container had already been given clearance by some officials, but these SSS operatives insisted on searching it. Well, since the time of that arrest till now nothing has been heard about it again, and please, note the quantity: 2, 700 AAs and ATs! And have you noticed that where bombs explode now is northern Nigeria? And have you noticed that “Boko Haram” fighters use AAs while Nigerian soldiers use old and rusty AK 47s? In any case, why should this piece of explosive news be swept under the carpet by government? And why has the media not followed up the story? Cover up? 44. “Enough is enough, Jonathan warns Boko Haram” - Page 5, DAILY SUN, Friday, March 21, 2014 * What should I say on this hollow warning? Let me just say, LOL! Laugh Out Loud! But it’s sad. Well, interestingly, check out this next one: 45. “Special Forces capture Boko Haram leader, kill 70 insurgents” - Page 9, Saturday PUNCH, March 22, 2014 * This very interesting story has it that our country’s Special Forces operating in the north-east captured a very top leader of “Boko Haram” who was travelling in a massive convoy of black Toyota Land ➔ CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

54 Feature

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Christians, Beware Of Dogs! ➔ FROM PREVIOUS PAGE

Cruiser SUVs, and because he was a top leader of “Boko Haram” he was flown that same day to Abuja by air. But the curious thing was that top officials warned against revealing the identity of this captured leader. But why shouldn’t his identity be revealed? But, hey, do you remember the famous “Prison Break” drama at the SSS Headquarters in Abuja? It happened just a few days after this famous capture, precisely on Sunday, March 30, 2014! It may well be that Abubakar Shekau was captured by our Special Forces but a False Flag Operation was staged to remove him out of detention. I guess only Shekau in the ranks of “Boko Haram” can move in such a convoy as described above! In any case, it seems this ‘’Prison Break’’ story has died down. No probe. No follow up. The identity of that top profile ‘’Boko Haram’’ leader that was captured and flown to Abuja still remains a secret. He has not been shown to the public and neither has he been charged to court. Just nothing. 46. “Jonathan orders total war against Boko Haram” - Front Page Headlines, The PUNCH, Friday, May 30, 2014 * This “order” for “total war” against “Boko Haram” was issued since May 2014, but it seems it is “Boko Haram” that acquired TOTAL Petrol Stations with enough fuel to set north-eastern Nigeria on fire! 47. “Cameroon fires two army officers after Boko Haram raids” - page 7, DAILY TRUST, Wednesday, July 30, 2014 * In Nigeria, no top military or security officer has been fired over series of successes recorded by “Boko Haram”, rather President Jonathan even decorated his incompetent or collaborative military chiefs in October 2014 with national medals of honour. In the case of Air Chief Marshall Alex Badeh, the Chief of Defence Staff, I guess the National Medal of Honour he received from President Jonathan will cool him down each time he remembers how “Boko Haram” overran and captured his own hometown in Adamawa State! Well, he airlifted his family members from the town before “Boko Haram” arrived! Good for him and his family! No wonder, Professor Ango Abdullahi said that Jonathan honoured his military chiefs for aiding and abetting “Boko Haram”! I think so, too. 48. “Federal Government to deploy 600 specially trained commandos to rescue Damboa in Borno State” - page 3, The PUNCH, Wednesday, July 30, 2014 * Note that this was a promise made in July 2014, and till today Damboa has not been rescued by any commandos! Well, maybe the commandos are trekking from somewhere to Borno State, and may perhaps reach Damboa after the 2015 presidential elections or maybe ignore it all together! In any case, this should confirm to Nigerians that the Nigerian military even has a commando unit, which means the country has all it takes to crush “Boko Haram”! It is apparent President

Pastor Ibiyeomie

Jonathan’s government doesn’t wish to crush them! 49. “INSURGENCY IN NORTH-EAST: Military Intensifies Air and Ground Operations” - Headlines, front page, LEADERSHIP, Tuesday, May 20, 2014 * That was another shameless lie in broad daylight! If there were any intensification of any air and ground operations against “Boko Haram” since May 2014 in north-eastern Nigeria, then “Boko Haram” would have been history by now! Look at this next item also: 50. “U.S. Drones, Nigerian Troops Waiting for Go-ahead” - page 2, LEADERSHIP, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 * The story reported that American soldiers, fully equipped with sophisticated gadgets and spy drones were already in the country, and along with Nigerian soldiers they were waiting for permission from Jonathan’s government to storm Sambisa Forest and dislodge “Boko Haram”, but the permission never came! Can you again see why America must suspect and believe that the Nigerian government is winking at “Boko Haram”? 51. “Don’t share Boko Haram intelligence with Nigeria, Cameroon orders army” - page 4, Sunday PUNCH, August 17, 2014 * In other words, Cameroon has cause to believe that the Nigerian government is backing “Boko Haram” which could be the reason they warned their army against sharing any intelligence with Nigeria! Of course, actions speak louder than words! Check out the next item: 52. “Chibok: U.S. Will not share intelligence with Nigeria” - U.S. Military (Pentagon) spokesman, Colonel Steve Warren (page 45, LEADERSHIP, Thursday, May 15, 2014) * This also shows that the United States suspects and believes that “Boko Haram” and the Chibok mass abduction are False Flag operations, and you can also see why the government is angry with America! Again, check out this next item, and you will further see why Jonathan’s government cannot be happy with the American government: 53. “Corruption stalls Nigeria’s war against Boko Haram - corruption prevents

supplies as basic as bullets and transport vehicles from reaching the front lines of the struggle against Boko Haram” - The United States Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights, Sarah Sewall (Headlines, front page, The PUNCH, Friday, May 23, 2014) Can you see why and how Jonathan’s government has turned human lives into objects of bloody gamble for power and money? And can you further see the reason for the propaganda against America? Look at the next item also: 54. “U.S. to Nigeria: capture Boko Haram leaders” - Front Page Headlines, THE NATION newspaper, Friday, August 16, 2013 * What does that tell you? It only means the United States government knows that the Nigerian government knows everything about “Boko Haram” and was diplomatically asking them to end it! Check out the next damning one also: 55. “Nigeria Has Capacity But Lacks Will to Tackle Boko Haram, says US Official” - Front Page Headlines, THIS DAY newspaper, Sunday, October 6, 2013 * Well, well, well! The Jonathan corrupt regime is bound to be angry with America for making every effort to expose them as sponsors of “Boko Haram”, for that is what it means to have capacity to solve a problem but refuse to solve it! Definitely, America suspects the Goodluck Jonathan regime to be behind “Boko Haram”! Look at another thing that will cause Jonathan’s regime not to be happy with the USA: 56. “Alamieyeseigha’s pardon sparks Nigeria, US row: Federal Government’s decision will worsen corruption, says US” - Front Page Headlines, THE NATION newspaper, Saturday, March 16, 2013 * America was not happy that President Jonathan granted State Pardon to his former boss who was convicted of stealing Bayelsa State dry when he was governor while Jonathan was his deputy, and Jonathan was so angry with America’s reaction so much that he ordered the Foreign Affairs minister to summon the US Ambassador to express his displeasure with America’s reaction! What do you expect? But trust America, they cannot be

cowed! Look at the next thing they did: 57. “United States Seizes Alamieyeseigha’s Mansion in Rockville, Maryland” - Front Page Headlines, LEADERSHIP Sunday, June 2, 2013 * Did you see that? So as it stands, Alamieyeseigha cannot travel to America in the same way he cannot travel to Britain from where he escaped jail disguised as a woman! Can you see the kind of people that are President Jonathan’s associates? Look at another thing again that must have made the Jonathan regime detest the Americans: 58. “Corruption massive under Jonathan” - US Government (page 3, Sunday PUNCH, April 21, 2013) * Of course, Nigeria has been battling with corrupt rulers over the ages but no any other regime has been as corrupt as the regime presided by Goodluck Jonathan. The mind boggling corruption in his government makes it rank as the worst government in the country’s history! 59. “Federal Government to withdraw politicians’ soldier escorts” - Page 9, The PUNCH, Friday, May 23, 2014 * That was a huge lie! This pledge was made in May 2014, but in August of same year Alhaji Ali Modu Shariff, one of the suspected “Boko Haram” sponsors was given 200 soldiers as security escort to travel from Abuja to Maiduguri and till date he enjoys such massive security provided by Jonathan’s government. Even lately, to be precise Sunday, November 16, 2014, he stormed Maiduguri with hundreds of well armed soldiers led by a serving army Colonel with several State Security Service Operatives and policemen along with several Armoured Personnel Carriers. See the DAILY TRUST of Monday, November 17, 2014. It is the headline story of the paper for that day. Meanwhile, as reported by the paper, the State Governor doesn’t have a single soldier providing him security except some policemen who are less than 20 and some 10 SSS Operatives. Just imagine that for the Governor of a State under severe attacks by “Boko Haram” while an alleged sponsor of terror is massively protected by the federal government! Don’t you think it is strange that hundreds of soldiers, policemen and SSS Operatives will be deployed to protect a suspected “Boko Haram” sponsor while there are no soldiers, policemen and SSS Operatives fighting “Boko Haram”? 60. “BOKO HARAM RUNS OUT OF FOOD SUPPLY” - Front Page Headlines, Saturday PUNCH, May 31, 2014 * That should have been a great opportunity to wipe out the “terrorists” but since that time till now, “Boko Haram” has gotten stronger and stronger! Of course, people without government influence cannot afford to keep such a terror machine in the north-eastern deserts for a long time like this without regular supplies! — To read the full article, visit: www.leadership.co.ng ➔ TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW

cover story


Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Intrigues Of Motor Insurance

In Nigeria, the law prescribes that it is compulsory for any motor vehicle plying the road to have genuine insurance certificate. The law also prescribes penalty for default but even at that, today, about 75 percent of vehicles on Nigerian roads have counterfeit insurance papers, Chika Izuora writes


he Nigerian Insurance Act 2003 prescribed for compulsory ThirdParty Motor Insurance in Section 68 of the Insurance Act, 2003. Section 68 of the Insurance Act and Section 3 of the Motor Vehicle (Third Party) Insurance Act requires that no person shall use, or cause or permit any other person to use, a motor vehicle unless such a motor vehicle is insured against damage to the property of third parties. According to section 68 (1),no person shall use or cause or permit any other person to use a motor vehicle on a road unless a liability which he may thereby incur in respect of damage to the property of third parties is insured with an insurer Registered under this Act. It said the insurance taken out pursuant to sub- section (1) of

this section, shall cover liability of not less than N1 million. It also said a person who contravenes the provisions of this section commits an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N250,000 or imprisonment for 1 year or both. Considering the risky nature of doing business in the 21st century, the threats hounding our lives and the unfortunate reality of accidents steering our way, there is every reason why an insurance policy should be considered to be somewhat a compulsory need. Insurance laws vary from nation to nation based on what legislators in each country think will be best for the citizens (policyholders) and the insurance providers in general.

National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) Established by law, the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) is a statutory body of the Federal Government. As the industry regulator and as set out in the Nigerian Insurance Act 2003 – NAICOM reinvigorates insurance practice, use and regulations in the nation. In 2011, NAICOM had fixed the end of March that year as the date by which all compulsory insurance policies, under various Nigerian statutes, would be fully enforced and penalties imposed to noncompliant players. Motor Insurance, which is the most common of all the known classes of insurance, is designed to protect the insured for loss of or damage to his vehicle, damage to Third Party property including

bodily injury and death to Third Parties caused by accident. Among the types of cover obtainable in the industry include the Third Party Risk Cover which covers bodily injury including death to Third Parties caused by accidents occurring on public roads. Under this, claimants' costs and other costs incurred are also recoverable and the third Party property damage is covered in addition to bodily injury and costs described above. The third Party property damage limited to N1,000,000 is covered, whilst bodily injury and death are unlimited. Third Party Fire and Theft Cover, takes care of Loss of or damage to the insured vehicle caused by fire and theft is covered in addition to the covers available under the "Third Party Risk only" cover described above. There is also the Comprehensive Cover which is the widest cover available in motor insurance as it covers loss of or damage to the insured vehicle in addition to the covers available under the two described above. Unfortunately, despite the prescription for the processes designed by the law to ensure motorists are fully covered under the law, quacks have progressively swindled unsuspecting vehicle owners by posing as insurance agents at motor licensing offices at various local government areas across the country. The Nigeria Insurers Association (NIA), the umbrella body of insurance companies in Nigeria has declared that licensing offices are not empowered by the law to provide insurance to motorists. Reacting to the growing number of motorists driving with fake insurance papers, the Corporate Affairs Manager of NIA Mr. Davis Iyasere said the law is clear on the process of obtaining insurance certificates. According to him, there are 41 NIA member companies underwriting motor insurance business in Nigeria today. Iyasere said authentic insurance papers can only be obtained in those companies and that any insurance cover issued outside such offices could be fake. Mr. Fatai Adegbenro is the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers (NCRIB) and has these to say. "Motor insurance is a compulsory requirement under the law, but today I can tell you that majority of insurance certificate in circulation are fake. Only about 25 percent of motorists have legitimate and valid insurance papers". According to him, most vehicle ➔ CONTINUES ON PAGE 56

Third Party Fire and Theft Cover, takes care of Loss of or damage to the insured vehicle

56 cover story

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Intrigues Of Motor Insurance ➔ CONTINUES FROM PAGE 55 owners simply like to cut cost and they know that what they have is not valid insurance papers. Third Party cover is N5,000 but the fraudsters at the licensing offices will offer desperate motorists the cover for about N2,000 and what they just want is to use it to evade security agents but right down in their conscience they know they are not holding original papers. "It is a national problem and we at NCRIB are intensifying campaign using all medium of communication including meeting with market leaders, national union of road transport workers, infact we have doubled our effort I the recent time and working closely with NIA to eliminate such practices" Adegbenro explained.

There are 41 NIA member companies underwriting motor insurance business in Nigeria today

Institutional Approach Worried by the burgeoning quackery that has further escalated the circulation of fake insurance papers which has negatively rubbed on the industry, the Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA) has launched the Nigerian Insurance Industry Database (NIID). The NIID is a platform to verify the genuineness of all insurance policies. The NIA is collaborating with security agencies to rid the industry of fake papers. So far the platform has captured over two million vehicles and the association is launching the project in collaboration with state governments. Iyasere said NIA has found out that over 75 percent of vehicles plying Nigerian roads do not have verifiable insurance papers. With the NIID, a motorist can send SMS to 33125 with policy number or vehicle plate number or visit the NIID website to verify genuineness of his or her vehicle insurance papers. According to Iyasere the current effort represents a steady improvement, considering the fact that NIA uploaded about 300,000 policies when the database kicked off in 2011. Since about 11.5 million vehicles ply Nigeria roads, the association is working with relevant security agents, such as the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) and the Vehicle Inspection Officers (VIOs) to ensure that road users have genuine insurance papers. Through NIID, the association had deployed over 25 gadgets to VIOs in Ogun State to verify vehicles in the state, thus, increasing the patronage of genuine motor insurance policy. The association is about launching the project in Lagos, Akwa-Ibom sates and Abuja. Insurance operators believe that low government patronage and low awareness on insurance

Commissioner for Insurance, Mr Fola Daniel

are some of the challenges confronting NIID project but are confident that when government at all levels abide by the compulsory insurance scheme, which motor insurance is part of the database will robustly expose those with fake papers. "If more Nigerians can subscribe to motor insurance it will increase the profitability of underwriters, which would have a positive multiplier effect on insurance industry and help reduce the number of fake insurers in the industry", Adegbenro said. Also speaking on the issue, Mr Sunday Thomas, DirectorGeneral, NIA, disclosed that his association was already discussing with the Lagos State government, to deploy mobile devices into the state, for verification of motor insurance policies of road users. He added that Kwara State government had also been approached to key into this initiative. Explaining the reason NIA chose Ogun State as a pilot state for the database, he stressed that insurance in Nigeria was traceable to Abeokuta, Ogun State, saying, the state was also one of the states to first indicate interest in the project. Applauding the performance of the project since it was introduced he noted that the success achieved so far from the first module had led to the proposed implementation of the second module in marine business. NIA is planing to deploy electronic card readers to security agencies across the nation to verify genuine vehicle insurance licenses. The project is aimed at eradicating fake insurance products and minimise instances of fraudulent claims and provide real time information that would help address issues raised by all stakeholders as well as the insuring public, market players, law enforcement agents and

regulators. How third party insurance works In Nigeria, it is compulsory to have motor insurance before using or keeping a motor vehicle on public roads. However, since most Nigerians buy insurance just to get cleared from law enforcement agents on the roads, they choose to go for third party motor insurance which is a lot cheaper than comprehensive policy. Consequently, because of the preconceived notions that third party policy is just to beat law enforcement agents, many don’t realize that a third party policy is actually legal and indemnifies the insured from third party losses. Unfortunately, a lot of accidented vehicles which ordinarily would have been repaired by the insurance company are borne by the car owners. For a third party motor policy, the first party is you; the second party is the insurance company while the third party is everyone else. So third party motor insurance means that if you damage (crash into) someone else’s vehicle, the insurance pays the owner of that vehicle (the third party), or more importantly if you injure someone else with your vehicle, the insurance pays. Third party liability coverage is part of your basic motor policy and covers you for claims made against you by other drivers after a crash. In other words, under third party insurance you cannot claim for the car you are driving regardless of whether it is a brand new tear rubber. You need a comprehensive cover for that. If you are driving someone else’s car, it won’t pay to have the car you are driving repaired. Only the car you hit. If you are responsible for a crash, you might also be responsible for paying to repair

another vehicle or covering its driver’s medical costs. Third party liability coverage protects you against these claims, covering the cost of damage and injuries sustained in a crash in which you were at fault. It is worthy of note that the money to pay for damages comes from the premiums. Invariable, if premium has not been paid for a third party motor insurance, there won’t be any compensation whatsoever, in case of accident. If you go for a third auto party insurance from a registered insurance company, you will be able to save yourself of the cost associated with causing damage to others. For instance, assuming your car injured a pedestrian, the insurance company will pick up the medical bills and thus save you from being torn apart by the relatives of the injured. However, the claim you can make on an auto insurance policy is limited. So, find out the limit to the loss the insurance policy covers before subscribing. For example, an auto insurance policy may only cover loss up to a certain amount say N1,000,000. This means that if the vehicle you damaged is worth more than that, the insurance company will only provide N1,000,000. Moreso, as soon as the insurer thinks you are not acting ‘in good faith’ in other words they think you are trying to rip them off, they will refuse to pay that claim, cancel your insurance, report you to the police for fraud and put you on a blacklist. To get a third party auto insurance policy contact a registered insurance company or use the services of an insurance broker. Having good insurance If you think you can fight off against an unexpected disaster by yourself then that is great; otherwise, insurance is your best shot. Insurance means you do not have to be on the streets, if somehow the main family bread earner passes away, or the roof over your head is snatched or your life savings are stolen. In all these cases, a good insurance is your road to quick recovery. According to Mr. Yemi Soladoye, an insurance expert, the greatest asset insurance bestows is the absolute peace in case of most traumatic moments of ones life. “A dying man, who is insured for life, would breath his/her last in complete peace, knowing he/she can pass away without fretting over the financial state of his/her family. In automobile accident, you do not lay down in a panic attack, if the vehicle is properly insured. Hence it would be justifiable to claim that insurance brings an extra strength to face the worst upsets of life”, Soladoye said.

Saturday, February 7, 2015



Saturday, February 7, 2015

Congratulations On Your


Today, we join the nation and the Ummah in rejoicing with His Highness Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II on this auspicious occasion of your coronation as the 14th Emir of Kano. Over the years, you have distinguished yourself as a hardworking, patriotic, courageous and religious individual whose love for the people, especially the downtrodden, and this great country, Nigeria, knows no bound. We pray to Almighty Allah to grant you good health, wisdom and the strength to lead the people to the right path, and may your reign bring abundant blessings to the great city and the good people of Kano.


His Highness, Alhaji (Dr.) MUHAMMADU SANUSI II Emir of Kano


General Muhammadu Buhari APC Presidential Candidate


Saturday, February 7, 2015

my secret life I’ve Wanted To Be A Millionaire All My Life – Aisha Emeje, Entrepreneur My Parents … My father, Chief W. A. Emeje was a Chief Naval Officer and a former director of Sports in Benue State, while my mother is Mrs. Ramatu Emeje, a petty trader. My parents believe in hard work. My father is someone who put me through in sports, especially in track events. As a former naval officer, he believed in cleanliness in everything you do. My mother taught me how to farm, grow vegetables like ugu leaves and others, and how to sell them. Today, I teach other people the same trade.


Household I was brought up in… there are 11 children in my family, because my father had two wives. My mother, being the first wife, had seven children, while my step mother had three children. I am the second from my mum. Most unforgettable childhood memory… meeting my eldest sister after many years. This is memorable, because we had lived apart for a very long time without knowing each other. We met for the first time when my father left the navy and we came to live in Makurdi in Benue State. It was such a joyous moment for us all. Craziest thing I did while growing up…I had always desired to become a multimillionaire. That was my target. When I was in the polytechnic, my father died and my mother was struggling to take care of us so I worked hard to make sure that I was providing for my family. I ran around the then Benue Cement and the farms, gathering cashew nuts and some other relevant items to get them across to other towns while I was still in school. I did all this because I knew that Christmas was near and I would not be waiting for anyone to take care of me or my siblings. It was crazy, because I would be in the truck at night, go for lectures in the morning, then the next evening I would have to move the goods to the next town.


The governorship candidate of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) in Taraba State, Arch Ishaku Darius and the governorship flag bearers of 15 political parties in the state have signed an undertaking to ensure free and fair conduct of the forthcoming polls. Speaking at the ceremony, the state commissioner of Police, Mr. Ademola Omole said that the signing of the peace pact became necessary following reported attacks and counter attacks by supporters of political parties in the state.


‘Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do’ by Robert H. Schuller. My best movies … I love Eddy Murphy’s ‘Coming To America’ and a few African movies that are not full of superstitious beliefs. My Mentors are… my mother and famous people such as Nelson, Mandela, Winnie Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Barrack Obama, Michael Jackson, Iyalla, and more. One thing I would change… I believe that life is an experience and I learn from experience. So I would not like to change anything in my life because life is not meant to be static. If there is anything I would change, I would probably say let my mother live forever. Fashion to me …is all about what you are; how you present yourself and how you want people to see you.

My biggest regret in life… none at all, because my life has moved so fast and has been blessed.

As a child, I wanted to be … a Pilot, I was fascinated by planes but I deviated from all that to become a business woman.

The best book I’ve read…

Five words to describe me…

philanthropist, activist, Godly, respected,feminist. In five years’ time… I want to be listed among the five most influential women in the world who must have touched lives and changed their communities. I want to be among those that will move Nigeria to another level. When I look into the mirror… I see a blessed woman created by God with all the virtues to succeed. I see a woman unstoppable, and a woman

who knows that life is an open door and we all are given equal opportunities. My weakness is… the need to have everything good basically; such as people with good virtues, as well as reaching for goals when I know there is a challenge and I am given the opportunity to proffer a solution. My most embarrassing moment…I really can’t recall because I sleep and let it go the same day.

A LIFE IN BRIEF Aisha Audu-Emeje is an indigene of Anyigba in Dekina local government area of Kogi state but was born in Lagos. She attended Queen of the Holy Rosary College in Gboko and Benue State Polytechnic Ugbokolo in Benue State before proceeding for advanced education at the London Business School, UK. Aisha later attended the American Intercontinental University, Chicago (USA) for a bachelor (BSc) degree in Accounting and Business Administration. She is the chairman/CEO of an Abuja-based company, AVS Holdings, which is involved in real estate management, recharge cards manufacturing, agricultural development, wood factory, and energy and power projects. She is also the founder of a non-governmental organisation, A3 Foundation, which educates, mentors, and gives assistance to those in need. She is married with three children. Interview By


Photo By

aisha emeje

The winner of the 2010 African Movie Academy Award (AMAA), Odera Ifeanyi Ozoka has blamed ordinary Nigerians for poor infrastructure, lack of electricity and general lack of development in the country. Speaking ahead of the launch of his book, Goodluck Jonathan's Transformation Agenda: A Youth Perspective In America System, Ozoka noted that Nigerian masses have failed to challenge government in power to be accountable to the people.


President, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor has urged politicians to shun any act capable of causing violence in the country as the presidential election draws closer. Oritsejafor, who spoke on the side-lines of the National Christian Elders Forum in Abuja stated that if truly the intention of politicians is to serve the people, they should eschew activities capable of causing harm to them.


Governor Ibrahim Shehu Shema of Katsina State has assured residents of the state of adequate security as the nation inches closer to the much awaited polls. A statement signed by his media aide, Abdulhamid Danjuma and made available to newsmen, maintained that adequate measures have been taken by government to secure lives and property of all Nigerians living in the state.

chibok diary 299 DAY

Leadership weeKeNd Saturday, February 7, 2015 CHibok tweets @Bukkyshonibare Day 298 of abduction 8 days to Presidential Election @alouibrahim92 The perfect valentine gift for Nigeria this year? #BringBackOurGirls @someyi i marched & yelled #BringBackOurGirls but Mr. President was doing tactical maneuvering on d lives of Daughters of Nig! @Awwala Pres. Jonathan Institutionalise &endorse Corruption. He doesn't evn gv a damn 2 #BringBackOurGirls. @AishaYesufu I can't hold the gaze of one of the mothers of #ChibokGirls in abduction. She looks so depressed and so does her husband @ololobi Maybe because the present Leader didn't #BringBackOurGirls they want someone else to try? @mark_op Yes. They're still out there. We should still care about #BringBackOurGirls @AishaYesufu For those who mischievously ask where are the Chibok parents, come to Unity Fountain & look them in d eye & say it again. @Ussie3776 @AishaYesufu the fact dt u're tweeting it is giving me is touching my conscience. God pls #BringBackOurGirls @NaziaSattar @AishaYesufu cannot even imagine their pain, anger, frustration & sadness. Will be praying for them! @Tea_Temi A President is leading an air strike in ISIS, ours has his face on cufflinks @AishaYesufu The Chibok Father here at today's Sit Out looks so anguished. He keeps shaking his head. What can I say? COMPILED BY agBO augustInE

Members of the #BringBackOurGirls (BBOG) group at their meeting in Abuja. PHOTO BY DELE DAMISA

Insurgency: Take Cue From France, Chad, BBOG Group Tells FG By ChikA MefOr And ejike ejike , Abuja

The #BringBackOurGirls group has urged the federal government and the security agencies to cue into the current successes France and Chad have achieved in fighting Boko Haram sect recently. In the group’s sit-out led by Seun Daniel, the group called for total declaration of war against the outlawed group which would see to the crushing of the sect members instead of playing politics with the issue of insurgency. One of the leaders of the group, Dr. Emman Shehu condemned the federal government for claiming it was bombarding Sambisa forest earlier in the week, while the Chadian army were recapturing territories lost to Boko Haram. According to him, “we heard that the security troops bombed the Sambisa

Forest. My question is, what is the reason why they had to wait up until now? When the abducted were abducted, why didn’t they go there?. Terrorists are taking over territories now and they are going to Sambisa Forest, to do what there? “Also, the Internally Displaced Persons displaced by the insurgency want to go back to their land. They want government to reclaim their land so that they can go back and not bombard a forest, where the insurgents have since left. “For me, it is a political gimmick geared towards February 14. The army said they didn’t want to bomb the forest so that the girls will not be hurt. So what is their reason for going there now?” Shehu wondered. Also speaking at the group’s gathering, a member of the group, Maureen Kabric noted that “the way and manner the

French government handled the Charlie Hebdo terrorists and it’s cordinating function with the Chadian government on the border of Nigeria, show how the country values the security and lives of the citizens and their former colony. Recall that Elvis Iyorngurum, a member of the group and a writer had queried Nigeria’s relationship with the world in the face of the current insecurity, which has seen the abduction of school girls in Chibok and the killings and destruction of property in the country and the seeming quietness of the world in the current cases the country is facing. He howe ver, ur ge d the fe deral government to liaise with other countries in order to successfully tackle Boko Haram insurgency just like Mali and even South Africa had relied on Nigeria and other countries to tackle their problems in the past.

news across the states 61

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Elections: DSS Assures Nigerians Of Safety, Warns Troublemakers The Department of State Services (DSS) has assured Nigerians fleeing to their states of origin over fears of violence during the general elections that there is no cause for alarm. The DSS spokesman, Marilyn Ogar, gave the assurance yesterday in a statement made available to LEADERSHIP Weekend in which the service warned those spreading falsehoods or rumours of violence to desist from such acts. “It has come to the knowledge of security agencies that people are relocating to their states of origin in anticipation of violence during the forthcoming general elections in the country. “We wish to reassure the public of their safety wherever they reside as adequate security is assured for all before, during and after the elections.

Police Detonate 19 Ieds As Army Recovers Boko Haram Weapons BY MOHAMMED ISMAIL, Yola, Bukola Ogunsina, With Agency Report

Adamawa State Police command yesterday averted what would have turned into the bloodiest assault on the state following the discovery of 19 high calibre bombs at Song local government with which terrorist wanted to launch attack on the state. Adamawa State police commissioner, Gabriel Adaji who made the disclosure during a Press Conference in Yola yesterday said the bombs were ready to be used when they were detected adding that they were at 90 per cent completion and only need to be connected to batteries to work. The disclosure by the commissioner of police came barely six days after six suspected suicide bombers were apprehended by soldiers in Yola, the state capital. “Something that would have caused a hell of sorrows to the state was averted. One of the bombs is capable of bringing down a 10-storey building. They aimed to destroy

Jimeta,” Adaji stated. He said that had the terrorists succeeded in their attempt, the state would have been brought down as they wanted to blow up vital and strategic structures including the more than one kilometre River Benue Bridge linking the state capital with northern parts of the state. Adaji stressed that the bombs have been detonated by the anti-bomb squad of the state police command adding that with the feat, a major calamity have been averted. He noted that the smallest among the bombs could completely destroy structures within 200 metre radius and on the verge of being transported to various parts of the state capital before they were discovered. He said the discovery of the bombs followed a tip off by an informant who disclosed the activities of the terrorists following which the police swoop into action and make the discovery although he said no arrest has been made in

connection to the incident. The commissioner similarly thanked the media for their assistance to the security agencies adding that it was through their proactive reportage that the police started swinging into action leading to the confiscation of the bombs. He assured that the police are on top of the security in the state just as he advised them to go on with their normal activities and advised residents not to hesitate in reporting suspicious people and movement to security agents. Meanwhile, weapons stolen during an attack by Boko Haram last month in Baga have been recovered by the Nigerian military during an offensive by the army. The terrorists have also attacked the Nigeria/Cameroon border, killing 90 civilians and injuring about 500. The Nigerian military spokesperson, Major General Chris Olukolade indicated in a statement that the military had reclaimed

most of the weapons. The weapons were hijacked by the Boko Haram in January and they included army tanks, arms and ammunition and artillery guns. Baga is home to a vital multinational military base. Boko Haram militants are reported to have taken flight to Cameroon where retaliation attacks are going on. The militants are said to have burned churches and mosques stealing livestock and food, Cameroon’s information minister, Issa Tchiroma told Associated Press. The countries, Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad led a large counterinsurgency operation against Boko Haram earlier this week. Troops from the three countries are reported to have killed several Islamic militants. The UN expressed its approval of the offensive, mentioning the Chadian Army’s prompt support leading to the recovery of Islamic militant occupied territory.

short news

By Chika Otuchikere, Abuja

Ex-corps Member Needs N14m To Regain Sight

FG Striving To Scare Away Electorates From Polling UnitsAPC The All Progressives Congress (APC) has said the purported intelligence announced by the director general of the National Orientation Agency and coordinator of the National Information Centre, Mr Mike Omeri, is nothing but a ploy by the federal government to scare the nation’s electorates away from polling booths during the forthcoming elections. The party in a statement issued in Abuja on Friday by its national publicity secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, made available to journalists, said in spite of the commendable and patriotic decision by the National Council of State that the 2015 general elections must go on as scheduled, proponents of election shift have not let up on their desperate attempts to scuttle the elections. APC emphasised that the federal government is indirectly striving to scare voters away from the polling booths during the election, saying that is why they are raising a false alarm of probable bomb blasts at polling booths. The party added, ‘’Saying they got intelligence reports that female suicide bombers are planning to attack polling booths during the February elections is nothing but scare mongering and wishful thinking. George Okojie,Lagos

L-R: Kannywood actor, Mr Sadiq Sanni, chief marketing officer (MTN), Mr Bayo Adekanmbi and Kannywood actor, Mr Ali Nuhu during the 2nd Kannywood awards in Abuja, recently. PHOTO BY jane okeke

President Jonathan In Awkward Moment At RCCG Service By Igho Oyoyo, Abuja

President Goodluck Jonathan acted in a rather awkward manner early this morning when he declined to join other politicians contesting various political positions in the forthcoming elections, when they were called to the altar for special prayers at the February edition of the monthly Holy Ghost Service of the Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) held at the RCCG camp on the Lagos-Ibadan expressway. General overseer of the church, Pastor E.A Adeboye, towards the end of service, at about 1:30am, had called on all those vying for elective positions to come forward for prayers and the vice presidential candidate of the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC), Professor Yemi Osinbanjo,

also a pastor of the RCCG, as well as others, went forward and those who were with president Jonathan, among them Ondo State Governor, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko and chairman of the Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPC), John Kennedy Opara, joined other members of the congregation to stretch forth their hands and pray for the candidates. Though the president had earlier been prayed for, the general overseer did not make any exemptions when he called out politicians for prayers, making Jonathan’s decision to stay away curious. Earlier, President Jonathan told the multitude of worshipers at the service that Nigerians will soon have reasons to smile. “I am interested in this service be-

cause it is close to election. I am not here to campaign but I want to assure you that we will soon have reasons to smile as a nation,” he said and thanked Nigerians for the prayers they had been offering for the peace of the country and the coming elections and further called for more peaceful coexistence in the country. Meanwhile, shortly before he knelt to be prayed for by Pastor Adeboye during the course of the service, Jonathan shook hands with Professor Osinbanjo. Adeboye, who prayed for peace in the country ahead of the February poll, also thanked God for the successful tackling of the Ebola virus disease in Nigeria and also for the progress recorded in the fight against the pandemic in other West African countries.

A former corps member, Mr Adeigba Daniel, who had an accident and lost his sight during his mandatory national service said he needs N14 million to see again. Speaking with newsmen in AdoEkiti, Adeigba said his plight started in 2011 when he had an accident along Potiskum Road, Yobe State, alongside 17 other NYSC members while going for training in preparation for the general elections. Disclosing that over N2 million had been spent on his medical bills so far, he appealed to wellmeaning Nigerians to assist him raise the money to travel abroad for further treatment for him to regain his sight. He could be reached on 08032159648 and donations could be made to his GTB account: 0012077141. Alo Abiola, AdoEkiti

62 news

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Osun Tribunal Dismisses Omisore’s Petition Affirms Aregbesola’s Election by JOSHUA DADA, Osogbo The Osun State governorship election petition tribunal yesterday dismissed the petition filed by Senator Iyiola Omisore, the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party against the victory of Mr Rauf Aregbesola in the August 9, 2014 governorship election in the state. The tribunal led by the chairman, Justice Elizabeth Ikpejieme in a judgment of over seven hours held that the petitioner failed to prove his case by providing credible evidence. The PDP candidate is challenging the election before the panel in some units and wards in 17 local government councils of the state. Omisore and his party, PDP, alleged that the August 9 governorship election was characterised by irregularities and manipulation in favour of APC and Aregbesola, thus asking the tribunal to cancel the election results in the affected local government councils. He is also praying the tribunal to declare him the winner of the election, saying he had the majority lawful votes, stressing that the votes cast for Aregbesola and APC were not lawful, therefore, should be nullified. The chairman of the tribunal in her judgment ruled that the appellant failed when he did not file his

reply within the five days stipulated under the law. The tribunal held that the five days which commenced on the day they were served on the 9th of October, 2014 lapsed on the 13th of October, saying the days under the law included Sunday which the appellant tried to exclude from the five days. She pointed out that the appellant having filed the reply on 14th October fell foul of the law, noting that the law is settled when it stated the method and dates to follow in filing reply. On the issue of the appellant abandoning their case, the tribunal noted that for the purpose of fair hearing, the tribunal will go on in delivering its judgment on the substantive case. The tribunal held that the petitioner failed to prove alleged harassment, intimidation, molestation, over-voting, voting by proxy, inducement, improper accreditation, alteration of results and irreconcilable figures in the local governments under review. “Nobody came to the tribunal to testify that they have not been able to vote and that those not accredited were not allowed to vote,” she said. The appellants have not shown how many of their supporters were refused accreditation.

PDP Unveils 4-year Policy Thrust To CSOs By AGBO-PAUL AUGUSTINE, Abuja

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has unveiled its 20152019 manifesto and policy thrust to members of Civil Society Organisations at a ceremony in Abuja yesterday. Speaking at the occasion, the director general of the Peoples Democratic Institute (PDI), Dr Lanre Adebayo, whose institute was behind the drafting of the document, said the policy thrust was deliberate to shape the nature and character of all PDP governments in Nigeria for the next four years. He said the document was developed with inputs from all chapters of the PDP in the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Adebayo also noted that the policy document was unanimously adopted by the convention of the PDP and added that the policy thrust is a people oriented document where the people’s views were taken into consideration, especially in the area of rural development. He also stated that the PDP manifesto reflects the partnership between the state and nonstate actors in Nigeria. In his remarks at the presentation, the deputy director general

of the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Organisation, Prof. Tunde Adeniran, said the manifesto is a reflection of the trust in the people of Nigeria. “It is a compendium of our vision and philosophy on governance based on increasing the stake and share for all our citizens in the Nigerian journey without discrimination. In PDP, we believe that the people, that is all Nigerians, matter,” he said. He further reminded the CSOs that it was the founding fathers of the PDP that fought and liberated the nation from the clutches of military dictatorship. Prof. Adeniran noted that the PDP premised its manifesto and policy thrust on practical issues that affect the lives of Nigerians and the development of the nation. The 40-page document contains an overview of policy thrust and implementation strategy for the next four years of the PDP governments at the national, state and local government levels. Reviewing the document, national coordinator, Put Nigeria First Initiative, Mrs Ijeoma Nwafor said the PDP has presented to Nigerians a policy thrust that they will use to ask questions of performance in the future.

Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh (L) with his Chadian counterpart, Maj.-Gen. Ibrahim Mahamat, at a bilateral meeting in Abuja, yesterday. Photo By Nan

Anambra/Kogi Oil Dispute: Exploration Now At Advanced Stage In Kogi – Sambo by Sam Egwu, Lokoja

There are indications that the prolonged dispute between Anambra and Kogi states over oil exploration may soon be over as the federal government said oil exploration in Kogi State is now at an advanced stage. It would be recalled that Anambra and Kogi states have been in a running battle over ownership of land on which oil deposits were found on the border between the two states, resulting in skirmishes between the border communities about two years ago, when President Goodluck Jonathan on

a state visit to Anambra, declared the state an oil producing state. Following the crisis, both parties were referred to the National Boundary Commission and meetings were held with governors and representatives of the states and affected communities with a view to resolving the dispute. The government of Kogi State has however insisted that since the oil in question is on its soil in Odeke in Ibaji local government area, Kogi and not Anambra should be crowned an oil producing state. Speaking during the presidential campaign rally of the Peo-

ples Democratic Party in Lokoja, Vice President Namadi Sambo, who heads the National Boundary Commission, stated that “issues of exploration of oil and gas in some local government areas in Kogi State have reached an advanced stage.” He reeled out some federal government projects in the state, including the on-going ,000 megawatts coal power project under public-private partnership, completion of the dredging of River Niger, on-going construction of the Lokoja Port, resuscitation of Ajaokuta Steel Complex and Geregu three power project.

2015 Election: Police Tell Rivers People To Surrender Illegal Firearms By Anayo Onukwugha, Port Harcourt

The Nigerian police has ordered people who are in possession of illegal firearms in Rivers State to deposit such weapons with the state’s police command before the commencement of the 2015 general elections on February 14, 2015 or risk arrest and prosecution. The Assistant Inspector-General of Police (AIG) in charge of Zone 6, Mr Tunde Johnson Ogunsakin gave the order on Thursday night in Port Harcourt, while speaking at

a ‘Peace Accord’ signing ceremony with leaders of various political parties in Rivers State. According to him, “In this regard, I am advising those illegally in possession of firearms to surrender them to the police or risk the full wrath of the law as there will definitely be no hiding place for them. I have the mandate of the inspector general of police, Suleiman Abba to ensure that the elections are peaceful and hitch-free in Akwa Ibom, Ebonyi, Cross Rivers, and Rivers states.

“I have ordered all my commissioners of police to intensify raids on black spots preparatory to the general elections to ensure that none of the states under me is made a hiding place for criminals. Also, the Zone 6 headquarters in Calabar has opened dedicated phone lines, website and social media interactions for prompt reporting of electoral cases. I will not condone any act that will disrupt peace and order in Rivers State. Political activities must effectively accommodate the interests of all.

INEC To Engage 20,000 Adhoc Staff In Katsina By Muazu Elazeh, Katsina

No fewer than 20,000 adhoc staff will be engaged for the forthcoming elections in Katsina State, the INEC resident electoral commissioner, Ibrahim Bagobiri Mafara has said. Mafara disclosed this, yesterday, during his maiden meeting with members of election stakeholders’ forum on preparations for the polls in the state.

He said “Four election personnel will be deployed to man each of the four thousand, nine hundred and two polling units existing in the state” and noted that the commission would extend trainings to the adhoc staff to be engaged. He assured that “polling units whose registered voters exceed seven hundred and fifty will be split into other units called “voting points”, where additional four

polling officials will man those voting points to decongest them.” Mafara said the commission has distributed over 2,200,000 permanent voters cards in the state and urged eligible voters to visit INEC offices for their cards before the expiration of the deadline. While admitting that the task ahead was enormous, Mafara appealed for total commitment of all stakeholders.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Fight Against Insurgency: Traditional Rulers Sidelined –Mamman Nasir BY ISAIAH BENJAMIN, Kaduna

Former president of the Court of Appeal and chairman Advisory Council of Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation, Justice Mamman Nasir yesterday in Kaduna averred that the activities of insurgents have continued to thrive partly because traditional rulers have been side-lined in the fight against their activities. According to the elder statesman, if the traditional rulers were adequately carried along, they would have helped in the fight against insurgency and help find a lasting so-

lution to their activities. Justice Nasir disclosed this while addressing newsmen on behalf of the foundation on critical issues in the upcoming elections and the security situation of the nation. Justice Nasir who said he strongly believes in team work, stressed that Nigeria can easily curtail the activities of insurgency if there is team work between the government, traditional rulers, security agencies and the people. He however commended the security agencies and local hunters for helping to repel the insurgents and recover the towns seized by the in-

surgents. According to him, “on the issue of the insurgency in the northeast, the foundation commends the African Union (AU) for resolving to help Nigeria overcome the challenge. The foundation calls on the Nigerian government to give the AU maximum cooperation to rid the zone of the blood-thirsty insurgents and return to normal life urgently. “The foundation commends the gallantry of the Nigerian soldiers and young, brave members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) and the hunters, including those who have made the supreme sacri-

fice in battling the insurgents and recording commendable successes against the Boko Haram of late. He also called on all Nigerians, particularly northerners to unite and be totally committed to living peacefully with one another, saying “the collapse of our economy, education, health, political power, social life and even our agriculture should be enough lessons for us to unite to address the challenges facing us.” On the 2015 February polls, Justice Nasir called on politicians to shun offensive statements capable of tearing the nation apart.

short news Bird Flu: Truck Conveying Eggs Impounded In Benue As part of measures to avert the outbreak of bird flu in the agrarian communities, agents of the Benue State government yesterday impounded a truck fully loaded with eggs. The director of Livestock Services in the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dr Roland Kparevzua revealed this to newsmen and said that the truckload of eggs was being transported from Plateau State. He noted that the state government has intensified efforts to prevent and contain any outbreak of avian influenza in the state. By Solomon Ayado, Makurdi

news 63 N717m Fraud: Italian Gets N10m Bail Justice Mohammed Idris of the Federal High Court yesterday granted a Nigeria based Italian businessman, Piero Allan Franchillo, who was arraigned before him on an alleged N717 million fraud, bail in the sum of N10m. The judge also directed the foreigner to deposit his travelling documents with the court’s chief registrar, pending the hearing and determination of his trial. The court also ordered the accused person to produce two reputable sureties in like sum, who must be verified by the Special Fraud Unit of the police. The Italian was arraigned before the court by the police on a fivecount charge of advanced fee fraud, forgery and altering of documents by lawyers from the Special Fraud Unit of the Nigerian Police. He, however pleaded not guilty to the charge. In his ruling on the bail application filed by the accused person, Justice Idris held that it was trite law that an accused was to be presumed innocent until otherwise proven. The judge noted that the court was particularly inclined to accede to the accused person’s application for bail as the prosecution has failed to place enough evidence before the court to convince him otherwise. The court held that, “there is nothing in the counter-affidavit that can guarantee the refusal of the bail.” Olugbenga Soyele, Lagos

Cerebral Palsy Conqueror, Nigeria’s Farida Bedwei, On African Voices L-R: President Goodluck Jonathan and other party faithful at the PDP Presidential Campaign in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, yesterday. PHOTO BY NAN

We Want To See Nigeria Succeed – US Consul General By Kazeem Akintunde, Lagos

The United States of America, USA, consul general in Nigeria, Mr Jeffrey Hawkins, has said that the various interventions in the affairs of the country by the US were to ensure that Nigeria succeeds among the comity of nations. Hawkins who spoke in Lagos yesterday at a press conference to herald the launch of the second season of “Dawn

In The Creeks”, a television programme, said that the Niger Delta being an important part of the country should not be allowed to fail. “The United States is deeply interested in what is happening in Nigeria. We want the country to succeed and the Niger Delta is a key part of the country hence our decision to sponsor the project. ‘What we have done is to identify people from the Niger Delta who can talk

to their people and provide alternative views to them than becoming militants. ‘I have been in Nigeria for the last two and half years and there is no place as depressing as the Niger Delta going by its problems as well as its promises. ‘We want to do what we can to help by looking for someone from the area to provide alternative views to the people as we believe that Nigeria would be a great country,” Hawkins said.

Oritsejafor Warns Politicians Against Hate Speeches By Igho Oyoyo, Abuja

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) president, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor has urged politicians to shun any act capable of causing violence in the country as the presidential election draws closer. Ortsejafor, who spoke on the sidelines of the National Christian Elders Forum in Abuja yesterday, stated that if truly the intention of

politicians is to serve the people, they should eschew activities capable of causing harm to the citizenry. While urging them to play by the rules, Oritsejafor noted that elections would come and go, but Nigeria will continue to exist, saying that he is puzzled about the conduct of some politicians in the country. “Is politics not supposed to be service to the people? If you get

into any political position, you should be there to serve the people. Therefore, if the essence is for you to serve, who you are going to serve when the people want to serve die in the process of election? I want to use this opportunity to appeal to our politicians again that it is not a do or die affair. “Let us remember that election will come and go and Nigeria will remain. So let us play the game ac-

cording the rules. I appeal to your conscience, to your heart. I watch television; I see how a lot of people are being maimed, killed. Let us do what is right so that Nigeria will remain Nigeria,” he said. Oritsejafor while reacting to the alleged political intolerance in the north, maintained that it was wrong for anyone to prevent another from identifying with any candidate of his choice.

The hope-inspiring narrative of Nigeria’s Farida Bedwei who overcame cerebral palsy to emerge as one of Africa’s respected engineers will be featured in this weekend’s edition of CNN’s African Voices. A statement from programme sponsor and telecommunications operator, Globacom, said the Ghana-based software engineer will be the star guest on the 30-minute magazine programme which will run on CNN International at 4:30 a.m. and 4:30 pm on Saturday and at 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm on Sunday. Viewers can also watch the show during the repeat broadcasts on Monday at 11:30 am and on Tuesday at 5:30 am. Globacom said Farida Bedwei is coming on African Voices in line with the programme’s philosophy of showcasing successful and highprofile personalities who are shaping the African continent and to encourage those undergoing similar predicaments to keep hope alive. Bedwei, an engineer, was born in Lagos, Nigeria, in 1979 and spent most of her childhood in Dominica, Grenada and the United Kingdom before her family moved to Ghana when she was nine.

64 scoop

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Solomon Nda–Isaiah Entertainment Ricochet



Stink Stinks! The undisputed King of Afrobeat, the late Fela Anikulapo Kuti, sang thus: “Everybody shout yeye; yeye dey smell!” Some of you, my esteemed readers and followers, may be wondering why lately I have been hammering on current affairs, especially as regards politics; the reason is not far fetched. If things don't go well generally, entertainment and other sectors will also suffer. It is very wrong for anyone or a group of people to stone the president's convoy! He is the president and commanderin-chief of the armed forces, so every Nigerian should accord him respect - he deserves it. The convoy of our dear president was stoned in some parts of the north and to add to that, he was booed while campaigning. The ruling party holds the strong belief that it happened in the north because he is not from the region and concluded that the north is desperate to return to power. However, the ruling party should not forget so easily what happened when the President visited Ife; students reportedly booed and stoned his entire team and they had to run for their dear lives. That is to show them clearly that he has lost popularity among Nigerians. I’m using this medium to appeal to all the political parties to respect the peace accord initiated by the government of the day so that the elections will come and go peacefully and anyone that loses should accept defeat honourably. What is happening now shows that those that initiated that accord are the ones defaulting. If not, why would they be seeking for postponement of the elections, and then come out and say they are not asking for postponement when most of us know clearly that they have been deceiving Nigerians for so long? People have been complaining of not being able to collect their PVCs; is it that they want INEC to take the PVCs from house to house to distribute? If we look at it critically, most of those protesting or saying they don't have PVCs must have collected theirs but are just trying to cause problems. Some people are saying a presidential candidate stated he would not take part in any presidential debate and are making an issue of it! I bow ooo! In 2011, one of the present presidential candidates boycotted the then presidential debate and later organised a lone debate that would

favour him; no one made an issue out of it then. Will debates solve the problems of this country? In this country, they believe Nigerians are hungry and so anything goes. I bet when they congregate, with arrogance they would say "No mind them; if we find them something dem go cool down.” Do you blame them? The masses are helping the political elite perpetuate injustice and corruption because when they are given stipends, a handful would start engaging in one meaningless protest or the other. Some would collect money and start filing court cases for the disqualification of rival candidates. Clerics are not left out of this filthy behaviour. They collect money from politicians and mask campaigning as preaching. Only God knows who will rule and who will not; God gives as well as takes, anytime He desires. What the people that initiated the peace accord are doing is a breach of the accord and it's more inciting than anything any Nigerian is saying. It seems that what they are looking for is the postponement/cancellation of the election. Meanwhile, clueless and desperate youths are busy collecting 'chop money' or 'ogogoro money' to carry out malevolent activities. All that is due to massive unemployment; if the youths are gainfully employed I don't think they will allow themselves to be used as political thugs. It is sad that they are making the youths hungrier and hungrier and later use peanuts to send them to their early graves. While some eminent Nigerians are urging the masses towards peaceful polls, those in charge are doing and saying things that are undemocratic. We are happy about the peace we are enjoying in some parts of the country. While we are praying for lasting peace in parts of the country facing difficulties due to insurgency, others are trying to cause much more problems for all of us. To all my colleagues in the entertainment industry and fun seekers, you should all know that when there are problems, the country would not be a good place for any of us; no more jollification and rocking- all man go be for himself! The government should think about the future of our great country and stop doing or saying things that might bring problems for us. Abeg oooo… yeye dey smell. Stink stinks-that is food for thought! Cheerio!

Actress Yvonne Okoro To Wed Nigerian Billionaire By SAMUEL ABUlUDE, Lagos

According to the rumour mills in the Gold Coast country, the besotted lover boy has been to Ghana thrice to see her parents and any moment from now, the hush-hush wedding will take place. Yvonne born of Nigerian and Ghanian parents, who is said to be in love with the Igbo billionaire, was quite excited when he proposed to her and Ghanaian busybodies say that just for saying yes, the lover boy sent her on a shopping spree, though he had been spoiling her silly before he proposed. The man who has swept


Yvonne off her feet is not new to marriage and has had his fingers burnt twice in the marital cauldron.

Releasing the name of the man Yvonne is about to marry would break the internet and probably interrupt their wedding plans. “This marriage news will shake the movie industry if the identity of the groom is released; please guard it safe until after they marry. Yvonne is from a very humble home and she is a good girl who has found love at last and lover boy is ready to settle down this time because Yvonne is a diamond,” sources close to the bride said. As you read this, wedding plans are loading for Yvonne….We hear she is nervous and panicky and judging from whom she is about to marry, who can blame her? Everyone deserves a second chance at love.

2face & Wizkid Premiere Dance Go Video By Solomon Nda-Isaiah

The long awaited video for Dance Go, the smash hit collaboration between Hennessy Artistry 2014 headliners, 2Face and Wizkid, is finally here! The video, which is for the official Hennessy Artistry 2014 theme track, Dance Go was shot at the popular Koga Studios in Lagos and was directed by award winning director, Kemi Adetiba, with Hennessy as executive producers. The video, which premieres on SoundCity this afternoon boasts of cameos from Dj Caise, Shaydee, EFA, among others and showcases an exciting burst of colours and special effects. The video shows 2Face as a king whose daughter is under a spell and seeks for her redemption with promises of wealth to whoever breaks the spell. "Dance Go video is just the

Wizkid and 2face

perfect blend of the classic and new school... This is the first video featuring just me and the legend, 2Baba... It's an honour," Wizkid said. The theme song, Dance Go which was produced by Sarz, has

thrilled music lovers and club goers across Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa throughout the Hennessy Artistry 2014 project and is still receiving massive airplay on radio stations and in clubs across the country.

Jibola Dabo, Anunobi, Others To Star In New Flick By anthony ada abraham

From the stables of Uzee Concept, one of the biggest Nigerian producers, Uzee, is set to release a blockbuster featuring veteran actors Jibola Dabo, Alex Ekubo and Sani Danja., with the queen of the screen, Eucharia Anunobi, featuring as one of the lead actors. Produced by Uzee and directed by Saheed Apanpa, 'Dark Closet' is set to hit the silver screen soon.

On set of Dark Closet

Uzee, Eucharia, Dabo


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Ali Nuhu Bags Kannywood Best Actor Award StarTimes Resolves Legal …To be crowned LEADERSHIP Artiste of the Year 2014 stories By SAMUEL ABULUDE, Lagos

Talented actor, Ali Nuhu has bagged the Best Kannywood Actor award at the MTN/ Kannywood Awards held at the weekend. The cool and calm actor has been a leading light in the Northern Nigerian film industry which promotes the Hausa language as its medium. The actor told LEDERSHIP WEEKEND he was happy the award came at a time when LEADERSHIP Newspapers is also honouring him with the Artiste of The Year Award, which he described as a huge one. “I am happy for both honours. I am grateful to Allah for such recognition as it can only be by Him. The awards are coming at a great time in my career. I feel honoured. Being made the Kannywood Best Actor does not come cheap, it is a big

Ali Nuhu

recognition by the industry and MTN,” he pointed out. Asked what he thought led to his being crowned the Best Actor and Entertainer, Nuhu said, “I believe the organisers must have looked at my work and how distinguished I must have been in the year in review. I think I

have upped the ante and added to my finesse. Remember, no northerner or actor has collected the LEADERSHIP Entertainer of The Year Award before; it can only be Allah and hard work. It shows there is something I am doing right.” Nuhu on his Instagram page posted his picture with the award, saying “just won the Best Actor Award (popular category) in the MTN/ KANNYWOOD 2015.” Ali Nuhu, aged 40, won the Best Upcoming Actor Award at the third edition of the African Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) in 2008. The handsome actor and geography graduate from UNIJOS won the best actor award at the 2013 Nigeria Entertainment Awards (NEA) and got nominated in the Best Actor in a Supporting Role category at AMAA 2013.

Florence Onuma, Baba Nothing Spoil, Thrill In Akpos & Company A new comedy series titled Akpos & Company is about to hit TV screens in Nigeria. The family drama produced by Mike Nliam stars a potpourri of old and new thespians, featuring Florence Onuma as Lovinna, Jerry Onwordi aka “Baba Nothing Spoil” as Ajaka, Eliel Etete as Old Soldier, Mario Davidson Omasoro as Akpos, Adaeze Jacqueline-Ajah as Akpos' sister, Ada, Wilson Irabor Brown as Goddy. The comedy is directed by the talented Abay Esho and hits the screen in the next quarter. According to the producer, Mike Nliam, the family drama depicts everyday life; it shows Akpos' honesty and stupidity; Old Soldier's hilarity and rigidity; Lovina's obsession

with money; Ajaka's loyalty to alcohol; Emma's deceitful drive to get ahead in life and Jane's love for attention. The director, Abay Esho who directed Spider, Heaven's Gate, Dear Mother and Safari says, "Akpos is a global fictional story. What we try to do is to bring Akpos to life. Akpos is a comedy that all family members will love to watch and laugh and identify with. Mike Nliam, the producer not wanting to be specific says Akpos & Company cost millions of naira, funded by Project Act Nollywood, which the president, Dr Goodluck Jonathan created for capacity building in the Nigerian movie industry. "I've always wanted to do something on TV after working


Trouble With COSON The big legal palaver between NTA-Star TV Network Ltd, owners of Startimes, the pay TV platform and Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), the nation’s sole collective management organizsation for musical works and sound recordings, has been brought to an end. The resolution followed a recent meeting held in Abuja between the management of NTA –Star TV Network and the leadership of COSON. The meeting which took place at NICON Luxury Hotel, Abuja was flagged off by the director general of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), Emeka Mba. Present at the meeting were the executive director of Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria, Olusegun Olaleye; representatives of the director general of the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC), John Asein and Michael Akpan. Also present was Bunmi Cole of the NBC. COSON was represented by the chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji and general manager, Chinedu Chukwuji, while Max Loko, managing director, NTA Enterprises and Justin Zhang, general manager, Star Times represented NTA-Star TV Network. The discussions and negotiations were moderated by Mac Emakpore who was assisted by Alhaji Bola Agboola. At the meeting, the management of Startimes was informed that the broadcast industry in Nigeria has entered a period of zero tolerance of copyright infringement and the duty of every broadcast platform to pay for the rights in the music


and sound recordings broadcast by it is no longer an argument. The copyright fees payable by NTA-Star TV Network, the schedule of payment and legal fees recoverable by COSON were agreed and attested to. Subsequently, the parties agreed to withdraw their actions in court. It will be recalled that in reaction to an action brought by the operators of Startimes, COSON had in October 2014 filed an application at the Federal High Court, Lagos requesting the court to issue an order of interlocutory injunction restraining NTA-Star TV Network Ltd, owners of Startimes, whether by themselves or their officials, privies, servants, agents or howsoever called, from broadcasting, rebroadcasting or communicating to the public on any channel on its platform any musical work and/or sound recording belonging to COSON, its members or affiliates, pending the determination of the issues in Suit No. FHC/CS/1149/14.

Aramide Releases 2 Hot Singles

on Heaven's Gate and Oasis. Akpos & Company talks about youthful exuberance and the challenge of a young male child," says the award winning producer.

Maheeda Talks Daddy Issues Caroline Sam, or Maheeda alias Naija Bad Girl, seems to have turned a new leaf as she has been preaching forgiveness, pardon and remission. The singer, who was never tired of telling her sob story of growing up as an orphan, living a rough street life, ending up a prostitute and having a baby when she was just 16, must have been doing a lot of soul searching and says she now forgives her father for abandoning her so early in life. Maheeda, who loves to

be called Goddess of X, also believes that growing up all alone without anyone for guidance, gave her the opportunity to make her mistakes and learn from them. Her words, "thank God I was an orphan with no one to stop me from living my life and making my own mistakes and learning from experience." She took to her Twitter handle to express her forgiveness of her father as well as people who post hateful comments on social media platforms.



Graceful AfroSoul diva, Aramide has debuted two new banging singles titled Iwo Nikan and Odun Tuntun. The artiste whose previous single Feeling This Feeling captivated old as well as young

music lovers and showcased her as a serious artiste to look out for, worked with fellow label mate/producer, Mr Chidoo and talented producer, Laitan Dada to deliver the singles in the usual captivating way.


Saturday, February 7, 2015


Dangerous Attempt To Shift Election Date Forces Postponement of Conference The Management of LEADERSHIP wishes to announce the postponement of its annual conference and awards following moves by the government to shift the election date against the current of public opinion. The management is compelled to postpone the awards after three of its leading awardees indicated that they may be attending the National Council of State meeting, which President Goodluck Jonathan has purposely convened to shift the election date. Our awards have been known for their star quality. If three of the star awardees – former president Olusegun Obasanjo, Governors Kashim Shettima of Borno State and Tanko Al-Makura of Nasarawa – may be attending the council of state meeting on a matter of clear and present danger to the nation, the responsible thing for us to do is to postpone the awards. We warned against a shift in the election date in our front page comment of Monday, January 26. Though we consider the postponement of the conference painful and unsettling, we consider it a price worth paying as we stand with our star awardees and indeed the majority of Nigerians united against the unwarranted attempt to tinker with the date. We apologise for the inconvenience caused the invitees. A new date will be announced soon. Signed:


Saturday, February 7, 2015



Saturday, February 7, 2015


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Congratulations! My family and I rejoice with you on this special occasion of your coronation as the 57th Emir of Kano. This is a great moment for the people of Kano and we urge all Nigerians to join us in wishing His Highness a long, healthy, prosperous, progressive and highly productive reign. Your fine pedigree and penchant for excellence will no doubt propel Kano Emirate to an enviable position as centre of commerce, spirituality, culture and tradition in West Africa.

Once again, congratulations.

His Royal Highness

Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II Sarkin Kano na 57 Signed:

RT. HON AMINU WAZIRI TAMBUWAL, CFR (Mutawallen Sokoto) Speaker, House of Representatives


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Congratulations Your Royal Highness I congratulate you on your oďŹƒcial coronation on Saturday, February 7, 2015 as the 14th Sarkin Kano. May your reign bring abundant blessings, growth and development to the ancient City of Kano, Kano Emirate and Nigeria at large. Allah ya ja zamanin Sarki. Signed: Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar (GCFR)

His Royal Highness MUHAMMADU SANUSI II Emir of Kano

Saturday, February 7, 2015


SWAN, APFON, NSC Partner For Better Nigeria League By Onjewu Dickson, Abuja

The 5th edition of the annual Forum for Better Organised Nigeria league holds today at the media centre of Ahmadu Bello Stadium, Kaduna. Speaking to newsmen in Kaduna yesterday, coordinator of the Forum, Mr Vincent Akinbami explained that the forum would focus on contractual relationship between

players and club contract, as well as players’ welfare, FIFA rules and solidarity compensation mechanism. He revealed that the Forum which is jointly organised by Sodak Consult, Association of Professional Footballers of Nigeria (APFON), SWAN, Kaduna State chapter, National Sports Commission (NSC), Northwest zone and Sonite Communication would proffer

solutions to the many problems that have retarded the Nigeria league. According to him, “This is aimed at eliminating the problem faced by clubs during transfers, players’ right and obligations. It will also help clubs in squad management which will bring about continuity and help to improve the quality of play by Nigeria club sides,” he said.

AYC: Golden Eaglets Storm Sokoto For Final Preparation By Salifu Usman, Abuja

Ahead of the 2015 African U-17 Youth Championship (AYC), kicking off next week in Niger Republic, Nigeria’s Golden Eaglets have arrived Sokoto to round off their preparation. Coach Emmanuel Amuneke led a team of 25 players and eight officials to the historic seat of Caliphate yesterday. The team boarded Arik Air which departed Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja at 10:40 am and landed at the Sultan Saddik Abubakar Airport 11: 25 am. The team moved to Sokoto for their final preparation to enable

them acclimatise to Niger Republic weather condition which is similar to Sokoto weather with a temperature fluctuating between 40°C and 41°C. According to media officer of the team, Morakinyo Abodunrin, Coach Amuneke said he was happy to be in Sokoto again since his last visit 24 years ago with the national Under-23 team for a friendly match ahead of the Cairo ‘91 All Africa Games Soccer Tournament. “We are happy to come down to Sokoto for our final preparation for Niger 2015,” he told the press on arrival. “We want to use this opportunity to than the gov-

ernment and the people of Sokoto as well as the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) for giving us the platform to come to Sokoto and we are ready to work harder in the days ahead. “Though , it is very hot , coming down to Sokoto few days to our first game in Niger would surely help us and we just have to go through this in order to achieve our objective,” he reasoned . Meanwhile, the Golden Eaglets have already settled into their Giginya Coral Hotel camp with arrangement already put in place for them to begin their training sessions in earnest.

Golden Eaglets

AFCON Violence: CAF Slams Heavy Fine On Equatorial Guinea


Gyan In Line For AFCON Final Asamoah Gyan could be fit for tomorrow’s Africa Cup of Nations final after suffering a pelvic injury and missing Thursday’s semifinal win over hosts Equatorial Guinea. Ghana’s captain was poleaxed by a kung-fu-style kick from Guinea goalkeeper Naby Yattara in the closing stages of Ghana’s 3-0 win in Sunday’s quarterfinal in Malabo. “He was hardly able to walk directly after that but the medical staff have done intensive work with him and he was sprinting again in training on Wednesday,” Ghana Football Association spokesman Ibrahim Sannie told

Reuters yesterday. “But the advice to the coach was to rest him for the semifinal, to give him the best chance to play in the decider.” Gyan could have been used as a substitute in the semifinal against Equatorial Guinea but Ghana were 2-0 up at halftime and went on to win 3-0 in a match overshadowed by crowd violence. Gyan, competing at his sixth Nations Cup tournament, missed the opening game because of malaria but climbed out of his sick bed to score a last-gasp winner in the second match against Algeria to turn around Ghana’s fortunes.

… Hosts look for redemption The Confederation of African football (CAF) yesterday hit hosts of the ongoing 2015 Africa Cup Nations, Equatorial Guinea with a $100 000 fines for unrest in the semifinal between and Ghana in which 36 fans were injured. CAF however said that despite disturbances blamed on Equatorial Guinea fans in Thursday’s semifinal defeat to Ghana, supporters would be allowed into the country’s third-place playoff against Democratic Republic of Congo today. CAF meted out the fine to the Nations Cup hosts “for aggressive behaviour and being repeat offenders” for crowd trouble, said a confederation statement. An order to play Saturday’s third place playoff behind closed doors was suspended “to promote a spirit of Fair-Play and brotherhood during the AFCON 2015”. But CAF made it clear that if there was more unrest then it would “automatically impose the sanction of playing behind closed doors the Equatorial Guinean team’s next official match”. Today’s playoff is being held at the same 15 000-seater stadium in Malabo where Equatorial Guinea’s supporters pelted Ghanaian fans with plastic bottles and chairs on Thursday night. The game was halted for over

Equatorial Guinea’s players warm up before their African Cup of Nations match

half an hour with Ghana eventually winning 3-0 to set up a final on Sunday with Ivory Coast in Bata. As the missiles rained down, the 500 visiting Ghana fans poured onto the pitch and play was halted eight minutes from time as security officials battled to regain control. Meanwhile, hosts Equatorial Guinea will look to redeem themselves in the third-place playoff against DR Congo today night at Nuevo Estadio de Malabo. Though the tournament hosts put together a remarkable run to reach the last four – easily their best AFCON showing – their 3-0 defeat to Ghana in the semifinals and the shameful behaviour of their fans at the end of that match has threatened to take the gloss off their achievements.

“I am really sad with what happened with the supporters,” Equatorial Guinea coach Esteban Becker said, though the Argentine is hopeful that his side can give the local fans something to cheer about by finishing in third place. The Leopards of DRC, meanwhile, have enjoyed their best tournament since finishing third at the 1998 Afcon in Burkina Faso. Nonetheless, their 3-1 defeat to Ivory Coast in the semifinal was a bitter pill to swallow, as the match was much closer fought than the scoreline suggests. Coach Florent Ibenge was rightly proud of his team for their strong showing and will hope they can end on a high in the third-place playoff on Saturday night in Malabo.






No. 470 N300

The Weekend Column Capt Daniel Omale By Sufuyan OjeifO

If Buhari had not jumped into the presidential fray, he would have been spared the present heat. After all, President Goodluck Jonathan is also getting his own share of the heat

Captain Daniel Omale, in his back page column in Leadership Weekend of January 31, 2015, abandoned decency in the articulation of his private fixations on the person of former minister and current director of media and publicity of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential campaign organisation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode (aka FFK). Omale threw caution to the winds when he unjustifiably and maliciously tarred the Osun stateborn chief with a brush of malfeasance, perhaps in a bid to please his friends on the other side. Even though he is free to work for whoever he chooses, he does not have the liberty to attack the reputation of others malevolently. My concern here is not to interrogate the dialectics that produced the deluge of invectives which Omale had hurled at FFK in the past, but to situate the latest assault in the despicable genre of argumentum ad-hominem, to wit: responding to arguments by attacking a person’s character, rather than the content of their arguments. Omale asserted that FFK’s brilliant and utilitarian discharge of his duties as spokesperson of the PDP presidential campaign organisation was motivated by the quest for appointment in government and the desire to have government drop all corruption charges against him. As convenient as this assertion could be for Omale, it is not correct and therefore, not acceptable. Omale’s lines on FFK were laced with malice and contempt, as he veered off from issues to attack his person, thus falling into the error of redherring. And it was the same offence he tried to wrongly

Captain Daniel Omale’s Gobbledygook daniel@leadership.ng

RIGHT OF REPLY hang on FFK for dwelling on the totality of General Muhammadu Buhari in the discharge of his assignment as a spokesperson for the campaign organisation. It would be recalled that FFK had from the onset served notice that his single-minded proposition, which is at the heart of his mandate, is to expose General Buhari for what he is and to effectively de-market him; and he has been doing so effectively to the discomfort of Omale and other Buharists. > FFK did not mince words when he described Buhari as an issue who must be interrogated and exposed. Now that FFK is applying himself to the task of deconstructing Buhari, why would Omale castigate him for doing his job? If Buhari had not jumped into the presidential fray, he would have been spared the present heat. After all, President Goodluck Jonathan is also getting his own share of the heat. Omale, in his gobbledygook, showed his bias for General Buhari. Let us concede to him the right to support Buhari. Why did he attempt to abridge FFK’s right to support Jonathan? After all, it is clear to everybody that FFK’s job is to defend and sell the president’s achievements to the Nigerian electorate in order to win their votes to secure his re-election. If FFK doing his job is the basis for Omale’s grouse, then he is wrong because, as it is, even a saint whose brief it is to expose Buhari would have surpassed FFK in engaging the campaign issues which Buhari exemplifies. In other words, FFK has not exhausted the publicly available material in the task of de-marketing Buhari. The

current assignment that FFK is tending to is not about using one’s judgment to deliver an errand by a king as posited by Omale. The issues FFK is raising against Buhari were not manufactured by him, he is only speaking to them and bringing them up for public attention. With respect to Omale’s reference to FFK trying to appease the federal government to drop corruption charges against him, Omale was far wide off the mark. There was no offence committed and there is no appeasement to make. Part of the statement I issued in response to Mr Festus Keyamo (EFCC prosecutor in the case against FFK) on this same issue illuminates my point: “…This prosecutor, who obviously cannot make a distinction between persecution and prosecution, must have read his law upside down because the constitution clearly states that every Nigerian is deemed innocent until proved guilty by a court of law. “The most pervasive and brazen act of corruption is for a so-called prosecutor to file false and bogus charges and attempt to destroy the life of an innocent man for no just cause, which is what Keyamo has been trying to do to Chief Fani-Kayode and his family for the last seven years. Keyamo is a man that is motivated by nothing but malice, pettiness, showmanship and vengeance and when the case is over, we will let the world know the truth. He has failed to achieve his objectives and he will continue to fail because Chief Fani-Kayode is innocent of any wrongdoing. They initially claimed that he stole N19.5

08054102747 (text only) billion of the Aviation Intervention Fund, but this was thrown out by the court for want of evidence. “After that, in 2008, Keyamo filed a bogus 47-count money laundering charge on behalf of the Farida Waziri-led EFCC in which he claimed that Chief Fani-Kayode had laundered N200 million. In 2014, he reduced it to a 40-count charge and reduced the amount that was allegedly laundered from N200 million to N99 million. Earlier this year, 38 of those 40 counts, which collectively represented the sum of N97 million, were thrown out by the court for want of evidence. The remaining two counts, which represent the sum of N1 million each, will be defended on February 23 and 24. “Chief Fani-Kayode looks forward to that date because he is innocent and he has every confidence in God and the Nigerian judiciary. What people like Keyamo fail to appreciate is that the days of prosecuting people on the pages of newspapers without any hard evidence are long over.” — Mr Ojeifo is Media Consultant/Special Assistant (Media) to Chief Fani-Kayode.

GHANA MUST GO A female president will fix Nigeria’s problems — Josephine Anenih

Starting with Dame Patience?

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