Leadership news

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No. 2,319



Leadership Newspapers


Nigeria’s Crude Export Trapped Amidst Crashing Oil Price BY CHIKA IZUORA, Lagos with agency report

The impact of falling oil prices has stalled almost half of Nigeria’s crude oil cargo due to

be exported in January, said a Reuters report. The situation, according to

experts, is further complicated as oil prices plummet to the $50s trough, $15 below

Nigeria’s benchmark price. According to Reuters, the backlog has pushed Nigerian

Anguish As Corpses From Missing AirAsia Found > Page 4

oil differentials versus Brent to their lowest since 2009, at 65 cents a barrel, down 80 percent since May, said Reuters in its ➔ CONTINUES ON PAGE 5


IGP Vows To Find Missing Officers Dead Or Alive 5

Boko Haram kills 15 in Borno village

Our commitment is not just to get the CHIBOK GIRLS out, it is also to rout Boko Haram completely – JONATHAN



Defining issues of

This is a spectacular success story that shows that EBOLA can be contained – WHO

Chibok Diary DAY 261

Chibok Community Laments Reported Attack In Kautakari

> Page 2


chibok diary 261

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Chibok TweeTs @VOA_TTA VOA’s No. 7 story of 2014: Boko Haram abducts 200 Nigerian girls,converts them 2 Islam,marries them off,sparking #BringBackOurGirls campaign

@Bukkyshonibare: Day 260 of abduction 2 days to New Year #BringBackOurGirls “

@madeinafreewrld As many consider their 2015 New Year’s Resolutions, some advocates are still desperately trying to #BringBackOurGirls

@MrAyeDee If Buhari or his campaign can give a workable solution on how 2 #BringBackOurGirls, I’ll campaign 4 that ticket like my life depends on it.

@AishaYesufu We all would have moved on abt #ChibokGirls if not for #BringBackOurGirls We would not stop oh Not Until Our Girls Are Back And Alive

@isinmiri To those dat defend GEJ’s failure 2 #BringBackOurGirls, I hv a simple question 4 y’all. Would u take this stance if ur child was amngst ‘em?

@seunfakze #BringBackOurGirls. They are still captive. 219 girls: human, future leaders. We’ve not forgotten. I’ve not forgotten

Compiled by Ugochukwu Iroka

Members of the #BringBackourGirls (BBoG) group advocating for the release of the abducted Chibok girls in abuja, yesterday. PHOTO BY DELE DAMISA

Chibok Community Laments Reported Attack In Kautakari By Chika Mefor,


The Chibok community in Abuja has lamented the reported attack in Kautikari, the second largest town in Chibok local government area, Borno State, about 7kilometres away from Chibok town. According to a news report, there was a massive attack in Kautikari village near Chibok community in Borno State yesterday and many residents re-

portedly killed. Residents of the area reported that the attack started around 9:30am yesterday, driving many people in the village and other neighbouring villages in the bushes. Speaking during the normal sit-out of the #BringBackOurGirls (BBOG), the vice chairman of the Chibok Community in Abuja, Mr Mutah Nkeki, said that he was called from his village by his relatives that there

was an attack at the Kautikari village but that he was yet to know the number of casualties. “I got a phone call from my people that the village is under attack. They told me that the village is being razed and people were being killed. They said there was no military presence at the time,” he said. Nkeki who expressed sadness over the constant attacks of villages in the northeast pleaded with the government to do eve-

rything possible in ending the attack to return peace to the area. LEADERRSHIP recalls that Chibok itself was on November attacked by the Boko Haram sect where many lives were lost and many houses razed by the sect. Also, on April 14 this year, the insurgents succeeded in abducting over 270 girls at the Government Secondary School, Chibok, with 219 still to be rescued.

Members of the #BringBackourGirls (BBoG) group advocating for the safe return of the abducted Chibok girls in abuja, yesterday. PHOTO BY DELE DAMISA


our stand Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Institute The Hall Of Shame Now


resident Goodluck Jonathan recently proposed the establishment of a Hall of Shame, where names of criminals and social misfits would be recorded, to serve as a deterrent to those nursing criminal ideas in the country. According to the president, who emphasised the need for there to be a Hall of Shame alongside a Hall of Fame for Nigeria, the Hall of Shame, when in place and immortalisation of criminals commences, would make youths stay away from crime and encourage families to bring up their children properly and warn them against engaging in criminal acts and bringing their family names to disrepute. We agree with the president and urge him to make haste to put the Hall of Shame in place. Criminality has often been said not be treated as it is in this country and anything that would make criminal activities less attractive is welcome. Nigeria is one country where people conduct themselves with a high degree of impunity and get away with it most of the time or at most, get a tap on the wrist, even when the matters are

brought before law enforcement agencies. We have even seen situations in this country where people alleged to have committed certain crimes get rewarded with more public responsibility. The Jonathan administration has often been criticised for encouraging corruption through its body language and the institution of a Hall of Shame and further action when in place would go a long way in disabusing the minds of the people of such thoughts about the government. However, we advise that those who will monitor and compile the names of those to be put in the Hall of Shame should focus their lenses particularly

Editor Sadiq Abdullateef Deputy Editor Kazeem Akintunde Editorial Board Safiya M. Adamu, Chairman Christian Ochiama, Deputy Chairman Standards ’Lara Olugbemi, Assistant Director

on government officials, civil servants, political office holders and their employees. It is no news to anyone that the civil service is a cesspit of corruption and the cleansing of our country must start from within the service. Also, while criminals would be shamed and their names put in the Hall of Shame, we advocate that honest Nigerians who have done acts worthy of commendation should be commended, and not with the kind of national awards we have now, which have become more like a jamboree where presidents bestow on their friends, political associates, family members and cronies national honours, with no recourse to merit and sterling qualities. Of course, a few names of some Nigerians who have excelled in their fields of endeavour are usually thrown in, to give it some semblance of credibility. We also advocate that some national honour awards given to controversial people, who have either been indicted for corrupt acts or who have cases of corruption pending against them, should be withdrawn and their names put instead in the Hall of Shame.

Founder Sam Nda-Isaiah

Group Managing Director Azubuike Ishiekwene Group Executive Directors Michael Okpere Dr Kazeem Durodoye Divisional Directors Iyobosa Uwugiaren Salisu Alhassan Bichi General Managers Aminu Abubakar Sule Abdulmumin Balogun Zipporah D. Tanko

Leadership Holdings

Managing Director Abraham Nda-Isaiah Executive Director Nnamdi Samuel New York Office Mohammed Bello Shehu London Office Dr Bello Salihu Johannesburg Office Abiodun Oguntuase

LEADERSHIP is a national paper symbolically embedded in the nation’s capital. We shall stand up for good governance. We shall defend the interest of Nigerian people even against their rulers, and we shall raise our pen at all times in defence of what is right. These are the values by which we intend to be assessed. We shall never, ever for any reason forget the noble reason of our coming into being: For God and country!

4 news extra

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Group News Editor: Tony Amokeodo My Credentials Are Verifiable – Buhari Former head of state and presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2015 poll, General Muhammadu Buhari, has said that his credentials are verifiable in spite of the fact the he does not have them at hands. Buhari stated this yesterday in a statement signed by the Director of Publicity, Buhari 2015 Support Group Centre, Dr Chidia Maduekwe and made available to LEADERSHIP in Abuja. According to Buhari, the controversy over the propriety of his credentials is a non-issue on the grounds that his antecedents and integrity are impeccable. The statement reads in part: “The online controversy is uncalled for because General Buhari is a man whose antecedents are well known. His integrity is not in doubt, he is known for transparency and due process. We are in the age of search engines any effort to goggle General Buhari’s credentials will yield the required results. “He attended Katsina Provincial School where he was a school prefect and Head Boy before proceeding to the Nigerian Military Training Collage which was later renamed Nigeria Defence Academy, the records are there. “There is no how he would have proceeded to the academy if he did not have the requisite qualifications from the provincial school. Haven attended defence school, he attended several military institutions at home and abroad including Anderlecht in the United Kingdom, other military institutions in the USA and India. These records are there. I want to disabuse the minds of Nigerians that those peddling campaign questioning his qualifications are engaging in an enterprise in futility because it is a non -issue” By Bayo Oladeji, Abuja

2015: Akpabio Presents N462bn Budget Akwa Ibom State governor Godswill Akpabio yesterday presented a budget of N462billion for the 2015 fiscal year. Akpabio, who presented the estimate at a plenary to the state House of Assembly in Uyo, explained that the budget was predicated on the current world crude oil price. He explained that his administration has been able to change the face of the state through massive infrastructural development and wealth creation. Akpabio called on all indigenes of the state to continue to support government initiative aimed at improving the lot of the people. By Bernard Tolani Dada, Uyo

Members of the Indonesian Air Force carrying items retrieved from the Java Sea during search and rescue operations for the missing AirAsia flight QZ8501, in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan, yesterday. PHOTO BY AFP

Anguish As Corpses From Missing AirAsia Found Another AirAsia plane overshoots runway in Philippines By Samson Echenim, with agency report

Indonesian rescuers searching for an AirAsia plane carrying 162 people pulled bodies and wreckage from the sea off the coast of Borneo yesterday, prompting relatives of those on board watching TV footage to break down in tears. Indonesia AirAsia’s Flight QZ8501, an Airbus A320-200, lost contact with air traffic control early on Sunday during bad weather on a flight from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore. The navy said 40 bodies had been recovered, but the plane was yet to be found. “My heart is filled with sadness for all the families involved in QZ8501,” airline boss, Tony Fernandes tweeted. “On behalf of AirAsia, my condolences to all. Words cannot express how sorry I am.” The airline said in a statement that it was inviting family members to Surabaya, “where a dedicated team of care providers will be assigned to each family to ensure that all of their needs are met”. Reuters reported that pictures of floating bodies were broadcast on television and relatives of the missing already gathered at a crisis centre in

Surabaya wept with heads in their hands. Several people collapsed in grief and were helped away. “You have to be strong,” the mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, said as she comforted relatives. “They are not ours; they belong to God.” A navy spokesman said a plane door, oxygen tanks and one body had been recovered and taken away by a helicopter for tests. “The challenge is waves up to three meters high,” Fransiskus Bambang Soelistyo, head of the Search and Rescue Agency, told reporters, adding that the search operation would go on all night. He declined to answer questions on whether any survivors had been found. About 30 ships and 21 aircraft from Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and the United States have been involved in the search. The plane, which did not issue a distress signal, disappeared after its pilot failed to get permission to fly higher to avoid bad weather because of heavy air traffic, officials said. It was travelling at 32,000 feet (9,753 meters) and had asked to fly at 38,000 feet, officials said earlier. Pilots and aviation experts said thunderstorms, and requests to gain altitude to avoid them, were not unusual in that area. The Indonesian pilot was experienced and the plane last un-

derwent maintenance in midNovember, the airline said. The aircraft had accumulated about 23,000 flight hours in some 13,600 flights, according to the Airbus. Online discussion among pilots has centered on unconfirmed secondary radar data from Malaysia that suggested the aircraft was climbing at a speed of 353 knots, about 100 knots too slow, and that it might have stalled. The plane, whose engines were made by CFM International, co-owned by General Electric and Safran of France, lacked real-time engine diagnostics or monitoring, a GE spokesman said. Meanwhile, it is a season of sorrows for AirAsia as another plane belonging to the airline yesterday overshot the runway in Philippines, nearly killing 159 people on board. This is happening after the ailine’s Flight QZ8501 crashed into the sea in Indonesia on Sunday, killing all 162 passengers on board. Forty bodies of victims were discovered yesterday, as the search continued for the remaining 122 passengers and the aircraft believed to be buried in the sea. Philippine officials said an AirAsia Zest plane with 159 passengers and crew members overshot a runway in a central province after landing in windy weather from Manila. Mr Giovanni Hontomin, who is in charge of AirAsia Zest’s op-

erations, said crew members activated an emergency slide to help passengers disembark safely from the Airbus A320-200 yesterday. There were no immediate reports of injuries and the plane remained stuck on a grassy area near the runway’s end. The incident came after the crash of an AirAsia plane that disappeared over the Java Sea on Sunday on a flight from Indonesia to Singapore with 162 people on board. Bloated bodies and debris were seen floating in Indonesian waters yesterday. Domestic carrier AirAsia Zest is partly owned by AirAsia Philippines. About 250,000 Evacuated As Malaysian Flood Worsens Malaysia and Thailand have faced severe flooding in the last few days, resulting in almost a quarter of a million people having to abandon their homes and 24 deaths as at yesterday. The Weather Centre of the Malaysia Meteorological Department has said that the rains are expected to continue in the days ahead. Malaysian North-eastern states, Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang, have been particularly badly hit with water rising fast and the strong currents hampering rescue efforts. Many have been forced to take shelter in temporary relief centres but there is considerable anger amongst the population over the relatively slow response from the government.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

IGP Vows To Find Missing Officers Dead Or Alive By Chika Otuchikere, Abuja, Kareem Haruna, Maiduguri And Abdullahi Umar,

With Agency Report

Over four months after over 35 mobile police operatives were declared missing after Boko Haram insurgents invaded the Mobile Police College in Gwoza, Borno State, killing some operatives and taking others hostage, the inspector-general of Police, IGP Suleiman Abba, has vowed that the Nigeria Police would find the officers dead or alive. Abba made the vow yesterday during his visit to Nasarawa State where he doled out N7million to 14 women who were wives to some of the missing 35 police officers. Abba gave out N500, 000 to each of the women, saying the gesture was to alleviate the suffering. A breakdown of the N500, 000 showed that N200,000 was from the Police Reward Fund, N200,000 from the Nigeria Police Welfare Insurance and N100,000 being donation from the office of the IGP. The meeting was held at the premises of No. 38 Police Mobile Force (38 PMF) Squadron, Akwanga, Nasarawa State, where the families assembled. The IGP expressed worry over the fate of the missing officers. LEADERSHIP recalls that the officers were declared missing after Boko Haram insurgents invaded the Police Mobile Force training school at Gwoza on August 20. One of the officers, however, resurfaced and resume duty about three months later. Apart from the cash, the IGP also gave 20 tubers of yam, one bag of rice and one gallon of vegetable oil to each of the women and 84 other wives of policemen whose husbands died in line of duty. Over 62 widows of policemen ambushed and killed by members of the Ombatse cult at Alakyo village in Nasarawa State on May 7, 2013, were also beneficiaries of the IGP’s gifts. The inspector-general reassured the women that the search for the missing policemen would be intensified until they were either found alive or dead. “Those whose husbands are still missing, let me say that we are still pained, we are still hopeful and we have not stopped the efforts to trace them, wherever they are, and we will not relent until we are able to account for each and every one of them; this I want to assure you. “Without mincing words and with due consideration to the status of my office, we mean every word we say: the search continues, the hope is still there,” Abba said. Abba also vowed that the outcome of investigation into the incident, as well as panel constituted by the Nasarawa State government on the killing of the officers by the cult, would be implemented promptly. Boko Haram kills 15 In Borno village attack More than a dozen persons were yesterday killed by Boko Haram terrorists

in a village very close to Chibok, the town where the insurgents abducted more than 270 schoolgirls eight months ago, security sources and witnesses said. Kautikari village in Chibok local government area of Borno State came under the attack of Boko Haram terrorists yesterday morning, with the assailants shooting at hapless residents, killing over a dozen and injuring several others. This happened hours after nine members of the sect terrorists were reportedly killed by a bomb while on their way to attack Biu town on Monday evening. Security sources who confirmed the Biu incident said the terrorists could not carry out the planned attack on the town because one of the improvised explosives they were taking with them for the operation suddenly went off and killed nine of them. The remainder of the gang, most of them injured in the blast, promptly abandoned the Biu mission. “Nine of the Boko Haram terrorists died yesterday while on the way to Biu for an attack,” said a senior personnel of the Department of State Services (DSS) who does not want his name mentioned in this report because it is not his duty to speak to the press. “The bomb they had with them accidentally got detonated, killed nine of them and seriously injured many of them.” Muhammed Gava, an official of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria in Maiduguri, who spoke to LEADERSHIP, confirmed the attack Kautakari village. He said more than 15 persons were killed in the village while many other were displaced, according to the reports received from vigilante colleagues. It was the second time that Kautikari village was attacked by Boko Haram terrorists. The insurgents had launched a similar attack on it on June 28 during which they killed over 30 residents and burnt down dozens of churches. Nigeria, Saudi bilateral ties remain – Envoy The Nigerian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Abubakar Shehu Bunu, has said that bilateral relationship between Nigeria and Saudi Arabia remains intact, Hausa service of the BBC reports. The Nigerian envoy to the Kingdom stated this following a denial of permit for Nigerian cargo carrying arms from Pakistan for landing at the country’s airport in Riyadh. Saudi Arabian authorities refused to grant over-flight permits to Nigerian cargo planes carrying military equipment, including armoured tanks, from Pakistan which Nigerian authorities had procured in order to fight the Boko Haram sect. “It is not as a result of misunderstanding between Nigeria and the Kingdom that they could not allow our plane with procured arms from Pakistan to pass through the country as alleged by media agencies,” Bunu said.


One health tip daily You Snooze, You Loose

Staying active and exercising regularly are the foundations for living a long and healthy life. It’s no surprise that caged animals have more health problems and a shorter life span than free-range animals. Research with

humans confirms that as a rule, the more active you are, the longer you will live. In one study, the group that burned more than 3,500 calories a week lived the longest. Being lazy can actually shorten your life!

Nigeria’s Crude Export Trapped Amidst Crashing Oil Price FROM FRONT PAGE

report. The report indicated that the scenario is also creating discount frenzy between African and Gulf oil producers to Asian buyers Asia has become a hotspot for a price war between African and Gulf oil producers who, hobbled by bulging global supplies and waning demand, are offering steep discounts to defend their market share in the world’s top net crude buying region. The competition is welcome news for Asian buyers because if oil stays near $60 per barrel, import costs for the world’s No.2 oil consumer, China, would drop to under $125 billion a year, versus $222 billion in 2013 when crude averaged $110. But for producers it means more competition, and African sellers like Nigeria and Angola, faced with precarious finances due to plummeting oil prices, are struggling to make inroads into Asia, a Middle Eastern stronghold. “There is competition between West African and Middle East suppliers for the Asian markets, but the Middle East suppliers have the cost advantage,” said Low operating costs in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Emirates already allow these countries to offer hefty discounts. Now, a more than 50 percent jump in freight rates between West Africa and China since September is adding to the relative advantage of Middle Eastern grades, which require shorter shipping distances to Asia and this has been a big setback for West African producers. West African exports got a brief boost in August when Brent’s premium to Middle East crude narrowed to less than $2 per barrel from almost $5 in June. But with Middle Eastern producers

now offering even more competitive prices, the advantage has faded. “A year ago, a $2 premium would have been attractive, but in today’s environment it’s different,” a trader dealing with West African crude said. West African producers traditionally sold most of their oil to North America and Europe, but exports dwindled given the entry of shale oil from the United States and higher output from nations outside the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). West African crude exports to Asia rose more than 4 percent between January and December, Reuters data shows. China accounted for most of the rise as it took advantage of low prices to build up oil reserves. But the higher West African arrivals into Asia were mainly due to sales before October, and have dropped since then due to Middle East discounts. Middle East producers continue to dominate the Asian oil market, with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait all increasing shipments to the region since 2012. The Middle East accounts for around half of China’s imports; Africa has a 25 percent share. With pricing an advantage for Gulf producers, one hope for West Africa is China’s drive for diversification in order to avoid over-reliance on Middle Eastern oil, JBC Energy said. But analysts are skeptical about the sustainability of steep discounts as producers need higher prices to finance their budgets. “Governments that underpin their budgets with oil or metals have seen currency values plummet, reserves erode or current account deficits rise … Regimes built on oil wealth will come under pressure,” risk consultancy and insurance brokerage, JLT Group, said in its 2015 outlook.

6 news NATIONAL Nigerian Governments Are Corrupt – Justice Akanbi

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The pioneer chairman of Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), Justice Mustapha Akanbi yesterday ruminated on the state of the nation and declared that Nigeria is operating governments of corruption. Akanbi spoke in Ilorin, Kwara State at a public lecture organised by Amicus International Club with the theme, “Corruption – The Bane of Our Society”. The retired president of the Court of Appeal said, “Speaking for myself, I ask myself this question; does it mean all the governors in Nigeria are corruptionfree? Does it mean all the L-R: Professor G. G. Darah, Chief Dafe Akpereye, deputy president, Urhobo Progress Union (UPU), Chief Augustine Uloho, minister, Niger Delta Affairs, legislators are corruption-free? Stephen Oru and President Goodluck Jonathan, during a courtesy visit by the Urhobo Progressive Union (UPU) to the president at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO BY REMI AKUNLEYAN. Does it mean the judiciary is corruption-free? We know that it is happening but people are not being arrested, no action is being taken and the end result is that people accept bribe with impunity now. “At least if they had taken few people to court, we would have known that something is despite the challenges in dwindling right reasons. being done. There is a general ‘Nigerians will appreciate me “People don’t often give credit oil price and the security challenglull and the fight against when I leave office’ when the man is still there. They es”, he said. corruption has gone down According to the president, while often do it when he has left and ancompletely. That is why we are by GEORGE Agba, Abuja people do not often give credit to other man is in charge. When they gearing up the tempo now so great men when they are still in of- make comparison, they will begin that people can be aware of it. Apparently trying to stem the tide fice, there was no doubt that when to see the great things the former “Now when you look at of criticisms that have trailed his a new administration comes on man did. many people wanting to be administration in the build up to board and people begin to make “We will continue to thank Nigegovernors, the question should the 2015 presidential poll, Presicomparison, his efforts would be rians for the opportunity given to be; ‘is it because they want to dent Goodluck Jonathan said yesappreciated. us to serve and we will continue to serve their people or that they terday that he was not expecting Noting that he cannot be dis- do our best”. want to go and chop, chop? It praises, while he is still in office as tracted by criticisms in trying to Governor Dickson had earlier is apparent that many of them president. Jonathan give his best to the nation, Jona- noted that their visit to Aso Rock want to enrich themselves He noted that he was not moved than said leaders all over the world was to felicitate with and show solbecause they know that when by what critics say about his admin- sa State led by the state governor, are often lampooned through the idarity to President Jonathan and you go there you make money istration because he was aware Seriake Dickson in his residence at social media, which, according to his family in the spirit of the fesand become wealthy. Ditto, that, like every other clime, Nigeri- the presidential villa, Abuja yesterhim, is a new invention being used tive season. going to the legislature. Yet, ans will start to praise him for what day evening. Noting that Bayelsa people will “The social media that is sup- for the wrong reasons. people are suffering, there his administration achieved across He said, “These days, leaders all continue to support the president, is no development. There is all sectors by the time he must have posed to be used for positive things over the world get lambasted a lot the governor told State House coris being used for something else. I corruption, kidnapping and left office for another leader. and the effect of the social media respondents after the visit that the the ills of the society have gone Jonathan spoke when he re- don’t expect praises now until I has made it worse. There are some president’s home state was peaceon the ascendency. ceived a delegation of tradition- leave office. But I will do my best for inventions that are not used for the ful and was in safe hands. “Honestly, in terms of these al rulers and leaders from Bayel- our economy to continue to thrive governors, who have been arrested? We know about ‘Oduahgate’, and the billions of naira that Sanusi alleged that was missing. The terrible By Abdullahi Umar, with agency from Taraba, Nasarawa, Plateau, The statement said that the social vices now prevalent in the thing is that the judiciary is not report Adamawa, Benue, Kogi, Kwara, public presentation of the five society,’’ it said. helping the matter either. The statement also said that Niger and Kaduna states as well million tubers of yam would hold “The indices are that the Northern states’ farmers have as the Federal Capital Territory at the Mararaban Demshin village the event would be heralded by moments are dark, the clouds pledged to support the All Pro- (FCT), Abuja, would feature at Yam Market in Qua’an Pan local a world press conference in Jos, have thickened, corruption gressives Congress (APC) presi- the occasion. government area of Plateau State sponsored by Imo State governor, is escalating. And we cannot dential candidate, Gen. MohamHe said that Prof. Emmanuel on January 4, 2015. Rochas Okorocha. pretend. The Transparency madu Buhari with N5 billion for Garba, who lost the governorIt stated that the ceremony International put us at the his campaign. ship primary of the APC in Pla- would also witness traditional position of 136 corrupt nation, A statement made available teau State is the founding father wrestling involving 500 traditionyou cannot deny it even though to newsmen and signed by the of the group. “We have contribut- al wrestlers from the 19 northern it is a perception. Honestly, I group’s public relations officer, ed five million tubers of yam to be states and the FCT. do not see what is being done Rev. Jacob Musa, said that farm- donated in support of the funding “The aim is to mobilise the about corruption now”. ers from 10 states of the federa- of Buhari’s presidential campaign. wrestlers in the campaign against In his own contribution, tion were planning to raise money “The five million tubers of yam poverty, crime, killings, kidnapMallam Yusuf Olaolu Ali, SAN, for Buhari-Osinbajo Presidential will be retailed at a special price of pings, armed robbery, cattle russaid that corruption makes all Appeal Campaign Fund (BOP- N1,000 each towards raising the tling, rape, cultism, election rigof us poorer. CAF) sum of N5 billion in support of ging, looting of public fund, Musa said members drawn the APC candidate,” it said. smuggling, terrorism and other Buhari By Abdullahi Olesin, Ilorin

I Don’t Expect Praise While In Office – Jonathan

Northern Farmers Vow To Raise N5bn For Buhari’s Campaign

News north-central 7

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Suswam Presents N98.5bn Budget To Benue Assemby By Solomon Ayado, Makurdi

Benue State governor, Gabriel Suswam yesterday presented N89.5billion budget to the state House of Assembly. Performing the presentation ceremony yesterday at the Assembly Complex in Makurdi, the governor said the budget, if approved by the lawmakers, will ensure payment of salaries, and execution of government projects. According to him, the 2015 budget will also ensure adequate security of lives and properties of the populace adding that it would further enhance efficiency and political stability of the state. Suswam stated that a sum of N52.8billion is proposed for recurrent expenditure while N45.7billion is for capital ex-

short news ‘ALGON

Supports LG

Autonomy’ The interim national chairman of Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON) and chairman of Barkin Ladi local government area of Plateau State, Emmanuel Loman has called on those who mean well for the people at the grassroots to support local government council autonomy as being advocated by council chairmen in the country. Loman made the appeal while speaking to LEADERSHIP in Jos yesterday. According to him, it had been a long time that they have been advocating for local government autonomy stressing that the revenue sharing formula did not favour LGAs in the country. By Achor Abimaje, Jos

penditure in 2015 fiscal year. The speaker, Terhile Ayua assured on behalf the lawmakers that the budget will be quickly considered for approval. Explaining the sectoral highlights of the proposed budget, Suswam said N1.4billion is earmarked for payment of pensions while N2.3billion was provided to make government offices functional as well as the state Independent Electoral Commission (BSIEC). He added that the economic sub-sector has an overall provision of N19.90billion with agriculture having N725million, law and justice N1.3billion. Regional sub-sector has a provision of N200million and social sub-sector has proposal of N25.5billion respectively.

‘Why We Are Engaging 50,000 Graduates’ The project director Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Mr. P.M. Papka has disclosed that the scheme has engaged 50,000 graduates in two years in the 36 states of the country. According to him, GIS is aimed at providing Nigerian graduates with quality temporary work experience that will make them stronger candidates for job openings through a one year internship placement and is one of the social safety nets (SSN) project of the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme, SURE-P. Papka made the disclosure in Jos at the closing ceremony of graduate internship scheme in Plateau State. According to him, half of this figure has already benefited with almost 3000 of them successfully exiting the programme. He added that GIS has placed them in a position to contribute to the government’s transformation agenda and the enhancement of national manpower development. He challenged the beneficiaries to ensure that their internship add value not just to their immediate employers but to the nation at large pointing out that GIS is one of the many success stories of the present administration’s effort to reduce unemployment. in the country. By Achor Abimaje,Jos

short news Kogi 2015: APC Chieftain Faults Primaries A member representing MopaMuro constituency in Kogi State House of Assembly, Mr Folusho Daniel, yesterday stated that APC primary elections never held in many local government areas of Kogi West. He reiterated that APC primaries did not hold in Mopamuro, Ijumu, and Yagba East local government, saying anointed candidates were handpicked by APC leader, Prince Abubakar Audu. He said Audu had never wanted the primaries to take place in those LGAs that insisted on consensus for his anointed candidates. By Sam Egwu, Lokoja

Inspector-General of Police, Suleiman Abba (right), presenting a cheque to one of the wives of the missing police officers, Mrs Doris Uwejeya, during the IGP’s visit to Akwanga in Nasarawa State, yesterday (third left). PHOTO BY NAN

INEC Allays Fears Over Registration Areas In Kogi By Sam Egwu, Lokoja

Following the hues and cries over possible de-listing of Registration Areas (RAs) in Ojila, in Ibaji local government area and Odolu in Igalamela/Odolu local government area of Kogi State, the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC has allayed such fears. The Resident Electoral Com-

missioner (REC) in Kogi State, Olusegun Agbaje disclosed this yesterday saying the Permanent Voter Cards, PVCs for the two RAs which could not be conducted during the exercise across the state between 25th and 28th May 2014 are ready for distribution from 2nd to 4th January, 2015. He said, “The distribution of PVCs in Ojila and Odolu RAs

commences from 2nd to 4th January 2015 between 8am and 4 pm and Continuous Voter Registration, CVR exercise in Ojila and Odolu RAs takes place from 2nd to 7th January, 2015 between 8am and 4 pm.” Agbaje explained INEC’s inability to carry out PVCs distribution and CVR exercise in Ojila in Ibaji and Odolu in Igalamela/ Odolu RAs.

Yuletide: Cleric Wants UN To Declare Christmas Day Of Peace, Reconciliation By Solomon Ayado, Makurdi

The general overseer of All Nations Evangelism Ministries (ANEM), Archbishop Yimam Orkwar, has urged the United Nations (UN) to declare Christmas a day of peace and reconciliation among rival groups in the world. Preaching during the Christmas service at the Faith Cathedral Makurdi, Archbishop Orkwar noted that such declaration will ensure peace

to reign in the world as those engaged in killings and bloodshed like Boko Haram and other terrorist-groups will use the opportunity to embrace peace. Orkwar who stated this in a statement signed by his director of Media, Deacon Ortindi Baka advised Christians to see Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus and not a season to showcase their latest clothes. He said that it does not matter if one has meat or food or if one is faced with un-

palatable situations. He explained that Christmas should be a day of sober reflection urging Christians not to succumb to evil. He advised Christians to be wary of taking advice from friends who could lure them into ungodly acts. He noted that God loves the people and came down to the earth through His son to be part of the people adding that the gesture is enough reason to celebrate during Christmas.

PDP Supporters Defect To APC In Kwara By Abdullahi Olesin, Ilorin

No fewer than 1,000 supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Owode/Onire constituency of Asa local government area of Kwara State have defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC). The former PDP supporters who were mainly youths declared their support for APC when the

speaker of the State House of Assembly and APC candidate for Asa/Ilorin West federal constituency for next year’s election, Razak Atunwa took his campaign train to the area. Extolling the virtues of the leader of the party in the state, Dr. Bukola Saraki and acknowledging the achievements of Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed and Atunwa, the youths under the

leadership of Malam Fatai Ballah lamented that disorganisation and instability in the PDP have made their continued stay in the party impossible. This development occurred during a programme organised by Alhaji Amuda Morocco, the coordinator of Owode/Onirin constituency for Atunwa campaign organisation in Ballah, Asa local government.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

L-R: Executive director, editorial operations of News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Isaac Ighure; executive director, news Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), Shola Atere and SURE-P chairman, General Martin Luther Agwai (rtd), at the end of year dinner for journalists in Abuja on Monday. PHOTO BY nan

2015: Sambo In Frantic Move To Pacify Aggrieved PDP Aspirants ... Reconcile waring faction in Yobe PDP By George Agbaand Christiana Nwaogu, Abuja

In a last-minute effort to restore order to the Peoples Democratc Party (PDP) ahead of the 2015 general polls, Vice President Namadi Sambo has intensified moves to reconcile warring factions in the state chapters of the party. Sambo has been having unity and family meetings of the PDP in various states in a bid to reconcile all the aspirants that contested on the platform of the party, including those who won and those that lost out at the party primaries. Yesterday, he held what has been described as a peace and unity meeting with the Yobe State chapter of the party at the Hassan Usman Katsina House, Kaduna, Kaduna State. Sambo told all the stakeholders in the Yobe State chapter of the party that the meeting was convened at the instance of President Goodluchk Jonathan who had asked him to felicitate with them for their unwavering support and continued loyalty to the party and the administration. The vice president noted that for the party to emerge victorious at the 2015 polls in the state, all stakeholders needed to form a united force.

“We want a situation where PDP in Yobe State will come out as one family and face the 2015 election which, Insha Allah, we believe we will be victorious,” he stated. Recounting the effort he had made in reconciling all the aggrieved parties at the PDP primaries, Sambo said, “The outcome of primaries in every election normally comes with quite a number of challenges and Yobe State is not an exception. This is why I thank you all for coming and honouring our invitation. “I am pleased to inform you that I had a special meeting with Alhaji Adamu Waziri and Dr Yarima Ngama, and I am extremely pleased to say that we have come to a good understanding and agreed that these two great stakeholders will work together in the interest of the PDP.” Specifically, he thanked them for their loyalty to the party, the president and the party national chairman. Sambo urged all party stakeholders to ensure that they won the election in Yobe State, even as he assured them that the national leadership of the party would give them all the necessary support they need to emerge victorious in the 2015 elections. Responding, former minister

of state for finance and a PDP governorship aspirant, Dr Yarima Ngama, thanked the president and his deputy for the concern they had shown towards the progress of Yobe State and the state chapter of the party. “We are very grateful to Mr President for asking you to come and meet us; that shows the care and concern of Mr President for the success of our party in Yobe State. We will all march together to ensure victory for the PDP”. On his part, the Yobe State PDP governorship flag bearer, Alhaji Adamu Waziri, a former minister of police affairs pledged to “work assiduously to ensure total reconciliation within the party so that all candidates will emerge victorious in the elections and contribute our quota in restoring Yobe in the federal government of Nigeria. Speaking to his fellow candidates he said, “We must work together; the success of every one of us is the success of each one of us. We have to do that to rescue our people, if our mission is to rescue our state and return good governance to our teeming population.” Alhaji Waziri beat Ngama to the governorship slot of the PDP in Yobe State during the party primary. Guber: Taraba youths insist on Umar as PDP

candidate A group of youths in Taraba State under the aegis of Taraba Joint Youth Forum (TJYF) has warned President Goodluck Jonathan and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) not to truncate their chances in the state by sacrificing the former Acting Governor, Alhaji Garba Umar for the present governorship candidate, Mr. Darius Dickson Ishaku. According to the forum, it is either Umar runs for the PDP governorship ticket or no one else, even as it claimed that it foresaw Ishaku’s defeat by the APC candidate, Senator Aisha Alhassan with a landslide victory if something was not done quickly. In a statement by its Chairman, Jibrin Mohammed Auwal, the TYJF rejected the zoning pattern in the state chapter of the party which produced Ishaku, insisting that contest for the party ticket must remain open for the popular candidate. The statement reads in part: “We believe that the former Acting governor Garba Umar has won the battle by keeping his party intact in Taraba State, enjoying the love of members of other political parties through the various initiative and programmes executed during his tenure. “The voting pattern of presidential election in Taraba State come 2015 would go

along with the governorship election, meaning many of the electorate would cast their votes for Jonathan if the former acting governor Umar is given his party’s ticket to run as Jonathan. “The entire youths in Taraba want to draw the attention of Mr. President and the ruling PDP to the fact that we the youth wing of the electorate says no to the funny zoning arrangement, and that the contest must remain open for the popular candidate, Garba Umar”. Warning that the PDP risks defeat in the state, the forum said, “Finally, we want to alert the ruling party that we foresee defeat by the APC candidate, Senator Aisha Alhassan against their present candidate Mr. Darius Dickson Ishaku with a landslide victory. “Ishaku is not known by the electorate in Taraba State. He is considered as a non -starter and if allowed to fly the PDP ticket, it will be an advantage to the opposition party because he lacks the popularity to win. “The PDP structure built by Umar so far toward Jonathan 2015 is now history and gone as the present government of the day headed by the incumbent Acting governor engages in clearing road the for his political friend and parley Senator Aisha of APC, giving her all the needed support to clinch the seat of power in 2015”.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014



stories of the Wednesday, December 31, 2014


ROBBERY: Police Kill Suspect In Delta Hotel By Kola Eke-Ogiugo, Asaba

A suspected kingpin of an armed robbery gang (name-witheld) who specialized in robbing occupants of different hostels in Ogwashi Uku Community near Asaba, Delta State, was yesterday killed by policemen during a gun duel. Police spokesperson, DSP Celestina Kalu, said police at Ogwashi Uku received information that armed robbers were robbing residents of Plantation Hostel along Ogbe-Ofu Quarters in the town. Following the report, she said, a patrol team was immediately dispatched to the scene and on sighting the officers, the armed robbers opened fire on them and during the gun battle, one of them, suspected to be their leader was fatally wounded while others escaped. She, however, added that the injured gave up the ghost on the way to the hospital. Items recovered from the suspects include, one locally-made cut-to-size gun with one live and two expended cartridges. DSP Kalu said police had spread their dragnet to arrest the fleeing suspected members of the gang. Meanwhile, five persons suspected to be cultists are now in police net for attacking Igbodo police station and beating up policemen on duty. According to DSP Celestina Kalu, a man suspected to be a leader of a cult group in Igbodo led about 100 suspected members of cult group to attack the Igbodo Police Station.

INFERNO: Driver Weeps As Bus Catches Fire BY MATTHEW DIKE, Lagos

A commercial bus driver wept profusely as his vehicle was gutted fire at Boundary, in Ajegunle area of Lagos State, yesterday. The driver was said to be carrying passengers in the Volkswagen mini-bus when it suddenly gutted fire. The passengers in the vehicle were said to be panic- stricken as some jumped out from the vehicle through the window. An eye witness, Taofeek said the accident occurred early in the morning as people were going to work. He said the vehicle burnt down and the owner had to sell the scrap to scavengers at ridiculous amount. He said the driver wept that the accident occurred less than 48 hours to the New Year, wondering how he would cope without the vehicle in the new year.

A little boy helping his family to carry jerry cans to the water borehole in Lugbe, Abuja, yesterday.

DEATH: Mother Of 2 Killed By Gunmen In Kaduna BY MIDAT JOSEPH, Kaduna

Gunmen yesterday morning attacked Angwan Dauda community in Sanga Local Government Area in Kaduna State, killing a mother of two children and injuring scores of people. A resident of the community, Mr. Bezard, told our correspondent that the gunmen attacked the village in the early hour of yesterday morning. The attack took place less than 24 hours after the visit of the state deputy governor, Amb. Nuhu Audu Bajoga, to the troubled local government after the killing of over 10 people last Saturday night. Bajoga, who visited the village of Tattauru in Sanga LGA where unknown gunmen killed about 10 people during the Christmas celebration, appealled for calm and prayers.

He expressed dismay that another community could be attacked so soon despite the recent agreement signed by various ethnic groups, women, youths, community leaders and stakeholders to halt attacks. The deputy governor assured the people of Sanga of government’s commitment to protecting their communities, adding that security has been beefed up in the area. Bajoga encouraged the people not to desert their villages, saying that they must remain and help the security with intelligence reports that could lead to arrest of the attackers. “The government sympathizes with you over what happened this festive season. But it is surprising because only recently, I was here and the various communities signed agreement to live in peace with one another.”

KINGSHIP TUSSLE: Traditional Rulers Split Domain To End Crisis BY MATTHEW DIKE, Lagos

The gang ‘war’ in which members kill, rob and maim people at Aiyetoro community in Ajegunle area of Lagos State will soon be a thing of the past if the two traditional rulers in the area carry out their plans. Aiyetoro community in Ajegunle has witnessed several attacks by hoodlums that unleashed mayhem on people at Oduduwa, Barra, Agungun, Layinka, Bale Aiyetoro, Olowojeunjeje, Raliatu streets respectively, among others. LEADERSHIP investigation revealed that some landlords, residents and passersby were dispossessed of their cash, mobile phones and other valuables. About 15 vehicles were said to have been damaged within same period.

The two embattled traditional rulers of Aiyetoro, Bale Saheed Fakunle and Bale Shehu Olola, had agreed to sheathe their swords yesterday after about a decade-old chieftaincy tussle, which was recently withdrawn from the law court. Fakunle and Olola had peacefully split Aiyetoro domain into two, yesterday, in presence of other traditional rulers in Ajeromi/ Ifelodun local government area. Each of the duo will rule one part of it. Fakunle who becomes the Bale of Aiyetoro 1 assured his subjects that he would have an emergency meeting with his counterparts in the other part of Aiyetoro to brainstorm on the way to live peacefully and in harmony devoid of violent attacks on their subjects.


Yuletide: FCT Police Battle Robbers By CHIKA OTUCHIKERE, Abuja

The Federal Capital Territory commissioner of police, CP Wilson Inalegwu, yesterday told journalists how operatives in the command battled robbers to ensure that FCT residents slept with their two eyes closed during the yuletide. Inalegwu who paraded 24 suspected robbers, child thief, one-chance hoodlums, car snatchers and cattle rustlers, said that the close collaboration of vigilant members of the public led to the large haul of suspects taken in by the police, between December 20 to date. A breakdown of the suspects showed that 14 armed robbers were apprehended beside 24 suspect in various other crimes. The CP disclosed that 17 vehicles were recovered with 10 already released to their rightful owners. Three firearms were also confiscated with 203 rustled cattle rescued. The CP who advised FCT residents to more security conscious noted that police would do everything within its power to protect lives and property but cannot do it without the collaboration of members of the masses In one of the cases, a former employee of Tecno phones Nigeria Ltd, Stella Chimezie, was paraded for conspiring with four others to rob the firm in Abuja.



Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Photo News

ILLICIT DRUGS: NDLEA Arrests 184, Seizes 6,821.4kg In Kogi BY SAM EGWU, Lokoja

The Kogi Command of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), on Monday, said it had arrested 184 suspects in connection with drug-related offences from January to December, 2014. Alhaji Idris Bello, commander of the agency in Kogi State, who disclosed this in a statement made available to newsmen in Lokoja, said a total seizure of 6,821.424kg of illicit drugs was recorded during the period. Bello said that 11 vehicles of various brands used in transporting the illicit drugs were impounded adding that of the 6,821.4 seized drugs, cannabis sativa (Indian hemp) accounted for 6,793.8kg while the rest 27.5kg were psychotropic substances. He hinted that the command also destroyed four “massive cannabis sativa farms” measuring approximately, 35 acres in a large-scale operation involving

the National Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) and the police on OgoriMagongo hills with one Isaac Bello, believed to be the owner of the farms, was arrested on the farm. The agency, he revealed, secured the conviction of 16 suspects after due prosecution in the law court adding that five of the suspects awaiting trial in Koton-Karfe Prisons including Isaac Bello, escaped during the October 2, 2014 jail break. The command, he said, “successfully destroyed by burning, a total of 13,272.209kg of hard drugs on October 18th at Zagon-Daji area of Lokoja and was witnessed by the Chairman of the NDLEA, Alhaji Ahmadu Giade, Governor Idris wada among other dignitaries. Bello disclosed that in the area of Drug Demand Reduction (DDR), 85 drug-dependent persons underwent short intervention while three were rehabilitated.

ARSON: Fire Destroys Property Worth Millions In Ondo by Tope Fayehun,Akure

Odosida area in Ondo town headquarters of Ondo West local government area of the state, at the early hours on Tuesday, was thrown into pandemonium as some shops and a private secondary school, located in the area were razed by fire. The inferno which was said to have started at about 6: am on the fateful day, resulted in the destruction of personal property and some vital documents owned by the affected school. Although no life was said to have loss in the fire incident, the cause of which is still sketchy as at the time of filing

this report, however speculations is rife that, the fire occurred shortly after some group of boys who drove in an unnumbered Toyota Camry, allegedly stormed the area at about 5am,harmed with gun and other dangerous weapons before setting the place ablaze. It was reliably gathered that the hoodlums, had blocked the major road in the street , before started shooting sporadically setting the shop ablaze. The hoodlums was said to have led by one boy, who identity is yet to be ascertained and had engaged his brother whose name was given as Rotimi in an argument over the property said to belonged to their late father.

L-R: All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA’s co-host, Maryse Acotie (Togo) and AFRIMA’s host, 2face Idibia (Nigeria) at the 2014 AFRIMA awards ceremony at Grand Ballroom, Oriental Hotel, Lagos.

L-R: Representative of the commandant, School of Armour, Brig-Gen Kayode Ugundele; commandant 33 Artillery Brigade, Brig-Gen James Nyam; Bauchi State deputy governor Sagir Saleh; Bauchi State chairman of Nigerian Legion, Capt Yakubu Mohammed (rtd) and secretary to Bauchi State Government, Alhaji Mahmud Maijama’a, during the 2015 Armed Forces Emblem Appeal Fund Week in Bauchi, yesterday. Photo By Nan

L-R: Chief of Administration, Nigerian Navy, Rear Admiral Johnson Olutoyin; chief of logistics, Rear Admr Ikos Ibas; CEO, Oando Marketing Plc, Mr. Yomi Awolokun, and the flag officer, Western Naval Command, Rear Admr Samuel Alade, during the commissioning of Oando marketing fuel storage facilities, at Naval Dockyard, Apapa, Lagos. PHOTO by BENEDICT UWALAKA

PIRACY: JTF Nabs 5 Suspects Over Death Of 6 Soldiers by Osa Okhomina,Yenagoa

The special team of the anti-kidnapping and sea robbery squad of the Joint Task Force Operation, code- named Operation Pulo Shield, has arrested five suspected sea pirates involved in the last week killing of six soldiers on duty along the Nembe waterways of the state. The six deceased soldiers were two days to Christmas, killed in separate attacks along Santa Barbara, a notorious river in Nembe, Nembe Local Government Area of

the state. The bandits hijacked a military gunboat used by the victims to escort items from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, to Brass terminal owned by the Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC). But the JTF, at a media briefing yesterday anchored by the Head of the Joint Media Centre of the Task Force, Col. Mustapha Anka, he said that five of the suspected killers of the soldiers were arrested during a sustained stop and search operations along the waterways and creeks of the state.

L-R: FRSC Corps Marshal, Boboye Oyeyemi (middle); director, FCT Directorate of Road Traffic Services, Garba Danjuma (left) and deputy corps marshal, Motor Vehicle Administration, Charles Theophilus (right), during a facility visit by the corps marshal to the 1st computerized vehicle road worthiness inspection centre in Nigeria, in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO BY ADEFEMI ADEWUYI

12 news north-East, north-west

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Running Mate: Forum Lauds Taraba Guber Aspirant’s Choice Of Hon Manu

2015 Poll: Gov Nggilari Endorses Ribadu’s Candidature By Mohammed Ismail, Yola

The candidature of Mallam Nuhu Ribadu of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) received a boost yesterday as Adamawa State Governor Bala James Nggilari endorsed his candidature, pledging his government’s support to ensure that the party retains Government House in 2015. Ribadu arrived in Yola International Airport at 3pm and was received by a mammoth crowd led by the party’s acting chairman Jingi

Rufai and other party stalwarts. Ribadu, who was escorted by party chieftains including the three Senatorial candidates of the party, proceeded to the Government House, Yola, upon arrival where he paid a courtesy call on the governor. While receiving Ribadu, Governor Ngilari said that he will garner support for Ribadu’s candidature in order to ensure the victory of the PDP in the 2015 general elections and to ensure that the party remains in power.

Nggilari said he sees the candidature of Ribadu as a divine providence, adding that with a well entrenched person like him, it will not be difficult for the party to retain its seat in 2015 general election in the state. “As a party member, one has to take anything that comes in good faith and, therefore, we are going to work together to ensure victory in the forth coming election,” Nggilari said. He expressed confidence that the stakeholders of the party will

not afford the party to lose the Government House as he said it is the party with the right manifesto that will give the masses a better deal. Speaking earlier, Ribadu promised to carry all aggrieved members of the party along to ensure the success of the party in 2015. “As for me, all PDP aspirants and other members of the party are equal. People know me as a hard working person and I will use my wealth of experience to transform the state if elected in 2015.''

Adamawa State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate, Malam Nuhu Ribadu during a visit to Adamawa State governor, Bala Nggilari, at Government House, Yola, yesterday.

short news

‘Sokoto Is Home Away From Home’

Sokoto State is simply a home a way from home, Mr. Bameyi Alawu, president Idoma Youths Forum of the state chapter, has Declared. Bameyi, who spoke during the Annual Idoma Youths Day celebration in Sokoto, equally maintained that, aside from being peaceful, Sokoto shares lots of features with his home state (Benue), hence both have 23 local governments. By Ankeli Emmanuel, Sokoto

SSCE Results: Maths Centre Applauds Kaduna Over Students’ Performance By Isaiah Benjamin, Kaduna

The National Mathematical Centre (NMC), Abuja, has commended the administration of Governor Mukhtar Ramalan Yero on the general improvement of students’ performance in the 2013/2014 West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and National Examination Council (NECO) in Kaduna State. In a congratulatory letter sent to Governor Yero, and signed by the

director and chief executive officer of the centre, Prof. A.R.T. Solarin, the council, management and entire staff of the centre praised the governor on the improvement which saw Kaduna State come third out of the 36 states in the number of students that scored at least five credits, including English and Mathematics. A total of 36,614 students that sat for the SSCE in Kaduna State passed at least five subjects including English and Mathematics, coming only behind Lagos State (first)

with 67,219 and Edo State (second) with a total of 37,042. Kaduna was the best in the entire North with Kano State coming second in the region and 10th overall best in the entire country. The centre noted that the Yero administration placed priority attention on education, second only to security, noting that in the last two years, Governor Yero had improved access to education in the state by constructing and rehabilitating 187 schools.

Kebbi Proposes N166.8bn For 2015 By Yahya Sarki, Kebbi

The Kebbi State government is to spend a total of N166.8 billion (N166,825,048,092:00) for the 2015 financial year. The budget, which is made up of N126.9 billion (N126,888,545,719:00) as capital expenditure, also has recurrent expenditure of N39.9 billion (N39,939,502,373:00), indicating an increase of about N15 billion over the 2014 budget.

Governor Saidu Dakingari yesterday presented the budget to the Kebbi State House of Assembly which he tagged as ‘Making Economic Development a Reality for All.’ He highligted the revenue expectation of government as N179,298,352,20 to finance the budget. Dakinari who was making his last budget presentation also stated that Kebbi has witnessed tremendous economic and social development over the years in view

of the peaceful nature of the state . Other areas the government has recorded success, he said, was the construction of international airport , recruitment of 4,000 teachers , and also the creation of 500 jobs at the new airport for the youths. A new ministry of animal husbandry and livestock management has also been created and extension services as well as fisheries would receive greater attention by government in 2015, according to Dakingari.

short news Taraba 2015: Group Threatens To Boycott Polls Over Imposition

The Taraba Peoples Assembly (TPA) has threatened to boycott the 2015 general election and vote against President Goodluck Jonathan over what it described as Abuja’s selection of the state PDP governorship candidate. TPA national coordinator, Martins Andekin, accused the PDP and President Jonathan of moving the state PDP governorship primaries to Abuja to achieve selfish political gain. By Edegbe Odemwingie, Abuja

The National Assembly Legislative Writers’ Forum has commended Arc. Darius Ishaku, the PDP governorship aspirant for nominating Hon. Haruna Manu, the current federal lawmaker representing Gassol/Bali federal constituency of Taraba State, as his running mate for the 2015 general elections, saying that he made the right choice. In a statement issued and signed by the president of the forum, Mr. Lemmy Ikyem, yesterday in Abuja, it said that the nomination was timely and makes a good combination that would do well for Tarabans in terms of infrastructural development. Ikyem explained that in Manu’s three and half years at the federal legislature, he executed projects that empowered the people and did personal philantropy that touched the lives of his people, despite the security challenges in his constituency. According to him, the lawmaker has the qualities and capabilities of bringing development strides to the good people of the state if given such opportunities. He further advised the people of the state to vote for the two candidates in next year’s general election, saying that if elected they would bring an end to the security challenges, provide job opportunities and as well stabilize the economy of the state, the statement said. By Millie Ibe, Abuja

Taraba Commissioner Lauds Jega Over Redeployment Of RECs Taraba State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Emmanuel Bello, has praised the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega, over his decision to redeploy the 37 Resident Electoral Commissioners (RECs) in the country ahead of the 2015 general elections. Reacting to the redeployment of the RECs after paying a visit to Barr. Eni Okojie, the outgoing REC in Taraba State, Bello noted that the exercise would go a long way in boosting the confidence of Nigerians in the commission. According to Bello, “The decision of INEC chairman, Professor Jega to redeploy the RECs is a welcome development and highly commendable. The exercise would go a long way to boost the confidence of Nigerians in INEC as well as assure them that the commission is poised to conduct credible elections.” He commended Barr Okojie, who has been redeployed to Akwa Ibom State, for elevating the image of INEC in Taraba State during his service in the state. By Andrew Ojih, Jalingo.


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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Wednesday, December 31, 2014



Zonal Intervention Fund allegedly ‘missing allocated to the Niger Delta Affairs

FG Pays N166bn Outstanding Fuel Subsidy Claims BY Juliet Alohan, Abuja

The federal government has approved the payment of about N166 billion to petroleum marketers as reimbursement for the 2014 outstanding subsidy claims. A statement issued yesterday by the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) informed that the payment made by the Ministry of Finance is for batch I to part of batch M fuel imports. “However, the other part of batch M, and batches N, O, and P to the tune of N105 billion are still at the

Debt Management Office (DMO) awaiting payment,” the statement read in part. It added that the part payment is geared towards ensuring stability in fuel supply as well as to encourage banks and other financial institutions, which were, hitherto, reluctant to issue letters of credit to finance petroleum products importation to do so. This is even as the minister of petroleum resources, Mrs Diezani-Alison Madueke, yesterday, approved the release of the First Quarter (Q1) 2015 allocation to marketers for the importation of petroleum

products into the country. According to the PPPRA, the early release is in furtherance to the minister’s resolve to ensure continuous and robust petroleum products supply in the system with a view to sustaining the serenity in the downstream industry. Remarking on the development, the executive secretary of the PPPRA, Farouk Ahmed, while calling on motorists not to engage in panic buying, assured that, there is ample supply of petroleum products in the country, adding that discharges and truck-out had continued in spite of the holidays and the festive periods.

The PPPRA boss further explained that apart from facilitating an improved national fuel supply and stock build-up, the latest effort is also to enable marketers make adequate preparations towards products sourcing and importation early in the new year. Ahmed attributed all the proactive initiatives put in place at ensuring products availability across the nation to the support and direction of the petroleum minister and added that the PPPRA is committed to prompt processing of documents for all imported products brought into the country.

BUSINESS QUOTE Ten minutes are not just one-sixth of your hourly pay. Ten minutes are a piece of yourself. Divide your life into ten-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity. Ingvar Kampard, founder of IKEA (1926-)

Stanbic IBTC Deepens ETF, Lists 11.45m Units BY OLUSHOLA BELLO, Lagos

A wholly owned subsidiary of Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc, Stanbic IBTC Asset Management Limited, has listed 11.447 million units of Stanbic IBTC Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) 30. The company, on September 15, 2014, issued an initial public offering (IPO) for the Stanbic IBTC ETF 30 with 10 million units of the fund at N100 each at par with a minimum subscription of 10,000 units and in multiples of 5,000 units thereafter. The offer was oversubscribed to and fully allotted, representing 114.47 per cent of the entire offer. The chief executive officer (CEO), Stanbic IBTC Asset Management, managers of the fund, Olumide Oyetan, said, “In line with the growing ETF industry, Stanbic IBTC developed the Stanbic ETF 30 to give investors optimal exposure to the Nigerian bourse by tracking the movement of the NSE 30 index. This is the first ETF for Stanbic IBTC and we are coming with many more that will track different underline before the end of June, 2015.” He said that the offer was 14 per cent over subscribed to and disclosed that a few clients have promised that once it is listed, they would invest more in the ETF. He emphasised that Stanbic IBTC Asset management is at the fore front of promoting the ETF and creating awareness on the products. “The opening of the Stanbic IBTC ETF 30 is a direct response to increased investor demand for passive investment strategies that will deliver the market return for the index being tracked, which in this case is the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) 30 of the NSE. “Our ETF is merely providing a transparent and flexible structure that allows investors to efficiently gain exposure to the securities of these companies that have over time out-performed the broad equity market,” he said.

L-R: Chief executive officer (CEO), Stanbic IBTC Stock Brokers, Mr Oladele Sotubom; head, Premium Board, the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), Mr Femi Onifade; head, Mainboard, NSE, Mr Tony Ibeziako; executive director, Business Development, NSE, Haruna Jalo-Waziri; CEO, Stanbic IBTC Asset Management, Olumide Oyetan and product manager, NSE, Osahon Aire at the Stanbic ETF Listing.

Reps Summon NDDC Officials Over Missing N605m Intervention Fund BY Edegbe Odemwingie, Abuja

The House of Representatives Committee on Niger Delta Affairs has invited the management of the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs over an allegedly missing N605 million Zonal Intervention Fund allocated to the ministry. A member of the committee who

disclosed the development stated that the invitation was based on petitions to the House Committee reporting the allegedly missing funds. The Zonal Intervention Fund, according to the member who pleaded anonymity, is to ensure that vital infrastructural development projects nearing completion are completed before next year’s general elections.

“We (the committee) have asked questions on where the money was kept but the officials of the ministry are not willing to divulge such information. We are inviting all the parties involved... and all avenues would be explored to get positive results. “Projects scattered all over the region are begging for attention while such a huge amount has grown wings

and disappeared into no specific account. “Contractors that are being owed are already threatening to abandon sites to register their anger,” the member said. Attempts to reach the chairman of the committee, Warman Ogoriba, to confirm the development failed as all his phone numbers were switched off at press time.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Etisalat Offers Subscribers Unlimited Internet Data BY Chima Akwaja, Lagos

Etisalat Nigeria has introduced an unlimited internet data offering called Etisalat SmartPak designed to provide subscribers with data for their preferred consumption platforms. The packages are positioned to give subscribers unlimited access

to the content they use most. The chief executive officer, Etisalat Nigeria, Matthew Willsher, speaking on the new product said the Etisalat SmartPak is different from the all-purpose Easyblaze bundles which charge customers for the size of data they want; rather each pack provides unlimited access to

specific services. “The Etisalat SmartPak fits each consumer’s internet needs by offering internet services in terms of their desired content –be it social or business content. For example, a customer who prefers, and does more, chatting can subscribe to the ChatPak for access to chat apps such as WhatsApp,

Facebook Messenger, WeChat and 2Go, rather than subscribing to data access in megabytes and gigabytes,” Willsher said. The Etisalat SmartPak consists of the Social Me Pak, ChatPak, and Video Pak. The ChatPak offers access to all chat applications like WhatsApp and BBM while the Social Me Pak gives subscribers

access to social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, in addition to the chat apps available on ChatPak. The Video Pak offers a 2-hour access to stream for only N400. With this, subscribers can watch their favourite football match or makeup video without thinking of the costs.

Ecobank Hands over N74m Hostel to DELSU BY Bukola Idowu, Lagos

L-R: Olympic Milk brand ambassador, Peter Okoye (P-Square); one of the winners of the Blue Santa Selfie Challenge, Joy Orji and manager, Category Marketing, Standard Milk, Nutricima Limited, Mr Raphael Agbaje during the presention gifts to winners of the Blue Santa Selfie Challenge in Lagos. PHOTO BY GBENGA OLAJOBI

SEC Extends Deadline For New Capital Base By OLUSHOLA BELLO, Lagos

Relief has come the way of the stockbroking community as the apex regulatory body for the capital market, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has extended the deadline of the new minimum capital requirement to September 2015. According to the SEC, the board took cognizance of the effect of the global economic situation and approved an extension of the deadline for compliance by nine months – from December 31, 2014, September 30, 2015. According to a stockbroker, who spoke under anonymity, “The stock market decline has affected the value of stockbrokers’ worth in the market as the fall in share prices has reduced significantly.” He said that with the extension

and recovery of the capital market in 2015, the stockbroking community will be able to meet the new deadline. Speaking on the issue, a stockbroker with Calyx Securities Limited, Mr Tunde Oyediran, said, “This singular action of postponing the recapitalisation exercise of operators shows that the SEC is sensitive to the plight of operators and, of course, the market. “We really commend this laudable action. The nine months grace period is enough for any serious-minded firm which wants to remain in business to recapitalise.” The managing director of Highcap Securities Limited, Mr David Adonri, said that the development is a sign of relief to all the stockbroking community. He pointed out that the stock broking houses have suffered huge decline in the equity market,

saying that “what they have actually accumulated to serve as the basis of meeting the capital base has declined due to the downtrend in the stock market.” He explained that it is not capital base that is used by the SEC in trying to mitigate the risks in the capital market but the fidelity guarantee insurance. “The capital base thing should be cancelled; it does not add anything significant to stockbroking business and does not mitigate any risk in the market,” Adonri said. The SEC had announced major increases in minimum capital requirements for capital market functions under a new minimum capital structure, raising minimum capital base for broker/dealer from the existing N70 million to N300 million.

As part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR), Ecobank Nigeria has handed over a multi-million naira hostel complex to the Delta State University (DELSU), Abraka, Delta State. Speaking at the event, the executive director, South South and South East, Ecobank Nigeria, Mr Kingsley Umadia, said the project was in line with the bank’s CSR policy to give back to the communities where it operates. He explained that the abandoned 166room 4-wing female hostel was completed and made habitable by the bank with the sum of N118 million under a build, operate and transfer (BOT) agreement entered into by both institutions in 2007. He said that “the university recently approached the bank to take over the management of the hostel and pay the outstanding balance of N64.36 million which the bank was yet to collect. But the bank, in a CSR initiative, graciously forfeited the outstanding balance and injected an additional N10 million to renovate the hostel before today’s handover to the school.” Umadia reiterated that the bank has been involved in various intervention measures in education and other sectors of the economy. In his speech, the out-going vice chancellor of the niversity, Prof Eric Arubayi, commended Ecobank for handing over the hostel to the school despite the fact that it was yet to collect half of the funds it spent to complete the abandoned hostel complex under the BOT agreement, assuring that it will be put to good use. “This handover is a great honour to me as this is my last day in office. We are greatly touched by this massive CSR project from Ecobank. The decision of the bank to forfeit about N65 million and further inject N10 million to renovate the hostel before the handover is highly commendable,” Arubayi said. He lauded Ecobank’s professional way of doing business and excellent service delivery, assuring that the university will continue to do business with the bank. The president, Student Union, DELSU, Comrade Obaro Ohwojero, and a cross session of female students at the event were full of commendation for the bank and urged other corporate organisations to emulate it.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014



Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Keeping your Environment Clean In the Yuletide Page 22


Making Tree Planting A Practice In Nigeria Page 23

News KHI Targets Abuja For Luxurious Apartments Fha Reiterates Commitment Towards Quality And Affordable Houses

‘Lagos HOMS Oko-Oba Ready Soon’


Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Wednesday, December 31, 2014


‘Lagos HOMS Oko-Oba Ready Soon’ GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos

Luxurious bedroom

KHI Targets Abuja For Luxurious Apartments By Patience Ivie Ihejirika, Abuja

Kingdom Heights Investment (KHI), owners of Movenpick Hotel and Ambassador Heights, Ghana, has disclosed its intention to build a replica of the luxurious hotel and residential apartment in Abuja. Briefing the press in Abuja on the intention, the sales manager Mr. Robert Davis said that there are ongoing talks with prospective development partners for a potential Moevenpick hotel and residential project on the

Jabi Lake. “I’m here because there are huge demands from the Nigerian market,” said Davis “I’m here to meet with prospective development partners in Abuja to develop in the days ahead a movenpick hotel in Abuja with residential component. That development if it pushes forward will be in Jabi Lake. We are still exploring opportunities. What we are doing in Accra we are now bringing it to Nigeria.” He also disclosed that many of the Nigerian buyers are buying into the Moevenpick Ambassador

Hotel and Ambassador heights Acrra because it is associated with the hotel and they want luxurious home in Accra anytime they are in the city for business. The Accra project which is situated in the central business district comprises 5 star Moevenpick Ambassador Hotel and the ongoing construction of the luxurious 18 residential homes. Each home will have direct access to the services and amenities of surrounding complex such as world class dinning, shopping and fitness center, meeting and event facilities, 24 hours electricity

and water supply, amongst others. Mr. Davis said, “The project which commenced in March is progressing rapidly and is due for completion in the fourth quarter of 2015. Other packages available to home owners include the provision of custom designed furniture packages which is currently created to compliment the exterior facades and to further enhance the luxury throughout.” He further added that the Abuja offering will be bigger than Accra which has just 18 homes.

Fha Reiterates Commitment Towards Quality And Affordable Houses By Patience Ivie Ihejirika, Abuja

The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) has reiterated its commitment to providing better houses with better quality at affordable prices for Nigerians. The Executive Director of FHA, Prof. Mohammed Al

’Amin, who stated this during an inspection in Abuja, said the commitment was a mandate given to them by President Goodluck Jonathan to ensure that Nigerians live and own quality and affordable houses in the country. Prof. AL’ Amin said FHA have put measures in place to ensure

that it is able to deliver quality and affordable houses within a short period so that Nigerians can live in good houses and live comfortable in the country. According to him, “As part of the measures, we have had briefing with some departments and we have established five strong task force team that

are looking into the various areas of interest, various areas of conflicts and various areas of challenges and these five taskforce are going to work around the clock to ensure that the problems in the delivery of houses in the country are solved and immediately we will start getting houses as expected.”

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola has assured of the preparedness of his administration to deliver the massive on-going Lagos HOMS Project located in Oko Oba , Agege Local Government Area of the state in the New Year. The governor who disclosed this to newsmen after a recent inspection of the project said the housing scheme commenced last year and expressed satisfaction that work on it was nearing completion. He said the contractors have assured him that the project would be finished early in the New Year. Going forward he stressed that there is need for citizens’ education on home ownership in the country, saying as long as the society is stuck with the idea that a home could be purchased on cash and carry basis the nation’s economy will suffer stagnation. The governor said enlightenment has become expedient in order to disabuse the citizens’ minds about their expectations of low cost houses while focusing on the more pragmatic concept of affordable housing. He added that until the issue of enlightenment on modern and viable way of home ownership is tidied it would remain difficult for the people to understand and embrace the mortgage system. The Governor who noted that there is no economy anywhere in the world where all the citizens own houses, said the understanding is very vital in order to disabuse the minds of people about low cost housing. He pointed out that such concept was wrong since there can be no low cost output when input is not low cost, adding that there are all sorts of debates around housing that tend to create the impression that such a concept is possible in reality. “And so whether it is private or public housing, I have had debates about low cost housing and I have told people that I don’t know where the output can be low cost when the input is not low cost. It doesn’t match unless you can give me low cost input before we can begin to talk about low cost output”, he said. Fashola, who said he is comfortable with the concept of an affordable housing, declared, “The more we remain locked down with the idea that we can actually walk into a store and buy a house like off the shelf and pay cash and go home, something is wrong”.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Keeping Your Environment Clean In the Yuletide GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos

This is why we need to be on the alert and observe a high degree of personal and environmental hygiene

One of the subjects that rarely get mentioning by residents in many cities across Nigeria is the need to keep the environment clean. As residents indulge in one form of celebration or another, increased consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods, heavy consumption of alcohol, tobacco products, with consequences for environmental degradation and health hazards are often overlooked. Apart from the fact that cleanliness is next to godliness, people easily forget the presence of tourists and foreigners, who are in the country for celebration as well. LEADERSHIP checks during this period revealed that many of the residents in the nation’s urban centers liter the environment with filth through indiscriminate dumping of refuse on the streets and road median more than other months in the year. Given the outbreak of the highly dreaded Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) earlier in the year and its continuous spread in some neighboring African countries, experts say practice of littering the environment during the yuletide should be discouraged. According to experts, such practice does not only elicit how the Nigerian society has sunk so low on the spectrum of morality, the resulting health hazards could ruin the merriment of the season. To avert the outbreak of EVD or any form of epidemic outbreak during season, the Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris urged residents to observe good personal and environmental hygiene He said, “presently, there is no active case of Ebola in the coun-

try but Ebola is still a threat as its presence in neighbouring West Africa countries puts the nation at risk.” “This is why we need to be on the alert and observe a high degree of personal and environmental hygiene especially during this season of celebrations to prevent the disease from resurfacing in the country again.” As the people dine and wine, Idris advice citizens not to forget recent experiences in the country, and urged them to take basic precautionary measures against the disease by washing their hands with soap and water frequently, particularly after touching sick people; avoiding direct contact with body fluids like saliva, vomit, stool, semen, vaginal fluids and urine of suspected persons and avoid eating fruits half eaten by animals. The Commissioner also urged citizens to cook all foods particularly meat thoroughly before eating, clean all surfaces that have been contaminated with body secretions with bleach or detergents and desist from sharing sharp objects such as needles and razor blade. “Please, do not defecate or urinate indiscriminately and notify the health authority of anyone coming from any West African Country into your community. Be assured that the Lagos State Government is still carrying out active search for cases while follow-up on rumoured cases are on- going and we will keep providing you with update and disease prevention messages”, Idris stated. For her part, Dr. Yewande Adeshina, Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Public Health noted that Health Facilities and Accreditation Agency (HEFAMAA) as an agency of government collaborates with relevant agency like the Lagos Waste Management Author-

A building property situated at Central Area, Abuja. photo by ogoh joseph

ity (LAWMA) to ensure proper handling and disposal of medical waste, stressing that what LAWMA charges health facilities for medical disposal is strictly in the purview of LAWMA. Giving credence to government’s efforts, the Managing Director, Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) Mr. Ola Oresanya said that the state government has stepped up efforts to keep the Lagos metropolis clean during the yuletide celebration. He said trash bags had been distributed to homes and public places in the state to make waste disposal easy, assuring that it would ensure the streets are free from filth. He added that the decision to distribute the trash bags was informed by the anticipated 100 per cent increase in waste generation during the Christmas and New Year festivities. According to him, the agency’s commitment towards ensuring that this year’s celebration was marked in a clean atmosphere and implored the people to shun acts capable of making the environment dirty. Oresanya charged motorists

to exercise caution while driving to safeguard the lives of street sweepers and other service providers who would be very active during the Yuletide. The LAWMA boss, who longed for “a dirt-free celebration’’, urged them to contact the authority if they are faced with waste disposal problem. He pointed out that to improve on the efficiency of waste management services provided in the state, especially in inner communities, the authority has added more trucks to the fleet of vehicles used in operation by the PSPs. Oresanya said that the contemporary challenges experienced by the PSPs in refuse collection in low income areas of the state necessitated the introduction of the mini trucks. According to him, “We are aware of the complaints by our people, and people are trying to justify this inaccessibility (of some roads) by patronizing cart-pushers; so these vehicles will provide the same services the cart-pushers intended to provide.” He urged residents of the state to embrace the new initiative of the State Government


Wednesday, December 31, 2014


the project is a 11-storey building comprising a 89 apartments/ rooms


Making Tree Planting A Practice In Nigeria By Patience Ivie Ihejirika, Abuja

Concerning this initiative, we are mandated to go to all the LEA Primary Schools in FCT

The threat posed to the environment by tree felling and extensive heat as result of climate change has given vent to campaign for tree planting in schools to provide shades and cool the air. Also, heavy rain has also created the need for tree planting as the roots help harden the soil. Tree planting serve several other purposes beyond mere beautification, which makes it vital for human existence and environmental enhancement. It is against this background that a non-governmental organization, Environmental Health and Safety Club/Sure Smiles Women and Children Advocacy Initiative, has come up with tree planting initiative, which is intended to be extended to all the LEA Primary Schools in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The group in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Environment, recently carried out tree planting campaign at the LEA Primary School, Iddo, FCT, and plans to replicate it in all other LEA primary schools in the Abuja to ensure that the environment is not only safe but habitable. Speaking during the campaign, Initiator of the NGO, Uzo-Udegbunam Leslie, said the exercise was a milestone. She said, “I just want people to understand one thing that tree is life. You can imagine this life without trees, the oxygen we breathe, you cannot buy it. God gave it to us free so, why can’t you plant a tree. The driving force of this programme is just to provide a clean environment for our children and for them to know that a clean and good environment is the key to

a healthy living.” “Concerning this initiative, we are mandated to go to all the LEA Primary Schools in FCT and you know the numbers of LEA we have here in FCT. This is how far we will go. It’s going to be competitive as the best school with the best tree planted will have an award.” For his part,the Director, Federal Department of Forestry, Ministry of Environment, Mr. Adedoyin Simon, said that the ministry charge with the responsibility of protecting the environment has taken into cognizance the fact that if the environment is not safe, humans are also not safe. So massive campaign is requisite for people to know the essence of tree planting, especially as a source of Oxygen. Adedoyin, who was represented at the event by the Assistant Director, Federal Department of Forestry in the Ministry, Mr. Timothy D. John, said, “The ministry is about to raise 40million seedling on a A house yearly basis all over the country for planting.” “40million is not see how we can work together a small figure and that is what to make sure that we make our we are about to execute and my environment safe for living by department and some other planting trees thereby making agencies are charged with this the whole environment green.” “In fact, we want people to responsibilities of raising the plants, asking people to come plant tree on their birthday, if and collect them, plant and you have any ceremony you call nurture them to ensure that the people to celebrate with you by going out to plant a tree to they reach maturity.” According to him, though, ensure the safety of our envithis is not the first time the ronment from desert encroachministry will be carrying out ment and soil degradation.” He appealed to all Nigerians such programmes but it is the first the ministry will be fully to desist from tree cutting and involved in such initiative that help encourage tree planting to is been organized by an NGO ensure that the environment is and the ministry is ready to habitable. “We appeal to Nigerians to partner with any NGO that is stop the cutting down of trees involve in tree planting. “You have to come to the for firewood and we have set ministry, write a proposal and up an agency that is currently

working hard to make that the 11 Northern states that have been affected by desertification and other environmental problems are solve and I assure you that in the next few years, you will see part of our environment green as all the necessary conditions to make sure that the planted trees grow to the stage of maturity are in place. You plant, you make sure you water and nurture it up to the stage of maturity,”he said. Timothy also urged individuals, corporate bodies and relevant NGOs to ensure that the environment is made habitable saying that the only way to flush out carbon and other organic waste in the air is by planting of trees.

the cost of the project has been estimated at N2.2 billion.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday, December 31, 2014



Wednesday, December 31, 2014

6 30 Interview The FCT gets only about N30 billion from federal allocation for projects.

people should be made to pay fines if they leave completely developed property unoccupied for six months.

Land Swap Policy Will Curb Corruption In Allocation Of Plots – Olajide Alhaji Saka Olajide is the former chairman Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP), FCT Chapter and chairman/CEO Fola Konsults Ltd, he spoke with PAUL UWADIMA on FCT land swap policy and other property development challenges in the nation’s capital. As a renowned town planner and developer who have professional understanding of the development of Abuja, what is your understanding of the land swap policy of the FCT administration?

The internal distribution network would be done based on the master plan recommendation and based on the ability of the investor to develop it

It is a very good question in the sense that the land swap policy is part of the transformation agenda of the federal government being executed by the current minister of Abuja, Senator Bala Mohammed. It is a good policy which if carried through can lead to accelerated development of the city and it must be done with a lot of sincerity and transparency so that all the stakeholders can be carried along. The land swap policy of the FCT is a way of attracting direct participation by the private sector into the development of Abuja. Prior to this period Abuja was being built directly by the public through the public money through government every year but because of the competing demands from all the other various sector of the Nigeria’s economy that approach is no longer realistic most especially as people who were allocated land turn around and market this same property given to them almost free of charge by the government and make billions of naira from it and you will agree with me that land transaction in Abuja or even anywhere in Nigeria we have not been able to harness it in terms


of raising capital or tax. I think the land swap policy is meant to attract private investors who would develop the districts and pay money to the government. The land swap policy actually the way it is that government has earmarked some districts; normal residential districts within the Abuja master plan to private developers who will do the design and develop and manage the district. The management will tell you that when they do the design they must obtain approval from FCDA to make sure that it conforms with the master plan provision. After that is completed they will now raise fund to develop the infrastructure within the area given to them. At the end of the day government will now work out a modality for sharing that land between government and the investor. The sharing formula would be based on the capital outlay the amount of money spent in developing the infrastructure visa-vice the total land area. Government will determine what the value of the land would be at a particular point in time. So if the land is like 20000 per square metre, if you are given 100 hectares of land they would compute how much it would cost. So that is the government’s contribution in the development. The investor would now bring the direct cash to do the infrastructure. The money will be

like a loan from bank, from the capital market from many sources, that money would be computed in such a way that you pay certain interest over a period of time. How much would it cost you to do the infrastructure over the years and how much it is going to cost you in the long run before you pay back the debt. The private developers can either sell or develop it themselves for various land uses based on the Abuja master plan. Who is supposed to borrow the money is it not the private sector?

It is the investor that would raise the money, it does not concern government , how they raised it. It would be their own headache, it may be from local finance, it may be international finance but at the same time it would be moderated in such a way that it would not be too expensive, it must be moderated in such a way that it would not be too expensive for any investor and the end user would be able to purchase the land because if it is too expensive nobody will buy it, and that is why you have about 10 of them already on ground or more than that for the land swap programme. So there is a lot of competition because if one fails you can move to the other one, so there is a lot of competition. At the end of the day there will

be about 10000 plots ready for purchase, so the market would be saturated with plots, some of them can also build houses or sell the plots, that means there will be more houses available for the people. What are the gains of the land swap policy?

One of the major gains is that it would promote rapid development of Abuja. It would release more funds to do primary infrastructure. What I mean by primary infrastructure is the building of major roads like expressways, arterial streets, connector streets, bringing power to the affected districts, bringing water to the affected district and central sewage system and developing it. These are some of the major infrastructures. So these are some of the things government would be doing. The investor would concentrate on local infrastructure that would be related to his or her own estate only. So government would not be concerned with local streets, how you get access to your houses but would do the bulk infrastructure to the periphery of that particular district. The internal distribution network would be done based on the master plan recommendation and based on the ability of the investor to develop it. That means you can have 10 or more districts developing at the same time.



Adamu Abubakar, 15, was desolately sitting in the courtyard of the Yola Federal Medical Centre with his uncle, mother and eleven members of his family. They had journeyed from Gwoza, a town which was attacked by Boko Haram to seek refuge in Yola. Abubakar could not speak because he was recovering from a broken skull, an injury he received when the car he was traveling in, crashed. “Since we came to Yola, my whole family has been living in the hospital,” says Alhaji Waziri, Abubakar’s uncle. “ I was a farmer before the attacks and my children were in school, they didn’t get a chance to finish school,’’ he adds.

A closer look at the internally displaced refugees in Adamawa State. Images/words: Rahima Gambo, DESIGN/EDITING: BOBOYE ONDUKU

The United Nations says that over 1.5 million people have been displaced by the Boko Haram insurgency. Thousands have lost their lives in north eastern Nigeria since the insurgency began in 2009. Over the last couple

of months, the killings have continued unabated. People have lost homes and many are seeking safety not only in government run camps, but also in uncompleted buildings, shanty settlements and with host families. The

following four pages unveil the situation with some of the internally displaced persons as they speak through the horror and pain. Also see the video online at www.leadership.ng and join the conversation.

IMAGES/ WORDS: RAHIMA GAMBO Gambo is a Nigerian documentary photographer and journalist based in Abuja, Nigeria. For her, lives are much more than what GDP and research papers can encapsulate. ‘‘Powerful images and words woven into compelling narrative is the only way to sensitise people to the critical issues of our time,’’ she says. Find more of her work at www.rahimagambo.com


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

“I was separated from my husband when I fled Gwoza. I found myself in Gulak that the insurgents attacked again. I fled to Mubi. And Mubi was also attacked again. I went to Cameroon but the people there forced us to leave. We travelled on the back of a trailer to Yola. I didn’t know anyone when I arrived. I slept outdoors in a park. It was a stranger that brought me to the camp’’ says Laraba Joseph, 19, the mother of 5-day-old baby (pictured below) at a former National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Camp that was turned into an IDP camp in Damare, Adamawa State. The Nigerian Red Cross estimates that, at its peak, there were about 11,000 refugees living in the camp. At the last count, in November 2014, there were 3,453 people.

10-year-old Stevenson and Jibrin in the men’s living quarters ➔ in Damare IDP Camp, Adamawa state. They are both from Michika, in northern Adamawa that is an area of heavy fighting between the Nigerian military and Boko Haram. “My father and mother are not in the camp,” says Jibrin. Though numbers haven’t been formally tracked as registration of displaced persons is still ongoing, the Nigerian Red Cross volunteers who work in the camp say that there are many orphans whose parents’ whereabouts are unknown or feared dead. Their immediate family members are yet to be found or contacted.

Usman Umar, 38, is a Nigerian Red Cross volunteer who is also an internally displaced person. He had to abandon his life in Michika, local government area in Adamawa State, after the Boko Haram insurgents overran the town. He was about to close his mobile phone stall when a soldier called out: “Usman, you better run. The are coming.” The Nigerian Red Cross and its vast network of volunteers are at the forefront of identifying and providing emergency services to refugees in the north east of Nigeria.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Sani Umaru, 44, stares vacantly into space most of the time. His voice was almost, an inaudible mumble. He arrived at the Yola Federal Medical Centre in late October 2014. Both of his hands were wrapped in thick bandages (pictured above, right) due to gunshot wounds. The injuries were so severe that they say his left hand will have to be amputated. He recalls Boko Haram making him lie in a road-side gutter alongside five other men, just before the execution style shooting. He was a farmer from Madagali town before the attack and the only survivor of the shooting.

“When Boko Haram came ➔ to Gwoza they were killing everybody. I escaped at night. I counted over ten dead bodies as I was escaping. Twelve members of my family are missing. I don’t know where they are. I’m alone and I have nothing now. Even food is hard to come by. All my thoughts are at home and returning home,’’ Ahmadu, 46, says. For the farmer who has been living in Daware settlement in Fufore, Adamawa State for the last four months, life is bleak. Daware is a sprawling shanty settlement of over 3,000 displaced persons who have built homes out of old sacks and dried stalks (as seen in the picture right).Over the past couple of months, they have managed to farm the land, growing crops to sell at the market for sustenance. Still life is difficult as there is severe water and food shortage.

Internally displaced people arriving at a new camp set up by the Nigerian Emergency Management Agency, (NEMA) in partnership with the Adamawa State Emergency Mnagement Agency, (ADSEMA) in Malakwai, Adamawa State. There are 874 people at the camp and more are arriving every day.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

SITUATION REPORT 30 ➔ “I came to this village because the chief

The Borno state government evacuates its residents who fled from Boko Haram occupied towns to Maiduguri, the Borno state capital. They are being moved from Girei Primary School settlement which houses about 3,000 IDPs. The UN Office for the Cordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) stated in an assessment report that they are being moved because the Borno State government deemed Yola unsafe.

A man during a Sunday service at the Damare IDP camp. According to John Nihanpa, the camp pastor ,the services – which also had in attendance the women (picured right) – provide an avenue for traumatised IDPs to begin their healing process as they receive strength through the sermons and testimonies of survival.

of the village is my friend. When Boko Haram attacked Gwoza, I ran to him for help and he accepted me. Before the sun rose, he sent trucks to evacuate my people and settle them in Daware. He gave us water and food. He was just so kind to us,” said Bukar Ali, head of the displaced persons shanty settlement in Daware, Adamawa State. He has lived there for the last nine months, long enough for him to plant and harvest his crop. He revealed how he had to jump over corpses in Gwoza to get away from Boko Haram. He remembers seeing Boko Haram using women and children as shields against the military’s aerial bombing. This settlement, he says, is receiving no help from the State government and is depending on farming for survival. The Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency (ADSEMA) says that two-thirds of IDPs are living in makeshift settlements that are not managed by them. They say that they are trying their best to get basic necessities to them or move them to official camps. Some of the IDPs live with host families.



Wednesday, December 31, 2014

E N T E R TA I N M E N T S P O R T s

Funke Akindele Releases Sababi Eda

AFRIMA: Sound Sultan, OritseFemi Celebrate Fela


DJ Jimmy Jatt, Olu Maintain Support Buhari’s Presidential Bid


Ayodele Olofin Tasks Nigerians On Positive Attitude

Iyabo Ojo's 'Silence' Opens In Cinemas Jan 9 By SAMUEL ABULUDE, Lagos


Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele has released her new movie entitled 'Sababi Eda'. The movie, according to her, is out in the cinemas now and stars Funke Akindele, Odunlade Adekola, Fausat Balogun and others. The movie has a rich story line and follows in the same vein as her blockbusters like Jenifa and 'Jenifa Goes To London' among others. Sababi Eda depicts the life of a single mother (Funke Akindele), and her struggle with fate. She used to be a tomboy in the village before she got engaged and relocated to the city. However fate played a


fast one on her in her journey of life and she could not avoid it. Her fiancée eloped with another woman, leaving her to cater for their only son. She moved back to the village to start a new life and established herself as a fashion designer in the village. Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you have always wanted at the worst time possible.

'Nigeria Should Have Laws That Protect Widows' By Kuni Tyessi, Abuja

IPMAN President Bags Abia Traditional Title By PEMBI David-stephen

National President of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), Chief Chinedu Okoronkwo has been named the Nwa Chukwumere Eze of Eleoha Ututu, Abia state. At the coronation, last Saturday, the Eze of Eleoha Ututu and Chairman Abia North Council of traditional rulars, Eze Chris O. Nwankwo said the title to Okoronkwo was in recognition of his unwavering philanthropic gesture that knows no bound. According to Eze Nwankwo, the IPMAN President had over the years brought succour to indigent scholars, health care and other services to the less privileged using Avina Foundation as a platform. Responding to the thousands of people who

As elections and campaigns take centre stage, Nigerian celebs, particularly musicians have begun to show and pitch tent with their preferred candidates. Last weekend, Yahooze crooner, Olu Maintain, Praiz, Azadus, DJ Jimmy Jatt and others were hosted by Buhari’s supporters, Nasiru Danu and Senator Olorunnibe Mamora at the Eko Hotel & Suites in Lagos. They all declared support for the APC

Eze of Eleoha Ututu and chairman Abia North Council of traditional rulers, Eze Chris O Nwankwo giving chieftaincy title of Nwa Chukwumere Eze of Eleoha Ututu, to the President of Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), Chief Chinedu Okoronkwo in Ututu, Abia State

gathered to witnessed the coronation, Chief Okoronkwo thanks the kingdoms and people of the Eleoha Ututu for the gesture and promised to look after more and more less privileged in the community. He said the title is a great challenge to him and pray Almighty to give him the wisdom to serve his people more.

In its quest for a just society where the rule of law is practiced and respected, the Rock of Ages Empowerment Foundation, a nongovernmental organisation has called on the Federal Government to, as a matter of urgency, enact laws to protect the rights of widows. The founder of the organisation, Evangelist Ignatius Newman Ezeigbo made the call at the foundation's 2014 empowerment/Christmas celebration for widows, where over 200 widows were empowered in various fields of endeavour. He condemned the maltreatment of some widows after the demise of their husbands and urged the federal government to take steps to protect them and also pleaded with politicians to see the cause of taking care of widows as just and noble and try to help them in the best possible way they can. He also pleaded with the menfolk to carry their wives along in whatever they are doing, saying it

Jimmy Jatt

presidential candidate, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari. Olu Maintain and Praiz who just released his album in the company of other musicians urged Nigerians to vote for Buhari in the 2015 elections. would help in check-mating greedy and insensitive relations. "Most of the time when the men die, the women will have nothing to fall back on. Village people and relations will come and take everything, leaving them to suffer with the children. That's why we encourage men to carry their wives along. That is why the greatest thing you can give a woman is education," he stated. The widows were given N20,000 each after they had acquired various skills through training to help them cater for their families. The Abuja coordinator of the foundation, Ms Blessing Orji, said after the widows had been empowered, "we usually go round to see what they are doing with the funds provided and by God's grace, we have seen good testimonies even though not all of them have done well, 80% have done wonderfully well." One of the beneficiaries, Mrs Judith Dzungwe, said the foundation had assisted her in her poultry business and in payment of hospital bills, adding "because of this foundation, I can today pay my children's school fees and I have three in the university."

'Silence' the movie produced by Iyabo Ojo will soon hit the cinemas. The movie is a break from the norm of actress Iyabo known for acting in Yoruba movies. Silence and another movie, 'Beyond Disability' were premiered at the Oriental Hotel recently amidst glamour as friends of Iyabo Ojo in the movie industry turned up on the occasion in solidarity. The premiere was well attended and the event was also used to mark the actress’ birthday. Iyabo Ojo, petite and witty is a mother of two, Priscillia and Festus. Her


hubby is unknown yet. Silence, a movie full of suspense features top Nollywood stars Ini Edo, Halima Abubakar and others. It opens in the cinemas on January 9, 2015. The movie got two awards, namely the Best Movie Award and another Nollywood BON Awards.


Gloria Ibru Drops Sugar Mama By SAMUEL ABULUDE, Lagos

After a long time, daughter of billionaire businessman Olorogun Michael Ibru, Gloria Ibru is set to release an album. The plus size entertainer said the video of one of the singles, Sugar Mama was a blend of African rhythms. Sugar Mama tells the story of a young man who

walks into a bar wearing a long face and his spirit was lifted by a beautiful bar attendant. The song is written by Gloria Ibru's sister, Elvina and directed by Onesoul. The album to be released next year has 10 tracks and is a blend of highlife, calypso and jazz. Video director, Wole Oni will direct the video of the songs according to Gloria. Gloria Ibru with a live band has been singing for more than twentyfive years.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014 By SAMUEL ABULUDE, Lagos


Ayodele Olofin Tasks Nigerians On Positive Attitude By ANTHONy ADA ABRAHAM, Abuja

While many are complaining about the state of the economy and its effects on the people, respected entrepreneur and philantropist, Samuel Ayodele Olofin is basking in the euphoria of a great business year. The astute businessman while celebrating with his staff, friends, family and wellwishers at his Lagos office this week took a retrospective look at 2014 and expressed fulfillment and satisfaction for the successful business activities in the year. He enjoined Nigerians to develop a good positive attitude to their personal lives and the nation as a whole. "I'm not disputing the facts that there are challenges in the country, in spite of these, Nigerians must be strong and develop a positive mental attitude because we don't have a choice as Nigeria is our only country. However, I'm grateful that amidst these challenges, God has been kind to me and

my staff in 2014 and I can only look forward to a better 2015", Olofin who recently clocked the golden age of 60 enthused. Olofin reached out to not only his staff but also some members of the public with gift items such as bags of rice, Chicken, and other Christmas needs, raising the hope of Nigerians ahead of 2015 and encouraging them to shun electoral violence and remain indivisible. "Let me tell you my belief. I'm highly optimistic that 2015 is going to be a year like no other for Nigeria. Let's just continue to believe in the almighty God, let's love one another and shun all forms of violence even as we vote for our candidates of choice in the 2015 elections," he encouraged. The event was an atmosphere of joy and merriment especially with the presence of oil and gas entrepreneurs, Engineer Azeez Kazeem, Mrs Amoo Kehinde and Mufutau Mustapha who are known allies of Samuel Olofin.

It was a gathering of the finest of African artistes. The All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA finally held on Saturday night, December 27, 2014 at the Oriental Hotel, Lagos amidst glitz and glamour. The event was aimed at celebrating the beauty and diversity of African rhythms. Tu Face Idibia who got an award on that night anchored the show and trust Tu Baba, he was in his element speaking casually and being himself as he related with the co-host, a French lady. Sensational Angelique Kidjoe and Fally Pupa got awards. Nikki Laoye got the Best Female In Africa Inspirational Music award and she was among the few present to collect their awards. Personalities from the entertainment industry who graced the occasion include Yeni Kuti, TY Mix, Brymo, Buga, Kenny Ogungbe, Sola Fajobi, Gbenga Adeyinka 1st, Wole Ojo, North African singer, Ahmed and Black House Media, BHM CEO, Kunle Ayeni to name a few. Afrobeat legend, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti was honoured in grand style at AFRIMA with an award and a song. Sound Sultan wearing a short and a brown shirt sauntered unto the stage exquisitely built with a montage that has part of the map of Africa. He delivered one of Fela's hit songs, 'Water No Get Enemy', swaying and gesturing the way Fela does in his hay days. There were electric performances by Temi Dollface, OritseFemi, Rihanna from Ghana, Bez and the wave making Timi Dakolo. Davido breezed in before yours sincerely left the show. Oritsefemi among all the artistes shone the most moving the crowd to dance to his 'Double Wahala' hit song dedicated to Fela. The Africa Union Commission representative who graced AFRIMA goofed while presenting the Lifetime Achievement award to late Fela when she asked for Fela Anikulapo. As if to add to the surprise and fun of the night, Yeni Kuti fell on stage as she made her way to collect the award on behalf of the Kuti family. A documentary on African artistes and the campaign to end

Sound Sultan

AFRIMA: Sound Sultan, OritseFemi Celebrate Fela hunger and poverty in Africa was shown on the occasion. It was all abouty 19 artistes coming together to end poverty through agriculture. "Through our voices we can end poverty. We also put our leaders into accountability. Ending poverty and ebola via advocacy (One.org/ ebola). The event which started by 10pm was concluded by 4am on Sunday morning With star singer Davido closing the show in a grand style. AFRIMA Awards list Best Afropop Culture- Elani Best Africa Hip hop- Davido Best Africa R&B Soul- Tu Face Idibia Best African ContemporaryAngelique Kidjo Best Male Artiste West AfricaDavido (Skelewu) Best Female Artiste West


Stilletttos To Church


because he didn't have enough money for the surgery. It's time to preach, and pastor forgot his Bible. God help us! I was ministering at a church in India. As soon as I walked in, I saw a young lady, very beautiful and a true African woman. Thick lips, curved hips, and a stunning beauty. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that this lady was severely depressed and would kill herself that night. She was jumping and praising


BB Pin: 2BD4E5DB 08169583699 (SMS)

Designer purse, Italian shoes, silk fitted gown, creased trousers, brand name suit and tie. You too are smoking hot. In the praise team is a 40-year old spinster who has sealed the deal to have a baby with her surname. Kenneth in your ushering department just lost his mother last week

God with a huge smile on her face, which made me conclude that the revelation I saw was hallucination. After I ministered, this same lady walked up to me and told me she was contemplating suicide. She was only 20 years old! You are not where you are for nothing. The church unfortunately is no longer what it used to be. I'm a pastor's daughter, so I can tell you the numerous gossips that have had my name in it,

IN CHURCH. The wounded keeps getting shot every day? Broken people come to church and leave more broken because ushers are yelling at first timers, praise team singers are focused on the high pitch they must sing, some pastors are too busy preparing messages for people they refuse to relate with, and PA's prevent parishioners from seeing the pastor. This Sunday, can you please look around and see someone

Africa- Angelique Kidjo Best Male Artiste East AfricaDiamond Best Female Artiste East AfricaVanessa Ndibi Best Male Artiste North AfricaAhmed Sultan (Morocco) Best Female Artiste North Africa- Nora Best Male Artiste Central Africa- Fally Pupa Best Female Artiste Central Africa- Loreal Best Male Artiste South AfricaHeavy K Ft Prof Best Female Artiste South Africa- Cindy from Zimbabwe Best Female Artiste Africa Inspirational Music- Nikky Laoye Best Male Artiste Inspirational. Music- Morris Ft Baby Face (it is well) Best Artiste African Rock- DNZ from Zimbabwe Best Artiste African TraditionalAdjiboye from Benin

who may need transport fare to get back home? Can you choose to bless someone every Sunday with a bag of rice? Is it possible for you to hug a first timer? Can you please stop talking about the bishop's children? You have no idea of the pressure they are under. The change will start with you. As you pick up your bible and a little bit of love, God will have no problem with you rocking your stillettos to church. Soar High.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014



Wednesday, December 31, 2014

zonal watch

OYO STATE OGUN STATE LAGOS STATE ONDO STATE EKITI STATE OSUN STATE Iwo Day: Aregbesola Harps On Sustainable Progress by JoshuA dAdA, Osogbo

The governor of Osun State, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, has restated the need for peace to continue to reign in all parts of the state as a condition for sustained progress. Aregbesola said a key focus of his administration since inception is the maintenance of peaceful co-

existence among the residents, saying the landmark achievements of the past four years would not have been possible had peace not been restored to the state. The governor, who spoke at the 24th Iwo Day celebration, an annual celebration that brings together all Iwo indigenes regardless of religious and political divides, reminded the people that

what obtains in many parts of Nigeria at the moment should serve as adequate reminder on the need to eschew violence and promote harmonious living. Aregbesola, who was represented at the event by the director, Bureau of Communication and Strategy, Office of the Governor, Mr. Semiu Okanlawon, while facilitating with the people of Iwo, said

community leaders, parents and other stakeholders must consider vigilance and parental control of their children as very critical at this period. Aregbesola said, “What our country faces today calls for vigilance. We have worked in the last four years to restore peace to our state and that has ensured the progress this state has witnessed.

It is a fact that one of the many advantages of gathering at community days like this is its capacity to help promote peaceful and harmonious existence among our people. And Iwo has been a remarkable model in this regard. This town is a quintessential model of peaceful co-existence and cohabitation of different faiths and cultures.”

Ekiti: APC Expresses Shock Over Fayose’s Non-payment Of September Salary

L-R: Tinsel actor, bimbo Manuel; Ceo, bufferzone Limited, Akin Fadeyi; co-presenter, health Access, Gbenga Adeyinka and scheduler, MNeT West Africa, Muyiwa ojo, during a session for health Access, held at bufferzone studios, Lagos, yesterday PHOTO

by ALo AbioLA, Ado-Ekiti

The All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ekiti State has expressed shock over Governor Ayodele Fayose’s media chat statement that the state workers should forget their September salary on the basis that it was former Governor Kayode Fayemi who owed them. The party also reacted to Fayose’s aide, Lere Olayinka, who said former Governor Kayode Fayemi lied on his claims in his media chat on Adaba FM on the debt profile of the state and projects execution during his administration. The publicity secretary of the APC, Taiwo Olatunbosun, described Fayose’s refusal to pay workers salary as wicked, callous and insensitive. He said records would show Ekiti people the debt profile of the state during Fayemi’s administration, adding that the experience of Ekiti people in Fayose’s hand during Christmas would convince the people who is a liar between the two leaders. The party noted that since the federal allocations are paid in arrears, it was incumbent upon Fayose to pay September salary with September federal allocation that he collected in October after Fayemi had left. “It was Fayose as governor-elect who went to harass the banks that had overdraft arrangement with the Fayemi administration to stop granting such facilities.

Ogun 2015: Bankole May Dump PDP by GbeNGA Adeboye, Abeokuta

There are indications that the former speaker, House of Representatives, Dimeji Bankole and his supporters may dump Peoples Democratic Party, PDP for another party. This is coming on the heels of the announcement of Gboyega Isiaka as the gubernatorial candidate of PDP for 2015 polls thereby effectively putting a stop to Bankole’s aspiration to be governor under the party. Credible sources close to the former speaker indicate that all groups rooting for him under the banner, ‘Dimeji Bankole Movement’, are consulting with other political parties. The sources further said the leadership of the groups was not planning to impose any decision saying at least 80 per cent of their members must agree to any such decision. The impending move may not be unconnected with the failure of the national leadership of PDP to nullify December 8, 2015 governorship primary in Ogun State which had earlier been postponed according to a release by the national publicity secretary.

Aregbesola Calls For Sustenance Of Peace In Modakeke by JOSHUA DADA, Osogbo

Osun State governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola has called for the sustenance of peace in Modakeke area as well as the entire state. Aregbesola made the call in a message he sent to the 29th Modakeke Akoraye Day Celebration and launching of N500million Community Development Fund at Modakeke. The governor, who was represented by Mr Wahab

Adeniji, member, Local Education Authority board, Modakeke, said peace was imperative for any sustainable development to take place. “My administration is determined to ensure that infrastructure is provided in every part of the state, including Modakeke”, he said. Earlier, the national president of Modakeke Progressive Union, Mr Tajudeen Oke, called on the Osun State government to provide basic infrastructure in the area.

“The Modakeke community, in spite of not being lucky to enjoy government patronage, has provided public facilities which government itself is benefiting from in boosting its revenue generation. “One of such facilities is the Magistrate Court premises”, he said. The traditional ruler of Modakeke, Dr Francis Adedoyin, commended the indigenes of the area who have contributed towards the development of infrastructure in the community.

INEC: Folarin Rejects REC’s Redeployment To Oyo by AdebAyo WAheed, Ibadan

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) flag bearer in the 2015 governorship election in Oyo State, Senator Teslim Kolawole has rejected the re-deployment of Mr. Rufus O. Akeju as the Resident Electoral Commissioner(REC) for the state. The director general, Folarin 2015 Gubernatorial Campaign Organisation, Hon. Asimiyu Niran Alarape in a statement in Ibadan

said the choice of Akeju for Oyo State is totally unacceptable. According to him, going by his antecedents and patent bias that is a general knowledge, Akeju is not only notorious and infamous, he was known to be a former special adviser to Tinubu and a cardcarrying member of the defunct ACN. “It was on the basis of this and many other reasons that we rejected his re-deployment to our state,” he said.

He declared that Akeju’s redeployment to Oyo State by the Prof. Attahiru Jega led Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) was an error, adding “It must be corrected immediately to avoid a backlash.” “In civilized climes, an embattled and tainted personality like Akeju ought to have been shown the way out or recalled to INEC’s headquarters to handle less sensitive assignments if the commission must retain him at all.


zonal watch (South-West) 35

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

project report

Ibadan Modern Abattoir: Ajimobi’s Transformation Agenda by Adebayo Waheed, Ibadan

Initially, the slaughtering of cows for commercial purpose was decentralised in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital before it was centralised at Bodija Market abattoir in Ibadan North local government area of state while selling takes place in different parts of the state. However, as the market grow, there was the need for expansion and this necessitated the need for another big place for the slaughtering of cows. Another problem noticed by the Oyo State government was the unhygienic environment around the market as there was the fear of outbreak of epidemic among the residents of Bodija and its environs. Also, as many houses continued to spring up around the market, the state government decided to move the abattoir in Bodija and the butchers to another bigger and more hygienic place in Akinyele. The vast land in Akinyele local government area was to accommodate all butchers in the state capital, Ibadan. Since the place was constructed by the state government, the butchers were expected to pay less for the services at the abattoir. As the new abattoir was constructed through private public partnership about N2, 500 was being paid on each cow slaughtered at the Akinyele abattoir. With the new abattoir located at the Amosun Village in Akinyele local government area of the state, there is going to be some challenges since it was not directly constructed by the state government. Instead of the usual N2, 500 being charged on each cow killed at the abattoir, the management of the abattoir will now charge N3, 500. Another problem is the mass movement of butchers to the new abattoir which might not be easy since it was not directly under the control of the state government. To ensure smooth movement to the new abattoir and cooperation of all the butchers in the state, it was learnt that a huge sum of money had exchanged hands and this is now causing crisis among the butchers and the leadership of the union. The central abattoir, which is meant to serve all the 11 local


News Behind The News

Why Secret Plenary Of 19 Ekiti Apc Lawmakers Rattles Fayose by ALO ABIOLA, Ado-Ekiti

R-L: Oyo State governor, Abiola Ajimobi; commissioner for agriculture, Iyiola Ambali, and an investor, Abiodun Kehinde Ahmadu during the commissioning of the project

government areas in Ibadan land, is sited on 15 hectares of land, with provisions for manual and mechanical slaughtering of cattle, pigs, goats and sheep. Besides, it also has a road network covering about five kilometres within the abattoir, with a parking space that can accommodate over 200 smaller vehicles and 50 articulated trucks. The state commissioner for agriculture and rural development, Hon. Iyiola Ahmed and the caretaker committee chairman of Akinyele local government area, Mr. Ope Salami appealed to butchers in Ibadan metropolis to cooperate with the state government and take advantage of the opportunities the new abattoir had offered. The state chairman of National Butchers’ Union of Nigeria, Alhaji Azeez Alagufon expressed his members’ readiness to move to the new abattoir with immediate effect, stressing that the project would also provide employment opportunities for their members. Alagufon pledged his members’ support for the second term ambition of Governor Ajimobi, stressing that he (governor) deserved the second chance due to his monumental achievements in the last three and a half years. Speaking at the inauguration of the modern abattoir, the state governor, Senator Abiola Ajimobi said the N3.8 billion ultra-modern abattoir was his administration’s effort to create

Ajimobi said the N3.8 billion ultra-modern abattoir was his administration’s effort to create conducive environment for investment

conducive environment for investment. At the ceremony which was witnessed by butchers in all the 11 council areas in Ibadan land, the governor said the construction of the central abattoir for the state capital was in line with his administration’s transformation and repositioning agenda. He pledged his government’s readiness to continue to provide all the necessary logistics for the smooth operation of the abattoir. Also speaking, the representative of the partnering firm, Kehinde Ahmadu said the operations of the abattoir was designed in line with best practices to ensure proper animal slaughtering and handling in the most hygienic environment. He added that vans for meat delivery would be allotted to designated locations in all the council areas to enhance efficiency.

In the political calculations of Governor Ayodele Fayose, the 19 All Progressives Congress (APC) lawmakers in the Ekiti State House of Assembly, had been taught a political lesson. They had been successfully forced out of the state while the seven Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) lawmakers loyal to his government were given necessary protections to make laws for the people of the state. But the governor never expected the APC lawmakers to spring a surprise on his administration. This they successfully did by sneaking into the state capital last week Friday to undo most of what their seven colleagues had done for Fayose. The 19 lawmakers held a plenary at a secret location in Ado, Ekiti State capital which caught Fayose by surprise. During the secret plenary, many decisions were taken by the lawmakers including the suspension of the factional speaker, Dele Olugbemi and the six PDP lawmakers, who sat to impeach Speaker Adewale Omirin last month. Though many believed that the meeting might have been held outside Ado-Ekiti, the state capital or in the neighbouring state, as the19 APC lawmaker have not been seen together as a group since November when the crisis in the Assembly started, it was learnt that the plenary actually took place in the state. The only time the lawmakers were seen together was when they held a press briefing in Ikere –Ekiti days after the crisis began. Speaking with the newsmen via telephone on the session that was held secretly, Omirin declared that the sitting is going to be a continuous exercise, revealing that their subsequent sitting would be held at the Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti. The speaker who insisted that the group met in Ado-Ekiti but refused to disclose the location of their meeting for security reasons said the court litigation does not preclude them from sitting, saying we did not go to court because we were disallowed from sitting. He said their resolve to relocate the sittings of the House to the campus of the Ekiti State University (EKSU) was premised on the “situation of the state” in the last one month and the taking over of the Assembly complex by thugs and miscreants “who have been mobilised to kill and destroy”. “For security reasons, we could not sit in the chamber of the Assembly, since thugs have been mandated to attack us. Also, I cannot disclose to you where we sat, but it was in Ado-Ekiti.

36 analysis

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

news behind the news

Osinbajo: A Game Changer Of Nigerian Politics? by GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos

The combination of General Muhammadu Buhari and Professor Osinbajo would eradicate corruption which has eaten deep into the fabric of the nation

History of great nations, great men and women are filled with salient events that change the present and shape the future in unprecedented manner. Like Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of United States of America, Winston Churchill of Britain and Nelson Mandela of South Africa, the emergence of Professor Yemi Osinbajo as the vice presidential candidate to the All Progressives Congress ( APC) has not only caused panic in the nation’s political quarters but has also triggered immediate return of other contenders to the drawing board on how to curtail the growing support base for APC. The strength of Osinbajo from the South-West zone of the country, now the ‘new’ kid on the country’s political block, suddenly became manifest to many who felt he stood no chance against heavy weights like Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State, Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State, former governor of Ekiti State, Dr. Kayode Fayemi , Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State and even the national leader of APC Asiwaju Bola Tinubu who gave way for him to emerge as the best vice presidential material. Though relatively new to the public eyes, he is not only seen to be politically stronger than other aspirants on the strength of the fact that he is a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in a country now polarised by religion, he is a son in-law of the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, highly revered beyond the South – West zone. It is generally acknowledged that by picking Osinbajo, the chances of PDP in the South-West have been drastically narrowed because the party had wanted to take advantage of the political dynasty of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo to make an inroad into the region. The calculation was seen in the Presidency’s wooing of the family by making the grandson of the late sage, Mr. Segun Awolowo the Chief Executive Officer of the Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC). He is politically at home in the South- West, as he hails originally from Ogun State and had also served meritoriously in Lagos as commissioner where he had since become a Lagosian. Amid his intimidating curriculum vitae backed with proven integrity and impeccable personality, Osinbajo’s emergence seems to have dismantled plans of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who had plotted to latch on religious factor to win the


sympathy of Nigerians during the campaign for 2015 presidency . As the pastor of Olive Tree House of Prayer for All Nations, Banana Island, a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, he is seen as the first choice of the electorate who are members of the church that has outposts in 110 countries and 14,000 branches in Nigeria. Given his background in the church that has an estimated membership population of over five million members in Nigeria alone, Osinbajo is a deft political calculation that will crush the religious card being played by Peoples Democratic Party. His standing in the church is expected to give some measure of confidence to especially northern Christians and others who may have viewed Buhari in the eyes of his critics as a religious extremist. Apart from being a Senior Advocate of Nigeria and Senior Partner in the Law firm of SimmonsCooper, Osinbajo is also known in the academic circles where he was formerly Head of Department of Public Law at the University of Lagos. Meanwhile, many Nigerians have hailed his choice by the All Progressives Congress, saying it is a sophisticated political strategy tailored to douse the embers of religious extremism toga on the party’s presidential candidate. Eminent Nigerians like the Lagos State governor Mr. Babatunde Fashola who had the opportunity

of relating closely with Professor Yemi Osinbajo said he inspired them to success in life. The governor said the legal icon will help deepen the rule of law, uphold human rights of Nigerians, fiscal federalism and constitutionalism in the country. The governor said Osinbajo was the brain behind the transformation of the state judiciary, assuring that when given the opportunity to serve he will bring about transformation in various sphere of life in the country. He said, “Professor Osinbajo has made tremendous contribution in the state judiciary, building the Lagos judiciary. He has started his own journey as well because the vision of building an efficient and in-corruptible judiciary started under his watch as the Attorney General of Lagos State. So I wish my brother and friend Professor Yemi Osinbajo the very best in the journey.” As the nation clamour for change, he noted that the duo of General Buhari and the Professor of Law would bring about the change that Nigerians have been yearning for. In his reaction, the Lagos State attorney general and commissioner for Justice Mr. Ade Ipaye said everyone in the judicial sector of the state would readily attest to the countless achievements of Osinbajo in the state while he served as the state attorney-general between 1999 and 2007.

He said “In fact, we believe that his key contributions to the success of that administration are clear testimony to the great potential of the next APC government, once elected to the office in February 2015.” Ipaye said that he had received several enquiries as to the records of service of Professor Osinbajo in the state from many Nigerians, following his nomination as the APC presidential candidate’s running mate. He said, “Professor Osinbajo is by far the most impactful contributor to improvements seen in the Nigerian justice sector since the end of military rule in 1999. During his tenure, the idea of bringing justice to the people became entrenched, particularly with the establishment of an Office of the Public Defender and a Citizens’ Mediation Centre. “Both agencies have since benefitted millions of Nigerians directly or indirectly by way of free legal services, free representation in court and free mediation services.” Ipaye added that the former commissioner for justice also ensured strict adherence to the rule of law while in the service of the state government,. He said, “As an advocate, Professor Osinbajo participated actively in all important cases during his tenure, especially the constitutional cases in the Supreme Court, showing himself as an astute lawyer and a passionate defender of federalism, constitutionalism and the rule of law.” According to the lawmaker representing Lagos East senatorial district, Senator Gbenga Ashafa his choice is good for the country, saying the combination of General Muhammadu Buhari and Professor Osinbajo would eradicate corruption which has eaten deep into the fabric of the nation. Ashafa said Nigerians now have the opportunity to make change and allow men of unblemished records to lead them. He added that, “The duo of Buhari and Professor Yemi Osinbajo is the real change that we are talking about. That is the hope that Nigerians, especially the youths have been crying for. “I am telling you without any iota of doubt that the two of them will rescue Nigeria and Nigerians should be ready to embrace a brighter rewarding future and the only way to do this is to shine their eyes and ensure they vote against the tyranny of the PDP.” Osinbajo in his acceptance speech has vowed to move the country away from the mess it has been plunged by highly recycled politicians.

politics today Wednesday, December 31, 2014




As 2015 Election Battle Heats Up In Rivers ANAYO ONUKWUGHA writes that the primary elections of the two major political parties in Rivers State, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have come and gone, creating the arena for the battle of candidates for elective seats in 2015 to begin

No fewer than 16 PDP governorship aspirants boycotted the party’s gubernatorial primary in protest over alleged overbearing influence of Wike on the party leadership in the state


he governorship candidate of the APC, Dr. Dakuku Adol Peterside emerged under a consensus arrangement, while that of the PDP, Chief Ezebunwo Nyesom Wike, emerged through a primary election that was held on December 8, 2014. While the people of Ogoni ethnic nationality have continued to protest APC’s choice of Peterside who hails from Opobo Town in Opobo/ Nkoro local government area of the state, against their own, Senator Magnus Ngei Abe, no fewer than 16 PDP governorship aspirants boycotted the party’s gubernatorial primary in protest over alleged overbearing influence of Wike on the party leadership in the state.

However, just like the PDP, other tickets of the APC, which is the ruling party in the state, such as those of the Senate, the Federal House of Representatives and the State House of Assembly were keenly contested for, even though there were pockets of protests from aspirants who lost out in the exercise. In Rivers South East senatorial district, the incumbent senator representing the district, Senator Magnus Ngei Abe, emerged as the party’s candidate and would face a former member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Olaka Nwogu, who clinched the senatorial ticket of the PDP for the district. In Rivers East senatorial district, where the state governor, Rt. Hon. Chibuike

Rotimi Amaechi hails from, the senator representing the district, Senator George Thompson Sekibo, emerged as the candidate of the PDP and would face a member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Andrew Uchendu, who picked the APC’s ticket. For Rivers West senatorial district, the speaker of the State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Otelemaba Daniel Amachree, picked the senatorial ticket of the APC and would contest for the position with the PDP’s candidate and former member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Osinakachukwu ThankGod Ideozu. PDP’s senatorial primary for Rivers West district was keenly contested between Ideozu, who served as commissioner for Finance during the first tenure of Amaechi, and former deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Prince Chibudom Nwuche. The first primary, held at the Ahoada headquarters of the senatorial district, was inconclusive following the invasion of the venue by armed youths.

The election was later rescheduled to hold in Port Harcourt. It was first advertised to hold at the Community Secondary School, Nkpolu, but was surreptitiously moved to the state secretariat of PDP. Most delegates complained that they were not informed of the shift of venue. Nwuche later staged a walkout with his supporters in protest over what he alleged to be the importation of non-delegates to vote, and complained to the state party leadership that he was not informed of the change in venue as he got to hear about it through a delegate. When accreditation of delegates commenced, the entire exercise was almost marred by hundreds of youths who challenged the delegates list from Abua/ Odual local government area of the state, alleging that it was filled with fake delegates. As the situation became riotous, the police and party officials having failed to contain the aggrieved youths, ➔ CONTINUES ON PAGE 38



Wednesday, December 31, 2014

As 2015 Election Battle Heats Up In Rivers ➔ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37

The governor’s explanation that about 25 members of the State House of Assembly who are his loyalists would be returned automatically to the House come 2015 did not go down well with other party loyalists who were eyeing seats in the House

appealed to Nwuche to address the crowd for calm to return. The former deputy speaker cited irregularities and particularly the intimidation of delegates through the numbering of the ballot papers and the provision of many ballot boxes instead of one, explaining that the leadership of the party deliberately decided to rig the election against him and in favour of an unpopular aspirant. Just five days before the PDP governorship primary in Port Harcourt, over 2000 members stormed the national headquarters of the party in Abuja to protest the alleged plan by the party and the presidency to foist Wike, who is a former minister of Education, on them as the party’s governorship candidate in the state. The protesters also complained against perceived injustice meted out on them during the last PDP House of Assembly primaries in the state. They were said to have started arriving the secretariat as early as 6:30 am on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 and took over the entire premises of the secretariat even before the arrival of its members of staff. Various placards were carried with inscriptions such as, “Wike can’t be our governor”, “We want clearance to contest 2015 elections”, “Give us back our money”, “We are tired of a twoman state exco”, “Felix Obuah must go”, “Wike has bought the soul of River PDP”, “Criminals have been cleared to be PDP aspirants in River State”, among others. At the PDP governorship primaries, Wike polled a total of 1,083 votes to beat his closest rival, Hon. Dumbari BenDimkpa, who scored a total of 21 votes. Out of about 24 governorship aspirants on the platform of the PDP, only Wike, Ben-Dimkpa and three other governorship aspirants, including Hon. Ibinabo Michael-West, who scored three votes, Senator Lee Maeba and Mr. Emmanuel Georgewill who scored one vote each, participated in the primaries. The aspirants who boycotted the PDP special congress include former vice-chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt, Professor Don Baridam; Hon. Oseleye Dennis Ojuka, Mrs. Abietedoghu Bob-Abbey Hart, Hon. Gabriel Pidomson, Hon. Atamuno Atamuno, Dr. Silver Opusunju, Chief Sampson Ngerebara, Major Lancelot Anyanya and Hon. Tamunosisi Gogo-Jaja.


Others were Chief Pawariso Samuel Horsfall, Captain Sunny Nwankwo, Hon. Bernard Mikko, Prince Tonye Princewill, Hon. Nimi Walson-Jack, Engr. Bekinbo Dagogo-Jack, Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs, and former minister of state for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Odein Ajumogobia. In his acceptance speech after he was declared winner of the gubernatorial primary, Wike, who hails from Rumueprikom community in Obio/Akpor local government area of the state, extended an olive branch to the aggrieved aspirants on the platform of the party, urging them to join him in the battle to reclaim the state for the PDP. He said, “I congratulate especially all my fellow aspirants as worthy gladiators and publicly invite them to join hands with me in the great task ahead. The task of ensuring a total victory for the PDP in Rivers State; the task of ensuring the re-election of his excellency, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, in whom we are all well-pleased and committed to the cause of his victory in the polls in 2015. “I offer olive branch to all combatants in the struggle to recover for the PDP and indeed all Rivers people, the stolen mandate, currently in the hands of All Progressives Congress in Rivers State. We shall and we should work together, very assiduously to recover what is rightly ours. “I am deeply humbled and elated by the electoral success of the Peoples Democratic Party. It is unique and special that I am found worthy to be entrusted with the enormous responsibility of flying the party by electing me governorship candidate for the 2015 general elections in Rivers State. I dedicate this victory to God


Almighty, who makes all things possible. It is a victory for democracy; it is victory for all of us who toiled day and night to see to the progress of the PDP in Rivers State.” Also, the PDP primaries for the State House of Assembly, which saw many of the aspirants emerging unopposed was greeted by protests from aspirants who claimed that they were cleared at the party Headquarters in Abuja but were surprised to see that they were disqualified on getting to Port Harcourt. The aggrieved aspirants, who are mostly non-members of the Grassroots Development Initiative (GDI), the political machinery of Wike, pointed accusing fingers at the former minister and state chairman of the PDP, Chief Felix Obuah for manipulating the entire process. According to one of the aggrieved aspirants, Tubotamuno Dick, “They have no reason to disqualify us. The whole thing was hijacked by the combination of Nyesom Wike, Uche Secondus and their twoman executive. I have worked actively for the party and there is no way I can be disqualified. “I can assure you that this particular act of injustice on the House of Assembly primaries in Rivers State will be used to address all the issues affecting PDP in this state. People are using their personal interest to jeopardise our entire interest at the expense of Mr. President. “How can a thug pass screening and a lawyer with two degrees be disqualified? They said I am not a party member but it is cultists that are members. The attitude they showing is more like that of a cult and remember Ankiio had said it earlier. I am beginning

to believe what the governor (Amaechi) has been saying that Wike is an ‘ogboni’ man because all their activities are nocturnal and fraternity.” The adoption of Peterside as the consensus candidate of the APC in the state was ratified by the party’s delegates during a special congress held at the Alfred Diete-Spiff Civic Centre, Port Harcourt. The absence of Abe and his loyalists, especially those from the four local government areas that make up Ogoniland indicated that they were not happy over the turn of events in the party. Speaking at the special congress, chairman of the governorship election panel for the state, Prince Austin Eweka, lauded the APC in the state for making the job of his panel a very easy one with the earlier adoption of Peterside as its consensus governorship candidate. Nevertheless, the party still went ahead to conduct the primaries and a total of 3,733 out of 4,321 accredited delegates voted for Peterside. Also, there were 3,914 valid votes and 140 voided ballots. Speaking before the primaries, Amaechi expressed hope that the consensus governorship candidate would sustain the legacies of his administration if elected governor and lashed at the federal government for allegedly ceding some oil wells belonging to the state to Bayelsa and Abia States. The governor’s explanation that about 25 members of the State House of Assembly who are his loyalists would be returned automatically to the House come 2015 did not go down well with other party loyalists who were eyeing seats in the House.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014 The PDP gubernatorial primary election has come and gone with three aspirants including ex-governor Ikedi Ohakim whom Imo artisans are supporting, laying claim to the ticket. What is your opinion on this? We have come to realize that some people in the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) are trying to cause problems and deny the party its chances of winning elections in 2015. This whole thing is really disturbing us because Imo people want Ohakim back to government house. We expect the party to give him the ticket for some particular reasons. The first reason is that PDP was brought back to life by Ohakim. Many of them relocated to Abuja after the party lost the governorship election in 2007. That affected many mechanics. Those big vehicles we normally work-on in our workshops and get well paid were all taken to Abuja. Things became very difficult for us and our families within that period. It was only when Ohakim rejoined the party and brought them back that our business started moving again. The second one is that Ohakim was blackmailed and accused of many things he never did during the 2011 elections. Even some people who are now fighting over the governorship ticket today were behind the whole thing that happened that time. Their aim was to damage PDP and make sure Ohakim didn’t get the second tenure. These people brought confusion in the state and told us many lies which many of us believed. We worked against an innocent man thinking that he is a bad person and today all of us are regretting and suffering at the same time. The third reason is that now we have realized our past mistakes and want to make corrections by electing him back to office. That is the more reason why we the artisans contributed money and paid for his form. Another reason is that we still believe that Ohakim has good plans for Imo people. We are not supporting Ohakim because we like his face but for the fact that Imo will be better if he comes back again as governor.

This is the time for us to correct the mistake of the past. What we should bear in mind is that all that glitters are not gold. We should not allow what happened in 2011 to repeat itself

But the former governor came third in the primary election. How justifiable do you think it will be to deny Hon. Emeka Ihedioha and Sen. Ararume ticket that are presently battling for the first position to field Chief Ikedi Ohakim? We don’t believe that Ohakim came third because it has become known that they rigged that primary election. Those that did the election came with a plan to favour somebody but God exposed them. The delegates wanted Ohakim who would have emerged if the people were sincere. Ohakim has the support of the delegates because they know he is the only man that will get the ticket and you see peace reign in PDP and Imo state. Remember that it was Ohakim that made Hon. Emeka Ihedioha’s third term to the House of Representative possible. Sen. Ifeanyi Ararume also supported him during the 2011 supplementary election. About three other governorship aspirants also served in his cabinet. The aspirants will not reject him because he is the only person that has constitutional one term to do as a governor. What we expect the PDP to do now is to cancel that primary election and nominate Ohakim based on equity, justice and fairness. We believe that PDP has the power to choose a candidate anywhere there

time around. We will prove to Nigerians that Imo belongs to all of us.


“Imo Artisans Will Vote Against PDP If Ohakim Is Not Given Ticket” Comrade Vitalis Nwokocha is an artisan and Chairman Orji Mechanic Village Owerri, Imo State. In this interview with VICTOR OKEKE, he bares his mind on the recent developments in Imo PDP and states reasons why the former governor should be voted back to power is a problem and now that Imo PDP has a problem that is about to destroy it, they should do the right thing by giving Ohakin that ticket to complete his second term. Besides, he has the experience and strength to ensure that PDP wins elections in 2015. Let me say it again that PDP will make a mistake and loose the governorship election if they present that man who always wear green cap. The man has been in Abuja for 12 years and that is why most people don’t know him. We the artisans don’t know him, the traders don’t know him, the rural women don’t know him and the youths are asking who this man is. The only people that may know him are the political godfathers. Then, the other man from Mbano that just returned to PDP is not liked by Imo people and cannot impose himself on the people. In 2011, he came here with broom telling us many things we later found to be lies, and today he has changed with a different story that the broom is no longer working. So, whichever way you look into the whole thing, you will agree with me that Ohakim remains the best man for PDP and Imo people. Artisans in Imo State have big population which if properly harnessed may decide the 2015 governorship. Have you made your position known to PDP bearing this in mind?

Yes, we have over one million members whom we ensured registered to vote. If you add the number of tailors, welders, mechanics, painters, brick-layers, carpenters, plumbers and many others you will agree with me that we have the numbers to make a governor in Imo. Everybody is suffering and nothing is working as before. We can’t fold our hands and die of hunger. That is why we have united with traders to save the lives of our children using our votes. As I am speaking now, most of us can’t even travel for Christmas and New Year celebrations. You can imagine a situation that forced artisans to contribute money to buy the governorship nomination form for him. We did that for a particular reason and that is why he came back to Orji Mechanic village and briefed us on what is happening in his party. We have also gone to the party secretariat along Okigwe road to tell them our mind. In fact, we told them that Imo artisans will only vote and support the party if Ohakim is given the governorship ticket. If they bring another person, our votes and that of our family members will go to another party. We will join hands with the traders and prove to them that we have the population that can decide who wins the governorship of Imo state. We have been keeping quite allowing these politicians to do what they like but that will stop this

What will be the position and advice of Imo artisans to Ohakim if PDP decides to field another aspirant? We have faith that PDP will take the right decision by giving Ohakim the ticket because they will not like to lose in 2015. They will consider personal merits, acceptance and political goodwill. Ohakim is a known name in Imo state. Almost everybody in Imo state wants him to stand for election so that they can correct the past mistake. This is a man that was blackmailed and accused of many things he never did. Now, we want to clean his tears and that of our own with our votes. For instance, Father Mbaka of Enugu Adoration Ministry called him and apologized for singing the song that Ohakim will not rule us again because he assaulted a Reverend Father. Nothing like that happened but people were made to believe that he did that. Also here in Orji mechanic village, they told us that Ohakim had sold it and Nekede mechanic village as well to Anglican Church Owerri and will chase us away if he gets his second tenure. Some of us went to our villages and mobilized our people against him. Others even went to churches praying against him. It was after working against him that we discovered that the whole stories were lies. That is why we are calling on other people who were also misled to apologize to him and support his governorship ambition. Father Mbaka has done his, we the artisans have done ours and Keke operators have also done theirs. We also expect other people that worked against this innocent man to do that for the sake of God. What will be the position of Imo artisans if he moves to another political party? Let me say it again that Imo artisans are solidly behind Ohakim so far as 2015 governorship race is concerned. If moving to another party is what will ensure that he returns to government house and bring our state back on the right track, Imo artisans are ready to support him. After all, he was first elected governor under PPA. The only thing Imolites expect him to do now is to present himself again for election. I want to also let you know that our decision to support Ohakim for governorship has nothing to do with PDP or any other party. Anywhere he goes is where we will find ourselves. In fact our resolution now is that Imo artisans will vote against PDP if they fail to give Ohakim that governorship ticket. What advice do you have for your members and Imo electorate at large towards preparing their mind ahead of 2015 elections? This is the time for us to correct the mistake of the past. What we should bear in mind is that all that glitters are not gold. We should not allow what happened in 2011 to repeat itself. Secondly, governance is a serious business that needs only seriousminded people. We want to grow in our businesses and we believe that the man that can create a good environment for us to achieve that is Chief Ikedi Ohakim. We will not allow ourselves to be deceived again. We want him back so that he can complete the good work he started for artisans and the people of Imo state.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Who Makes The List Of The Right Candidates To Be Voted In 2015 General Elections


AbIA: ADAMAWA: AkWA-IboM: ANAMbrA: bAuCHI: bAYElSA: bENuE: borNo: CroSS rIVEr:



08051766388 08069727798 08036855800 07038460084 08035017848 08131834037 08068640944 08033205775 08083037770 08037058747 07039353422 08034048592 07037241850 08037913122 07032026833 07034246574 08130632281

DElTA: EboNYI: EDo: EkITI: ENugu: goMbE: IMo: jIgAWA: kADuNA:



07035399853 08038841998 08035425690 08134336544 08060356933 08037109108 08030501505 08035321020 08039321465 08059100393 08065461856 08087858009 08063480564 08035988858 08037014270 08037765686 08069625328

kATSINA: kEbbI: kogI: kWArA: lAgoS: NASArAWA: NIgEr: oguN: oNDo: oSuN: oYo: PlATEAu: rIVErS: SokoTo: TArAbA: ZAMFArA:



08091147703 08030652910 08069605069 08033706010 08023039387 08035897465 08033257681 08162117808 08035872613 08034329977 08035796424 08037719628 08078892259 08036206374 08035425021 07069685757 08038362515 08069275611


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Right To First Refusal Is Not American By umar ardo

Before, during and after the adoption of President Goodluck Jonathan as its sole candidate for the 2015 presidential elections, the PDP insistently claimed that the action was based on standard examples from America where incumbents are given the right to first refusal. The chairman of the party’s Board of Trustees, Chief Tony Anenih, former national chairman of the party, Dr. Ahmadu Ali, the chairman of the PDP Governors’ Forum, Gov. Godswill Akpabio, Chief Edwin Clark, and even President Jonathan, were all reported to have laid claim to this assertion. With all due respect, as a historian, and even of common knowledge, I know this is demonstrably false. All through the democratization process of America’s presidential system of government, and especially as partisan politics gained preeminence, incumbents have severally been challenged at nominations. In fact, on many occasions, political parties often bypassed leading candidates, including interested incumbent presidents, in favour of more popular candidates. These are a decimal fact in America’s presidentialism. Beginning from 1843, President John Tyler was bypassed by his Whig party to nominate the powerful

Senator from Kentucky, Sen. Henry Clay. Incidentally, like President Jonathan, President Tyler was the first American vice president to be president on account of the death of his predecessor. Then in 1852, President Millard Fillmore was challenged and defeated in the Whig Party’s presidential primaries by Gen. Winfield Scott. In 1856 President Franklin Pierce was passed over for a second term when his Democratic Party turned instead to nominate his challenger, James Buchanan. President Buchanan himself was challenged and defeated 4 years later by Steven Douglas at the primaries of 1860. Also, in 1868 Andrew Johnson, the successor to Abraham Lincoln, was denied nomination by the Republican Party in favour of Gen. Ulysses Grant. In 1884, the Republican Party again denied nomination to incumbent President Chester Arthur and elected James Blaire. In 1912, former President Theodore Roosevelt challenged incumbent President William Taft, but was defeated by the incumbent. In 1976, Gov. Ronald Reagan challenged President Gerald Ford but was narrowly defeated in the Republican Party’s presidential primaries. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter was challenged by two prominent politicians, Senator Ted Kennedy and Jerry Brown. Carter narrowly won


Although, the party has adopted President Jonathan as its sole candidate because of some vested interests, it is free to do so within the provisions of the law the primaries with 51% but lost in the general election to Governor Reagan of California. President Ronald Reagan as the Republican Party incumbent himself was challenged in 1984 by Harold Stassen and Benjamin Fernandez who together scored less than two percent of the total votes cast. The successor of Reagan,

George Bush Snr., was also challenged as an incumbent in 1992 for the Republican Party’s presidential ticket by a broadcaster, Pat Buchannan, who polled more than 22% of the votes in the contest. Also, President Bill Clinton who defeated Bush in the general elections was similarly challenged in 1996 by Lyndon La

Rouche, a political activist who first contested the Democratic Party presidential ticket in 1976, and former governor of Pennsylvania, Bob Casey. The latter’s challenge was so serious it was widely believed that but for his poor heath, Casey was most set to defeat incumbent President Clinton in that year’s presidential primaries. In fact, to top it all, even President Barack Obama did not go unchallenged in 2012. It is all too well known that there was presidential primary election in 2012 in which John Wolfe Jnr., a renowned lawyer from Tennessee, contested against Obama for the Democratic Party’s presidential ticket. Of course Obama roundly defeated him, but the president was not left unchallenged. These few incidences sited have proved that not only this claim is patently false but has also shown that our public policy arguments are not thoughtful and well grounded. The truth is that the right of first refusal as propounded by the PDP is not the norm in America’s democracy; it is in fact alien to it. Although, the party has adopted President Jonathan as its sole candidate because of some vested interests, it is free to do so within the provisions of the law; but to ride such false and unsubstantiated claims on the back of America so as to ‘justify’ its action is what the Yorubas would quip as ‘iro nla’ . – Ardo is PDP member,

Effects Of Marriage Divorce On Society By Nike Ayo-Fagbe

The marriage institution is as old as humanity itself. The Bible has it that no sooner was the first man (Adam) created that God noted that he needed a companion to check his loneliness. So, Eve, the first woman according to the Bible was created. In Africa, the historical record of past heroes and the mention of their spouses, some who were deified and worshipped up till this day, is a confirmation that marriage in this part of the world is also as old as people could remember. For example, Oduduwa, the Yoruba progenitor in the South West Nigeria is credited to be the husband of Osara, one of the heroines in the Yoruba history. So also Sango, the fiery king of Oyo who was later deified as the god of thunder had as wife Oya who according to history turned into a popular river in Yorubaland and is also worshipped. Similar stories and historical accounts abound among different ethnic nationalities in

Nigeria. In the olden days, marriage was a sacred institution. It was a journey of no return as no parent who had given out the hand of their daughter in marriage would encourage or pray for her return except on occasional visits. The Yoruba juju musician, King Sunny Ade aptly captured this antecedent when he sang: Olele to ba ti wonu eko ko le jade mo, iya onigba, baba onigba o, to ba loo se mo o translating “no bean cake and cornmeal that have been chewed can ever be separated again; parent would not agree if you my love contemplate divorce”. So it was in those days that couples stick to their marriage even in the face of polygamy and some other challenges of conjugation. The reasons for lasting marital life in those days are not far- fetched. Firstly, parents of intending couple would have probed into the background of each other’s family and satisfied that all is well for the lovebirds to come together before orchestrating any conjugal rite.

Secondly, the society was comprised of sizeable communities then such that hardly would any divorced woman have a place to hide her head due to stigmatization attached to marriage divorce. Thirdly, women in those days almost totally depended on their husbands economically that separation from such union would spell a doom. It was an age of full housewife in vogue. One could still remember that up till the recent past in some parts of Yorubaland, women were disallowed from owing or inheriting coca farm due to the economic viability of the crop. It was believed that no man can control a woman who is financially independent. However, the modern day society, anywhere in the world is bedeviled with broken homes, single parents and children uncatered for at the detriment of societal peace. Nigeria is not left out of this ugly trend. Marriage as recognized by the law has long been considered to mark the formation of a family unit. But

recently demographic data shows that the number of marriages per one thousands inhabitants has decreased in recent years, while the number of divorce has increased and this has generally led to an increase in the number of children born to unmarried women. So many factors have contributed to the increasing rate of divorce in our society. These factors can be considered to be finance, misunderstanding issues that lead to dispute, infidelity and lack of respect to mention but a few. All these factors put together have negatively affected the family unit and consequently the society at large. It is no gainsaying that increasing rate of divorce is largely responsible for the increasing rate of crime in our society. Children need adequate parental care to grow and become responsible adults. Where such is lacking, they are easily susceptible to crime and other social ills. There is also the fact that

divorce contributes to increase in population which many societies, including Nigeria are battling to curtail today. Let us take for example the story of Kate. She would have been satisfied with the three children she had for John if divorce had not set in. She remarried and in effort to conceal her past, had two more children for the new husband. Many political thugs that perpetrate acts capable of jeopardizing the democratic set up in Nigeria today are largely children from broken homes who lacked parental care, Unscrupulous politicians easily lay hands on such youths and use them for their selfish and nefarious interest. It is also germane to say that many youths who would have been useful in the collective struggle to build the nation have lost their lives and some languishing in different prisons across the country no thanks to being victims of divorce and its consequence. –Ayo-Fagbe wrote in from Abuja


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

FCT Elections: Former LG Boss Assures Youths Of Better Future By Chika Mefor

A House of Assembly aspirant under the All Progressive Congress (APC), in the Abuja South Federal Constituency, Alhaji Zakari AnguluDobi, has assured youths of better times if elected into office. Angulu-Dobi, who is the immediate past chairman of Gwagwalada area council, disclosed this at the annual meeting of Rubochi Youth Development Forum in Kuje. Addressing youths during the forum, the aspirant assured the youths that he has acquired a wealth of experience that will fast track youth empowerment and development in the constituency. Angulu- Dobi said that youth empowerment will be his cardinal objective if elected into power in the forthcoming election He called on residents of the constituency to be law abiding citizens, adding that true development rides on the wings of peaceful coexistence. He said, “Chaos will not bring development in this area. We need peace. It is important in this constituency. So, I enjoin you to advocate for peace wherever you find yourself.” He charged the youths not to sell their votes, urging them to ensure a free, fair and credible election by protecting their votes. “If you have not gotten your voter’s card, you should make sure you do that because the card is your ticket to vote the candidate of your choice into power. One important thing you should not do is never to sell your votes,” he added.

Gwagwalada Council Boss Reshuffles Cabinet By Chika Mefor

Chairman of Gwagwalada area council, Alh. Abubakar Jibrin Giri, has reshuffled his cabinet for enhanced productivity. A statement by the council’s secretary, Alh. Usman Yahaya, said the reshuffle was triggered by the resignation of the former senior special assistance to the chairman on media and publicity, Alh. Balarabe Abdullahi. According to the statement, Alh. Abubakar is now the personal assistance to the chairman while Alh. Mohammadu Kasimu is the special assistant on media and publicity to the chairman. Mallam Umar Zakari Kagarko is the new protocol officer while Mallam Adamu Hamidu Ikwa is the liaison officer on legislative matters. Mallam Ibrahim Malumfashi is the liaison officer on land matters. The statement said the appointments is with immediate effect and urged those appointed to work diligently for the good of the council. It also called on the residents of the council to continue to pray for, and support, the council administration, adding that the administration has lots of programmes designed to positively impact the live of residents.

A Pineapple hawker along Lugbe, Airport Road, yesterday.

New Year: APC Congratulates Nigeria, Preaches Against Violence By Igho Oyoyo

With hours to the New Year, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) chapter of the All Progressive Congress (APC) has congratulated the nation and the citizenry for keeping the faith throughout the nations trying times in 2014. In a press briefing to mark the end of the year and deliberate on the way forward for residents in 2015, the FCT secretary of the party, Hon. Abdullahi Candido, expressed optimism that the New Year will usher in the needed change that Nigerians are clamouring for, even as he called on them to eschew violence and work towards a peaceful and credible election in the coming year.

Candido prayed that the New Year will also usher in the much needed wisdom to help Nigerians make the right choice in choosing a credible leader, to lead the nation, in the upcoming general elections. He said, “I want to use this opportunity to congratulate Nigerians, especially residents of the FCT and also wish Nigerians a peaceful and transparent election in the upcoming general elections. I pray that the elections will usher in democratically elected leaders. “I hope Nigerians will use the New Year to reflect on what is right for the socioeconomic development of the nation because we cannot develop without a wellgrounded democratic leadership. So, the New Year should usher in wisdom so that the

electorates can think very well in making the choice on who leads us come 2015 because of the challenges ahead of the nation.” According to him, “I think Nigerians need the best and the best is just around the corner. Even if we anticipate a peaceful election, I must call on people, who may have the intention of causing havoc in the nation, to have a rethink for the well being of the nation. “So, I advice that thuggery should not be part of the system, it should never be part of the scheme of things in this coming election, I advice Nigerians to eschew bitterness and disregard people who are calling for division and ensure that there is unity, which will bring about a peaceful election.”

2015: Rubochi Youths Plan Election Conference By Igho Oyoyo

President of Rubochi Youth Association (RUYA), in Kuje area council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mr Joseph Iyako, has revealed the association’s plan to organise a conference to sensitise youths ahead of the general elections, in January. Speaking at the 3rd edition of RUYA day in Abuja, Iyako underscored the need to strategise and educate youths to ensure they are adequately sensitized to safeguard their votes in the upcoming elections. He said, “We want to organise the conference so that the youths and our people will be guarded on how to go about their campaign so that no soul will be lost during the electioneering

period and they would also be able to elect people that will hold our trust when the time comes.” According to him, “Rubochi community has been facing perennial water problem for decades, the community needs to be linked to Kuje town and other councils and this cannot be achieved unless residents elect a leader that has the genuine interest of the community at heart.” He added that the association was also planning a meeting to bring civil servants, who are almost at their retirement age with younger ones to enable them tap from their wealth of experience to boost their budding career. In his remarks, the secretary of RUYA, Comrade Abdullahi Galadima,

highlighted some of the achievements of the association within the last one year to include subsidising of hospital cards from N500 to N200 and payment of hospital bills for patients at the community. Among the association’s score card include disbursement of soft loan to residents, a hand-dug well at the cemetery, renovation and fumigation of Rubochi dilapidated market among others. Highlights of the event were the presentation of a paper by the deputy director of news and current affairs division of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), Abuja, Hurana Kaura, bonfire, football and hand ball match competition, as well as, cultural exhibition.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014




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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


46 Business/WORLD NEWS

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gun Deaths For US Officers Up By 56 Per cent In 2014- Report

A combination image shows mourning bands placed over different police badges at the funeral of slain NYPD officer Rafael Ramos

Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday. Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014

compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers. The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said. “Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than

any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014,” the website said. The deadly ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20 was a flashpoint in a deepening rift between the city’s police department and Mayor Bill de Blasio. The mayor had expressed qualified support for protests sparked by the deaths of unarmed black men in confrontations with white officers, and said he warned his biracial son of the “dangers he may face” in encountering police officers. The shooter who killed the two policemen and then himself had written online that he was avenging the deaths of two unarmed black men last summer in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York. – Reuters

Wall St. Recedes From Record Levels In Broad Decline

US stocks edged lower yesterday, with major indexes pulling back from record levels as the recent trend of modest moves and low volume continued in the next-to-last trading day of the year. The day’s losses were broad if not especially deep. All ten primary S&P 500 sectors were lower on the day, with utilities .SPLRCU - 2014’s best sector performer - leading the decline with a drop of 0.9 percent, followed by telecom .SPLRCL, which fell 0.4 percent. Both sectors are considered defensive groups. Equities have been trending to the upside recently, buoyed by strong economic data and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s commitment to be “patient” about raising interest rates. After the S&P 500 gained nearly 6 percent over the prior eight sessions, it notched its 53rd record close of the year on Monday, while the Dow just missed extending its streak of positive sessions to eight. The speed and scale of the rally could push traders to take profits, and volatility could be amplified with many market participants out for the holiday, which depresses volume. The stock

market will be closed on Thursday for the New Year’s holiday. “I still like equities, but we’re at a point where valuations are no longer really cheap. I don’t see much that looks inexpensive,” said James Liu, global market strategist for JPMorgan Funds in Chicago. Liu said that investors would typically buy defensive sectors in an environment like the current one, “but those are actually the most expensive. The standard playbook has been turned on its head.” He added that he preferred cyclical sectors in 2015. In the latest economic data, consumer confidence rose slightly less than expected in December, while US single-family home price appreciation slowed less than forecast in October. NeuroDerm Ltd (NDRM.O) soared 60 percent to $9.88 on heavy volume after it said data from a mid-stage study suggested that a higher dose of its Parkinson’s drug could provide an alternative to treatments that require surgery. Civeo Corp (CVEO.N), which provides temporary housing for oilfield workers and miners, said late Monday it slashed its workforce and forecast revenue could fall by one-third as slumping crude prices force oil producers to cut costs. The stock plunged 51 percent to $4.07 on volume of about 27.4 million shares, making for the most active day in its history. At 11:00 a.m. the Dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 48.06 points, or 0.27 percent, to 17,990.17, the S&P 500 .SPX lost 5.28 points, or 0.25 percent, to 2,085.29 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC dropped 14.25 points, or 0.3 percent, to 4,792.67. Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by 1,677 to 1,235, for a 1.36-to-1 ratio; on the Nasdaq, 1,451 issues fell and 1,090 advanced for a 1.33-to-1 ratio . – Reuters

Russian Banks Starved For Cash As Funding Crisis Worsens Russia’s banks will likely need more government handouts as they battle the country’s growing funding crisis. The country’s financial sector is under tremendous stress from the plunging value of its currency combined with Western sanctions imposed over Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Starved of international funding sources, Russian banks are finding it tough to lend to local companies, threatening to hurt the country’s already fragile economy. Last week midsize lender Trust Bank collapsed and authorities rushed to its aid. The Russian cen-

tral bank will provide up to 99 billion rubles ($1.7 billion) in loans to prop up the institution. It will also lend about $470 million to the bank that is overseeing the bailout of Trust. Finance minister Anton Siluanov said the government would also boost capital to state-owned banks VTB and Gazprombank. VTB is one of the country’s biggest lenders. But Russian banks will need even more support. Western sanctions enforced over the Ukraine crisis have cut Russian companies off from European and U.S. funding sources.

“Banks need to provide finance to companies that are under sanctions or are unable to go to capital markets,” said Sergey Voronenko, associate director at Standard & Poor’s. So the banks will demand more help from the government, he said. The rate at which banks lend to each other for short periods, known as the interbank lending rate, has spiked in Russia. Overnight rates are around 18%, which shows that even financial institutions are wary of lending to each other -- intensifying their reliance on government handouts. – CNN

Women make their way though Times Square with bags of purchases

US Consumer Confidence Rises In December US consumer confidence increased in December, bolstered by a brightening jobs situation that left perceptions about economic conditions at a high last seen in February 2008, according to a private sector report released on Tuesday. The Conference Board, an industry group, said its index of consumer attitudes rose to 92.6 from an upwardly revised 91.0 the month before. Economists expected a reading of 93.0 for December, according to a Reuters poll. “Consumer confidence rebounded modestly in December, propelled by a considerably more favorable assessment of

current economic and labor market conditions,” Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators at The Conference Board, said in a statement. “... They are more confident at year-end than they were at the beginning of the year.” The expectations index in December was 88.5 versus November’s revised 89.3, and the present situation index rose to 98.6 from a revised 93.7 in November. The present situation index is now at its highest level since February 2008. The “jobs hard to get” index was 27.7 in December, versus a revised 28.7 the month before. – Reuters

First UK Ebola Patient Moved From Scotland To London A health care worker who was diagnosed with the Ebola virus after returning to Scotland from Sierra Leone was transferred early Tuesday to the Royal Free Hospital in London. The woman is Pauline Cafferkey, 39, of Glasgow, Scotland, the hospital said. She was working with Save the Children at an Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone, said Michael von Bertele, humanitarian director at that organization. She traveled via Casablanca, Morocco, and London Heathrow Airport before arriving at Glasgow Airport on a British Airways flight late Sunday night, the Scottish health agency NHS Scotland said. After feeling unwell Monday, she sought medical attention and became the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola within the United Kingdom. British media outlets said Caffer-

key is a public health nurse in Scotland’s South Lanarkshire area who was part of a 30-strong team of medical volunteers deployed to West Africa by the UK government last month in a joint endeavor with Save the Children. She was reportedly transferred to London in a military aircraft fitted with an isolation pod. The Royal Free Hospital is equipped with a high-level isolation unit, with access restricted to specially trained medical staff. A specially designed tent, with controlled ventilation, is set up over the patient’s bed. A British volunteer nurse, William Pooley, was successfully treated in the unit after he was brought home from Sierra Leone in August, having been diagnosed with Ebola there. – CNN

‘Coup Attempt Foiled’ In Gambia An attempted coup by a group of Gambian soldiers while the country’s longstanding president was abroad has been foiled, military and diplomatic sources have said. The AFP news agency, quoting military sources, on Tuesday said three coup plotters, including the alleged ringleader, had been killed. A Gambian diplomat said the presidential palace in the heart of the small city on the Gambia river was attacked at about 03:00 GMT by armed men including members of the presidential guard. “They wanted to overthrow the regime,” the military source said. The pre-dawn assault triggered

panic in the tropical city, while national radio went off air for several hours and state television was suspended. Former vice president of the country, Bakary Darbo, told Al Jazeera it was too early to say for sure if it had been a coup attempt. “I hold on to the view that there have been two incidents of gunfire, whether it amounts to a coup we will have to see,” he said. “[President] Jammeh wields considerable powers, many of it unconstitutionally. There are supposed to be checks and balances, but in reality all of these have been encroached upon. – Al Jazeera

news south-South south-East 47

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fuel Scarcity Persists In Benin The perennial scarcity of petroleum products, notably Premium Motor Spirit (Petrol) which characterised the yuletide has continued to hit Benin City and its environs, less than 24 hours to the New Year. Consequently, long queues of vehicles and increased human traffic of anxious buyers with jerry cans have become prominent features in the few filling stations that are selling the products. When LEADERSHIP went round the city yesterday, virtually all the filling stations along the ever busy Akpakpava Road were closed to business following scarcity of the products. However, Conoil filling station was seen dispensing fuel with only two dispensing pumps as long queues of vehicles in a disorderly manner pervaded the station. By Patrick Ochoga, Benin City

Odili’s Regrets On Amaechi Selfish – Nwuke By Anayo Onukwugha, Port Harcourt

A federal lawmaker and chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Rivers State, Hon Ogbonna Nwuke has described as selfish the statement credited to the former governor of the state, Dr Peter Odili, that he regretted supporting Hon Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi in his political career to eventually become the governor of Rivers State in 2007. Odili had, while speaking at Ndoni in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni local

government area of the state, during the campaign tour of the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state, Chief Ezebunwo Nyesom Wike, alleged that Amaechi on becoming governor dismantled all the enduring structures that the founding fathers of the PDP had built with great care and vision. He said, “We thought we did the right thing by supporting Amaechi to become the governor of the state. We left a united state. We also left a united party. PDP was one.

Rivers State is PDP. There was no other party in Rivers State other than the PDP. Whatever the party hierarchy said would happen happened. The secretary is here to support what I am telling you here today.” But speaking to newsmen in Port Harcourt yesterday, Nwuke, who represents Etche/Omuma Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, wondered why Odili would regret supporting an incumbent governor who has performed well in office.

He said, “For men like Odili who we like to see as statesmen, there are comments that should not come from them and this is one of the regrettable comments. It shows that when it became clear that Odili wasn’t going to be president or vice president, he needed to get somebody he could control. “Now, the issue is not whether Odili regrets his support for Amaechi or not; the issue is whether Amaechi did well in office. If the answer is yes, then Odili’s regrets become selfish”.

short news Ndokwa People Will Rule Delta For 32 Years – Ilome

Rivers: PDP Chides Horsfall Over Call For Wike’ Substitution The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Rivers State has chided Chief Albert Horsfall for giving the national leadership of the party until January 5, 2015 to substitute its governorship candidate in the state, Chief Ezebunwo Nyesom Wike with a candidate from the riverine area of the state. The party said any opinion or view demanding that Wike should step down as the party’s governorship candidate amounts to day-dreaming as such is not only nonsensical but also against democratic principles. Horsfall had while addressing a meeting of the Rivers Elders and Leaders Council (RELC), at Omagwa, near Port Harcourt last Monday, warned that the people of the state may vote for a riverine candidate of any leading political party in the state should the PDP fail to withdraw Wike from the race within seven days. By Anayo Onukwugha, Port Harcourt

Rivers Guber Race: Why I Want A Female Running Mate – Wike The governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Rivers State, Chief Ezebunwo Nyesom Wike, yesterday presented Dr (Mrs) Ipalibo Banigo as his running mate for the 2015 election in the state. Speaking during the presentation, Wike said the choice of a female running mate was informed by the desire to create a special place for women to play active roles in the politics and development of the state. Wike’s running mate was a career public servant, who had at various times held offices such as permanent secretary, head of service and secretary to the state government, before retiring from the state public service. By Anayo Onukwugha, Port Harcourt

Rivers Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate, Mr Nyesom Wike; his running mate, Mrs Ipalibo Banigo and PDP deputy national chairman, Mr Uche Secondus, at the public presentation of the deputy governorship candidate in Port Harcourt, yesterday. PHOTO BY NAN.

2015: Dickson Predicts Victory For Jonathan By Osa Okhomina, Yenagoa

The Bayelsa State governor, Hon Seriake Dickson has predicted victory for President Goodluck Jonathan in the 2015 presidential election, declaring that the score card and credibility of his administration are clear edges above other presidential aspirants. Governor Seriake Dickson, while speaking during his message to the people of the state at the last edition of the state’s monthly Praise Night

at the King of Glory Chapel, Government House, said the victory will also be based on constant prayers from Nigerians for the country to overcome the present security challenges. He said, “President Goodluck Jonathan will emerge victorious at the 2015 elections because of his score card and credibility. With constant prayers from Bayelsans and leaders at all levels, he would emerge victorious because God answers prayers. Nigerians should pray for the leaders of the state and the Dr Goodluck

Jonathan-led federal government to overcome the difficult circumstances the administration is going through.” Governor Dickson, while wishing the people of the state a Merry Christmas and a prosperous crisisfree 2015, prayed for security and peace across the land and unprecedented progress and development in Bayelsa in the New Year. I thank God for his mercies for the state, the crises-free election and tremendous level of infrastructural development across the state”

Members of a non-political group called Concerned Sons and Daughters of Ndokwa, Delta State, have predicted that the people of Ndokwa will rule the state for more than 32 years because many other ethnic groups will clamour for it after 2019. The convener of the group, Mr Duke Daniel Chukwuma Ilome made this statement in an interview with our correspondent in Asaba. According to Ilome, the bad leadership in Ndokwa had caused the people continuous marginalisation in the scheme of things in the country. By Kola Eke-Ogiugo, Asaba

1999 Odi Massacre: IYC Condemns Alleged Diversion Of N600m Compensation By Osa Okhomina, Yenagoa

The umbrella body of the Ijaw youths worldwide, the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC), has described as “betrayal of trust” the action of those accused of complicity in the alleged diversion of N600million out of the N15billion compensation paid to Odi Community in Kolokuma-Opokuma local government area of Bayelsa State as a result of the Odi massacre of 1999.

The IYC, in a statement issued yesterday in Yenagoa and signed by its spokesman, Comrade Eric Omare, said the alleged diversion and the violent clashes over the sharing formula in the community have betrayed all those who paid the ultimate price, those alive to fight for justice for Odi Community and the entire Ijaw Nation. Omare said, “The N15billion compensation was paid as a result of the military invasion the

community suffered in 1999, hence, the IYC is of the view that the money should be channelled mainly into the reconstruction of the community and the future educational development of indigent Odi indigenes. We condemn and oppose sharing of money to individual members of the community in all its ramifications.” He, however, suggested that the proposed Odi Reconstruction Committee and Trustees be

made up of representatives of the different quarters that make up Odi Community and special interest groups such as Elders, Women and Youths. He added that the Reconstruction Committee would be mandated to use substantial part of the money to rebuild the Odi Community and if possible relocate and build a new Odi considering the flood prone nature of the community.

48 news south-west Retired Teachers Beg Jonathan, PENCOM To Pay Pension

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ogun Pays December Salary, Bonus

Barely 24hours to the end of the year, scores of retired teachers yesterday in Abeokuta, called on President Goodluck Jonathan to direct National Pension Commission (PENCOM) to mandate their Pension Fund Administrator, Premium Pensions to release their pensions without further delay. The teachers, who addressed journalists yesterday at the premises of the Nigerian Union of Journalists headquarters (NUJ), at Oke – Ilewo, Abeokuta, said the suffering they go through is unbearable as a result of non-payment of their pension. The retirees were mainly the three batches of teachers from the Abeokuta South local government area. By Gbenga Adeboye, Abeokuta

By Gbenga Adeboye, Abeokuta

Ogun State government said it had paid December salary in spite of the dwindling financial situation in the state. This was disclosed yesterday by the secretary to the state government, SSG, Taiwo Adeoluwa, at a press conference in Abeokuta. According to him, the disclosure became imperative to counter the claim of the chairman Joint Negotiating Council, JNC, in the state,

Mr Abiodun Olakanmi, that December salary had not been paid. The JNC chairman, earlier on a radio programme alleged that civil servants in the state had not received their December salary. Adeoluwa said, “ I am happy to tell you that December salary of all workers in Ogun State has been paid today.” “I am equally happy to announce to our workers that additional 10 % bonus has been paid along with the salary. What this means is that

our workers will be receiving two alerts.” Asked whether individual workers had collected the salary, the commissioner for finance, Mrs Kemi Adeosun, clarified that collection of the salary depended largely on individual banks of the workers. She further stated that unlike other states that are owing salary for two to four months, Ogun State has been paying over N6 billion to its workforce even in the face of “unprecedented financial challenges.”

Buhari Will Tackle Insurgency – APC The Ekiti State All Progressives Congress (APC) Elders Forum has said that Gen. Muhammadu Buhari’s military experiece woud help Nigeria in tackling Boko Haram insurgency and other militant groups threatening the corporate existence of the country. The group also expressed optimism that the emergence of Buhari as the party’s presidential candidate for the 2015 general elections will put an end to corruption that characterised the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)led administration. Speaking with a cross-section of journalists yesterday in AdoEkiti, the spokesperson of APC Elders Forum in the state, Dr. Bayo Orire, said a Buhari-led APC administration will provide the government that every Nigerians deserve and give new direction on how things should be done. By Alo Abiola, Ado-Ekiti

Taraba Guber: Group Threatens To Boycott 2015 Elections

The Taraba Peoples Assembly (TPA) has threatened to boycott the 2015 general elections and vote out President Goodluck Jonathan over what it described as “Abuja’s selection” of the state PDP governorship candidate. The socio-cultural group, in a statement signed by its national coordinator, Martins Andekin accused the PDP and President Goodluck Jonathan of moving the state PDP governorship primaries to Abuja to achieve selfish political interest of an unnamed retired general from the state. The group also urged the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to reject the PDP candidate. By Edegbe Odemwingie, Abuja

L-R: Chief executive officer Marthee’s International, Mrs Christie Adejoh; former Kogi State commissioner, Malam Suleiman Baba Ali; APC national leader, Bola Tinubu; Osun State governor, Rauf Aregbesola and his wife, Sherifat Aregbesola and former executive director, Sterling Bank, Alhaji Abubakar Sule, before the governor’s inauguration in Osogbo.

2015: Eschew Violence, Folarin Tells Politicians By Adebayo Waheed, Ibadan

The gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Oyo State, Senator Teslim Kolawole Folarin, has called on all politicians and major players of the democratic process to eschew violence and avoid mudslinging, if the primary motive of contesting was to serve the people. Folarin, in a statement by his director of Media and Strategy, Victor Oluwadamilare, in Ibadan yesterday, said “As we all eagerly await the New Year 2015, all hands must be on deck to ensure hitch- free election and smooth transition”.

He noted that no individual ambition should be allowed to plunge Oyo State into a needless crisis, because when two elephants fight, it is the grasses that suffer. “We must do nothing to promote violence and refrain ourselves from encouraging thuggery and hooliganism”, adding that “ what will be will be.” “In everything we do or say, we should consider our people’s general interest and well being, since development only thrives in a peaceful and serene environment,” he said. Folarin, who said he did not subscribe to politics of life and death, advised youths who are being used as

political thugs by wicked and conscienceless politicians for their inordinate ambitions, to look for something meaningful to do instead of toying with their precious lives. While noting that no politician will use his children as thugs he wondered why other people’s children should be used as sacrificial lambs. Meanwhile, over 10,000 members of the PDP from Ibadan South East and South West local government areas of Oyo State, led by Alhaji Rabiu Anisere on Monday, stormed the house of Senator Teslim Folarin to pledge their unflinching support to the PDP standard bearer.

short news

‘Only Buhari Can Save Nigeria’ Buhari Youth Organisation, BYO, a body of young men and women across the country, has declared the former head of state and presidential candidate of All Progressives Congress, APC as the only individual that Nigerians can trust to save the country. This position was taken by the organisation in Abeokuta during a rally in support of the candidacy of the retired general, yesterday. Addressing the crowd of youth at the rally, chairperson of the organisation in the state, Hon. Bolanle Akinbile said the youth of the country are rooting for Buhari because “he has been tested and trusted to be the only candidate with integrity to do what he says”. According to her, all the problems confronting the country are man made and they required a committed man like Buhari to solve them. “The youth of this country are tired of the present system of corruption, insecurity and other vices. We earnestly desire a change and the only man we are convinced, can save the country is General Buhari.” By Gbenga Adeboye, Abeokuta

Group Warns APC Against Fielding Unpopular Candidates By jOSHUA DADA, Osogbo

Concerned members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ifedayo local government area of Osun State has called on the leadership of the party in the state to revisit the selection of the party’s candidate for the Ifedayo state constituency in the 2015 general elections. A statement signed by the co-

ordinator, Mr Adewole Femi and the secretary, Hon Tunrayo Ajayi and made available to newsmen in Osogbo said it is important to revisit the process that produced Mr Musibau Azeez as the party’s candidate in the interest of the party. According to the statement, Hon Afolabi Atolagbe who is the current deputy leader in the State House of Assembly is the choice

of members of the party in the constituency. While claiming that the party still have the opportunity to revisit the selection of candidates to ensure the chances of the party in the election, Adewole Femi said the massive opposition to the candidate picked by the party informed the decision to call on the governor and the party to revisit the choice of Azeez.

“Following the rejection of Mr Musbau Azeez, by the majority of our party members we have however consulted all stakeholders in Ifedayo which include the party leaders, traditional rulers, community leaders, religious leaders, youth organisations, farmers and elites in the council area and we have come to a conclusion that Hon Afolabi Atolagbe is the popular choice of the people.”

news Lagos 49

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lagos Taskforce Sacks Land Grabbers From Estate Officials of the Lagos State Taskforce on Environmental and Special Offences (Enforcement) Unit yesterday dislodged certain individuals alleged to be land grabbers from Stardust Estate located in Gbagada area of the state. Our correspondent learnt that thugs fomenting trouble in the estate fled the area when armed taskforce officials led by their chairman, Bayo Sulaiman, a chief superintendent of police, stormed the estate that was built by Stardust Estate Limited after purchasing the property from the Lagos State Government in 2007 with a bank loan of over N1.5 billion. It was gathered that the suspected land grabbers seized the property from the developer, claiming it belongs to the Oloto Ruling Family after using thugs to sack the developer from work. Confirming the incident, the Taskforce chairman, Sulaiman said Stardust legally acquired the property, which is about 27 plots, from the government to build an estate and obtained C of O for the property. According to him, further survey carried out by the surveyor general’s office showed that the land in question did not belong to the Oloto ruling family and that the attorney-general of the state, through the solicitor-general had written to the Oloto family to stay away from the land, but that the family refused and took over possession of the already built estate and put the houses in it up for sale. George Okojie, Lagos

Funmi Iyanda Foundation Holds Valedictory Show For Fashola The annual January 1st ChangeA-Life TV special is coming up once again. This edition is the valedictory show for Governor Babatunde Fashola, in appreciation of his consistent support for Change-ALife over for the past eight years. Funmi Iyanda, founder of Change-A-Life, will host the show, with Dele Momodu, publisher of Ovation International, as co-host, This year, the foundation will also recognize and acknowledge organizations and individuals for their contributions towards making a change in society in various areas of focus for the show. Various stakeholders and organizations will discuss prominent and life-changing issues that occupied Nigeria and Nigerians in 2014. In addition, the foundation will launch its social community – The CAL Community – to provide a platform for sharing ideas about changing lives in the society. By Olugbenga Soyele, Lagos

Why America Stopped Buying Nigeria's Crude Oil – Yishawu By Taiwo Ogunmola-Omilani, Lagos

The lawmaker representing EtiOsa constituency 2 in the Lagos State House of Assembly, Hon. Gbolahan Yishawu, has said the nited State of America (USA) deliberately stopped buying crude oil from Nigeria as a form of sanction, saying it is high time government took drastic action about the parlous state of the economy. He disclosed this while reacting to the economic situation of the

country. Yishawu emphasised that the country has a big problem on her hands and that the Federal Government of Nigeria does not know the solution to our economic-cum security problems. Reacting to the missing Chibok girls, the lawmaker added, "Unfortunately you can see that the federal government is not interested in finding the girls. They feel they have paid the parents off. You can see the way they are going about it;

it is unfortunate." Yishawu said he expected President Goodluck Jonathan to hand over to the next president as he lacks the ability to solve economic problems. "You can have someone from the World Bank experimenting with our economy. Shell said it two or three years back that they were going to start a new system, what did we do as a nation? Rather, we are using fire brigade approach. They are now trying to increase taxes and in-

troducing luxury tax and what have you. All these would not work; it is not the issue. If we remove tax from the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), what do we have left? We are collecting only 2% as tax, whereas the standard is 20%. Even in war-torn countries, the percentage is 11%, but Nigeria is far from that. "This means there is large inefficiency in tax collection. You knew this was going to happen two years ago, why not improve on your tax collection method."

L-R: Apc Lagos governorship candidate, Mr Akinwumi Ambode; vice presidential candidate, Prof Yemi Osinbajo; Governor Babatunde Fashola and his deputy, Mrs Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, at the governor's town hall meeting with artisans, tradesmen and farmers in Lagos, yesterday. Photo By Nan

Only Those Who Love Hunger, Poverty Will Vote Jonathan In 2015 – Osinbajo By George Okojie , Lagos

The vice presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Professor Yemi Osinbajo yesterday said Nigerians were tired of the mess the President Goodluck Jonathan-led government has plunged the country into, saying only Nigerians that like poverty, hunger and want will vote for his return in 2015. The former attorney-general of Lagos State who spoke at a town hall meeting with artisans, tradesmen and farmers, organized by the Lagos State govern-

ment and held at Blue Roof, LTV, Agidingbi, Ikeja, reiterated that there must be a change of government at the federal level to liberate Nigerians from poverty. According to Osinbajo, “No one is ignorant of all that is happening to us in this country. No one likes hunger and poverty but people are hungry. In 2015, only those who love to continue to be hungry would prefer that the government in power at the centre remains there. “By God’s grace, we would remove them from the seat of power. The peo-

ple there presently cannot do anything because they don’t know how to. They lack the capacity and capability to govern the country. I pray for the farmers and artisans that the Lord will bless us in the incoming year.” He lauded Governor Fashola for his efforts and achievements in Lagos State, adding that he had the best record of achievements in the country. Also speaking, APC flag bearer in Lagos State, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode said APC had continuously provided good governance to the people of the state.

Lagos Wins 2014 National JETS Competition By George Okojie, Lagos

Lagos State has emerged the overall winner in the 2014 edition of the National Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists (JETS) . The commissioner for education, Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye, who disclosed this in Lagos, explained that the state’s contingent won the first positions in InterState Quiz Competition, National Theme Project, Free Choice Proj-

ect and Physics Competitions; third positions in Physics and Technology Competitions and fourth position in Mathematics competition. She noted that Master Kadiri Ogbaji and Ibrahim Shamusideen, both of Abibat Mogaji Millennium Senior Secondary School, Agege, came first in the National Theme Project competition with their winning project on Mobile Energy and Fertilizer Machine, while Fisayo Fatoye and Abiola Omosowon - both

of Doregos Private Academy, Ipaja came first in the Free Choice Project Competition with their project entitled 'Power Generation Through Resonance. The commissioner said the two projects won by the state automatically qualified the state to represent the country at the 2015 edition of the International Science and Technology Competition whose venue and dates would be determined by the Federal Ministry of Education.

Oladunjoye added that Lagos State also produced the best female JETS students in the competition , noting that the state has consistently been recording the best performance in the competition, both at national and international levels. She said the state was the country’s representative at the 2013 Taiwan International Science Fair where she came second and third in the Chemistry category of project exhibition at the fair.

50 news NATIONAL Kale, Adadevoh Named Among 2014 LSDP Top By Donatus Nadi, Lafia Global Thinkers

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Al-Makura Is Not Dead – Aide

Lo Spazio della Politica (LSDP), a global personality assessment organisation, has listed the statistician-general of the federation, Dr Yemi Kale and the late Stella Ameyo Adadevoh among the 100 Global Thinkers of the year 2014. In the list entitled ‘The LSDP Top 100 Global Thinkers of 2014,’ the organisation said it listed Dr Kale because “he led Nigeria’s overhaul of its GDP, which made the country the largest economy of Africa. Adadevoh who was number one got on the list in memory of her actions after the identification of Ebola’s “patient zero” in Nigeria. She laid down her life to prevent the catastrophic spread of the virus in Nigeria and globally. By Shirley Igbinedion, Abuja

New Year: NOA Urges Citizens To Keep Faith In Nigeria The director general of the National Orientation Agency (NOA), Mr Mike Omeri, has urged Nigerians at home and abroad to increase their faith in the country in the coming year. Omeri who stated this in his New Year message delivered to newsmen by Mr Paul Odenyi, assistant director, press, expressed appreciation to Nigerians for standing by the government and the nation throughout the year 2014 especially in the war against insurgency. Omeri further stated that the challenges of the past year were neutralised as Nigerians resolved to close ranks in support of government’s policies. He enjoined Nigerians to sustain the tempo of resilience against internal and external forces, assuring that Nigeria would remain an indivisible entity. By Patience Ivie Ihejirika, Abuja

Nasarawa PDP Guber Candidate Promises Stomach Infrastructure The gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Nasarawa State, Alhaji Yusuf Agabi has promised to provide robust stomach infrastructure to the people of the state if elected governor. He said his administration would feature both physical and stomach infrastructure to improve the living conditions of the people, noting that it is illogical to concentrate on one and neglect the other given the economic realities of the society. Alhaji Agabi made the promise during the presentation of flags to all aspirants of the party at the PDP secretariat in Lafia, yesterday. By Donatus Nadi, Lafia

Following rumours circulating in the state that Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura died while receiving treatment abroad, his media aide, Mr Yakubu Lamai, has denied such rumours, saying they are “malicious and callous”. Rumours filtered into the state yesterday morning that AlMakura had died of kidney failure in an

undiclosed hospital in the United States were he had gone for medical attention. However, in a press statement issued yesterday evening, his chief press secretary, Mr Lamai said, “We wish to use this medium to assure the citizens of Nasarawa State and confirm with clarity that Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura is alive, hale and hearty”. The statement said the rumours

may not be unconnected with the impending electioneering campaigns when some desperate politicians employ every ungodly means of getting at their opponents rather than selling their manifestoes on issues. “We recognise that this is election campaign period and publicity strategists are likely to use every available tool to gain public attention including peddling unfound-

ed rumours about the governor’s health,” it reads in part. The statement which called for steadfastness from the citizens of the state appealed to politicians to concentrate on making the ongoing campaigns issues-based. LEADERSHIP recalls that in the winter of 2012, similar rumours were peddled when Al-Makura went to the United States for a minor operation on his hip bone.

short news

Ebonyi Budgets N80bn For 2015 The Ebonyi State governor, Chief Martin Elechi, yesterday presented an appropriation bill of N80, 017, 929, 870. 00 to the State House of Assembly. The budget, tagged “Budget of Transition and Economic Fulfillment”, according to Governor Elechi, is lower than the downward revised Ogun State governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun; secretary to state government, Barister Taiwo Adeoluwa (left); chief of staff to the budget of N85, 634, governor, Prof Ganiyu Olatunde (2nd right) and commissioner for women affairs and social development, Mrs Elizabeth Sonubi 933, 972. 00 for the (right), during the commissioning of the Ogun Transit Home at the Juvenile Correctional Home, Asero, Abeokuta, yesterday. fiscal year 2014. He noted that the budget is contrived to take into account the harsh economic meltdown which the world of today is facing, adding that the main revenue By Abu Nmodu, Minna lor, Professor Mohammed Maitu- Safety Agency (NIMASA) attracted source of the state ure round some ongoing projects in N1billion for capital projects in the being the federal The Ibrahim Badamasi Babangi- the university main campus, Lapai, institution’s Institute of Maritime government allocada University (IBBU), Lapai, has yesterday, Prof Kolo said the inter- Studies and an additional N100miltion is experiencing attracted federal government in- vention was also sourced for aca- lion for renovation of the tempogreat difficulties. tervention to the tune of over demic staff training within and out- rary site for the institute and a facThe governor reN3.25billion in the last five years. side the country. ulty building. gretted that shares The intervention, according He said TETFUND intervenSimilarly, the outgoing vice chanof revenue receipts to the outgoing vice chancellor cellor said the university received tions have helped in the acquisihave plummeted, of the university, Professor Ibra- another N750million from the Uni- tion of teaching facilities leading to while debts owed him Adamu Kolo, was made up of versity Needs Assessment Special the accreditation of some academic the state are either N2.5billion from Tertiary Educa- Presidential Intervention Fund for programmes of the institution. The delayed or not tion Trust Fund (TETFUND) for in- some projects in the institution. projects inspected were completed, remembered at all. frastructural development, facility He disclosed further that the including two lecture theatres, ICT for teaching and capacity building. university’s partnership with Nige- building, twin lecture halls and cenConducting the new vice chancel- rian Maritime Administration and tral laboratories. By Obinna Ogbonnaya

IBB Varsity Attracts N3.25bn TETFUND, Other Interventions In 5 Years

Enugu Ex-PPSMB Chairman, Thugs Attack Gov Chime’s Aide No, he attacked me – Okafor BY Ugochukwu Iroka, Abuja

The executive assistant to Enugu State governor Sullivan Chime, Barr. Titus Ugwonna, has been allegedly attacked by a former chairman of Enugu State Post Primary Schools Management Board (PPSMB), Dr Gabriel Okafor and a retinue of thugs. The incident, LEADERSHIP gathered, took place at a wedding ceremo-

ny in Ukpata in Uzo-Uwani local government area of the state in honour of Mr Peter Ugwonwanne, the governor’s aide’s in-law. The trouble which nearly marred the occasion started when the exPPSMB chairman, also a former Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) state commissioner, arrived at the occasion, accosted the governor’s aide and pushed him apparently to provoke him. Barr Ugwonna told LEADERSHIP

that before he could demand an explanation, the former PPSMB boss continued to push him, while one of his thugs assaulted him. According to him, one of the thugs whom he identified as Benjamin Mebulu, slapped him and further dared him on the orders of Dr Okafor. When LEADERSHIP contacted the former PPSMB chairman, he said he was in a meeting and terminated the call. In response to a text message sent

to his mobile phone, he said: “Titus attacked me in a function and tore my shirt. I taught Titus in the secondary school and you can imagine the type of person he is to attack his former teacher”. In further reaction, Okafor threatened: “Titus has brought ant-infested firewood into his house and definitely, lizards must visit his home. He must find a way to pacify the aggrieved youths he has offended by attacking me”.

news NATIONAL 51

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Delta 2015: Tompolo, Olu of Warri, Urhobo Monarchs Hold Closed-door Meeting In a move aimed at galvanizing support for the governorship candidate of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) in Delta state, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa in the 2015 election, ex-militant leader, Chief Government Ekpemupolo, otherwise known as Tompolo, yesterday met with prominent traditional rulers in the state. Tompolo had met with the Olu of Warri, His Majesty Ogiame Atuwase 11 alongside top members of the Itsekiri Traditional Council in the monarch’s palace even as a similar one took place in Ethiope federal constituency with top monarchs of the area. Tompolo has been linked with playing a major role in Okowa’s emergence as the PDP candidate just as the ex-militant leader was said to have influenced the choice of Barrister Kingsley Otuaro as deputy governorship candidate. Tompolo’s parley with the monarchs came as the Delta Equity Forum (DEF) commended Okowa’s choice of Otuaro, saying it was a right step. All the same, a source close to the meeting between the leaders told LEADERSHIP that Tompolo initiated the meeting with the monarchs in order to ensure a hitch-free poll in the state. But he declined to give details of discussions that took place at the separate parleys. He said: “It is true that Tompolo met with some prominent traditional rulers from my federal constituency. You know that Ethiope federal constituency is the largest in the central senatorial district, and in view of the tension that the loss of Urhobo at governorship primary had generated, I think it was good that the young man took that bold step by reaching out to other ethnic groups. “The move is very auspicious and commendable in all honesty because it will douse a lot of tension in the Urhobo axis of the state; I think people are beginning to calm down and with the move Tompolo has made, Okowa and his deputy will have a remarkable outing in the central senatorial zone even though two prominent sons of Urhobo stock are in the race. On the what really happened in the meeting, the source said: “You do not need the details of the meeting; you should be okay with I have disclosed to you that they met over the governorship election,” he said. Tompolo’s spokesman, Comrade Paul Bebenimibo also confirmed the parley between his boss and the monarchs in a telephone conversation last night. By Kola-Eke Ogiugo, Asaba

Jonathan’s Performance In Transport Unprecedented – PDP

‘He brought aviation to global standard’ By Chibuzo Ukaibe, Abuja

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described the performance of President Goodluck Jonathan in the transport and aviation sectors as unprecedented. PDP national publicity secretary, Olisa Metuh, in a statement said the party and, indeed, all well-meaning Nigerians are happy with the on-going transformation in these key sectors that support greater economic productivity in the country.

“Under President Jonathan, rail services have returned, boosting not only commerce but also national integration. Today, the LagosIbadan- Osogbo-Ilorin-Minna-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano narrow gauge has been rehabilitated with improved fast coaches providing regular services. The Enugu-Port Harcourt-Enugu intercity train has been opened for operations while container cargo freight services from Apapa port complex have commenced. “Already, rehabilitation works on the Port Harcourt-Aba-UmuahiaEnugu-Markurdi-Lafia-Kuru-BauchiGombe-Ashaka-Maiduguri, as well as the branch line from Kafanchan to

Kaduna are at completion stages and will be operational soon. “In the same vein, work on the Abuja-Kaduna standard gauge rail line has reached advanced stage and is expected to become operational in the first quarter of 2015. This is in addition to the Itakpe-Ajaokuta-Warri standard gauge line, which is projected to resume full operation by the middle of 2015. “Other segments of the new standard gauge speed train network are planned, with contract already awarded for the Lagos–Ibadan segment. Already, a memorandum of understanding for the construction of a new railway line that will

run from Lagos to Calabar, extending to the Obudu Cattle Ranch has been signed. “Passengers carried by rail has increased from 1 million in 2012 to 4.2 million in 2013 and still growing with the opening of new lines in 2014. “On land transportation, the investment friendly environment created by the Jonathan administration has resulted in increased participation of private individuals and companies in road mass transit, including those funded through SURE-P and other financing windows, thereby reducing the land transport challenges faced by Nigerians”, the statement said.

short news We Have Not Adopted Jonathan – Labour Party The national chairman of the Labour Party (LP) and Baraden Paiko, Alhaji Abdulkadir AbdulSalam, has denied that the party had endorsed President Goodluck Jonathan for the 2015 elections. He said yesterday in Abuja that it was wrong to link the party with any endorsement of any candidate and that L-R: Minister of transport, Sen Idris Umar; Vice President Namadi Sambo; managing director, Nigerian Railway Corporation, Mr it is mischievous for Adeseyi Sijuwade and Kaduna State governor, Mukhtar Yero, at the inauguration of Kaduna intra-city mass transit train in Kaduna, anyone to say the party had endorsed yesterday. PHOTO BY NAN. President Jonathan alongside the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA). “There is a BY Bayo Oladeji Abuja under PDP in a primaries that was not fair, all don’t want a situation where one parrumour going round and after watching the APC conducted its ty can hijack the government at the centhat the Labour ParA Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) House presidential primaries, very fair and com- tre. So change alone is enough reason to ty (LP) has endorsed of Representatives’ aspirant in the just petitive, and after seeing the combination support APC.” President Goodluck concluded AMAC/Bwari Federal Constit- of Osibanjo and Buhari, who are all men When asked on what would be her conJonathan for 2015 uency, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Ay- of integrity. Osibanjo use to teach me at tribution to the success of APC at the genelection. There is isha Osori, has accused the Peoples Dem- the University of Lagos, faculty of law, I eral elections, Ayisha, who is also the Chief no basis for us to ocratic Party (PDP) of manipulating the believe that is a great combination that Executive Officer, the Nigerian Women’s do that and it is not primaries across the country, as she de- would move the country forward and I Trust Fund, said her years of experience in proper to attribute fected to the All Progressives Congress( want to be part of that team.” the private sector as a lawyer and also as such to us. Firstly, APC) According to her, the performance of a writer, first with Thisday and later with we did not have any Ayisha, who was presented the mem- the “APC governors are very encouraging LEADERSHIP newspapers would be of valmeeting with APGA bership card of All Progressives Congress and they also engage in discussion with ue to APC. and there was also (APC) on Monday, at the party national people, don’t forget that 70 percent of Reacting to the defection, National Secno meeting with secretariat told newsmen in an interview the Nigerian population are young peo- retary of APC, Mai Mala Buni, who preany officials of the said PDP does not believe that the country ple. There is no denying the fact that as sented the membership card to the new PDP or President need good people to rescue it from the cur- we develop our democracy, we definitely member, said he felt happy because his Goodluck Jonathan. rent incompetence in governance. need to see changes in the centre, if not party is waxing stronger each day, addShe said: “after running for primaries else, it would deepen our democracy. We ing that such event would be a continuBy Victor Okeke, Abuja

FCT Primary: Ayisha Osori Dumps PDP For APC

UK Records First Ebola Case BY Abdullahi Umar, with agency report

The United Kingdom (UK) has recorded its first case of the Ebola virus, in a healthcare worker who just returned to the country from Sierra Leone.

Hospital authorities said that the victim whose identity was not revealed came to the city on Sunday night and has been in isolation at Glasgow’s Gartnavel Hospital, while all possible contacts with the case are being investigated.

The national health service said that the patient is believed to have had contact with only one other person since arriving in the city, but that all passengers on the flight she took will be traced. Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola

Sturgeon, in an emergency meeting on Monday said that as a precaution, Health Protection Scotland has traced and contacted or left messages with 63 of the 70 other passengers who were on the same flight from London to Glasgow with the patient.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014






The General Public is hereby notified that the above named MINISTRY has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission Abuja, for Registration under Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act,1of 1990.

The General Public is hereby notified that the above named FOUNDATION has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission Abuja, for Registration under Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act,1of 1990.

The General Public is hereby notified that the above named INITIATIVE has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration under Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, No 1 of 1990






THE AIMS AND ObJECTIvES ARE: 1. To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. To win souls for Christ, and prepare people for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

THE AIMS AND ObJECTIvES ARE: 1. To promote the unity and welfare of its members. 2. To give a helping hand to the less privilege in society 3. To empower youths with the needed information (literature, lectures, symposiums, seminars, debates and workshops) 4. Advocacy, create awareness in the society with prevailing event. 5. Be of assistance and support to members



SIGNED: bIMbO AGbOGUN 08067702223

SIGNED: E. R. OPERA & COMPANY 07087009008

AIMS AND ObJECTIvES 1. To encourage community spirit. 2. To promote and engineer Ekpoma social, political and economic developmental agenda. Any objection to this Application should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs, plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this publication SIGNED: SECRETARY




This is to inform the general public that the above named ORGANISATION has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja for registration under Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, No 1 of 1990.

This is to inform the general public that the above named FOUNDATION has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja for registration under Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, No 1 of 1990.





Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the RegistrarGeneral, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within twenty-eight (28) days of this publication.

THE AIM AND ObJECTIvES ARE: 1. To ensure that the less priviledge have access to quality education.

SIGNED: Secretary

SIGNED: Popoola Grace Esq 07030889391

At the Extra-ordinary General Meeting of ALFRED AND PETERSON LIMITED held at No. 7, Fashanu Street, Baruna Ipaja, Lagos State on the 30th day of December, 2014, the following resolutions were duly proposed and passed: 1. That the company be wound up voluntarily. 2. That MR. ADEOLA O. OYEGBOLA (Chartered Accountant) of No. 14, Kajola Street Ogba, Agege, Lagos State, be and is hereby appointed as Liquidator for the purpose of winding up. 3. That MR. ADEOLA O. OYEGBOLA’s remuneration be fixed. 4. That the company secretary be and is hereby authorized to make the statutory filings at the Corporate Affairs Commission.

Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the Registrar-General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within twenty-eight (28) days of this publication.

DATED THIS ..............................DAY OF......................................, 2014 Any 0bjection to the registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this publication. Corporate Affairs, plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this publication. Signed: SIGNED: DIRECTOR





The general public is hereby notified that the above named SOCIETY has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

The general public is hereby notified that the above named MINISTRY has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

The general public is hereby notified that the above named MINISTRY has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

THE TRUSTEES ARE: 1. FALASE ADEFEMI OLAWALE 2. KOREDE AKEEM OLADELE 3. PROF. ADENIYI JACOB OLUWOLE THE AIMS AND ObJECTIvES ARE 1. To unite the members in the bond of Professionalism, good fellowship and mutual understanding. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: bARR. ADEWOYE OLUGbENGA, 96, FAJUYI ROAD, ADAMASINGBA, IBADAN. 07030170905, 08058485069

THE TRUSTEES ARE: 1. Apostle Pemu Awadasioritse Godsevidence - President 2. Apostle Pemu Okiemute Godsblessing - Vice President 3. R. Mene Shola Smart THE AIMS AND ObJECTIvES ARE To propagate and disseminate the gospel of jesus christ to the world. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: SECRETARY

THE TRUSTEES ARE: 1. Pastor Isaac Adesina Abolarin 2. Rev Joseph Olabisi Kolawole 3. Deaconess Ruth Ibrahim 4. Dr Johson Olabode Adeoti 5. Evang Racheal Bosede Abolarin THE AIMS AND ObJECTIvES ARE 1. Preaching the undiluted word of God. 2. Taking the gospel to the next level. 3. Salvation of souls. 4. Deliverance. 5. Missionaries. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: SECRETARY




The public is hereby notified that the above named organization has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) for registration under part “C” of the companies and Allied Matters act (CAMA), 1990.

The public is hereby notified that the above named organization has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) for registration under part “C” of the companies and Allied Matters act (CAMA), 1990.

This is to inform the general public that the above named foundation has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for change of Trustees under Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, Cap C20, 2004.



THE AIMS AND ObJECTIvES ARE 1. PROMOTING COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION. 2. COLLABORATING WITH THE GOVERNMENT AT NATIONAL,STATE AND LOCAL LEVELS TO ATTAIN SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: DR. JONATHAN OGHENEKHOWO-SECRETARY

For booking or inquiry call

> HENRY UBIMAGO 08068640944

> AUGUstINE 08032325988

THE TRUSTEES ARE: 1 Hon. Joels Terkuram Abaver (JP) 2 Mr Mathias jerry Rabo 3 Pharm. Hauwa I. Bature (JP) 4 Evang. David Samson Udoh 5 Deacon Joshua Taiwo 6 Mrs. Kumshie A. Dabai 7 Rector M. Bwala THE AIMS AND ObJECTIvES ARE 1. To promote religious understanding. 2. Educating and enlightening Christians on Health, Political, Economic and other related issues. 3. Organizing symposiums for mutual/religious co-existence. 4. Encouraging Inter/Intra religious harmony etc. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: bARR. bENEDICT T. AZA (08039732408)

> GLORIA OKwUM 08038722368

> ABIGAIL sAMBO 08064382438

NAMES OF OLD TRUSTEES:1. Engr. Abubakar Danlami Aliyu 2. Engr. Babagoni Machina 3. Sheikh Goni Sanda Mustapha 4. Alhaji Shettima Lawan 5. Alh. Buba Abba Kyari 6. Sheikh Hud Muhammad Yusuf 7. Alhaji Yusuf Dalo 8. Hon. Muhammad Auwal Isa Danchuwa 9. Barr. Ado Isiyaku 10. Muhammad Umar Abuabdulahad NAMES OF NEW TRUSTEES:1. Engr. Abubakar Danlami Aliyu 2. Engr. Babagoni Machina 3. Sheikh Goni Sanda Mustapha 4. Alhaji Shettima Lawan 5. Alhaji Bukar Dauda 6. Sheikh Hud Muhammad Yusuf 7. Alhaji Yusuf Dalo 8. Hon. Muhammad Auwal Isa Danchuwa 9. Barr. Ado Isiyaku 10. Alhaji Lawan Shettima

Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary

Alhaji Lawan Shettima is to replace Muhammad Umar Abuabdulahad while Alhaji Bukar Dauda to replace Alh. Buba Abba Kyari who is deceased. AIMS AND ObJECTIvES REMAIN THESAME Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission plot 420 Tigris Crescent, off Aguyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this publication. Signed: SECRETARY

> GLORIA RAPHAEL 08061356519

> GLORIA ODIO 08034285851

> GRACE OJO 08035054444





The general public is hereby notified that the above named ASSOCIATION has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

The general public is hereby informed that the above named body has applied to the corporate affairs commission for change of incorporated trustee name (IT ) FROM TOTAL RESTORATION INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTRE TO TOTAL RESTORATION INTERNATIONAL BIBLE CHURCH, Removal of a trustee and appointment of 1 new trustee under part “C” of the companies and allied matters act 1 of 1990.

The general public is hereby notified that the above named FOUNDATION has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

The Trustees are: 1. Dr. Kari Umar Abubakar 2. Elder Idang Alibi 3. Prince Olusegun Sunday Adeleye 4. Monsieur Musa Ahmad Hadari 5. Pastor Johnson Oluwarotimi Ayodele 6. Hon. Oluwaseun Olanrewaju Jaiyeola 7. Chief Mike Chiaka Kwazeman Nwachukwu 8. Miss Isio Daniella Wanogho 9. Hon. Solomon Terver Iorpev 10. Miss Chinyere Grace Ezeigwe


THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE 1. To aggregate intellectual discourse through special publications. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: BARR. FOLAKEMI OWOEYE - 08034708305

THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES REMAIN THE SAME Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: BARR.GABRIEL ARIKPO - 08098389118

The Trustees are: 1. Mr Oluwabamiwo Adegboyega Smith 2. Dr Lalekan Ayokunnu Are 3. Mr Abiodun Jolaoso 4. Mr Kolade Mosuro THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE 1. To advance education amongst the youth and children 2. To provide education and training in the knowledge and skills to alleviate poverty 3. To provide financial assistance to the needy students to pursue their education Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: SECRETARY





The general public is hereby notified that the above named INITIATIVE has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

The general public is hereby notified that the above named FOUNDATION has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

1. 2.

The Trustees are: 1. Aderemi Banjoko. 2. Oyinlola Banjoko. 3. Adewale Banjoko


THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE 1. To create awareness and educate the people in the society on the negetive impact of fraud in the society and its prevention. 2. To encourage the youth to shun fraud and all forms of vices. 3. To inculcate and instill the spirit of honesty, uprightness and discipline in the youth Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: SECRETARY

The Trustees are: 1. Prof. John Peter Alawa 2. Prof. Benedict Benapena Naanen 3. Dr. Livinus Baribuma Barikor 4. Mr. Charles Baridon Konyaa 5. Mr. Michael Baribefe Aloega 6. Hon. Loveday Kpandei 7. Gloria Gbaraba 8. Barr Naazigha Lue 9. Dr. Ferdinand Giadom 10. Barr. Joseph Berebon THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE 1. To mobilise the bodo community towards the sustainable development of the community. 2. To mobilise resources and funds for the educational development, health and sanitation improvement, infrastructural development, and skills acquisition to enhance self-reliance for the development of the community. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication. SIGNED: SECRETARY



Gate of heaven bible church

The general public is hereby notified that the above named Ministry has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission Abuja, for registration under part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 1990..

The general public is hereby notified that the above named Organisation has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

The general public is hereby notified that the above named CHURCH has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990.

The Trustees are: 1.Pastor Vitalis Chima Obijuru. 2. Pastor(Mrs) Stella Achinihi Obijuru. 3. Deacon Henry Chinatu Ibe.

The Trustees are: 1. Chief Albert kurubo Horsefall 2. Chief Rufus Adageorge 3. Chief Hycient Olue 4. Sen. Benneth Birabi 5. Barr. Obi Njoku 6. HRH Alabo Prof. Dagogo Fubara

The Trustees are: Pastor Ogidan Oluwatosin Pius as Pastor. Mrs Ogidan Mercy Omolayo Pastor Ayodeji Temitope Oriolowo Mr Saanumi Lawrence Monday

THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE 1. To foster peace, love and unity in Rivers state and society at large.

Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication.

THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE 1. To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ

Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication.


SIGNED: Barr Vincent O. Enemosah

Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) P.M.B 198, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja within 28 days from the date of this publication.

THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE 1. To win soul for Christ.

1. Old. Ekata Rachel Obeahon. New. Ekata Rachel Oseahon. 2. Old. Jeremiah Oseahume Obeahon. New. Jeremiah Oseahume Oseahon. 3. Old. Malcoim Oseilume Obeahon. New. Malcolm Oseilume Oseahon. 4. Old. Keziah Oseiwe Obeahon. New. Keziah Oseiwe Oseahon. 5. Old. Otibhor Isabella Obeahon. New. Otibhor Isabella Oseahon. 6. Old. Solomon Osekhale Obeahon. New. Solomon Osekhale Oseahon. 7. Old. Jessie Oseimudiame Obeahon. New. Jessie Oseimudiame Oseahon. 8. Old. Emmanuella Ofure Obeahon. New. Emmanuella Ofure Oseahon. 9. Old. Imudia Grace Obeahon. New. Imudia Grace Oseahon. 10. Old. Sunday Oseremen Obeahon. New. Sunday Oseremen Oseahon. 11. Old. Oseyande Emmanuel Obeahon. New. Oseyande Emmanuel Oseahon. 12. Old. Catherine Obeahon. New. Catherine Oseahon. 13. Old. Funmilola Obeahon. New. Funmilola Oseahon. 14. Old. Jemima Oseibulu Obeahon. New. Jemima Oseibulu Oseahon. 15. Old. Kennedy Oseimegbe Obeahon. New. Kennedy Oseimegbe Oseahon. 16. Old. Jonathan Ebhohime Obeahon. New. Jonathan Ebhohime Oseahon. 17. Old. Idemudia julian Obeahon. New. Idemudia Julian Oseahon. 18. Old. David Oselunosen Obeahon. New. David Oselunosen Oseahon. 19. Old. Gabriel Osedebamen Obeahon. New. Gabriel Osedebamen Oseahon. All former documents remain valid. The General public should please take note



General Overseer Assistant G.O Treasurer Secretary



I formerly known as UNYIME EFFIONG EKPO, now wish to be known as BLOSSOM YAKUBU SAMBO. All former documents remain valid. General public to please take note.



I formerly known as MOHAMMED ZAINAB ABBA, now wish to be known as ZAINAB ABBA IBRAHIM. All former documents remain valid. Federal Capital Territory (FCTA) Abuja, United Bank for Africa (UBA) and the general public should please take note.



This is to notify the general public of the loss of original Land Documents of Plot No. 945 with File No. 1170 Cadastral Zone Gwagwalada Expansion Extension 04-07 belonging to Benedicta Ernest esiobu ‘f’ of plot 30 amac housing estate sabon lugbe, airport road abuja. All efforts made to trace the said document proved abortive. If found, please return to the nearest police station. The general public should hereby take note.


I, formerly known and addressed as AKANIMO PHILIP IDIOK, now wish to be known and addressed as AKANIMO PHILIP. All former documents remain valid. The General public should please take note



I formerly known as MARTINA IHURU NNADI, now wish to be known as MARTINA IHURU ONYEKA-EGBUJOR. All former documents remain valid. General public to please note.


I, formerly known and addressed as OGUNSOLA OLUWAYOMI JOSEPH OLADAPO, now wish to be known and addressed as OLADAPO JOSEPH OLUWAYOMI OGUNSOLA. All former documents remain valid. The general public to please take note.


I formerly known as Miss. OKUSAJO ELIZABETH ABIOLA, now wish to be known as Mrs ADEREMI ELIZABETH ABIOLAOJUADE. All former documents remain valid. Nig. Immigration and general public take note.



I, formerly known and addressed as PHEBE OLOHIRERE ENAHORO, now wish to be known and addressed as PHEBE ENAHORO AINETOR. All former documents remain valid. The General public should please take note


I formerly known as Miss. OLUWATOBI ADEOLA OYEJOLA now wish to be known as Mrs OLUWATOBI ADEOLA ILORI. All former documents remain valid. The general public to please take note.


I, formerly known and addressed as MISS OGWUN NKEMDILIM MAUREEN SONNYE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS VAN DEN BERG NKEMDILIM MAUREEN SONNYE. All former documents remain valid. The General public should please take note

I formerly known as MISS JIMOH OLOLADE KAFILAT, now wish to be known as MRS OLUSHI OLOLADE KAFILAT. All former documents remain valid. General public to please take note.






I formerly known as RUKAIYA HASSAN BUKAR, now wish to be known as RUKAIYA NUHU ABATCHA. All former documents remain valid. General public to please note.

I formerly known as Beauty Markus, now wish to be known as Beauty Jeshua. All former documents remain valid. The general public should please take note.

I formerly known as MISS YEWANDE OTUOLA FAKOYA, now wish to be known as MRS YEWANDE OTUOLA ISRAELOJUADE. All former documents remain valid. The general public to please take note.

I formerly known as Gabriel BURROMVYAT now wish to be known as Gabriel SANI. All former documents remain valid. British Nigerian Academy (BNA ) Abuja and the general public to please take note.






Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Worst Year For Nigerian Sports – Kofarsoro BY MUAZU ELAZEH, Abuja

The outgoing year 2014 has been described as one of the worst years in the history of sporting activities in Nigeria says National Vice President of Gymnastics Federation, Aliyu Muhammad Kofarsoro. Speaking in Katsina yesterday, Kofarsoro said the nation’s sports was dying and accused the National Sports Commission of failing to discharge its respon-

sibilities. “All through 2014, the nation’s sports performed woefully. The sports federations were dormant with nothing to show. It is quite shameful that Nigeria could not even qualify for the Nations Cup” he cried. Kofarsoro alleged that to make matters worse money was not released to most sports federations in the last two years stressing that paucity of funds hampered activities of the federations and jeopardised the

search for young talents. He urged the minister of sports and chairman National Sports Commission to either buckle up and return the nation’s sport to the glorious year or give way for someone to do that. Kofarsoro who retired as director of sports in Katsina State appealed to state governments to support the search for young talents by according priority to sports development through provision of facilities.

2014: Mixed Bag For Sports In Nigeria – Gaiya By ONJEWU DICKSON, Abuja

As the curtain draws on the year 2014 today, the outgoing year has been described as a mixbag for sports in Nigeria by the Chairman, House Committee on Sports, Honourable Godfrey Gaiya. He said that though it was mostly a good year for the country at the various international outings, Super Eagles’ failure to qualify for the 2015 Nations Cup billed for Equatorial Guinea made it a mix-bag. “2014 was a mix-bag in sporting calendar for Nigeria. We

participated in almost every world sports like the World Cup, Commonwealth Games, Africa Youth Championship, U-21 female team made us proud and the Super Falcons won the female trophy in Africa. “It was a record and the first for Africa that one country won both male and female trophies at the same time, so when comparing the successes recorded and the disappointments, you cannot say it was a bad year,” he said. Speaking further he said that Nigeria’s performance at the Glasgow Commonwealth

Games in Scotland was also an improvement over previous outings, where Nigeria was second in Africa, with South Africa finishing tops at the continent. “It was only one event that gave South Africa the edge. They were able to outdo us because of swimming, which has several medals potentials, but on other scales, we did better,” he expressed. He said Nigerians should not cry over the Eagles’ failure to qualify for the Nations Cup, adding that better things lie ahead for the country in the future.


2015 Glo-CAF Awards Accreditation Begins to Globacom, the accreditation exercise for GLO-CAF Awards which is a media event is coordinated from CAF headquarters in Cairo and it opened on Monday, December 21 to close January 2, 2015. Top journalists and media houses worldwide have already indicated interest to cover the award ceremony to take place at the Eko Hotel Convention Centre, Lagos January 8, 2015. Three players were recently short-listed by CAF for the African Player of the year


All is set for the 2014 GLO - CAF Awards. Already, Media Accreditation has begun in earnest with local and international journalists expected from different parts of the world to cover the annual soccer event that celebrates the best of African football including footballers, coaches and administrators who have distinguished themselves in playing or managing the game during the year under review. According to sources close


Cisse Hit With FA Charge

Newcastle have confirmed Papiss Cisse has been charged with violent conduct by the Football Association for his elbow on Seamus Coleman. Magpies striker Cisse appeared to strike Everton right-back Coleman while the duo were jostling for position at a corner-kick during the Toon’s 3-2 win at St James’ Park on Sunday. The incident left Coleman grounded, and although Cisse escaped punishment from referee Craig Pawson, the FA has taken retrospective action. The Tynesiders confirmed the news in a statement on the club’s official website.


Award and the winner will be announced at Gala night in Lagos. The award categories include African Player of The Year (Based in Africa); National Team of The Year; Club of The Year; and Coach of The Year. Other categories are Women’s National Team of The Year; Women’s Footballer of The Year; Most Promising Talent; Referee of The Year; Legend of The year; Fair Play Award; Platinum Award (which has only one nominee); and Africa Finest XI.

Katsina Spotlights FC Budget N250m For 2014/2015 By ISHAKU KIGBU, Abuja

Pro-league side, Spotlights Football Club of Katsina have budgeted the sum of N250 million for the 2014/2015 football season. Club coordinator, Ayuba Umar, who stated this said the amount will cover signon fees, registration, match bonuses, players’ salary, matches expenses among others. Umar also revealed that to brighten the club’s chances of gaining promotion next season to the top flight league, the club has retained 23 players and recruited 16 new players while 12 were

placed on the transfer market. The coordinator said that the team recruited experienced players from Sharks of Port-Harcourt, 3SC of Ibadan and Lobi Stars of Makurdi in order to fortify the team. He said governor Ibrahim Shehu Shema’s tireless financial and moral support is responsible for the club’s prowess and pledged that the club’s management will continue to do its best towards the overall development of the team. According to him, the team will resume training on January 4, 2015 in prepaGov Ibrahim Shema rations for the season. Follow these reports on leadership.ng/sports

sports 55

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Rooney Calls For Fixture Rethink


NFF Must Change Focus – Taribo Former Nigeria International Taribo West said it would be prudent for the local football fraternity to put the disappointment of the past year behind them and focus on restoring the pride of the national team. West said that while there was disappointment, the Nigeria Football Federation should use all that has transpired this year as an important lesson and build on that in coming months, especially with the other representative teams in Nigeria. “It is sad that we, the defending

champions, will not be in Equatorial Guinea to defend our title. The football world is disappointed, Africa is disappointed and Nigerians are disappointed,” West told the News Agency of Nigeria on Tuesday. “It should be a lesson for the NFF to have a family where only those with knowledge of football administration will be made to run football. “The NFF should take note that Nigerian football is not only about the Super Eagles but also the U-17, the U-20 and the U-23 nation-

al teams. Hence, the structure for the success of these national teams in the international arena in 2015 should be of utmost concern.” One theme which consistently comes to the fore under these circumstances is the absence of former football players in the administrative branch of Nigerian football. “We have ex-internationals who are coaches already. However, it is not all of us who can or should be coaches. “We can contribute a lot in the day-to-day administration of football in Nigeria.”

Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney has called on the Premier League to rethink the hectic festive schedule, or risk seeing players succumb to serious injury. The English top-flight campaign remains the only major European league to play throughout the Christmas period, while this past weekend saw all 20 teams having played two games in the space of as many days. The clubs will once again all be in action on January 1, and Rooney, who started for the Red Devils both on Friday and Sunday, feels consideration for player fit-

ness needs to be taken into account when planning the fixture list. “It is not easy playing two games in two days and you do lose a lot of the quality from both teams,” said Rooney. “It is difficult. We started so well in the first half but in the second half it was tough and hopefully in the future it has to change. “It will probably take someone getting a really bad injury from doing it (playing twice in two days), which no one wants to see, but it is very demanding and I think it does need looking at.”

Schweinsteiger Is A Phenomenon – Sammer


Berahino Not Joining Liverpool – West Brom


Bayern Munich sporting director Matthias Sammer has labelled Bastian Schweinsteiger a phenomenon. The midfielder has been a key part of the Bayern team which won the Bundesliga in each of the last two years and has won seven league titles overall in the 12 years he has been in the Bavarian giants’ first-team. The 30-yearold has also been a pivotal part of a side which has won two Champions League titles, while he won

the World Cup with Germany in the summer. And Sammer believes he is one of the best in the world and admits he is constantly impressed by the Bayern star who missed the first 11 weeks of the current campaign due to injury. “For me, Bastian is a phenomenon,” he told the club’s official website. “He worked hard for it to be back on the court, which has really impressed me. “He is robust, powerful and has

very impressive willpower.” The former Inter and Borussia Dortmund player was also asked for his opinion on the constant criticism Franck Ribery and Arjen Robben face because of their alleged selfishness. “That is absolute nonsense when you see how much of a team player both of them are. They are both world-class players who have preserved their individuality and genius, yet they have integrated them into the team.”

West Brom have dismissed talk of striker Saido Berahino joining Premier League rivals Liverpool in the January transfer window. Berahino has recently been heavily linked with a move away from the club, who sacked head coach Alan Irvine on Monday, with the Reds reportedly at the front of the queue. But the 16th-placed Baggies appear set to dig their heels in as they look to retain the services of the 21-year-old, who has scored eight goals in all compe-

titions so far this season. A post on West Brom’s official Twitter account read: “Ok time to clear a few things up. One final time, this Berahino to @LFC story for £23m is and always has been an entire fabrication...” Ok time to clear a few things up. One final time, this Berahino to @LFC story for £23m is and always has been an entire fabrication... — West Bromwich Albion (@ WBAFCofficial) December 30, 2014.


the only reason some people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory

31.12.14 No. 2,319



The Wednesday Column Hannatu Musawa


wo thousand and fourteen was a very challenging year all round. It was, for the most part, characterised by a high level of violence through conflict between nations, and mass murder as a result of the incessant suicide bombings and beheadings by radical Islamist groups. It was also one of the deadliest years in aviation in almost a decade, with a plethora of airplane crashes and tragedies, mainly from the Asian Malaysia-Indonesian axis based carriers. For Nigeria, it was a year that came with its promise of adversity and disasters of unparalleled magnitude but it was also a year that brought the elements of possible change together. Between world politics, disease and catastrophe, 2014 was a year coloured in black and red. On a national scale, Nigerians encountered their fair share of the misfortunes from the atrocious events that went down during the last twelve months. The year 2014 brought a torrent of dire news for a nation that is all too familiar with receiving ominous news. It was a frantic year stained with death, political intrigue and international shame. It was a year in which Nigerian political office seekers, in anticipation of their aspirations in the upcoming elections, hopped from one party to another, depending on the popularity of the party they were defecting to in the specific area they were contesting. It was a year that certainly took a course of reinforcing Nigerian democracy and giving Nigerians the impression that there just may be a change. The tighter cohesion of the APC, its ability to brake down regional, tribal and ethnic lines and the unconditional acceptance of the party to a broad base of Nigerians during the course of 2014 empowered the party as the greatest political agent of change the nation has ever had. Whether one supports the PDP or APC, the prospect of elections in the New Year has given people hope of a future that provides an atmosphere where their voices

— Paul Fix



Happy 2015: Year Of The Ram, Sheep Or Goat hannatu@leadership.ng

can be heard. And whatever the outcome of the elections, many are confident that 2015 portrays a real scenario for Nigerians to have their say. It was a year where the globe was forced to unite against one of the greatest enemies of humanity, disease. When Ebola began to ravage West African countries, the world, for the most part, turned a blind eye. But, due to the ease with which the virus spreads, the entire world was forced to take notice. In 2014, the Ebola crisis became a very real global threat. In Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, the death and destruction that came with Ebola left many families and individuals devastated. As the year winds down and many affected nations have taken control of the spread of Ebola, we must keep in mind that there are families in West Africa still struggling with the devastation of the virus. Help is still needed in those communities and any support and involvement to help the relief efforts in West Africa will be very much welcome. Undoubtedly, the worst aspect of Nigeria’s 2014 was that it was a year of death. From the start of the year, the violence unleashed by insurgents saw them target innocent Nigerians from the North Eastern States of Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Gombe, all the way to Kano and through to Abuja where a bomb was detonated in the heart of the capital at Emab Plaza in Wuse II with devastating results. The actions of the Nigerian insurgents with their bloodthirsty abandon and turmoil that only lunatics and unreasonable zealots possess has sent a clear message that there is no reasoning or reconciliation with this particular group of murderers. Their level of reckless bloodletting has gone far beyond the point of any possible discussion, amnesty or reconciliation. The sooner everyone directly involved in this battle against the insurgents understands that this war has turned into an all or nothing fight, the sooner they will be able to come up with an ‘end-game.’ The sooner civilians and citizens in

the most affected area are evacuated and the army, supported by air power goes in and sweeps those areas clear of insurgents and their supporters, the sooner Nigerian authorities can bring peace to the North-Eastern part of the country. It was a year when a larger group across Nigeria used their voice to stand in solidarity with the parents and kidnapped children of Chibok. Whether politically motivated or not, they must be given credit for adhering to their conscience and standing for the voiceless in a society that increasingly mulls the voice of the helpless and they found the courage to say, “I refuse.” They refused to continue being conscientious objectors and spoke out for the kidnapped girls who no longer had a presence or voice. They stood up and bellowed “#BringBackOurGirls!” It was a cry that was heard in all corners of the world. The performance of the Nigerian Judiciary in 2014 generated many positive reviews. While under the capable watch of Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Aloma Mukhtar, much needed reforms; great judicial achievements and quick dispensation of justice were recorded. Even with the unwelcome reversal of corruption cases for some high caliber political personalities through court judgments and the bungling of the suspected Nigerian insurgent case, the confidence in the judicial system amplified by the clampdown by Justice Aloma, was not altogether dampened. In spite of the existence of alleged bad eggs and reprehensible members of the bench such as Justice Abdul Kafarati, Justice Aloma did an incredible job in trying to reform and stamp out corruption in the nation’s judiciary and restoring confidence in it. However, as Nigeria’s first female Chief Justice retires, hopes are that her successor, Justice Mahmud Mohammed, will continue the reforms she initiated and to flush out those in the judiciary who have been proven to be less than ‘judicious’ and up right. It was unarguably the greatest year of shock and heartbreak in the

history of football. As Nigerians and other African football fans watched their nation bow out of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, their only comfort was that they were ‘not’ Brazilian fans. In an upset that eclipsed the 1950 defeat that Brazil suffered to Uruguay, like a shaky deck of cards, Brazil came tumbling down when Germany scored four goals in six minutes to lead Brazil, the World Cup hosts, 5-0 after 29 minutes before winning 7-1. To add insult to injury for a shell-shocked Brazil, their greatest rival, Argentina, went ahead to become Runners Up to Germany who emerged as the champions on Brazilian soil. “Painful, painful and… painful!” For Arewa, Kano specifically, it was a year where some of the most significantly great titans were lost. The death of the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero and The Gamadima of Kano, Alhaji Tijjani Hashim has left a gigantic void in Kano society. Their passing and the passing of so many other great Nigerians contributed to the unmatched flood of pain felt by the entire nation. In the Chinese calendar system 2015 is the Year of the Goat, Ram or Sheep and promises much more favorable times as compared to the previous year. Ironically the Calendar says in 2015, the processes that have been unfolding and spreading chaos for the past few years will wrap up and the political and economic situations will stabilise. As a result, the general quality of life will improve and the different crisis that has tormented many will most likely be over. The year will be a period of prosperity and wellbeing and political and economic situation in the world will be devoid of the kind of turmoil and conflict witnessed in the previous years. As the positive events of the year start overshadowing the negatives ones, people of many countries may be able to sigh with relief and restore their faith in the future. Whether the guesses of the Chinese calendar for the Year of the Goat, Ram or Sheep are accurate, one thing is for sure, the scare sustained in Nigeria and every other country

As we usher in 2015 we should be looking to the horizon and dreaming of a golden age for Nigeria and the world. Whether that dream will come via ‘change’ or a ‘rehabilitation of the same’ in the February 2015 elections in Nigeria from the different tragedies will, forever be visible. As we usher in 2015 we should be looking to the horizon and dreaming of a golden age for Nigeria and the world. Whether that dream will come via ‘change’ or a ‘rehabilitation of the same’ in the February 2015 elections in Nigeria, the dream for ‘something better’ can only be realised if and when each and every one of us embraces the challenge of becoming a better person. In the next 365 days, we each have a choice to ‘know better’ so we can ‘do better.’ And as the Chinese calendar 2015, Year of the Goat, Ram or Sheep prescribes; “The creative side of the (Year of) Ram; its diligence applied to hard work ensures prosperity” In the next year, let’s all work harder to ensure prosperity to all.

GHANA MUST GO Jonathan to Nigerians: Endure hardship that comes with falling oil price — News

And with stealing what is left of it?

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