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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dabiri-Erewa: A Worthy Legislator By Femi Odere

By virtue of her trade then as a newscaster in the nation’s main electronic media (NTA), Abike Dabiri-as she was then knownprobably carved for herself an image that the Nigerian public was at liberty to interpret in so many ways. As a TV personality, the Nigerian public probably saw her with different lenses whenever she appeared in their living rooms to deliver her message. By plunging herself into the foul, if not nauseating waters of Nigerian politics, the member representing Ikorodu Federal constituency, Hon. Abike DabiriErewa has managed not only to mitigate the debris that Nigerian politicians characteristically throw into the country’s political pool, but has also made notable efforts, through her contributions to debates and legislations, in reducing the stench in the political waters as well. Nigeria’s lower chamber has 390-odd legislators, some of whom may have found the hallowed chamber so discomfiting, if not intimidating (or both), that their colleagues could have sworn never to have seen them before. Some of these legislators may even be unknown in the constituencies from whence they came, let alone be familiar to that segment of the Nigerian public interested in the business of legislation, for they exist in relative obscurity. They could not say anything because they saw nothing. Dabiri-Erewa, in her twelve-year stint as a member of the Second Estate of the Realm, has proven to


be a legislator of distinction not only in terms of performance but in character and integrity. Her contributions to the deepening of our nation’s nascent democracy as a result of the many bills (some of them unprecedented in the nation’s history) that have become the laws of the land either authored by her or co-sponsored are bound to become points of reference for many years to come. Her contributions to issues of national importance at plenaries can be so passionate that one is left with no doubt that she’s being driven by the values that shapes her being as well as her acute awareness of how a nation must be the protector of all her citizens wherever they may be. As a chairwoman of the House Committee on Diaspora, Nigerians in the Diaspora have come to see her as the conscience of the nation because of the seriousness with which she takes and reacts swiftly to the unfortunate circumstances that befall them either as individuals or as a group in their host countries.

Dabiri-Erewa, in her twelveyear stint as a member of the Second Estate of the Realm, has proven to be a legislator of distinction not only in terms of performance but in character and integrity

A very proactive legislator, one must not hesitate to mention here that one of the greatest disservices that a nation’s legislature must not do to a critical mass of her citizenry (Nigerians in the Diaspora) is the vacillation of this Seventh Assembly in signing Dabiri-Erewa’s Diaspora Commission bill into law before she finally takes her leave in May 2015. But her place is nonetheless secured in the legislature of the Fourth Republic. While the news that the legislator from Ikorodu, of her own volition, would not be presenting herself for re-election took Nigerians by surprise, judging from their reactions in the social media, I only smiled. On learning about her decision, I spoke gently to myself, and said: “This woman is so true to herself,” mentally recalling a discussion I had with her almost two years ago at the Oriental Hotel about 2015. One who’s true to oneself has no other choice than to be true to the entity s/he is serving at any given period. That was the lesson that the universe drew for me to learn from with the news. Nigerians on the social media could not understand why such an effective legislator with very high approval ratings was calling it quits. Others simply thanked her for her decision. Dabiri-Erewa’s refusal to seek re-election in 2015 because she wanted to give someone else the chance to contribute and rise in the business of nation building fundamentally attests to her character – and character, as they say, is what you do when no one is looking. –Odere is a media practitioner

Time To Vote For Money By victor emejuiwe

This is the time for decision making; a time to decide how much money we want in the next four years. The season of elections and campaigns are the seasons where different types of offer are being made; some are paid peanuts for their votes while others negotiate their way totally out of poverty. There are people who don’t even know how much money their vote is worth and they give it out ignorantly. The decision we make with our vote determines how much money we would have in our pocket. As we approach the 2015 election a lot of politicians are currently moving around with money bags; looking for whom to pay in exchange of their votes. It is a season of desperation for politicians; they truly

recognize this period as the only period where power belongs to the people. Unfortunately, those who don’t know how much their vote is worth; do not also know how much power they have. As a result, they have either given out their vote at no cost or at a very low rate. This category of voters needs to be assisted on how to bargain in the 2015 elections. Before we bargain, it is important we cue into the thinking of politicians; first is that the politicians are moved by large numbers of persons who have voters card. The next is that the politicians prefer to buy block votes; so they do their permutations based on how many voters are registered per ward. The third is that politicians make use of middle men to pay for the number of registered voters per ward.

Finally the amount you receive as mobilization fee is stipend compared to what was given to the middle man. So if you are interested to vote for money, would you rather be a middle man or an ordinary individual with a voter’s card who collects stipends from the middle man? If you insist in voting for money, then there is need to consider how much your vote is worth. This calculation would help to determine if it is really worth voting for money. The only reason why people vote for money is as a result of poverty. Therefore, in fairness to poverty rate in Nigeria, you should calculate your vote based on the statistics of poverty index in Nigeria. It is currently stated that Nigerians live below $1.25 per day. The current

conversion rate of the naira to dollar is N180, if you multiply this amount by 366 days in a year, it gives us N65, 880, if this amount is multiplied by four years which the politician is billed to spend in office, you would get a total of N263,520. Therefore at poverty level, those who use poverty as an excuse to vote for money should get nothing less than N263, 520. This category of people should also consider the fact that this money can only provide for their feeding in the next four years and nothing more. Such voters should also note that the amount paid will not provide for affordable health care, education good transport system, housing and even security. –Emejuiwe wrote in from Centre for Social Justice

Guest Columnist By Philip Agbese

When The Messiah Didn’t Come


am disappointed in spite of the fact that my expectations were not set too high so they should have been easily met. But the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) apparently had no such plan to meet the expectations of an everyday Nigerian like me when they promised messianic change come 2015. The entire country had waited with bated breath for the change that was promised. And like people of faith in various creeds, we waited for the messiah or even messiahs that would bring the much coveted change and that is assuming what we have is not already the best. Of course the expectations for change were driven by that primordial programming that makes us human: seeking improvements even when we already have the best, relatively speaking. This was why the recent choices of the APC confirmed our worst fears that whatever change or changes we wish to see are best sought under existing structures and not chase away a demon to accommodate the devil. Those of us who could read between the lines were not yet done coming to terms with the party’s choice of a retired dictator as its presidential flag bearer when this group with chronic obsessions took absurd to a new level with the unveiling of its presidential running mate. The APC opted for Professor Yemi Osinbajo (SAN) as the running mate to retired General Muhammadu Buhari, ostensibly to continue the tradition of doing damage control. The presidential candidate had come out to all discerning minds as a hardliner and religious fanatic so it is understandable that the old strategy of shopping for a Pentecostal pastor to tone down the candidate’s religious perception was again applied. However, that is where the entire value of opting for a Southern-Pentecostal Christian-Moderate ends. The scenario this time has no semblance of anything like when Pastor Tunde Bakare was Buhari’s running mate in a previous election. This is because the APC’s vice presidential hopeful is a product of the ‘Emperor of Burdillion’, Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu, who continues to hold the opposition hostage to protect himself from his past. A story is presently making the rounds about his exploits in the United States in the early 90s. Could this explain why the emperor was insistent on planting his puppet as the nation’s potential number two man - assuming Nigerians fall for the gambit and actually went ahead to vote the opposition to come and wreck the country? This would be a disaster of untold proportions. Only Lagosians can recount the true realities of living in a fiefdom where they slave for the avarice of one man. What is clear at this point, however, is that Nigerians need to go beyond sentiments and interrogate the person of the APC presidential running mate in the person of Professor Yemi Osinbajo. He has ties to Tinubu and these are ties that cannot be easily dismissed as the relationship between political associates. Osinbajo has been Tinubu’s legal strong man for years and it is thus clear to see that for every instance that the former Lagos State supremo had been able to evade, manipulate or simply twist the law, this man being touted as the number two messiah has input in them. It is a given that Osinbajo and his candidate lack the political experience or savvies unlike those they are running against. Perhaps, Nigerians can live with that since it will only entail a couple of years of suffering while the “messiahs” learn how to govern in a democratic setting. The economy is also sure to rebound at some point when these men are done with performing the grandiose experiments they have outlined for the nation; they will at least be forced by circumstances to confront realities.

politics today Tuesday, December 30, 2014


We Are Not Afraid Of APC – Oyedokun Alhaji Shuaibu Afolabi Oyedokun, a former secretary to state government (SSG) in the old Oyo State, is also a former national deputy chairman (South) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and presently a permanent member of the Board Of Trustees of the ruling party. In this exclusive interview with ABIODUN OLUWAROTIMI, he speaks on President Jonathan’s second term ambition, his personal relationship with former President Obasanjo, his vice, Atiku, as well as threats by APC to form a parallel government. As a permanent member of the board of trustees of the PDP, an organ which adopted President Goodluck Jonathan for a second term in office, can you tell us the conviction that warranted the step?

Defection is not a new thing in politics, especially when aggrieved aspirants want power at all cost, and I don’t see this as a threat to our chance of winning in 2015

This issue had been overtaken but for the purpose of better understanding, I think we could still repeat it. We might as well put it this way: Why not Jonathan, because some people say it shouldn’t be him? He is a Nigerian, born and bred here, so constitutionally, I will say he has the right to be the president once again in 2015. He is a sitting president who had contested election once and constitutionally, he has a right to second term. Therefore, he is just exercising his fundamental human right. Secondly, this man comes from a minority area, possibly the smallest state in the country, Bayelsa. What is important is that we are trying to consolidate the gains of democracy by trying to be just and fair in our struggle for power and influence in this country through the process of democracy. If the Southwest had the opportunity to rule for two terms consecutively, the South South too has the right. The zone stumbled into the system and I think they should be allowed for a second term too. We are trying to see that power shifts and power rotation comes up smoothly. By the time the South South finishes the second term, there will be less agitation from that zone again. We’ll automatically know that power goes to another zone and the struggle and bitterness will not be there. This is our thinking. Another way to look at it is this, this man is there and you can see he has an

agenda under the general theme of transformation which is clearly manifest in all aspects of our lives in Nigeria today. However, some people still do not see anything good in his administration but I want to categorically state that if you see anyone who says a man is 100 per cent bad, that person too is a bad man and he is not a good assessor. If truly you want smoothness in our affair in this country, a man has come up to organise in the best way we never had before, a conference which had been the yearning of the people for many years and it was a very successful one where so many issues were cleared and finalised. At the conference, many issues that could change the face of this country were resolved. Reports have been submitted, this man is working on it and he promises Nigerians that he will implement the laudable recommendations, resolutions and conclusions in the report. Supposing he leaves that place now, where do we start again? It means all expenses, all the resources, and all the very intelligent input will go down the drain. Why don’t we allow him to implement this? The problem with us is that everybody is impatient. Everyone wants to be in power. The essence of power is not necessarily you having it but your sincere mind to serve the people. If you want to change a nation, you don’t have to be in power, it may be your son, it may be your brother, it may be anybody. What is important is that if you have a goal, sell it to your successor and eventually you have your way. This do or die attitude of those wanting to struggle it with Mr. Jonathan is totally wrong.

Oyedokun The All Progressives Congress (APC) has threatened to form a parallel government if the elections are flawed. How do you see that?

If you lose an election, there are constitutional means for redress, but to resort to either violence or an idea of a parallel government is coming from those people who are juveniles in politics and have no idea of what has happened in this country in the past. Nobody ever did it and got away with it. They should be warned to desist from such plan. It is abnormal for those people that preach violence, asking people to come out with ‘juju’ (charms) in this modern world where Christianity and Islam and they should be warned. We are not afraid of APC’s threats. There are problems in the PDP now, especially in the South zone which you once headed as a national deputy chairman, arising from results of the last primaries. Some stakeholders have left for other parties. Don’t you see this as a threat to your party’s chances?

Defection is not a new thing in politics, especially when aggrieved aspirants want power at all cost, and I don’t see this as a threat to our chance of winning in 2015. As regards the South, well, I will say that we never had crisis like this in the South when I was in charge of the zone because we were very diplomatic in all our doings. There were certain things that we adopted when I was there. One of it is constant social dialogue among the leadership and one

very important aspect was the establishment of state caucuses, a forum of representatives of the executives of the party and of the legislature. It was well organised. Secondly, many more elderly and experienced politicians were engaged at that time, unlike now that we have so many inexperienced youths on board. Many of them are just coming into politics for the first time without any solid background or previous work experience. In those days, we would sit down, the ministers, the assembly people from each state would meet fortnightly. Unlike before, there is now what we can call individualism. There is no communal effort anymore. How do you intend to capture the South West now that the APC has picked someone from the zone as Buhari’s running mate? Do you feel disturbed by the presence of Governor Aregbesola, Chief Bisi Akande, Prince Oyinlola and a host of others in Osun particularly?

You remember what our performance was before? Jonathan has never fallen below 25 per cent in the South West. You see our performance in the last gubernatorial election in Ekiti State and even in Osun. You see, if that is translated to our expectation here, then we will do well. As regards your second question, I need to tell you that they are no threats. What happened in Osun during the last governorship election happened because of the influence from Lagos State.


38 POLITICS TODAY Rise To International Fame As 2014 rounds up, it will be remembered for a year that saw an increase in the activities of the insurgent group, Boko Haram. The group transcended from an insurgent group to a separatist group as they began to capture territories and hoist flags to show their superiority .This year alone, over 5000 thousand persons have been reportedly killed due to the activities of the insurgents The military severally claimed victory over the war against the insurgents while Boko Haram has continued to claim more territories and murder thousands of people. Also this year, the country witnessed the rise of teenage female suicide bombers. The group shot to international fame earlier this year when its members abducted over 200 girls in a secondary school in Chibok community, Borno State. The kidnap of the girls brought about the famous hash tag, #bringbackourgirls#. First lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, American business mogul, Donald Trump,internation super star, Alicia Keys and a host of other celebrities pleaded with the insurgents group to release the girls but more than six months later, the girls have not been released. Abuja Attacks Abuja, the nation’s peaceful federal capital, was this year targeted by Boko Haram. April 14, 2014, will forever remain a black day in the hearts of Nigerians and residents of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), especially for victims of the bomb blast at Nyanya Park, orchestrated by members of the Boko Haram sect. On that fateful day, the insurgents detonated a bomb-laden vehicle at a crowded bus park in Nyanya, a suburb of Abuja, as they made to work and other activities early in the morning, killing 71 people and injuring 124 others. Barely had the dust from the twin bomb blasts in Nyanya, settled before another location in Abuja was bombed. Scores of people were feared dead as a massive bomb blast ripped through Emab Plaza, one of the biggest and most busy malls in Abuja in June this year.

As 2014 rounds up, it will be remembered for a year that saw an increase in the activities of the insurgent group, Boko Haram. The group transcended from an insurgent group to a separatist group

Kano Attacks 2014 will be a year to remember for Kano residents as the state was hit by several bomb blasts on several occasions. On May 19, a bomb blast rocked a drinking centre on Middle Road, by Gold Coast Road in Sabon Gari Area of Kano State, killing scores of people including the suicide bomber. According to a security source, the suicide bomber was heading for an unknown target when the blast occurred, killing about 10 people. In September, the Federal College of Education (FCE), Kano, was been bombed by suspected members of Boko Haram. Many students were killed in the attack as the gunmen shot sporadically even after the bomb blast. On November 29, Kano witnessed its biggest casualty with the killing of over 200 Muslim worshippers who were sent to their graves by a triple blast that rocked Kano Central Mosque where the Emir of Kano normally leads prayers. According to eye witness account, the two improvised explosive devices inside the mosque and one outside exploded simultaneously at the point worshippers had congregated for the Friday Jumaat prayers. In December, over 30 people were reportedly killed while others scampered

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Insurgency, Botched Ceasefire Deal And Opposition 2014 will be remembered for the astronomical rise in activities of the insurgent group, Boko Haram,the blame game between the political parties over the menace and the botched ceasefire deal between the federal government and the sect. JONATHAN NDA-ISAIAH writes on these and other issues for their lives in Sabon Gari, Kano, as a twin bomb exploded at Igbo Road/ Enugu Road and on New Road, opposite Ado Bayero Square, with another going off at Filin Parking in Kantin Kwari Market, one of the largest markets in Kano.

and propaganda. It insisted that the impostor claiming to be Shekau had been killed in the battle of Konduga in Borno State. That was not the first time the military reportedly killed Shekau. He has been reportedly killed thrice.

Gombe Attacks Gombe State, known to be one of the most peaceful states in the north, which had in the past been insulated from Boko Haram attacks, witnessed several attacks in 2014.The latest was the bombing of a bus station in Gombe City, killing at least 20 people. Prior to that in November, a bomb blast in a bus station also killed eight people with 46 persons sustaining various degree of injuries.

Botched Ceasefire Deal In October this year, Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Sabundu Badeh, disclosed a new ceasefire deal at the end of the coordinating conference on Nigeria–Camerooon Trans-Border Military Operations, saying, “without any prejudice to the outcome of our three days interactions and the conclusions of this forum, I wish to inform this audience that a ceasefire agreement has been reached between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Jama’atul ahlul Sunnah Lidda’awati Wal Jihad. I have accordingly directed, the service chiefs to ensure immediate compliance with the development in the field.” Badeh however did not give details of how they arrived at the ceasefire pact but speaking with newsmen, the defence spokesman, Major General Chris Olukolade assured that the presidency would give the details of how the agreement was reached and the conditions attached. Also, a Nigerian presidential aide, Hassan Tukur told BBC Focus on Africa that the agreement was sealed after a month of negotiations mediated by Chad.

Kaduna Kaduna was hit by its biggest attack yet this year when 82 people were reportedly killed in a twin blast. Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Gen Muhammadu Buhari, escaped death by the whiskers. The Many Deaths of Shekau This year the military reportedly killed the leader of the Boko Haram sect Abubakar Shekau in a battle in Kodunga. However ,Shekau showed up in a video, saying he was not killed, contrary to what the military said. But the Defence Headquarters (DHQ) debunked his claims said it was all lies

“As part of the talks, a government delegation twice met representatives of the Islamist group,” he said, adding that Boko Haram had announced a unilateral ceasefire. “They’ve assured us they have the girls and they will release them. I am cautiously optimistic,” he said. Reacting to the ceasefire, leader of the Boko Haram Islamist sect, Abubakar Shekau, in a video, denied claims of a ceasefire pact with the federal government. Despite the ceasefire announcement, the sect had continued its attacks on states in the north eastern part of the country as well as abductions. Shekau, the leader of the sect who has been thrice reportedly killed, foreclosed the possibility of the abducted Chibok girls being released, saying they had already been married off to his fighters and that the the war against the Nigerian state continues. A new twist was added to the botched ceasefire deal when the Department of State Services (DSS) recently paraded four suspected impostors in the failed ceasefire deal between the federal government and purported kingpins of the Boko Haram insurgent group. While briefing journalists during the parade , DSS spokesman, Marilyn Ogar, disclosed that the fake Boko Haram members connived with the Australian self-styled hostage negotiator, Steven Davis, who allegedly spuriously fingered the former chief of army staff, Gen Azubuike Ihejirika and former Borno State governor, Ali Modu Sheriff as financiers of the insurgent group. Ogar revealed that the former Borno State governor was not yet off the hook and that Davis had not been indicted by the service. She, however, said the suspects were part of the orchestrated plan to spread falsehood and undermine efforts of government to end terrorism. Among the suspects was a special adviser to the incumbent Borno State governor, Alhaji Kashim Shettima, Mr Junaid Idrissa Khadi, 45, who allegedly linked the other fake negotiators to Davis. Others are Abubakar Yussuf, Saleh Alhaji Ibrahim, Abdullahi Saleh, Nurudeen Ibrahim, Mubarak Adamu and Mustapha Maidugu. The DSS spokesman averred that Davis and the paraded suspects were part of local and international groups out to make merchandise of the Boko Haram insurgency through concocted and fabricated stories and said their campaigns were subversive and aimed at permeating and shaping political discourse as well as challenging the integrity of the nation’s security system. The Blame Game As the Boko Haram insurgents continued their activities unabated,the two major political parties, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC) were busy trading blames against each other on the rise of insurgency in the country. While the ruling PDP blamed the utterances of the opposition leaders as indicative of their sponsoring insurgency in the country, the opposition APC cited the incompetence on the part of the president as being responsible for the crisis. After PDP accused the APC of sponsoring insurgency in the country in order to undermine the president because he is a minority, while the opposition party warned the ruling party not to use the opposition as an excuse for the government’s failings and non-performance.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

IP H S R E D ou LE A y r e u r e o y h t w Ge ver y e r e s p e a n p o s h w p e e N obil m aper r p u s o y w e n o N go bile o M N T with M Service is currently available only to MTN subscribers






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labour matters Tuesday, December 30, 2014

NLC president, Omar


1. The Radio Television Theatre and Art Workers Union of Nigeria (RATTAWU) is an umbrella Union comprising of all Radio, Television presenters and producers 2. The Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN) Registered as an umbrella body of judiciary workers across the country 3. The Medical and Health Workers’ Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) Umbrella union of health workers across the country

How Workers Celebrated Yuletide Amidst Unpaid Salaries For most workers across the country who are contending with backlog of unpaid salaries, coupled with rising cost of living and the austerity measures, the yuletide season has been rough and tough, Michael oche and Taiwo Ogunmola-Omilani, report


hile few state government workers have had their salaries paid up to date, a majority have not been so lucky. Checks by LEADERSHIP reveal that some federal and state workers have had to endure hard time this yuletide as they have not been paid in the last three months. In a statement he issued in Kaduna State, Vice President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Issa Aremu, expressed concern over the

non-payment of workers’ salaries in 22 states of the country, which he described as unacceptable. Aremu said that the same governors who have failed to pay workers their salaries for more than three months were able to raise funds to pay delegates during the just concluded party primary elections across the states. He stated that, “We see the delay in payment of salaries as wage theft, wage robbery. It is actually an economic crime because Nigerian Labour law says thou shall pay the

worker as and when due. In fact, by the 22nd of every month you must have paid the workers fully. “We never heard of any delegate being owed a single penny during the primary elections, but they cannot get money to pay workers. In fact, some of the delegates even bought new cars and properties after the primaries because the money they got in just a few days was much more than what workers earn in many months”. Also, the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN) lamented the inability of federal government to pay civil servants their December salaries as well as outstanding emoluments since July 2013. The union said about 30 Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) will not pay December 2014 salaries to their employees. The Union General Secretary, Comrade Bashir Lawal disclosed that thousands of federal civil servants were yet to be paid their December 2014 salaries, adding that the affected workers and their families spent Christmas in pain and bore the pangs of hunger. Even in the private sector, most workers lamented that their employers failed to pay their December salaries, leaving them to celebrate the Christmas in pain. Some workers who spoke to leadership stated that they were unable to enjoy the thrills of the festivity due to the lack of ‘spending power.’ Meanwhile, the ASCSN maintained that the inability of the Federal Government to pay salaries had lent credence to the belief in some quarters that the managers of the public sector economy were “grossly incompetent and rabidly corrupt”. The union called on the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, to explain to Nigerians why the Federal Government could no longer pay salaries to its employees as and when due. It added that it had become necessary for the minister to address the nation on the embarrassing situation since she has continued

to maintain that the country is not broke. The union said it was disheartening that the civil servants, who are the least paid in Africa, South of the Sahara, could no longer get their meagre salaries on due date, stressing that the delay was pushing the workers and their unions to the wall. The union also said if government make attempt to retrench workers in 2015, they will not hesitate to embark on industrial action. “They are not talking of retrenchment because of the 2015 general elections but we overheard it that government will retrench workers but if they do, we will embark on industrial action”, he said. It also appealed to President Goodluck Jonathan to step in and order the finance minister to pay civil servants their salaries without further delay, adding that the necessary machinery should be put in place to ensure that such an embarrassing situation does not repeat itself. The statement further called on the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC), the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), civil society groups and prominent individuals to prevail on government to pay members their salaries to avert disruption of services in the public service. It expressed sadness that the Federal Government has not been able to pay thousands of Civil Servants their October and November 2014 salary. “As we write, information reaching the Union from informed quarters indicate that about 30 Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) will not pay December 2014 salaries to their employees. “It is very unfortunate that since October 2014, the Federal Ministries of Agriculture, Education, Works, Labour and Productivity as well as a host of other MDAs have not paid salary to their workers,” the Union regretted. The union lamented that the reality on ground was that thousands of Civil Servants and their dependents would celebrate this year’s Christmas and New Year in sorrow.

Aremu, expressed concern over the nonpayment of workers’ salaries in 22 states of the country

Stakeholders Kick Against Suspension Of OATUU Secretary General

By michael Oche, Abuja

Former Secretary General of the Organisaion of African Unions Unity (OATUU), Comrade Hassan Sunmonu, and OATUU permanent representative in the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and United Nation (UN) office in Geneva, Comrade Lellouma Diallo,

have kicked against the suspension of Secretary General of OATUU, Comrade Owei Lakemfa Comrade Sunmonu in a petition to the president of OATUU, Francis Atwoli, queried the decision of OATUU Executive Committee at the meeting held at Mensvic Hotel, Accra, Ghana, to suspend Lakemfa. In his letter to the OATUU

President, Sunmonu said, “By this letter, I want to inform you and other respected members of the Executive Committee of our great organization, about my objections to the way and manner you conducted the above-named meeting. As a long-time friend of yours, I feel, duty-bound, to tell you the truth, as we are all human

beings.” He wondered why a decision to suspend the Secretary General was taken before a panel to investigate the matter was set up. He reminded the OATUU president that “at the Accra meeting, you sent us, 2 OATUU Advisers, and OATUU permanent Representative in the ILO and UN

office in Geneva Comrade Lellouma Diallo, out of the meeting, to which we were all invited, at great cost to the OATUU. “We all complied, because of our respect for the office of President of OATUU I had the feeling that you did not want the members of OATUU EXCO to listen to alternative view or advise.”

Diplomatic File


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

the petroleum sector, economic sector, diplomatic sector, and the aviation sector. What is Venezuela’s Current Agreement With Nigeria In The Aviation Sector?


“We Come From Africa” Bilateral relations between Nigeria and Venezuela began in the sixties. Head of Mission to Venezuela Miguelangel Della Vecchia Troccoli, divulges in a media chat with Bukola Ogunsina, just how important Africa, particularly Nigeria is to Venezuela What are the historical ties between the Latin American continent and Africa?

Many believe that we come from Spain, this is not true, we come from Africa. How? You may ask. Several million years ago, Africa and South America were together in what was termed the ‘Super Continent,’ then it was just one continent. Africa and South America were together before the continental drift. Again people ask about the colour. How come we are white and they are black? In Venezuela around 40 percent of the people are the same colour as you, they are black. Another 40 per cent is biracial and just about 20 percent is white. Venezuela is a country of mixed races and for that we identify with the different races. The Black race is more in Venezuela, seeing as we were formerly in Africa, and still a part of Africa. Another thing that I will explain here is that in the oriental coast of Venezuela, one hundred per cent of the people living on the coast of Venezuela are blacks, they are Africans. That means we are from Africa and that is why Africa is important for Venezuela and for Latin America. The problem is

that before Hugo Chavez, we did not understand this; we did not understand how important Africa is to Venezuela. We have a lot of cultural similarities. Before Hugo Chavez, Venezuela did not recognise Africa. We had just eight embassies in Africa before Hugo Chavez. After Hugo Chavez it became eighteen embassies in Africa. I am accredited to Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia. We are working with these three countries and ECOWAS. What is Venezuela’s current diplomatic relationship with Nigeria?

The diplomatic relations between Nigeria and Venezuela was signed in 1965. In 1998 and 1999, Venezuela had a relationship with Nigeria within OPEC. After Hugo Chavez arrived the relationship went beyond OPEC. Before Hugo Chavez we had just three agreements signed; now we have about 30 signed agreements. This shows that Chavez recognised Africa, he recognised Nigeria and the importance of Nigeria to Venezuela. Now we have an important relationship with Nigeria. We have relationships in

In the future we want to establish a direct flight between Caracas and Lagos, because Lagos is the commercial state capital, while Abuja is regarded as a government, political and diplomatic capital. We are in the process of establishing this direct flight. Currently, to get to Venezuela from Nigeria, I will have to travel first to Europe which will take about six, seven hours. Then from Europe to Venezuela which will take about 10 or 11 hours. In total this is about two days. The surprising issue is that the direct flight duration between Nigeria and Venezuela is just six hours. Lagos is closer to Caracas, so we are very close to establishing these direct flights. It probably will commence next year and it would certainly be a good thing. It would also good for me to take a plane today and arrive at my country the same day. It would be amazing! As a result, this is very important and something we are looking forward to establishing between Nigeria and Venezuela. Are there any agreements in the educational sector between both countries?

In this year alone we have made about 11 agreements, especially in education. We have about 28 Nigerian students studying medicine right now in Venezuela, in our school, the Southern American School of Medicine. We offer scholarships to Nigerian students for this programme. The government of Venezuela includes in the scholarship accommodation, feeding and tuition. Everything is provided. But they have commitments that after they are done with their studies they would come back to work in Nigeria to transfer the knowledge taken from Venezuela to practice here in Nigeria. In Venezuela we do not study just to make money, we study so we can help the people to have knowledge of the social problems. That is our mindset. We owe this to Hugo Chavez. Without Hugo Chavez we are just a capitalist country and we have no knowledge of the social problems, we understand nothing about helping our brothers and we cannot recognise our country Venezuela. But after Hugo Chavez, we recognise these challenges and address them, in so doing we continue with the legacies of Hugo Chavez. For the first year, students without prior knowledge of the

Spanish language go to Venezuela to study the Spanish language. It is normal. When I was in Indonesia I had to learn the language because I lived in Indonesia for three years. Before now I did not speak any English. I learned to speak English here in Nigeria. I previously spoke Spanish, Italian and the Indonesian languages. But now my English is much better than when I first arrived. Before, I understood nothing when it came to English. When you live in a foreign country you have to learn to speak the language of that country. How do you apply for a visa and what are the tourism opportunities in Venuzuela?

Regarding the visas, we have a consular section here in the embassy and this is the section in charge of the visas, we have different types of visas. But before we go into normal visas for working and other visas, Nigeria and Venezuela signed an agreement between diplomatic and official passports. These passport holders come into Nigeria [if Venezuelans] and also Venezuela [if Nigerians] without visa for 60 days. If anyone has an official diplomatic passport, they can come into Venezuela without a visa, just a signed letter that I will need to have signed here at the Embassy. When the Nigerian Minister for Foreign Affairs was to go to Venezuela, I signed an official letter for each one of them especially for the airplane, because the airlines do not understand that we have this agreement for diplomatic and official passport between both countries. This however does not apply to journalists, because diplomats are here to strengthen ties between both countries. For normal passports we have the process here at the embassy. We have the consular section with another entrance. So if for example you want to go to Venezuela you need to apply for the visa. If you submit an incomplete document we could call you back again and ask for the complete documents. The normal time length for visa processing here in Nigeria is one month if your application is complete. We receive about 23 applications every week at the Venezuelan embassy here in Abuja. Can you give us a brief profile of yourself?

I have a university degree from the university in Venezuela. I commenced my career working with Hugo Chavez. Then I began work with the foreign affairs in 2008. I was posted to and worked in Indonesia Jakarta from 2008 to 2011, it was my first service. After 2011 I worked in, as the deputy of the Ambassador to Venezuela in Italy.

In the future we want to establish a direct flight from Caracas to Lagos

42 Diplomatic file


Ebola: Over 6841 Deaths Recorded In 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Emissaries In Pictures

Ebola Virus related deaths have risen to over six thousand eight hundred in West Africa. Reports from the World Health Organisation (WHO) point out that as of December 13, there had been 18,464 cases of infection from the haemorrhaging fever in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. WHO also indicated that 6,841 people had died as a result. WHO did not offer an update on cases in other countries; nonetheless last week media reports state that the death toll stayed the same: six in Mali, one in the United States, and eight in Nigeria. Nigeria had succeeded in dealing with the virus earlier and the most populous African nation was declared Ebola free much to the relief of many. Ebola is reported as the largest epidemic in history affecting multiple countries. The highly contagious virus can be spread through sweat, blood, and body secretions. The outbreak was first reported in March 2014.

South Korea Offers North Korea Talks

Members of the diplomatic corps observing a minute silence in honour of the departed member

The Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-Jae told a news conference, “North and South Korea should meet face to face to draw up a plan for peaceful unification.” reports state that South Korea has offered to recommence high level talks with North Korea towards a peaceful unification. The Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-jae had told the media that he particularly hoped to discuss the reunion of families who had been separated by the Korean War for over 60 years. He also added that it was for this resolve the country makes an official offer for the North Korean government to have a conversation about related concerns between the North and South by January 2015. He also added that he hoped North Korea would react positively to the proposal. The two regions have been at war since 1950.

Putin To Meet Poroshenko In Peace Talks

Minister of finance, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala; former permanent secretary, Ambassador Danjuma Sheni at the evening of tributes for late Ambassador Gbenga Ashiru

Reports state that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin is set to meet with the Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko regarding the crisis between both countries. The meeting which is scheduled to take place on January 15th will be in the Kazakh capital city of Astana. Also taking part in the meeting are the president of France, Francois Hollande, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.“My diplomatic year will begin with a Normandy format meeting on January 15 in Astana,” Poroshenko told the media.This meeting follows Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev’s visit to Kyiv. The president was said to have met with the Ukrainian president and called on Russia and Ukraine to pursue cooperation working together to put an end to the crisis in eastern Ukraine.

Prof Toyin Ashiru and Ambassador T Hart at the evening of tributes


Tuesday, December 30, 2014


news ➊

➌ ➏ ➎

➎ 8 Dead After Evacuation Of Burning Italian Ferry

All remaining passengers on board an Italian ferry that caught fire in the Adriatic Sea off the Greek island of Corfu have been rescued, Greek officials have said. The blaze left eight people dead. Six bodies were recovered from the

water around the stricken Norman Atlantic on Monday, a day after the body of a 62-year-old Greek man was pulled from the heaving sea. A 24-hour evacuation operation that proved to be extremely difficult was concluded shortly after midday.

➏ Greece Parliament Fails To Elect President

Greece’s parliament has failed to elect a new president for the country in a third and final round of voting, forcing an early general elections. Stavros Dimas, former European commisioner and the

coalition government’s candidate for the post, fell short of the 180 votes of parliament’s 300 seats needed to win yesterday. “I think I expected the result. I remain calm, as ever,” said Dimas.

➐ Virgin Atlantic Flight Carries Out ‘NonStandard’ Landing

A Virgin Atlantic passenger plane has carried out a “non-standard landing” at Gatwick airport after “a technical issue with one of the landing gears”. Virgin had said flight VS43

travelling from Gatwick to Las Vegas had to return to the West Sussex airport. The aircraft circled repeatedly between Gatwick and the south coast of England apparently to burn off fuel.

➊ Croatia Presidential ➋ Sweden Calls Off

Race Heads To Runoff

Planned Snap Elections

Croatia’s President Ivo Josipovic and his conservative rival have headed for a January runoff following a tight first round vote in a country battling a severe economic crisis. Centre-left incumbent Josipovic and his main challenger Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic will face off on January 11 after both failed to win more than 50 percent outright in Sunday’s first round of voting for the largely ceremonial post.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has called off a planned snap elections after striking a deal with the mainstream opposition that would allow the minority coalition of the Social Democrats and Greens to continue in power. Lofven’s Social Democrats, junior coalition partner the Greens, and centre-right opposition parties – the Moderates, the Liberals, the Christian Democrats and the Centre Party – gave a joint news conference at 09:30 GMT, announcing the deal had been reached.

Staff at Al Jazeera Balkans pause to mark one year since their colleagues were detained

➌ Shia Pilgrims Die In Iraq Suicide Bombing

➍ Ebola Cases Cross

A suicide bomber has killed at least 21 people in an attack on Shia pilgrims north of Baghdad, officials and a survivor of the blast have said. Yesterday’s attack in the Taji area, which targeted a tent serving refreshments to pilgrims, also wounded at least 35 people. Pilgrims from Iraq and abroad are making their way to Samarra, north of Baghdad, to commemorate the death of Hassan al-Askari, one of the 12 revered Shia imams, who is buried in the city.

More than 20,000 people have been infected by Ebola in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea since the outbreak of the virus began, the World Health Organisation has said. The WHO also said in a statement yesterday that there have been more than 7,842 Ebola-related deaths recorded, and 20,081 cumulative cases of infection in the three worst hit countries. More than a third are laboratoryconfirmed cases in Sierra Leone.

20,000- WHO



Council endorsed the useful phone numbers submitted by the security agents for easy access in case of any emergency on the metropolitan Roads. Accordingly, the public may easily Contact KAROTA for: Breakdown of Vehicle(s), Traffic Congestion, Accidents, Illegal / Wrong Parking to kindly Call KAROTA through the following number – 08091626747. Similarly, the State Police Command could be contacted on – 08032419754, 08123821575. In addition, the State Fire Service can also be contacted on – 07051246833, 08191778888.



for execution with an expenditure of Three Hundred and Sixty Million, Four Hundred and Eighteen Thousand, Nine Hundred and Five Naira, Fifty One Kobo (N360,418,905.51) covering fifteen (15) projects while the remaining seven (7) are on policy issues. Thus; 1. THE EMPOWERMENT SECTOR Empowering the entire citizenry of the State to self actualization as better human beings, by providing access to professional/ academic education; capacity building for serving civil servants; training for employable skills acquisition; take – off capital to small and medium scale (SMS) Entrepreneurship etc, is amongst the prominent preoccupations of this administration from its second (2nd) inception (May, 2011) to date. ENGR. RAbi’u MuSA KwANKwASO, FNSE Executive Governor, Kano State

Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE presided over the one hundred and eighty first (181st) sitting of the State Executive Council held exactly five (5) days after the return of the Kano State Political Office Holders, Top Government Functionaries and Directors from the sixth (6th) Retreat of the State Government conducted under the present administration. Notably, each of the six (6) retreats was conducted at regular intervals characteristically attained after every thirty (30) sittings of the Kano State Executive Council. As such, six (6) retreats were conducted in one hundred and eighty (180) sittings of the State Executive Council. Going by an average rate of twenty five (25) approvals granted per sitting, it is correct to state that the State Government, currently under the leadership of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE goes on retreat after every seven hundred and fifty (750) approvals granted for the execution of public oriented/spirited programmes/projects/ schemes/policies, etc. Therefore, in one hundred and eighty (180) sittings within which six (6) retreats were conducted, the present administration approved the execution of an average of 750 x 6 = 4,500 programmes/projects/schemes/policies which transformed the State and the lives of its citizenry for the better. Importantly, the retreats are not moments for respite but forums at which the entire Government returns to the “Drawing Board”, assess its general performance and grade achievements so as to foster proper continuity with the envisaged good work which instigated the sixth (6th) Retreat to be premised under the main Theme: “A Pedestal for Economic Growth and Development: The New Face of Kano, 2011 – 2014”. Essentially, the sixth (6th) Retreat was convened to provide a meaningful platform for deliberation and articulation of the State 2015 Budget through exchange of ideas and wider consultative engagement amongst all stakeholders. Main focus is on the completion of all on – going projects/schemes, programmes with strict maintenance of 30% recurrent and 70% capital expenditure. In line with the above, the Lead Paper presented at the sixth (6th) Retreat reviewed budget implementation in the State from May, 2011 to date. Highlights were presented on achievements recorded across all sectors especially Education, Health, Water, Infrastructural Development/Maintenance, Empowerment Schemes, etc. Main emphasis/objective of the 2015 Budget is completion of all on – going projects across all sectors by MDAs in the State. Fully refreshed and adequately oriented, twelve (12) MDAs submitted fifty two (52) memoranda for deliberation by Council at its one hundred and eighty first (181st) sitting of which twenty three (23) cutting across four (4) sectors were approved

Series of approvals were granted for the execution of projects/ schemes/programmes under the empowerment sector with the singular purpose of producing self – actualized, knowledgeable, skillful, wealthy, God fearing, patriotic, etc. people living in the currently transformed the State. Twelve (12) memoranda were approved for execution by the Kano State Executive Council at its number one hundred and eighty first (181st) sitting. All are in line with the typical trend as they include six (6) on provision of access to professional/academic education; three (3) on provision of access to capacity building for serving civil servants, one (1) on provision of access to training for employable skills acquisition and two (2) on provision of support to the needy. • Provision of access to professional/academic education:i. The office of the Head of Civil Service alerted Council of receiving a circular from the office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation. The circular is on Australian Scholarship and Fellowship Awards on areas of Public Policy, Extractives, Agriculture, Public Health and Education Commencing from 2015 and 2016. More details on the scheme are provided at the website: www.australiaawards.africa.org. Congruence of the scheme to the empowerment policy of the present administration, prompted Council to approve and mandate the office of the Head of Civil Service to issue a relevant circular inviting eligible civil servants to apply for the scholarship award(s) while sustaining liaison with the office of the Head of Service of the Federation. ii. Approval was granted for the release of the sum of N33,440,000.00 to the State Scholarship Board to enable payment of feeding and upkeep allowances to four hundred and eighteen (418) Kano State Indigenous Students sponsored for studies at Crescent and Igbinedion Universities as follows; - Crescent 174 students (200 level = 78 students; 100 level = 96 students) x N80,000.00 = N13,920,000.00. - Igbinedion 244 level 200 students x N80,000.00 = N19,520,000.00. iii. Two hundred and eighty nine (289) MBBS/Pharmacy Kano State Indigenous students are currently sponsored for studies in Sudan, India and Egypt. The State Executive Council approved release of the sum of $289,000.00 to the State Scholarship Board to enable procurement and distribution of Laptop Computers to each of the students at the rate of $1,000.00. iv. Council approved release of the sum of $121,000.00 to the State Scholarship Board to enable procurement of one way tickets in respect of the one hundred and twenty one (121) relocated Kano State Indigenous Students sponsored for studies in Ukraine amongst the 501 scheme. The students are to commence returning to Kano as from February, 2015 on completion of their respective courses. v. The Director, Administration and General Services Ministry of Higher Education escorted forty (40) Kano State Indigenous Students to Jodhpur National University, India. Council approved

release of the sum of N684,600.00 to the Ministry of Higher Education for onward payment to the officer accordingly. vi. One hundred and thirty five (135) Kano State Indigenous Students are currently sponsored to study Nursing Anesthesia/ Peri – Operative at Al – Mansoura University, Cairo, Egypt. Council approved the release of the sum of N5,975,000.00 to cater for three (3) items required by the students as follows; - Authentication of results = N440,000.00. - Opening of Bank Account = N405,000.00. - Pocket money $200 x 135 = $27,000.00. • Provision of access to capacity building for serving civil servants:i. Two (2) capacity building workshops are jointly sponsored by the Kano State Government and the UNICEF at the total sum of N6,564,690.00. Council approved the release of the sum of N2,463,450.00 as the Kano State Government’s share to the funding of the two (2) workshops: viz; - Refreshing and update of Devin for 6.0 Data Base Software. - Strengthening capacity of key staff of Kano State Bureau of Statistics and other officers on basic skills of monitoring in results based management and evaluation. ii. Council approved release of the sum of N1,400,000.00 to enable the Deans Faculty of Education and that of Humanities at the Northwest University, Kano to undertake a research visit to University Sultan Zainul Abidin, Malaysia (19th – 26th January, 2015). The details presented were considered. iii. The State Executive Council approved the execution of the seven (7) precise recommendations proffered for adoption by the State Government as submitted by the office of the Head of Civil Service on return from the sixth (6th) Retreat for Top Government Functionaries held at Hotel 17 Tafawa Balewa Road Kaduna (18th – 21st December, 2014). The recommendations are as follows; That the 2015 Budget for Kano State should be geared towards timely completion of all on – going projects. That all MDAs should intensify efforts towards achieving their revenue targets. That the ratio of 30% recurrent and 70% capital expenditure should be maintained as a priority in the allocation/deployment of funds. That the Ministries of Finance, Planning and Budget as well as the Projects Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate to ensure effective budget implementation and control. That the policy thrust of budget must be strictly adhered to for effective implementation of the 2015 Budget. That documentation and record keeping by all MDAs should be strengthened and improved along the lines of international best practices by embracing ICTs. That all MDAs should ensure strict compliance by indicating relevant expenditure classification/coding in all submissions/memoranda. • Provision of access to training for employable skills acquisition:i. Provision of support to the needy:ii. One (1) Soldier was killed and another wounded while five (5) Policemen were killed and four (4) others wounded at Magasarku Filling Station near NNPC Depot, Kano on 14th November, 2014 while on duty by misguided gunmen. As such, Council approved the release of the sum of N500,000.00 to each of the six (6) bereaved families of the deceased personnel, N250,000.00 to each of the five (5) families of the wounded. Viz; - Six (6) deceased personnel = N500,000.00 x 6 = N3,000,000.00. - Five (5) wounded personnel = N250,000.00 x 5 = N1,250,000.00. - Total = N4,250,000.00. iii. One hundred and thirty four (134) people died while three


Tuesday, December 30, 2014 hundred and seventeen (317) were wounded in the recent three (3) attacks by gunmen in Kano at the Kano Central Mosque; Hotoro Filling Station and Kantin Kwari. So far, the sum of N140,550,000.00 was received as assistance and in custody of the office of the Secretary to the State Government.

N26,474,239.10 which was requested for release to enable its execution by the State Taskforce Committee on Installation/ Repairs/Reactivation of Street and Traffic Control Lights under the supervision of the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport. Council noted, considered and approved as requested.

From the accrued assistance, Council approved the release of the sum of N100,950,000.00 to the Office of the Deputy Governor/ Honourable Commissioner Ministry for Local Governments to provide support for the affected families. Details were presented. Again, each of the three hundred and seventeen (317) injured persons and each of the bereaved families of the deceased one hundred and thirty four (134) are to be given one (1) bag of maize, rice and millet depending on the number still hospitalized.

e) Presentation of Progress Report on the Construction of Flyover Bridges (State Road – Kofar Nassarawa and Ibrahim Taiwo Road by Radio Kano; End of November, 2014):The Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport summarized the cited report and presented it to Council for consideration as follows;

2. THE INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT/MAINTENANCE SECTOR Achievements recorded by the current administration in the State in respect of the infrastructural development/maintenance sector cut across all other sectors especially in the physical sense. This signifies the Kwankwasiyya Legacy as depicted all over Kano State with the brand new look courtesy of the renewal policy of this administration. Review the Education Sector, Health Sector, Water Supply Sector, Transportation Sector, Housing Sector, etc. Whatever, confident of the superlative performance of the present administration in respect of this sector, Council approved the execution of eight (8) more memoranda along this lines at its one hundred and eighty first (181st) sitting as follows; a) Request for Funds to Enable Payment of Compensation for One (1) Omitted Property Amongst the Twenty Six (26) Affected by the Establishment of Mosque; Hisbah Board Office; Police Station and Play Ground at Kurnar Asabe Quarters:Reportedly, the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning submitted to Council, through contents of this memorandum that, twenty six (26) instead of twenty five (25) properties were affected by the cited project. The correct compensation money for the twenty six (26) properties is N60,493,830.00. But the sum of N22,753,620.00 was requested and approved for release to erroneously pay compensation for twenty five (25) instead of twenty six (26) properties. Council acknowledged the error and approved the release of the sum of N37,740,210.00 to enable payment of compensation for the omitted property. b) Request for Funds to Enable Payment of Compensation for Properties/Land Affected by the Construction of Toll Gate and Trailer Diversion Road Near Sa’adatu Rimi College of Education, Kano:The two (2) developmental projects cited affected three (3) properties of different categories with compensation value added up to the tune of N10,664,520.00 which was requested for release to enable payment to the rightful owners. Council noted, considered and approved as requested but for the money to be disbursed as follows; i. Structures – four (4) items = N7,438,320.00. ii. Land – six (6) items = N1,702,700.00. iii. Farm Land – six (6) items – N1,523,500.00. c) Request for Funds to Enable KNUPDA Continue with the Garden Interlock Tiling Work within Kano Metropolis:The Ministry of Land and Physical Planning submitted an update of fourteen (14) approvals granted between 12th December, 2011 and 8th September, 2014 totaling the sum of N1,460,056,090.71 for the distinctive Garden Interlock Tiling Project along pedestrian walkways of major roads and other locations within Kano Metropolis. A request in the sum of N120,000,000.00 was presented to Council to enable continuation of the laudable project. Accordingly, Council considered and approved the release of the trimmed sum of N100,000,000.00 for the stated purpose. d) Request for Funds to Enable Installation of Single – Arm New Street Lights Along Abbas and Arakan Roads (1.5KM):Abbas and Arakan Roads are located within Kano Metropolis in an area that requires lighting at nights to check marauders and safeguard lives and properties as well as beautify the surroundings. The project was assessed and estimated to cost the sum of

S/N Item of Work i. ii. iii.

Percentage of Execution (%) A main bridge (State Road – Kofar 100 Nassarawa) B main bridge (Ibrahim Taiwo 100 Road from Gidan Radio) Clovers 100

Overall/General Percentage Progress: 99.7%. Nevertheless, the sum of N5,933,520,068.34 was approved for the project of which the sum of N4,010,603,610.09 was released to the Contractor as payment for 30% advance and interim valuation certificates numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 while valuation certificate number 10 is still receiving attention of the Projects Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate. In a nutshell; • Overall/general percentage progress = 99.7%. • Bridge structures/related appurtenances = 100%. • All ancillary works = 100%. • Construction of slip roads – on – going. • Progress photographs presented. Council acknowledged the presentation appreciatively. f) Presentation of Update on the Status of the Independent Hydroelectricity Projects at Tiga and Challawa Gorge Dams:The office of the Secretary to the State Government endorsed the cited update and presented it to Council for consideration on behalf of the Contractor handling the two (2) Hydroelectricity Projects. Status of the projects were summarized and presented to Council for consideration as follows; i. Tiga Project Site. • 2MW Unit (Turbine/Generator). • Completion date is 15th January, 2015 for installation and test run. • 8MW Unit (Turbine/Generator). • Completion date is 15th March, 2015 including installation/test run • Formal commissioning of the projects at the Tiga Site to take place in the first week of April, 2015. ii. Challawa Gorge Project Site. • Excavation of 2 x 12.5MW tail race channels in progress. • Excavation of power house in progress. • Offshore materials presently in Lagos Port awaiting clearance. • Manufacture of 2 x 12.5MW turbine generator completed and units are ready for inspection, testing and subsequent shipping. Council acknowledged the presentation appreciatively. g) Request for Funds to Enable Renovation and Stocking of Gidan Dan’ Hausa, Kano State History and Culture Bureau:The three (3) – Member Executive Committee enacted to revitalized the monumental status of the Gidan Dan’ Hausa as result of memorandum for rehabilitation of the House (Gidan Dan’ Hausa) from the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport was submitted for consideration by Council. Details on the requirements were presented for consideration along with the request for the release of the sum of N30,145,308.01 to provide three (3) items which include re – design of the Art Gallery, provision of furniture and Traditional Attire/Equipment. Council noted, considered and approved the release of the trimmed sum of N10,000,000.00 for the supply of furniture and Traditional Attire/Equipment. h) Request for Funds for the Procurement and Installation

of 500KVA Sound Proof Electricity Generator at the Conference Center, Audu Bako Secretariat:Audu Bako Secretariat accommodates a sizeable number of Government Ministries and Agencies and deserves provision of steady supply of electricity which requires augmentation by standby facilities and this instigated submission of the request for consideration by Council. Details were presented to Council for consideration along with request for the release of the sum of N42,026,886.30 to enable execution of the project on Contractual Arrangement to be supervised by the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport. Council considered and approved as requested. 3. THE ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION/PROTECTION SECTOR Maintenance of a clean/healthy environment is among the cardinal preoccupations of the present administration in the State, where series of approvals were granted for the execution of various projects under this sector especially those to do with activities of REMASAB; reintroduction of sanitary inspection; reintroduction of monthly sanitation exercise; establishment of shelterbelts to check desert encroachment; etc. In the same line, Council approved the execution of two (2) more memoranda under this sector at the one hundred and eighty first (181st) sitting as follows; a) Request for Funds for the Provision of Laboratory Equipment to the School of Hygiene, Kano:The School of Hygiene, Kano trains Environmental Health Officers inclusive of basic principles of laboratory analysis especially bacteriological and chemical for which especial equipment are required but found to be deficient at the School by officials of National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) that visited the School on pre – accreditation inspection. Details on the requirements were presented to Council for consideration along with the request for the release of the sum of N4,600,000.00 for the stated purpose. Council noted, considered and approved as requested. b) Request for Funds to Enable Construction of Laundry for the Restaurant at the School of Hygiene, Kano:The Ministry of Environment submitted this request for consideration by Council in response to a request/instruction from the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NAHOTOUR) from which officials visited the School of Hygiene, Kano on pre – accreditation inspection. The requirements were assessed and estimated to cost the sum of N3,000,000.00 which was requested for release by Council to enable the Ministry of Environment execute the stated project. Accordingly, Council considered and approved as requested. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES AT THE 181ST KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SITTING • APPOINTMENT OF THE NEW CHAIRMAN OF KANO ELDERS FORUM (INUWAR JAMA’AR KANO) Council delightfully acknowledged the recent appointment of a new Chairman for the Kano Elders Forum in the person of Prof. Ibrahim H. Umar after the demise of its former Chairman Alhaji Magaji Dambatta OFR. The new Chairman is expected to continue from where the late Chairman stopped. The Elders Forum during its last meeting deliberated extensively on issues related to the security and general well being of the State citizenry. Consequently, the following five (5) Sub – Committees were constituted in order to advise/recommends acceptable measures to the Government that will facilitate the smooth administration of the State. The Sub-Committees were on:i. Taxation, ii. Public Enlightenment, iii. Protection of Public Properties, iv. JAMB and v. Street Begging/Hawking Signed:

Hon. Commissioner, Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sports & Culture


46 Business/WORLD NEWS

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

PRESS FREEDOM: Al Jazeera Staff Held For A Year In Egypt

Al Jazeera staff members at a protest outside the Egyptian Embassy, London

It has been one year since three Al Jazeera journalists were arrested in Egypt in a case that sparked international outrage. Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were arrested in Cairo on December 29, 2013 under false charges of aiding the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood and spreading false news. In June, Greste, an Australian, and Fahmy, an

Egyptian-Canadian, received seven-year jail terms, while Mohamed, an Egyptian, was sentenced to 10 years. Baher Mohamed’s wife, Jehan Rashed, told Al Jazeera that the day her husband was arrested had been the worst of her life. “The sentiment of injustice is overwhelming,” she said. “Baher was arrested on this day a year ago. It was

Distressed relatives of passengers of the missing flight

Missing AirAsia Jet Likely ‘At Bottom Of Sea’ An AirAsia plane that went missing with 162 people on board after takeoff from Indonesia is probably at the bottom of the sea, Indonesia’s National Search and Rescue Agency chief has said. The statement on Monday came as ships and helicopters scoured the Java Sea for signs of wreckage from the plane that went missing a day earlier soon after take off. An Indonesian helicopter reported spotting two oily spots in the water while an Australian search plane claimed seeing some objects elsewhere. It was, however, too early to know whether either sighting was connected to the missing

aircraft. “Based on the coordinates given to us and evaluation that the estimated crash position is in the sea, the hypothesis is the plane is at the bottom of the sea,” Henry Bambang Soelistyo, Indonesia’s National Search and Rescue Agency chief told reporters. “That’s the preliminary suspicion and it can develop based on the evaluation of the result of our search.” First Admiral Sigit Setiayana, the Naval Aviation Center Commander at the Surabaya air force base, said that 12 navy ships, five planes, three helicopters and a number of warships were searching an area

the worst day Baher, our children and I have ever lived. “It was a dark day. I wonder if the [Egyptian] Army and Police are protecting the people. They came to arrest a journalist, while realising deep within he is a respectable professional, but they acted as if he was a felon.” On Thursday, an appeal for the three jailed journalists will be heard at Egypt’s Court of Cassation. The court will look at the process behind the original trial, a process that Al Jazeera has always maintained was flawed. The court can either dismiss the entire case, uphold the verdict and the sentence, or order a new trial. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is able to issue a presidential pardon, but he maintains that he will not interfere in the judicial process. of east and southeast of Indonesia’s Belitung island and nearby waters. Malaysia, Singapore and Australia have joined the operation. Al Jazeera’s Scott Heidler, reporting from Surabaya, said that Australia had deployed sophisticated surveillance aircraft in the multinational search over the Java Sea. Singapore offered to provide “underwater assistance” which our correspondent said would be in the form of underwater vehicles as well as personnel. The search teams are combing through an area of 200km radius. The Airbus A320-200 went missing after air traffic controllers lost contact with the aircraft about 45 minutes after it left Juanda international airport at Surabaya in East Java at 5:20am on Sunday (22:20 GMT Saturday). Shortly before disappearing, AirAsia said pilots of the plane had asked permission from Jakarta air traffic control to change course and climb above bad weather in an area noted for severe thunderstorms.

news south-South south-East 47

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015: A/Ibom PDP Ratifies Moses Ekpo As Udom’s Deputy The Enlarged Caucus of the Akwa Ibom State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has ratified the nomination of a pioneer commissioner for information in the state, Mr Moses Ekpo as the running mate to the gubernatorial candidate of the party, Mr Udom Emmanuel in the 2015 gubernatorial election. This was part of the resolutions reached at the end of the enlarged caucus meeting of the party in Uyo on Sunday night. Announcing the decisions, the state chairman of the party, Obong Paul Ekpo, told newsmen that the meeting of the enlarged caucus was convened to review the state of the party after the recently concluded primaries that saw the emergence of flag bearers for various positions in the next general elections. By Bernard Tolani Dada, Uyo

Rivers Elders Give PDP 1 Week To Withdraw Wike BY ANAYO ONUKWUGHA, Port Harcourt

Barely few weeks to the 2015 governorship election, elders of Rivers State have given the national leadership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) a week ultimatum to substitute its governorship candidate in the state, Chief Ezebunwo Nyesom Wike with a candidate from the riverine axis of the state. The elders, under the auspices of Rivers Elders and Leaders Council

(RELC) also appealed to President Goodluck Jonathan to prevail on the national leadership of the PDP to ensure the withdrawal of Wike in the interest of equity, justice and fairness to various ethnic nationalities that make up the state. Chairman of RELC, Chief Albert Horsfall, who disclosed this yesterday while speaking to newsmen at Omagwa, near Port Harcourt, shortly after the meeting of the elders, said if by January 5, 2015, the PDP fails to substitute

Wike, the people of the state would be mobilised to vote for the riverine candidate of any other political party that can win the 2015 governorship election in the state. Horsfall said, “What we are saying here is that if the Peoples Democratic Party fails to substitute Nyesom Wike by January 5, 2015, all true Rivers people will vote en masse for the riverine candidate of any other party that can win election in Rivers State. “Mr President is our son; we are

appealing to him to prevail on the PDP to substitute Wike, but if they fail, we will encourage other aspirants to close ranks and produce a riverine candidate who has the potential to win the governorship of this state.” He said, as elders, they were not opposed to the reconciliation initiated by the PDP governorship candidate, adding that true reconciliation within the party would commence once Wike withdraws as the party’s standard bearer.

Delta Initiates Stringent Environmental Laws Against Oil Pollution

Monarch Kicks Against Creation Of Oil-Rivers State From A/Ibom

As agitation for the proposed OilRivers State to be created out of Akwa Ibom State continues, stakeholders in the oil bearing local governments including Ibeno have kicked against the moves, arguing that such action is not in the best interest of the zone. Agitation has been rife for parts of the oil bearing riverine areas of Akwa Ibom including Oron, Eket, Onna, Eastern Obolo, Esit Eket and Ibeno local government areas to be excised and joined with parts of Rivers State to form the proposed OilRivers State. But the paramount ruler of Ibeno LGA, Owong Effiong Achianga (JP), kicked against the moves, warning that under no circumstances should his domain be included in the new state with headquarters to be located in the Rivers State city of Degema. By Bernard Tolani Dada, Uyo

Delta Speaker Promises Sustenance Of Schools’ Infrastructure The speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, Hon Peter Onwusanya has promised to sustain the provision of infrastructure in public schools in the state. The speaker, in a chat with our correspondent in Asaba, disclosed that over 10,000 exercise books have been donated to 3,000 senior secondary school students preparing to write their senior secondary school certificate examination come 2015. The speaker explained that in the past few years, the state government has invested heavily in education sector to justify its policy on human capital development. By Kola Eke-Ogiugo, Asaba

People shopping at Port Harcourt supermarket, yesterday. PHOTO BY NAN.

Imo Guber: Araraume Begins Campaign In Owerri By Stanley Uzoaru, Owerri

Even though the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is still undecided on who to fly the party’s governorship flag in the 2015 election in Imo State, Senator Ifeanyi Araraume who is claiming victory in the governorship primary, yesterday commenced a vigorous campaign in Owerri, the state capital. His campaign started from the Sam Mbakwe Airport, Owerri, with party faithful and his supporters trooping out to receive him. The situation in the major streets

and roads was the same as his teaming supporters carried placards, some of which read, “Owerri zone supports Araraume hundred per cent”, “Give Araraume, save Imo” among others. Araraume who drove in a motorcade along the streets of Owerri acknowledged cheers from his supporters even as his campaign caused traffic gridlock on the major roads. Addressing journalists shortly after his arrival from Abuja at the Sam Mbakwe Airport, Araraume dismissed speculations that President Goodluck Jonathan has anointed a

particular candidate, adding that the president has always insisted on justice and fair play. “It is not true that the president is supporting a candidate; he always insisted on justice and fair play in determining who won the Imo PDP guber primary,” Araraume said. Araraume who is strongly contesting the guber primary said to have been won by the deputy speaker, House of Representatives, Emeka Ihedioha, has however, announced the kick-off of his campaign in the state.

Delta State government has initiated stringent environmental laws against crude oil pollution and other activities occasioned by oil explorations across the state. The state governor, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan, who disclosed this yesterday in Asaba, said his administration will collaborate with other environmental bodies to ensure that the stringent measures and laws are facilitated with speed to help tackle environmental degradation. Emphasising the need for international oil companies operating within the Niger Delta Region especially in Delta State to protect the environment, the governor decried the way the environment was being abused with reckless abandon. By Kola EkeOgiugo, Asaba

Gathering Of Jonathan’s Men Causes Tension In Bayelsa PDP By Osa Okhomina, Yenagoa

There is rising tension among members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Bayelsa State following the gathering of some politicians loyal to President Goodluck Jonathan over an alleged plot to unseat the state governor, Hon Seriake Dickson in 2016. The gathering of Jonathan’s loyalists, convened and held at the country home of the senior special adviser to the president on domestic matters,

Dr Weripamowei Dudafagh, was considered by the aides of Governor Seriake Dickson as a plot against the present administration in the state. Leadership gathered that the meeting, which was tagged “End of the Year Party” for former and present State House of Assembly members, commissioners and former aides under the administration of Dr Goodluck Jonathan, is considered by Governor Dickson’s aides as unsettling and provocative. In attendance at the gathering

were the former acting governor and state coordinator of the Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN), Rt Hon Werinipre Seibarugu and former commissioners in the state including former state commissioner for information, Chief Nathan Egba, Engr Mike Ogiasa, former secretary to the state government, Gideon Ekeuwei, former finance commissioners, Stephen Oguala and Sylva Charlse Opuala. Also present at the gathering were former State Assembly members in-

cluding Hon Nelson Belief, Hon Elliot Osomu, Hon Alaibo, Hon Etebu and Hon (Mrs) Vivian Imanamagha. The incumbent State Assembly members present were Hon Amallayon Yuosuo (Brass) and James Ayobegha (Nembe). The aide to the president, Wariponmowei Dudafagh was quoted as saying that the gathering was convened due to his long absence from the state and being out of communication with friends and political associates.

48 news Lagos Mass Failure: Lagos Trains 440 Mathematics Tutors Piqued by the mass failure of its students in public examinations, Lagos State government has said that it has trained 440 Mathematics Teachers drawn from the six educational districts of the state to improve students’ performance in Mathematics in the state’s public secondary schools. The state commissioner for education, Mrs Olayinka Oladunjoye, who disclosed this to newsmen in Lagos, explained that the objective of the training was to update the knowledge of Mathematics teachers in the state's public secondary schools and also improve the methods of teaching and learning of the subject in schools. She said, “The objective of the clinic is to improve the teaching skills and competences of the Mathematics teachers; to expose them to some new topics in secondary school Mathematics, innovative methods of teaching Mathematics and to also provide them with instructional materials for effective teaching of Mathematics.” Oladunjoye noted that the training had focused on different strategies including active learning, effective teaching, use of resource materials such as teaching modules and kits for effective teaching in secondary schools, simplification of difficult concepts in Mathematics and practical steps for effective teaching of subject topics among others. By George Okojie, Lagos

'British Council's Creative Expo, Viable Option For Income Generation' The 2014 British Council Creative Expo has provided a viable alternative for income generation for Nigerian youths and also afforded opportunities for collaboration across sectors of digital technology. This was the position of one of the stakeholders of the Expo, Bex Nwawudu, the executive director, CBO Capital, in his speech at the programme. A statement made available to newsmen by the council yesterday, said that speakers at the programme shared their experiences, expertise, vision and strategies for building collaborative work practices and gave examples of the diverse forms of collaboration taking place in Nigeria and around the world. The statement added that the participatory audience also shared their experiences and thoughts on collaboration, and there was much discussion around the issues of trust, values, having clear parameters or agreements and the need to develop a mindset that is open to collaboration. By Taiwo Ogunmola-Omilani, Lagos

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

You Are Untruthful Chronicler Of History, Osoba, Adebanjo Tell Obasanjo By George okojie, Abuja

Former governor of Ogun State, Chief Segun Osoba and NADECO chieftain, Chief Ayo Adebanjo, yesterday said the former president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo threw the truth to the dustbin while chronicling the nation’s history in his controversial book. The duo who spoke at the launch of a book entitled, "Watch The

Watcher, A Book of Remembrance of the Obasanjo Years", written by Yinka Odumakin in Lagos, said the claims in Obasanjo’s controversial book entitled "My Watch" were false. The visibly disturbed Osoba said he would write his own account to debunk the lies Obasanjo wrote in "My Watch" on how the Alliance for Democracy (AD) lost Ogun State in 2003.

He said that Obasanjo failed to keep to the terms of the agreement the AD governors had with him, adding that he was surprised that Obasanjo in his book denied knowing anything about the arrangement between AD and his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). On his own part, the NADECO chieftain, Chief Ayo Adebanjo described Obasanjo as a man that

has no conscience, a self-centred man who believes no other person matters except himself. The book launch attracted eminent Nigerians like Professor Wole Soyinka and Brig-Gen Alabi-Isama, who were maligned in Obasanjo's book. Others are Odia Ofeimun, Colonel Tony Nyiam (rtd), Colonel Bello Fadile (rtd), Akin Osuntokun, among others.

L-R: APC governorship candidate, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode; Oloja of Epe, Oba Komorudeen Animashaun and member representing Epe Constituency 1 at the Lagos House of Assembly, Tobun Abiodun, during Ambode's courtesy visit to the monarch in Epe, yesterday. PHOTO BY GBENGA OLAJOBI.

Lagos Blasts Sambo Over Alleged Heavy Tax By George Okojie, Lagos

Lagos State government yesterday came down hard on Vice President Namadi Sambo over his comments during his recent visit to the state that people were leaving Lagos in droves as a consequence of heavy taxation imposed by the state government. The state government in a statement signed by the special adviser to the governor on information and strategy, Mr Raji Lateef, said the Peoples Democratic Party-led federal government which Sambo is part of should be pitied for lack of viable message for the people of Lagos during the visit to the state. The state government said, “For

whatever it is worth, Arc Namadi Sambo deserves to be pitied. If his itinerary coming on this trip in an election year had included the inspection, not even commissioning, of any ongoing ambitious programmes or projects initiated by the federal government for the good of the people of Lagos State, he might have been better preoccupied and avoided the gaffe. “It will be good to share with him and his fellows a simple narrative of what was done differently in Lagos State. It is never too late to learn.” The government said it realised long ago that the state, with its enormous social and economic potential, cannot continue to depend on the alloca-

tion from the Federation Accounts if it must deliver on the popular expectations. “Measures were then introduced to drive efficiency in the tax assessment and collection regimes by effectively plugging loopholes and leakages in the system. The result was the leap in the revenue accruable to the coffers of the state government. “With this enhanced revenue profile, the government embarked on ambitious infrastructure upgrades to meet the critical areas of need like never experienced before. At any given time, not less than 200 roads, not leaving out those of the federal government, are being executed."

Falana Raises The Alarm Over New National Health Act 2015 By George Okojie , Lagos

Former president of West African Bar Association, Mr Femi Falana, yesterday raised the alarm over the passage of the National Health Bill by the National Assembly, which was recently signed into law by President Goodluck Jonathan, saying it is a license for medical personnel to be killing innocent

Nigerians. The fiery lawyer who disclosed this at a press briefing in Lagos said there are certain provisions of the Act that disregards the consent of Nigerians to the type of medical treatments that they want. Falana argued that before now, there was a fundamental right of Nigerians to health guaranteed by Article 16 of the African Charter on

Human and People's Right, Ratification and Enforcement, Act , CAP A9, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria. Falana, who accused the Bill Gates Foundation of the United States of America of introducing Sections 48 and 51 to the controversial Act, wondered why the West should protect the rights of animals in their countries and recommend

the violation of human rights in Nigeria. He said, “We wish to point out that the National Assembly has violated the fundamental rights of Nigerians to life, human dignity, privacy and freedom of thought, conscience and religion by authorising medical doctors to remove organs of living persons in Nigeria without their informed consent."

news south-west 49

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015: MUSWEN Tasks FG On Security The Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria (MUSWEN) has called on the federal government to urgently address all forms of insecurity in the land with particular attention to the socio-economic sources of unrest by taking bold and practical steps towards stamping out corruption and indiscipline. Apparently reacting to a story in a national daily (Not Leadership), headlined ‘South-West Muslim Council Backs GEJ’, MUSWEN’s media consultant, Femi Abbas, said in a statement in Ibadan yesterday, that the concern of MUSWEN is not about Nigeria’s political murky waters in which some dirty elements in the society are swimming, but about the smearing tendency of some dirty minds in the region who think they can drag Islam and some highly placed Nigerian Muslims into their murky waters. By Adebayo Waheed, Ibadan

2015: Aregbesola Charges INEC On Credible Polls By Joshua Dada, Osogbo

The governor of Osun State, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola has called on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to use the opportunity of the 2015 elections to win the confidence of Nigerians by conducting a free, fair and credible general election. The governor urged the electoral umpire not to be biased and fall short of the expectations of the teeming

masses of the country who are looking forward to an election where the majority of votes will count. A press release by the director, Bureau of Communication and Strategy, Mr Semiu Okanlawon, said the governor stated this when he hosted the state outgoing INEC resident electoral commissioner, Dr Rufus Akeju, who paid him a farewell visit at the Government House in Osogbo. He commended INEC for the con-

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duct of the last governorship election in Osun despite all the forces against a free and fair election, saying the commission stood its ground by allowing the popular will of voters in the state. Aregbesola said that the August 9 governorship election remains the best ever conducted by the commission, noting that it will be a credit to the commission if that feat is repeated in the 2015 general elections across Nigeria.

Don Advocates Takeover Of LG Elections By INEC A don, Oluwole Aluko, has advocated the takeover of the conduct of elections into all local governments in Nigeria by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to save local government administrations from imminent collapse. Speaking at a public forum organised by the Association of Veteran Journalists, Osun State Chapter, Aluko posited that INEC, the national body that conducts general elections should take over the conduct of local government elections to give it credibility. Speaking on the topic entitled: “Local Government in Nigeria: The Search for Survival”, Aluko who retired from Osun State Public Service as a permanent secretary lamented the manner in which funds are being wasted at the local government level without any justifiable project to show for it. By Joshua Dada, Osogbo

FRSC Holds Safety Seminar For Road Users In Ogun In its bid to make the festive season accident-free, the Itori Unit of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), Ogun State Command, in Ewekoro local government area of the state, has organised a seminar for drivers and other road users. The seminar, held at the Unit’s Headquarters, had in attendance royal fathers, executives and members of transport unions, the police and other stakeholders, and featured safety measures and enlightenment for all road users. By Gbenga Adeboye, Abeokuta

The outgoing resident electoral commissioner in Osun State, Dr Rufus Akeju (left), receiving a gift from the state governor, Mr Rauf Aregbesola, during a farewell visit to the governor at the Government House, Osogbo, yesterday. PHOTO BY GOVT HOUSE

2015: Alao-Akala Rolls Out 13-point Agenda By Adebayo Waheed, Ibadan

Former Oyo State governor and Labour Party flag bearer in the 2015 governorship election, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala, yesterday rolled out his 13-point agenda aimed at alleviating the sufferings of the people of the state. The former governor, while inaugurating the Alao-Akala Campaign Committee in Ibadan yesterday, said the party would work assiduously to transform the society into a better one and actualise the dreams of the teeming supporters to enjoy the dividends of democracy.

He listed the 13-point agenda to include good governance, health/sustainable environment, poverty alleviation, industrialisation, employment opportunities, infrastructure regeneration, international trades, education, power and security among others. While noting that the country faces serious economic crisis as a result of the dwindling price of oil in the international market, he said the implication is that there is a major challenge ahead. The LP governorship flag bearer said that it would require an experienced leader and great party to provide hope and bring

genuine change to Oyo State citizens. He said, “As advocates of discipline, orderliness, we should endeavour to go about the campaign without rancour or bitterness. Let us show the example of good neighbourliness and teach the opposition how best to campaign in a democratic setting. “We have listened to the voices of the downtrodden masses who are presently suffering untold hardship under the present administration. We will bring smiles to the faces of those people whose businesses and means of livelihood have been destroyed”.

Media Honour For Dimka, Oyo Police Crime-buster A Port Harcourtbased media outfit has honoured a dogged crime fighter, ASP Usman Dimka, the commander of Skynet Special Squad of Oyo State Police Command, for being the most innovative security personnel in community policing, social interaction, effective leadership and philanthropy for the year 2014. According to Adage Communications, publishers of Suncity Magazine that organised the award, the Plateau State-born officer qualified for the award held over the weekend after opinion collation on social media and an online voting process. The assistant superintendent of police whose bravery in combating armed robbers had earned him much recognition was awarded alongside former minister of state for education and River State PDP gubernatorial candidate, Chief Barr. Nyesom Ezebunwo Wike as the Man of the Year, while his APC counterpart, Dr Dakuku Adol Peterside was awarded the Trailblazer and Achiever of the Year. By Millie Ibe, Abuja

PDP’s NWC Directed Me To Run For Senate – Daniel By Gbenga Adeboye, Abeokuta

There appears to be no end in sight in the crisis rocking the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ogun State as former governor of the state, Otunba Gbenga Daniel said he has been directed by the National Working Committee of the party to run for the senatorial seat for Ogun East. This is coming a day after the chairman of the party in the

state, Bayo Dayo unveiled Buruji Kashamu as the party’s candidate for Ogun East. According to a statement signed by Daniel’s media officer, Ayo Giwa and made available to journalists in Abeokuta, there were no primaries held in Ogun State as the national leadership had postponed the exercise. The statement said though Daniel had earlier withdrawn from the race, the NWC insist-

ed that he should run to shore up the chances of the party at the 2015 polls. “For the avoidance of doubts, the National Working Committee (NWC) of the PDP has declared that there were no authorised primaries held in Ogun State as the leadership of the party had earlier on called on all stakeholders to come with a unity list of candidates encompassing all the various interest

groups across the state.” “However, at an emergency meeting summoned by the national leadership of the party on Christmas Day, Otunba Gbenga Daniel was directed to run in order to enhance the success of the party at all levels in the Senatorial district and by extension, the whole of the state,” the statement said. It urged PDP members to remain calm and work for the suc-

50 news NATIONAL

Why My Administration Is Not Appreciated In Bayelsa – Dickson The Bayelsa State governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson yesterday expressed concern over the destructive culture of “bring him down” syndrome against elected political office holders in the state, saying the political class in the state does not know how to celebrate their leaders in government. Governor Seriake Dickson said while other ethnic nationalities celebrate their own political leaders for the little contributions towards the development of their people, the Ijaw ethnic nationality engage in celebrating the negative aspect of political office holders inspite of the huge impact being noticed. Governor Seriake Dickson, who spoke at a thanksgiving service marking the 90th birthday celebration of High Chief Brown Etonye, a retired mechanical engineer and educationist, at his hometown Toru-Orua in Sagbama local government area of the state, said his administration has tasted the unappreciative side of the Ijaw ethnic nationality and called for change of orientation. By Osa Okhomina,Yenagoa

APC Has Nothing To Offer Nigerian Women – Ibrahim The national coordinator, Women For Change and Development Initiative (W4CDI), Dr Rabi Ibrahim, has said the All Progressives Congress (APC) and its presidential candidate, Gen Muhammadu Buhari, have nothing to offer to Nigerian women, having stated that he (Buhari) would scrap the office of the First Lady if elected president, come 2015. Dr Ibrahim stated this yesterday in Abuja while addressing journalists in reaction to the ex-military head of state’s position over the office of the First Lady. She said that even though the office of the First Lady is not constitutional that it would amount to lack of respect to Nigerian women to attempt scrapping the office. The coordinator added that the office of the First Lady was too pivotal in the effective functioning of the presidency all over the world and therefore, should be considered too important to be scrapped. She said, “I want to tell Nigerian people that Gen Muhammadu Buhari, the presidential candidate of the APC has nothing to offer Nigerian women…Because if he has something to offer Nigerian women, he won’t be busy talking about scrapping the office of the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.” By Paul Chiama, Abuja

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

PDP Justifies FG’s Investment In Education Sector By Chibuzo Ukaibe, Abuja

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday justified the increased funding of the education sector, saying it is proud of the numerous achievements in the sector under the last four years of President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration. The party while reviewing the gains and challenges of the sector under this administration, said in line with its commitment to the proper funding of the sector, allocation to education sector has almost tripled from N224 billion

in 2007 to N634 billion in 2013. The party added that the amount has been complemented with the creation of special intervention agencies such as TETFund and the special NEEDS assessment fund through which over N500 billion has been spent on various projects to increase access and improve the quality of infrastructure at the tertiary level of the education system. PDP national publicity secretary, Olisa Metuh in a statement said the PDP has in the last 15 years, progressively grown the education sector as a social instru-

ment for national development and integration through vigorous implementation of broadbased policies in keeping with its manifesto and ideology. The PDP added that “President Jonathan has not only repositioned the public school system but has also provided the enabling environment for greater participation of individuals and agencies in the delivery of education services under government regulation. “This is in addition to the massive rehabilitation and upgrade of federal government-owned

schools as well as the threepronged programmes of the Almajiri Education System, the first of its kind; the Girl-Child Education and Back-to-School programmes, all of which have drastically reduced the out-of-school children profile in the country, particularly in the north. “The 150 Almajiri schools across the Northern states and the Out-of-School-Children Programme including Specialised Boys and Girls Schools across the country have given meaning to the lives of hitherto despaired children.

short news JUSUN Resumes Suspended Strike Jan 2 The Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN) has decided to commence its suspended strike action. It said the strike will now commence on 2nd January, 2015 until total compliance with judgement of the court and terms contained in the memorandum of understanding. In a communique issued by the union and Members of All Christians Fellowship Mission, Maitama, distributing food items to the victims of the insurgency from the Northeast, signed by Comrade Murtala Aminu at the Internally Displaced Persons Camp (IDP), during Christmas celebration in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO BY ADEFEMI ADEWUYI. and Jamilu Umaru, chairman and PRO respectively of Kaduna State branch of the activities during this year’s festive sea- 20 children. By Ejike Ejike, Abuja union it said, “Exson. In the same vein, the 2014 figure of ecutive Committee The Federal Road Safety Commission According to him, the FRSC also re- 193 road traffic crashes comprise of 62 of the union after (FRSC) has disclosed that about 120 per- corded 48 per cent reduction in the num- fatal, 115 serious and 15 minor reported consultations and sons were killed in road crashes across ber of road traffic crashes within this pe- cases while the 2013 figure of 368 comapproval of the the country during the 2014 yuletide na- riod, which stood at 193, in comparison prise of 113 fatal, 225 serious and 30 mimembers of the tionwide patrol, between 19 and 28 De- to 368 road crashes in 2013 while 733 nor reported cases of road traffic crashunion has decided cember, 2014. This translated to 42 per- were injured in 2014 as against the 2013 es recorded between 19-28 December. to commence cent reduction when compared to last figure of 1,564. On injuries, the corps also disclosed its strike action, year’s figure of 208, within the same peDetails of the 2014 fatality figures in- that the 2014 figure of 733 comprise of the previously riod. dicate that while 96 males, 17 females 432 males, 185 females and 116 chilintended strike acThis disclosure was made by the corps and seven children made up the 120 dren while the 2013 figure of 1,564 intion was differed. public education officer, Imoh Etuk, deaths, as against 208 deaths in 2013 clude 1041 males, 384 females and 139 By Isaiah while presenting an update on the corps’ comprising of 155 males, 33 females and children. Benjamin, Kduna

Yuletide Patrol: Road Crashes Fatality Reduced By 42% – Frsc

Malnutrition Hidden Epidemic Among Elders In Nigeria – Study BY VICTOR OKEKE, Abuja

The worsening economic fortunes, decaying social and healthcare systems are predisposing the aged among us to the subtle yet devastating effects of malnutrition according to experts. In a study on Elderly Well-being in a Rural Community in North Central Nigeria, Ayo Stephen Adebowale and others of the Department of Epidemiology and Medi-

cal Statistics, University of Ibadan found out that elderly persons are at higher risk of malnutrition and poverty. The researchers said, “Unfortunately, Nigerian government does not provide social security to elderly and the supports from the family are fading out. Therefore, the well-being of the elderly is compromised.” “Poverty is rife in Nigeria and elderly persons are more at risk since

most of them are no longer in the economically active phase of life and there is no national social security to provide economic support in old age. Access to health care is severely limited both by paucity of health facilities and manpower and by out-of-pocket payment arrangement. Social network is dwindling and traditional family support is decreasing as urbanisation and migration take young members of the family away,” they said.

They attributed these problems partly to social changes that are affecting the position of the elderly in the society and leading to a reduction in their social status and influence in the community. The Gerontological Society of America in an article recently said that aging is a risk factor for malnutrition and highlights opportunities to improve nutrition awareness, interventions, and policy priorities.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bala Nggilari: Undeserved Predicament By Timawus Mathias

Consider being placed on seat as Governor of a state and the first thing you are confronted with is a 3-month wage bill of nearly N6bn, a bank debt profile of nearly N13bn and a monthly interest service of N300m. On top of this, you are also confronted with a political process that has not gone down well with the state polity, itself spoilt by a past profligate regime that offered financial handouts instead of development! The people still want more handouts even if development continues to elude them. Add to all this, the influx of an estimated 500,000 internally displaced persons struggling pathetically to get by. This sums up the unenviable predicament in which Bala Ngilari found himself when following his petition on impeachment, he was returned by the Supreme Court as Governor of Adamawa State, to conclude the tenure he shared with impeached Murtala Hammanyero Nyako. Before the Adamawa State House of Assembly impeached Governor Murtala Nyako, it made known the precarious condition of the state finances. It will be recalled that government was unable to raise the paltry sum of N142m only, required for the payment of withheld salaries of civil servants and all hell broke loose leading to the governor’s impeachment. With each of three government accounts in the red by up to N3bn, the House of Assembly gave this damning conclusion, that given the scenario on the ground at the time, “the government will stand still one day, due to excessive overdrafts in all the accounts with average of more than N3bn monthly�. That situation has even been made worse by the rescheduling secured by Umaru Fintiri who acted as governor, and committed a further N3bn to ongoing projects. Thus, Bala Nggilari with a monthly revenue of averagely N2.4bn, has a plate of N13bn or more in bank debts to stare at, against mounting pressures from the state civil service to deliver on salary arrears payments promised by Fintiri, and the frustrated aspirations of the people through the last 7 years of waste. The costly security environment and the welfare of the over blowing IDPs are also serious issues

to contend with. Quite a picture somewhat. Ordinarily, this challenge is anticipated in governance. State economies collapse due to mismanagement, yet a leader of high dexterity institutes regimes of management that can effectively turn matters round. This however requires time, which Governor Bala Ngilari does not have, sadly, and this is where the unfairness in his predicament can be appreciated. Governor Bala Nggilari served as Deputy Governor to Nyako, a man who did everything to exclude his deputy from decision making and responsibility. Even Nyako joked about the relationship, often addressing his deputy as king of patience. Yet Bala Nggilari now has to cope with a critical political situation in which decisions have been taken by Abuja hawks to disenfranchise him from the political process which, were it normal, he would have automatically earned the ticket to contest for governor of Adamawa State. Almost two months into office, Bala is yet to appoint a deputy governor and commissioners. The public thinks that Bala Nggilari is weak and slow, and Abuja is holding him to ransom on choice. Informed thinking suggests that Bala is weighing the financial implication of establishing the administration given that salaries for December were paid through augmentation of nearly N1bn in more debts. Bala Nggilari is worse than being between a rock and a hard place. With a nomination to the Senate, Bala Ngilari could swallow his pride and submit to the PDP in good faith, but the epitome of the political crisis is that the iconic state PDP chairman, Joel Madaki and his exco secretary, Barrister A T. Shehu with their command of the party following and structure, stand suspended and need to be wooed back if the party is to have hope, Many other key contestants, aggrieved by their disenfranchisement, are in court petitioning, just as angry disenfranchised delegates seething with fury and support influencers are giving counsel to a protest to ensure PDP suffers defeat. The storm may be weathered, but a crisis is avoidable. It is better that the situation is managed without the aloof mien being


bandied by the hawks who voters plan to humiliate as been mentioned loudly almost everywhere everyday! Thus with less than two months to the crucial February election, the PDP is fractured. Clearly there is a disconnected between the state supporters of the party and the manipulators of matters in Abuja. The primary that produced the state candidates could present insurmountable legal challenges in the future, the standoff with the Joel Madakiled exco and the departure of many contestants to PDM are all spectres that spell one thing - failure. A protest vote could give APC and easy win, and worse, threaten a winning chance for President Jonathan against Muhammadu Buhari, whose popularity is soaring by the day. For now, Abuja has to make it easy for Bala Ngilari. Grant him a fighting chance through a ticket to the senate, reconcile with and restore Joel Madaki and his group, and dress the grant of the ticket to Nuhu Ribadu in some legally acceptable cloak. More importantly is a rapprochement with the disenfranchised lot of contestants to the governorship and legislative political offices. It is still possible to stitch the shreds and manage a victory next year. On his part, Bala Nggilari is best advised to include himself with the party in hope to also establish a legacy that can be sustained by future

administrations. Practical steps need to be taken to change the Adamawa narrative of political disagreements, raging feuds, and waste of resources, both human and material, to the assuage of the divergent warring sentiments of class, ethnicity, and religion. Needed urgently is a broad based conference of not only Adamawa elite but stakeholders and everyone to forge a contract of peace and harmonious coexistence of the people Adamawa State. Adamawa is in dire straights, lacking in infrastructure, its people ravished by poverty, and school children performing poorly because of the many vagaries, the future must be of concern to all. It hurts to imagine that it is a State richly endowed in manpower, and natural economic resource. Adamawa State deserves to be better than it has found itself. All help must come. The strangulation of the state by banks earning N300m each month in bogus interest is not acceptable given the human suffering of the mainly civil service state, and requires intervention championed by the Adamawa State Government, assisted by the Central Bank of Nigeria. It goes without saying, that crimes have been committed that have bred this predicament. The criminals must be sanctioned, or else the process will continue to repeat itself. Who best to ensure this than Nuhu Ribadu then? Mathias can be reached on timmathias64@gmail.com

That situation has even been made worse by the rescheduling secured by Umaru Fintiri who acted as governor, and committed a further N3bn to ongoing projects


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Akinwunmi Charity Football Project Lauded BY ONJEWU DICKSON, Abuja

President of Nigeria Football Federation, Mr. Amaju Pinnick has commended the efforts of the NFF 1st Vice President, Barrister Seyi Akinwunmi towards educating indigent children in Lagos State and catering for the needs of ex-international players. On Sunday, Akinwunmi, who is also Chairman of Lagos State Football Association, took his love for charity to a new level with a charity mini –

tournament at the Campos Memorial Mini-Stadium that drew scores of future stars and several ex-international players who have over the years benefitted from his foundation. “The NFF is proud of the efforts of Barr. Seyi Akinwunmi in the area of charity. He did not start just recently; I am told his foundation has been on for nine years now. That is praiseworthy. That tells you the quality of people on the new NFF Executive Committee. There are a lot of areas

that we need to look at in football. What Lagos State has done in the past four years under Akinwunmi has to be emulated by several other States in the country,” Pinnick said yesterday. Lagos State Football Association was on ground with its highflying project, Eko Football Future Stars, and the U-13, U-15, U-17 and women teams thrilled the audience to fascinating skills in a number of games that began in the morning.

2015: Nigerians Should Expect Better Results In Sports - Are By ONJEWU DICKSON, Abuja

As the year 2014 ends and 2015 is expected, the sports industry in Nigeria is expected to have better successes recorded in the coming year. Deputy Director, Grassroots Sports Development, National Sports Commission (NSC), Dr. Ademola Are is optimistic that Nigeria will excel in 2015, judging from the performance recorded by various federations in 2014. “We have very high expectations for the year 2015. Looking back at the performance in 2014, especially in athletics,

football, taekwondo, basketball and especially the exploits at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, we have a good projection for 2015,” he said. He explained that Nigeria should be very expectant especially with the concerted efforts being put in place by the Federal Government and the management of the NSC in areas of grassroots sports development and elite sports programmes targeted at replicating successes recorded in 2014. He however, described the crisis at the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) as unfortunate even as it contributed in robbing the

Super Eagles of a chance in featuring at the 2015 Nations Cup billed for Guinea. “In the NFF, the Federal Government through the NSC is making frantic efforts at resolving the lingering crisis with efforts targeted at eliminating the mistakes of the past. The NFF should be the house of joy to Nigerians but it has caused many pains by not qualifying the Eagles for Nations Cup. This is as a result of minor bickering among some stakeholders. Nigeria has not been able to get its full benefits from football as a result of such internal wran-

glings,” he added. Dr. Are was however, optimistic that in the new year, there would be changes that would see normalcy return to the Glass House. “There is a ray of hope with the astute management of the NSC to ensure that things are normalized, so that Nigeria can take its rightful place in the world of football. Such changes would include for instance, ensuring that the secretary-general of the NFF is from the NSC to ensure proper accountability,” he stressed. In his view, the Director of Sports, FCT Sports Council,

Mohammed Alim said that the impact that would be felt of sports in 2015 would to a large extent be determined by the price of crude, since it remains the mainstay of Nigeria’s economy. Alim explained that the latter part of 2014 witnessed slight decline in sports as a result of dwindling resources accruable to the country. He said though the FCT was able to witness some successes in 2014, there would be financial obstacles in 2015 that may affect sports development, through less appropriation of funds.

‘Cristiano Ronaldo Almost Joined Birmingham’ Former Birmingham owner David Sullivan claims the Blues could have signed Cristiano Ronaldo for £6 million (€7.6m) before he moved to Manchester United in 2003. The Portugal international was signed by Sir Alex Ferguson as an 18-year-old and moved to Old Trafford from Sporting Lisbon in a deal worth €15.5m. Ronaldo went on to spend six years at United, winning the Champions League and three Premier League titles before signing for Real Madrid in 2009. However, Sullivan claims Bir-


Keshi Won’t Succeed - Onigbinde Former Nigeria coach Adegboye Onigbinde said it would be very difficult to establish any harmony if the Nigeria Football Federation were to re-appoint Stephen Keshi as the coach of the national team. Keshi has fallen out of favour with the country’s football administrators before, which is compounded by the fact that he currently finds himself planning his future on shifting sands, primarily because the Nigeria Football Federation has yet to decide on the future coach. Onigbinde thinks that is a problem. “To me it would be very difficult for Keshi to succeed on the job since the NFF has once sacked him before,” Onigbinde told The Nation. “Keshi would still need to work with the present NFF administration that

mingham could have captured the teenager who was offered to the Blues before opting to sign for the Red Devils. “Before he went to Man United, we were offered him for £6m, and he chose United ahead of us,” he told Sky Sports programme ‘Soccer AM’. “There was a deal to be done. When he first went to United there were lots of doubts about him. He wasn’t the star that he is now.” Ronaldo is the current Ballon d’Or holder and the heavy favourite to win this year.

first sacked him and the relationship to me has already been soured.”


Second Batch Elite Referees Set For London Training By ISHAKU KIGBU, Abuja

Nigeria’s next batch of elite referees numbering 20 are set to depart Nigeria for a two–week capacity building exercise in the United Kingdom. They will leave on January 25, 2015 with the Nigeria Football Federation President Amaju Pinnick stating that the exercise aimed at improving the officiating officials in the art of refereeing will be an ongoing one. “We want to have a pool of 60 referees who will be fully prepared and able to handle matches in the Nigeria Premier League and other domestic competitions without fear or favour.” According to the NFF, the delegation will be led by Chairman of

the NFF Referees Committee, Yu- are interested in lending a helpsuf Ahmed Fresh, to include the ing hand. I can tell you that apart Chairman of Nigeria Referees As- from the support we are giving to sociation, Ahmed Maude. The this exercise, we are also looking at NFF say ARIK airline has offered other areas in which we can partto fly the 22 persons at half the ner the NFF on football developfare to the United Kingdom and ment.” back, while Seina Marine Limited The twenty referees who will is bankrolling the exercise. Con- benefit from the second exercise firming the pact with Seina Ma- are: Hadiza Musa, Bosede Momoh, rine company, Managing Director/ Uloma Nwogu, Paul Umuago, JeChief Executive Officer of Seina lili Ogunmuyiwa, Ibrahim Umar Marine, Mr. Scot Tommey said: Fagge, Jeremiah Akure, Francis “We are delighted to be a part of Agbaegbu, Ahmed Rufai, Iheanthis because we believe in the well- acho Chukwuemeka, Dele Atoun, articulated vision of Amaju Melvin Suleiman Jimeta, Abubakar Audu, Pinnick for Nigeria football. He is Obieze Okiridu, Ezenwanko Obisomeone who knows exactly what ora, Ishyaku Ibrahim, Sunny Atu, it will take to make positive chang- Sani Mohammed, Jibrin Isa and es to the Nigerian game and we Mohammed Aliyu Jingi. Follow these reports on leadership.ng/sports

sports 53

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Awo Stadium Hosts Kayrom Lee Holiday Swimming Tourney By taofeek lawal, Abuja

In its continued efforts to introduce school pupils into sports atearly stage, KAYROM LEE in partnership with National Sports Commission (NSC) Zone One, staged a swimming competition for primary and secondary schools students where new talents were discovered by Oyo State Sports Council coaches. The CEO of the firm, Mrs. Romoke Ayinde, while briefing newsmen after the event held at the swimming pool of Obafe-

mi Awolowo Stadium Ibadan over the weekend said the Holiday Swimming Tourney was designed to engage the pupils positively during the school vacation and to introduce swimming to the younger ones at the very early stage as it is been done in leading nations in global sports. “Michael Pelphs, the world’s renowned swimming legend started at the very early stage and moreover, children by nature are hyper active, thereby, it would be much beneficial to allow them channel such excessive

energy to what would enhance their physical health”, Ayinde noted. She added that Kayrom Lee has many experts in children coaching that takes children through many other sports, claiming “introducing sports to kids at early stage will help them become master of such sports and be at par with their counterparts from anywhere in the world apart from affording them regular exercises which will improve the functioning of their heart, blood circulation and digestion”.


I Don’t Dive - Fabregas Cesc Fabregas insists he did not dive in Sunday’s draw against Southampton after the Chelsea midfielder was booked for perceived simulation. The two teams were already level at 1-1 when Spain international Fabregas went down in the area under a challenge from Matt Targett, with the Blues bench convinced it was a penalty. However, referee Anthony

Taylor saw it differently and booked the playmaker for diving, denying the west London giants what could have proved a pivotal moment in the game. Fabregas, though, has since hit out at the match official’s decision, telling Chelsea’s official website: “There was definitely contact. I don’t think the referee had the best game of his life but we’re all human and a bad day at the office can happen to anyone.”

Podolski Would Be Joining A Mediocre Inter – Matthaus Lothar Matthaus has labelled former club Inter “mediocre”, while also criticising their reported interest in Arsenal attacker Lukas Podolski. The 55-year-old spent four seasons with the Nerazzurri, winning the Scudetto in 1989 and the Uefa Cup in 1991 before returning to Bayern Munich at the end of the following campaign. Arsene Wenger alerted Inter to Podoslki’s availability by admitting that he could leave the club in January, but the former midfielder believes that the Italian side are now an average outfit.


“As long as it’s only rumours, we must be cautious. I think that Inter are following more players and that anyone, at this time, could pursue Podolski,” Matthaus said to Hamburger Morgenpost. “From one point of view, Podolski and Inter would certainly fit because both have big names and have had considerable success in the past. It could be positive to resume the pursuit of these successes together. “But it hurts me to see where Inter is now. They have become a mediocre club, so Podolski would join a mediocre club, although Inter has more economic advantages than other clubs in Italy.”

CEO Kayrom lee Romoke Ayinde in the midst of kid-swimmers discovered during Holiday Swimming Tourney at the Obafemi Awolowo Stadium Ibadan.

Madrid Clash Will Give Milan A Big Lift– Montolivo Riccardo Montolivo says AC Milan’s friendly clash against Real Madrid on Tuesday will give the club a “big lift”. The teams meet in the Dubai Cup before returning to action in their respective league campaigns in the New Year. Milan currently sit seventh in Serie A, but Montolivo is hopeful a positive result against Real could aid a push for the Champions League

positiions. “This game can give the team a big lift,” he said. “I think it’s a great ‘training’ match if I may say so because, when you face teams like Milan and Real Madrid, there are no friendly matches. “A game like this helps us to immediately hit the ground running when we return to league action. “It will also be a good test to

see where we are when we come back from the winter break. “We’ve been lacking a bit of consistency, but it’s normal for a team that is rebuilding. “I believe that we’ve seen steps forward recently in terms of solidity and the group, and the match with Real Madrid is an excellent chance to test ourselves once again.” Milan face Sassuolo in Serie A on January 6.

‘Europe The Place To Be For Brazil’s Talent’ Paris Saint-Germain’s Brazilian international Lucas Moura said on Sunday that Europe is the place to be for top talent and any return to the domestic fray would be a step backwards. “It would be a step back for my career if I were to return to Brazil,” said the 22-year-old winger, whom PSG signed from Sao Paulo for €45m. Moura, who made his name with Sao Paulo and broke into the Brazilian national side in 2011 but failed to make the cut for the FIFA World Cup™,

told Globo television the Brazilian game is slower and that playing in Europe had bolstered his allround development. Brazil coach Dunga called Lucas into his squads for recent friendlies against Austria and Turkey but injury forced his withdrawal. But he told Globo he hoped to get another chance to pull on the national shirt for a 26 March friendly in Paris. “That would be special I can say France is my second country,” Lucas said.


54 sports

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Redknapp’s Difficult Striker Search

Real Madrid players

Dubai Ready To Welcome Real Madrid, AC Milan Organisers and sponsors of the Dubai Football Challenge say they are ready to welcome 201314 Uefa Champions League winners, Real Madrid and 18-time international title winners, AC Milan along with thousands of fans for what will be an unforgettable evening of football and fun at Dubai Sevens Stadium on December 30. Six official match sponsors in Gold, Silver, Bronze and supporting categories have been confirmed. Gold sponsors of the match include National Bank of

Abu Dhabi, DU and Go Fast. Silver sponsorship is held by Marka, while Toyo Tires has been confirmed as bronze sponsor. Sporting giant Adidas has also been confirmed as an official supporting sponsor. With kick off at 20:00 (16:00 GMT) and doors closing at 19:30 (15:30 GMT) sharp, Dubai Football Challenge organisers’, Dubai Tourism and Emirates Airline are strongly encouraging guests to arrive early at the Dubai Sevens Stadium to reserve their preferred seats. With gates open at

3pm, the semi-final and final of Inter-School Championship, featuring Dubai’s finest school football talent will take place ahead of the grand kick-off. A match Village, complete with a variety of food options and entertainment program, will also be open from 15:00 (11:00 GMT) for all fans to enjoy. To ensure an enjoyable experience for all, organisers are also strongly encouraging fans to leave their cars at home and use one of the 80 RTA shuttle buses available for fans.

Queens Park Rangers manager Harry Redknapp will be shopping for a striker in the January transfer window, but expects a struggle to find an adequate forward at the right price. QPR have had to rely on inform Charlie Austin for goals this season. The English forward has scored twelve so far, which is double the combined tally of the rest of the team. Redknapp will be hoping to bring in some backup, but is pessimistic about his chances of getting a striker on loan in the middle of the season. “Where are you going to find a striker on loan?” Redknapp said. “Who’s going to loan you a good

striker? People will come up with names who are useless. ‘Harry, what about him?’ Yeah, good luck. “You need four strikers at the club. You need to be able to change, bring a couple of fresh ones on with a bit of pace and get behind people, give them a problem. I can’t do that. We haven’t got it. We haven’t got anyone to freshen it up.” The Hoops are 15th in the league, and know that if they don’t find more goals from the rest of the team they could be sucked into a relegation battle. Harry Redknapp’s side take on Swansea in the league on New Year’s Day, and Sheffield United in the FA Cup three days later.

West Brom Manager’s Future In Balance


‘Robben, Ribery Not Selfish’ Irvine

West Brom are not expected to make an announcement on Monday about the future of manager Alan Irvine. The 56-year-old is not sure if he will remain as boss after Sunday’s 2-0 defeat at Stoke City. The result leaves the Baggies one point above the relegation zone after a run of two wins in 13 games. Chairman Jeremy Peace is weighing up options before a Premier League trip to West Ham on New Year’s Day and Sunday’s home FA Cup tie against Gateshead. BBC Sport’s Pat Murphy re-

ports: “Money is not a factor because the imperative for Mr Peace is to stay in the Premier League but he’s genuinely fond of Irvine. “He knows how popular he is with the first-team squad and - as a left-field choice by Mr Peace last June - doesn’t want a fourth head coach in just over a year, with his own reputation suffering a further blow. “Mr Peace also knows the market for alternatives is hardly stimulating. He will not dismantle the continental-style model of a head coach working to a technical director, rather than the tradi-

tional system of a manager working to a chairman - and many possible candidates like Tony Pulis won’t agree to the West Brom structure. Stoke 2-0 West Brom: Alan Irvine says he will keep working “But a key factor is Irvine’s lack of popularity with a vociferous section of the West Brom season ticket holders who were dismayed at the appointment of a comparative unknown and have never given Irvine a chance. Just one win in the last nine and five home defeats in the Premier League haven’t helped Irvine’s cause.

Bayern Munich sporting director Matthias Sammer has rejected claims that Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery are individuals who don’t work hard enough for the team. The pair have often been accused of possessing a selfish streak and not working for the greater good of the side, despite being two of the club’s star men during their success in recent years. Sammer has leapt to the defence of both Robben and Ribery and pointed to their ability to balance individuality with work ethic. He told the club’s official website: “There’s one thing I want to say about Arjen, and it also applies to Franck Ribery; both are often accused of not working hard enough for the team. That’s utter nonsense when you see how

team-oriented both of them are. “They’re both world-class players who’ve retained their individuality and inventiveness but are fully integrated members of the team. And they’re both exemplary, in training and the way they look after their bodies. “I can only advise every young player to watch them as they go about their daily work and learn from them.” The former midfielder then lavished further praise on Robben and said the Netherlands international is an example for younger players to follow as he continues to shine ahead of his 31st birthday in January. “Arjen is a perfect example of how an older player can still learn and develop, and refuse to be satisfied with what he’s already achieved. He invests 100 per cent in every training session.”


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wife of the Governor of Benue State, Mrs Yemisi Dooshima Suswam, during a Christmas party for children at Goverment House, Makurdi.

A comedian entertaining children at the Millennium Park, Abuja.

A mobile bag-seller displaying his wares at Mararaba Market, Abuja, yesterday.

Commercial activities picking up after Christmas at Idumota in Lagos, yesterday.


A passenger train loading at Iddo Terminus, after christmas holiday in Lagos, yesterday.

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comrade Timi Frank

Tuesday Column:

FoR GoD anD countRY

No. 2,318

— Anon



Playing Poker With Nigeria’s Future 08070888888 (text only)


he recent sharp increase in electricity tariff by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) shows that the way out of the woods in unstable power supply is far from bring near. No matter what they may say, I contend that there is no justification for further increases in electricity tariffs at this time. The NERC claims to be acting, albeit blindly on the basis of the approved Multi Year Tariff Order (MYTO) with graduated tariff increase from 2012 to 2016. Based on the MYTO, the NERC has religiously kept raising the cost of electricity consumption since 2012 without any corresponding increase in the availability of electricity supply. What we have at best have been constant decrease in the generation and supply of power. Yet the Federal Government has not deemed it expedient to review the MYTO to reflect the non-availability of what it claims to be selling. It is embarrassing and intriguing that Nigerians continue to pay more for aberrant power supply. How do we continue to pay for a non-existent commodity? Why should the price of commodity that is rarely available continue to hit the skies? Why should the Federal Government take pleasure, so it seems, in overburdening citizens? Today Nigerians face an uncertain future in the hands of a government they are believed to have ‘freely’ elected. Today our government is a predator. The people, the prey. For over 15 years, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) led government has battled unsuccessfully to generate and distribute 5000 megawatts of electricity. Humongous amounts have been spent to achieve the objective but daily we are buffeted with news of constant decrease in power generation and by extension supply. While the expenditure in the sector has continued to soar, the actual amount of power generated has continued to nosedive. Power supply was 4000MW between

2008-2009! But only last week, we read that power supply ‘rose’ (?) to 3,666.76MW! The fact is that power supply has remained below 3000MW over the years. The sum of $16bn was said to have been committed to ensure adequate Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution between June 1999 and May 2007 when exPresident Olusegun Obasanjo held sway. During this period it was claimed that we were chasing 6000MW. But it has since come to light that we only had just a little above 1500MW during the period. Yet, nobody has been made to account for the monies spent! How can we meet the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI)’s peak demand forecast of 12,800MW, when the Federal Government has not been able to up electricity supply by at least 1000MW at any point in time since 2007, assuming we were stable at 4000MW which is not the case? In contrast and despite claims to being the largest economy in Africa, South Africa with a population of about 55 million generates an average of 45,000MW of electricity while Nigeria with about 180 million people cannot generate 4,000 MW. The Chairman of the NERC, Dr. Sam Amadi, has said the unjustified increases will continue till 2016 despite dwindling supply. “The truth is that the tariff must increase despite shortfalls in service delivery,” Amadi had told reporters in Abuja. Notwithstanding that the malfeasance in the power sector stinks to the heavens, the oil sector is far worse. As if ‘corruption’ and of ‘stealing’ is now the governance model in Nigeria, the apex oil company is again embroiled $30billion scandal. The amount is sad to be missing from the escrow account. Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo state who disclosed this recently had said, “Ideally, we ought to be saving $36 per barrel on the 2.3 million barrel a day over the past three years and if you look at

these numbers you will find that what we have in our excess crude oil account should be over $30billion but as we speak, we have barely $3 billon in our excess crude account.” Oshiomhole also wondered why the Excess Crude Account is presently almost empty when proceeds from the account have not been shared for upwards of 18 months. According to him, “Things are tough now around the country because the Federal Government mismanaged our national resources and what is being stolen, nobody agrees it is being stolen. What is arguable is who is responsible for this stealing. When the Federal Government and the President talk about oil theft and the amount that is allegedly stolen is huge such that whereas we have the capacity to produce about 2.4 million barrels a day, what accrues into the Federal Government’s account is less than 1.8 million barrel a day. From the last time we had a meeting, the handouts they distributed show that sometime for a period of two weeks, we were losing as much as 700,000 barrels a day and that has been on for the past 12 years. I am not able to understand why, suddenly, Nigeria cannot protect its territorial waters because the boundaries have not changed and the people are still the same and at the peak of the so-called militancy, we were still exporting about 2 million barrels a day.” As if to lend credence to the Governor’s assertion, the Federation Accounts Allocation Committee (FAAC) meetings have consistently ended in stalemates. The November FAAC also ended in puzzle as representatives of the 36 states and the FCT queried the Federal Government for not accounting for about $1billion (N168 billion) of excess crude oil money. The Chairman of State Commissioners of Finance, Timothy Odaah, had told reporters after the meeting that no state knew how the $1 billion difference reported in the Excess Crude Account balance, between October and November,

How can we meet the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI)’s peak demand forecast of 12,800MW, when the Federal Government has not been able to up electricity supply by at least 1000MW at any point in time since 2007 came about. The Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Mrs. Ngozi OkonjoIweala quickly rose in defence of the anomaly. She claimed that the $1billion was used by the Federal Government to pay debts owed petroleum products marketers. However, the states were not informed of the development. She also reacted to Oshiomhole’s allegation of missing $30billion. She said: “The widely published comment by Gov. Adams Oshiomhole alleging that 30 billion dollars is missing from the Excess Crude Account is shocking and totally untrue.” She further added that “The comments reflect, once again, the unfortunate tendency of some political players to politicise the management of the economy on the basis of half-truths and sundry distortions. This is not good for the country.” The minister also claimed that the governor’s assertion gave the impression that the Federal Government doled out whatever it wished to the states from the Federation Account. She further stamped her authority on the wrongdoing by saying that “anyone who is familiar with the Federation Accounts Allocation Committee (FAAC) process knows that this is simply not true.” “The meetings,” she said for emphasis, “are held every month and Commissioners of Finance and other officials represent their states and agreements are reached

timifrank@leadership.ng on issues including the distribution of proceeds from the Account. There is no 30 billion dollars missing from the Excess Crude Account as alleged by Governor Oshiomhole.” Why was there no information to stakeholders as to the need to spend the money before unilaterally making the withdrawal? We may never get it right in the power sector and by extension the economy, unless some dramatic changes are brought to bare on the governance of this country. This is why we must all gear up to the change in the offing. We must take our destiny in our hands because “Destiny,” said William Jennings Bryan, “is not a matter of chance; but a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” Let us fashion out a future devoid of corruption. A future that can guarantee life more abundant for the citizenry. Let’s not continue to tolerate those playing poker with our future. Let’s say no to those who corruptly drain our resources and make us feed from the drains. Let’s not continue to sow cassava and expect to reap coco-yam. We must decide if the way of ‘stealing’ and ‘corruption’ is good for us. We must decide if the way of discipline, selflessness, and sacrifice is not far, far better. The choice remains ours and 2015 is the date.

GHANA MUST GO Nigeria’s problems increasing — Jonathan

Dividends of the transformation agenda!

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