Leadership Newspaper

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saTUrDaY No. 437


saadu shehu gidado is new Waziri Of Kano

Brazil 2014: super eagles set For Crunch Match



Chibok Diary

DAY 68

Parents To FG: Save Our Girls First 2 Before Schools




nigeria's MOsT inFLUenTiaL neWsPaPer


Siege On Ekiti, Invitation To Anarchy – Akume 5

APC alleges plan to place Fayemi under house arrest

Policemen deployed for the Ekiti State governorship election at the police headquarters, Ado-Ekiti, yesterday. PHOTO BY


“Our Findings May Threaten National Security” – Chibok Committee Advises Jonathan To Keep Report Secret 5

chibok diary 68


Leadership weeKeNd Saturday, June 21, 2014 CHIBOk FACTS

➔ The postal code of the area is 601. Only a handful of Nigerians outside of Borno State knew or ever heard of Chibok, a small town in the northeast state. ➔ A home to some of Borno State’s brightest and most outstanding public servants- at state and federal level- Chibok local government has remained one of the most obscure in the troubled northeast state. ➔ GSS Chibok was first established in the mid-1970s as Women Teachers College which was to serve the people of Chibok, Damboa, Askira, Uba, Ashigir, Azir and even Gwoza. ➔ The locals of Chibok had to fight it out during that period when an attempt was made by the then government to move the school to Azir, a village in present day Damboa local government area. ➔ In the past, it was said that if a chief in Biu died, the new chiefdesignate was taken to Chibok for a kind of rite before he was installed in his new position. The new chief-designate would be helped by a Chibok girl to mount a rock (called ‘Muyar Patha’) in Wantaku and an exhortation would be made about him before being taken back to Biu for installation. ➔ Gerald and Lois Neher encouraged Chibok girls to go to school. The couple’s work helped the first girls attend—50 years before terrorists abducted 270. COMPILED BY agBO augustInE

Vice President, German Parliament, Johannes Singhammer (center) and others during a solidarity visit to #BRINGBACKOUR GIRLS group in Abuja, yesterday.


Parents Of Chibok Girls To FG: Save Our Girls First Before Schools BY KAREEm HARUNA, Maiduguri

Parents of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls yesterday faulted the federal government’s ‘Safe School Initiative’, a presidential programme that seeks more secured and safer schools for children, saying the development is tantamount to putting the cart before the horse. The Safe School Initiative was introduced in Borno State on Wednesday by the Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi OkonjoIweala, who visited the state. She explained that the move was one of the initiatives of the federal government which would be jointly funded by the former

British Prime Minister, Mr Gordon Brown. Okonjo-Iweala had during her four-hour visit to Borno State, told citizens of the state especially parents that with the initiative fully operational, the issue of unsafe schools would be reduced drastically and other girls would not be abducted like the 219 schoolgirls still in captivity. But despite the good news, some of the people in the state, especially parents of schoolgirls abducted by members of Boko Haram stated that the initiative was not their main priority. One of the parents said, “what is the federal government trying

to tell us; that our girls are gone forever? Why are they playing with our intelligence? Instead of mobilising all the available resources and deploying it into the search and rescue of our girls, government is going into some kind of diversionary antics that may further put our girls in danger.” The parents pleaded with the federal government to show more commitment and ensure the quick rescue of their daughters so as not put their lives in more danger. “We don’t have more to say than to beg the government to see these children as theirs and

do unto them what they would do if they are their biological children,” the parent added. Okonjo-Iweala had during her visit debunked claims that the federal government was no longer keen about rescuing the girls. She said, “The president is still very much keen about the girls; most of us don’t sleep well because these girls are in captivity. We cannot give details of what is being done or the strategy but I believe serious efforts are being made to help them regain freedom. These are very difficult circumstances and we all have to tread carefully as we pursue the rescue of the schoolgirls.”

German Parliament Visits #BringBackOurGirls Group In Abuja BY CHIKA OKEKE, Abuja

An 11- man delegation led by the Vice President of German Bundestag (Parliament) yesterday in Abuja visited the #BringBackOurGirls Group in solidarity of the federal government`s efforts to rescue the over 200 abducted Chibok schoolgirls. Addressing the group at the Unity Fountain in Abuja, Mr. Johannes Singhammer said that foowing the incident, the German parliament held a special meeting in Germany to express solidarity with the group insisting that they are not alone in the struggle to rescue the abducted girls. “For the mothers and relatives of the girls that have been abducted in such a cruel way, a terrible thing has happened and that is why the German parliament installed a special meeting to express our solidarity with all of you. On behalf of the German parliament, we want to express

that you are not alone,” he said. Singhammer further appealed to the insurgents to release the girls, saying it was an official appeal from the German parliament. “This is an occasion for me to launch an official appeal to those that perpetrated this terrible deed that on behalf of the German parliament, they should stop it and give the girls back to their mother and families. This is an official expression of German Bundestag,” he noted. On ways to assist the federal government, he said, “I think the government should do what is possible. In Germany, we have stamped out the rebel so, the government and the people should do what is possible. All we can do will be revealed as soon as possible.” On her part, a member of the parliament, Mrs Ernstberger Petra told the group that their collective efforts had given a voice to mothers and women whose

children had been abducted, injured, killed and kidnapped even as she assured them that it was also a struggle for women emancipation. “You are not only here fighting to bring back our girls but at the same time, you are giving a face to all children abducted, injured, kidnapped or killed; you are representing all of them here. You will also give a voice and face to all mothers and women who are suffering seeing their families destroyed and their husbands killed. You are here to fight for women’s rights also. You should be proud about that because you are not alone and you can no longer be condemned to silence,” she emphasised. While reiterating her support for the group, she insisted that the slogan #BringBackOurGirls would be adopted by the German parliament. “On behalf of the parliament, I will like to support you in this endeavour and the slogan #Bring-

BackOurGirls is ours now,” Petra said. Also speaking, the former Minister of Education, Mrs Oby Ezekwesili who expressed appreciation to the delegation, expressed happiness that the German parliament understood the citizen’s demand for accountability being their reason for the visit. “It is because the issue of Chibok girls has taken a humanitarian dimension that few weeks ago, we were visited by the Minister of Economic Cooperation, Germany. The parliament in any democracy is the symbol of citizen’s right and we are very delighted to welcome the Vice President and his delegation. Though we have had visits by the UN Secretary General’s Representative for West Africa, US Parliament and other countries, Germany keeps coming and I think it’s because the Germans in many ways understand the citizens’ demands for accountability and that is exactly what we are doing here.


our stand Saturday, June 21, 2014

Like FIFA, Like NFF


s the World Cup tournament peaks, the global football governing body (FIFA) and the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) are facing a stiff moral debacle. At the global realm, the circumstances of awarding the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, unarguably the world’s richest country with over $100,000 per capita income, is at issue. The NFF, for its part, is in a dilemma over the sharing formula of the $8.75m received from FIFA to prosecute this year’s World Cup. To the players, they are the essence for which FIFA paid the money and they should take the lion’s share. That stance has pitted the players against the Federation. Brazil 2014 is on, but the players still believe that the issue should be properly ironed out while the tournament lasts. Rather than heeding the call for the money to be expended solely on the players’ welfare, NFF made conditional concessions regarding match bonuses. NFF claimed that a chunk of the said money had been consumed by technical and logistic arrangements, including the organisation of friendly matches to keep the team fit for

a successful outing in Brazil. The players are sticking to their guns, insisting that $10,000 each be paid them as winning bonus for first-round games, $12,500 for second-round game and $15,000 for quarter-final. They also want $20,000 for semi-final, which should be marginally increased to $25,000 if the team wins the trophy. To us, these are legitimate demands. A situation where the NFF spends the money meant for players’ welfare on extraneous budgeting for Nigeria’s typically oversize presidential delegations to the sporting events is demoralising to the players. The players see as inappropriate the princely treatment of governors, ministers, federal lawmakers and

Ag. Editor Catherine Agbo Editorial Board Safiya M. Adamu, Chairman Standards Aniebo Nwamu, Director ’Lara Olugbemi, Assistant Director

Founder Sam Nda-Isaiah diplomats as a consequence of their being short-changed by the football house and government. As to FIFA, it should come clean on the role played by Mohammed bin Hammam to secure the hosting right of the 2022 World Cup for Qatar. Newspaper reports supported by undercover video recordings tend to confirm shady deals. While we do not want to pre-empt the outcome of what becomes of the inquisition, we consider the scrutiny by sponsors, politicians and former players as damaging enough to the integrity of the world’s famous sport. Sepp Blatter, at 78 and making his pitch for a fifth presidential term, makes the language of football’s governing body democratically incomprehensible. Under him so much stain has been splashed on soccer. We advise that should the ongoing investigation indict him or any member of his executive, they should not be spared a life ban. We request that FIFA’s Ethics Committee, led by New York lawyer Michael J Garcia should do a thorough, just and unfettered inquisition, such that no one will be in doubt that the road to Doha was not paved with scandal coins.

Chairman Hajiya Ireti Kingibe Group Managing Director Azubuike Ishiekwene Group Executive Directors Michael Okpere Dr Kazeem Durodoye Company Secretary/ Legal Adviser Julianne Omofuma Divisional Directors Abdulmumin Balogun Salisu Alhassan Bichi Iyobosa Uwugiaren Ademola Oladosu General Managers Joy Adekanye Aminu Abubakar Sule Zipporah D. Tanko



Managing Director Abraham Nda-Isaiah Executive Director Nnamdi Samuel New York Office Mohammed Bello Shehu London Office Dr Bello Salihu Johannesburg Office Abiodun Oguntuase Business Manager Bilkisu Mohammed Rimi

LEADERSHIP is a national paper symbolically embedded in the nation’s capital. We shall stand up for good governance. We shall defend the interest of Nigerian people even against their rulers, and we shall raise our pen at all times in defence of what is right. These are the values by which we intend to be assessed. We shall never, ever for any reason forget the noble reason of our coming into being: For God and country!


Saturday, June 21, 2014


Saturday, June 21, 2014


One health tip daily Time to Exercise: Any Time!

We all know that exercise can prolong our lives, but many people say they simply don’t have the time. In our busy routines, it may be difficult to find an hour or two every day to go to the gym or take a fitness class. I tell them that there are many opportunities to exercise throughout their day. My advice: take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car a few blocks away from where you’re going. Cut the lawn with a manual mower. Sweep the floor with a broom instead of a vacuum. Wash dishes by hand rather than using a dishwasher. Walk to get your newspaper don’t have it delivered to your door. Every bit of physical activity adds up!

Our Findings May Threaten National Security By george agba, Abuja

The presidential fact-finding committee on the abduction of the schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State yesterday submitted its report to President Goodluck Jonathan with an advice that the findings be kept secret as they had the potential of threatening national security as well as jeorpadising rescue efforts. The committee also confirmed that the actual number of the school girls abducted in Chibok, Borno State was 276, out of which 119 were still missing, explaining that out of the 276 girls abducted on April 14, about 57 later escaped and had since been reunited with their families. Recall that the committee was set up by Jonathan on May 6, 2014 with terms of reference including to liaise with the Borno State Government and establish the circumstances leading to the school remaining open for boarding students when other schools were closed, to liaise with relevant authorities and the parents of the missing girls to establish the actual number and identities of the girls abducted and to interface with the security services and the Borno state government to ascertain how many of the missing girls had returned. Chairman of the committee, Brigadier-General Ibrahim Sabo (rtd), who presented the report to President Jonathan at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, urged the president to treat the said report with utmost confidentiality, saying issues contained in the report were such for which secrecy was needed in order not to frustrate on-going rescue operations as well as compromise national

security. “In view of the detailed security findings and recommendations contained in the report, we advise that in order not to jeopardise on-going rescue efforts and also the possibility of compromising national security matters, we recommend that the report be treated with utmost confidentiality. This, however, does not preclude government from releasing information that may be useful for better public understanding of issues surrounding the abduction saga,” he said. Confirming the actual number of girls kidnapped and those still being held hostage by the insurgents, he said: “Mr President, the committee wishes to lay to rest any residual doubt about whether or not any student was abducted at Chibok. There was mass abduction on the night of April 14, 2014. During the siege on the school, 119 students escaped from the school premises, before the insurgents took away their classmates. A total number of 276 students were, thus, abducted. As of today, 57 of the abducted students have been reunited with their families after escaping along the zig-zag transport route taken by the insurgents, or by bolting to safety when the insurgents laid by for a rest. Sadly, 219 students remain unaccounted for. “Much as Nigerians and the rest of the world have been galvanised to drum up support for freedom for the Chibok schoolgirls, little will be achieved through finger-pointing. Getting the girls out, and safely, too, is by far more important than the ➔ CONTINUES ON PAGE 6

Siege On Ekiti, Invitation To Anarchy – Akume By AGBO-PAUL AUGUSTINE, George Agba, Michael Oche Abuja; Kazeem Akintunde, Alo Abiola, Ado Ekiti And GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos

Former Governor of Benue State and serving Senate Minority Leader, Senator George Akume has said that the siege on members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ekiti State was capable of throwing the whole democratic process in Nigeria into crisis. Akume in a statement in Abuja said Nigeria was drifting towards a dangerous trend in her politics going by the recent actions of the military in Ekiti ahead of today’s governorship election in the state. The Senate Minority Leader chided President Goodluck Jonathan for allowing soldiers under his command to harass Governor Rotimi Amaechi and prevent him from entering the state to attend the APC Governorship grand rally for Governor John Kayode Fayemi. He said President Jonathan and his PDP Governors that visited Ekiti for a similar rally for PDP candidate Ayo Fayose got all that was needed for a free rally from the incumbent governor in the spirit of democracy and fair play. “We must appreciate that the beauty of any democracy is opposition. The road to tyranny must be very stiffly resisted. Our leaders of today must avoid treading the ways of the likes of Charles Taylor and Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia to the International Criminal Court of Justice after they had left office. “What happened in Ekiti State has brought to the fore a major challenge to democracy and has raised the fundamental question as to whether we are prepared to be ruled by law or by anarchy. “If this can happen to Governors who enjoy some level of immunity, what is the fate of the common man? Where is the assurance that we may not wake up one day only to lose our democracy and country? Akume asked. He appealed to President Goodluck Jonathan to respond to the situation promptly, appropriately and decisively before it got out of control. Akume also said the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) “should equally wake up and respond to this call appropriately and decisively to ensure that they are not intimidated by soldiers or any authority in the conduct of all elections.” He reminded the federal government of the provisions of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) in sections 40, 41 and 42 that guaranteed freedom of movement and freedom from discrimination respectively for all citizens of Nigeria. Akume warned that the actions of the military under the command of President Jonathan was a clear sign of what was to come in 2015.

Akume APC Alleges Plans To Place Fayemi Under House Arrest As the people of Ekiti State decide today who governs them for the next four years through the polls, the All Progressives Congress (APC) has raised the alarm over alleged plans by the federal government to place the state governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi under house arrest in its bid to capture the state. The APC Chairman, Chief John Oyegun, who disclosed this at a world press conference held in Lagos, yesterday, said the ruling party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), in its desperation to hold onto power despite the people’s rejection, had perfected plans to use the military and other security agencies under its control to rig the election. He accused the federal government of witch-hunting the opposition through an egregious abuse of power as well as abuse of national institutions, saying, “we also have it on good authority that a detachment of troops will be sent to the Ekiti State House on Saturday to escort Governor Fayemi to vote and then put him under virtual house arrest thereafter. This is totally unacceptable. “We need to ask: What is the role of the Minister of State for Defence, Musiliu Obanikoro in the Ekiti election? Is he now the chief enforcer for the PDP? It is important to clarify this issue.” The APC chairman who was in the company of Rivers State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi, Senator Bukola Saraki, Senator Osita Izunaso and Alhaji Lai Mohammed as well as other party leaders, further alleged that, “within the past three days, two aircraft, one a Beech craft 1900 and another Hawker 900, made a total of three trips to the Akure airport ferrying cargoes of money for the Ekiti election. “When one of these cargoes burst open, naira notes with wrappers bearing the name of a popular bank spilled out. The offloading of these cargoes which were then loaded into bullion vans heading for Ado Ekiti, was supervised by the Minister of State for Defence, Mr. Musiliu

Obanikoro, as widely reported in the media and yet un-refuted.” Oyegun said placed against the background of a statement credited to a PDP leader that huge amounts of money have been made available by the federal government for the Ekiti election, the party had concluded plans to put the country on edge of precipice. According to him, “last week, over 200 boxes of electoral materials were intercepted by security agents in Ekiti. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) quickly claimed that the boxes contained wasted materials, contradicting the story by the driver of the vehicle carrying the materials. To date, Nigerians have yet to be provided with full and credible information on these suspicious materials. “On June 18, a pro-Fayose and PDP gang was busted in a resort owned by Fayose’s campaign manager thumb printing ballot papers ahead of Saturday’s election. The 22 young men, who were arrested, were also caught preparing INEC form EC8.” He pointed out that under the guise of providing security for the governorship election, Ekiti State has been turned into a war zone with thousands of armed policemen and troops as well as fearsome armoured personnel carriers dotting the entire Ekiti landscape. The visibly enraged Oyegun added that, “never before has an election been held under such armed invasion! The truth is that security for any election does not have to be so invasive, except it is programmed to achieve one thing and one thing only to intimidate voters! “Against this background, my party, the APC, doubts very seriously whether a free, fair, credible and transparent election can be held in Ekiti on Saturday.” Harping on the prevention of APC governors from attending the rally in Ekiti, he said never in the history of the nation’s democracy has a sitting governor been so shabbily treated as was meted out to Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State. “Not even in the days of the abhorrent military rule were such brazen abuses of national institutions committed by the federal government. We call on our international partners to condemn this growing impunity by the ruling party and the government it controls at the centre. Actions have consequences and whoever fails to condemn the acts of impunity being perpetrated by the central government will not have the moral right to condemn the reactions that such actions may elicit,” he emphasised. He added that before the country unravelled under the ➔ CONTINUES ON PAGE 6


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Siege On Ekiti, Invitation To Anarchy – Akume ➔  FROM PAGE 5

watch of President Goodluck Jonathan, the president should live up to his pledge made several times over that he would always ensure that elections held under his watch were free and fair and that his ambition was not worth the life of any Nigerian. “The President should call his dogs of war to order before they precipitate a serious crisis in Ekiti,” he warned, saying APC would not accept the outcome of an election that did not comply with electoral principles. Inec confirms 476, 870 voters for election No fewer than 476, 870 eligible voters are expected to take part in the today’s Ekiti State Governorship poll. The number, according to the State Resident Electoral Commissioner, Alhaji Halilu Pai represents 65 percent of the 732,166 registered electorate who had collected their Permanent Voter Cards. Pai who made the disclosure while addressing newsmen at the Independent National Electoral Commission’s headquarters in Ado Ekiti on the commission’s preparation for the election, said 16 INEC commissioners have been deployed to supervise the conduct of the election. Assuring that the results of the election would be announced in Ekiti , Pai said a total of 1,900 local and foreign observers had been accredited to monitor the election. He said: “We have received the sensitive materials on Wednesday from the Central Bank of Nigeria and with party representatives escorted the materials to Local Government Areas. “These materials include the ballot papers and result sheets. They have been distributed to 57 super registration centres that have been established . This is an improvement to ensure that election starts on

time. The places are strategically located across Ekiti State.These centres are close to the units to make the commencement of polling faster and to make election materials available to personnel on time”. He said a total of 7,941 National Youth Corps members had been engaged as ad hoc staff for the election. The INEC boss revealed that additional 68 voting points had been created , thereby increasing the number of voting points in the state to 2,803 to make voting easier. “We have also entered into partnership with security agencies to protect our materials. With this high level deployment, I have no doubt that we will have a successful election.” He said. NLC Accuses Presidency Of Using Soldiers To Do Dirty Job The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has condemned in strong terms the denial of access to Ekiti of some All Progressives Congress (APC) governors, notably, Messrs Rotimi Amaechi, Adams Oshiomhole, Musa Kwankwaso and Wammako of Sokoto State. The labour union also advised President Jonathan to “ensure this never happens again” adding that “the cavalier use of our soldiers, especially in furtherance of a dirty job is nihilistic.” The governors were billed to take part in the party’s last mega rally before today’s gubernatorial election in Ekiti State. The NLC in a statement by its president, Comrade Abdulwaheed Ibrahim Omar described the action as tyrannical, adding that it was also a violation of their constitutional right to freely move, associate and express themselves. He said the security officers that barred the governors cited orders from above and wondered who gave these orders and on the basis of which authority the orders were given. He said, “We at the Congress

believe the orders are a violation of Section 99 (1) of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended) which states that “For the purpose of this Act, the period of campaigning in public by every political party shall commence 90 days before polling day and end 24 hours prior to that day”. “The hypocrisy of ‘these orders’ is laid bare by the their selective implementation as the Ministers of Defence and Police Affairs, (both of PDP), Messrs Musiliu Obanikoro and Jelili Adesanya were said to have been given passage with fanfare. He stated that this conduct was not only a tyrannical use of power but an assault on our hardearned democracy and must not be allowed to stand. The statement reads further: “We warn that those who undermine the democratic and constitutional rights of others not only endanger our democracy but make a bad investment as whatever goes around, comes around. President Jonathan should ensure this never happens again. The cavalier use of our soldiers, especially in furtherance of a dirty job is nihilistic. “We also find it necessary to caution against the overmilitarization of the state as this has the potential of scaring voters from exercising their civic duty. “For the purpose of emphasis, we are not against providing security for voters but soldiers should not be deployed in a manner that suggests that the nation is at war with a foreign enemy.” Ekiti Locked Up In Compliance With IGP’s Directive Security agents have completely locked up Ekiti State in compliance with the directive of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Muhammed Abubakar. The IGP had at an election stakeholders’ meeting in Ado Ekiti on Wednesday said that all borders leading to the state would be blocked by security operatives

48 hours before the governorship election. As at noon on Thursday, visitors had hectic time moving into the state as they had to submit themselves to the stop and search operations of the security personnel deployed to all border towns of and entry points to the state. Roads blocks were mounted by both the military and the police at Efon Alaaye- Aramoko Ekiti roads which link the state with Osun State. The situation was the same in Odudu communitiy in Ondo State a major highway connecting the state with Ekiti as well as Ajebamidele area of the state capital, Ado Ekiti where two military and one police check points were mounted. Another border town is Omuo Ekiti, in Ekiti East local government area of the state where stop and search operations of the security agents were ongoing. A visitor to the state who craved anonymity said vehicles were stopped, searched and frisked and some of the vehicles were being detained while others were left off the hook after the search. In Ado Ekiti, the state capital, stern-looking mobile police officers and soldiers were seen at all strategic points. A senior police source told LEADERSHIP Weekend that the situation would be in place until after the election. Fayemi Urges Voters To Be Vigilant Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has called on voters to be vigilant as they go to the polls today to cast their ballots in the gubernatorial election. He made the call in a broadcast to the people of the state yesterday, urging them to accord security agencies and other relevant authorities full cooperation to make the election a success. Fayemi while noting that the

price of liberty is eternal freedom called on all eligible voters to come out and perform their civic duty and also comply with election rules and regulations while doing so, and reminded the citizens of the state that regardless of partisan allegiances, they were sons and daughters of Ekiti where they dwell and which they build together. The governo,r however, condemned the action of some security agents who harassed some serving governors, whose freedom of movement was infringed upon as they were coming to witness the final rally of his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC). “One must be concerned however as to the ignoble role that some security agents played in the harassment meted out to serving governors of the Federal Republic of Nigeria yesterday when their right to freedom of movement as enshrined in the Constitution of our great country was violated without an infraction of any known law of the land. “As the chief security officer of our state, it is my hope that the unfortunate occurrence of yesterday is not a reflection of collusion between security agencies and partisan interests in preparation for compromising the integrity of Saturday’s election,” Fayemi said. He further stated that, fairness and credibility of the elections are inimitable conditions for the acceptance of the outcome by the honourable people of Ekiti State, pointing out that the election offers Ekiti people the greatest opportunity in their history to deepen democracy and culture of freedom having listened to candidates of political parties since March 23, when the ban on political activities was lifted. He also charged the people to use the election to collectively pursue their honour and act as a role model for electoral integrity and transparency despite the odds.

Our Findings May Threaten National Security ➔  FROM PAGE 5

publicity generated by the blame game that has tended to becloud the issue.” The committee also told the president that a Senator from Borno who accepted the appointment as a member of the committee curiously avoided attending its meetings on the ground that he had another appointment which would keep him away for a month but noted that the committee members understood the motive behind the Senator’s decision to keep off and that his absence did not affect the outcome of the committee’s findings. “Not that his non-appearance has materially or in any way af-

fected the outcome of the committee’s findings. But the Senator’s avoidance of an interface with the committee may well speak to a motive not too difficult to discern,” he added. Sabo said the committee received the full co-operation of all the stakeholders, with the three representatives nominated by Borno state participating actively in the proceedings of the committee, adding that the state government also facilitated access to a number of stakeholders. On the content of the report, Sabo said: “As most Nigerians already know, there were some persons who doubted whether, in fact, any student was abducted from Government Secondary School, Chibok. On the oth-

er hand, for those who believed that there was abduction, there were lingering doubts as to how such a number of kidnap victims were conveyed, considering also that information was sparse as to how the raiding insurgents evacuated the victims. “Details of the circumstances of Government Secondary School, Chibok, remaining open, in spite of the ravages of Boko Haram in the state, are contained in the report of the committee. Also contained in the report is the detailed explanation of the painstaking measures taken by the committee in arriving at the number of students still to be accounted for.” He further told the president that the parents and relatives of

the abducted schoolgirls were burning with hope and wishes, as they pray fervently that their daughters and wards be rescued alive and reunited with their families. “But there is no mistaking the trauma and deep-seated fear of some of the schoolgirls who escaped from the Boko Haram abductors. The parents and guardians of the schoolgirls are no less gripped by nagging worries over the incident. On May 29th, the committee visited Chibok, where we interacted with community members and leaders, as well as parents and four of the girls who regained their freedom from the abductors. In his response, Jonathan warned school owners particu-

larly in the North East who intend to run boarding schools to be ready to put in place basic security measures that would ensure safety of the students, saying while it may not be expected that such school owners should secure the services of a battalion of soldiers, the presence of five policemen in the Chibok school could have saved the situation on the night of the mass abduction. Expressing sadness that as he was talking, the girls were still in the hands of criminal elements, the president who likened the situation to a country at war, said he would not rest on his oars until terror was crushed in the country because Nigeria could no longer live “with the monster called Boko Haram.”

Saturday, June 21, 2014

PRESS STATEmENT THE EKITI SAGA: THE ROAD TO TYRANNY AND ANARCHY Thursday, the 19th of June 2014 will remain a very frightening and disturbing day in the history of democracy in this country since 1999. The nation woke up to the incredible news that the military “had barred all APC governors from entering and attending the APC governorship grand rally for their Ekiti State colleague, Dr. John Kayode Fayemi. There was also an alleged threat by soldiers to shoot one of the APC governors - Rotimi Amaechi in the process. It was like a coup d’état rehearsal by soldiers in a Banana Republic. Whichever way one looks at this saga, it represents a major threat to democracy and dangerous drift towards total anarchy in Nigeria. It will be recalled that only a week ago, the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, led all PDP governors and other stakeholders to the same Ekiti State for a similar rally for the PDP candidate, Ayo Fayose. No PDP governor was stopped or harassed and the incumbent APC governor provided all the needed security for the rally to hold successfully, in the true spirit of democracy and fair play. The PDP rally was successfully held with fanfare. It is shocking and embarrassing that soldiers (not even the Police) would invade the state to not only frustrate a reciprocal rally by the APC, but to also assault some of the APC governors in the process. The questions to pose are:– could the soldiers have acted without the knowledge of their Commander-in-Chief? Where did they get their orders from? Is their action in tandem with their avowed loyalty to defend democracy in the country or an attempt to introduce a new system of government? To sum it all, is their action in conformity with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which the Armed Forces have sworn to uphold? Or is it a wakeup call to what to expect in 2015? BREACH OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS Sections 40, 41 and 42 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) guarantee freedom of movement and freedom from discrimination for all citizens of this country. For the avoidance of doubt; S.40 provides “Every person shall be entitled to assemble freely and associate with other persons, and in particular he may form or belong to any political party, trade union or any other association for the protection of his interests.” This right is only subject to the powers of the INEC and not any other authority. The restriction of APC governors in this case was not at the instance of INEC. S.41 specifically guarantees that “Every citizen of Nigeria is entitled to move freely throughout Nigeria and to reside in any part thereof ….” without molestation. This right is only subject to a law that is reasonably justifiable in a democratic society for restricting the movement of a criminal suspect to prevent him from leaving Nigeria. S.42 provides that a citizen of Nigeria of particular community, ethnic group, place of origin, sex, religion or political opinion shall not, by reason only that he is such a person, be subjected to any restrictions to which citizens of other political opinions are not subjected to in the application of any law. Conversely, no citizen of a particular opinion shall be accorded privilege or advantage above others of a different political opinion in the application of any law. This is aimed at providing a level playing field for the opposition in a democracy. What happened in Ekiti State has brought to the fore a major challenge to democracy and has raised the fundamental question of whether we are prepared to be ruled by law or by anarchy. If this can happen to governors who enjoy some level of immunity, what is the fate of the common man? Where is the assurance that we may not wake up one day to find we have lost our democracy and country? I wish to appeal to Mr. President to respond to this situation promptly, appropriately and decisively, before it gets out of control. It is a grave security situation that is capable of throwing the whole democratic process upside down sooner than can be imagined. It is a warning to all, not just APC. Nigerians must learn from the Arab Spring, the experiences of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia etc. We must appreciate that the beauty of any democracy is opposition. The slide to tyranny must be very stiffly resisted. Our leaders of today must avoid treading the paths of the likes of Charles Taylor of Liberia and Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia to the International Criminal Court of Justice after they have left office. INEC should equally wake up and respond to this call appropriately and decisively, to ensure that they are not intimidated by soldiers or any authority in the conduct of all elections. They must ensure that elections are not only free and fair, but also seen to be conducted in a free and fair atmosphere. God help us to remain a free, democratic and indivisible country.

SENATOR GEORGE AkUME Senate Minority Leader


8 news across the states

Saturday, June 21, 2014

EFCC Closes Case Against Lagos Speaker By OLUGBENGA SOYELE, Lagos

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), yesterday closed its case against the speaker of the Lagos State house of assembly, Adeyemi Ikuforiji, who is standing trial over alleged money laundering to the tune of N600 million before a federal high court in Lagos . Ikuforiji and one of his aides, Oyebode Atoyebi, were arraigned before the court by the commission on a 56-count charge of conspiracy and money laundering. They had both pleaded not guilty to the charge, and were granted bail in the sum of N1billion with two sureties each in the sum of N500 million each. At the resumed hearing of the case on Friday, the EFCC counsel, Chief Godwin Obla, informed the trial judge, Justice Ibrahim Buba, that he was prepared to close the prosecution case as he was no longer calling his last witness to testify in the trial. Following the development, the defence counsel, Wole Olanipekun (SAN), told the judge that he would be filing a no case submission, as the prosecution has failed to prove

short news ‘Police Collected N30, 000 From Me As Bail’ A victim of alleged unlawful arrest, Miss Faith Michael who was locked up for more than 24 hours has disclosed how the men of the Nigerian police collected the sum of N30, 000 to grant her bail. Michael, who claimed she was illegally arrested and detained for more than 24 hours, said she was surprised when police officers at the Kaduna State police command asked her to pay money for her bail after been locked up. A human right activist and leader of the Northern Consensus Movement, Ibrahim Garba Wala, who also spoke to LEADERSHIP Weekend on the incident is threatening to drag the police high command to court. According to the activist, “we are surprised why a lady was locked up on a matter that concerns herself and a customer.”

By Midat Joseph, Kaduna

the allegations against his client. Justice Ibrahim Buba, upon the agreement of counsels in the matter, adjourned the case to July 7, 2014 for hearing of the no case submission of the defence. The EFCC called two witnesses to testify against the accused persons. The first was an official of the agency, Adebayo Adeniyi, while the second was a former permanent secretary and clerk of the Lagos State house of assembly, Adewale Olatunji. In his testimony before the court, Adeniyi had detailed how the defendants allegedly laundered millions of naira. It was the testimony of the witness that the defendants allegedly collected N13.5 million for honorarium, N4.5 million for renovation of the speaker’s residence, and N1.5 million for the speaker’s guest house for six consecutive months. Adeniyi also gave graphic details of series of other transactions, which he said the speaker and his aide carried out by receiving money from the Lagos State house of assembly without passing through a financial institution.

Benue Faults Claims Against N13b Bond The Benue State government has described the allegation by BENGONET that the state’s bond proceeds were not accounted for as an utter exhibition of ignorance of how the bond process was initiated and consummated. A statement by the special adviser on media and public affairs in the state, Dr Cletus Akwaya, a copy which was made available to LEADERSHIP Weekend yesterday explained that some of the projects intended to be completed with the proceeds of the second bond issue include reticulation of water in Makurdi Metropolis, completion of some on- going road projects and rural electricity projects among others. Akwaya stated that the state government is in full compliance with all guidelines and regulations relating to issuance of bonds including the approvals from the state executive council and the state house of assembly. He however explained that the state government is yet to access the funds as the final approvals are being awaited from the relevant authorities. By Our Correspondent

short news Patients Rejoice As Normalcy Returns To LUTH Patients at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), IdiAraba, expressed joy as normalcy returned to the hospital yesterday when medical services commenced after the doctors and workers of the hospital under the auspices of the Association of Resident Doctors (ARD), LUTH branch and the Joint House Unions embarked on an indefinite strike on June 2, 2014. Issues surrounding residency training, shortage of manpower, staff welfare, infrastructure, patient care and general work environment had forced the health workers to abandon their duties. The suspension according to the president, Association of Resident Doctors, LUTH, Dr Olubunmi Omojolowo, was based on the intervention by the ministry of labour and productivity.

By Aronke Olayiwola, Lagos

Islamic leaders praying for the repose of the soul of Aare Musulumi of Yorubaland, Alhaji Abdulazeez Arisekola-Alao, at the Lekan Salami Sports Complex, Ibadan, Oyo State, yesterday. Photo By Nan

Stakeholders Tackle Rejection Of Nigeria’s Solid Minerals Abroad By Ruth Tene Natsa, Abuja

The federal government, through the Cargo Defence Fund, has devised measures to reduce rejection of Nigerian solid minerals on the international market. This was revealed by chairman of the fund, Senator Cosmas Niagwan, who was represented by the executive secretary of the fund, Azuka Ogo, at a one-day workshop, tagged ‘NGSA Laboratories Kaduna: Services, Certification and

Relevance to the Mining Industry.’ According to Ogo, “the Cargo Defence Fund set up by the federal government is to help assist Nigerian companies or operators in the pursuit of their claims recoveries and legal remedies in export/import matters,” adding that the fund has handled over 500 complaints relating to short handling of cargoes, non-delivery, fraud, theft and illegal charges among others. She said, “from the nature

of problems faced by Nigerian importers/exporters the committee in a bid to ensure the protection of operators had recommended proper certification of solid minerals for export, arrangement of export insurance for Nigeria solid minerals in export trade, and is taking steps to redress and ensure problems associated with exports of solid minerals are not repeated as well as synergise with other agencies to ensure policies are favourable to the importers/exporters.”

Wukari-Ibi Crisis: Police Apprehend 18 Suspects By ANDREW OJIH, Jalingo

Following the communal crisis that erupted in Wukari and Ibi local government areas of the state on Sunday night, the state police command has arrested 18 suspected persons believed to be involved in crisis that claimed over 30 lives. Speaking to journalists while parading the suspects yesterday at the state command headquarters Jalingo, the command spokesman, ASP Joseph Kwaji, said the suspects committed criminal conspiracy, ranging from unlawful assembly, disturbance of public peace and mis-

chief by fire. According to Kwaji, these were crimes under section 97, 102, 144 and 336 of the penal code, stressing that investigation is ongoing and as soon as it is over, they will be charged to court. He noted that their arrest was made following a series of patrol by the police in the area which eventually led to the arrest of the suspects on Wednesday night. He added that the suspects criminally conspired to set houses ablaze within Wukari and Ibi metropolis, resulting in breach of peace in the town, and exhibited items such as petrol and boxes of matches found in their pos-

session. In a similar development, the command has also called the attention of the general public, especially football fans across the state to the security challenges and attacks on viewing centres. The command spokesman, who disclosed this to newsmen said the command had earlier made passionate appeals to the public on the danger of watching the on-going 2014 world cup matches in public places and urged them to desist forthwith, regretting any inconvenience this might cause football fans and owners of viewing centres in the state.

Immigration Recruitment Tragedy: Forum Declares March 15 Unemployment Day By Chika Mefor, Abuja

Youths at a one-day national forum on job creation organised by the Re-orientation Advocates of Nigeria (RAN), has declared March 15 of every year a national day of unemployment in memory of about 20 youths who lost their lives during the last Nigerian immigration service recruitment. The forum, which also constituted a national youth committee on job creation to consolidate

efforts on the policies of both the public and private sector, called for updates from local, state and federal governments on job creation, urging Nigerian youths to key into entrepreneurship as solution to the problem of unemployment in the country. Addressing delegates at the summit, the senior special assistant to the president on youth and students matters, Comrade Jude Imagwe, emphasised the importance of compiling a database of un-

employed youths across the country, which he said would enhance policy formulation in the nation. Imagwe added that Nigerian youths, were better off creating jobs for themselves through skill acquisition rather than depending solely on government to provide jobs for them. “There is need for a database of the unemployed youths in Nigeria; it would help in enhancing policy formulation that would reduce unemployment.

news across the states 9

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sanusi II Appoints Gidado New Waziri Of Kano The new emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II yesterday appointed an aide of the late emir, Malam Saadu Shehu Gidado as the new Waziri of Kano. It can be recalled that a week before the death of the late emir, a new Waziri had been appointed in the person of Sheikh Nasir Adam, Jumaat Imam and a close friend of the late Ado Bayero, an appointment rejected by the state government and among the royal family. Shortly after the coronation held at the Kano Emir’s palace, Emir Muhammad Sanusi II charged the new Wazirin Kano, Alhaji Saadu Shehu Gidado not to betray the confidence reposed in him. Malam Muhammad Sanusi II said that newly appointed Wazirin Gidado was turbaned purely on merit and had been the secretary to the Waziri’s office for many years. The Emir urged the people to support the Waziri in the discharge of his duties and called for peaceful coexistence in the state. Responding, the new Waziri Kano, Alhaji Saadu Shehu Gidado, thanked the Emir and promised to discharge his duties with the fear of God. By Abubakar Salihi, Kano

FAAN Grants Kebbi Airport Permission For Full Operations Finally the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) has granted Sir Ahmadu Bello International Airport, Birnin Kebbi permission to commence full operation beginning yesterday. A statement made available to Leadership yesterday in Birnin Kebbi, signed by chief press secretary to the governor, Alh Abubakar Muazu Dakingari, says the permission followed a final inspection visit by FAAN and other relevant agencies from the ministry of aviation, Abuja. The statement added that following the approval by FAAN, the airport is now authorised to receive all types of aircraft excluding Boeing 747 and its equivalent which would be allowed after certain installations expected to be completed within three weeks. In a related development, the managing director of FAAN, Engr Sale Donoma, some officials of Civil Aviation Authority of Nigeria, Nigeria Airspace Management Agency and Nigeria Meteorological Agency, were on a visit to the new airport accompanied by Governor Dakingari. Managing director of FAAN, Engr Sale Donoma described the facilities of Sir Ahmadu Bello Airport as excellent and confirmed that the airport has now been adjudged fit to begin full flight operations starting with domestic flights. By Yahya Sarki, Kebbi

Arisekola Buried As Buhari, Tambuwal Express Shock By Adebayo Waheed, Ibadan Igho Oyoyo and Adesuwa Tsan, Abuja

Prominent Nigerians, including religious and political leaders across the country bid farewell to late business mogul and religious leader, Aare Abdul Azeez Arisekola Alao as he was buried yesterday in Ibadan. After the Islamic prayers which took place at the Lekan Salami Stadium, the remains of the deputy president-general of the Nigerian Supreme Council for

Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) were interred at his Ikolaba residence, Oluwo-Nla area in the state capital, just before Muslim Juma’at prayers. As a mark of honour for the late business mogul, notable markets in the state capital were closed to allow people attend the farewell prayers. Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Governor Ajimobi led the procession of funeral vehicles carrying the remains of the late businessman to the stadium few minutes

before 10.00am. Shortly thereafter, the Muslim Janazat prayer was led by the Chief Imam of Osogbo who is the head of Chief Imams in the south-west, Alhaji Sheikh Ajisafe. The remains were later taken to the Ikolaba residence in a long convoy of vehicles where the burial eventually took place after another round of prayers. In his sermon, the Chief Missioner of Ansar-Ud-Deen Society of Nigeria, Sheikh AbdulRahman

Ahmad, who lamented the sudden death of Arisekola, expressed doubt if there could be any other person like him in Nigeria in terms of generosity, saying the late Arisekola took 89 people to Saudi Arabia for the lesser hajj. “The vacuum and shoes left behind by the religious leader will be difficult to fill as he took care of everybody’s interest. Who will take care of his palace whose doors were always open to the people, especially the downtrodden?” He queried.

short news APGA Plans Mass Funeral for Igbo Victims of Civil War –Umeh

A container which fell off an articulated vehicle and crashed on a car, on IkoroduSagamu expressway, Lagos State, yesterday. Photo by nan.

short news Kidnapping: Bayelsa Speaker’s Mother-in-law freed The mother-in-law of Konbowei Benson, the speaker of Bayelsa State House of Assembly, has been released by her abductors about three weeks after the incident. A statement by the special assistant on media to the speaker, Priye Kiyaramo, said the 86-year-old Ogboro Orumo was released on Friday. Orumo was kidnapped by unknown gunmen on May 30 at her Seibiri compound in Korokorosei in Southern Ijaw local government area of the state. Kiyaramo said she was reportedly abandoned at Abua waterside in Rivers State by her captors. He claimed that the old woman was freed unconditionally by her assailants. Osa Okhomina, Yenagoa

Lungu Demolition: Nobody Died– FCTA By Igho Oyoyo and David AdugeAni, Abuja

Controversy is trailing the demolition of houses by the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) at Alugu-Lungu Village in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), over the alleged death of a woman and her child during the exercise, which led to a total shutdown of the ever busy ZubaKubwa expressway, on Thursday, June 19. The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) however debunked the story of the two deaths, stating there were no records from the police and hospitals to support the allegation.

A cross-section of FCT residents had condemned the manner in which the officials of the FCDA under the authority of the FCT minister, Senator Bala Mohammed carried out the demolition. James Udoji, a resident of FCT lamented that he was a victim of demolition in the FCT, which almost claimed his life because the house that was demolished by the FCDA was built with his pension and gratuity money after he retired from the federal civil service. “The government of FCT does not have the interest of the poor at heart, which is why they have the guts to render innocent citizens homeless, without mak-

ing alternative preparations for their shelter. They fail to understand that the rich cannot exist without the poor. But, the issue of the dead woman and son is the most painful aspect, because their identity has not been revealed. “But, whether somebody died or not, it is obvious that the government of the FCT has no regard and respect for indigenes, because if they did they would not enter their communities that they have spent their entire lives in to demolish their houses and render them homeless like animals. This is totally wrong and the government has to retract their actions for peace to reign in the FCT,” he said.

Niger APC Ignorant Of Workings Of Government– Governor Aliyu By Abu Nmodu, Minna

Niger State governor, Dr Muazu Babngida Aliyu has stated that the state All Progressive Peoples Party (APC) lacked knowledge of the workings of government, especially as it relates to security matters. Aliyu said in a statement by his chief press secretary, Ebije Israel Ayegba, that the comment of the party on the security measures of the government showed that the party has no agenda for security of the people. He described APC as a political group of people with hollow dispo-

sitions towards an articulated security master plan in protecting the lives and properties of the people. According to the statement, “based on the unsavoury, personalised and pedestrian opinion of the state opposition party kicking against the security measures put in place by the governor Muazu Babangida Aliyu administration, the opposition has no security agenda for the people of Niger state.” “It is therefore very sad for a political party to trivialise issue of security, playing hide and seek games of political sabre-rattling for dominance towards self-based interest

of making government a prepend of a few brigands. It is therefore mischievous for a political party interested in winning an election to be oblivious of the import of spending on security,” the statement added. The statement noted that the role of the opposition is to complement that of the ruling party in identifying lapses which is meant to keep the government in power on track,in the area of dividends of democracy, but claimed that in Niger it’s a guerrilla attack based on jaundiced opinion of ill-informed and self-serving individuals located in Niger APC.

National chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Chief Victor Umeh, has disclosed plans by his party to organise a mass funeral for those who lost their lives during the 30-month long Nigeria-Biafra civil war. He state this when he visited the late Biafran warlord, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s mausoleum yesterday in Nnewi, Anambra State with hundreds of his party members and other supporters as part of the celebration of his victory in the appeal court in the suit challenging his position as the national chairman of the party by Chief Maxi Okwu, who claimed the position. He said that the funeral was good and proper so that the souls of those who paid the “supreme price” for the freedom of the Igbo would be permanently at rest. According to him, “Anybody who has not returned after the war in 1970 is presumed to have died. And it is solemnly proper for us to remember those who died in fighting for our own survival.” He further stated that the programme had been in the pipeline for a long time but nobody has been able to pursue it, until the present governor, Chief Willie Obiano accepted to conduct a proper funeral for the repose of their souls. By Okechukwu Obeta, Awka

10 news across the states short news

Saturday, June 21, 2014

US Human Trafficking Report Indicts FG, Judiciary By ABIODUN OLUWAROTIMI, New York

Convocation: Minister Seeks Youth Empowerment

The United States 2014 Human Trafficking report which was released yesterday by the Secretary of States, Senator John Kerry, has indicted the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan, the country’s Judiciary and the security agencies, saying that the federal government of Nigeria has been giving room to human traffickers to conduct their trades. Titled: “Trafficking In Persons Report”, the report also alleged that the Nigerian government had failed in the global combat against human trafficking as a

The development and empowerment of the youths through basic and advance education will rid the nation of crime and youth restiveness, especially in some parts of the country where less empowerment is taking place among the younger people. Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo, stated this yesterday in Abuja while presenting a paper at the second convocation lecture of the Nigeria Turkish Nile University titled, “Transformational leadership and its impact on nation building, institutional effectiveness and youth development”.

result of its inability to properly prosecute offenders of this crime in the country. It also says that the government of Nigeria did not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. The report indicted Nigeria as a source, transit, and destination country for women and children subjected to forced labour and sex trafficking, adding that Nigerian trafficking victims were recruited from rural and, to a lesser extent, urban areas within the country. According to the report, the European Police Organization (EU-

ROPOL) has identified Nigerian organized crime related to trafficking in persons as one of the largest law enforcement challenges to European governments. Despite efforts by the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and Other Related Matters (NAPTIP), the report says the Nigerian government had been unable to pass draft legislation that would restrict the ability of judges to offer fines in lieu of prison time during sentencing. It also faults the Federal Ministry of Labour for its failure to make any new efforts to address

Niger To Jail Opponents of Immunisation

By Paul Uwadima

Ex-NUJ President Slumps, Dies Former national president of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Ndagene Ndamele Akwu, died yesterday morning at a private clinic at Omagwa, Ikwerre local government area of Rivers State. Akwu, who was NUJ president from 2004 to 2008, was said to have slumped at the Port Harcourt International Airport, Omagwa, upon arrival from Abuja, and was rushed to the private clinic where he died a few hours later. The former chairman of the union in Rivers State was until his death a staff of Rivers State Television (RSTV) and a leading figure in the elders’ committee of the union. Younger brother to the deceased and former secretary of NUJ in the state, Reward Akwu, who confirmed the death of the former unionist said he was never sick. By Anayo Onukwugha, Port Harcourt

labour trafficking during the reporting period, adding that the government had as well failed to implement formal procedures for the return and reintegration of Nigerian victims despite their growing number that is being identified abroad. The report however urges the federal government to urgently pass and implement the draft anti-trafficking bill, which would amend the anti-trafficking law to give prosecutors more authority and restrict the ability of judges to offer fines in lieu of prison time during sentencing.

Mr and Mrs David Shaba during their wedding ceremony in Kaduna, recently

TY Danjuma Foundation Donates Staff Quarters To FCT School BY AGBO-PAUL AUGUSTINE, Abuja

The TY Danjuma Foundation (TYDF), in partnership with Total Child Care Initiative (TCCI), yesterday commissioned a twobedroom semi-detached bungalow it donated to Dako community in Gwagwalada area council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to serve teachers in the L.E.A Primary School, Dako. Speaking at the occasion, executive director, TYDF, Dr Florence Etta Akin-Aina, said the project became necessary for the primary school following frequent absence of teachers posted to the school because of the 20km rough terrain road from

Gwagwalada. She said the quarters were in fulfilment of the pledge made by the foundation to the community to ease the challenges teachers face while working in the school. “I am exceedingly happy to be here today on behalf of the founder, Gen. T.Y. Danjuma and the esteemed board of the foundation as we witness the fulfilment of that promise made almost three years ago. “The foundation supports NGOs and CBOs to ensure Nigerians have access to good quality health care, education and can realise their full potential. Since 2009 when it was established, the foundation has supported

114 non-governmental organisations and communityp-based organisations in all the 6 geopolitical zones of our dear country as well as Abuja,” she said. In her speech, executive director, TCCI, Dr Rosemary Abdullahi, said the children of Dako community prior to setting up the school by her Initiative in 2008, were child labourers in cocoa farms during the farming seasons and only a few went to a school 7 kilometres away in Dobi, near Gwagwalada. She said with funds from TYDF, Dako had a modern school in 2011, ventilated and improved toilets as well as a football pitch.

Taraba Spends N2.4bn On MDGs Projects By Andrew Ojih, Jalingo

The Taraba State government yesterday disclosed that it had spent over N2.4 billion on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) projects under the outstanding 2013 Conditional Grant Scheme (CGS). Ajiya Garba, secretary, State MDGs Projects Support Unit, stated this

at a news conference in Jalingo. According to him, out of the total sum, N1.2 billion was a federal government intervention fund to the state and some selected local government councils on the scheme. “Besides the state track projects which all the local government councils enjoy, there are six vulner-

able councils selected in which the federal government contributed 600 million and the councils also contributed N600 million. “These LGAs have peculiar issues that need to be tackled if they are to be on the same level of development in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),” he said.


Niger State governor, Dr Muazu Babangida Aliyu, has reiterated that the state would prosecute any individual or group that tries to derail the immunisation process aimed at preventing diseases, especially the Wild Polio Virus (WPV). The governor stated this in Minna yesterday at the flag-off ceremony of the fifth round of Immunisation Plus Days (IPDs) Campaign and the 2014 Maternal, New born and Child Health week in the state at Maikunkele Bosso local government area of the state. The governor directed local government chairmen to drive the process of immunisation and health care in their respective local government areas for effective sensitisation and immunisation against all preventable diseases. According to him, “as a responsible government we will not hesitate to prosecute any individual or groups who want to derail our health system,” Aliyu added that “it is imperative to note that refusal of immunisation is a criminal offence with offenders liable to two years imprisonment,” and called on all stakeholders to join hands together with the government to make Nigeria polio free. By Abu Nmodu, Minna

Saturday, June 21, 2014



Saturday, June 21, 2014

Brazil 2014: Boko Haram, Bombs And Viewing Centres The World Cup is here and the frenzy is everywhere, but some killjoys are out to stop soccerloving Nigerians from enjoying the football fiesta at public viewing centres in some parts of the country. But has this deterred football-crazy Nigerians from enjoying the game? AGBOPAUL AUGUSTINES writes

A viewing centre bombed by Boko Haram terrorists in Damaturu, Yobe State

Cristiano Ronaldo will show them say na Real Madrid be the reigning champions of the European Champions League.” "Leave that thing! You don forget the German Machine? Thomas Muller and my man Ozil, haba forget that thing”, no be small match go happen today.” "He! he! that is my seat oh!" This exchange formed part of a prematch conversation from anxious football fans that gathered at a local football viewing centre at a noisy neighbourhood of Nyanya in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) ahead of the much anticipated clash between two European heavyweights - Germany and Portugal p - on Monday, June 16, 2014. At this point, age difference is not a factor for participation in the

conversation as the armchair football pundits wait for kick-off. The makeshift structure which has three giant flatscreen TV sets is a good venue to watch a football match. But how safe is the place? Following the horrors of the Nyanya bombings of April 14 and May 1, no one is in doubt of the length terrorists will go in visiting carnage on Nigerians. The twin blasts claimed over 100 people and many more injured or traumatised. Despite the danger, the 200 or more football fanatics had been forced out of their homes by a power cut that occurred at about 2a.m on June 15. “Germany playing Portugal is a match no football fan would want to miss,” says Stephen Adama the viewing centre operator, as he struggles to collect his

gate fee of N50 per viewer. However, it would appear that the safety of his customers was the least thing on Adama’s mind. The viewing centre is just a few meters away from a busy road. On match day, the centre is usually packed with fans. In one of the drinking spots, LEADERSHIP Weekend observesd a large crowd, which spilled over to the road causing a traffic even at that time of the day. Fifty-five minutes into play, power was restored to Nyanya and environs but this changed nothing for the fans as they continued watching the match, rather than go home and watch of terrestial TV. All that mattered was the 4-0 thrashing of Portugal by the ‘German Machines’. After the match and excitement subsided, LEADERSHIP Weekend

spoke with some of the fans on the risks they took by just sitting and watching football in an unsecure environment. “When you are there, football matters and nothing more” says James Gada, 27. “I am aware of the risk involve but the temptation of coming here is irresistible. Bomb blast or not, football must be played and fans must watch and enjoy themselves,” Umar Kabiru, a supporter of Ronaldo’s Portugal said. A middle-aged man, Silas Agada, told LEADERSHIP Weekend that the frequent power cut at match hours in the on-going World Cup, forced him to patronise viewing centres. “The risks are there because of terrorist activities but what can we do? Give me light and I will CONTINUED ON PAGE 64

Despite the danger, the 200 or more football fanatics had been forced out of their homes by a power cut

Saturday June 21, 2014 ISSUE 79

Men’s Health

Prostate Health: Can Men Win the War?


Health Beauty Fitness

Cancer Signs Women Might Miss Ayurvedic Medicine:

Carrot Daucus carola

Shocking Spots Germs Live In Your Home


June 21, 2014





False impression About Late Night Meals Hello people, In recent times, there have been lots of misconception and propaganda about eating late night meals, but the fact is, ‘’As long as the number of calories you eat in a day is not more than the calories you burn”, eating late won’t cause you to gain weight. The same meal has the same calories at 2 pm as it does at 9 pm. Although, eating late is not that bad but the problem is that most nighttime eating tends to be snacking rather than sitting down for regular meals, and lots of snack foods are low on nutrition but high in calories. Snack foods also make for mindless eating. It’s easy to sit down in front of the TV with a large bag of chips planning to enjoy “just a few,” and the next thing you know you’re scraping up the crumbs and salt at the bottom of the bag. There’s nothing wrong with sitting down to a normal family dinner a bit on the late side. But you might want to avoid post-dinner snacks or if you get hungry, reach for something healthy, like fruits or sliced veggies. That way there’s less of a chance that the foods you eat will put you over your daily calorie limit. As always, make sure you drink adequate amounts of water. Enjoy your weekend!

here’s a lot of discussion these days about fit kids. People who care (parents, doctors, teachers, and others) want to know how to help kids be more fit. Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical activity (exercise), and has a healthy weight. If you’re fit, your body works well, feels good, and can do all the things you want to do, like run around with your friends. Some steps only parents can take, such as serving healthy meals or deciding to take the family on a nature hike. But kids can take charge, too, when it comes to health. Basic Ways To Keep a Kid Fit? Play outside; participate in sports, dancing, swimming, for a snack: an apple. Eat a Variety of Foods You may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. If you eat different foods, you’re more likely to get the nutrients your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven’t tried for a while. Some foods, such as green veggies, are more pleasing the older you get. Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day — two fruits and three vegetables. Here’s one combination that might work for you: When you’re really thirsty, cold water is the best thirst-quencher. And there’s a reason your school cafeteria offers cartons of milk. Kids need calcium to build strong bones, and milk is a great source of this mineral. How much do kids need? If you are younger than 9 years old, drink 2 cups of milk a day, or its equivalent. If you’re older than 9 years old, aim for 3 cups of milk per day, or its equivalent. You can mix it up by having milk and some other calcium-rich dairy foods. Here’s one combination: •2 cups (about half a liter) of low-fat or nonfat milk

Be A Fit Kid

•1 slice cheese •½ cup (small container) of yoghurt You probably will want something other than milk or water once in a while, so it’s OK to have 100 per cent juice, too. But try to limit sugary drinks, like sodas, juice cocktails, and fruit punches. They contain a lot of added sugar. Sugar just adds calories, not important nutrients. Listen To Your Body When you’re eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Sometimes, people eat too much because they don’t notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable and, over a period of time and can lead to unhealthy weight gain. Limit Screen Time What’s screen time? It’s the amount of time you spend watching TV or DVDs, playing video games (console systems or handheld games), and using the computer. Be Active One job you have as a kid, and it’s a fun one, is that you get to figure out which activities you like best. Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Maybe your passion is karate, or kickball, or dancing. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly. Find ways to be active every day. You might even write down a list of fun stuff to do, so you can refer to it when your mom or dad says it’s time to stop watching TV or playing computer games! Speaking of parents, they can be a big help if you want to be a fit kid. For instance, they can stock the house with healthy foods and plan physical activities for the family. Tell your parents about these five steps you want to take and maybe you can teach them a thing or two. If you’re a fit kid, why shouldn’t you have a fit mom and a fit dad?

E-mail: miminaija@yahoo.com 08075300560(text only)

EDITOR: Raliat Ahmed-Yusuf Ag. GM CREATIVE DESIGNS: Chukwudi J. Nwabueze AG. EDITOR: Catherine Agbo

FOUNDER: Sam Nda-Isaiah Chairman: Hajiya Ireti Heebah Kingibe GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR: Azubuike Ishiekwene GROUP EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Michael Okpere Dr. Kazeem Durodoye

The best of all medicines is resting and fasting… Benjamin Franklin


June 21, 2014

Shocking Spots Germs Live In Your Home While the mere thought of retrieving anything from your toilet bowl may be enough to make you sick, your basic household utilities like kitchen sink, remote control and toothbrush can be more nauseating than them, as germs like cold viruses and bacteria can live in some unexpected spots in your home. Although lots of germs are harmless, many are even good for your health. But you can help protect yourself from those that aren’t by keeping your home clean. In this piece TUNDE OGUNTOLA writes on the surprising spots germs live in your home and the basic way to avert them. The Kitchen Sink/Loofas Ultimately, food particles from plates left to soak or rinsed from dishes on their way to the dishwasher can serve as a breeding ground for illness-causing bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella. They can get on your hands or spread to

Did you know?

foods. Although most people take steps to disinfect their toilet bowls, few give their kitchen sink the same consideration. They rinse their sinks with water and assume they are clean but they’re not. To sanitize your sink and prevent the spread of bacteria, it is recommended to wash it with a solution of bleach and water once a day and then letting the solution run down the drain. Remember to remove the drain plug and clean it, too. Then wash your hands. Your Bathtub The place where you clean yourself is not so clean itself. A recent study found staphylococcus bacteria in 26 per cent of the tubs tested. A separate study had even worse findings for whirlpool tubs get infected and have a mild to dangerous bacterial growth. The main reason whirlpool tubs are so dirty has to do with the lining of the pipes. Water tends to get trapped in the pipes, providing a breeding ground for bacteria. When you turn on the jets, the germy

Saliva is your first and most important line of defense against mouth woes. It’s rich in antibacterial properties such as histamine, a protein that can kill germs and heal wounds (that’s why oral ouches mend faster than other scrapes). A dry

water spouts out into the tub where you’re soaking. Experts recommend cleaning and disinfecting your tub with bleach or bathroom cleaner after bathing. Your Toothbrush Basically, you brush your teeth twice a day, but do you ever think of all the germs lurking on it? You rinse it off after using it and put it away damp. Hence, bacteria like moist can grow on it, if the germs from your own mouth weren’t enough to contaminate your toothbrush, the germs from your toilet certainly are. Recent research posits that a mere flushing of the toilet sends a spray of bacteria- and virus-contaminated water droplets into air. Therefore, it is recommended to place your toothbrush where it can air out and dry between uses but not too close to the toilet. Also, replace your toothbrush often, particularly after you’ve been sick, and close your toilet lid before flushing. Your TV Remote Control It’s dropped on the floor, stuffed between

mouth is a gum-disease magnet, so when it comes to spit, the more the better. Keep things moist by staying hydrated with at least nine cups of water per day. If it still feels like the Sahara in there, pop some sugar-free gum, which will

not only get saliva flowing, but also raise your oral pH level, cutting out the acid that can cause cavities. Then check your meds’ side effects more than 400 types of OTC and prescription drugs can trigger dry mouth, and ask your doctor about alternatives.

the sofa cushions, coughed on and sneezed at. Everyone in the house handles it. Researchers found that half of the remote controls tested were positive for cold viruses. Hence, it is pertinent to wipe remote with bleach or alcohol wipe to prevent hazardous germs. Pillows and Duvets A brand-new pillow doubles its weight in three years, thanks to remains of dust mites that build up inside it. This could aggravate hay fever, eczema or asthma, particularly since your face is touching the pillow and you will be breathing in the remains. Washing your pillow will help do so every few months at 60c for at least 20 minutes. Also, pillows are to be changed every two years; duvets every five years. Water Tanks Water storage tanks need to be kept clean to prevent slugging of bacteria as water tanks provide favourable conditions in which bacteria can grow. Hence, tanks need to be cleaned at least twice a year by sanitizing with bleach.


WOMEN Fitness Beauty Wellness

June 21, 2014


Cancer Signs Women Might Miss The early signs of cancer in women can often be attributed to more common illnesses, but any unusual symptom that lasts for more than two weeks should be reported to a doctor.


any cancers are not detected until it’s too late. But there are some early signs of cancer that women might overlook. Knowing the symptoms to look for can help a doctor diagnose cancer early, which can boost the odds of successful treatment. The early signs of cancer in women can often be attributed to more common illnesses, but any unusual symptom that lasts for more than two weeks should be reported to a doctor who can diagnose and treat the problem, even if it is not cancer. Here are some of the symptoms that could be early signs of cancer. Unusual Bleeding Unusual bleeding, even if it goes away quickly, should be seen by a doctor, especially if you are older. Abnormal bleeding and excessive bruising may signal leukemia. Bleeding of the gums without gum disease and bruising of the fingertips might mean that the blood isn’t clotting properly, which also may be a sign of leukemia. Rectal bleeding, blood in the stool or dark stools are often dismissed as a symptom of hemorrhoids. However, doctors consider any blood in the toilet or stool to be serious and possibly a symptom of colorectal cancer, commonly known as colon cancer. Discuss these symptoms with your doctor to get the cause diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Unusual vaginal bleeding, such as bleeding between periods, during sexual intercourse or a heavy menstrual flow, has been linked to uterine and cervical cancers. Women should discuss irregular vaginal bleeding with their doctor. Pain and Swelling Swollen lymph nodes or lumps around

the neck, underarm or groin should be examined by a doctor, as these are often signs that the body is fighting an infection. Painless lumps in these areas may be a sign of leukemia, while a lump under the arm may signal breast cancer. Discuss any lumps that don’t go away within two weeks with your doctor. Pelvic or abdominal pain, bloating and feeling full are related to so many common conditions that they can be easy to dismiss. But when the discomfort isn’t part of your monthly menstruation cycle or lasts for more than a few days, it may be a sign of ovarian cancer and should be looked at by your doctor. Red, swollen or tender breasts may be a symptom of breast cancer. Any unusual changes to your breasts, including hot, irritated or purplish discoloration, should be reported to your doctor. Breathing and Swallowing Problems Shortness of breath or wheezing may be early signs of lung cancer and should be reported to a doctor if it continues for more than two weeks. Lung cancer patients often describe that these asthma-like symptoms occur during activities they had not found strenuous previously. A bad cough or chest pain similar to bronchitis may be a sign of several kinds of cancer, including lung tumours and leukemia. Difficulty swallowing or a long-lasting feeling that you need to clear your throat may be a sign of oesophageal or throat cancer. In some cases, there may also be an unusual sense of pressure when swallowing. Gut Problems A sudden drop in weight with no changes in diet or exercise can be a symptom of several cancers. While there are many causes for a sudden drop in weight, it is prudent to be evaluated by a professional that can diagnose and treat your symptoms. Chronic upset stomach, cramps or stomach ache can be a sign of colon, pancreatic and liver cancers. These gut problems are often caused by less serious conditions, but if the discomfort lasts for more than a few days, you should see your doctor. Changes in Skin and Nails Changes to your nipples and any discharge from the nipples may be signs of breast cancer. Changes to look for include the nipple flattening, becoming inverted or turning sideways, as well as itching or scaling. Discuss any nipple changes with your doctor. Dark spots, moles or birthmarks that change colour or shape may be a sign of skin cancer. Unexplained sores and sores that don’t heal or continue to bleed are also possible signs of skin cancer. Catching skin cancer early may make it easier to treat. Dark streaks or dots in fingernails and toenails, as well as cracks that run the length of the nail, may be symptoms of skin cancer under the nail. White dots in the nail are considered normal, but nails that turn down over the tip can be a sign of lung cancer. Fever Fevers or infections that last for long periods or reoccur may be a sign of leukaemia, which causes bone marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells. The abnormal cells can eventually crowd out the healthy white blood cells, making them less effective at fighting infections. Source: http://health.yahoo.net

Kitchen Guide • When making a whole roast chicken, salt it, and then chill it uncovered, in the fridge for the day. This helps season the bird and dries out the skin so it crisps perfectly when cooked. Remove it from the fridge an hour before you plan to put it in the oven, and add herbs and aromatics like garlic or shallots. • You can learn a lot by reading the comments other people leave about online recipes. I’ve made super-salty soup one too many times! Reading feedback from others who say “Be sure to reduce the salt” can really save a recipe— and reduce its sodium content. • Wear gloves when handling extremely hot peppers; their oils burn like crazy, and soap and water doesn’t always do the trick. • Browning meat before cooking it will give you a golden crust and reduce the cooking time. Use a meat thermometer to tell when the inside is as done as the outside. • A good soup is made a day in advance. Let it sit in the fridge overnight, then warm it gently and all the flavors will marry beautifully. • Always crack an egg on a flat surface, never the edge of a bowl. Otherwise you’ll risk shell shards and possible contamination of your food. • Don’t throw out those last drips of jam in the jar; shake up a fruity vinaigrette instead. Add equal parts oil and vinegar to the jar, give it a good shake, and season with salt and pepper to taste. • Cooking doesn’t have to be entirely from scratch every single meal. Making easy homemade sauce for storebought pasta still counts! • Soak bitter greens, like arugula or kale, in a bowl of ice water in the fridge for about an hour to cut their bitterness. Run the leaves through your salad spinner several times with a paper towel to get them nice and dry and crisp. • Annotate your recipes! If you change something and it works, write it down.

close up 17

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I’m loving my grey/blue/metallic purse by Zashadu that has room for my Mastercard, mobile and lipstick. The fabric is soft yet substantial and has this snake skin-like quality. It’s handmade and can go with numerous outfits. I feel that a purse like this sets you apart from all the others made in a factory.

Tell us about your recent performance on stage in Belong.

I felt great. It’s a great script with a great cast and director. I couldn’t ask for more. Have you always been a stage actor?

Yes. I had done a few TV projects when I was in the United Kingdom but I mainly did theatre.

What are your thoughts on heartbreak?

I would say most people have experienced heartbreak at least once but I will say once you are over it you emerge stronger.

As an actress, talk show host and event MC, which gives you the greatest fulfillment?

I enjoy all three but acting is my true passion. I have always wanted to be an actor since I was 10 years old. I saw the musical Aspects of Love by Andrew Lloyd Webber when I was at school and I was enchanted and I remember thinking I want to be on that stage doing what they are doing; and that’s how it started.

What is your life philosophy?

“The moment you stop trying to become a better person, is the moment you start to become worse than what you already are.” That is a quote by Carroll Bryant. I believe you should aspire to be the best version of yourself you can be and one day you may reach greatness.

What are the milestones you have had so far in your career?

I would say I have achieved most of the goals I set for myself so far. I am very blessed and grateful. For example I remember one of my goals was to star in Jacob’s Cross and I worked towards that and ended up starring in their last season. So I’m constantly trying to push myself and now I’m trying to do more movies. Also I’m currently a brand ambassador for the drink, Snapp. You left Studio 53 to join the crew of Ebony Life TV, what is it like?

Well I’m on a talk show now and things are very different. I would say you get to hear more of my opinion because we talk about everything and anything. What are your dreams?

It’s very simple. I dream that whatever I put my mind to in my career and family comes to fruition as well as being able to strike a healthy work and family balance. How were your early years like?

The moment you stop trying to become a better person, is the moment you start to become worse than what you already are

Growing up for me was great and I am so thankful. I am the last of 4 siblings. I have two brothers and an older sister. My parents are retired and we are a very close family. I am a graduate of Chemistry from the University of Bristol in England. In September 2005, I graduated with an M.A in Drama from the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts in London. I had my primary education at the Lebanese Community School in Lagos, and got my secondary education at Headington Girls Independent School in Oxford, where I be-

What are the three things we don’t know about Dolapo Oni?

I can actually sing but I’m too scared to do it in public. I’m an actor (you’ll be surprised a lot of people don’t know that) and I’m very shy. This may seem strange seeing as I work in TV but I am very shy. What are your greatest fears as a person and as a celebrity?


Acting Is My True Passion– Dolapo Oni Marcy Dolapo Oni is a co-anchor on the Moments With Mo talk show that airs on Ebony Life TV. The fahionista is very passionate about acting and has featured in various stage plays and appeared in several TV mini series while in the UK four years ago. In this chat with SAMUEL ABULUDE, Oni who holds a masters degree in drama speaks on her experience so far in the industry and other sundry issues. came the first black head girl (she smiles).

ects. I love to travel and that helps me relax.

What’s a typical day like for you and how do you relax?

What is your major fashion accessory?

If it’s a shoot day then I’m pretty much booked up all day. But usually I respond to emails, meet with my manager and work on my own proj-

The one fashion accessory that I can’t do without is a fantastic purse. A girl needs a purse that isn’t just another black leather tote. Right now

It is very easy to get caught up in your own little world. I think my biggest fear is not giving enough back. By that I mean influencing the youth in a positive way so that they know that on the journey of growing up, people are not alone and have others beside them influencing, guiding and showing them there is someone beyond one’s self. Since teens today are greatly influenced by the environment around them, there needs to be a positive guidance to know what beliefs and acts to follow and which ones not to.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Why Celebrities Can’t Do Without Drugs, Alcohol On stage, they are loved, applauded and mobbed when they hold the mic to thrill their fans. They are so energetic that you can’t but wonder what keeps them going. Indeed, what really gives them the drive? ANTHONY ADA ABRAHAM writes.



Music today is hyped with the use of alcohol and drugs which boost eroticism

medical doctor, in 1967, asked a group of competitive r u n n e r s assembled for a Washington DC road race: “If I could give you a pill that would make you an Olympic champion -- and also kill you in a year -- would you take it?” Of the approximately 100 athletes who returned Mirkin’s questionnaire, more than half responded that they would take the pill. Celebrities give joy, smiles and fulfillment to their fans and lovers of their works; some of them entertain in styles. They walk with heads held-up high wherever they go. They dine and wine with the crème de la creme of the society. They command attention wherever they go and many of them are accorded tremendous respect for their contributions to the society. But there is the worrisome aspect of the lives of the majority of them- they are hooked on drugs and alcohol. This is the simple reason why

many of them are no more around. Truth is that a life dependent on these agents of death is a wasted life. While some indulge in this lifestyle with reckless abandon, others are a bit careful and call it ‘swag’. Every now and then, lives continue to be cut short and dreams shattered by constant alcohol and drug abuse. It’s no news that cocaine contributed to Whitney Houston’s death. The official report was that she drowned in her bathtub in a Beverly Hills hotel. The world number one pop star, Michael Jackson, died not far from the same location in 2009 after his doctor administered a lethal dose of the sedative Propofol. Also, British singer Amy Winehouse was troubled by addiction and died of alcohol poisoning. In recent years, there has been excessive use of drugs and alcohol among Nigerian entertainers with many of them still struggling to manage the damaging effects. Experts say alcohol and drug abuse is a problem in the general

population but entertainers are especially vulnerable because of the long hours on the road and the intense demands of keeping up with performances. There’s a lot of down time, a lot of traveling, a lot of boredom, a lot of sitting, a lot of doing nothing and more. Drug and alcohol abuse is a special risk for those who find fame and fortune as performers. Music is one of the most influential art forms of today’s society, and drugs, especially to today’s youth, just add to the attractiveness of it all. Some young musicians think drug use is part of being creative so they delve into it without thinking twice. According to MORALMORE, an upcoming artiste based in Abuja, music is life and what it takes a man to do music is passion ‘those who do drugs are just influenced by it. We know a lot of people who sing songs today and can’t do without getting tipsy before getting on stage. Sometime you see them drinking carelessly that they even misbehave. What I urge them to do is to disassociate themselves from drugs and works with their natural skills to enable them become greater.” he advised. In sport, the desire to win is, naturally, ever present while, at the same time, new research and technologies have expanded the number of options for cheating onto the podium. For example, today’s performance-enhancing drugs come in many forms other than a pill (“the cream and the clear,” a testosterone-based ointment described by accused athletes in court testimony, comes to mind), but the results they produce are still highly sought after. Some athletes get away with using drugs; others wind up suspended from their sport or even in jail, and still others die prematurely. In Nigeria, no entertainer has ever been prosecuted for drug related offenses just like in the USA where they are either charged for DUI (driving under the influence.) It’s a risky and complex game within a game that plays itself out on a public stage. When entertainers want to impress their fans and be among the

‘A’ list on the world stage they indulge themselves in these atrocious attitudes. Many celebrities today are suffering from one disorder to another. Take Majek Fashek for instance he once said in an interview that ‘I don’t do drugs. I use spiritualism. I’m spiritually filled. I smoke Igbo and I drink.’ What that means is he makes himself happy by indulging in such and he is looking better than ever. Drugs might help in boosting the moral of an artiste or entertainer when on stage or screen, but nonetheless, it’s lasting effect it’s obvious. Many of Nigerian celebrities want to be like their European counterparts, copying everything they do, even the bad ones like drugs. America mega starts like Lindsay Lohan, Snoop Lion, Rihanna, Justin Bieber and others are obvious example of people that would be difficult to be separated from drugs eventhough they are the role models of majority of Nigeria’s’ entertainers. Music today is hyped with the use of alcohol, drugs which boost eroticism. While people watch, they tend to misbehave in the negative which put them in limbo. Entertainer should set an example by championing the dream of drug-free performance because if they don’t fight it, it would one day fight them.


pOTpOurri 19

Saturday, June 21, 2014 Patrick Ebi-AmAnAmA saintpatrick1996@gmail.com

bAcKGrOund: The story behind the picture

Girls Education A popular saying goes, “If you educate a boy, you educate one person; if you educate a girl, you educate a family… and a whole nation.” Sending girls to school has become a priority critical for nationbuilding. It is important to care for and train girls properly from a young age, as they will grow to become the nurturers of the nation. This photo of two young Northern Nigerian girls shows the curious innocence of childhood, as they patiently wait for the camera to click. Some cultures place less value on girls than they do on boys because they argue that the girl does not carry on the family name, but instead will be married into a different

Things You Only Know When You’re Single amarachi Aibangbe Feedback: amaflysky@yahoo.com amaflysky@yahoo.com

it Goes beyond Love!


ove is a beautiful thing, but in most relationships it takes more for it to work. When two people fall in love everything seems different, life feels easier and has more meaning all of a sudden. But as the reality of life gradually creeps into the relationship, they usually begin to struggle and may find it hard to keep their relationship afloat. Love is important in any relationship but it is never absolutely about love. It takes more than love to stay committed in many relationships. Some people may not agree with this; they believe that love covers all aspects to a successful relationship. There are so many aspects to a working relationship. Aside from love other aspects such as areas of trust, communication, understanding and respect, among several other things should be present. Friendship is very vital in any relationship. A lot of times, people often fall in love based on sparks and shallow feelings, not as a result of friendship. There’s nothing wrong in having butterflies in your stomach when you see that one person your

heart beats for, but in reality it goes beyond that. Friendship is the foundation of a relationship; it is what holds the relationship when storms hit. “Friendship is always a good way to start a relationship because when matters arise in relationships they are better addressed as friends,” Anna Onuzurike said. Similarities between partners can be a good aspect in relationships while differences can threaten the relationship. People are raised in several ways with different backgrounds and religious beliefs and this often comes to play in relationships. It definitely goes beyond love in such instances because one would need a lot of understanding and maturity to deal with a partner who has many differences. “People need much more than love eventually in order to have a successful relationship. I dated a lady when I was in my early twenties and the relationship was filled with a lot of love but what crashed it was the fact that we were in different stages of our lives. We saw life differently and we lacked understanding,” Chigozie Ohaka, 32 stated.

Dear Amarachi, My name is Ifeoluwa and I’m writing to you from Plateau State where I live. I am a constant reader of ‘Things You Only Know When You Are Single.’ I had been close friends with my current boyfriend for almost two years before we decided to take our friendship to a different level. We just recently started dating after he broke up with his ex-girlfriend (I was not in any way the reason for their breakup). My boyfriend and I really understand each other and I’m convinced that we were made for each other. He has plans to marry me and has shown that by coming home to discuss with my parents. The issue now is that his ex-girlfriend has been calling and sending threat messages saying I should leave her man alone else she would deal with me and she even went as far as threatening to curse me if I refuse to leave him. I told my boyfriend everything and he said she couldn’t hurt me in anyway but I am really scared and confused because some ladies can be so desperate and crazy. Please what should I do about this situation? I await your response, thank you. Ifeoluwa, Plateau State

Dear Ifeoluwa, Thank you for being a regular reader of ‘Things You Only Know When You Are Single’. Regarding your present issue, it is quite a common thing. Please do not let your boyfriend’s ex get to you with all those threats. I suggest you tell your boyfriend to address the issue well by calling her or going to see her, letting her know that he is aware of her threats and has informed the police and all their mutual friends. After he does that, you can be sure she would leave you alone for good.

family. What such arguments fail to realise is that the girl in fact represents her family wherever she goes, and the strength, comfort and skill she carries into her husband’s home will reflect positively on her family. In Proverbs 31: 10-31, we meet a woman who is said to be noble, worth far more than rubies. It says that her arms are strong for her tasks, she opens her hands to the needy, she brings her husband good, not harm, all the days of her life and he praises her at the city gate. This woman was first a girl, who was trained well. We should not neglect the proper training and nurturing of our girls, if we want Nigeria as a nation to

Faces in The crowd BY AMARACHI AIBAngBe, Abuja

Obi Ebinum Student What is your opinion on seminude dressing, especially among celebrities?

It’s really amazing to see our women dressing almost nude and feeling very comfortable in it. We seem to have copied almost everything from the West and don’t even have originality anymore. What most of our women do not realise is that men don’t fancy indecent exposure. Arinola Falase Research Analyst Which world leader or celebrity would you like to meet and why?

I would love to meet with President Barack Obama because he is not only a great man but a very humble and intelligent leader. It would be a dream come true if I ever meet with him. Nkechi Ara Designer What is your favorite sport and why?

My favorite sport is soccer. I enjoy watching it and also playing the game. I come from a family where we don’t joke with soccer so I have no other choice but to love it.

20 feature

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Food Cravings During Pregnancy BY Amarachi Aibangbe, Abuja

Most pregnant women experience at least one food aversion, or a new sense of repulsion at the very thought of a food they previously enjoyed

Finding new taste turn-ons and turnoffs every day is not abnormal for pregnant women. The food cravings become weird and extra ordinary most times and there are reasons for food aversions as well as food cravings during pregnancy. food craving during pregnancy is the sudden urge for a particular (and particularly unusual) dish. Almost all expectant mothers experience cravings during pregnancy. As common as food cravings are during pregnancy it is also common to have food aversions. Most pregnant women experience at least one food aversion, or a new sense of repulsion at the very thought of a food they previously enjoyed. Pregnancy hormones play a role, especially early in pregnancy when your body is positively flooded with them — and still getting used to them. But there may also be some truth to the notion that you crave what your body needs and are repulsed by what’s not good for you. This theory works with items such as coffee and alcohol, which can suddenly turn off regular drinkers of both. But it doesn’t explain why you might suddenly turn your nose up at healthy foods you used to love, such as salad or oatmeal. One theory is that humans have moved so far from the original food chain that the body can no longer reliably interpret its own internal signals. Yes, your body knows it needs vitamin C and calcium, but these days that may translate into a craving for a dish of any sort. These symptoms can’t always be fought, so it’s better to respond to cravings and aversions with reason. Keep in mind that most disappear or lessen by the fourth month — if yours don’t, that may be an indication of an emotional need you should address. What many women do not realise is that there are things one can do about food cravings. Try to avoid going crazy with pregnancy cravings that do nothing for you nutritionally — even while you indulge them. For example, go for a mini chocolate bar instead of a kingsized, or a glass of low-fat chocolate milk rather than a tray of brownies. When cravings strike, head for the hills (or another distracting place). Take a walk or go to the gym. Even reading a book or calling a friend for a chat may take your mind off that glazed doughnut that’s calling your name.

Give in to your cravings once in a while (though not for alcohol) — then eat well for the rest of the day. Call your practitioner if you crave weird substances such as clay, ashes, or laundry starch. This craving, known as pica, may be a sign of a nutritional deficiency, particularly of iron. Here is also a tip on food aversions. If food aversions during pregnancy are limiting your food intake, look for substitutes for the healthy foods you can’t stomach right now. Also talk to your doctor about it. Here are just a few of the foods and smells that some mothers and expectant mothers craved during pregnancy. From savoury to salty bites, Some mums-to-be couldn’t get enough of these comforting, piquant or salty savouries. “I’ve craved chicken-flavoured noodles for two weeks solid. I sometimes put them in sandwiches. I’ve been sending my husband out to stock the cupboards, for fear of running out.” Amaka Okonkwo “I’m craving anything hot and spicy, to the extreme of eating fresh pepper. The hotter the better! Its just sad that it gives me a heart burn afterwards” Christina Idera said “I have been craving for burgers since and when I saw it at a mall lastweek, my husband had to prise the pack out of my hands at the checkout when we went shopping. I honestly had tears in my eyes because I wanted them

so much.” Amina Garuba “I couldn’t get enough of feta cheese and other salty things, mostly corned beef and battered sausages while I was pregnant.” Celina Abang said “Cheese balls were my 3am morning sickness lifesaver. I also got a real taste for potato waffles with vinegar and salt, and cheese and onion pringles.” Tari Moul “I’ve been eating nothing but tuna pasta for the last few days. If I cook anything else just the smell of it makes my stomach turn.” Shola Phillips “I’m craving ketchup with all my meals and this is one thing I never liked right from my childhood. At the moment, I can’t seem to have enough of ketchup” Lisa Okorie “I’ve wanted roasted corn and pears a lot lately. Yesterday I had about 3 to myself.” Cecilia Mba said “I remember buying olives (Itili) anytime I saw them hawking it in traffic. I wanted to eat them all the time.” Nandi Shagaya “This is my fourth baby, and it’s been chilled milk all the way. I’m drinking six pints a day. I am the calcium queen.” Banke Akinsunmi “Since 10 weeks I’ve been craving champagne, usually at night. Sometimes I can’t sleep because I’m thinking about the bottle in the cupboard downstairs that someone inconsiderately bought me for my birthday.”

Alice Agbabiaka “I’m having beer cravings! A craving I can’t appease is like an itch left unscratched.” Kimberley Emmanuel “My cravings have been so unhealthy. Butterscotch and chocolate angel delight and custard creams are all I can think about.” Victoria Madukwe “I was obsessed with grapefruit (which I normally hate). I’d have four or five a day, and would even send my husband to the supermarket in the night to stock up so I wouldn’t wake up in the night, panicking that we had none left! Then I got pregnant with my little boy, and my husband came home with about 20 grapefruits. The sight of them made me want to throw up. I made him take them out of the house.” Yvonne Nwosu “When I was pregnant, Ice cubes and Polo mints were all I craved. All I did was crunch for nine months!” Zainab Bala “I adored raw carrots and refrigerated fruits, just couldn’t get enough of them. Maybe it was because the crunch kept me awake while battling with tiredness in the first few months.” Molly Ajayi “I’ve been craving baked beans with salad cream, especially cold, on a cheese sandwich.” Juliet Ibrahim And finally… “I just crave food. Any food. If I see an advert for a type of food, I want that food!” Janet Igwe










Sporting Recall P22


Despite bursting unto the stage with enormous talents, these footballers never fulfilled their potentials

Assou-Ekotto couldn't help but headbutt his teammate during Cameroon's defeat to Croatia

Defending champions Spain are in danger of going home without a win at the W/Cup

I Showed I'm World Class – Suarez

Luis Suarez has hit back at Roy Hodgson's claims that the Liverpool and Uruguay striker is not yet world class. He scored two impressive goals against England on Thursday night to leave them on the brink of an early World Cup exit but the manager still refused to concede that Suarez is among the game's best. The manager had said similar before the



tournament in Brazil and the striker was quick to bite back. Suarez told El Observador: "The England coach said I was a proven Premier League player, but not world class. "So there is the answer. He sees me all year and he knows my worth as a player and a person. It takes courage and character to keep moving forward." Suarez was emotional after his match-

winning impact against England after making a speedy recovery from knee surgery and appears to have been determined to make the most of his moment in the England World Cup spotlight. He is also reported to have claimed that his strikes were retribution, for all the criticism he has received for his conduct with Liverpool in the Premier League.


Saturday, June 21, 2014



Man they know better than to give Suarez that much room bruh! Rihanna sure knows one or two things about football

Arsenal are a fantastic club. Will a transfer happen? Anything is possible Could Mario Balotelli be on his way to Arsenal? His agent Mino Raiola is not ruling it out

Uruguay fans clearly know who the king, sorry queen, is.

SPORTING RECALL Freddy Adu At 14-years-old Adu became one of the youngest ever athletes to sign a professional contract in America with DC United. In 2004, the Ghanian-born player became the youngest player to play in the MLS, and two weeks later became the youngest scorer in the league. Benfica bought him for $2 million, but after farming him out on loan, Adu has eventually ended back in America. He’s still only 23! Cherno Samba Samba shot to fame younger than anyone on this list when he scored 132 goals in 32 games

Footballers who never fulfilled their potentials

as a 13-year-old schoolboy. This prolific form continued at Millwall but unsuccessful loan spells in Spain saw Ian Holloway buy him at Plymouth on a free transfer and since then he has plied his trade in the Greek second division and now, still only 27, currently in the Norwegian second division for FK Tønsberg. Kerlon Kerlon shot to fame playing for the Brazil Under 17s where his ‘seal dribble’ rocked YouTube. The diminutive forward had the ability to run with the ball balanced on his head, which proved effective at that level,

scoring eight goals in seven games. Inter Milan bought him and since then ‘the Seal’ has been loaned to various clubs, including Ajax, but with no success. Nii Lamptey At 15 years old Lamptey was hailed as - of course - ‘the new Pele’, winning Player of the Tournament at the Under 17 World Cup over players like Juan Sebastian Veron and Alessandro Del Piero. Anderlecht acquired his signature, but age restrictions didn’t allow him to play for the club until he was 16. Fantastic spells at Anderlecht and PSV


Van Gaal never gave me the chance in the Dutch national team, despite being voted man of the match 14 times at Manchester United Alexander Buttner has not done himself any favours having a pop at his new manager

AC Milan could lower their £27m asking price for Mario Balotelli, 23, if Arsenal are willing to send Costa Rica's Joel Campbell, 21, in the opposite direction. Crystal Palace are also interested in signing Campbell, who impressed as Costa Rica won their World Cup opener against Uruguay. Arsenal will move for Bayern Munich's Mario Mandzukic, 28, if they fail to sign former Manchester City forward Balotelli. New West Brom manager Alan Irvine is interested in bringing Manchester

City midfielder Jack Rodwell, 23, to the Hawthorns either on loan or permanently. West Brom are also considering a move to bring Fulham winger Kieran Richardson, 29, back to the Hawthorns. Liverpool and Arsenal are ready to resurrect their interest in Chile and Juventus right-back Mauricio Isla, 26. Balotelli Monaco are in pole position to sign for Manchester United winger Antonio former Chelsea and England defender Valencia this summer. The 28-year-old Ashley Cole, 33. has just one year left to run on his Liverpool are considering making a bid current deal.


GROUP SPORTS EDITOR Ishaku Kigbu REPORTERS Samuel Malik, Salifu Usman DESIGN & LAYOUT Paul Benjamin ACTING EDITOR Catherine Agbo

group FOUNDER Sam Nda-Isaiah CHAIRMAN Hajiya Ireti Kingibe GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR Azubuike Ishiekwene GROUP EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Michael Okpere, Dr Kazeem Durodoye

Eindhoven made Aston Villa to sign him. After 16 games for Villa and neighbours Coventry, Lampty was moved on to nine different clubs across the world. Francis Jeffers Franny Jeffers made his professional debut for Everton aged just 16. After scoring consistently for the Toffees and prolifically at England Under-21 level (13 in 16 games), Arsene Wenger spent £8 million on him. However, 22 appearances in three years saw him out of favour and he began his descent into ‘journeyman’ territory.

Chelsea striker Samuel Eto'o, 33, has set his sights on moving to Italian side Roma, but only if they can meet his pay demands of £60,000-a-week. Liverpool will make a third attempt to sign Southampton and England midfielder Adam Lallana, 26, following the World Cup. Real Sociedad are in negotiations with Arsenal to keep Carlos Vela in San Sebastian until 2018. The Gunners were earlier planning to bring the 25-yearold forward back to the Emirates by activating his £3m buy-back clause.

Benoit Assou-Ekotto,Tottenham Hotspur/Cameroon

What Did He Do?

Was He Right Or Wrong?

Should He Be Punished?

Benoit Assou-Ekotto let his frustrations boil over as he headbutted his Cameroon teammate Benjamin Moukandjo in the closing stages of their 4-0 defeat by Croatia. Cameroon were trailing 4-0 in injury time when the Tottenham left back, on loan at QPR last season, lashed out at his team-mate. Assou-Ekotto's anger continued after the final whistle in Manaus as Samuel Eto'o was forced to restrain him in the tunnel.

The disgusting behavior or the Cameroon left-back once more raised question regarding the unity of the team, who only boarded the flight to Brazil after a last minute resolution of a bonus crisis that almost led to a national embarrassment. The headbutt came after another lack of discipline saw Alex Song sent off for elbowing Mario Mandzukic in an off-the-ball scuffle with Mandzukic when they were a goal down. In his words, 26-year-old Song, who later apologized, said: "I'm very sad at the moment as I feel I have let my country and myself down. "It was a stupid moment and I'm truly sorry. If I could do anything to take it back I would. Please forgive me.''

Cameroon coach Volker Finke has vowed to get to the bottom of why Assou-Ekotto head-butted team-mate Moukandjo during their 4-0 defeat to Croatia. "It's unimaginable. I saw this happen and I need to find out exactly what happened, why exactly these two players exploded," Finke told the BBC. "I hate to see that. It's not the image of Cameroon I want to project." Finke must be decisive when he decides to act against the defender, lest more trouble fester among the squad, if not now maybe sooner than expected.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Oboabona Doutbful For Bosnia Clash By Ishaku kIgBu, Sao Paulo

Nigeria and Super Eagles’ right full back, Godfrey Oboabona will not be in action today against Bosnia, having not recovered from injury sustained against Iran, LEADERSHIP WEEKEND Sports has learnt. Obaobona has been one


of Keshi’s formidable defenders since he was introduced into the Super Eagles from Nigerian club Sunshine of Akure. He was a rock at the back when the Super Eagles won the African Championship for the 3rd time in South Africa last year. Stephen Keshi lost his left full back Elderson Echiejile

to injury at the eve of the World Cup in a friendly game against Greece and was replaced by winger, Ejike Uzoenyi. Yobo is expected to partner Kenneth Omeruo at centre back, with Ambrose retaining the right full back role while Oshaniwa features at left full back.

Gumel Awarded Engineering Fellowship By saMuEL MaLIk, Abuja

President of the Nigeria Volleyball Federation, Habu Gumel, has been made a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering, the apex organisation of engineers in the country and Nigeria’s "think tank" on issues of Engineering and Technology. Gumel, an engineer by training, was recognised on Thursday in Lagos for his inspiring role in the

field of engineering in the country, which had seen him made president of various engineering bodies at different times, including Nigeria Society of Engineers, Council of the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). Speaking to LEADERSHIP WEEKEND Sports, Gumel said he was humbled and excited to receive such important award. “I am really thrilled to be recognised by a body like the

Academy of Engineering. Being a Fellow is the highest honour that an engineer can get and I feel even more challenged and motivated to do more to advance the cause of engineering in this country,” he said. Habu Gumel is, among others, member, International Olympic Committee, executive secretary, National Lottery Trust Fund, executive vicepresident, International Volleyball Federation (FIVB).

Eagles Must Show Patriotism – Adamu Executive board member, Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Shehu Adamu, has called on the Super Eagles to show patriotism and put first Nigeria in all their considerations as they compete in the ongoing FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Adamu spoke to LEADERSHIP WEEKEND Sports in Sao Paulo and said without 100% determination, patriotism and dedication the team will not perform. “These boys must realize that they are carrying on their shoulders the burdens of about 170million Nigerians and must see it as a privilege to be picked to represent Nigeria so must display utmost patriotism. The real Nigerian mentality was lacking in the team

in their opening clash against Iran and we have told them we expect to see a different act on Saturday in Cuiaba. “We told them they must put Nigeria first in their considerations and must also see it as a great privilege to play in the World Cup for Nigeria and be prepared to reciprocate the gesture with victory against Bosnia and a good result against Argentina in the last group game.”

Ndanusa By saLIfu usMaN, Abuja

The Nigeria Olympic Committee (NOC), has urged Nigerians to sustain their support for the Super Eagles stressing the team will bounce back to reckoning


Eagles Must Be Ready To Die On The Pitch – Kanu and keep their World Cup hopes alive. According to the formal Former Super Eagles captain, Kanu Nwankwo, Arsenal player, the performance against Iran has told the Nigerian national team to put up in Curitiba was not good the mentality known of enough and if Keshi and his boys must advance to the Super Eagles when the next stage, they will they play Bosnia today in a crunch match. Kanu, have to raise their game. who met with the team “I met with them and have told them my mind and before they flew out of the truth. I told them this Sao Paulo to Cuiaba, venue of today’s match, is the World Cup and no revealed he literarily told child’s play. So, they must the team to be ready to be ready to die on the pitch die on the pitch if need against Bosnia if they want be to beat the Bosnians to qualify.”

NOC Drums Support For Eagles against Bosnia & Herzegovina in today’s crucial group f World Cup clash in Cuiaba. Nigeria played a drab goalless draw with Iran on Monday and a perceived easy group, which also has Argentina, was made to look tough following the faulty start and NOC President Sani Ndanusa said it is imperative Nigerians support Stephen Keshi’s team to succeed in Brazil. “The Super Eagles are not done yet despite the disappointment of the draw with Iran and we at the NOC strongly believe that Nigeria will bounce back starting with victory against Bosnia in the next match. There are six points left to fight for and there are high tendencies that we can bag adequate points that will see us scale to the next round,” Ndanusa expressed with high optimism.


Bosnia Captain Spahic To Face Nigeria BosniaHerzegovina captain Emir Spahic will play in their crucial FIFA World Cup clash against Nigeria on Saturday, according to Borce Sredojevic. Spahic left the training track on Thursday due to a left knee problem, casting a shadow over the Bayer Leverkusen man's availability for their Group F tie in Cuiaba. But Bosnia-Herzegovina assistant Sredojevic said the 33-year-old central defender will push through the pain. "I am optimistic about Spahic's chances because we all know his will power and what he means to the team," Sredojevic said.

Peterside Tips Eagles For Semi Final

By Ishaku kIgBu, Sao Paulo

super Eagles


Despite Super Eagles barren draw with Iran in their first game in the ongoing FIFA World Cup in Brazil, former Nigeria International, Idah Perterside, is confident that Stephen Keshi's men will not only qualify for the next round but get to the semi-finals of the tournament. He attributed the goalless draw against Iran to Keshi's technical flaws and intense pressure on the part of the payers. Speaking on Channels TV breakfast programme, Sunrise Daily, Peterside explained that the inability of the players to bear the pressure from the Iranian team cost them a victory in the game. He also mentioned that the ability to manage and tackle pressure is the hallmark of a great team.

Germany Wary Of Ghana Germany are wary of a second-game letdown at the 2014 FIFA World Cup, after slipping up against Serbia at the same point four years ago. Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer warned Germany must analyse their 4-0 thumping of Portugal ahead of their second match against Ghana, claiming his team were quite lucky on Monday. Four years ago, Germany started the World Cup with a 4-0 demolition of Australia but were stunned 1-0 by Serbia in their second game before edging out Ghana by the same scoreline at Soccer City in Johannesburg. "I think that we can only be partially satisfied with how we played," the 28-year-old said.


2014 FIFA World Cup



Boateng Ready For 'Fight To Death' Ghana's Berlin-born midfielder Kevin-Prince Boateng has turned up the heat for today's World Cup Group G match against Germany by comparing it to a gladiator-style 'fight to the death'. "It's like in ancient Rome. There will be people around the pitch who want to see how two teams fight," the Schalke 04 star told German magazine Sport Bild. "The team who wants it more will win and we will fight to the death against Germany." Boateng opted to play for Ghana, the country of his father, in 2009, and will be up against his half brother and Germany right-back Jerome Boateng in Fortaleza. Germany top their group after a 4-0 hammering of Cristiano Ronaldo's Portugal, while Ghana are third after their 2-1 defeat to the USA the same day. The flamboyant ex-Tottenham Hotspur and AC Milan star has criticised the Germans in the past, saying Joachim



TODAY: 5:00PM Argentina's tactical approach will be in the spotlight against Iran on Saturday, with captain Lionel Messi eyeing a more attacking system. Alejandro Sabella's side opened their FIFA World Cup campaign with a battling 2-1 win over BosniaHerzegovina, during which they deployed a 5-3-2 formation. That moved Messi into a deeper position, supporting Sergio Aguero, but after the game, the Barcelona star expressed his displeasure at the tactics deployed by Sabella. "We are Argentina," Messi told reporters. "We shouldn't be looking at how our rivals play. All I care about is that we play well. I prefer 4-3-3 and I feel more comfortable with more players further forward." The comments have unsurprisingly led to many hinting at a rift between the skipper and coach Sabella. Mariano Andujar, Argentina's reserve goalkeeper, was quick to rubbish those rumours, saying: "He (Messi) gave his opinion, like many others did. And that's it. There is no problem. Everyone is free to have their opinion." Their win over Bosnia means Argentina will head to Estadio Mineirao knowing three points will leave them almost assured of a spot in the next phase.

TODAY: 8:00PM Per Mertesacker is expecting a physical encounter when Germany take on Ghana in their second Group G fixture of the FIFA World Cup. The two teams go head to head in Fortaleza on Saturday, having experienced vastly different fortunes in their opening games on Monday. Germany, among the pre-tournament favourites to lift the trophy come the final on July 13, were ruthless in brushing aside 10-man Portugal 4-0, with Thomas Muller scoring a hat-trick. Against the United States, meanwhile, Ghana recovered from Clint Dempsey's first-minute strike to equalise late on through Andre Ayew, only to concede a second to John Brooks shortly afterwards and go down 2-1. As a result, defeat on Saturday would leave Kwesi Appiah's men on the brink of elimination, a disappointing return given their stirring displays in South Africa four years ago, when they narrowly missed out on a semi-final appearance. And Arsenal defender Mertesacker, in line to earn his 100th cap should he feature against Ghana, anticipates their opponents to make their presence felt on Saturday.

The Top Marksmen 3 Goals:

WORLD CUP STATS 7 - Against Costa Rica, Steven Gerrard could become the 8th man to play 1000 minutes at the World Cup for England. Name the 7 who have. Quiz


After a positive showing against Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina will be confident of securing a first FIFA World Cup victory against Nigeria. Safet Susic's side will have been encouraged despite their opening defeat to the Group F favourites where they were undone by a Sead Kolasinac own goal and a moment of magic from Lionel Messi. The fixture at the Maracana was the country's first at a World Cup and, while it ended in defeat, a win over Nigeria could put them right back in the mix for progression. If Iran are beaten by the group leaders on Friday, Bosnia can leapfrog them into second with a win later in the day. Having caused Argentina problems in spells on Sunday, Susic will be confident his men can overcome a Nigeria side that looked out of sorts in their opener - a goalless draw against Iran. Despite seeing shades of promise in the loss to Argentina, Susic is targeting a better performance in Cuiaba. "We haven't shown everything we are capable of yet," he said. "I hope that Argentina will win their other two games, because if they do then the second spot will be between Iran, Nigeria and Bosnia. "I am convinced that we still have everything to play for." If Bosnia's performance bolstered fans' hopes, Nigeria's is likely to have done anything but. Keshi saw his side struggle to break Iran down with the stalemate made worse with an injury to defender Godfrey Oboabona. The African champions were frustrated for large spells as they dominated possession without reward in what was arguably their most winnable fixture of the group. Amid the disappointment of their showing, Oboabona has offered Keshi hope of recovering from his ankle problem. The Caykur Rizespor man could return to partner Kenneth Omeruo in the heart of the Nigerian defence, with the Chelsea youngster eager to pit his wits against Bosnia's star striker Edin Dzeko. "It will be a delight to see how Edin Dzeko and I slug it out in the game," he said. "Hopefully, they will play an open game and we will also, which will make the game very interesting." Bosnia have also been boosted with the news that captain Emir Spahic is in line for a swift return from his knee injury.

Karim Benzema (France)

Arjen Robben (Netherlands)

Luis Suarez (Uruguay)

74 - With 74% possession Japan set a new record in their WC history. Dominant.

4 - Roy Hodgson has lost his last four games at the World Cup (two with Switzerland, two with England). Reverse.


Neymar (Brazil)

Robin van Persie (Netherlands)

4 - Italy have not won any of their second matches in the last four World Cups

759 - Wayne Rooney has scored his first #WorldCup goal for #ENG, ending a run of 759 minutes. Wait.

Mario Mandzukic (Croatia)

Thomas Muller (Germany)

8 - Mario Balotelli has scored with one in eight of his shots in the last four seasons.

2 - Luis Suarez has had both of Uruguay's shots on target in this game, both of them goals. Punishment.

Tim Cahill (Australia)

2 Goals:

ODD BALL Brazil legend Pele had to listen to the first half of the World Cup hosts' 0-0 draw with Mexico on the radio because of traffic jams in Sao Paulo.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

James Rodriguez (Colombia)

Gervinho (Ivory Coast)

An eight-year-old Brazilian fan burst into tears of joy at the sight of meeting defender David Luiz. The boy had evaded security and ran onto the pitch where the Brazil squad were training and was embraced by former Chelsea defender Luiz.

ISSUE 138, jUnE 21, 2014.

The remarkable reinvention of Angelina Jolie Not just your average actress. Now an honorary of the Queen, she has channelled her prior recklessness into serving humanity.


femAle emAle celebrity power of 2014



stAdiums AlkAsim AbdulkAdir

Master of the media trade


Zendaya to play Aaliyah in lifetime biopic

wonders of the world

Machu Picchu, Peru



Aisha Eniola: Beauty and intellect

1923 split second chronograph watch from Patek Phillip auctioned for $2.9m


Saturday, June 21, 2014


THAT'S inSide THiS iSSue



A scorpion can hold its breath for up to six days.


35 sCANDAlOus

43 TEChlIfE

31 wONDERs Of ThE wORlD



• Alkasim Abdulkadir: Master of the media trade • Ahmad Gidan Dabino: Prolific novelist


• Zendaya to play Aaliyah in lifetime biopic


• Fake Ryan Gosling Facebook account tricks fans


• Female celebrity power of 2014


• WAGs to riches: The business of being perfect



31 WONDERS OF THE WORLD • Machu Picchu, Peru


• Intriguing things owned by wealthy Russians



• Gorgeous wedding dress made of toilet paper


• Violence off the field



• Estádio do Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro • Estadio Azteca, Mexico • Wembley, London • Santiago Bernabeu, Madrid • Estadio Monumental Antonio Vespucio Liberti, Buenos Aires • Olympiastadion, Munich • Camp Nou, Barcelona • Giuseppe Meazza (San Siro), Milan • La Bombonera, Buenos Aires


• Aisha Eniola: Beauty and intellect

• Moi International Sports Centre: Kenya • Abuja Stadium: Nigeria

whAT's up?

THE rEguLarS

44 DREss sENsE BoXED

• Believe this • Fact Box, Do You Remember When? Strictly For JJCs 44 CULTURED! • Shocking Foodfacts • Etiquettewise, Superstitions, • Psychology Ideas, Useless Proverbs, Excusez moi Information, Business 45 DESIRABLES Blunder, Quick Quiz, 46 MINDFUL • Espionage, Discovered • Crossword, WordSearch, • Sounding Clever, Sudoku, Homework, Sounding Great, Spotlights, Bookshelf • Know Why, 47 A LA CARTE • Celeb Info, Teeny • Crazy Tricks, Gentleman's • Fascinating Facts, Words, Laugh-Out-Loud • Keepsakes, 48 BONUS PACk • Just Unbelievable, Fast • Seen & Overhead, English Forward Phrases, Keepsakes


• Click Click,

Buzzstop The first daughter looks to have set her sights on working behind the scenes in Hollywood after visiting the Los Angeles set of a new sci-fi show last week. Malia Obama, who turns 16 on July 4, spent a day working as a production assistant on the set of Halle Berry‘s upcoming sci-fi series Extant. The series is being produced by prominent Obama donor Steven Spielberg. The teen helped with re-shoots of the pilot episode, assisting with computer alignments, and the director even let her use a production slate before a take. Formula One legend Michael Schumacher is no longer in a coma and has been discharged from the French hospital where he has been treated since December. The dramatic news was announced by his manager Sabine Kehm who said Schumacher had left CHU Grenoble ‘to continue his long phase of rehabilitation’. However a former Formula

One doctor has criticised the announcement that Michael Schumacher has emerged from his coma, warning that the 45-year-old is still unlikely ever to make a full recovery. Rebecca Oldham found herself suffering painful cramps, and after multiple tests, New Zealand doctors decided to remove her ovaries believing them to be the cause of the problem. But then they woke the 25-year-old up to deliver some very surprising news: Instead of removing her ovaries, they were about to perform an emergency caesarean section to deliver a 9-pound baby boy, with whom she was 32 weeks pregnant. Britain is preparing to reopen its embassy in Iran in a dramatic thawing of relations between the West and Tehran. Foreign Secretary William Hague said the circumstances were right to restore the embassy, closed in 2011 after it was ransacked

by an angry mob, insisting: ‘Iran is an important country in a volatile region.’ Shocking video emerged showing armed militant children - some no older than eight - proudly overseeing the execution of a prisoner in cold blood as jihadi fighters continue their ruthless drive to topple Iraq. Footage showed a man surrounded by a baying mob of masked insurgents reportedly in the city of Mosul which was taken by ISIS militants last week. A gym instructor who paid £4,000 for a boob job was horrified when surgeons first made her breasts too big - and then the implants exploded inside her. Kim Brockhurst, 51, went under the knife hoping to increase her 32AA breasts by two cup sizes. Never sacrifice these three things: your family, your heart, and your dignity.

Content Victoria Usman, Abisola Alawode, Love Adeyemi, elizabeth Martin DeSIGn/LAYoUt Luke Utomi ACTING EDITOR Catherine Agbo


FoUnDeR Sam nda-Isaiah CHAIRMAn Hajiya Ireti kingibe GRoUP MAnAGInG DIReCtoR Azubuike Ishiekwene GRoUP eXeCUtIVe DIReCtoRS Michael okpere, Dr kazeem Durodoye FeeDbACk AnD MAILS Cognoscenti is published as an insert in LEADERSHIP Weekend. A number of the articles in this pullout are sourced from diverse sources. Please do send your feedback and enquiries to cognoscenti@leadership.ng or send us a tweet @LeCognoscenti


Saturday, June 21, 2014

StartingBlocks AfricAnFacts

There are 740 different species of birds in Zambia.


Somalia has the world’s second largest reserves of uranium with 800,000 tones, after Australia.

AhmAd GidAn dAbinO

Prolific novelist

Proudly Nigeria AlkAsim AbdulkAdir

master of the media trade Alkasim Abdulkadir is an accomplished journalist and media enthusiast who has reported major world news. He is especially passionate about media in Nigeria. Alkasim is one media guru that cannot go unidentified. He has worked with some of the biggest media giants in the world as well as a host of other indigenous media houses and is currently the editor of an online newspaper. He is a general content person for film, scripting, online, print, TV, social media, development writing, short fiction writing and poetry. Interested in Nigeria and sub-Saharan African issues around insurgency and counter insurgency, poverty index, development trends, best governance practices and models, he says he is forever learning. Born in the northern town of Minna in Niger state in the 1980s, he attended the Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna where he studied Estate Management but he was more interested in the arts. His love for arts led him to Zuma Radio where he was a people reporter and there he learnt editing and later became a producer. Shortly after that he was made Head of Programs for about two years. As Head of Programs, he was responsible for program content formulation and airing, recruiting and supervision of on-air staff, program marketing forecast and, conceiving broadcasts/ events projects and responsible for quality control of produced programs. In June 2009 – August 2009 (3 months) in Nigeria, he worked as a Project Officer MDGs. He researched,

sTricTlY fOr JJcs A woman was taken by 5 men, who according to hospital and police reports, gang-raped her before dumping her at a bus stand! Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed the repeat rapes along with traces of Rohypnol in her blood. Rohypnol, a date rape drug is essentially a small sterilization pill. The drug is now being used by rapists at parties to rape and sterilize their victims. All they have to do is drop it into the girl’s drink. The girl wouldn’t remember a thing the next


collated and analysed data on MDG projects. His research was published quarterly as MDG advocacy series in national dailies. He began work as a BBC producer and was responsible for an English radio drama called ‘Story Story,’ and ‘Gat a nan, gat a nan ku,’ a Hausa radio drama designed primarily for maternal health. He also produced for radio and television sports. He was with BBC Media Action from November 2009 – March 2011 (1 year 5 months) in Nigeria. He was responsible for supervising outputs ranging from radio sports, radio plays, documentaries, magazine programs on good governance and developing their presence online. In 2011, When the Police Headquarters in Abuja got bombed, Abdulkadir began sending tweets out about the incident and was then discovered by a CNN editor. He then officially moved on to CNN as

a stringer in Nigeria, from August 2011 – November 2011 (4 months). He was responsible for pitching breaking stories out of Nigeria for CNN International and CNN Wires. He got the big break in his career with the UN building bombing story in Abuja, Nigeria as he was responsible for interviewing Boko Haram on behalf of CNN. He was among the first people that got the accurate number of casualties as a result of the bombing and gave details into the identity of the bomber. This story was really major as all media houses ran the story after it had been published on CNN. He still writes for CNN on freelance basis, and he is expected to cover any news of great magnitude that breaks out in Abuja or the north immediately. Alkasim is also a media consultant and has worked with a variety of mediums, from newspaper to TV. Still in pursuance of his media career and his interest in informing the public about news, Alkasim started an online newspaper called ‘Citizens Platform’. He decided on this because of the popularity and effectiveness of online media and social media in present day Nigeria. He is a News content cditor with Citizens Platform. His duties include News supervision, sharing of beats and task, sharing content via Twitter and Facebook, interviews and new media training, and media strategy. He is happily married with a child.

Be careful with what you drink morning of all that had taken place the night before. Rohypnol, which dissolves in drinks just as easily, is such that the victim doesn’t conceive from the rape and the rapist needn’t worry about having a paternity test identifying him months later. The drug’s effects are not temporary - they are permanent. Any female that takes it WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CONCEIVE. The weasels can get this drug from anyone who is in the vet school or any university. It’s that easy, and Rohypnol is about to break

out big on campuses everywhere. Believe it or not, there are even sites on the internet telling people how to use it. Everyone has to be on the look out. Girls, be careful when you’re out and don’t leave your drinks unattended. (Buy your own drinks, ensure bottles or cans received are unopened or sealed; don’t even taste someone else’s drink). Reports of girls’ drinks being spiked with Rohypnol are on the increase everyday in Nigeria. We must all come together to fight this.

Ahmad Gidan Dabino was born in 1964. He did not have an opportunity to get an education till the age of 20 when he sat for WAEC. He then went further and obtained a professional diploma in Mass Communication from 2004-2005 at Bayero University, Kano –Nigeria. Ado Ahmad Gidan Dabino is one of the most prolific Hausa novelists in Northern Nigeria, his efforts have revolutionized the reading habits of the Hausas in recent time. He has written so many Hausa novels, dramas and poetry. Gidan Dabino is also an award winning playwright who won the 1st prize position of 2009 Engineer Mohammed Bashir Karaye Prize in Hausa Literature (Play Category), with his Malam Zalimu. Two of his novels have been translated into English; The Soul of My Heart (In Da So Da Kauna) and Nemesis (Masoyan Zamani). Gidan Dabino is a prominent contributor of articles to numerous daily newspapers and magazines and presented a great number of academic papers in seminars and workshops in different parts of the country and outside Nigeria. He is a founding member of the Hausa film industry, one of the founders of Association of Nigerian Authors, Kano State Branch. He is also a publisher, journalist, film producer, director and has produced sixteen films in Hausa, including his most recent ‘Sandar Kiwo’, on Human Rights in Islamic Sharia in Northern Nigeria, which was jointly supported by the British Council, DFID and Security Justice and Growth (SJG), which has been shown internationally. Presently, he is the Chairman/ Chief Executive of Gidan Dabino International Nigeria Limited, a position he has held for about 25 years. He was a Former Chairman of the Association of Nigerian Authors, (ANA) Kano State Branch, and currently, he serves as a Caretaker Chairman, Kano State Filmmakers Association. Also he is a member, Motion Picture Practitioner’s Association of Nigeria, (MOPPAN) and Association for Promoting Nigerian Languages and Culture, (APNILAC), etc. His hobbies include among other, traveling, research and writing.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


15,000,000 Number of Americans who practice yoga.


Number of Nigerian farmers registered to the GES (Growth Enhancement Support) scheme by 2013.

The BuzzworThy sTuff oNLINe



Zendaya to play Aaliyah in lifetime biopic

Explore the world with Wikitude

Disney star and fledgling recording artist Zendaya Coleman has been tapped for the coveted lead role of the late songstress and dancer Aaliyah Haughton in an upcoming biopic. Haughton was killed in a plane crash along with eight others at the height of her stardom in 2001. The highly anticipated biopic ‘Aaliyah: Princess of R&B’ (working title) is set to air on Lifetime this fall and is based off of Christopher Farley’s bestselling biography ‘Aaliyah: More Than a Woman.’ The announcement has sparked debate in the blogosphere and online, with some expressing frustration that the fair skinned Zendaya - who has an African American father and a Caucasian mother - is a poor casting choice because she ‘looks like a Latina’ and Aaliyah had a darker complexion. Zendaya expressed her excitement about the role on Twitter: ‘She’s (Aaliyah) been an inspiration and influence in my who career, her talent shines brighter than ever, all I wanna do is honour her... there will never be another Aaliyah, I just hope to share her beautiful story, and make her proud up in heaven.’

Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino was arrested in a tanning saloon

Former Jersey Shore star Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino was arrested after getting into a physical altercation at his family-owned tanning saloon in Middletown, New Jersey earlier this week, TMZ reports. The alleged fist fight broke out between Sorrentino and his brother Frank. A source tells Us Weekly that Sorrentino, 31, was the only one arrested and taken into custody. People reports Sorrentino is in the process of posting $500 bail. His 15 minutes of fame may just be up. Well, at least he’ll be tan in his mugshot.

Wikitude is a browser app that will open your eyes to the world around you through your device’s camera. The augmented reality browser lets you explore and interact with your surroundings. You can search for places around you, such as ‘restaurants’ or ‘accommodations,’ or look up nearby events, tweets, Yelp recommendations or relevant Wikipedia articles. Vendors in the area also serve up mobile coupons via the app so you’ll know when you’re near a good deal. Wikitude also comes with a bunch of cool AR games, like ‘Swat the Fly,’ ‘Alien Attack’ and ‘Bubble Tap.’

iSlick helps you find out about discounts Hoping to find an amazing deal for that gadget you’ve been pining after? Look no further than iSlick, an app for iOS and Android that ferrets out discounts from multiple big-name vendors such as Amazon, Newegg, Best Buy and Ebay. With real-time deal notifications, you can stay on top of the best prices on coveted online items, including HDTVs, Blu-Ray movies, groceries and home essentials. The community also uploads entries from users that detail the worthiest offerings, so you get the best deals right at the top. The ability to add friends and get followers keeps you on the pulse for sales uncovered by like-minded shoppers.

Obsolete, a new touch to organising your photos Obsolete is a photo app which groups images by date, location and event, and makes it a lot easier to find shots taken with your iPhone or iPad. It obviates the need for photo-organization apps such as Flayvr. With the possible exception of apps that can tag faces, Obsolete makes organizing and sharing pictures a snap.


Fake Ryan Gosling Facebook account tricks fans A fake Facebook post from an account claiming to be Ryan Gosling’s has fooled nearly one million fans. The 146-word message featured on a page which fans believed to be Ryan’s official Facebook page revealed how he had apparently adopted a baby after the little one’s mother died of cancer. Attached to the post was a picture of Ryan holding onto a baby and smiling. The message prompted Facebook users in their hundreds of thousands to ‘like’ the post and at the time of writing it has amassed more than a staggering 926,500 likes. It read ’… I’ve decided to tell the story of how I became a father. This little guy was only 9 months old when I became his dad. His mom and I were great friends before she passed away from cancer. I promised her, I’d always look after him…So, I had decided to step up and become his dad. He brought me so much joy. He was my everything. (sic)’. The post even went on to say that ‘Ryan’ had managed to get the rights to adopt the little one over the youngster’s biological father. It continued: ‘1 year later after the adoption, his biological father wanted him. Of course, I put up a fight, but he won. That 1 year of being his father taught me how to love unconditionally. We have

to stop and be thankful for our children and children should stop and be thankful for their parents…’ At the end of the post, the person who created the fake account had inserted a link to a page on which people were given the chance to purchase a Ryan Gosling T-shirt. The post has attracted more than 21,000 comments, with some fans clearly overjoyed at the so-called news.


Chinese woman has 2.44meters long tapeworm removed from her intestines A Chinese woman was horrified to be told she had a 2.44 metres long tapeworm living inside her after eating rare beef while on holiday. The woman, known only as Mrs Li, is thought to have picked up the worm from eating undercooked meat while travelling in South East Asia earlier this year. She has now had the worm removed but says the thought of it still makes her feel ill. She told Chinese media: ‘It’s disgusting and almost makes me faint.’ Mrs Li, who is in her 30s and lives in Xiamen, in China’s Fujian

Province, visited a doctor after she started to feel unwell and noticed unusual fluids in her stools. She was diagnosed with teniasis – an infection cause by a tapeworm. She is recovering well.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

StartingBlocks In Pennsylvania, it’s against the law to tie a dollar bill on a string on the ground and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up.



In Sedona, Ariz., it’s illegal to lie about your astrological sign.


FEMAlE CElEbrIty PoWEr oF 2014


It’s illegal for a restaurant to call a sandwich a ‘corned beef sandwich’ if it’s made with white bread and mayonnaise in New York City.

Sofia Vergara

S/N Name



Oprah Winfrey

Talk show host





Sofia Vergara



Anna Wintour



Ellen Degeneres

Talk show host


Angelina Jolie



Arianna Huffington






Lady Gaga



Yao Chen

Chinese actress

Anna Wintour

Jain Temple marblework – Rajasthan 1. Exterior The white marble exterior of a Jain temple is simple in comparison with the profuse decoration within. This is intended to reflect the fundamental Jain belief in the insignificance of outward form, in contrast to a rich inner life. 2. Pillars A forest of carved columns leads to the main sanctum of Dilwara’s Vimala Vasahi temple. Each one of the 1,444 of them is carved with different patterns of floral motifs – no two are the same. The play of light and shadow is one of the glories of this monument.

Oprah Winfrey

bIggESt EMPIrES IN hIStory

3. Image of Adinath A four-faced Adinath, the first enlightened being in Jain belief, stands in the main sanctum of his temple at Ranakpur. It faces in the four cardinal directions. 4. Corbelled ceilings Ceilings are carved into concentric tiers, symbolising the Jain belief in the universe as a series of cosmic cycles. In places the marble is so fine as to be translucent.

British Colonial



S/N Empire

Papal regions


British Colonial


total land area (million square km) 33.1











Americas-Far East











French Colonial




Umayaad Caliphate

Middle East-North Africa



Abbasid Caliphate

Middle East-North Africa








The intensive raising of chickens is associated with many serious welfare concerns such as extremely high stocking densities, feed restriction, beak trimming and forced moulting.

5. Ceiling supports Dancers and deities, graceful and yet exuberant, form the struts to support the ceiling. 6. Ceiling pendants A magnificent example of Jain temple ceiling pendants is the tiered lotus, carved from a single block of marble, at Luna Vasahi temple. 7. Snake carvings The Parsvanatha plaque at Ranakpur shows another of the enlightened ones guarded by a multi-headed cobra.



Image of Adinath

8. Arches Known as torans, decorative arches are carved from one slab of marble. At Ranakpur there are said to have been 128 of them, of which only three remain today. 9. Windows The 15th-century temple of Parsvanatha is famed for the exceptional pierced marble work of its windows. 10. Kalpavalli Medallions These fantastically intricate medallions, with exquisite patterns of foliage, flowers and tendrils, can be seen at both Dilwara and Ranakpur.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

StartingBlocks BY THE NUMBERS


2,222,196 Number of burglaries that take place in the USA yearly.


That is, 6101 burglaries per day.


Broken down, its 250 burglaries per day.


Percentage of burglars that are male.

$2,079 Average dollar loss per burglary.

$4,000,000,000 Total losses from burglaries yearly.

523,000 Number of burglaries that take place in the UK yearly.

385,000 Number of burglaries that take place in Germany yearly.

356,000 Number of burglaries that take place in Russia yearly.


Number of burglaries that take place in Australia yearly.



As a 2nd grader Jamie Foxx was so talented at telling jokes, his teacher used him as a reward. If the class behaved, Jamie would entertain them.


As at June 15th, 2014, 20th Century Fox’s How to Train Your Dragon 2 has grossed a total of $50m in the U.S.A.


WAGs to riches: The business of being perfect Eye-popping physiques, multimillion dollar incomes, celebrity status; these are all the attributes of women affiliated with footballers. When you're dating one of the top footballers on the planet, the pressure to be ‘perfect’ is huge. In football’s answer to Hollywood, media scrutiny of elite players is fierce and the paparazzi is just as hungry for images of their wives and girlfriends dubbed ‘WAGs’ by the British tabloids. Lenses were snapped with even more ferocity during the2002 World Cup, as Nancy Dell’Olio, former partner to ex-England team manager Sven-Goran Eriksson stepped out. According to her, ‘It is quite sexist and in many cases really not quite fair, the way they were looking at partners,’ said the glamorous 52-year-old AmericanItalian lawyer, in her lilting European accent. ‘It was quite intrusive, and that was independent of my will,’ added Dell’Olio, who for almost a decade watched her highprofile relationship play out across the front and back pages of the press. ‘But when you are next to a personality so important in football you become absorbed in that role,’ she added. It’s a world of glossy women with shopping habits as expensive as their bodies if you believe the stereotypes splashed across celebrity magazines. In truth, partners face enormous pressures to live up to Barbie doll ideals of beauty. ‘No one wants to be the ugly WAG,’ says author and newspaper columnist ‘The Secret WAG,’ wife of an England player who has kept her identity a mystery, while revealing the inner workings of her lavish lifestyle. ‘We’re put under so much pressure to look as perfect as we can. We’re all striving to be the thinnest, the prettiest, and the one with the nicest hair.’ The relentless drive for perfection comes from a fear of ‘being traded in for a newer model’ when temptation beckons, she says. ‘Mostly it’s our own personal insecurities, because you know footballers don’t have great reputations. There are so many kiss-

Antonella Roccuzzo and Lionel Messi

and-tell stories in the newspapers, and we all live in fear that this is going to happen to us. ‘Footballers today aren’t just guys who kick a ball about. They’re celebrities. They’re dating supermodels, actresses. ‘For us normal girls who don’t have careers in the public eye, it’s a massive pressure to live up to’, ‘The Secret WAG’ shares. That’s not to say the partners of footballers are simply pretty accessories in some cases, they’re even more famous than their sporting beaus. Victoria Beckham and Shakira needn’t rely on highprofile lovers David Beckham and Gerard Pique for their own successful music careers. ‘Coleen Rooney’s book has sold more copies than her husband Wayne’s,’ said Alison Kervin, sports editor of British newspaper the Mail on Sunday, and author of ‘WAGs at the World Cup.’ ‘It’s a really interesting phenomenon to get your head around, because she’s only famous because she’s going out with a successful England footballer.’

With top players earning over $70m a year, dating one can be an instant ticket to fame and fortune. ‘A footballer could take you from a world where you’re living a basic existence in social housing, to living in a multimillion dollar mansion and traveling the world…It has a Cinderella quality to it, and I think that’s what we find so appealing.’ says Kervin. Dating a footballer is not a relationship for the fainthearted, with women beholden to clubs just as much as their men. If that means abstaining in the bedroom before big matches, then so be it which can be really unfair. ‘My whole life has kind of been following my husband around, you have to up and leave countless times when he moves clubs…I spent many years studying and I’ve never been in a situation where I could put all those years to good use…I feel as though I’m constantly living in the shadow of my husband, and it took a lot of adjustment to accept that’ said ‘The Secret WAG.’


Saturday, June 21, 2014



IntrIguIng thIngs owned by wealthy russIans Fascinating things owned by the Russians are indeed worthy of mention.

VIolence off the fIeld


These sports men have paid the price for off pitch misbehaviour.


aIsha enIola With her intellect at age 19, she becomes UK councillor.

that will tickle your fancy

BIg IdEas

wondErs of thE world


Machu Picchu, Peru The legendary city of Machu Picchu lies hidden in the Andes at an altitude of over 2438m. Located between two steep mountain peaks, the ancient Incan City remains as mysterious and fascinating as ever.

Where was the first FIFA World Cup held?



function independently of the outside world; people could live there and never have to leave. The southern slope was terraced for agricultural purposes, with terraces cut into the mountainside that could be filled with earth brought up from the fertile Urubamba valley. These terraces called ‘andenes’ (from which we get the name ‘Andes’) were retained by low walls. This let them be irrigated artificially without the soil washing away. The water was brought down to the terrace fields from the higher mountains by means of an ingenious network of canals and channels. This system of irrigation still functions today much as it did 500 years ago. Machu Picchu’s impressive Sun Temple serves as evidence of the sheer magnificence of Incan architecture. This architectural masterpiece, with its trapezoidal doors and windows-which are typical of the Inca-was where the Inca worshipped the sun, their central deity, the very basis of their religious life. The word ‘Inca’ means both ‘the one’ and ‘son of the sun.’ The religious centre of Machu Picchu is the hill where one bowed to the sun’s majesty, the ‘Intihuatena,’ which in the Incan language means ‘the place where one captures the sun.’ Atop it lies a sacred stone resembling a sundial. It is thought that astronomers, scholars, and priests used the sundial to calculate the year, months, day, and time of day. Whether they used other instruments, as well, remains unknown. The demise of Machu Picchu is also shrouded in darkness. It seems to have gone out of use around the time of the Spanish conquest of 1532. Once the city was abandoned, the surrounding forest quickly overtook it. Machu Picchu could no longer be seen from the valley, the road leading up to it was quite hidden, and the site became nearly completely inaccessible. It would be nearly 400 years before it would be rediscovered. The first FIFA World Cup was held in Uruguay from July 13, to July 30 1930.

It is the year 1532. Invading Spanish conquistadors storm the highlands of Peru, easily defeating and dominating the indigenous peoples. They carry off their legendary treasures as plunder and replace the Inca rulers with puppet kings. But Manco Capac II, also known as Manco Inca Yupanqui (1516-1544), a proud Inca noble, is not content to be a henchman in service to the Spanish crown. He gathers his devoted warriors around him and revolts against the Spanish occupation. The power imbalance proves to be too great, and, after several years of bloody battles, Manco Capac II retreats with his remaining followers to the inaccessible mountain peaks of the Andes. High in the mountains, they searched for a site for a new Inca city, eventually coming across a plateau lying between two mountain peaks, the ‘Young Peak’ (Huayna Picchu) and ‘Old Peak’ (Machu Picchu), high above the wild torrent of the Urubamba valley. Manco Capac II named his new city in the clouds Vilcabamba, where his Inca Empire would survive for another thirty years. After the Spanish burned the city in 1872, its location was forgotten. When Hiram Bingham rediscovered Machu Picchu in 1911, he believed that he had found this legendary lost city. Recent archaeological evidence disputes this, identifying Vilcabamba with another site 96km further west. Whoever built the city at Machu Picchu planned it down to the very last detail. On one side stand the houses of the nobles, along with the palace and temples. The houses of the scholars, scribes, and artisans are organised around the main plaza. The peasants lived further down the slope, amid animal stalls and storage buildings. Every part of the city is built from stone quarried right on the site, from the plateau itself. Inca masonry, with each block fitted precisely to another with no gap in between, has to this day never been bettered. The Incas planned Machu Picchu so that it could

In 1907 the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch wrote that ‘A work of art can come only from the interior of man.’ This could be the slogan of Expressionism, an artistic movement of the early 20th century characterised by boldness, distortion and exaggeration, in which, according to the painter Oskar Kokoschka, ‘the image becomes the embodiment of the soul’. Expressionism was particularly strong in Germany and Austria, and became even darker in the wake of the First World War, as can be seen in the nightmare visions of Max Beckmann and the savage satires of George Grosz. Expressionism also infused the other arts – for example, the earlier music of Schoenberg, the plays of Strindberg and Wedekind, and German silent cinema. A notable example of the latter is Robert Weine’s 1919 film The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, in which the crazy angles of the sets, the strong contrasts of light and shade, and the focus on heightened states of emotion and madness are all typical of the movement.

BUsInEss BlUndEr

It’s only a semantics problem Ford Motors experienced a problem when the introduction of the Pinto flopped. The company found out that ‘pinto’ was a Brazilian slang for ‘tiny male genitals.’ The name was changed to Corcel, which means horse in Portuguese. When Parker Pen first marketed a ballpoint pen in Mexico, its first ads were supposed to say ‘It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you.’ The word ‘embarazar’ was used for ‘embarrass,’ but means ‘pregnant’ in Spanish, so the ads said, ‘It won’t leak in your pocket and make you pregnant.” An American T-shirt maker in Miami printed shirts for the Spanish market which promoted the Pope’s visit. Because of a misplaced accent mark, the shirts said “I Saw the Potato.”



Saturday, June 21, 2014 that will tickle your fancy



Yuri Gagarin while on a plane orbited the earth for 89 minutes on April 12, 1961, at about 300 km above the earth’s surface.

Each person sheds 40lbs of skin in his or her lifetime.

Intriguing things owned by wealthy Russians

Tech Russian millionaires own stakes in some of the most successful tech companies. Russian Internet holding company DST, backed by Russian Yuri Milner, owns around 5% of Facebook and Twitter shares. Anti-virus company Kaspersky Lab, co-founded by Eugene Kaspersky and Natalia Kaspersky, is considered to be one of the world’s most innovative companies and operates in almost 200 countries. Media Both The Independent, one of UK’s daily national newspapers, and London’s widely read freebie, The Evening Standard are owned by Russian billionaire, Alexander Lebedev. Art When billionaire art collector Alexander Ivanov opened his Faberge Museum in German BadenBaden, it was the first Russian privately owned museum outside Russia. An Arab sheikh reportedly offered Ivanov $2 billion for his jewellery collection, but it was declined. The collection includes impressionist paintings, old masters, vintage cars and even dinosaur fossils. Of the 42 surviving Imperial Faberge eggs, 20 belongs to Russians. Queen Elizabeth II owns three. The lavish jewelled

Easter eggs were commissioned from Faberge by Tsar Alexander III in 1885 as Easter gifts for his wife, the Tsarina Maria Feodorovna. Sports Professional sports team ownership is perhaps the ultimate status symbol for Russia’s wealthiest. Mikhail Prokhorov, who made his billions in the precious metals sector, owns the NBA team Brooklyn Nets, while the Marussia Formula One team is now owned by a Moscow-based company. Oligarchs can also be found backing some of the world’s biggest football clubs. Uzbeki-born Russian business magnate Alisher Usmanov is one of the major shareholders in England’s Arsenal FC. Chelsea Football Club’s owner, Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich celebrated the 2012 Champions League trophy with players John Terry, Raul Meireles and Jose Bosingwa. He bought the club in 2003 for reported $234 million and Dmitry Rybolovlev is behind the Monaco FC. Property The wealthiest Russians have long been investing into luxurious properties around the world. The top floor penthouse at 15 Central Park West became the most expensive apartment ever sold in Manhattan when the daughter of Russian investor



CIA resumes drone strikes in Pakistan after six-month hiatus The United States Central Intelligence Agency appears to have resumed its targeted assassinations using unmanned aerial drones in Pakistan, following a nearly six-month hiatus. The Agency launched its lethal drone program in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2004, and intensified it in 2008 under the supervision of US President George Bush, who then passed it on to his successor, Barack Obama. Nearly 400 strikes on Pakistani soil have been attributed to the CIA in the past decade, which have killed in excess of 3,000 militants and civilians by some estimates. In an unprecedented move, Washington completely seized carrying out airstrikes on Pakistani soil after December 25th of last year. That changed on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 when several powerful missiles landed outside a house located a few miles outside of Miramshah, in Pakistan’s North Waziristan Province. The area is an operational stronghold of Pakistan’s most powerful armed militant group, the Pakistani Talban, and its close affiliate, the Haqqani Network. The air strikes took out a number of

Dmitry Rybolovlev bought it last year at a cost of $88 million. Skorpios Island in Greece is also reportedly owned by Ekaterina Rybolovleva. In 1968, the island was the site of Jackie Kennedy’s wedding with the former owner of the island, Aristotle Onassis. (Skorpios is just off the coast of Greek island of Lefkada, pictured).The building is believed to be the world’s most expensive property in terms of price per square foot and its residents include Sting, Denzel Washington and Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blank Fein. Roustam Tariko, billionaire owner of Russian Standard Bank and Russian Standard Vodka, owns one of the most expensive homes in Miami Beach, a $25.5 million estate on Star Island. UK’s leading bookseller, Water stones, is owned by Russian millionaire Alexander Mamut. There are around 300 stores through the UK and Europe Space A big chunk of the International Space Station belongs to Russia, and is called the Russian Orbital Segment. Since the American space shuttle program was retired, NASA astronauts cannot get to and from the ISS without their Russian counterparts, who now operate the only space shuttles.

vehicles that were allegedly filled with explosives and killed at least 16 people, including alleged Taliban and Haqqani commanders, as well as, reportedly, members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU). Washington said that those targeted were on their way to conduct cross-border raids in Afghanistan when they were killed. As it always does in these instances, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the strikes as violations of the country’s sovereignty. However, reports in the Pakistani media claimed that Washington had sought and received Islamabad’s approval prior to launching last week’s attacks. What prompted the change in policy? According to one local observer, the CIA had agreed to stop its aerial attacks after it was asked to do so by the government of Pakistan, which has been engaged in peace talks with the Taliban for several months. But these talks collapsed following the June 6, 2014 suicide attack on Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport by the Taliban and the IMU, which killed 36 people, including all 10 attackers.

People bully me. What can I do? It’s wrong, but many guys and girls are bullied these days. The pain and embarrassment that come with bullying can do a lot of damage to a person’s self-esteem and happiness. There are two ways to decrease the harmful effects of bullying. Decrease the bullying itself Decrease the effect it has on you. It would be great if you could simply go to the bully and say, ‘hey, that hurts my feelings, please stop.’ It is an honest, direct, and mature approach and hopefully, would stop the bullying. However, in case that approach doesn’t work, let’s discuss some other options. First, try disarming bullies by taking away their ammunition; when they bully you, ignore them. It won’t be easy, but if you don’t react to their meanness, they may get bored and soon stop the bullying. You could also try responding with humour and make it a joke of the situation. If these alternatives don’t decrease the bullying, ask an adult for help.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


bRANDeD Beginning in July 2002, all Chrysler vehicles gained a new 7-year/70,000-mile warranty, which is transferable to subsequent owners.

SOUNDINGClEvER VULPINE Like a fox from the Latin vulpes: fox. Alsatians are the most vulpine of dogs.

Fabian Schar who currently plays for FC Basel and Switzerland in the world cub is a certified banker.

achIevING ThE impossiblE

tame a lion

MARMOREAL Like marble from the Latin marmor: marble. To those who found actress Grace Kelly marmoreal, Alfred Hitchcock said of his leading lady that she had ‘fire under ice’. EMETIC A substance that brings about vomiting from the Greek emein: to vomit. The emperor Nero tried to keep his weight down by using emetics. PURGATIVE Ridding someone of unpleasant feelings from the Latin purgare: to purify. People who have received a shock often find alcohol purgative.



Impervious to pleas, appeals or reason; stubbornly unyielding. Henry Ford himself was adamant about lean and clean operating policies, saving his company millions of dollars by reducing waste and setting new standards with his time-saving assembly line.

thinGS you will never do

The classic image of the lion tamer is one of a man in top hat and red tails, cracking a whip and wielding a chair while the king of the beasts does his bidding in front of a baying crowd beneath the Big Top. Indeed, there was a time when this would have been a pretty accurate representation – today, though, lion taming is much more concerned with building bonds of trust. The first recognised lion tamer was a Frenchman, Henri Martin, who worked in the early part of the 19th century. A retired horse trainer, his act initially used tigers and only later lions. In some ways he was quite a modern performer, teaching the animals to obey simple instructions after spending much time building up a strong degree of familiarity and trust. Unfortunately, the act was then developed into the classic ‘whip and chair’ performance by the likes of the Americans Isaac van Amburgh (who emerged onto the scene in 1833) and Clyde Beatty, who brought lion taming to the silver screen in the 1930s. These performers were more concerned with dominating the animals – indeed, van Amburgh is said to have beaten his animals with a crowbar while Beatty performed with a pistol. Happily, such approaches are now off the agenda: animal rights have come to the fore, and today, most practitioners firmly define themselves as ‘trainers’ rather than ‘tamers’. Even so, some animal rights groups argue that such acts are unjustifiable in the modern age. A lion has claws up to 7,5 centimetre (3 in) long and a jaw that can lock itself round your head. For those reasons alone, they should always be treated with respect. Any animals you end up performing with are likely to have been born in captivity, but that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. The key to a successful act is experience, which must be built up over a long period. You will need patience and dedication. This is not the sort of thing you can wing on the day, and theory is no match for real face- to-face exposure. As

the famed Greek conductor, Dimitri Mitropoulos, once put it: ‘I never use a score when conducting my orchestra. Does a lion tamer enter a cage with a book on how to tame a lion?’ Nevertheless, it’s also worth taking time to study the animals academically. Consider taking a course in zoology, veterinary science or an associated subject. Anything that helps you better understand how lions live and think is invaluable. Volunteer at a zoo or a safari park so that you can start to interact with the animals. When you begin learning to ‘tame’, work with an old hand who can advise and guide you. An expert will instruct you on how to build up trust between you and the lion until you can safely inhabit the same space. Needless to say, you won’t be able to walk straight into the lion’s enclosure on Day One – and if you try, you’re unlikely to be walking back out again. Once you get to a point of familiarity and peaceful coexistence with your new feline friend, you can start to think about how to develop an act. Aside from the danger and unpredictability involved, teaching a lion to follow your instructions is not too different from training any other animal, and involves a process of repetition and positive reinforcement (more often than not in the form of food). For instance, if you want the lion to turn in a clockwise circle at the click of your fingers, it needs to learn that your clicking is its cue. Every time the lion turns in the right direction when you click, reward it with a treat. The lion eventually learns that your click is its cue to spin, and then results in a reward. When working with such potentially deadly wild animals, you must be sure to maintain your focus at all times. However skilled you are, lion taming is always dangerous and lion tamers will rue the day they become complacent. Even the best can be at risk – German – American duo Siegfried and Roy were the stars of the most famous big cat show in the world, at the MGM Mirage casino in Las Vegas, and among the most highly paid people in the entertainment industry, until Roy Horn was badly mauled by a tiger called Montecore during a show in 2003. The cause of the animal’s sudden attack has never been satisfactorily established – one theory is that Montecore was actually attempting to pull Horn to safety after he slipped and fell. Once Horn had recovered, the duo went on to perform with it on several more occasions before their eventual retirement. But it just goes to prove that even the most expertly trained animals retain a wild and unpredictable streak. When you work with a big cat, that should always be your uppermost thought.


that will tickle your fancy

September 2006


FILM Everyone’s Hero

A young boy named Yankee Irving finds himself at an extraordinary crossroads: He has a chance to be a hero - and make a difference against incredible odds - or he can play it safe.

MUSIC Ludacris

Grew Up a Screw Up is the second single from Ludacris’ Release Therapy. The song features Young Jeezy.


They thought they were like everyone else... until they woke with incredible abilities.

EVENT E. coli outbreak

Spinach contaminated with E. coli kills 2 and poisons over 100 others in 20 states of the United States on the 15th.

BIRTHDAY Lance Armstrong

Seven-time Tour de France champion, Lance Armstrong, who was banned from cycling competitions for life by the United States AntiDoping Agency in 2012 turned 35 on the 17th.

DEATH Margaret Ekpo

Nigerian politician and women’s rights activist, Margaret Ekpo, died on the 21st, at the age of 92.



that will tickle your fancy


2.72 metres

Saturday, June 21, 2014 Height of Robert Pershing Wadlow, the tallest person in history for whom there is irrefutable evidence.


Number of states in the U.S. where cursive handwriting has been removed from the curricula.

Can cats or dogs live on a vegetarian diet? Dogs can survive on a vegetarian diet, but cats need meat, or a lot of additives to compensate. Among these are the amino acid taurine, not found in plants, and vitamin A, which dogs can manufacture from carotenoids found in plants, but which cats must get from the meat of animals that have done the manufacturing for them. Cats are sensitive to deficiency of the amino acid arginine, and need the high protein levels found in meat to get enough. Dogs can become vegetarians, but not cats.

Will spam ever slow down the internet? Figures from information security firm Symantec say that 68.8 per cent of all emails are spam. But that alone is not enough to slow the internet. Cloud security firm Incapsula reckons that botnets drive 61.5 per cent of web traffic. These networks of hijacked computers are used to blitz servers. Individual networks can be incapacitated for a while, but the internet is a network of networks. Slowing it is virtually impossible.

Gorgeous wedding dress made out of toilet paper This white wedding dress is so elaborate and stunning that you’re never going to believe what it’s made of – toilet paper. The one-of-a-kind dress was created by art student Olivia Mears, from Asheville, North Carolina. She used only 11 rolls of toilet paper, 100 ft. of tape and lots of glue to put the whole thing together. The dress was made for a local event called the Annual Cheap Chic Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest, sponsored by Charmin, a toilet paper company. ‘I learned about the contest with only a few weeks to prepare the dress,’ said Olivia. So she worked on the project for about 20 hours, and came up with a real winner. Olivia is currently a student at Western Carolina University for Art Education. She creates Victorian and fantasy-inspired pieces as a part of her work, and she wanted the same themes to reflect in the toilet paper dress. ‘Based on Victorian ball gowns I decided on a tiered train, embroidered corset style bodice, and the layers of roses and ruffles,’ she said. ‘But to make it more contemporary I dropped the sleeves, let the bottom drape down naturally, and opened the front of the dress’ she added.


… Spiders sometimes stay still for a long time? Web-spinning spiders obviously remain motionless while they are waiting for something to land in their web. Moving around wastes energy and draws attention to the spider, which makes it more likely to be eaten by birds, and makes flies less likely to get caught in the web. Spinning a web is quite an energy-intensive process and a spider may have to wait days or weeks for a catch, so it is important to conserve as much energy as possible. Hunting spiders are much more active, but many of them are nocturnal predators and spend the day tucked away in a nest or under a rock - again, this is to conserve energy and avoid becoming prey. The giant house spider (Tegenaria duellica) - the one you normally find in the bathtub - is actually a web spinner and most of the time it stays inside its messy, funnel-shaped web in the attic or behind those boxes in the garage.

Are snails born with their shells? Yes, although the shell is transparent and soft to begin with. Snails need calcium to harden their shells and the first thing a newly hatched snail does is to eat the casing of its own egg to absorb calcium. Some snails will also cannibalise the shells of their unhatched siblings. Over the next three months, the shell gets thicker and acquires the full adult colouration.

Why do we get bored? Like hunger, thirst and loneliness, boredom is a negative feeling that drives us to change our behaviour. Natural selection has favoured individuals with the capacity to feel bored because they are more likely to discover or create things that improve their survival chances, or to look for a new partner and so spread their genes more widely. Contentment leads to complacency, and that’s a dangerous evolutionary strategy.

Why are flies attracted to bad smells? The smells that are a warning of putrefaction to us are attractive to flies for just the same reason. When organic matter (animal or vegetable) starts to rot, it becomes soft and moist, and provides ideal breeding conditions for fly larvae. Female flies are attracted to rotting material, where they lay their eggs in batches (around 50 to 100 in the case of the house fly). The eggs can hatch within 12 hours, and the larvae burrow into the soft material and feed for several days before turning into pupae, which then produce adult flies. It can all take as little as 10 days from egg to adult.


Saturday, June 21, 2014



Violence off the field Chad ‘OchoCinco’ Johnson Outside of football, wide receiver Chad ‘OchoCinco’ Johnson has always been in the public eye for one reason or another. He has a knack for getting his name out there- whichever name he happens to be using at the moment. In 2010, while playing with the Cincinnati Bengals, Johnson was paired with two-time champion Cheryl Burke on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars and made it to the final four before being eliminated. He starred in his own reality show on VH1, called OchoCinco: The Ultimate Catch. In the 2010-2011 NFL season, while playing for the New England Patriots, he teamed up with good friend and teammate Terrell Owens for a talk show called The T. Ocho Show on the Versus network. In 2012, while with the Miami Dolphins, Johnson appeared as himself in the film American Reunion and on the FX network’s The League. Later in the year, he appeared in several episodes of Basketball Wives with fiancée Evelyn Lozada (former fiancée of the Boston Celtics’ Antoine Walker), following their courtship and engagement ... until, of course, the unfortunate event in August 2012. Married less than two months, Lozada confronted Johnson about a receipt for condoms she found. (Johnson was apparently not using them with Lozada.) In the heated argument that followed, Johnson gave her a powerful headbutt that resulted in a massive, 3-inch bloody gash across her head, a divorce, and an arrest for domestic violence. As punishment, Johnson was sentenced to 12 months’ probation and ordered to report to a probation officer every week. He was also ordered to enrol in a domestic violence education class. But the biggest surprise came when the Miami Dolphins released Johnson from the team, in a public firing seen nationally on an episode of HBO’s Hard Knocks. It was one of the first instances of the NFL punishing Aaron Hernandez As details began unfolding on June 26, 2013, in the firstdegree murder against NFL tight end Aaron Hemandez, the 23-year-old athlete whom some call one of the ‘most talented and versatile players’ on the team was released by the New England Patriots. One month later, on July 24, the fallen Patriot stood before a judge at his probable-cause hearing to answer the charge. Hemandez pleaded not guilty to killing his friend, semipro football player Odin Lloyd, by shooting him multiple times in the back and chest on June 16, after an argument at a Boston nightclub. Lloyd’s body was found in an industrial park about a mile from Hemandez’s home in North Attleborough, Massachusetts. The case against Hemandez is pretty incriminating. Surveillance footage from outside his home shows him leaving with a gun at around 2:30 am. Witnesses say that just before he left, he told someone in the house he was ‘upset’ and ‘couldn’t trust anyone anymore.’ The athlete and two of his friends, Emest Wallace and Carlos Ortiz, picked up Lloyd at his house for ‘a drive,’ during which the 27-year-old was apparently so frightened he texted his sister at3:22 am.: Did you see who I am with? His sister texted back, Who? and Lloyd answered, NFL. Just so you know. Accomplice Carlos Ortiz-who prosecutors say was with Hemandez when Lloyd was killed execution-style said Hemandez was the triggerman. Ortiz told police he was informed by the second alleged accomplice, Wallace; that ‘Mr Hemandez admitted to shooting Mr Lloyd.’ Although prosecutors have did not find the gun used to kill Lloyd, they claim a shell casing that matches the calibre of bullet used to shoot Lloyd has been linked to Hemandez. Next to the shell casing they discovered a piece of bubble gum purportedly chewed by Hemandez.

a player for misconduct off the field. He may have lost his job, but at least Johnson wasn’t headed for jail ... at first. Then he violated his parole. While Johnson was in court for his parole violation hearing, Florida’s Broward County Court Judge Kathleen McHugh accepted his new plea deal, which also included no jail time. The real drama, however, came seconds later. When she announced her ruling, Johnson gave his attorney a celebratory smack on the backside! The disrespectful action enraged the judge, prompting her to change her mind about the ruling. Convinced the NFL star was not taking the domestic abuse case seriously, she sentenced him to 30 days in jail and tacked on an additional three months of counselling and 25 hours of community service to his parole. Less than a week later, Johnson was released from jail after apologizing to the court.

that will tickle your fancy

TEENY How never to ask a girl out Do not ask for a kiss A boy should never ask a girl if he can kiss her, as she will only say, a guy should never ‘ask’ for a kiss. Asking her for a kiss at first instance will only make you look unserious, which is what a girl is not interested in, and even if she says ‘yes’, it could mean she is just being polite, while on the inside her attraction metre will read a firm, ‘No’. Give it time; it will happen in due course. Be careful and not lose control Starting by asking her if you can take her out on a date sometime should be avoided, as she would like to be with a man who is a leader and in control, not someone who asks her permission to hit on her. A boy should confidently ask a girl out, by simply saying, ‘We should hang out... what’s your number?’ or tell her about a specific place he wants to take her to. Bragging is not allowed No girl likes to hear her man brag so; never brag about the car you have or the kind of house your folks live in, as it would seem like you’re trying hard to impress her. Girls would be far more impressed by a man’s material possessions if he does not mention them in conversation. Plan ahead A boy should never ask a girl what she wants to do for the night, as she likes a ‘boy with a plan’. The boy needs to have a game plan before he calls her, so as to ensure that she will not be burdened with having to think about what to do. Assume the best Keep up the best attitude. Never ask a girl if she likes you as this is one phrase that turns off any girl completely. You should just assume that she likes you, and never ask the question. It just might be interpreted as having no confidence. Do not make her feel guilty Never ask a girl why she never answered your message because one; it would show that you care that she did not reply. And two; it would give her a guilt trip, which is seen as insecurity by women. Her past should not be your concern A boy should never ask a girl how many boyfriends she has had, as this shows that he is suffering from insecurity. Don’t present yourself as a walk over Never hint at a future date with a girl you just met. Why? Every girl does not only want but needs a guy who is somewhat of a ‘challenge’, and will lose interest if she senses she has won. Everyone likes to feel like they won a priced possession. Make sure not to be a bore A boy should never end a phone conversation with a girl with a ‘next step’, as firstly it would kill any spontaneity by being predictable, and secondly he would kill any chances of her calling him. Allow your conversations flow and pick topics randomly.



Saturday, June 21, 2014 that will tickle your fancy


Plunge into the world of top end luxury with Yves Saint Laurent golden gloss shimmering lip gloss available for $1,500.


When a lady has a bit of food logged in her teeth and she cannot remove it discreetly, she excuses herself from the table to take care of the situation.


Improve your digestion


Beauty and intellect Aisha Eniola, a British born Nigerian teenager has proven that indeed good can come out of Nigeria as she has made history by becoming the youngest councillor in the history of Britain. Just as famed Political scientist and Author Chanakya remarked, ‘The world’s biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.’ This is true when you consider what Aisha Eniola has achieved. The 19-year-old who is the daughter of the Former Welsh Harp City Councillor has made not only Nigerians but Africans all over the world proud as she won an election into Brent City Council in London, United Kingdom. This has made her the youngest councillor in the history of Britain. Aisha who hails from Ihima, Okehi Local Government Area of Kogi State, showed her brilliant oratorical skills during the preelection debates winning the hearts of the ward residents. Not only does she have a father who was once a Councillor, her great great grandfather is the late Ohinoyi of OborokeIhima, who was Chief Audu

Ojunu of Kogi state. So, one can see that leadership runs in the family. She had the highest overall votes of 2,160 beating her other counterparts; the Green Party candidate, Simon Erskine and the Liberal Democrat, Paul Fowler who had 459 and 313 respectively, to emerge the youngest councillor in UK. By this win, she has been able to prove that Nigeria is not all about controversies and being in the news for the wrong reasons. Human rights activist and community leader, Alhaji Ahmed Adoke has advised young women in the country to emulate the young girl. According to him, Britain has once again demonstrated her indiscriminate democratic practice and he urged the Nigerian system to emulate such level of democratic value. He also appealed to the men in politics to give women a chance in nation-building

and advocate that a certain percentage of elective positions be reserved for women as a measure to encourage them into politics pending when they can go all out to contest with the male counterparts. He went further to commend the spirited efforts of Miss Eniola saying she had made Nigeria proud and urged other young ladies to emulate the courage and determination to salvage the country from the grip of corruption and underdevelopment that have been the bane of the country. Her achievement so far is going to serve as an inspiration to youths in the country and beyond. She has raised the stakes high for other youths. It also serves as a challenge to youths to bring out the best in them to be able to achieve such success. She has also stated that she hopes to inspire youths to participate in politics.

A quick and efficient digestive system is what’s needed for optimal health and vitality. When the digestive system is slow and sluggish, the whole body is adversely affected. Problems with digestion can be obvious: belching, flatulence, bloating or cramping. These symptoms can make you feel ill and old. Drink water only between meals Water taken between meals aids digestion. It provides the necessary lubrication to keep the bowels moving smoothly, but ideally should be taken before and after meals rather than during them. An adequate intake of water aids the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of wastes by keeping the blood from getting too thick and becoming slowmoving. Ideally, drink eight to ten glasses of water per day, starting with two glasses upon rising. Drink another glass half an hour before each meal. Then drink a further glass two hours after each meal. Avoid other drinks with meals If you can manage it, don’t drink anything with your meals. Drinking liquids while eating only dilutes digestive juices, making them less effective. This inhibits and slows the digestive process. However, sometimes it can feel difficult to swallow food properly without the assistance of a drink. Don’t overdo fibre Even though fibres are important to our bodies, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Rough fibre, like wheat bran, can actually damage the intestines by harshly scraping the mucus-lined membrane. If adequate water is not consumed, fibre can actually block the intestine. Restrict the variety of your meals Eat only a small variety of foods at each meal. While it is important to maintain a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats and fibre, try to keep the mix relatively simple. Eat in a relaxed environment If you find yourself feeling anxious during meal times, try to control the amount of stress that you experience while you are eating. It’s often better to skip a meal when you are feeling stressed. Have a glass of water instead, until you are feeling calm. Chew food properly Digestion begins in the mouth. Take your time and chew.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


that will tickle your fancy




SHAKERS Active worshippers: 3 Founded: 1747 Founded in England in 1747, this group believed in sexual abstinence. There is only one active community left; in 2011, there were three members. BRANCH DAVIDIANS Active worshippers: 50-70 Founded: 1958 This group is known for the Waco Siege of 1993, which resulted in the deaths of leader David Koresh, 82 other Branch Davidians, and four federal agents. AUMISM Active worshippers: 400 Founded: 1969 A synthesis of a number of religions (including Buddhism), Aumism is centred in the ‘holy city’ of Mandarom, near Castellane in the French Alps. SAMARITANISM Active worshippers: 712 Founded: 721 Samaritanism is much like Judaism, but adherents claim that their religion is closest to that of the Israelites prior to the birth of Christ. FEDERATION OF DAMANHUR Active Worshippers: 1,000 Founded: 1975 A mix of New Age and neopagan beliefs, this movement gained fame in 1992 due to its secret excavation of an extensive underground temple. CHURCH OF GOD WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING Active Worshippers: 1,000-5,000 Founded: 1910 This American Protestant sect practices snake handling and drinks poison in worship services; at least 60 documented deaths have occurred. THE FAMILY INTERNATIONAL Active Worshippers: 11,200 Founded: 1968 An offshoot of the Jesus movement of the late 1960s, with a hippie-friendly message of free love and spiritual ‘revolution’ against ‘the System.’

SCIENTOLOGY Active Worshippers: 25,000 Founded: 1952 Founded by former sci-fi writer L. Ron Hubbard, this highly secretive religion has aspects of alienology, self-improvement, and reincarnation.




Everyone has their own favourite stadium in the world, perhaps with a particular memory of just why that ground holds a special place in their heart. But what are the most prestigious football stadiums in the world, and what criteria does one use to judge this? The important factors in deciding this list are the stadium’s capacity and record attendances, what major footballing tournaments and showpiece finals they have held, and what eyecatching and memorable matches took place there. It should be noted that this list is NOT necessarily about the largest in terms of size.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


Wembley, London Tenants: England national team Opened: 1923 Capacity: 82,000 Record attendance: 126,047 (28 April 1923, Bolton Wanderers v. West Ham United)

more European Cup finals than any other stadium (1963, 1968, 1971, 1978 and 1992), Wembley has also held both the 1966 World Cup final and the 1996 European Championship final. Of Wembley Stadium, Pelé said, ‘Wembley is

the cathedral of football. It is the capital of football and it is the heart of football’ in recognition of its status as the world’s bestknown football stadium. The stadium’s first turf was cut by King George V, and it was first

The original Wembley Stadium, officially known as the Empire Stadium, was a football stadium in Wembley, London, England, standing on the site now occupied by the New Wembley Stadium that opened in 2007.Home of the England national football team between 1923 and 2000, as well as having the honour of hosting

opened to the public on 28 April 1923. First known as the British Empire Exhibition Stadium or simply Empire Stadium, it was built by Sir Robert McAlpine for the British Empire Exhibition of 1924 (extended to 1925). The stadium cost £750,000, and was constructed on the site of an earlier folly called Watkin’s Tower. The twin towers were an icon for England and Wembley and were once considered to be iconic of the might of the England team. Their demolition in 2003 upset many members of the public. Debris from the Old Wembley Stadium was used to make the award-winning Northala Fields in Northolt, Ealing.

Estadio Azteca, Mexico Tenants: Club America Opened: 29 May 1966 Capacity: 105,000 Record attendance: 119,853 (Mexico v. Brazil, 7 July 1968) Estadio Azteca is a stadium in Santa Ursula, Mexico City, Mexico. It is the official home stadium of the Mexican football club América and the official national stadium of Mexico national football team. The name ‘Azteca’ is a tribute to the Aztec heritage of Mexico City. The stadium is now owned by Mexican TV consortium Televisa. In order to avoid people associating the stadium’s name with that of its rival TV Azteca,

Televisa officially changed the stadium’s name to Guillermo Cañedo, a top executive, longtime football advocate at Televisa and prominent member of the executive committee of FIFA. As the only stadium to have ever had the privilege of being

asked to host two World Cup finals (1970 and 1986), the Azteca stadium is one of the most prestigious stadiums in the world of football, as well as being both the fifth-largest ground in the world and the largest football pitch on Planet Football. The Estadio Azteca is

also the site in which Pelé and Diego Maradona (during the 1970 and 1986 FIFA World Cup) lifted the trophy for the last time (The Jules Rimet Trophy and the current FIFA World Cup Trophy, respectively). Home to both the Mexican national team and domestic side Club America, the stadium is associated with some of the most memorable international matches in the history of the game, including the 1970 World Cup final between Brazil and Italy, and of course the 1986 World Cup quarter-final between Argentina and England which featured both of Diego Maradona’s infamous goals.


Old Trafford is a football stadium in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, England, and the home of Manchester United F.C. With a capacity of 75,731, Old Trafford is the second-largest football stadium in the United Kingdom after Wembley Stadium, and the ninth-largest in Europe. Old Trafford, nicknamed the Theatre of Dreams by Bobby Charlton, has been United’s home ground since 1910, although from 1941 to 1949, as a result of bomb damage during the Second World War, the club shared Maine Road with local rivals Manchester City. Old Trafford has hosted FA Cup semi-finals, England fixtures, matches at the 1966 World Cup and Euro 96 and the 2003 Champions League Final.

Anfield, Liverpool

Anfield is a football stadium in Anfield, Liverpool, England which has a seating capacity of 45,276 making it the seventh largest football stadium in England. It has been the home of Liverpool F.C. since their formation in 1892. It was originally the home of Everton F.C. from 1884 to 1891, before they

moved to Goodison Park after a dispute over rent. Anfield is renowned throughout the game for the incredible atmosphere that the ground generates, particularly on big European nights, with the Spion Kop behind one of the goals perhaps the most famous stand in world football.

Africa national football team. The stadium is also known by its nickname ‘The Calabash’ due to its resemblance to the African pot or gourd.


The Guangdong Olympic Stadium, also known as the Aoti Main Stadium, is a multi-purpose stadium in Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China. Currently University of phoenix stadium, used mostly for football matches, the stadium was Glendale built in 2001. It has a capacity of 80,012, making it University of Phoenix Stadium, opened August 1, First National Bank Stadium, 2006, is a multipurpose football stadium located in the largest of any stadium in the People’s Republic of China by seating capacity. The building of Glendale, Arizona, west of Phoenix. It is the home Johannesburg Guangdong Olympic Stadium was started in 1998. It First National Bank Stadium or simply FNB Stadium, of the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football opened to the public for the ninth National Games also known as Soccer City and The Calabash, is a League (NFL) and the annual Fiesta Bowl, and of the People’s Republic of China in 2001. It was stadium located in Nasrec, bordering the Soweto area replaced Tempe’s Sun Devil Stadium as the Valley originally planned to help host the 2008 Summer of Johannesburg, South Africa. It is located next to of the Sun’s. The stadium is located next door to Olympics until a decision was made to construct the the South African Football Association headquarters the Jobing.com Arena and it features the first fully (SAFA House) where both the FIFA offices and the retractable natural grass playing surface built in the National Stadium in Beijing. Local Organising Committee for the 2010 FIFA World United States on top of an AirField Systems drainage MetLife stadium, east Rutherford Cup were housed.Designed as the main association system. The stadium has hosted Super Bowl XLII, MetLife Stadium is a sports stadium located at the football stadium for the World Cup; the FNB Stadium and the 2011 BCS National Championship Game, a Meadowlands Sports Complex in East Rutherford, became the largest stadium in Africa with a capacity game that it hosts every four years, which set the New Jersey, USA. It is the home of the New York of 94,736. However its maximum capacity during venue’s entertainment attendance record of 78,603 Giants and New York Jets of the National Football the 2010 FIFA World Cup was 84,490 due to reserved on January 11, 2011.It will again host Super Bowl League and is adjacent to the site of the former seating for the press and other VIPs. The stadium is XLIX in 2015. Giants Stadium, which was home to the Giants from the home ground of Kaizer Chiefs F.C. and the South 1976 until December 2009 and the Jets from Guangdong Olympic stadium,


Saturday, June 21, 2014


Santiago Bernabeu, Madrid Tenants: Real Madrid CF Opened: 14 Dec 1947 Capacity: 85,454 Record attendance: 120,000 (1953)

by Real Madrid Club de Fútbol. El Bernabéu, is one of the world’s most famous and prestigious football venues. It has hosted the European Cup final on four occasions: in 1957, 1969, 1980, and the UEFA Champions League

Final in 2010. The finals for the 1964 European Nations’ Cup and the 1982 FIFA World Cup have also been held at the Bernabéu. The Bernabéu is both the secondlargest stadium in Spain and the second-largest stadium home

The Estadio Santiago Bernabéu is an all-seater football stadium in Madrid, Spain. It is located on the Paseo de la Castellana in the district of Chamartín of Madrid. It occupies the block bounded by the Paseo de la Castellana and the streets of Concha Espina, Padre Damián, and Rafael Salgado..It was inaugurated on 14 December 1947 and is owned

to a top-flight European club, behind only Camp Nou, home to rival Barcelona. In 2013, the redevelopment project which would increase the capacity from 85,000 to about 88,500 was estimated to cost about €400 million. Named after chairman Santiago Bernabeu Yeste, Real Madrid’s home ground is not only one of the most recognisable in Spain, but throughout the world, too, as befits a stadium that has not only been asked to host European Cup finals in four different decades (1957,1969, 1980 and 2010), but has also staged the 1982 World Cup final.

Estadio Monumental Antonio Vespucio Liberti, Buenos Aires Tenants: River Plate Opened: 25 May 1938 Capacity: 67,664 Record attendance: 100,000 (River Plate v. Racing Club, 1975) Estadio Antonio Vespucio Liberti also referred to as River Plate Stadium or simply El Monumental, is a stadium in the Núñez district of Buenos Aires, Argentina, home of the football club River Plate. It was opened on 25 May 1938 and named after former club president Antonio Vespucio Liberti. It is the largest stadium in Argentina with a capacity of 67,664 and also home of the Argentina national football team. It was a venue

in the 1978 FIFA World Cup and hosted the final between Argentina and the Netherlands. Additionally, it hosted four finals of the Copa América, most recently in 2011 for the 2011 Copa América. The Club Atlético River Plate was founded in 1901 and by 1934, it had won two championships.

At the time, the club was nicknamed ‘Los Millonarios’ (The Millionaires in Spanish) because of the purchase of forward Carlos Peucelle for whom River had paid a huge amount of money. On October 31, 1934, River Plate purchased the land where the club was to build the new stadium in the

neighborhood of Belgrano. The stadium was inaugurated on Wednesday 25 May, amidst a crowd of approximately 65,000 people. They witnessed the handing over of an Argentine flag, one from the club, paid for by a group of associates, and then sang the national anthem and the River Plate chant. Similar to Wembley stadium in England, the Monumental is the national stadium of Argentina (although they do not play all their home games there) and is best remembered for the matches it hosted in the 1978 World Cup finals. These included the final against Netherlands and the eye-catching ticker-tape reception with which the home fans would greet La Albiceleste.

OTHER PRESTIGIOUS STADIUMS 1984 until January 2010. Like its predecessor, MetLife Stadium is the only NFL stadium shared by two teams. The stadium is owned by the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority on paper. However, the New York Giants and New York Jets jointly built the stadium using private funds, and operate it through the MetLife Stadium Company, a 50/50 joint venture between the two team On May 25, 2010, it was announced that Super Bowl XLVIII, to take place in 2014, was awarded to the stadium, the first time a Super Bowl would be played in the New York metropolitan area, and the first time that a non-domed stadium in a coldweather city would host it.s.

Lucas oil stadium, Indianapolis

Lucas Oil Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. The stadium had its ribbon-cutting ceremony August 16, 2008, and then officially opened to the public eight days later on August 24, 2008. It replaced the RCA Dome as the home field of the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts. The stadium was constructed

to allow the removal of the RCA Dome and expansion of the Indiana Convention Center on its site. The stadium hosted Super Bowl XLVI in 2012. The stadium is on the south side of South Street, the block south of the site of the former RCA Dome. The stadium is often referred to as ‘The House That Manning Built’, even though Peyton Manning is no longer with the Colts organization. The Colts, however, have utilized it to their advantage with Manning during their 14-2 season in 2009, which was followed by two home playoff victories that sent them to Super Bowl XLIV.

Allianz arena, Munich

The Allianz Arena is a football stadium in Munich, Bavaria, Germany with a 69,901 seating capacity. Widely known for its exterior of inflated ETFE plastic panels, it is the first stadium in the world with a full color-changing color exterior. Located at 25 Werner-Heisenberg-Allee at the northern edge of Munich’s Schwabing-Freimann borough on the Fröttmaning Heath, it is the third largest arena in Germany behind Signal Iduna Park in

Dortmund and the Olympiastadion in Berlin. The two professional Munich football clubs FC Bayern Munich and TSV 1860 München have played their home games at the Allianz Arena since the start of the 2005–06 season. The clubs had previously played their home games at the Munich Olympic Stadium since 1972.

Beijing national stadium, Beijing

Beijing National Stadium, officially the National Stadium, also known as the Bird’s Nest, is a stadium in Beijing, China. Beijing National Stadium hosted the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, athletic events, and football final of the 2008 Summer Olympics from 8 to 24 August 2008.The stadium also hosted the Opening and Closing ceremonies and athletic events of the 2008 Summer Paralympics from 6 - 17 September 2008.Though designed for track & field events of the Olympics, the stadium will continue to host sporting events, such as football, afterwards.A shopping mall and a hotel, with rooms overlooking the field, are planned to help

increase use after the Olympics

AT&T stadium, Arlington

AT&T Stadium , also known as ‘Jerry World’ and previously known as Cowboys Stadium, is a city-owned stadium with a retractable roof in Arlington, Texas, United States. It serves as the home of the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League. It replaced the partially covered Texas Stadium, which opened in 1971 and served as the Cowboys’ home through the 2008 season. It was completed on May 27, 2009. The stadium seats 80,000, making it the fourth largest stadium in the NFL by seating capacity. The maximum capacity of the stadium, including standing room, is 105,000. The Party Pass (open areas) sections are behind seats in each end zone and on a series of six elevated platforms connected by stairways. The facility can also be used for a variety of other activities outside of its main purpose (professional football) such as concerts, basketball games, college football and high school football.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


Estádio do Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro Tenants: None Opened: 16 June 1950 Capacity: 82,238 Record attendance: 199,854 (Brazil v. Uruguay, 16 July 1950) The Estádio do Maracanã, is a football stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Owned by the Rio de Janeiro state government, it is, as is the Maracanã neighborhood where it is located, named after the Rio Maracanã, a now canalized river in Rio de Janeiro. It was opened in 1950 to host the FIFA World Cup, in which Brazil were beaten 2–1 by Uruguay in the deciding game.

It attracted the largest-ever attendance for a football match in the history of the game (199,854). Since that tournament, the ground has mainly be used to host matches for club sides from Rio, including the likes of Botafogo, Flamengo, Fluminense and Vasco da Gama, and its current capacity still makes it the largest ground in South America— although that was reduced to 78,883 upon completion of renovations for the 2013 Confederations Cup, the 2014 World Cup finals and the 2016 summer Olympic Games. The stadium held a test game on April 27, 2013, with teams led by Ronaldo and Bebeto. The first official match was on June 2, 2013,

when Brazil drew 2-2 with England in a friendly match. Although the paid attendance at the final game of the 1950 FIFA World Cup was 199,854 (being the world’s largest stadium by capacity, when it was inaugurated), the stadium’s 78,838 seats makes it the largest stadium in Brazil and in South America. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the stadium, Frank Sinatra performed to a crowd of 180,000. It has also hosted only two international pop stars, Sting and Madonna. Pope John Paul II also celebrated masses there. We are looking forward to the 2014 World Cup finals at the stadium.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


Olympiastadion, Munich Tenants: FC Bayern Munich and TSV1860 Munich Opened: 26 May 1972 Capacity: 69,250 Record attendance: No records The Olympiastadion is a sports stadium in Berlin, Germany. There have been two stadia on the site: one that was called the Deutsches Stadion, which was built for the aborted 1916 Summer Olympics, and the present-day facility. Both were designed by members of the same family, the first by Otto March and the second by his son Werner March. It is the second biggest stadium in Germany behind Signal Iduna Park and has

been the home stadium of the Hertha Berlin football team since 1963. The current Olympiastadion was originally built for the 1936 Summer Olympics in the southern part of the Reichssportfeld (today Olympiapark Berlin). During

World War II, the area suffered little damage. After the war, the British military occupation used the northern part of the Reichssportfeld as its headquarters until 1949. From 1951 to 2005, the Olympischer Platz had a giant antenna transmitting for all the

portable radios in Berlin. Specifically built for the 1972 summer Olympic Games, the stadium was then used to host matches in the subsequent 1974 World Cup finals, including the final itself between home nation West Germany and Netherlands. After that tournament the ground became home to first Bayern Munich and then in the 1990s 1860 Munich, until both Bundesliga sides moved into their own stadiums in 2005. The Olympiastadion has also had the honour of hosting the 1979, 1993 and 1997 European Cup finals, as well as the final of the 1988 European Championship between the Soviet Union and Netherlands.

Camp Nou, Barcelona Tenants: FC Barcelona Opened: 24 Sept 1957 Capacity: 99,786 Record attendance: 120,000 (Barcelona v. Juventus, 5 March 1986) Camp Nou is a football stadium in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, which has been the home of Futbol Club Barcelona since 1957. The construction of Camp Nou started on 28 March 1954 as Barcelona’s previous stadium, Camp de Les Corts, had no room for expansion. Although originally planned to be called Estadi del FC Barcelona, the more popular name Camp Nou was used. The June 1950 signing of László Kubala, regarded as one of Barcelona’s greatest players,

provided further impetus to the construction of a larger stadium. In May 1972, Camp Nou hosted its first European Cup Winners’ Cup final between Rangers and Dynamo Moscow. Rangers won the match with a score of 3–2. The 1970s marked a turning point for Barcelona with the signing of a new player, Johan Cruyff, in

1973. Electronic scoreboards were installed in the stadium two years later. The stadium underwent an expansion in 1980, in anticipation of the 1982 FIFA World Cup, which added boxes, VIP lounges, a new press area, new markers and an enhanced seating capacity of 80,000. As the largest football stadium currently in Europe, Barcelona’s

home ground deservedly takes its place amongst the top 10, and while it has never hosted a World Cup or European Championship final, it has staged two European Cup finals (1989 and 1999). During 1998–99, UEFA rated Camp Nou a five-star stadium for its services and functionalities. Camp Nou has been used for various purposes other than football, often hosting major concerts. Pope John Paul II celebrated mass for a congregation of over 121,000 at Camp Nou on 17 November 1982, on the occasion being made an honorary citizen of Barcelona. In 1983 Julio Iglesias played for 60,000 people, in what was described as a ‘most beautifully orchestrated’ concert.

BEST AFRICAN STADIUMS Moi International Sports Centre: Kenya Kenya may not have the highest footballing profile among African nations, but the country’s sporting potential is untapped—if ever the team realise the immense future predicted for them, they will have one of the continent’s finest stadia to call their home. After being initially built in 1987, the stadium was renovated in 2010 at an enormous expense—estimated to be 900 million Kenyan shillings. The development was part of the growing relationship between Asia and East Africa, the money coming from a grant paid to the Kenyan Government from the Chinese Government. With an aquatic complex, a gymnasium and a swanky hotel, the stadium is among Africa’s most luxurious; it is almost forgotten that two of the Kenyan Premier League’s top teams, Mathare United and Tusker FC play their home games in its glorious confines. Stade Leopold Senghor: Senegal Named after Senegal’s first post-independent ruler, the philosopher-king Leopod Sedar Senghor,

the Senegalese national stadium is a landmark in Dakar, the nation’s capital. Formerly known as the Stade de l’Amite, the 60,000 capacity arena was opened in 1985. Despite being the location for many terrific Lions of Teranga victories, the stadium is also the home ground for local side ASC Jeanne d’Arc—10 time Senegalese champions. However, recent performances have drawn unwanted controversy onto the nation’s football—the stadium was the venue for the country’s recent qualifying match with the Ivory Coast, the game which was abandoned after some ugly scenes from the home fans with the Elephants enjoying an insurmountable lead. Stade Mohamed V: Morocco One of Africa’s finest derbies is the Casablanca clash between Wydad and Raja—the city’s two premier clubs. Stade Mohamed V is a major athletic complex and a dominant feature of the cityscape. In the western region of the Maarif district, the current capacity of 67,000 can, on derby days, create a cacophony of noise

and an overflow of tense, terse emotion. King Mohamed V was one of the founding fathers of modern Morocco, and a key figure in the nation’s eventual independence from French rule. The stadium would have been a fitting final to the 2010 World Cup, had Morocco’s bid been successful. Doubtless it will prove to be an excellent backdrop to the 2014 Afcon, where the Atlas Lions will look to rediscover their dominance in the crucible of home. Stade 5 Julliet 1962: Algeria As is the tradition in various quarters of the world, stadiums are named after dates of major political significance for a region or a nation. The 76,000 Stade 5 Julliet is one of the most tremendous examples of this phenomenon, as well as being one of Africa’s most impressive stadia. Having been the regal backdrop to occasions such as the 2004 Pan Arab Games and the 2007 All-Africa Games, the stadium’s finest footballing hour came during the 1990 Cup of Nations. The final proved to be a crowning glory, as hosts Algeria defeated

Nigeria in front of over 105,000 delirious fans. The record attendance still stands at 110,000 however, for a friendly match between Algeria and Serbia in March 2010. Abuja Stadium: Nigeria Due to the fractious ethnic divisions that exist within Nigeria, plans were conceived to locate a new capital in a neutral location, one that would eventually be accepted and respected as a disinterested centre of governance. Built in the 1980s, after extensive planning, Abuja officially became Nigeria’s capital in 1991. Few decisions resonate more with the popular majority than the home ground of the national side, in a country such as Nigeria, where football is one of the few key features that unites the people, moving the side’s spiritual home to Abuja was an inevitable decision. The stadium is considered among the finest architectural features of the nascent capital, and is likely to increase in stature once the allconquering Super Eagles continue their World Cup Qualifying campaign.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


Giuseppe Meazza (San Siro), Milan Tenants: AC Milan and Internazionale Milano Opened: 19 Sept 1926 Capacity: 80,018 Record attendance: 100,000 (25 April 1956, Italy v. Brazil) The Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, commonly known as the San Siro (because of the district in Milan where the stadium is located) , is a football stadium located in the San Siro district in Milan, Italy. It is the home of both A.C. Milan and F.C. Internazionale Milano. On 3 March 1980, the stadium was named in honour of Giuseppe Meazza, the two-time World Cup winner (1934, 1938) who played for Internazionale, and briefly for Milan, in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. It held

UEFA five-star stadium status which was superseded by a new system of classification. Originally San Siro was only the property of the Rossoneri, until their city rivals also became joint tenants in 1947. It underwent a $60 million renovation for the 1990 World Cup finals bringing the stadium up to UEFA category four standard. Construction of the stadium com-

menced in 1925 in the district of Milan named San Siro, with the new stadium originally named ‘Nuovo Stadio Calcistico San Siro’ (San Siro New Football Stadium). The idea to build a stadium in the same district as the horse racing track, belongs to the man who then was the president of AC Milan, Piero Pirelli. The architects designed a private stadium only for football,

without the athletics tracks which characterized the Italian stadia built with public funds. The inauguration was on 19 September 1926, when 35,000 spectators saw Internazionale defeat Milan 6–3. Originally, the ground was home and property of AC Milan. In 1947 FC Internazionale became tenants and the two have shared the ground ever since. Other than football matches, the San Siro has been host to many music concerts. Bob Marley performed the first concert in the history of San Siro Stadium on 27 June 1980, in front of an all-time Italian record audience of about 120,000 people, which was also a European audience record for a music concert in an enclosed venue at that time.

La Bombonera, Buenos Aires Tenants: Boca Juniors Opened: 25 May 1940 Capacity: 49,000 Record attendance: 57, 395 (Boca v. San Lorenzo, 25 May 1940) The Estadio Alberto J. Armando (formerly the Estadio Camilo Cichero) is a stadium located in La Boca district of Buenos Aires. Widely known as La Bombonera due to its shape, with a ‘flat’ stand on one side of the pitch and three steep stands round the rest of the stadium. The stadium is owned by Boca Juniors, one of Argentina’s most famous football clubs. The unusual shape of the stadium has led to it having excellent acoustics

and the Boca support being nicknamed ‘La Doce’ (The 12th man). The La Boca district in Buenos Aires where the stadium is located, has a fearsome reputation as generating one of the most intimidating atmospheres in world football. Construction began on the stadium on February 18, 1938, and

Boca played their home matches at the Ferro Carril Oeste Stadium until the new stadium was built. The stadium finally opened on May 25, 1940, with a friendly match between Boca and San Lorenzo, which the home side won 2-0 with both goals scored by Ricardo Alarcón. The stadium originally

had two tiers, and in 1949 the club decided to add a third tier, which was completed in 1953;this third tier gave the stadium its enduring nickname: La Bombonera. La Bombonera currently has a capacity of around 49,000 and the club’s popularity make tickets hard to find, especially for the Superclásico derby against River Plate. Out of its capacity of 49,000, there are 37,538 seats, 2780 are boxes and 8,682 standing. Both its interior and exterior are lined with a number of murals painted by the artist Pérez Celis depicting many of the club’s legendary players and aspects of the district’s culture, such as the life of Italian immigrants.


Imagine being present for Diego Maradona’s ‘Hand of God’ moment at the 1986 World Cup. The Argentina legend scored hordes of unbelievable goals throughout his career. Hell, he bagged goal of the century four minutes after poking the ball beyond Peter Shilton with his little pinky. Maradona’s brilliance that day almost deserved a little divine intervention. Argentina went on to secure their second World Cup title, but it’s Maradona’s quick use of the hand that still has many people talking. As far as memorable moments go, there isn’t a more famous example of a split-second decision imprinting itself into the history of football.

feeling might reappear. Sergio Aguero’s last minute winner on the last day of the 2011-12 season was simply incredible. United—who believed they had just won the league with three points at Sunderland—watched in horror as the Argentinian forward smashed the ball into the QPR net. Sheikh Mansour’s mega-rich team received their first title. City’s era of potential dominance began with the loudest possible bang. No matter which allegiance you follow, all of English football celebrated a key victory that day: Joey Barton was shipped out to Marseille following his red card antics during the match.

Liverpool’s Remarkable Comeback Secures Champions League Victory

Sergio Aguero Delivers Manchester Trailing Milan 3-0 at half-time in the 2005 Champions League final, all hope was lost for the City’s First Premier League Title

This one should be fresh in the memory for any Premier League fan. For Manchester City followers, the Sky Sports commentator’s ‘Agueroooo screech’ will bring nothing but joy. For Manchester United fans, that sinking

side from Anfield. Steven Gerrard’s headed goal gave Liverpool distance hope. Vladimir Smicer added a second to get nerves jingling. Minutes after, Liverpool received a penalty after Gennaro Gattuso fouled Gerrard in the area. Xabi Alonso

stepped up. Dida saved. Luckily, Alonso remained in the box to tuck away an unlikely equaliser. He levelled the match, sending it to extra time that was also full of drama. Jerzy Dudek wasn’t always revered by Liverpool fans, but he made a truly stunning double save to keep his side in the tie. Andriy Shevchenko failed to secure victory after Dudek thwarted two excellent opportunities for glory. Shortly after, the Polish keeper stood up to crush Shevchenko’s dreams once more in the penalty shootout. He got a left hand to the striker’s decisive effort, thrusting Liverpool towards the mantel of European champions for the fifth time.

Lilian Thuram’s Double Sends France to World Cup Glory

Lilian Thuram racked up 142 international caps for France. He scored just two goals. What’s remarkable about these goals? Both of them came in the 1998 World Cup semi-final against Croatia. The former Juventus hero couldn’t have picked a better moment to pull his country out of the lurch,

especially when the major tournament was being held on home turf. Both goals are of a remarkable quality. Thuram’s man-of-ice reaction when the second goes in is legendary—especially when most players would be screaming with joy. France won the match 2-1 and went on to capture their first World Cup trophy. Thuram’s performance deserves to be remembered as the moment French football stepped up to deliver on the aspirations of a previously underperforming nation.

Ryan Giggs Tears Arsenal’s Defence Apart

Manchester United’s treble of 1999 might be more famous for the Red Devils’ outrageous Champions League comeback, but Sir Alex Ferguson’s men wouldn’t have wrapped up three trophies if it wasn’t for a certain Welsh winger’s brilliance in the F.A. Cup semi-final with Arsenal. Shortly after Peter Schmeichel saved Dennis Bergkamp’s penalty, Giggs picked possession up behind the halfway line. His explosive pace and tight control took him beyond multiple challenges before he blasted a shot into the roof of the net.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


Minecraft on Xbox is the world’s best-selling Sandbox game. It has sold 12 million copies since its release on May 9, 2012.


The Goji Smart Lock bypasses the need for keys, allowing you to gain access to your home with the simple tap of a smartphone or electronic fob. And no more worrying about whether you remembered to lock the door or not - it sends you a text when the locks are activated.


Introducing smart glasses for the blind

A simple trip to the shops, or a short walk, can be difficult for sightimpaired people. But now smart glasses developed to help people with limited vision avoid walking into obstacles, are being trialled in public spaces for the first time. The high-tech specs are designed to give blind people greater freedom, make facial features easier to see, as well as obstacles easier to spot. While they cannot be used by

people who can see nothing at all, they are designed for those who are ‘severely sight impaired’ and classified as ‘blind’. ‘The idea of the smart glasses is to give people with poor vision an aid that boosts their awareness of what’s around them - allowing greater freedom, independence and confidence to get about and a much improved quality of life,’ said Dr Stephen Hicks at the University of Oxford. In some cases,

details such as facial features can become easier to see - making social interaction more natural. The glasses work particularly well in low light and can be used to cope with night blindness, the researchers said. Preliminary tests with 20 volunteers who have a range of eye conditions and levels of vision have already taken place. The scientists found that people could quickly get used to the bulky glasses, but it was the third of people with the lowest vision that really found benefits in getting around and avoiding obstacles. There are roughly 100,000 people in the UK with this low level of vision, whose lifestyles could be enhanced by the innovation. A total of 30 participants with poor vision will be tracked as they navigate through obstacle courses, with and without smart glasses. The group is also beginning to see how people respond with the glasses in indoor spaces like shopping centres.

Alibaba continues quest to own the Chinese Internet Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma has gone on a multi-billion dollar shopping spree in recent months, snapping up companies left and right ahead of the retail giant’s much-anticipated IPO. Ma’s company has taken full control of UCWeb, a Chinese mobile Internet firm that operates a popular search engine. Alibaba, which already owned 66% of UCWeb, announced Wednesday that it had purchased the remaining stake. While Alibaba did not disclose the purchase price, the company claimed the deal ‘creates the biggest merger in the history of China’s Internet sector.’ ‘This is a very natural step for Alibaba, because their competitors are already doing so much with Internet search,’ said Nicole Peng, an analyst at tech research firm

Click! Click!!

Jack Ma

Canalys. The UCWeb deal follows a slew of other acquisitions by Alibaba, which has filed plans for a New York IPO that could value the company at more than $100 bn. Alibaba has shelled out $5.2bn on 12 deals in the first half of the

year, according to Dealogic. That’s four times more cash than the company spent in 2013. The buys have covered a variety of sectors, including online video, television production, digital mapping and retail. Just last week, the company purchased a stake in Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club, the top soccer team in China. Why is Ma spending billions ahead of the company’s market debut? It’s all about turning Alibaba into China’s one-stop Internet destination. Alibaba rival Tencent, which operates WeChat, that has become a popular social network in China, has been on a shopping spree of its own. So far this year, Tencent has announced 11 deals worth around $5bn, according to Dealogic. Investments have targeted mobile gaming and social media media.

for the upwardly mobile

Dating app uses facial recognition to find a lookalike of your previous partner Dating site Match.com is now offering a high-end service that uses image recognition software to specifically find new dates who fit your ‘type’, based on pictures of old flames. Users are asked to send a photo of their ex so it can then be used to find matches with similar characteristics, such as face shape and characteristics. But finding a partner using the technology comes at price of $5,000 for a six month membership. The service is not currently available outside of the U.S, and the technology is also not currently available for lesbian, gay and bisexual Match.com users.

World Cup survival glass tells you when to stop drinking Imagine you are welded to the sofa at home about to watch a third match in a row. You have been drinking throughout the day, but reach for another can of cold beer and fill your glass. But the vessel you are drinking from says that your alcohol intake has exceeded safe levels and urges you to reconsider. Rather than a desperate intervention, this is the concept of the Vessyl ‘smart cup’ a ground-breaking addition to the field of consumer health technologies, which has launched for pre-orders.

Second Chinese military unit linked to hacking Security researchers have accused a second Chinese military unit of carrying out cyber espionage attacks against foreign corporations. CrowdStrike, a U.S security firm, detailed the allegations in a lengthy report on a People’s Liberation Army unit operating in Shanghai. The report comes just weeks after the U.S. Department of Justice accused five members of the Chinese military of hacking into American companies, a dramatic escalation of U.S. government efforts to combat state-sponsored corporate espionage.

Simple tips to avoid getting hacked

With all the recent news about government surveillance, corporate cyber security failures and large-scale hacks, the task of keeping yourself safe online can seem daunting. There’s probably no way to completely avoid the NSA if they’ve got you in their sights, but fortunately, there are a number of simple things you can do right now to better protect yourself against hackers and unwanted surveillance. Here are a few: HTTPS Everywhere: This is an easy one: Install the HTTPS Everywhere browser extension. HTTPS Everywhere is an add-on for Chrome, Firefox and Opera that

ensures that whenever you visit a site that offers data encryption, you’re using it. You can check whether a site offers encryption by looking at the address in your browser and seeing whether it begins with ‘https’, as opposed to ‘http’ or ‘www’ (the ‘S’ stands for ‘secure’). The extension can be downloaded for free from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Be diligent with software updates: Another no-brainer. When companies discover vulnerabilities in their software that hackers can exploit, they send out security patches to solve the problem that appear in the form of pop-ups or download prompts. It’s

definitely an annoyance to have to interrupt your work to download new software and restart your computer. But when the alternative could be getting hacked, it’s a small price to pay. Two-factor authentication: Services like Facebook, Twitter and Google’s Gmail offer a feature known as two-factor authentication, which works with your smartphone to add an extra layer of security when you’re logging in. After you’ve entered your password, you’re prompted to enter a numeric code that’s sent to your phone via text message or generated by a mobile app. That way even if someone steals your password, they won’t be

able to get into your account unless they also have your phone as well. Tape over your cameras: Even when your webcam isn’t in use, sophisticated hackers can activate it remotely, giving them a virtual peephole into your home. Fortunately, there’s a low-tech fix for this- just put a piece of electrical tape or a Post-It note over the camera when it’s not in use. Stow your phone: Hackers can listen in on your private activities by remotely activating the internal mic in your smartphone. keep your phone stored out of earshot in a seperate room when not in use.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


for the uninformed & clueless



Japanese yakuza mobsters are required to cut off a segment of one of their fingers each time they screw up. The tradition goes back to the days of when losing a finger weakened your grip on your sword and hence made you more dependent on your master.



Kat Graham smiles in the most hideous outfit ever vampire Diaries star Kat Graham flashes toned legs in a thigh-high pair of kinky Kat and we really think Graham needs to have a word with her stylist. The 24-year-old Vampire Diaries actress showed off her long legs in a kinky pair of strappy gladiator heels that hugged her calves with a knee pad. She didn’t seem too fazed by her lapse in fashionable judgement, as she later flashed a smile while joining a friend

It is believed by Romanians that eating the corners from bread will create a good relationship with your mother-in-law.

in West Hollywood. Kat teamed her thigh-high heels with an oversized black jersey embellished with a Venus symbol. She added a touch of punk with a black leather cap worn backwards, and glammed it up with several golden bracelets and a matching choker necklace. A coat of smokey eye shadow intensified Kat’s hazel eyes, while a slick of lip gloss polished off her look. The whole look together totally sucked.

Proverbs A thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom. -Chinese Proverb Wait until it is night before saying it has been a fine day. -FrenCh Proverb If there were no elephant in the jungle, the buffalo would be a great animal. -Ghanaian Proverb


1923 Split Second Chronograph Watch from Patek Phillip auctioned for $2.9m Collectible watch market is on a new high these days. This can be estimated from the kind of prices they have been attracting. In an auction conducted by Sotheby’s, a 1923 Patek Philippe sold for an estimated cost of $2.965 m. This figure was more than twice what Sotheby’s had estimated as pre-sale price of any such collectible. This unique split-seconds chronograph which was the only one of its kind with Sotheby’s was bought by a Swiss museum. While this might not be the highest price which any watch sale has commanded at Sotheby’s, it does match the highest price which Sotheby’s was able to quote for a watch auction ever. A yellow Gold minute repeating watch from Patek Philippe had been sold in 2012 at a similar price. The split second chronograph watch was the only one which Patek Philippe had ever designed. Sotheby’s sold off 143 watches at the auction generating revenue of $11.7 bn. Buyers from world over gathered at the auction and bought many such unique watches including titanium Patek Philippe Sky Moon Tourbillion which went for $1.325 m.

Understanding the body language of the Finns Finns tend to be quiet, reserved, unemotional, and sincere. They value their privacy-and silence. Never strike up a conversation with a stranger. Finns don’t like invasions of privacy. Any topic that implies Finland is the same as other Nordic countries is not acceptable. Personal topics relating to religion, job, political party, and so on are also unacceptable. Acceptable topics are about Finland’s culture and history, Sports (especially skiing and ice hockey), Music, and Travel. Finns’ reserved body language is famous, they’re nonetheless very friendly to foreigners. Don’t kiss, hug, or touch in public. Finns don’t – even among very close friends and relatives.

Uncommon history of common things Though the British had long honoured mothers during Lent on what they called Mothering Sunday, the idea of setting aside a day in recognition of motherhood did not catch on anywhere else until the 20th century. Reformer Julia Ward Howe first broached the idea in 1870. For the next few decades others tried to stir up interest in regular Mother’s Day observances. But credit for making the day stick as a national celebration belongs to a West Virginia schoolteacher named Anna Jarvis. Born in Grafton, West Virginia, in 1864, Jarvis had a close, loving relationship with her mother. Despite her filial affections and attentions, Jarvis felt guilty she had not


Mother’s Day

done more for her. She set to work campaigning for a national Mother’s Day. To push for legislation she sent out letters to congressmen, governors, mayors, newspaper editors, and business leaders across the land. Her hometown church in Grafton celebrated Mother’s Day on May 10, 1908, the anniversary of Jarvis’s mother’s death. Jarvis handed out carnations-her mother’s favourite. Finally, Congress approved the proposed bill, and in 1914 President Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May to be Mother’s Day.

In a sad footnote, Jarvis died childless and impoverished in 1948 in a sanatorium. But the tradition started by a woman who devoted her life to her mother and her mother’s memory has spread to many countries. The U.S. leads the way in Mother’s Day spending-on cards, flowers, and dinners out. Today more than 100 countries celebrate versions of Mother’s Day. In India, Japan, Finland, Pakistan, and many more, mothers are honoured, usually with a special cake, a big meal, and flowers.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

TRAVELOGUE The Victoria &Albert museum in London celebrates art and design with 3,000 years’ worth of amazing artefacts from around the world. A real treasure trove of goodies, you never know what you’ll discover next: furniture, paintings, sculpture, metalwork and textiles; the list goes on and on.



The remarkable reinvention of Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie has become one of a tiny group of U.S. citizens to be honoured by the British establishment (though they can’t use their titles).


On the Queen’s Birthday Honours list, the name stood out from those of charity workers, teachers and civil servants: Angelina Jolie — Honorary Dame Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George, for her campaigning work ‘for services to U.K. foreign policy and the campaign to end war zone sexual violence’. It was an extraordinary accolade — doubly so when you consider that the demure Jolie who recently hosted a London summit dedicated to ending war rape, in her capacity as special envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, is the same Jolie who, not long ago, was making headlines for her tattoos, hard-drug use and intimately kissing her brother in public. Then she was a twice-divorced, selfconfessed bisexual and self-harmer. But in just 14 years, Jolie, 39, has dramatically reinvented herself, from out-of-control starlet and apparent

home wrecker to devoted mother and humanitarian powerhouse, travelling to war disturbed Congo with William Hague, the U.K.’s foreign secretary. Her youthful recklessness has transmuted into selfless bravery. Her unauthorized biographer, Andrew Morton became intrigued after learning that she’d been working in Peshawar, Pakistan — ‘hardly a place for charity workers, let alone bona fide Hollywood movie stars,’ he says. We now see her as a humanitarian and a substantial, solid and serious-minded citizen of the world, not the woman who broke up Jen and Brad. Then, last year she underwent a preventive double mastectomy after testing positive for a gene linked to breast and ovarian cancers, which killed her mother at the age of 56. This gave Angelina a powerful voice in women’s health. Jolie is also estimated to be Hollywood’s highest-paid actress, earning $33m last year 2013. Born in Los Angeles, Jolie is the

daughter of actors Jon Midnight Cowboy Voight and the late Marcheline Bertrand, but her parents split when she was a baby as a result of Voight’s infidelities. Jolie and Voight’s relationship has been stormy ever since. She forged a possibly too-close bond with her mother, who treated her like a friend, allowing Jolie to have a live-in lover from the age of 14 and by the age of 20, she had tried ‘just about every drug possible,’ including heroin. But just as the tongue-wagging about her eccentricities was peaking, Jolie, began visiting refugee camps at 26. Her first trip to Sierra Leone was revelatory. ‘I realized how completely naive I was to think I had a difficult life,’ she recalled. ‘It was as if someone slapped me across the face and said, ‘Oh, my God, you silly young woman from California, do you have any idea how difficult the world really is for so many people?’ During a rehab role, while weaning herself off heroin in order to sustain

the physical demands of the movie she decided to adopt a Cambodian boy named Maddox. The infant changed her life; she began focusing on him and her growing role as an international advocate for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. In 2005, she adopted Zahara from Ethiopia. In 2007, she again adopted Pax from Vietnam, the same year Mr & Mrs Smith was released. Within months, Jolie and Pitt were visiting Pakistan together to solicit aid donations after an earthquake. Her new reputation as a husband-stealer had no effect on Jolie’s popularity. An executive on the Hollywood magazine Variety said: ‘She is perceived as somewhat saint like — a woman who only wants to do good in the world. When you’re in her presence, she’s so serene; you’d feel like an idiot asking a dumb question, such as: ‘So, did you break up Jennifer Aniston’s home?’


Saturday, June 21, 2014



for the LeISUreLY-MINDeD & thoUGhtfUL




1. Buccaneers (7) 5. African equine (5) 8. Serious (5) 9. Disregarded (7) 10. Abhorrent (7) 11. Beer mug (5) 12. Intense (5) 14. Thicket (5) 19. Regular hexahedrons (5) 21. Residence (7) 23. Greed (7) 24. Deportation (5) 25. Choose (5) 26. Journeyman (7)

Beige Black Blue Brown Gold Gray Green Ivory Orange Pink Purple Red Rose Silver Turquoise Violet White Yellow



WORDLADDER Can you climb the ladder and find the missing numbers?

? 118 ? 56 28 26


13 9 6 4 See solution below

HOMEWORK FOR GROWN-UPS 1 In which European city is the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum? a) Lisbon b) London c) Ljubljana

5. James Brown was called the Godfather of what? a) Songs b) Dance c) Soul

2. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964? a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Martin Luther King c) Woodrow Wilson

6. Che Guevara was a revolutionary from which South American country? a) Bolivia b) Chile c) Argentina

3. The airline Danair is based where? a) Denmark b) Dallas c) Dublin 4. Archbishop Desmond Tutu fought for civil rights in which country? a) Nigeria b) Swaziland c) South Africa

7. My Heart Will Go On came from which movie? a) Avatar b) Gone with the wind c) Titanic 8. On a computer keyboard what letter is between Q and E? a) E b) W c) R Answers



a) Lisbon b) Martin Luther King a) Denmark c) South Africa c) Soul c) Argentina c) Titanic b) W


Put each of the numbers 1-9 once in every row, column and 3x3 box


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. Rector (6) 2. Kind of puzzle (5) 3. Deluge (7) 4. Grabbed (6) 5. Regions (5) 6. Edges (7) 7. Fervent (6) 13. Vegetable (7) 15. Remnant (7) 16. Abrasion (6) 17. Photographic equipment (6) 18. Aft (6) 20. Change position (5) 22. Ways out (5)



4(+2)=6(+3)=9(+4)=13(x2) =26(+2)=28(x2)=56(+3)=59 (x2)=118(+4)=122


In ancient Rome, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

a la carte




Percentage of the world’s currency in physical money. The rest exists only on computers.


Percentage of similarity between the Mice and Human DNA.

lady'S WORdS When a lady realizes that she has prepared a dinner that is, for whatever reason, inedible She does not say: “I hope you don’t mind if it’s a little burned. You can scrape off the crusty bits.” “I’m sorry it tastes like this. You’re lucky there’s a McDonald’s on the way home.” “Does it taste strange to you? It tastes perfectly fine to me.” But she does say: “Who likes pepperoni?” Even the most meticulous lady makes mistakes, and because she is a lady, she admits them readily. If she has burned the chicken or if the pork chops taste funny, she knows she does not have to cancel her party. Instead, she immediately

orders take-out, for which she, of course, picks up the tab. That way, she will be remembered for her grace under fire, not for a night in the emergency room. When a lady has prepared dinner and learns that a friendfor whatever reason-cannot eat the food she has cooked She does not say: “It won’t make you really sick, will it?” “Aren’t you taking this no-carb thing a little far?” “So what if you’re a vegetarian? Fish isn’t meat.” But she does say: “I’m sorry, Barbara. I should have mentioned what I was planning to serve. Can I give you a little more salad?” In today’s society, no lady should

be surprised to discover that a friend-for whatever reasonsmay decline to eat certain foods. When extending a dinner invitation, she suggests the menu she has in mind, hoping that her friend will let her know if it includes something he or she cannot eat. If such is the case, she reworks her menu or, at the very least, she provides alternatives. If, however, she discovers too late that her friend cannot eat the lovingly prepared dinner, the lady does her best to come up with a quick substitute.

What it feelS like tO ...

…Execute someone –Donald Cabana, Former warden at Mississippi state penitentiary at Parchman I killed four men in five years as warden and I recall them all so vividly, as if I was still standing next to the gas chamber. As warden, every part of the execution was my responsibility, from picking out the members of my strap-down team, to contacting the victim’s family, to ordering the inmate’s last meal, to signalling the executioner to drop the cyanide. But no matter how tied up I always got in the details, I was never prepared when that gas chamber door slammed shut and the executioner said to me, ‘Warden, we’re ready.’ Hearing ‘We’re ready’ was always like a cold splash of water in my face. I knew that no one could move a muscle unless I gave the order. And the order never

came out easily. Some wardens give a thumbs-up, but’ always said something simple, like ‘Okay, let’s do it.’ That’s when the executioner flips the lever and the dish of cyanide crystals hits a pan of sulfuric acid under the chair. Ten seconds later, you start to see the gas rising. A few seconds later, it reaches his face. You’d probably think that the electric chair is more violent than the gas chamber, but the chamber is worse because it takes so damn long. Normally, the inmate will hold his breath, but it only makes it worse. They fight, so it’s horrible. The eyes roll out of sight and you’ll see a yellowish foam coming out of the mouth and nose. There are seizures. And they always claw at the arms of the chair

with their fingers. It can take anywhere from thirty seconds to four and a half minutes for them to lose consciousness. Four and a half minutes is an eternity for a guy about to die. One guy, Connie Ray Evans, did exactly what I told him not to. I remember beating on the glass of the chamber, screaming, ‘Jesus Christ, make him breathe.’ In each of these executions, I watched these men die from my order and couldn’t help wondering what my kids deep down thought about me. And then I still wonder what my God will ask of me when I meet Him. I guess I’ll say that I did my job with compassion and a sense of dignity for everyone involved. That’s the best you can do.


Architects A new architect showed up at his manager’s office. His manager, slightly confused, asked why he was there and also, why in the heck he brought his chair with him. The new architect replied, ‘I was told I needed to return my CAD seat’ Why don’t architects get into heaven? Jesus was a carpenter.

So, why is heaven considered to be a perfect place? Because there are no architects to screw up the design A man was flying in a hot air balloon and realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a man below. He lowered the balloon further and shouted: ‘Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?’ The

man below said ‘Yes, you’re in a hot air balloon, hovering about 30 feet above this field.’ The balloonist said with some irritation: ‘You must be an architect.’‘I am’ replied the man, surprised with his deduction. ‘But how did you know?’ ‘Because everything you have told me is technically correct, but it doesn’t do ME any good’ said the balloonist.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

BONUSPACK $2.3 17.2 kmh billion




Speed of an edible cake car built in the replica of a 1933 Incdycar Racer in USA in 2012.

BEsT cOMIc BOOk MOvIEs Of all TIME directors

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Joss Whedon christopher nolan Jon Favreau christopher nolan Zack synder anthony russo Joe russo marc Webb marjane satrapishari springer Berman,

the avengers the dark Knight iron man Batman Begins superman captain america: the Winter soldier 7. spider-man 2 8. Persepolis 9. american splendor robert Pulcini 10. the dark Knight rises 11. sin city 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

christopher nolan Quentin tarantino, robert rodriguez, Frank miller the crow alex Proyas X-men: First class matthew Vaughn V for Vendetta James mcteigue men in Black Barry sonnenfeld X2 Bryan singer Ghost World terry Zwigoff X-men Bryan singer scott Pilgrim vs. the World edgar Wright Batman Leslie H.martinson a History of Violence david cronenberg spider-man sam raimi superman ii richard donner, richard Lester thor Kenneth Branagh road to Perdition sam mendes 300 Zack synder Batman: mask of the Phantasm eric radomski, Bruce timm Hellboy ii: the Golden army Guillermo del toro the amazing spider-man marc Webb captain america: Joe Johnston the First avenger Kick-ass matthew Vaughn tales from the crypt (1972) Freddie Francis thor: the dark World alan taylor iron man 3 shane Black Heavy metal Gerald Potterton Batman returns tim Burton the rocketeer Joe Johnston Blade david.s. Goyer Hellboy Guillermo del toro dredd Pete travis Batman: the movie (1966) Leslie H. martinson teenage mutant Jonathan ninja turtles (1990) Liesbesman Fritz the cat ralph Bakshi man of steel Zack synder iron man 2 Jon Favreau red robert schwentke Watchmen Zack synder the mask chuck russell the Wolverine James mangold the incredible Hulk Louis Leterrier

please cut along this line and keep


Amount of money Qartar Holdings paid to aquire Europe’s largest departement store, Harrods, in 2010.



Ok, brain. You don’t like me and I don’t like you so let’s hurry up and solve this one so I can go back to killing you with beer – deal. HOMER SIMPSON If you’ll excuse me, I need to be alone with my thought. JACK MCFARLAND In the studio, I do try to have a thought in my head, so that it’s not like a blank stare. CINDY CRAWFORD please cut along this line and keep



Illogical logic

I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. ALBERT EINSTEIN Everybody hates me because I’m so universally liked. PETER DE VRIES I’m here 13 days and I haven’t been to the same restaurant once. SIR TERRY WOGAN


I’m blessed with total recall, except about where I left my umbrella. HUBERT GREGG I find that the further back I go, the better I remember things, whether they happened or not. MARK TWAIN I’ll always remember 1995 as the year I found out Star Trek wasn’t real. DANIEL JOHNS


I’m hopeless at telling the time. I need a digital watch with capital letters. RICHARD LITTLEJOHN It’s just gone 17 minutes past four. That’s the time, by the way. PAUL JORDAN It’s actually tomorrow in Tokyo. Do you realise that there are people alive here in Minneapolis who are already dead in Tokyo? TED BAXTER

Be miles away Informal to be lost in thought and inattentive. The image is of physical distance making communication impossible. ‘Mrs Wragge is not deaf’ explained the captain. ‘She’s only a little slow. Constitutionally torpid – if I may use the expression. I am merely loud with her ... as a necessary stimulant to her ideas. Shout at her – and her mind comes up to time. Speak to her – and she drifts miles way from you directly. Go the extra mile To try especially hard to achieve something or do it well. The phrase may ultimately be derived from the account of Christ’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:41 in the Authorized Version the Bible, 1611). A mile a minute Informal extremely fast or vigorously. Miles from anywhere Informal in a remote or isolated place: also forty miles, a hundred miles, etc., and in the humorous miles from nowhere. Towards the finish, however, we must have held rather too independent a line, for we lost the hounds, found ourselves plodding aimlessly along miles from anywhere. Run a mile Informal to recoil in fear or disgust from something: literally, to take refuge by running away as far as one can. See/tell/spot something a mile off Informal to recognise clearly something suspicious or unwelcome: also used occasionally with other verbs of perception, e.g. smell. We have fine noses for abuses; we scent a scoundrel a mile off. Stand/stick out a mile Informal to be blatantly obvious. ‘Have you noticed it?’ ‘Yes ... it sticks out a mile.’


Murray Defends Seeding System Andy Murray has defended Wimbledon’s unique seeding system, even though the reigning champion is the chief beneficiary. Britain’s double grand slam winner will learn who his opening opponent in his Wimbledon defence will be in Friday morning’s draw. The 27-year-old is ranked fifth in the world, but seeded third by the Wimbledon organising committee, who take grass court records into account to develop their own tournament favourites. The Scottish Olympic champion’s third seeding means he cannot face top two seeds Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal until the semi-finals, and fourth favourite and seventime tournament winner Roger Federer until the final. FOOTBALL

Lescott Joins West Brom

West Bromwich Albion have signed Joleon Lescott on a free transfer from Manchester City. The 31-year-old defender has put pen to paper on a two-year deal but will not officially join the club until the transfer window opens in July. Lescott completed his medical on Thursday and has agreed personal terms on a move to The Hawthorns and has the option of a third year if he meets certain performance requirements. The England international is Alan Irvine’s first signing as Baggies boss, although the Scot is also keen on Lescott’s former City team-mate Jack Rodwell. FOOTBALL

Ribery Rules Out Surgery

Bayern Munich winger Franck Ribery has denied claims that he will require surgery on a troublesome back injury. Ribery enjoyed another impressive campaign with the German champions last term as he picked up a Bundesliga title and the DFB-Pokal. However, the France international was ruled out of the FIFA World Cup due to his back problem and was reportedly set to have an operation to cure it. That would likely have ruled him out for much of pre-season and potentially the start of the 201415 Bundesliga campaign.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Murray Handed Favourable Wimbledon Draw Andy Murray will start the defence of his Wimbledon title by facing Belgian David Goffin in the tournament’s first round. The 23-year-old Goffin will compete in his third Wimbledon championships and is currently ranked 104 in the world. Murray became the first British winner at Wimbledon for 77 years last summer and will enter the tournament with Amelie Mauresmo as his new coach. The draw has been relatively kind to Murray, who could face a quarter-final against seventh seed Spaniard David

Ferrer, or Queen’s Club champion and 11th seed Grigor Dimitrov. Number-three seed Murray could then meet tournament favourite Novak Djokovic in the semi-finals, but cannot face second favourite Rafael Nadal until the final. Top seed Djokovic will play world number 55 Andrey Golubev, the 26-year-old Kazakhstani a relatively tricky proposition. Seven-time champion Federer will take on Paolo Lorenzi, the 32-year-old Italian ranked 81 in the world.


Massa: I No Longer Trust Perez


Felipe Massa has slated Sergio Perez as a driver he can no longer trust in the wake of their horrific accident in the recent Canadian Grand Prix. The duo have continued their war of words at the Red Bull Ring ahead of Formula One’s return to Austria this weekend following an 11-year absence. In the aftermath they pointed accusing fingers at one another for a last-lap smash at Montreal’s Circuit Gilles Villeneuve that resulted in both attending hospital as a precaution.

Upon review, the stewards decided Perez was at fault for an incident in which Massa rammed into the back of the Force India at high speed, handing the Mexican a five-place grid penalty for this event. Massa, however, made clear his position as he said: “I will not change my opinion. “If you know the history, most of the young drivers, especially him (Perez), cause these problems, these accidents, which are dangerous. “The past is now for him to accept.

Canada Has Made Mercedes Stronger – Hamilton Lewis Hamilton believes his retirement at the Canadian Grand Prix has only made Mercedes stronger for the rest of the year. Hamilton retired in Montreal when his brakes failed following the loss of the MGU-K part of the energy recovery system during the race. The MGU-K issue affected both cars, limiting braking capacity and resulting in extra stress on the rear brakes. “We definitely haven’t lost any performance, we have only gained from that experience, as you do generally from all experiences like

that,” Hamilton said. “Regardless if you lose points, you step back from it and a lot of work goes into understanding the situation and rectifying it.” Hamilton is now 22 points behind Rosberg in the championship but says it has not altered his approach ahead of this weekend’s race in Austria. “I’m great, excited and I couldn’t be in a better place really. I’ve had a good couple of weeks and a bit of a busy week this week, but I decided just to get back in the car and this is quite a relaxed weekend for us, which is pretty good.”


Hull City Remove Name From New Crest Hull City have revealed a new crest for the coming season, which does not include the club’s hotly disputed name. Owner Assem Allam saw his controversial plans to change the club’s name from Hull City AFC to Hull Tigers scuppered last season amid widespread opposition from supporters. A protest campaign City Till We Die - was formed, with the Football Association Council subsequently rejecting Allam’s proposal in April. The new design features the previously used tiger’s head, symbolising the club’s Tigers nickname, and 1904, the year of the club’s formation.

Fans were not consulted about the move, though the club claim that their wrangle over the name change meant “consultation with the fans about the new crest wasn’t possible.” Club vice-chairman Ehab Allam said in a statement on Hull’s official website: “We are delighted to unveil our new crest for 2014-15. “This is a more stripped back and modern approach which still celebrates the club’s heritage and history by focusing on our famous and well-established Tiger’s head.” “Man they know better than to give Suarez that much room bruh!”


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Spanish FA Back Del Bosque Secretary general Jorge Perez admits they never envisaged the dismal World Cup campaign they have endured but is adamant the current coach is the best man for the job La Roja's defence of their World Cup crown ended in premature disaster within the first week as they crashed out of the group stage following backto-back defeats against Netherlands and Chile. "Not even in the worst predictions did we think that what happened

could have happened," Perez told 'El Partido de los 12'. "When Del Bosque signed the contract [earlier this year] he said that if for any reason we decided he should not continue, he would go. I want him to continue. "Del Bosque has not offered his resignation. If he does, we'll ask him to continue. "The players are playing 60 games. Year after year it is a huge effort. And unfortunately it has shown.

world cup BrIEFS African W/Cup Winner Not Far Off – Vieira

Del Bosque

Lamouchi: Team Comes First Ivory Coast manager Sabri Lamouchi maintains he is not "obsessed" about Didier Drogba after again starting with the Elephant's talisman striker on the bench in the 2-1 defeat to Colombia. Los Cafeteros closed in on the knockout stages after edging a fiercely contested Group C clash in Brasilia. Drogba, the former Chelsea striker continuing to be troubled by a thigh problem, had not been called on until shortly before Colombia's goal, replacing Swansea forward Wilfried Bony, with Salomon Kalou also having


coming on for the closing stages. A fine individual goal from former Arsenal forward Gervinho set up a tense finale, but the Elephants could not find an equaliser. Ivory Coast had beaten Japan in their opening match, but may now well need victory over Greece to maintain hopes of making the last 16. Lamouchi, though, insisted he always picked the side he felt best equipped to get a result rather than worrying about individuals. "I am not obsessed with Didier Drogba," the Frenchman said at a press conference.

Waddle Blames EPL For England Failure Chris Waddle is ‘fed up’ with England’s mentality and player selection, as the former Three Lions winger lays into Roy Hodgson’s side after their Uruguay defeat. The Liverpool striker scored twice to gift his side a 2-1 win, and Waddle feels England ‘never ever learn’ when it comes to the World Cup. ‘I’m just fed up with talking about the same old problems,’ said Waddle. ‘The biggest problem is - when you think about it - the Premier League. ‘They have a product which they sell around

the world which is entertaining but it’s doing our players no good whatsoever. ‘This is a Premier League side basically we played. And it’s supposed to be the best league in the world. ‘And we go banging a drum about we’ve got this, we’ve got that. You know what makes the Premier League exciting? ‘The players like Luis Suarez - the foreign players. We hype all our players up massive, as we always do. And we say we’ve got this, we’ve got that.’’

Mourinho Says Fines Should Go To Charity


Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho thinks the FA should donate any football fines that he has to pay to charity. Rather than going to watch the World Cup in Brazil this summer, Mourinho has been visiting hungry children and HIV patients in Ivory Coast as a United Nations ambassador for the

World Food Programme. The Portuguese said he wants football to do more to support initiatives like the WFP, and suggested the FA should donate his football fines to good causes. ‘I will pay it [a fine] with a smile if the money goes to the right place,’ he told ITV during his visit. ‘This is an experience, a real experience,’ the 51-year-old said while fighting back tears. ‘It is the kind of experience where I feel so little. ‘It hurts but sometimes that is good for the soul.’ The World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. In May, Mourinho was fined £10,000 by the FA for sarcastic comments he made about match officials following Chelsea’s 2-1 defeat by Sunderland, a result which saw him lose his 77-match home unbeaten record.


Queiroz To Leave Iran Iran coach Carlos Queiroz will step down after the World Cup because of a lack of government financial backing. The former Manchester United assistant manager has long bemoaned a lack of cash for the team, mainly caused by political restrictions placed on Iran. “Yes my connection will finish here at the World Cup,” confirmed Queiroz, 61. “There was not support from the government there has stopped being a genuine interest because of the financial situation.” The Mozambique-born coach has been Iran

boss since 2011, but will not lead them at the 2015 Asian Cup in Australia. However, Queiroz says he has no plans to retire and has set his sights on becoming the first manager to guide four teams to the World Cup, having led South Africa to the 2002 finals and Portugal to the 2010 tournament.


In spite African teams’ poor show at the ongoing World Cup in Brazil, former France midfielder, Patrick Vieira insists Africa is close to claiming a historic first World Cup title. Only three teams from the continent have ever reached the quarterfinal stage of the tournament – Cameroon in 1990, Senegal in 2002 and Ghana in 2010 – yet none have made it to the last four. Out of five teams representing the continent in Brazil, only Didier Drogba's Cote d'Ivoire secured victory in their first match, while Cameroon have already exited the tournament after two defeats.

Going Out With A Bang Australia may have no chance of reaching the knockout phases of the World Cup, but ex-Everton man Tim Cahill is proud of his and his side's performances. He writes on Instagram: "As a footballer you live for these moments. This is a sport that brings the world together. It's my last World Cup as a player and I'm pleased to go out with a bang and leave a lasting memory in Brazil, the home of football. "For every kid out there, I started with nothing and ended up with everything, but will never change. I play for the badge and that's been Millwall, Everton, New York Red Bulls and my country.

'We Needed To Be A Bit More Cute'

England captain Steven Gerrard says that his side were not streetwise enough once they pulled level with Uruguay midway through the second half and left themselves open to Luis Suarez's winner. "I just thought when we got the equaliser today we just needed to be a bit more clever, a bit more cute and a bit more difficult to beat," he told the Football Association. "Maybe we should have accepted that going for a point might have been the best option. "The second goal, I've gone to try and get good contact on the ball and I haven't got good enough contact on it and I've been punished for it."


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Casillas tries to reason with his teammates after their World Cup humilation

The Mighty Have Fallen

After two European Championships and a World Cup, after producing the greatest tactical innovation in international football since those Dutch guys in Oranje gave us "Total Football" in 1974, after proving that three-peat really is a word and after defying time and making us believe they could renew themselves organically and internally, this is it. It's not the first time world champions exit in the group stage. France did it in 2002, and Italy followed suit in 2010. But in both cases, they at least controlled their own destiny in the third and final game of the group stage. And neither gave up seven goals in two games. It's not as if these players will go away. Scan the squad and you struggle to find too many who don't have a shot at Euro 2016 or beyond. Xavi, of course, is set for pasture in the Qatar desert, and David Villa is on a mission from Shekih Mansour in the Big Apple with NYC FC. Xabi Alonso, meanwhile, is 32 and his body, however bionic, has been punished enough. There are two on the bubble. Iker Casillas? It depends on what happens at club level, but he seems to show no appetite to walk away. Fernando Torres? Chelsea's excuse is his enormous contract and wages make him impossible to sell; it's not clear what Spain's is. But the others have no reason to exit stage left. They remain key players on important teams, and they have plenty to give. Because the myth of La Roja as an enveloping force, based largely on small, creative players who could turn possession into both a defensive weapon and a crucial ingredient for their space creating sorcery, was undone. They were undone in more than one way. Against the Netherlands it was a combination of a packed defence, of the kind they once comfortably unspooled, and the type of individual excellence they previously snuffed out by simply not conceding the ball. With Chile, meanwhile, it was the tactical brilliance of Jorge Sampaoli, whose teams at times look as if they're playing a different sport entirely, coupled with aggression, work-rate, rhythm and, above all, as efficient a use of space as you're likely to see in the modern game. There's something ironic in that because Chile have small players, too - tiny ones, in fact. Arturo Vidal, all 5ft 11in of him, was the tallest starter against Spain. But individual technique and creativity isn't their hallmark. Indeed, with the exception of Vidal, Alexis Sanchez and substitute Jorge Valdivia, you wouldn't

describe any of the Chileans as particularly gifted, especially not in relation to the men in red across from them. What they do have though is cohesion, intelligence and the kind of synchronised movements that negate creativity. If the genius in Vicente del Bosque's Spain was humanist players finding themselves on the same creative wavelength and inventing on the spot - the brilliance of Sampaoli's Chile lies in the machine itself, its creator and the ability of the cogs to work together. There's no other way you get away with playing a back three comprised of two defensive midfielders and a fullback. Chile may be a team that's greater than the sum of its parts, and the Netherlands a well-drilled unit with a sprinkling of superstars, but neither is a juggernaut and both hammered Spain. Until 10 days ago, many were convinced that the only teams that could defeat Spain so comprehensively were extremely lucky ones or extremely talented ones. The fact that Chile and the Netherlands are neither is what heralds the end Spain as we know them. Del Bosque looked befuddled after the game. "I thought we prepared very well, we were together for 25 days, we shared some great moments, I thought we were ready. Evidently we were not," he said. "I never imagined we could leave the tournament at this stage. Sometimes you see favourites struggle because they are not as dedicated or because there are problems. This was not the case with us." "Of course, when things like this happen at this level, well, there will be consequences," he added, foreshadowing a likely resignation. Is this a manager falling on his sword to protect his own players, who had been steadfastly loyal to him? Maybe, but he did look genuinely like a guy who did not understand what had gone wrong, apart from giving credit to his opponent. "In the first half, we were timid, sluggish. They were intense, high-energy, aggressive," Del Bosque said. "It's hard to say why." Most confusing is the fact that Chile are hardly new to Spain. The two sides played last September in a friendly in Geneva and the world champions were thoroughly outplayed, grabbing a 2-2 draw only through a late equaliser from Jesus Navas. Back then, Chile played at full throttle and eventually flagged late in the game. You wonder if Del Bosque thought the same would happen again on Wednesday and all he

had to do was keep the ball, wait for them to tire and then punish them in the second half. It's not much of a game plan, but even if that's what he was hoping to do, his guys were outdone early in typical Chilean fashion. Xabi Alonso lost the ball, Alexis Sanchez, Vidal and Charles Aranguiz swooped banshee-like down the right and combined deftly before the latter squared it to Eduardo Vargas. The forward had been anonymous versus Australia, squandering numerous chances; maybe Casillas and Sergio Ramos thought he'd continue to follow that script. Instead, a subtly weighted touch took the goalkeeper out of the game and an improvised finish, even as Vargas fell on his backside, put Spain ahead. Spain's first real shot? A Diego Costa effort into the side netting after 27 minutes. That's how stunned and dull Del Bosque's crew were and the manager stood motionless as the damage was doubled before half-time. Casillas punched Sanchez's free-kick right into the path of Aranguiz, who stopped it dead before toe-poking home. When the man on whom a big chunk of Spain's success was built makes schoolboy mistakes in consecutive games, you know there's a problem. Koke came on for Xabi Alonso, clapping and shouting as he took to the pitch. His youth and energy soon dissipated with every errant pass, however. When Sergio Busquets, set up by Diego Costa's overhead kick, missed a sitter after seven minutes of the second period, you felt, even with all that time remaining on the clock, that the game was over and darkness was falling. One moment, perhaps, epitomised the game. With Spain down 2-0 in the second half, referee Mark Geiger awarded a free kick to Chile. Busquets, who was near the ball, picked it up and took it with him as he trotted away. It was a classic time-wasting technique: A bit odd given the scoreline, but perhaps intended to break Chile's rhythm. Busquets was instantly surrounded by a posse of angry opponents led by - who else? - Gary Medel and relinquished the ball. It photographed the match: Spain in denial, Chile eager to push on and pile on the punishment, rather than sit on a two-goal lead against the world and European champions. What next? A long stretch of self-analysis. A few changes and a return, with a partially changed cast and a tweaked script. And without the divinity earned in 2008, 2010 and 2012.


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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tackling Population Challenges In Lagos BY GEORGE OKOJIE, Lagos

The debate in demographic literature is not whether Lagos is densely populated but how to plan for the ever increasing population of the state occasioned by daily influx of people into the state. The paradox is that it is a state with the smallest landmass yet, it has the highest population with an area of 356,861 hectares of which 75,755 hectares are wetlands. Available statistics showed that as at 2006, the population of Lagos State was 17.5 million. Based on the parallel count conducted by the state during the National Census with a growth rate of 3.2%, the state is believed to have a population of over 21 million. This assertion has been corroborated by the recent immunisation exercise carried out across the state, where 4.3million children were immunised. Children within the immunisation bracket are estimated at 20% of the entire population. Lending credence to this fact, the UN estimates that at its present growth rate, the state will be third largest mega city in the world by year 2015 after Tokyo in Japan and Bombay in India. The demographic data also showed that the rate of population growth is about 600,000 per annum with a population density of about 4,193 persons per square km. In the built-up areas of Metropolitan Lagos, the average density is over 20,000 persons per square km. Going by current demographic trend analysis, the population of the state is growing in astronomical rate in the sense that the state population growth rate of 8% has resulted in its capturing of 36.8% of Nigeria’s urban population as shown by World Bank record of 1996. The implication of this record is that whereas country population growth hovers between 4 -5% and global 2%, Lagos population is growing ten times faster than New York and Los Angeles with grave implication for urban sustainability. Thus, the population explosion in Lagos, the nation’s commercial nerve centre, has put undue pressure on government and individuals as the demand for housing continued to rise far and above what the urbanised areas can offer. Experts say it could be one of the reasons for the high number of slums within the precincts of the city of Lagos. As the influx continues on daily basis, the urban slums become settlements for those who are de-

termined to remain in the state and plan their lives for the better. With no one will like to return to their states of origin the way they came to Lagos, the remote areas like Ikotun, Ejigbo, Majidun-Ikorodu, Ogba, Kio-Kio village, Pako and the popular Ajegunle, residential areas in these locations have gradually become unfit for human habitation. Despite the fact that the areas are cramped, poorly ventilated and unclean environment many families still live, bear and raise children in the areas. A panoramic survey of Lagos showed that Majidun, Ikorodu area of Lagos area is populated mostly by the Ilajes who dwell in houses that were not only poorly built but overcrowded. That was why when the Lagos State government launched the Lagos Metropolitan Development and Governance Project, LMDGP, a slum-upgrading project designed to provide essential services and infrastructure in slums in the state in 2009, residents of the areas heaved a sigh of relief. As far as they were concerned, it was a bold initiative by Babatunde Fashola, Lagos State governor, to integrate the slums into the mainstream of his administration’s mega city project. The areas pencilled for upgrade include Amukoko, Ajegunle, Agege, Badia, Ijeshatedo, Iwaya, Ilaje, Bariga and Makoko. To make a difference, multistorey school blocks, drainage channels, primary health care centres, roads and boreholes,

among other projects were to be built in the communities. Primarily, the project was aimed at increasing sustainable access to basic urban services through investments in critical infrastructure. Ironically, there is also a contrast to these slum areas in the city. It has a foreign community of expatriates and Lebanese, Chinese, Indian and Arab immigrants, who live mostly in Ikoyi, Victoria Island, Apapa and Ikeja. There is the Lekki Peninsula which is east of Victoria Island that is a rapidly growing area on the coast for the super rich and choosy. Its sandy beaches including Lekki/Eleko Beach and Oso Lekki Backwaters, and relics of Brazilian/Portuguese and other imposing architecture make it a tourism goldmine. Housing in Lekki is usually in blocks of adjoining flats. Most homes are furnished with running water and electricity. As a mark of class distinction, a standard three-bedroom flat rents for N800, 000-N2.5 million per annum. Lekki had since remained an area where most rich and highly placed people in the society live. A master plan is currently being designed and has been presented and discussed with the Ministry of Urban Planning and Physical Development, local authorities and stakeholders. The Lekki sub-region comprises a naturally formed peninsula on the Atlantic Ocean East of Lagos City and on Lagos Lagoon. The peninsula is approximate-

ly 70 to 80 km long, stretching from Victoria Island in the west to Refuge Island in the east, with an average width of 10 km. The sub-region also includes several estates, gated residential developments and agricultural farmlands, areas allocated for a Free Trade Zone (FTZ), an airport, and a sea port, Dangote refinery, among others. As part of measure to create a new town from the zone, the project area under consideration in this study is estimated to be about 60,000 hectares excluding the areas allocated for the Lekki Free Trade Zone, Sea Port and International airport. The proposed land use master plan for the Lekki sub-region envisages the Lekki Peninsula as a “Blue-Green” environment city. Speaking on the peculiar nature of Lagos State, the state commissioner for information Mr Aderemi Ibirogba, maintained that Lagos is a city that has different features in many respects. He explained that in an attempt to live in the state at all cost, many people live in disorderly manner as well as in disorganised settlements that make nonsense of the state’s urban planning. He said: “Before long, most of these settlements become slums that constitute serious socio-economic threats to the state. It is in quick response to this that the government has been making conscious efforts to achieve infrastructural development and environmental renewal.”

The paradox is that it is a state with the smallest landmass yet, it has the highest population with an area of 356,861 hectares of which 75,755 hectares are wetlands

54 feature

What we have is just one clinic and it does not have any doctor or qualified nurses to take care of any serious illnesses

They are classified among the poorest of the poor living in the Federal Capital Territory, the nation’s capital city. This is a community that has nothing to show that it is among the communities in Abuja, because it lacks virtually any social infrastructure needed for human existence. A resident of the community, David Andrew, told LEADESRHIP Weekend that the community has nothing to support human life. “The problem we face in this village (Kpaduma) is that we don’t have any hospital. What we have is just one clinic, and it does not have any doctor or qualified nurses to take care of any serious sickness here,” he said. Findings by our reporter revealed that the community which comprises Kpaduma 1 and 2, including other adjoining settlements all thickly populated but have only two boreholes located in Kpaduma 1 and Kpaduma 2 to serve residents of this community. People have to queue up for a very long time before fetching water for domestic use. At times people spend up to one to two hours waiting to fetch, depending on the number of people present. Also there is only one primary school in the community and no secondary school; not even a private secondary school is located in the community. Children seeking for secondary school education have to trek or transport themselves daily to Government Secondary School, Asokoro, a distance of about five kilometres. The village head of the community (Chief of Kpaduma village), Fajemi Kariye, told LEADERSHIP Weekend that even access road to the community is a problem, adding that the Federal Capital Territory administration has forgotten them in terms of development. “Access road is a problem here. The borehole was built for the community by a construction company. We want to stay here because this is our ancestral home. We are not going to relocate to another place,” he said. According to Andrew, “There are many people who are very sick but have no money to visit the hospitals. Many people in this village don’t have anything doing to earn an income. We don’t have any hospital, rather what we have here are private chemists both in Kpaduma 1, 2, 3, and Kobbi communities where you have a private hospital. So, that is why they cannot get money to vis-

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Residents of Kpaduma community receiving free medical service by Grace Ville Church

Putting Smiles On The Faces Of Neglected Kpaduma Residents Kpaduma Community is located in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) of the Federal Capital Territory, very close to Asokoro, where both the rich and the mighty live. DAVID ADUGE-ANI reports how religious organisations and philanthropists put smiles on the faces of residents it hospitals or even buy food for their families. “Most of the women here cannot be provided food by their husbands. That is why many people are here to collect this food, while some are here for medical check-up. We have light but the transformer is to light to carry the entire community that was why recently the transformer broke down. So at the moment, the community has no electricity,” he said. But few kilometres from this community lay the residences of the big shots in the Abuja. For instance few kilometres from this community is where all the state governors in the country have their lodges. This is also where the popular African Independent Television (AIT) has its station, including other mansions built in this area. However, on May 31, 2014 a church, Graceville Christian Centre, took its medical out-

reach to the community as an intervention to save many lives in the area. During the medical outreach, many residents of the community were subjected to free medical test and treatment. There were also free eye test and clinic, children clinic, dental clinic, HIV testing and counselling services. Other services made available included free drugs, pharmacy and laboratory, free clothing, free shoes and bags, and free household items. Food items were also distributed to the people by the church. Another resident of the area, Joy, told our reporter that the coming of the church to the community is very good for according to her, “There are many people living in the community who don’t have money to visit the hospitals. So the free medical check-up and treatment will save many lives.” According to Andrew, “For

us residents of this community it is like a God-sent mission. We in this environment are very happy because there a lot of people in this environment who are in need of food, clothing and medical assistance.” Senior pastor of the church, Pastor Tunde Ayeni, told LEADERSHIP Weekend that the free medical outreach was borne out of the need to show the goodness of God onto people. He continued: “The bible says if you cannot love your neighbour that you see, how then you can love God that you don’t see. The residents of this community are our neighbours. We have to be good to our neighbour. Start from where you are. Always try to start from somewhere”, he said. Pastor Ayeni explained that the money spent on the free medical outreach project was raised within the church.

feature 55

Saturday, June 21, 2014

How Mubi Blast Shattered Businesses Peace had reigned for about a year in Mubi South local government, which had been a flashpoint of terrorist acts until it was shattered recently by a bomb suspected to be planted by Boko Haram insurgents, which killed about 18 people. MOHAMMED ISMAIL reports that the blast has shattered the dreams of many business owners in the area.


But our hopes for a better future have now been completely erased as a result of the latest attack which brought us back to the days of uncertainty and hopelessness

he ripple effect of Sunday June 1st’s dastardly act has gone beyond the killing of innocent souls; it has also shattered many dreams, affected economic activities negatively and has upped the level of suspicion between residents who had prior to the blast, enjoyed relative trust in each other. The atmosphere of confidence which improved the flow of commercial activities had even encouraged residents to start agitating for a review of the 7pm – 5am curfew, as they said there was no justification for the military to maintain the curfew since normalcy had returned to the area. Sadly, the recent bomb blast has thrown the town into another era of suspicion as residents say the development was a serious setback which has disrupted the smooth conduct of businesses, making them wary of carrying on their trades. The development was further worsened by the intensification of the ‘stop and search’ being conducted by security operatives in virtually every nook and cranny of the town, leading to serious traffic gridlocks, making movement within the town almost impossible. A resident, Mallam Bello, said the development has led to total collapse of business activities as the ‘stop and search’ exercise in various parts of the town have almost brought commercial and business activities in the town to a total standstill. “Before the latest bomb attack on the town, business activities had started picking up across the town as people moved around without the fear of being attacked, inspiring a new sense of hope in the minds of everyone in the town. “But our hopes for a better future have now been completely erased as a result of the latest attack which brought us back to the days of uncertainty and hopelessness,” he said. Bello said since the unfortunate bomb explosion, the intensity and volume of business have reduced as many people try as much as they can to avoid visiting markets and other public places for the fear of the unknown. “The volume of people that troop to the markets have reduced since the bomb attack. We are now grappling with a situation where customers are no longer coming into the markets for fear of an attack. It seems people are trying to avoid crowded environments for the fear of being attacked,” he added. Mallam Bello said before the Sunday incident, he used to make a

profit of between N2000 to N3000 daily, which he said was enough for him to cater for his family but since the ugly event, he hardly makes any sales and in most cases goes back home empty handed, to be met by the hungry and questioning eyes of his children. As it turns out, it was not only businesses that were affected by the bomb blast, as many assert that the dreams of their loved ones have been completely shattered. The revelation of a widow, Mama Paulina Kambu, who lost her oldest child, is pathetic and sorrowful, despondency and hopelessness written all over her face as she related her ordeal. She lost her most treasured possession when life was snuffed out of her son as he went to one of the nearby shops to buy detergent with which he intended to wash his clothes. “I never had any inkling that I will never see my child in one piece again when he asked me to give him N20 to buy detergent to wash his clothes. “But not long after, people rushed to tell me that the shop were my child went to buy the detergent, was affected by the blast and that marked the beginning of the worst agony in life,” Kambu stated. She said life no longer had meaning to her since the death of her child, adding that she had spent so much to get him educated in order to become useful, not only to herself but the society at large. She lamented that the society she so much wanted to devel-

op had let her down with the killing of her innocent child. A survivor of the incident, Jessen Adamu, who was at the Mubi cottage hospital said he was grateful to God for sparing his life as he said many were not that lucky. He is one of the owners of the shops affected by the blast and has a similar tale as Mama Kambu’s, but unlike Mama Kambu who lost only one child, Adamu said he lost two of his brothers in the blast as well as the contents of his shop. Jessen Adamu said the latest incident has not only left him psychologically empty, but has rendered him jobless as his only means of livelihood was destroyed in the bomb blast. “I am now completely empty and jobless as I have lost two souls and my business to this blast and right now I don’t know what life has in stock for me as I am starting afresh,” he said. He called on the government to intensify efforts to secure the lives and properties of the people saying the psychological trauma that befell him was simply unfathomable. Mr. Oscar Ibeh, an hotelier and one of the victims of the blast who owns Oscar Joint, which the football viewing centre was located also expressed his gratitude to God for sparing his life. He said that two tricycles had parked in front of the hotel for a long time as the owners pretended to be among the crowd watching football or relaxing in the club. Ibeh, who said his survival was

nothing less than a miracle, added that he had strolled out of the premises to buy pain reliever for a headache, from a pharmacy opposite, but unknown to him serious danger was lurking around the corner as the 2 tricycles he passed were loaded with explosives. “I passed near the tricycles oblivious of the fact that they were laden with explosives. But as God would have it, the explosives didn’t go off until after I had entered the chemist. “The loud bang sent me directly into the gutter and I laid there unconscious for over 20 minutes. I started regaining consciousness when people started crying and wailing for help,” the hotel owner added. “When I raised my head up from inside the gutter, I saw human beings cut into pieces, littering the front of the hotel and on the road,” Oscar Ibeh sadly stated. Another survivor, a local tea seller, who simply identified himself as Shagari said he too escaped death by the whiskers during the bomb explosion. Shagari, whose tea spot is directly opposite Oscar Joint claimed that some of the victims who were hit by the blast died in his tea shop. He stated that he could not actually ascertain the type of vehicle the explosives were hidden inside, as hundreds of vehicles and tricycles were parked there. Shagari lamented that the gory sight of human beings completely scattered cannot be imagined.

56 interview

Saturday, June 21, 2014

How I Met Late Ado Bayero And Settled Quarrels In His Family–Magaji Dr Anthony Abimiku Magaji, 87, evangelist, former House of Representatives aspirant in 1954, a retired missionary and a community leader was a close friend of the late Emir of Kano Alhaji Ado Bayero. He recounts his days in Kano to LEADERSHIP Weekend’s AGBO-PAUL AUGUSTINE. At 87, the former missionary who transversed the landscape of Nigeria both as a politician and later a missionary and staff of the Central Bank of Nigeria still holds a strong memory of events of over 50 years ago. The tall and outspoken elder statesman from Nasarawa-Eggon local government of Nasarawa State believes in the unity of Nigeria in spite of challenges the nation faces today. He is an ardent reader of newspaper stories.

With that subtle words coming from Ado Bayero, they angry missionary team had to bury their hatchet and seek the face of God. “The following day, we continued with our preaching and didn’t go to court again and that is how the matter ended.” Magaji left Kano in 1983 for Ilorin but had to return to Kano on hearing the demise of the mother of Ado Bayero in 1989 to condole his good old friend. He said Emir Bayero even offered him a lucrative job as Chief Security Officer of KLM Airline then but had to turn it down due to family matters. “I later gave the opening to a man from old Bendel state and Ado Bayero accepted it.

Meeting Late Ado Bayero

As a missionary, it’s traditional to pay homage to whoever is the leader in the host town of any mission group. The implication of that is a leeway to meeting the traditional ruler. Coincidentally, a new monarch was being installed in Kano in 1963 in the person of Alhaji Ado Bayero. “I visited Kano in 1963 when the late Emir was being turbaned as the Emir of Kano and I stayed in Kano permanently from June, 1964 and I associate myself with the Late Monarch and he took me as a brother. “He was my good friend for the 17 years I stayed in Kano. He is a man of peace and a man who loves everybody. If Nigeria continues to produce leaders like him, peace will reign in Nigeria,” Says Magaji in his opening remarks about Late Ado Bayero. The Octogenarian went further to compare Bayero with the Late Sardauna, Ahmadu Bello and pitching tent with Alhaji Maitama Sule as peacemakers in northern Nigeria. After the turbaning, Magaji said he kept visiting the palace to pay his respect to the monarch as a missionary and Ado Bayero never considered Magaji’s belief in the Christian faith as a barrier to good friendship. “I used to visit his palace and pray together with him”. The Emir of Kano was keen to seeing people turn a good leave and do the right thing in the society hence, he encourages the preaching of God’s deeds. “In 1966 we had a church programme organised by the New Life for All at Sabon Gari and interestingly, the Late Emir used to visit us and stay aside to watch us and in turn, during fasting and Tasfir, I used to visit the Mosque to listen to the interpretations from Koran verses, Magaji recalled. Magji however, took his service to humanity to the Central Bank of Nigeria in 1966 three years into the reign of Ado Bayero as Emir. The friendship between the two

Last Meeting With Late Emir Ado Bayero


never ceased. “When I was in CBN, anytime Ado Bayero needed coins to change for Sadaka (to help the poor), he will send the Madawakin Kano or the Sarkin Shanu Kano to me and later I will bring the coins to his house.” As Go-Between

Magaji’s relationship between the late monarchs went beyond the main palace reception. All the wives of Late Ado Bayero were familiar with Magaji as he was seen not just a friend to the Emir but also part of the extended family of the Kano King. “All the four wives of the Emir knew me very well and when I come to the house, the Emir will tell me ‘go inside and greet your wives’. His compound then was approximately 1 mile square and also interestingly, whenever there is a misunderstanding with any of the wives and particularly the one that came from Hadeija and Birnin Kudu as she often after disagreeing with Emir will pack her things and leave for her father’s house in Hadeija; Ado Bayero will call me and give me his Volkswagen Beetle car to travel to Hadeija and plead with her to come back,” Magaji revealed. Furthermore, he added: “The moment I arrived their compound in Hadeija, they women will say in one exclamation that ‘our husband has come no case again’. We will enter the car and then return back to Kano without any hesitation.” LEADERSHIP Weekend sought to know Ado Bayero’s reaction after the long journey back from Hadeija (now in Jigawa state).

“The Emir is always happy that I did help him to persuade his wife to come back home. After returning back to the palace with the car, Bayero’s wife will alight from the car and go straight to her room. Later she will say that her husband has gone to do ‘Biko’ (meaning pleading in Hausa) and case closed. “I must also tell you that whenever I visit the palace and after paying him the traditional homage, the Emir will tell me that “go to the compound and greet your wives”. I will enter and greet them and come out,” Magaji added. Ado Bayero And Peace Building Magaji recounts an incident: “What I can never forget in my memories of Ado Bayero happened in April, 1980 when we went to preach New Life For All in Kano town with Paul Gindiri and some youths stoned us and broke our vehicles, windscreen with one of us injured. “We had wanted to take the case to court, the following day Ado Bayero sent somebody to call me and said to me ‘Have you people forgotten that wherever you go to preach, some people will accept you and some will reject you and may likely stone you for doing that? Please don’t take this matter to court’ “He went further to tell me that: “If all Kano people reject you to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, come to my compound and preach”. I will never forget that statement coming from a powerful traditional ruler in the north,” says Magaji.

The saddened old manstill have some bowel of joke in him as he recalled the last meeting with Bayero. “My last meeting with His Royal Highness, Alhaji Ado Bayero was in April, 2011 when I went to Kano to attend a wedding. “On arriving Kano I went straight to the Emir’s Palace to pay homage to him. As I entered the Palace, on seeing me Ado Bayero jokingly said: “You this old man you no de old” (in pidgin English) I replied him Your Royal Highness “I don old finish” and he said to me “Don’t you wish to greet your wives?” and I said to him “time is not on my side as I am already late for the wedding that brought me to Kano…” So that was my last meeting with Ado Bayero. Magaji said when Ado Bayero was attacked in Kano he manage to send a text message to the Emir over the incident “but of course I understand why he didn’t reply because of his state then.” On His Demise

“The day I heard of his death I was so shocked. I wanted to travel to Kano to at least pay my last respect but I had back pain; in fact I was so worried. My dear junior brother rest in peace!” Advice To Protesters

Magaji had these words for the angry youths in Kano: “I believe that all of them in Kano are one and in oneness they should embrace peace. God gives people power but not all of them will get the power in one day. As God have chosen Sanusi Lamido Sanusi let others take patient and unite and move forward for the good of Kano.”

“He was my good friend for the 17 years I stayed in Kano


June 21, 2014


Know Your Risk factors In Controlling Stroke

According to medical experts the symptoms associated with prostrate health includes; frequent urination or many urges to urinate, especially at night, weak or dribbling urine stream

Prostate Health: Can Men Win The War?


TUNDE OGUNTOLA rostate is a gland about the size of a walnut found in men’s bodies, between the penis and the bladder. Its biggest job is to provide seminal fluid, a milky substance that nourishes

sperm. According to medical experts the symptoms associated with prostrate health includes; frequent urination or many urges to urinate, especially at night, weak or dribbling urine stream, frequent stopping and starting of urination, pain or burning sensation while urinating and pain in the lower back and pelvis, if left unchecked, benign prostate enlargement can cause serious health problems over time. Research shows that more than an average of 230,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer yearly and over 30,000 of them die from it. Although, most men don’t have any clue about their prostate until things go wrong, about half of all men over 50 years have enlarged prostate a condition known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), a benign but often painful condition in which the prostate is abnormally enlarged. Ignorance of prostate could be life threatening as prostate health is especially important for black men with death rates from prostate cancer nearly two and a half times higher than white men. Since the prostate gland plays a role in both sex and urination many people feel uncomfortable talking about it, even though prostate enlargement is a common part of men’s health. According to scientist, while the prostrate cell in some men, remain small and dormant, and do not pose any

health concern. In others, however, they grow into large, life-threatening tumors for unknown reasons, sometimes with astoundingly fast speed, and they can even metastasize or invade other organs in the body. Age is the most important risk factor in developing prostate cancer, adding that all men will develop risk of having a prostate cancer if they live long enough after the age of forty, the gland may enlarge and pressurize the urethra through which urine is passed. Being careful about prostate health before you turn forty can help you to take certain preventive measures. By staying fit and active is the best proactive natural remedy to avoid prostate problems. Eating tomatoes is another good idea to improve the health of your prostate. Many studies show that Lycopene the pigment that gives tomatoes their red color and has 10 times more anti-oxidant power. Compared to those who have no family history of the disease, a man with one relative (father or brother) with prostate cancer is twice as likely to develop the disease. A diet high in saturated fats and meat, as well as obesity, are linked to a higher risk of developing this disease. A diet high in soy and fibers, on the other hand, is often credited for lowering the risk of prostate cancer in men. In preventing prostrate related ailments, it is medically advised to avoid alcohol, salty food, poor quality fat and oil, excessively hot and spicy foods, drink more water as it is a healthy diuretic to clean the kidneys.

•High blood pressure: High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke and the most important controllable risk factor for stroke. Many people believe the effective treatment of high blood pressure is a key reason for the accelerated decline in the death rates for stroke. •Cigarette smoking: In recent years, studies have shown cigarette smoking to be an important risk factor for stroke. The nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke damage the cardiovascular system in many ways. The use of oral contraceptives combined with cigarette smoking greatly increases stroke risk. •Diabetes mellitus: Diabetes is an independent risk factor for stroke. Many people with diabetes also have high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and are overweight. This increases their risk even more. While diabetes is treatable, the presence of the disease still increases your risk of stroke. •High blood cholesterol: People with high blood cholesterol have an increased risk for stroke. Also, it appears that low HDL (“good”) cholesterol is a risk factor for stroke in men, but more data are needed to verify its effect in women. •Physical inactivity and obesity: Take the stairs, and do whatever you can to make your life more active. Try to get a total of at least 30 minutes of activity on most or all days.


June 21, 2014

Ayurvedic Medicine: Carrot Daucus carola Carrots were first used as medicinal herbs rather than as vegetables, and they have the dual purpose of acting as therapeutic agents. The carrot is a member of the Umbelliferae family, which also includes celery and parsnip. Carrots were first used as medicinal herbs rather than as vegetables, and they have the dual purpose of acting as therapeutic agents, and providing the best source of beta carotene (a form of vitamin A) in the human diet. They are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, and the minerals phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Chinese medical practitioners suggest eating carrots for liver energy. DATA FILE Uses • Drink fresh, row carrot juice daily to energize and cleanse the body. It will help to relieve the effects of stress and fatigue, and boost the body after illness. • Dried carrot powder will restore energy, and con help to treat infections, glandular problems, headaches, or joint problems. • The antioxidant qualities of carrots

will help to prevent some of the damage caused by smoking. • Carrot soup is a traditional home remedy for infant diarrhea - it soothes the bowel and slows down bacterial growth. • Row, grated carrots or cooked, mashed carrots can be applied to wounds, cuts, inflammations, and abscesses to discourage infection and encourage healing. Properties • Energizing • Carrot cleanses the system of impurities • Contains calcium, which will encourage health of skin, hair, and bones • May help in the treatment of eye problems • Useful in the treatment of respiratory conditions • Carrot may help to relieve skin disorders • May help to overcome many glandular disorders • Taken daily, carrots may help to regulate the menstrual cycle • Serves anti-inflammatory and antiseptic Caution • Eating an excessive quantity of carrots may cause the skin to yellow temporarily. • Carrot seeds are a nerve tonic and will also induce abortion; avoid during pregnancy.

Herbal Clinic With Buki Fagbenle

Tel: (SMS only) +234-705-983-1992; Email: buki.fagbenle@leadership.ng

Natural Treatment of Hypertension ( Part 2) Dietary Therapy We discussed the importance of eradicating completely or reducing salt from your diet last week. We shall discuss a better salt, namely potassium salt, and other necessary lifestyle changes this week. Potassium salt – Potassium actually lowers your blood pressure while Sodium (in common table salt) tends to raise it - hence the need to replace common salt with potassium salt. A study shows that eating a diet rich in potassium (fruits and vegetables – banana is bursting with it) in conjunction with a low sodium diet can help reduce blood pressure. Caffeine - caffeine consumption of more than 5 cups a day has been shown to increase blood pressure, in many trials. This could contribute to hypertension so it is better to reduce or eliminate coffee (especially) and other stimulants containing caffeine from your diet until your blood pressure is under control. EXERCISE & MEDITATION– a minimum of 15-30 minutes daily of any demanding exercise that leaves you breathless – walking, swimming, dancing, treadmill, housework, etc. This helps in clearing the artery walls of the sticky fatty molecules (LDL cholesterol etc), hence preventing narrowing of the blood vessels. Careful supervision of an already hypertensive patient is important – you need to start slowly and build up to these times gradually. Consistency is the key – you must do your chosen exercise regularly. Apart from physical exercise, you need relaxation exercises too - in the form of meditation (mind-body therapies) and yogatype breathing. Slowing the rate of deep and mindful breathing has been shown, by many studies, to reduce blood pressure in people with mild hypertension.

Relaxation and yoga can help to restore a sense of calm and control. Reducing Anger & Sense of Hopelessness The link between anger-hostility and heart disease is well documented and many studies have shown links between increased feelings of hopelessness and cardiovascular diseases. Anger-hostility, depression-hopelessness and anxiety are seen as the emotional and behavioural consequences of stress - they happen when people perceive that they do not have the internal or external means to meet the demands or challenges of life. Try and maintain a cheerful, thankful and appreciative sense of being. Let go of petty angers and hostilities - they rob you of much more than they are worth! Daily Supplements The Vitamin B complex 50mg x3 with niacin 200-800mg & B6 50-100mg, Vitamin C complex with bioflavonoids 2000mg x 3, Vitamin E - start from 100 IU x2 and increase slowly over 1-2weeks to 400 IU x2, Magnesium 400-2000mg, Calcium citrate or orotate 800-1200mg, Manganese and Selenium 200mcg are important in reducing blood pressure. I would also usually advise daily doses of CoQ10 enzyme 90-240mg, and 3000mg fish oil - Omega 3 or freshly milled or refrigerated flaxseed oil. Consult your healthcare practitioner before taking Calcium, Magnesium, fish oils and CoQ10 as they may interfere with your other medications. For example you should not take more than 300g of magnesium unless supervised if you are taking Spironolactone (a potassiumsaving diuretic used for oedema and high blood pressure) as it may prevent magnesium and potassium loss - leading to too much of these minerals in the body. absorption.


Look Good Without The Gym Tone Your Trouble Spots-And Burn Major Calories-At Home Strength-training is especially important for walkers. Strong leg muscles help increase your speed, and a toned core and upper body make it easier to maintain proper posture and form as you walk, especially when you start to feel fatigued. But you don’t need to dole out cash for an overpriced gym membership to get a strong, sculpted physique. Our workout

uses ordinary hand towels to boost the power of traditional exercises. Gliding through the moves targets more muscles, as you need to work harder to maintain your balance. For Faster Results Do the routine 4 times without stopping, plus 30 to 60 minutes of moderate cardio on off days. Back - To- Front Lunges Stand with feet hip-width apart and right foot on towel. Slide

right leg back, bending knees to lower into a back lunge, keeping left knee over ankle and coming onto ball of right foot. Without lifting foot. slide right leg to starting position, then forward, lowering into a front lunge, right knee bent over ankle. Slide right leg back to start to complete a rep. Do 8 reps, and then switch sides. Make It Easier Do just the back lunge portion of the exercise.

Make It Harder Add pulses: While in lunge, raise and lower body a few inches 3 to 5 times before sliding foot back in.


June 21, 2014

Live Well Tips

Live well tips are NOT medical advice. Please consult your doctor before taking medicine or supplement, changing diet or exercise. • Start a new habit. Take light biscuit or oatmeal cookies instead cream y and sugary desserts. Do it today tomorrow, and every day. • Weight yourselves once a month, and if you are little on the heavy side, please do something about your food intake or start exercising. • If you have white marks on your fingernails, which may be due to low zinc, these will disappear when you take extra zinc. • If you have dent mark in the middle of your finger nails it could signal iron deficiency, a simple blood test can detect it. • Mouth bacteria produce bad breath, they feed on sugar high protein and acidic foods, and produces foul smelling sulphur compounds. • Soft drinks have acid and sugar, both are harmful to the teeth, acid breakdown enamel and sugar feeds acids producing bacteria.

PHOBIA Dementophobia - Fear Of Insanity Being labeled as insane or crazy carries an awful stigma in our society. People who are known to be crazy are often feared by others and were cast out from society. They were also locked up in mental institutions and historically were subject to very harsh treatments such as electric shock therapy, or some even water immersion therapy and light-deprivation therapy. People who fear insanity are called dementophobes and their fear is not entirely irrational because we all fear being crazy. People with this phobia might have seen in movies where the so-called crazy people were locked-up and left to rot, forgotten by their family members, and treated like dogs in the mental institution. Others might have family members who are crazy

and they are extremely scared that this can also happen to them. We all have our moments of insanity but people with dementophobia will make sure that they act prim and proper and will not be thought to be crazy by other people. They will feel extremely anxious when they are around people who are acting crazy or when they see crazy people in the street. These dementophobes should be taught there are not medications available to treat the mentally ill and most of these patients are able to lead a normal life. Psychotherapy may also help these dementophobes because if this fear is not addressed, their phobia may later become full blown psychosis and they will become what they fear the most.

Your Sexual Health Questions Answered! Can you get any diseases from kissing? As long as you are both healthy, plain old kissing (including the deep or French variety) is highly unlikely to transmit any disease, including HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and other STDs. Although, there’s always the common cold and flu, and even mono, all of which can be passed on from an infected kisser to his or her kissee. The herpes virus that causes cold sores on the lips or inside of the mouth can be spread through kissing, too. Hepatitis B and some forms of bacterial meningitis could also be transmitted through kissing alone, but this is much less common than getting a cold or flu from swapping saliva or hand-to-hand contact with an infected person. One last thing: is it possible that the reason why your parents told you that you shouldn’t be kissing is because of religious or cultural reasons, or is it based on the belief that kissing will lead to sexual activity? Think about why they responded the way they did, or ask them, “What are you really worried about?” You may also consider kissing your soul mate where or when you have privacy.


June 21, 2014

Think Yourself Thin With Zahra Bakari - Imam

08183666800 (text only) thinkyourselfthin@yahoo.com, twitter@thinkurselfthin

FIRST AID Effects Of Heat and Cold The human body is designed to work best at, or close to, a temperature of 37°C (98.6°f). To maintain this temperature, the body possesses mechanisms that generate and conserve heat when the environment is cold and, conversely, that lose heat when it is hot. These mechanisms are controlled by a special centre in the brain. In addition, humans control their environment to some degree through clothing, heating, and air- conditioning, which make it easier for the body to perform well in a wide range of temperatures. In spite of all this, excessive heat or cold can still cause serious or even fatal injury. The dangers of extreme temperatures. The harmful effects of extreme heat or cold can be localized, as is the case with frostbite and sunburn,

or generalized, as with hypothermia, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. The generalized effects of extremes of temperature occur more often in the very young and the very old, whose temperature-regulation systems may, respectively, be under-developed or impaired. THE FIRST AIDER SHOULD • Remove, or protect, the casualty from excessively hot or cold surroundings. • Restore normal body temperature: if the condition has been rapid in onset (for example, heat exhaustion), reverse it rapidly; if it has developed slowly (for example, hypothermia of slow onset affecting an elderly person), the casualty’s body temperature must be gradually restored to normal. • Obtain appropriate medical attention.

JOKES Helping an Overweight Woman An overweight Women consulted her doctor for advice. The doctor advised that she run ten miles a day for thirty days. This, he promised, would help her lose as many as twenty pounds. The women followed the doctor’s advice, and, after thirty days, she was pleased to find that she had indeed lost the pesky twenty pounds. She phoned the doctor

and thanked him for the wonderful advice which produced such effective results. At the end of the conversation, however, she asked one last question: “How do I get home, since I am now 300 miles away?”

Avoiding Weekend Weight Gain


ow to unwind without undoing your diet. Happy hour after work on Friday. Dinner out at your favorite restaurant on Saturday. A homecooked feast on Sunday. Before you know it, a weekend of unwinding can turn into a calorie-fest that undermines a week’s worth of healthy eating -- and, come Monday morning, sends the needle on your scale creeping upward. “Individual eating habits tend to change dramatically over the weekend,” says Cedric Bryant, PhD, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise. “You tend to see people consuming more alcoholic beverages and more calorie-dense foods. It’s a real easy recipe to gain weight.” But avoiding the weekend weight-gain trap doesn’t have to mean your favorite Friday-through-Sunday treats are off-limits, experts say. Below, they offer some tips for enjoying your days off while avoiding the weekend food frenzy. The Weekend Trap Research has shown just how much damage weekend overeating can do to our diets. “There is a large and significant difference in energy intake on the three-day weekend versus the four-day weekday, particularly for young adults,” says Barry Popkin, PhD, co-author of a study on weekend weight gain. The study, published in the August 2003 issue of Obesity Research, found that Americans 19 to 50 years old take in 115 more calories per day on the weekend (defined as Friday through Sunday) than on the other days of the week. Over the course of a year, that adds up to 17,940 extra calories -- or about 5 pounds. And, as you might have guessed, it’s not healthy foods that we’re eating more of during the weekend. That 115-calorie-aday difference comes mostly from alcohol and fat, says Popkin, a professor of nutrition in the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina. Even so, those extra calories don’t have to turn into fat, the experts say. The key is burning more calories than you consume. That means finding active ways to relax -- like brisk walking, playing tennis, even gardening -- instead of vegging out in front of the TV, (if only we actually ate veggies instead!). “People tend to think of the weekend as their time to relax and recover from the hectic workweek,” says Bryant. “What they should do is really try to make an effort to become more active in their daily pursuits over the weekend days. Look for

as many opportunities to move as possible, so you can increase physical activity to offset the extra calories you consume.” While physical activity may be the obvious answer, experts say there are other tricks that can help you overcome the habit of weekend overindulgence: Start your day out right. “Eat a healthy breakfast on the weekend, when you have more time,” says Susan Moores, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. “You usually eat less during the day if you start with a healthy breakfast, and you get some good nutrition.” Don’t go hungry to “save up” for a big dinner out. “Saving yourself backfires -- you usually end up eating way more than you would have if you ate normally throughout the day,” says Moores. “Have a little bite to eat before you go out to take the edge off your hunger, and then simply enjoy good food when you go out.” Savor the experience of dining out. “Allow yourself to enjoy good food and savor it, rather than overindulge in it,” says Moores. “People forget what the whole eating experience is about -- sitting with friends, enjoying your time together, and relaxing.” Eat slowly. “It takes 15-20 minutes for your brain to signal your stomach that it’s full, so take your time,” Moores explains. “Whether you’re at a party or eating out on the weekend, remember to slow down when you’re eating.” Start with soup. “Take your time when you order at a restaurant, and start with soup,” says Moores. “Then, have the waiter come back so you can order an entrée -- you’ll order much less than if you ordered all at once.” Halve your restaurant entrees. “Splitting an entree with a friend is a great way to make a significant cut in calories on the weekend,” says Moores. Don’t skip dessert; share it. “Make it special,” says Moores. “Choose something that is really delightful to you and split it with a friend. Keep an eye out for portion sizes, and if the dessert you want is huge, ask the waiter to slice it thin or split it with the table -- but I’m all for dessert.” Remember your waistline. “Wear a tighter pair of pants when you go out on the weekend,” says Moores. “Wear something that’s not uncomfortable but that reminds you there are limits to what you should eat.” Find a substitute for soda. “Use water to satisfy thirst, rather than soda, which many people drink more of on the weekends,” says Bryant. “Not only are they consuming a tremendous amount of calories, but soda is high in fructose, which stimulates the appetite.”

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Solomon Nda–Isaiah Entertainment Ricochet



Adieu Kefee


oday I dedicate this column to Kefee, Nigeria’s superstar gospel artiste who died on Friday 13 June 2014. Kefee was so humble and down-to- earth; I know this because I met her at an AZUSA Conference, a yearly convention at International Praise Church, Kaduna where we interacted at length and our second meeting was at This Day Dome, Abuja at a Neighbour 2Neighbour concert where I interviewed her. Born Irikefee Obareke to the family of Deacon and Mrs. Andrew Obareki in Sapele, Delta State, Kefee began her journey in music at the early age of 8 in the children choir of her church joining the adult choir at age 15. Three years later, she was made the choir director. The choir, under Kefee’s leadership released a couple of albums in which Kefee led the vocals. Interestingly, the songbird is a graduate of public administration from the prestigious University of Benin. A prolific songwriter, skilled dancer and a passionate singer, Kefee and a close friend released their first album titled TRIP in 2000 which was a success and eventually earned them invitations to top shows where they shared the stage with the then reigning artistes like Tony Tetuila, Plantation Boiz and a host of others. Though the two friends parted after school, Kefee did not give up on her first love- music. In December 2003 she signed on with Alec Music, owned by Alec Godwin who eventually became her husband and released her first solo album as a female artiste. Kefee’s Branama sold nine thousand audio cassettes within three weeks of the album’s release and over two million copies of CDs/ VCDs in a month. She became the hottest Nigerian female artiste and won a number of awards. Kefee’s fan base increased all over Africa and also on the international scene. She was invited to perform in London and other parts of Europe and America. Kefee’s first album was a huge success which had her fans eagerly anticipating her second album titled BRANAMA 2.Her sophomore album was just as terrific as her first and also got her the respect of other well known Nigerian artistes who worked with her on the album. Ever since then, Kefee had been trailblazing in her career. She was the founder and CEO of Branama Afrique, an entertainment outfit known for excellent production, established in 2007. The company is responsible for the production, promotion and the entire packaging of Kefee’s works.

Controversial early years Growing up, Kefee was plagued by controversies. One of the biggest being her rumoured affair with her then choir master Alec Godwin, whom she later married. Her peers and the youths in her church were said to have gossiped about her alleged ‘rough’ lifestyle even though she was the daughter of a deacon. Her relationship with Godwin allegedly resulted in a pregnancy which was later aborted. Bumpy marital life Like an amazon, Kefee stood out among her contemporaries, but not without some challenges as well. Her first marriage to Alec Godwin, a choir master during her days as a choir mistress, can simply be described as ‘bumpy’. The marriage was haunted by allegations of infidelity and battery. After several attempts to save the marriage by the couple, it eventually ended amidst controversy. Her new marriage Before the end of her first marriage, her ex-husband, Alec Godwin had accused her of cheating on him with her friends and shortly after the marriage crumbled, Kefee entered into a relationship with her ex-husband’s friend, Teddy Esosa Don Momoh. Their relationship was rumoured, becoming reality when they wedded secretly in 2012. Kefee seemed happy with Teddy. She sang his praises to her friends, telling them that she was indeed enjoying her second marriage. Giving some credence to this, even in death, Teddy stood by her and she reportedly breathed her last in his arms. She fought for her life The soul lifting singer reportedly fell into a coma inside a flight to Chicago, United States of America, where she had been making videos, amongst other things. The plane was reportedly forced to make an emergency landing and she was eventually rushed to the intensive care unit of a hospital in Los Angeles. For 15 days, Kefee battled with death. An eye witness account states that she fought to live but bowed out in the early hours of Friday, June 13, 2014 at Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada, when her heart stopped. Leadership Group entertainment crew and Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN), FCT chapter, wishes her a peaceful journey. We love you, but God loves you most. We will miss you. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Adieu Kefee!

PMAN Abuja To Honour The Late Justice Oputa ...as it marks World Music Day Today



As music lovers across the globe celebrate World Music Day today, Abuja residents and patrons of music have been encouraged to come en masse to support the newly inaugurated PMAN association as it bids farewell to late Justice Chukwudifo Oputa , the father of former PMAN national president, Charles Oputa aka Charly Boy. According to the deputy governor, PMAN, Abuja chapter, Solo-

Late Oputa

mon Nda-Isaiah, the event which would take place today June 21, 2014 at Baytown Lounge, Gudu,

Abuja from 7:00pm till it fades will attract 'lots of celebrities within and outside the Abuja, as it coincides with the World Music Day.' The event would also host a mini concert tagged Oputa Memorial Night and an array of Abuja artistes would showcase their talents while bidding the late justice farewell. The group managing director of Nanet Hotels Limited, Ini Akpabio, is among the notable guests expected at the event. All entertainers are invited to turn-up en masse to celebrate the life and times of Justice Oputa as the World Music Day is marked.

AGN, COSON, Others Support Health Insurance Plan By SAMUEL ABULUDE, Lagos

In its mission to spearhead a uniform health insurance cover for the entire entertainment industry, the Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Insurance Convention has been receiving enormous acceptance and overwhelming support from several associations and guilds within the Nigerian entertainment industry. Everyone seems agreed on the need for an urgent health insurance cover for all practitioners in the entertainment business in Nigeria, including entertainment journalists and DJs. COSON chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji

described it as an ingenious and timely plan, as many entertainers do not take their health and retirement plans seriously. The general manager of COSON and AGN president, Ibinabo Fiberesima, who championed the same cause for AGN last year, is more than excited about the arrangement and noted that it is a good thing for the entire entertainment industry. The Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Insurance Cover also extends to Kannywood, the Hausa film industry, which constitutes about 30 percent of the Nigerian film industry. The convention is a major feature for the maiden edition of the Nigerian Entertainment Industry Lecture Series


(NEILS) and it’s in partnership with National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), billed to hold on July 22nd, 2014 at the Grand Ball Room of Eko Hotel & Suites in Victoria Island, Lagos.

Pasuma, Afolabi Empower 30 Youths By SAMUEL ABULUDE, Lagos

Last week, it was a jamboree at the multipurpose hall of LTV8 as 30 students who were trained in arts & design and hairdressing graduated from the Pasuma Aciatech Foundation. The youths, who are from different backgrounds, had the honour of being sponsored by fuji stars, Otunba Wasiu Alabi Pasuma and Alhaju Semiu Afo-


labi aka SEME WAP1.

Pasuma, aka Oganla1, harped on the need for youths to acquire vocational skills in light of the prevailing job scarcity in the country. Numerous distinguished guests, amongst which are Sheikh Muyideen Bello, a renowned Islamic cleric and Otunba Ganiu Adams, national coordinator of Odua People's Congress (OPC), were at the event as well as celebs from the entertainment industry.

Samsung Revs Up With Giga Sound Blast By CHIMA AKWAJA, Lagos

The party scene in Nigeria is set for a massive technological overhaul with the introduction of Samsung Giga Sound, an ultra modern sound system with 25 electrifying light patterns, best wattage quality and 3D beat sound. The Giga Sound gets the party started with its 37,400 audio wattage, equal to the sound of a helicopter. Brovo Kim, MD Samsung

Electronics West Africa (SEWA), said partygoers can see and feel the rhythm and beat through beat waving which illuminates the speaker in sync with the music, its 3D Beat Lighting perfectly flashes lights and patterns that flow with the music, transforming any party place to the atmosphere of your favourite club. “Now, hosting a party at home is easier than ever. The Giga Sound gives the perfect opportunity to be

the DJ of your own party. This music system delivers three unique benefits to consumers i.e. the perfect party atmosphere anywhere; revs up your Giga party, plus power and sound to move the party. At Samsung we believe and take pride in our innovation with design and features, with a view to delivering world class products, which enrich the lives of our consumers and deliver the future of technology,” said Kim.


Gloria!The Arch-Bishop’s Wife Launched By SOLOMON NDA-ISAIAH

The venue was the National Ecumenical Centre and the event was the public presentation of Gloria! The Archbishop's Wife, the biography of Gloria Ladi Akwashi. Dignitaries from all works of life thronged the venue on Tuesday 16 June when the highly respected wife of the archbishop of the Jos province of the Anglican Church, Reverend Ben Akwashi, formally presented her biography, written by Abidemi Sanusi. The event, chaired by former minister of information, Professor Jerry Gana, was also used to extol the virtues of a good clergy wife and their role in promoting peace in the increasingly volatile society. Gana commended Mrs Akwashi whom he described as a role model, for documenting her experiences as the wife of


a high ranking clergy and her contributions to the growth of participation of women in the church. "For all who are here today, I want to say that you are in the right place for the right occasion and to honour the right person," he said.

According to him, Mrs Akwashi, who has 300 adopted children, fifty of which live in her home, is worthy of celebration as she has lived a good life that youths can emulate. He recommended the 17 chapter book to young people, especially those who seek a deeper relationship with God. Though it was a formal event, much loved gospel music star, Panam Percy Paul, thrilled guests at the launch with popular songs from his rich repertoire. Some of the other guests at the event include the special adviser to the president on ethics and values, Dr Sarah Jubril, who represented the first lady, Dame Patience Jonathan. Also at the event were former Plateau State governor, Senator Joshua Dariye and the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Most Reverend Nicholas Okoh.

AIFF Appoints Fred Amata Festival Director By SAMUEL ABULUDE, Lagos

The board and management of the 11th Abuja International Film Festival (AIFF) have announced the appointment of Fred Amata as its acting festival director. The theme of this year’s festival which will hold from September 23 to 26 is “100 Years of Films in Nigeria: A Retrospective”. The head, media communications of AIFF, Mr. Louis Okpoto, in a statement, said that Fred

Amata would take over the leadership in an advisory capacity from Fidelis Duker who founded the film festival almost 11 years ago. Okpoto noted that Duker had over the last 11 years developed AIFF to an enviable height globally as the foremost and longest running independent film festival in West Africa. According to Okpoto, Amata will be leading a team of creative individuals to the 11th edition of the Amata festival.

Rita Dominic Rocks In Paris By SAMUEL ABULUDE, Lagos

Darling star of Nollywood, Rita Uchenna Nkem Dominic is indeed the toast of the moment. This is because the lady is a product of beauty and brains. Rita Dominic cum Mildred Okwo’s movie, ‘The Meeting‘ beat ‘Half Of a Yellow Sun‘ to win the ‘People’s Choice‘ Award at the just concluded Nollywood Week in Paris, France. Other movies in that category were Ashionye Raccah’s ‘Journey To Self’,


Michelle Bello’s ‘Flower Girl’ and ‘Confusion Na Wa’ which starred O.C Ukeje and Ramsey Nouah.

The winning movie gets a slot to screen at the African Culture Festival, which holds in 2015.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Omawumi Showcases The Creeks In Megbele By Anthony Ada Abraham, Abuja

Omawumi never ceases to amaze with her colourful style and exquisite production as she takes us to the streets and creeks of Warri, Delta State, in the video for her latest single Megbele, which dropped a few days ago. Megbele, performed in memory of Chief Dr Frank Amirejotitse Megbele, was directed by AJE FILMS and features special appearances by artistes like Gordons, Bovi and others. The video showcases the culture of the people of Delta State to the world. Megbele is a must watch.


Tayeta Thrills With The Best Of Fuji By SOLOMON NDA-ISAIAH, Abuja

Consequent upon his alleged and rumoured missing saga, upwardly mobile and energetic fuji artiste based in Iperu-Remo, Ikenne local government area of Ogun State, Taiwo Akanni aka Tayeta last weekend thrilled his fans, associates, music promoters and marketers with his brand of fuji. The show held at Emmab Hotel, Iperu Remo, and was put together by a music consultant, Femi Caleb, who asserted that the show was to celebrate Tayeta, stating that for a while now Tayeta’s fans had been longing to see him perform. Tayeta, who mounted the stage at midnight, did not drop the microphone until 5 a.m. He thrilled the audience with his hit songs, leaving them yearning for more. The artiste expressed great satisfaction over the huge turnout of fuji lovers, artistes and other stakeholders in the music industry who came to celebrate him and promised not to disappoint them as he forges ahead with his music. One of the high points of the show was when Tayeta’s female dancers made male fans drool with their seductive dance steps, driving the crowd wild. Fans wanted Tayeta to sing about his rumoured


disappearance, to that he said, “by-gones are bygones.” Tayeta stated that the government needs to support the entertainment sector to curb youth restlessness and unemployment, as showbiz is a job-rich sector.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Brazil 2014: Boko Haram, Bombs And Viewing Centres

➔ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 stay at home,” he said. “I cannot resist the picture quality of the satellite channel; It gives the feeling of being in the stadium watching the matches,” said Moses Adakole who is just 14 years old. Is there any pact between power companies and operators of viewing centres? To be sure, many have accused the electricity distribution companies of being bought over by major TV viewing centres and drinking joints to cut power supply one hour before match time, especially during star matches. Twenty-two minutes before the Nigeria-Iran match last Monday night, most parts of the satellite towns in the FCT monitored by LEADERSHIP Weekend had no electricity, making a good time for viewing centres to make good money. In Karu LGA of Nasarawa State which adjourns the FCT, the situation was same. Was this planned? asked Kabiru Luka, rhetorically. “It is becoming the norm of the day whenever a big match is on the menu,” stated. But Patrick Ada, a viewing centre operator in Orozo, FCT said: "No. I used to pray for power cut at crucial matches’ time but often I get disappointed as the power company will not cut power.” As Ada was celebrating the big harvest from the power cut in his area, power was restored 10 minutes before

kick-off time and the crowd that had gathered around the spot dispersed to their homes leaving a few whose money cannot be refunded. When LEADERSHIP Weekend monitored events the following day with two star matches Belgium vs Algeria and Brazil vs Mexico, the situation turned bitter for fans. Shortly after the second half had started power went out and remained so through the Brazil-Mexico match that started at 8pm. Viewing centres monitored in most parts of the FCT including Gwagwalada, Mpape, Nyanya, Gudu, Garki, Jikwoyi, Orozo, Karshi, Kubwa and Karu LGA of Nasarawa state were filled with fans some of who spilled into the road, not minding the speedy cars behind them. The situation was the same when England played Uruguay on Thursday night. An operator of a viewing centre confided in LEADERSHIP Weekend that he feaed for his life and that of the fans too but that he had no choice than to stay in business for survival. “Sometimes some fans used to ask me on my security strategy but all I say is that shine your eyes for your safety,” he said. But while Abuja and Nasarawa viewing centre patrons have been lucky thus far, their counterparts in Damaturu, Yobe have not been so lucky. This is because a bomb-laden tricycle went off at a viewing centre in the state capital on Tuesday,

killing scores and injuring others. A similar blast had occurred near a popular TV viewing centre in Jos, Plateau on Saturday May 24. Consequently, Ada states have placed a ban on viewing centres as the World Cup progresses. The FCT followed suit last Monday. But the ban is yet to be implemented as many viewing centres still operate and fans go there to watch the World Cup matches. Before the ban though, LEADERSHIP Weekend observed that at match time, the streets of FCT are often deserted. Even security officials were hardly seen on patrol. On the day Nigeria played Iran, there were no policemen on patrol from Nyanya, FCT to Auta Balefi in Karu Nasarawa State, along the Abuja Keffi highway. "The usual blazing sirens of the police patrols were nowhere on the roads. It is a perfect time to strike innocent people” said Adeshi Audu, a resident of Nyanya. “The city suddenly goes asleep leaving security in the hands of anyone at match time, why wouldn’t they attack innocent lives,” says another resident in Garki. In one of the drinking spot, a fan told LEADERSHIP Weekend that some of the security officers do steal time to watch matches while on duty. “We all sit here and argue over some of the matches,” he said. LEADERSHIP Weekend observed on Wednesday that many areas in the FCT

had no power supply from 5pm, leaving many to rely on generators or viewing centres to watch the match between Spain and Chile.Worst hit were mostly satellite towns of the FCT and Karu LGA of Nasarawa. A senior official with the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) who does not want his name in print refuted the claims of any collaboration with viewing centres. The AEDC distributes electricity to Kogi, Abuja, (FCT) Niger and Nasarawa States. “That is a ridiculous allegation against AEDC; we are committed to giving our customers the best services including adequate power supply. He said: “Our only constraint is that AEDC only gets only 11 per cent of the total power generated in the country which hovers around 3, 000 to 4, 000 megawatts; 11 per cent of 3, 000 MW is roughly 300 MW for the three states and the FCT. "What AEDC is doing is load-shedding to save equipment and to ensure equitable distribution to all consumers within our market territory. When generation increases, surely supply to homes and offices will be affected too and consumers will feel the impact,” he said. He added that power cuts at match time have nothing to do with the football matches. Some residents still disagree with that position.

But the ban is yet to be implemented as many viewing centres still operate and fans go there to watch the World Cup matches


weekend politics Saturday, June 21, 2014

Politics Editor Weeklies: UCHENNA Awom

Issues As APC, PDP Go For Broke Ahead Ekiti Governorship Polls The two major contenders for the Ekiti government house, the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and the main opposition, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), are currently engaged in a battle for control ahead of today’s polls. OLAOLU OLADIPO in this piece looks at the recent clash between the two parties in the wake of the governorship campaign flag-off and how it will impact the outcome of the polls..


As a political leader, he also utilised the occasion to engage in political ‘shadow boxing’ when he expressed optimism that the PDP would win the June 21 election by a landslide

s expected President Goodluck Jonathan led other prominent members of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the much touted governorship election flag off of the party’s candidate in the June 21 elections, held penultimate Saturday. Expectations have been heightened ahead of the event that had been postponed twice by the organisers, but the June 7 event and its aftermath seem to have set up the scene for an acrimonious build-up to the election. In today’s governorship election proper, the PDP candidate, surely Ayodele Fayose’s campaign got a major boost with the visit of the president and key officials of the party led by Adamu Mu’azu, the national chairman and members of the national executive council of the PDP. Apart from Jonathan and Mu’azu, other prominent people that attended the flag off campaign include the chairman of the PDP’s Board of Trustees, Chief Anthony Anenih and scores of government officials and party leaders who were on ground to show solidarity to one of their own. Speaking at the packed to capacity Oluyemi Kayode Stadium, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan after the official presentation of the party’s flag to Fayose, assured those present of adequate security during the election. The president also used the occasion to call for total avoidance of thuggery and other electoral malpractices in the build up to the polls.


As a political leader, he also utilised the occasion to engage in political ‘shadow boxing’ when he expressed optimism that the PDP would win the June 21 election by a landslide. Apparently gauging the mood of the elite of the state who harboured one misgivings or the other about the personality of the party’s candidate, senate president, David Mark, in his address to the crowd urged the people not to panic as the flag-bearer of the party, Ayodele Fayose, was now a changed person. On his part, Fayose pledged a total commitment to the people if elected and like his leader, the president, he also engaged in ‘shadow boxing’ by admonishing the incumbent governor, Kayode Fayemi and his (Fayemi’s) party, the All Progressives Congress


(APC), to start planning its exit from office, as he was ready for victory in the June 21 poll. The Abuja contingent had barely departed the borders of Ekiti, when the first salvo of what was coming in the next few days began to unfold in Ado Ekiti. Violence again erupted the following day and the peace of the state was once again shattered. Following the tune of the day before, the state capital again became the theatre of the absurd as supporters of the APC reportedly clashed with men of the Nigerian Police Force, resulting in the death of a yet-to-be identified man, with many people injured. In the wake of the crisis which secured a prominent space in the media, accusations and counteraccusations on the part of the two feuding parties flew around, with

the two accusing one another of being the aggressor in the fracas that claimed one life. Others who suffered some form of injuries include the senator representing central senatorial district, Babafemi Ojudu and scores of other party members. The APC stated that the police personnel on ground attacked its supporters as well as the convoy of Fayemi, alongside other chieftains of the party in Ekiti led by the chairman, Chief Jide Awe. On its part, PDP through its state chairman accused APC of being the aggressor after a rally at the Oluyemi Kayode Stadium. Addressing journalists later at a spot in Ado-Ekiti, Awe, who claimed that a member of his party was killed by the police, described the incident as “worrisome”. Yet in another media ses-


This Week On Backlash

Today the people of Ekiti State will head to the polls to either renew the mandate of the incumbent Governor John Kayode Fayemi, or re-elect the former governor, Peter Ayodele Fayose. It is a John versus Peter scenario, but today, their parties, All Progressives Congress (APC) and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), have been trading accusations. PDP accused APC of buying voters cards, with N2000; APC lashed back, alleging that PDP was bribing voters with branded bags of rice.

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66 weekend politics

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Ekiti Election: APC Buying Voters Cards With N2000 – PDP The two leading political parties in the June 21 governorship election in Ekiti State, the Peoples Democratic Party and the All Progressives Congress, are accusing each other of snatching up voter cards ahead of the poll. While the PDP alleges that the ruling APC has begun buying voter cards for N2,000 each, the APC says the opposition party is enticing the electorate with bags of rice. In fact, the flag-bearer of the PDP in the election, Ayo Fayose, on his Twitter handle accused the APC of foul play. Fayose, who regrets the turn of events, describes as “desperate” the move by the APC to manipulate the outcome of the election. Writing on his Twitter page, the former governor, who left office in October 2006, states that no amount of money is enough for the Ekiti people to mortgage their future for some desperate politicians. “Please keep your voter cards. N2,000 is too small to sell your future. No amount is worth your future,” he writes while appealing to the electorate.

It can be recalled that both parties had two weeks ago accused each other of being responsible for the violence that erupted a day after the PDP mega rally in Ado Ekiti, which claimed a life. The APC and PDP leaders vigorously shifted blame to each other’s doorstep. However, chairman of the state APC, Chief Jide Awe, while addressing the press, blamed the clash on the alleged bias of the police against his party. He also accused the state mobile police commander, Gabriel Selenkere of allegedly using live ammunition, resulting in the death of a loyal member of his party. Awe further alleged that the commander personally fired tear gas canisters at the governor, Dr Fayemi, after he rushed to the scene of the incident when briefed by his party. He called on the inspector-general of police to see to the immediate transfer of the duo out of the state within the next 24 hours or be ready for the consequences. But the state chairman of the PDP, Chief Makanjuola Ogundipe

faulted APC’s claim, saying it was indeed the APC members who provoked the clash. According to him, APC members embarked on a rally in the town and provoked the violence by attacking a motorcyclist who was carrying a passenger that wore a t-shirt with Ayo Fayose’s inscription. The PDP chairman claimed that shortly after the motorcyclist’s passenger was killed, his killers quickly removed the Ayo Fayose tshirt on him and replaced it with an APC t-shirt in order to suggest

that it was one of their members who was killed by PDP. Well, the reality is that the election will hold today and a winner will surely emerge by the end of tomorrow. In which case, if need be, the battle can then be shifted to the courts. On one side, party stalwarts will trade blames about who was responsible for the election debacle, while on the other, it will be a celebration galore. Today promises different strokes for a united people divided by political party affiliations.

It is illegal to buy votes or pay people to vote and it is the responsibility of the security agencies to make arrests

However, the APC dismissed the People’s Democratic Party (PDP’s) claim, saying there is no truth in the allegation. The APC, through its former interim deputy national secretary, Nasir el-Rufai, reacted to the allegation, stating that the PDP should be blamed for any attempt at manipulating the electoral process in Ekiti State. According to him, Fayose and the PDP are in a coordinated move to buy over voters by distributing customised bags of rice to students, artisans and market men and women. To buttress his point, the APC leader posted a picture of an indigene of the state carrying a medium-sized bag of rice with the logo of the PDP and the inscription, “Ekiti 2014: Vote Ayo Fayose for Governor.” The obviously disappointed elRufai, lamented, “The destiny of all the beneficiaries of the food items is worth a small bag of rice.” He alleged that the PDP is only interested in bribing its way to power with the intention of looting the state treasury. “The Peoples Democratic Party bribes you in one day and then

loots the treasury for the next four years,” he alleges in a message on his Twitter page. Worried by the development, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has warned politicians to desist from buying voter cards from the electorate. A message on the INEC official Twitter account quotes its chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega, as urging all players in the Ekiti electoral process to play by the rules. Jega restates the illegality of the act and asks relevant security agencies to spring into action in order to arrest anyone found culpable. “It is illegal to buy votes or pay people to vote and it is the responsibility of the security agencies to make arrests,” Jega says. He adds that the commission is working hard to ensure that the state is safe and secure enough for voters to come out and exercise their franchise on Saturday. The INEC boss notes that the electoral body has “done quite a lot”, especially in collaboration with security agencies to guarantee peaceful elections in the country. According to him, the commis-

sion is reaching out to stakeholders in the state based on its belief that sensitisation is key to actualising a successful poll. “All security challenges will be addressed as we conduct elections in Ekiti on June 21. We are working very hard with security agencies to protect our young men and women who work during elections. Our staff and materials will be adequately secured and the environment safe enough for voters to come out and vote,” Jega adds. The commission also enjoins the electorate who have yet to

take possession of their permanent voter cards to do so before the Saturday poll. It explains that only the people who registered in the area where they intend to vote and possess registration cards obtained during the voter registration exercise will be allowed to cast their vote. “A voter is expected to cast his/ her vote at the polling unit where their names reflect on the voter register. If you have not collected your permanent voter card, please go and collect it now,” INEC warns.

the lashback

PDP Is Buying Votes With Branded Bags Of Rice – APC

The APC and PDP leaders vigorously shifted blame to each other’s doorstep

weekend politics 67

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Issues As APC, PDP Go For Broke Ahead Ekiti Governorship Polls 61

sion, the state chairman of the PDP, Mr. Makanjuola Ogundipe, claimed that it was Fayemi that led APC thugs to cause trouble in the town. “A situation where the chief security officer of the state is the law breaker calls for serious concern,” he stated. He added that a rider of a commercial motorcycle, otherwise known as okada, was attacked and amputated by APC thugs. Ogundipe, who warned the APC against attacking their members, said, “I want to assure them that if they don’t stop the trouble, we will not hesitate to do the needful.” His publicity secretary, Kola Oluwawole, claimed that the man killed in the attack was a member of the PDP, although like the APC, he too could not give his name. Sources said the APC members, who were returning from Oluyemi Kayode Stadium after conducting the symbolic sweeping of the venue, were ambushed by the police, who allegedly fired tear-gas and live bullets, to disperse them. The APC supporters had undertaken the move, a symbolic gesture, ‘to purify the soil stepped upon by the PDP members.’ Deputy chairman of the media committee of Fayose Campaign


Organisation, Lere Olayinka, in a telephone chat with LEADERSHIP countered the position, saying “It was their supporters who attacked okada riders (commercial motorcyclists) before they started attacking our members on sight.” Olayinka, like Awe also claimed that the deceased was a member of the PDP and that some unnamed chieftain of the rival APC actually shot the man whom he claimed was returning to church on a motorcycle when the met his death. By this submission, Olayinka absolved the police of any complicity in the murder. APC stated that the police were apparently angered by the action of the APC members who

engaged in their tradition of sweeping the ‘legs’ of PDP chieftains away, which was interpreted as offensive to the vice president, Namadi Sambo, who sources say was still in the town. The police swooped on the APC members to disperse them. The clash later snowballed into full scale violence as some people suspected to be supporters of the PDP allegedly joined in the onslaught when they heard that their leaders were being attacked by APC members. After the smoke from guns and tear gas had cleared, vehicles belonging to members of the two parties were vandalised by irate mobs that confronted themselves. The governor, who arrived at the scene along with his security detail was also not spared in the melee as he was allegedly shot at by the police. The state’s commissioner of police, Felix Uyanna, who appeared on the scene about an hour later, apologised to the governor. Uyanna told the governor he was there to protect him but the governor, who was shocked by the development retorted, ‘You are here to protect me and your men were shooting at me. I am the chief security officer of this state and your men were firing at me. You have killed someone now! You have

killed someone! Whose interest are you protecting?” A statement issued later by the police commissioner stated that the police had no hand in the killing, saying the victim was attacked by members of the APC and the PDP, who clashed during the rally. Uyanna said, “The APC was holding a rally today in Ado Ekiti with intention to sweep off the footprints of the PDP without the permission of the police.” They had an encounter with the PDP rival party, where dangerous weapons, like axes, cudgels, machetes, etc were freely used. “A yet-to-be identified man was inflicted with multiple injuries on the head and was rushed to the hospital on the order of the police commissioner. “The CP and the director of SSS, Samuel Tamuno had to mobilise to the point. We heard that the governor wanted to visit the scene and we advised him against that which he did not heed. So, the police should not be held liable for this,” he said. The two evenly matched parties, daggers drawn, seem to be aiming for each others political jugular. With avowed determination by the two parties to take control of the state, the build up to and the election itself, if left unchecked, will be smeared by blood.

Fighting Terrorism Is Everybody’s Business– Udende Hon. Emmanuel Memga Udende who represents Katsina Ala/Logo /Ukum federal constituency of Benue State at the National Assembly, in a brief chat with Michael Oche urged Nigerians to support the president in the fight against terrorism in the country. Excerpts The federal government has yielded to the offers of assistance from the international community in fighting the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. Is that a welcome development?

I would suggest that they send more of operational officers than advisers

Yes it is a welcome development. What some people should realise is that we are not an island; countries need each other to survive. Look at what happened in the missing Malaysian plane saga; everybody came together from all parts of the world to search for it. Terrorism affects everybody- it affects United States of America, it affects France, even Israel. So, it is good that all of us are joining hands together to see that this trouble is extinguished from the society so that we all

will enjoy relative peace in the country, because without peace we cannot achieve any development. I give kudos to President Goodluck Jonathan for his achievements so far in fighting terrorism in Nigeria. Are you in support of the extension of the state of emergency in the troubled states?

Yes, I am fully in support of extension of state of emergency in those states- Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa sates, because even with the state of emergency, terror attacks are still happening. If we remove it what do you think that would happen? Those states would become total failed states. So as long as the situation is still like that I

they have all it takes to fight this menace in our country. I heard they sent intelligence officers to those troubled states; I would suggest that they send more of operational officers than advisers. Regarding the ongoing national conference, how prepared are the lawmakers to handle the proposal of a new state in the south-east?


will continue to support the extension of emergency rule. How effective do you think the assistance of foreign countries would be in the fight against terrorism in Nigeria?

To me it will have a positive effect in the fight against terror, because these are people who are specialists in counter-terrorism. It started in some of those countries decades ago and they where able to stop the activities of terrorists, thus

We are prepared to attend to all proposals from the national conference because we have the constitutional power to alter the constitution. The CONFAB is just an advisory body, they don’t have the mandate to effect any change in our constitution. But be it as it may, the proposed additional one state in the south-east is a welcome development, because it is not good to be running a government that is lopsided in nature. Thus, I support the move to add an additional state to the south- east; it will make the zone have an equal representation in the federal character. I think the committee did a very good job in that regard.

I want to assure them that if they don’t stop the trouble, we will not hesitate to do the needful


Saturday, June 21, 2014

All Eyes On Ekiti BY Ahmed Tinubu With today’s election, Ekiti State has become the epicenter of Nigerian electoral politics. Here, the major political fault lines converge into a great foreshadowing. Fateful questions not only about Ekiti but about the course of our nation and its uncertain democracy will be asked and may be answered this day. If this is how history will have it, so be it. Elections in Nigeria have rarely been a transparent exercise. The ruling party has mostly dug into its bag of electoral tricks to cast about a vast assortment of malpractice over almost every important contest. As the ruling PDP senses its popularity flag and apprehends the existence of an opposition party that it cannot dominate, PDP anxiety has become acute. Rigging is no longer a tool it uses in election. Rigging has become an article of faith for them. With the advent of the APC, the PDP finally faces a challenger strong enough to remove its chokehold on the nation’s future. If the PDP truly had the people’s welfare at heart, the APC’s onset should have spurred the PDP to improve its ways of governance. Instead, the PDP shifted in the opposite direction. Faced with this new political reality, the PDP pays even less attention to the essentials of democratic governance so that it may engulf us in deeper and deeper misconduct so long as that misconduct guarantees their continuation in power. One of the terrible by-products of this descend into authoritarian behavior is the decision that the APC shall not win another governorship election, notwithstanding the candidate the people actually prefer. Thus, the commandment of the PDP is not to allow an election to be an election. Their golden rule of elections is ‘that it is better to steal than to lose’. Elections for the PDP are not seen as exercises in democratic expression whereby the people are allowed the leaders of their choice. Elections to them are a perverse ritual where they explore the terrible lengths to which they will go to suppress the people’s will. Thus, all eyes are on Ekiti today. Ekiti is not high political drama because of the scheduled election. It is suspenseful because everyone knows the despot of Abuja seeks to hijack the people’s will. Thus, there shall be a contest within the contest. Can the will of the people withstand the arbitrary, undemocratic pow-


er and pull of the Aso Villa monarch and his court jesters? That is the question on everyone’s mind. So, it might as well be brought into the open. If allowed to proceed freely and fairly, the election is a foregone conclusion. Governor Fayemi has distinguished himself as a leader dedicated to the welfare of the people of his state. He has done more good in four years than his PDP challenger can do in a lifetime of lifetimes. Fayose can do little good because he has little good in him. Any good he has done, has been by accident. During his tenure as governor, he covered the state in a blanket of suppression, intimidation, violence and blood. Where Fayemi is a statesman, this man is sinister. Where Fayemi builds and unifies. Fayose destroys and divides. Fayemi represents the dream of an improving future. Fayose represents the reprise of a departed nightmare. No one in their right mind chooses a nightmare over a dream or bad over good. The Ekiti People must choose the path of “Common sense Evolution” that can deliver development and societal emancipation. The peace and development of Ekiiti should not be replaced by a retrogressive mind; in party formation, lack of character, lack of content and lack of discipline. Sadly, Labour Party’s Bamidele has let unbridled ambition get the better of him. Had he waited to gain the requisite experience and knowledge, perhaps he

could have become a decent candidate in time. But that would have been years from now. That time has yet to come. At the moment, he is like unripe fruit picked much too early from the tree. We all know what happens when you eat such a thing. It is bitter to the mouth and hard on the stomach. The people of Ekiti do not need this. Thus, we watch an election that will not be so much about the candidates as it will be a revelation about those conducting the election and the puppet masters pulling the strings of those conducting the election. INEC blotched the election in Anambra. It will likely perform poorly and with manifest bias in Ekiti. If INEC continues in this troubled way, history will record it as one of the authors of democracy’s death knell. The security forces are under instruction to obstruct the process and intimidate those who stand for Fayemi. PDP has raided the public treasury and is pouring the people’s money to buy the election for someone the people don’t want. Adding insult to injury, Minister of State for Defence has deployed to Ekiti where he is brandishing every tool at his disposal to thwart the will of the people. With the dire security conditions in the nation and the status of the Chibok girls still at ominous risk, one would think this senior defence official has more important work on his desk than to be the chief campaign hack of a candidate who

strikes fear in the hearts of the people of the state. If only the PDP and its errant minister of state devoted as much energy and drive to our security challenges as they do to stealing elections, this nation would both be safer and more democratic. Instead, we sink into deeper insecurity and despotism. The election in Ekiti is important not only to the fate of that state but of the entire nation. No doubt the PDP gang will stop at nothing to abridge the right of the people so that their brutish loser may win. This gives rise to the questions of the day. Will INEC bend as always or will it finally stand and do its duty as is proper? Will the people decide that enough is enough and not only vote but defend their vote in all proper and right ways? Will we see the advance of democracy or its retreat in the face of mounting suppression? These are the questions of the day and the answers that arise not only will determine the governorship in Ekiti but also will augur for good or evil regarding the 2015 elections. As such, the fate of Nigeria lies in the balance and is being shaped right before us. All eyes must be on Ekiti for what we see there today will be what we will see for the rest of Nigeria in the months to come. Pray what we see will be democracy. If not, then it will be something that pushes us closer to disaster. – Tinubu is former governor of Lagos State

Governor Fayemi has distinguished himself as a leader dedicated to the welfare of the people of his state


Saturday, June 21, 2014

2014 Guber Poll:


Saturday, June 21

Ekiti: The D-day Is Here

StorieS By Kazeem aKintunde and alo aBiola, Ado Ekiti

The people of Ekiti State will today go to the poll to elect a new governor for the state. The 732,166 registered voters in the state will pick their governor for a four year term using 2,195 polling units and 2,803 voting Fayemi points. Of the total number of Party, PDP. On Wednesday, 15 othregistered voters, there are er governorship candidates 360,747 male representing 49 per cent while wom- stepped down for Fayemi of en are 371,419 which is 51 the APC. Though a total number per cent of the voting popof 732,166 eligible voters ulation. have been registered by The highest number the INEC according to the of valid registered voters State Resident Electoral comes from Ado Ekiti, the Commissioner, Halilu Pai, state capital while Ilemeje local government has the only 413,116 permanent least number of voters with voters cards have been collected while over 300,000 11,796. Over 20,000 securi- were left unclaimed. Ado-Ekiti, the state capity agents made up of the tal has the highest number police, army and civil deof registered voters with fence officials are provid134,141, Efon 22,843 Ekiing round the clock securiti East-Omuo 47,293, Ekiti ty for the election. The three leading con- West Aramoko 40,285, Ekitenders for the ticket are ti S/W-Ilawe 42,285, Emure the incumbent, kayode 27,091, Gbonyin-Ode-EkiFayemi, of the All Progres- ti 42,267, Ido/Osi-Ido-Ekisive Congress, APC, Opey- ti, 43,070, Ijero 49,484, emi Bamidele of the Labour Ikere-Ekiti 45,747, Ikoleparty and Ayodele Fayose Ekiti 49,274, Ilejemeje-Iyeof the Peoples Democratic Ekiti 11,796, Irepodun / If-

elodun-Igede-Ekiti 54,430, Ise/Orun-Ise-Ekiti 35,099, Moba-Otun-Ekiti 40,570 and Oye-Oye-Ekiti 45,918. The INEC National Chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega during a stakeholders’ forum in Ado-Ekiti promised to conduct a free, fair and credible election that Ekiti people and indeed all Nigerians will be proud of. While noting that security agencies have been mobilised to maintain law and order during the election he said a level playing ground would also be created for all parties. The Inspector General of Police, Mr Mohammed Abubakar said the police would ensure that there is peace and stability in the state. He said 126 patrol armed mobile police would be deployed to each of the three senatorial districts in addition to regular police on ground. While the adoption of Governor Kayode Fayemi by 21 political parties in the state will brighten his chances in the election, the popularity of the PDP’s candidate, Mr Ayodele Fayose and support of the people for the LP flag bearer, Hon. Opeyemi Bamidele will also determine where the pendulum will swing.

...Security Beefed Up In Likely Trouble Spots As the people of Ekiti State go to the polls today, security agents are mounting guards on areas and local governments that are crisis prone. One of the strategic areas of the state that are trouble -prone during elections is the state capital, Ado-Ekiti, the reason being that the town has the largest number of eligible voters which according to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is 134,141. All the top candidates, especially those of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Labour Party (PDP) were of the view that their parties would get substantial number of votes during the election from the

state capital. Another area where there is likelihood of violence are the local government areas of the contending candidates, such as Oye and Irepodun Ifelodun local government areas. The incumbent governor and candidate of the APC, Dr Kayode Fayemi and a former member of the National Assembly, Senator Ayo Arise of the PDP are from Oye local government area and both are known for showing and displaying their political might during elections in the area. This was practically displayed by the duo when the issue of where the Federal University was to be sited came up. While Governor Fayemi opted for Ikole

Ekiti, Senator Arise insisted that the university be sited in Oye Ekiti his home town. Irepodun/Ifelodun where the LP candidate, Opeyemi Bamidele and his PDP counterpart Ayo Fayose come from may also experience a pocket of violence with Governor Fayemi having the support of the first civilian governor of the state, Chief Niyi Adebayo as well as a number of special assistants from the local government, specifically in Iyin Ekiti. But the police and INEC at a forum said a number of undisclosed areas especially farmsteads with history of violence have been identified across the state and assured that measures are being taken to put such under control.

The parties on the platform of Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP), commercial motorcyclists and artisans at a joint press conference in Ado Ekiti on Wednesday, said they were throwing their weight behind the governor because they considered him the best among the contenders. Meanwhile, the electoral contest would be so keen considering the quality and support base of the candidates. All the three major contenders to the seat are tested and well-known politicians in their own rights and they are all eminently qualified for the coveted post. Both Fayemi and Fayose have operated as governors in the state renowned for producing a large number of professors in the country while Bamidele has distinguished himself as a good representative of his people at the National Assembly. In this election, the political experience and antecedents of each candidate will count and each of the three contestants, Fayose, Fayemi and Bamidele is a potential winner. In all, Fayemi will likely have the support of most of the elites and Fayose

would get most votes from the masses. Naturally, Fayemi would enjoy the incumbency factor and his notable achievements in the state so far will sway voters to his side. On the other hand, Fayose’s antecedents will definitely speak for him as well as his popularity with the masses. Bamidele, who cross-carpeted to the LP with most of his former APC loyalists will also likely be voted mostly by his numerous supporters that cut across the state. Analysts however say the real will be between Fayemi and Fayose. They have also predicted a very close race between the duo. By extension, the electoral war is going to be between the APC and the PDP. This can possibly explain why the who is who in the PDP graced Fayose’s recent campaign rally. But in an election, especially one of this nature, anything can happen and surprise is one of the elements of electoral contests. Since election is a game of numbers, the candidate with the highest number of votes will carry the day. Only the Ekiti electorate will decide who gets what among the candidates. The outcome of Ekiti gu-

bernatorial poll will have ramifications for the APC both in the South-West and the nation generally. A win by the APC will further consolidate their claim of supremacy in the South-West politics whereas a loss will definitely affect their campaign in the region and the nation come 2015. If the PDP wins, it will embolden them to make further inroads in the region. And if the LP wins, the party would have gotten two South-West states in its kitty and that will increase its support base in the region and make it move into other states. This election is very much in the news in view of its obvious implication for the 2015 general polls. If the electoral body, INEC, gets it right, it would signpost what to expect in 2015. This expectation has not been translated into reality in the country if our past experiences are anything to go by. Let us hope that INEC has learnt enough lessons from its past mistakes and is now poised to correct them with the Ekiti poll. It should live up to the people’s expectations as far as Ekiti State gubernatorial poll is concerned.

I Said My Last Prayers Before Soldiers On My Way To Ekiti-Amaechi GeorGe oKoJie, Lagos

Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State has said when he was confronted by soldiers betwen Ondo and Ekiti State while on his way to attend a rally of the All Progressives Congress (APC) ahead of today’s governorship election in Ekiti State, he said his last prayers for his soul. According to the governor who spoke with newsmen on the sidelines of the APC’s World Press Conference in Lagos, yesterday, “I was not afraid. I am a catholic Christian and what I do in such situations is to pray for my soul so that I can go to heaven. Once I pray and say please God, I want to go to heaven, you can kill after. My fear is not death but

where do I go after death. I got a call from the party hierarchy who said we are aware of what is happening, we are coming to meet you only to turn my back and see that the soldiers were still following me after six kilometers.” Narrating how it happened, he said, “I landed in Akure airport and we were received by three policemen from Ekiti that were to take us to Ekiti. The boundary between Ondo and Ekiti is about four kilometers of thick forest. “Then, I saw about 15 soldiers in the mid of that forest and as soon as they saw me they all cocked their guns. I still was not afraid because I believed they were searching to see what people were carrying. As a gov-

ernor, I thought they won’t even search me and even if they want to search I will allow them to search me and go. Instead, they kept me there and other vehicles were passing and they said we are on order not to allow governor Amaechi to pass. “I asked just me or all APC Governors and they said just you(Amaechi) because we have Governor Rochas Okorocha and Governor Amosun in Ekiti. At that point, the desire to assert my own right came in and I said okay, why will you say I will not go to Ekiti? “At that point I insisted that I was not going anywhere anymore and they gave me 20 minutes to move or that they will shoot me, all my people panicked.”


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Assessing Barnabas Gemade’s Tenure At The Senate BY Samuel Kur

An elected representative of a people is expected to maintain a very close link with the constituents in order to fully understand their hopes, fears and aspirations and accordingly articulate same for the desired attention by government. In the case of the Benue North –East Senatorial district, it is regrettable that the reverse is the case at the moment since Chief Barnabas Gemade got elected to represent the constituency. A cursory look at his tenure so far in the Senate reveals a rather disappointing reality that there is no link between Senator Barnabas Gemade and his constituents. It is common - place to see Senators engage their constituents elsewhere while on recess or constituency briefing. Such sessions afford the people the opportunity to interact with their representatives to basically share ideas on matters affecting them. In the Benue North-East however, this kind of meeting is a luxury since nobody knows when Senator Gemade comes home and when he and goes back to Abuja. His visits are usually a well -guarded secret. How then can he synergise with his constituents? And because he seldomly comes home, the benefits that usually flow when elected leaders meet the electorate have continued to elude the people in this senatorial district. One is even tempted to ask whether our Senator does ever gets constituency allowances from the Senate? If he is paid the allowances as the other Senators, the question is what does he do with the allowances? We cannot point to any constituency projects he has executed. Perhaps, Senator Gemade’s sole achievement is that he succeeded in replacing Senator Joseph Akaagerger, his younger brother who hails from the same local government, Konshisha thus depriving the man of a second term at the Senate. The implication of this is that Chief Gemade has exhausted the two term arrangement in place in the each senatorial district for the Jechira Political bloc. Gemade’s abysmal performance requires that he steps down or be humiliated at the polls as this zone deserves a senator who is visible, not a recluse who hides in Abuja and does not respond to the plethora of issues affecting his constituency. A political leader should maintain a long relationship with his aides and groom

them in the art of leadership to possibly succeed him when he retires. In the case of Gemade, there is no political aide who has lasted with him for more than a tenure. The personal staff who worked with him during his hay days as Managing Director, at the Benue Cement Company have all fallen like dry leaves from his tree. Even the members of his clan are alienated from his constituency explain. At this level, someone from his vineyard should have grown to become a great tree in the Nigerian political space. Who out there can claim that he has a position because he served Gemade? No, no not one. He claimed to have made Akaagerger Senator, but he coveted the position and whisked it from his younger brother. When Senator George Akume was governor of Benue state, Gemade fought him to a standstill. He never saw anything good in Akume’s government. In his political dictionary, everything is bad if Gemade is not involved. As the first indigenous managing Director of Benue Cement, what did he do for the people of this Zone and State? Apart from perpetuating the empire pretensions he inherited from his roots as a favoured son of the white settlement community at Mkar Leprosarium, he did not add value to the appointment. Indeed, the BCC experience accentuated his alienation from people. Under him, BCC was such an exclusive workplace that you would think those qualified to enter into the factory were aliens. During this time, you would hardly think Barnabas Gemade was a local boy from Iwarev in Konshisha Local Government Area. This was where the seed of impudence was sown, nurtured and matured to desecrate our common worth of brotherly affection. If Gemade is not the first person to be considered, then that project is not worth it. This has explained his politics. During the Abacha era, his political party, Congress of National Consensus (CNC) lost its initial vision as a platform for consensus building as he became dictatorial and autocratic taking decisions without consensus on many critical national issues. As chairman of a minority party in the Nigerian political space, it was Barnabas Gemade who sold the idea of an Abacha metamorphosis from military to civilian President. It was Gemade as Chairman of Chairmen who organized a multi party congress for all the five political parties de-

scribed by the late Chief Bola Ige as the “five leprosy fingers” to endorse Gen. Abacha as a consensus presidential candidate for all the parties. Every other person does not deserve comfort except Barnabas Gemade and his immediate family. And where are his children? As expected, they well ensconced in Europe and America at the expense of our constituency allowances. We do well to advice the people of Benue North-East that no moral persuasion can influence Barnabas Gemade. He promised one tenure just to extract his pound of flesh from his younger brother, Senator Akaagerger but he now feels too comfortable to let go. The choice of continuity is not his but the party’s and the delegates. He has exhausted his goodwill; his stay in the Senate clearly is a personal odyssey. We can no longer afford to continue to make the likes of Gemade our representatives. For more than forty years now, Barnabas Gemade has perched himself up there claiming the best spoils meant for the Tiv nation. He should come down from the tree or else we will shake him down from that perch. For someone who has spent his entire life appropriating positions of the Tiv Nation, it is worrying how Barnabas Gemade does not have a sense of community. During his tenure as the national chairman of the PDP, there was pogrom of sorts against the Tiv Nation. He did not raise a whimper. Now as senator, the Tiv Nation is in the same dire straits, with parts of Benue North-East and half of Benue North West senatorial zones suffering the consequences of violent attacks by insurgents masquerading as Fulani herdsmen. Barnabas Gemade as usual is loud in his silence. It is of no use reminding Barnabas Gemade that a senator occupies a national office and he can therefore, comment on any matter that affects his people and indeed the whole country. The damage having been done, it is our candid opinion that it is too late to teach Gemade how to function as a senator. What is not late is that it is the most appropriate time to relieve him of the burden of responsibility which has proven to be too much for him to handle. He is no more fit to be Senator. He has been given the chance but he has flunked thereby letting down his people. Comrade Samuel Kur, a social crusader and grassroots mobiliser lives in Gboko, Benue State.

DAY With

Ishaku Kigbu

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Costa Rica Shock Italy, Knock Out England By Salifu Usman, Abuja

England’s hope of staying beyond the preliminary round of the ongoing FIFA World Cup in Brazil explicitly came to an end yesterday after Costa Rica upset former champions, Italy with a 1-0 defeat. England future in the tournament was left hanging follow a 2-1 lost to Luis Suarezled Uruguay on Thursday’s night.

Victory for the Italian would have given the Three Lions a glimmer of hope. But Bryan Ruiz’s 44th minute header led Costa Rica to a shock 1-0 victory condemning Roy Hodgson’s men to an early World Cup exit. In their worst performance in the tournament since 1958 - losses to Italy and Uruguay in their first two fixtures mean they will be leaving Brazil before the knockout stages.

Captain Ruiz met Junior Diaz’s cross from the left with a great 44th-minute header to cap an excellent first-half display by his team, who had a strong penalty claim turned down moments earlier. Mario Balotelli wasted two good early opportunities for the four-time winners but Italy failed to impose themselves on the game as the group outsiders played with confidence and

control to claim their second victory. Costa Rica lead the group with six points and reach the knockout stage for the second time. Italy and Uruguay, who meet on Tuesday, each have three points but Italy’s superior goal difference means they need only a draw to go through. England, without a point after two games, are now certain to go out at the group stage for the first time since 1958.

James Peters Speaks on Nigeria, Bosnia game They must not play Bosnia like Iran because l felt they were not psychologically okay and had disrespect for Iran

Finish: Italy’s captain and goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon watches as the ball, headed by Ruiz, heads into the back of the net

Against Bosnia, Attackers Must Be Fed With Passes – Peters By Ishaku Kigbu, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Former Super Eagles assistant coach, James Peters has warned Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi against employing sloppy midfield tactics where midfielders fail to win ball and give quality passes to attackers to score when he files out against Bosnia today. The Nigeria Football Federation assistant technical director to Shuaibu Amodu said there must not be a repeat of what happened against Iran where the defenders, midfielders and attackers were on their own without the defenders winning balls to give midfielders, and midfielders failing to win balls and pass to strikers to score. In a nutshell, he cried that the Eagles had terrible transition

against Iran which must not repeat itself. The one-time U-23 national team coach noted that whatever psychological problem affected the boys in the game against Iran must be dropped before this evening’s clash. “They must not play Bosnia like Iran because l felt they were not psychologically okay and had disrespect for Iran. Now they have seen that football is not one plus one. Against Bosnia, they must apply themselves body and soul into the game. I didn’t see them apply their bodies and souls into the Iran match but against Bosnia I expect them to do that. Whatever psychological problems they have, they should bury them now and apply themselves into the game. I didn’t see

defenders winning the ball and giving to the midfield and I didn’t see midfielders winning the ball and passing to the attackers to score against Iran, I expect that to change against Bosnia. “They were playing sectional football where the midfielders were on their own, defenders were on their own. The midfielders were supposed to give attackers balls that will make them score but we didn’t see that. Look at the game between England and Uruguay, the midfielders fed Suarez with two good passes and he nailed them. Whatever the problem is or was they should bury it and come out and play like a team. They must apply themselves to the game and fight hard in the typical fighting spirit of Eagles.”

Eagles Can’t Sabotage Nigeria – Elegbeleye By Salifu Usman, Abuja

Director general of the National Sports Commission (NSC), Hon. Gbenga Elegbeleye has dismissed suggestion in the social media that Super Eagles’ players sabotaged the nation because of their bonus row with Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to play scoreless draw in their first World Cup match against Iran. He said the issues of the bonus row were

settled before the match against Iran by the Senate President David Mark when he led the Federal Government delegation to Brazil for the opening games of the 2014 World Cup. “I don’t think so. I don’t think a footballer in a World Cup game should think of sabotaging his country because his career is also at stake,” he said. According to him, the players are interested in showcasing themselves in the

World Cup so as to enhance their careers. “The whole world is looking at these players. As players, some of them need to enhance their career. If they perform well in the World Cup, which is a global avenue will give them better opportunities to play for better clubs abroad. “As we speak now some of them need to get better deals as professionals. So that cannot be correct. It is not true”, he concluded.


Argentina Coach Denies Rift With Messi Brushing off speculation over a power struggle with star player Lionel Messi, Argentina coach Alejandro Sabella has insisted the atmosphere in the squad is “perfect” ahead of Saturday’s World Cup match against Iran. Messi appeared to question the coach’s tactics in a news conference this week when he strongly advocated playing with a more offensive formation than the one Sabella used in the first game against BosniaHerzegovina, which Argentina struggled to win 2-1. Dismissing speculation in Argentine media that Messi had demanded to talk publicly about the issue, Sabella said on Friday that it was he who asked the Barcelona forward to speak to reporters. Sabella said Messi’s views on how Argentina should play are nothing new and “didn’t bother me at all. The atmosphere in the group is perfect.”

Kaduna Polo Club Organises Tourney In Honour of Gov Yero

Yesterday’s results • Costa Rica 1 - 0 Italy • France 5- 2 Switzerland

Today’s Matches • Argentina vs Iran 5:00pm • Germany vs Ghana 8:00pm • Nigeria vs Bosnia 11:00pm

In felicitating with its Grand Patron, the Governor of Kaduna State, Mukhtar Ramalan Yero, on his turbaning as the Dallatun Zazzau, the Kaduna Polo Club will be hosting a one-day mini tournament today at the Ahmadu Yakubu Polo Club House, Murtala Square, Kaduna. According to the Tournament Manager, Alhaji Ibrahimn Abba, six teams will be featuring in three categories of low goal, medium goal and high goal matches. He said that already, preparations have been concluded for the tournament in honour of Governor Yero on his turbaning as the Dallatun Zazzau, a highly respected traditional title. “We are expecting the Emir of Zazzau, Alhaji Shehu Idris as well as other emirs in Kaduna State. We are also expecting the presence of the Grand Patron of the Nigeria Polo Federation, Emir of Katsina,” he said. By Onjewu Dickson, Abuja






No. 437 N300

The Weekend Column Capt Daniel Omale


if you do have aerobatic experience, you’re not too worried with the aircraft upside down

ather than blaming pilots for the rare but often deadly failure to perform, the FAA and Industry Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) have launched a multiyear, multipronged research effort with NASA and others to help find better ways to design cockpits and training to avoid the common human/ machine-interface mistakes revealed by post-crash or postincident analysis. Behind the action is a 2010 analysis by CAST’s Airplane State Awareness (ASA) analysis group, which identified 12 major themes common to 18 commercial aviation accident and incidents worldwide in 2001 - 2010. While CAST is preparing to publish a series of mitigations based on its findings, officials realized more research is needed in certain key areas, including loss of attitude awareness (also known as spatial disorientation) and loss of energy state awareness (LESA), both of which fall into the broader category of crew attention management. Spatial disorientation was a factor in the loss-of-control crash of an Aeroflot-Nord Boeing 737-500 in Russia in 2008, and LESA will likely be the probable cause in the “too low and too slow” crash of an Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER short of the runway at San Francisco International Airport in July 2018. Complicating crew attention issues are the effects of unexpected events that startle or surprise pilots and can lead to inappropriate responses, “channelized attention,” which is focusing solely on an incorrect solution, or “confirmation bias,” which favours only the information that supports the pilot’s preconceived notion of what

Next Generation Cockpit Design daniel@leadership.ng

is causing the problem despite more compelling data to the contrary. “CAST is looking to the aviation community to develop and validate prototype technologies to detect and mitigate attention issues for use in the design evaluation process The first crew state measurements will come from a group of 12 volunteer regional airline pilots who will fly in the backseat of a specially equipped Aero Vodochody L-29 Delphin in Iowa City, Iowa, this summer as part of a loss of attitude awareness study. The University of Iowa’s Operator Performance Lab (OPL) is under contract to NASA to perform the work. Tom Schnell, OPL director, is specifically choosing relatively low-time regional airline turboprop or jet first officers with no military training or experience with aerobatic flight. “The idea is that if you do have aerobatic experience, you’re not too worried with the aircraft upside down. You roll to the nearest horizon,” says Schnell, an assistant professor and pilot who flies the L-29 and a variety of other aircraft and helicopters for OPL. Schnell does not plan to invert the pilots but will put them into attitudes and scenarios with bank and pitch angles that a typical regional pilot does not see in daily practice. The subject pilot will fly in the rear seat behind two stacked 15.1-in. displays, the lower one representing a primary flight display and the upper showing a conformal 33-deg. lateral field of view of a virtual world outside that can be set to any location – a helpful option for scene texture, given the relatively

flat landscape in eastern Iowa. The upper display can also be set to show head-up display symbology. The canopy is covered by a removable curtain on the inside, putting pilots in a simulated instrument-flightrules environment and forcing them to rely on the instruments or misleading internal sensory information for situational awareness. The pilots will fly scenarios with three versions of attitude information on the primary flight display; Classic “blue over brown” attitude graphics, a 12.8 deg. field of view synthetic vision attitude display (representing an Arinc size D display that would be found on an 8-in. primary flight display in commercial aircraft such as the Boeing 737NG), or a synthetic vision display with a 30-deg. field of view, similar to what is available on 15.1-in. primary flight displays in the Boeing 787 or coming in the 737 MAX. One theory is that synthetic vision, which creates a daytime visual scene outside the aircraft regardless of the actual weather, will help pilots avoid losing attitude awareness. “It always happens in low visibility, at night or in fog; it never happens in daytime [visual meteorological conditions],” says Schnell of accidents caused by loss of spatial orientation. The test will look at whether synthetic vision enhances attitude awareness and whether the width of the scene and optical flow cues (a terrain mesh, checkerboard pattern or speckling) boosts that awareness. Schnell says the wider scene should help by triggering the ganglion cell layers in the retina of the human eye, sensors that help orient humans in the horizontal direction based on peripheral

08054102747 (text only) vision. Flights will last 90 minutes and include multiple examples of “sub-threshold” roll departures, post-roll illusions and other maneuvers. Pilots will be told to close their eyes and put their head down while the maneuver is being set up and will take control and recover when cued by the pilot. During a sub-threshold maneuver, turn rates are too low for the human vestibular system to pick up, which can lead to a very steep spiral if pilots follow their inner sense of motion rather than the aircraft’s instruments. In a roll-reversal illusion, the front-seat pilot puts the aircraft in a turn in one direction and then rapidly reverses the roll, after which the subject pilot takes control and has to maintain final bank angle, despite an innate desire to reverse the roll. Steep spirals in instrument conditions are very dangerous, as the pilot’s natural reaction is to pull the control stick to exit the condition, an action that only steepens and tightens the corkscrew dive – hence the expression “graveyard” spiral. ➔ TO BE CONTINUED

GHANA MUST GO Nigeria and Iran sign agreement to cooperate in tourism and mining sectors — News

And also in soccer?

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