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August 24, 2008 School of Architecture College of Architecture Arts and Humanities Clemson University ARCH 251 L – Architectural Foundations I Fall 2009, all sections

fragment one : pause Due on Wednesday at the beginning of class

Constructing a grammar for architecture and narrative Tectonics: the science or art of assembling, shaping, or ornamenting materials in construction; the constructive arts in general. Models_ Having extracted a set of generated effects from your models and catalogued the techniques from which they were born, you are now asked to fold these ideas back into the creation of a new set of three models. Each model will use the same three elements, however: Your modeling boundary is now 6”x6” You may use any number or combination of the three (point,line,plane) elements Your three elements may each exist at three scales 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 For example, if you used a plane that was 1/2"x1”x2” (1:1), you may also use that element at a size of 1”x2”x4” (2:1), or 2”x4”x8” (3:1) Any elements that exceed the 6”x6” construction area are perceived to exist, but will be cut away from the model. In this sense, your new models will each be represented as a sectional piece of a larger entity. With a larger model and more potential material combinations comes the ability to both expand your library of effects and tailor those effects through detail. Medium_ You will use Sketchup for this exercise. Use only simple shading and transparency for this exercise. No textures or photorealistic materials. Remember, too, that digital craft should parallel material craft. Your models should be of an extremely high quality.

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