3 minute read

Loyalty Pawn Family

Loyalty Family, August is over and what a great month we had. Our Loyalty family is growing as many of you have probably heard Marcos from the Florin store’s baby was born. She was born July 17th, 2019 weighing in at 8.2lbs and she was 20” long from what we hear from Marcos she loves to sleep. Mother Rachel is doing great with new baby Pricilla. Congratulations to the new parents I know we can’t wait to meet our newest member of the family. Now back to business, those loan balance continue to climb at a tremendous rate and so is gold prices. I haven’t seen prices like this in years! This is a great opportunity really qualify our clients when they are coming in. A simple question to use could be “would you like to get a loan or sell it for more money?” Lots of times they aren’t really familiar with the terminology and when they come in saying pawn sometimes, they think that means sell. I’m excited to see that more and more people are starting to hit their sales goals and the store numbers reflect that. Let’s all keep up the great work and stay focused. The last book the Managers read for book club was “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins. I personally couldn’t put this book down; I highly recommend listening to it this book dives right into sell motivation and mental strength. This is the first time I’ve ever listened to a book that was also a podcast I must say it was really interesting. This month we are going to get to know Ryan Hall the assistant manager of the Roseville location. Ryan has been in the Pawn industry since June 2011. He got the job recommended by a family friend while he was a baseball coach for Parker Hush and Jon Gaulpe. Ryan was born in Sacramento CA on May 18th, 1992. He was raised in Carmichael along with his younger brother Tim. Baseball is more than just a game in his family it’s something that runs in the family. Ryan’s father, brother and himself all played the sport all the way up the college level. Playing baseball allowed him to travel a lot he has been to places like Alaska, Louisiana and all over the US other places visited were the Dominican Republic and Mexico. One of his favorite places to go to was Louisiana especially because of the food was delicious, people were great, and the fish were dumb. He liked Louisiana so much he one day plans to retire out there someday. Ever since his first memories Ryan can remember two things, he used to do with the family baseball and fishing. He must have been only 2 or 3 at the time but one of his first memories on the water, he was on the Delta with the family having a good time and somehow, he fell off the boat. Luckily, he had his life jacket and wasn’t in too much danger, but he still remembers there was a houseboat next to him that had shark teeth painted on the side that kind of freaked him out a bit. His mom eventually saw him and pulled him out of the water. After that incident he’s been fishing ever since and hasn’t fallen off the boat anymore. When got a little older he always enjoyed fishing but never really saw this as something he could do for a living let alone make a pretty good career out of it. Fishing with some of his buddies who were already in the industry kind of gave him that push to pursue fishing as more than just a hobby. He was finally got convinced to do a pro- amateur competition where he beat 4 out of the 5 pros he faced off with. Not only did this build up his confidence but it also gave him that drive to start competing more frequently. This is the third year Ryan has been involved with a team tournament and this is a very special year for him and his fishing partner because they took the first-place trophy. This is defiantly going to open the doors for new and a lot more sponsorships and even get eyes on him for the next level of fishing.

