3 minute read

Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Family,


I cannot believe May is here already my favorite weather of the year. It seems like this year is flying by just like our inventory off our shelves. It was strange to see some growth from some of the stores last month I know our warehouses are ready to be filled again. I predict we will start seeing a lot more growth by mid to the end of the summer. Like always we do not want to wait until then to prepare ourselves for the tsunami of loans everyone keeps talking about so let’s prepare before that happens. This month we are going to get to know Ah Xiong one of the SLAs from the Florin team.

1. Who is your hero and why? My best friend, she’s someone I can rely on for anything.

2. What is your favorite family vacation? My family, vacation would be a time spent together at the lake.

3. What did you want to be when you were small? When I was younger, I wanted to be a vet.

4. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? Volleyball would be a sport game that I would watch and play.

5. What would you sing at karaoke night? I would sing to anything that I know of but there is no specific genre that I would not sing at a karaoke night.

6. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Yes. “Bitter” as it is, I wouldn’t really say it’s a nickname, but it would also be the meaning of my name too.

7. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? I would rather have a perfect job that I can go to everyday and be self-sufficient.

8. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? I’d want to be stranded on a deserted island with my best friend.

9. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to and why? If I could go back in time, I would like to travel back to the time when my grandpa was still alive. I have regret not spending enough time making the best of memories when I had the time.

10. How would your friends describe you? My friends would describe me as a funny and adventurous.

11. What is the worst gift you have ever received? The worst gift I have ever received was an ugly Christmas sweater.

12. What are some of your hobbies? Some hobbies that I love to do are nails, shopping, puzzle books, etc.

13. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? If I were a super-hero, the powers that I would want to have is being able to read people’s mind.

14. What would you do if you won the lottery? If I won the lottery, I would mostly just invest in savings.

15. What is the tallest building you have been to the top of? The tallest building, I have been to the top of would be at Thunder Valley Casino.

16. What is your favorite holiday and why? Thanksgiving Day would be my most favorite holiday because I love to eat and hang out with family.

17. What is your favorite sports team? Support our Local Sacramento Kings

18. What is one of your favorite movies? Spirit Away, a 2001 film by Hayao Miyazaki I love anime

19. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? If I were to be on a deserted island, three things that I would take with me would be a fishing pole, best friend, and knife.

20. What was your favorite subject in school? My favorite subject in school would be Math.

21. What is the most unusual things you’ve ever eaten? The most unusual things I’ve eaten are clams and frog.

22. Do you collect anything? I do not Collect anything

23. What three things do you think of the most each day? Three things that I think about the most each day are bills, families and time.

24. On a scale from 1-10 how funny would you say you are? I am not a funny person, but I would say about a 5.

25. Where do you see yourself in 6 months? In 6 months, I’d hope to see myself progressing within the company and gaining more knowledge with time