The Ghost Hunter's Field Guide

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Activity Key A–Apparition. The visible spirit of a former living being. They are sometimes said to glow or emanate a single color (most often white). Most often they are “see-through,” though they can also appear as a solid living person who usually disappears in front of the observer.

O–Orbs/Ghost Lights. This is the most commonly overused classification of paranormal activity. Orbs are not the small bits of dust or moisture that are commonly captured using flash photography, but actual glowing balls of light that are visible to the human eye.

C–Cold Spots. This is a commonly reported phenomenon. It’s said that when a ghost draws near, he or she will need energy in order to manifest itself or to perform any actions. As a result, they draw the ambient heat from an area to this end. That spot is then said to feel cold.

R–Residual Haunting. Rather than actually being the soul or spirit of the former living, this type of haunting is the simple recording of an event in time that seems to replay over and over again. When a listing does not have this type of haunting noted, the activity at the site is considered to be of an “Intelligent” nature. This means the spirit has the ability to interact with his or her environment and was once alive.

E–Audio or EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). Sometimes the actual disembodied voice of an entity can be heard—or even music. This is an actual audio experience. At other times, the voices of spirits are only heard after reviewing an audio recorder. This is called an EVP. These are usually collected because the microphone of the recorder is more sensitive than our actual ears are. M–Mists. Sometimes when an entity is trying to manifest, there is not enough energy to fully form an apparition. This can appear as a “misty” person or a mist. N–Phantom Scents or Aromas. Self-explanatory. Usually the scent of tobacco, perfume, or food.

S–Shadow Shapes. When an entity lacks enough energy to manifest in detail, he or she will often simply appear as a large black mass—sometimes in the actual shape of a living person. T–Telekinetic or PK Activity. In simple terms, this is when a ghost has the ability to physically move something. This usually requires an inordinate amount of energy, so this phenomenon is usually accompanied either by cold spots or in the area of a large electromagnetic field.


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