The Wild & Weedy Apothecary

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xiv  Contents

H is for Horseradish  163 … with a recipe for Fresh Preserved Horseradish, 164

I is for Insect Repellents—natural ways to bug off!  165 Tansy, 166 ~ Moth repellents, 166 ~ Flies and other vermin, 166 ~ Mosquitoes, 167 … with a recipe for Insect-Repelling Spray, 167

I is for Italian Herban Tomatoes—the “H” is silent, Martha  169 … with a recipe for Italian Herban Tomatoes, 170

J is for Java—cookies with caffeine!  171 … with recipes for Coffee Nut Bars with Chocolate Chips, 172 Pfefferneusse, 173 Caffe Shortbread, 174

J is for the Journey to the Center of your Mind—or, meetings with remarkable plant spirits  175 … with a recipe for Plant-Spirit Communication, 179

K is for Kasha—don’t pass on the buckwheat, please  182 … with recipes for Kasha, 183 Kasha Varnishke, 184

K is for Kooka’s Kalooa  185 … with a recipe for Kalooa, 186

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