Campaign Brochure

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Provide bestpractice training.

ChloraPrep skin preparation applicators apply the widely recommended antiseptic that reduces microorganisms on skin that can cause infection. ®

Give me early warnings. Reduce infections to zero. Healthcare-associated infections come in many shapes

Early intervention. The faster infection teams identify

and sizes—from UTI to SSI, MRSA infections to catheter-

a source of an infection, the quicker they can limit the

related bloodstream infections. Once they take hold,

impact. MedMined data mining surveillance services help

these infections spread in many ways—from patients’

infection prevention teams identify areas of high potential

skin to surgical wounds, via clinician to patient contact or

for infection and provide timely data to identify patterns

contaminated IV connections and lines. Complex problems

and problem areas.

like infections call for comprehensive and proven solutions.

Measurable progress. Catheters are a major source of

Proactive prevention. In U.S. hospitals, approximately 5%

dangerous bloodstream infections that can extend hospital

of all patients acquire an infection during their stay. With so

stays by 10 to 14 days on average, and many patients never

many infection sources and types to manage, hospitals need

recover. Regulations will soon require hospitals to monitor

aggressive strategies to protect their patients and manage

and report infection rates, and hospitals can submit data

their risks. Continuing education is critical in the path to

from MedMined data mining surveillance services to satisfy

zero. To date, CareFusion has supported WebMD’s Medscape

reporting requirements.

to provide more than 160,000 clinicians with educational programs in infection prevention to help implement best practices and keep patients safe.


“My goal has always been zero infections and now everybody is onboard with me thinking, ‘How low can we go?’”

Anne Dikon Director of Infection Prevention Robert Wood Johnson Hospital

With MedMined data mining surveillance services, specialists can access real-time data that identifies clinical patterns and broken processes, tracks performance against HAI reduction goals and simplifies mandatory reporting.


MaxGuard needleless connectors with antimicrobial technology may inhibit the growth of microorganisms on the surfaces of the device. ®


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