Geography Leeds Alumni Issue 6 July 2013

Page 6

Meet the staff Dr Duncan Quincey

My background is in remote sensing – which by

I became interested in glaciology, and I have

in these areas flows into the Asian sub-continent

definition means we can observe the

been remotely sensing mountain glaciers ever

and is used for drinking, irrigation and sanitation,

environment without actually being there. But I


so any reduction in glacier volumes as a

quickly learned that all remote sensing needs

response to global warming is potentially of

ground validation – something I cite regularly as

I am particularly interested in how mountain

concern. In addition, many glaciers here (and

justification for visiting various wild and

glaciers are responding to climatic change – as

other mountainous regions across the world) are

mountainous landscapes!

this has important implications for downstream

developing large glacial lakes at their termini,

water supply and also because some of the

dammed by poorly consolidated sediments that

The path to becoming a lecturer in the School of

changes can be hazardous for people living in

can fail without warning. The resulting outburst

Geography is one that I can trace back to my first

the local region. Most of my research focuses on

floods can travel for many kilometres

remote sensing lecture as an undergraduate at

the Himalayas

Durham University – and for the first time finding

– and

a subject in which I could see myself forging a

specifically the

career. That took me to Aberdeen where I


completed an MSc in Environmental Remote

areas of

Sensing, and then to NERC, where I worked with


their Airborne Remote Sensing Facility. When I

India, Nepal

saw a PhD advertised at Aberystwyth with a

and Bhutan.

requirement to spend long field seasons at high-

Water released


elevation I jumped at the chance – that was when by glacier melt

I have always loved the outdoors and in particular the mountains – being a geographer is a great excuse for getting out and about!

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