Geography Leeds Alumni Issue 6 July 2013

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then know as chief technician, but today probably as the ‘Director of All Things’ – and for the students the man who said firmly ‘get your feet off the chairs!’. Gordon was to teach me to fish. Tim Hadwin, then the young draughtsman, later Faculty Manager, was

The Washburn Valley

always perceptive and helpful. Tim attempted to further my golf – not so

As many readers might recall I have always had

perceptive then!

close working, and indeed personal relations, with well of course you have to see the real objectives

speak on how to establish links with industry –

the water industry (personal I mean in terms of

and try to get solutions that are financially viable,

A dreadful confession to make here – I enjoyed

friends rather than immersions although those

legally defensible and scientifically credible but it

the lecturing. And in many ways the students and

have happened!). I can’t really recall how they

really comes down to the ‘3Ts’ talent, track record

research students make the job worthwhile and

started but I think it was the need for an

and above all trust.

memorable. Mike Sanderson – measuring

undergraduate exercise. I had decided that the

dissolved oxygen using a probe that looked like

students would calculate water demand by

My last ‘reflection’ is on field trips. Here I will be

two sticks of explosive on the end of a cable and

household type – the nice cross over between

brief as there is another contribution by a fictitious

dangling this in the small hours of the night from

applied human and physical geography that I had

Professor Cameron Macintosh in this very edition.

Leeds Bridge at the height of the IRA bombing

always liked. So I phoned and visited ‘Claro

I came from a tradition that had fieldwork every

campaign; the result being the phone call from the Water, Craven Water, Halifax Water’ etc – yes its

week and major field trips every year and I came

police asking if I could vouch for this possible

going back a bit and got the flows into small

to realise that it was only in the field that you

terrorist. Dave Kay, now Prof Kay, with boundless

defined areas – and that’s how I first met all the

really understood the complexity of the subject.

energy appearing at 7.30 every Tuesday morning

local water companies. The students determined

Field work is fun, fraught and (un) forgettable

at my house ready for a day in the field brings

from air photographs the proportions of housing

(trying to keep the alliteration going here!) and we

three memories – the first that we tossed a coin to types in each supply area and we finished with a

are lucky in Leeds to have had over the years,

decide who got to have their hands in their

series of equations which we solved using a

excellent field teachers – Mike Kirkby, Bob Eyre,

pockets for the last half hour having learned that

‘programmable calculator’ since PCs did not exist

John Stillwell, Richard Smith jump immediately to

otherwise we were both too cold to open the van

and you ate ‘apples’. It was nearly 20 years later

mind. Let us not dwell on John Lockwood’s forest

door, the second, the threatening nature of the

(when asked to do demand calculations for the

fire raising in an attempt to track wind currents on

underside of Blackpool pier when we and the

water companies) that I realised that the

Ben Lomond, John Stillwell’s loss of half the

upturned boat are getting swept under it with a

undergraduates had been doing really ground

students in the Garrigue (sorry John I really

final year student saying, rather late in the day, ‘I

breaking work.

thought you were joking!), the icy cold of the

cant swim by the way!’, the third the entire sweet

Scottish national camps venues in Aberfoyle and

shop jar of sweets that Dave brought my kids –

Links to the water companies across the UK and

West Linton or, worst of all, having the unfeeling

they remain in awe to this day several decades

indeed beyond grew as did my admiration for the

lecturer have you working over the Saturday of

later. Colin Hunter, now Prof Hunter, with a field

people in the industry and it is a real delight for

the Cup Final – has Martin Clarke forgiven me?

site on the most impossible slippery, steep slope

me to meet Leeds graduates – new and old – in

– how many times I finished at the bottom! Alan

many water plcs and some in top ‘Board’

The staff share such hazards – think of John

Jenkins, now Prof Jenkins, with his patented gut

positions. For 20 plus years we have had lectures

Lockwood falling horizontal to the floor from an

buster for sucking the bacteria from the river

in Leeds from Bob Lloyd, Izzy Caffoor, Miles

upper bunk and still asleep, trying to get back into

bottom and in so doing created mystery for

Foulger, etc., explaining the real questions and

bed - with Mike Kirkby. My own broken ribs the

walkers in the Washburn Valley – can’t see his

challenges that the companies face. It’s also been result of an ambitious dance routine and an ill

dignity, style and sharp suit allowing that sort of

interesting to link up lots of my geography BA

defined night-club stage edge! My hope is that

thing now! Apologies to the other 50 PhDs – your

colleagues with the companies – Sir Alan, Martin

even in these economically difficult times

time will come.

C., Graham C., Pete B., etc. have all contributed

fieldwork will continue. It’s the place where we

to the water industry. I have often been asked to

really get to know our students and they us.


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