LKS Triangle Spring 2020

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Blue & Gold


Measuring Our Success


Why Say "Yes" to LKS?


Front Line of the Coronavirus Health Emergency



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r ticular traditions a p to ur o th s e n o e f s n stab e l a l w i t i l s ne i t n do i y, xt d ap ng an pr ns

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Spring 2020

Tradition T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F L A M B DA K A P PA S I G M A P H A R M AC Y F R AT E R N I T Y

Lamb for Life

“Be a lifelong member.” most importantly serve. Those who went before you are role models for lifelong commitment. I like to be dependable, reliable, and consistent. Perhaps it’s just the consistency. I show up. I get involved.” What has she gained from her years of active membership? “LKS gave me an opportunity to lead, to learn to lead, and a safe space to make a few mistakes as I grew and developed.” While many outstanding and loyal LKS members have crossed paths with Christine, she lists three as having a major influence on her professional and fraternity career. “Mary Grear taught me to serve. Donna Horn provided guidance first as my advisor and the first pharmacist I interned for. Patty Kienle, who was Grand President when I was initiated, was the person responsible for my goal of becoming Grand President one day.”


she was 15 years old working as a cashier at Osco Drug that she was going to be a community pharmacist and she has never wavered from that decision. Ever. Not surprising to the people who know Christine Perry. Christine graduated from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy where she was initiated into Alpha Chapter in 1987. When asked why she joined LKS, she responded, “I was involved in many organizations. I saw an opportunity through LKS to become involved in a way where I could make a difference.” She began her long record of making a difference as she participated in planning the LKS 75th Anniversary Convention in Boston. Christine has a fierce dedication and unique passion and loyalty to LKS, the organization as a whole, and especially individual sisters. She is in her element at LKS functions and thrives when she sees her sisters engaging, learning, networking, and having fun. You can gauge the success of the event by simply looking at Christine’s face. When asked about this, she had no real explanation. “When you join your chapter, you are expected to be involved, participate and

“I was involved in many organizations. I saw an opportunity through LKS to become involved in a way where I could make a difference.”

Advice she most frequently provides to collegiates? “I encourage everyone, collegiate and alumni, to find a way to make contributions whether on a grand scale or small, you can always find a way to participate and support LKS.” Christine also stresses the importance of “Being a woman of your word. If you’re going to do it, do it.”

Christine reminds everyone that LKS really is a sisterhood. And membership provides an automatic far-reaching network that can be tapped into at any time. “Be a lifelong member and stay involved.” Know a Lamb for Life? We’d love to feature her in an upcoming issue. Please email to tell us about this special person who deserves recognition.

“To a Lifer” Christine is both proud and humbled to be the trustee of Ethel J. Heath’s LKS pin and guard. The pin had been willed to Elsie Gassiraro and Rosetta Hassan from Ruth Flaherty. These sisters, the guardians of the pin, presented it to Christine at the Alpha Chapter final banquet just prior to her installation as Grand President at the Biennial Convention in Philadelphia in 1998. Christine never wore the pin until the night she was installed as Grand President when she put it on at the podium prior to her President’s welcome speech at convention. The pin is designated to only be given “to a lifer” when it was willed to the guardians, and with her installation, Christine solidified this designation. While she identifies that installation as the moment she felt worthy of the pin, she also acknowledges the weight of the pin — “To those whom much is given, much is expected.”


Traditions Being a part of the process of handing down our particular traditions to the next generation gives us an opportunity to honor past generations and instill a sense of stability, appreciation, and pride.

4 3

DEPARTMENTS News & Notes 2020 LKS Convention page 3

Why to Say “Yes” to LKS! page 8


The Importance of HPV in Women’s Reproductive health page 10


Published by Lambda Kappa Sigma Fraternity P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570 262-682-4362 | EDITOR

Sharon C. Brown


Boots on the Ground in the Front Line of the Coronavirus Health Emergency page 12

A Bit of Our History

Early LKS Leaders Recognized in Who’s Who of American Women


Lambda Kappa Sigma provides lifelong opportunities for women in pharmacy through professional excellence and personal growth. CORE VALUES

In addition to the Code of Ethics, Lambda Kappa Sigma is guided by professionalism and the Core Values of Integrity, Leadership, Scholarship, Service and Sisterhood.



Tria Designs, Inc.

The Blue & Gold Triangle is the official publication of Lambda Kappa Sigma Pharmacy Fraternity and is published semi annually.


Sharon C. Brown, Chair Debbie Bourquin Justine Dickson Kim Hancock Nancy Horst MEMBER

Professional Fraternity Association Fraternity Communications Association


February 15; October 15 POSTMASTER

please send address changes to: Lambda Kappa Sigma P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570 PRINTED IN THE USA

page 13 SPRING 2020


President’s Address

You are the Heart of LKS G REETINGS SISTERS!

I have also loved being able to meet with the leaders of other Greek Pharmacy organizations. We share a common bond and a sense of belonging. We are all committed to being relevant and promoting our special brands of pharmacy fraternalism.



This biennium is certainly passing by quickly! It is almost hard to believe that my first term as Grand President is already in the home stretch. I am absolutely delighted that I will be continuing on for another term as your Grand President. I’m evaluating our progress and adding some new goals… and I will be updating everyone at Convention. One of my promises to you, the membership, was to be present for you whenever and wherever possible. I’ve been able to attend ASHP and APhA twice, I assisted with the installation of Beta Gamma chapter at the University of Charleston in West Virginia, I made a surprise appearance at the HOPE waLKS at Phi chapter at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana and have also represented LKS at the St Louis College of Pharmacy. I have also made four trips to HQ to work with staff on LKS programming. Lots of miles and work, to be sure, but I have loved every minute of it. I have also loved being able to meet with the leaders of other Greek Pharmacy organizations. We share a common bond and a sense of belonging. We are all committed to being relevant and promoting our special brands of pharmacy fraternalism. I’m hoping for more big things in all of our futures. I am looking forward to working with our incoming Grand Council. I am hoping that together we will be able to continue to move LKS forward, seeking new ways to remain committed to you and our core values. At our recent Grand Council meeting, we spent considerable time on our Strategic Plan. It truly is our roadmap for our way forward. Standardization and consistent transitions continue to be important, and work towards these goals

is progressing. When we have these very important pieces in place, we can spend more time on member development and programming. Although it seems like I mention it all of the time, I really cannot emphasize how important it is for sisters to attend Convention. Our collegiates learn so much about chapter operations, Fraternity traditions and operations, form lifelong bonds with other sisters and have so many meeting takeaways! Our alumni are there as staunch supporters, providing leadership, mentorship, renewing friendships, acting as program speakers and so much more! Our collegiates really do need our alumni…. and they tell us that all of the time. I am looking forward to seeing YOU at Convention in Indianapolis in July! I also hope that you have been enjoying my monthly Grand President message. It’s part of my commitment to you… it’s another way to “meet” with you, even if it isn’t in person. I am truly grateful for all of you, both collegiates and alumni. You truly are the heart of our beloved Fraternity. There’s no part of our organization that is more important than our members. I am proud to serve you, and also to call you my Sisters!

Chris Grass Grand President


News & Notes COVID-19 IMPACT ON CONVENTION As of the publication date for this Spring 2020 issue of the Blue & Gold Triangle, the LKS National Convention is still scheduled to take place over the dates of July 23-25th. Ongoing developments of the Covid-19 pandemic and related social distancing restrictions are being monitored closely and members will be notified by Mid-May if a cancellation is necessary.

2020 LKS National Convention

The 2020 LKS National Convention will be held JULY 23-25, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Make your plans now to join student and alumni members of LKS from across the country for what is sure to be an incredible event. Indianapolis is a city known for fast cars and blockbuster events but has also gained acclaim for a flourishing culinary and brewing scene, thriving cultural institutions, cool neighborhoods, and so much more. A few reasons why you’ll love visiting Indy this summer for the 2020 LKS National Convention:

Hospitality Indianapolis has earned a reputation for providing topnotch service known as Hoosier Hospitality. First-rate amenities combine with exceptional service to ensure a wonderful visit to this capital city.


Cultural Districts

Af ter-Hours Fun

The 8-mile Cultural Trail is the first of its kind in the world and internationally recognized as a model for urban revitalization. The urban bike and pedestrian path connects visitors to chefowned restaurants, boutique shopping, and an array of entertainment options in six thriving Cultural Districts. Bikes are available at select hotels, two convenient rental outlets, and through a bike share.

When the meetings conclude, Indianapolis comes alive with hundreds of places for good times, good drinks, and good conversation. From happy hour hotspots to late night live music venues, comedy clubs to cabaret shows, Indy is alive with after-hours fun and networking locales every day of the week.

White River If you’re looking for green space, it’s plentiful in Indy. Located in the heart of the city, White River State Park offers 250 acres of green space highlighted by a glimmering canal walk and artlined pedestrian paths. The park offers plenty to do with a zoo, baseball stadium, concert venue, IMAX theater, war memorials, and museums.

Indy 500 Although recognized as a sports capital and home of the world’s largest single-day sporting event— the Indy 500, visitors will find there is a surprise around every turn. Those who haven’t visited Indy before, or at least in a while, will be surprised by the growth the city is experiencing and everything this vibrant destination offers.


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by S haron C. Brown, MS, RPh Alpha Iota Alumni

Traditions. Find a warm, comfortable spot, close your eyes, and run the word through your mind a few times. Traditions. Every individual can compile a myriad of memories associated with traditions of all kinds: holiday, family, professional, seasonal, Fraternity. Traditions represent a critical piece of our culture and act as a compass for many of our human relationships and personal connections. They help form the structure and foundation of our families and our social circles. They remind us that we are part of a history that defines our past, impacts the person we have become today, and drives qualities that influence who we are destined to become. What makes something — anything — a tradition is that it is handed down from one generation to the next, and the next, and the next. And generations don’t only occur in

Tradition reinforces values such as faith, integrity, personal responsibility, companionship and strength of family. families. They occur in businesses, in professions, in organizations. And whether we admit it openly or not, we desperately need our traditions. Being a part of the process of handing down our particular traditions to the next generation gives us an opportunity to honor past generations and instill a sense of stability,


appreciation, and pride in those who will come to claim those traditions as their own. As leaders, role models, parents — and future parents — we must utilize every possible chance to reinforce the values we hold dear. Participating in traditions contributes to a sense of comfort and belonging. It reinforces values such as faith, integrity, personal responsibility, companionship and strength of family. Role models are showcased and things that really matter in life are celebrated. These occasions provide an opportunity to thank those that came before, and create memories that can last a lifetime. They are representations of our place in a never ending story, and give our children not only roots, but wings. Read on to peek into the traditions of a few of your LKS sisters.



Race for The Cure After Party by Jennifer Rhodes, Rho Chapter Initiate, Alumni at Large

After my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, our family felt a personal call to action to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survival. This tradition began in 1995, and involved friends and family of my mother, Marilyn Ott. It was held every year in September. The group gathered would walk in the Portland Race for the Cure in downtown Portland. Afterwards, everyone would gather at my home for lunch, where people were welcome to stay for the entire afternoon. The tradition was altered slightly in 2008 when my dad died and mom did not want to walk that September. So the family chose to “Sleep in for the Cure”: Everyone was at my house and we made Belgian waffles with a bunch of yummy toppings. Mom died in December 2010, so we had one last “party” in 2011 after we all walked the Race. Our involvement in the annual Portland Race for the Cure is still mentioned at family gatherings to this day, long after our patriarch and matriarch have left this world.



Turkey Tea by M ichelle Gronski, Alpha Phi collegiate chapter

Every year Alpha Phi collegiate chapter hosts an event called Turkey Tea. It’s a Thanksgiving lunch held at the university one week before Thanksgiving. All proceeds from the event are donated to a local charity. For the past two years, that charity was a local women’s shelter called Ruth’s Place. The Turkey Tea has been a tradition in our chapter since November 2014, and started as a way for our chapter to help our community by bringing people together for good food and a good cause. This past year, 2019, was our biggest year yet, and we donated over $600 to Ruth’s Place. This tradition was even more special to me this past year as I was able to take a major role in planning the event. I am very proud of the dedication and support my chapter members continue to display for this event every year.


Candlelight Ceremony by Sara Kolc Brown, Alpha Iota Alumni Chapter

One of my favorite ceremonies when I was a collegiate was the candlelight ceremony done in honor of a sister who has become pregnant or engaged. Some sisters were so good about keeping their secret. The event could have occurred over the weekend, but they would wait to announce it until AFTER the ceremony was done at Monday night’s meeting. It would completely catch us by surprise! That feeling when the candle would be lit and wondering who it would stop at was so suspenseful and exciting. It was something that I yearned to do as a collegiate. I became inspired at a fellow sister’s wedding. Iva Keene (Haven) pulled all lambs in attendance at her wedding aside and had a sister hold a private candlelight ceremony with us celebrating Iva’s marriage! It was a unique twist on the ceremony since she was not able to celebrate it as a collegiate when she became engaged. A couple years later, another sister, Kayla Anderson (Keys) did the same

thing at her wedding. I began to see a pattern and loved this tradition that Alpha Iota sisters were creating. Kayla also had a yellow chrysanthemum for only sisters to wear during her wedding. At another sister’s wedding, Jillian Weber (Cramer), gathered all the lambs and gave us a special bracelet with the coordinates of Big Rapids, where all of us met. Each bride does something different for her sisters, a unique and special touch that I get excited for at these weddings. At my own wedding in April 2019, I finally got my candlelight ceremony! I had a former ceremonies chair conduct the ceremony, and afterwards I gave each sister a custommade bracelet from Alpha Alumni member, Christine Perry. It was a special moment not only for me, but to have all the sisters who’ve influenced me gather with me on my special day and just take a moment to appreciate all that LKS has done for us.

Festas da Praia in Terceira, Azores by Lauren Shallcross, Xi Collegiate Chapter My Mom is from the island of Terceira, in the Azores, way off the coast of Portugal. She moved to Boston, MA, in her early 20s. Now almost every summer, we go back to Terceira during the festivals, or festas, in a village called “Praia da Vitória.” At these festivals, all the locals of the island and visitors gather together to eat, drink, dance, and participate in activities. There are also bull fights all around the island. The festivals last about one week, and usually are during the first week of August. I am so thankful I’m able to participate and visit Terceira during this week, and enjoy time with my family on the island where they grew up. Every tradition has a unique and special meaning to those who participate and embrace the experience. In a world where history has become a shameful past to be condemned and forgotten, and time tested, tried and true beliefs and traditions are viewed as inconvenient and trivial drains on one’s time, consider the best things brought to mind in celebrating traditions: making memories, building foundations for future generations, and strengthening the ties that bind.



Results from this study demonstrate that potential collegiate members are more likely to pursue fraternity membership if recruitment activities address their initial interests for joining. – DEANNA FOX



Why to Say “Yes” to LKS! by D eanna Fox; Student Pharmacist, Alison Walck; Student Pharmacist, Vicky Shah; PharmD, BCPS, Troy Lynn Lewis; PharmD


University has recently completed a study to highlight the main reasons sisters choose to join Lambda Kappa Sigma. The study was conducted using the national members’ primary interest in joining our fraternity and opinions on recruitment. By understanding the primary reasons that sisters choose LKS, this information can be used further by fraternity chapters to tailor the recruitment process to appeal to more students, therefore promoting fraternity growth. Study results have shown that the majority of LKS sisters are currently enrolled in a 0-6 year pharmacy school program, are 24 and younger and joined the fraternity during their first professional year with the intention of developing new

friendships. One commonality between all three pharmacy program types was that the majority of sisters joined during their first professional year of pharmacy school. Inferences made from the study results can be used to help LKS chapters optimize membership. Chapters can focus on organizing events that promote the primary reasons why sisters chose to join LKS (Figure 1) and minimizing major potential concerns sisters may have. The major concerns related to recruitment were found to be time commitment (40.3%) and cost (27.4%) (Figure 2). The most enjoyable parts of the recruitment process were determined to be getting to know current members (44.4%) and attending the social events (22.6%) (Figure 3). Chapters can greatly increase their joining interest SPRING 2020

Figure 1:

One commonality between all three pharmacy program types was that the majority of sisters joined during their first professional year of pharmacy school.

Primary Joining Interst of Lambda Kappa Sigma 59.7%

Make new friends / connection


Leadership opportunities

10.5 Sisterhood 8.9

Friends were LKS members


New experiences

2.5 Networking

Figure 2: and membership by minimizing concerns and organizing social events that allow networking with current members. Additional results of the study suggest that the LKS membership process should be more organized (30.6%) and strict (19.4%) in regards to participation (Figure 4). Chapters can improve their membership process by highly encouraging attendance at particular events and providing a recruitment process that has clear requirements and communication to potential new sisters. Results from this study demonstrate that potential collegiate members are more likely to pursue fraternity membership if recruitment activities address their initial interests for joining, as well as minimize their concerns for membership. Current collegiate chapters should work to address these topics during the recruitment season. At Alpha Phi, we have begun to incorporate results from this study into our recruitment process, which has helped us to increase our membership. We plan to make additional adjustments to our recruitment process in the coming years!

Primary Concerns During the Membership Process 40.3%

Time commitment

27.4 Cost 16.9

I had no concerns


Making friends with the sisters

Figure 3:

Aspects of the Membership Process Most Appreciated by New Members 44.5%

Getting to know current members


Social events


The experience of "Getting a Big"


Meeting other potential new members


Developing time management skills


Getting to know the faculty

Figure 4:

Potential Changes to Optimize the Membership Process 30.6%

Make it more organized


Make it more strict

17.7 Nothing 13.7

Change some of the events


Shorten the membership process


Make it less strict


Lengthen the membership process


Make it more affordable





The Importance of HPV in Women’s Reproductive Health by J ordan Anderson, PharmD, Alpha Beta Alumni Chapter

“Every 20 minutes someone is diagnosed with an HPV-related cancer in the United States. Learn more about this very common sexually transmitted infection.” — THE ABAL CANCER FOUNDATION





is an important health concern for women of all ages whether it be prevention before exposure which tends to peak in early adulthood, or cancer screenings for women which is detected on average at age 49.1-2 HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection which is typically harmless but can lead to some forms of cancer. More than 90% of cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV.1 Every year it is estimated that over 10,000 cases

More than 90% of cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV. of HPV-associated cervical cancer will be diagnosed. Cervical cancer was once a leading cause of death among women. Screenings for cervical cancer have resulted in a drop in death rate, but no change in these rates has been seen in the past decade. Most cervical cancers are detected in women who report never receiving screenings.2 Vaccine indications have grown to include both females and males for ages ranging from 9-45. Among vaccinated women, the percentage of cervical pre-cancers caused by the HPV has dropped by 40 percent.1 Gardasil 9 is the latest FDA approved vaccination for prevention of HPV. Gardasil 9 protects against 9 strains of HPV most associated with cervical cancer.4 Vaccinations are done as a 2 dose series recommended for children at ages 11-12,an start as early as age 9 and extends up to age 14, There is a catch up recommendation of a 3 dose series for age 15-26 or those who are immunocompromised. According to the CDC adult immunization schedule, the vaccine can be given up to age 45 but should be done only with clinical decision making.5-6 There is no need to revaccinate once a series is completed with any valid HPV vaccine.1


Women should begin HPV screening at age 21 with a Papanicolaou (PAP) test. A PAP involves screening for pre-cancerous cells from the cervix. Testing should be done every 3 years for ages 21-29, then may decrease to every 5 years in addition to an HPV test from ages 30-65. More frequent testing is recommended if abnormal results are found. If a serious precancer has been detected, screening should continue for an additional 20 years. According to the American Cancer Society, screenings should not stop after having children.2 Approximately 1-3% of cervical cancers will be diagnosed in pregnant and peripartum women.3 Studies have shown that women with HPV have a higher rate of premature birth and preterm premature rupture of membranes. Studies may also indicate lower birth weights among mothers with HPV as well.7

Studies have shown that women with HPV have a higher rate of premature birth and preterm premature rupture of membranes. The role of pharmacists in HPV prevention is to help educate our patients and collaborate with other members of the health care team. It is important to stay up to date with HPV information including immunization schedules. Knowing the laws for immunizations in your state can determine appropriateness to administer or refer to a provider for HPV vaccines. To help with early detection in patients without insurance, locate offices that provide free services in your area to ensure access for screening.


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention> HPV. hpv/index.html 2. American Cancer Society>Guidelines for the Prevention and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer https://www.cancer. org/cancer/cervical-cancer/detectiondiagnosis-staging/cervical-cancerscreening-guidelines.html 3. B igelow CA, Horowitz NS, Goodman A, et al. Management and outcome of cervical cancer diagnosed in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2016; 216(3):276. 4. Product Information:GardasilÂŽ9 suspension for intramuscular injection, Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine, Recombinant suspension for intramuscular injection. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp (per manufacturer), Whitehouse Station, NJ. 2018. 5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Recommended immunization schedule for adults aged 19 years or older, Unites States. 2020. 6. C enters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2020. 7. Niyibizi J, et al. Association between maternal Human Papillomavirus infection and adverse pregnancy outcomes: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Inf Dis. 2020. 8. Y litalo N, Josefsson A, Melbye M, et al. A prospective study showing long-term infection with human papillomavirus 16 before the development of cervical carcinoma in situ. Cancer Res. 2000;60:6027-6032. 9. Chen J, et al. Prevalence and Incidence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection Before and After Pregnancy: Pooled Analysis of the Control Arms of Efficacy Trials of HPV-16/18 AS04-Adjuvanted Vaccine. Open forum infectious diseases., 6(12), 486


Project HOPE

I S T O C K /A R T I S T G N D P H O T O G R A P H Y

is impressive — it is estimated that healthcare workers consume 59,000 protective suits, 110,000 masks, and 22,000 goggles each day. On February 23, Project HOPE partnered with United Airlines to save lives. United Airlines donated funds to deliver desperately needed ventilators to hospitals in Hubei Province, with Project HOPE coordinating the delivery to the hospitals in the Province.

Boots on the Ground in the Front Line of the Coronavirus Health Emergency By Sharon C. Brown, MS, RPh AS THIS ARTICLE IS BEING PREPARED,

no media outlet can complete a broadcast without a news alert regarding COVID-19, the Coronavirus. LKS members may find great pride in the knowledge that our philanthropy is at the forefront of the health crisis, providing aid in fighting this global healthcare emergency.

PROJECT HOPE IN WUHAN, CHINA Project HOPE opened an office in Wuhan, China in 2001, when Project HOPE partnered with Wuhan University to establish the Wuhan University HOPE School of Nursing. The goal of this collaborative effort was to alleviate the critical shortage of nursing healthcare professionals. This effort has resulted in one of the strongest and longest running health workforce programs which has trained tens of thousands of nurses. China — with a population of 71.4 billion people — is facing a critical shortage of trained nurses. Wuhan, the capital of the province of Hubei, is the largest city in central China. Home to more than 11 million people, the city is 12 BLUE & GOLD TRIANGLE

a political, economic, educational, and transportation center. In response to a significant shortage of trained nursing professionals, the University of Wuhan HOPE School fo Nursing was established.

PROJECT HOPE TAKES ACTION Having a well-respected presence in Wuhan prior to the COVID-19 outbreak allowed Project HOPE to take immediate action. As early as January 30, 2020, Project HOPE began airlifting supplies to front line health workers in Wuhan. On February 3, Project HOPE in China received the first shipment of critically needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including 2 million face masks, 11,000 protective suits, and 280,000 pairs of exam gloves provided by MAP International and MedShare, utilizing In Kind Transport from UPS. On February 11, Project HOPE received 17 tons of PPE and medical supplies delivered on 4 aircraft chartered by the US Department of State. By February 19, Project HOPE had distributed 4.5 million pieces of PPE. While this sounds, and indeed

EFFORTS AROUND THE WORLD While much of the focus is still on China, the Project HOPE teams around the world are working in countries and communities that are particularly vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19 including the Balkans, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Colombia and other high-risk environments. LKS members, individually and through Chapter fundraisers and donations have always been generous donors to Project HOPE. As a truly global healthcare emergence, the fight to diagnose, treat, contain and control the COVID-19 virus will be a significant drain on Project HOPE resources. If you or your chapter are able, please consider making an extra donation today — reach just a little deeper for our wonderful philanthropy. Donations can be made through LKS headquarters. In addition, do your part to calm the hysteria surrounding COVID-19. As healthcare providers, you know and understand that thousands more die of influenza than are dying from COVID-19. The average age of the people who have died from COVID-19 is 80 years old. Like influenza, it is most dangerous to those with underlying health conditions. Common sense precautions — handwashing, covering your cough, keeping your hands away from facial surfaces, and avoiding people who are sick, are the most effective ways to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. Project HOPE and Lambda Kappa Sigma can both play a part in a calm and knowledgeable approach to educating the public about this and other health hazards the public face on a daily basis. SPRING 2020

A Bit of Our History

Early LKS Leaders Recognized in Who’s Who of American Women by C hristine Perry, Past Grand President, Alpha Alumni Chapter Who’s Who of American Women First Edition was published in 1959 by Marquis. Albert Marquis wrote that the book’s objective was to “chronicle the lives of individuals whose achievements and contributions to society make them subjects of widespread reference interest and inquiry, profiling the leaders of American society; those men and women who are influencing their nation’s development. The fundamental standards for selection are based on position and accomplishment. Entries in Marquis Who’s Who books list career and personal data for each biography, including birth date and place, names of parents and family members, education, writings and creative works, civic activities, awards, political affiliation, religion, and addresses. Many Lambda Kappa Sigma members were listed in the first edition of the book including: Ruth Flaherty, Doris Fleet Cresap, Margit Harrison, Ethel Herdlicka, Marion Leary, Rosemary Trkula, Pat Tanac, Virginia Osol, Mary Gilbert, Jane Rogan, Julia Pishalski, Katie Lim, Madeline Oxford Holland, Nellie Davis Poulsen, and Mildred Rebstock.




LAMBDA KAPPA SIGMA Pharmacy Fraternity P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570


2020 Educational Grant Recipients The Lambda Kappa Sigma Educational Trust and the Educational Grants Committee are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020 Educational Grants. Please join us in congratulating the following members, who have exhibited leadership, scholarship, and dedication to the Fraternity and the profession of pharmacy:

Dr. B. Olive Cole Educational Grant

Mary Conolly Livingston Educational Grant

Cora E. Craven Educational Grant

Marina Perelman

Emily Faltin

Gina Joy




Cora E. Craven Educational Grant

Cora E. Craven Educational Grant

Miranda Blaine

Samantha Langell



Cora E. Craven Educational Grant

Cora E. Craven Educational Grant

Grace Dahlen

Kitana Caesar



Cora E. Craven Educational Grant

Cora E. Craven Educational Grant

Kaitlyn Kenjesky

Viviana Cao



Marilyn & Joe Haberle Educational Grant


Adele Lobraico Lowe Leadership Grant


Norma Chipman Wells Loyalty Grant


The Educational Grants Program is funded by the Lambda Kappa Sigma Educational Trust. The Educational Trust was established in 1974 for the purpose of perpetuating a financial program to assist members in reaching their goals in pharmaceutical education. The Trust has provided nearly 400 grants to our student members through grants named for outstanding Fraternity sisters and supporters: Dr. B. Olive Cole, Cora E. Craven, Mary Connolly Livingston, Norma Chipman Wells, Adele Lobraico Lowe and Marilyn & Joe E. Haberle.

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