LKS Blue & Gold Triangle - Fall 2019 Issue

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Blue & Gold


Measuring Our Success


Women’s Reproductive Health


Fall 2019

HOPE in Hurricane Dorian

How LKS Members Are Changing Lives

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Lamb for Life

“Keep your options open.” Jennifer Rhodes was a first year professional student when she joined Lambda Kappa Sigma Rho Collegiate Chapter at Oregon State University. As a member of a social sorority, she was familiar with Greek organizations and did not hesitate to join. She became immediately engaged in chapter activities, serving first as a representative on the Executive Council of the College of Pharmacy, and then as chapter president. When she graduated, Jennifer became a Member at Large because there was not a Rho Alumni chapter. She has always been a Member at Large, paying her dues directly to the fraternity.

“I cannot recall a single time when my involvement with LKS has not provided an opportunity to grow and learn.”

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The concept of a quietly supportive LKS alumni member went by the wayside when Mary Grear, in her usual fashion of seeking out the best for LKS leadership positions, contacted Jennifer and recruited her into additional service to the fraternity. When the Western Region Supervisor was forced to resign due to an active deployment, Jennifer was asked to fill the vacancy on Grand Council. Since that time, she has served in multiple capacities, including Grand Treasurer, Grand President, and Trust Liaison Chair.

service to the fraternity, Jennifer says she loves the ideals upon which the fraternity was founded, and has remained involved because of the friendships she has made. She has enjoyed seeing members outside of LKS meetings represent the fraternity in other professional settings, and feels good about “how big LKS really is.” Jennifer lists her favorite thing about LKS membership as the ties of sisterhood that last through the years, no matter how rarely you may actually spend time with your sisters. Her second favorite thing is the opportunity to speak with students about what their aspirations are, and to provide coaching and mentoring, sharing her successes, and encouraging them to never sell themselves short in the professional arena. “All of my experiences with LKS have been good,” says Jennifer. “I cannot recall a single time when my involvement with LKS has not provided an opportunity to grow and learn.” Her advice to students? “Don’t pigeon-hole yourself. You can use your clinical skills in any practice setting. Keep your options open.” Know a Lamb for Life? We’d love to feature her in an upcoming issue. Please email to tell us about this special person who deserves recognition.

When asked about her extended dedication and

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Volunteering: How LKS Members Are Changing Lives

LKS members work every day to uplift and support their sisters. They also are committed to caring and compassion in their communities through various volunteer efforts. Learn how some of our members are improving their lives by giving generously of their time and talents to others.

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DEPARTMENTS News & Notes Impacting the lives of others page 3

2019 Convention Highlights


Milwaukee! page 4

Apothecary Cigarette Smoking and Reproductive Health page 10

Project HOPE


HOPE and Hurricane Dorian page 12

A Bit of Our History Fall Recruitment page 13

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Published by Lambda Kappa Sigma Fraternity P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570 262-682-4362 | EDITOR

Sharon C. Brown


Lambda Kappa Sigma provides lifelong opportunities for women in pharmacy through professional excellence and personal growth. CORE VALUES

In addition to the Code of Ethics, Lambda Kappa Sigma is guided by professionalism and the Core Values of Integrity, Leadership, Scholarship, Service and Sisterhood.



Tria Designs, Inc.

The Blue & Gold Triangle is the official publication of Lambda Kappa Sigma Pharmacy Fraternity and is published semi annually.


Sharon C. Brown, Chair Debbie Bourquin Justine Dickson Kim Hancock Nancy Horst MEMBER

Professional Fraternity Association Fraternity Communications Association


February 15; October 15 POSTMASTER

please send address changes to: Lambda Kappa Sigma P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570 PRINTED IN THE USA


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President’s Address

Convention Success G REETINGS SISTERS!

I saw our collegiate sisters interacting with our very valuable alumni. I heard firsthand how much the continuing education sessions and panel discussions were appreciated. Our alumni are shining lights, illuminating the path for the future of our profession.



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There are so many ways to measure success. We can say that we had a successful new membership drive by the number of sisters that were initiated. We can say that a fund raiser was successful by the amount of money that was collected. We can say that a community outreach program was successful because of the number of people that were reached. However, numbers are only a small part of showing success. I consider our 2019 Convention to be one of the best ever. I am counting our success in the comments and compliments that I’ve heard since the meeting. I saw sisters connecting in wonderful and exciting ways. Sisters from large chapters were pairing with sisters from smaller chapters, pledging to assist each other in sharing success. I witnessed new friendships being made. I heard laughter. I heard cheering. I saw teamwork. There was late-night fun, there were early risers. Some came from near, some came from far — but all came with a sense of excitement and anticipation. One of the greatest successes was how I saw our collegiate sisters interacting with our very valuable alumni. Our collegiate sisters really do respect and admire our alumni. I heard firsthand how much the continuing education sessions and panel discussions were appreciated. Our alumni are shining lights, illuminating the path for the future of our profession. I can recall attending my first Convention in 1982 in Pittsburgh. I met so many of the LKS “greats” there. Some of them were already legends, others were legends in the making. One of my roommates at that meeting was Jennifer Rhodes. We had no idea how this meeting would shape our futures with LKS, and I can’t even count the number of times that Jennifer and I have been roomies since then. I also met Sharon Brown. We sat next to each other as delegates. Another lifelong friendship, begun at an LKS Convention.

It has occurred to me many times, that one of the keys of success in LKS is attendance at Convention. This is a place where ideas are shared, friendships are made and excellence is observed up close. It is my hope that you will be planning to attend our next Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 2020. A key to success for any organization, is just that ... organization. One of the best ways to achieve this is by standardization. I’ve been working closely with Erin Rogala at HQ, as well as Grand Council officers, to implement uniform operating procedures. Some things are very simple ... as easy as having the same email addresses for officers at each chapter. This facilitates communications with HQ, as well as providing continuity when officers change. We are also developing timelines and calendars, driven by electronic programs that we could not have envisioned just a few years ago. I still think about the days when we communicated almost exclusively by mail, and kept member profiles on index cards in file boxes. When we spend less time on record keeping, we can focus on more member services ... recruitment materials, member training and officer development. What a great journey we have been on, and I can’t wait to see where we are headed. Don’t forget, LKS will be represented at the ASHP Midyear meeting in Las Vegas in December. Please stop by to visit with us in the exhibit hall. HQ staff, as well as Grand Council officers, will be there to meet you. I personally love visiting with you and hearing how LKS has become a part of your professional journey.

Chris Grass Grand President

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News & Notes

Impacting Lives Amy Nguyen, PharmD Candidate (at right), Class of 2020, and a member of Alpha Pi Collegiate Chapter at St. John’s University, served as the chapter President of the American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhAASP) for 2018-2019. Amy believes student pharmacists have a responsibility to educate patients and their communities about ways to properly manage their health. She began her involvement with APhA-ASP during her first year at St. John’s University. According to Amy, “I found myself dedicated to the organization, and became its Communications Vice-President, Secretary, President-Elect, and then President.” As chapter president, Amy’s goal was to provide student pharmacists with the opportunity to give back to their

community through participation in a number of community health fairs. Through the years, Amy organized and led participation in many New York City Parks Outreach events focusing on both children and adult populations. The most recent event was held at Herald Square in the spring with Operation Heart and Operation Diabetes programs combining to spread awareness about the importance of heart health and physical activity. Amy states “As I reflect back on my experiences with APhA-ASP, I am grateful to have had all those opportunities to work collaboratively with other student pharmacists to improve care through health literacy and awareness. That moment when you realize that you are making a difference in someone’s life, even in the smallest way — that is not taught in school — that feeling is priceless!

Improving Women’s Health Mary Beth O’Connell (right), Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Lambda Kappa Sigma Omicron Chapter Advisor, has published the second edition of her co-edited book Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. With the release of the eBook, Mary Beth commented “I hope this book becomes a good source of information to improve women’s health in many health curriculums. It is the culmination of the impressive commitment of many editors, authors, and reviewers.” Access to the book at aspx?bookid=257

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Grand Secretary Receives Special Recognition Grand Secretary Stephanie Mrozec is the honored recipient of The Duquesne University School of Pharmacy Recent Graduate Achievement Award for 2019. This award was established to recognize an individual who has graduated within the past ten years AND has demonstrated significant progress in his or her area of pharmacy practice AND who has promoted the profession of pharmacy that exemplifies the Mission of the School – to improve health outcomes in patients and their communities. Upon accepting her award, Stephanie commented: “I am extremely honored and humbled to receive this award. Every day I work as a pharmacist, I strive to make a difference in my patients’ lives. I also stay involved in both local and national pharmacy organizations to help move our profession forward. I enjoy mentoring students who are the future of pharmacy. None of this would have been possible without the encouragement and support from my family, friends, coworkers, mentors, and my Lambda Kappa Sigma Sisters, I am very lucky to know so many amazing people.”


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Lambda Kappa Sigma

2019 Annual Convention Highlights No better place than Milwaukee for mixing business and pleasure! by S haron C. Brown, MS, RPh and Sandra Mullen, PharmD, BCPP THE 2019 LAMBDA KAPPA

Sigma Annual Convention was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 31 through August 3, and marked another fun, productive, and energizing Convention. Milwaukee provided lots of opportunity for those who arrived early to enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of this beautiful city set on the banks of Lake Michigan. The Welcome Reception officially kicked off the meeting at the Milwaukee Hilton City Center with announcements of the team competition, rules, and prizes followed by a corn hole tournament with the Blue Women Crew taking home the victory. A bit of a chill breeze could not dampen the enthusiasm of the convention attendees, many of whom participated in live-streaming from the event. The first full day of Convention included the opening Business Session, Core Values and research poster presentations, and a variety of continuing education sessions to 4


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choose from, to allow participants to gain knowledge in the practice areas they were most interested in. The day ended with the always popular Blue and Gold Dinner. This year in addition to food, drink, and fellowship, the event featured special entertainment by “Luca”, a deception artist with a wonderful display of talents to amaze, perplex, and entertain the audience. Friday was dedicated to the heart and soul of Lambda Kappa Sigma. The day began with the Leadership Program, featuring dedicated and successful alumni providing expert opinion, advice, and guidance to the membership. This year’s program highlighted past recipients of the Vanguard Leadership Award. The Awards Luncheon followed, which provided an opportunity for the Fraternity to honor collegiate, alumni, and chapters for their accomplishments in C O N T I N U E S O N PAG E 8

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Top: Welcome to Convention! Above left: Enjoying fun and fellowship at the Trust event. Above: Glamour, glitter, and classic photos were part of the fun of the annual Trust fund raising event. Right: Welcome reception festivities included a corn hole tournament, photo booth, food and team introductions for fun competition throughout the week. Left: A convention tradition — the LKS pyramid.

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2019 Annual Convention Highlights (continued) Left: An annual convention tradition is the annual group photo including all convention attendees. This tradition has continued every year since the first LKS conventions where students and alumni gather on the final night of convention dressed in their awards banquet best. In the front row are members of the 2018-2020 LKS Grand Council: Melissa O’Brien, Grand Treasurer, Stephanie Mrozek, Grand Secretary LuShawna Lawson, Grand VP for Alumni, Chris Grass, Grand President, Amanda Higgins, Grand VP for Collegiates, Nicole Helsinger, Grand VP for Development, and Sandy Mullen, Past Grand President. Below: LKS students and alumni pose with “Callie” our stand-in lamb during the welcome reception. C O N T I N U E D F R O M PAG E 6

the profession and the Fraternity. Lamb Talks and the second Business Session rounded out the afternoon’s programing. The day ended with a leisurely Dinner Cruise along the shores of Lake Michigan, where a beautiful sunset topped off a great day of LKS memory-making. Saturday, our last day, came all too soon, with an early morning kick-off fundraising for Project HOPE. HOPE waLKS provided a tour of the city and a view of the lake for those that participated. The collegiate and alumni conferences were held, where many important topics were discussed, including mentoring opportunities for alumni and chapter development for the collegiates. A casual lunch was paired with Ewe Can Shop where members picked up a few fun LKS items from around the country and some Milwaukee-based merchandise. Leading from Behind the Bench closed out the formal programming for the day. 6


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Once the “lambs” were herded into a group photo, always a challenge, the Final Banquet commenced, where additional awards were presented, including the coveted Chapter of the Year Awards. The team named “Are Ewe Ready to Rumble?” won the team competition and each member took home a swag bag of LKS merchandise valued at $100. See page 7 for photos of award winners. This year the Educational Trust held a dessert reception and after party following the Final Banquet. With a DJ and lots of fun and festivities, the event raised over $10,800 to fund educational programs and scholarships for our members! The 2019 LKS Convention was a resounding success. As good-byes were shared and members scattered like the winds on the lake, your Fraternity leaders hope to see everyone back next year, bringing new faces with them to Indianapolis. FA L L 2019

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RECOGNIZING THE BEST OF THE BEST Lambda Kappa Sigma recognized the 2019 Award recipients at the Awards Luncheon during Convention.

Chrysanthemum Awards

Chapter Awards

Individual Awards 2019 ADVISOR AWARD:


Kristin Cheng, Alpha Pi Alumni






Jacqueline Mullakary, Alpha Pi Alumni 2019 AWARD OF MERIT:

Kim Hancock, Alpha Iota Alumni 2019 LKS/MERCK VANGUARD LEADERSHIP AWARD:

Jennifer Brandt, Epsilon Alumni ALUMNI CHAPTER OF THE YEAR:

1ST PLACE: Alpha Nu Chapter (above) 2ND PLACE: Alpha Phi Chapter 3RD PLACE: Tau Chapter

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Eastern Atlantic: Alpha Pi Chapter Mid-Atlantic: Alpha Alpha Chapter Midwestern: Alpha Iota Chapter Northeastern: Tau Chapter Northern Lakes: Alpha Mu Chapter Northern New England: Alpha Chapter Southern: Alpha Kappa Chapter Western: Alpha Xi Chapter


Jennifer Rhodes, Rho Alumni 2019 COLLEGIATES OF THE YEAR AWARD:

Carrie Cicirale (Alpha Zeta) Serra Ferreira (Alpha)


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heart of the American way of life. Colonists banded together to help each other even before America was America. In 1736, Benjamin Franklin developed the first volunteer firehouse. Remember the “Minute Men”, the volunteer militia? During the 19th century there was a blossoming of formal charitable organizations, including the YMCA, American Red Cross, and the United Way. Since that time, these and innumerable other volunteer organizations — national and local, large and small — have been operating to fill a need where need exists. Volunteering is defined as an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain. One might be surprised, however, at the statistics related to the volunteer efforts of Americans today. According to a federally funded study released by the Corporation for National and Community Services (CNCS) in 2018, the value of the activities of volunteers in the United States at that time was worth $167 BILLION! Barbara Stewart, CEO of NCNS stated “The fabric of our nation is strengthened by the service of its volunteers. When we stand side by side to help others, our differences fade away and we learn that Americans have more in common than we realize. Each and every day, ordinary Americans are stepping up to support their fellow citizens to help with 8


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How LKS Members Are Changing Lives

In 2018, the value of the activities of volunteers in the United States at that time was worth $167 BILLION!

needs both great and small because they understand the power service has to change communities and lives for the better.” As members of Lambda Kappa Sigma, we are each volunteers. As a collegiate member, you are called upon to serve your chapter as a participant, a committee chair, an elected leader, and perhaps as a delegate. Alumni members are called upon to support our collegiate members

and chapters, to participate in alumni functions, to volunteer to share personal and professional insights and encouragement, and to support all Fraternity sanctioned events whenever able. We are all volunteers for our chosen philanthropy, Project HOPE, called upon to educate others regarding the mission of Project HOPE, and to provide financial support for the world-wide initiatives supported by our philanthropy.

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But in addition to our Fraternity-sponsored volunteer activities, many LKS members have other volunteer activities they feel very passionate about. Take for instance Jeel Dudhat, a member of Alpha Alpha Collegiate Chapter at Temple University School of Pharmacy. Jeel volunteered as a camp counselor for the first time during the summer of 2019 at Camp Freedom sponsored by the American Diabetes Association. Camp Freedom is a weeklong overnight camp for children with diabetes. To prepare for her role as camp counselor, Jeel underwent training to assist children with carb counting, checking blood sugar levels, and managing highs and lows in their blood sugars. Jeel wanted to volunteer “due to the fact that she grew up in a family of Type 2 diabetics and has seen the impact it has on their lives.” She was able to participate in a program where the focus was on the children themselves and not the medical condition they live with every day. She wants to continue volunteering at the camp so she can reconnect with the children she worked with and see how they are growing into the individuals they aspire to be. A fun side benefit is the chance to “feel like a kid again” and join in on the zip-lining, tubing, horseback riding, and other fun activities with the campers! And, she actually enjoyed getting out of the city, into a natural environment, something she had little opportunity to do in the past. Melissa Menditto, a member of Xi Chapter at the University of Rhode Island, states that volunteering “is a big part of who I

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am.” She volunteered for her hometown’s First Aid Squad in high school, and fed her passion for helping people by joining URI’s Emergency Medical Services during her first year there. She has been a licensed EMT for the past 5 years. Although most of the patients seen in her role in the EMS at URI are college students, professors, family members, campus visitors, and occasionally members of the local community sometimes need assistance. Her responsibilities include training and precepting others to become EMT’s, stabilizing patients, and sometimes just providing an empathetic ear and a hand to hold for those in need of it.

Melissa Menditto (Xi-Univ. Rhode Island) says that volunteering “is a big part of who I am.” Melissa volunteers because she likes making a positive impact on the community she is a part of. She serves as an advocate for the patients she treats, a great step towards her role as a pharmacist in the future. In addition, she is able to set an example for employing compassion and understanding when interacting with patients who may be experiencing stress that impacts their behavior in an uncomfortable situation. Observing others utilizing the tools she

teaches is part of why she continues to invest her time as a volunteer. She also acknowledges that the support of her friends and family had much to do with her success becoming an EMT and an active volunteer. Lisa Anzisi Lasagne, MS, PharmD, BCPS is an Alpha Pi Alumni member who says she has been an active volunteer throughout her life. Many of the organizations she volunteers with assist women and often have some health related focus. For Lisa, volunteering with colleagues, friends, and family enable her to assist others while spending time with people she likes and for issues she feels passionate about – women and health. Lisa has volunteered with several organizations. Survivors Teaching Students: Saving Women’s Lives. This group participates in a medical education program started by the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance. Ovarian cancer survivors share their experiences with medical students, nurse practitioner students, and physician assistant students providing unique insight into the disease from a survivor’s perspective. Lisa speaks at Montefiore Hospital medical school, Mercy PA school, and St. John’s University College of Pharmacy. She also volunteers with the NYC Road Runners Marathon. She serves as a member of a medical volunteer team of LKS sisters and has done so for several years. The team assists with the preparation of critical care medications in an ICU triage area for injured runners. Her other volunteer activities involve service to domestic violence victims, fundraising for a food pantry outreach, and service for medically needy New Yorkers.

Volunteering by the Numbers y y 77.34 million adults volunteered through organizations in 2017 y y 6.9 billion hours were donated by volunteers y y 30% of the adult American population volunteer through programs y y 43% of adults volunteer informally by supporting family, friends, and local causes y y Volunteers donate to charities at twice the rate of non-volunteers (80% vs 40%) y y Parents volunteer more than non-parents y y Working moms give more time than any other demographic y y High school and college students are less likely to volunteer or give to charity today than 15 years ago

Mahatma Ghandi said “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Whatever you choose to do in your spare time, consider volunteering in some capacity. Identify what you are passionate about and investigate what options may be available to volunteer in that arena. While volunteering to make financial donations is always appreciated — and needed — for those on limited budgets, time may be a slightly more expendable option. Join the 77 million people who volunteered last year, and contribute to the strengthening of America. You’ll be glad you did!


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The Wide Ranging Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Women’s Reproductive Health By Allison M. Porter, PharmD, Alpha Kappa Chapter, University of Georgia, College of Pharmacy

When discussing smoking and reproductive health with a friend completing a medical residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology, she immediately said “It’s 2019, everyone should know better now!” We SHOULD know better. But in fact, many are not aware of the far reaching negative impact smoking can have on reproductive health. At the 1999 American Society for Reproductive



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Medicine Annual Meeting, a questionnaire showed that most healthcare professionals were aware of the harm caused by smoking to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems (>95%), while fewer were aware of reproductive risks such as miscarriage (39%), ectopic pregnancy (30%), infertility (27%), and early menopause (17%).1 These percentages correlated with a survey of 256 women

hospital employees in 2001: spontaneous abortion (39%), ectopic pregnancy (27%), infertility (22%), and early menopause (18%).2 We can hope that this knowledge gap has been narrowed in the last twenty years, but regardless, significant progress is still needed to achieve the goal of closing the gap. Smoking remains the primary cause of preventable disease and death

despite the decline in adult smoking rates between 2005 (20.9%) and 2017 (14.0%) in the United States.3 Although there is a causative relationship between smoking and known health hazards for female reproductive health, approximately 15% of females of reproductive age currently smoke cigarettes.3 Unfortunately, it is not only those actively smoking who are at risk for reproductive complications, but also those exposed to second and third hand smoke (passive smoke exposure).1 Metabolites and toxins from cigarette smoke can target the reproductive system and have been found in follicular fluid and ovarian tissue, which continue being used as a marker of

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recent smoke exposure.1,4 Possible mechanisms of reproductive complications include altered hormone levels, oxidative stress, increased apoptosis, and introduction of toxins which can affect every stage of female reproductive function.4 Delayed Conception

The effect of smoking on fertility has been extensively studied during the last 30 years where smoking has been consistently associated with conception delay and infertility.1,5-6 Although some studies found a correlation only when more than 20 cigarettes were smoked per day, there was a trend towards infertility no matter the quantity of cigarettes smoked.1,5-6 Unfortunately, delay in conception is not only noted in active smokers but was also evident in those exposed to passive smoke, when compared to those not routinely exposed to smoke.1,5 Complications are not isolated to natural conception; in fact, assisted reproduction, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), also had less success in smokers when compared to non-smokers, potentially requiring increased numbers of IVF cycles to conceive.3,7 The correlation between smoking and conception is not absolute, so dose and duration of cigarette smoke exposure have to be taken into account, along with other possible confounding factors such as alcohol

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intake, age, and body mass index (BMI). Pregnancy Complications

Conception is only the first of many hurdles for those who smoke. Tobacco smoke can damage human germ cells which may increase diploid oocytes in the ovary and increase the risk of trisomy 21 and other birth defects.1 There is also an association between smoking and spontaneous miscarriage, possibly due to vasoconstrictive and anti-metabolic properties found in cigarette smoke. Additionally, there are reports linking smoking to ectopic pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis (which could pose additional pregnancy risks), and low birth weight babies.1,3,5-7

Approximately 15% of females of reproductive age currently smoke cigarettes. Early Menopause

Smoking has implications even for those not wishing to conceive, as it can accelerate the onset of menopause, which occurs 1-4 years earlier in women who smoke.1 Follicular depletion and loss of reproductive function appears to be linked to chemicals in cigarette smoke. Hormone interruption is apparent with altered urinary estrogen excretion and

increased levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in active smokers (66% higher) and passive smokers (39% higher) when compared to nonsmokers.1,5 Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation can reverse many of the harms initiated as a result of smoking, and should be advised for all patients. Once smoking is identified, the “5 A’s” can be used to intervene: Ask about tobacco use, Advise to quit, Assess motivation to quit, Assist with behavioral support and medication, and Arrange follow up and referral.1 There are many avenues available for assistance with smoking cessation, including but not limited to counseling interventions, specific smoking cessation clinics, and a free “quitline” (1-800-QUIT-NOW). Smoking cessation counseling, either group or individual, should be offered to all, and medication should be used in conjunction when necessary. With many effective smoking cessation products available (nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion SR, and varenicline), it has become easier to tailor the smoking cessation process to each patient, leading to increased successes.3 Guidance for smoking cessation therapies during pregnancy can be found through The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), World Health Organization (WHO), and the U.S.

Preventive Services Task Force. Given the fact that metabolites of nicotine have been identified in the follicular fluid of 84% of tested women who are non-smokers, it is evident that the health benefits of smoking cessation would not be isolated to the active smoker, but to the community at large.1 Therefore, as the most accessible member of the healthcare team, pharmacists should make it a mission to ensure that by 2020, every patient who interacts with a pharmacist “knows better.” REFERENCES 1. P ractice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Smoking and infertility: a committee opinion. Fertil Steril, 2018; 110(4): 611-618. 2. R oth, LK and Taylor HS. Risks of smoking to reproductive health: Assessment of women’s knowledge. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2001; 184(5): 934-939. 3. C enters for Disease Control and Prevention> Smoking & Tobacco Use. tobacco/ index.htm. Accessed August 31, 2019. echanet C, Anahory T, 4. D Mathieu Daude JC, et al. Effects of cigarette smoking on reproduction. Hum Reprod Update, 2011; 17(1): 76-95. 5. H ull M, North K, Taylor H, et al. Delayed conception and active and passive smoking. Fertil Steril, 2000; 74(4): 725-733. 6. A ugood C, Duckitt K, and Templeton A A. Smoking and female infertility: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod, 1998; 13(6): 1532-1539. 7. W aylen AL, Metwally M, Jones GL, et al. Effects of cigarette smoking upon clinical outcomes of assisted reproduction: a metaanalysis. Hum Reprod Update, 2009; 15(1):31-44.


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Project HOPE efforts of our collegiate chapters, generous alumni, and convention fundraising activities. Often times, however, especially as students, financial resources are very limited and financial donations are just not in the budget. Project HOPE offers many other ways to get involved. During times of disaster, Project HOPE needs volunteers for Emergency Response Teams. Pharmacists, as well as other health care professionals needed. But anyone meeting the following criteria may serve as a volunteer: XXFLEXIBLE: in where to go, CHUYN/ISTOCKPHOTO

how long to stay, and what duties to perform XXCOMPASSIONATE: victims of

disaster come in all shapes, sizes, and circumstances XXCAN-DO ATTITUDE: willingness

Our Philanthropy At Work During Hurricane Dorian By Casey Owens, PharmD, Nu Chapter, Drake University JUNE 1 THROUGH NOVEMBER 30

is hurricane season in the United States. The 2019 season started with Barry in mid-July, forming in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and struck Louisiana. Hurricane Dorian was the second hurricane and the first major hurricane of the season. Dorian blew through the Bahamas as a Category 5 storm, leaving in it’s path death, devastation and despair. Dorian then proceeded to impact the Atlantic coast. Areas along the North Carolina coast saw from 5-9 inches of rain throughout the duration of the storm, but Ocracoke recorded over 13 inches. As disasters unfold, whether natural or man-made, many of us are left


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wondering what that people can help we can do to help. One of the biggest — and most direct — ways that people help after a disaster is through monetary donations. And it doesn’t take large donations — every dollar adds up, especially since rescue supplies are frequently significantly discounted for organizations providing recovery services. LKS has done an amazing job raising money for Project HOPE. Project HOPE not only maintains a presence during these disasters, but also continuously supports the many missions in which it is vested. This year alone, LKS was able to raise over $28,000 for Project HOPE, thanks to the considerable

to learn and perform tasks outside their comfort zone XXTEAM PLAYER: communication,

coordination, and unified efforts are critical The above qualities are already foundational in LKS members as well as non-member pharmacists in general. Beyond the benefits of helping people in need, this is an excellent opportunity to travel (expenses paid), perhaps practice pharmacy in another culture, work on critical thinking, teamwork, and communication skills, and build an outstanding resume. For more information on volunteering through Project HOPE, visit the Project HOPE website at If money and time are barriers to supporting national or international organizations, look for opportunities to volunteer locally. And don’t forget— our chapters are very active in supporting community organizations and events, and those activities impact lives in a positive way as well. In the meantime, keep participating in those Project HOPE fundraising events and share information through social media and personal appeals so others can participate as well.

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A Bit of Our History

Fall Recruitment Through the Years by C hristine Perry, Past Grand President, Alpha Alumni Chapter FALL IS A TRADITIONAL TIME FOR chapters to hold recruitment activities and invite prospective members to join our Fraternit y. This was no dif ferent in the early days of the founding of our Fraternit y. Alpha Chapter, for example, posted a notice signed by President Annabel Car ter and Secretar y-Treasurer Mar y Connolly, both Founders of LKS. All girls attending MCP were invited to join LKS during initiation week. Use of a role model was established in the early days of LKS, when a prospective initiate was under the personal charge of a member of the Chapter. Today the big sister in Greek organizations ser ves as an advisor throughout initiation and during their time in college. The bond between a big and little is ver y special and of ten becomes a lifetime bond. As LKS grew, training methods for collegiate members were modified. A pledge handbook was needed to provide a consistent and strong fraternit y education program. This was considered vital to the success of Lambda Kappa Sigma as a Greek letter organization. The first one, published in 1934, was a 20 page handbook that contained the Constitution and By-Laws, Histor y of Lambda Kappa Sigma, Chapter Histories, Graduate Chapters, The Origin of the Coat-of-Arms, Pledging Ceremony, Founders Day, Hygeia Day, Flowers and Colors.

FA L L 2019

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LAMBDA KAPPA SIGMA Pharmacy Fraternity P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570



Calendar Updates

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Application Deadline for Convention Travel Grants

Last Day for Discounted Hotel Room Rate

2020 LKS Annual Convention

JUNE 30, 2020

J U LY 10 , 2 0 2 0

Early-bird Convention Registration Ends

Online Convention Registration Closes

Indianapolis, IN You don’t want to miss it!

Visit for all the latest.

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