Chapter and Member Updates Winter 2019

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Lambda Kappa SIgma


Chapter and Member Updates

Sisters from the Alpha Chapter worked together in the research, production and presentation of one of our Health Topics of the Month (HTOM). HTOM is one of the on-going traditional professional events where sisters have the opportunity to take charge and collaborate to create a professional poster to present in our local community. November’s HTOM was about the importance of nutrition and what it means to have a balanced lifestyle. Sisters split up into two teams of either researching/creating the poster or presenting. The research/production team brainstormed the essential topics that were to be included in the poster as well as utilized databases to provide evidence-based statistics and noteworthy points of a balanced lifestyle. Using those components, the team brought the poster to life by designing it in a way that is understandable yet still impactful. On the day of the presentation, the sisters were at Osco Pharmacy in Boston discussing our topic with many customers and patients about the importance of balanced lifestyles, food choices and how small changes can make a big impact on someone’s well-being. This project not only allows for sisters to develop their skills in research and professional poster-making, but also provides opportunities as future healthcare professionals in teaching, guiding and being an advocate for their patients. - Kaitlyn Kenjesky


On September 15, 2019, we partnered with PDC to host a cookout with current and potential new members. We provided hot dogs, burgers, snacks and drinks. This was our final recruitment event. On September 27, 2019, we hosted a sisterhood event for new and current members. Members interacted with students from different classes and spent a night together at a baseball game. On October 15, 2019, we organized a spaghetti dinner to celebrate day that LKS became a Fraternity. New members made food for the members of our Fraternity. For December 5, 2019, we are hosting a holiday dinner for our active members. Those who have completed the professional and service requirements are rewarded with a holiday dinner. This will be a great way to end the semester with all of the sisters. - Ami Patel


Our Lambda chapter recently had osteoporosis screenings provided to the Orange County elderly population a few months ago. We screened over 100 individuals and received great feedback that we were positively making a difference in our community. In addition, our organization recently collaborated with two other professional societies on campus to feed the homeless during Thanksgiving. We helped packed over 1000 meals. - Nancy Nguyen


Xi Chapter has had a very active fall with noteworthy involvement in community service and fundraising events so far this year. Earlier in the fall we participated in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Providence, Rhode Island. Our chapter raised over $2,250 for this event to support the research and treatment of breast cancer. Many of our sisters, including myself, have had family and friends affected by breast cancer, so this event was very meaningful for our chapter. In November, we hosted a “Hope TaLKS Trivia Night” to raise money for our national philanthropy, Project HOPE. The event was both fun and fruitful, with participation from students outside of LKS, too! Xi Chapter also ran a booth in the University of Rhode Island’s Memorial Union on antimicrobial stewardship. Our sisters collaborated to make an attractive and informative poster, then presented the poster during U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week. Our newest PNM class was just initiated, adding 41 dedicated sisters to our chapter. The PNM fundraiser successfully sold over 50 LKS stickers, hand-designed by a creative new member! For most of the fall semester, we have been running a fundraiser with Mixed Bags. The whole chapter has been participating in and/or sharing our link to raise money through this partnership . Most recently, our fundraising chairs designed a College of Pharmacy crewneck which was advertised to the entire pharmacy program. The sale was incredibly successful with over 150 sweatshirts sold. With these lucrative fundraisers we proudly exceed our chapter’s semester goal. As the semester comes to a close, Xi chapter is focusing on stress relief before finals and preparing students for their spring classes. We will host our “P1 panel” upon returning from Thanksgiving break which allows older students to mentor younger students on the changes to come. We will celebrate our accomplishments at our winter formal, held in conjunction with Kappa Psi at a beautiful venue on the water. Overall, this semester has been very prosperous for Xi, and we are looking forward to continued success in the spring semester! - Lauren Shallcross



Omicron chapter has had a great start off to the 2019-2020 academic school year. One of our biggest achievements has been spreading the word and goal of LKS and we have attracted a great number of new P1 and P2 students who were interested in what we had to offer. We recently initiated 21 new members into our organization on November 23rd at the Detroit Yacht club on Belle Isle. We consider ourselves lucky to have gathered much interest and are excited to see what new changes we can bring out in the local community. Our new members also did a service project where they collected donations of toys and made Halloween baskets for the sick children at the Detroit Medical Center – Children’s Hospital and delivered the goodies to them to help brighten up their days. Another achievement of our chapter is that over the summer at the LKS 2019 national convention, we had the honor of receiving 1st Runner-up Collegiate Chapter of the Year. This has further encouraged all of our sisters to commit ourselves to do the best we can as we strive toward developing our chapter. With all of our active members working together, we are hoping to perfect and embody LKS’s core values of sisterhood, leadership, service, scholarship, and integrity. - Kulthoom Nadeem



1. "Think in Pink" Breast Cancer Awareness Event - LKS collaborated with APhA's Women's Health Committee

to host this event during Breast Cancer Awareness month. We invited seven panelists to share how this disease has touched their lives. The panelists included a clinical professional in surgical oncology, a nurse practitioner in breast oncology, breast cancer researchers, and a breast cancer survivor. The event was open not only to pharmacy students, but also Rutgers students as a whole and sought to raise awareness about breast cancer. This event also accompanied a breast cancer bake sale, in which LKS sisters raised $205 for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. This was the first time we hosted a breast cancer event, and we seek to host a similar event next year again!

2. LKS Coffeehouse - LKS hosted a coffeehouse event in which students who attended enjoyed live music

performances, dinner and fall treats, and made cards for hospitalized children. All ticket sale proceeds were donated to Project HOPE! The event raised almost $500 for Project HOPE and contributed 80 cards to St. Jude's Hospital.

3. This semester, sisters completed an average of over 7 hours of service per sister. Our sisters participated in service events such as Move-in team (helping freshmen move into their dorms), the Rutgers-wide Scarlet Day of Service, and health fairs. We also hosted an LKS service event just for sisters where we made blankets to donate to Project Linus. The purpose of this blanket-making event was to s how our potential new members how fun it is to do service together as a sisterhood - Katherine Zheng


Tau chapter kicked off this semester celebrating the honor of being Northeastern Region Chapter of the year at our annual sisterhood retreat. We welcomed all students back to school at our Project HOPE Extravaganza at Carson City Saloon. Over 100 students from LKS, KE, PDC, Kappa Psi, and throughout the school of pharmacy attended and we were able to raise close to $1000. Our sisters participated in Duquesne University’s Pharmacy in the Square event, educating the public about over the counter medications. Our Service Committee created women’s hygiene bags to hand out at this event for local women in need. It was truly a heartwarming experience for all involved to touch the lives of women who were in need. In November we held our second annual Project HOPE Brunch. We had over 80 attendees, complete with Dr. Holly Lassilla speaking on her work with the underserved, as well as raffle baskets and a 50/50 Auction. We raised over $1,800 from this event and could not be more proud of our Project HOPE committee for their hard work. We are proud to say we have raised already over $4300 for Project HOPE thus far this year, and only hope to continue to make this number grow! - Morgan Voithofer



This semester has been very busy for the Phi chapter. Our exec team has been working hard and our members have been showing up in great ways! Truly, I think most of our members have stepped up this semester and continue to make our chapter great. I am so proud of these girls! Our chapter accepted 11 new members this fall! We have had great attendance to events like initiation, recruitment events, and even our monthly chapter meetings. In addition to our recruitment efforts, we organized our annual Hope WaLKS for Project Hope and had great attendance. We walked around campus to different well known locations to learn more about the history of Project Hope. Our most popular fundraising event for this semester was our Butler Pharmacy stickers, where we raised around $130! - Taylor Fruits


Fall 2019 was such a fun and busy semester for Alpha Alpha. Over the last few weeks we have organized many events ranging from fundraisers to career panels and everything in between. We started off the semester by participating in a “Giving Back to Temple University” health fair by presenting posters on various health topics to our fellow students and faculty. In October we held a breast cancer awareness fundraiser to collect lipsticks for Fighting Pretty and asked our fellow classmates to wear pink. We also organized a happy hour event to further raise funds for the charity. Later that month, we teamed up with our lovely faculty advisor to participate in pharmacy week by presenting a poster on the topic of contraception. We also planned our annual career panel where we invited alumni sisters to come speak about their career paths and provide advice to current students. This year we had representatives from residency, industry, and APhA. The event had a great turnout and we can’t wait to plan it again next year. Last, but certainly not least, we are proud to announce that we welcomed 14 new girls into our chapter. We had so much fun getting to know all of them and can’t wait to see all the amazing things they accomplish as sisters of LKS. - Aleksandra Langowska


After an amazing 2019 Convention in Milwaukee, our sisters headed back to UConn and quickly jumped into planning events and setting expectations for the upcoming year. Our goals for the school year were to get our sisters more involved in events as well as placing emphasis on sisterhood. Our e-board carefully looked into what made our chapter successful in years past as well as areas of improvement to collectively strengthen our committees and improve member involvement. Off the bat, our professional committee was prepared with multiple events to be planned. Events like studying with sisters, a “How to get into Pharmacy School” presentation, mock interviews, and a rotations talk with all of our P4 sisters were great events for our sisters and other pharmacy students to take advantage of. We also held a tabling event at our student union as a way of spreading information about OTC medications and importance of vaccinations. Alpha Beta sisters are passionate and confident in the knowledge gained from UConn’s intense curriculum, so we love to take advantage of opportunities like this to spread what we know to the university. The alumni committee has worked hard to strengthen our connection with our alumni chapter. With that in mind, the members of this committee have worked alongside the professional committee to organize the rotations talk with some of our P4 sisters as a way for our current members to hear experiences and receive advice on what to expect in our last year in pharmacy school. Additionally, members from each committee have been sending our alumni chair a short summary of their progress and upcoming events for our monthly alumni newsletter.


Sister bonding is something that our chapter has been highly prioritizing this semester, and our social committee had a fantastic semester. Sisters attended a local apple festival mid October, enjoying rides, amazing food, and apples in many forms! We have also been interacting more with other fraternities in the school of pharmacy through social events such as Battle of the Rx’s where we play minute to win it style games with the brothers of Kappa Psi. We also hosted a movie night right at the School of Pharmacy and sisters enjoyed tons of popcorn while watching The Greatest Showman. Our social committee head has also been placing a larger emphasis on our social media presence by having a raffle for basket compiled with a bunch of small gifts was created as a way to encourage sisters to broadcast their love for LKS Alpha Beta on social media. Fundraising was incredibly successful this semester. Apart from our sweatpants and tumblers sold at Convention, we sold reusable bags, car decals and wine glasses right in the SOP throughout the semester, which helped us make a huge profit for our chapter! The Fundraising and Project HOPE committees teamed up to have a Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser, where half of the funds went directly to our chapter and the other half to our philanthropy. The Project HOPE committee hosted the annual Hope waLKS 5K around UConn's campus on Saturday, October 5th. Our chapter worked with Positive Tracks agreed to match our donation up to$300. With a total of $1,000 raised, this was by far our most successful Hope WaLKS!!!


Community Service organized blanket making after chapter to be given to patients at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. With the main intention being to give a generous gift for the children at CCMC, it was also a great sister bonding event. In addition, the committee collaborated with SPPAG (Student Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group) to work on educational Halloween based events at Mansfield Public Library. Lastly, cards for Veteran’s Day were created by many sisters and delivered to the VA Medical Center for the deserving veterans in their community living center. We clearly love to craft. Our chapter has been extremely busy, but in the best way. Last but not least, we initiated seven new members into our chapter at the end of October. The new members also hosted their own event where sisters gathered and painted along with a video of Bob Ross. It was one of our most well attended events and so much fun! We are so happy to welcome them into one of the most rewarding parts about being in pharmacy school. Sending love to all our sisters around the world this holiday season!LL, Alpha Beta. - Samantha Troy


To highlight, we had several successful events that our recruitment chair, Meg Smith, put on in the latter half of 2019. These events helped us meet and form bonds with potential new members, and eased the stress of finals for them and our sisters. For example, at our end of the year recruitment event we had a wine glass painting event with several potential new members, as well as LKS sisters. Our amazing Philanthropy chair, Krupa Patel, introduced us to our first-ever Project HOPE week!She set up tables all week around campus to raise awareness for what Project HOPE is and what they do. During this week we had our biggest event of the semester - a donut eating contest. This semester we also took some time out of our busy schedules to enjoy our free time and celebrate our moms. Our sisterhood chair, Morgan Tegart, organized two amazing events this semester -pumpkin picking and candle making. At the beginning of fall, we went pumpkin and apple picking. The following month, we went candle making with our Mom's, because they are the light of our lives. All in all, our chapter and all of our officers have worked very hard this year. We have achieved our goals of bringing more awareness to our campus about Project HOPE, celebrating our sisters, and bringing new members into our chapter. - Amanda Hanger


On October 17th, LKS co-hosted a professional development program (PDP) with Drug Information Association (DIA). Amongst our speakers was our own alumnae Yoldine Meris and Olivia Vanscoy. Both speakers currently work at Merck, but the PDP was more focused on the route to their fellowship, a day in the life and the Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry. We had great attendance and fantastic food! On October 20th, we joined the annual breast cancer walk that begins at Central Park (Manhattan) to demonstrate our alliance with womens' health. It's a great cause and a beautiful walk. On Nov.21st, LKS sponsored a PDP which provided naloxone training. The speaker, from the NYC Health Department, spoke about opioid statistics in NYC, how to recognize and respond in case of an emergency and how to properly administer naloxone. At the end of this PDP, students (approx. 75 students were in attendance), received their certification, certifying that they can now properly administer naloxone and save a life! - Laraib Afzal



We donated 637 items to our local women's shelter called WISE (Women's Information Service). This shelter provides safety for women who experienced domestic and/or sexual abuse. How the WISE drive worked was by involving every Ferris State College of Pharmacy RSOs to participate. Each RSO was assigned a big box (which were placed in the Pharmacy Student Lounge). Here it was easily accessible for people to purchase and donate items in their choice of organization. After a week's worth of collecting, we counted how many items were donated on behalf of each RSO. The winner with the most donated items in their RSO box won LKS providing donuts at their next meeting (the donuts were purchased at our local donut shop called Bernies). - Lindsay Ann Christensen


Alpha Mu is bursting with fun and excitement! Our recruitment chairs put on a wonderful recruitment week and a paradise themed bid day, offering bids to over twenty potential new members. Our professionalism chairs put on a flipped classroom presentation that was both funny and informative. They are also in contact with the Boys and Girls Club and are hoping to get dates for sisters to volunteer there soon. Our sisters have also participated in many service events, including a Girl Scout Event which helped young Girl Scouts earn their First Aid Badge, but also taught them how to identify medications. We also participated in a 5K that benefited children who are in need of cleft lip/palate surgeries. Our sisters are also looking forward to participating in Relay for Life and volunteering at animal shelters throughout the rest of the semester! Our Vice President is planning a Formal later on in the semester that will give all pharmacy students a chance to mingle with each other and professors and potential preceptors. What a way to promote professional development! We are currently holding a bath bomb fundraiser and had a previously successful fundraiser at Piada and are planning to do cake pops later on. Our social chairs put on a cute girl’s day at an apple orchard where our sisters got to take photos together and bond over apple cider. Alpha Mu has had a successful semester so far and we look forward to hearing about all the exciting things other chapters are up to! - Alexis Rickels



This year we were fortunate enough to initiate over 20 girls into our sisterhood which exceeded our goal for the year! We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful girls trust us to grow them as pharmacy students and as women in the profession. We are optimistic that we will be leaving the chapter in good hands as our third year students move on to APPEs, and we know that they are serious about serving each other and the community. - Kennedy Powers


This year we had two Health Fairs that we participated in. On May 5th we hosted our own Health Fair called the Hygeia Health Fair which we hosted at a local church called the First Baptist Church. Our executive board oversaw the Health Fair, but all the graduate members of LKS helped out at respective booths. We also had non-LKS pharmacy students volunteer at the health fair as well. Booths at the health fair offered many types of screenings such as Bone Mineral Density, Mental Health, Anemia, Smoking Cessation, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol. We had educational booths as well that covered topics such as Breast Cancer, alternative types of medication, folic acid and heart burn. Lastly there was also a children’s booth which three undergraduate members volunteered at. Here children could come and make crafts while their parents could visit our various other booths. Six alumni came back to precept this health fair as well and it was great to see them again. Visitors at this health fair included people who stopped by after church services and also Stockton locals. Overall, we had about 200 visitors at this health fair. We also hosted another Health Fair in partnership with Medicare Part D on November 10th in San Francisco at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco. This health fair included the same screenings and educational booths as the Hygeia Health fair in addition to an Immunization booth where visitors could get flu vaccinations and a Medicare booth where visitors could get their Medicare Part D plans reviewed. This health fair was geared towards the geriatric community and we had more than 400 visitors come. This health fair was definitely very busy as it was the biggest Medicare Health Fair of the season. For this health fair every LKS member participated. Graduate students helped out at booths whereas undergraduate students helped with sign-in and helped redirect visitors to the booths they were interested in. Overall, both health fairs were a huge success. Although both health fairs were quite tiring as they occurred while we were in school, both health fairs were a rewarding experience for every member. Being able to help visitors and bring a smile to their face is what made it all worth it for us. - Elizabeth Nguyen



Alpha Omicron chapter had a busy semester. In September, we provided mental health education in collaboration with APhA-ASP Operation Mental Health at the Out of the Darkness walk. We also participated in an international festival where we provided free blood glucose screenings. In October, we provided mental health education to a local middle school and provided women's health education at a local breast cancer screening. In November, we raised money and accepted donations for the Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. On the 8th of this month, we will be providing a free meal at the Ronald McDonald House for families that have members staying in the hospital long-term. - Kayla Rose


This semester, Alpha Pi has taken part in countless events we are proud of, with a few highlights that stand out in particular. We hold so much value in our Women’s Pharmacist Day event above all else. During this event, alumni came back and our main focal point is to celebrate and elevate all the women in pharmacy, our important roles, as well as learn from each other's experiences and paths they have taken within the pharmacy field. Additionally, one of our most successful annual events is Bright Pink. LKS alum, Lisa Anzisi, works very closely with our chapter in general and is always kind enough to come back along with other women and share their personal experiences on their battles with cancer. Their captivating stories touch the hearts of all sisters and humbles everyone. Being able to learn about cancer from a first hand perspective makes everything so much more realistic and the best part is that the participants learn from the presenters through an interactive activity. We learn how to notice any abnormalities about our bodies as women and to remain aware and proactive when it comes to women’s health; an aspect we truly hold in high value. This semester, Alpha Pi has took part in things we have never done before- including a color-coordinated photoshoot. Sisters gathered directly after our chapter meeting and each grade wore a different color scheme. Pictures were coordinated outside which allowed for us to show our pride for LKS as well as enjoy ourselves and have fun as a chapter in its whole. Moreover, our most recent chapter activity has been Friendsgiving. This semester especially, Alpha Pi has been branching out to collaborate with many other organizations within the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences which has helped to not only grow our chapter’s involvement with other peers, but to become more involved with a wider realm of possible career paths within pharmacy. With that, the collaboration for Friendsgiving (a thanksgiving feast) with another professional pharmacy fraternity on campus has allowed us to re-ground ourselves. Although we realize the importance of school, work, and remaining focused on our goals, it is relieving to have one night where we spend time together, catch up on each other’s lives, and overall give thanks for all we are grateful to have and be a part of. We have realized that the more we collaborate with other organizations for events and activities, the more participation we tend to have and more importantly, the more we learn about our own passions. At the end of the semester, we look back on all we have accomplished and it is hard to pinpoint just a few events that are considered our most noteworthy because so much work, effort, dedication, and time goes into each event that is held. We are grateful for the amazing sisterhood we share and the bonds we continue to grow. - Samantha Pistek


Alpha Rho Chapter has been very active with philanthropy, social, fundraising, and professional events. We have actively been trying to collaborate with Alpha Chapter when possible, and were able to host a Friendgiving as well as attend their first Winter Formal. We have also volunteered at many walks, like Walk Out of Darkness; our sisters loved the opportunity to give back to the community! To cater to a wider variety of pharmacy interests, our professional events have been more openly geared towards community and industry fields in addition to clinical. For example, we had a Residency vs. Fellowship event with recently graduated alumni. - Victoria Pan


We did many great events this semester! We celebrated Women in Pharmacy Day by holding a panel, featuring some of our own alumni, including Sandy Mullen, Kayla Bardzel, Letitia Warunek, and Heidi Yanoski! We also held Turkey Tea, a Thanksgiving dinner where proceeds were donated to a local organization. This year, we donated $690 to Ruth's Place, a local women's shelter! We inducted 11 new members and held a variety of recruitment activities, including a fiesta, big/little reveal, and of course initiation and induction. We also held a chemotherapy drive where we donated over 900 items to a chemo treatment center and educated patients and their families on medication safety. To end the semester we held a Christmas party where we played holiday themed games and exchanged gifts! It has been a great semester and we are looking forward to the spring semester! Lexie Panek



We initiated 10 new lambs this fall, 8 from the class of 2022 and 2 from the class of 2021. We are excited to share our experiences with our new sisters! - Toni Fick


This semester has been filled with so many events! For the month of November, we hosted our final rush event for the semester. It was located in an ice skating ring in Cheekwaga,NY and it was a great time getting to know the new recruits. Alpha Theta also came to support our rush event. Our Beta Alpha Chapter and Alpha Theta Chapter fulfilled the goal of networking and collaborating more with each other during the 2020-2021 term. For our fall social event, we threw a Secret Santa Party for our active sisters and we were able to share lovely gifts, decide who received a bid and we ate plenty of food! It was great seeing some of our P4s attend the party and they give us insight of how their life during P4 is. Lastly, we had a hygiene drive for the homeless and we receive a lot of donations. We able to reach our goal of 15 kits which included soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, etc. Donations are set to be deliver to Buffalo City Missions. - Natalie Esadeh



This semester, Beta Beta focused on recruitment to expand our small group of 7 active members to more. We were able to pass out 13 bids and have 12 new members join us. This is a huge step for us as we can begin to expand our field of reach at school and host more events independently instead of with other organizations. One of the events we held for our PY1s was a what to wear and what to expect on IPPE as they get ready for their first experience. Our panel of members, all LKS, shared our own experiences and helpful tips and received great feedback from the PY1s. We hope our efforts calmed some of their nerves and got them excited for this new chapter of their lives beginning. - Christina Verbetsky


This fall, we had our first official chapter installation at the University of Charleston School of Pharmacy. We are so excited to be a part of this organization and represent the profession of pharmacy. We have participated in great events this semester to promote health care, including the Walk to End Alzheimer's and some events to promote breast cancer awareness. Moving into the next semester, we plan to hold an event for autism awareness and a Script Your Future event for asthma. We look forward to be a part of Lambda Kappa Sigma - Shania Bradford



Chi Alumni Chapter met in October. Michael VanLaanen, Western Region Supervisor, who was our Delegate to Convention, gave an overview of the activities there. He was also a presenter on Anticoagulation Services for the Continuing Education section. We shared news from several members who have been traveling, retiring, etc. Our next meeting will be in April, for elections, planning for Convention and other business. For our community service, members contributed to food banks or nutrition services. Between meetings we keep in close touch through email. - Nancy Horst

Chi Alumni

Greetings from AB Alumni Chapter! Now that fall is here and we’ve made it home from another wonderful Convention, we are excited to kick off the new academic year. Our chapter is off to a busy start with many exciting activities this fall. On September 28th, the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy held its annual Alumni Awards and Reunion Weekend at the Storrs Campus, honoring the classes of 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2019. It was a fun event for all who attended! The collegiate chapter hosted its annual Hope WaLKS event on October 5th, and the alumni chapter was invited to attend. We always look forward to helping out with this event, whether in person or through donations. Finally, we are looking forward to the Homecoming Tailgate on October 19th. This event is a fun way for the alumni members to meet and reconnect with the collegiate chapter over brunch at Renschler Field prior to the homecoming football game. Go Huskies! Big things are happening in our personal lives as well. Ashley Walsh welcomed her daughter Adeline into the world this June! Mom, dad, and baby are all doing well. Courtney Genovesi sat for the pediatric pharmacotherapy exam this spring and is now proudly board certified. Many of our new graduates have passed their licensure exams and are successfully integrating themselves into the workforce or their residency programs. We look forward to hearing about their accomplishments throughout the year! - Courtney Genovesi

Alpha Beta Alumni

Alpha Beta Alumni

In May, we had our first alumni weekend. A fellow lamb had a baby shower Saturday morning, which was followed by lunch and a meeting, dinner, and then the West Michigan Whitecaps baseball game. We had 9 sisters that came out and attended at least one of the events. At convention, we had 4 members attend one first timer! We also had a conference call meeting in October where we are working on updating our chapter bylaws. Our next conference call meeting is scheduled for February where we hope to vote on those bylaw changes. - Sarah Brown

Alpha Iota Alumni

This fall our alumni developed and supported a coaching program for 5th-6th year collegiates which included critique of resumes, letters of intent, mock interviews & other career tips. As part of the coaching program, we hosted a series of WebEx topics including: Preparing for Midyear, Residency vs. Fellowship, Networking & Successful Small Talk, Asking for Recommendations, and Managing Stress. The response from attendees was overwhelming and we look forward to making this an annual program. Our 6th year students presented 13 posters at several national meetings. Our alumni continue to share their knowledge with alumni and collegiates. Emilya Bagdasarian presented "The Science of Happiness." Lisa Anzisi hosted a panel of survivors to increase awareness of Breast/Ovarian Cancer. Michelle Kaufman published "Healthcare Heroes: Medical Careers Guide." Sandy Gaeta shared insight at the Pharmaceutical Industry Networking Event at SJU. Numerous alumni sponsored White Coats for Alpha Pi collegiates. We are proud to announce that our current President, Jacqueline Mullakary, received the Distinguished young Pharmacist Award and Kristin Cheng received the Advisor Award. Lisa Anzisi, Jane Leung and Eileen Wood represent Managed Care Pharmacists at the quarterly NYS Pharmacy Conference meeting. - Lisa Anzisi Lasagne

Alpha Pi Alumni

Alpha Pi Alumni

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