Blue and Gold Triangle Fall 2018

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Blue & Gold


Grand President’s Goals for Year One


2019 LKS National Convention


Fall 2018

Project HOPE: Our Philanthropy at Work



Lamb for Life

“Stay active with your college.” quickly realized it wasn’t what she wanted for a career.

by Justine E. Dickson, Pharm.D, BCACP


ATHY HUFF didn’t have a typical journey through Lambda Kappa Sigma. Kathy was an alumni initiate. Donna Dancer recruited her prior to the 1986 convention in Indianapolis. She quickly won over the alumni members with her Tupperware, sense of humor, weenie roast, and work on the Memorials and Resolutions committee. She now is a member of the Former Phoenix Metro chapter, which meets twice a year with 12-15 people (the oldest being 96!). Kathy has attended many LKS Conventions, served on the Memorials and Resolutions Committee numerous times, and on other committees, and received the Distinguished Service Citation in 2014. Kathy was born and raised in Illinois. Her father was a surgeon, and her mother was a home healthcare nurse. Kathy was the eldest of 4, and spent many years during her father’s internship riding her bike and roller skating in the underground tunnel system of the hospital. After taking chemistry in high school, she realized how much pharmacy combined her interests in chemistry and medicine. She made the decision to work for the Eli Lilly Company. She was soon accepted to a NSF (National Science Foundation) undergraduate research program at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, but

“Appreciate your college/school/ university. Stay active with your college, sporting events, coffee, networking events, etc. Take advantage of everything they offer.”

She worked in community pharmacy while in pharmacy school at Butler University, with the promise of a job in Indianapolis after graduation. She transitioned to Union University Hospital as an IV room pharmacist. She then moved to Terre Haute and to Indiana Hospital while her husband finished his degree. She accepted a night shift position at the children’s hospital. Her daughter, Jenny, was born, and 18 months later they moved back to Indianapolis. Her husband, Tim, visited Phoenix, AZ to look at houses. He decided he wasn’t coming back and found a house to purchase. Luckily she was hired on the spot by Walgreen’s when she flew out to see the house they had already purchased, and has been there for the past 17 years! Now that she’s settled in Mesa, AZ (with a pool!) she loves to read and go to book signings at two local independent

bookstores. She typically goes with her sister and has met authors Sue Grafton and James Patterson. She is the proud grandmother of 6, and speaks very fondly of her late-great, fentanyl-patchwearing dog “Chase the Wiener Dog of Wonderousness”. He unfortunately succumbed to venom from a toxic toad. Kathy was also involved in 4H for nearly a decade and traveled to Europe as part of an international program. Some of her photography won her awards including the county leadership award. One piece of advice that Kathy has for collegiate members is “Appreciate your college/ school/university. Stay active with your college, sporting events, coffee, networking events, etc. Take advantage of everything they offer.” She also advised that students look at Philanthropic Educational Organization’s website as they offer student loans of up to $12,000 at 2 percent interest. If Kathy’s not reading a book in Mesa, she might be in her favorite place on earth, Hawaii. She’s been many times. She loves to visit historical places, eat, go whale watching, go for scenic drives… but mostly eat. Know a Lamb for Life? We’d love to feature her in an upcoming issue. Please email communications@ to tell us about this special person who deserves recognition.


“Trust your gut.” When counting by 5’s is just not enough, sisters who took a path less traveled encourage others to “trust your gut”.

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Convention Recap 2018 Annual Convention Highlights

page 4

News & Notes The 2019 LKS National Convention will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.



Ewe Can Host a HOPE waLKS Fundraiser

page 11

Project HOPE Project HOPE reached 2.3 million people worldwide


page 12

A Bit of Our History Remembering Alice Gardner Coleman

page 13

FA L L 2018


Published by Lambda Kappa Sigma Fraternity P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570 262-682-4362 | EDITOR

Sharon C. Brown


Lambda Kappa Sigma provides lifelong opportunities for women in pharmacy through professional excellence and personal growth. CORE VALUES

In addition to the Code of Ethics, Lambda Kappa Sigma is guided by professionalism and the Core Values of Integrity, Leadership, Scholarship, Service and Sisterhood.



Sharon C. Brown, Chair Debbie Bourquin Justine Dickson Kim Hancock Nancy Horst MEMBER

Professional Fraternity Association Fraternity Communications Association


The Blue & Gold Triangle is the official publication of Lambda Kappa Sigma Pharmacy Fraternity and is published semi annually. SUBMISSION DEADLINES

February 15; October 15 POSTMASTER

please send address changes to: Lambda Kappa Sigma P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570 PRINTED IN THE USA.



President’s Address

My Goals for Year One Greetings Lambs!

Once again, we’re off to a busy start to our biennium. It has been so exciting for me to have been installed as Grand President and get down to business. My first priority was to visit the LKS Headquarters in Milwaukee for a strategic planning meeting. The day and a half that we spent together was extremely beneficial. Joan, Erin and I worked together to discuss the business side of the Fraternity, make a site visit to our convention hotel for 2019 and get started with the development of the committees for this biennium. I came home with a lengthy to-do list, and I must say that I’m really excited about working on it. As I mentioned in my election biography, I’ve had two long standing goals for LKS. For many years, I have felt that having a summit of the leadership of all of the pharmacy fraternities is very important to all of us. I’m hoping that by gathering together and discussing our successes, concerns and hopes that we can all have a clearer picture of what is ahead for us. Remaining relevant in our dynamic profession is of utmost important to me, and I hope that it is to you as well. My second goal is to develop consistent and relevant convention programming. There’s that word again... relevant (you can expect to be hearing that from me often). Our collegiates make up the largest portion of our convention attendees and they usually attend convention only once or twice. We are challenged with developing sessions that are useful to them and give them real and meaningful content to take back to their chapters. We also need to make these programs fresh and exciting. In addition, we need to take into consideration the needs of our alumni. Trust me, this will be a work in progress! By the time you read this, committee assignments will have been made and the committee charges will be distributed as well. I must say that I was delighted with the number of responses that we received for volunteers. Committees are exceptionally important to the work of the Fraternity. It’s where a lot of behind the scenes work gets done. To all of you who have volunteered, 2


Over that past few weeks, I have discovered the importance of the power of presence. Actual physical presence is wonderful, but not always practical. Sometimes your presence can be in the form of a quick text message, a social media post, a phone call or even a card in the mail. I am sending a huge thank you, and I’m looking forward to seeing where we can go with all of this energy! I’m also extremely excited about our social media interactions. For as long as I can remember, sisters have been asking for increased communication within LKS and between members. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all helping us keep in touch. Chapters are sharing their successful events. There’s always plenty of good news, and we share our good days (and not so good days). The pictures are truly worth a thousand words. Our member engagement has increased dramatically and we are reaching sisters like never before. I’m really proud of

our Communications Committee and their dedication to keeping us informed and connected. Over that past few weeks, I have discovered the importance of the power of presence. On Facebook, I noticed a post about the HOPE waLKS event that was being held at Phi chapter, on the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. A lightbulb went off over my head…. gee, it’s my day off and I can hop in my car and be there in only four hours! Realizing that Nicole Helsinger (Grand Vice President for Development) and I have the same weekend off, and a few quick text messages later, we had plans to meet up and travel to Indianapolis together. I can’t tell you how excited the Lambs were to see us there, despite the fact that I forgot to take into account the one hour time change! They were also very excited to show us their campus and tell us about LKS at Butler. We managed to carry out the trip as a surprise visit (which was even more fun) and I can hardly wait do it again. My pledge to you, as your Grand President, is to be present for YOU, in whatever ways that I can. What ways can YOU be present for your LKS sisters? Actual physical presence is wonderful, but not always practical. Sometimes your presence can be in the form of a quick text message, a social media post, a phone call or even a card in the mail (yes, people still do send snail mail). Knowing that we are all thinking about each other, carrying the concerns of our sisters or simply elevating each other in whatever work it is we are doing is so very important. I believe that this is one of the qualities that truly sets Lambda Kappa Sigma apart. Sisters, I am thankful for each and every one of you. Because of you, LKS isn’t just great, we are EXCEPTIONAL! Fraternally, and with Lamb Love,

Chris Grass Grand President

FA L L 2018


RECOGNIZING THE BEST OF THE BEST Lambda Kappa Sigma recognized the 2018 Award recipients at the Awards Luncheon during Convention.



For Retention


1ST PLACE: Beta Alpha

Mary Beth O’Connell, Omicron

2ND PLACE: Alpha Theta 3RD PLACE: Alpha Iota

For Recruitment


1ST PLACE: Alpha Eta 2ND LACE: Omicron 3RD PLACE: Tau

Core Values Poster Winners


COLLEGIATE CHAPTER OF THE YEAR: Alpha Chapter, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy

Justine Dickson, Alpha Beta Alumni 2018 AWARD OF MERIT:

Lauren Aleksunes, Alpha Beta Alumni 2018 LKS/MERCK VANGUARD LEADERSHIP AWARD:

Gayle Brazeau, Alpha Mu 1ST PLACE: ALPHA BETA (above) Katherine Marti, Kristen Marti, Samantha Troy, Keara Prince, presenters Service Core Value 2ND PLACE: ALPHA MU Alexa Jense and Abbey Kirwen, presenters Service Core Value 3RD PLACE: DELTA Carson Shoemaker and Madison McConnell, Presenters Service Core Value

FA L L 2018


Alpha Alumni Chapter, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy REGION COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS OF THE YEAR:

Alpha Pi – Eastern Atlantic Alpha Phi – Mid-Atlantic Alpha Iota – Midwestern Delta – Northeastern Omicron – Northern Lakes Alpha Rho – Northern New England Alpha Nu – Southern Lambda – Western


Sharon C. Brown, Alpha Iota 2018 COLLEGIATE OF THE YEAR AWARD:

Sarah Chin, Xi



News & Notes

2018 Annual Convention Highlights Upstate New York provides a scenic background for the LKS Convention




Convention was held in Buffalo, New York July 25 – July 28. This year 164 attendees joined together for fellowship, education, business, and sisterhood in a city known for cold winters and hot wings. Our host chapters, Alpha Theta from the University at Buffalo, and Beta Alpha from D’Youville College of Pharmacy, working with the convention committee and LKS headquarters staff Joan Rogala and Erin Rogala, successfully orchestrated a vibrant and very successful convention. Many attendees took advantage of the preconvention excursion to Niagara Falls, just a short drive from the Adams Mark convention hotel. On a warm, sunny day, visitors explored both the US and the Canadian sides of the falls. Complete with misty boat rides, shopping, and strolls along the beautiful Victorian style streets, a visit to the Falls was a great way to get in the right frame of mind for Convention. FA L L 2018

The convention began Wednesday evening with a welcome reception where food and fun was had by all. Thursday’s agenda included a kick-off with the Keynote speaker Jim Ryan, author of Simple Happiness. Jim provided his approach to keeping an open mind to the possibilities that exist for living happy, more joyful lives. After the first business session, twelve Core Values posters and four research posters were presented, with the authors providing details to members who roamed through the session to learn about just some of the wonderful activities our chapters are engaged in on their respective campuses and in their communities. The Awards Luncheon followed the poster session (see page 3). The afternoon featured three continuing education programs: Dr. Leigh Briscoe-Dwyer, Vice President of Network Pharmacy for Westchester County Medical Center Health System in Valhalla, New York, presented “Advocacy, Leadership, and the Future of HealthSystem Pharmacy”; Elizabeth Kukielka, PharmD, MA, CGP presented “Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer: How Pharmacists Can Help”; and Timothy R. Ulbrich presented “Building a Strong Financial Foundation.” The evening ended with the highly anticipated Blue and Gold Dinner, where members proudly wore their letters, then settled in for the evening’s entertainment. And entertaining it was! John Green, who describes himself as a mentalist, provided an uproarious demonstration of what our own members will do while in a hypnotic state. All in good fun, the evening was a hit! The Leadership Program, sponsored by Albertson’s Pharmacies, kicked off the day on Friday. Christine Perry, RPh and Past Grand President and Alpha alumni, presented “Manager = Leader”. Sharon Brown, MS, RPh, also a Past Grand President and Alpha Iota alumni, presented “Crucial Conversations: Tips for Managing High Stakes Conversations.” The presenters were then joined by the following LKS members for a panel discussion designed to allow members to seek advice from the panelists in an open forum: Elicia DeParolesa, PharmD, CDE, BSPMM, Christine Procaccianti, PharmD, Gayle Brazeau, PhD, MS, BS Pharmacy, FA L L 2018

Attendees taking advantage of the preconvention excursion to Niagara Falls.

An uproarious demonstration of what our members will do while in a hypnotic state. All in good fun, the evening was a hit!

and Ruth Brown, MBA, MS, BS Pharmacy. After lunch and taking advantage of Ewe Can Shop to purchase unique LKS items from various chapters, the second business session was held. Members then gathered to learn more about Project HOPE and to be recognized for their contributions. Members had a free evening to enjoy the city of Buffalo. Saturday, the last day of Convention, began with collegiate and alumni conferences, followed by Lamb TaLKS, where several members shared their success stories from their chapters in short, to the point presentations. Then everyone hit the food trucks for lunch. It was a unique, delicious lunch on a beautiful day. The LKS Educational Trust Reception and Auction raised funds for scholarships and other program support. The evening ended with the Final Banquet. Dressed in their finest, members enjoyed a wonderful dinner, and proudly recognized various award winners before observing the installation of the 2018-2020 Grand Council Officers. Grand President Chris Grass shared her vision for the future of LKS, and the evening ended as always

This year, 164 attendees joined together for fellowship, education, business, and sisterhood in upstate New York for the LKS Convention. with the singing of the Fraternity song. While this narrative provides a quick overview of the activities of Convention, the true value of Convention can really only be known through attendance and participation in Convention programming. The lessons learned and the bonds of sisterhood forged at Convention last a lifetime. Being in a room with some of the most successful and accomplished pharmacy practitioners in the profession, and knowing that they make their years of experience and unwavering support available to all members of the Fraternity is a humbling experience. Every member of LKS needs to attend a Convention and observe how our amazing organization is Elevating Women in Pharmacy.



News & Notes

2019 LKS National Convention

Milwaukee, Wisconsin — A great place on a Great Lake (July 31 – August 3) THE 2019 LKS NATIONAL CONVENTION WILL be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Start making plans now to join student and alumni members of LKS from across the US for a spectacular event in a great city — on a great lake! Milwaukee is a city that cherishes its roots; you'll see revitalized architecture throughout downtown, and a parade of summer festivals to celebrate the diverse cultures that made the city what it is today. But Milwaukee is also a city that's growing and changing — there's a new energy in the air.

Here are just a few reasons why you will love visiting Milwaukee during the summer of 2019 for the LKS National Convention:

The city of Milwaukee goes through an entire gamut of weather conditions and temperatures, so it’s nice when the architecture reflects the climate! Miller Park, home to the Milwaukee Brewers, and the Milwaukee Art Museum have unique architectural features.

 It’s the beer capital — enough said!

 BEAUTIFUL L AKE MICHAGAN With the beautiful Lake Michigan as a backdrop, Milwaukee almost resembles a tropical paradise, instead of a gleaming silver city. 6


FA L L 2018

For music-lovers or if you’re just looking for an interesting new experience, Milwaukee’s festivals are the place to be.  There are beautiful parks.  The beaches are great.  There is some cool architecture too! Very few give Milwaukee the credit it deserves when it comes to how beautiful the nature is. With architecture designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and parks designed by his son, there is constant and picturesque greenery.

Grand President Road Trip On Saturday, September 22, the members of Phi Chapter at Butler University were surprised with a visit from Grand President Chris Grass and Grand Vice President for Development Nicole Helsinger, who dropped by to support and participate in the HOPE waLKS event held on campus that day. Chapter members were amazed and impressed by the dedication of their fraternity leadership. Grand President Chris Grass stated that she wants to be a president that travels, and this was a perfect opportunity to do that.

Advancing Pharmaceutical Technology Research  YOU CAN ENJOY AMA ZING FOOD Milwaukee has restaurants for every palate and price range. Burgers and cheese are obvious favorites at places such as AJ Bombers and Sobelman’s, but upmarket restaurants including Bartolotta’s Lake Park Bistro and Harbor House are well worth a visit. FA L L 2018

Dr. Robin Bogner (Alpha Beta Alumni), pharmaceutical sciences professor at the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, will serve as the Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research (CPPR). The CPPR is a consortium of four universities with research strength in field. Previously based at Purdue, the move of the CPPR to UConn is a prestigious accomplishment, and highlights the success of the university’s pharmaceutical technology research programs and distinguished researchers such as Dr. Bogner.

Dr. Jeanne VanTyle Honored Dr. Jeanne VanTyle (Phi Alumni) has been awarded the Butler Service Medal this year. It is the second highest honor awarded by the Alumni Association. This award recognizes emeriti faculty or retired faculty and staff for a lifetime of distinguished service to Butler University or their local community while at the same time achieving a distinguished career in their chosen profession and attaining a regional or national reputation. Congratulations, Dr. VanTyle!





by Sharon C. Brown, MS, RPh, Editor, Blue & Gold Triangle



According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2017 there were an estimated 309,400 actively practicing pharmacists in the United States. In 2017, 58 percent of working pharmacists were female, and the average salary was approximately $124,000. It will come as no surprise to those in the field that 43 percent work in pharmacies and drug stores, 25 percent work in hospital set tings, and 15 percent work in general merchandise and food stores. Therefore, 17 percent of practicing pharmacists work in an area designated as ‘Other’ practice set tings. Just what are these other set tings? A quick review of the literature reveals a variety of non-traditional pharmacy practice settings such as academia, government, military, research and industry, nuclear pharmacy, and even veterinary pharmacy, to name a few. While the vast majority of pharmacy students graduate and move into traditional and familiar pharmacist roles in community and hospital practice settings, many seek unique and challenging roles that allow them to combine an interest or passion with their pharmacy training to create truly unique job opportunities. New practitioners often begin their careers with the expectation of providing direct patient care. This is a reasonable expectation since most colleges of pharmacy have adopted a patient-centered focus to their curriculum. However, for many students, there is a distinct gap between what leaders in the pharmacy profession portray as the role of the pharmacist in patient care, and the reality of pharmacy practice as experienced by front line pharmacists on a daily basis. Perhaps this is what leads those among us who are risk takers and adventurers to seek careers that are better aligned with their desire for more unique and rewarding career options. Here are just a few sisters who decided to take the path less traveled. FA L L 2018

“DON ’ T BE AFRAID TO BE AN ENTREPRENEUR” Mary Grear has done it all! Hospital pharmacist and pharmacy director, community pharmacy staff pharmacist and independent pharmacy owner, pharmacy association management executive (including as the first LKS Executive Director), and consultant pharmacist in Long Term and Ambulatory Surgery Centers. She was once introduced when receiving an award as “never worked as a nuclear pharmacist.” Mary graduated from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, where she was a member of Alpha Zeta, and went to work at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Since then she has taken on new and different challenges with each job change over the years. She is currently the owner of Pharmacy Consulting Services Group and the managing pharmacist for 32 Ambulatory Surgery Centers and one microhospital in Nevada. This position

“Quality teams make a difference in patient safety.” entails monthly visits to client surgery centers for oversight, quality assurance management, Medication Management Plan Development, Medication and Patient Safety programs, and nurse education. When asked what attracted her to her current position, Mary explained “It gives me the ability to work part-time and make my own schedule. Creating systems that work and being a part of the organizations’ quality teams is especially rewarding and makes a difference in patient safety.” In addition, as a business owner, when she wants to make something happen, she usually doesn’t have to ask permission. Mary finds the compensation package and total scheduling flexibility to be the major perks of her current position. She advises anyone interested in non-traditional pharmacy careers to take advantage of networking opportunities and to build a reputation of excellence in your area of interest. “You need confidence in yourself” says Mary. “Any pharmacist with community or health-system backgrounds can easily transition into the field of consulting with some self-study.”

FA L L 2018

“ E S TA B L I S H Y O U R S E L F WITH A CORE FUNCTION ” Patti Kienle, Eta alumni, graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (now the University of the Sciences) in 1975 and began her pharmacy career as a staff pharmacist at Mercy Hospital in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Over her 25 years there, she moved into roles with increasing responsibility, from Pharmacy Manager up to Director of Pharmacy and Materials Management, and eventually to System Director of Pharmacy, responsible for multiple hospitals and practice settings. Along the way, she finished a Masters in Public Administration and a fellowship in Patient Safety. She moved on to become the first Medication Safety Officer at Cardinal Health, a position that she says “has evolved into all kinds of opportunities, including being part of a team that began a new division of the company.” Currently, Patti is the Director of Accreditation and Medication Safety. She serves in a supporting role for the pharmacies Cardinal Health manages, as well as other divisions of the company when they need information about accreditation, medication safety, compounding, or any other topic that a director of a pharmacy might be involved with. She travels almost every week to a different site to complete accreditation or compounding assessments. About half of her time is spent authoring articles and speaking at professional meetings. Patti feels her experience as a director of pharmacy in a health system was a critical precursor to her current position. Her contributions on the state and national level have led to her appointment as the first pharmacist on the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority, her service as a board member of ASHP, and as anExpert Committee member of USP. She loves the flexibility of seeing a different practice site almost every week. Her advice to non-traditional pharmacy career seekers? “Establish yourself with a core function – administration, medication safety, specialty pharmacy, etc. Go to national meetings to network. Be active in pharmacy organizations – not just as a member, but on committees and in officer roles.”

“Be active in pharmacy organizations.” BLUE & GOLD TRIANGLE



“ THERE IS A TON OF POTENTIAL C A R E E R S N O T E V E N T O U C H E D .” As a health insurance specialist for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Keely Ireland is the only pharmacist in her division, the Division for Benefit, Purchasing and Monitoring (DBPM). Most of her work centers around Part D prescription drug plans and regulatory compliance. Keely graduated from the University of Rhode Island (Xi) and began her career as pharmacist at CVS. From there, she describes her job changes as a “leapfrog of community practice and hospital practice” over her career, with some time working for a mail order pharmacy, and a veterinary mail order pharmacy. Keely went back to school and obtained her JD (Law) degree. She was still trying to decide what to do with her dual degrees. She was initially hired at CMS to work in the policy division. A position opened up for a

“Look around into different burgeoning career fields.” pharmacist in the DBPM and she has been there for 9 years. She loves working a 9–5 job with weekends and holidays off. When the weather is bad, she can work from home. And unlike past jobs, she can call in when sick, take a break to walk around the grounds, take a 30 minute sit-down lunch, and “go to the bathroom without having to worry about someone following her to ask a questions about their scabies medication!” Keely feels that if an area is identified that would benefit from a pharmacist’s skill set, one should come up with a plan to incorporate a pharmacist into that arena. “You have to look around into different burgeoning career fields and see where an expert in medications could fit in and provide benefit. There is a ton of potential careers not even touched.”



As an Associate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology at Rutgers University in the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Lauren Aleksunes (Alpha Beta) spends the majority of her time as a researcher. She is responsible for a research laboratory that includes PharmD, PhD, PharmD/PhD students as well as MD fellows and senior scientists. “I was hesitant to deviate from my original path to become a clinical pharmacist” she says. “But I knew I loved being in the lab.” Lauren graduated from pharmacy school at UConn in 2002, and worked part time for both CVS and at the CT Poison Control Center while she was a full time PhD student, completing that program in 2006. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Kansas Medical Center in the Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Therapeutics. In her current position, Lauren also serves as the Director of the Joint Graduate Program on Toxicology where she oversees the training of postgraduate students in Pharmacology & Toxicology. She and her students design experiments and interpret the data generated. Some of their experiments extend to clinical trials, and Lauren spends a good amount of her time writing grants and preparing manuscripts to disseminate research findings. When asked what attracted her to this career path, she said she loved working in the lab. “I love asking and answering scientific questions.” She also enjoys teaching PharmD students and garnering their excitement for pharmacology and pharmacogenetics. “Seeing students become the next generation of practitioners is a great part of my job.” What are the perks of her career? “Every day is different from the others and brings new excitement and challenges to tackle. Some days I am wearing jeans and working in the lab, and the next day I may be presenting at an international scientific conference. The flexibility and diversity of my responsibilities provide high job satisfaction.”

“Every day brings new excitement and challenges.” Her advice to others seeking a career outside the traditional roles? “Trust your gut. The knowledge that I would be challenged on a daily basis was a great motivator to change my career path to pursue an academic position in translational research.”

FA L L 2018

Ewe Can

Host a HOPE waLKS Fundraiser


OPE waLKS is a signature Lambda Kappa Sigma event. The inaugural LKS HOPE waLKS event was hosted by Nu Chapter at Drake University many years ago, and the chapter continues the tradition today. Many other chapters have joined in and are hosting their own HOPE waLKS events, or are participating with sisters from nearby chapters to support their event. Although every chapter may go through slightly different planning processes, the general event planning requirements are very similar. Nu Chapter reserves a pavilion at a public park. They also purchase insurance as required by park administrators. They have 4 committees, and every member of the chapter is assigned to one of the committees: T-shirt committee members design

FA L L 2018

and organize the T-shirts; Publicity committee designs and distributes posters and makes announcements on campus; Logistics committee runs the event including set-up, mile-marker signs, check-in, and food and water stations; and Donations committee contacts local businesses to gather donations of food, water, and prizes. Participants pay a registration fee of $25 for advanced registration, and $30 on the day of the event. Each participant gets a T-shirt. Participants can also form teams, and the largest team of at least 10 people is awarded $100 to donate to the charity of their choice — which is often Project HOPE! Prizes are also awarded to the fastest male and female finishers. This event is held every year in May, and in 2018 a total of $2,340 was raised for Project HOPE. Phi Chapter at Butler University hosts a 5K walk

around the perimeter of the campus, utilizing part of the Monon Trail which connects with the campus. They charged a registration fee of $8. In addition, friendship bracelets which were made during recruitment events could be purchased for a Project HOPE donation, helping to raise more funds as well as provide an opportunity to teach potential new members about our philanthropy. Phi Chapter had 20 participants and raised over $200 for Project HOPE. Alpha Beta Chapter at UConn has a Project HOPE Committee that plans their HOPE waLKS event each year. They were required to complete an event submission form to book the location on campus. They selected a date, then set a back-up date in case it rained. They printed flyers and registration/waiver forms.

They spent two weeks prior to the event gathering donations from campus and community businesses, and got permission to set up a table at the College of Pharmacy to promote the event, and accept additional donations. Their chapter had an Advertising committee and a Race Logistics committee. They had 40 participants and raised $875 for Project HOPE. Members from the University of Rhode Island Xi Chapter and from Western New England’s Beta Beta Chapter also came to participate and support the event. Other chapters have their own unique events to raise funds for Project HOPE as well. The chapters who host these events describe how they have learned to organize, publicize, represent themselves well with campus and community leaders, and coordinate activities to ensure a successful event. These are valuable leadership skills that contribute to a more impressive resume. If your chapter is interested in planning a HOPE waLKS event in the spring, contact the Headquarters if you’d like contact information for other chapters that can provide some guidance on planning a successful event.



I S T O C K /J O E L C A R I L L E T

Project HOPE

Our Philanthropy at Work IN 2017, PROJECT HOPE REACHED 2.3

million people worldwide. Project HOPE programs trained over 36,000 healthcare workers. And 45.1 million dollars worth of medical supplies and equipment were delivered to areas in great need of such support. Project HOPE was very busy indeed in 2017! There were four program priorities for 2017 for Project HOPE: 1) Maternal, neonatal, and child health, 2) Noncommunicable diseases — chronic illnesses, 3) Infectious diseases, and 4) Humanitarian and health crises. Project HOPE was active in providing these programs in 30 countries. Most notable to most Americans was the trio of hurricanes — Harvey, Irma, and 12


Maria — that tore through Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico within weeks of each other. Project HOPE played a significant role in emergency relief efforts in communities devastated by the storms and the associated, unprecedented rainfall that accompanied the hurricanes, especially Harvey, which produced 44 inches of rain. Project HOPE worked in concert with other emergency organizations to distribute mobile medical services, medicines, and supplies for weeks and even months after landfall. Still today, the programs of Project HOPE are helping to strengthen resilience and improve health of the citizens in recovering areas through long-term programs. According to the Project HOPE Annual Report for 2017, nearly 100 million dollars was raised to fund programs through donations of various kinds. And Project

HOPE proudly reports that 96% of these funds are spent on programs and services. This is an amazing accomplishment for a humanitarian organization with an ambitious and successful worldwide agenda. Lambda Kappa Sigma has proudly supported Project HOPE since 1960, and the Convention body voted to continue with Project HOPE as our designated philanthropy through the current biennium. During the past biennium LKS chapters and members contributed $49,759 dollars to Project HOPE, far exceeding our initial goal of $20,000. The fundraising goal for the 2018–2020 biennium is $40,000. So keep those Hoops for HOPE and HOPE waLKS events going, and be ready to share your fundraising success stories at convention in 2019! FA L L 2018


A Bit of Our History

Alice Gardner Coleman First Woman Pharmacist in Government Service by Christine Perry, Past Grand President, Alpha Alumni Chapter

FA L L 2018

ALICE GARDNER COLEMAN was born on Nantucket, a tiny island off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, well known as a summer destination with dunebacked beaches, historic homes and lighthouses, and blue hydrangeas. Alice was born on June 30, 1891, and grew up as a part of Nantucket royalty, with lineage back to the founders of the island in 1659. She graduated from Nantucket High School in 1910. She gained an interest in pharmacy as she wandered over the moors, gathering wild flowers, and learning which flowers had medicinal purposes and which were simply for artistic appreciation. Alice enrolled in the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in 1911, graduated with a PH.G. degree in 1914, and became a registered pharmacist that same year in June. She began her career at the Massachusetts State Hospital in Medfield, MA, where she worked until her death. War was declared in Friday, April 6, 1917, and two days later Alice went to the Charlestown Naval Yard and offered her services to the government, enlisted as a druggist, and was the first woman to be accepted into the service. Sadly, after one year of government service, her health began to fail. She died on April 7, 1918 after complications from a critical operation. In her death, she became the first Nantucketer to die in the service. She was laid to rest at the Prospect Hill Cemetery. Alice may not have lived a long life but her accomplishments were impressive. In the early 1900’s travel to and from Nantucket was by boat over Nantucket Sound and Buzzard’s Bay, often taking a full day. This was followed by a train ride into Boston. As a young single woman, her determination and the support of her family to pursue her education in Boston was extraordinary. As a founding member of Lambda Kappa Sigma, she began a legacy that thrives more than 100 years later.



LAMBDA KAPPA SIGMA Pharmacy Fraternity P.O. Box 570 Muskego WI 53150-0570


CalendarUpdates D EC E M B E R 1- 5 , 2 01 8

M A R C H 1 5 , 2 01 9

ASHP Midyear Meeting

Hygeia Day

Anaheim, CA Come and visit the LKS booth in the Exhibition Hall! JA N UA R Y 1 5 , 2 01 9

Educational Grant Application Deadline Learn more at F E B R UA R Y 7- 9, 2 01 9

LKS Grand Council Interim Meeting F E B R UA R Y 1 5 , 2 01 9

LKS Collegiate and Alumni Chapter Updates Deadline Please submit a short update about your chapter along with a high resolution photo for publication

To celebrate this day in honor of the Greek goddess of health, chapters are encouraged to put on a professional event for local pharmacists and health care professionals. M A R C H 2 2-2 5 , 2 01 9

APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition Seattle, WA Come and visit the LKS booth in the Exhibition Hall! J U LY 31- AU G U S T 3 , 2 01 9

2019 LKS National Convention Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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