The Truth About Student Life in Singapore

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The city boasts about its natural reserves

The Truth About Student Life in Singapore

and wildlife, which are easily accessible. Singapore is also referred to as “The Little Red Dot” city -island, which is a major force on the economic stage. It has a multicultural heritage made up of Malaysians, Eurasians, Chinese and Indian ethnic groups living in peaceful and strong unified harmony.

Singapore is a global economic hub, it is a

The living costs in Singapore are more

dynamic country that is a vivid tourist hotspot

and more expensive than any other

for explorers visiting the city from all around

country in the world, students have to

the world. The different categories of

pay USD 750$ every month

explorers include tourists and students who

other than the rent, which includes

visit Singapore to explore the scenic beauty,

approximately USD 400$ for the food

the aesthetics associated with the city and

itself. International students have

finding opportunities for great career

wanderlust traits, they are very fond of

prospects within student accommodation

visiting the nearby countries and the

singapore, that constantly helps them to

excellent geographical positioning of

manage everything efficiently.

Singapore makes it favorite amongst the explorer students as a transit city to visit other countries in Asia like Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, India, and China.

Singapore is one of the top educational destinations in the world, it provides a great progressive education system offering state-of-art facilities. English is spoken widely and there is no language barrier. Singapore is a clean, green and safe country with a multicultural society that is home to many foreign universities and offers a degree that is world recognized and is valued by employers all over the world. Therefore students should choose Singapore for pursuing higher education.

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