Livestock Plus Inc.

Page 4

The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids

Mike Sorensen ~ Sales Cell: 641-745-7949

Greetings, As I write this, Dixie and I are preparing our belongings for the trip to the National Western Stock Show. The old saying “everything but the kitchen sink” has come into play. Some days I wonder if I don’t need a bigger bus/party van. When we get on the road, it will kinda seem worth it, the anticipation of all the old and new friends that we are about to encounter in our 5 day excursion will be unreal. I have been having some trouble with the food reporting lately but I think I tripped over my food story this month. It all happened this very morning. I had a sale that didn’t start until 2:00 pm and I had landed within 20 minutes from the sale site the night before. I have lots of trouble trying to sleep in most mornings but this one just felt right. The motel that I was staying had closed their breakfast bar by the time I got there and that left me no breakfast. As most of you know, its hard for me to skip a meal, so I went searching and landed in downtown Onawa, Iowa. I had

two choices and me being the rocket scientist I am I decided to see which had the most cars in front. I figure that the locals usually have it figured where the best food is. Obviously, I ate at the one with the most cars. It was Millers Kitchen. Millers Kitchen has to be one of the cleanest, most professional little hometown atmospheres I’ve been in, in awhile. The tables, chairs, and floors were polished to perfection. I’m telling you, you could almost see yourself in the tabletops. Another thing that really impressed me about this place is the space. I hate going into a restaurant that you are nearly sitting on top of the table next to you. Millers Kitchen is quiet, but alive, with laughter, and kids playing, but not annoying you. You can actually hear yourself think. If you hadn’t noticed, I like this place and we aren’t to the food yet. Not often do I write about breakfast but this one deserves it. My apologies to my waitress I did not get her name but again a very professional middle-aged lady. As usual, I can’t just order from the menu like everybody else. I have to make it difficult and the gal made it a very pleasant experience. I ordered what they called a meat omelet then added onion and green pepper. She assured me that they wanted me to order my breakfast the way I wanted it. I’m not sure who put this together but he or she has this ol’ country boy’s heart. I had to take a picture of it to prove what I got. You’ve heard of three egg omelets. Well, I don’t know who was counting eggs but this thing

“Greetings” continued on page 21


Livestock Plus Inc.

February 2013

Randy Rasby ~ Sales Cell: 308-539-6195 O: 308-386-4857

Heidi Sorensen ~ Sales Cell: 661-900-6004 O: 641-343-7112

Dustin Carter ~ Sales 712-898-9972

Austin Brandt ~ Sales 712-621-1829

DESIGN OFFICE Linda Luppen Livestock Plus

1535 165th St. Garner, IA 50438

Ph.: 515-851-0304 Fax: 641-587-2263 Ad deadline is the 12th of the month. Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Send or email all ad copy to the Design Office. Please call for specs. Livestock Plus is published January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free. Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus Inc., c/o Mary Allen, 8840 Deer Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438. Articles published in Live­stock Plus, Inc. are not nec­es­sar­i­ly the views or opin­ions of the pub­lish­er or staff. TERMS: All partnerships billed to one person. Due8:35 upon 1/16/13 PM receipt.

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