Liverpool Student Homes Christmas Message

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Wishing you a happy and safe festive season from:

Season’s Greetings!

More home safety information:

LSH website Merseyside Police

It's that time of year again, we can all pat ourselves on the back for a good term’s hard work and eat, drink and be merry! It's your opportunity to relax and unwind after such an unusual year. Whatever your plans are, give some thought to looking after your student property and your belongings! Make sure you don’t leave valuables on show if you’re not there and ensure that your home is secure. Going home? Let your landlord know when you are leaving and coming back. Take valuables such as laptops, tablets and games consoles home with you or leave them with a trusted friend or neighbour. Don't forget to lock up, make sure all windows and doors are secure and make sure your burglar alarm is on. Having friends/relatives stay? Under the terms of your contract you are responsible for their actions. Stop your pipes from freezing and bursting, programme your heating to come on for 1 hour a day. Need help with this? Ask your landlord.

Be a considerate neighbour The holiday period can be a time when we all let our hair down a bit and relax, but please make sure that you still look after yourself and those around you. It is important to continue to follow national advice around COVID

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