Little Village magazine issue 273: Oct. 16 - Nov. 5, 2019

Page 23

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WITCHING HOUR: I Got Life, And I Got Freedom: Exploring Personal & Social Change Through the Music of Nina Simone, The Englert Theatre, Saturday, Nov. 2

Trump’s presidency, Counterfeit Madison will offer her interpretations of Simone’s music at the Witching Hour Festival. I Got Life, And I Got Freedom: Exploring Personal & Social Change Through the Music of Nina Simone will be presented at the Englert Theatre, where she will bring the past into conversation with the present in ways that might point us towards a better future. Udoh’s own encounters with racism serve as a reminder that all is still not well in the alleged land of the free—as do Simone’s songs, which are practically crying out to be heard in this day and age. The progress America made toward racial equality in the 1960s and ’70s has been eroded by a backlash that suggests that we Cont. >> on pg. 36

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