Local Matters: Issue 128, 5 December 2018

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2XU UHF\FOLQJ LQGXVWU\ LV FKDQJLQJ DQG ZH DOO QHHG WR EH ¿H[LEOH DQG DGD There are now far tighter controls on the contamination of recyclables and it is more important than ever that we are placing the correct materials in the right bin. Lismore City Council has launched a new campaign – #RecycleRight – asking people to make some simple changes to our recycling routines. This has been developed with NE Waste and our neighbouring councils as a region-wide campaign across the Northern Rivers. The main message of this campaign is to keep it simple and ensure you are only placing clean and correct recycling materials in your yellow bin.

Keep it Simple

Keep Out Soft P

No plastic bags

Only recycle these items





Keep it Safe

Keep it Cle

Keep out strapping, hose, netting, wires, cords and cables

Rinse or wipe ou

KEEP OUT: Nappies, food, fabric, cords, rope, dirty paper & cardbo

Let’s All Rec

to keep it com

For further information visit ZZZ Q


DSWDEOH WR PDNH WKH PRVW RI RXU YDOXDEOH UHVRXUFHV It is essential that we have clean recyclables that can be sent off for remanufacturing in Australia and overseas. If we all do this, we can keep our resources coming ‘round and get the most life out of every product. Please see below our six easy #RecycleRight routines to follow. We also have a handy fridge magnet that tells you what goes in which colour bin. Pick one up free at our Corporate Centre in Goonellabah or your local library. For loads more information including frequently asked questions, visit www.northernriverswaste.com.au.


Keep Out Small Items

s or wrapping

Nothing smaller than a credit card


ut containers

Keep it Loose Don’t bag or box your recyclables

oard, takeaway coffee cups & lids, meat & biscuit trays, & polystyrene.

cycle Right

ming ’round


CHRISTMAS AND SUMMER FUN AT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY Summer Reading Club Join our children’s Summer Reading Club. Sign up and collect a reading log at your local library. There will be prizes, activities and a party to celebrate the joy of reading. Get involved in the Summer Reading Club and be in the running for an iPad Mini! The Summer Reading Club runs until 31 January. Ask library staff today how to sign up.

)XQGUDLVLQJ %RRN 6DOH Friday, 7 December, Lismore Library, 9.30am start Richmond Tweed Regional Library and the Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library are holding a book sale at Lismore Library to aid these charities: • Tanzaroo Community Library Project • The Sierra Leone Book Project Australia • The Aboriginal Literacy Foundation Buy a book and help support these worthwhile charities!

Christmas Storytime at the Square By popular demand the Storytime team will be back at Lismore Shopping Square every Saturday morning until Christmas. Find them outside Big W at 10am with songs, stories and craft. Escape the shopping rush and enjoy some time with the kids. These sessions run for half an hour and all children are welcome with their parent or carer.

Children’s Christmas Craft Come along and enjoy our free Christmas Craft sessions. Phone to secure your spot. Lismore Library: Thursday, 20 December from 10am-11am. Phone 6621 2464. Goonellabah Library: Friday, 21 December from 10am-11am. Phone 6625 1235.

Free School Holiday Fun The Richmond Tweed Regional Library has a great range of fun activities for children these school holidays. Pick up a copy of the free holiday activity timetable at your local library or visit ZZZ UWUO QVZ JRY DX. Some activities have limited spaces so bookings are essential.

Free Tech Lessons at Lismore Library Would you like assistance learning how to email or download photos, or maybe just want help searching the internet? Whatever you’re having trouble with, phone Lismore Library on 6621 2464 and we can help! You can book a one-on-one appointment with a member of the tech team on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings. Stay in touch and up to date with free help from your local library. The staff from Lismore and Goonellabah Libraries and the Mobile /LEUDULHV ZRXOG OLNH WR ZLVK DOO SDWURQV DQG IULHQGV D YHU\ 0HUU\ Christmas and a Happy New Year.

CAROLS IN THE HEART THIS WEEKEND! Our annual free Christmas celebration – Carols in the Heart – is on this Sunday, 9 December. This year’s Shopbaby Carols in the Heart will feature Aria award-winning singer-songwriter Samantha Jade singing classic carols as well as some of her bestknown hits. She will be joined by local singers, dancers, musicians and artists for a fun afternoon of entertainment. The free event will be held at Crozier Field and also includes face painting and a jumping FDVWOH D YLVLW IURP 6DQWD DQG D PHJD ¾UHZRUNV GLVSOD\ *DWHV RSHQ DW SP ZLWK WKH ¾UVWV FDUROV IURP 5.30pm. Food and refreshments will be available. Entry is free.

GIVE THE GIFT OF BEAUTIFUL LOCAL PRODUCE... There is no question that buying local helps money stay local – so why not buy a beautiful gift and help local producers, farmers and artists this Christmas? The Lismore and Nimbin Visitor Centres have pre-made gift packs for all budgets or you can choose from the range of products in store and create your own personalised gift hamper. The hampers are beautifully presented and are full of delicious local goodness from locally-grown coffee and teas to chocolate-coated macadamias and blueberries. 7KHUH DUH GHOLFLRXV SURGXFWV VKRZFDVLQJ ORFDO ÂżDYRXUV VXFK DV OHPRQ P\UWOH honey, lillipilli and Davidson plum jam, beetroot chilli relish and macadamia nut spread. Why not send your loved ones a little piece of the Northern Rivers this Christmas? <RX ZLOO DOVR žQG KDQGPDGH MHZHOOHU\ KDQGFUDIWHG FKLOGUHQÂľV WR\V FRORXUIXO candles and lots of other handmade items that are all lovingly created in the local region. If the choice is too overwhelming, you can always buy a gift voucher and let your loved one do the shopping! The Lismore and Nimbin Visitor Information Centres are open seven days from 9.30am to 4pm daily. Or you can shop online at the Lismore Gift Shop – go to www.visitlismore.com.au and click on ‘Gift Shop’. This year gift packs are also available throughout December from Santa’s Wonderland at 100 Molesworth Street from 10am to 4pm.

DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS ISSUED ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH SURYLVLRQV RI 6HFWLRQ RI WKH $FW DQG &ODXVH RI WKH (3 $ 5HJXODWLRQ QRWL¾FDWLRQ LV JLYHQ WKDW WKH XQGHUPHQWLRQHG GHYHORSPHQWV KDYH UHFHQWO\ EHHQ JUDQWHG FRQVHQW DA No. 00/464-2 313 Wyrallah Road Monaltrie: 6HFWLRQ PRGL¾FDWLRQ WR DOWHU WKH processing methodology of compost and to reduce the footprint of the processing and sales area. 04/358-2 6XIIRON 5RDG %OXH .QRE 6HFWLRQ $ PRGL¾FDWLRQ WR LQFUHDVH WKH VL]H of the deck approved in DA5.2004.358.1. 04/446-4 25 Rhodes Street, South Lismore: 6HFWLRQ $ PRGL¾FDWLRQ WR FKDQJH the approved childcare establishment to a centre-based childcare facility. 16/300-3 2 Cowlong Road, Lindendale: 6HFWLRQ $ PRGL¾FDWLRQ WR WKH ORFDWLRQ RI two storage tanks and a new pump shed. 17/296 35 Sibley Street, Nimbin: To undertake a mixed use development comprising a hardware and building supplies business, landscape supplies yard and a small plant nursery and associated tree removal, earthworks, car parking, civil works and landscaping. 18/35 91 Hunter Street, Lismore: Secondary dwelling. 18/157 27 Pineapple Road, Goonellabah: 3URSRVHG HUHFWLRQ RI D ¿H[LEOH OHDUQLQJ FHQWUH (classrooms) at Summerland Christian College, car-parking and access, vegetation removal and compensatory plantings and associated earthworks, services and landscaping. 18/163 33 and 35 Holland Street, Goonellabah: To undertake the construction of a new light industrial building and associated parking, earthworks, retaining walls and civil works; and an addition to the northern side of the existing industrial building, comprising an awning and concrete slab. 18/301 63 and 67 Conway Street and 1 little Dawson Street, Lismore: Mixed use development comprising change of use (to enable a centre-based childcare facility, educational establishment, food and drink premises being ancillary school canteen), building works (alterations and additions), signage, landscaping, fencing and ancillary civil works. 18/313 5\FHV 'ULYH &OXQHV Demolition of garage and alterations and additions to the existing dwelling. 18/316 +HDWKHU $YHQXH *RRQHOODEDK Dwelling, shed and secondary dwelling. 18/328 20 Hunter Street, Lismore: Shed and partly enclosed carport. 18/329 :RRGODUN 6WUHHW /LVPRUH Change of use from a retail shop to a community facility. 18/332 115 Muller Road, Tregeagle: Dwelling. 18/338 46 Tulsi Lane, Nimbin: New dwelling to create a detached dual occupancy. 18/345 :RRGODUN 6WUHHW /LVPRUH &RPPHUFLDO DOWHUDWLRQ ° PRGL¾FDWLRQ WR H[LVWLQJ VKRSIURQW DQG EXVLQHVV LGHQWL¾FDWLRQ VLJQDJH 18/356 49 Waratah Way, Goonellabah: Dwelling with a variation to the building line to 5.5 metres to Waratah Way and variation for construction of retaining walls. 18/357 56 Waratah Way, Goonellabah: Dwelling and retaining walls.

18/363 14 Eleanor Place, Boat Harbour: Two sheds. 18/365 66 Molesworth Street, Lismore: Change of use to a hairdressing salon and retail MHZHOOHU\ VDOHV ZLWK DVVRFLDWHG EXVLQHVV LGHQWL¾FDWLRQ VLJQDJH 18/370 .HRJKDQ 'ULYH *RRQHOODEDK 'ZHOOLQJ ZLWK D YDULDWLRQ IRU FXW ¾OO DQG construction of retaining walls. 18/371 2OLYHU $YHQXH *RRQHOODEDK Retractable shade cover over the existing club bowling green. 18/373 8 McDonald Place, Wyrallah: In-ground swimming pool. 18/377 (YHUJUHHQ 'ULYH *RRQHOODEDK Retaining walls. 18/383 50, 60 and 62 Brewster Street, Lismore: Building demolition works and the HUHFWLRQ RI D WHPSRUDU\ VLWH RI¾FH DQG WKUHH WHPSRUDU\ VWRUDJH FRQWDLQHUV 18/384 20/126 Molesworth Street, Lismore: Change of use of part of a building (tenancy 20) to a retail bottle shop with a secondary/ancillary component offering tasting. 18/387 0F.HQ]LH 6WUHHW /LVPRUH Four New Generation boarding houses each consisting of three self-contained boarding rooms, tree removal and associated infrastructure. 18/397 198 Lindendale Road, Lindendale: In-ground swimming pool and deck. 18/406 +LOOFUHVW $YHQXH *RRQHOODEDK Two storey dwelling and retaining walls. 18/404 .HRJKDQ 'ULYH *RRQHOODEDK Dwelling and retaining walls. 18/406 5 Myall Court, Caniaba: Shed with attached carport. 18/408 8 Myall Court, Caniaba: Shed. 18/409 :KLVSHULQJ 9DOOH\ 'ULYH 5LFKPRQG +LOO Shed.

Details of applications and consents, together with conditions attached, may EH LQVSHFWHG DW &RXQFLOµV &RUSRUDWH &HQWUH GXULQJ EXVLQHVV KRXUV RU YLD '$ 7UDFNLQJ DW ZZZ OLVPRUH QVZ JRY DX

ROADWORKS .HHQ 6WUHHW VRXWK RI /LVPRUH &LQHPD ° 6XQGD\ 'HFHPEHU We will be resealing the bitumen along Keen Street between its Zadoc and Woodlark Street intersections on Sunday, 9 December subject to weather. 'XH WR XQVHWWOHG ZHDWKHU ZH UHVFKHGXOHG RXU ¾QDO ELWXPHQ VHDO DORQJ .HHQ 6WUHHW fronting Lismore Central Shopping Centre between Conway and Magellan Streets until Sunday night, 20 January 2019.

Bridge Street/Pitt Street, North Lismore We will temporarily close Bridge Street between its Pitt Street and Alexandra Parade intersections for about one week to replace the water main. Detours will be in place via Pitt Lane, Winterton and Alexandra Parade. We will then progress into 3LWW 6WUHHW UHTXLULQJ D ODQH FORVXUH DQG WUDI¾F FRQWURO DGMRLQLQJ 0F.HQ]LH 3DUN

%UX[QHU +LJKZD\ DW 6RXWK *XQGXULPED 7UDI¾F GHOD\V PD\ FRQWLQXH DORQJ WKH %UX[QHU +LJKZD\ QRUWK RI $W¾HOG 6WUHHW DV ZH complete roadworks on behalf of NSW Roads and Maritime Services.

OFFICE CLOSURE 7 DECEMBER Our Corporate Centre will be closed from 12pm on Friday, 7 December 2018. Normal operating hours will resume on Monday, 10 December.

PROPOSED CHANGES TO ROAD LEVELS &RXQFLO KDV UHFHLYHG URDGZRUNV IXQGLQJ IURP WKH 16: 6DYLQJ /LYHV on Country Roads program for two locations on Caniaba Road. In accordance with the Roads Act 1993, proposed changes to road levels are indicated below and are open to public comment for 30 days. LOCATION & ROAD WORK PLANNED



Caniaba Road, Caniaba

0.3km section of Caniaba Road located 0.3km west of Caniaba Public School


Fix road pavement and shape.

0.5km section of Caniaba Road located 1km west of Fredericks Road


Works will smooth out dips and widen and change the shape of the road WR LPSURYH WUDI¾F VDIHW\ $GMRLQLQJ GULYHZD\ DFFHVV ZRXOG EH PRGL¾HG WR match these roadworks where necessary. These roadworks are planned for completion by 30 June 2019. The public are entitled to make written submissions, which should state any reasons for objection and the section of road it relates to. Submissions are due by 4pm on 11 January 2019. For information phone Design Engineer Barry Goodwin on 1300 87 83 87.

ANNUAL REPORT DETAILS COUNCIL PERFORMANCE 2Q 1RYHPEHU ZH UHOHDVHG RXU DQQXDO report for 2017/18. The report gives an overview of what Council DFKLHYHG GXULQJ WKH ¾QDQFLDO \HDU This includes progress in implementing our Imagine Lismore Delivery Program 2017-2021 DV ZHOO DV ¾QDQFLDO SHUIRUPDQFH IRU WKH \HDU We’ve adopted a new format for this report with a community-friendly look and feel. This includes highlights and snapshots as well as infographics to summarise complex information. You can download a copy from Council’s website (www.lismore.nsw.gov.au) or the new Integrated Planning and Reporting page on Your Say Lismore (www.yoursay.lismore.nsw.gov.au). If you’d prefer a hard copy, they are available at Goonellabah and Lismore Libraries and at our Corporate Centre. We’re interested to know what you think of this new report! Let us know by completing the quick poll on Your Say Lismore at www.yoursay.lismore.nsw.gov.au.

CAFÉ FOR LEASE 7KH FDIp QH[W WR WKH ROG /LVPRUH 5HJLRQDO Gallery building at 133 Molesworth Street is up for lease. Expected rent is $385 to $420 per week plus GST plus outgoings. Offers close 10 December. More info at www.pidcockcommercial.com or phone Phillip Di Costa on 6622 1001 or 0419 288 891.

ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION )LIWK 5RXQG RI 5HFODVVL¾FDWLRQV ° /LVPRUH /(3 At its ordinary meeting on 12 June 2018, Council resolved to support a planning proposal to amend the Lismore Local Environmental Plan 2012 to: • Reclassify 619 Skyline Road, Goonellabah (Lot 2, DP 617349), from ‘community’ to ‘operational’ and rezone part of the land from Zone RU1 Primary Production to Zone SP2 Infrastructure and Zone E2 Environmental Conservation to facilitate the future expansion of the cemetery, protect subtropical rainforest adjacent to Tucki Creek and remove the minimum lot size of 40ha on part of the land being rezoned to SP2; and • Rezone part of 627 Skyline Road, Goonellabah (Lot 11 DP 549608), from Zone SP2 Infrastructure to Zone RU1 Primary Production to align the zone with the rural residential use of the land and apply a minimum lot size of 40ha to the land being rezoned to Zone RU1. The Department of Planning and Environment issued a Gateway Determination on 30 August 2018. The Minister of Planning has not issued delegation to Lismore City Council for the making of this LEP because an E zone is proposed to be applied. $ SXEOLF KHDULQJ ZLOO EH KHOG LQWR WKH PDWWHU RI UHFODVVL¾FDWLRQ LQ DFFRUGDQFH with section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993. The public hearing will be held after the closure of the exhibition period. A public notice of the hearing will be published at least 21 days prior to the hearing. The planning proposal is on public exhibition from 6 December 2018 to 7 January 2019. Copies of the draft amendment are available at our Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah, and at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au via the ‘Your Say Lismore’ link. Submissions relating to the draft amendment outlining grounds of objection or support can be made online, emailed to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au or sent to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480. For enquiries, phone Strategic Planner Sally Slater on 1300 87 83 87. Submissions must be received by Monday, 7 January 2019.

LANDHOLDER GRANTS: LAST CHANCE TO APPLY! Expressions of interest for funding through the Rural Landholder Initiative close on 13 December. Don’t miss your chance to get projects for improvement underway on your property with grants of between $5000 and $10,000. ,QIRUPDWLRQ DQG DSSOLFDWLRQ IRUPV DW ZZZ OLVPRUH QVZ JRY DX.

COUNCIL MEETINGS 7KH QH[W RUGLQDU\ PHHWLQJ RI &RXQFLO ZLOO EH KHOG RQ 7XHVGD\ 11 December from 6pm in the Council Chambers. 7KLV LV WKH ¾QDO PHHWLQJ IRU 7KHUH LV QR PHHWLQJ LQ -DQXDU\ 7KH ¾UVW RUGLQDU\ PHHWLQJ RI ZLOO EH KHOG RQ 7XHVGD\ )HEUXDU\ from 6pm in the Council Chambers. Members of the public can book in to speak at the beginning of the meeting, on any agenda item, for three minutes. People may also request an AUSLAN interpreter to be present. )RU ERRNLQJV RU LQIRUPDWLRQ SKRQH 0LFKHOOD :DGH RQ

YOUR COVER Michael McKee is a House With No Steps employee who works at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) sorting and separating recyclables. He is one of several House With No Steps workers and Council staff who feature in the new #RecycleRight campaign, which asks residents to make some important changes to the way we recycle. More info inside this edition or pick up a free fridge magnet at our Corporate Centre or the Lismore or Goonellabah Library.


1300 87 83 87 Lismore City Council’s Corporate Centre is located at 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah. We are open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm. Our postal address is PO Box 23A, Lismore NSW 2480. You can email us at FRXQFLO#OLVPRUH QVZ JRY DX



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