Sample | 100 Romance Story Starter Ideas

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volume 1




100 ROMANCE STORY IDEAS #1 Lisa London Books


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Š 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Welcome to the Story Idea Book #1 - by Romance Subgenre If you didn’t know - I suffer from having too many story ideas vs not having enough. Everywhere I look a new potential story pops up. I’ve been jotting all these ideas down for a little over 5 years now. And now I want to share them with you. • No 1 story idea will ever result in the same novel if given to a million authors - we all think and write differently so don’t worry that someone else will write the same exact book. It’s impossible. • Pick and choose different ideas and combine them together • All of these ideas are now yours to do what you want


Story Idea

will help you to

Idea Book

• Get your creative juices flowing • Allow you to simply agree or veto over 100 ideas • Combine story ideas into something new just for you • Quickly develop a new story idea you can start working on today • Are you ready? Let’s go!

Lisa London

Planner Boss & Romance Author

© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books


how to use this workbook

what to do next

Step 1 | Skip around to the romance subgenre you’re most interested in Step 2 | A checkbox has been placed in front of each story idea so you can mark which ones you want to review again for later Step 3 | Combine and Cut - in other words, cut and paste and combine any story ideas or elements you want from one idea to another Step 4 | Choose a story idea & start outlining

Š 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books


romance subgenres

This book of story ideas is organized by Romance Subgenre. You will find 10 different ideas within each Subgenre. Check out the video below for a refresher on Romance Subgenres.

1. Contemporary 2. Paranormal 3. Urban Fantasy 4. Science Fiction 5. Reverse Harem

6. Erotic 7. Inspirational 8. Young Adult 9. Suspense 10. Historical 6

Š 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books


There are a should know

ton of because

what's the difference

Story Starter books out there - I I think I’ve purchased them all.

And not a single one of them helped me to actually come up with a Story Ideas.


• Aliens have invaded Earth - they look just like us but they only have one gender: Men. • Major Insurance Companies are giving super discounted health insurance rates for women willing to take a chastity test • Marriage to humanoid androids has been legalized in the US • The British Prime Minister falls in love with a spy sent to kill him

STORY IDEAS ANSWER the question... WHAT’S YOUR STORY ABOUT? And include a description of the story’s • Hero • Heroine • The hero or heroine’s goal

• What’s preventing him/her from achieving it And yes, these are the same criteria from Lesson #1 from the Plot your 1st Romance Book Course Story Ideas double as an IMDB description of a movie or a TV listing from a Hallmark Movie - they tell you the who and the what, not just an ambiguous but intriguing situation which is what I’ve found in pretty much all Story Starter Books

Ready? Let’s Go! © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books



1. US MARSHALL + PROTECTED WITNESS When Wade becomes a US Marshall assigned to Witness Protection, he is put in charge of protecting his High School sweetheart he thought deserted him. Wade discovers that her 10-year old son’s father is listed as unknown on the birth certificate and he suspects the child may be his. Exposing her could put her and his child in danger but not knowing is killing him. And if the boy is his, can he forgive her disappearing without telling him? 2. MATCHMAKER + BILLIONAIRE | Serena has just inherited her Aunt’s elite matchmaking company that only services billionaire clients. Her inheritance is conditional upon proving she can successfully match their latest client, Winston, who Serena remembers as a huge womanizer from college, with someone who will make him happy but Serena’s conscious won’t let her embark on her task until she can be assured that Winston is no longer the womanizer she remembers. Spending time getting to know Winston turns out to be more positive than she imagined to the point where she’s no longer sure she wants to set him up yet.


© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

PARANORMAL match. Chloe took the potion intended for the patient next door who Chloe demanded she switch rooms with and is now dead. Victor and Chloe must now figure out a way to pay Victor’s employer the $2M he’s owed for the potion or both of them will be dead. 18. ANGEL + DEMON After unjustly having her wings clipped and doomed to Hell, Katie turns to the only person she knows, her archnemesis, Taylor, for help navigating the underworld. Since she’s no longer a challenge, Taylor takes pity on her and trains her to become a demon. Plus, he gets bonus points for new recruits. Everything is going great and Katie finds that she actually has feelings for Taylor. All of the things that Taylor used to hate about Katie, he know finds endearing. But Taylor has uncovered evidence that will redeem Katie and reinstate her wings. Will he tell Katie and lose her or keep it to himself? He is a demon, after all.

© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books



21. PYROKINETIC + FIREFIGHTER A pyrokinetic, Lana’s the last flame thrower alive. With pressure to procreate in order to create more pyrokinetics, Lana is exhausted from swiping left and right on every dating app out there. Until she finds Lance, a local firefighter. Lance is perfect and everything that Lana has been looking for in a man. The only problem is that Lance doesn’t want kids and to make matters worse, Lance was just promoted to arson investigator and is investigating the last fire that Lana just lit. 22. SATAN’S DAUGHTER + ARCHANGEL Archangel Gabriel is sent to destroy Satan’s daughter, Jenna, but combining their magical powers during an electrical storm lands them in the Nexxus. The Nexxus is a void where nothing and no one exists. It’s meant sort of as a garbage receptacle for both Heaven and Hell to sort their trash. If they remain in the Nexxus for longer than 10 days, they’ll both be deleted from existence permanently. Can Gabriel and Jenna put their differences aside and work together to get out of the Nexxus or once they find an exit door,

© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books


REVERSE HAREM 49. WARRIOR + 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Cassie, is a trained warrior and lightbearer. It’s her job to save the world from the 4 horsemen. She’s fought them numerous times but loses each battle, barely surviving. But the horsemen are getting old and they pass on their powers to their sons. Newly minted Horsemen means they’re weak and unable to hold onto their powers until fully solidified after one year. During that year is Cassie’s chance to steal it away. But the only way that a horseman’s powers can be given is by being with them and getting them to fall in love with their mate body and soul. Can Cassie get all 4 men to fall in love with and be with her to help save the world? 50. MAFIA + SEAMSTRESS The only thing that Allora cares about is creating beautiful wedding dresses for excited brides to be. But her little shop is struggling and could use a quick infusion of cash. Enter the Cardoni Brothers of the local Italian mafia. The 6 brothers are all for helping out a damsel in distress but without any collateral or credit, she’s going to have to figure out a way to qualify for a loan a different way. They work out a deal where Allora will live with the Cardoni Brothers and tend to their every need in terms of cooking, cleaning and everything else to do with homemaking. But living together in such close quarters, she ends up falling in love with not one but all of the brothers. Is it possible for her to not have to choose just one?

© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books



61. LITTLE OLD LADY + GOOD SAMARITAN It’s Halloween and Greta is taking her daughter out trick or treating. Dressed as an old evil witch, she trips and falls on the sidewalk. Corey stops to help her up and not realizind she’s really his age, walks her and what he believes to be her granddaughter all the way home. When he checks on her the next day, he’s pleasantly surprised that she’s so young but also unpleasantly surprised to learn that she’s running for local pastor opposite him. Is Greta really interested in him or just using the keep your enemies closer philosophy. 62. ADDICT + REHAB COUNSELOR After losing everything and everyone, including custody of her 4 children, Lorraine finally decides to go into rehab. Her only goal is to get a certificate of recovery so she can take it to the judge and get her children back but John isn’t cooperating. John can’t actually believe in all this Christian mumble jumble that he keeps spouting, can he? It’s just a job and she has plenty of money to bribe her way into an easy certificate so she can get out of there. John is immediately attracted to Lorraine, even though he knows it’s wrong to flirt

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© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books



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© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books



© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books


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