Starlites 3-27-12

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quadratics. 6th graders will be doing their challenges for the President's Physical Fitness program this quarter and I hope to get additional award winners. In His service... Mr. Watters: Welcome back to the fourth quarter. I hope everyone had a great spring break and we are ready to end the year successfully. The spring always has a very full calendar, and here are some dates that we should keep in mind. Eighth grade skip day will be on May 11. Plans are in the works for a great day. As a parent, if you can be involved, please let me know. Track meets include April 10, April 20, and May 4. Academically we are back in the swing as 7th and 8th grades will have tests on Friday over chapter 23 in their book. Sixth grade will not have an exam this week. The track season has begun and if you have a student participating please encourage that student to do their very best. The track practice schedule is as follows: Monday and Thursday after school until 4:15 and Tuesday and Friday during school until 3:20 as an elective. Wednesday is a rest day.

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus. His Love endures forever.


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