The Beauty Journal - Sneak Peek

Page 21

RELEASE Letting go.

We choose what we give meaning to. When we choose to let go of hurt, anger & disappointment, we make room for peace to set in. Write down what you choose to let go of at this moment, anything that isn't serving you in the highest. Read it to yourself out loud and take a deep breath in and a long breath out. Do this a few times until you feel the anger, pain or resentment you were feeling start to dissipate.

what was beautiful about today? Today, I choose to let go of the things I can’t control, including the pain in my past, I can't move forward looking back, So I will start to focus on the present beauty found right here in front of me. Whatever your situation, accept it fully. If you don’t like something, take action to change it, leave the situation, or surrender and accept it. All else is madness.

- Eckhart Tolle

Think of the 5R method as an emotional release technique. You take a negative emotional experience and turn it into something positive and empowering. If you don't feel like using any of these five methods, chances are you are being ruled by your ego. If your ego is refusing to acknowledge the beauty that can be found today, try this exercise instead.

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