2023–2024 Northeast "Havelock" Student Literary Magazine

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Havelock 23-24

Lincoln Northeast Literary Magazine

Copyright 2024 by Havelock Staff

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written permission.

Published by Firespring 1201 Infinity Ct. Lincoln, NE 68512

Cover art Watching by Abby Stiles

Title page by Alyssa Moore

Advised by Kaley Reda and Cameron Maxwell

Dear Reader,

Editors Note

This year’s edition of the Northeast Literary magazine we have quite a few bumps in this road, from figuring out our theme to sorting through the pieces we thought would best suit this year’s magazine. What is highschool if not a period of growing up?

Growing up for me has meant seeing how things change in the world. We go from the one being cared for by parents or guardians, to transitioning and becoming one of the ones that will eventually take care of others. As little kids, we looked up to siblings or parents and thought that they could do anything.Now, we’re getting older and realizing that they were doing everyday things. When I look back now, I realize how good my childhood was, and I realize that everything changes. The way we look, what we like to do, hobbies, friends, and even family.

This is the last year of high school for many of us seniors. Some might be going into college or right into the workforce starting lives as adults. Now seniors are not our only focus either, for all the students who are attending Northeast or any highschools here in Lincoln that countdown from the first day as a freshman to the last day of school and graduation will never stop.

But think about it. Being a little kid and being able to skip a whole day of school because of a doctor or dentist appointment and not having to be several days behind in homework. Or the night you would be somewhere and you would fall asleep in the car on the way home and someone would carry you in. These are the thoughts we want to evoke with this magazine. Think about your house, family members, pets, and even toys that made your childhood most memorable

It is difficult for us to admit, but our childhood is about to expire. So take that in, read and reflect, and spend your time doing what you won’t be able to in the future.

Table of

6 House by Fatimah Al Sallami

Sage Abby Stiles

7 Growing Up Jordyn Warburton

My Sky Annabelle Waldbaum

8 Remember Ash Pesek

Plague Doctor Jamiyah Robinson

9 Pent-Up Rage I.J.S

Kaiju no.8 Jamiyah Robinson

10 The Day the World Ended Lemon Kucera

Roses Brooke Morberg

11 My Dear Scorpio Blake Marlar

12 Teach Myself How to Say Goodbye Journey Schroeder

In the Dark Cade Henke

13 Lost Cade Henke

Temporary Zayne Burks

14 Cruelful Reality of War’s Cruel Way Aaron Foster

Bye, Bye Boston Jenna Spidel

Teapot 3 Jeremiah Mabok

Teapot 4 Jaden Herrick

15 Aidan Elizabeth Gosch

Teapot 1 Adam Mendez

Teapot 2 Mlak Al Eisa

16 Forgiveness August Reign

17 Star Gazing Sophia A.

18 Drowning Sophia A.

Ocean’s Hands Sage Simonsen


19 The Epitome of Love Jenna Spidel

Cluttered Mind Sophia A

20 a day of a teenage artist Deku

21 Plane B Sage Simonsen

22 Jail Break I.J.S

Just Beyond the Moon Blake Marlar

23 My Future Life Melak Al Gailani Making It Out of the Dark R.K.

24 Family Always and Forever LiLi Tuveson

When I’m Not with My Mom and Dad I Miss Them Oliver Ortmeier

25 Growing Up Black In America Ava Wright

America Is Lexi Eberly

26 Leaf Grace Urman

27 How I Feel About School Alaam Ahmed

I Alex D. Buescher

28 Red Flower Calee Brown

Home Jenna Spidel

29 Bracelet Jenessa Howard Rings Grace Urman

30 Shades of Gray (Black and White) Samara Follette

Butterfly Gorl Harminy Hansen

31 The Woman’s Standard Londyn Youngs

Dark Soul Grace Urman

32 Trypophobia Ainsley Garcia

33 I’m Sorry But I Think I Have to Let You Go Brooke Morberg

House: Fatimah Al Sallami

We’re old friends now. We’ve been together for over seven years. You’ve been there every step of my life. You made me feel safe. You helped me make the best memories. You helped me make new friends. I’m glad to call you my home, But now I have to leave you with some stranger. Goodbye, my old friend. Have fun.

Even though it won’t be the same, Have fun.

Sage: Abby Stiles

My Sky: Annabelle Waldbaum

Growing Up: Jordyn Warburton

We used to be kids running around laughing, sleeping with the night light on, having our parents check for monsters in the closet, being excited about Santa and the Tooth fairy and begging our parents to stay up past our bedtime. But now we are teenagers we know there are no monsters under our beds, Santa isn’t real, and the tooth fairy was just our parents. We have grown up and realized the childhood wonder and magic we had is now slowly leaving. We leave behind our childhood innocence, our real smiles, and our childlike wonder. We dont ask our parents to put us to bed, we aren’t scared of thunder and lightning, and our friends from elementary school faded to dust. No one said growing up is easy and no one said it was a pretty thing. We don’t want to grow up, but we don’t have a choice. We will leave behind our childhood once we walk across the stage at graduation, and enter the adult part of our lives where we sit and wonder what it would be like to relive our childhood one more time.


Remember: Ash Pesek

Can you try to remember?

Why can you only think of so little?

Burnt out like an ember, So, so brittle Is it even real?

Plague Doctor: Jamiyah Robinson

Do you make up these things?

Or is it just surreal?

Or maybe it’s just broken strings?

Rang out like a dishrag. You’re a living, breathing zombie. You can’t even brag, just a drag. You’re SOMEBODY.

More than you know, So beautiful like the snow.

Pent Up Rage: I.J.S

Some of her died that night. A little three year old Full of fright. She was controlled, and taken out of spite. Caged in like a lion, But don’t get too close - she bites Ignorance caused dafiance, And a fire began to ignite. She no longer cared.

She had noting to lose. That fire was burning

Near a short fuse. And that fuse caught on fire, And burst into flames

They tried to defy her, But she’s not to blame

And as the fire went out

From all of her tears

She cant help but doubt These next few years.

The Day the World Ended: Lemon Kucera

The world ended when I was in my kitchen, we had just made pasta and I knew right then I wouldn’t ever be happier than this.

The world ended September 7th 2011, I knew I wouldn’t ever be happier than this.

The world ended the day I graduated college, I knew I wouldn’t ever be happier than this.

The world ended when my parents got married, they knew they would never be happier than this.

The world ended when I moved into my first apartment, I knew I wouldn’t ever be happier than this.

My Dear Scorpio:

Teach Myself How to Say Goodbye: Journey Schroeder

As the wind of the future flows by I try to find the words to say goodbye

To the legacy the year left behind

In a solemn, yet energetic pride.

Showing me my past memories

A novel chapter, closing with chapters as interesting as centuries

A rollercoaster, going up and down and up and down

Trying desperately not to hit the ground.

I aim my shot forward.

Towards the next path, not fitting my future to align with your word.

My word.

My path.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I begin to sigh

The light expands far and wide

Singing myself the opposite of a lullaby

As I try to teach myself how to say goodbye.

IIn The Dark: Cade Henke

Lost: Cade Henke

Temporary: Zayne Burks

It’s not that I’ve ever thought of myself as the ugly guy.

It’s more like I’m the temporary guy. the one you’re only interested in briefly, hot for an hour, good looking when you decide. Beautiful.

when you see me at the right time or my left side. because to you I’m just an option for someone to return after you buy something you’re allowed not to like I’m not the endgame. I’m a stop along the way.

Keep you entertained while you find another guy. Take his name but you were the future to me. You were my everything, and even though I knew you’d probably leave. I hoped this time I wasn’t temporary. I guess I wanted to try but of course, I’m the temporary guy. I shouldn’t have hoped you’d wouldn’t be, Temporary…


Cruelful Reality of Wars Cruel Way: Aaron Foster

Endless blood in the desert like a furious storm upon the sea with horizons filled with blood shed thou ravens waited patiently while sit on their thrones of dead trees and often fight amongst themselves overseeing as field of endless dead soldiers that died with a cause nor without a cause some soldiers who have dreams of glory and earning medals other soldiers want to make a name for themselves but sadly majority or some few soldiers that are vulnerable to speeches that blindly inspire them to fight and die for country. When you step the train, truck, boat, or plane to somewhere 50 or 90 miles away from the death factory as the battlefield you come across lifeless corpses, some of them rotting some limbless there are some who are being arriving from the front of the 8th or 11th day of waiting on the 13th day when you step into the trenches of death you may pray of countless endless hope to survive.

Teapot 3: Jeremiah Mabok

Bye, Bye Boston: Jenna Spidel

I’m happy and alive which doesn’t make much of anything. But I’m proud and hopeful of who I am, I breathe the light of life and love. Right now I’m here and that’s all that matters, in a few years I’ll be in a city far too big for itself, where no one knows my name . I will tell all the people I meet of our endless night how we spoke of our dreams and how embarrassing I had thought it was to want more; but most importantly how you believed in me, that you didn’t dismiss my mind or my soul. And on those lonely nights where the nostalgia comes, I’ll remember that tiny town that begged to consume me at any waking moment and how dearly I had wanted it to, I would have forever stayed lost in the corn fields if I could. But the city called out for me, it called for me to come home . I don’t know why, but my loss of words never will explain the magnitude and want. That place brings me to the bright shining lights, to city walls that tower over my pride and dignity to the point I don’t care about the fact I’m leaving or what I’m leaving behind. That I rather let everything clatter to the point of destruction, then to not go. Because I refuse to forever live a dying life.

Teapot 4: Jaden Herrick


Aidan: Elizabeth Gosch

Teapot 2: Mlak Al Eisa

the idea of your memory that’s always there every time i sleep, every time i look in the mirror or eat, days go by are flying, the imagine of you is slowly fading i’m scared, i’m scared that one day i’m going to wake up and not remember you kind caring face, my eyes puff up red of the imagine of you the person that i never fully got to know, the slow dribble of your basket ball getting smaller each day, soon completely fading away, your beautiful ginger hair dancing upon the wind, the sweet caring smile that was always on your face, no matter if the sun didn’t shine you smiled anyway, i look upon the sky smiling feeling the wind hit upon my face, my smile slowly fades as the rain washes it away, the thing that i want the most is to hug you and say that i care for you, you are worth living, you are important, are the things i never got to say before you took your own life away, without leaving a reason in the note, the purple bracelet brushes against my skin making the memory of you refresh, all i can ask myself is why why, could i have done anything to prevent it what if i called, my mind races trying to figure out this i can no longer change the past only the future, you may be gone but i will never let this happen to anyone else i do my best to remember you and the millions of other people who taken there life away, i look up to the sky and smile this time no rain will wash my smile away, i will remember you every single day, i miss you

Teapot 1: Adam Mendez

Forgiveness: August Reign

When it’s time to go, You’ll know.

Forgiveness isn’t easy

But holding on hurts more

By letting go

You find a lot more of you

That was invisible for so long.

Letting go of the things

That haunted you like the monsters under the bed

Freeing yourself of the thoughts That kept you up all throughout your teenage years

Becoming a new better version

Of who you always were

Stripping away the things That made you cringe when you heard them

Names change

People change

So in honor

Of my father

I’ll let go.

I’ll let go of the footnotes That tied me into the story

I’ll let go of the dagger

That had me slowly bleeding out

I’ll let go of the old me

The one that didn’t quite fit

I’ll never see him again And maybe that’s okay

I had a chance to be free Atlast

In new light And new blood

We become whole All at once

It’s like the voices in my head

Have decided they aren’t worthy of the words

To cut the string that was choking me

To breathe once more

And to continue into what’s next

A permit and a diploma

A book and a secretary

More me than i’ve ever felt This was the one thing

I had dreamt of Year after year

Right where you left me

Just a different name on the reservation

And for me

That’s enough.


Star Gazing: Sophia A.

Ocean’s Hands: Sage Simonsen

Attempting suicide in the ocean appeals most to her. The waves will carry her, rock her, and surround her in its comfort. Almost like she was returning to infancy, to innocence, to ignorance, to bliss. The ocean also contained so much unknown and wonder, and beauty, the kinds of things you see everywhere as a little kid. Even if something in the ocean seems ugly, its truly neutral or even benevolent. Thats how she wishes she could feel about the world. Is that what she wants? To return to childhood? is it because she really prefers the mind of a child or because she’s lazy and wants to get out of work? it doesn’t matter anymore. she’s stopped caring about an honorable or meaningful death. Let no one remember her or find her, it will be less bothersome that way.

As she takes heavy steps towards the end of the peer, she thinks of how funny it is that her furniture will one day belong to new owners and her apartmemt a new tenant. She always knew the world would go on without her, but she didnt realize her bedroom would too. If her bedroom could see and hear, would it feel sad for the girl who loved, lost, and rotted inside itself? Or was it apathetic to cases like hers after so many decades of housing and horrifying parts of humanity? or maybe she’s just trying to find someone to cling to. An inanimate room how sad.

As she allows herself to fall off the pier, she braces for true serenity and beauty. Alas, the ocean does not meet her expectations. Her body smacks the water, causing a sting that slaps her organs.

The pain doesn’t stop there, however. Her body unwillingly holds its breath. Even as she tries to just allow the water in and be done with it, she can’t. Instead, she’s forced to feel the horrible, burning desire for air. The burning is so intense, it feels like hell in seconds. It feels like shes been submerged for days when her body finally allows a gasp. When she does, it feels like a while new explosion of pain, like the salt crystals are knives scraping at her throat. Only 15 seconds must’ve passed, but it feels like eternity before she gets a taste of calm. However as soon as she does, the waves carry her out back to shore, rocking her and forcing her to face the fight to survive.

Drowning: Sophia A.

The Epitome of Love: Jenna Spidel Cluttered Mind: Sophia A.

I’ll get to the point . The only thing the pain of life has left me to learn is that no one is going to save you. No matter how much you beg and plead for someone, or anyone to come and save you. I had stood on my own two feet just as the tide rolled in, wobbling for the hope it all, yearning to never fall; come to think of it I never even seemed to stumble. I am the person I am today due to the life I experienced. I have none, nor any regrets due to the life I was dealt; I wouldn’t want it any other way. But perhaps there is something wrong about me, may it be the whole of my heart or rather my soul, for I am perplexed with longing for love. That I wish to love and be loved; to no amount worth settling for. That is to be my greatest fear of life; to live life without love.


a day of a teenage artist: Deku

Plane B: Sage Simonsen

A mid-size jet rolls down the old runway, rumbling and humming in a way so distinct from the thunders and bird songs Crete is used to hearing. It’s followed by another, another, and another, countless jets of varying shapes and sizes descend upon the historically barren stretch of asphalt like sea birds diving in for prey. Jesse Hall watches on in mild amusement before returning to his paper, flicking through and scanning for any indication of an event that hadn’t gotten around to him. Normally, if there were going to be some big spectacle like this, people would be talking about it. But, Jesse doesn’t find anything special, just the usual politics, football, lost dogs, and the like.

It had always seemed to Jesse that the runway was a bit vast for Crete. When were they gonna have three planes on there at once? Today, he’s anxious about a crash. There are so many coming in you’d think there’d been a second gold rush, but the men stepping out of these jets seem to have plenty of gold already. They’re all dressed in fine suits and carry huge briefcases. Despite their similarities in dress, the men seem to come from every corner of the Earth. Jesse thinks that maybe he didn’t want to know these gussied up bastards were coming around anyways.

Angry shouts in all different languages aid the jets in disrupting the peace of the countryside. The taylored, clean suits quickly become disheveled and muddy as every man races in the direction of the golf course. What only a moment ago seemed a precession of flair and refinement has devolved into a mad dash, like reaching the hills meant their lives. Jesse doesn’t know just yet how accurate that assumption is. Jesse stands up, placing his hands on his hips and staring for a moment before following the stampede at a gradual pace. He’s going to make sure no one’s getting killed.

Along the way, he finds it odd how no one else has come out to see what the commotion is. Moreso, he finds it concerning that there are in fact, patches of red on the ground. Some poor sucker really got injured from all this. As Jesse looks back up ahead, he sees something that’s somehow even more odd than the rest of it. A huge garage type of door has opened up the hillside. Not on the hillside, the hillside is now open and all the richmen are rushing inside. Jesse picks up his pace. He’s never seen something like this in Crete, and now he needs to get to the bottom of it.

As he nears in on the door, Jesse’s ears pick up a faint noise from the distance. At first he doesn’t even notice it as it blends so well into the general chaos. but, when he focuses in, it seems to be… a tornado siren? It doesn’t sound quite like how he remembers. Would they bother to change something like that? You’d think they’d want people to recognize it. In any case, this hill hole seems to be his best bet at shelter, so he continues inside. It seems he’s just in time as the door begins to close behind him.

The interior of the bunker looks like something out of a movie. The ceiling is high and as white and sterile as the rest of the place. Jesse continues into the hideout, winding down several hallways that seem to exist either to confuse a guy or make him feel like even more of a lab rat. On top of that he’s made to descend several staircases in between which only stump him on the purpose of all this further. When he finally reaches what looks to be a giant auditorium, the loud creak of the door hinges alerts everyone in the room, causing every man to rise, turn, and stare at him with wide, owllike eyes that illuminate the dimly-lit space. After the rustling settles down, there’s a long silence before the man at the podium speaks.

¨Who the heck are you?¨

Jesse recognizes the man as no other than the president of the United States of America.

¨Uh… My name is Jesse Hall, sir. What in damnation is going on here?¨

There’s a murmuring amongst the men before the U. S. president quiets them, mumbling something about a ‘protocol’ before turning his attention back to Jesse.

¨What’s going on here is the end of the world, son. Someone’s got their hands on all the nuke launch codes, and we know they’re about to set them off. Welcome to the new world order.¨

And just like that, Jesse Hall, a simple man from Crete, Nebraska, became one of the world’s elite all too late.


Jailbreak: I.J.S

He was a monster, Not a father.

He was as cold as a dead body, As heartless as a killer.

I was all alone.

Although their fancy, modern house Was indeed a house, It wasn’t a home.

It was a prison. I always felt like I was riding In the back of a cop car to their house. So, I tried to make my jailbreak.

But I couldn’t. It was all planned out, And it would have worked.

But I was a coward, I was naive.

Every other Sunday, I was all alone.

Just Beyond the Moon: Blake Marlar

My Future Life: Melak Al Gailani

My Future Life.

My future life is waiting for me. Like a flower waiting for spring, And the trees growing out their leaves. While I am growing out my future seed.

I wonder what it would be like, Will it be dark and cold?

Or will it be like a fruit that’s ripe?

In the end it’s untold.

My future that is waiting for me, I’ll be the best that I can be. The future I’ve been waiting for my whole life

How well are you going to treat me?

Someday we will meet, And by then I’ll be able to see the seed I grew.

Making It Out Of The Dark: R.K

Family Always and Forever: Lili Tuveson

From the moment I was born, you were there

From the moment I spoke my first word When I crawled for the first time, you were there

When I took my first step toward you After I did something bad or funny, you were there

After our family grew and changed Anytime there were changes, we had to adjust Anytime there was a fight, we tried to stop it

Whenever we switch houses for the weekend

Whenever we go back to a different environment

Things will never be the same

Things are not going back to normal

There is another father figure in one of our lives

There is two cats in the other

Even though things are different, our love for each other is still strong

Even with new members in our family, unchanging habits and hurt

We are a family, a repairing family, but a family nonetheless A family that will last always and forever

When I’m Not With My Parents I Miss Them: Oliver Ortmeier

A morning filled with food when I wake up

I see my mom and shes like a ball of love and safety

I go to school and after she’s gone to work I miss her

My mom is my love and safety, so is my dad. My parents give me love and protection, I play this game with them like catching a ball, but the ball is love and safety

Always catching that ball no matter what, even in dreams. Day, night, morning, and afternoon no matter what time

I’ll always catch the ball

Turtles are free and untouched; like turtles my family is free and untouched. When I’m not with my parents I miss them and want to see them.

I love my parents.


Growing up Black in America: Ava Wright

Growing up black in America isn’t for the weak

It’s for the strong minded and strong willed

From the day you can walk

You are told where and where not to go

By the time you can talk

You are told what and what not to say

It’s not out of respect its so you dont get kiled

Growing up black in America means learning how to be prepared

Prepared to have your accomplishments overlooked

Prepared to be told no when others are told yes

Prepared for the death that could happen as early as the age of 5

Growing up black in America means fighting for your spot even when you belong

Growing up black in America means

Being told as soon as you’re old enough to go to the store

To ask for a receipt and hold it so everyone can see

Growing up black in America means

Being taught your restrictions even though this land is supposed to be free

“Watch your back.” my mom would say “You never know whos preying being you”

The people in this world are lions who havent ate in 4 weeks

Their hungry, hungry for prey

It just so happens that their favorite prey comes with darker skin and tighter curls

Breathe dont speak is the key thing when being racially profiled

Don’t dare to speak to them liike it’s your right

For those could be the last words you ever say

Growing up black in America means limited can understand you and even less can relate to you

Being yourself comes with a price when growing up black and dying in america

No matter what price we have to pay we will always remember

Groing up black in America isn’t for the weak

It’s for the strong minded and strong willed.


America is freedom

My home for all seasons

The place i feel the most safe

There my heart belongs

America is the fight

That we put in each day

The way we all sing songs

Of hope and grace

America is… our troops

America is our town

America is the light

When no one is around

The fights we win

The wars we face

The people we love and hate

The stories we tell

The life we live

America is our home

It’s the flag that flies high

It’s the troops that fight for our lives

So we are

Its the man who died who gave that right to us

America is a community

Place where we don’t feel alone

A road that goes for miles and miles

It’s the peace we have

The will to live

The reason we fight

And give all we have

America can be hard to live in sometimes

But she is alway on our side

In war and struggle

She guides us though

Helps us triumph to victory

Holds us through

America is the flag that flies

The home that stays when

The whole world falls

The light that shines all night long

Where people come and go

America is my home sweet home

Where we learn from our mistakes, America is my home sweet home

America is our troops

Our neighbors

Our families

America is me and I am America

Leaf: Grace Urman

How I Feel About School: Alaam Ahmed

I have to wake up in the morning like a lion But I feel lazy like a koala. Doing a project is a whole different story, I just don’t wanna go to school Teachers put me with a partner that I don’t wanna be with and they don’t do their share of work. They look like they hate school too. When the bell rings we have to go the next period, some people walk as slow as a turtle so you don’t know how to pass these guys. I can’t wait until school ends to go my bed. It feels like heaven.

I: Alex D. Buescher

I’m stuck. In a loop every day. I want nothing more than to stand out. If. I do what I’m told I will be successful, will I have friends? Impossible to think of failure. Igloo myself from others. Is this success, then why do they have friends I don’t Ideal to want friends and live there. incite. Is this it? Instead, lonely. Isolated. Iconoclast to my views. I wish to be. Impervious to myself.


Red Flower: Calee Brown

Home: Jenna Spidel

As my own walls break down, I can hear so much, I hear the sun vibrating and gleaming through the tournament of the clouds, I hear the whispering waters of the bodies that surround me, but mostly I hear the voices filled with laughter and glee, and somehow this time it’s not just others, it’s me. It’s me who’s the one talking and making others laugh and smile and gleam with joy. All the walls and fronts are now gone, they have evaporated into the mist to be forgotten. I don’t know how long it will last, but I seem to no longer care about my future or my past. Because right now I’m living and I’m free of what has burdened me including myself. To now finally become someone I no longer recognize; a girl that feels like home.


Bracelet: Jenessa Howard

The bracelet she gave me, the string and beads around my wrist.

Given to me as a Valentine’s gift.

The bracelet she gave me with pink to light-pink, and white to little silver beads Me staring at it while it admires me

The bracelet she gave me a gift so simple and small Holding memories and it’s like she’s right next to me.

The bracelet she gave me with little see through pink diamond beads, That make the room shine when in the light

The bracelet she gave me with beautiful shiny beads as beautiful as she.

Rings: Grace Urman


of Grey

(Not everything is black and white, it’s various shades

of gray.): Samara Follette

Serene beauty versus dark beauty.

Sunshine versus dusk

Open streets versus hidden alleyways.

A child’s breath versus a man’s tempestuous thoughts

Black versus white

One or the other.

Some choose to only see the light in the world

Where others only see dark.

The glass is half full.

They can change

He can learn from this-

I know he can.

Light lets us see what the world could be.

A beacon of hope that proves nothing is unachievable.

Light represents the butterfly in every person’s soul-

The bird in everyone’s chest singing the song of life.

Some choose to only see the dark in the world

Where others only see light.

The glass is half empty.

They’ll never change

She’ll just do it againI know she will.

Dark lets us see the world for how it is.

The lost souls coming out of hiding

To sleep on the sides of the road at night.

The birds turned on a spit in the center of everyone’s chest.

Serene beauty and dark beauty.

Sunshine and dusk

Open streets and hidden alleyways.

A child’s breath and a man’s tempestuous thoughts

It’s not all black and white-

The Woman’s Standard: Londyn Youngs

She is just an object. She wakes up, gets ready for a brand new day and when she comes down stairs in a beautiful blue dress that sits so slightly a hairs distance above her knees.

As her heel makes the thunk on the last step. She looks up and sees her husband, his face filled with 2 emotions: amusement and disgust. “Your dress is a bit short, no? Why do you want so much attention?” he laughs. He turns his head as something in her throat hurts and a tear starts to form, like the first drop of rain in a gray angry storm. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. As she turns around one more time she sees her husband with a tanktop and shorts on, and the words become louder in her anger filled mind. Don’t cry Don’t cry.Don’t. Cry. “Why do you look so angry? It’s not pretty, dear. Smile a little. You’ll look better that way” and she tells herself once more. Don’t cry. But this time she cannot keep that promise to herself and once more “Of course you’re crying over something so stupid such a typical emotionally unstable woman.”She will never win.

Dark Soul: Grace Urman

Trypophobia: Ainsley Garcia

I’m Sorry But I Think I Have to Let You Go:

Brooke Morberg

I’m sorry but I’m leaving. I know I shouldn’t apologize but still I do. I’m sorry that I have to leave but my soulmate isn’t you. I think deep down you knew that trying to alter reality on the first date, and blindsiding me with expectations as if we were meant for each other anyway. Maybe it would work for a while at least. but if this was a game leaving you was the final beast.

I’m not meant to be here, you’re not the one for me. Honestly, I think deep down you knew that so please let me be. You’re messing with fate that the universe aligns, stealing someone’s soulmate is crossing very serious lines.

I don’t want that.

I mean imagine the person meant for you. She could be out there wishing you were someone she already knew. I hope she’s so amazing and wonderful that you treat her so much better. I taught you how to knit so please make sure she always has a sweater.


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Or email Mr. Maxwell at cmaxwell@lps.org

Harminy Hansen Kaley Reda Shyanne Chrichton


A., Sophia

17, 18, 19

Ahmed, Alaam

Al Eisa, Mlak

Al Gailani, Melak

Al Sallami, Fatimah

Brown, Calee

Buescher, Alex D.

Burks, Zayne


Eberly, Lexi

Follette, Samara

Foster, Aaron

Garcia, Ainsley

Gosch, Elizabeth

Hansen, Harminy

Henke, Cade

Herrick, Jaden

Howard, Jenessa


Kucera, Lemon

Mabok, Jeremiah

Marlar, Blake

Mendez, Adam

Morberg, Brooke

Ortmeier, Oliver

Pesek, Ash


Reign, August

Robinson, Jamiyah

Schroeder, Journey

Simonsen, Sage

Spidel, Jenna

Stiles, Abby

Tuveson, LiLi

Urman, Grace

Waldbaum, Annabelle

Warburton, Jordyn

Wright, Ava

Youngs, Londyn

10 14 11,
15 10,
24 8 23 16 8,
6 24 26,
7 7 25 31
27 15 23 6 28 27 13 20 25 30 14 32 15 30 12, 13 14 29 9, 22
18, 21 14, 19, 28
29, 31

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