2022–2023 Northeast "Havelock" Student Literary Magazine

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Lincoln Northeast Literary Magazine

Copyright 2023 by Havelock Staff

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written permission. Published by Firespring 1201 Infinity Ct. Lincoln, NE 68512

Cover art Succumbing by Anthony States

Title page by MJ Hansen

Advised by Kaley Reda

Editor’s Notes

Dear Readers,

This year was a rough one for the Literary magazine class. At times we felt prepared; other times we had senioritis. Who thought it would be a good idea to have all seniors on the staff? The magazine is similar to how it feels to be not only a senior but a human. Sometimes it seems like we’ve got everything together; the next minute things feel rushed and disorganized and it often doesn’t go as planned.

Art is subjective and the pieces we chose might not have been chosen by others. As Alok Vaid-Menon once said, “Beauty is about noticing what is, not what should be.” The doodles throughout represent the casual observers of life and art and the battle of perfection. Rather than change every little mistake, we found ourselves asking, “Who are we trying to be perfect for?” We apologize if a page number not being centered makes you sick to your stomach.

We appreicate all the media center staff for letting us invade lab 131 and all the teachers who let us skip class to get this done. We hope you enjoy this year’s magazine or at least feel something when you read it.

Tayven owes me a sword btw


Can’t wait for the museum

I ain’t readen all that.

OH MAN PASSION *woof* What nerds

6 Sonnet of the Night Sky by Zane Al-Jabery

Where the beautiful things are by Leigh Nitzel

7 The Simple Flower by Sarah Blocker Secrets of a Flower by Ophelia G. Beltran

8 Silent Phone by Kyra Davis Ruth by Jaslein Gray Fruits of Patience by Harminy Hansen

9 Finley by Lyric Gans The White House by Darius Allen

10 Revelations by Harminy Hansen

11 Panic by Izabel Rivers Bipolar by Izabel Rivers

12 Husker Guard by Kiegon Meyers

13 The Present, Now by Jimmy Le Communion by Anthony States

14 Snow Sunset by Ian Mehser Memories and Oblivion by Keaghan Kumpula

15 The Tower and Frog by Aiden Boyd Reverse Mermaid by Madison Chase

16 One to Die by Kyra Davis

17 Stained White Shirt by Lemon Kucera A New Day Wonders by Ricky Solorzano Robledo Unearthly Cruelty by Caleb Wyman

18 Body by Kyra Davis Change by Jimmy Le I will never run out of love by Lemon Kucera

19 Skull Forest by Shiana Root

20 Bochii Rockin by Jamiyah Robinson

21 Elden Giant by Jamiyah Robinson

22 Monnlit Oasis by Madison Chase

23 A Time and Place by Mallory Jordan

24 Voices by Cade Kenke Speak English by Marco Ramos Avalos


26 America by Addie Evert

I.C.E by Jaslein Gray

27 Fashion Ego by Jimmy Le

All in One by Anthony States

28 Who Am I? by Amari Heeran

29 Arbuckle Devouring His Son by Tayevon Jones Cat by Faith Campbell Basil from Omori by Faith Campbell

30 Existene by Jailynn Gragg

31 Grandma by Alizabeth Harding Pure Imagination by Jordyn Warburton

32 Turbo by Zahraa Salman

The Sound of Sleep by Kameron Bowers

33 Summer Days by Sarah Blocker

The Orange Oakleaf (a butterfly with good camouflage) by Kameron Bowers

34 A New Idea by Kyra Davis

I’m Sorry by Izabel Rivers

35 Light in the Dark by Ophelia G. Beltran Wonders of Life by Ophelia G. Beltran

36 The Iron Crane by Ophelia G. Beltran Honeycomb by Ophelia G. Beltran

My Family Tree by Jailan Kortan

37 Stupid Cupid by Kay Campbell

The heart by Kyra Davis

38 The Pond off Meadow Lane by Ophelia G. Beltran Green Glory by Kiegon Meyers

39 I Remember by Racheal Dickinson Big Papa by Amari Heeran

40 Hair Dye by Ryn Kucera

The Beauty of a Sweet Voice by Harlan Kadavy Saylor by Addie Evert

41 Hidden Beauty by Ophelia G. Beltran Reflection by Shade Marlar

ooff Contents

A Sonnet to the Nigh Sky

Mesmerized by the full moon’s glow

Wishing on every shooting star I see

You listen to me no matter where I go

At the end of my days you greet me

You never rush to leave me alone

You embrace my need for attention

Lingering around my mind like a sweet cologne

Our time alone in need of an extension to the night sky looking over at me

Hold me longer so I continue to feel free

Let me sit free under the tree

Forever a place in my heart

Every night I watch you put on a show

Every night of remembrance, I’ll never let you go

Where the beautiful things are

I’ve often thought that sunsets are very beautiful

The variety of colors and how vibrant they are I love the way the colors reflect on the water and in my eyes

The way the warmth on my face is comforting

Trees, big, small, green, brown

They still look lovely when all the leaves fall to the ground

When there’s no other colors than shades of oranges

And the sky dims a little earlier and the world slows quicker

All these flowers in the grass

With the smells of sweetness and bitterness

The delightful pinks, purples, reds and yellows

The variety of shapes, every single one is nice to look at and hold comfortably in my hands

All of these things are different and unique

But they are uniquely beautiful


The Simple Flower

As you look at me

I’m peaceful, I’m beautiful, I’m gentle, But that wasn’t me then It took a very long time for me to get this way

I fell apart a lot as I was growing

I wasn’t patient for my leaves to grow but i’m just a simple flower after all

Secrets Of a Flower

These are very pretty

Fruits of Patience

Silent Phone

I am waiting for a text that will never arrive

Not because you died

But because you left Two words that broke me in two I found myself betrayed Not by you But me


You smelt like vanilla You painted like Picasso

You’d eat junk like you were immortal You loved Elvis like you were 20 You loved decorating like Party City You hated being alone so we were always there You watched Hallmark like a second hobby You loved Mickey like you were Minnie



The White House

Every time I walk to my house I would see a huge white house

Looking at it I see the huge bushy hedge That was never trimmed

Walking up to the house the porch with the old tools on it

Walking in the house I would see the stairs and the living room I would see my old cats and my shoe rack

The memories of my childhood popping up

And the smell of the old house

Was like fresh cut grass and spring time



One two

I take another breath it will be okay

Three four

Another step towards the door

Five six

My mind is just playing tricks

Seven eight

I think I might faint

Nine ten

I never want to feel this again

One two

It comes out of the blue

Three four

Lock the door

Five six

I think I’m done with this

Seven eight

I destroy not create

Nine ten

I’m a mess once again

Panic & Bipolar



So scary

The Present, Now

The light and air feel like a soft bed of flowers

The comfort I feel when I sit and stare

Although my presence is elsewhere, a part of me stays It yearns attentiveness but fails to capture it

Tunneling onto instruments of creation

The white noise engulfs me I fall into unbalanced and disruptive nature

I feel the warmth of the sun, its rays pierces my retinas

I wish to stay still in time, though, it is of the essence



Memories and Oblivion

As time flows on, I can only wonder, What will I remember. A song? A dance?

The faces of those who were beside me? What will be my late memories?

The joy I felt?

The tears I cried?

Or maybe the countless numbers of goodbyes? Oblivion,

The eternal abyss, Where those who are forgotten live, Who will be cast to oblivion?

My best friends? My worst enemies?

Some of the last faces I may get to see?

The joy I felt?

The tears I cried?

Or the countless numbers of faces that will go by, Go on, Past me,

As I am sent to oblivion, Will they remember me?

Snow Sunset

The Tower and Frog

Once in the very near past there was a frog. The frog sat atop a tower far away hidden in a lovely garden. She wasn’t locked up there against her will, she just enjoyed the quiet. She would stay up there reading books: of dragons, romance, and wars. She was happy there.

Soon a knight came, “I’ve come to save you,” he shouted to the top. He hopped off his steed and threw a hook into the frog’s window. He started climbing, pulling himself up. The frog didn’t want any visitors so she just pulled off the hook, dropping the knight to the ground.

With the knight out of breath he yelled, “You may have bested me tower but there will be others.” The frog didn’t care for this and just kept reading.

The next day another knight came. “Princess I’ve come to save you,” he shouted to the top. He started grasping each brick, lunging himself to the next. Again the frog didn’t want this so she started throwing apples. As the apples pelted him he soon fell.

With his back on the ground and a gasp of air he yelled, “This won’t be the last! There will be more!” The frog ignored this remark.

As the month continued a different knight arrived each day. They each gave the same spiel about a princess. They each had a different way of climbing. This aggravated the frog; she got more and more angry with each knight. She enjoyed thinking about ways to stop them but it began to feel too much.

Soon the knights stop. They quit coming. The frog sat at the window expecting the same “Princess I’m here for you” speech, but there was nothing. Another day passed, and nothing: no knight, no crazed man. The frog soon started to miss them. She missed the foolish men who tried to climb her tower. It was fun seeing them fall and come back trying again.

With this new found sadness she traveled to the nearest kingdom to put up flyers. Each flyer said, “Help wanted!!! Get the princess from the tower. Reward: a few books.” The frog decided to give up one of the things she loves most to see them again.

Soon the knights came back: same spiel and same routine. The frog was happy. To keep the knights happy she would let one succeed, reveal she wasn’t a princess, and gift some of her books. This gave both the frog and the knights a meaningful quest.

Reverse Mermaid
By: Madison Chase

One to Die

I realized I was the character you hire to be killed off at the end of the season I just never knew it

Close to the end I begged for a little more time but I never got enough views to be worthy

Now that I am past the end of your show I reminisce about a great season, for me

For you I was a filler to get to the plot everybody loves

And you got what you wanted


A love

While I rewatch one season over and over again

I’ll never leave you freind!!!

Stained White Shirt

As I sit in my stained white shirt

I wonder how I’ll ever change

Most days I cannot move Cannot speak Cannot think

So how will I ever change

How will I ever know what to do

Like all of you seem to

And even though I know it’s poison

I cannot help but drink

Feeling it dribble down my chin

To further stain

My crumpled white shirt

A New Day Wonders

The rain is falling, a smoothing sound

A symphony of drops as they hit the ground

The air is cool with a refreshing breeze

As the drops trickle down through the trees

The world is cleansed with each passing shower

A gift from above a natural power

The raindrops dance as they touch the earth the scent of rain is like no other

A symbol of hope makes the whole world the rain is blessing in so many ways

Unearthly Cruelty

So what if the sky rains cats and dogs

That doesn't excuse killing it with smog

Sometimes nature can kill you and me

That doesn't excuse replacing it with machinery

The sea can be a cruel place but it replenishes earth's soil

And what do we give in return trash and oil

The starry sky make the sky be heard when aloud

And yet we cover with a quote on quote cloud

So what if earth is cruel it's also filled with beauty

That doesn't excuse this unearthly cruelty



My body

It deceives me

I dont think I am bigger and uglier

I think I am small and pretty

Validating my self to eat until I am full I skip the mirror on my way down the stairs

But sometimes I take a peek

And everytime I capture myself

I am entrapped


By the amount I have grown

Wider and wider

Too big to know myself


A feeling so familiar, yet so hard to grasp


It’s hard, it’s complex

It takes time, it takes energy, it takes effort, it takes relentlessness

Some lose sleep over it, some let nature take its course

It’s a journey that everyone has to eventually take, it’s inevitable

But the results are satisfying

Some reject change, wanting to live in their same delusion

Harsh reality, but change has to happen

Because change builds character It builds anew

I will never run out of love

I have never been careful with my love

And why should I be?

Love pours from my ears and pools around my feet

Love builds up in my hair like dandruff, it floats down when I scratch my head

Love wells up like tears in my eyes, dancing on my eyelashes without a care

Love leaves footprints wherever I walk, a trail of silver and blue, blue and silver

And I will never run out of love.

I harvest love from moss covered trees

Love comes out with every cat’s purr

Drips down with every raindrop in the summer

It bounces in every beautiful song

Silver and blue, blue and silver

I am still not careful with my love

Even after it broke me, left me shattered on the ground

Even after the world ran out of love to give

I still find it in me to hold the world in my heart

The world, so silver-y blue, so blue-y silver

And I will never run out of love.

I will find love in every compost pile and recycling bin

I will find love in museums and warm fuzzy blankets

And I will find love in you.

Even when there is so little to love in the world

You have love.

Silver and blue, blue and silver

It is pouring from your ears

And falling from you head

It is welling in your eyes and

Leaving footprints where you walk

It is bouncing in your favorite song

Skipping along the pages of your favorite book

It is etched into the walls of every museum

It is falling from the sky in buckets when it rains

All silver and blue, blue and silver.

I will never run out of love.

My heart is full of silver and blue, blue and silver.


Bochii Rockin

Elden Giant

Moonlit Oasis Skull forest By: Shiana Root

A Time and Place

Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USA


Mission Objective: Secure, and destroy, strange energy source


PVT. White: The squadron has arrived at the source of the strange radar signature. It appears to be some sort of glowing crack in the air. Our commander, Sergeant Winters, describes it as a “Rift”.

PVT. White(cont.): We have stationed an observation platform nearby in order to keep further tabs on the anomaly. Dear God, please let this not be something bad.


PVT. White: Military scientists have spent the past six hours attempting to analyze the rift. Results have been … inconclusive… to say the least. Morale has stayed high for a majority of the squadron. Not including my own anxieties.


SGT. Winters: The rift seems to have become unstable over time. Our local scientists are making attempts to figure out why the energy amounts are fluctuating, but readings will be sent out for review. Despite these troubling developments I hold a strong faith that this anomaly will be under control shortly.

PVT.White: Sergeant Winters, sir, the rift has disappeared.

SGT. Winters: What do you mean it disappeared?

PVT.White:Well you see sir, the light coming from it swelled up a bit, then the entire rift collapsed in on itself.

SGT.Winters:Bring me out there at once boy, this is something that I have to record myself.

The desert air ran cold and dry across my face. I knew I had a bad feeling about this mission.

Still, the rift seemed to be more than an anomaly. When I was on patrol, it sounded almost like I could hear a voice coming from inside it. That’s crazy. It’s just a weird energy thing.

“I suppose the rift is no longer our responsibility” the sergeant said, facing me. “However, you still have to finish that mission report, don’t you White?”

I gave him a salute and a quick “Yes, sir”. But as I turned away, I saw yet another gleam coming from the corner of my eye. Before I could even turn my head the light enveloped everything.

I woke up to the sound of a familiar voice, the same one I heard coming from the rift. I was on a cot in the observatory, and beside me was Sergeant Winters, lying unconscious.

“My apologies to you in regards to the accident.” said the voice. It came from the mouth of a tall woman sitting at my other side. She had slick hair and an ashy complexion, and what I originally interpreted as a headset was actually two goat-like horns.

She looked like a demon.

Noticing my fear she stepped back. “I suppose it’s a little jarring to wake up and be greeted by someone you haven’t met yet. I’m Victoria Thorngate, a wizard from the Solmeir Institute of Magic, and a diplomat from another world.”



When I was in 5th grade at the grocery store with my mom in the cereal area of the grocery store

I see the bright red box of fruity pebbles

I notice a white old man looking at me from the corner my eye

I get a weird feeling he looks at me in disgust While I say to my mom, “Me dejas comprar este cereal,” he looks at me mumbles something I look his way then he walks away heading to the check out my mom tells me to ask “Aceptan billetes de cien,” he goes up to my mom says, “We are in America. Speak English. If not, go back to where you came from.”

I got as angry as Hulk. I said to him in a mad voice some not so nice words in english and he stood there in shock that I knew english

Speak English
By: Marco Ramos Avalos

My thoughts are screaming over me like a river over rocks

Like I’m looking for a needle in a haystack

I feel as though I’m wandering the ocean to find that one grain of sand

I feel as though I’m screaming in a soundproof room

Like I’m trying to hear my thoughts in a room of screaming voices

Like a word in the dictionary

Like I’m feeling for safety in a room full of needles



Depression it comes in waves

The good days calm and peaceful

It’s nice you can lay and think clearly The bad one’s hard fast cold and bitter

It takes over like a storm inside not being able to tell left from right all you know is you want to get out screaming and crying

It’s torment because you know what it’s like on the other side of the wave



Early in the morning, I heard the birds sing As loud as the airplanes soaring through the sky

I walk outside to see the people with their dogs on the burning sidewalk

People dripping sweat and dogs out of breath

I walk into the store to see people with their children I see people with their friends

I hear kids screaming as loud as truck engines driving down the street

Screaming so loud it hurts my ears

This is America

Off to Canada


I.C.E a thing we thought was for drinks

I.C.E a things that locks us in cages

As if we are animals

I.C.E a thing that takes our families And leaves us lonely

I.C.E a thing that deports us from our homes

As if we don’t belong

I.C.E that makes us abandon our kids and pets

I.C.E a things that leaves us traumatized

I.C.E a thing we wish was only for drinks.


Fashion Ego


beauty of an ego

Resemblance of a double-edged sword

Displaying a narrative, or arrogance

Proving self-worth, or selfishness

In fashion, it’s the latter

Draped in raw honesty their wounds are on display for others, yet, they’re covered in lavish materials

They are brave; graciously falling into a net of delusion

Without spotlight nor validation

The ego aches as reality sets

The feeling of self dissipates

Void of any value

It’s all a facade

A fugazi

All in One

Who Am I?

Who am I? A question I ask, A search for self, a longing task Emotions swirl, thoughts collide, Uncertainty

A constant ride

In this journey, I find Strength

In selflessness, I will go great lengths For when I serve, I feel alive

My true identity will begin to thrive For each step I take I grow and learn And me sense of self Begins to burn Embrace this indecisive state Trust I’ll find my true Fate

For in this search, I am whole

To praise myself for my Heart and soul

Arbuckle Devouring His Son
Oh my
By: Tayevon Jones Basil from omori By: Faith Campbell Cat
| | 29
By: Faith Campbell


I know that my existence doesn’t really have a purpose. I will not have an impact on the economy, or the society we live in, and the world will obviously keep spinning when I’m gone. but why do I feel that maybe I’m here for a reason? like I was put here, on this earth, to experience it. I think I’m here to admire the sunsets that nobody notices, and to be a happy part of sad people’s lives. I’m quite the opposite of a nihilistic person, actually. because even in the darkest of times something is telling me that I am not done here.

Feeling a little abstract

( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)


In my heart I do desire

Shes definitely worth the while She loves me so and i want her to know Her beauty gives her a fantastic glow

We love to cook and bake and sing I will remember you always in my dreams You fell down, we all frowned Next thing you know, where´d you go

Laying down in the hospital gown While we drown in our tears of fear

You’er gone, not another dawn Next we know, where´d you go

What do I do now, you’er not here

You lay in your bed, clear of everything near

The angles take you, they are grateful but were painful I love you so, and I just want you to know.

This ones so sweet

Pure Imagination

Her eyes are as blue as the sky. Her hair blows in the wind just like a princess in the movies on tv.

Gosh she is so pretty but I can’t tell her that I like her. She won’t speak to me, she won’t hear me.

I can try to text her, call her. she won’t even care. she won’t even say a word to me. She doesn’t hate me, she doesn’t choose to ignore me. She’s not even real.

She lives in my imagination and you can’t love what’s not real.



Your rough skin as dark as oak shimmering in the bright summer light

Your warm smile reminds me of the spring

The funky smell I get everytime you pass by my side

The sight of water lingers in my head every time you struggled to run away

Your laziness reminds me of a bear in hibernation

The excitement in your eyes for every treat you had received sank into my soul like an anker

How I wish I would have looked you in your eyes and said my goodbyes

How I wish I would see you again

The Sound of Sleep

I know the sound of sleep

It is a peaceful sound

the sound of crickets playing their little tune

or the sound of thunder during a rainstorm

the sound of thunder rolling through the sky

growling like a pitbull

but it’s so peaceful its the sound of sleep

How did you get here?


Summer Days By:

you felt like summer, when you smiled your eyes light up as big as a cat about to pounce, everytime the wind hit my ears

I remember our whispers, our childhood, the happy memories we made together, your movement was so peaceful, like a crane gliding through the summer skies

The Orange Oakleaf (a butterfly with good camouflage)

Oh, Orange Oakleaf

So beautiful

So sweet

Just a simple little butterfly with an amazing gift a gift so divine the gift of camouflage which makes you a mystery hiding as a leaf hiding, seeking, fluttering finding food delicious, sweet fruit

You’re a beautiful creature made from heaven made so fragile just like glass oh, Orange Oakleaf


A New Idea

I hate poetry all the same But to find a purpose for it

That day finally came

The time my heart broke for the first time

The pain of never being loved

Broken in my bed

Never to get up

Now I understand What byron was talking about And how good Shakespeare was

The beauty of poetry

Finally entered my mind

I’m Sorry

I’m sorry has passed through my lips more times than my own name

I’m sorry is a raging river and it makes it’s way past the rocks that try to confine it

I’m sorry is a haystack and the only way to stop it is to find the needle

I’m sorry is a problem that I can’t help but answer

I’m sorry is a snake covered in oil too slippery to stop

I’m sorry is a response, the only response my mind will allow

I’m sorry is an automatic

I’m sorry is peanut butter to a dog

I’m sorry is tuna to a cat

I’m sorry is candy to a child

I’m sorry is addictive

I’m sorry is a drug

And it’s lethal


Light in the Dark & Wonders of Life

Here I stand tall and silent, But the world around me continues To move around me. I wonder why, why don’t Other birds stay as still or As silent as I?

Why do they bother to Move to unknown land to where danger May harbor?

Why take shelter with another? Why travel south during the winter months? Then it hits me, the feeling of cold. While the figures around me Are wrapped in warmth talking And laughing.

Here I am alone on a pedestal that I may never leave.

My Family Tree By:

I’m twisted. It runs in the family. Our tree is bent facing away from the sun. Gesturing like a little child.

Affected with an unknown neurological disorder. It happened after the roots begane to shrivel. We wrapped ourselves, one around another in a panic choking. Soon we will be petrified. Like a relic.

Some weird proof.

A story is never without its honeycomb. Brief as it may be a story can’t go on without it. Even if the story is bitter to its core and mold starts to appear on the rind, there will always be a moment of sweetness. But i never liked the taste of honeycomb and neither did my stories. They always ended up gloomy or dry like the feeling after eating that honeycomb. Honeycomb shines a bright golden yellow or amber people would say, my eyes never saw anything more than a mess waiting to happen. They say it has the scent of spring flowers after the rain. All I smelled was the vomit of bees or a mist of chemicals that people called perfume. Though the more I think my stories never had a chance to enjoy honeycomb. It seemed like something only others could have. Like a smile on sunny day or an emotion of happiness. Truth be told I haven’t really tried honeycomb.

The Iron Crane Honeycomb

Cupid, he’s strong. But tired. all this love business, spreading what he can never have burnt him to the wire, over years he ached more and more, ponderous arrows dragging on his back till his joints rusted what was once a passion with a texture of honey has burnt to sticky bitter ash

he cries to sleep drenched to the bone in sorrow knowing he will endure the same Torture come morrow he can’t go on, beading a plan, an idea together. Using his flaming dejection to forge arrows of fake. course some, most, all, pleading for a halt but he spreads the misery until good hearts are forced break “he drugged and drugged carrying the burden of love he would never feel or stick to see” they’d say, and true it would be.

I’ve been a victim of cupid. Of all his arrows made of guilt and jealousy, of the false signs of superficial passion you know you’re to be doomed if you’re struck by one, if you feel the fluttering pain in your heart , that pulses through you and can only be seen through the eyes he has no remorse left to give to the souls he has hoodwinked, hunted, and deceived and when that very flame died once more over to his piled ash he had only seen then what has taken

from loved to hated and unwelcome to all the hearts he owed he weeped once more and resided to a legacy that was not his own

Don’t you know

A heart doesn’t break

It shatters

It turns to glitter

So small that it fills a space

You find pieces of it in your hair

Your clothes

It can’t go away

Yet there is no more left

Stupid Cupid The heart

As I walk along the dry deserted pond that my mother Once adored. My heart felt weary of what lies ahead for me. For my mother and father are no more, and all of whom I loved and cherished have left me.

Left me to this gaping eyesore that lay just before my gaze. They have left me for the world. A place that I May never see or begin to comprehend for I am only ten. My family clearly thought of me as nothing more than a spoon in A fork drawer.

Out of place and not worthy to be where I stand. My life must be As obsolete to others as they are to each other. My Name and face will fade through time without a single remembrance for Who I was or even the life I would never have.

While memories and thought will turn to soil and engraved into The walls of a mind who never spoke a single Word to another. I remember this pond and every life encased In it. How folks would stay for ours and waste their time Over this little pond.

A pond to which now is depleted and overrun with ticks and mildew. a playground for death And his children. Though now it would seem unimportant to most, words

Cannot describe how much I missed and loved that pond the most.

The Pond Off Meadow Lane Green Glory

I Remember

I remember when I would go to your house and have no care in the world.

I remember I would go over to your house and feel safe.

I remember me and my cousins playing in your yard.

I remember eating lots of double chocolate cookies until my stomach hurt. I remember making the cookies and thinking you were gonna live forever.

I remember you always talking about monarch butterflies because you loved them so much.

But now that you’re gone it feels like no safe space.


Your house

Quieter without your grumbly laugh

To fill the silence

The sun shines less and less everyday your gone

Never will it compare to your

Bright smile

My mind and senses fill

With the smell of your smoked meats

And freshly harvested corn

Crystal light

Your favorite drink

Always asked for the mixed berries

Cause it was the best flavor out there

l l O I forgor 39

Any time I want I can just turn my hair blue

The second I’m bored I know that’s my cue

It doesn’t have to be natural or boring

And my hair is something I won’t be restoring

Hair grows back so it really doesn’t matter As long as I don’t let the hair dye spatter

I stain every towel with every color

At least my hair isn’t any duller

It’s been every color there is to be If I want a change, hair dye’s the key

The Beauty of a Sweet Voice

The great soothing sound

Of a great sound voice

A good voice is simply succulent

It IS, winning, it IS completing that goal, it IS gold

The great vibrations of the vocal chords

As the deep, soothing, clear noise, comes out of their mouth

Open is the locked gates that is a shut jaw

And here is freedom and relaxation

So sit back and listen

To one of the gifts one can have.

how I miss her barking at the annoying birds

how I miss her going on four-wheeler rides with me every morning

she was sweeter than honey but meaner than a lion when it came to other animals on the farm

how I miss giving her all my rants even tho she wasn’t actually listening how I miss how well she would listen to her name when I would call

she was great at herding cows when it came to doing cattle and she was great at drinking the blood up from that 8 point deer someone always shot

she will forever be my favorite girl

I love my hair!!
Hair Dye
Hidden Beauty By: Ophelia G. Beltran Reflection By: Shade Marlar


The Great People Who Made This AIDEN





Thanks to all those who have submitted, to the families who helped, the teachers who asked, the lovely custodians, and YOU for reading and giving us your time.

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Al-Jabery, Zane


Allen, Darius

9 Fa 25

Beltran, Ophelia G. 35, 36, 38, 41

Blocker Sarah 7, 33

Bowers, Kameron 32, 33

Boyd, Aiden


Campbell, Faith 29, 37

Campbell Kay Chase, Madison 15, 22

Davis, Kyra

8, 16, 18, 34, 37

Dickinson, Racheal


Evert, Addie

26, 40

Gans, Lyric


Gragg, Jailynn


Gray, Jaslein

8, 26

Hansen, Harminy


Harding, Alizabeth 14, 31

Heeran , Amari

28, 39

Henke, Cade


Jones, Tayevon


Jordan, Mallory


Kadavy, Harlan


Kortan, Jailan 36

Kucera, Lemon 17, 18, 40

Kucera, Ryn

Kumpula, Keaghan 14

Le, Jimmy 13, 18, 27

Marlar, Shade 41

Mehser, Ian 14

Meyers Kiegon 12, 38

Nitzel Leigh 6

Ramos Avalos, Marco 24

Rivers, Izabel 11, 34,25

Robinson, Jamiyah 20, 21

Root Shiana


Salman , Zahraa 32

Solorzano Robledo Ricky 17

States, Anthony 13, 27

Warburton, Jordyn


Wyman, Caleb 17


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