Winter 2011 Newsletter

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“In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, government ought not to do for them.” —A. Lincoln Winter 2011 • Newsletter

Lincoln Club members had no shortage of election-related keynote speakers over the past several months, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, talk radio host Hugh Hewitt, Tea Party ‘father’ Dick Armey, and Victor Davis Hanson. Conservative media activist Andrew Breitbart, perhaps best known as a co-founder of the Drudge Report and website that broke the Acorn scandal in 2009, started off a new year of programs in February. For photos from these events, see pages 10-19 and for a preview of coming programs, see page 8.

CONTENTS: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 19

President’s Message Membership Committee New Member Spotlight New Member Spotlight/ Communications Committee Legislative & Issues Committee Local Elections & Programs Committee 2011 Meetings Calendar Lunch Program: Dick Armey Lunch Program: Victor Davis Hanson Breakfast Program: Newt Gingrich Election Night Party Lunch Program: Hugh Hewitt Annual Holiday Party Lunch Program: Andrew Breitbart

Carolyn and Juan Forster

Michael Reynolds, Brooks Corbin, and Jasmina Boulanger

Judy and Ray Brandt

In addition to monthly lunch programs featuring informative guest speakers, members enjoyed several social events last fall. e Club’s annual members-only Holiday Party was held for the second year at Shady Canyon Golf Club, while our packed Election Night suite at the Irvine Hyatt featured a special wine tasting from Club President Bob Loewen’s private collection. More photos inside.

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President’s Message By Robert W. Loewen


epublicans needed to soak their hands in ice after an evening of high fives last November when Nancy Pelosi was swept from control of the House in a landslide. Even better, Republicans took the governors’ mansions and state legislatures in far more key states than expected in a year when reapportionment really mattered. But California was a different story. Not one Congressional seat changed hands—not even in the Central Valley where Democrats defiantly turned off irrigation water to drought-stricken farms in order to satisfy their radical environmentalist backers. Nor were Republicans able to secure a single statewide elected office. Republican lore that a popular centrist like Steve Cooley could defeat a hard left radical like Kamala Harris was exposed as myth when voters who had supported Cooley for DA in two previous nonpartisan elections voted against him when he ran in the partisan attorney general race. Few would disagree that among the complex reasons for the decline in Republican fortunes in California is the failure of Republican candidates to capture a large enough share of the Latino vote. In the race for governor, Jerry Brown won 63% of the Latino vote compared to Whitman’s 34% despite being outspent by a substantial margin in Latino districts, and Boxer received 66% of Latino votes for Senate compared to Fiorina’s 31%. In the 47th Congressional District, where polls taken the day before the election showed Van Tran neck and neck with party girl Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Van lost by 13% based almost entirely on an unexpectedly high Latino turnout. e Orange County Register reported recently, “Latinos now account for 37 percent of California’s population, and will outnumber non-Latino whites by 2020, according to state Department of Finance projections. By 2040, Latinos will be a majority of Orange County residents and by 2050, they will account for a majority of the state’s population.” Is there hope for California Republicans? Sure, but not if they continue to ignore the Latino community. Many from the Latino community say that Latino voters agree with Republicans on a number of issues, but they also say that Latinos will not listen to Republicans on common issues until Republicans adopt a message on immigration that resonates with Latino voters. is does not mean that Republicans must suddenly become Democrats, but it does mean that Republicans must figure out what they are for.

What actually is Republicans’ stance on immigration? Everyone knows that Republicans are for protecting our borders. ey also know that Democrats favor amnesty for the 12 million immigrants, mostly Latinos, who are here illegally, and that Republicans are against amnesty. But what are Republicans for? What will Republicans do about immigration when they are in charge? Until Republicans explain what they are for, they leave a gap that the Democrats fill with misinformation ...that leaves a negative impression on Latino voters...then the Democrats get elected...and make government bigger...and raise your taxes ...and invade your liberties... you get the picture. e truth is that conservative, free-market principles afford solutions to the problem of immigration that can be appealing to Latino voters. Free trade is a good example. Republicans support free trade, which promotes prosperity and more jobs on both sides of the border. Some of those new jobs in the U.S. can best be filled through a guest worker program, which emphasizes temporary, legal employment that provides a net benefit to our economy by someone who pays taxes and crosses the border legally. Such improved economic conditions would ease the flow of illegal immigration considerably, making border security easier and cheaper to manage. Democrats, by contrast, generally oppose free trade and guest worker programs because their union masters are against them. In this way, Republicans can seize the initiative from Democrats on immigration reform with incremental proposals for using free-market solutions to create real benefits for Latinos that will ease the problem of illegal immigration for everyone. Republican candidates need solutions like these. e Lincoln Club can lead the way. at is why I have asked Board member Teresa Hernandez to chair the newly formed Immigration Reform Committee, a subcommittee of the Issues Committee. It meets every second ursday at my offices at 5:15 pm. Please attend and share your views on this important subject. e Club will then share its views with our state and federal legislators, and we will begin to change the voting patterns in California.

Robert W. Loewen

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Membership Committee Update By Hon. Al Frink, Membership Committee Chairman


ast year was particularly interesting in that the year provided a spectrum of good and not so good news at every level from politics to the economy. e nation moved to the right and California reinforced its moniker as the left coast. Membership in 2010 was no exception, as we missed our personal goals but, by many accounts, exceeded expectations. e good news is that we reversed the trend of 2009 during which we finished with fewer members than we started.

I am pleased to report that last year, the Membership Committee, with the support of many of our club members, produced a net gain of five new members for the year. at doesn’t sound like much, but the trend is moving in a positive direction fueled by a surge in December that has continued through the early part of this year. ere seems to be a strong and enthusiastic desire for people to get off the sidelines, especially those in the area of healthcare. at

trend requires no explanation as Obamacare has sent shockwaves throughout the country and especially in the medical community. As the economy remains fragile, we will refrain from setting overly ambitious, lofty goals but make no doubt that there is an optimistic overtone in our meetings. A new development we initiated in the last quarter has been the merging of the Communications and Membership Committees, which presents a natural fit and provides improved efficiencies to both of our committees. Barring any extreme unexpected economic meltdown or other severe condition, we are optimistically looking forward to strengthening the Club through expanded membership. ank you for your continuing support.

Welcome New Members We are pleased to welcome the following new members to the Lincoln Club. We tried to collect as many photos as possible, so if your photo is missing, please send it to Clare Venegas and it will be included in the next edition. If you see one of these members at future Lincoln Club events, please make them feel welcome! A special ‘ank You’ especially to their sponsors.

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Dr. Lucas Bader Orthopedic Surgeon

Peggy Huang California Attorney General’s Office

T. Kevin Roosevelt Finlayson, Williams, Toffer, Roosevelt, and Lilly

Mitch Casillas Land Advisors Organization – California Division

John Mastrocola Generations Healthcare

John Warner Retired, e La Jolla Group

Duane Cave San Diego Gas and Electric

Robert Micone LPL Financial

John Williams Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher

Onne Ganel Edwards Lifesciences

Bill Pollak Northwestern Mutual

Annette Gibson


NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Peggy Huang, California Deputy Attorney General Why did you decide to join the Lincoln Club? What attracted you to the Club? I became active in the Republican Party when I joined the Young Republicans while in college. I also worked for a Republican State Senator as a Senate Fellow. However, I became inactive in the Republican Party because I felt that the party was not staying true to their principles. When my once apolitical husband (Dr. James Huang) joined the Lincoln Club, he was thrilled to be with a group of people who shared his beliefs. I was skeptical that there was a group that truly embraces these conservative beliefs. I have met many Republicans and I have been disappointed that they espouse the conservative principles when it was to their political gain or convenience. However, my husband insisted that the members at Lincoln Club practice principles over politics. After meeting several Lincoln Club members, I realized my husband was right–there is a group that embraces and practices these conservative values.

eral canal, which was rejected by voters in the early 1980’s. I worked on this issue as a Senate Fellow in 1997 and I am still concerned that our state is advancing a policy that simply wastes taxpayer dollars. If you could hand-pick the next U.S. president, who would you choose and why? I don’t know who is the best candidate at this time, but I think that he/she must have the following platform: across the board pay cut for all federal employees, including the President and legislators; develop a plan that results in an efficient government; restructure the corporate tax rate so that multinational companies can bring their overseas profit back to the United States and invest in America without paying exorbitant taxes; reduce regulations that hinders our abilities to operate a profitable business; and Medicare reform that addresses health care cost for seniors, reduction of waste and fraud, and fair compensation to doctors.

What do you consider to be the most important political or public policy issue? What issues are you most passionate about?

What is something that most people may not know about you?

I am concerned about the environmental restoration and water projects in our state. e taxpayers are asked to pay billions of dollars under a false promise that the money will be used to provide clean water and efficient water delivery to all Californians. Yet, the only thing we have seen is the reduction of water flow to Central Valley, which decimated our dominating agricultural enterprises. In 2012, we will be asked to approve a $13 billion dollar bond in water restoration projects and a periph-

From October 1993 to July 1994, I was privileged to work with girls who were sold into prostitution in Taiwan. It was the first shelter of its kind and the shelter was kept in secret to prevent the pimps from kidnapping the girls. Many girls were sold because their families could not afford to have another mouth to feed or their families simply did not want to have a female. is experience changed me. Child abuse is an issue that transcends politics and culture.

Welcome Returning Members Greg Arbues Client Advocate Network

Ray Brandt Brandt Real Estate Consultants

Chris Louis Pacific West Asset Management Corporation

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NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT John Mastrocola, Regional Administrator of Generations Healthcare and Administrator of Newport Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Why did you decide to join the Lincoln Club? What attracted you to the Club? I have always been interested in politics and after attending some of the Lincoln Club events, I was hooked. I also have some friends who are members and had the privilege of working with Bob Loewen and Clare Vanegas in co-hosting an event during last year’s campaign cycle. e Lincoln Club is in sync with my personal political ideology and I continue to meet more interesting people through my affiliation. What do you consider to be the most important political or public policy issue? What issues are you most passionate about? I think, without question, that the greatest political issue facing California and its citizens is the over-taxation and regulation of the private sector by our governments (both in Sacramento and in D.C.). We need to stimulate business growth in California and therefore provide the dollars and direction to take the lead in bringing California back to excellence! Of course, a lot more needs to occur; but I believe the private sector is the answer.

If you could hand-pick the next U.S. president, who would you choose and why? I have yet to see the right candidate appear on my radar screen. I think someone like Governor Christie in New Jersey is the kind of candidate we need – someone who was elected facing tough challenges and choices. He has taken action, and in my opinion, has taken many of the correct actions. I just think we need time for Christie’s policies to take hold and display to the rest of the country what needs to be done on a much larger basis to fix this country. Rep. Paul Ryan is another candidate who could get my vote; I just need to see some of these Republican leaders do what they say they are going to do. If they do, they will get my vote. What is something that most people may not know about you? I am a retired U.S. Navy Commander. I attended Villanova University on a NROTC scholarship and served nine years on active duty, followed by 12 years in the Naval Reserves. I am a veteran of Operation Desert Shield.

Communications Committee Update By Dan Baren, Communications Committee Chairman


he Communications Committee has joined forces with the Membership Committee in hopes of spreading the message and building interest in the Club and its causes in this non-election year.

Buoyed by the success of our radio advertisements touting our voter guide, which resulted in a huge spike in traffic to our website, we are planning on expanding the radio campaign to raise awareness of the Club and spark interest in our causes – namely paycheck protection and limiting the role of government. We are also focusing on expanding our efforts at using new media to get the word out. In 2010, we revamped our website by adding an interactive blogging forum that allows members and guests to stay on top of all Club activities and general political news and opin-

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ion. We hope to exponentially increase the traffic to the site and expand the interactivity functions. e Club continues to bolster its presence on social networking sites. You can follow the Club on both Twitter ( and Facebook ( e Communications Committee meets the last Wednesday of every month at noon at the offices of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, 3161 Michelson Drive, 12th Floor, Irvine. Our next meeting will be on March 30. We are always looking for members who can help us spread the word through new or conventional media.


Legislative Committee Update By Michael Reynolds, Legislative Committee Chairman


ollowing a very busy 2010, the Legislative Committee may receive something of a respite in 2011. e Legislative Committee’s main purposes are (1) to review, analyze and evaluate pending ballot initiatives and legislation of significance at the state and local level and (2) to report back and recommend appropriate courses of action to the Club’s Board of Directors – which can include positions, endorsements, and financial support. Last November’s elections were widely hailed as a return to fiscal sanity, as Democrats suffered their worst defeat in decades. But California, parched from a drought of common sense for the better part of the past twelve years, didn’t even feel the spray from the conservative tsunami that swept Republicans into office across the rest of the nation. By defeating Proposition 23 last November, California voters gave an enthusiastic thumbs-up to the green agenda of destroying jobs, punishing progress and chasing businesses out of the state. By making it easier for Democrats to pass budgets without Republican support, voters have ensured that the Party of Endless Taxpayer-Funded Largesse will continue to please its public employee union captors.

So where do we go from here? We do not expect many ballot measures in 2011. However, Jerry Brown – the former Gover-

nor, U.S. Presidential candidate, Trustee of the Los Angeles Community College District, Mayor of Oakland, Secretary of State (California), Attorney General (California), U.S. Senate candidate, seminary studentturned Berkeley student-turned Yale Law student, Chairman of the Democratic Party and current Governor (has this guy ever had a real job?) – has promised to put any taxes to a vote of the people. So we may see a ballot initiative to raise taxes or to keep the previous “temporary” tax increases from expiring. e Legislative Committee has also created a cadre of regular liaisons between our committee and Orange County’s elected officials. Each month we will receive reports from our volunteer liaisons regarding the latest goings-on in Sacramento and Washington. We have received updates so far this year from Rep. John Campbell’s office, and are hoping to hear soon from Rep. Darrell Issa. We meet at 5:15 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month, as the guests of Bob Loewen and his firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher (3161 Michelson Drive, 12th Floor, Irvine.) We hope to see you at our next meeting on April 15.

Issues Committee Update By Kathy Gremer, Issues Committee Chairwoman


he Issues Committee was formed to identify broad public policy issues that the Club can focus on each election cycle. Under the previous leadership of David Bahnsen, who now serves as Programs Committee Chairman, the Issues Committee developed an “Issues Statement” that is posted on our website and that we will be updating as the 2012 election approaches. anks to the passion and energy of our members, two new subcommittees have formed to address two major issues that will be pivotal for Republicans to address in the coming election. e Immigration Reform Subcommittee is led by Teresa Hernandez ( and its goal is to discuss and develop solutions to immigration reform. e subcommittee will propose recommendations for the Club’s overall position on immigration to the Issues Committee, which will then propose a position for the Club’s Board of Directors to take. e committee will meet on the second ursdays of the month at 5:15 pm at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. e next meeting will be March 10.

e Healthcare Innovations Subcommittee is co-chaired by Dr. Marcy Zwelling ( and Dr. James Huang ( e job of this committee is to develop recommendations for the Club’s position on what health care reform should entail, and those recommendations will be vetted through the Issues Committee before being recommended to the Board of Directors for an official Club position. is committee will meet on the third Tuesdays of the month starting March 15 at 5:15 pm at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. Any Lincoln Club member who has a passion or desire to help influence the Club’s official positions can join either or all of these committees. Simply show up to the meeting or contact me at e Issues Committee will meet to vet both of these critical issues on the last ursday of the month at 5:15 pm, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.

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Local Elections Update By Ivan Marks, Local Elections Committee Chairman


ver 150 candidates for city councils and school boards in Orange County requested the Club’s endorsement in 2010. Committee members David Bahnsen, Aaron Dishon, Bob Fish, Dr. James Huang, Jeff Lalloway, Pat Maciariello, Robert Ming, Donna Varner and I interviewed the candidates and recommended endorsement of 41 city council candidates from 21 Orange County cities (Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Dana Point, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Irvine Laguna Niguel, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Seal Beach, Villa Park and Yorba Linda) and seven school board members from three school districts (Capistrano Unified, Orange Unified and the South Coast Community College District). Seventy percent of those endorsed went on to win their respective elections. anks to those who did the interviewing. Many candidates who say they share the Lincoln Club’s core principles fail to put those principles into action at the local level. ey may, for example, have an opportunity to negotiate greater employee retirement contributions for their police or firemen, but when push comes to shove, they give into the union demands and

back away from reforms, perhaps out of either fear of political retribution or ignorance of the real costs involved. So, in addition to candidate endorsements, our committee tries to stay engaged with local council members by inviting them to speak about issues they face in their cities that are of importance to the Club. For example, the Mayor of Yorba Linda, Nancy Rikel, will address our committee, as that city is considering subsidizing the development of an equestrian center using taxpayer dollars. is raises red flags on several levels, not the least of which is the issue of whether such an enterprise is a prudent use of taxpayers’ money. Many of the city councilmembers that we encounter have aspirations for higher office, so this committee is also a good way for members’ to really get to know, and perhaps identify, our future “John Campbells” and “Ed Royces”. It is also a great way to stay on top of good government issues at the local level. We welcome your participation. We meet every first Wednesday from 8–9 a.m. at Farmers & Merchants Bank, 4695 MacArthur Ct., Newport Beach.

Programs Committee Update By David Bahnsen, Programs Committee Chairman


t is with great excitement that I begin my first year as chair of the Lincoln Club’s Program Committee, replacing my dear friend and the very capable, Karen Lugo. Last fall, thanks to Karen and several other members such as Teresa Hernandez, the Club welcomed to its stage Dick Armey, Newt Gingrich, and Hugh Hewitt, among others. e programs that the club puts on are at the very heart of what we as a club are seeking to accomplish, and I am really honored that Bob asked me to serve in this capacity. Our first program of the year featured Andrew Breitbart from the Drudge Report and, who is also known as being one of the major players in exposing the corruption of ACORN. In February, the club welcomed back best-selling author and renowned conservative thought leader, Dinesh D’Souza. His latest book, e Roots of Obama’s Rage, was the subject of his talk. e book landed a cover story in Forbes magazine last year, and caused many on the left to go into a hysterical rage themselves. Dinesh is a remarkable speaker, and has shown from

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his days as a senior aide in the Reagan White House to his recent appointment as President of King’s College in New York City that he is at the vanguard of political culture. Future speakers already on the docket include Andrew McCarthy from National Review, perhaps the foremost expert on U.S./Middle East foreign policy in the world. We also have secured our Annual Dinner speaker already, and are very excited to have John Bolton, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under President Bush and current Fox News contributor. e date is Friday, May 13, and more information will be forthcoming. If you have ideas for other program speakers do not hesitate to send your suggestions to me at We promise to deliver hard-hitting programs throughout the year covering the whole gamut of issues that are important to us – foreign policy, economics, and the need for good government.


2011 Meetings Calendar The latest information on upcoming meetings and events can be found on our website – Members must login to view the full calendar. Contact us if you need your login information –



Second Thursday of each month, 7:30 am at The Pacific Club March 10 April 14 May 12 June TBA July 14 September 8 October 13 November 10

First Wednesday of each month, 8 am at F&M Bank April 6 May 4 June 1 July 6 September 7 October 5 November 2


Last Thursday of each month, 5:15 pm at GD&C March 31 April 28 May 26 June 30 July 28 September 29 October 27 November 24

Third Tuesday of each month, 11:45 am at The Pacific Club March 15 April 19 May 17 June 21 July 19 September 20 October 18 November 15

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE First Tuesday of each month, 5:15 pm at GD&C April 5 May 3 June 7 July 5 September 6 October 4 November 1

JOINT COMMUNICATIONS/ MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Last Wednesday of each month, Noon at GD&C March 30 April 27 May 25 June 29 July 27 September 28 October 26 November 30


IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE Second Thursday of each month, 5:15 pm at GD&C March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 July 14 September 8 October 13 November 10

HEALTHCARE INNOVATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Third Tuesday of each month, 5:15 pm at GD&C March 15 April 19 May 17 June 21 July 19 September 20 October 18 November 15


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Lunch Program: Dick Armey, Sept. 2, 2010

Bob Drake and Hon. Dick Ackerman

Bruce McDonald with Matthew Kibbe and Paul Louchis

Dr. Ann and John Coil with Dick Armey

Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey

Helen Olson, PJ Geerlings, and Donna Varner

Hon. Je Lalloway and Jim Morrison with Dick Armey

President Bob Loewen and Chairman Rich Wagner with Dick Armey

Ronna Shipman with Dick Armey


Lunch Program: Victor Davis Hanson, Oct.5, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson

Dr. Kerry Reynolds and Karen Lugo

Dr. Kerry Reynolds

Legislative Committee Chairman Michael Reynolds, Brooks Corbin, and Jasmina Boulanger

Guy Milliere, Michael Capaldi and Wayne Lindholm

Morgan Davis

î Žomas Mays

Buck Johns

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Breakfast Program: Newt Gingrich, Oct. 11, 2010

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich

Bruce McDonald with Newt Gingrich

Dr. Claire Friend with Newt Gingrich

Dr. James Huang and Newt Gingrich

Bob Sparr with Newt Gingrich

Rona and Frank Singer with Newt Gingrich

Gordon and Helen Olson with Newt Gingrich

Kathy Gremer with Newt Gingrich

Jim and Donna Morrison with Newt Gingrich

John Warner with Newt Gingrich

Kathy Schwartz with Newt Gingrich

Je St. Onge and Laurel Mann with Newt Gingrich

Lincoln Club Photographer Mark Montgomery with Newt Gingrich

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Newt Gingrich and Brooks Corbin

Newt Gingrich with John Stahr and Howard Klein


Breakfast Program: Newt Gingrich, Oct. 11, 2010

Marilyn Palarea with Newt Gingrich

Mary Aileen Matheis with Newt Gingrich

Mary and Charlie Hobbs with Newt Gingrich

Maura and Kevin Logan with Newt Gingrich

Mel Trudell with Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich addresses VIP reception attendees

Newt Gingrich and Teresa Hernandez

Newt Gingrich speaks with î Žomas Mays and Assemblywoman Diane Harkey

Newt Gingrich with Dr. Kerry Reynolds

Newt Gingrich with John Mastrocola

Rep. Ed Royce

Rich McEvoy with Newt Gingrich

Joyce and Scott Anderson with Newt Gingrich

Stephen Casey with Newt Gingrich

Travis Allen, Newt Gingrich, and Hon. Shari Friedenrich

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Election Night Party: Nov. 2, 2010

Assemblywoman Diane Harkey and Hon. Linda Lindholm

Chip Hanlon and Tracy Price watch the election returns

Dr. Kerry Reynolds, Karen Lugo, Ron Lugo and guests

Dr. Lucas and Meirav Bader

Election Night Party in full swing

Hon. Keith and Pamela Curry

Je St. Onge and Laurel Mann

Jennifer Fitzgerald, Dr. Marcy Zwelling, and Clare Venegas

Jennifer Wagner and Denise Frink

Marilyn Palarea, Kathy Gremer, Lillian Schwartz, and Dr. Marcy Zwelling

Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach with Trina and Caleb Moorlach

Patrick and Allison Moriarity, Laura Lalloway, Lois Mastrocola, and Matt Venegas

Randall May and guests

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Judy and Ray Brandt

Rich and Katie McEvoy with Hon. Al Frink


Lunch Program: Hugh Hewitt, Nov. 23, 2010

Chairman Rich Wagner and Bob Sparr

Hugh Hewitt

Hugh Hewitt talks with Jim Morrison

Hugh Hewitt with Paul Louchis

Hon. Barbara Kogerman, Dr. Ann Coil, John Coil, Col. Bill Kogerman, and Elizabeth Copley

Ivan Marks, Brandon Rogers, and Greg Arbues

Je Armour, Mike Barth, and Jerry Tardie

John Coil and Jasmina Boulanger

Laurel Mann and Janet Hickson

Rep. Ed Royce and Hon. Al Frink

Robert Micone

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Annual Holiday Party: Dec. 7, 2010

Bill and Ronna Shipman

Bill Pollak and guest with Trina and Sup. John Moorlach

Bob and Linda Sparr

Bob and Melody Drake

Brooks Corbin and guest

Bruce and Laurie McDonald

Bruce and Stephanie Buettell

Dan and Betsy Livingston

Dr. James and Peggy Huang

Dr. Kerry Reynolds and Fred Parry

Dr. Lucas and Meirav Bader

Lance Aamot and Dr. Marcy Zwelling

Guests Eric and Connie Bell with Ed and Katie Machoskie

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Rona and Frank Singer

Gary and Bonnie Wilson


Annual Holiday Party: Dec. 7, 2010

Chris and Helen Louis

Bobbit and Bill Williams

Howard and Janet Klein

Je Mathews and Shannon West

Jim and Donna Morrison

Pat and Jim Lindsey

Jose and Teresa Hernandez

Carolyn and Juan Forster

Kevin and Maura Logan

Laura Lalloway, David and Jeanette Sparks, and Janet Klein

Laurel Mann and Je St. Onge

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Annual Holiday Party: Dec. 7, 2010

Marilyn Palarea

Mary Aileen Matheis with her son, Charles

Mary and Charlie Hobbs

Cathy and Michael Capaldi

Mitch Casillas and Elizabeth Saienni

Pat and Aleeza Maciariello

President Bob Loewen, Hon. Jeff Lalloway, Rick Muth, and Bill Pollak

Ray and Judy Brandt

Rick and Alinde Herron

Rick Reiff with Hon. Marian Bergeson and Todd Spitzer

Pat and Robert Micone

Garth and Hon. Marian Bergeson

Sup. John and Trina Moorlach with Mary and Mark Butier

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Teresa Hernandez and Karen Lugo

Joe Notrica, Lisa Salisbury, Eden Saunders, Laurel Mann, and Jeff St. Onge


Lunch Program: Andrew Breitbart, Feb. 3, 2011

President Bob Loewen

Andrew Breitbart

Bill Pollak and guest

Clare Venegas and Michelle Mahzari

Craig Young and Greg Arbues

Dr. Kerry Reynolds, Hon. Al Frink, and Teresa Hernandez

Hon. Al Frink

June Rawlins and Sen. Marian Bergeson

Kathy Schwarz, Donna Morrison, and Elizabeth Copley

Marilyn Palarea with Charlie and Mary Hobbs

Victoria Street and Bruce McDonald

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What to Make of the Middle East FEATURING: Andrew C. McCarthy National Review Contributor & Former Assistant U.S. Attorney What should Americans make of the uprisings in Muslim countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa? Andrew McCarthy, a National Review contributor perhaps best known for successfully prosecuting the terrorist behind the first World Trade Center bombing, will share his insights about the protests, America’s response (or lack thereof), and what it means for the future of Israel and our national security. McCarthy is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamist strategy for the United States, and Obama's national security policies. He is the author of several books, including Willful Blindness, about the challenges of adjudicating terror trials in criminal courts, and his most recent book, The Grand Jihad, which exposes the alliance of convenience between the left and Islamism. Don’t miss this timely lunch program!

WHEN: Wed., March 30, 11:30 Registration • Noon Program WHERE: • The Irvine Marriott • PLEASE NOTE LOCATION! Cost: $50 per person, includes self-parking

Register online at or RSVP to / 949-451-4115.

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