May 2019 - Glambitious Magazine

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T X E N E H T E C A S GR U O I T I B M A L G F O R E V O C Â ! E N I Z A MAG a l G e h T . w w w VISIT:

MEET THE CREATOR OF The Glambitious Brand!

Lillie  Mae "I created this platform to help women make more money and live the life of their dreams! Connect on IG! @iamLillieMae @GlambitiousIAM Join our email list at

DR. JERRICA DODD 1. As a multi-passionate woman, share a bit with us about your diverse professional pursuits:

I am very passionate about several pursuits. My mission is to empower people to be the CEO of their health and live healthier fuller lives. I want this for my health first. I spend a great deal of time exploring, and discovering ways to support my health and the health of my clients. I am also passionate about helping other pharmacists live the life of which they dream. Often times, in our careers, we hunger for what's next but are not sure how to transition. I coach pharmacists about what is possible for their careers.

2. What are some of the key wellness messages that you share when speaking to diverse audiences? When speaking, I share that it is important for patients to be the CEO of their health. Their health is not the responsibility of their spouse, adult children or their doctor. While these individuals can be a part of your healthcare team, they are ultimately responsible. I also share that it is important to be involved, be responsive and be aware when it comes to your health. Involve your family members in your health. Be responsive to signs and symptoms, and keep routine health appointments. Finally, be aware of what medications/supplements you are taking. It's important to have them reviewed periodically for interactions, need, and updates. 3. As a Coach, what success factors do you encourage clients to embrace so that they can soar within their passion? As a health care practitioner and coach, I encourage clients to put their health first. This is my biggest advice for women. Women clients likely have put their spouse, children, work, church, and other entities before their own health. Like we know from air travel, it's important to put your oxygen mask on first. It's important to put your health first! 4. For readers that are not sure how to balance the pursuit of multiple passions, what advice would you give? My advice regarding pursuing multiple passions: There is plenty of time to make your dreams come true! Master a few things before adding more. Seek to give of your gifts with excellence! 5. What is next for your business/brand in 2019? The next step for my business in 2019 is to continue building the Your Pharmacy Advocate brand in the patient, healthcare practitioner, and pharmacist circles. Our mission is to add a human touch to pharmaceutical care and improve lives through patient engagement, provider partnerships, and education.

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Please introduce yourself to our readers: Hello my Glambitious Queens! My name is Minister Nakita Davis and it is an honor to share this moment in time with you! God is Truly Good! A little about me, other than Loving the Lord with all my heart, I am a 2x Presidential Volunteer Service Award winner, 2019 AT&T Dream In Black 28 Future Maker- recognized alongside trailblazers such as- Queen Latifah, Reverend Al Sharpton, KeKe Palmer, P. Diddy, & Regina Carter to name a few. My family roots were founded in Charlotte, NC and I have the privilege of being married to my childhood sweetheart- (Gifted rap artist MEEKO) while being a mother of two (girl & boy), an author, publisher, serial entrepreneur and full-time business professional. Most recently, I’ve been blessed to successfully launch my own publishing companyJesus, Coffee, and Prayer Christian Publishing House. With Christ as the center of everything I do, I strive to create and produce a spirit of excellence in anything my hand touches.

How are you using your gifts to propel women forward? One of my unique gifts that the Lord has given me, is the gift of encouragement. It is my Superpower! (Laughs) In 2018 I had the privilege of being a keynote speaker at a phenomenal Women’s Empowerment conference. Gleaning from the book of Esther, I challenged my fellow Sisters in Christ to Play Their Royal Position. The outpouring, positive feedback, and prompting from the Holy Spirit became the catalyst for the Q.U.E.E.N Xperience platform! I am the CEO and founder of an Awe-inspiring platform that speaks to the heart of Every Queen in Christ. Through interactive group discussions, conferences, coaching, workshops and more, women and young girls alike are inspired, challenged, and equipped to Live Out Their God Sized Dreams! In addition to spurring other women to achieve excellence by leveraging their inner Queen; I have successfully launched Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer Christian Publishing House. We give women an authorship platform to share, edify, and impart words of wisdom through their literary efforts. Our Christian publishing house offers a uniquely personalized and feminine touch to developing, exponentially growing, and publishing successful authors. What advice would you share with readers who are hesitant to pursue their passion? Sis, that is truly a loaded question! But it has been my experience, that many Queens ~ my Sisters in Christ and in business limit themselves too often; subsequently, putting themselves into a box. I am here to tell ALL Queens- Drop the expectations and embrace your limitations! I know that sounds odd- but when we truly embrace what we do have and stop focusing on the negative outcomes, negative people, lack of resource ~ time~ effort~ money, and energy. Rather, focus on the gifts, talents, networks, and connections freely given by the Lord! How can readers support your efforts in 2019? My Glambitious Queens can support my efforts by picking up the following books which are available on & • Chronicles of a Single Mama Vol 1. By Evangelist Evonn Firms ~May 12th • The Q.U.E.E.N Xperience Guide to Playing Your Royal Position (August 4th) • Glambitious Guide to Being a Mompreneur (see website) • Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer 14-day devotional Be empowered to Play Your Royal Position too. Become a Q.U.E.E.N Co-Author or Published author by TEXTING: PUBLISHER TO: 31996 To get the latest news on all things Minister Nakita Davis/ Jesus, Coffee, Prayer~ Visit and Subscribe to: Let’s Get Social! Follow me below: FB/IG: @JesusCoffeeandPrayer Twitter: @ JesusCoffeePray Subscribe on Youtube: @MinisterNakitaDavis Phone 1.833.333.0733 | Email:



1. What does Women's History Month mean to you? It's a time where we are nationally recognized for our contributions and work. It's a time where we reflect and are able to appreciate those who have paved the way and come before us. To me, it is a celebration and collision of History and the present. 2. How are you using your gifts to propel women forward? I empower women to give birth to their purpose and vision so they can serve others. Whether it's giving birth to their business or book. 3. What advice would you share with readers who are hesitant to pursue their passion? I really believe we often get in our own way. We often blame time, finances and other things in life as an excuse to not go forward out of fear, uncertainty and all the what-ifs that often plague our minds. The reality is that we have the ability to think our way in or out of anything. This is why I adapted the Nike slogan to "just do it". Just take the leap, sis. Rip the band-aid off of fear and just do it! 4. How can readers support your efforts in 2019? I would love to meet you all in person at our upcoming conference for female entrepreneurs " The Trailblazer" September 19-21st in Atlanta. We are super excited and have an amazing line up of Speakers. If you can't make the conference you can purchase my new book "ThriveHer: Getting back 2 You" which is dropping late March. You can get all the details and or purchase the book on my site 5. What is your favorite inspirational quote? My favorite quote actually comes from my late father, R.I.P Dad this quote has stuck with me and has helped me to refocus many times. I hope it empowers you as well. "Don't stress over the things you can't change, Rather put your energy into the things you can" - Robert Lee Robbins : @Robynthemidwife (IG,FB & Periscope) @RREBirthingCenter (IG, FB & Youtube)


Your own personalized cover design! Keeping all profit from your E-book sales! The opportunity to cross promote your business with other esteemed co-authors from around the word!


Your own personalized cover design! Keeping all profit from your E-book sales! The opportunity to cross promote your business with other esteemed co-authors from around the word!


NICOLE MASON ESQ. Tell us a little bit about you. I am a trailblazer, an advocate for justice and a champion for women! I grew up in Washington, DC and still maintain residence in the heart of the city. A city that I love very much. I grew up watching every move of my Shero - Edna Mae Maynard - my Grandmother, who was a business owner on what now is considered Capitol Hill. She had an 8th grade education but was known as one of the shrewdest business people in the community. My Grandmother was one of only two women business owners in the community. She was a BOSS before being a boss was popular for women in business. My Grandmother was a trailblazer, so being a trailblazer is in my DNA! Growing up in my Grandmother's business certainly whet my appetite to working for myself. However, my Grandmother was adamant that I go to school and accomplish my lifelong goal of becoming a lawyer. I was always speaking up and out for people who either couldn't or wouldn't speak up and out for themselves. And, for goodness sake, I always spoke up about matters that I felt were unjust and just outright wrong. This advocacy has followed me and led me all throughout my life. I have worked in the Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity and Inclusion area for the past 30 plus years. In this capacity, I have helped minorities and women who were the recipients of discriminatory and hostile treatment. I have been a trailblazer in this space, serving as the first African American and the only African American female in a senior position in the organization in which I am employed.

INTERVIEW CONTINUED I have received awards and recognition for bringing the first Diversity and Inclusion Summit to the organization. I am clear that wherever I find myself, I am in the space to make impact, make a difference and to bring systemic change. In addition to my full-time employment, I also serve as a coach, speaker and trainer. I am a Certified Executive Leadership Coach. I am a professional speaker. I speak on the topics of Confidence, Self-Empowerment and Women's Leadership. I am also a certified John Maxwell trainer. I have used my skills over the past 20 plus years to impact the lives of women in ministry and the marketplace. I was recently recognized with an official Citation from the Governor of Maryland for my work with women. How many businesses do you have? And what are they? I have 2 businesses. One is a small boutique law practice where my focus is Estate Planning. My other business is a coaching, speaking and training business. My focus is on coaching high achieving women. The women that I am honored and privileged to serve are women leaders in ministry serving as pastors, ministers and lay leaders. I also serve women business owners and women leaders in government, nonprofit organizations and corporations. What made you want to become an entrepreneur? As I mentioned earlier in this interview, my exposure early on in my life was to entrepreneurship. My Grandmother wanted me to understand that there is power in operating your own business, creating multiple streams of income, taking your life into your own hands and creating the life that you really want to live. I often tell people that my Grandmother's success as an entrepreneur was a matter of survival. My success, as an entrepreneur or anything else I decide to do, is a matter of choice. I choose to be successful and help others to be successful, because I have an obligation to do so. My Grandmother and my other ancestors made huge sacrifices for me to do what I do today, have the measure of success that I have and to make the impact in the earth that I am making. What has been your challenge as an entrepreneur? My greatest challenge as an entrepreneur is having my "hand in too many cookie jars" at one time. This is a challenge because unlike my Grandmother, who operated one business for more than 50 years, I have been afforded the opportunity to grow and develop many skills. I tend to move and flow freely between my skill sets, but at times having too many skills can put you at a disadvantage. Nicole S. Mason, Esquire Success Strategist * Coach and Confidante to High Achieving Women | 202-550-9050



march/april 2019




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