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2.7. Collection and Processing of Data Transversal to the Organisation

Data departments are becoming more and more relevant in organisations. Thus, aiming at an increasing improvement of this project, we intend to continue to provide the different areas of Liga Portugal, partners, Sports Societies and the media with data that allows improving the information on professional competitions. This area will, therefore, seek the constant enrichment of its database, with the inclusion of data from previous seasons for all the competitions of Liga Portugal and other leagues, in order to develop comparative reports. This will improve the database available for consultation and analysis either by the data analysis team, or by any other department of Liga Portugal.


Constant research will be made to find ideas for statistical studies that can generate important information for Liga Portugal and its Sports Societies, in order to create a base with diversity and complementarity of information regarding professional competitions.

2.8. Data Collection and Processing for Statistical Publications

Based on all the information available in the Data Center area, analysis and data will be made available to make informative publications that promote the professional football individuals in Portugal.

At the moment we have three periodical publications whose content comes exclusively from the data provided and worked on by the Data Centre:

• Liga-te em Números - a bimonthly publication in digital and physical format that features the most relevant statistical highlights in the last two months of our competitions;

• Liga-te em Números: Season Review - Annual publication in digital and physical format that provides a statistical review of the season of our competitions;

• Plan B - Annual publication in physical format that promotes the participation of B Teams in the Liga Portugal SABSEG.

2.9. Development of a centralised internal data platform for Liga Portugal

The objective is to develop a platform where all employees can consult data that is transversal to the organisation, as well as data that is specific to their own department.

In order for this to be implemented, it will be necessary to develop a centralised data platform that will gather information from the various data sources that exist in Liga Portugal and that will be updated and verified permanently and as automatically as possible.

The data will then be organised and will allow the creation of several dynamic designs, which will be made with the objective of being informative and easy to read for any employee, in permanent collaboration between the Data Centre and all the departments, so that the information is always up-to-date, new data is permanently included, and the platform is available to each area in a useful and dynamic way, with enormous advantages for the organisation.