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1.1. Activity Plan and Budget Control

The Activity Plan is the predictive structuring document that contains all the objectives and strategies of the organisation. In a clear sign of aggregation and responsibility, the various departments will develop their activity plan, reflected in the budget available for the season, which, once approved, is subject to a thorough, careful, and intervening scrutiny by the Financial Department.


As previously mentioned, the responsibility of each department for its budget, under centralized control, will allow, in a prudent, efficient, and timely manner, to verify budget deviations, identify potential amendments and permanently understand the evolution of the budget approved by the General Assembly of its members.

The planning phase will take place from March to May 2023, with financial control being carried out on the 8th of each month, followed by notifying the remaining departments of potential variations, so that contingency/ reorganisation plans are immediately activated.

1.2. Administrative and Financial Monitoring

In a transversal way, and through a wide array of activities, the Financial Department will ensure the normal functioning of the administrative and financial areas of Liga Portugal, namely:

• Ensure all the accounting procedures of all documents on a daily basis, allowing for the monthly closing on the 6th day of each month;

• Analyse the variations in cash-flow needs and resources on a monthly basis, keeping the treasury budget updated and aligned with the current needs of Liga Portugal;

• Carry out the budgetary control, by cost centre and project, with quarterly monitoring of the statement of accounts, whose reports will be submitted biannually to Liga Portugal’s Board;

• Prepare the annual financial statements in accordance with the accounting standards in force, reflecting in a transparent way the existing financial situation by drawing up the organisation’s Annual Report and Accounts.

1.3. Infrastructure Fund for Liga Portugal SABSEG

Liga Portugal, in partnership with the Sports Societies, in order to find solutions to improve the sports venues so that the spectacle inherent to this industry is increasingly appealing and valued by its various agents, including its fans and those directly involved.

The development of talent, in an increasingly competitive market, requires the continuous improvement of infrastructures.

In this sense, Liga Portugal will continue its aid program to Sports Societies for better condition of their infrastructures for the valorisation of our industry. This financial support/ fund comes from the statutes of Liga Portugal and derives from the positive results expected from the commercial operation of Liga Portugal's professional competitions.

1.4. Competitions Licensing Manual

In conjunction with the Sports Societies participating in the Competition, Financial and Legal Working Groups, Liga Portugal has conveyed last season the Licensing Manual for the Professional Competitions. This manual brings together various licensing criteria and provides a deadline for submitting them as well as the respective administrative measures for those wishing to apply for professional competitions.

In this context, the Financial Department, with the support of the Legal Department, will analyse all the documentation submitted by the Sports Societies, at the beginning of the sports season, relating to the compliance with the different criteria, and the department will also be responsible for the monitoring of all the information and preparation of all charts and reports to be provided to the Audit Commission.

This will include receiving and analysing the reports and accounts of the Sports Societies, as well as monitoring the Sports Societies’ economic and financial sustainability programmes.

The aim of this programme is to rationalise spending in relation to revenues and to list objective targets for the ratios that Sports Societies will have to meet, with a view to balancing the industry, in general, and the Sports Societies, in particular.

1.5. Totonegócio

This procedure, which began in 1997, was included once again as a topic in the Financial Working Group of the last season.

The Sports Societies have once again addressed it by following its evolution in what concerns the second stages of the process. This approach of sharing and assimilation of information coupled with the complexity and significance of the subject had "renewed" its analysis and monitoring in the Working Group for the 2022-23 season.

1.6. Liga Portugal Infrastructure Management

Today, and facing a new paradigm, there is an urgent need to renovate and upgrade the current headquarters facilities, built in 1999, in order for us to meet the current needs both in terms of human resources, as well as the functional and operational areas.

Following the renovation of the aforementioned building, which began in the 2018-19 season, it will continue to be renovated in a very careful manner, allowing for the improvement of the working conditions of its staff.

Solving the latent shortage of space and placing a buildable parking area at the disposal of the needs of growth and organic development at Liga Portugal is a priority for its Board of Directors.

Human Resources

1.7. Worker Portal

Internal communication plays a pivotal role in guaranteeing the transparency of the Organisation to its employees and its focus will be on ensuring a pleasant working environment, thus contributing to the productivity of our workers in order to improve the management of people and optimise communication with them, whether in the face-to-face or remote working environment. Thus, the Human Resources area intends, in accordance with the strategic goals of Liga Portugal, in terms of dematerialization of processes, to implement a platform that meets the needs of the teams in all Departments, through a personal profile where it will be possible to access all the information, personal and institutional documents, as well as allow the automation of data and processes, thus contributing to increase productivity, autonomy, transparency and employer branding.

1.8. Training Programme 2022-23

In today's world of sport innovation, creativity and the need for change are a must. Training is one of the crucial elements in the development of Organisations, proving to be extremely important in the various activities developed by Liga Portugal, as it plays a key role in meeting the strategic objectives. As in previous sports seasons, Liga Portugal is committed to the training and improvement of its human resources, in a systematic and continuous way, promoting the development of skills by improving knowledge, thus allowing the acquisition of new soft skills, making the employee a differentiating member that contributes to the subsistence of the Organisation in the face of the perishable market economies.

1.9. Performance Management and Evaluation System (SGAD)

Performance Evaluation is a human resources tool that allows the evaluation of employees' technical and behavioural skills, connecting them to the company's culture. In this sense, Liga Portugal currently has in force a performance assessment management system (SGAD), which is carried out throughout the sports season in two distinct moments. With the SGAD it is possible to identify the employee's points for improvement and develop them, since it offers precise data for the Organisation, encouraging communication between the evaluator and the evaluated, thus increasing trust and partnership between both, a factor that directly influences the organisational climate. Performance evaluation is part of everyday life in successful organisations, enabling the alignment of daily tasks towards the achievement of intended goals.