Stanford Continuing Studies - Spring 2013

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eli lev

Software Developer; Computer Instructor; Documentation Writer

Eli Lev received an MSEE from Johns Hopkins and has developed software for various government and private sector projects. He has taught continuing education courses at UC San Diego, Foothill College, and Stanford. CS 4 1

Tuesdays, 7:00 – 8:50 pm 6 weeks, April 2 – May 7 1 unit, $385 Limit: 18

P o s i t i v e P s yc h o l o g y a n d t o S u s ta i n a b l e H a pp i n e s s


K eys


n the last decade, two scientific discoveries have emerged from the field of positive psychology, the science of happiness and success. The first of these is that sustainable happiness is a cause, not merely a consequence, of success. The second is that sustainable happiness is based on a skill set that can be learned. These findings have created a paradigm shift in the pursuit of happiness and success at work, in relationships, and in personal life. In this four-course sequence, students will learn how to build mastery in the skills that underlie sustainable happiness and success. The first course, “Choosing Happiness,” (Fall) provided a science-based action plan for enhancing sustainable happiness. The second course, “Enhancing Emotional Intelligence,” (Winter) focused on building the fundamental internal skills for happiness and success. The third course, “Enhancing Social Intelligence,” (Spring) will aim to advance students’ interpersonal skills that underlie strong relationships. The fourth course, “Strategic Happiness at Work,” (Summer) will aim to assist students in applying positive psychology research findings in the workplace. While these courses build upon one another, each course can be taken independently as well.

personal development

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ave you ever wondered how software developers create their products? In this hands-on course, students will explore the world of programming by learning the fundamental grammar and meaning of the PHP programming language. PHP is a computer scripting language that has been used for many years to produce dynamic web pages. Students will come away with a fundamental understanding of PHP that will be applicable to other programming languages. Topics covered include language basics (syntax, semantics, data types), variable basics, control flow structures, functions, file handling, and ways to leverage others’ code through the use of libraries. By the end of the course, students will be able to write and build a program, and will be able to figure out how to solve a problem in a programmatic way. No prior programming experience is necessary. Students must have access to a computer, be familiar with computer basics, and have access to the Internet.


i n fo r m at i o n & w e b t ec h n o lo g i e s


Beginning Programming: PHP

Enhancing Social Intelligence


hat qualities and abilities are behind great relationships, strong leadership, and personal magnetism? Are these qualities based on fixed traits or are they skills that can be learned? Research shows that people who excel at work, in leadership positions, and in relationships tend to be high in a set of abilities known as social intelligence. Social intelligence, similar to emotional intelligence, is a skill set that can be learned. It involves the ability to read nonverbal cues, understand another’s mental state, and influence and manage relationships.

R e g i s t r at i o n f o r a l l c o u r s e s b e g i n s o n M o n d ay, F e b r u a r y 2 5 at 8 : 3 0 a m . R e g i s t e r o n l i n e at c o n t i n u i n g s t u d i e s . s ta n f o r d . e d u .

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