A5 Life in La Habra Fall 2011

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Contents FALL 2011

City News: page 4 The Top 25 sales tax producing businesses are congratulated… Lifestyle: page 11 The Angel Food Ministry program has been assisting local families… Public Information: page 12 Managing storm water during the rainy season… La Habra Chamber: page 18 Try our new Chamber members… City News Feature Article ...............................................................6 Plant of the Quarter ......................................................9 O.C. Youth Center ......................................................10 Recycling Tips .............................................................14 Celebrating Success......................................................15 TIP 411.......................................................................16 City Numbers to Remember........................................16 Class and Recreation Guide Registration Info..........................................................19 Class Location Info......................................................20 Children’s Museum......................................................20 Activities for Kids ........................................................21 Activities for Adults .....................................................29 Activities for Seniors ....................................................37 Trips for Everyone .......................................................40 The caboose featured on the cover of this issue of Life in La Habra was donated to the founders of the Children’s Museum at La Habra in 1973 by the Southern Pacific Railroad, and it is one of the original Museum exhibits. It was built in 1942 at the Los Angeles General Shops by Southern Pacific Railroad. It is believed to have traveled as far north as Oregon and as far east as Missouri. It weighs 46,500 pounds. The EV Free Church of Fullerton recently refurbished the outside of the caboose with fresh paint in original colors and professional stenciling.

4 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

City News: La Habra’s Top 25

To p 25 Busi n es ses

Congratulations to the Top 25 Sales-Tax Producing Businesses of 2010 (listed in alphabetical order). These businesses account for approximately 75 percent of the sales tax generated in the City. Sales tax is the City’s second-largest revenue source, which is used to provide essential services to our residents and businesses, including public safety, parks and recreation, street maintenance, and planning and building functions.

Albertsons Bed Bath & Beyond Chevron Costco G & M Oil Home Depot Howard’s Appliances Hughes Water & Sewer Imperial Stations 76 JW Dangelo Co. Kohl’s Lowe’s Paul’s TV

Petra Arco Rahman Arco Rapid Gas Ross Sam’s Club Shepard Bros. Inc. Sportmart Stater Bros. Target TJ Maxx Verizon Wireless Walmart

Life in La Habra WELCOME TO

La Habra Mayor & City Council James Gomez, Mayor Tim Shaw, Mayor Pro Tem Rose Espinoza, City Council Tom Beamish, City Council Michael Blazey, City Council

Community Services Commission Melody Drake, Chairperson Barry Dowling, Vice Chairperson Jess Badillo, Commissioner Shavan Brown, Commissioner Susan Crow, Commissioner Kathy Felix, Commissioner Deborah Musser, Commissioner Life in La Habra Staff Jennifer Cervantez, Editor-in-Chief Sal Failla, Community Services Editor Mark Sturdevant, Business Editor Kathy Campanelli, Advertising Sales Representative Shelly Recchio Streilein, Graphic Designer Marcia Taylor, Content Coordinator

Administration Building 201 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-905-9700 • Fax: 562-905-9781 www.lahabracity.com

321 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-697-1704 • Fax: 562-697-8359 chamber@lahabrachamber.com www.lahabrachamber.com

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 5

6 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Feature Article: Successful Non-Profits

Su cces s f u l No n Pro f i t s D u ri n g To u gh Eco n o m i c Ti m es Guest Author Joyce Miriam Brooks, Ph.D.

Many, if not most, non-profit organizations are struggling during these challenging financial times. Faithful donors may have lost their jobs and be unable to give. Even those whose livelihoods are secure may feel the need to pull back on their support. Foundation portfolios may be suffering and therefore providing less revenue for grants. Also, diminishing tax revenue puts non-profits that rely on government The staff of Adv funding at risk. ance! How should non-profit executives navigate through such turbulent times? Don’t panic and stick to the basics: stay focused on your mission, keep marching towards your vision, be wise and careful with your resources, and take care of your friends. Stay Focused on Your Mission Make sure that what you already do well continues to flourish. It may be tempting to expand the services you provide in hopes of attracting additional revenue, but be careful: this may just distract you from succeeding at your core mission. For example, if your non-profit organization feeds the hungry, you may be tempted to think that you could get additional grant funding if your charity were to offer tutoring services, too. But instead of seeking out new sources of

funding to sustain your core services, you would instead expend valuable time and resources putting together a tutoring program. If you have facilities that are underutilized, it may make more sense to partner with another non-profit that already knows how to do tutoring rather than expending your own resources starting from scratch. Find ways to maximize the way you carry out your mission. Evaluate your effectiveness and efficiency. Determine whether you are really accomplishing what you think you are. Identify ways to improve so that you make an even bigger impact. Find out if your clients feel well-serviced. Look for creative, additional, or more cost-effective ways to accomplish your mission. For example, if you are running a food pantry and provide donated packaged goods to your constituents, it might make sense to recruit restaurants to deliver extra food in take-away containers as well. If the food pantry rents a large space for storage, perhaps re-arranging the way it receives donated goods would require less storage space and so decrease overhead. A charity that helps the disabled access resources might find it beneficial to recruit volunteers to drive clients to appointments in private vehicles rather than maintaining a van and paying a driver. Make sure employees and volunteers are on board with your mission. Do they feel valued? Do they feel a sense of ownership in your mission? Do they know what your mission is? If staff and key constituents feel left out or unheard they will be less committed to the cause, and your efficiency will suffer. If staff and volunteers are unclear what the mission is, their efforts may run counter to what you are trying to accomplish. continued >>>>

PUBLIC MEDIA RELEASE — AUGUST 2011 Day Care Home Sponsors & Day Care Centers The City of La Habra Child Development Centers announce sponsorship of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). All children in attendance at sponsored Day Care Centers and Homes will be offered the same meals at no separate charge with no physical segregation of or other discrimination against any child because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. The CACFP is available to all eligible participants. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-7206382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information, contact: City of La Habra at 562-905-9630, 205 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra, CA 90631

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 7

Feature Article: Successful Non-Profits, continued An outside consultant can help you ask these difficult questions, evaluate your organizational effectiveness, provide recommendations for improvement, and guide you through times of needed organizational transition. An outside consultant can also tell a board and key donors difficult news that may not be well-received from an executive director. Keep Marching Towards Your Vision Even though the economy is tight, there may be no need to put your vision on hold. It might even be an occasion to creatively move forward. During times of challenge, organizations may be open to solutions they might otherwise dismiss.

own cars? Are you getting the best value for the services you are paying for? Can you renegotiate your Internet service provider or other vendor contracts? Can a volunteer answer your phone rather than a paid employee? Might this be an opportunity to give a client a chance to give back? Share resources with another nonprofit. Consider sharing staff or services. For example, two or more non-profits could use the same employees to handle their accounting, gift processing, or human resource operations. Such cooperation could be done without merging the partner organizations, allowing each one the autonomy to carry out its mission. Another option would be to outsource these services.

For example, if you are running a homeless shelter and have a long-term goal of providing psychological ric Museum La Habra Histo services to your clients, this may be a Leverage resources to provide additional funding. Two season where another non-profit that charities with similar missions and clientele might find it already provides psychological services would be willing to helpful to share facility space, cutting overhead costs for both partner with you as a means of expanding their vision. organizations. Or a non-profit could rent an unused office to However, it is important to be strategic. Beware of a small business or charity. “opportunities” to go beyond your vision without having Take Care of Your Friends fully thought through the idea. Be Wise and Careful With Your Resources Review your expenses. Get rid of unnecessary goods and services. Does every staff member need a cell phone funded by the non-profit organization? Should you have an organization vehicle or can individuals run errands in their

Value your supporters, employees and constituents. They are not means to an end, nor are they victims in need of your help. They are people, just like you, so respect them. Treat them with dignity. Treat them as you would want to be treated yourself. continued >>>>

Fol low us on Twit ter a t L aHabraC A — ge t ne w s upda tes and even t in for m a tion online or on your mobile device.

8 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Feature Article: Successful Non-Profits, continued How should nonprofit executives navigate through such turbulent times? Don’t panic and stick to the basics: stay focused on your mission, keep marching towards your vision, be wise and careful with your resources, and take care of your friends.

Remember your donors are your friends. Spend time with your friends. Keep them informed about what you are doing. Invite them over for a visit. Let them see and experience how your charity operates. Recruit them to help you in a special project. Thank them. Thank them again. Then thank them some more. Thank them over and over. Ask them for their advice; even if they are not in positions of influence, they may see what you are doing with fresh eyes and ask valuable questions which may help you improve how you carry out your mission. This is just as true for your supporters who may be suffering a personal financial setback. Don’t walk away from them during their time of financial crisis: remain their friends. Certainly it may make sense to back off from asking them to give financially until they get back on their feet, but stay in touch. Keep them informed. Invite them to volunteer. Continue asking for their advice. Include them in advisory meetings. Show them that they — and not just their money — are valuable.

Joyce Miriam Brooks, Ph.D., is an organizational development and fundraising consultant and executive coach headquartered in La Habra. She has worked with non-profit organizations since 1983. Contact her at dr.joyce@joycembrooks.com or visit www.joycembrooks.com.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 9

Public Information: Landscaping Tip

L a Ha bra’s D ro u g ht To l e ra n t P l a n t o f t h e Qu a r te r

Salvia greggii The Autumn Sage (Salvia greggii) is a small evergreen shrub native to the Chihuahuan desert in Texas and Mexico. The Autumn Sage, which is known to attract hummingbirds, flowers mostly in red, but also has varieties with white and pink flowers. The bloom occurs throughout the year, but is most significant in the summer and fall months. It grows best in full sun to part shade at higher elevations, but has been known to tolerate lower elevations very well. Once established, it can survive on seasonal rainfall, but in the summer months depending on conditions, it may require watering twice a month. Autumn Sage prefers soil with good drainage and can tolerate alkaline soil, but cannot tolerate clay soil. Since La Habra mostly has clay soil, make sure to prepare a sandy soil plant bed before planting. Autumn Sage remains fairly small in size, growing to three feet tall with a spread of three feet wide at maturity, and can tolerate temperatures down to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. For continuous blooming, trim or pinch the spent flower tips. For a tidier appearance, trim the entire plant by a third once yearly. For information or guidance on suitable plants and trees, please contact the Public Works Department at 562-905-9792 or explore the resources listed below: 1.

Photo credit for Salvia greggii goes to: http://aggie-horticulture. tamu.edu/newsletters/hortupdate/2011/apr/sage.html


Tree of Life Nursery, Plants of El Camino Real, Catalog and Planting Guide


Tree of Life Nursery, Plant Profiles, Salvia greggii, Autumn Sage, http://www.californianativeplants.com/index.php/plants/ plant-profiles?start=100


http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ornamentals/nativeshrubs/ salviagreg.htm



10 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 2011

Public Information: O.C. Youth Center

O.C. Youth Center Of fers Employment and Training

The Orange County Youth Center began approximately 40 years ago, when the City of La Habra was one of the first in California to take advantage of CETA, the Comprehensive Employment & Training Act, a United States federal law enacted in 1973 to train workers and provide them with jobs in public service. For many years, the Center operated as an Orange County One Stop Center, assisting people of all ages to receive training and find jobs. In early 2004, with funding becoming more competitive, services were restricted to youth ages 16 to 21 years. The chief goal of the Orange County Youth Center is to get its clients on track for a career, a goal that is even more difficult in today’s economy, where U.S. Department of Labor statistics show the unemployment rate among teenagers at 24.5 percent. According to Center Manager Al Rodriguez, current funding is so tight that the Center only takes on the neediest kids and clients. Or, he says, “we work with kids with no other support system.” He and his staff network with community-based organizations, local high schools, and foster care agencies to find clients. But, says Rodriguez, “word of mouth is huge! When a kid gets a job and tells his buddy or girlfriend about it, they come here and get involved.” The Center has a variety of ways to aid youth in finding jobs. Staff coordinates with the Community Resource Care Center to help with housing and can offer some assistance with childcare, as well. Those in the program can take online courses in sales and customer service skills and earn National Retail Federation Foundation professional certifications, as well as attending workshops. Participants also join its Youth

Ambassadors Program, where they work at the Center as peer counselors, providing experience to put on their resumes. Once Center staff is confident that a client is ready, he or she is placed in a job, where salaries are paid by the County of Orange and the Orange County Workforce Investment Board, with the goal that once the individual completes the funded part of training, he or she will be hired permanently by the employer. One such very successful program is Smart Start, which the Center coordinates with Party City stores in La Habra and surrounding areas. The story of two local girls shows how well the program can work. Their mother moved away, leaving the sisters to fend for themselves. They were referred to the Center by a local high school. The Center worked with them to get cash aid and food stamps and found a family friend they could live with. The older participated in the Youth Ambassador program and found a permanent job at Jamba Juice, after which she came back to the Center and gave a peer workshop on how to get a job. She graduated from high school and is now involved with local college prep non-profit Advance!, where staff is helping her file Free Application for Financial Student Aid (FAFSA) forms. Her younger sister has also remained in school. The Orange County Youth Center is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For further information, please contact the Center at 562-905-7076.

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Lifestyle: Community Giving

Angel Food Feeds Local Families For approximately three years, the La Habra Church of Christ Angel Food Ministry program has been assisting local families to healthier eating at a reduced price. Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing food relief and financial support to communities throughout the U.S. The program began in 1994 with 34 families in Monroe, Georgia, and has grown to serve hundreds of thousands of families every month across 45 states. In 2010, Church of Christ pastor Mike Murphy was able to obtain a grant to serve 100 local families for six months, with an additional two months financed by the Community Resource Care Center, and a final month in December, when 304 food boxes were distributed as part of the City of La Habra’s Operation Santa program, which provides food and gifts to families in need during the winter holiday season. Angel Food is available in a quantity that can fit into a medium-sized box at $35 per unit, which assists in feeding a family of four for about one week or a single senior citizen for almost a month. Each month's menu is different than the previous month and consists of both fresh and frozen items, with an average retail value of approximately $60. Comparison shopping has been done across the country in

Visit La Habra Online at:


City Holiday Tree Lighting Monday, December 5th at 6 p.m. on the steps at City Hall

various communities using a wide range of retail grocery stores and has resulted in the same food items costing from between $42 and $78.The food is all the same high quality one could purchase at a grocery store. There are no secondhand items, no damaged or out-dated goods, no dented cans without labels, no day-old breads and no produce that is almost too ripe. Also offered are specialty boxes such as steaks, chicken and pork. Additionally, there is no limit to the number of units or bonus foods an individual can receive, and there are no applications to complete or qualifications to which participants must adhere. Angel Food Ministries also participates in the U.S. Food Stamp program, using the Off-Line Food Stamp Voucher system. “The whole idea,” says Pastor Murphy, “is that no one is getting anything for free; we are just cutting out the middleman, and the food is bought in bulk. Because church volunteers provide the labor, there is no overhead cost, and the church is able to use the program as a ministry.” He adds that it is a very helpful to people who are going through temporary hard times, as well as for the average person who would like to improve their diet and save money. His goal for 2011 is to provide 700 boxes of food for the City’s Operation Santa Program. For more general information about the Angel Food Ministry program, visit www.angelfoodministries.com. For information or to enroll in the Church of Christ’s program, call Gwen McClellan at 562-943-2913.

Help our environment — please recycle this magazine!

12 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Public Information: Stormwater Management

When It Rains It Pours… Pollutant s Into Our Water way s Managing Stormwater During the Rainy Season

The rainy season is on its way. Time for umbrellas, raincoats, and…the first flush? The first flush is the first significant rainfall after a long period of dry weather. This rain flushes months of accumulated pollutants such as litter, lawn clippings, pesticides, motor oil, and pet waste from impervious surfaces such as rooftops, driveways, parking lots, and roadways down storm drains. Unlike water that flows through sewers (from sinks and toilets), water that flows through storm drains is not treated before entering our creeks, rivers, bays, and ocean. Impervious surfaces cover soil that would allow stormwater to soak into the ground. By not allowing stormwater to soak

into the ground, these surfaces significantly increase the amount of water that runs off the land. Always on the move, water flows downhill, picking up pollutants and sending them to the nearest waterway. This is called stormwater pollution. However, by preparing for the rain, you can help reduce stormwater pollution and improve the health of our creeks, rivers, bays, and ocean. Maintaining your landscape can help reduce pollution in our waterways. Preserve existing vegetation as much as possible. Plants are a natural, inexpensive and highly effective means for controlling runoff. Runoff slows down and loses much of its force when it reaches vegetation, which works as a filter, straining out sediment, debris and other pollutants. During these upcoming wet-weather months, it is important to closely monitor your lawn watering habits and adjust your watering schedule to reflect the weather conditions. During the rainy season, landscaped areas need less water. A heavy continued >>>>

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 13

Public Information: Stormwater Management, continued rainfall can eliminate the need for watering for up to two weeks. Therefore, increase the number of days between watering and reduce the amount of time sprinklers are operating. Also, shut off your sprinklers or use the rain-delay feature before and during rainy weather. When you avoid unnecessary watering, more rain can soak into your landscape and less runs off into the storm drain. Leaves may have collected in the rain gutters along your roof over the summer. Remove the debris from the gutter and place it in a green waste container before it rains and clogs your gutter. Also, direct downspouts and gutters to drain onto your lawn or plant beds where water will soak into the soil. Erosion is another peril of heavy rain. To help prevent soil from leaving your property, examine your area carefully. Be aware of the slope, drainage patterns and soil types. If your property is prone to erosion, consider the following: •

Plant grass seed or other vegetation before the fall rains begin.

Apply netting and straw mulch on steep slopes.

Preserve trees and shrubs in streamside areas.

Incorporate existing native vegetation into your landscape area.

Direct water runoff away from areas subject to erosion.

Minimize impervious surfaces such as concrete and asphalt and maximize the absorption capacity of your land through vegetation.

These measures can limit the flow of stormwater off your property and reduce the amount of pollutants entering the storm drain. To further reduce and prevent pollutants from entering the storm drain, place yard trimmings in a green waste container, pick up litter, maintain your vehicle and don’t over-fertilize or overwater your lawn. Do your part! Remember, The Ocean Begins At Your Front Door. For more information about what you can do to prevent water pollution or to report a water pollution problem, contact the Orange County Stormwater Program at 714-567-6363 or visit www.ocwatersheds.com.

14 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

C o m munity Health Fair Tuesday, November 8th 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd.

Public Information: Recycling

Wh e re to Re c yc l e Ce l l P h o n es a n d Pri n t Ca r t ri d g es There are multiple sources available to La Habra residents for recycling cell phones and printer cartridges. The following lists show several options for La Habra residents in the local area:

Current Options for cell phone recycling: 1.



Body Fat Blood Pressure Glucose Bone Density Dental

Cholesterol Chiropractic Colon/Rectal Cancer Hearing


Community Services for Seniors Medicare Information

Door prizes awarded throughout the day! Flu Shots: FREE TO SENIORS 60+

City of La Habra Community Services Department, 101 W. La Habra Boulevard, 562-905-9746

3. 4. 5. 6.

Cell phones can be recycled at any local office supply store or cell phone store (Office Depot, Staples, Costco, Best Buy, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile) in La Habra. Cell phones can be recycled at Unicorn Metals Recycling in La Habra. Cell phones can be recycled in the La Habra Community Center lobby. Cell phones can be brought to the La Habra Household Hazardous Waste events. Cell phones can be brought to the County HHW collection centers. Numerous other recycle locations for cell phones can be found in the local area and by searching the internet.

Current Options for printer cartridge recycling: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Cartridges can be recycled at any local office supply store (Officemax, Staples, Walmart, Costco, etc.) in La Habra. Cartridges can be brought to the La Habra Household Hazardous Waste events. Cartridges can be brought to the County HHW collection centers. Cartridges can be mailed in to the manufacturer (HP, Lexmark, etc.). Often the manufacturers provide prepaid envelopes or boxes to return old cartridges. Numerous other recycle locations for printer cartridges can be found in the local area and by searching the internet.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 15

City News: Achievements

Celebrating Success The City of La Habra’s mission is to improve the quality of life in our community. Some recent highlights that contributed to this mission are: ✔ Recognized 400 volunteers at a special reception on June 22nd for contributing 90,300 hours of service to the City during 2010. ✔ The Police Department participated in the annual Special Olympics Torch Run Relay through La Habra on June 3rd, providing runners and traffic control. ✔ Collected 29,000 pounds of hazardous waste and 15,000 pounds of electronic waste at the semi-annual Household Hazardous Waste Roundup on May 21st. ✔ Collaborated with the EV Free Church in Fullerton to repaint and stencil the historic rail cars at the Children’s Museum.

Veterans Day Program Friday, November 11th 10:30 a.m. Musical Program 11:00 a.m. Official Ceremony La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Boulevard Co-sponsored by

American Legion Post 267

For more information, please contact the Community Center at 562-905-9708

✔ Hosted a General Plan Community Workshop on May 18th, where over 60 members of the community provided input into key issues facing La Habra and a vision for the next 20 years. ✔ Participated in a grantfunded Wetlands Recovery Planting Project at Vista Grande Park on May 14th, restoring habitat along Coyote Creek with native plants. ✔ Took part in National Take Back Day on April 30th, where 250 pounds of prescription medication was properly disposed. ✔ City employees and community members raised approximately $7,000 to support relief efforts in Japan through The Crane Project, whereby 1,000 origami cranes were folded and sponsored.

16 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Public Information: City Services Civic Center, 201 E. La Habra Blvd. Business Hours: Monday through Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Alternating Fridays: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The public is welcome and is provided with an opportunity to address the Council. Council meetings are recorded and aired on Cable Channel 3 at 6:30 p.m. on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday following each meeting. For further information, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 562-905-9701.

www.lahabracity.com City Numbers to Remember Animal Control .....................................................562-905-9771 Child Development...............................................562-905-9630 Children’s Museum ...............................................562-905-9793 City Clerk’s Office.................................................562-905-9701 City Hall................................................................562-905-9700 CityTalk 24-Hour Line ...........................................562-905-9743 Community Development ....................................562-905-9724 Community Preservation Hotline .........................562-905-9694 Community Services.............................................562-905-9708 Facility Rentals .....................................................562-905-9708 Fire Department ...................................................562-691-4692 Graffiti Hotline .....................................................562-905-9723 La Habra Shuttle...................................................866-557-7433 Library ..................................................................562-694-0078 Meals on Wheels ..................................................562-905-9747 NOC Youth Center.................................................562-905-7076 Personnel Services ...............................................562-905-9737 Police Department ...............................................562-905-9750 Public Works/City Yard..........................................562-905-9792 Recreation ............................................................562-905-9708 Senior/Social Services ..........................................562-905-9708 Senior Lunch Program ..........................................562-905-9748 Volunteers ............................................................562-905-9708 Water & Sewer Billing ..........................................562-905-9731

Public Information: Text Tip Line

TIP 411

In response to the public’s desire for a secure and anonymous way to submit crime tips to authorities, the La Habra Police Department now has “Tip411”, an anonymous tip service for just that purpose. How to Submit a Tip via Text Messaging To text a tip to the La Habra Police Department, you must have text messaging enabled on your phone and subscribe to a participating cell phone carrier. To begin your tip session, text the word “LHPD” to the number 847411, which spells the word “TIP411” on your phone’s keypad. While handset menus differ by carrier or model, here are some basic steps on how to compose a text message: Find “Messaging” or “SMS” on your phone’s main menu. 1. Create a new text message or send text or SMS text. 2. When composing your message: • Enter the number 847411 as the mobile # or in the “to” line • Then, in the message body, type word LHPD, a space, and then your crime tip information (LHPD is not case-sensitive) 3. Hit “Send” to send the message. 4. You will receive a response from Crime Stoppers shortly, which will start the secure text dialogue. When you complete your tip submission, for your safety, you should always delete all text messages to and from 847411 from your text message in box and out box. What is Text Messaging and How Do I Know If I Can Send or Receive a Text? Text messaging is also known as SMS or “short message service.” Text messaging is a way to communicate on your mobile by sending or receiving plain text messages. To determine if you can send text messages, it is best to contact your wireless provider or refer to your mobile device’s manual. You will not be asked to reveal your identity to the police in order to provide information about a violent crime, and the police will not be able to trace the text message in any way. A special computer server will encrypt your message and mask your identity before sending your tip to the police. This service is truly anonymous.

Life in L a Hab ra • Fall 2011 • 17

Public Information: Text Tip Line, continued Types of Crimes to Submit


The LHPD wants information on every type of crime, not just those covered in the media. The text tip line is not traced, and we are not interested in the user’s identity. We believe these new anonymous forms of providing tips to the police offer a way for callers to rid their neighborhoods of crime SAFELY.

No mobile phone information is collected by the La Habra Police Department as part of this program. Your text-a-tip is completely anonymous to the La Habra Police Department and is only identifiable via a four-digit tip code that will be provided to you. Any information you submit is directed to LHPD, and the information will be disseminated to the appropriate LHPD investigative officers.

When to Submit a Tip You may submit a tip anytime, anywhere, 24/7. Cost to Send Although the LHPD service is free and requires no purchase or fee for participation, standard messaging rates and other fees may apply. Check your mobile plan for more details. Help At any time, from your mobile phone, send a text message with the word “HELP” to TIP411 (847411) for program information. This is for operational information, not to solicit help from the LHPD.

To Stop the Program To stop the program at any time, which will prevent LHPD from being able to securely respond back to you, you can opt out via text message. Send a text message with the word “STOP” to TIP411 (847411). You’ll receive a one-time optout confirmation text message. If you choose to, you can submit a text tip again, at a later time, by texting the word LHPD, along with your tip to “TIP411” (847411). Note: The program is available on most, but not all major wireless carriers, therefore we cannot guarantee this program will work for all participants. Although the program is complimentary to participants, standard text messaging rates may apply. Check with your carrier and wireless plan for details.

18 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Chamber of Commerce The old time “Friendship Whistle” recreates the sound of La Habra’s historic connection to trains at the Children's Museum (Union Railroad Station) and Depot Theater. It’s the same type of steam whistle heard at Knott’s Berry Farm. The “Friendship Whistle” is dedicated in memory of the Anthony and Arlene Villelli family and the friends that helped build the La Habra community. The whistle will be heard Monday through Saturday at 12 noon. An exciting “Sounds of the Station” exhibit will be added to the Museum at a later date. The whistle concept was created by La Habra Area Chamber of Commerce President, Mark Sturdevant. It is scheduled to be completed this summer by Chuck Overbey, project engineer, and is funded by the Villelli Family and friends of La Habra.

Try Our New Chamber Members 562-697-1704 • www.lahabrachamber.com Cruisin Juice, Inc. 1110 Kingston Dr. La Habra, CA 626-383-5354

Sunny’s Bohwa Acupuncture 143 S. Beach Blvd. La Habra, CA 562-697-2777

Corner Bakery Café 1040 W. Imperial Hwy. La Habra, CA 714-459-1420

Michael Blazey, Councilman 201 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 562-905-9701

Better Night Sleep 1495 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 562-694-6000

Springfield Financial 1931 W. Imperial Hwy., B/2 La Habra, CA 562-690-4600

H&M Mediterranean Terrace 1920 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 562-694-8590

North Orange County Small Business Development Center 1031 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 310-871-2325

Vida Health Clinic 202 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 562-694-0600

Elite Fitness 1031 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 310-871-2325

Regis t ra ti o n I n fo r m a ti o n

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 19





WALK-IN: La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Monday through Friday In Person: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mail Box Drop in Lobby (NO CASH): 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

MAIL-IN: Make checks payable to: City of La Habra

PHONE-IN or FAX-IN: Accepted only if charging to your credit or debit card.

Mail check to: La Habra Community Services P.O. Box 337 La Habra, CA 90633

VISA or MASTERCARD $1.75 handling charge Telephone: 562-905-9708 Fax: 562-905-9711

Registration wi ll not be taken in class.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. $4 service charge per activity on all requested refunds.

Make checks payable to City of La Habra. The Department has the right to cancel classes/trips. Classes will be cancelled if under minimum enrollment. A $10 fee will be charged for returned checks. Registration will not be taken in class. Program information is subject to change. Participant’s photographs may be used in publicity.

2. No refunds after the 1st class meeting. Refunds must be requested prior to date of the third class meeting. 3. If class or trip is cancelled by the Department, an automatic refund will be processed and mailed to you. (No service charge.)

La Habra Community Ser vices Department, 101 W. La Habra Blvd., L.H. 90631 • Monday-Friday • 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.















Total $ CASH CARD#:

CHECK (Make check(s) or money orders payable to: CITY OF LA HABRA) -


CREDIT CARD (We accept MC & VISA — NO Discover or AMEX ) -

Card Expires: ___________/_____________

WAIVER OF LIABILITY “I agree to waive and release the Community Services Department and the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, liabilities, expenses or judgements, including attorney’s fees and court costs arising from my (or my child’s) participation in the City’s recreation program of any illness/injury resulting therefrom and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any and all such claims, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, except for illness and injury resulting directly from, gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the City or its employees. I understand and agree that by signing this waiver I am freeing the City, its employees, officers or agents from any liability resulting from my (or my child’s) participation in this sponsored event or activity. I recognize that the event can be dangerous to me (or my child) and accept those dangers. I understand that if I am (or my child is) injured this waiver will be used against me and anyone else claiming damage because of my (or my child’s) injury in any legal action. I also understand that no employee or agent is authorized to modify this waiver. I hereby represent that I understand and am familiar with the nature of the activities in which I (or my child) will participate in this recreation program that I (or my child) am in good physical health and that I (or my child) do not have physical or emotional conditions, past or present, of which I am aware, which would in any way affect my (or my child’s) ability to participate in this activity. I have personally read and understand this waiver.” In case of emergency, I give my permission for emergency medical treatment for myself or the minor and agree to pay any cost incurred as a result of such treatment. I also give my permission for any photographs taken of myself or any member of my family to be used for advertising purposes for the Community Services Department. I understand that on excursions, if I (or my child) fail to report to the bus at the specified time of departure, the City is NOT responsible for providing alternate transportation to or from the site. This form shall be considered valid until canceled or changed in writing by the undersigned parent/guardian/participant and received by the City. My signature acknowledges that I understand and agree to the above conditions. Refunds for trips only if the ticket can be resold. No class refunds after the first class meeting. Refunds must be requested prior to the third class meeting. A $4 SERVICE CHARGE WILL BE HELD FROM ALL APPROVED REFUNDS.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (If Minor, Parent or Legal Guardian Signature)

_____________/_____________/____________ Date

20 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Class Lo c a ti o n Ke y


CLUBHOUSE, 200 W. Greenwood Ave.


EL CENTRO-LIONS PARK, 320 Erna St. (at Cypress)


FRAZIER MARTIAL ARTS, 759 E. Whittier Blvd., 562-690-2146



LA HABRA 300 BOWL, 370 E. Whittier Blvd. (at Cypress), 562-691-6721




Children =


SCOUT HUT, 1100 W. Lambert Rd. (at Idaho)


Adults =

PATRICK’S MUSIC SCHOOL, 649 W. Commonwealth Ave. (at Woods), 714-871-1961



PARNELL PARK, 15390 Lambert Rd. (at Scott), 562-464-3350


Seniors =

LA MIRADA GOLF COURSE, 15501 E. Alicante Rd., 562-943-7123


USADS USA DANCE STUDIO, 401 W. Whittier Blvd., 562-690-9584 VMH

RIO VISTA PARK, Just east of the 57 Fwy. and south of the 91 Fwy. (corner of Park Vista and Dutch)


LHMC LA HABRA MUSIC CENTER, 1885 W. La Habra Blvd. (at Beach), 562-694-4891

Color-coded activity page sections:


YORBA LINDA COMMUNITY CENTER, 4501 Casa Loma Ave. (Corner of Imperial Hwy. & Casa Loma), 714-961-7160

The Children’s Museum at La Habra

Fun & Discover with Magic Show Tuesday, August 16th, 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.: Come one, come all to this energy filled show that will mesmerize children with laughter, music and magical tricks! Free with Museum admission.

Museum Info:

301 S. Euclid Street La Habra, CA 90631 562-905-9793

Target FREE Saturdays: OCTOBER 8TH

Museum Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 1-5pm Closed Mondays & Major Holidays Museum Admission: $7 Per Person, Children under 2 are free $6 La Habra Residents $5 Group Rate (15 or more children)



Breakfast with Santa


December 3rd & 4th. Start a family tradition at the Children’s Museum at La Habra by having breakfast with Santa Claus. Adults, $12; kids, $10. Reservations are required and include breakfast, holiday craft, photo with Santa Claus and admission into the Museum.

Orange County’s original Children’s Museum!

Activities for Kids Dance

US A Dance Studio Classes AFRO DANCE ★NEW★ This dance class will consist of high energy moves to

African beats and drums. You’ll be sweating and having fun at the same time. Please wear comfortable clothes, bring a towel and water, and plan to dance barefoot. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 9-12 yrs Fee: $60/6 weeks Location: USADS #2004.400..............THUR 9/15-10/20...................6:15-7:15 p.m. #2004.401..............THUR 10/27-12/8...................6:15-7:15 p.m.

HIP HOP FOR HIP KIDS This high-energy class combines fun and creative dance moves and routines. Learn basic and new hip hop steps. Dance to the coolest and most recent hip hop tunes while you make new friends. Wear loose-fitting clothing and tennis shoes. No class on Friday, November 25th and Saturday, November 26th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Fee: 30 min. classes are $39/6 weeks 45 min. classes are $48/6 weeks 60 min. classes are $60/6 weeks Age: 3-4 yrs Location: USADS #2003.400..............WED 9/14-10/19....................5:15-5:45 p.m. #2003.401..............WED 10/26-11/30..................5:15-5:45 p.m. #2003.402..............SAT 9/17-10/22 .................10:45-11:15 a.m. #2003.403..............SAT 10/29-12/10 ...............10:45-11:15 a.m. Age: 5-7 yrs Location: USADS #2002.400..............WED 9/14-10/19 ...................6:45-7:30 p.m. #2002.401..............WED 10/26-11/30 .................6:45-7:30 p.m. #2002.402..............SAT 9/17-10/22 .........11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #2002.403..............SAT 10/29-12/10........11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Location: USADS #2000.400..............WED 9/14-10/19 ...................7:30-8:30 p.m. #2000.401..............WED 10/26-11/30 .................7:30-8:30 p.m. #2000.402..............FRI 9/16-10/21 .....................5:45-6:45 p.m. #2000.403..............FRI 10/28-12/9 .....................5:45-6:45 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Enjoy Our Fall Classes! The City reserves the right to substitute instructors, cancel activities, change dates, times and/or locations as necessary without public notice. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 21


This is a beginning ballet class for the younger elementary school-aged child. Come join us and experience the graceful movements of ballet. Participants will improve their flexibility and posture, as well as learning poise. Turns and leaps will be emphasized. Ballet shoes are required. No class on Friday, November 25th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $48/6 weeks Location: USADS #2020.400..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................6:00-6:45 p.m. #2020.401..............FRI 10/28-12/9 ......................6:00-6:45 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $60/6 weeks Location: USADS #2020.402..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................4:00-5:00 p.m. #2020.403..............FRI 10/28-12/19 ....................4:00-5:00 p.m.

TINY TOTS BALLET/TAP COMBO Here is the perfect class to introduce your little one to the joys of dance! Participants will spend 15 minutes on ballet and 15 minutes on tap and will learn some basic steps, develop large motor coordination, make new friends and wear their pretty dance clothes. Ballet and tap shoes are required. No class on Saturday, November 26th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 2-3 yrs Fee: $39/6 weeks Location: USADS #2017.400..............WED 9/14-10/19....................4:00-4:30 p.m. #2017.401..............WED 10/26-11/30..................4:00-4:30 p.m. #2017.402..............SAT 9/17-10/22 ...................9:30-10:00 a.m. #2017.403..............SAT 10/29-12/10 .................9:30-10:00 a.m.

BALLET FOLKLORICO Come learn the beautiful and colorful dances of Mexico! Keep your traditions alive through lively and enjoyable dances representing the many different regions of this amazing country. No class on Friday, November 25th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Fee: 30 min. classes are $39/6 weeks 45 min. classes are $48/6 weeks 60 min. classes are $60/6 weeks Age: 3-4 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2007.400..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................5:00-5:30 p.m. #2007.401..............FRI 10/28-12/9 ......................5:00-5:30 p.m. Age: 5-7 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2007.404..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................5:30-6:15 p.m. #2007.405..............FRI 10/28-12/9 ......................5:30-6:15 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2009.400..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................6:15-7:15 p.m. #2009.401..............FRI 10/28-12/9 ......................6:15-7:15 p.m.

22 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 2011

“Dream, Believe, Achieve, Succeed.”

Activities for Kids, continued



Breakfast Thurs., October 20th at the La Habra Community Center

This class introduces creative ballet and tap techniques to young dancers. Participants will learn coordination, listening skills, individual steps, and basic combinations in a creative, supportive environment. Children with prior beginning level experience are also welcome, and the instructor will make adjustments to accommodate their abilities. There will be a performance for family on the last day of class. Instructor Melissa Williams has taught children’s dance for many years, most recently at Catch the Vision Studio in La Habra. Instructor: Melissa Williams Age: 3-5 yrs ......................Fee: $60/8 weeks ..............................Location: LHCC #2001.400 ........................SAT 9/17-11/5.................................10:00-10:45 a.m. Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $60/8 weeks Location: LHCC #2005.400 ........................SAT 9/17-11/5.................................10:45-11:30 a.m.


Red Ribbon Week October 23rd-30th For reservations, please call

562-905-9708 (Reservations Are Required)


Child Care Food Programs Serving Orange County for over 21 years

(Program for licensed family child care providers only.)

Maximize Your Child Care Income… Enroll in Our Child Care Food Program Today! Let us help you provide nutritious meals and snacks and incorporate nutrition education activities in your child care program. Program benefits are: prompt reimbursement, monthly nutrition information & in-home training/workshops. For more information & to schedule an in-home visit, call us at 562-905-9639. We look forward to hearing from you! AUGUST 2011

KIDS MMA PROGRAM: BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU, MUAY THAI KICKBOXING, WRESTLING This MMA program is designed for kids eight to 12 years old and teaches discipline and respect. Learn the best of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing and wrestling take-downs in a safe and fun atmosphere. NO heavy contact is permitted. Students MUST wear board shorts, t-shirt and openfingered gloves. Gloves will be available for purchase at the first class meeting. No class on Wednesday, November 9th. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #1005.400 ........................WED 9/21-10/19 .................................6:00-6:40 p.m. #1005.401 ........................WED 11/2-11/30 .................................6:00-6:40 p.m.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 23

Activities for Kids, continued KIDS BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU This Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu program is designed for kids eight to 12 years old and teaches discipline and respect. Learn this awesome art/sport that will help participants get in shape, beat peer pressure and learn self-defense, all in a safe, fun atmosphere. Students are encouraged to purchase a gi (uniform) at the first class meeting. No class on Wednesday, November 9th. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #1010.400..............WED 9/21-10/19 ...................6:00-6:40 p.m. #1010.401..............WED 11/2-11/30 ...................6:00-6:40 p.m.

INFANT, PRESCHOOL & SCHOOL-AGE PROGRAMS Services provided for children 6 weeks to 12 years of age 6:15 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

562-905-9630 Must meet income qualifications.

KARATE KIDDIES: PARENT & ME KARATE CLASS Karate Kiddies is a parent and me karate program, with a focus on motor skill development, social interaction and parent-child bonding. Your child will be able to explore and learn the basics of life skills: focus, patience, kindness, respect! Motor skills development activities will include balancing, climbing, running, blocks, punches, kicks! Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 20-36 mths Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #1003.400..............TUE 9/20-10/18 .....................6:00-6:30 p.m. #1003.401..............TUE 11/1-11/29 .....................6:00-6:30 p.m.

KARATE FOR KIDZ Take this opportunity to empower your child. Our karate program teaches kids more than just punching and kicking! We offer age appropriate classes for better learning, character building and training with rewards, school and street safety programs to protect your child, as well as confidence building so that children have the ability to say “no” to negative peer pressure. This is a basic and introductory class. No classes on Friday, November 11th and 24th, and Saturday, November 12th. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1004.400..............TUE 9/20-10/18 .....................3:45-4:15 p.m. #1004.401..............FRI 11/4-12/16 ......................6:15-6:45 p.m. #1004.402..............SAT 9/24-10/22 ...................9:30-10:00 a.m. #1004.403..............SAT 11/5-12/10 ...................9:30-10:00 a.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1004.404..............TUE 9/20-10/18 .....................5:00-5:45 p.m. #1004.405..............FRI 11/4-12/16 ......................7:15-8:00 p.m. #1004.406..............SAT 9/24-10/22..........11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1004.407..............SAT 11/5-12/10..........11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.


Subsidized Child Care in Family Child Care Homes for infants 6 weeks & up. Center-based care for preschoolers (3 to 5 years of age).


Before and after school program/full-day. Breakfast and p.m. snack served (lunch preschool only). Transportation to and from La Habra City School District on school buses. Please call for more information on the waiting list and to receive an eligibility questionnaire. Fees based on income.

HEAD START 562-694-3455

Federally funded social/educational enrichment program for 4-year-olds for 31/2 hours a day.

EARLY HEAD START 562-905-9744

Federally funded social/educational enrichment program for 0-3-year-olds. Home visits are conducted once a week for 11/2 hours.

STATE PRESCHOOL 562-905-9612

State funded Pre-K programs for 31/2- and 4-year-olds. Part day and full day services.

24 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 2011

Activities for Kids, continued


KARATE FOR PRE-SCHOOLERS Our specialized Karate for Pre-Schoolers program is an age specific program that is professionally designed to teach children important life skills in a fun, exciting and enriching manner. Karate for Pre-Schoolers skills include focus, teamwork, control, balance, memory, discipline, fitness and coordination. Your child will achieve more than just learning to kick and punch. Our Karate for Pre-Schoolers instructors are trained specifically to work with young children. No class on Saturday, November 12th. Instructor: Amanda Molina Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1018.400..............MON 9/19-10/17 ...................6:00-6:30 p.m. #1018.401..............MON 11/7-12/5 .....................6:00-6:30 p.m. #1018.402..............SAT 9/24-10/22 .................10:30-11:00 a.m. #1018.403..............SAT 11/5-12/10 .................10:30-11:00 a.m.

MINI SPORTS FOR TINY TOTS Let’s play ball! Here is a sports class especially designed for kids aged three to five. This program will cover the basics of soccer, Tee-ball, basketball, track and field, and other recreational games, along with sportsmanship, providing a great introduction to sports and building participants’ social skills. The last meeting will include a BBQ, so the whole family can enjoy the final “BIG game.” Cost is $40 per child/$35 for additional children in the same household (must register at the same time). Sign up today; space is limited! Rain-outs will be held indoors or rescheduled. Instructor: La Habra Recreation Staff Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $45/1 week Location: ECLP #1009.400..............TUE 9/20-11/8 .......................4:00-5:00 p.m. #1009.401..............WED 9/21-11/9......................4:00-5:00 p.m.

JUNIOR GOLF La Mirada Golf offers classes designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. Covers basic fundamentals, strategies and skills necessary to succeed. Range balls, clubs and equipment included. Ten students per instructor. Instructors: PGA Pro John Mahoney, Jr. & Staff Age: 5-17 yrs (Beg) Fee: $47/4 weeks Location: LMGC #1001.400..............FRI 9/16-10/7 ........................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.402..............FRI 10/14-11/4 ......................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.404..............FRI 11/11-12/2 ......................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.401..............SAT 9/17-10/8 ...................10:00-11:00 a.m. #1001.403..............SAT 10/15-11/5 .................10:00-11:00 a.m. #1001.405..............SAT 11/12-12/3 .................10:00-11:00 a.m. Age: 5-17 yrs (Int) Fee: $47/4 weeks Location: LMGC #1002.400..............FRI 9/16-10/7 ........................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.402..............FRI 10/14-11/4 ......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.404..............FRI 11/11-12/2 ......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.401..............SAT 9/17-10/8............11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1002.403..............SAT 10/15-11/5..........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1002.405..............SAT 11/12-12/3..........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.


DRUM FOR FUN! Has your child been begging to learn the drums? Now is the time go get started! This is a fun and energetic class which features rhythm reading and playing on the drum. Drum pads will be available for use in class. Participant must purchase drums sticks. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4025.400..............MON 9/12-10/17 ...................5:30-6:20 p.m.

VOICE FOR YOUTH Do you like to sing? Tell your friends and neighbors about this class, which will teach them to breathe properly, sing on pitch, and have fun at the same time. Participants will sing as a group, but will focus on individual performance. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 9-15 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4026.400..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................5:30-6:20 p.m.

Enjoy Our Fall Classes! The City reserves the right to substitute instructors, cancel activities, change dates, times and/or locations as necessary without public notice. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 25

Activities for Kids, continued PIANOLAND Playing the piano can be very relaxing and is a great way to have fun. Children will learn note-reading, correct hand positions, five-finger songs, chords and how to play using both hands at the same time. You do not need to own a piano. A book is required and may be purchased at Patrick’s for $8.50. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 9-15 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4024.400..............TUE 9/13-10/18 .....................6:30-7:20 p.m.

TICKLE THE KEYS In this class, young children learn to play the piano AND much more: ear training, harmony, rhythm, music reading and writing. They will have fun! Parents are encouraged to participate. You do not need to own a piano. A book is required and may be purchased at Patrick’s for $8.50. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 2-3 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4021.400..............TUE 9/13-10/18 .....................1:00-1:50 p.m. #4021.401..............THUR 9/15-10/20...................1:00-1:50 p.m. Age: 4-5 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4022.400..............WED 9/14-10/19 ...................2:30-3:20 p.m. #4022.401..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................2:30-3:20 p.m. Age: 6-8 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4023.400..............WED 9/14-10/19 ...................5:30-6:20 p.m. #4023.401..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................4:30-5:20 p.m.

HAVING FUN WITH THE GUITAR Learn the skills necessary to play music and have fun while learning. Class emphasizes chord strumming, reading notes and tablature and playing different styles of music. Students must provide their own instruments (acoustic or electric). Students must also provide picks, guitar tuner and book, “Hal Leonard’s Classic Guitar Method,” which may be purchased at La Habra Music Center. A metronome is also suggested. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: La Habra Music Center Age: 7-17 yrs Fee: $52/4 weeks Location: LHMC #4003.400..............THUR 9/16-10/6.....................6:00-6:45 p.m. #4003.401..............THUR 10/13-11/3...................6:00-6:45 p.m. #4003.402..............THUR 11/10-12/8...................6:00-6:45 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708. Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

La Habra Police Department Radio Patrol If you want to volunteer your time and service to the community, the La Habra Police Department’s Radio Patrol program may be perfect for you! Radio Patrol consists of men and women who serve as uniformed volunteers helping to make the community a safer place to live. Some of the duties include assisting with traffic control, helping out during unforeseen events such as power outages, and reporting suspicious activities witnessed when out on patrol. REQUIREMENTS:

18 years of age and older Valid California driver’s license Complete Application Background Check

For more information, please call 562-905-9680.

26 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Activities for Kids, continued

Ar t

Personal Enrichment



In this fun course, students will learn basic drawing techniques using a variety of fun media, including oil pastels, crayons and colored pencils. Basic design, figurative drawing and landscape will be covered. Students will complete one “masterpiece” per class. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Friday, October 14th. Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $47/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4006.400..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................4:00-5:00 p.m.

FUN ACRYLIC PAINTING Each week, students will learn one technical concept and produce one finished painting per session. Art instruction will include: portraits, landscapes, color theory and color mixing. Please wear an old T-shirt or apron because paints will stain clothing. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Friday, November 11th and 25th. Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $47/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4000.400..............FRI 10/28-12/9 ......................4:00-5:00 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING TECHNIQUES This is a beginning course to introduce and develop drawing skills through demonstrations and examples of master drawings from children’s book illustrations, animation and technical drawing. Course will cover contour, line, structure, perspective, light/shadow, color and modeling form. Instructor: Carlos Moreno Age: 7-14 yrs Fee: $37/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4005.400..............MON 9/12-10/10 ...................5:00-6:00 p.m. #4005.401..............MON 10/17-11/14 .................5:00-6:00 p.m.

“The Music & Movement Phenomenon” Sing, dance, play instruments and have a musical adventure with your child at our Music & Movement Workshop. It’s never too soon to help your child develop a love of music. Workshops focus on movement, rhythms, building vocabulary and family fun! For more information or to obtain a schedule, please call 562-690-2305.

★NEW★ This course will help familiarize students with basic

Spanish grammar, vocabulary and conversation and will help to prepare students for future foreign language classes. Students will also learn about Spanish-speaking countries and their cultures. Handouts on vocabulary, grammar and conversational phrases will be given. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 8-15 yrs Fee: $72/6 weeks Location: PP #4004.400..............THUR 9/22-10/27...................5:00-6:00 p.m. #4004.401..............THUR 11/3-12/15...................5:00-6:00 p.m.

PLAYING WITH MUSIC & RHYTHM Miss Carol is back! Join her and enter the wonderful world of music and rhythm. This session will be all about bugs. Each week, students will learn about a different insect and will make a new hat, as well as having their mind and imagination stimulated through a variety of musical activities. A BIG party will be held on the last day of the second session of class, with bug costumes provided by the instructor. Bring your cameras! Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 2-4 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4010.400..............TUE 9/13-10/4 .....................9:30-10:15 a.m. #4010.401..............TUE 10/11-11/1 ...................9:30-10:15 a.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

La Habra City School District Presents

“Fenomeno de Musica y Movimiento” Canta, baila, juega con instrumentos y ten una experiencia musical con tu nino en nuestro Taller de Musica y Movimento. Ahora es una buena edad de comenzar en desarrollar el amor a la musica en los pequenos. El taller consiste de movimiento, ritmos, y diversion mientras desarrollamos su vocabulario! Para mas información or para obtener los horarios, por favor llame 562-690-2305.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 27

Activities for Kids, continued PRE-SCHOOL ALPHABET & ACTIVITIES


Kindergarten here I come! Home schooling or preparing your child for kindergarten? Help your child master the alphabet the fun way! Learn upper and lower case letters and their sounds. Meet new friends and learn social skills while your child enjoys arts and crafts, games, puppets and more. A party will be held the last day of the second session of class to celebrate the children’s achievements. Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.

Kindergarten here I come! Children will discover numbers including simple addition, subtraction and mathematical shapes. Class includes musical activities, games and paper work. A party will be held on the last day of the second session of class to celebrate the children’s achievements. Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.

Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4011.400..............TUE 9/13-10/4 ...................10:45-11:45 a.m. #4011.401..............TUE 10/11-11/1 .................10:45-11:45 a.m.

PRE-SCHOOL PHONICS & READING Kindergarten here I come! Is your child home schooled or preparing to enter kindergarten? If so, your child will have fun while learning to sound and spell easy words and read easy sentences. Come join Mr. Long Vowel and Mrs. Short Vowel with songs and games. Children will also work on word phonics and take home a new booklet each week. This class is designed to challenge, not to frustrate. A party will be held during the last day of the second session of class to celebrate the children’s achievements. Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 3.5-5 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4012.400..............TUE 9/13-10/4 .....................12:00-1:00 p.m. #4012.401..............TUE 10/11-11/1 ...................12:00-1:00 p.m.

Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4019.400..............TUE 9/13-10/4 .......................1:30-2:30 p.m. #4019.401..............TUE 10/11-11/1 .....................1:30-2:30 p.m.

MEMORY & READING COMPREHENSION Kindergarten here I come! This class will be fun, with lots of memory games to stimulate your child’s brain. Story and question time knowledge will be gained by learning comprehension skills to remember and understand what they hear and read. Paper work and some musical activities will be included. A party will be held during the last day of the second session of class to celebrate the children’s achievements. Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 4-6 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4027.400..............TUE 9/13-10/4 .......................3:00-4:00 p.m. #4027.401..............TUE 10/11-11/1 .....................3:00-4:00 p.m. Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

Advance! and the City of La Habra present

LA HABRA GOES TO COLLEGE Sunday, October 9th, 2011 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the La Habra Community Center

Student/Parent Panels & General College Information COME FIND OUT HOW TO:

✔ Prepare for College ✔ Apply to Colleges ✔ Pay for College

For more information, please call Advance! at 562-691-2117.

28 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Activities for Kids, continued

Personal Enrichment

on the last day of class. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Parent participation is required.

HALLOWEEN FUN WITH MISS CAROL ★NEW★ We’ll dance and sing, use percussion instruments

and lots of Halloween props. We will make a new Halloween craft to take home each week, and a special Halloween party will be held on the last day of class, so wear your costumes, and we’ll trick or treat together. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Parent participation is required. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 3-6 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4001.400..............MON 10/10-10/31 .................1:00-2:00 p.m.

WINTER HOLIDAY FUN WITH MISS CAROL ★NEW★ Come join the fun! We will celebrate different

holidays around the world, including Hanukkah, Kwanza and more. We will make a different holiday craft each week that can be given as a gift to a loved one. A big party will be held

Instructor: Fantastic Learning Age: 3-6 yrs Fee: $85/5 weeks Location: CH #4008.400..............TUE 9/27-10/25 .....................4:30-5:30 p.m. #4008.401..............WED 9/28-10/26....................4:30-5:30 p.m.

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you want to give up on math? Then this class is for you! Many students struggle with turning words into numbers and operations. You will learn essential strategies that will help solve those tedious word problems. Activities in class will focus on introducing easy problem solving steps and learning key math vocabulary needed to succeed in math and on math tests. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.


Tuesdays: 8:00-9:00 a.m. $65/4 weeks Se Habla Español

★NEW★ Does the thought of seeing word problems just make

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La Habra Residents

Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 3-6 yrs Fee: $50/5 weeks Location: CH #4018.400..............TUE 11/8-12/16 .....................1:00-2:00 p.m.

La Habra Tennis Center MEN’S ROUND ROBIN TENNIS Wednesdays: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Tuesdays, Level 2.5 & above: $12 per night Wednesdays, Level 4.5 & above: $8 per night Bar-B-Q Every Third Wednesday

351 S. Euclid Street

562-690-5040 No black-soled shoes allowed on the courts. Thank you.

Activities for Adults Dance

DANCE WITH ME ★NEW★ If you love the energetic rhythm of Latin music, join

us and learn how to dance Salsa, Cha-cha, Merengue and Bachata with world-renowned dance instructor, choreographer and competitor Louie Angon. No experience or dance partner is necessary. You will be taught the fundamentals, starting with solo footwork and then dance patterns with a partner, including how to lead and follow. Louie Angon is a professional personal fitness trainer, choreographer, performer and instructor with 20 years of experience. Instructor: Louie Angon Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $35/5 weeks Location: LHCC #2501.400..............MON 9/19-10/17 ..................8:00-9:00 p.m. #2501.401..............MON 10/31-11/28 ................8:00-9:00 p.m.

LINE DANCE Grab your boots and come on over! Get your heart a pumpin’ with some of the most fun exercise around. No partner needed. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Lisa will teach you the basic steps and some fun, easy dances. You’ll be kickin’ up your heels in no time at all. Beginning instruction is from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. Beginners MUST sign up for FIRST session of each quarter. No beginners will be accepted in second session of the quarter. For the experienced line dancer, intermediate dance instruction follows from 7:45 to 9:15 p.m. Your old favorites and some new dances will be included. Step sheets will be available. For more information, visit www.lisalinedance.com. Instructor: Lisa Homan-Hernandez Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $29/5 weeks Location: CH #2505.400..............MON 9/12-10/10 ...................7:00-9:15 p.m. #2505.401..............MON 10/17-11/14 .................7:00-9:15 p.m.


Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 29

some of the best dances from the recent past. This is an opportunity to further improve your skills and knowledge of line dance. This class is NOT for beginners. For more information, visit www.lisalinedance.com. Instructor: Lisa Homan-Hernandez Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $29/5 weeks Location: VMH #2509.400..............THUR 9/15-10/13...................7:00-9:30 p.m. #2509.401..............THUR 10/20-11/17................ 7:00-9:30 p.m.

SQUARE DANCE This square dance class is perfect for anyone with some previous square dance experience. We will teach the calls and moves necessary to be able to dance at the plus level of square dance. It’s also great as a refresher if you have been away from square dancing for a period of time. Singles and couples welcome; a partner is not required. For more information, please call Jim and Jo Shipman at 562-696-1332 or Ruth Rosencrans at 714-521-2924. Instructor: Major Keys Age: 8+ yrs Fee: $22/5 weeks Location: CH #2520.400..............THUR 9/15-10/13...................7:15-9:30 p.m. #2520.401..............THUR 10/20-11/17.................7:15-9:30 p.m.

BELLY DANCING Belly dancing, with its mystical movements, will inspire your spirit to breathe, expand and stretch. Come and celebrate the goddess within! With sharp hip accents, shimmies, undulations and veil work, you’ll get an intense workout that feels wonderful. Instructor: Yeril Barlup Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $37/8 weeks Location: TUE & WED-VMH/SAT-LHCC #2502.400 (Int) ......WED 9/14-11/2......................7:30-8:30 p.m. #2503.400 (Beg) ....TUE 9/13-11/1 .......................7:30-8:30 p.m. #2502.401 (Int) ......SAT 9/17-11/5 ...................10:00-11:00 a.m. #2503.401(Beg) .....SAT 9/17-11/5............11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. If you are looking for a challenge and have line dance experience, then this is the class for you. No partner is necessary, and it’s great exercise and lots of fun! Lisa Homan will be teaching the latest dances written by USA and international choreographers, and she will revive

Come Visit the

Friends of the La Habra Library USED BOOK STORE

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday & Saturday Closed Sunday

Located in the

ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY La Habra Branch 221 E. La Habra Blvd.

30 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Activities for Adults, continued

Fitness for Fun L.A. FIT BOOT CAMP

Challenge yourself to be the biggest loser this session while you work out to the beat of various dance moves! L.A. FIT Boot Camp will educate you on how to live a healthy lifestyle (NOT DIET), while still enjoying your favorite foods. Following this strict regimen will reap benefits that include weight and body fat loss, well-toned muscles, endurance and stamina, and selfconfidence. Towel, water, tennis shoes and comfortable workout clothes needed. Please bring your own weights. Louie Angon is a professional personal fitness trainer, choreographer and performer, with 20 years of experience. Instructor: Louie Angon Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $35/5 weeks Location: VMH #3002.400..............THUR 9/22-10/20...................5:00-6:00 p.m. #3002.401..............THUR 11/3-12/8.....................5:00-6:00 p.m.

SALSARCISE Lose weight and get toned through a cardiovascular workout while dancing to the beat of salsa, merengue, bachata, cha cha cha and more. Class begins with a full body warm-up. Calisthenics is a major part of the program. Workouts can be adjusted for students with low-impact needs. We will discus the

dos and don’ts of exercise and meal intake. First part of the class includes a blend of Latin dances, boxing and more. The second half will include work with small, light weights. Please bring light handweights, towel, water bottle, tennis shoes and comfortable workout clothes. Louie Angon is a professional personal fitness trainer, choreographer, performer and instructor with 20 years of experience. Instructor: Louie Angon Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $35/5 weeks Location: LHCC #3004.400..............MON 9/19-10/17 ...................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3004.401..............MON 10/31-11/28 .................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3004.402..............TUE 9/20-10/18 .....................5:00-6:00 p.m. #3004.403..............TUE 11/1-11/29 .....................5:00-6:00 p.m.

WEIGHT BEARING WALL YOGA This yoga class uses weight-bearing moves that increase bone density, a key issue for older adults. It also incorporates meditation practice, which can improve brain elasticity and can help to enhance health and well-being. Help yourself to manage stress, chronic diseases, and stay in good health. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket or towel and a bandana to class. No class on Saturday, October 15th. Instructor: Sultan Haque Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $90/11 weeks Location: LHCC #3003.400..............SAT 9/17-12/10..........10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Cliff Gewecke’s Dance Classes are held at the La Habra Clubhouse 200 W. Greenwood Avenue

Fee: $33 per person/8 weeks




Learn the sophisticated, fun and rhythmic West Coast Swing, California’s official state dance. Class features basic (and not so basic) patterns, lead/follow techniques, and moving on-beat to the music.

Want romance, excitement and elegance in one dance? Try the increasingly popular Argentine Tango, with its ochos (figure eights) turns, kicks, and other exciting moves, all done to sensuous, melodic music. Singles and couples are welcome.

Learn today’s “hottest” dances — Salsa and Merengue! This class will give you a basic understanding of these dances, plus teach you steps that will have you movin’ to the Latin beat sooner than you think! Patterns will vary in each 8-week session.

If you know Salsa basics, this class will put them to work for you with more challenging patterns and the techniques that make them work. Turns, fancier footwork, style variations — they’re all included. Have fun!

#2504.400 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 9/13-11/1 7:15-8:00 p.m.

#2507.400 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 9/13-11/1 8:00-8:45 p.m.

#2512.400 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 9/13-11/1 8:45-9:30 p.m.

#2506.400 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 9/13-11/1 6:30-7:15 p.m.


Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 31

Activities for Adults, continued PILATES YOGA STRETCH & TONE Destress from your day with a peaceful, energizing yoga and Pilates experience by candlelight. Tone and stretch the total body with mat Pilates exercises emphasizing the abdominals, thighs and buttocks, to shape and sculpt long, lean core muscles with the aid of Dynaflex bands and exercise balls. This class also includes in-depth instruction on basic yoga postures and breathing techniques to enhance your sense of well-being and ability to relax. Beginning and intermediate levels are introduced. Please bring a yoga sticky mat, blocks, strap, and inflatable exercise ball to class. Instructor: Angela King, Registered Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher (RYT) Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $62/12 weeks Location: LHCC #3008.400..............MON 9/12-11/28 .................. 5:45-6:45 p.m.

POWER PILATES-YOGA Destress from your day with a peaceful, energizing yoga and Pilates experience by candlelight. Tone and stretch the total body with mat Pilates exercises emphasizing the abdominals, thighs and buttocks, to shape and sculpt long, lean core muscles with the aid of Dynaflex bands and exercise balls. This class also includes in-depth instruction on yoga postures and breathing techniques to enhance your sense of well-being and ability to relax. Advanced beginner and intermediate levels are taught. Please bring a yoga sticky mat, blocks, strap, and inflatable exercise ball to class. Instructor: Angela King, Registered Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher (RYT) Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $62/12 weeks Location: LHCC #3001.400..............MON 9/12-11/28 ...................7:00-8:15 p.m.

FITNESS KICKBOXING Are you ready to make a change with your body? Take control over your body with Fitness Kickboxing! It’s a workout where you can kick and punch your way to achieving the fitness goals you’ve always wanted. Fitness Kickboxing is the best total body workout to lose weight, tone and shape up, gain endurance and flexibility, relieve stress, meet new friends and have fun. This class is the #1 calorie-burning workout, consuming an amazing 800 calories per hour. Classes are on-going for women and men with ALL levels of fitness ability. No classes on Wednesday, November 9th; Thursday, November 10th and 24th; and Saturday, November 12th. Instructor: Amanda Molina Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #3006.400..............MON 9/19-10/17 ...................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.401..............MON 11/7-12/5 .....................6:45-7:30 p.m.

#3006.402..............TUE 9/20-10/18 .....................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.403..............TUE 11/1-11/29 .....................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.404..............WED 9/21-10/19....................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.405..............WED 11/2-11/30....................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.406..............THUR 9/22-10/20...................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.407..............THUR 11/3-12/15...................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.408..............SAT 9/24-10/22 .....................8:30-9:15 a.m. #3006.409..............SAT 11/5-12/10 .....................8:30-9:15 a.m.

FALL FITNESS CHALLENGE Start, maintain and live a healthier lifestyle throughout the fall. The challenge consists of making a commitment to workout two times a week minimum (classes are offered Monday through Thursday and Saturday mornings). Participants will have the option of doing weekly weigh-ins and measurements at before, middle and end of challenge. All participants will be given a nutritional guideline to follow for better eating habits. All participants must attend orientation on Wednesday, September 21st, after the first workout. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 14+ yrs Fee: $101/10 weeks Location: FMA #3000.400..............WED 9/21-11/23 ............................6:45 p.m.

TAI CHI LiuHeBaFa This complex form, consisting of six harmonies and eight methods, is very rare, even in China. It is especially good for the heart and will also improve your health in general. Being older than Tai Chi Chuan, it has a wealth of martial arts applications. No class on Monday, November 7th. Instructor: Nancy O’Brien, Certified International Judge (Tai Chi) Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $35/5 weeks Location: VMH #3015.400..............MON 9/12-10/17 ...................7:00-8:30 p.m. #3015.401..............MON 10/24-12/5 ...................7:00-8:30 p.m.

TAI CHI CHUAN This class includes eight treasures, 13 and 24 forms. The slow breathing and movement improves health, flexibility, balance and stamina. Come join a great group and an ongoing class. Beginner and returning students are always welcome. No classes on Saturday, October 15th and November 26th. Instructor: Nancy O’Brien, Certified International Judge (Tai Chi) Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $35/5 weeks Location: LHCC #3011.400..............SAT 9/17-10/22..........10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #3011.401..............SAT 10/29-12/10........10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

32 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 2011

Activities for Adults, continued

Fitness for Fun




Jacki’s aerobic dancing is a fitness program that is totally FUN! Participants learn progressive choreographed dances that are designed to give an excellent cardiovascular and muscular workout. Participants dance to a wide variety of music at their own level of fitness. A good supportive shoe and towel or mat are required.

Do you like to sing? Tell your friends and neighbors about this class, which will teach them to breathe properly, sing on pitch, and have fun at the same time. Participants will sing as a group, but will focus on individual performance.

Instructor: Nancy McNabb Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $90/9 weeks Location: CH #3005.401..............MON/WED 10/17-12/14.........5:45-6:45 p.m. Fee: $70/7 weeks #3005.402..............MON/WED 10/17-11/30.........5:45-6:45 p.m.

ADULT GOLF La Mirada Golf classes offer a complete group lesson format. Beginners focus on simple and effective swing fundamentals. Intermediate classes focus on long and short game fundamentals. Equipment will be provided for lessons AND practice, and students will receive a bucket of balls at each lesson. Instructors: PGA Pro John Mahoney, Jr. & Staff Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $71/4 weeks Location: LMGC Beginning Classes #3009.401..............MON 9/12-10/3 .....................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3009.402..............MON 10/10-10/31 .................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3009.403..............MON 11/7-11/28 ...................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3009.404..............TUE 9/13-10/4 .....................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.405..............TUE 10/11-11/1 ...................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.406..............TUE 11/8-11/29 ...................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.407..............SAT 9/17-10/8 .....................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.408..............SAT 10/15-11/5 ...................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.409..............SAT 11/12-12/3 ...................9:00-10:00 a.m. Intermediate Classes #3010.401..............MON 9/12-10/3 .....................8:00-9:00 p.m. #3010.402..............MON 10/10-10/31 ................8:00-9:00 p.m. #3010.403..............MON 11/7-11/28 ..................8:00-9:00 p.m. #3010.404..............TUE 9/13-10/4 ..................10:00-11:00 a.m. #3010.405..............TUE 10/11-11/1 ................10:00-11:00 a.m. #3010.406..............TUE 11/8-11/29 ................10:00-11:00 a.m.

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 8-15 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #5018.400..............FRI 9/16-10/21 ......................6:30-7:20 p.m.

PIANOLAND Playing the piano can be very relaxing and is a great way to have fun. Participants will learn note-reading, correct hand positions, five-finger songs, chords and how to play using both hands at the same time. You do not need to own a piano. A book is required and may be purchased at Patrick’s for $12.50. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #5026.400..............TUE 9/13-10/18 .....................7:30-8:20 p.m.

UKULELE Learn to play this fun, simple instrument that will have people singing along with you at get-togethers and other events, or join a ukulele orchestra. A ukulele is provided for classroom use. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #5014.400..............SAT 9/17-10/22 .................11:00-11:50 a.m.

HAVING FUN WITH THE GUITAR Learn the skills necessary to play music and have fun while learning. Class emphasizes chord strumming, reading notes and tablature and playing different styles of music. Students must provide their own instruments (acoustic or electric). Students must also provide picks, guitar tuner and book, “Hal Leonard’s Classic Guitar Method,” which may be purchased at La Habra Music Center. A metronome is also suggested. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: La Habra Music Center Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $52/4 weeks Location: LHMC #5000.400..............THUR 9/16-10/6.....................6:00-6:45 p.m. #5000.401..............THUR 10/13-11/3...................6:00-6:45 p.m. #5000.402..............THUR 11/10-12/8...................6:00-6:45 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 33

Activities for Adults, continued

Ar t

WATERCOLOR PAINTING BASICS This class will introduce participants to basic wash techniques, color theory, and principles of landscape painting. All levels of ability are welcome. Please pick up a supply list at the Community Center when you register. Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $47/4 weeks Location: LHCC #7000.400..............SAT 9/17-10/8 ...........10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING TECHNIQUES This is a beginning course to introduce and develop drawing skills through demonstrations and examples of master drawings from children’s book illustrations, animation and technical drawing. Course will cover contour, line, structure, perspective, light/shadow, color and modeling form. Instructor: Carlos Moreno Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $37/5 weeks Location: LHCC #7003.400..............MON 9/12-10/10 ...................6:30-8:00 p.m. #7003.401..............MON 10/17-11/14 .................6:30-8:00 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Participants will learn how to use their own digital cameras so that they can produce more professional-looking images. The instructor will go over all the many buttons and dials and explain their purposes. Lighting, composition and image processing will also be covered. Bring your camera to class! Instructor: Gary Apodaca, Imageworks Photography Studio Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $97/4 weeks Location: LHCC #7007.400..............MON 9/19-10/10 ...................7:00-8:30 p.m.


Do you suffer from caffeine, chocolate or food addictions? Have those and other addictions removed during this workshop. How about pain? Arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches? Bring them in and leave them here. Do you have severe anxieties? Stressed from work? Post traumatic stress syndrome? Let’s get rid of them. Drag out your biggest fears and phobias and have them completely removed during this exciting and educational workshop. There is a $5 materials fee

for handouts payable to the instructor in class. Instructor has over 25 years experience in this field. Instructor: William Engle, Purpose Driven Hypnotherapy, M.A., CCH.t, Advanced Energy Therapist-EFT-ADV Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $47/1 mtg Location: LHCC #5015.400..............TUE 9/13................................6:00-9:00 p.m.

LOSE WEIGHT NOW! ★NEW★ Are you unhappy, frustrated or just plain stuck?

Excess weight can damage your health, so take control now! Easily lose the weight and enjoy doing it! Stop the dieting cycle that could be harming you, causing you to focus on food, rather than on you. Enjoy shopping for clothes, improve your health, sleep easier, and so much more. Bring chocolate or other food that you crave to the first session, and the instructor will eliminate those cravings. The instructor will use hypnosis in both sessions, so please be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a pillow for relaxation. There is a $5 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. A follow-up CD is available for purchase in class. Instructor: William Engle, Purpose Driven Hypnotherapy, M.A., CCH.t, Advanced Energy Therapist-EFT-ADV Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $59/2 mtgs Location: LHCC #5019.400..............TUE 10/4-10/11 .....................6:00-9:00 p.m.

STOP SMOKING NOW! ★NEW★ Would you like to become a permanent non-smoker?

If so, this workshop is perfect for you! The instructor will eliminate your nicotine cravings using energy therapy and will teach you how to use that tool for yourself for many other benefits. The remainder of the session will deal with the subconscious triggers that cause you to reach for a cigarette. Because the instructor will use hypnosis in both sessions, please be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a pillow for relaxation. There is a $5 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. A follow-up CD is available for purchase in class. Instructor: William Engle, Purpose Driven Hypnotherapy, M.A., CCH.t, Advanced Energy Therapist-EFT-ADV Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $59/2 mtgs Location: LHCC #5010.400..............TUE 10/18-10/25 ...................6:00-9:00 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Graffiti Hotline: 562-905-9723

34 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Activities for Adults, continued

Personal Enrichment SEW ‘N’ SEW

Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $72/6 weeks Location: PP #5005.400..............THUR 9/22-10/27 ..................6:00-7:00 p.m. #5005.401..............THUR 11/3-12/15 ..................6:00-7:00 p.m.

★NEW★ Want to increase your sewing knowledge? Want to go

through your machine and learn why it has all those buttons, different feet and knobs? Want to learn some great ideas for gifts? Do you realize that Christmas is just around the corner? Bring your questions and projects, and I will bring my knowledge and expertise. You must bring your own sewing machine to class. Instructor: Evlee Pinkney Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $62/8 weeks Location: LHCC #7016.400..............TUE 9/27-11/15 .....................6:30-8:30 p.m.

QUILTING ★NEW★ Holiday fun abounds with seasonal fresh projects,

which include placemats and table runners to brighten your holiday table. There’s something for everyone to make this season! Come with a friend and quilt with us! A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: Beverly Smyth Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $62/12 weeks Location: LHCC #7008.400..............THUR 9/8-12/1.......................6:00-9:00 p.m.

MICROSOFT EXCEL AND POWERPOINT ★NEW★ Learn to make spreadsheets for bookkeeping and

other information with Microsoft Excel. Participants will learn Excel’s basic functions and how to do calculations and make charts with the program, as well as using PowerPoint to create a slideshow to go along with an Excel presentation. There is a $10 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 24th.

INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS & WORD PROCESSING Never touched a computer? Maybe you did, but felt confused. It’s never too late to learn! This class will introduce you to those basic computer skills you need to operate your computer. Class includes hands-on practice. Come and explore the computer world. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $72/6 weeks Location: PP #5002.400..............THUR 9/22-10/27 ..................7:00-8:00 p.m. #5002.401..............THUR 11/3-12/15 ..................7:00-8:00 p.m.

COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP Are you considering upgrading your skills to handle all the new, exciting computer equipment, such as digital cameras and flash drives? Participants will learn how to use these items and what to consider when purchasing them. Learn how to integrate Microsoft Word with your digital camera to sharpen your projects. This class will help those with basic computer knowledge and internet skill to advance to a higher level of ability. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $72/6 weeks Location: PP #5004.400..............THUR 9/22-10/27 ..................8:00-9:00 p.m. #5004.401..............THUR 11/3-12/15 ..................8:00-9:00 p.m. For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

La Habra Police Department Explorer Post 850 The Post is designed to provide both young men and women, ages 14 through 21, an opportunity to explore law enforcement and police services. Members participate in monthly meetings, community events, and ride-alongs. Additionally, selected members, based on merit, attendance, and good standing with the post, are chosen to attend the Police Explorers’ Academy.


14 to 21 years of age

Maintain a C average or above Attend meetings every Tuesday, 5-7 p.m.

Participate in scheduled events Attend community functions Abide by Department rules & regulations

Contact Explorer Advisor Officer Gerry Macho at 562-905-9750, ext. 1866.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 35

Activities for Adults, continued INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS FOR SENIORS It’s never too late to learn computers! This class will introduce you to all the basic skills and terms you will need to operate a computer. We will show you how to use Microsoft Word and all its useful functions for basic communication. Experienced users can improve their skills by using this powerful word processing tool and integrating it with a digital camera for making professional flyers or document. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 55+ yrs Fee: $72/6 weeks Location: PP #5017.400..............THUR 9/22-10/27.................12:30-1:45 p.m. #5017.401..............THUR 11/3-12/15.................12:30-1:45 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET & E-MAIL FOR SENIORS Explore the online world and connect with your family and friends! Class includes hands-on practices, a free email account setup, surfing the Internet and learning how to use search engines. Experienced users can update their skills by using Microsoft Word and integrating it with the Internet search for

Do yo u want to...

Ge t a jo b ? M a ke mo ne y? S t a r t a ca re e r?

special projects, such as making travel plans and doing research. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 24th. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 55+ yrs Fee: $72/6 weeks Location: PP #5016.400..............THUR 9/22-10/27 ..................1:45-3:00 p.m. #5016.401..............THUR 11/3-12/15 ..................1:45-3:00 p.m.

TIME OUT FOR YOU Get ready to treat yourself to a beautiful experience! Gentle stress reduction techniques for adults using proven secrets of the ages, such as relaxation massage, pressure points, stretching, tree of life work, visualization, journaling for relaxation, and affirmations. Emphasis will be on grounding and centering each participant for self-growth and personal insight to slow aging and increase well-being. Individual consultation with the instructor is included. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Participants must bring a pen and journal or notebook to class; a towel or mat for sitting on the floor is optional. Instructor: Karon Thomas Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $30/4 weeks Location: LHCC #5013.400..............MON 9/12-10/3 .....................7:00-8:00 p.m.

Orange County Youth Center @ La Habra The OCYC offers young people the opportunity to develop career interests, receive academic support, gain valuable work experience, and achieve their career & educational goals.

At the OCYC, youth ages 16-21 can: Learn to design a resume • Learn interviewing skills Meet with the YES Rep • Check out the “Job Board” Explore career paths • Get a job

1811 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra 90631 Open Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

562-905-7076 This WIA/Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need special assistance to participate in this program, call 562-905-7076. TDD/TTY users please call the California Relay Service at 800-735-2922 or 711.

36 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Activities for Adults, continued


If you need help in establishing good conduct and curbing bad habits such as destructive chewing, hole digging or over exuberance, enroll Fido now! This eight-week session is open to all breeds of dogs, ages six months or older (larger breeds accepted at four months). All A.K.C. Novice exercises will be covered, including hand signals, off-leash techniques and longdistance work. Proper training leashes and collars will be available at reasonable prices at orientation for those who need them. Trophies and certificates will be awarded at graduation. The first meeting will be an orientation to be held WITHOUT DOGS at the Community Center. Remaining classes are held at El Centro-Lions Park. Instructor: Rose Healey, Hacienda Hills Dog Obedience Club Age: 9+ yrs Fee: $79/8 weeks Location: LHCC/ECLP #5003.400..............SAT 9/17-11/5 .......................1:30-2:30 p.m.

CANINE GAMES AGILITY COURSE Looking for fun, exercise and quality time to spend with your canine companion? This course introduces a variety of challenging obstacles, including tunnels, teeter-totter, tire jump, A-frame, dogwalk, weave poles, pause table, various bar and panel jumps. No previous experience required, but some basic obedience is helpful. Trophies and certificates will be awarded at a timed agility contest at the final meeting. Bring a chair and $30 materials fee (maintenance & replacement of agility equipment to keep course safe for all, trophies, reference material and special insurance) to first class, held WITHOUT DOGS. Meet in parking lot at Yorba Linda Community Center at Casa Loma & Imperial. No class on Saturday, November 5th. Instructor: April Ortiz Age: 9+ yrs Fee: $79/8 weeks Location: YLCC #5001.400..............SAT 9/17-11/12 .................... 8:00-9:00 a.m. #5001.401..............SAT 9/17-11/12 ...................9:00-10:00 a.m. #5001.402..............SAT 9/17-11/12 .................10:00-11:00 a.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Activities for Seniors Ser vices

SENIOR ASSISTANCE INFORMATION & REFERRAL We can provide current information on services available to senior residents by city, county and state agencies. The Senior Desk also offers referrals for caregiving services by bonded persons. We also have an active Telecare program, offering calls to shut-ins and frail seniors. Come see us for these valuable services or call the senior desk, 562-905-9746. LEGAL AID Legal Aid is available the first Thursday of each month from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. This service is available for seniors 60 years of age and older who are residents of Orange County. An appointment is necessary. To make an appointment, please call 562-905-9746. If you do not meet these guidelines for service but wish to contact Legal Aid directly, please call 800-834-5001.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 37


A hot lunch is served Monday through Friday at noon at the La Habra Community Center. Stay and enjoy cards, bingo, entertainment programs and a social atmosphere. Suggested $2.50 donation for lunch for seniors 60 and over; $3.50 charge for those under 60. Remember, the La Habra Shuttle will bring you to CSS lunch at the Community Center FREE if you join us on three or more days a week on a regular basis, if bus seating is available. And don’t forget that there is live music in the lunch area from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday through Friday, for dancing or listening. For questions or more information, call Jennifer Bush at 562-905-9748. MEALS ON WHEELS Meals on Wheels provides home delivered meals to those unable to prepare their own meals due to illness or disability. For more information please call 562-905-9747, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

For further information about Senior Services or Activities, please call 562-905-9746.

STORYTIMES Family Storytime: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. • ABC Kids Preschool Storytime: Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. • Bilingual Storytime: Thursdays at 6:45 p.m. Fall Storytimes begin the week of September 26th. All storytimes last 30 minutes and feature books, flannel stories & songs. Wednesday morning story times include a craft.

CHILDREN’S EVENTS • Homework Help: Elementary school age students receive help with homework from trained high school volunteers. Sign up for one of two sessions, 3:30 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. Begins Monday, September 26th. • Storytime with Santa: Wednesday, December 14th at 10:30 a.m.

TEEN EVENTS • Tutor Training: Saturday, September 24th, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. High school students grade 10 or higher are trained to volunteer in our Homework Help program. • Teen Advisory Board Meetings: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 1:00 p.m.

FAMILY EVENTS • Friends & Family Movie Time: Second Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. • Family Place Parent/Toddler Workshop: Five weeks for children ages 1 to 4 years starting October 24th. Registration is required.

ADULT EVENTS • Librarian’s Choice Book Club: Meets at 1:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of the month; pick up books at the library & bring a lunch if you wish. • Twins: Sunday, September 25th at 2:30 p.m. Dr. Nancy Segal, author & professor at CSUF, will talk about her latest research and book on this subject. FREE. • Gloria De La Torre-Wycoff: Sunday, October 9th at 2:30 p.m. Local author will speak about her book and childhood growing up in L.A. as daughter of a single parent. FREE. • Holiday Recorder Quartet Concert: Sunday, December 4th at 2:30 p.m. Music from Renaissance to Baroque to modern. FREE.

Orange County Public Library 221 E. La Habra Blvd. 562-694-0078 714-526-7728 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday & Saturday Noon to 5 p.m. Sunday Shop the Best Book Prices in Town at the Friends of the La Habra Library Book Store!

38 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011

Activities for Seniors, continued

Ser vices

La Habra Shuttle


“Ride with Pride”

APHNS offers health screenings and counseling to adults 50 and over. APHNS can help you identify problems early, assist in finding needed health care, teach you preventive health practices, and show you how to stay as healthy as possible. Your assessment will include a personal health history, diet and medication review, screenings for vision, hearing, blood pressure, blood sugar and hemoglobin. Take advantage of this FREE service and make an appointment to see APHNS Nurse Lori Funke RN, PHN. She is at the La Habra Community Center one day each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 562-905-9746 to make an appointment. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES In late November and early December, volunteers will be needed for the City’s Operation Santa program. Call the City of La Habra Volunteer Coordinator Mayra Serratos for more information at 562-905-9708, ext. 263.

★Available to seniors 65 years and older and persons with disabilities who are residents of the City of La Habra. ★Operates Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding major holidays. ★Cost of service is 50 cents per one-way trip for all passengers. ★Transports participants throughout the City of La Habra, plus service to St. Jude Medical Center, Whittier Hospital Medical Center, and adjacent doctors’ offices, as well as to doctors’ offices adjacent to the former Brea Community Hospital. ★Reservations for transportation must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

For more information or to register to use this service, please visit the La Habra Community Center or call 562-905-9746 for an application.


HEALTH & WELLNESS FOR OLDER ADULTS This class covers various health-related topics of interest for older adults. Learn the benefits of adopting behaviors associated with healthy and successful aging. Focus on the benefits of being proactive by practicing brain fitness, incorporating a healthy diet, managing chronic conditions and engaging in routine physical activity as a means to living with optimum independence. Instructor: Kathy Mastin......................................................FREE MON ...................................................................9:30-11:30 a.m.



at the La Habra Community Center

This class meets Tuesdays, Thursdays (see class description below) and Fridays. Participants in the Tuesday and Friday classes will enjoy a thorough low-impact workout that includes a walking warm-up, as well and sitting and standing exercises and work with resistance bands, balls and other props. It will increase strength, flexibility, range of motion, stamina, and overall well-being.

AUGUST 11TH • Pulmonary Function • 9:00-11:00 a.m. SEPTEMBER 15TH • Vision Screening • 9:00-11:00 a.m. OCTOBER 13TH • CTAP, Program that provides service in technology education • 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Instructor: Henrietta De Jong..............................................FREE TUE & FRI ............................................10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Pre-registration is necessary; you must call to let us know you plan to attend: 562-905-9708, ext. 263 Senior Afternoon Dances • 2:00-4:00 p.m. August 26th • September 16th

The Thursday class works with participants to resolve problems of balance, activities of daily living, and getting around. This program enables participants to improve their balance and reduce their risk for falls. A doctor’s approval may be required to participate. Instructor: Kyle Berrios........................................................FREE THUR ............................................................10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 39

Activities for Seniors, continued MATURE DRIVER The Mature Driver class is for anyone 55 and over who would like to refresh their knowledge of California driving laws and practices. It is an eight-hour class, and participants who complete the class receive a certificate. Some insurance companies offer discounts to those who complete this class. Please note that the class does NOT include any actual driving. In order to take the class, participants must PRE-REGISTER by calling the La Habra Community Center at 562-905-9746.


Instructor: NOCCCD .............................................................FREE

bridge group. You can play dominos on Fridays at 12:00 noon. All groups meet at the Community Center and welcome new players.

Ac tivities

WEDNESDAY A.M. VOLUNTEER STITCHERS This group meets in the Oeste Room from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. to make items for Children’s Hospital and local convalescent hospitals. You may sew, knit or crochet items. If you wish to learn any of these skills, you are welcome to join them and learn.

CSS BINGO CSS Bingo meets Monday through Friday from 12:45 to 1:50 p.m. The cost of playing is 50 cents per card, with a maximum of six cards. Nine games is the usual number played. If you like bingo, come join the fun! All are welcome to participate.

HUFF ‘N’ PUFFS The Huff ‘n’ Puffs dancers perform at local venues and the Community Center. They practice once a week and perform a variety of dance styles in costumes of their own design. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the senior desk at 562-905-9746.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON BINGO The La Habra Senior Citizens’ Club hosts bingo each Friday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the La Habra Clubhouse, 200 W. Greenwood. Admission is 50 cents. Donuts and coffee are served. The group also holds potlucks several times a year. All seniors are welcome to participate.

CSS “Movie of the Month” All CSS lunch participants are invited to stay late on the fourth Thursday of each month to enjoy a movie. Popcorn and other snacks are served during the movie. There is no charge for this activity, so why not check it out!

CARDS & DOMINOS If you’d like to join a group of card players, there are several to choose from. Canasta players meet 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Mondays, and bridge players meet on Thursday from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. You must bring a partner to join the

AFTERNOON DANCES The La Habra Community Center hosts monthly afternoon senior dances throughout the year. Dances are held on Friday afternoons, once each month, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Come enjoy live entertainment and delicious refreshments. Contact Maribel Langi at the Senior Desk at 562-905-9746 for a schedule of this year’s dances.

Live Music & Dancing Daily! 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon at the CSS Lunch Program La Habra Community Center

562-905-9748 Stay afterwards and enjoy a healthy, tasty lunch!


The Serenaders TUESDAY

La Habra Lites WEDNESDAY

The Foursome THURSDAY

Karyn Myers FRIDAY

Changing line-up that includes Ron Allen, Stardust Trio, Global Affair & others

Trips for Everyone

40 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011


Pageant of the Masters & the Sawdust Festival #9012.300 Thursday, August 18 Fee: $60 Departs: 3:00 p.m. ..........Returns: 10:00 p.m.

You do not want to miss this trip! Come and enjoy the spectacular Pageant of the Masters. You will enjoy 90 minutes of “living pictures,” incredibly faithful art re-creations of classical and contemporary works, with people posing to look exactly like their counterparts in the original pieces, with live narration, an orchestra and intricate sets. Your admission includes entrance to the Sawdust Festival. Trip fee includes transportation, admission to the festival and the show, water and driver’s tip.

That’s Entertainment at Walt Disney Concert Hall #9014.302 Sunday, August 21 Fee: $60

Departs: 10:00 a.m. ..........Returns: 6:00 p.m.

First, enjoy free time at the shops and restaurants at L.A. Live. Next, we will head to the Walt Disney Concert Hall to hear the Cal Phil Orchestra and special guest performer soprano Khori Dastoor perform classics from My Fair Lady, Candide, Pirates of the Carribean, Titanic, Fiddler on the Roof and R. Strauss’ Four Last Songs. A limited number of tickets are available, so reserve today! Trip fee includes transportation, concert admission, water and driver’s trip.

Trip Information All return times are approximate. Seat assignment subject to change.

• No smoking or alcoholic beverages on the bus. • Refunds for excursions ONLY if the ticket can be resold. • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before departure time to board the bus. • Driver’s gratuity included. • Register early for excursions. • Excursions may be cancelled due to insufficient registration. • Registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis. • All approved refunds will be charged a $4 processing fee. • Program information is subject to change. • All trips depart from La Bonita Park parking lot, 1440 W. Whittier Blvd. The entrance to the parking lot is located by the clock tower and Taco Bell on the south side of Whittier Blvd., between Beach Blvd. and Idaho St.

Pechanga #9019.300 Tuesday, August 23 Fee: $15 Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Pechanga’s exciting gaming action includes 2,000 sate-of-the-art slots and 60 table games that include Blackjack, Pai Gow, Let it Ride, 3-Card Poker and Mini Baccarat. Pechanga is housed in a bright and lively 88,000 square-foot casino, with a unique “clean air” filtration system. Each participant will receive a $15 credit. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes transportation, $15 slot credit and driver’s tip.

Sep tember Natural History Museum Featuring the Butterfly Pavilion #9007.300 Sunday, September 4th Fee: $42 Departs: 9:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Join the City of La Habra as we travel to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, where over 35 million species (dating back to 4.5 billion years) are collected. Enjoy visiting the different collections and exhibits, including the new butterfly pavilion, which features over 55 different species of butterflies and moths. Wander through a unique and changing ecosystem, while witnessing the wondrous, free-flying creatures as they interact with plant life and each other. Trip fee includes admission to museum and butterfly pavilion, transportation, water and driver’s tip.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 41

Trips for Everyone, continued Viejas Casino #9057.301

Harrah’s Casino #9004.301

Pechanga #9019.400

Sunday, September 7th Fee: $13

Thursday, September 29th Fee: $13

Thursday, October 13th Fee: $15

Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

This Alpine casino is famous for traditional gambling, bingo, and video horse racing. It is located next to an outlet mall, so you can enjoy the day shopping, as well as gambling. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes transportation, water and driver’s tip.

Get more Vegas-style action at Harrah’s Rincon Casino in San Diego. You can play hot slots, bingo machines and exciting table games. Valid photo identification is required on the day of trip. Trip fee includes a $5 slot credit, transportation and driver’s tip.

Pechanga’s exciting gaming action includes 2,000 state-of-the-art slots and 60 table games that include Blackjack, Pai Gow, Let it Ride, 3-Card Poker and Mini Baccarat. Pechanga is housed in a bright and lively 88,000 sq.-foot casino, with a unique “clean air” filtration system. Each participant will receive a $10 credit. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes transportation, $10 credit and driver’s tip.

LobsterFest! #9026.300

Oc tober

Sunday, September 18th Fee: $60

Oktoberfest #9018.400

Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, October 2nd Fee: $60

The annual Lobster Festival at the Port of Los Angeles is filled with fun, music, pirates, food and all day family fun! Enjoy a lobster lunch that includes a 1.25 lb. Maine lobster, cole slaw, roll and butter. Trip fee includes transportation, lunch, water and driver’s tip. Day at the Races & L.A. County Fair #9024.300 Thursday, September 22nd Fee: $65 Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Enjoy the famous L.A. County Fair and horse racing, all in one day. Watch the horses run from your reserved seating area in the Fairplex Park Terrace (all-day seating). A delicious lunch buffet is also available for you to enjoy. Trip fee includes transportation, fair admission ticket, reserved seating at races, lunch, race program, betting guide, betting voucher, water and driver’s tip.

Departs: 7:30 a.m. .....Returns: 8:00 p.m.

Join us for the 41st annual Oktoberfest celebration at Big Bear Lake’s convention center and a ‘step-on’ tour around Big Bear Lake. Enjoy a day of entertainment, food, and fun. All guests will receive a German meal, which includes your choice of bratwurst, half roasted chicken or roast beef, served with German potato salad, sauerkraut, German rye bread, apple strudel with warm vanilla sauce, and a beverage. Trip fee includes lake tour, admission ticket, lunch, transportation, water and driver’s tip. Stateline Turnaround #9029.400 Saturday, October 8th Fee: $26 Departs: 7:00 a.m. ..........Returns: 11:30 p.m.

Try your luck on this one-day turnaround to Stateline. All guests will receive a free buffet coupon and a coupon fun book. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes buffet, fun book, transportation and driver’s tip.

Aquarius Hotel and Casino, Laughlin #9016.400 Tuesday to Thursday, October 18th -20th Fee: $100 pp. dbl., $150 pp. sgl. Departs: 9:00 a.m. ............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

Enjoy three days and two nights in the heart of Laughlin, Nevada at the Aquarius Hotel and Casino. The casino is home to over 1,250 slot and video poker games. Visit the casinos, shop, dine and relax. On the way to and from Laughlin, we will stop in Barstow for lunch on your own. Every room will receive two brunch buffets. Book your room today, before we sell out! Trip fee includes transportation, room accommodations, two buffets per room, water and driver’s tip. San Manuel Casino #9028.400 Tuesday, October 25th Fee: $13 Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Hop aboard the bus and take a ride to the San Manuel Casino! Try your luck on over 2,000 slot machines, visit the 2,500 seat bingo hall or win big at a

42 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 2011

Trips for Everyone, continued blackjack table. All guests will receive a $10 slot voucher. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes transportation, voucher and driver’s tip.

November Battle of the Dance #9000.400 Friday, November 4th Fee: $90

Harrah’s Casino #9004.400 Tuesday, November 15th Fee: $13 Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Get more Vegas-style action at Harrah’s Rincon Casino in San Diego. You can play hot slots, bingo machines and exciting table games. Valid photo identification is required on the day of trip. Trip fee includes a $5 slot credit, transportation, and driver’s tip.

Departs: 4:30 p.m. ..........Returns: 11:00 p.m.

Enjoy a fun filled night that includes exceptional entertainment, world-class performers, a pulse-pounding dance competition and a delicious dining experience. Battle of the Dance is a spectacular combination of color, light and movement. Dinner includes gourmet appetizers, shrimp Caesar salad or vegetable soup, prime rib or gourmet chicken, savory potatoes with seasonal vegetables, decadent dessert and a beverage. Golden Nugget, Las Vegas #9005.400 Tuesday to Thursday, November 8th to 10th Fee: $140 pp. dbl., $190 pp. sgl. Departs: 9:00 a.m. ............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

“Viva Las Vegas!” Enjoy three days and two nights at the beautiful Golden Nugget, located in the heart of downtown Las Vegas. Visit the casinos, shop, dine and relax. On the way to and from Las Vegas, the bus will stop in Barstow, California for lunch or supper on your own. Every room will receive a fun book valued at $250! Book your room today, before we sell out. Trip fee includes transportation, hotel accommodations, fun book, water and driver’s tip.

Riverdance at the Pantages #9002.400 Sunday, November 20th Fee: $100 Departs: 4:00 p.m. ..........Returns: 10:00 p.m.

Riverdance is an incredible theatrical production showcasing traditional Irish step dancing. The extraordinary coordination of fast moving legs while the upper body remains utterly motionless is a treat for the eyes. Grab your ticket now and let the tapping of the shoes fall in sync with your own heart beat. Trip fee includes admission ticket (in right center orchestra), transportation, water and driver’s tip. Viejas Casino #9057.400 Tuesday, November 30th Fee: $13 Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

This Alpine casino is famous for traditional gambling, bingo, and video horse racing. It is located next to an outlet mall, so you can enjoy the day shopping, as well as gambling. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes transportation, water and driver’s tip.

December Pechanga #9019.401 Tuesday, December 6th Fee: $15 Departs: 8:00 a.m. ............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Pechanga’s exciting gaming action includes 2,000 state-of-the-art slots and 60 table games that include Blackjack, Pai Gow, Let it Ride, 3-Card Poker and Mini Baccarat. Pechanga is housed in a bright and lively 88,000 sq.-foot casino, with a unique “clean air” filtration system. Each participant will receive a $10 credit. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes transportation, $10 credit and driver’s tip. Santa’s Christmas Wish, Candlelight Pavilion #9022.400 Thursday, December 15th Fee: $80 Departs: 3:00 p.m. ..........Returns: 10:00 p.m.

The Candlelight Pavilion is hosting its 26th Christmas spectacular! The show is sure to please adults and children alike. Remember to make your reservation early, as seats fly faster than Rudolph! Travelers will enjoy lunch at the theatre prior to the show. Trip fee includes transportation, ticket, lunch, water and driver’s tip.

For further information, please call 562-905-9708.

Life in L a Habra • Fall 2011 • 43

Trips for Everyone, continued

E xtended Trips

The City of La Habra Trips and Tours Program offers the trips of a lifetime for you, both domestic and international. If you do not see the destination you are looking for, please call and ask. For more information and/or for a detailed itinerary or to schedule a reservation appointment, please contact Katie Elmore at 562-905-9708 or Katiee@lahabracity.com. Please note: Prices are subject to change.

Treasures of Panama

Treasures of Ireland

February 8 to February 16, 2012 Fees: $3,059/PP Double • $4,009/Single • $3,009/PP Triple

March 19th to March 27th, 2012 Fees: $2,779/PP Double • $3,329/Single

Welcome to Panama, a country of lush rainforests, rich history, diverse wildlife and spectacular coastlines. Trip highlights include Panama City, Miraflores Locks, culinary demonstration, Monkey Island cruise, Smithsonian Galeta Marine Laboratory, Gamboa, Panama Canal Railway, Pacific Queen, Panama Canal Cruise, Embera Indigenous Village, salsa dance lesson and Playa Bonita. Reservations and a $250/per person deposit are due by September 8, 2011. After deadline reservations are based upon availability. Final payment is due on December 10, 2011.

Great Trains & Grand Canyons February 19th to February 24th, 2012 Fees: $1,529/PP Double • $2,054/Single **Make your deposit by August 31, 2011 and receive $50 per person off of your final payment! Trip highlights include two rail journeys (Grand Canyon Railway and Verde Canyon Railway), Grand Canyon National Park, Oak Creek Canyon, Black Bart’s Steakhouse & Saloon, Sedona Trolley Tour, Chapel of the Holy Cross, Tlaquepaque & Uptown Sedona, Montezuma Castle National Mounument, Jerome, Chuckwagon Supper & Stage Show and Old Town Scottsdale. A $300 per person deposit is required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due 75 days prior to departure.

National Wonders of Costa Rica February 22nd to February 30th, 2012 Fees: $2,529/PP Double • $3,129/Single **Make your deposit by August 31, 2011 and receive $100 per person off of your final payment! Trip highlights include Poas Volcano National Park, coffee plantation visit, Jungle Crocodile Safari Cruise, Arenal Volcano National Park, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Selvatura Park & Hanging Bridges, Butterfly Garden, Hummingbird Gallery, Carara Biological Reserve, Orchid Garden Tour, Sarchi Artisan Village, farewell dinner and Folklore Show, three multi-night stays and resort day of leisure. A $500 per person deposit is required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due 75 days prior to departure.

**Make your deposit by August 31, 2011 and receive $100 per person off of your final payment! Trip highlights include onenight Clontarf Castle stay, two nights in Dublin, two nights in Killarney, Dublin City Tour, Trinity College-Book of Kells, Old Jameson Whiskey Distillery, Cliffs of Moher, Ring of Kerry, Bunratty Castle Medieval Banquet, Glendalough & St. Kevin’s, Jaunting Car Ride, Muckross House & Gardens, Limerick, Blarney Castle & Woolen Mills, Adare Manor and Galway City Tour. A $500 per person deposit is required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due 75 days prior to departure.

America’s Musical Heritage: Branson, Memphis & Nashville March 28th to April 5th, 2012 Fees: $2,279/PP Double • $2,829/Single **Make your deposit by August 31, 2011 and receive $50 per person off of your final payment! Trip highlights include St. Louis City Tour, three nights in Branson, Shoji Tabuchi Show, Baldknobbers Jamboree Show, Showboat Branson Belle, Silver Dollar City, Clinton Presidential Library, Graceland, Beale Street, two nights at the Opryland Resort, Grand Ole Opry, Country Music Hall of Fame and Nashville Nightlife Dinner Theatre. A $300 per person deposit is required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due 75 days prior to departure.

Charleston & Savannah April 15th to April 20th Fees: $1,779/PP Double • $2,279/Single **Make your deposit by August 31, 2011 and receive $50 per person off of your final payment! Trip highlights include Charleston City Tour, Boone Hall Plantation, Fort Sumter Boat Tour, Beaufort, Jekyll Island Trolley Tour, lunch at Jekyll Island Club, Savannah City Tour, three nights in Savannah and dinner at Paula Deen’s Lady & Sons. A $300 per person deposit is required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due 75 days prior to departure.


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