6 Life in La Habra Fall 2009

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Contents FALL 2009

Feature Story: page 5 Urban Agriculture Thrives in La Habra... Honoring Our Veterans: page 7 In 2000, the City of La Habra… City News: page 12 Waste Disposal: A Guide to What Goes Where… Community Profile — Lockman Foundation: page 14 La Habrans have a strong sense… City News Street Project Updates....................................................8 City Numbers to Remember..........................................9 Pedestrian Safety..........................................................10 Working for You ..........................................................11 Water and New Regulations.........................................11 30 Years of Caring .......................................................13

Class and Recreation Guide Registration Info..........................................................15 Class Location Info......................................................16 Activities for Kids ........................................................17 Children’s Museum......................................................19 Activities for Adults .....................................................25 Activities for Seniors ....................................................36 Trips for Everyone .......................................................39

Ready! Set! Go! VISIT

www.fire.lacounty.gov …to learn how to prepare for a wildland fire.

4 • Li fe in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Life in La Habra WELCOME TO

La Habra Mayor & City Council Tom Beamish, Mayor G. Steve Simonian, Mayor Pro Tem Rose Espinoza, City Council James Gomez, City Council Tim Shaw, City Council

Community Services Commission Susan Crow, Chairperson Jess Badillo, Vice Chairperson Dan Casey, Commissioner Barry Dowling, Commissioner Ana Price, Commissioner Deborah Musser, Commissioner Melody Drake, Commissioner Life in La Habra Staff Jennifer Cervantez, Editor-in-Chief Sal Failla, Community Services Editor Mark Sturdevant, Business Editor Kathy Campanelli, Advertising Sales Representative Streilein Design, Graphic Design Marcia Taylor, Content Coordinator

Administration Building 201 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-905-9700 • Fax: 562-905-9781 www.lahabracity.com

FREE iPod Touch 8GB, PLUS FREE ORTHODONTIC RECORDS with Comprehensive Treatment When You Mention This Ad

321 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-697-1704 • Fax: 562-697-8359 chamber@lahabrachamber.com www.lahabrachamber.com

Vi e w us on li n e @ w w w. L i fe i n L a Ha b ra. com

Li fe i n L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 5

Feature Story: Cultivating Community

Urban Agriculture Thrives in L a Ha bra Located at Orange County's northernmost corner, La Habra is a quiet community with a population of nearly 62,000. Centrally located to popular destinations such as Disneyland, Angel Stadium, beaches and mountain resorts, La Habra is a bustling city typical of the busy southern California lifestyle. Here, it is easy to forget that agriculture is California’s leading industry, and has been for the last 50 years. A small slice of La Habra’s history as open ranch land and thriving crops remains today, tended painstakingly by the members of the Sonora Future Farmers of America (FFA) and the La Habra Hilltoppers 4-H clubs. “Sonora High School and La Habra High School are coming together for one of the first times to support one another,” said student Felice Silva, who is an active member in the collaboration. Agriculture students at La Habra High School gain hands-on practical experience through classroom instruction, raising animals, gardening and other projects. A rigorous curriculum

requires the students in the Academy of AgriScience to enroll in one or more Agriculture courses each year, to be active participants in Future Farmers of America, and to complete a Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE). An SAE may be raising and showing animals, constructing an agriculture mechanics project, raising plants, or completing a science fair project. With both a school farm and an FFA chapter, the agriculture programs are designed to develop social and leadership skills in students by engaging them in projects that range from three to nine months. continued >>>>

Visit the City online at

www.lahabracity.com Using the CONTACT LA HABRA online request system, users can: • Ask a question • Request service • Make a suggestion • Relay a concern or compliment Registration is recommended, but not necessary, and residents may enter information anonymously. By registering, residents can track the status of requests and make new requests faster and easier.

6 • Li fe in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Feature Story: Cultivating Community, continued These include raising livestock such as cattle, dairy cows, sheep, goats, and swine. The animals are fed and cared for by the students on a daily basis; the students also practice showing their animals several times a week so they will be ready for market. Other projects include horticulture, landscaping and food production, as well as an opportunity for practical work experience where The Sonora-L a Ha b ra students learn important chap ter of the FFA i s skills such as construction one of th e mos t a c tive and small engine repair.

and recognize d chap ters i n the e n ti re organization.

Along with the raising of animals, plants and other projects, students have opportunities to compete in regional FFA competitions. FFA is the largest youth organization in the world; it fosters an interest in agriculture and teaches leadership skills. The Sonora-La Habra chapter of the FFA is one of the most active and recognized chapters in the entire organization.

New this year was the first annual La Habra Valley Community Fair, a three-day event highlighted by a livestock show in which sheep, hogs, cattle and dairy heifers — all raised by students in Sonora and La Habra High Schools' agricultural programs and the La Habra Hilltoppers — were on display and sold at auction. At the fair the animals are sold in a very lively auction to generous buyers who are there to help the students recoup the cost of raising their animal. “The theme of the first La Habra Valley Fair [was] ‘Kids Come First,’” which promoted the idea that these students planned the event and tended the animals themselves,” said Sonora-La Habra chapter President Nathan Kuester, who will attend Cal Poly San Louis Obispo as a Crop Science Major. After four years in the program, Nathan has fulfilled the mission of the National FFA Organization, which is also carried out by the Sonora and La Habra High Schools’ agricultural departments: dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

V i e w t h e o nline vers ion o f “Li fe in L a Habra” m a ga z in e @ w w w.L i fe in L aHab ra. co m

Li fe i n L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 7

Community Events: Veterans Day

Ho n o ri n g Our Ve te ra ns: A Trad i ti on of Re m e m b ra nce

In 2000, the City of La Habra and American Legion Post 267 partnered to recognize veterans with the City’s first annual Veterans Day Program, held on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month. During the first few years, the event was held on the steps of City Hall, where we heard from the likes of Orange County broadcaster Ed Arnold, KFWB anchor Dan Avey, and Congressman Ed Royce, Lt. Colonel Tom Lasser, as well as our own Sergeant Jason Forgash. We also enjoyed musical performances by the Sentimental Sisters in a tribute to World War II veterans, patriotic hymns from the Crossroads Community Church choir, and last year, an upbeat patriotic tribute that included songs, dance and percussion performed by the Green Hills Baptist Church choir. In each of the last four years, Trinity Broadcast vocalist Vern Jackson has performed patriotic songs to honor our military personnel, past and present.

The main message that has driven this program is our effort to educate the public about patriotism. American Legion Post 267 has provided programs designed to communicate that message through symbolic presentations, such as the Missing In Action (MIA) Remembrance Ceremony, the flag folding ceremony, and the Four Chaplains Ceremony. Each year, hundreds of people attend this event to recognize veterans and to make sure that we have not forgotten their service. The City of La Habra will hold its annual Veterans Day program on Wednesday, November 11, 2009, at 11 a.m. at the La Habra Community Center. If you would like more information on the Veterans Day program or would like to get involved with American Legion Post 267, please call David De Leon at 562-905-9649.

8 • Li fe in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Community Development: Street Update

“Drug Free is the Key”

Pavement M a na gement Program Upda te

On March 16, 2009, the La Habra City Council awarded a contract to begin the Residential Street Rehabilitation Project for FY 2009-2010 (the third year of the six-year Pavement Management Program). The project will provide street improvements to 36 street segments. The proposed work includes: full pavement reconstruction; asphalt pavement overlay; construction of curbs and gutters, driveways, sidewalks, and curb access ramps; fire hydrant upgrades; and pavement striping and markings. In an effort to coordinate water and street improvement projects, the work will also replace 18,000 linear feet of aging water lines in various locations to ensure that the life of the water main system will exceed the life of the current pavement improvements. The total estimated cost for the project is $5 million. Funding comes from various sources including Gas Tax, Measure M, Capital Projects and Utility Authority bond funds. Residents may view maps of the Pavement Management Program schedule online at www.lahabracity.com. Click on Community Development/Engineering.

Harbor Boulevard Street Improvem ent s

Red Ribbon Week Breakfast Friday, October 23rd at the La Habra Community Center

October 19th-23rd For reservations, please call

562-905-9708 (Reservations Are Required)

Harbor Boulevard is the latest in a series of major improvements to La Habra’s arterial streets. This past summer, Harbor Boulevard was completely rehabilitated, and the Harbor/La Habra Blvd. intersection was widened in all directions. Here’s an overview of the project:

➜ Cost: $2.4 Million ➜ Funding: Grants, Measure M, Redevelopment Agency, Gas Tax and Traffic Impact fees

➜ Improvements: — Dual left turn lanes in all directions — Intersection widening — Relocation of traffic signal poles — Installation of ADA curb access ramps — Improved curbs and gutters — Repaired failed pavement areas — New pavement with an asphalt concrete overlay — Installation and upgrading of utility conduits

Li fe i n L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 9

Public Information: City Services Business Hours: Monday through Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Alternating Fridays: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Permits for garage sales or other permits and inspection services may be obtained at the Community Center between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (closed 12-1) on closed Fridays. The City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The public is welcome and is provided with an opportunity to address the Council. Council meetings are recorded and aired on Cable Channel 3 at 6:30 p.m. on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday following each meeting. For further information, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 562-905-9701.

City Numbers to Remember Animal Control .................562-905-9771

Graffiti Hotline..................562-905-9723

Child Development...........562-905-9630

La Habra Shuttle ..............866-557-7433

Children’s Museum ..........562-905-9793


City Clerk’s Office.............562-905-9701

Meals on Wheels..............562-905-9747

City Hall............................562-905-9700

NOC Youth Center.............562-905-7076

CityTalk 24-Hour Line.......562-905-9743

Personnel Services ..........562-905-9737

Community Development....................562-905-9724

Police Department ...........562-905-9750

Community Preservation Hotline..............................562-905-9694 Community Services ........562-905-9708 Dog Licenses ...................562-905-9472 Facility Rentals ................562-905-9708


Fire Department...............562-691-4692

Public Works/City Yard .....562-905-9792 Recreation........................562-905-9708 Senior/Social Services.....562-905-9708 Senior Lunch Program .....562-905-9748 Volunteers........................562-905-9708 Water & Sewer Billing ......562-905-9731

10 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Public Safety: Share the Road

Sa fet y Tips

The end of summer means the beginning of a brand new school year. It is an exciting and busy time for parents and children, and there is often increased bicycle and pedestrian traffic. It is especially important that motorists remain mindful of this fact and do their part to ensure our children’s safety as they travel to and from school. Below are some helpful suggestions: Bicycle safety tips for drivers

• •

• • •

Watch for bicyclists at all times. Be especially attentive around schools and in neighborhoods where children are active. Bicycles are vehicles, and bicyclists are permitted to take the entire lane. Look for bicyclists in traffic and give them the appropriate right-of-way. Remember, children and novice riders can be unpredictable; expect the unexpected. Watch for bicyclists before opening car doors. Don’t drive distracted. Obey speed limits and come to a complete stop at stop signs. Allow extra time for bicyclists to cross intersections. Recognize hazards that

bicyclists may face and give them space to maneuver. Treat bicyclists as you would a slow-moving car. Don’t tailgate, and do wait until traffic conditions allow you to safely pass the bicyclist. Reduce speed when passing bicyclists and allow at least three feet of passing space. Check over your shoulder after passing a bicyclist before moving back.

Pedestrian safety tips for drivers

• •

Always be prepared to stop for pedestrians. You can encounter pedestrians anytime and anywhere — even in places where they are not supposed to be found. Use extra caution when driving near children

playing along the street who may not see or hear you. Be especially attentive around schools and in neighborhoods where children are active. When entering a crosswalk area, drive slowly and be prepared to stop. Stop for pedestrians who are in a crosswalk, even if it is not marked. When you stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, stop well back so that drivers in the other lanes can also see the pedestrian in time to stop. Do not overtake and pass other vehicles stopped for pedestrians. Before making a turn, look in all directions for pedestrians crossing. Be aware that while you

are watching for your opportunity to turn, pedestrians may have moved into your intended path. • Obey speed limits and come to a complete stop at STOP signs. • Don’t drive distracted. • Look carefully behind your vehicle for approaching pedestrians before backing-up, especially small children. Remember, as pedestrians, children are at higher risk for injuries than adults. A child’s smaller size makes them difficult for drivers to see, especially if they’re standing between parked cars on the side of the road. They often have a harder time judging distances and vehicle speeds. This can lead them to misjudge when it’s safe to cross the street. In fact, a child’s young age and developmental stage can make it hard for them to apply traffic rules in real life settings. As a result, drivers and child pedestrians may each assume, incorrectly, that the other will yield the rightof-way.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 11

City News: Latest Achievements

Working for Yo u

The City of La Habra’s mission is to improve the quality of life in our community. Some recent highlights that contributed to this mission are:

✔ The City submitted an application for $528,000 in federal Energy Efficiency Block Grant funds to make improvements to City facilities.

✔ Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) were installed at the Community Center and City Hall.

✔ The look and features of the City’s Web site www.lahabracity.com were updated.

✔ Countdown pedestrian signals were

Ne w Re g u la ti o ns Mea n Les s Wa ter Ava i l a b l e fo r L a Ha b ra ns On June 4, 2009, the National Marine Fisheries Service released its long awaited biological opinion on the effects of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project on salmon, steelhead, and other migratory fish species in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The California Department of Water Resources estimates that this new Salmon Opinion will cut water deliveries to Southern California by as much as 10 percent next year. These new water supply cutbacks are separate from the biological opinion released in December to address the decline of the Delta Smelt. The Smelt Opinion restricts State Water Project deliveries by 20 to 33 percent. This year alone, the Smelt Opinion has resulted in a loss of 370,000 acre feet of water to Southern California, enough water to supply nearly 3 million people for a year. A coalition of public water agencies, environmental organizations, state and federal fishery agencies, and other state and local organizations are currently working together to develop a long-term solution to the Delta’s decline. This effort will provide a basis for addressing the many threats to the Delta’s fishery and ecosystem recovery, while finding a way to continue to deliver water to Californians throughout the state.


For tips on water conservation, visit the City’s Web site at www.lahabracity.com/conserve.

Su nd ay 1 ,J


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H OP O E U N 1 a. anu SE m . – ar y

installed at 35 locations (244 signals total) throughout the City as part of the State Safe Routes to School grant program.

Public Works: Water Conservation

• • • • •

Our Lady of Guadalupe School

• • • •

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www.olgvikings.com • 562-697-9726

Grades K-8 Fully Accredited All Day Kindergarten Highly Qualified Faculty Strong Academic Programs Aligned with State Standards Safe Environment Character Formation Technology Education Music, Art, Physical Education and Athletic Programs Extended Care

12 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Public Works: Waste Disposal

L a Habra’s Waste Di sp os al Program

Waste Management of Orange County provides weekly residential, commercial and industrial waste collection services in the City of La Habra. The Refuse & Recycling Division oversees the waste collection services for the City of La Habra, as well as the many recycling programs that are offered by the City. Three cart sizes are available for the automated collection of residential trash, recyclables and green waste: 35, 64 and 96 gallons. Trash, recyclables and green waste are picked up weekly. Businesses interested in starting a recycling program, please call the City of La Habra Public Works Department at 562-905-9792.

A GUIDE TO WHAT GOES WHERE Trash Cart (Gray Cart) • • • • • • • • • • •

Disposable diapers Pet-soiled paper or pet waste Soiled or greasy paper plates, napkins or pizza boxes Waxed and coated paper Aluminum foil Microwave dinner trays Butter tubs Clothing Foam padding Carpeting Ceramics

• • • • • • • • • •

Drinking glasses Window, auto or mirror glass Paint and oil cans (empty) Rubber/latex items Plastic bags (grocery or dry cleaner) Potting containers Styrofoam Toys Steel items Palm fronds

Mixed Recyclables Cart (Blue Cart) Please rinse food residue from containers and flatten cardboard boxes. All recyclables may be placed in the recycling cart together. Please set out your recycling cart only when it is full, and ensure the cart lid is able to close completely. • • • • • • • • • •

Aluminum/tin cans Empty aerosol cans Clean pie tins Cardboard egg cartons Computer/white paper Milk jugs Plastic containers labeled #1–#7 Juice bottles Newspapers/inserts/ magazines Coupons

• • • • • • • •

Cardboard/12-pack soda boxes Cereal boxes (plastic lining removed) Tissue boxes Glass bottles/jars Liquor bottles Laundry detergent boxes/bottles Junk mail/magazines/phone books Clothes hangers (metal or plastic)

Green Waste Cart (Green Cart) Please do not place green waste in plastic bags. • • •

Lawn clippings Leaves and weeds Tree branches and shrubs

• •

Garden trimmings Sawdust, wood chips and small wood scraps

DO NOT place the items listed below in your green waste cart — put these items in the TRASH cart! • • • •

Plastic bags Pet waste Palm fronds Soil

• • • •

Dirt Tree stumps Painted wood Treated wood

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 13

Community News: Caring Community Award

30 Years o f Ca ri n g

The La Habra Caring Community Award is an opportunity to recognize La Habra residents and organizations for their outstanding service to the community. The award was established by Council Member Rose Espinoza in 2008, after she received The Caring Institute’s National Caring Award in 2007, and is modeled after the Institute’s award criteria, which recognizes integrity, self-sacrifice and acts of caring. Tom and Christine Clarke were the recipients of the inaugural La Habra Caring Community Award for their 30-year commitment to serving local families in need by spearheading the annual Sonora High School food Tom and Christin e Clark, Caring drive, which has collected Community Award winners. over $250,000 since its inception in 1977. The Clarkes, both faculty members at Sonora High School, have recruited hundreds of current and former Sonora High School students and staff to raise money and deliver Christmas baskets to needy families. The Clarkes have inspired the young people in our community to become involved, who in turn, have enjoyed the satisfaction that comes from volunteerism.

Caring Community Award Criteria Nominees for the Caring Community Award significantly meet one or more of the criteria below.

✔ Depth of Commitment ✔ Length of Service ✔ Innovation ✔ Leadership ✔ Embodiment of La Habra’s “Caring Community” motto

Nominations are now being accepted for review by a committee of community leaders who will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the City Council. Nomination packets may be obtained by calling the City Manager’s Office at 562-9059701, or can be downloaded from our website at www.lahabracity.com. For more information about the Sonora Food Drive, please call 562-266-2000.

Co m mun i t y Health Fair Tuesday, November 17th 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd.


Body Fat Blood Pressure Glucose Colon/Rectal Cancer Hearing

Cholesterol Chiropractic Osteoporosis Bone Density Dental


“Ask the Pharmacist” Community Services for Seniors Medicare Information

Door prizes awarded throughout the day! Flu Shots: FREE TO SENIORS 60+

City of La Habra Community Services Department, 101 W. La Habra Boulevard, 562-905-9746

14 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Chamber of Commerce

Tr y Ou r N e w Chamb er M e mb e r s Change Your Life 2009 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra CA 90631 562-690-7000

Palapa Fish Tacos 1651 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra CA 90631 562-691-0210

Towngate Beauty Supply 1330 S. Beach Blvd. Ste #B La Habra CA 90631 562-690-5555

Pepz Pizza and Eatery 165 S. Harbor Blvd. La Habra CA 90631 562-501-2222

Excel Orators Toastmasters 1012 N. Cypress La Habra CA 90631 562-244-0881 Paychex 200 E. Sandpointe Suite 100 Santa Ana CA 92707 714-438-4000 Takahashi Chiropractic 151 E. Whittier Blvd. #A La Habra CA 90631 562-694-3333 Farmers Insurance — Larry Brown Insurance Agency 2409 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra CA 90631 562-697-3300 Computer 33 1011 E. La Habra Blvd. Unit B La Habra CA 90631 562-405-5861

La Habra Hispanic Baptist Church 700 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra CA 90631 562-691-8162 De Rose Promos 1057 E. Imperial Hwy. #313 Placentia CA 92870 714-961-9697 Satellite Times Inc. 2647 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra CA 90631 562-943-6700 Allstate Insurance Company 1201 S. Beach Blvd. #203 La Habra CA 90631 562-947-6236 Quick Smog 621 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra CA 90631 562-694-3878 Union 76 & United Mart 601 W. Imperial Hwy. La Habra CA 90631

Become a Member! Call the Chamber Today!

562-697-1704 www.lahabrachamber.com

Co m m u n i t y Pro f i l e: Loc k m a n Fo un d a ti o n La Habrans have a strong sense of community loyalty, and the Lockman Foundation, a non-profit organization based in La Habra for almost 70 years, is a prime example. Dewey and Minna Lockman began their ministry programs in December 1942 using their earnings from running a thriving citrus er facility. Lockman’s form ranch in La Habra Valley, to form the Lockman Foundation in December of 1942. Their goal was to promote bible study programs for military men based locally at El Toro Marine Base in Orange County during World War II. After achieving success with these efforts they geared their programs toward children and established a Bible School Program. In Lockman’s stat e-of-the-art 44,0 1945, they purchased Foundation Press 00 square foot facilty on Eu clid Street. Publishers, which led to Bible translation, publication and worldwide distribution, the core of their non-profit operations today. The present-day operators, Dr. Robert Lambeth, President, and his son Pike Lambeth, Executive Vice President, have demonstrated a commitment to community by remaining at their present location on Euclid Street. The Lockman Foundation’s headquarters were formerly a 3,500 square foot house and 1,500 square foot garage. As expansion became necessary, the decision was made to construct a state-of-the-art 44,000 square foot building, with the intention of leasing 12,000 square feet of space. While waiting for their building to be constructed, Lockman Foundation was temporarily located in a very small industrial complex unit on Cypress Street in La Habra. The plan was to stay only eight months in these tight quarters, but instead, they waited an additional 10 months before moving into their new structure. It didn’t matter if the working conditions were not ideal because, as Pike Lambeth said, “Lockman began in La Habra, so it was important to keep that tradition in staying in La Habra even for a temporary move.” La Habrans can be proud of the efforts of local businesses and organizations to remain and thrive in La Habra. The Lockman Foundation is just one example of many where a local entity has made a life-long commitment to the La Habra community. See the back cover for more information on Shop & Taste La Habra Expo!

Regis t ra ti o n I nfo r ma ti o n

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 15





WALK-IN: La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Monday through Friday In Person: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mail Box Drop in Lobby (NO CASH): 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

MAIL-IN: Make checks payable to: City of La Habra

PHONE-IN or FAX-IN: Accepted only if charging to your credit card.

Mail check to: La Habra Community Services P.O. Box 337 La Habra, CA 90633

VISA or MASTERCARD $1.75 handling charge Telephone: 562-905-9708 Fax: 562-905-9603

Regis tration wil l not be taken in class.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


$4 service charge per activity on all requested refunds.


No refunds after the 1st class meeting. Refunds must be requested prior to the third class meeting.


If class or trip is cancelled by the Department, an automatic refund will be processed and mailed to you. (No service charge.)

Make checks payable to City of La Habra. The Department has the right to cancel classes/trips. Classes will be cancelled if under minimum enrollment. A $10 fee will be charged for returned checks. Registration will not be taken in class. Program information is subject to change. Participant’s photographs may be used in publicity.

L a Ha b ra Co mm u ni t y Ser vi ces De p a r t m en t, 101 W. L a Habra Blvd., L.H. 90631 • Mon da y-Fri day • 8:0 0a.m. to 5:0 0p.m.















Total $ CASH CARD#:

CHECK (Make check(s) or money orders payable to: CITY OF LA HABRA) -


CREDIT CARD (We accept MC & VISA — NO Discover or AMEX ) -

Card Expires: ___________/_____________

WAIVER OF LIABILITY “I agree to waive and release the Community Services Department and the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, liabilities, expenses or judgements, including attorney’s fees and court costs arising from my (or my child’s) participation in the City’s recreation program of any illness/injury resulting therefrom and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any and all such claims, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, except for illness and injury resulting directly from, gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the City or its employees. I understand and agree that by signing this waiver I am freeing the City, its employees, officers or agents from any liability resulting from my (or my child’s) participation in this sponsored event or activity. I recognize that the event can be dangerous to me (or my child) and accept those dangers. I understand that if I am (or my child is) injured this waiver will be used against me and anyone else claiming damage because of my (or my child’s) injury in any legal action. I also understand that no employee or agent is authorized to modify this waiver. I hereby represent that I understand and am familiar with the nature of the activities in which I (or my child) will participate in this recreation program that I (or my child) am in good physical health and that I (or my child) do not have physical or emotional conditions, past or present, of which I am aware, which would in any way affect my (or my child’s) ability to participate in this activity. I have personally read and understand this waiver.” In case of emergency, I give my permission for emergency medical treatment for myself or the minor and agree to pay any cost incurred as a result of such treatment. I also give my permission for any photographs taken of myself or any member of my family to be used for advertising purposes for the Community Services Department. I understand that on excursions, if I (or my child) fail to report to the bus at the specified time of departure, the City is NOT responsible for providing alternate transportation to or from the site. This form shall be considered valid until canceled or changed in writing by the undersigned parent/guardian/participant and received by the City. My signature acknowledges that I understand and agree to the above conditions. Refunds for trips only if the ticket can be resold. No class refunds after the first class meeting. Refunds must be requested prior to the third class meeting. A $4 SERVICE CHARGE WILL BE HELD FROM ALL APPROVED REFUNDS.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (If Minor, Parent or Legal Guardian Signature)

_____________/_____________/____________ Date

16 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Class Lo ca ti o n Ke y

Color-coded activity page sections:


CLUBHOUSE, 200 W. Greenwood Ave. CLUBHOUSE KITCHEN, 200 W. Greenwood Ave. EL CENTRO-LIONS PARK, 320 Erna St. (at Cypress) EDWARD JONES, 1301 Beach Blvd., Ste. H, 562-943-9944 FMA FRAZIER MARTIAL ARTS, 759 E. Whittier Blvd., 562-690-2146 LBP LA BONITA PARK, 1440 W. Whittier Blvd. LHB LA HABRA 300 BOWL, 370 E. Whittier Blvd., 562-691-6721 LHCC LA HABRA COMMUNITY CENTER, 101 W. La Habra Blvd. LHMC LA HABRA MUSIC CENTER, 1885 W. La Habra Blvd., 562-694-4891 PCT POWDER CANYON TRAILHEAD, 2485 Fullerton Rd., La Habra Heights SH SCOUT HUT, 1100 W. Lambert Rd. (at Idaho) USADS USA DANCE STUDIO, 401 W. Whittier Blvd., 562-690-9584 VMH VETERAN’S MEMORIAL HALL, 209 N. Orange St.

Children =





RIO VISTA PARK, just east of the 57 & south of the 91 (corner of Park Vista & Dutch)

Adults =

FULLERTON DOWNTOWN PLAZA, Wilshire block, east of Harbor Blvd. ORANGE COUNTY FENCING ACADEMY, 1025 S. Placentia Ave., 714-773-9988 PATRICK’S MUSIC SCHOOL, 649 W. Commonwealth Ave., 714-871-1961

MEMORIES, 12901 Philadelphia St., 714-925-2689 MURPHY RANCH PARK, 8900 Seranata Rd. PARNELL PARK, 15390 Lambert Rd. (at Scott), 562-464-3350 WHITTIER COMMUNITY CENTER, 7630 Washington Ave., 562-464-3430 WHITTIER SENIOR CENTER, 13225 Walnut St. (behind Community Center), 562-464-3370


Seniors = BCC

Everyone =



BREA COMMUNITY CENTER, 695 E. Madison Way, 714-990-7100 IMAGEWORKS PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO, 590 W. Central Ave., 562-694-3398

YORBA LINDA COMMUNITY CENTER, 4501 Casa Loma Ave. (Corner of Imperial Hwy. & Casa Loma), 714-961-7160

NEW PROGRAMS FOR YOUTH! Kid’s Night Out: Luau Style

Fall Festival Fun

Kid’s Night Out: Science Rules!

Kid’s Holiday Adventure

$25 Ages 4 through 13

$25 Ages 3 through 6

$25 Ages 4 through 13

$35 Ages 4 through 13

Friday, Oct. 9th

Saturday, Oct. 31st

Friday, Nov. 20th

Saturday, Dec. 12th

at the La Habra Community Center

at the La Habra Community Center

at the La Habra Scout Hut

at the La Habra Woman’s Clubhouse

6:00-10:30 p.m. The kids will enjoy an evening filled with food, activities, games, crafts and more. Dinner and a movie are included.

10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Put on your costume and join the fun at this spooky event! Activities will include games, crafts, storytelling, dancing and more! Each participant will make a delicious treat to take home, and all kids will participate in a parade on the stage at the end of the event.

6:00-10:30 p.m. The kids will enjoy an evening filled with food, activities, games, crafts and more. Dinner and a movie are included.

9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Hey Mom & Dad, get some holiday shopping done while your kids enjoy their very own holiday fun. We will keep them entertained with games, crafts, lunch, snacks and more!

Activities for Kids Dance

US A Dan ce Studi o Cl a s ses HIP HOP FOR HIP KIDS & TEENS This high energy class combines fun and creative dance moves and routines. Learn basic and new hip hop steps. Dance to the coolest and most recent hip hop tunes while you make new friends. Wear loose-fitting clothing and tennis shoes. No class on Thursday, November 26th or Saturday, November 28th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Fee: 30 min. classes are $39/6 wks; $33/5 wks* 45 min. classes are $48/6 wks; $40/5 wks* 60 min. classes are $54/6 wks; $45/5 wks* Age: 3-4 yrs Location: USADS #2003.400 ....................TUE 9/15-10/20 ......................4:15-4:45 p.m. #2003.401 ....................TUE 11/3-12/8 ........................4:15-4:45 p.m. #2003.402 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..........11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #2003.403 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12*..........11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m Age: 5-7 yrs Location: USADS #2002.400 ....................TUE 9/15-10/20 ......................4:45-5:30 p.m. #2002.401 ....................TUE 11/3-12/8 ........................4:45-5:30 p.m. #2002.402 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..................12:00-12:45 p.m. #2002.403 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12*.................12:00-12:45 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Location: USADS #2000.400 ....................TUE 9/15-10/20 ......................7:30-8:30 p.m. #2000.401 ....................TUE 11/3-12/8 ........................7:30-8:30 p.m. #2000.402 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..................10:00-11:00 a.m. #2000.403 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12*.................10:00-11:00 a.m. Age: 13-17 yrs Location: USADS #2004.400 ....................THU 9/17-10/22......................8:00-9:00 p.m. #2004.401 ....................THU 11/5-12/10* ....................8:00-9:00 p.m.

TINY TOTS BALLET/TAP COMBO Here is the perfect class to introduce your little one to the joys of dance! Participants will learn some basic steps, develop large motor coordination, make new friends and wear their pretty dance clothes. Ballet and tap shoes are required. No class on Wednesday, November 11th or Saturday, November 28th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 2-3 yrs Fee: $39/6 wks, $33/5 wks* Location: USADS #2017.400 ....................WED 9/16-10/21 .....................5:00-5:30 p.m. #2017.401 ....................WED 11/4-12/9* .....................5:00-5:30 p.m. #2017.402 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..................10:00-10:30 a.m. #2017.403 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12*.................10:00-10:30 a.m.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 17


Bonding exercises for mommy and child will help your toddler’s development and boost intelligence and coordination. Learn creative character movements to popular children’s music, as well as beginning ballet basics. One adult participant per child. If mom can’t come, why not include dad or another family member? No class on Saturday, November 28th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 18-35 mos. Fee: $39/6 wks, $33/5 wks* Location: USADS #2013.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/26.....................5:30-6:00 p.m. #2013.401 ....................MON 11/2-12/7.......................5:30-6:00 p.m. #2013.402 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..........11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #2013.403 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12*.........11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

BALLET FOLKLORICO Come learn the beautiful and colorful dances of Mexico! Keep your traditions alive through lively and enjoyable dances representing the many different regions of this amazing country. No class on Monday, October 12th or Friday, November 27th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Fee: 30 min. classes are $39/6 wks; $33/5 wks 45 min. classes are $48/6 wks; $40/5 wks 60 min. classes are $54/6 wks; $45/5 wks Age: 3-4 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2007.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/26.....................5:00-5:30 p.m. #2007.401 ....................MON 11/2-12/7.......................5:00-5:30 p.m. #2007.402 ....................FRI 9/18-10/23 .......................5:00-5:30 p.m. #2007.403 ....................FRI 11/6-12/11*......................5:00-5:30 p.m. Age: 5-7 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2007.404 ....................FRI 9/18-10/23 .......................5:30-6:15 p.m. #2007.405 ....................FRI 11/6-12/11*......................5:30-6:15 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2009.400 ....................FRI 9/18-10/23 .......................6:15-7:15 p.m. #2009.401 ....................FRI 11/6-12/11*......................6:15-7:15 p.m. Age: 13-17 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2011.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/26.....................6:00-7:00 p.m. #2011.401 ....................MON 11/2-12/7.......................6:00-7:00 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

18 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Kids, continued


tap shoes and dance wear are required. New students are encouraged to visit our website, www.onyourtoesdance.net, for more information on our programs. No class on Friday, November 27th.

On Your Toes Dance Cl as ses BALLET/TAP II ★NEW★ Intermediate creative ballet and tap classes for the

elementary dancer who has completed at least one full year of the Ballet/Tap Combo class, plus the approval of the instructor. This class will allow students to build upon their technique in both ballet and tap. Dancers may enroll in one class per week and choose either ballet or tap OR they may enroll in two classes per week for the discounted rate listed below and attend both the ballet and tap portions. Ballet class meets on Saturdays from 11:45 to 12:30 p.m., and the tap class meets from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Dancers in both classes will be given the opportunity to perform both dance styles at the upcoming Holiday Showcase. This class forms in September, and new students will not be accepted during the second session of the class. For more information, please visit our website, www.onyourtoesdance.net, for more information on our programs. Instructor: Miss Valerie Age: 7-9 yrs Fee: $63/1 class per week OR Location: VMH $96/2 classes per week #2014.400 ....................1 class per wk/7 wks...................9/12-10/24 #2014.401 ....................2 classes per wk/7 wks ...............9/12-10/24 #2014.402 ....................1 class per wk/7 wks.................10/31-12/12 #2014.403 ....................2 classes per wk/7 wks .............10/31-12/12

BALLET/TAP COMBO A ballet, tap and creative movement class for the elementary student. Proper technique and terminology will be combined with creative movement and self-expression. This class incorporates current students, as well as those who are new. Come dance with us and experience the joys of movement! Dancers enrolled in both sessions will be given the opportunity to dance in our annual Holiday Showcase. There will be a showcase fee payable to the instructor within the first session for those who wish to participate. Ballet and

Instructor: Miss Valerie Age: 5-8 yrs Fee: $70/7 weeks Location: VMH #2001.400 ....................FRI 9/11-10/23 .......................6:00-7:00 p.m. #2001.401 ....................FRI 10/30-12/18 .....................6:00-7:00 p.m.

TIPPY TOES DANCE FOR PRESCHOOLERS Creative ballet and tap techniques for the young child. This class will specialize in coordination, musicality and selfexpression. Come dance with us and experience the joys of movement. Dancers enrolled in both sessions will be given the opportunity to dance in our annual Holiday Showcase. There will be a showcase fee payable to the instructor within the first session for those who wish to participate. Ballet and tap shoes are required for this class. New students are encouraged to visit our website, www.onyourtoesdance.net, for more information on our programs. Instructor: Miss Valerie Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $63/7 weeks Location: VMH #2005.400 ....................TUE 9/15-10/27 ......................4:00-4:45 p.m. #2005.401 ....................TUE 11/3-12/15 ......................4:00-4:45 p.m. Age: 3-5 yrs Fee:$63/7 weeks Location: VMH #2005.402 ....................SAT 9/12-10/24 ..................11:00-11:45 a.m. #2005.403 ....................SAT 10/31-12/12 ................11:00-11:45 a.m.

TIPPY TOES DANCE II An intermediate ballet, tap and creative movement class for the 4-5 year old child. This class is by invitation only, and all dancers must have the instructor’s approval before enrolling. This class accepts new students during the first session (September) only in order to prepare for our annual Holiday Showcase. Instructor: Miss Valerie Age: 4-5 yrs Fee: $63/7 weeks Location: VMH #2019.400 ....................TUE 9/15-10/27 ......................4:45-5:30 p.m. #2019.401 ....................TUE 11/3-12/15 ......................4:45-5:30 p.m.

City Holiday Tree Lighting Monday, December 7th at 6 p.m. on the steps at City Hall

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Activities for Kids, continued JAZZ/TUMBLING COMBO


★NEW★ Creative jazz/tumbling techniques for the elementary-aged dancer. Proper technique and terminology will be combined with creative movement and selfexpression in this fun and interactive class. Come dance with us and experience the joys of movement! Dancers enrolled in both sessions will be given the opportunity to dance in our annual Holiday Showcase. There will be a showcase fee payable to the instructor within the first session for those who wish to participate. Please wear a unitard and bare feet. New students are encouraged to visit our website, www.onyourtoesdance.net, for more information on our programs.

Intermediate to advanced technique classes for the teenage dancer. All dancers enrolling in this class should have the instructor’s approval. New dancers to our program are encouraged to contact the director at www.onyourtoesdance.net for proper class placement. Teen classes accept new students during September and then close in order to prepare for our annual Holiday Showcase. Tap class meets Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., jazz class meets Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., and modern class meets Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Come dance with us! No class on Wednesday, November 11th.

Instructor: Miss Valerie Age: 5-8 yrs Fee: $70/7 weeks Location: VMH #2016.400 ....................SAT 9/12-10/24 ......................1:30-2:30 p.m. #2016.401 ....................SAT 10/31-12/12 ....................1:30-2:30 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Instructor: Miss Valerie Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $70/1 class per week OR Location: VMH $126/2 classes per week OR $168/3 classes per week #2018.400 ....................1 class per wk/7 wks...................9/15-10/27 #2018.401 ....................2 classes per wk/7 wks ...............9/15-10/27 #2018.402 ....................3 classes per wk/7 wks ...............9/15-10/27 #2018.403 ....................1 class per wk/7 wks...................11/3-12/15 #2018.404 ....................2 classes per wk/7 wks ...............11/3-12/15 #2018.405 ....................3 classes per wk/7 wks ...............11/3-12/15

Target Free First Saturdays The Children’s Museum at La Habra presents

Fun free days with activities for the entire family! Museum Info:

301 S. Euclid Street La Habra, CA 90631 562-905-9793 Museum Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 1-5pm Closed Mondays & Major Holidays Museum Admission: $7 Adults, Children under 2 are free $6 La Habra residents $5 Group rate (15 or more children)


September 5th, 10am-4pm: It’s a Small World — Enjoy a free day at the Museum and a magical marionette performance!

October 3rd, 10am-4pm:

Pumpkin Fest — Enjoy a free day at the Museum and free pumpkin activities!

November 7th, 10am-4pm: Thanks & Giving — Enjoy a free day at the Museum!

December 11th, 10am-4pm: Holiday Traditions — A day of free cultural dance presentations!

Friday October 30th: Mini Monsters Bash 10:30am to 12:00pm A fun morning with crafts, games & costume parade! Bring your little one in costume and get half off admission to the Museum!

20 • Li fe in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Kids, continued

Fi tness

KID’S BULLY BUSTER TRAINING ★NEW★ Research shows that more than 160,000 students

don’t want to go to school because of the fear of being bullied. We want to help tackle the problem and would like to offer you and your child a Bully Buster Workshop. Learn how to prevent bullying, as well as how to stop it WITHOUT FIGHTING and raise your child’s confidence so it doesn’t happen again. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 5-17 yrs Fee: $17/1 mtg Location: FMA #1003.400 ....................SAT 9/12 ...............................12:30-1:30 p.m.

WARRIOR PERSONAL PROTECTION WORKSHOP ★NEW★ Warrior PST is designed to teach children, teens and adults how to avoid and recognize dangerous situations, how to plan in advance for the possibility of an abusive or violent act and how to react in abusive or violent situations, how to quickly seek help and safety in the event of a violent act, and how to create a personal protection response, as well as an escalating self-defense response. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $17/1 mtg Location: FMA #1013.400 ....................SAT 10/17 .............................12:00-1:30 p.m.

Enjoy Our Fall Classes! The City reserves the right to substitute instructors, cancel activities, change dates, times and/or locations as necessary without public notice. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.

FUTURE KIDZ KARATE Our specialized Future Kidz Karate program is an age specific program that is professionally designed to teach children important life skills in a fun, exciting and enriching manner. Future Kidz Karate skills include focus, teamwork, control, balance, memory, discipline, fitness and coordination. Your child will achieve more than just learning to kick and punch. Our Future Kidz Karate instructors are trained specifically to work with young children. No class on Wednesday through Saturday, September 30th-October 3rd, and Thursday through Saturday, November 26th-28th. Instructor: Amanda Molina Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1018.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/12.....................6:00-6:30 p.m. #1018.401 ....................THUR 11/5-12/10....................6:00-6:30 p.m. #1018.402 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..................10:30-11:00 a.m. #1018.403 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12 ..................10:00-10:30 a.m. Age: 5-6 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1018.404 ....................TUE 9/15-10/13 ......................3:45-4:15 p.m. #1018.405 ....................FRI 11/6-12/11 .......................5:30-6:00 p.m. #1018.406 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ....................9:30-10:00 a.m. #1018.407 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12 ....................9:30-10:00 a.m.

KARATE KIDZ Take this opportunity to empower your child. Our karate program teaches kids more than just punching and kicking! We offer age appropriate classes for better learning, character building and training with rewards, school and street safety programs to protect your child, as well as confidence building so that children have the ability to say “no” to negative peer pressure. This is a basic and introductory class. No class on Wednesday through Saturday, September 30th-October 3rd, and Thursday through Saturday, November 26th28th. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 7-8 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1004.400 ....................WED 9/16-10/21 .....................4:30-5:00 p.m. #1004.401 ....................THUR 11/5-12/10....................4:45-5:15 p.m. #1004.402 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ....................9:30-10:00 a.m. #1004.403 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12 ....................9:30-10:00 a.m. Age: 9-13 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1004.404 ....................TUE 9/15-10/13 ......................5:15-6:00 p.m. #1004.405 ....................WED 11/4-12/2 .......................4:00-4:45 p.m. #1004.406 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..........11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1004.407 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12 ..........11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

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Activities for Kids, continued MINI SPORTS FOR TINY TOTS ★NEW★ Let’s play ball! Here is a sports class especially

designed for kids aged three to five. This program will cover the basics of soccer, Tee-ball, basketball, track and field, and other recreational games, along with sportsmanship, providing a great introduction to sports and building participants’ social skills. The last meeting will include a BBQ, so the whole family can enjoy the final “BIG game.” Cost is $40 per child/$35 for additional children in the same household (must register at the same time). Sign up today; space is limited! Instructor: La Habra Recreation Staff Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $40/8 weeks Location: ECLP #1009.400 ....................TUES 9/15-11/3 ......................4:00-5:00 p.m.

TIPPY TOES TUMBLING Creative tumbling techniques for the 4-6 year old student. Class incorporates music, games, creative movement and props such as hula hoops and streamers. Boys and girls are both encouraged in this class, which is appropriate for those with previous experience, as well as those who are new to tumbling technique. Tumblers enrolled in both sessions will be given the opportunity to dance in our annual Holiday Showcase. There will be a showcase fee payable to the instructor within the first session for those who wish to participate. Tumblers should wear comfortable clothing and bare feet. Come tumble with us! New students are encouraged to visit our website, www.onyourtoesdance.net, for more information on our programs. No class on Wednesday, November 11th. Instructor: Miss Valerie Age: 4-6 yrs Fee: $63/7 weeks Location: CH #1011.400 ....................WED 9/9-10/21 .......................3:45-4:30 p.m. #1011.401 ....................WED 10/28-12/16 ...................3:45-4:30 p.m.

FENCING FUN FOR YOUTH The Olympic sport of fencing can start at any age. Learning the basic footwork, attacks and defenses, your child will gain the necessary coordination and confidence to help guide them through life. Students need to wear tennis shoes and have a headband. A $5 supply fee for the use of jacket, mask and foil is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Saturday, November 28th. Instructor: Orange Coast Fencing Academy Age: 7-11 yrs Fee: $42/4 wks weeks Location: OCFA #1006.400 ....................SAT 9/12-10/3 ....................10:00-11:00 a.m. #1006.401 ....................SAT 10/10-10/31 ................10:00-11:00 a.m. #1006.402 ....................SAT 11/7-12/5 ....................10:00-11:00 a.m.

SHITO RYU KARATE DO Shito Ryu Karate Do is one of the finest Japanese styles of martial arts. This course includes exercises, techniques and approaches based on many years of karate experience, as well as the opportunity to participate in karate tournaments. Participants will make steady progress through a series of fundamental steps to achieve the martial arts goals they seek. For more information, please visit www.lahabrakarate.com. Instructor: Mario Flores Age: 6+ yrs (Beg) Fee: $42/4 weeks Location: SH #1005.400 (OCT) ..........TUE/THUR 10/1-10/31 ............6:00-7:00 p.m. SAT ................................9:30 a.m-10:30 a.m. #1005.401 (NOV) ..........TUE/THUR 11/3-11/28 ............6:00-7:00 p.m. SAT ................................9:30 a.m-10:30 a.m. #1005.402 (DEC) ..........TUE/THUR 12/1-12/22 ............6:00-7:00 p.m. SAT ................................9:30 a.m-10:30 a.m. Age: 6+ yrs (Int) Fee: $42/4 weeks Location: SH #1010.400 (OCT) ..........TUE/THUR 10/1-10/31 ............7:00-8:30 p.m. SAT ..............................10:30 a.m-12:00 p.m. #1010.401 (NOV) ..........TUE/THUR 11/3-11/28 ............7:00-8:30 p.m. SAT ..............................10:30 a.m-12:00 p.m. #1010.402 (DEC) ..........TUE/THUR 12/1-12/22 ............7:00-8:30 p.m. SAT ..............................10:30 a.m-12:00 p.m.

JUNIOR GOLF La Mirada Golf offers classes designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. Covers basic fundamentals, strategies and skills necessary to succeed. Range balls, clubs and equipment included. Ten students per instructor. Instructors: PGA Pro John Mahoney, Jr. & Staff Age: 5-17 yrs (Beg) Fee: $47/4 weeks Location: LMGC #1001.400 ....................FRI 9/4-9/25 ...........................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.402 ....................FRI 10/2-10/23 .......................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.404 ....................FRI 10/30-11/20 .....................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.401 ....................SAT 9/5-9/26 ......................10:00-11:00 a.m. #1001.403 ....................SAT 10/3-10/24 ..................10:00-11:00 a.m. #1001.405 ....................SAT 10/31-11/21 ................10:00-11:00 a.m. Age: 5-17 yrs (Int) Fee: $47/4 weeks Location: LMGC #1002.400 ....................FRI 9/4-9/25 ...........................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.402 ....................FRI 10/2-10/23 .......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.404 ....................FRI 10/30-11/20 .....................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.401 ....................SAT 9/5-9/26 ..............11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1002.403 ....................SAT 10/3-10/24 ..........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1002.405 ....................SAT 10/31-11/21 ........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

22 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Kids, continued

Musi c

YOUTH BAND ★NEW★ In this class, students will learn the skills necessary

to play music on wind instruments, including trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, flute and more, and have fun while learning. Class emphasizes reading music, developing rudimentary skills on woodwind or brass instruments, and playing simple songs. This class is a steppingstone to prepare participants for success in school band programs. Students do not need prior experience to join this class. Music and instruments are available through La Habra Music Center. Instructor: La Habra Music Center Age: 9-14 yrs Fee: $62/6 weeks Location: LHMC #4027.400 ....................TUES 9/15-10/20 ....................6:00-7:00 p.m. #4027.401 ....................TUES 10/27-12/1 ....................6:00-7:00 p.m.

TICKLE THE KEYS In this class, young children learn to play the piano AND much more: ear training, harmony, rhythm, music reading and writing. They will have fun! Parents are encouraged to participate. You do not need to own a piano. A book is required and may be purchased at Patrick’s for $8.50. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 2-3 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4021.400 ....................TUE 9/15-10/20 ......................1:00-1:50 p.m. #4021.401 ....................THUR 9/17-10/22....................1:00-1:50 p.m. Age: 4-5 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4022.400 ....................TUE 9/15-10/20 ......................3:30-4:20 p.m. #4022.401 ....................WED 9/16-10/21 .....................2:30-3:20 p.m. Age: 6-8 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4023.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/19.....................4:00-4:50 p.m. #4023.401 ....................TUE 9/15-10/20 ......................5:30-6:20 p.m.

DRUM FOR FUN Has your child been begging to learn the drums? Now is the time to get started! This is a fun and energetic class which features rhythm reading and playing on the drum. Drum sticks and practice pad will be available for purchase at the first class meeting. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 9-15 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4025.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/19.....................5:00-5:50 p.m.

VOICE FOR YOUTH Do you like to sing? Tell your friends and neighbors about this class, which will teach them to breathe properly, sing on pitch, and have fun at the same time. Participants will sing as a group, but will focus on individual performance. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 9-15 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4026.400 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..................10:00-10:50 a.m.

PIANOLAND Playing the piano can be very relaxing and is a great way to have fun. Children will learn note-reading, correct hand positions, five-finger songs, chords and how to play using both hands at the same time. You do not need to own a piano. A book is required and may be purchased at Patrick’s for $8.50. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 9-15 yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #4024.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/19.....................6:30-7:20 p.m.

BABIES LOVE MUSIC Introduce your baby to the wonders of music. Encourage your child’s development through playing drums and maracas, singing, baby massage, body parts, and sign language songs, fingerplays and more. Parent participation required. Optional $20 materials fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting for a music CD, rhythm band instrument and song sheets. Any questions? Check our Web site: www.KidsLoveMusic.net. Instructor: Gary Greeno, Music Therapist Age: 4-14 mos Fee: $44/4 weeks Location: PP #4017.400 ....................THUR 9/17-10/8......................3:00-3:30 p.m. #4017.401 ....................TUE 11/10-12/1 ..................11:00-11:30 a.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 23

Activities for Kids, continued KIDS LOVE MUSIC Music activities provide an excellent way to foster creativity, and cognitive, social and motor skills. Join Music Therapist Gary Greeno as we enjoy singing, dancing, instrumental jam sessions, puppet songs and rhythm band activities. A $20 materials fee is payable to the instructor in class for a music CD, rhythm band instrument and song sheets. Parent participation is required. Instructor: Gary Greeno, Music Therapist Age: 1-4 yrs Fee: $44/4 weeks Location: PP #4016.400 ....................THUR 9/17-10/8..................... 3:45-4:30 p.m. #4016.401 ....................THUR 9/17-10/8..................... 4:45-5:30 p.m. #4016.402 ....................TUE 11/10-12/1 ......................9:00-9:45 a.m. #4016.403 ....................TUE 11/10-12/1 .................10:00-10:45 a.m.

INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING TECHNIQUES This is a beginning course to introduce and develop drawing skills through demonstrations and examples of master drawings from children’s book illustrations, animation and technical drawing. Course will cover contour, line, structure, perspective, light/shadow, color and modeling form. Instructor: Carlos Moreno Age: 7-14 yrs Fee: $37/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4005.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/12.....................5:00-6:00 p.m. #4005.401 ....................MON 10/19-11/16...................5:00-6:00 p.m.

HAVING FUN WITH THE GUITAR Learn the skills necessary to play music and have fun while learning. Class emphasizes chord strumming, reading notes and tablature and playing different styles of music. Students must provide their own instruments (acoustic or electric). Students must also provide picks, guitar tuner and book, “Hal Leonard’s Classic Guitar Method,” which may be purchased at La Habra Music Center. A metronome is also suggested. Instructor: La Habra Music Center Age: 7-15 yrs Fee: $52/4 weeks Location: LHMC #4003.400 ....................THUR 9/17-10/8......................5:30-6:30 p.m. #4003.401 ....................THUR 10/29-11/19..................5:30-6:30 p.m.

Ar t

FUN ACRYLIC PAINTING In this fun course, students will learn color mixing, paint application, art appreciation and basic drawing. Art ideas include: portraits, landscapes, basic design and abstraction. Please wear an old T-shirt or apron because paints will stain clothing. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Friday, November 27th. Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $47/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4000.400 ....................FRI 10/30-12/4 .......................4:00-5:00 p.m.

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

MASTERPIECES WITH PENCILS & PASTELS In this delightful course, students will learn basic drawing techniques using a variety of fun media, such as oil pastels, crayons and colored pencils. Basic design, figurative drawing, landscape, and art history will be covered. Students will complete one “masterpiece” per class. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Friday, October 16th. Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $47/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4006.400 ....................FRI 9/18-10/23 .......................4:00-5:00 p.m.

Persona l Enrich ment LITTLE EXPLORERS

Enjoy outdoor sensory activities with your tyke. Develop your child’s intelligence through hands-on interaction with the wonders of nature. Explore animals, bugs and much more. Meetings include songs, puppetry and unique story readings. Parent participation is required (max. two adults per child). Additional siblings may enroll for $22 and must sign up together. Meet at Powder Canyon Trail Head, 2485 Fullerton Road, La Habra Heights. Instructor: Habitat Authority Age: 2-4 yrs Fee: $27/4 weeks Location: See above #4018.400 ....................FRI 10/2-10/23 .....................9:30-10:30 a.m.

24 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Kids, continued

Pe rson al Enric hment


INTRODUCTION TO TYPING, MICROSOFT WORD & POWERPOINT Develop your child’s basic typing skills and prepare them for many years of future use. Tests, typing games and practice will be provided to make learning fun, as your child learns a lifetime skill. Students will use Microsoft Word for writing reports, homework or basic communication. They will create and edit documents using different functions, such as formatting with fonts and font size, color, spelling and grammar check, paragraph alignment, indents, margins, clip art and Word Art and much more. There is a $10 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 6-15 yrs Fee: $67/8 weeks Location: PP #4009.400 ....................THUR 10/1-11/19....................5:15-6:00 p.m. For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

INFANT, PRESCHOOL & SCHOOL-AGE PROGRAMS Services provided for children 6 weeks to 12 years of age 6:15 a.m.-6:00 p.m.


Must meet income qualifications.

Starting with a dough ball, our pizza-ologist (doctor of pizzaology) will teach you how to throw your dough, then form it, and add sauce, cheese and/or pepperoni. Then we bake it to perfection. You get a one-topping individual pizza and a 16ounce soda with free refills. Instructor: Pizza Club Age: 5+ yrs Fee: $11/1 mtg Location: PC 4001.400 ......................TUE 9/15.................................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.401 ......................TUE 9/22.................................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.402 ......................TUE 9/29.................................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.403 ......................TUE 10/6.................................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.404 ......................TUE 10/13...............................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.405 ......................TUE 10/20...............................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.406 ......................TUE 10/27...............................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.407 ......................TUE 11/3.................................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.408 ......................TUE 11/10...............................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.409 ......................TUE 11/17...............................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.410 ......................TUE 11/24...............................6:00-7:30 p.m. 4001.411 ......................TUE 12/1.................................6:00-7:30 p.m.


Subsidized Child Care in Family Child Care Homes for infants 6 weeks & up. Center-based care for preschoolers (3 to 5 years of age).


Before and after school program/full-day. Breakfast and p.m. snack served (lunch preschool only). Transportation to and from La Habra City School District on school buses. Please call for more information on the waiting list and to receive an eligibility questionnaire. Fees based on income.

HEAD START 562-694-3455

Federally funded social/educational enrichment program for 4-year-olds for 31/2 hours a day.

STATE PRESCHOOL 562-905-9612

State funded Pre-K programs for 31/2- and 4-year-olds. Part day and full day services.

Activities for Adults Dance

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 25

intermediate dance instruction follows from 7:45 to 9:15 p.m. Your old favorites and some new dances will be included. Step sheets will be available. For more information, visit www.lisalinedance.com.

SWING DANCE Swing or “jitterbug” is the most versatile of the ballroom dances, as you can swing to many types of music, making you the envy at parties and weddings. No partner needed, we rotate. This class is taught by award-winning instructors at the world famous swing dance hall, Memories, in Uptown Whittier.

Instructor: Lisa Homan-Hernandez Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $29/5 weeks Location: CH #2505.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/12.....................7:00-9:15 p.m. #2505.401 ....................MON 10/19-11/16...................7:00-9:15 p.m.

Instructor: Essex & Lee (Memories Swing Team) Age: 12+ yrs Fee: $57/6 weeks Location: M #2501.400 ....................MON 9/28-11/2.....................9:00-10:00 p.m. #2501.401 ....................MON 11/9-12/14...................9:00-10:00 p.m. #2501.402 ....................WED 9/30-11/4 ...................... 7:30-8:30 p.m.


LINE DANCING Grab your boots and come on over! Get your heart a pumpin’ with some of the most fun exercise around. No partner needed. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Lisa will teach you the basic steps and some fun, easy dances. You’ll be kickin’ up your heels in no time at all. Beginning instruction is from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. Beginners MUST sign up for FIRST session of each quarter. No beginners will be accepted in second session of the quarter. For the experienced line dancer,

EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. If you are looking for a challenge and have line dance experience, then this is the class for you. No partner is necessary, and it’s great exercise and lots of fun! Lisa Homan will be teaching the latest dances written by USA and international choreographers, and she will revive some of the best dances from the recent past. This is an opportunity to further improve your skills and knowledge of line dance. This class is NOT for beginners. For more information, visit www.lisalinedance.com. No class on Thursday, October 8th. Instructor: Lisa Homan-Hernandez Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $29/5 weeks Location: VMH #2509.400 ....................THUR 9/10-10/15....................7:00-9:30 p.m. #2509.401 ....................THUR 10/22-11/19................. 7:00-9:30 p.m.

Cliff Gewecke’s Dance Classes

are held at the La Habra Clubhouse • 200 W. Greenwood Avenue

Fee: $33 per person/8 weeks





For a wedding party, a cruise or merely an occasional night out, you can use patterns and techniques learned in this basic Ballroom Dance class that includes Tango, Cha Cha and Mambo. Singles & couples welcome.

When the music is slow and blues-like, don’t just stand and sway like everybody else! This class will teach you easy-to-learn dips, slower steps, and moves that will give your dancing excitement, structure, and a joy to share with your partner. Have fun! Feel the romance! Couples and singles welcome.

Learn today’s “hottest” dances — Salsa and Merengue! This class will give you a basic understanding of these dances, plus teach you steps that will have you movin’ to the Latin beat sooner than you think! Patterns will vary in each 8-week session.

If you know Salsa basics, this class will put them to work for you with more challenging patterns and the techniques that make them work. Turns, fancier footwork, style variations — they’re all included. Have fun!

#2506.400 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 9/15-11/3 6:30-7:15 p.m.

#2504.400 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 9/15-11/3 7:15-8:00 p.m.

#2507.400 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 9/15-11/3 8:00-8:45 p.m.

#2512.400 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 9/15-11/3 8:45-9:30 p.m.

26 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Adults, continued


Fitness for Fun



This square dance class is perfect for anyone with some previous square dance experience. We will teach the calls and moves necessary to be able to dance at plus level of square dance. Great as a refresher if you have been away from square dancing for a period of time. Singles and couples welcome; a partner is not required.

★NEW★ This new exercise class will include low impact moves, as well as muscle conditioning to improve strength, flexibility, balance and endurance. Modifications will be given to accommodate all levels of fitness. Bring a hand towel, water bottle and wear comfortable shoes. Leave the rest up to me! The instructor has many years experience teaching senior fitness classes at a variety of venues.

Instructor: Major Keys Age: 8+ yrs Fee: $22/5 weeks Location: CH #2520.400 ....................THUR 9/17-10/22....................7:15-9:30 p.m.

BELLY DANCING Belly dancing, with its mystical movements, will inspire your spirit to breathe, expand and stretch. Come and celebrate the goddess within! With sharp hip accents, shimmies, undulations and veil work, you’ll get an intense workout that feels wonderful. No class on Wednesday, November 11th. Instructor: Yeril Barlup Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $37/8 weeks Location: LHCC #2502.400 (Int).............WED 10/7-12/2 .......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #2503.400 (Beg)...........WED 10/7-12/2 .......................8:00-9:00 p.m. #2502.401 (Int).............SAT 10/3-11/21 ..................10:00-11:00 a.m. #2503.401(Beg)............SAT 10/3-11/21 ..........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Instructor: Tonia Barnett, Certified Aerobic Instructor, CPR/AED Certified Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $52/5 weeks Location: CH #3014.400 ....................THUR 9/17-10/15................10:30-11:30 a.m. #3014.401 ....................THUR 10/22-11/19..............10:30-11:30 a.m.

30/30 FITNESS ★NEW★ Improve your health before the holidays. Studies

show that people who exercise not only look better, but also feel better. This class gives you 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of Pilates and more. The Stott Pilates method helps develop core strength and stability, as well as heightening your mind/body awareness. Raise your cardio fitness level as you strive for your personal best! No class on Thursday, November 26th. Instructor: Teresa Morrison, Certified Stott Pilates Instructor Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $67/6 weeks Location: CH #3017.400 ....................TUE/THUR 9/15-10/22 ............7:10-8:10 a.m. #3017.401 ....................TUE/THUR 10/27-12/8 ............7:10-8:10 a.m.

Advance! and the City of La Habra present

LA HABRA GOES TO COLLEGE Saturday, October 24th, 2009 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Student/Parent Panels & General College Information COME FIND OUT HOW TO:

✔ Prepare for College ✔ Apply to Colleges ✔ Pay for College

at the La Habra Community Center

For more information, please call Advance! at 562-691-2117.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 27

Activities for Adults, continued ADULT ROLLER HOCKEY ★NEW★ Ever wanted to learn to play roller hockey or looking for a place and people to play with? Now is your chance to learn or to improve your skills while you enjoy playing in this recreational league. Intermediate and advanced players meet on Mondays; beginning and intermediate players meet on Wednesdays. Instructor: La Habra Hockey League Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $52/11 weeks Location: LBP #3021.400 (Int/Adv)......MON 9/14-11/23...................7:00-10:00 p.m. #3021.401 (Beg/Int) .....WED 9/16-11/25 ...................7:00-10:00 p.m.

TAI CHI LIU HE BA FA Six Harmonies Eight Methods is a more ancient form than the 24 form of Tai Chi Chuan. This is an exploration of spirals. It may take a year to learn and can improve technique for any martial art. The instructor has studied this form of Tai Chi for 20 years. New students welcome in any session. Instructor: Nancy O’Brien, Certified International Judge (Tai Chi) Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $40/6 weeks Location: VMH #3015.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/19.....................7:00-8:30 p.m. #3015.401 ....................MON 10/26-11/30...................7:00-8:30 p.m.

PILATES YOGA STRETCH & TONE Tone and stretch the total body with mat Pilates exercises emphasizing the abdominals, thighs and buttocks, to shape and sculpt long, lean muscles. Learn basic yoga postures and breathing techniques to enhance your sense of well-being and ability to relax. Learn techniques that strengthen the core/center (midsection) with the aid of Dynaflex bands and exercise balls. Beginning and intermediate levels introduced. Please bring a yoga sticky mat, yoga block and strap to class. Instructor: Angela King, Registered Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher (RYT) Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $42/8 weeks Location: LHCC #3008.400 ....................MON 9/14-11/2...................... 5:45-6:45 p.m.

POWER PILATES-YOGA Tone and stretch the total body with mat Pilates exercises emphasizing the abdominals, thighs and buttocks, to shape and sculpt long, lean muscles. Learn basic yoga postures and breathing techniques to enhance your sense of well-being and ability to relax. Learn techniques that strengthen the core/center (midsection) with the aid of Dynaflex bands and exercise balls. Intermediate and advanced levels taught. Please bring a yoga sticky mat, yoga block and strap to class. Instructor: Angela King, Registered Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher (RYT) Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $82/8 weeks Location: MON-LHCC/WED-CH #3001.400 ....................MON/WED 9/14-11/4 .............7:00-8:15 p.m.

TAI CHI CHUAN Learn to move slowly. Breathe slowly. Heighten your senses and do a meditational martial art. This is a great stress buster. Eight Treasure Chi Kung, as well as the 24 standard form, are emphasized. Instructor: Nancy O’Brien, Certified International Judge (Tai Chi) Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $40/6 weeks Location: LHCC #3011.400 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..................10:30-11:30 a.m. #3011.401 ....................SAT 10/31-12/5 ..................10:30-11:30 a.m.

DAHN (ENERGY) YOGA Using a combination of yoga poses and meditative breathing exercises, participants will learn to control the emotions and the mind, bringing the mind and body into a relaxed state, wiping away tension that can harm the body, and reenergizing the mind. Participants will also improve body alignment, strength, flexibility, control, coordination and breathing. The instructor has taught yoga for many years, with an emphasis on its healing aspects and can work with students at all levels of fitness. Instructor: Shoreh Safarzadeh Age: 15+ Fee: $74/6 wks weeks Location: LHCC #3019.400 .................... TUE 9/15-10/20 .....................5:30-6:45 p.m. #3019.401 .................... TUE 10/27-12/1 .....................5:30-6:45 p.m.

MAT PILATES Come join our newest exercise class! Pilates is a system of exercises that stretch, strengthen, add flexibility, balance, coordination and body awareness. Exercises tone without adding bulk, as well as helping to flatten your mid-section. Modifications will be made to accommodate all levels of fitness. This is a workout that will challenge you, but not drain you. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat, towel and water bottle to class. No class on Thursday, November 26th. Instructor: Teresa Morrison, Certified Stott Mat Pilates Instructor Age: 14+ yrs Fee: $52/6 weeks Location: CH #3020.400 ....................TUE/THUR 9/15-10/22 ............6:00-7:00 a.m. #3020.401 ....................TUE/THUR 10/27-12/8 ............6:00-7:00 a.m.

LATIN IMPACT AEROBICS Lose weight and get toned through a fun cardiovascular workout to the beat of Salsa, Merengue and Cumbia music. Bring towel, tennis shoes, mat and workout clothes. No class on Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $54/6 wks, $45/5 wks* Location: USADS #3016.400 ....................THUR 9/17-10/22....................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3016.401 ....................THUR 11/5-12/10* ..................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3016.402 ....................FRI 9/18-10/23 .......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3016.403 ....................FRI 11/6-12/11*......................7:00-8:00 p.m.

28 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Adults, continued

Fi tn ess for Fun

JACKI’S AEROBIC DANCING Jacki’s aerobic dancing is a fitness program that is totally FUN! Participants learn progressive choreographed dances which are designed to give an excellent cardiovascular and muscular workout. Participants dance to a wide variety of music at their own level of fitness. A good supportive shoe and towel or mat are required. No class on Wednesday, November 11th. Instructor: Nancy McNabb Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $100/10 weeks Location: CH #3005.402 ....................MON/WED 10/12-12/16 ..........5:45-6:45 p.m. Fee: $80/8 weeks #3005.401 ....................MON/WED 10/12-12/2 ............5:45-6:45 p.m. Fee: $50/5 weeks #3005.400 ....................MON/WED 10/12-11/16 ..........5:45-6:45 p.m.

ZUMBA This class is a Latin-style dance aerobic workout that combines Latin rhythms and tropical tempos to burn off calories in a fast, fun way. Come and join the excitement, as you raise your heart rate, tone your body and improve your stamina. No class on Saturday, November 28th. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $54/6 wks, $45/5 wks* Location: USADS #3003.400 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ..................10:00-11:00 a.m. #3003.401 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12*.................10:00-11:00 a.m.

FENCING Learn the ancient art of nobility and one of the four original modern Olympic events. Fencing is often referred to as physical chess; it combines the mental challenge of out-thinking your opponent, with the agility of martial arts. Students will learn basic footwork, attacks, defense, and strategy. Students should wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing; protective mask, jacket and foil will be provided. A $10 lab fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Orange Coast Fencing Academy Age: 12+ yrs Fee: $52/4 weeks Location: BCC #3012.400 (Beg)...........THUR 9/24-10/15....................7:00-8:20 p.m. #3012.401 (Beg)...........THUR 10/29-11/19..................7:00-8:20 p.m. #3013.400 (Int).............THUR 9/24-10/15 ...................7:00-8:20 p.m. #3013.401 (Int).............THUR 10/29-11/19 .................7:00-8:20 p.m.

FALL FITNESS CHALLENGE Start, maintain and live a healthier lifestyle throughout the summer. The challenge consists of making a commitment to workout two times a week minimum (classes are offered Monday through Thursday and Saturday mornings). Participants will have the option of doing weekly weigh-ins and measurements at before, middle and end of challenge. All participants will be given a nutritional guideline to follow for better eating habits. All participants must attend orientation on Wednesday, September 16th, after the first workout. No class on Wednesday, September 30th. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 14+ years Fee: $101/9 weeks Location: FMA #3000.400 ....................WED 9/16-11/11 .............................6:45 p.m.

La Habra Residents TINY TOTS GROUP Thursdays @ 3:30-4:30 p.m. $65/5 weeks

ADULT PROGRAM Mondays @ 6:30-7:30 p.m. $75/5 weeks

MEN’S ROUND ROBIN TENNIS Tuesdays @ 7:00-9:00 p.m. Level 3.5 & Above $12 per night

La Habra Tennis Center 351 S. Euclid Street

562-690-5040 No black-soled shoes allowed on the courts. Thank you.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 29

Activities for Adults, continued FITNESS KICKBOXING


Are you ready to make a change with your body? Take control over your body with Fitness Kickboxing! It’s a workout where you can kick and punch your way to achieving the fitness goals you’ve always wanted. Fitness Kickboxing is the best total body workout to lose weight, tone and shape up, gain endurance and flexibility, relieve stress, meet new friends and have fun. This class is the #1 calorie-burning workout, consuming an amazing 800 calories per hour. Classes are ongoing for women and men with ALL levels of fitness ability. No class on Wednesday through Saturday, September 30thOctober 3rd, and Thursday through Saturday, November 26th-28th.

Take your fitness to a NEW level with Thai Kickboxing! Classes designed for FITNESS, SAFETY, EDUCATION, and FUN! The classes are designed to help students lose weight, build muscle, transform their bodies and learn self defense. Additionally, each class is designed to challenge the students’ cardiovascular fitness and raise their level of conditioning. Each class is designed with safety in mind and will protect the students’ knees, ankles, back and neck. There is no bouncing, jumping or contact with other people. Classes are ongoing for women and men with ALL levels of fitness ability. Gloves must be purchased for $20 at FMA. No class on Wednesday through Saturday, September 30thOctober 3rd, and Thursday through Saturday, November 26th-28th.

Instructor: Amanda Molina Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $42/5 weeks Location: FMA #3006.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/12.....................6:45-7:35 p.m. #3006.401 ....................MON 11/2-11/30.....................6:45-7:35 p.m. #3006.402 ....................TUE 9/15-10/13 ......................6:45-7:35 p.m. #3006.403 ....................TUE 11/3-12/1 ........................6:45-7:35 p.m. #3006.404 ....................WED 9/16-10/21 .....................6:45-7:35 p.m. #3006.405 ....................WED 11/4-12/2 .......................6:45-7:35 p.m. #3006.406 ....................THUR 9/17-10/22....................6:45-7:35 p.m. #3006.407 ....................THUR 11/5-12/10....................6:45-7:35 p.m. #3006.408 ....................SAT 9/19-10/24 ......................8:30-9:20 a.m. #3006.409 ....................SAT 11/7-12/12 .....................8:30-9:20 a.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

ADULT GOLF La Mirada Golf classes offer a complete group lesson format. Beginners focus on simple and effective swing fundamentals. Intermediate classes focus on long and short game fundamentals. Included is a $20 range ball card, and equipment will be provided for lessons AND practice. INSTRUCTORS: PGA Pro John Mahoney, Jr. & Staff Age: 18 yrs & up Fee: $71/4 weeks Location: LMGC

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Instructor: Amanda Molina Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $42/5 weeks Location: FMA #3004.400 ....................WED 9/16-10/21 .....................6:00-6:45 p.m. #3004.401 ....................THUR 9/17-10/22..................9:30-10:15 a.m. #3004.402 ....................TUE 11/3-12/1 ......................9:30-10:15 a.m. #3004.403 ....................FRI 11/6-12/11 .......................6:00-6:45 p.m.

Enjoy Our Fall Classes! The City reserves the right to substitute instructors, cancel activities, change dates, times and/or locations as necessary without public notice. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.

Beginning Classes MON .........8/31-9/21 .....9/28-10/19 ...10/26-11/16 7:00-8:00 p.m. #3009.401 .....#3009.402 .....#3009.403 TUE............9/1-9/22 ......9/29-10/20 ...10/27-11/17 9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.404 .....#3009.405 .....#3009.406 WED...........9/2-9/23 ......9/30-10/21 ...10/28-11/18 7:00-8:00 p.m. #3009.407 .....#3009.408 .....#3009.409 SAT............9/5-9/26 ......10/3-10/24 ...10/31-11/21 9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.410 .....#3009.411 .....#3009.412

Intermediate Classes MON .........8/31-9/21 .....9/28-10/19 ...10/26-11/16 8:00-9:00 p.m. #3010.401 .....#3010.402 .....#3010.403 TUE............9/1-9/22 ......9/29-10/20 ...10/27-11/17 10:00-11:00 a.m. #3010.404 .....#3010.405 .....#3010.406 WED...........9/2-9/23 ......9/30-10/21 ...10/28-11/18 7:00-8:00 p.m. #3010.407 .....#3010.408 .....#3010.409

30 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Adults, continued

Fi tn ess for Fun MIXED MARTIAL ARTS

Empower yourself with realistic self-defense. The best of both worlds — stand-up kicking and punching and ground techniques. A great way to get in shape, learn to protect yourself, and live the martial arts life! No class on Thursday, October 1st, and November 26th. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #3002.400 ....................THUR 9/17-10/22....................8:00-9:00 p.m. #3002.401 ....................THUR 11/5-12/10....................8:00-9:00 p.m. For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

SHITO RYU KARATE DO Shito Ryu Karate Do is one of the finest Japanese styles of martial arts. This course includes exercises, techniques and approaches based on many years of karate experience, as well as the opportunity to participate in karate tournaments. Participants will make steady progress through a series of fundamental steps to achieve the martial arts goals they seek. For more information, please visit www.lahabrakarate.com. Instructor: Mario Flores Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $42/4 weeks Location: SH #3007.400 (OCT) ..........TUE/THUR 10/1-10/31 ............7:00-8:30 p.m. SAT ..............................10:30 a.m-12:00 p.m. #3007.401 (NOV) ..........TUE/THUR 11/3-11/28 ............7:00-8:30 p.m. SAT ..............................10:30 a.m-12:00 p.m. #3007.402 (DEC) ..........TUE/THUR 12/1-12/22 ............7:00-8:30 p.m. SAT ..............................10:30 a.m-12:00 p.m.

Orange County Get a j ob ? Youth Center Ma ke mon ey ? @ La Habra St a rt a ca reer?

Do y ou wa n t t o.. .

The OCYC offers young people the opportunity to develop career interests, receive academic support, gain valuable work experience, and achieve their career & educational goals. At the OCYC, youth ages 16-21 can: Learn to design a resume • Learn interviewing skills Meet with the YES Rep • Check out the “Job Board” Explore career paths • Get a job

1811 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra 90631 Open Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

562-905-7076 Some services may require Federal eligibility determination. Sponsored by the Orange County Workforce Investment Board. Equal opportunity program. Auxiliary Aids and Services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For TTY service, please dial 711.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 31

Activities for Adults, continued

Pe rson al Enric hment QUILTING

We will be making autumn and Christmas wall hangings. This is the time to start your holiday gifts. Come and join in the fun and meet other quilters. No classes on Thursday, October 22nd & November 26th.

LTT QUILTING ★NEW★ This technique uses large pieces, and you bind and

quilt as you go! A template kit ($13-$17) must be purchased the first night of class. Pick up your supply list and bring all the necessary tools. You must bring your own sewing machine to class. Second session will meet for 5 weeks. No class on Wednesday, November 24th.

Instructor: Beverly Smyth Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $62/12 weeks Location: LHCC #7008.400 ....................THUR 9/10-12/10....................6:30-9:30 p.m.

Instructor: Evlee Pinkney Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $52/6 weeks Location: LHCC #7014.400 ....................TUE 9/15-10/20 ......................6:30-8:30 p.m. #7014.401 ....................TUE 10/27-12/1 ......................6:30-8:30 p.m.



★NEW★ Want to learn to sew with metallic thread and

different types of stabilizers? Pick up your supply list and bring all the necessary tools. An $8 kit must be purchased from the instructor on the first night of class. You must bring your own sewing machine to class. No class on Wednesday, September 23rd. Instructor: Evlee Pinkney Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $52/5 weeks Location: LHCC #7016.400 ....................WED 9/16-10/21 .....................6:30-8:30 p.m.

SEWING TRICKS #2 ★NEW★ Ever sew with cording or different types of stabilizers? Pick up your supply list and bring all the necessary tools. A $6 kit must be purchased from the instructor on the first night of class. You must bring your own sewing machine. No class on Wednesday, November 11th or 25th.

★NEW★ Toastmasters International has grown to become a world leader in helping people become more competent and comfortable in front of an audience. Participants will gain confidence as they learn how to speak in front of small and large groups, posture, use hand gestures and develop basic communication skills. It is appropriate for people who want to improve existing skills, as well as for those who have never spoken to a group before. Enjoy learning in a friendly, understanding and encouraging atmosphere! Instructor: La Habra Excel Orators Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $62/6 weeks Location: LHCC #5010.400 ....................WED 9/23-10/28 .....................7:00-9:00 p.m.

Instructor: Evlee Pinkney Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $42/6 weeks Location: LHCC #7016.401 ....................WED 10/28-12/2 .....................6:30-8:30 p.m.

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to promote those functions and others for the City of La Habra.

V i e w t h e o nline vers ion o f “Li fe in L a Habra” m a ga z ine @ w w w.Li fe i nL aHabra.co m

La Habra Police Department Explorer Post 850 The Post is designed to provide both young men and women, ages 14 through 21, an opportunity to explore law enforcement and police services. Members participate in monthly meetings, community events, and ride-alongs. Additionally, selected members, based on merit, attendance, and good standing with the post, are chosen to attend the Police Explorers’ Academy.


14 to 21 years of age Maintain a C average or above Attend meetings every Tuesday, 5-7 p.m. Participate in scheduled events Attend community functions Abide by Department rules & regulations Contact Explorer Advisors Gerry Macho or Mike Castanon at 562-905-9750.

32 • Life i n L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Adults, continued

Pe rson al Enric hment

INTRODUCTION TO BASKETBALL OFFICIATING ★NEW★ This class will teach participants what it takes to be a basketball referee. Included are the state requirements for certification, testing and start-up costs. Other topics will include differences in rules, job placement, career advancement and financial incentives. The instructor is the official referee trainer for National Junior Basketball and USA Deaf Basketball and has been officiating and training referees since 1993. A $10 supply fee to cover the cost of binders and handouts is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Ace 5on5 Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $62/3 weeks Location: LHCC #5023.400 ....................TUES 9/15-9/29 ......................6:30-8:00 p.m. #5023.401 ....................TUES 10/6-10/20 ....................6:30-8:00 p.m.

ITALIAN FOR BEGINNERS A great introduction class for language lovers interested in discovering the musicality and beauty of Italian. The class will focus on grammar, conversation and Italian culture. Be prepared to enjoy some Italian treats, too! Please bring a notebook or binder to class. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 26th. Instructor: Iris Marialaki Age: 16+ Fee: $70/6 weeks Location: WCC #5009.400 ....................T/TH 10/20-12/1 .....................6:30-8:00 p.m.

COOKING FOR HARD TIMES In Session 1 of this two-part class, participants will learn ways to stretch their food dollars in these tough economic times. Topics to be covered will include: extending recipes to lower their cost, incorporating leftovers in a tasty way, making the most of store coupons, understanding how to purchase foods in bulk, maximizing nutritional value in meals, preparing meals that can be refrigerated and frozen for future use, using a crockpot most effectively, using herbs and spices to enhance the taste of your meals, and developing an understanding of kitchen food safety for food preparation. There will be some food preparation, and Chef R.J. will demo recipes. In Session 2, participants will prepare a wide variety of recipes introduced in Session 1. There will be a $20 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Friday, November 27th. Instructor: Chef R.J. Santana Age: 13+ Fee: $82/6 weeks Location: CHK #7005.400 .................... FRI 9/18-10/23 ............10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. #7005.401 .................... FRI 10/30-12/11 ..........10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

CANINE GAMES AGILITY COURSE Looking for fun, exercise and quality time to spend with your canine companion? This course introduces a variety of challenging obstacles, including tunnels, teeter-totter, tire jump, A-frame, dogwalk, weave poles, pause table, various bar and panel jumps. No previous experience required, but some basic obedience is helpful. Trophies and certificates will be awarded at a timed agility contest at the final meeting. Bring a chair and $30 materials fee (maintenance & replacement of agility equipment to keep course safe for all, trophies, reference material and special insurance) to first class, held WITHOUT DOGS. Meet in parking lot at Yorba Linda Community Center at Casa Loma & Imperial. No class on Saturday, October 24th. Instructor: April Ortiz Age: 9+yrs Fee: $72/8 weeks Location: YLCC #5001.400 ....................SAT 9/19-11/14 ......................8:00-9:00 a.m. #5001.401 ....................SAT 9/19-11/14 .................. 9:00-10:00 a.m. #5001.402 ....................SAT 9/19-11/14 .................10:00-11:00 a.m.

DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING If you need help in establishing good conduct and curbing bad habits such as destructive chewing, hole digging or over exuberance, enroll Fido now! This eight-week session is open to all breeds of dogs, ages six months or older (larger breeds accepted at four months). All A.K.C. Novice exercises will be covered, including hand signals, off-leash techniques and long-distance work. Proper training leashes and collars will be available at reasonable prices at orientation for those who need them. Trophies and certificates will be awarded at graduation. The first meeting will be an orientation, to be held WITHOUT DOGS at the Community Center. Remaining classes are held at El Centro-Lions Park. Instructor: Rose Healey, Hacienda Hills Dog Obedience Club Age: 9+yrs Fee: $72/8 weeks Location: LHCC/ECLP #5003.400 ....................SAT 9/19-11/7 ........................1:30-2:30 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING TECHNIQUES This is a beginning course to introduce and develop drawing skills through demonstrations and examples of master drawings from children’s book illustrations, animation and technical drawing. Course will cover contour, line, structure, perspective, light/shadow, color and modeling form. Instructor: Carlos Moreno Age: 15+yrs Fee: $37/5 weeks Location: LHCC #7003.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/12.....................6:30-8:00 p.m. #7003.401 ....................MON 10/19-11/16...................6:30-8:00 p.m. For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 33


processing tool and integrating it with a digital camera for making professional fliers or document. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.

Explore the online world and connect with your family and friends! Class includes hands-on practices, a free email account setup, surfing the Internet and learning how to use search engines. Experienced users can update their skills by using Microsoft Word and integrating it with the Internet search for special projects, such as making travel plans and doing research. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.

Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 55+ Fee: $67/8 wks weeks Location: PP #5017.400 .................... THUR 10/1-11/19...................1:00-2:00 p.m.


Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 55+ Fee: $67/8 weeks Location: PP #5016.400 .................... THUR 10/1-11/19...................2:00-3:00 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS FOR SENIORS It’s never too late to learn computers! This class will introduce you to all the basic skills and terms you will need to operate a computer. We will show you how to use Microsoft Word and all its useful functions for basic communication. Experienced users can improve their skills by using this powerful word


Orange County Public Library 221 E. La Habra Blvd. 562-694-0078 714-526-7728 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday & Saturday Noon to 5 p.m. Sunday

Homework Help Tutors Needed! High school students in grade 10 or above are needed to help elementary school students with their homework. Pick up your volunteer application at the library. Mandatory training is on Saturday, September 26th, 12:00-4:00 p.m.

Participants will learn how to use their own digital cameras so that they can produce more professional-looking images. The instructor will go over all the many buttons and dials and explain their purposes. Lighting, composition and image processing will also be covered. Bring your camera to class! Instructor: Gary Apodaca, Imageworks Photography Studio Age: 18+yrs Fee: $97/4 weeks Location: IPS #7007.400 ....................MON 9/21-10/12.....................7:00-8:30 p.m. For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

STORYTIMES • Family Storytime: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., beginning September 22nd. • ABC Kids Preschool Storytime: Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m., beginning September 23rd. • Bilingual Storytime: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m., beginning September 23rd.

NEW ACTIVITIES • “Read for the Record” Storytime: Thursday, October 8th at 10:30 a.m. • “Music & Movement”: Preschool children and parents are invited to participate in this FREE program, sponsored by La Habra School Readiness Program. Dates to be announced.

FAMILY EVENTS • Day of the Dead Celebration: Saturday, October 24th, 11:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. • Kids Craft Days: Thursday, October 15th at 4:30 p.m., Day of the Dead craft to decorate library. Thursday, November 19th at 4:30 p.m., Fall craft • Homework Help: Monday through Thursday. Two sessions: 3:30 and 4:30 p.m., beginning on September 28th. Trained high school students help K-5 grade students with their homework.

Adult Book Group meets the last Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Pick up the current book selection at the library.

34 • Li fe in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Adults, continued

Pe rson al Enric hment

VOICE FOR ADULTS Do you like to sing? Tell your friends and neighbors about this class, which will teach them to breathe properly, sing on pitch, and have fun at the same time. Participants will sing as a group, but will focus on individual performance. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #5018.400 ...................SAT 9/19-10/24 .................11:00-11:50 a.m.

UKULELE Learn to play this fun instrument that will have people singing along with you at get-togethers and other events. Ukulele is provided. Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #5014.400 ...................WED 9/16-10/21 ....................8:00-8:50 p.m.

PIANOLAND Playing the piano can be very relaxing and is a great way to have fun. Participants will learn note-reading, correct hand positions, five-finger songs, chords and how to play using both hands at the same time. You do not need to own a piano. A book is required and may be purchased at Patrick’s for $12.50. Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $86/6 weeks Location: PMS #5026.400 ...................FRI 9/18-10/23 .......................7:30-8:20 p.m.

HAVING FUN WITH THE GUITAR Learn the skills necessary to play music and have fun while learning. Class emphasizes chord strumming, reading notes and tablature and playing different styles of music. Students must provide their own instruments (acoustic or electric). Students must also provide picks, guitar tuner and book, “Hal Leonard’s Classic Guitar Method,” which may be purchased at La Habra Music Center. A metronome is also suggested. Instructor: La Habra Music Center Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $52/4 weeks Location: LHMC #5005.400 .................... THUR 9/17-10/8.....................6:30-7:30 p.m. #5005.401 .................... THUR 10/29-11/19.................6:30-7:30 p.m.

SECRETS OF THE AGES FOR LIFELONG BEAUTY Get ready to treat yourself to a beautiful experience! Gentle stress reduction techniques for adults using proven secrets of the ages, such as relaxation massage, pressure points, stretching, tree of life work, visualization, journaling for relaxation, and affirmations. Emphasis will be on grounding and centering each participant for self-growth and personal

insight to slow aging and increase well-being. Individual consultation with the instructor is included. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Bring a towel or mat for sitting on the floor. Instructor: Karon Thomas Age: 18+ Fee: $30/4 weeks Location: LHCC #5013.400 ....................MON 9/14-10/5 ......................7:00-8:00 p.m.

BECOME SLENDER WITH HYPNOSIS Releasing weight and feeling great WITH HYPNOSIS! The natural POWER of your mind is guided by hypnotherapist Pamela J. Schmidt, M.S., C.C.H., to help you create habits and responses, without dieting, that lead to SUCCESS, COMFORT and SATISFACTION. An accompanying cassette/CD is suggested and is available for $12 from the instructor in class for the student to use at home. Pillow/blanket/mat optional. For more information, visit www.hypnosishelptapes.com. Instructor: Pamela J. Schmidt, M.S., C.C.H. (Since 1982) Age: 18+yrs Fee: $48/4 weeks Location: WSC #5007.400 ....................THUR 9/24-10/15....................7:30-9:00 p.m.

BECOME A NON-SMOKER WITH HYPNOSIS If your MONEY and HEALTH have been going up in smoke, it’s time to claim your FREEDOM from smoking. This HYPNOSIS workshop will guide your mind to accomplish this goal, for all of the important reasons! A supporting CD is suggested and is available for $12 from the instructor for the student to use at home. Pillow/blanket/mat optional. For more information, visit www.hypnosishelptapes.com. Instructor: Pamela J. Schmidt, M.S., C.C.H. (Since 1982) Age: 18+yrs Fee: $28/2 weeks Location: WSC #5008.400 ....................THUR 10/29 & 11/5.................7:30-9:00 p.m.

A SMART WOMAN’S GUIDE TO MONEY MATTERS In today’s world, a strong financial strategy is important for women of all ages. Your potential for success is limitless — especially when you have a financial strategy that fits your lifestyle. During the seminar, we’ll examine what you can do now to prepare for retirement, the decisions you should consider for having a successful retirement, your options to pay for a child’s or grandchild’s education, and developing an action plan to help you achieve your financial goals. If you are like most women, your life is extremely busy, but investing a little of your time today could make a significant difference in your financial future. Instructor: Danielle Blunt, Certified Financial Planner®, Edward Jones Age: 18+yrs Fee: $12/1 mtg Location: EJ #5021.400 ....................WED 11/4................................6:30-8:30 p.m.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 35

Activities for Adults, continued MAKING SENSE OF RETIREMENT How well you retire depends on how well you plan today. In this class, you will learn important investing strategies for retirement, including the five basic questions you should ask yourself to prepare for retirement, the options you can use now to save for retirement, how time can help or hurt your retirement goals. We will explore practical steps to help you get and stay on track, regardless of your current situation. Then, we will cover the 10 key principles to help make your money last with the goal of providing a stable, steady, retirement income. You’ve worked hard for your retirement, so please invest a little time to help make sure your money will last as long as you do. (This class is suitable for both retired and non-retired participants.) Instructor: Danielle Blunt, Certified Financial Planner®, Edward Jones Age: 18+ yrs Fee $12/1 mtg Location: EJ #5015.400 ....................WED 9/23................................6:30-8:30 p.m.

FINANCIAL WORKSHOP FOR INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS This all-encompassing course is for those who want to learn more about making wise investment decisions and avoiding unexpected risks. Over the course of three weeks, we will cover time-proven methods for saving, investing and working toward your financial goals. We examine individual investments like CDs, stocks, bonds and mutual funds and help you determine what part each can play in a balanced portfolio. You’ll also learn about keeping up with inflation, ways to reduce taxes on your investments and saving for retirement and college. Whether you’re just starting out or already in retirement and hoping to learn something new, this workshop will give you real-world strategies that are easy to follow. Financial Planning Binder is included. Instructor: Danielle Blunt, Certified Financial Planner®, Edward Jones Age: 18+yrs Fee: $32/3 weeks Location: EJ #5006.400 ....................WED 9/30-10/14 .....................6:30-8:30 p.m.

Graffiti Hotline: 562-905-9723

Activities for Seniors

36 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Ser vices

SENIOR ASSISTANCE INFORMATION & REFERRAL We can provide current information on services available to senior residents by city, county and state agencies. The Senior Desk also offers referrals for caregiving services by bonded persons. We also have an active Telecare program, offering calls to shut-ins and frail seniors. Come see us for these valuable services or call the senior desk at 562-905-9746.

La Habra Shuttle “Ride with Pride” ★Available to seniors 65 years and older and persons with disabilities who are residents of the City of La Habra. ★Operates Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding major holidays.


A hot lunch is served Monday through Friday at noon at the La Habra Community Center. Stay and enjoy cards, bingo, entertainment programs and a social atmosphere. Suggested $2.50 donation for lunch for seniors 60 and over; $3.50 charge for those under 60. Remember, the La Habra Shuttle will bring you to CSS lunch at the Community Center FREE if you join us on three or more days a week on a regular basis, if bus seating is available. And don’t forget that there is live music in the lunch area from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday through Friday, for dancing or listening. For questions or more information, call Jennifer Bush at 562-905-9748. MEALS ON WHEELS Meals on Wheels provides home delivered meals to those unable to prepare their own meals due to illness or disability. Call Maricella Jimenez, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at 562-905-9747. PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE FOR ADULTS

★Transports participants throughout the City of La Habra, plus service to St. Jude Medical Center, Whittier Hospital Medical Center, and adjacent doctors’ offices, as well as to doctors’ offices adjacent to the former Brea Community Hospital.

PHCA offers health screenings and counseling to adults 50 and over. PHCA can help you identify problems early, assist in finding needed health care, teach you preventive health practices, show you how to stay as healthy as possible. Your assessment will include a personal health history, diet and medication review, screenings for vision, hearing, blood pressure, blood sugar and hemoglobin. Take advantage of this FREE service and make an appointment to see PHCA Nurse Lori Funke RN, PHN. She is at the La Habra Community Center one day each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call the senior desk at 562-9059746 to make an appointment.

For more information or to register to use this service, please visit the La Habra Community Center or call 562-905-9746 for an application.

Sponsored by

Thursdays 9:00–10:30 a.m. at the La Habra Community Center

AUGUST 13TH CTAP Presentation: Do You Qualify for a Free Phone? AUGUST 27TH Glucose Screening SEPTEMBER 24TH Vision Screening OCTOBER 22ND Dental Screening

★Cost of service is 50 cents per one-way trip for all passengers.

★Reservations for transportation must be made at least 24 hours in advance.


Please call to let us know you plan to attend: 562-905-9708, ext. 263. LEGAL AID Legal Aid is available the first Thursday of each month from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. This service is available for seniors 60 years of age and older who are residents of Orange County. An appointment is necessary. To make an appointment, please call 562-905-9746. If you do not meet these guidelines for service but wish to contact Legal Aid directly, please call 800-834-5001. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Have you ever thought of becoming a volunteer? Learn something new, have fun and meet new people in the community. Join the hundreds of volunteers in La Habra who care about our city and gain that special feeling of accomplishment that comes with helping the people in your community. Call the City of La Habra Volunteer Coordinator Mayra Serratos for more information at 562-905-9708, ext. 263.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 37

Activities for Seniors, continued

Cla sses

MATURE DRIVER The Mature Driver class is for anyone 55 and over who would like to refresh their knowledge of California driving laws and practices. It is an eight-hour class, and participants who complete the class receive a certificate. Some insurance companies offer discounts to those who complete this class. Please note that the class does NOT include any actual driving. In order to take the class, participants must pay a $2 fee and PRE-REGISTER at the La Habra Community Center. Instructor: NOCCCD................................FREE Call 562-905-9746 for dates.

BALANCE & MOBILITY This class works with participants on an individual basis to resolve problems of balance, activities of daily living, and getting around. This is a program that can literally change your life, enabling participants to improve their balance by 100%. Pre-registration is not necessary, sign up in class. Doctor’s approval is required to participate. Instructor: Leah Pile...............................FREE MON & THUR ..........10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Live Music & Dancing Daily! 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon at the CSS Lunch Program at the La Habra Community Center Stay afterwards and enjoy a healthy, tasty lunch!



This class offers you the chance to study and practice the basic discipline and postures to promote physical fitness. It promotes flexibility, strength, concentration, awareness of the breath and relaxation, which calms the mind and nervous system. Please call to confirm dates. Pre-registration is not necessary, sign up in class.

Participants in this class will enjoy a thorough low-impact workout that includes a walking warm-up, as well as sitting and standing exercises and work with resistance bands, balls and other props. It will increase your strength, flexibility, range of motion, stamina, and overall well-being. Pre-registration is not necessary, sign up in class.

Instructor: Sultan Haque ........................FREE SATURDAY .........................9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Instructor: Henrietta De Jong.................FREE TUE & FRI ...............10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

For further information about Senior Activities, please call 562-905-9746.

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

Monday & Friday Changing Line-Up that includes Ron Allen, Trailblazers Western Band, Stardust Trio, Global Affair & others Tuesday La Habra Lites Wednesday The Foursome Thursday Karyn Myers

38 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Activities for Seniors, continued


CSS Bingo meets Monday through Friday from 12:45 to 1:50 p.m. The cost of playing is 25 cents per card, with a maximum of six cards. Nine games is the usual number played. If you like bingo, come join the fun! All are welcome to participate. FRIDAY NIGHT BINGO The La Habra Senior Citizens’ Club hosts bingo each Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the La Habra Clubhouse, 200 W. Greenwood. Admission is 50 cents. Donuts and coffee are served. The group also holds potlucks several times a year. All seniors are welcome to participate. CARDS & DOMINOS If you’d like to join a group of card players, there are several to choose from. Canasta players meet 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Mondays, Pinochle players meet at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, and bridge players meet on Thursday from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. You can play dominos on Fridays at 12:00 noon. All groups meet at the Community Center and welcome new players.

Ac tiviti es

WEDNESDAY A.M. VOLUNTEER STITCHERS This group meets in the Oeste Room from 9:00 to11:30 a.m. to make items for Children’s Hospital and local convalescent hospitals. You may sew, knit or crochet items. If you wish to learn any of these skills, you are welcome to join them and learn.

HUFF ‘N’ PUFFS The Huff ‘n’ Puffs dancers perform at local venues and the Community Center. They practice once a week and perform a variety of dance styles in costumes of their own design. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the senior desk at 562-905-9746. CSS “MOVIE OF THE MONTH” All CSS lunch participants are invited to stay late on the fourth Thursday of each month to enjoy a movie. Popcorn and other snacks are served during the movie. One lucky person gets to take the movie home afterwards (on VHS). There is no charge for this activity, so why not check it out! SENIOR EVENING DANCES The La Habra Community Center hosts monthly evening senior dances throughout the year. Dances are held Friday nights, once each month, from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Come enjoy live entertainment and delicious refreshments, contact the Senior Desk at 562-905-9746 for a schedule of this year’s dances.

LIVE MUSIC DAILY! Did you know that the Center is fortunate enough to offer live music Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon? The La Habra Lites perform on Tuesdays, the The Foursome performs on Wednesdays, Karyn Myers performs on Thursdays, and several different bands perform on Mondays and Fridays, including Ron Allen, Stardust Trio, Global Affair and the Trailblazers Western Band. You can check the schedule by calling 562-905-9748. For further information about Senior Activities, please call 562-905-9746.

Monthly Dances for Seniors Sponsored by:

at the La Habra Community Center

“Puttin’ on the Ritz” 7:00-9:30 p.m. 2009 SCHEDULE

★ September 18th ★ ★ October 23rd ★ ★ November 20th ★ Live bands, refreshments, fun!

Trips for Everyone Oc tob e r

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 39

Harrah’s Rincon Casino #9004.400

Youth Dodgeball

Monday, October 5 Fee: $13 Departs: 8:00 a.m. ....................................................................Returns: 5:00 p.m.

The classic schoolyard game is coming to La Habra!

Get more Vegas-style action at Harrah’s Rincon Casino in San Diego. You can play hot slots, bingo machines and exciting table games. You must bring valid photo identification on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes a $5 slot credit and transportation. Peterson Automotive Museum & Lunch #9000.400 Tuesday, October 13 Fee: $59 Departs: 10:00 a.m. ..................................................................Returns: 6:00 p.m.

Experience the last 100 years of automotive history and its impact on our culture at the Peterson Automotive Museum. Check out the following exhibits on your trip: The Sounds of Speed; The Streetscape: The Car and the City in Southern California; Hollywood Gallery: Cars of Film and Television; Alternative Power: Lessons for the Past, Inspiration for the Future; and Hot Wheels: Hall of Fame. See the museum with the guided tour and then spend time on your own. To make sure you have enough energy for this exciting trip, we will stop at Marie Callender’s Grill for lunch first. Lunch includes your choice of char-grilled chicken and vegetables, oven roasted turkey, or herb-roasted rosemary garlic chicken, fresh cornbread and butter, and a nonalcoholic beverage. Trip fee includes lunch, museum admission, tour and transportation.


Saturday, October 3rd BOYS & GIRLS — Everyone Plays!

$45 for first child, includes gym usage fee and end-of-season pizza party $40 for each additional child in family (must register at same time)

Registration Deadline: 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 23rd

Pechanga Casino #9019.400 Thursday, October 22 Fee: $13 Departs: 8:00 a.m. ....................................................................Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Pechanga’s exciting table gaming action includes 2,000 state-of-the-art slots and 60 table games that include Blackjack, Pai Gow, Let It Ride, Three-Card Poker and Mini-Baccarat. Pechanga is housed in a bright and lively 88,000 square-foot casino with a unique “clean air” filtration system. Each participant will receive a $5 voucher. Please bring valid photo identification on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes $5 voucher and transportation.

For further information, please call 562-905-9708.

All games will be held on Saturdays at the Boys & Girls Club Gym

40 • Li fe in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Trips for Everyone, continued

Oc tober


The Lion King, Broadway San Diego #9001.400

Edgewater Hotel, Laughlin #9003.400

Sunday, October 25 Fee: $80 Departs: 1:00 p.m..........Returns: 11:00 p.m.

Catch the bus to the San Diego Civic Center to relive the phenomenon of Disney’s The Lion King! Visually stunning, technically astounding, and with a musical score that is nothing but amazing, this family friendly show is recommended for ages six years and up. All persons entering the theatre, regardless of age, must present a ticket, and there are no discounts for children. The adventure begins at 6:30 p.m. Prior to the show, explore the San Diego Civic Center, enjoy lunch at a nearby restaurant or at the local mall. Trip fee includes theatre tickets and transportation.

Monday-Wednesday, November 2-4 Fee: $77 pp. dbl., $155 pp. sgl. Departs: 8:00 a.m............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

Enjoy three days and two nights in Laughlin, Nevada at the Edgewater Hotel. The brilliant 26-story tower stands out against the blue skies overlooking the banks of the Colorado River and the nearby mountain ranges. The Edgewater Casino is open 24 hours a day and offers a variety of casino table games, including Three-Card Poker, Let It Ride, Pai Gow and Roulette. The casino also offers slot machines galore, rated number one in Strictly Slots magazine. The trip fee includes transportation, hotel room and one free buffet per person (this may change, depending on the casino). En route, we will stop in Barstow for breakfast on

Trip Information

All return times are approximate. Seat assignment subject to change.

• No smoking or alcoholic beverages on the bus. • Refunds for excursions ONLY if the ticket can be resold. • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before departure time to board the bus. • Driver’s gratuity included. • Register early for excursions. • Excursions may be cancelled due to insufficient registration. • Registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis. • Program information is subject to change. • All trips depart from La Bonita Park parking lot, 1440 W. Whittier Blvd. The entrance to the parking lot is located by the clock tower and Taco Bell on the south side of Whittier Blvd., between Beach Blvd. and Idaho St.

your own. Limited rooms available, so sign up quickly! Museums, History & the Honey Train #9048.400 Thursday, November 5 Fee: $85 Departs: 7:00 a.m............Returns: 7:00 p.m.

Take a charter bus to Fillmore and then hop aboard the train and let the adventure begin! Experience travel the way it used to be as you ride in a vintage rail car and enjoy lunch on the train. The lunch menu includes green salad, orange-glazed chicken breast, rice pilaf, seasonal vegetables, bread and butter, coffee or tea, and chef ’s dessert. Your itinerary includes a tour of the Museum of the Heritage Valley, Piru Circle mosaics tour, a visit to Bennett’s honey farm, and Rancho Camulos tour. No outside food, beverages or strollers are allowed on the train. Trip fee includes transportation, tours and lunch. San Manuel Casino #9028.400 Wednesday, November 11 Fee: $13 Departs: 8:00 a.m............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

Hop aboard the bus and take a ride to the San Manuel Casino. Try your luck on over 2,000 slot machines, visit the 2,500-seat bingo hall or win big at a blackjack table. All guests will receive a $10 slot voucher. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip.

For further information, please call 562-905-9708.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Fa ll 20 09 • 41

Trips for Everyone, continued Champions of the Dance #9009.400 Sunday, November 15 Fee: $55 Departs: 10:30 a.m..........Returns: 6:00 p.m.

Quickstep with us as we dance our way to Victoria Garden’s Cultural Center and the Lewis Family Playhouse. Your afternoon will be filled with rhythm, grace, passion and sequins. International ballroom and Latin dance champions, along with featured performers from ABC’s hit, Dancing with the Stars and BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing take over the stage and dazzle and delight you with the traditional ballroom dancing that has captured America’s hearts. Before the show, enjoy lunch and shopping on your own, and walk around the beautiful Victoria Gardens mall. Trip fee includes theatre ticket and transportation. Midway Museum & Lunch #9054.400 Wednesday, November 18 Fee: $49 Departs: 8:30 a.m............Returns: 5:00 p.m.

Welcome aboard the USS Midway, where you can go to sea without leaving port! Imagine living on one of America’s longest serving aircraft carriers. Enter a floating city at sea and walk in the footsteps of over 220,000 sailors. Spend the day exploring more than 60 exhibits, including the crew’s sleeping quarters, engine room, post office, machine shops and 25 restored aircraft. If you dare, you can “take to the sky” aboard one of three flight simulators. The USS Midway Museum is an unforgettable adventure. Lunch will be provided on board; choose a sandwich or wrap with chips and beverage or an entrée salad and beverage. All participants will receive audio headsets for the self-guided tour, narrated by Midway sailors. Trip fee includes lunch, museum, self-guided tour and transportation.

December Viejas Casino #9057.400

Thursday, December 3 Fee: $13 Departs: 8:00 a.m............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

This Alpine casino is famous for traditional gambling, bingo and video horse racing. It is located next to the outlet mall, so you can enjoy the day gambling and shopping. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. A Christmas Carol at Lawrence Welk #9006.400 Sunday, December 6 Fee: $95 Departs: 8:30 a.m............Returns: 6:30 p.m.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Welcome to Lawrence Welk for a fantastic day of holiday cheer as you enjoy a performance of A Christmas Carol: The Musical. The timeless story promises to wrap you up in tidings of comfort and joy as the cast freezes away the “humbug” in Ebenezer Scrooge. Prior to the show, feast on a buffet lunch that includes all-you-can-eat salad bar, meat carving stations, hot and cold entrees, a dessert bar and coffee and tea. Trip fee includes

Snea k a Peek into Winter 2010 Get a head start planning your winter trips! Here are a few sneak peeks of what we have planned for you. To place your name on the interest list for any one of the following trips, please call:


transportation, lunch and show. Limited tickets are available, so reserve your seat as soon as possible. Stateline/Buffalo Bills Turnaround #9029.400 Saturday, December 12 Fee: $23 Departs: 8:00 a.m............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

Try your luck on this one-day turnaround to Stateline. All guests will receive a free buffet coupon and a coupon fun book. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes buffet, fun book and transportation. Las Vegas, Golden Nugget #9005.400 Monday-Wednesday, December 14-16 Fee: $99 pp. dbl., $195 pp. sgl. Departs: 8:00 a.m............Returns: 6:00 p.m.

“Viva Las Vegas!” Enjoy three days, two nights at the beautiful Golden Nugget, located in the heart of downtown Las Vegas. Visit the casinos, shop dine and relax. On the way to and from Las Vegas, the bus will stop in Barstow, California for lunch or supper on your own. Every room will receive a fun book valued at $250! Book your room today, before we sell out. Trip fee includes transportation, room and fun book.

Riverdance at the Pantages: Sunday, January 17th • Cirque du Soleil, Kooza, at the Orange County Great Park: Friday, February 5th • Chicago at the Pantages: Sunday, April 25th

42 • Life in L a Habra • Fall 20 09

Trips for Everyone, continued

E xtended Trips

The City of La Habra Trips & Tours coordinator works with Collette Vacations and Premier Discovery to offer you the best selection in extended trips! If a date doesn’t work for you, or if you don’t see the destination you were hoping for, contact the Trips & Tours coordinator. We will find the perfect trip for you!

Tropical Costa Ri ca

Ca na da’s A tlantic Co a st

Spirit of Wa sh ington D.C.

9 Days, 14 Meals Departs January 27th, 2010

10 Days, 14 Meals Departs July 22nd, 2010

5 Days, 6 Meals Departs August 26th, 2010

San Jose – Poas Volcano – Cano Negro Refuge – Arenal Volcano Hot Springs – Monteverde Cloud Forest – Gunacaste

Halifax – Peggy’s Cove – Hopewell Rocks – Lobster Excursion – Prince Edward Island – Cavendish National Park – Cape Breton Island – Cabot Trail

National Gallery of Art – The Monuments & Memorials Tour – World War II Memorial – National Museum of the American Indian

Double: $2,399 Single: $3,099

Double: $2,749 Single: $3,499

Double: $1,699 Single: $2,099

Reservations due by August 27th, 2009

Reservations due by February 22nd, 2010

Reservations due by May 9th, 2010

For m ore i n fo rmation, please contac t K a ti e E l m o re at 562-905-9708

Veterans Day Program Wednesday, November 11th 10:30 a.m. Musical Program 11:00 a.m. Official Ceremony La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Boulevard

Guest Speaker & Musical Tribute to Our Local Heroes

Co-sponsored by

American Legion Post 267

For more information, please contact the Community Center at 562-905-9708


City of La Habra Community Services Department P.O. Box 337 La Habra, CA 90631

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