Food for Thought

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L+ideas LTU Library Digital Magazine

What Are You: Reading? Watching? Listening to? Who do You Associate With? Why Do We Sleep? A Digital Book Review by Ed Orlowski Do You Have the Courage of Your Convictions? by Alice McHard Issue #4- Sept. 2021 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission Statement ............................................................................... 4 Contributors ........................................................................................ 5 Director’s Letter ................................................................................... 7 Campus Map .................................................................................... 8,9 Learn About Your Library.................................................................... 10 Keys to Library Assistance .................................................................. 11 Introduction ............................................................................. 12,13,14 What Are Your Reading? ...................................................... 16,17,18,19 What Are You Watching? ...................................................... 20,21,22,23 What Are You Listening to? ..............................................24,25,26,27,28

Who Do You Associate With? ................................................ 30,31,32,33 Do You Have the Courage of Your Convictions? ............ 34,35,36,37,38,39 Off the Rack by Sheila Gaddie ............................................................. 40 Why We Sleep: A Digital Book Review by Ed Orlowski........................... 41 Book Looks: What We’ve Been Reading ............................................... 42 What’s Your Story? ............................................................................ 43 LTU Author: Dr. Sibrina N. Collins ....................................................... 44 LTU Author: Dr. Vivian Kao ................................................................. 45 LTU Author: Dr. Dale Allen Gyure ................................................... 46,47 Colin Powell Complete Quote .............................................................. 48 IBD’s Secrets of Success .................................................................... 49 Michigan Non-motorized Trail Map ................................................. 50,51

Contributors and Suggestions ............................................................. 52


Pixabay—Mohamed Hassan



L+ideas Where the library and ideas come together for students, faculty, staff, alumni & friends of Lawrence Technological University Editors: Sheila Gaddie Sherry Tuffin Contributors Gary Cocozzoli Alice McHard Ed Orlowski Tami Stanko 5


Gary Cocozzoli LTU Library Director We all like to eat. From the time we are born, it has been the primary focus of how we survive. Food stirs the soul as well as the stomach. It controls our life, so much so that that we might think all afternoon on what to have for dinner, and dream about dining at a deluxe restaurant at night. There are cooking shows on TV in which we watch other people eating their clever culinary creations…but we don’t get to enjoy that repast except through our eyes. Newspapers devote pages chronicling new restaurants and print directions for crafting unusual recipes. Food is a focus in life.

Along with feeding our bodies, we also have need to feed our souls. We feed our ears with the sounds of our favorite music, and our eyes with a painting or sculpture or a beautiful vista. Our hands devour pieces of wood as we transform lumber into a piece of furniture. Our feet are nourished by soft pine needles during a walk in the woods. Our brains get sustenance by reading a book, magazine, or newspaper, or in a modern way, an eBook. We speak to others as a conduit of ideas, giving our voice a chance to nurture others by way of conversation. It takes more than food on the table to keep ourselves strong and nourished, we also need to keep the rest of our being challenged through the other stimuli that influences our lives. If we didn’t have this food for our thoughts, we would be malnourished just as if we did not eat any food for our bodies.

So, dig in and have a heaping helping of this issue of L’ideas, and go ahead and have a snack for the body while feeding the brain with the provocative articles within. 7

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According to the Merriam Webster

gatekeepers by reading the

dictionary the expression, “food



for thought” is defined as meaning, “Something that should be thought about or considered carefully”. This metaphor can be



applied literally to the food we

only food.





freshness of fruits and vegetables before buying. But it’s not enough to be a diligent gatekeeper about

consume. We routinely consider the calories, the carbohydrates,

We know that eating the wrong

and the nutrients in our diet.

foods can make us sluggish, out

There is a massive amount of

of shape and unable to find the

scientific literature on how we

energy to accomplish our goals.

should think about the food we

What we read, watch, listen to

choose for ourselves if we want


to maintain a healthy, balanced

similarly, can motivate us or de-


press us. It’s just as imperative





that we are aware what we allow past our mental gate.

In this edition of “L+ideas” we’re going to focus on other areas in our lives that are as important to

As a gatekeeper you must decide

our well-being as food that we

who and what you allow into your

can easily overlook or minimize

personal space. Do you spend

their impact. With food we read

time reading books and articles 12

that will get you closer to your


goal? Are you watching mindless

subtle, psychologically packaged to

entertainment that eats up hours

infiltrate beneath your notice. As

better spent exercising or talking

an effective gatekeeper, you must

to people who share your desire to

wake up and be aware of all the

succeed? As a gatekeeper are you

insidious ways to breach your

filtering our the anger, outrage,

defenses. Like hidden calories in

disinformation that can leave you

seemingly healthy food, things


aren’t always what they appear.








future? To optimize your life you must teach yourself to be an alert and strong gatekeeper. You need to question everything, especially any

patterns you have developed. Ask yourself, ‘Do I need this?’ ‘Why am

I doing this?’ ‘Who is trying to persuade me and why?’ In the poem, “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley says:

“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul The first line of this quote means what is going to happen with the speaker, he is fully responsible for that. The reason is that he is the master of his fate. So, one's fate is in one's control”.1

The world is full of noise designed to outrage you, provide escape from your life, attract your attention to all the things you need to purchase to overcome perceived shortcomings. Much of the messaging we are 13

This edition of L+ideas will pro-

of your life, or as Henley would

vide you with some ‘food for

say, be the master of your fate.

thought’ and hopefully give you into the ‘shiny objects’

We hope you will think about and

that are profitable for others but

carefully consider the articles in

may not be of any benefit to you.

“Food for Thought”.



It’s important to develop your


inner gatekeeper and take charge (logo)

Additional Resources:




What Are You Reading? What you put into your mind is equally as important as what foods you put into your body. Just as the right foods provide nutrients that fuel our bodies to perform physical tasks, what you read can mentally provide incentive to reach your goals, information to help you understand the world you live in, understand photos/127215/sitting-on-books-.html

people of different eras, backgrounds and cultures, plus offer a pleasurable interlude in a hectic,

you one iota closer to your goals.

fast-paced world. But to enjoy

As author Jodi Jackson in ‘You

these benefits requires that you

Are What You Read” notes:

choose your reading material as closely as you follow an optimum

“…food is to the body what

food diet. Just as a steady diet of

information is to the mind. The information that we imbibe will turn into Emotions thoughts, actions and behaviors.’1

junk food is detrimental to your physical well-being, a reading diet

of mostly lurid, exploitive, hatefilled, gossipy stories will not get 16

How, exactly, does reading ignite

strides towards our goals because


we can: gain greater knowledge,





expand our vocabulary, become a better writer,

reduce stress,

What we choose to read effects

experience mental stimulation and

not only our psychological abili-

increase our ability to focus.4

ties but there is also a biological component. Some people divide





what we read into two separate

brains producing both long term


and short term effects. Studies show that the brain is unable to

Writerly – this reading material

differentiate between what is real

allows you to “…fill in the gaps

and what you are reading. For in-

and participate… find your own way”2 Readerly – “…you’re entertained. (fiction adventure, romance, thrillers) author dictates experience3

stance, in the short term, if the

Both types of reading offer the reader something different. Just as there is nothing wrong with enjoying sweets occasionally, en-

“...character in your playing tennis, areas brain…would light up if physically out there on yourself”.5

gaging in ‘writerly’ or ‘readerly’ material is fine as long as you strike a healthy balance. With a

greater concentration on ‘writerly’ material we can make greater 17

book is of your you were the court








dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours”.7



changes that, “strengthens your

ability to imagine alternative paths, remember details, picture detailed scenes, and think through complex problems”.6

Understanding the myriad benefits of reading is essential to your mental, physical and psychological wellbeing.




unlimited portal to explore yourHow else can you meet thousands

self, your world and past worlds. It

of people not only different from


you and the world you inhabit, but

human connection”8

provide a, “greater sense of

people you will never meet in person and who even died before you

Perhaps, most importantly, reading

were born? Reading allows you to

not only opens doors to meeting

make connections across time and

others but it also is a way to better

distance to meet

someone who

understand yourself. The writer,

lived hundreds of years ago but

Marcel Proust compared his writing

who experienced feelings similar to

to how an optician can help to

what you are feeling today. As

bring the world into focus for

playwright Alan Bennett noted:

his customers:

“ …my book being merely a sort of magnifying glass like those which the optician at Combray used to offer his customers—it would be my book but with it I would furnish them the means of reading what lay inside themselves”.9

“The best moments in reading are when you come across something … which you had thought special and particular to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you never met, someone even who is long 18

It is said that, “… just about every

right books for you. You will

smart, accomplished person you can think of, from Bill Gates to Barack Obama, credits much of their success to their obsessive reading”.10





knowledge, added abilities to understand and empathize with others, increase your vocabulary, discover worlds beyond your own, put yourself closer to achieving

When you choose to devote time

your goals and join an elite group

to reading remember you can ask

of smart, successful people.

a librarian to help you find the 1

You Are What You Read – Jodi Jackson


6 facts on how reading makes you a


better person and improves your life Education Today News.pdf 3 Ibid




Benefits of Reading - 13 Ways Reading Will Improve Your Life.pdf

Benefits of Reading Books_ For Your

Physical and Mental Health.pdf Benefits of Reading - 13 Ways Reading Will Ibid, Marcel Proust, An Act of Discovery Improve Your Life.pdf 10 This Is How Reading Rewires Your Brain, Ac5 This Is How Reading Rewires Your Brain, According to Neuroscience cording to Neuroscience 6 Ibid

Additional Reading:


What Are You Watching?

Other than sleeping and working, Americans are more likely to watch television than engage in any other activity.1 The Neilsen company that rates what people watch found that, “…the total

time people spent per week streaming video in 2020 had increased by nearly 75% compared with 2019”.2 This is a substantial




Josh Kahen, Unsplash

amount of time people spend passively facing a monitor. Much

that doesn’t seem like a big deal

of this was spent in an activity

to you. Let’s face it we’ve all rec-

(or more accurately an inactivi-

orded our favorite shows and

ty) called binge watching. The

then settled in for a marathon,

definition of binge watching is,

multi-episode viewing session.


anywhere between two and six episodes of a TV series in one sitting”.3 Perhaps

But surveys indicate that binge

watching can have some


unpleasant side effects.

There’s a reason the term ‘coach potato’ has entered the lexicon.

People who binge watch are





known as bingers and they, “fall

mindlessly eat while watchingour

along a continuum ranging from occasional binge-viewing for entertainment purposes on one end, to unregulated bingewatching on the other”.4

shows. Additionally, the snacks we prefer when we’re mesmerized by the television are of the popcorn, tacos, pizza,


beer and potato chip variety that add nothing to our health but a

While indulging in binge watch-

lot to our waists. The combina-

ing your favorite television


tion of consum-

I love a good Netflix binge

ing calories and

“… your brain physical inactivi~ Simone Biles produces dopaty can lead to, mine that results “obesity, heart in a ‘high’ similar to that induced disease, diabetes, depression”. 7 by drugs. Your brain craves more and more”.5 It’s been notWhile you’re indulging in binge ed that binge watching, “tickles watching the world goes on brain like gambling & other hawithout you. You are not partici6 bitual habits”. It’s important to pating in all the avenues that the be aware that this can become

world has to offer. You don’t in-

addictive behavior.

teract with your friends, you don’t play sports, you don’t

What we do when we’re binge

develop hobbies, you don’t join

watching can be a problem.

groups or do anything that


those born in 1987. The researchers attributed some of this decline in I.Q. scores to access to cable television, which also coincided with a sharp decline in reading.11

would offer you healthy ways to improve yourself and move you closer to your goals. To avoid social

try, “bingeing


with family, friends” .8 Watching seasons finales or cheering your favorite characters can turn a negative into a positive. Just

So beyond the intrinsic detriments






binge-watching a, “substitute for






associated problem of devoting


less time to active reading that “…involves




essential When

to you

deeper engagement with the text by previewing it, linking it with your experience, asking and answering questions, jotting down notes, main ideas, your ideas and more”.12

your binge

watch the programs are often exciting and create arouse your brain rather than calm it in preparation for sleep. In fact, “bingeing interferes w/ability to



‘cool down’ & shut off brain”.10


most is


things of




dangerous way to spend your But perhaps the most startling

time, if you do it in moderation.

evidence about binge watching

Being aware of the possible side

came from a study done in

effects of overdoing it will help

Norway. “Norwegian men taking

you to make informed decisions

an exam at age 18 for military conscription, those born in 1974 scored two I.Q. points higher than

about how you can engage in marathon viewing of your favorite




You Are What You Watch_ The Social Effects of TV - The New York Times.pdf Binge Watching _ Northwestern Medicine.pdf Ibid 4 How TV Binge-Watching Hurts Your Health _ Everyday Health.pdf 5 Binge Watching _ Northwestern Medicine.pdf 6 How TV Binge-Watching Hurts Your Health _ Everyday Health.pdf 7 How TV Binge-Watching Hurts Your Health _ Everyday Health.pdf 8 Ibid 9 Ibid 10 Ibid 11 You Are What You Watch_ The Social Effects of TV - The New York Times.pdf 12 Lumen Introduction to College Reading and Writing 2 3

Life is the perfect binge ~ Julia Child

Additional Reading:

Today a reader,

Tomorrow a leader. 23

What Are You Listening To? Listening to a variety of people with different opinions and developing strong listening skills is essential




minds, expanding our world, and

creating a balanced perspective

Photo by Joshua Oluwagbemiga on Unsplash

on life. It’s important to be aware of

information, misinformation,

what we listen to, first we need

and disinformation seeping into

to be aware of the problem, the

our minds through news, music,

dangers and of the solutions to

people and more. Much of what

this insidious infiltrator.

we hear and absorb is subliminal. Like hidden calories in our diets,

We need to recognize that hu-

we are ingesting data that often

mans have a negativity bias.

we don’t consciously choose and

What is a negativity bias? The

are even unaware of. To filter

negativity bias is defined as, “the


tendency of humans to place more

the situation or even representa-

significance on negative events

tive Some of the loudest noise-

than neutral or positive ones”.1 It

makers in the world today cater

is no secret that humans are fasci-

exclusively to our negativity bias.

nated by disasters, both large and small.





people and

proven moneymaker. This noise

today we’re drawn to look at a car

comes from, “…the merchants of

accident as we drive past or sit

bad”3, commonly referred to as

riveted watching news of floods

the “… media and politics and ad-



vertising … [that] are continually

There’s even a term for people

scaring us … [as a] way to get



Why? Because negativity is a



[our] attention”. 4 It’s important to

psychologist Rick Hanson notes,

remember that what we, “hear or


mind is like Velcro for

read is not necessarily an accurate

negative experiences and Teflon

view of the situation or even rep-

for positive ones”.2

resentative”5 of what has really





happened. As often as not reports Studies have shown conclusively

inflated to sensationalize and im-

that what we hear or read is not

prove sales or ratings.

necessarily an accurate view of


As author Matt Haig notes, ” The

stimulating podcasts or educa-

world is increasingly designed to


depress us. Happiness isn’t very

commute that will educate or

good for the economy. If we

stimulate or encourage you that

were happy with what we had,

will, someday, put money in your

why would we need more?6


What do you listen to when

It’s important to be pro-active in

you’re driving in your car? Do you

guarding your mind against noise

tune in rock, rap, country? Maybe

pollution. You can turn off the

you prefer talk radio, shock jocks,

news or your computer for a

sports programs. It has been not-

while and opt to read a book or

ed that you are putting, ”…money

take a walk instead of listening to

into the pockets of the people

talking heads spewing opinions as

you’ve been listening to … radio

if they were facts. The Daily Posi-



tive blog suggests that you add a

publishers and recording artists”.7

mind filter so that you don’t,






“eventually morph into the type of Why not spend some of that time

noise you allow”8 to seep into

listening to what Jim Rohrbach

your mind.

calls a “YOU-niversity”8 Add


Because, “…bad things have about

[you’re] thinking and hearing and

two, three, or four times as much


impact as good thing”10 we need to try and counter balance the

And here’s something that should

massive negativity around us. Look

help put things in perspective,

at the positive aspects of your life

“…anyone born in America

and the world. Take the time to

after the middle of the

engage your rational brain and

20th century should never

shut down the emotional side that



is constantly being catered to by



the media and advertisers who

places in the history of the

want to outrage you. Look at your

world, it’s really like winning the

family, friends, add up your ac-


complishments or even start a Gratitude





life that you have to be happy You’ll





The Leading Edge Ibid 3 How to Overcome Your Brain’s Fixation on Bad Things 4 Ibid 5 The Greater Good 6 Reasons to Stay Alive, Matt Haig 7 You Become What You Listen To.pdf 8 Ibid 9 The Daily Positive 10 How to Overcome Your Brain’s Fixation on Bad Things 11 Ibid 12 Ibid 13 Ibid 2

surprised at all the things in your




that,“…things are almost never as

bad as


Additional Reading:


Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination,




They are home." ~ Anna Quindlen 29

Who Do You Associate With?

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”1 ~ Jim Rohn Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

Think about what Jim Rohn said.

begin to seem normal. If the

It bears repeating. “You are the

people you spend time with work

average of the five people you spend the most time with”.2 Let’s

your normal. But if the people in

examine what that means. Why is it important to assess your environment and the people that you have chosen to surround yourself with? One reason is that

the behaviors and attitudes of the people you spend your time with

hard and are motivated that is your life lack ambition, are negative then that also becomes to feel normal. Studies show that, “groups of friends may subcon-

sciously pick up one another’s behaviors” 3 Our environment, whether it is 30

family or friends, influences our life


decisions. That’s why it’s important

lawyers. Similarly, carpenter’s chil-

to be aware that “group norms can

dren often follow the example they

be powerful”.4 When you look at














co-workers,“…do they elevate you

or bring you down? Are they proactive go-getters exhibiting qualities that you admire…? Do they motivate you or drain you?” 5

The behavior and attitudes we

These are questions you need to


ask yourself.

“about thoughtfully analyzing the


successes of others and finding what works for you”.7


adopt from the people around us is, “largely unconscious, beneath

your awareness…”6 This is not






that we need to populate our world with people who represent

It’s as important to be aware of

our goals. For instance, if you want

associations in your life as it is

to be successful you surround

imperative that you choose healthy

yourself with successful people.

food to maximize your energy. A

That makes a great deal of sense.


If you want to be an investment


banker, why would you spend

repeated contact with negative,

most of your time with poets?

unproductive, aimless people. You

While time spent with poets can be

need to, “make a conscious effort

very satisfying it won’t get you any

to surround yourself with positive, uplifting people – people who believe in you, encourage you to go after your dreams, and applaud your victories.8

closer to your goal of working on Wall Street. We see examples of

this every day in families. It’s common when the parents are 31



fast and

food so

has does

Once you’ve made the decision to

listen to podcasts and expose

create a healthy atmosphere for

yourself to inspiring success

yourself how do you begin? The

stories to expand your library

first step is to step out of your

of knowledge and nurture your


creative thinking.





‘comfort’ zone because you’re not stretching,




Spend less time in front of the TV and more time connecting

experiencing new things that can

with people

feel very frightening. You need to accept that, while change can

A satisfying, stimulating, creative



life isn’t going to miraculously

you're willing to take action, not much will happen.”9

appear. It’s up to you to design



Remember, “when you control

control of your environment and

your environment, you control your life”.10








find compatible friends here are






some suggestions: •

“People inspire you, or they drain you – pick them wisely.” 11 ~ Hans F. Hansen

Attend events in your town that appeal to your interests, and arouse your curiosity

Read more (books, blogs) or

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” ~ Warren Buffet 32



How Your Friends Become Your Future 2 Ibid 3 The Hidden Power of Every Single Person Around You 4 Who You Surround Yourself With Matters.pdf 5 How Your Circle of Friends Influence Who You Become Simon Alexander Ong.pdf 6 Ibid 7 How your friends change your habits - for better and worse - BBC Future.pdf

10 of Jack Canfield's Most Powerful Quotes From _The Success Principles_The Inspiring Journal.pdf

9 10


Russell Bishop, Huffington Post How your friends change your habits - for better and worse BBC Future.pdf stories/business-mastery/surroundyourself-with-quality-people/

Additional Reading:

“Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream.” ~ Colin Powell Click for Full Quote


Would You Have the Courage of Your Convictions?



strength, courage and conviction

thought that

to stay the course for what he


believed was right.



but you were

He was an ordinary farmer in the









Radegund, Austria. He loved his

would you go

life, his family, his farm and the

along to get

community he grew up in. Yet he


was a man of strong convictions and would not sell out, even

If it were a matter of life or

when he knew that to hold to

death, or the survival of your

his convictions might certainly

family and other loved ones… would you keep on insisting on your path or would you give in to avoid pain and suffering, not only for yourself, but also for your family?

Franz Jägerstätter



questions and he found the

Franz Jagerstatter 34

mean death for himself, and a

Everything that he knew and had

struggle for his young family.

read about Hitler, convinced him that Hitler’s new Germany had

He grappled with the decision that

made an enemy of the church and

he had to make. He felt certain that the National Socialist Party (N.S.) and Hitler were wrong. The war was brought about


of the N.S. Party and Hitler’s wrong ideas and that the war was an unjust one. When he was called up to serve in the German Army, he had to take Jagerstatter’s Mother, three daughters, wife

a stand for what he thought was right! All those inducted into the German army were required to

of the God that he served. He

take an oath of loyalty to Hitler

could not sign the loyalty oath

and the National Socialist Party.

even to save his own life.

He could not! He had no advanced degree of As a strong Catholic, he felt that

learning (he only went to school

God would not have him kill others

until he was 14 yrs. old) and yet

as it was totally against what he


knew God’s commandments were


for mankind, “not to kill”. He just

writings while he was in prison

could not let that conviction go.

explaining his beliefs are a


voraciously read whatever he get





wonderful treasure for all who

The small community that he

read them.

grew up in tried to get him to see that he was too small a

He understood that there was a

person to make any difference in

battle going on, not just with the

the war, that his decision would

German army waging war on the

only mean death for himself and

world but the Germany of the


National Socialist Party,

children, his aged mother suffer.

Franz Jagerstatter





Franziska Jagerstatter

was at war with the Christian

After all they said, “you don’t

church and this caused him

have to believe in

distress. He saw Hitler and the

Hitler or support the National


Party trying to take the

Socialist Party, you can just sign

church and God completely out

the loyalty oath and no one will

of the country. The war was not

know the difference”. But he

right; killing others was not right.

stood his ground and would not

The war was against everything

lie even in the face of this kind

he believed. He could not follow

of opposition.

loyalty to

the path of loyalty to Hitler and





He knew he would likely be

Germany that Hitler wanted.

thrown into prison and certain 36

death would follow. He knew that

little girls for the rest of his life.

his decision would leave his wife to



farm by


On March 2, 1943 when he was

while taking care of their three

required to show up for induction



into the armed forces. Franz

elderly mother was not well and

announced that he would not

this would be another burden for

serve nor sign the loyalty oath

his wife to carry. Yet all these

and he was immediately thrown


into prison.





not outweigh his

strong beliefs and he knew that he had to set a strong example

The death sentence was con-

for his children and for all of us

firmed and Franz Jagerstatter was

who would follow.

beheaded on Aug 9, 1943.

His letters and his writings while

Knowing that his family would be

in prison remind his family of the

harassed, and shunned, he had

love he felt for them. He was

prepared them well. The sweet,

concerned for what would follow

simple letters he wrote to his

his decision. He reminded them

wife, his mother, father-in-law,

following God’s Commandments

his family priest and his children

“not to kill” was his ultimate goal

offered words of encouragement

and doing what is right has value.

and hope along with reminders to stick to their beliefs, and do what

I cannot image the pressure that

is right no matter what comes.

he must have endured knowing he could have simply signed the papers, hidden his feelings, and

~ Alice McHard

gone on living and supporting his

Graduate Student

wife, his mother and his three

Services Coordinator 37

Jagerstatter’s Final Letter ”My dear loved ones, the hour draws near when I shall give my soul back to God, the Lord. I could say many words of farewell to you, and it is hard to imagine saying no more good-byes to you. I would have gladly spared you the pain and the suffering that you have borne on account of me. But you surely know that we must love God more than we love our family, and that we must be ready to let go of everything that we love on this earth and that is dear to us rather than to offend God in the least. And, I would not dare to offend God on account of you. Now my dear children, when your mother reads you this le8er, your father will already be dead. I would have gladly come to you, but the

heavenly Father wanted it otherwise. Be well-behaved and obedient children. Pray for your father so that we shall see each other soon in heaven! My dear wife and my mother, forgive me for al the ways in which I have offend you and have made you to suffer. And I ask that everyone in Radegund, whom I have made suffer1 and have offended, forgive me.

Jagerstratter Children holding a sign that reads: Dear Father, Come home soon.


Additional Resources: The Refusal Movie

A Man of Conscience Youtube


Off the Rack By Sheila Gaddie How Did You Get That Cool Job? By Kathryn Dill This article profiles a Pixar animator, an NBA statistician, a software engineer, a nonprofit worker and an entrepreneur discuss how they moved from college to their fields, and offer advice to new grads in the Wall Street Journal, Saturday/Sunday, July 17-18, 2021, Women Who Say No to Motherhood By Mary Kathrine Tramontana “Is it a woman’s purpose in life to have children?” asks, Zoe Noble who is featured in the article, “Women Who Say No to Motherhood,” by Mary Kathrine Tramontana, New York Times, May 6, 2021. One gets a glimpse into the lives of several women who have decided that they do not want to have children. The women raise important questions such as, “Why are you choosing to have a child?” “Do you have the resources and the emotional ability to raise a child?” Equally important to consider, the environmental benefit of not having children. Even having just one fewer child per family can save an average of 65 tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year.

Faculty and staff can subscribe to the New York Times for FREE 40

A Digital Book Review of

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams Reviewed by Ed Orlowski

Sheila Gaddie recommends for further information go to: “Ask Well: I’m often wide awake at 3 a.m.

How do I get back to sleep?” Anahad O’Connor, New York Times, July 20, 2021 41

What We’ve Been Reading


Got an idea for a story? Want to join our book club BOOK LOOKS?


or 43

LTU Authors & Publications

Dr. Sibrini N. Collins Editor

This work highlights and celebrates the contributions African Americans in the chemical sciences have made,

despite racial and gender barriers. Their

contributions are often overlooked in media, textbooks, and, consequently, the classroom. By





African American

chemists, this work serves as a tool to address diversity, equity, and inclusion in the classroom and beyond. Lessons plans accompany each chapter, enabling immediate incorporation of these stories into chemistry learning objectives. This work and these tools will help the next generation of chemists see diverse examples of success. 1


ACS Publications 44

LTU Authors & Publications

Dr. Vivian Kao This book brings film adaptation of literature to bear on the question of how nineteenth-century imperial ideologies of progress continue to inform power inequalities in a global capitalist age. Not simply the promotion of general betterment for all, improvement in the British colonial context licensed a superior “master race” to “uplift” its colonized populations—morally, socially, and economically. This book argues that, on the one hand, film adaptations of nineteenth-century novels reveal the arrogance and coercive intentions that underpin contemporary notions of development, humanitarianism, and modernity—improvement’s post-Victorian guises. On the other hand, the book also argues that the films use their nineteenth-century source texts to criticize these same legacies of imperialism. By bringing together film adaptation, postcolonial theory, and literary studies, the book demonstrates that adaptation, as both method and cultural product, provides a way to engage with the baggage of ideological heritage in our contemporary global media environment. 1

Amazon 45


LTU Authors & Publications

Dr. Dale Allen Gyure This book examines schoolrooms and their material contents to reveal insights into the evolution of education and the translation of educational theories and cultural ideals into practice. School attendance is nearly universal in our society, yet very little is known about the history of the classrooms we occupy and the objects we encounter and use in our educational lives. Why are our school classrooms designed as they are? When was the blackboard invented? When did computers start appearing in schools? Through analysis of classrooms and objects within them, The Schoolroom: A Social History of Teaching and Learning details the history of American education, describing how architects, in collaboration with educators, have shaped learning


LTU Authors & Publications spaces in response to curricular and pedagogical changes, population shifts, cultural expectations, and concern for children's health and well-being. It illustrates connections between form and function, showing how a welldesigned school building can encourage learning, and reveals little-known histories of ubiquitous educational objects such as blackboards, desks, and computers. • Provides an unprecedented history of the classrooms that so many of us occupy during our most formative years

Brings readers closer to the design of school buildings

Explains how spaces and objects influence teaching and learning and reflect educational ideologies

Details how school buildings have evolved over the years1 1



Colin Powell Quote

“The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you. Consider this: Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person. Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere. With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it. Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights. "A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses." The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and the bad. Note: Be not mistaken. This is applicable to family as well as friends. love, appreciate and be thankful for your family, for they will always be your family no matter what. Just know that they are human first and though they are family to you, they may be a friend to someone else and will fit somewhere in the criteria above. "In Prosperity Our Friends Know Us. In Adversity We Know Our friends." "Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them." "If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.." 48

IBD’S SECRETS OF SUCCESS Investor’s Business Daily has spent years analyzing leaders and successful people in all walks of life. Most have 10 traits that, when combined, can turn dreams to reality. HOW YOU THINK IS EVERYTHING: Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of negativity. DECIDE UPON YOUR TRUE DREAMS AND GOALS: Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them. TAKE ACTION: Goals are nothing without action. Don’t be afraid to get started. Just do it.

NEVER STOP LEARNING: Go back to school or read books. Get training and acquire new skills. BE PERSISTENT AND WORK HARD: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up. LEARN TO ANALYZE DETAILS: Get all the facts, all the input. Learn from your mistakes. FOCUS YOUR TIME AND MONEY: Don’t let other people or things distract you. DON’T BE AFRAID TO INNOVATE; BE DIFFERENT: Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity. DEAL AND COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE EFFECTIVELY: No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others.

BE HONEST AND DEPENDABLE; TAKE RESPONSIBILITY; Otherwise, Nos. 1-9 won’t matter. 49


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