Liberty ARC 2023 Annual Report

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2023 ANNUAL REPORT Growing Together

O cers

Kim Brumley President

Deborah Slezak Vice President

Carl Pucci Secretary

Michael Bucciferro Treasurer


Ken Adamowski

Donna Canestraro

Paul DiCaprio

David Fariello

Brett Harris

Karreene O’Neil

Sally Romano

Rev. Dr. Lisa Vander Wal

Director Emerita

Frances Gargiulo


Pauline Adamowski

Amanda Anderson

Valerie Beekman

Sharon Bellamy

Irene Bollen

Tim Coons

Carol Cuyler

Jack Cuyler

We are proud to present Liberty ARC’s

2023 Annual Report

Joe Davey

Darlene Fetterly

Robert Harvey

Andrew Heck

Je rey Heiser

Roslita Lilley

Indiria McIntosh

Christine Plunkett

Russell Porath

Olivia Savery

Darla Schram

Joan Silvernail

Brandon Waylett

Barbara Wool

Benjamin Ziskin

2023 was a year full of great recognition and accomplishments for the sta and people supported by Liberty ARC.

From the 27 DSP’s who achieved one of the National Alliance for Direct Support Professional’s nationally-recognized credentials as part of our pilot program, to people we support, like Jimmy Getsch earning statewide recognition for his volunteer work in the community, Liberty ARC is changing lives in Montgomery County and beyond. Our person-centered approach focuses on the very best in supports and services for people with disabilities throughout their lives. It’s always rewarding to see our work, and great people associated with Liberty ARC, recognized.

This was also a year where we forged ahead with plans to strengthen our ties in the community and build towards a stronger future. We began our journey of unifying with Schenectady ARC, which is planned to occur in 2024, and will expand our footprint and o er new services to the people we support. We look forward to sharing more exciting updates as this gets underway.

Most of all, we are grateful for the support and dedication of the people who stand behind our mission. From families to sta to community supporters, there are thousands of people who are working to improve the lives of people with disabilities in our region. You’ll read some of their stories here, and know that standing behind each one of these successes are people like you. We’re so thankful for your support of our mission and for making a brighter future for the people we support!


Mission Statement

Together we support people with disabilities to achieve a quality of life each person values

Liberty ARC’s Values

* Quality

* Teamwork

* Integrity

* Respect

* Resourcefulness

* Person-Centered

2023 Board of Directors
*Listings re ect board members as of December 2023
Page 2 2023 Annual Report

When Jahmien Scales rst came to Liberty ARC in 2022, his goal was to improve his public speaking skills and to be a voice for others. This began his journey into self-advocacy, and with the support of his Liberty ARC sta , 2023 was a year of great success.

“I like answering the tough questions,” Jahmien said.

His rst opportunity to speak in front of a crowd was at the New York State Capitol in February for a rally, where 500 people were in attendance, including lawmakers and community members. That day, he was the only person with disabilities to speak on funding needs, sharing the importance of the Direct Support Professional role,

“When I rst did it, I was slightly nervous, but I overcame it and it was fun,” Jahmien said. “It’s important to talk about sta ng, so people have a chance to do the things they want to do, and that’s what I did. It was awesome to get the message out and show others they aren’t alone and

Jahmien continued to make great strides in his public speaking and self-advocacy journey, training with Liberty ARC sta to polish his presentation skills. He presented at Liberty ARC’s Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) accreditation opening ceremony in front of community leaders, his peers, Liberty ARC sta , and visiting CQL o cials, speaking on the importance of advocating for himself and for the direct care eld.

Education and access to transportation for people with disabilities are also very important advocacy topics for Jahmien, which he discussed at the New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation Advocacy Institute in the early Fall.

“It’s a good thing to talk about, because of the need for sta for transportation, having money for cabs and buses, and education on resources in their community to go places,” Jahmien said. “It was awesome to be with other self-advocates, too, that we have the same attitude, so we can progress. We need to all have the same attitude for success.”

Jahmien has become a role model to his peers at Liberty ARC and other self-advocates across the state. He was Liberty ARC’s nominee for The Arc New York’s Self Advocate of the Year Award in 2023.

“It’s crazy because I have really only been with Liberty ARC for about a year, and I am really proud of myself that I have come this far,” Jahmien said. “I get to do all this fun stu with self-advocacy and I am grateful for all the opportunities.”

Participants at Liberty ARC’s Church Street Day Hab in Canajoharie are on a mission to ensure children in their community don’t go hungry. When they heard the good news, that their Snack Bag project would be back up and running to provide weekend meals to the youth in their area, they were ecstatic about the opportunity to help.

The project came back in April for the 2023-2024 academic year. Through the Snack Bag project, 15 bags are given to the Canajoharie Central School District weekly and then distributed for children at the end of the week. Each bag is discreetly packed, so that food-insecure students don’t receive any social stigma, and includes two breakfast items, two lunch items, and two snack items, covering both Saturday and Sunday meals.

Every week the group shops for items and puts the bags together. On the day of delivery, they travel to the school and drop them o .

“They look forward to it every week and are so proud to do it,” said Suzanne Field, a Senior Hab Coordinator at Liberty ARC. “The people in program know there are children who don’t have food outside of school. For some, school is the only time they are properly being fed and this program ensures they don’t go without on the days they are not there.”

As the group assembled bags, they were asked if they liked the work they were doing for the school district and it was a collective and enthusiastic yes!

“We like helping so they have food,” said Erica Reynolds, a participant in the day hab program.

The Snack Bag program originally started in the early 2000s with Melvin Smith, who received services through Liberty ARC, and had a passion for helping children. Now the program continues to run in his memory.

Individual Success

Back in the Game and on the Court Individual Success

Anthony Strazza has been playing basketball for many years. When an opportunity for Liberty ARC to join the Special Olympics Basketball team at Schenectady ARC came up this past year, Anthony knew he wanted to sign up and encouraged his friends to do so as well.

Liberty ARC’s participation in Special Olympics games had been on hiatus since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but came back in 2023. Anthony said he wanted to get back into the sport to honor a late friend, who introduced him to Special Olympics.

“It was great being back on a team and playing,” Anthony said.

Anthony convinced his girlfriend, Markie Hugo, to join the team, too. For Markie, this was her rst time playing basketball on a team.

“I loved it,” Markie said.

Not only did Markie enjoy the sport as a whole, but also being given the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Anthony said one of his favorite memories of the season is when they won a silver medal.

Markie and Anthony said they were also grateful to their sta , Heather Greene, an Assistant Manager II, who has been their biggest supporter. Heather takes them to games and practices, watching and cheering them on from the sidelines.

“They enjoyed it, and I did as well,” Heather said. “I really saw a growth in them, especially for Markie this is the rst time she has really played. Anthony is a great player as well. It was a great time and experience for them to play on a team and meet new people. We look forward to the 2024 season, and what it has in store for Anthony and Markie, as well as the rest of the Liberty ARC participants.”

A Year of Change and Growth for Isaac Smith

The year 2023 was a year of positive change for Isaac Smith as he moved out of his parents’ home and into one of Liberty ARC’s homes, wanting to gain further independence and to nd a job that he enjoys.

To support his goals, Isaac began participating in the agency’s Community Connections Day Hab program, where people who receive supports from Liberty ARC volunteer, while also learning skills to gain employment in the

“A job means one step closer to independence and to have money to pay bills and my hobbies, like gaming and building miniatures,” Isaac said.

Kara Reed, a Senior Hab Coordinator who oversees Community Connections, said she has seen tremendous growth in Isaac since he began with them over the summer and as he has worked

“Right from the get-go he told us he wanted a job. When he started volunteering with us he took it very seriously,” Kara said. “He is very thorough. When he goes out with his groups, he gives it his all and does what is asked of him, because he knows these are the skills needed for employment. He also mentors others and encourages them, where before he was very shy. ”

Along with his day program supporting his goals, Isaac also receives services through Liberty ARC’s Career & Employment Network (CEN) and has a job coach.

“Since meeting and working with him I always found him as a con dent individual - which is an attractive quality for any employer. Isaac understands that opportunities in life arise through employment,” said Stephen Picciocca, an Employment Support Specialist for Liberty ARC’s CEN. “He acknowledges that he has to earn money toward the things in life that are important to him. Isaac understands the disciplines of employment and now he has the opportunity to put them to the test.”

Isaac was excited to start a new job as a clerk at the Mohawk Valley Welcome Center near the Canajoharie Thruway exit. Liberty ARC runs the Welcome Center and employs people with disabilities, supported by the agency. He will also be working side by side with his peers from Community Connections.

“It’s been great getting all the support to reach my goals,” Isaac said. “Sta have been really encouraging and it feels really good to have it. I am excited for the new learning experience at the Welcome Center.”

Choices for Community Living Receives CQL Re-Accreditation

Liberty ARC and its subsidiary, Choices for Community Living (CCL), were pleased to announce in 2023 that the agency received the four-year Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation from the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL).

The award con rms both Liberty ARC and CCL share CQL’s vision for person-centered solutions to improve the quality of life for people receiving supports

During the partnership with CQL to pursue accreditation, Liberty ARC and CCL undertook a rigorous process to review services and supports, including hosting visiting CQL team members at the New York and Delaware program sites. Their e orts were focused on empowering the people who receive supports from their organization to make choices in how they live their lives, including where they work, where they live, and how they create a community. As part of the recent review, Liberty ARC and CCL demonstrated an organizational commitment to continued enhancement of systems directly related to person-centered services.

as of
*Listings re ect board members
December 2023
CCL Delaware, Inc.

New Dimensions

New Dimensions in Health Care Receives National Recognition for Sixth Year in a Row

New Dimensions in Health Care (NDHC) was recognized as a level three Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) in 2023. The Recognition Program is built on evidence-based, nationally recognized clinical standards of care, and level three is the highest level that is awarded. New Dimensions in Health Care was rst recognized by NCQA in 2014, and has been recognized at the level three designation since 2017.

The Patient-Centered Medical Home model is an approach to delivering high-quality, cost-e ective primary care. Using a patient-centered, culturally appropriate, and team-based approach, the PCMH model coordinates patient care across the health system. It is driven by strong relationships between the provider and the patient.

“Receiving this national recognition at the level three designation for the sixth year in a row speaks volumes to the quality of services we provide to patients in the Montgomery County region and beyond,” said Jennifer Saunders, CEO of New Dimensions. “New Dimensions’ clinical sta cares for a variety of patients to ensure all members of the community are receiving the best course of patient-centered treatment.”

New Dimensions Awarded Grant Funding

The dental program at New Dimensions received a generous grant for 2023 from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation to support operations of the dental clinic. The dental clinic provides high-quality care to thousands of underserved patients each year, including those with disabilities. Thanks to this funding the clinic saw more patients year-over-year, helping the poor and vulnerable improve their oral health!

New Dimensions Welcomes New Board Members

New Dimensions in Health Care was pleased to welcome two new members to its board: Anna Orlando and Nicole Yaggle. Both will serve a two-year term and join the board with extensive knowledge and experience.

Anna is a Registered Nurse, who serves as a Care Management and Education Development Manager for Strive Health, a kidney care organization. She has also worked at several hospitals in the Capital Region.

Nicole has worked for Montgomery County since 2013. She currently serves as the Personnel O cer. She is the second vice president of the New York Association of Personnel & Civil Service O cers and is a liated with the NYS Association of Self-Insured Counties and the NYS Public Employer Labor Relations Association.

New Dimensions in Living, Inc. Board of Directors

O cers

Kim Brumley President

Julie A. Gray-Bablin Secretary-Treasurer

*Listings re ect board members as of December 2023


Michele Downing

Anna Orlando

Nicole Yaggle

Page 6 2023 Annual Report

“I strive to be the best I can at my job for the people I support and the sta that I supervise. I love the people I support, especially seeing the joy and happiness they show when I help them participate in activities they enjoy. I also love to see how extremely excited they are to see me when I walk through the door to start my shift. It shows that I have made a positive impact in their lives.”

“I love the fact that I work for an organization that is very innovative and always looking for a better way to give people we support the best lives they can have. I love going home each night knowing that I made a positive di erence in someone’s life- whether it’s a person we support, a co-worker, or a sta member.”

“Every day is di erent, and I love that. I enjoy assisting fellow sta with any question they may have. Liberty ARC truly cares for their sta , and I am happy to be a part of making that happen.”

Director of the Year- Director of Employment Services and Industrial Operations

“The work we do can be di cult. Ensuring people I work alongside feel appreciated and accomplished isn’t always easy, supporting and helping people achieve personal goals is hard work, and being creative and nding a path in this challenging environment takes perseverance and hard work. I’ve been a orded opportunities that can in uence all of these challenges. My team members are always willing to o er their support to me and the agency at large. Together, we make people’s lives better and support people to accomplish their dreams, none of which is easy, but that is what makes me love what I do.”

Liberty ARC joins NADSP Credentialing Program for Direct Support Professionals

Liberty ARC is always looking to build and expand the career ladder for their Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) by taking part in new initiatives. This year, Liberty ARC began a membership with National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) to support the advancement of our employees.

As a member of NADSP, Liberty ARC provides the opportunity for direct care sta to earn credentials through the E-badges program. E-Badges are speci c online learning modules with a comprehension component and a practical application component. Each E-Badge earned challenges the DSP taking the module to

expand their knowledge and apply it in situations with the people they support. The coursework included a rigorous 100 hours of online classwork as well as demonstrated application of the principles learned.

The E-Badges Academy leads to a nationally-recognized credential with three di erent levels (DSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III). NADSP is one of the nation’s leading Direct Support Professional associations, promoting excellence in direct support work.

In July, sixteen DSPs graduated as the agency’s rst class as part of the New York State O ce for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) credentialing pilot program.

023 Annual Report Page 7
Paula Szabo, Program Employee of the Year - Assistant Manager Wendy Moore, Support Employee of the Year - Incident Review Coordinator Diana Mack, Manager of the Year - Human Resources Manager
the Year

Liberty ARC’s Joslin Award Nominee - Sandy Becker

Sandy Becker was Liberty ARC’s nominee for the New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. (NYSID) 2023 William B. Joslin Outstanding Performance Award.

For the past 30 years, Sandy has been employed by Liberty Enterprises, Liberty ARC’s manufacturing division. She performs a variety of jobs within production and assembly with a focus on janitorial, o ce, and GOJO/Purell o erings, as well as private contract packaging.

Sandy is always willing to pitch in to help and there isn’t a job she can’t handle. She is a strong mentor as she takes new employees under her wing, training them on products, and keeping an eye on them to ensure they are

“I love my job,” Sandy said. “I enjoy coming to work every day to get the job done and being with my co-workers.”

Liberty Enterprises

2023 Highlights

• $5.4 million in sales, re ecting an 8% increase over 2019.

• 1 million cases of product shipped in 2023, approximately 91,000 per month.

• 23 employees with disabilities performing more than 19,900 hours worked (94.5% of direct labor

hours performed) and earning wages of more than $312K.

Liberty Enterprises opened their doors to the public to show community members and partners the capabilities the diverse manufacturing facility and its dedicated workers can o er to local businesses. Attendees of the open house were given a tour of Liberty Enterprises’ facilities to see their inner workings and meet the sta . The manufacturing division is proud to help businesses grow and thrive by assisting with manufacturing, co-packing, and assembly needs. Liberty Enterprises is a producer and seller of items within the New York State and Federal Preferred Source Program facilitated by New York State Industries for the Disabled (NYSID) and the AbilityOne Program.

Because of our generous donors and sponsors, 2023 was another year of success for Liberty Foundation. Thanks to donations given throughout the year, Liberty Foundation was able to fund vital services, life-enhancing experiences, and needed items for people at Liberty ARC to live their best lives.

Thank You to Our Liberty Foundation Donors & Supporters! Breaking Ground

• A luncheon cruise on the Lac Du Saint Sacrament in Lake George

• Updated gym equipment

• Adjustable drawing and drafting table for Liberty ARC’s art program

Funds received in 2023 went towards Liberty Foundation’s “Ground Level Grants” program, which is in its fth year. The internal grant program supports projects and personal experiences for people supported by Liberty ARC. Over 20 applications received funding this year, including:

Liberty ARC and Liberty Foundation broke ground at Second Avenue in the city of Amsterdam for the construction of a state-of-the-art barrier-free and fully accessible home. The construction of the home is an upgrade to Liberty ARC facilities and will replace older homes. The residence is designed for greater independence and is barrier-free to accommodate a wider range of mobility needs, and is expected to be opened in 2024.

Page 8 2023 Annual Report
& Liberty Foundation
Liberty Enterprises
61% 53% 80% 9% 5% 17% 13% 10% 6% 7% 18%

Alpin Haus

Mr. Armand & Mrs. Donna Canestraro

Cranesville Block Company, Inc.

Mr. Alfred & Mrs. Mary Doris DiCaprio

Mr. Bill Bonner & Ms. Mary Donohue

Ms. Diana Mack

Mr. Dennis Yacobucci


Mrs. Carol & Mr. Gary Cuyler

Mr. Brian DiCaprio

Ms. Jenn Ferluge

Mrs. Diane & Mr. James Gargiulo

Ms. Jolene Gray

Ms. Lisa Klim

Mr. Paul McAvoy

Mrs. Carrie-Ann Schmidt

Ms. Joan Silvernail

Mrs. Cecilia & Mr. John Thomas


Ms. Stacey Antos

Beckmann Converting, Inc.

Ms. Elizabeth Bridge

Mr. Jim Burroughs

Mr. Cor Catena

Dr. Kevin & Mrs. Sally Cope

Mr. Robert Donohue

Mr. John-Paul Friday

Mr. Richard Glamm

Mr. Robert Greco & Mrs. Barbara


Mrs. Jill & Mr. Theodore Kostyniak

Ms. Catherine Unislawski

Mrs. Mary Failing

Ms. Mary Faustine

Ms. Eileen Filardo

Mr. John & Mrs. Susan Gaito

Mrs. Althea & Mr. Frank Giaquinto

Mr. Ronald Holly

Ms. Linda Hunt

Mrs. Janet & Mr. Ronald Hutton

Mr. Bernard Jaracz

Mrs. Roberta Jesenski

Mrs. Joann & Mr. William Karash

Mrs. Carol & Mr. Paul Kostyniak

Ms. Tammy Krisher

Ms. Tracy Kuban

Mrs. Dorothy LaDue

Mrs. Nancy Langdon

Ms. Linda Leary

Mrs. Nancy Manning

Ms. Elizabeth Martinico

Mr. Robert Morton

Mr. Neal & Mrs. Susan Moyer

Mr. Joseph Niegoski

Mrs. Anna & Mr. David Orlando

Mr. Frank Petrosino

Mr. Claude & Mrs. Linda Phillips

Mrs. Stephanie Pischel

Mrs. Christine Plunkett

Ms. Donna Praga

Mrs. Joan Raven

Mr. Raymond Rivet

Mrs. Christa Ronci

Mr. Warren Roosevelt, Jr.

Mr. John & Mrs. Laurie Rose

Dr. Carol Saunders

Mrs. Beverly Scott

Mr. Arthur & Mrs. Kim Brumley

Mr. Roger Cairns

Ms. Sharon Charles

Mrs. Maureen & Mr. Thomas Chico

Ms. Barbara Cope

Mrs. Janet Falato

Ms. Kerin Ferallo

Mrs. Darlene Fetterly

Mr. Howard Freiberg

Mr. Craig Freis

Ms. Kim Harrell

Ms. Valerie Harrington

Mr. Leonard Hartvigas

Ms. Patricia Hayden

Mr. Gary & Mrs. Katherine Hazzard

Mrs. Concetta Hinkel

Mrs. Mary Jobin

Ms. Anne Keiley

Mr. Michael Lobb

Mrs. Patricia Margiotta

Mr. Paul McAvoy

Mrs. Diane & Mr. Thomas McNamara

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Messak

Mrs. Marlene & Mr. Rocco Nalli

Mrs. Margaret Nare

Mr. Michael & Mrs. Sandy Nolan

Mr. Richard & Mrs. Virginia Nyahay

Mrs. Barbara & Mr. Cli ord Pawlowski

Ms. Patricia Peto

Ms. Mary D. Pikul

Ms. Paula Purtell

Ms. Diana Ramsey-Oduwa

Mrs. Dolores & Mr. James Rizzo

Mr. Ralph Scott & Mrs. Sally Romano

Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Joann Ryczek

Bull’s-Eye Sponsors

The Bonadio Group



Kitchens and Bath by K.A.B. St. Mary’s Healthcare

Ranch Sponsors

Betz, Rossi, Bellinger, & Stewart

Family Funeral Homes

Focused Wealth Management

Habitat for Humanity - Montgomery County

Meltblown Technologies

Lucky Corks, Lucky Forks!


Adirondack Beverages

Amsterdam Rotary Club

Beckmann Converting, Inc.

Brown’s Ford Inc.

Capital Regional Pharmacy Services

Community Bank, N. A.

Corebridge Financial

Delta Dental

Fulton Montgomery Community College

GOJO Industries, Inc.

Graypoint LLC

Hyman Hayes Associates, LLC

Lamont Engineers, P.C.

Med Part

Montgomery County O ce for Aging, Inc.


Mr. Carl & Mrs. Marcia Pucci

Mr. Ralph Scott & Mrs. Sally Romano

Mr. John & Mrs. Laurie Rose

Ms. Jennifer Saunders

Ms. Joan Silvernail

Mr. John & Mrs. Victoria Steele

Congressman Paul D. Tonko

Mr. David & Rev. Dr. Lisa Vander Wal

In-Kind Donors

Black Bear Wine and Spirits

Mr. Lester A. Blackwood, Jr.

Miller Printing and Litho Inc.

Southside Beverage

Wolf Hollow Brewing Company

Feather Your Nest Ra e

The following individuals gave a donation to Liberty Foundation with their Feather Your Nest Ra e ticket purchase. All 300 ra e tickets were sold in 2023!

Mr. Steven Dowgielewicz

Mrs. Elizabeth & Mr. Frank Therrien

In-Kind Donors

Miller Printing and Litho Inc.

General Donations

Amsterdam Auto Parts

Ms. Joanne Belev

Bobcat of Gloversville-Johnstown LLC

Brilliant Design and Print LLC

Mrs. Lisa Miller

M.W. Roosevelt & Son, Inc.

Mr. Jim Petty

Mrs. Joan Raven

Ms. Amy Robinson

Ms. Mary Sampone

Stephen Miller General Contractors, Inc.

Ms. Peggy Szyjkowski

Congressman Paul D. Tonko

Wally’s CDJR of Amsterdam

Ms. Julie Winkler

Mrs. Arlene & Mr. James Yaksich

Ms. NiTasha Zemken

Giving Tuesday

Mrs. Sarah Adamowski O`Connor

Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Pauline


Mrs. Joan Albertin

Ms. Sarah Bush & Mr. Brett Harris

Ms. Jill Curtis

Mrs. Jean & Mr. Paul DiCaprio

Mr. Paul Dybas

Mr. Je rey Heiser

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hutcherson

Mr. Paul McAvoy

Mrs. Anna & Mr. David Orlando

Mr. John & Mrs. Laurie Rose

Mrs. Darla & Mr. James Schram

Mr. Matthew Schuette

Mrs. Elisabeth Ann Smith

Mr. David & Rev. Dr. Lisa Vander Wal

Ms. Judy Vickery

Page 10 2023 Annual Report

The Bonadio Group

Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC

Bronstein Container Company

Brown Coach

CDH Technology Services


Christmas Land LLC

County Waste & Recycling

DSC Leadership Consulting LLC

Electronic Business Products/Lanier

Empire Blue Cross

Energy Products LLC

Enviro-Health Corporation

Excel Dryer, Inc.

Hardies Electric Services Co., Inc.

L&M TV & Appliances

Lamont Engineers, P.C.

Lazarou Insurance Agency

Montgomery County O ce for Aging, Inc.

Paci c Link International, Co.

RBM Guardian Fire Protection, Inc.

Reliance Matrix

Mr. John Rose

Ruby & Quiri, Inc.

ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company


St. Mary’s Health Care


Golf Donations

Kosiba’s Lock Shop

Phygit Foods

In-Kind Donors

Eisenadler Brauhaus

Stewart’s Shops


Mrs. Erin Abele

Mr. Ken Adamowski

Mr. Jack Aernecke

Mr. Dennis Ast

Mr. Karl Bach

Mr. Jim Bartone

Mr. Jack Bieniek

Mrs. Joann Bieniek

Mr. Josh Brinkman

Mr. Douglas Browning

Mrs. Kim Brumley

Mr. Joe Bucciero

Mr. Mike Bucciferro

Mr. Greg Bucher

Mr. Jim Burroughs

Mr. Kevin Capobianco

Mr. Chris Carmichael

Mr. Tim Coons

Ms. Mary Lou Crane

Mr. Tyler Cullen

Mr. Je rey D'Amore

Mr. Philip DeAngelo

Mr. Gil Dormond

Mrs. Michele Downing

Mr. Mike Doyle

Mr. Mike Fagan

Mr. Gary Feulner

Mrs. Vivian Fitz-James

Mr. JP Friday

Mr. Tom Friello

Mr. Thomas Gabriel

Mr. Todd Goodman

Mr. Mark Gouin

Mr. Jon Harvey

Mr. Lonn Hatcher

Mr. Greg Heck

Mr. Ryan Heck

Mr. Greg Ho s

Mr. Dan Hughes

Mr. Marty Hughes

Mr. Mike Hutcherson

Mr. Larry Jordan

Mr. Dan Kazes

Mr. Chris Kelly

Mr. Al Lane

Mr. Pat Lavigne

Mr. Joe Leone

Mr. Gary Leva

Mr. Chris Ligouri

Mr. Michael Lobb

Mr. John MacDu

Mr. Jamie MacFarland

Mr. Brett Marino

Mr. Steve Marsh

Mr. Dan Masterpolo

Mr. Bill Mattola

Mr. Je Michaelson

Mr. Tony Mitola

Mr. Sam Moquin

Mr. Tony Morizio

Mr. Steve Muldoon

Ms. Jodi Musto

Mr. Vinny Nicosia

Mr. Tim O'Brien

Mr. Mike O’Donnell

Mr. Henry Pacheco

Mr. Joe Palmieri

Mr. Kevin Parks

Mr. Michael Passante

Mrs. Christine Plunkett

Mr. Carl Pucci

Mr. Fred Quist

Mr. Jason Rattray

Mr. Kevin Reilly

Mr. Michael Reynolds

Mr. Andrew Robertshaw

Mr. Ken Rose

Mr. Daniel Roth

Mr. James Ryan

Mr. Gabe Sasso

Ms. Jennifer Saunders

Mr. Dan Sawyer

Mr. Matt Schuette

Ms. Heather Scribner

Mr. Ross Setlow

Mr. Dave Shantz

Mr. Pat Shea

Mr. Carm Sinicropi

Mr. Je Smith

Mr. Mike Smith

Mr. Brody Stewart

Mr. Chris Syrell

Mrs. Linda Tedesco

Mr. Robert Tedesco

Mr. Dan Tompkins

Ms. Allison Wadsworth

Mrs. Patti Wadsworth

Mr. Tim Wadsworth

Mr. Ty Webb

Mr. Seth Weingart


The following individuals or businesses gave a donation to Liberty Foundation with their annual Membership.

Mrs. Sharon Adamowski

Mrs. Holly Aldi

Mr. Michael Amico

Ms. Eileen Andrzejewski

Ms. Catherine Antos

Ms. Mary Jo Argotsinger

Mrs. Marie Austin

Mr. Ned Reo & Mrs. Patricia


Mrs. Joan Baehr

Ms. Alberta Bailey

Ms. Joanne C. Bailey

Mrs. Patricia Beck

Mrs. Erika & Mr. Klaus Beckmann

Mrs. Brooke Bellinger

Mr. Michael Bucciferro

Mrs. Felicia & Mr. Michael Bucciferro

Mrs. Deborah & Mr. Michael Cannizzaro

Mr. Cor & Mrs. Lauri Catena

Mrs. Maureen & Mr. Thomas Chico

Mrs. Cindy & Mr. Rich Chila

Ms. Linda A. Cleveland

Mr. Timothy Coons

Ms. Barbara Cope

Mr. Joseph Cope

Ms. Julie Cramer

Mrs. Carol & Mr. Gary Cuyler

Mr. Paul Czech

Mr. Dennis Dabiere

Mr. Daniel D’Alessandro

Ms. Dorothy Danaher

Mrs. Elizabeth & Mr. Michael Decker

Ms. Judith Decker

Mr. Paul DiCaprio

Mr. Ross DiCaprio

Ms. Mary Donohue

Mr. Michael & Mrs. Michele Downing

Mrs. Judy & Mr. Larry Dufel

Mr. Paul Dybas

Mrs. Janet Falato

Mr. David & Mrs. Sue Fariello

Mr. John & Mrs. Susan Gaito

Mr. Kenneth & Dr. Susann Getsch

Mr. Richard Glamm

Mrs. Barbara Kelly-Greco & Mr. Robert Greco

Mrs. Bobbi Harrington

Mr. Gary & Mrs. Katherine Hazzard

Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Lorraine Heck

Mr. Je rey Heiser

Mrs. Concetta Hinkel

Ms. Tracy Hojohn

Mrs. Janet & Mr. Ronald Hutton

Ms. Opal Jania – In memory of Nicholas Filippone & Marlyn


Mr. Bernard Jaracz

Mrs. Candyce & Mr. William Jennings

Mrs. Roberta Jesenski

Mrs. Mary Jobin

Mrs. Fran & Mr. Larry Jordan

Mrs. Mary Ann Jurcsak

Mrs. JoAnn Karash

Ms. Anne Keiley

Mrs. Janice Kelly

Dr. Nancy Knudsen

Mrs. Joan Kolodziej

Mrs. Susan Konieczny

Mr. & Mrs. James Kretser

Mrs. Dorothy LaDue

Ms. Carol LaMay

Ms. Linda Leary

Mr. Frederick & Mrs. Immaculata


Mr. Michael Lobb

Mr. Gregory Manning

Mrs. Nancy Manning

Mrs. Debbi & Mr. Steven Mannino

Mrs. Joanne Mickle

Mrs. JoAnn Miltenberg

Ms. Evelyn Motyl

Mr. Neal & Mrs. Susan Moyer

Ms. Karen Mullarkey

Mrs. Margaret Nare

Mr. Richard & Mrs. Virginia Nyahay

Mrs. Anna & Mr. David Orlando

Mr. Frank Petrosino

Ms. Cathy Picciocca

Ms. Mary D. Pikul

Mrs. Stephanie Pischel

Mr. Carl & Mrs. Marcia Pucci

Ms. Diana Ramsey-Oduwa

Mrs. Joan Raven

Mrs. Ann Reynolds

Mrs. Cynthia Reynolds

Mr. Raymond Rivet

Mrs. Dolores & Mr. James Rizzo

Ms. Mariah Rogers

Mr. Ralph Scott & Mrs. Sally Romano

Mr. Warren Roosevelt, Jr.

Ms. Mary Sampone

Ms. Patricia Scha er

Mrs. Darla & Mr. James Schram

Mr. Anthony & Mrs. Emily Scott

Ms. Joan Silvernail

Mr. Je ery Smith

Dr. Vincent Sollecito

Mr. John & Mrs. Victoria Steele

Dr. Kelly & Mr. Ron Swart

Mrs. Christine Tatara

Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Yvette Terplak

Mrs. Cecilia Thomas

Mrs. Linda Tokarczyk

Congressman Paul D. Tonko

Ms. Susan Trumpick

Mr. David & Rev. Dr. Lisa Vander Wal

Mrs. Amy & Mr. Brandon Waylett

Mrs. Barbara Wool

Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Lynnette



William Albertin

Mrs. Joan Albertin

Charles Burling

Mrs. Deborah Reisinger

Ms. Greta Ritchie

Mrs. Cheri Sagatis

Mrs. Brenda & Mr. Mitch Stocker

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Walsh

Mr. Justin & Mrs. Kara Womack

Anthony M. Carretta

Mr. Armand & Mrs. Donna Canestraro

Matthew Cinquanti

Ms. Eileen Andrzejewski

Ms. Lenora Crook

Agnes DiLorenzo & Adeline


Mr. Darren Elwood

Paul Bruce Eisele

Mr. Nicholas Elacqua

Nicholas Filippone

Mrs. Wanda Burling

Terrie Gustas

Mr. Peter Gustas

Jane Martin

Mrs. Joan Albertin

Mr. Dan & Mrs. Rose Mary DiBlasi

Ms. Elizabeth Hugg-Staley

Ms. Mary Ann Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Roginski

Mr. John Tesiero

Mr. Howard Tiemann

Christine Mazur

Mrs. Clara Macuirles

Ms. Rita Smith

Dennis Nowakowski

Ms. Michele Chase

Ms. Carleen Melkonian

Mr. David Michalski

Mr. John Novak

Ms. Ann Sliva

Ms. Julie Sliva Spitzer

Theresa Purtell

Mrs. Joan Albertin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Andrews

Mrs. Marie Austin

Mr. Michael Countryman

Mr. Dan & Mrs. Rose Mary DiBlasi

Ms. Kathy Febraio

Mrs. Lisa & Mr. William Lorman

Mr. Robert Niemczyk

Mrs. Sandra Roderick

Mr. Howard Tiemann

Mr. Michael Zumbolo

023 Annual Report Page 11
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