SHE (Strong. Healthy. Energized.) Facilitator's Guide

Page 52

Session 3

Daily Fitness Log Please refer to the Daily Exercise Log tab to track the exercises you learn in the SHE program. Alternative to chair dip if this exercise bothers your shoulders: Triceps pushdown with theraband Tie the theraband so that there is a loop or a knot in the middle. Attach the loop or knot to a secure object, or shut a door on the knot to hold it in place. The band should be attached at a place that is above your head. NOTE: The theraband can also be wrapped around an anchored object, such as a pole or column.

1. Stand so you face the place where you have secured the band. Hold one end of the band in each hand, with your elbows forming a 90 degree angle. 2. Keep your elbows tucked in at your sides. 3. Slowly pull/push the bands down until your arms are straight at your sides. Make sure you keep your elbows close to your body as you push down. 4. Return slowly to your starting position. You have completed one repetition!

Session 3; Page 52

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