Portal 2017

Page 57

Emma Johnson MDyl Crefft a Dylunio 3D, Prifysgol Brighton

M(des) 3D Design & Craft, University of Brighton

Astudiodd Emma ym Mhrifysgol Brighton,

Emma studied at the University of

gan arbenigo mewn cerameg mowldio

Brighton, specialising in mould made

a chyflawni rhagoriaeth yn ei chrefft.


Wrth iddi fyw yng nghanol Brighton ers

Living in the heart of Brighton since

2012, mae Emma wedi arbenigo mewn

2012 has provided Emma not only with

cerameg a phren, ond mae hefyd wedi

skill specialism’s in ceramics and wood,

cael ei chyfareddu gan ddinasluniau.

but also with a fascination of cityscapes.

Adlewyrchir y

diddordeb hwn yn ei

This interest is reflected in her functional

nwyddau cartref ymarferol, a ysbrydolir yn

homewares, which often take inspiration

aml gan fanylion pensaernĂŻol. Mae ffurfiau

from architectural details. Precise and

onglog, manwl yn cael eu cynnwys ar y

angular forms are incorporated along

cyd ag ansoddau adeiladwy a chyfuniad

with buildable qualities and a unified

unedig o ddefnyddiau.

combination of materials.




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