Portal 2017

Page 21

Kate Dewdney B A Anrh Gofannu Arian, Gofannu Aur a Dylunio Gemwaith, Prifysgol y Celfyddydau Creadigol Rochester BA Hons Silversmithing, Goldsmithing and Jewellery Design, University for the Creative Arts Rochester

Nod Kate yw ymgorffori ei phrofiadau neu

Kate aims to embody experiences or

ei hatgofion personol sydd wedi digwydd

memories of her own, that have occurred

dro ar ôl tro, yr amserau y byddwn efallai

repeatedly; times that perhaps we take

yn eu cymryd yn ganiataol. Mae’n casglu

for granted. She collects natural objects

gwrthrychau naturiol o’i chwmpasoedd ac

from her surrounding area and uses them

yn eu defnyddio fel defnyddiau, gan adael

as materials, letting them guide her. By

iddynt ei llywio. Trwy greu rhywbeth y mae

creating something to which she has a

ganddi ymlyniad personol wrtho, mae’n

personal attachment she hopes that the

gobeithio y bydd y gwisgwr a’r gwyliwr

wearer and viewer work will feel a similar

yn cael ymdeimlad tebyg o ymlyniad

sense of emotional attachment.


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