TEACHER’S GUIDE | Field Trips | Workshops | Performances | Exhibitions foreverystudentswhere2O23 2O24
Dear friends,
We hope you find this edition of Arts Everywhere for Students useful and inspiring for your teaching and exploration of the arts in our community. This small book can connect the nonprofit arts professionals and organizations in our community to your curriculum, your students, and our collective creativity and imagination.
This resource provides innovative opportunities to connect students with the arts and the benefits they provide – cultural appreciation, improved critical thinking, enhanced creativity, openness to differences, and, quite possibly, the spark of a dream to pursue their own artistic endeavors.
We hope to hear from you and your students – your successes and your suggestions for improvement. Please email us at info@lexarts.org to let us know what you and your students most enjoy and what else you would like to see in this resource.
Wishing you an artful year,
Ame Sweetall President & CEO
LexArts is Lexington’s official local arts agency and United Arts Fund, creating opportunities for quality arts experiences in central Kentucky through leadership funding, advocacy, programming, and communication. Major support for LexArts programs and services is provided by the City of Lexington, LexArts’ largest annual donor, contributing $425,000 in FY24. The Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, provides operating support to LexArts with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts
art come to life
Thank you to Stock Yards Bank whose generosity as PRESENTING SPONSOR made this Teacher’s Guide possible for arts education and creative exploration.
Dear friends,
We at Stock Yards Bank and Trust are extremely pleased to present Arts Everywhere for Students - A Teacher’s Guide. We have a long history of supporting both the arts and education in the communities in which we are located. This guide offers an opportunity to do both. The availability of arts education not only provides for the cultural growth of a student, but also contributes to the quality of life in the community.
Thank you,
Louis Prichard Market President Central Kentucky STOCK YARDS BANK & TRUST
Teacher’s Guide Index
ORGANIZATION TITLE ART FOCUS ACTIVITY GRADE PAGE ACTivate Artists with Purpose T / D / M P/ W 6-12 4 African American Ebony Nutcracker D P K-12 4 Ballet Troupe African American Improvisational Journey of M W/ O K-12 5 Forum Jazz Featuring Jazmin Ghent Masterclass Allegro Sensory Friendly Field Trip D / M P K-12 5 Dance Project Inclusive Dance Outreach D / M P/ O K-12 6 Outreach Bluegrass Ceili Learn Irish Dancing! D W K-12 6 Academy Bluegrass Opera School Play Today! T / CW / D / M / VA P/ W 6-8 7 Appalachia Live! T / CW / D / M P/ W K-12 7 Rosemary Clooney: T / M P 9-12 8 Girl Singer Mary Todd (Lincoln) T P K-12 8 The Anne Frank Project T / M P K-12 9 Bluegrass Youth Dia de los Muertos D P K-12 9 Ballet Nutcracker in One Act D P K-12 10 20th Anniversary D P K-12 10 Performance Carnegie Center Youth Classes CW W K-12 11 Youth Meeting Authors CW P/ W K-12 11 Family Fun and CW / VA P/ W K-5 12 Learning Nights Casa de la Futura Ballet Folklórico D P/ W K-12 12 Central Kentucky Opening Concert M P K-12 13 Youth Orchestra (76th Season) Teen Arts Festival M P K-12 13 of Concerts Spring Concert M P K-12 14 Finale Concert M P K-12 14 Central Music Private Music Lessons M O Lesson 6-12 15 Academy Explorium of School-Year Camps VA C K-5 15 Lexington Activity Kits VA C K-5 16 Traveling Trunk VA C K-5 16 Field Trip to Go VA C K-5 17 Field Trip VA C K-5 17 Summer Camp VA C K-5 18
Kentucky Ballet “Nutcracker” School Show D P K-8 18 Theatre ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Kentucky Opera Hansel and Gretel T P 6-12 19 All is Calm: The Christmas T P 6-12 19 Truce of 1914 The Pirates of Penzance T P 6-12 20 As One T P 9-12 20 Lexington Miniature MASSterpieces M P K-12 21 Chamber Chorale Sing Noel M P K-12 21 Miniature Masterpieces II M P K-12 22 Lexington The Reluctant Dragon T P K-5 22 Children’s Theatre The Smartest Girl T P K-5 23 in the World Zombie in Love T P K-8 23 The Best Christmas T / VA P K-5 24 Pageant Cows Don’t Fly and T P K-8 24 Other Known Facts Keeping Mr. Lincoln T P 6-12 25 Circle and Square T P K-5 25 Don’t Let the Pigeon T P K-5 26 Drive the Bus! The Musical! Lexington “Youth” Concert Tickets M P K-12 26 Philharmonic MusicLab M P K-12 27 ............................................................... .......................................................... Open Rehearsal M P K-12 27 Meet, Play, & Learn M W K-12 28 ............................................................... .......................................................... School Programs M P K-12 28 Studio 88 Weekly Lessons T / CW / M / VA O Lesson K-12 29 The Lexington Countdown to Kindergarten D / M O Class 4-6 yo 29 Ballet Movement/Choreography, D P/ W K-12 30 Mini-performance Cinderella D / M / T P K-12 30 The Lexington Outreach Workshops D / M / T W K-12 31 Theatre Company The Living Arts Field Trip VA W K-12 31 & Science Center UK Art Museum Museum Tours VA O Tour K-12 32 3 FOCUS: M Music T Theatre D Dance CW Creative Writing VA Visual Art & Discovery ACTIVITY: P Performance W Workshop C Camp O Other
ACTivate Artists with Purpose
After School Not at School, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Professional performing arts training for young artists ages 10-18. ACTivate takes a holistic approach to training focusing on increasing artistic skills, navigating the logistics of becoming a working artist, creating innovative performance opportunities to pivot to the need for more accessible theatre, and cultivating artists who strive to make a difference in their community.
Ebony Nutcracker
Thanksgiving Weekend, K-12th
Following the original storyline of the traditional holiday ballet performance of the Nutcracker, this production has a twist!! For her Christmas gift, Clara desires an Ebony Nutcracker who takes her on an exciting cultural adventure to far away lands near the equator where the coco bean grows. With the help of the Coco Bean Fairy, they visit and learn dances from Africa, South America, the Caribbean, and back to the U.S. all in pursuit of the production of chocolate from the cocoa bean to the chocolate bar just in time for Christmas.
NOV 25, 2023
CONTENT AREAS Performing Arts
CONTACT Sandra Chambers-Reed
E sec4101@gmail.com
AUG 2023 – APR 2024
Sundays & Mondays
COST Tuiton Options
CONTENT AREAS Performing Arts
CONTACT Vanessa Becker Weig
E vanessa@voicesamplified.net
P (859) 317-1381
W voicesamplified.net
FOCUS Music, Theatre, Dance
P (859) 539-7134
W Facebook, Instagram
Improvisational Journey of Jazz Featuring Jazmin Ghent
After School Not at School, 9th-12th
Saxophonist Jazmin Ghent will convene a Masterclass with high school jazz bandmembers. Ghent will also be featured at a community meet and greet to share insights and her experiences about the jazz genre. A Jam Session with special guests performers is also on the schedule.
NOV 24, 2023
CONTENT AREAS Music, Jazz Improvisation Careers
E johnecoleiii.aafinc@twc.com
P (859) 255-2653
W AAFinc.com
Sensory Friendly Field Trip
During School Day Field Trip, Virtual, K-12th
Allegro Dance Project is thrilled to present FREE Sensory Friendly School Shows and Virtual Field Trips! Enjoy a short 1 hour performance of dance, live music and aerial arts - includes a movement break and a Q&A with the cast! Stay tuned for dates.
CONTENT AREAS Music, Social Studies, History, Special Education
CONTACT Jeana Klevene
E allegrodanceproject@gmail.com
P (715) 252-6137
W allegrodanceproject.org
FOCUS Music, Dance
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
Inclusive Dance Outreach
During School Day at School, K-12th
Our Inclusive Dance Outreach shares the joys and many benefits of dance and music with students with Down Syndrome, autism, behavioral needs, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental delays, and other specific needs. 45 min
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
CONTENT AREAS Health, PE, Music, Special Education
CONTACT Jeana Klevene
E allegrodanceproject@gmail.com
P (715) 252-6137
W allegrodanceproject.org
FOCUS Music, Dance
Learn Irish Dancing!
During School Day at School, After School at School, Virtual, K-12th
Bluegrass Ceili Academy offers Irish dance classes in partnership with Lexington Parks & Recreation. But we’ll bring our classes to you! Learn the basics of Irish dance and music with this interactive workshop.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
CONTACT Megan Moloney
E info@bluegrassceili.com
P (859) 488-1462
W bluegrassceili.com
School Play Today!
During School Day at School, 6th-8th
Professional theatre artists/educators lead a week-long, in-school theatre workshop to create a production based on classic literature (Greek mythology, Shakespeare, Latino, ASL and more) performed by your students! Students learn (via hands-on play) the process of story, production, communication, and collaboration with an extra helping of empathy. Curtain up! 1-week program
COST $750 (materials included)
CONTENT AREAS Math and Language Arts
CONTACT Lorne Dechtenberg
E lorne@bgolex.org
P (859) 940-9379
W bgolex.org
FOCUS Visual Art, Music, Theatre, Dance, Creative Writing
Appalachia Live!
During School Day at School, K-12th
Students interact with a professional performer and educator to explore the hills and hollers through song, Mountain Dulcimer playing, and traditional storytelling in this hilarious and heartfelt in-school program. The spirit of the mountains is EVERY Kentuckian’s birthright. Inspiring guided dialogue on topics from strip mining to poetry. 45 min
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $300
CONTENT AREAS Drama, Music, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, History, Culture
CONTACT Lorne Dechtenberg
E lorne@bgolex.org
P (859) 940-9379
W bgolex.org
FOCUS Music, Theatre, Dance, Creative Writing
Rosemary Clooney: Girl Singer
During School Day at School, 9th-12th
Introduce your school to the golden age of American music with the story of Kentucky’s own Rosemary Clooney! This biographical play includes a live keyboard along with exciting sets and costumes that depict Rosie’s career from big bands to White Christmas! Explore the 1940s, 50s, and 60s through song. 50 min
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $375
CONTENT AREAS Drama, Music, Language Arts, Social Studies, Culture, Mental Health
CONTACT Lorne Dechtenberg
E lorne@bgolex.org
P (859) 940-9379
W bgolex.org
FOCUS Music, Theatre
Mary Todd (Lincoln)
During School Day at School, K-12th
Do your students know that Mary galloped her pony through Lexington to visit Henry Clay? Or that she was taught by a lady who wore pants to fight wars? That Mary’s life was so influenced by African American friends? She became Lincoln’s most trusted advisor! Invite Mary into your classroom. 40 min
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $275
CONTENT AREAS Drama, Language Arts, History, Humanities, Culture
CONTACT Lorne Dechtenberg
E lorne@bgolex.org
P (859) 940-9379
W bgolex.org
FOCUS Theatre
The Anne Frank Project
During School Day at School, 4th-12th
This performance brings Anne’s life to students in your own school. Beautifully adapted from her diary, the play humanizes the WW II experience of a courageous girl from school days to the Secret Annex with engaging humor and honesty. Appropriate, sensitive Holocaust discussion with a trained teacher follows. 40 min
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $275
CONTENT AREAS Drama, Language Arts, History, Humanities, Culture
CONTACT Lorne Dechtenberg
E lorne@bgolex.org
P (859) 940-9379
W bgolex.org
FOCUS Music, Theatre
Dia de los MuertosA Mexican Celebration of Life and Death
During School Day Field Trip, K-12th
Audiences follow Estelita’s family in a small village in Mexico as they prepare to celebrate Dia de los Muertos. A sudden death forces the family to experience how precious life is and celebrate every moment of it. A bilingual (Spanish/English) slideshow explains the holiday at the beginning followed by the touching and visually stunning ballet. The performance is kid-friendly. 1 hr 10 min
NOV 2 & 3, 2023, 10:00 am
COST $5 - $10
CONTENT AREAS Arts, Culture, Language
CONTACT Adalhi Aranda
E adalhi@bluegrassyouthballet.org
P (859) 271-4472
W bluegrassyouthballet.org
Nutcracker in One Act
During School Day Field Trip, K-12th
BYB presents its annual abridged version of the classic holiday ballet The Nutcracker, in one act, packed with color, entertainment, excitement, and of course, amazing dancing! 180+ performers on stage. Q & A session at the end of the performance.
DEC 14, 2023, 10:00 am
COST $5 - $10
CONTENT AREAS Language Arts, World Culture, Music, Dance
CONTACT Adalhi Aranda
E adalhi@bluegrassyouthballet.org
P (859) 271-4472
W bluegrassyouthballet.org
20th Anniversary Performance
During School Day Field Trip, K-12th
Celebrate our 20th Anniversary at the Lexington Opera House. Presenting some of our favorite pieces as well as new and innovative work. Q&A after the show. 1 hr 10 min
APR 25 & 26, 2024, 10:00 am
COST $5 - $10
CONTENT AREAS Language Arts, World Culture, Music, Dance
CONTACT Adalhi Aranda
E adalhi@bluegrassyouthballet.org
P (859) 271-4472
W bluegrassyouthballet.org
Youth Classes
After School Not at School, K-12th
The Carnegie Center offers a wide variety of after school youth classes for all ages throughout the year. Subjects include reading, math, creative writing, college prep, and storytimes. Most youth classes are free to participants. Please visit our website for more information.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST Most are free
CONTENT AREAS Math, Language
Arts, Literature, Social Studies
CONTACT Marissa Cremeans
E marissa@carnegiecenterlex.org
P (859) 254-4175 x 28
W CarnegieCenterlex.org
FOCUS Creative Writing
Youth Meeting Authors
During School Day at School, K-12th
This program brings local authors to schools to meet students, encourage writing as a viable career option, and inspire them to explore their voices through the literary arts and imaginative learning. Each student in attendance will receive a free copy of the author’s book. Please reach out to schedule an author visit.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
CONTACT Marissa Cremeans
E marissa@carnegiecenterlex.org
P (859) 254-4175 x 28
W CarnegieCenterlex.org
FOCUS Creative Writing
Family Fun and Learning Nights
PERFORMANCE | WORKSHOP After School Not at School, K-5th
Join us for free themed family events that feature crafts, activities, dinner, books, and entertainment for families with children ages 3-12. Please consult website for more information.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
CONTENT AREAS Literacy, Health, Arts, Geography, History, Literature
CONTACT Marissa Cremeans
E marissa@carnegiecenterlex.org
P (859) 254-4175 x 28
W CarnegieCenterlex.org
FOCUS Visual Art, Creative Writing
Ballet Folklórico
PERFORMANCE | WORKSHOP During School Day at School After School at School, After School Not at School, K-12th
Casa de la Cultura Kentucky provides Mexican and Latin American folk and modern dance classes and performances in traditional regional attire. After school at Wolf Run Park. At school in afternoons depends on availability and funding.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST Free - $20/student/month
CONTENT AREAS Social Studies, PE, Performing Arts, Music, Dance, Spanish
CONTACT Monica Calleja
E casadelaculturaky@gmail.com
P (859) 489-7888
W casadelaculturaky.org
CKYO 76th Season Opening Concert
After School Not at School, K-12th
Join the CKYO orchestras in their Season Opening Concert at the Singletary Center for the Arts. Hear the wonderful musical talents of over 300 students from Central Kentucky in grades 2nd-12th in an engaging program of classical music for all ages.
CKYO Teen Arts Festival of Concerts
After School Not at School, K-12th
Join the CKYO orchestras for the Teen Arts Festival showcasing the musical and artistic talents of over 300 students from Central Kentucky in grades 2nd-12th. The 3pm concert features the Bravo String and Concert Orchestras; the 5pm concert features the Jazz Ensembles; and the 7pm concert features the Repertory and Symphony Orchestras with special performances by soloists and singers.
FEB 18, 2024 , 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 pm
COST $8-$13/ticket. Free or discounted tickets for schools, contact the CKYO office.
CONTACT Amelia Groetsch
E ckyo@ckyo.org
NOV 5 , 2023 , 5:00 pm
COST $8-$13/ticket. Free or discounted tickets for schools, contact the CKYO office.
CONTENT AREAS Music History, Music
CONTACT Amelia Groetsch
E ckyo@ckyo.org
P (859) 254-0796
W ckyo.org
P (859) 254-0796
W ckyo.org
CKYO Spring Concert
After School Not at School, K-12th
Join the CKYO Bravo String, Repertory, and Concert Orchestras in their final performance of the season at the Singletary Center for the Arts.
CKYO 76th Season Finale Concert
After School Not at School, K-12th
The finale concert features the Symphony Orchestra in a performance of Rimsky-Korsakov’s popular
“Scheherazade.” This concert also features the CKYO Friends in Music program and will honor and recognize the CKYO 2024 graduating seniors.
MAY 19, 2024, 5:00 pm
COST $8-$13/ticket. Free or discounted tickets for schools, contact the CKYO office.
CONTACT Amelia Groetsch
MAY 5, 2024, 5:00 pm
COST $8-$13/ticket. Free or discounted tickets for schools, contact the CKYO office.
CONTACT Amelia Groetsch
E ckyo@ckyo.org
P (859) 254-0796
W ckyo.org
E ckyo@ckyo.org
P (859) 254-0796
W ckyo.org
Private Music Lessons
After School Not at School, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Children between the ages of 8 and 18 are eligible for free lessons at CMA if their families are not otherwise able to afford music lessons. Spots open for students studying band instruments.
School-Year Camps CAMPS
School Closed Days, Not at School, K-5th
Fun, educational school-year camps encourage children to use their imagination while exploring hands-on arts, humanities and STEAM activities. On planned FCPS closed days (fall break, winter break, spring break, professional development days, etc.).
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST Varies
CONTENT AREAS Social Studies, PE, Performing Arts, Music, Dance, Spanish
CONTACT Abby Thompson
E athompson@explorium.com
P (859) 258-3253
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
Once per week
CONTACT Michelle Clouse
E centralmusicacademy@gmail.com
P (859) 221-2190
W centralmusicacademy.org
W explorium.com
Activity Kits
For School, K-5th
Invite the Explorium to YOUR classroom! Our fun and educational activity kits incorporate hands-on connections through multiple disciplines. Each kit is curated by Explorium staff and can be tailored to your theme and grade level.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST Varies
CONTENT AREAS Science, Math, Technology, Engineering, Art, Humanities
CONTACT Abby Thompson
E athompson@explorium.com
P (859) 258-3253
W explorium.com
Traveling Trunk
During School Day at School, K-5th
Available for Educators to use in their Preschool-5th Grade classrooms! Reinforcement for classroom concepts with fun, hands-on activities that are turn-key for teachers to present. All equipment and disposable materials for multiple hands-on activities that are easily integrated into lesson plans.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $110+
CONTENT AREAS Science, Math, Technology, Engineering, Art, Humanities
CONTACT Abby Thompson
E athompson@explorium.com
P (859) 258-3253
W explorium.com
Field Trip to Go
During School Day at School, K-5th
Invite Explorium to your classroom! Our fun and educational Field Trip To Go programs incorporate cross-curriculum connections through multiple disciplines. Each program is lead by Explorium staff and can be tailored to each preschool or elementary grade level.
Field Trip
During School Day Field Trip, K-5th
An immersive, learn-through-play, field trip experience. Use our galleries and exhibits to enrich your teaching in the classroom and participate in an engaging Explorium enrichment program to enhance the experience.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $7-9
CONTENT AREAS Social Studies, PE, Performing Arts, Music, Dance, Spanish
CONTACT Abby Thompson
E athompson@explorium.com
P (859) 258-3253
W explorium.com
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $120+
CONTENT AREAS Social Studies, PE, Performing Arts, Music, Dance, Spanish
CONTACT Abby Thompson
E athompson@explorium.com
P (859) 258-3253
W explorium.com
Summer Camp
Summer Break, K-5th
Fun, educational Summer Camps encourage children to use their imagination while exploring hands-on arts, humanities and STEM activities with weekly themes.
Nutcracker School Show
During School at School, K-5th, 6th-8th
The Nutcracker School Show includes the Professional Company performance of the second act of Nutcracker, a demonstration by the Company Dancers, and an interactive dialogue between the Artistic Director and students. 75-90 min
COST Varies
CONTENT AREAS Science, Math, Technology, Engineering, Art, Humanities
CONTACT Abby Thompson
E athompson@explorium.com
P (859) 258-3253
W explorium.com
DEC 8, 2023, 10:00 am
CONTENT AREAS Performing Arts
CONTACT Brigid DeVries
E admin@kyballet.com
P (859) 252-5245
W kyballet.com
Hansel and Gretel
After School Not at School, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Imaginations run wild in this vivid, larger than life fairy-tale opera! This visually intoxicating production, featuring Kentucky Opera’s Youth Chorus, will have colorful sets, costumes, and puppets. Students and their chaperones can attend just the dress rehearsal, or also request a backstage tour.
SEP 27, 2023, 7:00 pm
COST Flexible
CONTENT AREAS Language Arts, Music, Theatre
CONTACT Patrick Martin
E patrick_martin@kyopera.org
P (502) 561-7930
W KYOpera.org
FOCUS Theatre
All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914
After School Not at School, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Christmas Eve 1914, a lone soldier stepped out of the trenches singing Stille Nacht. This a cappella opera, sung in English, shares the stories of soldiers along the Western Front in the spontaneous Christmas Truce of World War I.
DEC 13, 2023, 7:00 pm
COST Flexible
CONTENT AREAS Language Arts, History, Music, Theatre
CONTACT Patrick Martin
E patrick_martin@kyopera.org
P (502) 561-7930
W KYOpera.org
FOCUS Theatre
The Pirates of Penzance
After School Not at School, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Leap years come around every four years, and for one young pirate it causes mayhem and turmoil in this comedy about being a “slave to duty.” Gilbert’s witty word play coupled with Sullivan’s memorable music make for a rollicking night at the theatre.
FEB 14, 2024, 7:00 pm
COST Flexible
CONTENT AREAS Language Arts, Music, Theatre
CONTACT Patrick Martin
E patrick_martin@kyopera.org
P (502) 561-7930
W KYOpera.org
FOCUS Theatre
As One
After School Not at School, 9th-12th
With humor and empathy, As One chronicles Hannah’s inner journey as she endeavors to resolve the discord between herself and the outside world. Two singers, a baritone and a mezzo-soprano, share the part of the sole transgender protagonist Hannah in this most produced contemporary opera in the world. Scenes trace Hannah’s struggle to measure up to expectations, her search for her identity, and finally making peace with herself and the world around her.
APR 10, 2024, 7:00 pm
COST Flexible
CONTENT AREAS Social Studies, Music, Theatre
CONTACT Patrick Martin
E patrick_martin@kyopera.org
P (502) 561-7930
W KYOpera.org
FOCUS Theatre
Miniature MASSterpieces
After School Not at School, 9th-12th
Bluegrass meets the Renaissance in Miniature MASSterpieces. This concert pairs short masses by Palestrina (Italy), Eskil Hemberg (Sweden), and Carol Barnett (USA). Barnett’s The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass is a blend of the classical mass, insightful poetry, and traditional Bluegrass instrumentation.
Sing Noel
After School Not at School, K-12th
Welcome the holiday season with our concert of both new tunes and familiar tunes with fresh arrangements, and including the audience favorite Carol Sing. Sing Noel is the perfect concert to celebrate the season with the whole family.
NOV 26, 2023, 5:00 pm
Second Presbyterian Church
COST $10/student
CONTENT AREAS Vocal & Choral Music
CONTACT Gary Anderson
E ganderson@transy.edu
P (859) 317-3353
W lexingtonchamberchorale.org
OCT 8, 2023, 5:00 pm
Second Presbyterian Church
COST $10/student
CONTENT AREAS Instrumental & Choral Music
CONTACT Gary Anderson
E ganderson@transy.edu
P (859) 317-3353
W lexingtonchamberchorale.org
Miniature Masterpieces II
After School Not at School, K-12th
Concert features Morten Lauridsen’s light-filled requiem Lux Aeterna for the Chorale and members of the Central Kentucky Youth Orchestra. The Chorale continues with English composer R.V. Williams’ beautiful Serenade to Music which features the solo voices of the Chorale and accompanist Cully Bell.
The Reluctant Dragon
During School Day at School, K-5th
The Reluctant Dragon is a touring production that our professional actors bring to your facility! For more info, visit lctonstage.org and search “Touring Performances”!
MAR 17, 2024, 5:00 pm
Second Presbyterian Church
COST $10/student
CONTENT AREAS Vocal & Choral
Vocal Music
CONTACT Gary Anderson
E ganderson@transy.edu
P (859) 317-3353
W lexingtonchamberchorale.org
SEP 11 – DEC 16, 2023
COST Variable
CONTENT AREAS Theatre, Arts, Language Arts
CONTACT Helen Killius
E sales@lctonstage.org
P (859) 254-4546
W lctonstage.org
FOCUS Theatre
The Smartest Girl in the World
During School Day at School, K-5th
Smartest Girl in the World is a touring production that our professional actors bring to your facility! For more info, visit lctonstage.org and search “Touring Performances”!
SEP 11 – DEC 16, 2023
COST Variable
CONTENT AREAS Theatre, Arts, Language Arts
CONTACT Helen Killius
E sales@lctonstage.org
P (859) 254-4546
W lctonstage.org
FOCUS Theatre
Zombie in Love
During School Day Field Trip, K-5th, 6th-8th
All Mortimer wants is to find a date to the school dance... which is hard when you’re a zombie. He has a big heart, but when he tries to let it show, his intestines just fall out! What’s an undead guy to do? This sidesplitting yet touching musical is a spooky celebration of the weird in all of us.
OCT 19 – NOV 3, 2024
10:00 am & 11:45 am
COST $8/ticket
CONTACT Dani Garner
E patronservices@lctonstage.org
P (859) 254-4546
W lctonstage.org
FOCUS Theatre
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
During School Day Field Trip, K-5th, 6th-8th
The Bradley family’s church Christmas Pageant is the same, year after year – until the Herdmans show up! With “the worst kids in the world” taking the lead roles, this year’s pageant will be a total disaster. But it might just be the year when the rambunctious, rag-tag Herdmans help their community see Christmas in a whole new way, and prove that even “the worst kids in the world” can change it for the better.
NOV 27 – DEC 4, 2023
10:00 am & 12:00 pm
COST $8/ticket
CONTACT Dani Garner
E patronservices@lctonstage.org
P (859) 254-4546
W lctonstage.org
FOCUS Theatre
Cows Don’t Fly and Other Known Facts
During School Day at School, K-5th
Cows Don’t Fly and Other Known Facts is a touring production that our professional actors bring to your facility! For more info, visit lctonstage.org and search “Touring Performances.”
JAN 20 – MAY 4, 2024
COST Variable
CONTENT AREAS Theatre, Arts, Language Arts
CONTACT Helen Killius
E sales@lctonstage.org
P (859) 254-4546
W lctonstage.org
FOCUS Theatre
Keeping Mr. Lincoln
During School Day at School, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Keeping Mr. Lincoln is a touring production that our professional actors bring to your facility! For more info, visit lctonstage.org and search
“Touring Performances”!
JAN 20 – MAY 4, 2024
COST Variable
CONTENT AREAS Theatre, Arts, Language Arts
CONTACT Helen Killius
E sales@lctonstage.org
P (859) 254-4546
W lctonstage.org
FOCUS Theatre
Circle and Square
During School Day Field Trip, K-5th
When Circle and Square meet for the first time, they realize that they are very different from each other. Circle likes blowing bubbles, juggling balls, and twirling, while Square is happiest stacking blocks neatly and as tall as they will go. Will they be able to find a way to play together, despite their differences? Discover the wonderful world of shapes through this interactive show.” Devised by Rhonda Bell, Jane Marie Erickson, Elizabeth Ingram, Jeremy Kisling, & Meredyth Pederson.
APR 25 – MAY 3, 2024
10:00 am & 11:45 am
COST $8/ticket
CONTACT Dani Garner
E patronservices@lctonstage.org
P (859) 254-4546
W lctonstage.org
FOCUS Theatre
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! The Musical!
During School Day Field Trip, K-5th
Whatever you do, don’t let the Pigeon star in a musical! When the bus driver has a small emergency, a very unlikely volunteer shows up to take the driver’s place – a pigeon! But should this small but tenacious bird really be allowed to take the wheel? Based on the book, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! The Musical! is sure to get everyone’s wings flapping with its innovative mix of songs, silliness, and feathered friends.
MAY 5 – MAY 29, 2024
10:00 am & 11:45 am
COST $8/ticket
CONTACT Dani Garner
E patronservices@lctonstage.org
P (859) 254-4546
W lctonstage.org
FOCUS Theatre
“Youth” Concert Tickets
After School Not at School, K-12th
Lexington Philharmonic is proud to offer “Youth” concert tickets to students 17 & under with valid ID to most concerts. We welcomes families to attend our events. We encourage parents /guardians to use their discretion when deciding if their child/dependent is able to attend a concert. For more guidance, please call our Box Office. Youth Tickets are available to purchase online, over the phone, or at the door.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $11
CONTACT Alex Chadwell
E education@lexphil.org
P (859) 233-4226
W lexphil.org
During School at School, After School at School, After School Not at School, K-12th
The MusicLab is a portable studio that combines electronic and acoustic instruments and other technology for a fun, hands-on experience that provides an opportunity for participants of all ages and abilities to make music while simultaneously learning about the science of sound and electricity. MusicLab is very popular and great for classrooms, after-school programs, community centers, senior centers, libraries, community events and more.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
COST $150/first hour, $100/each additional hour
CONTACT Alex Chadwell
E education@lexphil.org
P (859) 233-4226
W lexphil.org
FOCUS Music, Media Arts
Open Rehearsal
After School Not at School, K-12th
Students are invited to attend an open rehearsal with LexPhil as the orchestra prepares for select performances this season. Students will get an up-close experience of the rehearsal process and have the opportunity to ask questions. Students can stay for the entire rehearsal or leave during selected breaks in rehearsal. Student guests should arrive at the President’s Room no later than 7:15pm to check-in.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
CONTACT Alex Chadwell
E education@lexphil.org
P (859) 233-4226
W lexphil.org
Meet, Play, & Learn
After School Not at School, K-12th
In advance of select performances this season, we’re offering special opportunities for students of all ages to meet, play, and learn with LexPhil guest artists! Join us for an hour of collaborative music-making activities, conversations, Q&A, and short performances by the guest artist(s). Attendees should bring their own instruments! If you don’t have one or are unable to bring an instrument, LexPhil will have some available.
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
Alex Chadwell
E education@lexphil.org
P (859) 233-4226
W lexphil.org
School Programs
During School at School, After School at School, K-12th
Bring LexPhil to your classroom! Through multi-week residencies, workshops, and performances, LexPhil supports the mission and work of central Kentucky schools through arts-based learning experiences that prioritize collaboration with educators to meet the needs of students.
COST Varies
CONTACT Alex Chadwell
E education@lexphil.org
P (859) 233-4226
W lexphil.org
Weekly Lessons
After School Not at School, K-12th
Studio 88 has been in business for 17 years. Beth Dean started the studio to help students and adults learn from professional instructors and realize their dream to be musicians. Lessons are in a professional environment that is geared completely toward education. We love our students, parents and a family atmosphere! The studio has coffee house performances for all students too.
AUG–DEC 2023, 2:30-8:00 pm
COST $40/half hour
CONTENT AREAS Piano, Vocal, Art, Guitar, Drums, Acting, Songwriting
E studio88lessons@outlook.com
P (859) 619-2440
W studio88lessons.com
FOCUS Visual Art, Music, Theatre, Creative Writing
Countdown to Kindergarten
Not at School, 4-6 yrs
A free trial class for children 4-6 years old led by Ballet Mistress Ms. A (Ayako Hasebe Lloyd). Please wear comfortable clothes. Socks required. Class is limited to 25 registrants.
AUG 5, 2023
10:30-11:00 am, ArtsPlace
CONTACT Julie Thomison
E registrar@lexingtonballet.org
P (859) 233-3925
W lexingtonballet.org/ballet-school
FOCUS Music, Dance
Movement / Choreography Class, Mini-performance
During School at School, K-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th, K-12th
Outreach program by request. Movement / choreography class, mini-performance by the professional company dancers can be provided.
During School Day Field Trip, K-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th, K-12th
The magical world of Cinderella! An enchanting story for all ages with a wonderful dose of humor, the majesty of classical ballet, and the promise of “happily ever after.” Follow everyone’s favorite princess as she falls in love with a prince. Meet the wacky sisters, stepmother, and fairy grandmother. See how the pumpkin becomes the carriage, and how the dreams come true! But don’t forget –when the clock strikes midnight!
APR 12, 2024
Lexington Opera House
SEPT 2023 – FEB 2024
COST By request
CONTACT Rose Hensley
E outreach@lexingtonballet.org
P (859) 233-3925
W lexingtonballet.org
FOCUS Music, Theatre, Dance
COST $10/ticket, Buy 15 get 1 free.
CONTACT Julie Thomison
E registrar@lexingtonballet.org
P (859) 233-3925
W lexingtonballet.org
FOCUS Music, Theatre, Dance
Outreach Workshops
During School at School, K-12th
A professional regional theatre company with a mission of creating professional theatre and training the next generation of theatre artists, so that our community can enjoy a shared experience of masterful storytelling. Our team is ready to visit your school with engaging programming customized to fit your needs!
Living Arts & Science Center Field Trip
During School Day Field Trip, K-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th, K-12th
Hands on learning for grades Pre-K to highschool. Field Trips are broken up into packages to best align with your educational goals. Students will have 30-40 minutes in each rotation space, our spaces include Art Galleries, The Planetarium, Discovery Room, ArtLab, Animal Ambassadors, Innovation Lab and more!
SEPT 2023 – APR, 2024
COST Varies
CONTENT AREAS Fine Arts, Music, Language Arts, Creativity, Movement
CONTACT Brance Cornelius
E outreach@lexingtontheatrecompany.org
P (859) 940-7950
W lexingtontheatrecompany.org
FOCUS Music, Theatre, Dance
SEP 15, 2023 – MAY 17, 2024
COST $6-$8
CONTENT AREAS Visual Arts, Art, Process Art, Science, Pollinators, Engineering, Eco-systems, Animal Adaptations, History
CONTACT Meredith Coffey
E mcoffey@lasclex.org
P (859) 252-5222
W lasclex.org
FOCUS Visual Art
UK Art Museum Tours
During School Day Field Trip, Virtual, K-12th
Hands on learning for grades Pre-K to highschool. Field Trips are broken up into packages to best align with your educational goals. Students will have 30-40 minutes in each rotation space, our spaces include Art Galleries, The Planetarium, Discovery Room, ArtLab, Animal Ambassadors, Innovation Lab and more!
2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR
CONTENT AREAS Visual Arts, Art History, Performing Arts, Writing, Journalism, Geography
CONTACT Dan Solberg
E dan.solberg@uky.edu
P (859) 562-2353
W finearts.uky.edu/art-museum/tours
FOCUS Visual Art
4 x more likely to be recognized for academic achievment
4 x more likely to participate in math & science fairs
3 x more likely to be awarded for school attendance
3 x more likely to be elected to class office
Are more likely to stay in school
The Arts are recognized as a core academic subject under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Learn more at americansforthearts.org
Hands On. We are proud to support LexArts' Teacher’s Guide. syb.com | (859) 987-1795
Arts in Schools IMPACT GRANTS
LexArts has launched a new initiative to subsidize the cost of engaging arts organizations and bringing more arts programming to Fayette
County Public Schools .
LexArts envisions a healthy and vibrant community where all students are engaged and empowered through excellent arts education. Arts education is vital to developing America’s next generation of creative and innovative thinkers. LEXARTS Arts in Schools Impact Grants-funded programs demonstrate LexArts’ commitment to supporting students, teachers and learning throughout our community. This funding is focused on providing arts education for all students and closing the opportunity gap for students for whom a high-quality arts education is so often out of reach.
In 2022, LexArts launched a fundraising initiative coinciding with Horse Play, the popular spinoff of Horse Mania. Initially, the painted and adorned foals and horses of Horse Play were to be auctioned at the end of the months-long public art project to support arts education. However, the students and teachers made an earnest appeal to return all the foals and horses back to their original schools. To replace the auction proceeds, a grassroots Fund for the Foals was established. Those proceeds are now earmarked for Arts in Schools Impact Grant funding that will deepen the arts learning experience for students in all Fayette County Public Schools.
To learn more, scan this QR code or visit LexArts.org/ArtsInSchools
Helping art come to life • LexArts.org • 161 North Mill St • Lexington KY 40507