GCSE Prospectus

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Les Quennevais School “Learning to be your best – through excellence and enjoyment”



TURNING OPTIONS INTO OPPORTUNITIES Next September will be hugely important for you as you will be entering the Upper School where you will embark upon a new and exciting, yet challenging, chapter of your school career. The Options process marks the beginning of one of the most significant changes in your school life. For the first time, you are going to have a direct influence and say in the subjects you wish to pursue at a higher level. Make no mistake; this is an exciting and important milestone for you as a student. The choices you make at this stage can affect your Post-16 study, the University course you take and even your future career! As a school we are committed to ensuring each and every one of you has the chance to achieve your personal best. We have designed a Key Stage 4 curriculum that has the widest variety and diversity of subjects offered by any school in the Island. We are proud to cater for the needs of a wide range of learners, each with different strengths, interests and passions for learning. In short, there is something for everyone and, therefore, huge opportunities for individual success in future examinations. Many of you are highly academic, gifted learners; others have great skill, interest and considerable ability in practical and creative subjects. Our curriculum at Key Stage 4 must challenge each and every one of you, drawing out and extending potential and inspiring further curiosity and interest. I am committed as Headteacher to ensure we provide and deliver an educational experience rooted in excellence and enjoyment. I am ambitious for each of you as a learner and for what each of you has the potential to become and achieve. All staff at Les Quennevais take enormous pride in seeing you mature as young adults during your time in the Upper School as you begin to engage deeply with new subjects as well as with those you already love. You may be inspired by teachers and the learning that takes place to pursue a career or explore further pathways of learning in these subjects. This is the time when magic can happen; a real desire to learn, a thirst to enquire more deeply, a greater level of commitment and focus, forming aspirations and ambitions. These will be realised and embraced in our world class environment for learning. The new Les Quennevais School has been designed around maximising cutting edge opportunities for learning. The facilities at our disposal will further inspire and develop your passions and interests in a way that is unique to Jersey.


As you move through the Upper School, the relationships you develop with staff will be invaluable because you will need their support, advice and guidance on a whole range of issues; not just with your learning, but in dealing with the many complex issues that face young people in today’s society. We recognise and value the importance of knowing you and your families well and we see the Options process as a time to reinforce and build on the partnership that exists between home and school. This partnership is instrumental in ensuring each of you fully commits to the hard work that lies ahead. With the right balance of support and challenge you will earn great success at the end of Year 11. In addition to the academic curriculum at Key Stage 4, you will have huge opportunities to make a contribution to wider school life as our senior students. Student Leadership is a fundamental part of life as an Upper School student at Les Quennevais. We offer you diverse experiences such as Prefects, Sports Leaders, House Captains, Primary Liaison Leaders, Curriculum Leaders and Community Leaders. The skills you will develop in these roles will significantly enhance your overall development as a student and impress both Post -16 Institutions and future employers. It is often the ‘additional’ experiences, the memorable moments, such as Red Nose Day, Activity Weeks, other educational visits, such as subject based visits, and finally the Leavers Ceremony and Ball, which leave a lasting memory of your precious days at school. I believe these experiences are as important as offering a rich and challenging academic curriculum in shaping your future lives. Make the most of both and you will be set up for a lifetime of excellence and enjoyment; my greatest wish for each and every one of you. Our school has a powerful sense of identity and purpose, with a unique atmosphere: happy, friendly, united, successful and forward thinking. Our role as a school is to ensure that you leave fully equipped with the skills, confidence and qualifications you need to succeed in the wider world and become global citizens of the twentyfirst century. We can’t wait to be part of this journey which will begin for you all on the biggest educational stage in the Channel Islands.

Sarah Hague Headteacher



STUDENT GUIDANCE This booklet is designed to help you choose from the Options subjects available, as well as providing information about our Core subjects; English, Mathematics, Science, PE and PSHE.

With regard to Options it is important that each student’s curriculum is well balanced as future plans can change so it is imperative to keep the range of choices for later life open. However, in Key Stage 4 it is appropriate to begin to specialise in some subjects that match interest and ability, and possible future career and educational aspirations. Please can you... • • •


Over the next few weeks, you will need to think carefully about the Options subjects that you would like to choose to study in Years 10 and 11. You will receive guidance from the Head of Careers, who will support decision-making to help you make informed subject choices. Jersey Careers works closely with Upper School students providing information about subject choices and the links with opportunities at Post-16. If you require more information about the options process or any of the subjects described in this prospectus, then you should speak to your Form Tutor, Mr Jones or Head of Year. Due to student choices, courses may require modification. Therefore it is possible that not all courses will run, particularly if student uptake is low. Every effort will be made to allocate the highest preferences, however, in any open system we cannot guarantee this. If it is necessary to discuss Options further, senior staff will see students individually.


YOUR FUTURE STARTS HERE Start by asking yourself two important questions...







Research your chosen career and find out what you need to study now and in the future

Get advice from; • Parents • Teachers • Head of Year • Head of Careers • Research

Read this Options Booklet carefully and identify subjects you might like to study for two years



IGCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IGCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE It is said that “English opens doors”. English does more than that. English not only lets you open doors, it lets you imagine entirely new doors, engage with doors from different times, places and cultures, as well as letting you write an articulate letter of complaint should the door you have recently purchased fail to live up to your expectations. English exists at the heart of learning. Vocabulary furnishes you with conceptual knowledge, the ability to closely read a text empowers you by opening up an awareness to the nuances of language; and being able to construct a coherent argument gives you agency, gives you a voice in a world where there are so many clamouring for our attention. Our curriculum and teaching methods in English are unashamedly traditional and doggedly academic. We privilege the teaching of vocabulary, we teach students to manipulate syntax, all students complete regular extended writing tasks, and our courses are designed to introduce everyone to a range of texts that will broaden their horizons and, just maybe, give them a love of reading and language that will last a lifetime. Most of all, the experience of English is the human experience par-excellence. It is the experience of life itself, and like life it is a journey of continual discovery, unfolding and surprise.

The course Students are entered for two separate GCSEs, English Language and English Literature that build on the strong foundations established by our Key Stage Three curriculum. All students will be entered for the IGCSE English Language course offered by Cambridge. This course has a coursework and an exam component, assessing both students’ reading and writing. Students enjoy the course because, in part, it lets them showcase the writing skills they have been honing since Year 7 in their weekly composition lessons. The majority of students will also be entered for the IGCSE English Literature course offered by EDEXCEL. This will give them the opportunity to study a range of engaging literary texts including Shakespeare, a modern novel and a poetry anthology. Again, there is a coursework component that will benefit a number of students as they immerse themselves in the timeless themes of the Western Canon: love, death, time, beauty, nature and conflict. Across the two-year course there are a range of revision opportunities, extra-sessions and, whenever possible, enrichment opportunities.

“I absolutely love English at Les Quennevais. All of my teachers have been amazing and the opportunity to do the early entry IGCSE English Language is fantastic. We are so well prepared and supported - it’s really amazing. You will develop a love of reading and writing and develop skills that will support all of your subjects.” Callum - Y11 student


IGCSE MATHEMATICS The study of Mathematics goes far beyond numbers - mathematicians seek out patterns, propose new theories and pursue the truth using reasoning and skills of deduction. They are not only interested in adopting a particular set of rules, but also what happens when you change the rules. Mathematics is a collection of extended and collaborative games of ‘what if’ which enhance and further thinking skills and understanding for personal enjoyment and successful careers. The aims

The course

Being an International GCSE, this qualification is recognised and accepted both in the UK and also globally, allowing a smoother transition for any student who may wish to study or work abroad in the future. The Edexcel IGCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) qualification enables you to: • Develop your knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques • Acquire a foundation of mathematical skills for further study in the subject or related areas • Enjoy using and applying mathematical techniques and concepts, and become more confident in using mathematics to solve problems • Appreciate the importance of mathematics in society, employment and study

The qualification is assessed by written examination available at Foundation and Higher Tier, with questions designed to be accessible to all students and all abilities. In January, all students sit the Foundation Tier examination which gives them the opportunity to secure up to a Grade 5; the result of this examination will be a major factor in determining which Tier of entry they will sit in the summer, when Higher Tier students will have the scope to achieve up to a Grade 9. For our more able Mathematicians, we are also offering GCSE Statistics. This qualification, with an emphasis on presenting, analysing and interpreting data, is an asset to anyone who is considering a career in Finance or within a business setting. Consideration for this additional qualification is by invitation only.

“Maths is one of the hardest subjects I take. You’ve got to be prepared to work your socks off, however the reward is so worth it. All the Maths teachers are incredible this year, you can’t go wrong. The quality of explanations and modelling of tasks are clear and well thought through, it helps make difficult topics seem manageable. I always used to struggle with Maths, nonetheless, Les Quennevais has changed that. Although sometimes it seems impossible, the support we get from our teachers keeps us resilient.” Poppy - Y11 student



GCSE DOUBLE SCIENCE The aims The course aims to encourage students to: • • • •

Develop their interest, and enthusiasm for Science Develop a critical approach to scientific evidence and methods Acquire and apply skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works and its essential role in society Acquire scientific skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for progression to further learning

The course The AQA Combined Science GCSE is the equivalent of 2 GCSEs. Students have 6 lessons of Science each week which will cover Biology, Chemistry and Physics in equal measure. The course requires every student to complete a minimum of 21 directed practical investigations and their knowledge of these will be assessed by two written examinations with another two exams testing knowledge of scientific principles. These examinations are terminal and will take place at the end of Year 11.

“I really like being taught by specialist subject teachers in Chemistry, Biology and Physics helping me improve my knowledge and ability.” Jensen - Y11 student

The Synergy Science GCSE provides a comprehensive understanding of core scientific concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. It develops critical thinking skills, providing opportunities for students to learn how to collect and analyse data, and also make informed decisions based on evidence. This course provides a strong foundation and prepares students for more advanced studies and diversifies career options. Many of our students go on to take A level Science. Science is the understanding of the world, not believing it. By connecting the different fields of Science through engaging and carefully planned teaching, our students are equipped to deal with the complex and fascinating world of Science. In today’s world, understanding scientific principles is crucial for addressing global challenges such as climate change, pollution and healthcare. Synergy GCSE Science educates students about these issues and empowers them to find meaningful solutions.


GCSE TRIPLE SCIENCE The aims The course aims to encourage students to: • • •

Delve deeper into each Science discipline to allow a detailed understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics concepts and theories Develop a wide range of scientific skills including critical thinking, problem solving, data analysis and experimental techniques Apply scientific knowledge to real world situations including practical applications in various fields and industries.

The Triple Science course leads to three separate GCSE Science qualifications in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. It is academically rigorous so taught in an accelerated course structure challenging students to master complex scientific principles. It is this challenge that helps develop critical thinking, problem solving, analytical and scientific writing skills, preparing students for future academic and professional pursuits in the Sciences. Triple Science is taught by specialist teachers across the three disciplines and has been carefully planned to utilise the 28 required practicals as opportunities for the development of practical techniques and data analysis skills. These boost student confidence in practical applications of key theories and provide opportunities to use laboratory techniques that can be transferred to further studies.

Triple Science provides opportunities for students to broaden career opportunities and is a stepping stone to Science-based careers such as medicine, engineering and research, as it provides a strong foundation. It also encourages students to engage with scientific issues and make informed choices in their personal and societal lives, in an increasingly technology driven world.

The course Students will study AQA Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSEs. Students attend 6 lessons of Science each week which will cover Biology, Chemistry and Physics in equal measure. Due to the additional content this course starts immediately after Christmas of Year 9. The course requires students to complete 28 required practicals and their knowledge of these will be assessed. There are two exams for each discipline – 6 in total. All Science examinations are terminal and will take place at the end of Year 11.




Why is PSHE so important?

Personal Social and Health Education is a statutory part of the curriculum in the UK and is designed to help students navigate the choices and decisions they may be faced with as they become adults.

What is PSHE about? In your weekly PSHE lesson, you will follow a series of courses, most lasting for half a term. There will be opportunities to share your own views on relevant issues, and to hear what others have to say. Whenever possible, you will be able to carry out practical and interactive activities with an emphasis on debate and involving a wide range of speakers from our local community such as You Matter. In PSHE at Key Stage 4, we cover many challenging issues ranging from relationships, sexual health and mental wellbeing to addiction and managing stress. During the course, we also look at financial management and careers, helping you make the vital decisions about your next steps after leaving Les Quennevais School.

Careers Careers Education forms an essential part of Key Stage 4. Students will continue to learn about a range of different careers and continue to have opportunities to meet with employers though whole year group events and also through subject-specific careers events and, of course, Trident work placements in Year 10. Students also need to start thinking about the pathway to their potential future career. This will involve meeting with the various post 16 education providers in Jersey along with investigating options such as apprenticeships and degrees. Some of this will take place during PSE lessons, alongside whole year group events.


PHYSICAL EDUCATION (CORE) Core PE is an opportunity for all students to continue to improve and enjoy activities previously visited at Key Stage 3 whilst also providing exciting new activities in a range of challenging environments. Students will have the option to choose the activities that they participate in. The emphasis switches from performer to coach/leader and official, as students are encouraged to experience and adopt new roles in Physical Education. In addition to the more traditional activities such as football, rugby, netball, dance, tennis, badminton, swimming, cricket, rounders, softball and trampolining, we provide the opportunity for students to experience a number of new activities including yoga and volleyball. We can also offer fitness training in our state of the art purpose-built fitness suite. As well as these courses we also have links with the Sports Centre allowing students to enrol in the Pool Lifeguard course and the FA Referee course. At KS4 we provide activity choices and extension opportunities because above all, our aim is to help students enjoy physical activity and to acquire a passion for, and interest in, lifelong sporting activity.



GCSE Dance

GCSE DANCE GCSE Dance is an exciting opportunity to explore the art form of dance, to appreciate the beauty of dance work and to develop your skills as a dancer. By studying cutting edge dance performances, students will be enthralled by the current world of dance from hip-hop pieces to the latest in contemporary ballet and even dance film. No matter your background in Dance, all students finish the course with a stunning repertoire of Dance performances, including some that they have created themselves. It is a subject which will build you into a confident performer with a creative mind. It will be an equally challenging and rewarding experience, and one that we are so lucky to be able to offer here at Les Quennevais. Many of our students have gone on to study Dance or Performing Arts at colleges in the UK, and all of our past students remember fondly their experiences in Dance. Dance students are part of a class who will grow into a family throughout the two years.

The course

Component 1 - Practical 60%

The assessment of the course is divided into 60% practical performance assessed during Year 11 and 40% written exam theory taken at the end of the course.

Performance - You will perform a solo dance set by the exam board, and a duet / trio set by the teacher. Choreography - You will choreograph and perform either a solo or a duet / trio.

Component 2 - Written exam 40%

“Teaching students from every level of experience; from ballet to breakdance to complete beginners like me, Miss makes sure that each one of us is confident and educated on technique, performance and my personal favourite, choreography. From group work, to set pieces, yoga and 80’s dance workouts, every lesson is packed with excitement and our teacher’s passion for our success.” Bella - Y10 student

You will complete an 1.5 hour exam at the end of Year 11, assessing your knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills, critical appreciation of both your own and professional works. GCSE Dance is suited to students who are highly motivated and enthusiastic, who enjoy dance and want to both improve their own skills and knowledge but also widen their understanding and appreciation of professional dance.





Design Engineer Construct!® (DEC!) is a learning programme that has been expertly developed to create and inspire the next generation of built environment professionals. The course Through a digital project-based approach, DEC! applies pure academic subjects to the latest construction industry practices. The result? Young people with real-world practical experience and employable skills. The DEC! course covers elements such as Architecture, Structural Engineering, Facilities Management, Land Surveying and Quantity Surveying etc. to educate and train the future built environment construction workforce. Supported by industry leaders, professional bodies and progressive universities, DEC! delivers an inspiring programme that is up to date and in-demand by the very people who will employ our students. Students in KS4 will study the Level 2 DEC! course and be assessed through the submission of a portfolio of work worth 50% of the final grade, and an externally assessed examination worth the other 50% of the final grade. The awarding body for the course is TQUK. The possible pass grades awarded for Level 2 DEC! are: A*, A, B and C. Students must secure a ‘pass’ (C or above) in both the portfolio of work and the examination to achieve an overall pass for the course. There are no pass grades awarded below a C. For the portfolio of work, students must respond to the Level 2 DEC! brief, ‘You are to design a building that will provide a resource for your community, which will be conveniently located in the local area’. The portfolio is an extensive collection of work, completed over the duration of Year 10 and 11.

This option is supported by ROK Group who were the main contractors and construction experts in delivery of the Les Quennevais School building project. Industry professionals from Rok provide specialist support in DEC! lessons to enhance learning and bridge the gap between the classroom and the real-world application of skills.

Students will carry out tasks such as interviewing a client, conducting land surveys, consulting legislations, carrying out feasibility studies and generating initial ideas, to name a few. Students use OpenBuildings Designer, which is industry standard BIM (Building, Information, Modelling) software provided by Bentley Systems, to create and develop 3D models of their buildings. Students can also visualise their finished designs in a real-life setting using LumenRT software. There they can see their building positioned in a landscape, with people and cars nearby and test the building in different weather conditions, conducting energy analysis’ and suchlike.

From classroom to career Integral to the activities within the DEC! programme are good standards for Numeracy, Literacy, Science, and IT. Each learning task contains opportunities to explore, demonstrate and develop Mathematical knowledge by understanding its application to the world of work. Similarly, literacy skills are enhanced by integrated opportunities to prepare oral and written reports, presentations, feedback, and other types of language-based outcomes many of which are presented to industry specialists. DEC! also enables learners to explore some of the key themes in society such as climate change, encouraging them to think and design sustainably. Many of the DEC students aspire to go to university, either via the traditional fulltime route or part-time, via a recognised employer/ apprenticeship scheme.

“I really like DEC because I enjoy using the industry standard CAD and BIM software. It is a great experience and very advanced to help my learning progress and will give me lots of opportunities for myCONTENTS future.” Tom - Y10 student


GCSE Design Technology


The aims

Assessment Overview

In Design Technology, we aim to develop students’ practical ability along with designing skills and make them more aware of materials, processes, their uses and environmental issues.

Candidates will be eligible for Grades 9-1, where 9 is the highest grade. All candidates take three components. Candidates must take Paper 1 and Component 2, plus one from either Paper 3, 4 or 5.

This GCSE places greater emphasis on understanding and applying design processes. Students will use their creativity and imagination to design and make prototypes that solve real and relevant problems, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.

Paper 1 - 25%

Those who enjoy designing and making can continue their studies to degree level or use their work as a foundation for learning a trade.

Component 2 - 50%

The course This two year course is a demanding blend of designing and making, where a student’s determination to succeed will be tested to the limit but rewarded with success. Students will have the opportunity to design and make quality products from a range of materials and work will include computer aided design and manufacturing. Students will enjoy being independent learners, thinkers, designers and makers where a strong commitment to our work ethic and getting the job done is an essential ingredient of this challenging subject.

This is a 1 hour 15 minutes Product Design exam worth 25% of overall marks. Questions will be based on the Common content: Product Design and students will answer only one question.

This is the Final Project, a school-based assessment which is externally moderated. Students will identify, consider and solve problems through creative thinking, planning and design, and by working with different media, materials and tools to produce a high quality product. Option Paper - 25% Students will be entered for their particular specialism. Each paper is 1 hour: Paper 3 - Resistant Materials

“The fun and excitement of Key Stage 3 goes through the roof at Key Stage 4. You don’t get to just make the same products as everyone else, but you get to design and make something really exciting with a genuine professional feel. I am passionate about DT and I want to take this further. I see myself having a career in Design and the GCSE has provided me with the inspiration and knowledge required to take the next step. My teacher has been amazing at enabling me to visualise my ideas and create work of real value.” Adam - Y10 student



Why study BTEC Performing Arts?

Assessment Overview

This qualification is for learners interested in taking a hands-on course alongside their GCSEs that will offer them an insight into what it is like to work in the performing arts sector, developing the foundational skills that are integral to a wide range of roles (from performing to designing and directing) across the creative industries, including film and television, theatre, games, and advertising.

Component 1 - Exploring the Performing Arts 30%

Learners will receive a general introduction to the sector, crammed with opportunities to learn and try out new skills, techniques, and styles, allowing them to make an informed decision about their future learning and career. Through this course, learners will acquire sector-specific applied knowledge and skills through vocational contexts by studying professionals’ work and processes used, the skills and techniques used in different roles, and how to contribute to the creation of a performance in either a performance or non-performance role. Learners will also have the opportunity to develop their own technical, practical and interpretative skills through workshops and classes, and to apply them in the internal and external assessments. In addition, learners will develop transferable and employability skills such as responding to a brief, self-development, planning, time management and communication. As a creative subject with a focus on application, there is no written exam. However the course culminates in an externally assessed component (40%). All the components are designed to give learners as much freedom as possible in how they respond, allowing them to work to their own strengths and interests, and to focus on the area of the performing arts sector that most excites and appeals to them. It is a great stepping-stone into further vocational or academic study in the Performing Arts sector.

Learners will develop their understanding of the performing arts by examining the work of performing arts professionals and the processes used to create performance. Component 2 - Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts 30% Learners will develop their performing arts skills and techniques through the reproduction of acting, dance and/or musical theatre repertoire as performers or designers. Component 3 - Responding to a brief 40% Learners will be given the opportunity to work as part of a group to contribute to a workshop performance as either a performer or a designer in response to a brief and stimulus.

What other opportunities will I have? • • • •

We will go to see high quality, relevant productions during the course We will participate in workshops whenever possible You can learn more about lighting, sound and set design using our fantastic new facilities Attend workshops and masterclasses with professional actors and technicians

“Performing Arts is my favourite subject! Not only does it give performers the ability to do what they love, it’s also a subject where students express themselves and build their confidence.”


Ruby - Y10 student



This course will allow you to get to grips with the key aspects of running a small business with a focus on enterprise and marketing. Want to develop entrepreneurial skills? Enjoy working on real, tangible projects? Want to develop the skills you will need in the world of work? Then perhaps the Cambridge National qualification in Enterprise and Marketing is for you!

Unit 1 Enterprise and Marketing Concepts Externally assessed through an OCR set and marked 1 hour 30 minute exam. The first unit underpins all other learning throughout the qualification. You will learn about the techniques businesses use to understand their market and develop their products, investigate what makes a product viable and understand how businesses attract and retain customers. You will also learn about key aspects of small businesses, including ownership and functional activities. The exam requires essay style answers and financial calculations.

Unit 2 Design a Business Proposal Internally assessed and OCR moderated coursework. You are provided with a business challenge. From this you will create a researched and costed business proposal. You will need to undertake activities such as conducting market research, presenting data, using idea generation tools, seeking and acting on feedback and costing proposals. This unit will develop your self-assessment, collaborative working, creativity, numeracy, research and evaluative skills.

Unit 3 Market and Pitch a Business Proposal Internally assessed and OCR moderated coursework. You will prepare and pitch your own business proposal that you developed in Unit 2. Alongside developing a brand identity, you will investigate how to best prepare your product and then plan and prepare your pitch. After delivering your practice and professional pitch you will review your own performance and business proposal. This unit will develop your analytical and self-evaluation skills as well as those relating to self-presentation. You need to be a confident presenter as this unit is assessed in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ type scenario.

“This subject is so interesting and has already given me so many new skills. I have learnt so much I feel ready to run my own business already!” Jess - Y10 student



Do you love the idea of really exploring your artistic creative potential to the absolute limit and then finding you can do even more? Then perhaps the GCSE in Fine Art is for you!

The project work at Key Stage 3 enables students to hit the ground running at the beginning of the GCSE course as we find that students come to us as competent, confident and exciting artists, brimming with potential. The course encompasses two portfolio projects in landscape and portraiture. Assessment is 60% coursework (two portfolio projects) and 40% practical exam. This will include drawing, painting, mixed-media, printing, photography and artist research. Coupled with our knowledge and understanding of every individual’s artistic interests and personal attributes, it does mean that students are very much geared up to create work of exceptional value from the start of Year 10. Students will explore a range of techniques and develop their analytical skills further on the course, creating a large portfolio of work which is visually stunning. Many of our students achieve 100% marks at GCSE, which equates to an A* grade. Visiting moderators often comment on the Artwork at Les Quennevais School as being the best they see from across the whole of the UK.

We have an unerring commitment to bring out the potential of every GCSE student and leave them with a passion for Art well beyond the end of their formal schooling. Students will be expected to write in detail about their work and the work of their artists throughout the course, alongside all their creative work. As the senior AQA examiner stated when standardising the GCSE work; “It’s easily the best work I have seen at this level.”

“Firstly it is nothing like what you’ve done in Years 7, 8 and 9, it’s so much more! The key part for me is that you are able to show your own personality through your work and there are no limits to what you can do. Art is a subject where you can be expressive and don’t feel any pressure to remember quotes or key dates. You have 2 years to prepare for your exam so you are fully secure and know what you are doing. In the lessons you don’t get told what you have to do you but you are guided to make beautiful work through discussion and reflection.” Lottie - Y10 student




Are you passionate about cooking? Do you want to unveil your creativity through the art of food? Then Hospitality and Catering is for you!

The course

Unit 1 The Hospitality & Catering Industry

This new course provides an exciting opportunity to learn to cook to a professional standard with the knowledge and understanding of the hospitality industry. The course includes masterclasses from the most inspirational chefs on the island, along with artisan butchers and fishmongers. Students will develop a complete understanding of the essential cookery concepts and key skills including how to fillet fish, prepare shellfish, joint chicken, and make fresh egg pasta. Students are encouraged to stamp their identity on the food they produce by developing their presentation techniques to create beautifully plated dishes. Students have opportunities to compete in both island and national culinary competitions.

The first unit enables learners to gain and develop comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the hospitality and catering industry including provision, health and safety and food safety. Students are assessed through an external written examination that lasts 1 hour 20 minutes. This external examination will take place at the end of Year 11 and contributes to 40% of the final grade.

As well as providing students with a valuable and essential life skill, the course offers a foundation for the study of both academic and vocational courses post-16.

Unit 2 Hospitality & Catering in Action In unit 2 students learn to develop and apply knowledge and understanding of the importance of nutrition and how to plan nutritious menus. Students will learn the skills needed to prepare, cook and present dishes. Students are assessed through a 12hour controlled assessment where you will prepare, cook and present two final dishes within 3.5 hours. This is internally assessed. The qualification is graded L1 pass to L2 Distinction*. Please be aware for this course ingredients will be needed on a weekly basis. This is a commitment that needs to be considered when opting for the course. The dishes we produce at school are taken home to be enjoyed.

“We have the opportunity to have input from top industry experts and visit some of Jersey’s top restaurants. It’s really inspiring.” Lucy - Y10 student


GCSE FRENCH French forms an integral part of the working and leisure life of Jersey. It is an asset in the legal profession and it is particularly useful if you are considering a career in international business, travel, tourism and journalism. Linguistic and cultural understanding are vital in today’s European and global communities and an ability to communicate effectively when visiting or travelling through France or any other French speaking country is important.

The course is divided into three themes:

A language is also widely considered as an academic subject, so a GCSE in French helps your chances when applying to post-16 institutions and higher education.

Each theme contains a number of topics. Your lessons will cover all aspects of language work, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar. You will be involved in role-play, conversations, pair and group work, ICT, Video/DVD and discussion work.

Also, French can be combined with many other subjects at University. So perhaps the question should be not, “Why French?” but “Why not French?”

1. 2. 3.

People and lifestyle Popular culture Communication and the world around us

“I chose French GCSE because I wanted to further my ability to converse in another language so that it would be easier for me to communicate if I were to study, work or holiday in a French speaking country. Studying GCSE French has been enjoyable and varied. The subject is taught in such a way that the content can be learnt in depth whilst you can still have fun in lessons, whether this be playing interactive games or using online content. In Year 11, I have enjoyed doing exam-style questions each week so that I can feel confident when exams approach. I would recommend taking this subject to anyone who has enjoyed studying it for the past 3 years and would like to learn more about a different culture that is not so far from our island!”

Charlie - Y11 student



IGCSE GEOGRAPHY The study of Geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexities of the world in which we live; past, present and future. The skills of analysis, problem solving and the ability to make judgments on the complex issues which surrround our world are just part of what makes Geography so relevant, exciting and challenging at GCSE level.

Students will be studying the Edexcel IGCSE syllabus. This exciting and stimulating course studies geography in a balance framework of physical and human themes and investigates the links between them. Students will travel the world from the classroom, exploring case studies within the UK, newly emerging economies (NEEs) and lower income countries (LICs). Topics of study include rivers, coasts, development, urban areas and energy, to name a few. GCSE students will be expected to participate in a 5 day off-island fieldtrip to the Lake District. The fieldtrip is designed to bring the subject to life, merging what has been taught in lessons with a practical and fun element of outside learning. Upon completion of this two-year course, students will have the transferable skills and experience to progress onto A-level and beyond.

“Geography is such an interesting subject to take as a GCSE, you learn a variety of topics as well as ones you have already learnt. Geography makes you more aware, and gives you a better knowledge of the environment that surrounds us.” Annabel - Y10 student



Are you interested in working with people? What is needed for the emotional and social development of children? What kinds of services are available to assist the elderly to lead a good quality life? How do you take a person’s blood pressure or peak flow reading and what might the results show? Should alcohol be banned?

These are the sorts of issues that you will be investigating in Health and Social Care. This course provides an introduction to life and work within the Health and Social sector. The course is made up of three components: 1. 2. 3.

Human Life Span & Development (30% Coursework) Health and Social Care Services and Values (30% Coursework) Health and Wellbeing (40% Examination)

This course can lead onto courses and employment in a wide range of careers such as health care, nursing, social work, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, paramedics, childcare and many other people-related careers.

“This subject is so interesting and beneficial. I now understand so much more about people’s behaviours and the impact of life events on personal growth and development. I want to study this further when I leave Les Quennevais.” Grace & Rhiann - Y10 students



GCSE HISTORY History is a fascinating subject that explains the state of the world around us today, including such issues as warfare, empire, geopolitics and civil rights. It enables students to pursue a wide range of career opportunities, such as law, journalism and politics. Four topics are covered at GCSE The first is Medicine Through Time, which tracks how disease has been treated from the medieval era to the present day. Students will be amazed by medieval beliefs that God and the supernatural caused illness, and that some cures considered effective at the time involved strapping toads to your armpits. We evaluate the role of key individuals and their breakthroughs, such as the circulatory system, vaccination, Germ Theory and effective anaesthetics for pain relief. We then investigate the state of modern medicine, its scientific marvels and its moral grey areas. The second is a study of Elizabethan England, which covers the political, religious and foreign threats to Elizabeth’s rule, and tells the story of how she not only survived, but led England towards a golden age of culture and the foundations of the British Empire. We also focus on a historical site study, such as Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, or the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

The third unit covers International Relations between the two world wars, analysing how the bitter end of World War One led to the overly harsh Treaty of Versailles; we evaluate the main reasons why the League of Nations, the peacekeeping force between the wars, failed so badly; then finally look at the rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany, and how his aggressive foreign policy led to the outbreak of World War Two. Our last unit is an in-depth study of Germany between 1890 and 1945, covering the fall of the Kaiser’s Germany at the end of World War One, the troubled existence of the democratic Weimar Germany until it was finally killed off by the Great Depression, and the rise and fall of Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. We learn about the experiences of young people, women and workers in Hitler’s Third Reich, and the series of events that led to the horrors of the Concentration Camps and the Holocaust.

“I wanted to study History because I was particularly interested in international relations in the modern world, the causes and consequences of the world wars and the political changes in Germany during this time. As it’s a respected subject, it will open up lots of career paths in the future too, giving me options. We work hard but I am fascinated by what we learn, and enjoy the different stories about the past.” Callum - Y10 student


IGCSE ICT IT has become an integral part of our lives at home and in the workplace and continues to be one of the fastest growing employment sectors. No matter what career path you follow, IT will most likely play a role in your future. The ICT IGCSE is a combination of theory that looks at how areas such as how IT affects us in everyday life and builds practical skills that focus on the following areas of software development.

The course

Data Management & Analysis

The ICT GCSE focusses on software usage including Excel, Word, Access and HTML web design, these are some of the essential tools in most office environments. Whilst the course does not cover coding languages such as Python, it covers the fundamentals of coding in variety of languages such as HTML and CSS. Students sit a theory paper and two practical assessments that are completed in the IT rooms under exam conditions.

A database is an essential tool that almost every company will use to manage aspects of their business such as their stock and staffing. By investigating a range of companies you will be able to create databases that can carry out tasks such monitoring the customer usage at a gym, or tracking product sales through an online retailer.

IT is assessed over three separate exams in Year 11. Paper 1 – 1.5hr Theory Paper 2 – 2hr Practical assessment Word, PowerPoint and databases Paper 3 – 2hr Practical assessment HTML Web design and Excel

Communication We continue to build on your knowledge of Microsoft Office by developing your use of Word and PowerPoint to a level that would be required in the workplace. Throughout the course we aim to develop your ability to independently create solutions to real life scenarios and build the skills that will support you in higher education along with making you more employable. Whilst not essential, having access to a PC at home would be an advantage along with already having gained an understanding of software such as Excel and Dreamweaver at KS3.

“The ICT course has equipped me with really important skills which I can transfer across other subjects. I have been challenged to think creatively and independently and I enjoy the practical aspects of the course.”


Dylan - Y11 student


GCSE MEDIA STUDIES The aim The GCSE in Media is an exciting, challenging and inspiring option. This extends students beyond the normal English curriculum and is therefore available to students whose teachers consider them to be Level 6 or above. You will enjoy this course if you have an enquiring mind, a willingness to involve yourself in relevant, meaningful discussion and debate and be able to express your ideas and interpretations creatively and effectively. Globalisation, technological developments and our ability to interact with the modern media have radically changed the industry, rendering its relevance and importance in modern life unquestionable.

The course A challenging GCSE, Media requires high levels of engagement, concentration and participation for you to get the most out of study. Although many of the set texts are enjoyably accessible - such as crime dramas and music videos - the theories which need to be applied to them are challenging and will stretch your observation, discussion and analytical skills.

You will explore an exciting and impressive range of media products: films, magazines, music videos, online, newspapers, radio, television, video games, marketing and social media - working from the product outwards to develop an understanding of the industry. Although focussed mainly on contemporary media, you will analyse key media products from different eras, securing a real appreciation of the societal and cultural role of the media. Through studying Media at GCSE you will gain a better understanding of the Media messages we consume - consciously and unconsciously every day - developing your world views, tolerance and respect for others. You will further your critical thinking, research and decision making skills; widen political, social and economic views and be able to make informed and substantiated judgements. This GCSE develops oracy and literacy skills and builds confidence in communicating ideas and opinions. It complements and supports a number of other subjects, helping you make astute links across the curriculum. The theoretical, practical knowledge and skills acquired will enable you to further your studies at A Level and beyond while also being highly sought after in the workplace.



Composing Music (30%)

We follow a relevant and contemporary GCSE qualification that offers you the chance to study a wide range of musical genres and has more opportunities for practical learning. The best thing about it is that you can largely follow your own interests.

Composition work will be completed using Soundtrap or Logic. You can also use your own instrument/voice if you wish. You will learn techniques that will enable you to compose and develop your ideas. Any style of music is equally valid so you can compose in a style that suits you. You will submit 2 compositions for the GCSE.

The course Performing Music (30%) If you are already learning to play an instrument or sing you are already well prepared for half of your coursework submission. Why not get credit for something you are already doing? If performing live on an instrument/voice doesn’t appeal you can choose from 2 other options instead for this area of the GCSE: •

DJ performance skills - We have the decks and software in school.

Music technology performance – Using Soundtrap (online Digital Audio Workstation) or Logic (Mac) to sequence in the different parts of an existing piece (of your choosing) to produce a finished performance. This is similar to the Dance Monkey project that you completed in Year 8 and doesn’t rely on you being good at any particular instrument.

Understanding Music (40%) You will develop your understanding and vocabulary of the elements of music (DR SMITH) by examining four areas of study that cover a wide range of musical styles including Classical, Pop, and World music. You will also study 2 pieces of music (one classical, one pop) in detail. Assessment for this area is in the form of a listening exam where you will answer questions on pieces taken from the areas of study.



GCSE PHOTOGRAPHY The aim GCSE Photography at Les Quennevais aims to develop students’ ability to see the world in a new and interesting way. We want our students to be inquisitive and experimental in their approach to photography, using cameras, technology and other mediums to challenge the everyday perspective.

The course We follow AQA GCSE Art and Design (Photography), which is an inspiring course that encourages students to consider a wide range of approaches, expressing themselves through different materials, media and techniques. Students gain understanding of composition and technical skills behind the discipline, research a range of inspiring photographers and learn interesting ways in which to edit and present their final responses. Students produce portfolio projects exploring identity, abstraction and landscapes over the course and a final examined project set by the exam board. Students will become expert in industry standard programmes to creatively communicate ideas, intention and purpose as well the technical knowhow needed to take great photographs using the fantastic new facilities and equipment. The results at GCSE speak for themselves, with an incredibly high pass rate and many students achieving grade 9s every year, such is the quality of teaching and student work.

“I loved the photography course throughout my time at Les Quennevais because it gave me a real insight into what a photographer would go through in the real world. I picked up invaluable Photoshop skills which has helped me thrive on the Media course at Highlands. If you are interested in becoming a camera man, film maker or photographer, Photography at Les Quennevais is the best place to start.” Josh - Y11 student


IGCSE PHYSICAL EDUCATION This is an internationally recognised GCSE course. During the course you will study both theoretical and practical elements. In practical lessons, you participate in a wide range of activities from trampolining to personal survival. In theory lessons, you will learn about a variety of topics, including Anatomy and Physiology, Movement Analysis and Sports Psychology. The theory element accounts for 50% of the final grade and is assessed in the form of a 1 hour 45 minute written examination. The remaining 50% is practically assessed which requires our Physical Education department to submit video evidence of a student’s best four practical activities. This rewarding and varied course will challenge you physically and mentally. It can be the first step on the ladder in an exciting career relating to sport such as physiotherapy, sports scientist, nutritionist, sports medicine, personal trainer or coaching. The IGCSE is also suitable preparation for A Level Physical Education. The course allows for progression to related vocational qualifications in Sports Studies at Highlands, such as the BTEC Diploma.



GCSE RELIGIOUS STUDIES The aim At Les Quennevais, AQA GCSE Religious Studies is one of the top performing GCSE options. If you enjoy thought provoking questions about ethical issues of right and wrong, belief, truth and the meaning of life then GCSE Religious Studies is the option for you!

The course Throughout your study, you will improve your understanding of religion, philosophy and ethics, and the ways these form the basis of culture and moral decision making. You will deepen your understanding of the moral issues people face in life and the diverse ways in which they may respond to them. You will be challenged with questions about belief, values, purpose and truth, encouraging you to develop your own attitudes towards religious and ethical issues.

“I love learning about the different festivals, lifestyles and cultures of people around the world” Jasmine - Y11 student

We use relevant and current news items to enhance the topical nature of the course. The issues covered are varied, from crime and punishment to the creation of the world, and stimulate a wide range of religious and non-religious views. Due to the nature of these topics, there are plenty of opportunities for research, discussion and debate. We explore the beliefs of Christianity and Islam in depth, relating these to the ethical issues studied and giving you the opportunity to evaluate religious answers, and challenge your own opinions. Through studying Religious Studies at GCSE, you will develop the higher level skills sought after in the workplace which will enable you to flourish as a citizen of a diverse, global community. You will be able to make informed, critical judgments, and you will develop empathy, respect and understanding of others. These skills are especially valuable in any career which involves interacting with a wide range of people.


GCSE SPANISH Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. In fact, there are more Spanish speaking people in the world than English speakers. It is the official language of South America and all of Central America and is increasingly spoken in North America. Knowledge of such an important language would be a great asset in the world of work and since a language is also widely considered as an academic subject, a GCSE in Spanish could help your chances when applying for further education. You do not need any previous experience of Spanish as all students start from the beginning, but if you have some knowledge of French, Italian or Portuguese, you will find Spanish that much easier to learn. The two year course leads to a GCSE and the focus is on developing the four key skills of language learning; listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course is divided into three themes: 1. 2. 3.

People and lifestyle Popular culture Communication and the world around us

“Spanish is one of my favourite options! The course is structured so well, I’ve learnt so much. It’s full of inventive games and I promise you won’t get bored doing it. The lessons are fast paced, so you’ve got to be ready to keep up. I’m only 3 months into the course, and I feel I’ve made so much progress. The quality of teaching is fantastic. ¡Me encanta el Español!”

Poppy - Y10 student CONTENTS


GCSE TEXTILES Are you a person who likes to be creative with a variety of materials and media? Do you like experimenting with colour, pattern and forms to create interesting fashion and textiles pieces? Could you be a designer of the future? If so, our GCSE Textiles qualification could be for you. Throughout this course, you will further your sense of inquisitiveness and develop a desire to experiment, explore and create. Our Textiles Department offers specialist equipment and materials for exploration into surface pattern, stitched and embellished textiles, fashion design and illustration, printed and dyed textiles, art textiles, digital textiles, and alternative materials. The course encompasses two portfolio projects, which demonstrate unique journeys combining understanding of wider contextualised research and personalised creative development through practical skills. Assessment is 60% coursework and 40% exam. Portfolio work is presented in the form of sketchbooks, including photography, sample studies and analysis. Your portfolio will demonstrate exploration and experimentation of a variety of materials, techniques and fabrics, ideas development and design processes. There is also a research element whereby students will be expected to find out about works of other artists and designers. The portfolio projects culminate into the production of the final piece, which could be wearable outcome, influenced by interior design, or an accessory. This exciting course gives our students a great opportunity to develop their passions, creativity and flair for fashion and textiles. It also develops the interpersonal digital, communication and creative problem solving skills future employers look for.

“GCSE Textiles is a great option to choose if you enjoy being creative and learning new skills. During the lessons you will use a variety of digital and traditional techniques to create beautiful and unique pieces of work on fabric. It is a fun balance of creativity, research and experimentation. The new school has an incredible textiles room with amazing facilities that will really allow you to grow and flourish as a designer.” Zoe - Y11 student


BTEC CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION Creative Media focuses on digital graphics and the skills used to create and edit your own videos using the Adobe Creative Suite.

The Aim

The Course

During the course you will build on your existing skills with software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create graphics to a commercial standard.

The course is a Level 2 BTEC Tech Award and equivalent to a GCSE. Assessment is a combination of coursework created in the classroom and a final practical exam.

You will have the opportunity to develop your understanding of the technology behind website design, and other areas of creative media such as animation.

During the course you will learn to use new software to produce products such as magazines, advertisements and animations, along with gaining a deeper understanding of existing media products. Creative Media is an area that offers huge potential for students wanting to pursue a career in the media industry or continue to study at a higher level. The subject also opens pathways into graphic design and would be highly valued by a range of employers.



ANCIENT HISTORY GCSE Ancient History is a romp through the most exciting parts of Roman and Greek history, focusing on the key individuals and events that helped shape the ancient world. The course has been designed to help learners develop their understanding of the ancient world and the legacy of the ancient world in today’s society. We will learn about defining characters such as Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and Hannibal, defining events including the Battle of Thermopylae, the foundation of Rome and the creation of democracy. Students will learn about different aspects such as the military, political, religious, social and cultural history of the ancient world, which will allow students to be able to consider the events studied within the context of the world at that time.

Unit 1 - The Persian Empire 559-465 BC

We will refer to and use ancient source materials during our course, although students will become aware that ancient historians today rely on fewer sources than are available for modern history, meaning that our version of events often relies on very scarce evidence. Students will appreciate the resulting difficulties in reconstructing the history of the ancient world.

There is no coursework for this Option, instead assessment will rely on two 2 hour examined papers at the end of the course.

This introductory period study focuses on the unfolding narrative of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II, Darius I and Xerxes I. After an initial focus on the foundation of the empire under Cyrus the Great, the study examines the expansion of Persian territory and construction projects of Cyrus’ successors before exploring the Persians’ attempts to expand into Greece and the resistance they faced. There are three consistent themes: • •

The expansion of Persian territory The interaction between the Persians and other cultures, particularly the Greeks, Egyptians and Babylonians The personalities and priorities of Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II, Darius I and Xerxes I

Unit 2 - Alexander The Great, 356-323 BC This depth study covers similar geographical areas to the study of the Persian Empire but allows students to understand the Macedonian invasion, conquest of the Persian Empire and advance as far as India. • • • •

Upbringing, character, beliefs and life of Alexander, including the mystery of his father’s assassination. Alexander’s campaigns Significant events in Alexander’s life including the burning of Persepolis, the mass marriages at Susa and Alexander’s death The Macedonian army under Alexander


Unit 3 - The Foundations of Rome: Feom Kingship to Republic, 753-440 BC This longer period study enables learners to explore the early development of Ancient Rome and to be able to put this development into the wider context of the ancient world. This study enables learners to explore the complex relationships between the kings, the Roman people and other countries in this period and later during the Republican era, the changing role of plebeians and patricians, and Rome’s growing influence in the ancient world. • • • •

The legendary Kings: Origins of Rome 753–616 BC including the myth of Romulus and Remus The Etruscan Kings: 616–509 BC Origins of the Republic: 509–494 BC Securing the Republic: 494–440 BC and the impact of war on Roman politics

Unit 4 - Cleopatra: Rome and Egypt, 69-30 BC This depth study focuses on a period when the Roman Republic was in crisis, before Octavian became the first Roman Emperor. It provides a link to the longer period study showing Rome in the last few decades of the Roman Republic and the beginning of Octavian’s (Augustus’) principate. It will also allow learners to study the interactions between Egyptian and Roman cultures. • •

Cleopatra’s life and character Cleopatra as Queen of Egypt, including political, domestic and foreign policies Cleopatra’s relationships with Caesar (48–44 BC) and Mark Antony (41–30 BC) and their political significance The Battle of Actium and its significance for Egypt and Rome





As a school, we have become experts in addressing the gaps in student knowledge to ensure every child is able to meet their target grade. We have early morning and after school intervention sessions led by great teachers to close those gaps and build exam confidence. Throughout Years 10 and 11, intervention sessions are a weekly occurence and an integral part of what we do to make sure all our students can achieve their very best.

As part of the Upper School, you will become one of our school leaders which means you have exciting opportunities available to you such as; becoming a member of the Student Leadership Team, Student Parliament, Sports Captains and Charity representatives. These roles provide powerful opportunities to make a difference to other students’ lives, the school and the good of our community.

PARTNERSHIP One of the strengths of Les Quennevais is the strong relationships we have with our students and our parents. After three years of being with us, we really do know how to get the very best out of our students and this only grows stronger as our students flourish at Key Stage 4. We know them on a personal level; from form teacher to head of year, from class teacher to head of department. That bond of understanding helps us make the very most of Key Stage 4. Success is built on a partnership of child, parent and teacher. We ensure every child is given the support they need to be their best and the clear guidance to ensure they make the right decisions for their future lives.

POST 16 Our record for securing the right place to ensure our students are successful after their GCSEs is exceptional. The vast majority of our students go onto further education at the post 16 providers on the island and we work hard with every student to ensure they are highly equipped to make the best decision for them. The Careers Service always comment on how passionate and eloquent our students are in preparation for the next steps in their lives. There is strong support available in school via their form teachers and heads of year, guidance from subject teachers as well as time devoted via the PSHE programme to ensure our students are fully equipped to move into Key Stage 5 and beyond.

These roles are hard to come by and expect to be grilled at interview or present your thoughts in front of a distinguished panel of interviewers! Part of growing up is becoming more independent and responsible enough to take on leadership roles. Someone reading this book will become our new Head Girl and Head Boy in Year 11. You might not feel ready for this now, but you will be entering a different stage of the school next year and anything is possible!

OPPORTUNITIES At Les Quennevais School we strive to give our students the opportunities to become their best not just academically, but socially, developing the skills and attitudes that are essential for the future. From taking part in the Bronze and Silver elements of the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh award to taking part in the latest musical, we ensure that our students have ample opportunities to take part in activities and challenges which help them grow as a person beyond the challenge of their GCSE subjects. The Year 10 Activities Week trip, Year 11 Ball and celebrations are always highlights of Upper School which provide memories which last a lifetime for our students.


A FIVE YEAR CURRICULUM MODEL The bedrock of success at Key Stage 4 has already happened. Our curriculum at Key Stage 3 has laid the perfect foundations to enable our students to thrive at Key stage 4 and beyond. Our results at GCSE speak for themselves; continually exceeding the targets set by our students’ Key Stage 2 data. The fact that we design our curriculum as a five year model helps drive our success. We have no time to waste; each lesson is valued and valuable to our students’ success. We take great pride in the quality of teaching at Les Quennevais and the stretch and challenge of the curriculum we offer. There is no doubt that there is still significant challenge at Key Stage 4, but we have an unwavering commitment to meet that challenge through the quality of curriculum provision, expert teaching and the right support at the time of need. At GCSE level, the opportunities to develop those skills and passions will only continue to grow and flourish under the skilled and passionate teachers your child will enjoy over the next two years.

Subject related extended opportunities: • • • • • • • • • • •

Double lessons for all Option subjects allow more focussed, in depth study and for greater use of visits and outside speakers After school support and extension opportunities for all subjects every day Curriculum based trips and links with local businesses e.g. Science Technology Faraday Lectures, partnership with local business, Geography fieldwork, Geography UK trip, French visits Sports Leaders Award through PE PSHE Business Enterprise Unit Football refereeing qualifications Students working with feeder primary schools School productions, steel bands and live gigs Jersey French and Portuguese classes Access to Island wide Gifted and Talented programmes Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme



WORDS OF ADVICE FROM ALUMNI Bella Jones left Les Quennevais in 2020 after completing her GCSEs. Bella gained her IGCSE in English and Maths at Grade 9 in January and achieved a Grade 9 in every other subject apart from a Grade 8 in French. Bella then went on to Hautlieu to study Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Art gaining 4 A*’s at A level. She is now studying for a Masters in Engineering at Liverpool University. “After visiting a number of option evenings and weighing up the pros and cons of those choices, I decided to stay at Les Quennevais to take my GCSE’s.

I cannot tell you how much the relentless support, the wonderful relationships and the academic rigour of the curriculum helped me to become my best at Les Quennevais. I realise now, how genuinely caring the teachers are to students. From catching up with Mr Harris in the hallway, to sharing an inside joke with Mr Lopez in English, to Mrs Hague coming to congratulate you on your latest achievement. The atmosphere, kindness and support is unique and very special. I didn’t realise quite how special Les Quennevais is until I had to leave.”

After I started my GCSE option courses I knew I had made the right decision. Not only do the teachers push you and encourage you to succeed, they also build great relationships with their students. Something I realise now I completely took for granted at Les Quennevais. For Dance GCSE I had the wonderful Miss Le Quesne, her organised and fun style of teaching always had me looking forward to our lessons. Not only this but into breaks and lunch times we would have long conversations over the latest news and social events in school. Her enthusiasm and bright personality always kept us going even into after school sessions where she would bring us cups of tea to keep our spirits up. In History, Mr Brennan’s pacey lessons always kept me on my toes. He managed to pack so many interesting facts into our lessons and forced us to retain the knowledge with constant quizzes and games. In Science we got specialist teachers for each lesson who volunteered their time in lunch and after school to revise previous topics. In English we were given huge amounts of extra knowledge to dazzle the examiners. I loved my option subjects, but the quality of the teaching in Maths, English and Science is brilliant. Bella’s painting of Plemont Year 10 - GCSE Art


OVER TO YOU As senior students in the school we are proud to have been selected to be ambassadors for the school and are pleased to be working alongside staff in a Student Leadership role. We have enjoyed our time at Les Quennevais and the challenge presented by the diversity of our community. We are very much looking forward to helping and supporting younger students to be the best they can be and actively engage in all aspects of school life. We really believe that our views are taken seriously by both students and staff and that we have an important role to play. Harriet, Head Girl

Dylan, Head Boy

Les Quennevais School is a place that is not only proud of their students’ intelligence and academic studies, it is also a place where students inspire and motivate each other to become the best versions of themselves possible. The teachers push us to do our very best academically, but also ensure that we are safe and secure in our wellbeing.

Les Quennevais isn’t just a school, it’s a team of hard working individuals and staff who are all there to help you throughout the GCSE process. Your teachers will help you take that extra step, will help you go the extra mile and will help you achieve your goals. Without a doubt my teachers have helped me in my GCSEs; from revision sessions to extra homework, they will go above and beyond for you. I encourage you to be excited for the time to come as it really is something special and the first time for you to have a say in your education.

They never fail to provide us with support, extra learning or revision sessions and they are fully dedicated to helping their students excel in this important chapter of education. After Les Quennevais I would like to take my A-levels at Hautlieu. I know that I will look back at my five years here and cherish the memories made with friends and teachers. I hope you make incredible memories that you will never forget, and with a wide range of option choices and new GCSEs open to you, I’m sure you’ll be excited for this new chapter. I hope you choose carefully and enjoy the last two years at Les Quennevais School. You are so lucky to be able to learn in our incredible new surroundings with such dedicated and passionate teachers.

The choices you make will help and shape your future. I wish you all the best for your GCSEs - go and make the most of this opportunity in our fabulous new state of the art school and outstanding teaching and learning!







Les Quennevais School Learning to be your best through excellence and enjoyment La Route des Quennevais | St Brelade | JE3 8LG +44 (0) 1534 743171 | admin@lqs.sch.je | lesquennevais.sch.je AMBITION | RESILIENCE | RESPECT

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