Photoshop creative 154

Page 18


“To make the woman’s skin softer, use Filter> Blur>Surface Blur”

Add special effects to portraits Combine multiple filters for a fantasy fire and ice world

Create the snow

Add some filters



Create a new layer, set Foreground colour to black, place on the top of the layers and paint it (Alt+Del). Apply Filter>Noise>Add Noise, Amount: 90%, Distribution: Gaussian and tick Monochromatic. Use Levels (109, 1,00, 255), change blend mode to Screen and apply Filter>Blur>Motion Blur, Angle: -45° and Distance: 26px. Finally, add Filter>Artistic>Dry Brush, set to 2, 1, 3.


To make the woman’s skin softer, use Filter>Blur>Surface Blur, set to 70, 5. To add realism to the ice side, duplicate the background, merge it and apply Filter>Artistic> Plastic Wrap, set to 3, 10, 14 and make a mask to erase the unnecessary parts. Finally duplicate the background again and add the Diffuse Glow filter (Filter>Gallery>Distortion>Diffuse Glow), set to 6, 3, 16.

Make the fire


Make a new layer, use the Pen Tool (P), draw a flame shape, go to Filter>Render>Flame, set Width to 70 and change blend mode to Screen. Duplicate all layers from the fire side, merge it, apply Filter>Distort>Glass) and set to 10, 12 - Frosted Texture. Create a new layer, set Foreground colour to black, Background to white, apply Filter>Render>Clouds and change the blend mode to Screen.

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