Book russian suprise

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RUSSIAN SUPRISE Written by: Duško Đurić

SUMMARY Russian Surprise



1. Introduction 2. Predictions 3. Russian Army today 4. Russia arming allies 5. Yamantau mountain base 6. Chechen war analysis 7. US and Russian air force head to head 8. Russian economy today 9. US spendings 10. Russian plan

Russian Surprise



1.INTRODUCTION This book is a attempt to try to give a new approach to possible attack from Russia to Europe in 2008 or 2009 (or some other date). First idea was obtain from predictions (various prophets) and book from Stephan Berndt (computer analysis of 250 various predictions).He thinks that attack will come from Russia but this book has to give some new clues to this idea. First to open a discussion on predictions. People don't believe in predictions and that is for a reason because a lot of so called predictions has been false. But there have been some prophets that has remarkable capability of predictions (E. Cayce, Tarabich brothers for example) so predictions are area that needs to be used with care. And why is modern way of thinking true? Or in words of Gautama Buddha some 2600 years ago: "Do not believe in what you have heard; do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations; do not believe anything because it is rumored and spoken of by many; do not believe merely because the written statements of some old sage are produced; do not believe in conjectures; do not believe in that as a truth to which you have become attached by habit; do not believe merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." That is why this book needs to give reason for possible attack from various prospectives. The author will try to give his point of view but based on some written documents. The main thing that can be found in various places (Internet , books) about Russian military today (summer 2004) is that it is weak and it doesn't have attack capabilities against west armies. This book has to prove opposite because if there is no threat there would be no attack. The second big issue is way people go to war. In generally people don't like wars. But there is a lot of wars in our past and our present. Probably the best reason why people go to war can be found in words of Hermann Goering during his Nuremberg war crimes trial: "Why of course the people don't want war....That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a Russian Surprise



democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." So let's start with predictions because from that all this started.

2.PREDICTIONS 2.1.STEPHAN BERNDT This computer wizard has put 250 various predictions in computer program and come with conclusion that are future is a attack from Russia. His research said about source of attack that it is Russia (East) because most predictions gives Russia and not South (Arabic/Islamic) as a attacker.(1) As we can see Russia is winning this contest as the future attacker. Predictions from 1100 to 1800 mostly are for South attacker but from 1800 till now Russia is winning this duel. In other research about duration of war he come up with result that it would last approximately 3 month(1) and probably will start in August of some year(1). In basic he got a scenario that Russians will storm in Russian Surprise



Europe from 3 directions (towards Germany, trough Scandinavia and trough Turkey) and crush Europe defense.(1) And when Europe defense is on her knees planes drop black boxes in a territory that link North sea Black sea (Romania,Hungary,Slovakia,Poland and Germany). In boxes is biological or chemical weapon that kills every live organism in territory creating death zone and cutting Russian armies off their supply. That changes war and Russian armies are going back but they can't go trough death zone. The west is regrouping to destroy the Russians but then Russians planes drop nuclear bomb in Atlantic off the cost of Great Britain and Norway creating destruction on all Atlantic coast off Europe. After that comes the comet and there is 72 hours of darkness. Trough this 72 hours who is outdoors will die. 2.2.ALOIS IRLMAIER World War III Prediction Alois Irlmaier was interviewed by writer Conrad Adlmaier in the nineteen fifties and what he said is similar to Berndt point of view. In essence he saw the approach of another world war, asked what causes this war, he responded: Everything calls peace. Shalom! (This is the cry of the world, "When they say peace and security then sudden destruction cometh" - SCB) Then it will occur -- a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean -- the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him --then impact is on impact. Two men kill a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with brightcolored hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly. After the murder of the third it starts overnight. I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise. He comes along very rapidly. The farmers sit in the pub playing cards, when the foreign soldiers look through the windows and doors. Quite black, an army comes from the east, but however everything occurs very rapidly. I see a three, but I do not know if it means three days or three weeks. Massed units march from the East into Belgrade and moved forward into Italy. Thereafter three armored wedges immediately advance with Russian Surprise



lightening speed in the north of the Danube over West Germany towards the Rhine 単 without preliminary warning. This will occur so unexpectedly that the population flees full of panic to the west. Many cars clog the roads 単 if they had stayed at home or not used the main streets. Everything, which will be an obstacle for the rapidly advancing tanks on high-speed motorways and other fast motorways, will be down-rolled. I cannot see the Danube bridges above Regensburg anymore. Hardly anything remains of the big city Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly by air. I see three spearheads coming. The Russian does not stop anywhere, while running in his three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhr-district, where the many furnaces and fireplaces are. Day and night the Russians run, inexorably their target is the Ruhr-district. Immediately the revenge comes from across the large water. However the yellow dragon invades in Alaska and Canada at the same time. But he comes not far. And then it rains a yellow dust in a line. When the golden city is destroyed, it begins. Like a yellow line it goes up to the city in the bay. It will be a clear night, when they begin to throw it. The tanks are still driving, but those who sit in theses tanks become quite black. Where it falls down, everything will become quite dead, no tree, no bush, no cattle, no grass, this becomes withered and black. The houses still exist. I don't know what it is and so I cannot tell it. It is a long line. Who goes over this line, dies. Then everything in the spearheads breaks down. Nobody will come back anymore. The airplanes drop a yellow powder between the Black Sea and the North Sea. Thus a death strip is created, straight from the Black Sea to the North Sea, as wide as half of Bavaria. In this zone no grass can grow let alone humans live. The Russian supply is interrupted. From the east there are many caterpillars. But in the caterpillars everybody is already dead, although the vehicles keep rolling on, in order to gradually stop automatic. At the Rhine the attack is finally repelled. From the three spearheads no soldier will come home anymore. The pilots throw off their small black boxes. They do explode, before they touch the soil, and spread a yellow or green smoke or dust. What comes into contact with this becomes dead, whether it is human, animal or plant. For one year no organism is allowed to enter this area, Russian Surprise



otherwise it will expose itself to the largest mortal danger. These boxes are satanic. When they explode, a yellow or green dust or smoke arises, everything that comes in contact to it, is dead. The humans becomes quite black and the meat falls off their bones, so sharply is the poison. nobody from these three armies will come home anymore. Then I see someone flying, coming from the east, who drops something into the large water, so that something strange will happen. The water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down, then everything is inundated. The whole action will not last long, I see three lines - three days, three weeks, three months, I don't know exactly but it wont last long. And then: There is an earthquake. The southern part of England slips into the water. One part . . . disappears, when the thing falls into the sea. The countries at the sea are endangered of the water heavily, the waves go high as a house; it foams, as if it would boil. Islands disappear. A part of the proud island sinks, if the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know. When it comes, I do not know. During the war the big darkness comes, which last 72 hours. It will become dark at a day during the war. Then a hail impact, consisting of lightening and thunder, breaks out and an earthquake vibrates the earth. Please do not go out of the house at this time. The lights do not burn, except candle light, the current stops. Who inhales the dust, gets a cramp and dies. Do not open the windows, cover it completely with black paper. "Outside the death by dust goes around, many humans die. After 72 hours everything is over. But again: Do not go out of the house, do not look out of the windows, and keep the candle light burning. And pray. Overnight there will die more humans than in the two world wars before. Do not open the windows during the 72 hours. The cattle falls, the grass becomes yellow and dry, the humans will become quite yellow and black. The wind drives the clouds of death off to the east. The city with the iron tower (Paris?) becomes the victim of its own people. They ignite everything. Revolution is, and everything is going wildly. The large city with the iron tower is on fire. But this has been done Russian Surprise



by its own people, not by those who came from the east. And in Italy it is going wildly too. They kill many people there and the Pope flees, but many clergymen will be killed, many churches collapse. In Russia a revolution breaks out and a civil war. The corpses are so much that you cannot remove them off the roads anymore. The large ones among the party leaders commit suicide and in the blood the great guilty is washed off. I see a red mass mixed with yellow faces, it is a general riot and horrible killing. The cross comes to honors anew. The Russian people believe in God anew. They sing the Easter song and burn candles in front of sacred pictures. By the prayers of Christianity the monster from hell dies; also the young people believe anew in the intercession of the God's mother. If everything is over, a part of the inhabitants have died, and the people are frightened of God anew. The laws, which bring death to the children, become invalid. Then peace will be. A good time. The Pope, who had not to flee across the water for a long time, returns. When the flowers bloom in the meadows, he will return and mourn for his murdered brothers. After these events a long, lucky time comes. But the people have to begin there, where their grandfathers began(2). 2.3.MITAR TARABICH 19th Century Serb Prophet (1829-1899) Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899), an illiterate peasant from a small Serbian village called Kremna, had experienced occasional prophetic visions. Being a religious person and having a local Serbian orthodox priest for a godfather, he told this priest about his episodes of "seeing into the future". The priest, Zaharije Zaharich (1836-1918), wrote down everything in a small notebook, which was damaged by fire in 1943 when his family house was destroyed by the occupying Bulgarian army. This text is now in the possession of the family of Zaharich's great-grandson, Mr. Dejan Malenkovich. Tarabich's best-known prophecy has to do with a series of political events in 19th century Serbia. He predicted a sequence of events (spanning a course of decades) that eventually led to the removal of the ruling Obrenovich family from the Serbian royal throne. This prophecy came to be known in the region as the "black prophecy", and it did play out as predicted. It culminated in 1903 with the assassination of Russian Surprise



Alexandar Obrenovich and his wife Draga, who were killed by their own guards. You should note that Tarabich's words are actually translated from Serbo-Croatian, and that the translation is not necessarily in its final form. You may notice that some of the phrasing in the quotes is awkward and rough... this is an accurate reflection of his rural accent. Tarabich's words come from conversations with his godfather Zaharich - so you should be aware that any references to "you" or "your descendants" relate to Zaharich specifically. When Tarabich says "us", he means the Serbs; but he does not distinguish between Croats, Serbs, Slovenians, etc... to him, anyone who spoke his language was a Serb. Perhaps it is also important to note that we don't really know how much of Tarabich's prophecy was influenced by his own opinion; what mean is that some of the adjectives used to describe the people and events he saw could be a reflection of his "peasant-like" interpretation of those events (example: "intelligent", "brave", "honest", "horrible", "calamity", etc.). Predictions and Events up to the end of World War I "After the assassination of the King and Queen [Alexandar and Draga Obrenovich] the Karageorgevichs will come to power. Then we will again start a war with the Turks. Four Christian states will attack Turkey, and our border will be on the river Lim. Then we shall finally conquer and avenge Kosovo..." Historical facts: 1903 - Alexandar and Draga Obrenovich are assassinated by their own guards, and Petar Karageorgevich becomes the ruler of Serbia. 1912 - War erupts between Serbia and Turkey. With the help of Greece, Bulgaria, and Montenegro (three other Christian states), Serbia soon wins, moving its borders up to the river Lim. "Soon after this war another war will start... The Big War in which a lot of blood will be spilled. If that blood were a river, a huge stone of 300 kg would roll in its current easily. A mighty army from across a river, three times bigger than ours, will attack us... They will destroy everything on their way. They penetrate deep into our land... Hard times will come upon us... Our army will almost give up, but than suddenly an intelligent man on a black stallion will take the command and cry out: "Forward to victory, my people! Forward brother Serbs!!" Our army springs to life. Its fighting spirit wakes up and the enemy is chased away across the river... Then an even greater army will come from the north and run over us. Our land will be devastated. We will be dying of hunger and sickness in great numbers. For three years Serbia will live in total darkness. During that Russian Surprise



time our wounded army will be abroad. They will stay in a place surrounded by the sea, and will be fed and nursed by friends from over the seas. Then, their wounds healed, they will come back home in ships. They will free Serbia and all of the territories where our brothers live." Historical facts: 1914 - The Austro-Hungarian Empire starts a war against Serbia, after a Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip kills Austrian Prince Ferdinand in Sarajevo. This regional war soon develops into the First World War. In the beginning, Austria conquers the northern and central part of Serbia easily, but when General Alexandar Mishich ("the man on a black stallion") takes command, the inspired Serbian army pushes the Austrians back across the river Drina. Soon after, the Germans attack from the north and the Serb army is forced to retreat through Albania to the Greek island of Kerkira. There they regroup, and after a full recovery sail for Salonika, where they form a new front with other allied armies. After a lot of heavy fighting, Serbia is finally free and reunited with the other southern Slav nations (Croats and Slovenians), whose territories had been part of the Astro-Hungarian empire for a long time. During the German occupation, a very large number of people in Serbia died of hunger and sickness. "I will tell you one more thing father, the invading army will come to Kremna exactly on your baptismal day, stay for 3 years, and go away on the same day they came - St.Luke`s day. But you will not see the end of the war. In the last year of the world's big carnage you will die. Both these wars, the one with the Turks and the big one when the whole world will be at war, will take away two of your grand-children... one before, and the other after your death." Historical facts: The Germans entered Kremna on St.Luke`s day, and the village was liberated on the exactly the same date 3 years later. Zaharije Zaharic died in 1918, the last year of the first "great carnage", which also took the lives of his two beloved grand-children: one before, and one after his death. PREDICTIONS & EVENTS UP TO THE END OF WORLD WAR II "Listen to me, my good father, after the first Big War Austria will disappear, and Serbia will be as big as a real kingdom. We will live together with our northern brothers. For some years we shall live in peace, love and prosperity. But it will not last for long. A venomous hatred will come into our people... Blood is spilled... horrible! I do not know when nor why, but it is probably because of this hatred." Russian Surprise



Historical facts: 1918 - The Austro-Hungarian Empire dissolves, and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia is formed. The new country is riddled with constant economic, social and political problems caused mostly by conflicts between various nationalistic political parties. 1928 - During a particularly fiery question period, a Parliament Member of the Serbian Radical party pulls out a hand gun and kills 3 deputies from Croatia (3 others are also wounded). Soon after this spilling of blood, a military dictatorship is established. "Then the one who sits on the throne of our kingdom is killed. He will leave behind a widow and orphans. A relative of his will replace him on the throne, and he will try to rule justly and take good care of his cousins children. But people do not love him, and he is accused of being an unjust ruler. He is dethroned and imprisoned by his army. His life will be saved by England`s King and Queen. Then on the empty throne, our killed King's boy sits. But he will rule only for a few days. He will be taken by his soldiers over the seas because our kingdom is again invaded by a foreign, evil army. All of Europe is under the rule of the crooked anticross." Historical facts: 1934 - While visiting Marseilles (in France), King Alexandar Karageorgevich is killed by a Croatian nationalist. Prince Pavle Karageorgevich, his cousin, becomes the provisional ruler because the King`s son Petar is still a minor. Because of his growing unpopularity, Pavle is ousted by his army and is exiled to England. Young Prince Petar becomes the King, but soon flees Yugoslavia before the invading Nazi hordes. 1941 - Yugoslavia is occupied by the Germans. The ominous shadow of the Nazi swastika covers most of Europe. "In the beginning Russia will not wage war, but when attacked by the evil army, they will fight back. There is a red Czar on the Russian throne. Here, men with stars on their foreheads will appear. They will rule Uzice and this region for exactly 73 days, and then fleeing their enemies, they will go over the river Drina. These are times of hunger and great evil... Serbs will fight and butcher each other. The invading enemy looks upon Serbian evil hatred and laughs at us. A man with blue eyes on a white horse appears among our people. A star shines on his forehead. The evil enemy will hunt him all over our country, in the woods, over rivers and upon the sea, but in vain. The man will gather a mighty army and free occupied Belgrade. He will chase away the enemy from our country, and Russian Surprise



our kingdom will be bigger than ever. Russia will make an alliance with other great kingdoms over the seas, and they will burn down the crooked anti-cross and free all the enslaved people of Europe." [NOTE: Zaharich did not always write down Tarabich's predictions at the time they occurred. Sometimes, he would write about conversations that had taken place several weeks before... this may explain some of the repetition and out-of-sequence quotations that appear in his writing. For example, in the preceding paragraph it would seem that the first two sentences are better suited to be in the middle of the passage (after the introduction of the "man with blue eyes"), because it is his army that takes and holds Uzice for 73 days.] Historical facts: 1941 - After being attacked by Nazi Germany, Russia enters the war. They are led by their Communist "red Czar", Stalin. In Yugoslavia the communist party led by Josip Broz Tito, the man with blue eyes on a white horse, starts the resistance against the Germans and Italians, as well as against the Serbian and Croat national extremists who are butchering each other. The symbol of Tito`s partisans is a red star, which they proudly wear on their hats. The first territory liberated by the partisans is the region around the city of Uzice. They hold it against a superior force for exactly 73 days... then the partisans are forced to flee over the river Drina to Bosnia. The guerilla war was fought all over Yugoslavia for 4 long years... in the woods, over rivers and upon the sea. 1945 - Yugoslavia is liberated. Tito enters Belgrade on a white horse and makes the Royal Palace his life-long residence. Communist Yugoslavia is formed, and gains more territory from the neighboring state of Italy. The Allies free Europe. The Nazi swastika is crushed, and the the Second World War is over. [This is Zarahic now, speaking directly:] "Mitar told me that the man with blue eyes and the star upon his forehead, would break the long-lasting love with our Christian Orthodox brothers, the Russians. He would not be grateful to them for the fact that he was sitting on our throne because they had put him there in the first place. A great hatred would erupt between us and the Russians. Blood would be spilled among our people. These wounds would be quickly healed and we would again be friends with the Russians, but never sincerely, only formally, pretending for the sake of others not to understand how we cheat and lie to each other." Russian Surprise



Historical facts: 1948 - Tito does not want Yugoslavia to become one of Russia's "puppet states". He abruptly severs all political ties with Stalin, the man who formed him politically in the early 1920`s and sent him back to Yugoslavia to organize an effective communist party. Tito purges his party of all members who oppose this decision, spilling a lot of blood in the process. 1954 - The year following Stalin`s death, political and economic relations with Russia are re-established, but "never sincerely"... Predictions & Events Following the end of World War II "After the Great War peace will reign all over the world. Many new states will appear... black, white, red and yellow. An international court is formed, which does not allow countries to fight each other. This Court will be above all kings. Where a war starts, the Court will judge justly, trying to transform hatred and butchery into love and peace. The lucky ones who live to see these times will be more than happy. After a while some great kings, as well as some small ones, will start to fake their respect for the Court, while doing whatever they please... Many small wars will begin because of this... thousands upon thousands will die, but there will be no big wars. There will be a few wars around the kingdom of Israel, but sooner or later the peace will come even there. In these wars brothers fight brothers; then they make peace and kiss each other, but their hatred remains... All these small wars are initiated by the great kingdoms, because of their wickedness and malice; those who fight and butcher each other do it because of their blind stupidity." Historical facts: "In our country, the time of peace and prosperity will last for a long time. Many a generation will be born to live and die in peace, knowing about war only through wise books, words and different strange apparitions. [These "different strange apparitions" might be TVs, radios and computers.] Our kingdom will be strong and well-loved and respected by everybody. People will eat only "white" bread, and whole wheat just when they want to. Everybody will ride around in carts with no oxen. People will travel in the sky, looking down upon our land as if they had climbed on the doubled Tara mountain. Russian Surprise



Down in Uzice, and all around these mountains, many factories will be built, and people will leave the land and come to work in them. For a long time they will love it, but then they will remember their land and go back to it. Serbia will prosper best while the man with blue eyes on a white horse governs, one who will come to Serbia bringing some kind of new religion. He will ascend our throne, and will be strong and healthy, living a long life close to one hundred years. He will very much like to hunt, and one time while hunting he will accidentally fall from his white horse and thus lose his leg. From this wound he will die, not because of his great age." Historical facts: Very simply and accurately, this vision of Tarabich's describes life in post-WWII Yugoslavia up to Tito`s death in 1981. Tito "came" to Serbia from Croatia, and had really brought with him a "new religion": Communism. He did not have the hunting accident described by Tarabich (although he was a passionate horseman and hunter), but nevertheless the real cause of his death was the amputation of his leg, caused by his aggravated diabetes. After his death a "commission", called the Collective Presidency, ruled the country until its collapse in 1991. Current crisis in the Balkans: "After him our land will be governed by some kind of commission, but it will never be as it was. Even though the people in our kingdom will forget about misery and hunger and will live in great wealth, brother will start to hate and think evil of brother. On our borders and over them a new nation will appear. They will grow like grass after a deluge, they will be good and honest, and they will answer our hatred with reason. They will take care of each other like brothers. And we, because of our madness we shall think that we know everything and that we can do anything, and we shall baptize them with some new fate of ours, but all that will be in vain. Because they will believe only in themselves and in nobody else. Big trouble will become of it, because this nation will be brave. Many summers this trouble will last, and nobody will be able to stop it, because that nation will grow like grass. One who will be born many summers after you [Note: he is speaking to the priest Zaharic here], will be honest and intelligent, he will deal with them in peace. We shall live in peace - they there, us here and there." Russian Surprise



[When Tarabich says "they there, us here and there", he might well be referring to the current situation in the region of Krajina (in Croatia). If you take the "them" to be the Croatians, then he's saying that Croatians will live only in Croatia, while Serbs will live both in Serbia and Croatia (Krajina). "You see my god-father, when the world starts to live in peace and abundance after the Second Big War, all of that will be just a bitter illusion, because many will forget God, and they will worship only their own human intelligence. And do you know my god-father, what is human intelligence compared to God's will and knowledge? Not even a single drop in the ocean. Men will build a box and within will be some kind of gadget with images, but they will not be able to communicate with me already dead, even though this image-gadget will be as close to this other world as hairs on the human scalp are close to each other." "With the help of this image-gadget man will be able to see everything that is happening all over the world. People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold [another name for crude oil is "black gold"], which will give them light, speed and power, and the earth will shed tears of sorrow, because there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior. The earth will suffer because of these open wounds. Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them: "Come on, take me, don't you see that I am here, all around you." Only after many a summer, people will remember this real power, and then they will realize how stupid it was to dig all those holes. This power will also be present inside of the human kind but it will take a long time before they discover it and use it. Thus man will live for a long, long time, not being able to know himself. There will be many learned men who will think through their books that they know and can do everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realization [self-knowledge], but once men get this knowledge, then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened to their learned men. When that happens, people will be so sorry that they didn't discover it before, because this knowledge is so simple. People will do many stupid things, thinking that they know and can do everything, not knowing anything. Wise men will appear in the Orient and their wisdom will cross all seas Russian Surprise



and frontiers, but people will not trust this wisdom for long time, and this real truth they will proclaim for a lie. Their souls will not be possessed by the Devil, but by something much worse. They will believe that their illusion is the real truth, although there will be no truth in their heads. Here at home it will be the same as all over the world. People will start to hate clean air and this divine freshness and all divine beauty and will hide in rankness. Nobody will force them to do that, but they will do it of their own free will. Here in Kremna many a field will become a meadow, and many a home will be abandoned, but then those who have left will come back to heal themselves by breathing fresh air. In Serbia it will not be possible to distinguish a man from a woman. Everybody will dress the same. This calamity will come to us from abroad but it will stay with us the longest. A groom will take a bride, but nobody will know who is who. People will be lost and more and more senseless day by day. Men will be born not knowing who was their grand-father and great grand-father. People will think that they know everything, but not a thing they will know. The Serbs will separate from each other, and they will say: "I am not a Serb, I am not a Serb." The unholy one will infiltrate this nation and bed with Serbian sisters, mothers and wives. He will sire such children that among the Serbs, since the beginning of the world, these will be the worst of offspring. Only weaklings will be born, and nobody will be strong enough to give a birth to a real hero." (3) The World War III by M. Tarabich The greatest and the angriest will strike against the mightiest and the most furious!When this horrible war starts woe to those armies that fly over skies, better off will be those who fight on ground and water. People waging this war will have their scientists who will invent different and strange cannon-balls. When they explode, these cannon-balls, instead of killing, will cast a spell over all that lives; people,armies and live stock. This spell will make them sleep, and sleep they will instead of fighting, and after they will come back to their senses. Before this war (III) on head of empire across the big water (USA) comes one man who will stop spreading red empires (Russia) but he will not start shooting. His children will start shooting at red empire. We (Serbia) will not fight in this war, but others (Russia and Italy) will Russian Surprise



do battle over our heads. Burning people will fall from the sky over Pozega (a town in Serbia). Only one country at the end of the world, surrounded by great seas, as big as our Europe, will live in peace, without any troubles... Upon it or over it not a single canon-ball will explode! Those who will run and hide in the mountains with three crosses will find shelter and will be saved to live after in abundance, happiness and love, because there will be no more wars..." (3)(4) 2.4.MOTHER SHIPTON'S PROPHECIES The woman who came to tend to her 15 years old mother, Agatha, spoke of a smell of sulphur and a great crack of thunder as the child came into the world. The baby was born mishapen and huge. Some thought her father was the devil. Her mother gave her up at age two and supposedly went to live in a convent for the rest of her life. Mother Shipton exhibited prophetic and psychic abilities from an early age. Many feared her and her powers mystical powers, which she always used to help people. She wrote her prophecies about events to come in the form of poems. She lived in the time of Henry VIII of England predicted his victory over France in 1513 --"Battle of the Spurs". She prophesied the Dissolution of the Monasteries. This led to the redistribution of the wealth and land held by the monasteries to the emerging middle class and the existing noble families. At 24 she married Toby Shipton, a carpenter. They had no children. She eventually became known as Mother Shipton a woman helped many people. Her home town was in Knaresborough England. Her power to see into the future made her well known not only in her home town but throughout England. Her legend was passed on through oral traditions sometimes embellished a bit. Since 1641 there have been more than 50 different editions of books about her and her propheices. Many of her visions came true within her own lifetime and in subsequent centuries. Mother Shipton predicted important historical events many years ahead of their time - the Great Fire of London in 1666, the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 - as well as the advent of modern technology. She even forecast her own death in 1561.And she died in 1561. Today her Russian Surprise



prophecies are still proving uncannily accurate. She wrote her prophecies like poems. The kings shall false promise make And talk just for talkings sake And nations plan horrific war The like as never seen before And taxes rise and lively down And nations wear perpetual frown.

Yet greater sign there be to see As man nears latter century Three sleeping mountains gather breath And spew out mud, and ice and death. And earthquakes swallow town and town, In lands as yet to me unknown. And christian one fights christian two And nations sigh, yet nothing do And yellow men great power gain From mighty bear with whom they've lain. These mighty tyrants will fail to do They fail to split the world in two. But from their acts a danger bred An ague - leaving many dead. And physics find no remedy Russian Surprise



For this is worse than leprosy. Oh many signs for all to see The truth of this true prophecy.(5)

2.5.JOSYP TERELYA Josyp Terelya is in an exile from his native Ukraine living in Toronto Canada. He survived 23 years of torture in prison based on his religious beliefs. At age 19 he was placed in prison for practicing religion in Communist Russia. He could either renounce his religion or go to jail. He successfully escaped from Soviet prisons 9 times. As he was about to freeze to death, in jail, he prayed to the Virgin Mary. A light filled the room. He claims an apparition of the Virgin Mary came to his room to save him. At this point he claimed he forged a permanent connection with the supernatural and was a conduit for prophecy. He has around 200 prophecies. They are apocalyptic in nature. He spoke at the white house. He has seen the Pope 36 times so far. He sees earthquakes in California. It will sink into the water. Politically, even if things seem peaceful watch out for Russian and China. They could be powder kegs ready to explode. The same catechism paragraph talks about the deception of believing that a period of peace can take place within the world as it currently stands. Somebody could be very interested in getting people to believe that we live in a period of peace, when in reality (as Terelya claims) a cloud of evil is encircling the world. Terelya now lives in Toronto's outskirts with his wife, Olena and three children aged 23, 17 and 16. Terelya's visions have not been formally investigated by the Church. He claims that the coming war will be delayed if Ukraine joins NATO (as this would bring Western arms in better striking distance of Russia). He says "There is going to be a big fight between East and West. Russia China and Arabic countries will fight and then fight each other. Putin now has a friend in Cuba and a place for Russian submarines. The United States has let Russia consolidate its power. There will be two more world wars."(5)(6) 2.6.GOTTFRIED VON WERDENBERG THE ENERGY SITUATION There will not be an energy crisis, political or otherwise, in the near future in Middle and West Europe. However, do not depend on oil or Russian Surprise



gas. Coal and Wood will celebrate a comeback. Before the Third World War begins, Russia will cut supplies of gas and oil to other nations. In addition, there will be a second military conflict in the Saudi Arabian region before World War III. There will not be another Chernobyl disaster before World War III. The energy crisis will come, however, before World War III. FARMING Small farm-holders should not sell. They will be safe. Today's policy of "chemical [treatment]" will not last long. ONLY THOSE LIVING IN THE COUNTRY WILL SURVIVE THE WAR. Happy are those who will have a small farm. ALIENS IN COUNTRIES Germany, France, Italy, but also England have many foreign subjects. Many countries will experience public unrest, a kind of civil war. Shortly before the outbreak of World War III, many people from East Europe and South East Europe will pour into West Europe. Islamic members will grow in strength and confront Christianity. GERMANY Germany's economic power will come to an end. The 'economic miracle' will be finished for ever. Germany will not recover economically before World War III. She will bleed. She cannot cope with her position as the treasurer for the whole world, the cost of her reunification, and the recession to come. Taxation will become unbearable for her people; the standard of living will fall, and the economy will become desolate. BOHEMIA The Czech and Slavic countries will remain stable until World War III. They will not suffer events like those currently going on in the former Yugoslavia. However, they will suffer very much during World War III. YUGOSLAVIA The current civil war will finish shortly before World War III, probably with the help of foreign participation.

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POLAND Poland will suffer a grave, armed conflict in the near future, probably in the South. The reason is not known. It might be connected with the civil unrest in neighboring nations: e.g. in Germany. Political stability and peace have finally ended. INFLATION From the mid-90's onwards, inflation will rise in Europe, but there will not be a complete currency collapse. The economic and monetary bankruptcy will come before the civil wars and merge without problems into World War III. RUSSIA Russia will remain politically stable, materialistic, and atheistic. People who keep saying that Russia is beginning to be converted, as Our Blessed Lady stated at Fatima, show complete ignorance and confused mind. Together with other global powers, Russia will remain godless. Even the increasing number of Christians will not change this fact. The real conversion of Russia comes after World War III. This is the only true meaning of the Message of Fatima. Military leaders will take over power in Russia before World War III. The youth in Western Europe have no interest in joining the armed forces. This will have grave consequences in the coming war. Governments should provide powerful and effective defenses, efficient protection against pollution, and a restrictive policy for foreign subjects. U.S. forces will withdraw completely from Europe, thus making matters easier for the Russians. The chaos will be perfect. (Setting for the great Warning ?) The decade of the 90's belongs also to Satan. The destruction of children and youth by an awful school system, drugs, pornography, sex education, etc. will continue. Immorality is flourishing, family values are ridiculed, bad examples (e.g. pop and film stars) are idolised. Socialism will gain strength again, especially the influence of the extreme left will grow. CHINA China is the only exception economically. She will continue to grow. A clever leadership will use the one-billion people. Their demands are very Russian Surprise



modest; cheap labor in agriculture and industry combined with modern Western technology provide huge profit for China which she will use to strengthen her armed forces with modern weapons. China will become a super-power and, like Japan, it has a homogeneous population which is very beneficial for a nation, unlike the Western nations and Russia where many foreign nationals and ethnic minority groups live. THE RAIN OF FIRE THERE WILL BE A COSMIC EVENT MOST DEFINITELY BEFORE WORLD WAR III. It will be beautiful summer's day in Austria; no cloud to be seen in the sky. People in the village are excited; they look towards the sun which begins to darken. It is approximately 10 o'clock normal time, not summer time. Whilst the sun is getting darker, dust is covering earth. It is not the usual solar eclipse but a kind of fog in the universe far outside of our atmosphere. The sky is getting darker. At first there are only a few stars, then more and more appear. One is able to see them at first in the west, then in the north. There are no stars in the east and in the south where the sun was last seen. There is no moon. It is a normal clear sky illuminated by the light of the stars. One is still able to identify the ground, but one cannot read any writing. Suddenly the stars disappear. Complete darkness is covering the earth. A few minutes pass; now it is getting brighter. One is able to see the surrounding area. There is no sun. Billions of white dots can be observed in the East. It is like a rain of glowing fire moving from East North East to West South West very quickly. It is hitting the ground like a heavy fall of hail. The glow turns from white to yellow then to glowing red before hitting the ground. They fall in distances of 50m (165 ft.) to 100m (330 ft.) apart; they make no noise. When they hit the ground they look like dust particles or grains of sand. Some are as big as a child's fist. The villagers do not seek cover; they do not appear to be afraid. The time between the sighting of the particles in the north east and their hitting the ground is a matter of seconds, maximum a minute or so. Once the particles hit the ground, it becomes bright again. A fierce storm begins to blow now from the east and creates fire; it drives before it the fierce fire. The grass is burning; forests are burning; fields are burning; barns, sheds, and farm buildings are on fire; houses and factories are burning, too. The sun will not shine again on this day. The cause of the rain of glowing fire might be a comet, directly or Russian Surprise



indirectly responsible for it. The seer is unable to tell. The time of year is the summer, PROBABLY THE FIRST HALF OF AUGUST. The year is not given but it could be any year from 1995 onwards. THE DESTRUCTION OF NEW YORK The destruction of New York will not be part of World War Three. IT WILL HAPPEN BEFOREHAND. The seer can't give the year (God has His own reason). New York is destroyed by the hatred of Islamic-Arab circles. It is probably connected with the U.S. engagement in the second - and still to come - Middle East war; but in any case it is done in reply to something that the Americans have done to the Arabs. THE SEER HAS SEEN THE DESTRUCTION OF NEW YORK IN ALL DETAILS. It is beautiful early summer weather in Austria. It could be noon. The year is not known, but it is speculated (based on indications) that IT COULD BE 1998, PLUS OR MINUS A YEAR, BUT REMEMBER, THIS IS ONLY SPECULATION. NEW YORK WILL BE DESTROYED BY SEVERAL SMALL NUCLEAR DEVICES, ONE OF THEM COULD BE A SMALL ATOMIC BOMB. The main nuclear device is probably launched from a ship; the missile will fly in a curve and explode behind a large building facing the sea. Buildings will not collapse immediately. The waves created by the nuclear explosion, will shift whole buildings; some may lean a few degrees. However, the result is that they will break up at the base. If one watched the spectacle from the sea, IT WOULD SEEM AS IF THE SKYSCRAPERS WERE WALKING TOWARDS THE SEA BUT SLOWLY DISAPPEARING INTO THE GROUND. Manhattan will be flattened completely. New York's suburbs will not be harmed, only New York's center will be destroyed. Radio and television in Europe will report the events. Words will not be minced. People will say that what the Americans did to the Arabs was abominable, but to destroy New York is going too far. The destruction of New York will have no consequences for Europe, where no eminent signs of a forthcoming war are visible. THE PRE-WAR PERIOD The rain of glowing fire can considered a warning that World War Three is close. The same applies to the destruction of New York. Even the armed conflict in the Middle east which will take place on Arabian soil and include Saudi Arabia, but does not involve nuclear weapons, is a sign of a major war to come. The U.S.A. will invade Saudi Arabia's oil area Russian Surprise



but will be defeated. Prior to WW3 there will be war in Africa, from the North to the South. The fate of South Africa is not known, but people are warned not to emigrate to South Africa. ONLY THE WEST OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT WILL SURVIVE RELATIVELY UNSCATHED. Before World War Three, power in Europe is held by the radical left. Bolshevism and Communism celebrate a renaissance. Christendom and Church suffer persecution by leaders of the extreme left, ESPECIALLY IN ITALY AND FRANCE. The multi-national society will show its multinational crimes. Attacks, theft, murder, drugs, rape, will be daily occurrences. There will be civil war in France, Italy, and England. Germany will suffer a similar situation, also countries in Northern Europe. BOHEMIA (THE CZECH AND SLOVAC NATIONS) WILL REMAIN STABLE. The energy crisis will reach its peak before World War Three. Shortly before the outbreak of World War Three, millions of people from the East and South East of Europe will flood West European Nations. The chaos in Europe begins approximately at the same time, or shortly after, the American forces have completed the greater part of their withdrawal from Europe. ONE CANNOT RELY ON THE U.S.A. DURING WORLD WAR THREE, only on the Chinese. Immorality, the absence of love for one's neighbour, and a refusal to serve in the armed forces will reign supreme. War in West Europe is the punishment for it all. Russia will be ruled again by an authoritarian red regime. They will reassure the West of their "peaceful co-existence", and many West Europeans will be blinded by it. THE THIRD WORLD WAR There will be no war in Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) until... 1998. Most likely it will be 1999. First it will be Austria's turn, then Germany's, then Switzerland's; this is certain. THE MILITARY CONFLICT WILL BE FINISHED AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY. Cosmic events, like the fall of comets, and earthquakes may last a little longer. The military conflict will last approx. 2 years; somewhat less in Russian Surprise



Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The Russians will first occupy Austria for her strategic importance. There will be very little resistance by the Austrians. The U.S.A. will not intervene. The Russians will steal what they can so as to keep their troops fed. Any resistance will be useless. When the civil war in Italy reaches its peak, Russia will invade it. Approximately at the time of the Russian occupation of Austria, civil war will rage at its worst in Italy and France ruled over by godless extreme left-wing governments. THE CLERGY IS BEING PERSECUTED. There will be mass murder and violent plunder. The social outcasts, the mob, are a danger for all countries which share borders with France and Italy. These murdering and plundering hordes show no mercy. They will also destroy Rome, and Paris, set alight by the mob, will burn like a torch. In any event due to the war, large cities and towns will be destroyed more or less. SURVIVAL IS ONLY POSSIBLE IN THE COUNTRY AND IN SMALL VILLAGES. The FIRST NUCLEAR WEAPON will be used in Europe in the Mediterranean. Many nuclear bombs will be exploded high in the sky above the Adriatic Sea, from the North to the South. The consequences are, of course, major flooding in that area. Shock waves can be felt in Austria and Germany. The nuclear attacks by the Russians in the Adriatic Sea and later in the North Sea, are meant solely for the destruction of enemy ships operating there. There will also be a war in the Balkan countries, from Albania to Bulgaria to Turkey. However, the Russians will lose the battles. China will help Europe, indirectly and with great reluctance. Chinese troops will fight the Russians in Central Europe. On their way to Europe, the Chinese will conquer South Russia, and their many, small tanks will be superior to the Russian tanks. The Russian troops will be defeated. The European population is suspicious, but they do not hate the Chinese; they hate the Russians. At first, the Chinese and Russians, will fight each other with conventional weapons in Lower Austria and in the Czech Republic, north of the Danube. The front will be broken three times. Many, many people will die as a result of the tank battles which will destroy the whole era. No stone will be left unturned in Lower Austria and in the Czech Republic. A similar fate will be experienced by other nations worldwide. The U.S.A. and Canada will be devastated... As the war progresses, Russian troops will invade Western Europe. The latter has no real resistance to offer against the Russian. The total defeat Russian Surprise



of Germany by the Russians is avoided only with the aid of Germany's space vehicle. It is able to remain suspended in space, and is equipped with a revolutionary engine, electromagnetic gun and a machine that can fire lightning bolts. This space vehicle is superior to what the Russians have, and can destroy even the most modern missiles. By now, half of Europe and half the world is a heap of rubble. Now the Americans decide to help Europe. Gigantic battles will take place with the most horrific weapons systems. AT LEAST one nuclear battle will take place in the North Sea. All countries bordering the North Sea, will be affected. Gigantic waves will flood England, Belgium, Holland, North Germany, and Denmark. The sea waves, caused by a Russian nuclear explosion in the North Sea, are more than 75 m (250 feet) high. They spread quickly and grow even more. Their power is fierce, and they do not only destroy London but also large parts of Southern England. Back to Central Europe. The Czech Republic is a neutral nation. Nevertheless, Russia will occupy her, and the nuclear battles will destroy the whole nation. Hell reigns in the western part of the Czech Republic. Nuclear and neutron bombs are used by the Russians and the Chinese in their first encounter. The second battle is even worse. The Chinese are trying to encircle the Russian forces, which are trying to escape to the north. The vibration of the multiple nuclear explosions can be felt everywhere in Central Europe. Whole mountain ranges are removed and flattened, in order to defeat the enemy. One cannot describe the satanic brutality of the war. A sulphur-yellow glowing fire rises above the West of the Czech Republic; it is perhaps the result of the exploded neutron bombs. Then follows a short, powerful, white-yellow explosion which throws fire high in the sky. The fleeing Russians may have detonated their nuclear weapons STORED IN THE CZECH COAL MINES. This is the last explosion in the Czech Republic, for NOW THE CRUST OF THE EARTH SPLITS OPEN. The first eruption high into the sky shows the Crucified Lord, animated, with His Wounds. The world will shout: "There is a God!" Our Lord remains suspended in the sky, then slowly He takes on the form of a birch-tree (this has a special meaning, as a prophecy was made in Germany centuries ago in connection with a birch-tree). Now tons of lava, stones, and debris are ejected into the air covering areas more than 100 km (63 miles) away from the centre. The city of Russian Surprise



Prague will be covered completely by it, and nobody will be able to say in the future where Prague once stood. Immediately after the earth crust splits open, THE MOST GIGANTIC EARTHQUAKE IN HUMAN HISTORY WILL SHAKE THE WHOLE PLANET FOR A WHOLE DAY. Nothing will remain standing on earth, but God will preserve some homes. Immense quantities of poisonous gas are freed. It will rise into the atmosphere and biosphere and create three, and more, days of darkness. The air is poisoned for days, but winds will drive the poisonous clouds to the East. However, the war is not yet over, although one is fighting now with moderate means. The Russians are now on the run. European countries form a new army made up of volunteers. The Russians are hated for this holocaust which they started. Discipline and moral are gone in the Russian forces. They are wiped out completely. Not one Russian will see his homeland again. Russia collapses. The Communist leaders are being killed, and their historic guilt is now washed in the blood of millions of innocent dead people. Survivors worldwide have nothing left. Of six billion people on earth, approximately 600 million will be chosen to survive. This is more than enough for our devastated planet. THE SITUATION AFTER THE WAR After the war, there will be no hatred between nations. Old historic borders will be established again, peacefully, so as to form homogenous nations. The multi-national society is finished. The Pope will give Germany an Emperor. She will be given back all German-speaking countries and German lands in the North, South, East and West. Even Austria and Switzerland voluntarily belong to the new German empire. Poland will return parts of Poland to Germany but will be given back her land in the East from Russia. The Chinese will be given part of Siberia, and Italy - after a battle which she will lose - must return South Tirol to Austria. All religious sects will be united in a cleansed and renewed Christendom; it will unite all nations in peace but without merging them and their cultures. [This should be a reunification into CATHOLICISM.] The Church will no longer be a worldwide, powerful institution. Popes Russian Surprise



will no longer exist in the future. Christendom, in its purest form, will enter the hearts of the survivors, and will not be used as an excuse for oppression and exploitation. [The Papal succession WILL continue, at least through one true Pope, the true successor to John-Paul II, Peter II, or "Petrus Romanus".] Due to cosmic events - a collision between earth and another space body the North Pole and the South Pole will move to a new position. Earth will not be stable for some time to come because of minor earthquakes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Austrian seer has seen all this very clearly. His is the only prophecy to date with so much detail. The whole world will be in uproar. It will be useless to search for a safe haven abroad. Even New Zealand and Australia, and some South American countries cannot be recommended. The law of the jungle will reign there, too, apart from a possible Chinese occupation of New Zealand and Australia. In conclusion, the seer saw quite clearly the second Middle East conflict; the wars in Africa; civil war in European countries (France; Italy); similar unrest in England and Germany, also in other countries; a nuclear battle over the Adriatic Sea, and vast flooding as its consequence... And ... a nuclear battle in the North Sea, as gigantic flooding in the countries that border the North Sea; the burning of Paris; wild, lawless hordes from Italy and France threatening Austria, Switzerland, and Germany; the occupation of Austria, Italy, and the Balkans by Russia; war in the Balkans; great destruction in Hungary; battles in Central Europe; the Invasion of Germany and Western Europe by Russia; Russian and Chinese battles... And ... two nuclear battles in the Czech Republic; its escalation; the earth crust splits open; darkness on the earth; final battles in Germany and Poland; complete destruction of the Russian forces; Germany becomes an empire and is reunited with all her former lands; Russia collapses; just to mention the most important events to come, not necessarily in that order. It is important to note that World War Three will be a chaotic event, less disciplined and organised than World War Two. Civil wars are interspersed with the international war. All this leaves one with the impression that everybody will be fighting everybody. Do not forget the nonsense of esoteric groups and other sects that people from earth will be evacuated into space by aliens [Maitreya group]. Can you imagine an evacuation of some six billion people into space? Compared with World War One and World War Two, God will select the Russian Surprise



survivors Himself. All bad and evil people will die; but even the good ones will die. Yet they have nothing to fear as their life will continue in Heaven. The seer himself was clinically dead once, and can confirm life hereafter. God is going to cleanse His earth which, after all, is part of His Kingdom. ONLY 600 MILLION WILL SURVIVE, ONE IN TEN. How much radioactive dust and poison will remain on earth after WW3 has not been revealed. Fact is that, after the war, there will only be healthy people on earth including those cured by God during the Great Chastisement. No one will speak of nuclear poison. So one must assume God will also cleanse the earth from all poison, so that survivors can be engaged in farming and handicraft. The people will be very happy, BUT THEIR STANDARD OF LIFE WILL BE PUT BACK TO THE STANDARD OF AROUND 1800 AD, i.e., no electricity, gas, oil, industry, television and radio, telephone, newspapers, motorcars, etc. etc. It would not be possible without God's help to toil the soil and survive, for mankind will have poisoned the earth for years to come. The climate will change, too, in Central Europe. It will become warmer, similar to the current climate in the North of Italy. In the valleys, survivors will be able to grow citrus fruits. Snow will only be on mountain tops. The world will move apart again. Distances become important again. There will be no aircraft that will carry passengers to other lands. Tourism is dead for some time to come. There just is no public transport. It is back to horse and carriage. The golden era has begun. People will live in harmony and on a higher spiritual level than before.(7) 2.8.US CARRIER SINKING PROPHECY 2.8.1.Kitty Hawk sinking by Stephen L. Bening Published 01/09/1993 Partially fulfilled (4 out of 5) On January 9, 1993, while I was a member of Cornerstone Church in Davie, FL, I received a 3 and 1/2 hour waking vision and word of prophecy. To reduce it down to the salient points, it was revealed to me that: a. The Little Child, or "El Nino" would precede the judgments against Russian Surprise



America b. The initial judgments were said to be against California c. These California judgments were shown to me in the form of milk chocolate. (This was later confirmed by mudslides in California) d. President Clinton would be impeached. (Fulfilled in late 1998) e. The US aircraft carrier "Kitty Hawk" and 11 supporting vessels will be destroyed in the Persian Gulf by an attack perpetrated by the "descendants of Ishmael". I saw nuclear cruise missiles approach and destroy the Kitty Hawk and all of her airplanes and accompanying ships and I heard the number killed: 12,600. I was told that this would happen on the 17th day of some future month. I was led to believe that it would occur very nearly in proximity of time to the impeachment of Clinton. (2004 comment: It would appear that this fifth part of the prophecy, the only part still not fulfilled, has been given an extension of time by the LORD, in response to much prayer and intercession). I was also filled with the feeling in my spirit that it would operate as the falling first domino of many in a sudden downfall and judgment of America. (10) Here is the exact text of the word I distributed to my pastor and five other individuals on January 9, 1993. AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM THIS PROPHETIC MESSAGE WAS DELIVERED TO THE CHILD PROPHETS RACHEL (3), MEGAN (8), LOREL (10) AND STEPHEN (36) BETWEEN 11:24 A.M. AND 2:24 P.M. ON JANUARY 9, 1993 IN ROYAL PALM BEACH, FLORIDA. January 9, 1993 Thus saith the Lamb, this thing I now purpose to do quickly. I have surely this day, January 9, 1993, opened the seal. The white horse and his rider have ridden forth to conquer. Surely, the Great Tribulation is about to commence. As in the days of Noah, this shall surely occur on the 17th of a month. Surely I have caused Aaron's rod to blossom almonds over my servants. Surely the ten American warships with their compliment of warplanes will be quickly destroyed by a surprise attack of cruise missiles. The American Aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk will be destroyed. The descendants of Ishmael shall do this thing. You shall seek for an American warplane in the Persian Gulf and you shall not find one. I told you that Elijah was coming, but you did not believe me. Truly, Moses was to come also, but you have erred and have not understood the scriptures. Did I not warn you that I would send a prophet like Moses and that you must do everything he commanded you? Russian Surprise



Did I not warn you that that which has been is that which shall be. Yet you would not listen. I sent my servants to you but you considered them madmen and fools. My servants have blown the trumpet and few have entered the battle. They have warned you of the nearness of judgement and you have not responded with prayer. There will now be blood on your hands. Surely I have sent a shot accross your bow last year and some turned to enter the battle and intercede for this nation, but they encountered turbulence and returned to their places of comfort, missing in action. I will surely now strike a blow amidships. I have exhorted you to humble yourselves in fasting and prayer and seek my face. Have I not commanded you to seek first my kingdom and all other things would be added to you. You have tested my messengers and not my spirit, saith the Lord. Now the end is upon you and I shall send my anger against you and this country. I have asked you to pray that your flight would not be on the Sabbath Day or in winter. You have not prayed even this. You have been asleep. You have not seen the signs of the times. You must now quickly pray this prayer or I will cause the Trojan horse of Arms control to spew forth many missiles against your land. You must pray that your flight will not be on this sabbath or this winter. Surely I have spoken through the mouths of little children who have led my servant. I have spoken today to my servant that a little child will lead him. I have used three children who are less than ten years of age to speak to him concerning these things. A ten year old sees but the adults are blind. I have caused a little three year old child to ride upon a white horse this day. I have had my little ten year old child ring a big bell one time this day to announce the coming of the horses, for surely the bell of the white horse has rung. I the lamb have broken the seal and no one can shut what I have opened. I have sent forth little children with this word to you to humble you before my face, for I humble the one who exalts himself and the lowly I exalt. I have warned you to become as a little child and you have made yourselves experts in the law. You have lost your childlike eyes. You no longer seek the end of the rainbow. You no longer follow the beam of the star of Jacob when it shines upon the earth. You pass it off as a trick of the eye. Know this! I have treated you the same as my worm Jacob. I told Jacob I would send a star and I sent a star. I told you that I would show you the place of tribulation, and I have revealed it. I have shown you "Soma", and Somalia and Yugoslavia. I have shown you that Saddam Russian Surprise



Hussein is Zerubbabel and that I would use him as my signet ring. You have not listened. I have warned you about judgement coming to California and I now purpose to execute this judgement. I have shown you Satan's name on the SS 18 Russian missiles and you have believed that the talk about peace and safety was of me. You must pray and fast now or I will send this too on the sabbath and in the winter. You have said to yourselves, "We see", therefore your blindness remains. Truly I have spoken a vision to my servants of a burning barn. The barn has now been set on fire. I have shown my servants a vision of a rock on the edge of Niagara Falls. That rock has fallen. Econonomic chaos and fire shall fall upon America. I have revealed my numerical name to you in this generation: 24. You have laughed and considered this a trivial matter. I am the Omega! The End! I have shown you my sign in the heavens as I promised you: The X! The 24th letter of your alphabet. I have placed this letter on the heads of millions of Americans. They see Malcolm, not me. Still you do not see though you say that you do! The United States has changed her God and forgotten the Lord. She has become the harlot. Though you have built your nest as high as the eagle, I will bring you down. The arrogance of your heart has deceived you. you who live in the clefts of the rock, In the loftiness of your dwelling place, Who say in your heart, Who will bring me down to earth? Though you build high like the eagle, Though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down, declares the Lord. I will do this suddenly. My saints have cried before my throne, "How long, Sovereign Lord? Today, I have silenced their cries. (10)

2.8.2.Carriers sinking by Bob Neuman, Hollie Moody and Stephen L. Bening You would expect a nuclear missile to completely destroy the Kitty Hawk with the remnant pieces going to the bottom of the sea, not just leave it dead in the water. There does not seem to be anything in Bob Neumann's vision which suggests nuclear weapons. All the missile hits in his vision Russian Surprise



were conventional. Neither does Bob's vision say that it necessarily occurs in the Persian gulf. He only gave the opinion that it fits the Persian Gulf scenario. He does say that lots of exocet missiles are used. The only name for an aircraft carrier is 'Lincoln'. There was no Kitty Hawk mentioned in Bob's vision. I tend to think that Bob's vision and Stephen's vision are two different things and not the same. This would naturally be disconcerting as it would suggest the loss of 3 aircraft carriers and not just 2. We know that Stephen's vision to my knowledge is set in the Persian Gulf and that a descendant of Ishmael is probably an Arab fires the nuclear missile. There are also some Iranians in Iran of Iranian race who are descendants of Mohammad (Ishmael) through the female line. I have heard somewhere that Iranian Mullahs descended from Mohammad wear a special turban. There are some Iranians of Iranian race who are descendants of Ishmael. As far as I know God did not in the Bob's vision directly say where the location is. So one must look for an enemy or potential enemy with lots of Exocet missiles. Nations having lots of exocet missiles like France seem to be unlikely to use them against the US. There is one solution to this. That is China. China from what I have read seemed to have reverse engineered the French Exocet and made extensive modifications to it. From the Exocet base China has developed three missiles the C-801 (range 40 km), the C-802 (range 120 km) and the recently revealed C-803 (range about 200 km). All these missiles are in a sense exocets; just the Chinese versions of them with extensive modification to increase their range and effectiveness. China has also made a new version of the C-801 known as the C-801K to replace many older C-801's. The C-801K has a range of 80 km. Not only that but the C-803 (range ~200 km) is a supersonic anti-ship cruise missile. One report says that it can go Mach 1.1. Another report says that it can go Mach 1.5. Bit by bit China is replacing her older indigenously produced ASCM's with C-803's. The US Harpoon anti-ship cruise missile has a range of 130 km and only goes Mach 0.9. The Chinese C-803 is faster and has a greater range than the American Harpoon. Russian Surprise



China has lots of China brand exocets so many in fact that she could bombard the American fleet with hundreds of them. She can fire her antiship cruise missiles based on the exocet from her destroyers, frigates, some missile patrol boats, 3 diesel submarines (the Song class), 3 Han nuclear attack submarines, from about 100 Q-5 (Fantan) attack planes, from her newly built J-10 fighter plane and from her newly built JH-7 fighter-bomber plane. We also know that China had sold hundreds of C-801's and C-802's to Iran. Some have even said that Iran might be able to produce these missiles or anti-ship missiles like them. Iran is pulling out all stops to produce ballistic missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles. I know of only 2 enemies or potential enemies that can fire enough exocets or exocet based missiles against American ships [that is fire exocets or exocet based missiles in their hundreds]. These are China and Iran. It could be quite possible that America might lose 2 aircraft carriers in a war with China. Bob's vision also mentions that the American's would get hit from behind. In ancient Chinese warfare texts one way to defeat a superior opponent is not to hit him head on but to hit him in the rear or at the side. And of course the other possibility is Iran. Iran has exocet based missiles in coastal batteries and on some missile patrol boats. Apparently some of Iran's planes can fire these missiles as well. But Iran only has a limited number of war planes in working order. A number of years back China was forced to stop selling her C-801's and C-802's to Iran because of American pressure. To obtain more exocet based missiles she has to produce them herself. To my knowledge this is what Iran is determined to do. The idea that America could lose 3 aircraft carriers; one in one battle and two in a different battle is a disconcerting one. It is interesting that Bob saw the 'Lincoln' aircraft carrier dead in water and one other aircraft carrier that was unnamed dead in the water. Bob saw the 'Lincoln' as dead in the water before the aircraft carrier 'Abraham Lincoln' was built. It just so happened that president George Bush made a victory speech on the deck of the 'Abraham Lincoln'. It seemed to be a Russian Surprise



such a great rousing speech. George Bush made a victory speech on the aircraft carrier that was prophesied to become a burning hulk dead in the water. How incredible is that? (11)

3.RUSSIAN ARMY TODAY 3.1.Army numbers Because of people thinking Russian army is weak we will first look at numbers of this army to be sure if weak it is. 3.1.1.Ground troops Ground force is main power of Russian army. Russia has 5 tank Russian Surprise



divisions,19 motorized rifle divisions,5 artillery divisions in 6 military districts. That is total of 321000 personal of ground troops. Main power of Russia ground forces is in armor. According to data in service are 21820 tanks (1200 T-54/55,2020 T-62,4300 T-64A/-B,9700 T-72L/M,4500 T-80/-U/UD/UM and 150 T-90),25975 Armored Fighting Vehicles (150 PT-76,4800 MT-LB,1800 BMD-1/-2/-3, 12700 BMP-1/2/-3,2000 BMRD-2,700 BMR-1(K),6000 BTR-50-P/-60-P/-70/-80/152),4705 Self-Propelled Artillery weapons (above 120 mm),10065 Towed Artillery (above 100mm),2606 Artillery Rocket (above 122mm),2670 Air Defense Missiles(770 modern SA-11,SA-12 and SA15) and 1700 Helicopters (840 attack helicopters MI-24).(8) That is big force for Blitzkrieg because this data is official and military always keep some secrets so maybe force can be bigger.321 000 personal can be easily built up to couple of millions in service. Knowing that Europe will face up a strong army with minimum of 50000 fighting armored machines (in mobilization they will use old weapons from storage and stocks) couple of millions well train and armed soldiers backed by cca 1000 attack helicopters. 3.1.2.Air force In 2001 air force had 180,000 personnel, 880 fighters in active service, 1164 fighters in storage, 575 attack planes in active service, 166 attack planes in storage, 816 bombers in active service, 92 bombers in storage, 135 reconnaissance aircraft in active service, 16 AWACS aircraft in active service, 20 tanker aircraft in active service, 1240 trainer aircraft, 320 Mi-24 helicopters in active service, 30 attack helicopters in storage or used for training, 240 military transport aircraft with 1500 more transport aircraft in civilian service, 480 assault / transport helicopters in active service.(9) Most of those fighters and attack planes are modern MIG-29,MIG30,SU-27 and probably in years to come more modern planes will be built. 3.1.3.Navy Russia operate one aircraft carrier (Admiral Kuznetsov) and has 2 heavy missile cruisers Kirov class type 1144.2(Peter the Great and Admiral Nakhimov). Fleet has 11 Sovremenny class (Type 956) destroyers and 9 Udaloy (Project 1155) destroyers with SS-N-22 Sunburn missiles and other surface ships. The Russian Navy power is in submarines both equipped with ballistic missiles and nuclear warhead(Typhoon and Delta class) and anti submarines and anti ships Russian Surprise



submarines (Kilo,Akula and Oscar class). Oscar class (7 active submarines) are design to battle the US aircraft carriers and for that use SS-N-19 “Granit� anti ship missiles (range 550 km).There are 24 Kilo class submarines in Russian navy (China has 2,Iran has 3 and India has 9 of this submarines).The Kilo class submarines is considered to be to be one of the quietest diesel submarines in the world. It is said to be capable of detecting an enemy submarine at a range three to four times greater than it can be detected itself. There is reason to believe that Kilo class is equipped with SS-N-22 Sunburn missiles. Navy has 14 Akula ,7 Delta and 2 Typhoon still operational submarines. Navy also has around 500 planes and helicopters some of them modern design (SU-27,SU-33,MIG29) and around 70 TU-22M bombers.(8)

3.2.Russian weapons 3.2.1.Ground weapons Tank The T-80 was the first Soviet operational tank to be powered by a gasturbines, with a GTD-1000 gas-turbine engine developing 1100 hp. The road wheel spacing is not identical, with distinct gaps between the three pairs of road wheels. To extend the operational range of the T-80, additional fuel tanks can be mounted at the hull rear, which can be quickly jettisoned if required. A large circular container mounted on the turret rear carries two snorkels for deep fording operations. The larger one provides an air intake for the gas-turbine, with the other being fitted onto the radiator grill. The T-80 was also the first production Soviet tank to incorporate a laser range finder and ballistic computer system. The original night sight is the II Buran-PA (800-1300 meters range). The 12.7-mm MG NSVT has both remote electronically operated sight PZU-5 and gun-mounted K10-T reflex sight. The night sight cannot be used to launch the ATGM. The daysight can be used at night for launching ATGMs if the target is illuminated. A variety of thermal sights is available, including the Russian Agava-2, French SAGEM-produced ALIS and Namut sight from Peleng. Thermal sights are available for installation which permit night Russian Surprise



launch of ATGMs. There are thermal sights available for installation which permit night launch of ATGMs. The T-80 uses the same 125-mm gun and horizontal ammunition system as the T-72, though the fire control system is an improvement over that fitted to earlier Soviet tanks. The BK-29 round, with a hard penetrator in the nose is designed for use against reactive armor, and as an MP round has fragmentation effects. The more recent BK-27 HEAT round offers a triple-shaped charge warhead and 50 mm more penetration. The electronic round fuzing system for Ainet rounds is available for other tanks. This round uses technology similar to that for French Oerlikon's AHEAD rouns. The round is specially designed to defeat targets by firing fragmentation patterns forward and radially, based on computer calculated settings from the laser range-finder and other inputs. Targets are helicopters and dug in or defilade priority ground threats, such as ATGM positions. Rate of fire is 4 rd/min. If the BK-29 HEAT-MP is used, it may substitute for Frag-HE (as with NATO countries) or complement Frag-HE. With three round natures (APFSDS-T, HEAT-MP, ATGMs) in the autoloader vs four, more antitank rounds would available for the higher rate of fire. The ATGM may be launched while moving slowly (NFI). The AT-8 can be auto-loaded with the two halves mated during ramming; but the stub charge is manually loaded. When fitted with explosive reactive armor [ERA] the T-80 is virtually immune over its frontal arc to penetration from all current NATO ATGMs which rely on a HEAT warhead to penetrate armor. On the turret of the T-80, the panels are joined to form a shallow chevron pointing. Explosive reactive armor is also fitted to the forward part of the turret roof to provide protection against top attack weapons. The explosive reactive armor does not provide any added protection against APDS or APFSDS attack. Tank The specific feature of the tank is that it is fitted with a guided missile system to enable the main gun to fire a laser guided missile with a maximum range of 5,000 m. The missile consists of two parts. The first part includes a pusher and an equipment compartment with control surface device. The second part includes a sustainer engine and a tandem warhead. Both parts are stowed in the automatic loader in the same way as conventional ammunition. The two parts get united into one body in the gun bore at the moment of firing. The missile can be fired while both the tank and target are moving. The Russian Surprise



tandem warhead enables the missile to defeat targets fitted with explosive reactive armour with a high degree of efficiency. Although the primary role of the missile is to engage battle tanks operating at ranges beyond the effective range of the 125mm tank gun firing conventional ammunition, it can also be fired against other battlefield targets such as hovering helicopters and pillboxes. The commander's anti-aircraft sight enables the commander to engage air targets by using the anti-aircraft machine gun from within the safety of the turret. In order to calculate ballistic corrections, the 1V528-1 ballistic computer automatically takes into account all the inputs from the sensors including tank speed, angular target speed, gun trunnion axis cant, crosswind speed, target range, and course angle. Additionally, the following parameters are manually input: ambient air temperature, charge temperature, barrel wear ambient air pressure and so on. The computer also computes the time when the high-explosive fragmentation projectile with controlled detonation should be detonated over the target. The fire control system has a so-called fire gating capability, i.e., after the gun firing button has been pushed, the gun will only fire when the misalignment between the line of sight and the gun bore axis is within pre-determined limits. The fire gate size is adjusted when calibrating the fire control system after installing it in the tank. To enable a broad sector of terrain to be observed, the crew members are provided with unity magnification periscope vision blocks. Tank The T-90 went into low-level production in 1993, based on a prototype designated as the T-88. The T-90 was developed by the KartsevVenediktov Design Bureau at the Vagonka Works in Nizhniy Tagil. Initially thought by Western observers to be an entirely new design, the production model is in fact based on the T-72BM, with some added features from the T-80 series. The T-90 features a new generation of armor on its hull and turret. Two variants, the T-90S and T-90E, have been identified as possible export models. Plans called for all earlier models to be replaced with T-90s by the end of 1997, subject to funding availability. By mid-1996 some 107 T-90s had gone into service in the Far Eastern Military District. Of conventional layout, the T-90 represents a major upgrade to every system in the T-72, including the main gun. The T-90 is an interim Russian Surprise



solution, pending the introduction of the new Nizhny Tagil MBT which has been delayed due to lack of funding. Produced primarily mainly due to its lower cost, the T-90 it will probably remain in low-rate production to keep production lines open until newer designs become available. Several hundred of these tanks have been produced, with various estimates suggesting that between 100 and 300 are in service, primarily in the Far East. The T-90 retains the 125-mm 2A46-series main gun of the T-72 and T-80 which is capable of firing APDS, HEAT and HE-FRAG projectiles as well as time-fuzed shrapnel projectiles. The Refleks 9M119 AT-11 SNIPER laser-guided missile with a hollowcharge warhead is effective against both armored targets and low-flying helicopters. The missile, which can penetrate 700-mm of RHAe out to 4000 meters, gives the T-90 the ability to engage other vehicles and helicopters before they can engage the T-90. The computerised fire control system and laser range-finder, coupled with the new Agave gunner's thermal sight, permit the T-90 to engage targets while on the move and at night. However, this first generation system is probably not as capable as current Western counterpart systems. The tank is fitted with precision laying equipment and an automatic loader to guarantee a high rate of gun fire. Secondary armament includes a coaxial 7.62mm PKT machine gun and 12.7mm machine gun mount to for air and ground targets. The T-90 features the low silhouette of the earlier Russian tanks, with a low rounded turret centered on the hull, and is fitted with combined passive and active defenses which make the T-90 one of the best protected main battle tanks in the world. The glacis is covered by second generation explosive reactive armor [ERA] bricks, as is the turret. This ERA gives the turret an angled appearance, with the ERA bricks forming a "clam shell" appearance. ERA bricks on the turret roof provide protection from top-attack weapons. The T-90 is equiped with the TShU-1-7 Shtora-1 optronic counter measures system which is designed to disrupt the laser target designation and rangefinders of incoming ATGM. The T-90 is also equipped with a laser warning package that warns the tank crew when it is being lased. Shtora-1 is an electro-optical jammer that jams the enemyâ€&#x;s semiautomatic command to line of sight (SACLOS) antitank guided missiles, laser rangefinders and target designators. Shtora-1 is actually a soft kill, or countermeasures system. Russian Surprise



It is most effective when used in tandem with a hard kill system such as the Arena. During the International Defense Exposition (IDEX) held in Abu Dhabi in 1995, the system was shown fitted to a Russian MBT. The first known application of the system is the Russian T-90 MBT that entered service in the Russian Army in 1993. Shtora-1 is currently installed on the T-80UK, T-80U, T-84 and T-90 MBTs. The Shtora-1 system comprises four key components, the electro-optical interface station, which includes a jammer, modulator, and control panel; a bank of forward-firing grenade dischargers mounted on either side of the turret that are capable of firing grenades dispensing an aerosol screen; a laser warning system with precision and coarse heads; and a control system comprising control panel, microprocessor, and manual screenlaying panel. This processes the information from the sensors and activates the aerosol screen-laying system. Two infrared lights, one on each side of the main gun, continuously emit coded pulsed infrared jamming when an incoming ATGM has been detected. Shtora-1 has a field of view of 360-degrees horizontally and -5 to +25-degrees in elevation. It contains 12 aerosol screen launchers and weighs 400kg. The screening aerosol takes less than 3 seconds to form and lasts about 20 seconds. The screen laying range is between 50-70 meters. The T-90 is powered by the V-84MS 618 kW (840 hp) four-stroke V-12 piston multi-fuel diesel engine, which can also run on T-2, TS-1 kerosene and A-72 benzine. This engine results in a power to weight ratio of only 18.06 hp/ton, considerably less than that of the T-80. The tank crew can prepare fording equipment within 20 minutes to negotiate 5 meter deep water obstacles. The tank is also fitted with the NBC protection system and mounted mineclearing equipment. Tank The T-72 medium tank is a combat tracked vehicle with high crosscountry manoeuvrability. It is intended for destruction of tanks and other armoured targets, or enemy manpower. Using its 12.7mm NSV antiaircraft machine-gun, it can destroy low flying targets. It provides protection against pressure wave and NBC weapons. Its main armament is a 125 mm smoothbore gun, stabilized in two guiding planes, with maximum effective firing range of 4,500 m and a rate of fire of up to 8 shots in a minute. Moreover, it is fitted with a coaxial 7.62mm PKT machine-gun. Russian Surprise


Pages:67 E Laser Guided Anti-Tank Missile The Kornet is an anti-tank missile developed specifically by the former Soviet army to counter the threat of modern NATO battle tanks such as the Abrams, America's previously-uncontested "queen of the battlefield." This semi-automatic laser beam riding missile is effective at ranges of 100 – 5,500 m' in daytime and up to 3,500 m' at night. The missile utilizes a tandem shaped charge anti-tank warhead or a thermobaric (fuelair explosive) charge, for anti-personnel and anti-material blast and incendiary effect. The manufacturer claims penetration of 1,200mm of steel armor or 4.5 meters of concrete. Weighing about 63 pounds, the Kornet and its guidance system can be easily carried and operated by one or two soldiers. A firing unit consisting of launcher, thermal sight and a single missile container weigh 65 kg and can be installed and ready for action in 3 minutes, operated by 3 men. Most often, the missile will be deployed on vehicular platforms, a modular design for such launcher can utilize a lightweight launcher or an integrated turret designed for a hummer sized vehicle, integrated with the thermal sight and four ready to fire missiles and five more in stowage. Other configurations include an automatic, remotely operated win-missile turret installed on the BMP-3 (16 missiles, of which 12 are stored in an autoloader) and BRTR-80 chasis (12 missiles, 8 in autoloader). The missile's launched is fitted with thermal imaging system, to facilitate effective operations under low visibility, day and night. The missile is also deployed with the Kuliver single seat fighting compartment and weapon's turret, also designed by KBP for installation on BTR-80 and BMP series Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicles. Kuliver uses four ready to launch Kornet missiles, with associated fire control systems, a 30mm 2A72 automatic gun and 7.62 machine gun. The gunner's sight uses a built-in laser rangefinder and thermal imager, as well as the missile's guidance kit. An automatic fire control system handles two axis weapon stabilization, for firing on the move. The Kornet operates similar to other so-called anti-tank guided missiles, or ATGMs, used by the United States and other armies. Once the missile is set up on its tripod, a soldier looks through the weapon's optical sight for a target such as a tank. He then shines a laser beam on the target and launches the missile. A rocket boosts the Kornet out of its sealed tube and follows the laser beam to the target. The missile contains high explosives specially arranged within the Russian Surprise



warhead. Just before the missile impacts a tank's armor, the "shaped charge" explodes and produces a jet of heat that burns through the tank's metal skin. When the jet burns through the armor and reaches the interior of the tank, the molten armor becomes super-hot fragments that kill the crew and detonate the tank's ammunition. Unlike other anti-tank weapons, the Kornet-E can be used against tanks in any kind of weather, day or night. Its laser-guided system makes it extremely difficult to counteract, say military analysts. Also, the launch of a Kornet is difficult to spot. Coupled with a hard-todetect guidance system, analysts say the missile could be used against low-flying helicopters vulnerable to its high-explosive warhead. (12)(13) Moskit 3M82 anti-ship missile (SS-N-22 Sunburn) WARHEAD - 750 LB. CONVENTIONAL OR 200 KILOTON NUCLEAR RANGE - 90 MILES WING SPAN - 6.2 FEET BODY DIA. - 2.5 FEET LENGTH - 31.9 FEET WEIGHT - 9,920 POUNDS ENGINE - INTEGRATED ROCKET BOOSTER RAMJET SUSTAINER GUIDANCE - ACTIVE RADAR HOMING SEA SKIMMER SPEED - MACH 2.5 AT SEA LEVEL The 3M82 MOSKIT anti-ship missile is produced by the Raduga Machine Building Design Bureau located in Dubna. Raduga developed the widely exported SS-N-2 Styx missile which sank an Israeli destroyer during the six day war. The Raduga Moskit anti-ship missile is perhaps the most lethal anti-ship missile in the world. The MOSKIT is designed to fly as low as 9 feet at over 1,500 miles per hour, faster than a rifle bullet. The missile uses a violent pop-up maneuver for its terminal approach to throw off Phalanx and other anti-missile defense. The Russian missile type is the Moskit [Mosquito], known in NATO circles as the SS-N-22 "Sunburn", once described by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher as "the most dangerous anti-ship missile in the Russian fleet.� The ship borne version of this missile is launched from deck mounted quad tubes, but since Rohrabacher made his comments, Russia Russian Surprise



has adapted the Sunburn for submerged launch from submarines, air launch from Sukhoi 27s, and single surface launch from modified 40‟ flatbed trucks. U.S. Navy actually tried to purchase SS-N-22 from the Russian Navy in September 1995. In a letter , Vice Admiral Bowes wrote to Russian Commander in Chief Admiral Gromov, “I appreciate the opportunity to convey to you the United States Navy‟s interest in acquiring all variants of the SS-N-22 „Sunburn‟ Anti-Ship Supersonic Ship-to-Ship missile for test and evaluation”. Russia predictably refused to sell. Each Sunburn will hurtle out of its launcher riding on the white-hot tail of a booster rocket, while its special ramjet lights and cycles up to full thrust. Then rapidly sinking back to an undetectable cruising altitude of approximately 60 feet, each missile will accelerate to Mach 2.2 [1,520 mph] in less than 30 seconds. (14)(15)”Onyx” anti-ship missile Sunburns would be progressively replaced in 2004 by the even more devastating SS-N-25 “Onyx”. Though at first glance it might seem impossible for the Russians to improve on the Sunburn, they have managed to do so. Though Sunburn can fly 150 kilometers at Mach 2.1 [1,520 mph] at an average altitude of 60 feet, Onyx leaves this performance for dead. Using the same launch tubes as Sunburn, Onyx streaks along its extended 200+ kilometer flight path at a blistering Mach 2.9 [2,100 mph], while hugging the ground even closer at an average altitude of only 45 feet. Onyx is 100% “Fire and Forget”, meaning that once out of the launch tube, flight management is entirely automatic, and you can forget the doomed 93,000-ton aircraft carrier sitting meekly down range, only minutes away from being converted into environmentally-friendly heat and light. Though SS-N-25 deployment might seem like giant overkill, this is far from being the case, because Onyx differs from Sunburn in one utterly crucial way. So great is the kinetic energy at the point of impact on the target, that Onyx can sink an American aircraft carrier using only a conventional penetrating warhead. Those can be seen if one calculate the impact energy of 5,500 pounds of missile striking a carrier at a terminal velocity of 2,460 feet per second. (15) torpedo In 1997 Russia announced that it had developed a high-speed unguided underwater torpedo code-named the Shkval or "Squall," the torpedo travels so fast that no U.S. defense can stop it. The Shkval was designed to give Russian subs (with less capable sonar) the ability to Russian Surprise



destroy U.S. Submarines (or ships) before U.S. wire-guided anti-sub torpedoes could reach their target. This Shkval travels at a speed of 200 knots, or five to six times the speed of a normal torpedo, and is especially suited for attacking large ships such as aircraft carriers or carrier battle groups. At that speed the Shkval could literally punch a hole in most U.S. Ships. The 6,000-pound Shkval rocket torpedo has a range of about 7,500 yards and can fly through the water at more than 230 miles an hour. The solid-rocket-propelled torpedo achieves this high speed by producing a high-pressure stream of bubbles from its nose and skin, which coats the weapon in a thin layer of gas. The Shkval flies underwater inside a giant "envelope" of gas bubbles in a process called "supercavitation." There are no evident countermeasures to the Shkval and its deployment by Russian naval forces has placed the U.S. Navy at a considerable disadvantage. "We have no equivalent, its velocity would make evasive action exceedingly difficult, and it is likely that we have no defense against it," stated Jack Spencer, a defense analyst at the Heritage Foundation. (24) Su-27SK Air superiority fighter The aircraft is designed to conduct long-range and close air combat, intercept and defeat manned and unmanned aircraft, as well as support air operations 300-400 km into the enemy territory. The Su-27 is capable of attacking air target both within the automatic control system radar envelope and beyond, in hostile ECM and air defense environment, in any weather by day and night. The Su-27SK can also attack ground targets using unguided weapons within the tactical and theater depth of the enemy defenses under the conditions of optical visibility. The Su-27SK weapons deployed on 10 hard-points, include R-27 air-toair missiles of all modifications and R-73E missiles. The unguided weapons are S-8, S-13 and S-25 unguided rockets and aerial bombs of up to 500 kg calibre. The aircraft has a built-in GSh-301 gun with the ammunition allowance of 150 rounds. The Su-27SK aircraft can boast the most outstanding flight characteristics and combat effectiveness. Modernization potential implemented in the Su-27SK design enables both partial and comprehensive upgrade at the request of the customer. The Su-27UBK twin-seat combat trainer aircraft is designed to train piloting skills and combat employment against aerial and surface targets by day and night in any weather.(16) Su-30MK Multi-role fighter The Su-30MK twin-seat high agility fighter is designed to gain air Russian Surprise



superiority, attack surface targets using guided and unguided aircraft weapons, as well as to ensure group operations. Owing to the up-to-date weapons system, the fighter can effectively counter all present and future aircraft, unmanned air vehicles and cruise missiles. The combat load of the Su-30MK is attached to 12 hard-points. The weapons suite includes RVV-AE, R-27, R-73E air-to-air missiles, Kh29T(TE), Kh-29L, Kh-31P, Kh-31A, Kh-59M air-to-surface missiles, and KAB-500 and KAB-1500 guided bombs. The aircraft has the GSh-301 built-in gun with 150 rounds of ammunition.(16) Su-39 anti-tank aircraft The Su-39 anti-tank aircraft is a profoundly modernized Su-25, intended specially for countering small-size well-protected targets (including new generation NATO tanks) by day and night in any weather. The Su-39 is equipped with the SUV-25T Voskhod weapons control system, which is designed to identify and automatically track small-size mobile targets (tanks, automobiles, boats, etc.), as well as to ensure target designation and automatic missile guidance, and rocket and gun firing. The Shkval-M optical-television sighting system searches and identifies targets in the scanning mode. Navigation and fire control are computerassisted. A set time span is strictly maintained by aircraft, which allows a well coordinated group attack from different directions. The aircraft automatically gets into the target area. The pre-directed television system is switched on at a distance of 10-12 km from it. Then the pilot monitors the target selection and automatic lock-on, after which the system turns to an automatic tracking mode. After the first run-up the attack aircraft can automatically accomplish another run-up or return to base if ordered so by the pilot (manual handling can be turned on right before landing). Another new element in the aircraft's avionics is the Kopyo-25 radar. The navigation system is supplemented with the A-737 satellite navigation unit. The target is automatically acquired with accuracy of up to 15 m independently of the flight range. The upgraded EW system of the Su-39 comprises both built-in and externally mounted containerized equipment.(16) And lot's of more of modern weapons. 4.RUSSIA ARMING ALLIES Russia is arming it's “allies� in a upcoming conflict with modern weapons in two reasons. First is to get powerful allies and second to build up weapon industry to maximum potential and make money for economy. The main economy makers is in fact oil industry and weapon export. Russian Surprise



4.1.RUSSIA ARMING CHINA Russia is arming China with new modern weapon that can help China in war against any country even USA. Main effort is helping China's navy (and air force) probably to be able to fight US Aircraft Carrier groups. 4.1.1.Russia arming China Navy As a result of the restoration of Sino-Russia relations in the early 1990s, China obtained an opportunity to approach many Soviet/Russian weapon systems that were designed in the Cold War and our near future to confront the U.S. military forces. Among many weapon and military technology transfer deals were the purchase of two 7,940-ton Sovremenny class missile destroyers. These ships are equipped with an advanced SA-N-7 air-defence missile system, the KA-28 Helix helicopter, and the formidable supersonic SS-N-22 Sunburn anti-ship cruise missiles. Two ships have already been delivered to the PLAN in 1999 and 2000, followed by an additional two ships currently under construction in Russia. Under a September 1996 agreement Russia sold two uncompleted Project 956A Sovremenny class missile destroyers (DDG) to China. They are hull 18, ex-Soviet Navy Vazhny and later renamed as Yekaterinbugr (698) by the Russian Navy, with two-thirds of building complete, and hull 19, ex-Russian Navy Alexandr Nevsky with only one-third complete. Both ships were laid down in the late 1980s by the North Shipyard in St. Petersburg and their construction was suspended in 1995 due to lack of funds. Sovremenny class has the strongest anti-ship and air defense firepower among all surface combatants in service with the PLAN In December 1999 the first ship 136 Hangzhou was completed and delivered to the PLA Navy. The second ship 137 Fuzhou began its sea trial in 1999 and was handed to the PLAN in December 2000. Both ships are controlled by the PLAN East Sea Fleet and stationed in their homeport at Zhoushan base. China received 50 3M-80E Moskit (NATO code-name: SS-N-22 Sunburn) anti-ship missiles by mid-2000. The first test launch took place in 2001. In 2002 China reportedly ordered another two Sovremenny class destroyers from Russia, for a total of 4 ships in service by 2010. The two ships are said to be the modified Project 956E variant, which will be equipped with the latest anti-ship missiles and vertically launched airdefence missiles for greater capabilities. INVENTORY (2+2 SHIPS) Russian Surprise













Fleet East Sea Fleet East Sea Fleet East Sea Fleet East Sea Fleet

Laid Down















DESIGN FEATURES The displacement of Sovremenny class exceeds that of most Chinese indigenous surface warships by roughly at least 50%, indicative of the overall improvement in combat potential. The steam turbine used in the main engine of this class is suitable for extended high-speed voyages, and this class has very high endurance, three times China's Luda class and twice the Luhu class. Despite having less ASW capability than the Russian Udaloy class, and less strike capability than the Slava class, the Sovremenny class provides the PLAN with a balanced platform that vastly exceeds the capabilities of domestic designs. The PLAN wishes to use the Sovremenny class to fulfill the gap in its combat capability before the new indigenous destroyers can be built in a significant number. The weapon and other technologies on the Sovremenny class can also be used in developing Chinaâ€&#x;s own indigenous warships.(17) Although the PLAN deploys a force of more than 50 submarines, the PLAN units are widely regarded as obsolete using Western standards. Most of these submarines are based on the 1950s/60s age Soviet designs, and lack modern weapon and sensor systems. In addition, lack of crew proficiency and hull quieting remain significant problems, and acoustic systems are two to three generations behind the world's first-line navies. As a result of the PLAN's effort to modernize itself since the mid 1980s, it phased out its fleet of more than 30 older Type 033 (Romeo class) diesel submarines, replacing them with indigenously produced Type 035 (Ming class, 19 units) and Type 039 (Song class, 3 units) class, and four Russian-built Kilo class (Project 877EKM/636) submarines. The four Kilo class remain the submarine force's most capable boats, although the capability of their crews to operate them effectively in a tactical environment is limited by their training. All PLAN submarines can carry either torpedoes or mines, and the acquisition of Russian wake-homing torpedo technology has significantly Russian Surprise



improved the PLAN's submarine anti surface capabilities. The latest indigenous Type 039 (Song Class) is capable of launching the YJ-81 (C801) anti-ship missile under the sea. The PLAN is also keen to develop or purchase advanced air-independent propulsion system technology to enhance the capability of its conventional submarine forces. China has also reportedly showed strong interests in purchasing two Akula class SSN from Russia. China ordered two Kilo class diesel-electric submarines from Russia in the mid 1996, and they were delivered to the PLA Navy in 1998. These two boats are the standard export version Project 877EKM. Later China ordered another two improved Project 636 version of the Kilo class submarines, which were delivered in 2000. As one of the most capable submarines in the world, Kilo class is well suited for operations in the East and South China Sea. Meanwhile all four boats are deployed in the PLA Navy East Sea Fleet based at Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. Reportedly the first two Kilo submarines have engaged in only limited sea operations due to engine problems. However, once their crews are fully trained, these new submarines will provide a substantial improvement in China‟s attack submarine capability. They will enhance China‟s capability to interdict commercial or naval shipping, and hence to deny sea control to potentially hostile forces operating in China‟s coastal seas. The latest reports confirmed that China has recently ordered another 8 Project 636 Kilo Class submarines from Russia, for a total of 12 boats in service by 2005. These submarines may be fitted with air independent appellation's (AIP) system and carry the formidable 3M54E Klub submerged launch anti-ship missiles. China may have also been negotiating with Russia to transfer the technology to permit Chinese construction of submarines of this class. (17) The report that China purchased some 40 Shkval torpedoes from Russia in 1998 has been confirmed by U.S. intelligence sources. Pentagon officials also confirmed that a Chinese naval officer was on board the Russian submarine Kursk to observe firings of the Shkval. Knowing that China submarine fleet of 4(+8 new) Kilo subs armed with Sunburn missiles and Shkval torpedoes would give US Navy a big reason to stay alert. (24) 4.1.2.Russia arming China Air force While the service continues shrinking in quantitative terms, the same is Russian Surprise



not necessarily so qualitatively. The modernization of the PLA Air Force has introduced some momentous advances in terms of both service hardware and capability. During the past decade the PLA Air Force has purchased over 120 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 fighter aircraft, and is accepting indigenously produced third-generation aircraft such as the J-10, J-11 and JH-7. At the same time, elderly aircraft such as J-7, J-8 and Q-5 are being upgraded with better advanced avionics and weapon suites to enhance their performance. The next generation stealthy fighter aircraft is also currently under development. Additional to the progress in combat aircraft, the PLA Air Force is quickly developing its capabilities in new areas such as the aerial refueling tanker aircraft, airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft, airborne electronic warfare/countermeasures (EW/ECM) aircraft, long-range transport aircraft, advanced training aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The PLA Air Force is also obtaining the latest weapon systems including the Russian-made S-300 (SA-10/-12) surfaceto-air missiles, R-77 (AA-12 Adder) medium-range air-to-air missiles, and accurate-guided ground strike weapons. A-50U (AWACS-The Airborne Early Warning Aircraft Programme) After the A-50I project was canceled, Many expect Russia to complete the sale of AWACS aircraft to China, with existing A-50s from the Russian Air Force and/or, later, an advanced A-50E version (possibly costing $180-200 million each), that would bring Russia more earnings than the original deal involving Israel. The A-50U is designed to guide up to 30 aircraft and track 300 targets as far as 250 miles away. Unconfirmed reports claimed that the PLAAF has been negotiating with the Russian on a possible deal of leasing 2~4 A-50s from the current Russian Air Force service for training and initial evaluation purposes. The Xi'an Aircraft Industry Co. (XAC) is also reportedly developing an indigenous AEW/AWACS aircraft based on the airframe of the IL-76 or Y-8 transport aircraft. Currently the most capable fighter aircraft in service with the PLAAF includes around 120 Russian-made Su-30MKK Flanker two-seater fighter-bombers and Su-27SK/UBK Flanker fighters. An additional 48 Su-30MKKs are expected to join service by 2006. China is building 250 single-seat J-11 fighters, a licensed copy of the Su-27SK, under an agreement with Russia. In addition, the indigenously developed J-10 single-seat multi role fighter has already completed flight tests and the first batch is likely to enter operational service by 2005. By the end of this decade, the Chinese air force will have deployed at least 720 new generation fighter aircraft that are comparable in general performance to Russian Surprise



the fighter aircraft such as F-15C, F-16C/D, and F/A-18C/D currently deployed by Western air forces. By 1998, China reportedly acquired two S-300 regiments (each with perhaps four to six batteries to surround a defensive area) and began negotiations to acquire two more S-300 regiments for other areas. (17) 4.2.RUSSIA ARMING IRAN The U.S. government has long been worried that Tehran is using its nuclear-energy program to develop nuclear weapons, and has therefore repeatedly urged Moscow to halt work on the reactor it is building for the Iranians at Bushehr facility. The Russian response has been that Iran is in compliance with all International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations, and thus has the right under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) to develop a peaceful nuclear-energy program. But with the revelation that Iran possesses hitherto secret nuclear facilities that it had not declared to the IAEA and that some of the equipment IAEA inspectors have found in Iran bore traces of weapons grade uranium, it has become increasingly clear that Iran is not in total compliance with IAEA regulations. Yet, while Moscow genuinely does not want Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, it has a strong incentive to continue assisting the Iranian nuclear-energy program. In December 2002, Radzhab Safarov, who is director-general of the Russian Center for Contemporary Iranian Studies, noted that the Russian nuclear-power industry faced an uncertain future after it lost customers both in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union itself following the 1989-91 collapse of communism. "Therefore, Iran has in effect saved Russiaâ€&#x;s nuclear-power sector. And we should be grateful to Iran for having provided tens of thousands of Russian companies with 70 percent of their work," Safarov told Ekho Moskvy. In other words, without the work in Iran, the Russian nuclear industry, which Moscow places a high priority on preserving, may not have enough customers to survive. Surprising Moscow does not attempt to exploit Iranâ€&#x;s dependence on Russia in the nuclear arena to obtain concessions in other areas, especially the delimitation of the Caspian Sea. However, Iran is refusing to accept an agreement signed in May 2003 by Russia, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan that would give those three states nearly 70 percent of the seabed; Iran is holding out for dividing the seabed and the waters into five equal parts among the littoral states. If Russia help's Iran with nuclear force why they don't ask for above mentioned wrights? (18) Some reports of Israel intelligence put Iran nuclear facility (and possible nuclear weapon?) to be finished in 2004. In 2001 Russia sign a 1.7$ billion arms contract with Iran that include Russian Surprise



M-17 attack helicopters, SU-25 attack planes and new S-300 anti-aircraft missiles. S-300 (SA-10/-12) is already operating in Iran. (19) Also as mentioned earlier Iran has 3 kilo submarines and operate some numbers of SS-N-22 anti ship “Sunburn” missiles.

4.3.RUSSIA ARMING SYRIA Syria has around 50 new modern Russian made MIG-29 and SU-27 airplanes and has also SS-N-22 anti ship “Sunburn” missiles. From Syria most of Iraq resistance weapons come (Kornet anti tank missile and more) trough black market deals. 5.YAMANTAU MOUNTAIN BASE It start construction in Brezhnev time in the Urals. Yamantau Mountain, the site of the base, is so deeply buried that it cannot be destroyed by nuclear attack. Reports said that complex is built by tens of thousands of workers and that area of the base covers up to 400 square miles. In a move that defies Russia's bankrupt image, the Kremlin is upgrading Moscow's civil defense network of underground towns, tunnels and bunkers in late 1990is. This network includes a nuclear-proof city built beneath Moscow's Ramenki district, capable of housing 30,000 people. Moscow's TV team enter one underground city in February 1999. TV crew report that short and long-range missiles were in combat-readiness and could hit pre-determined targets all over the world within seconds after receiving screen signals. When attacked, Russia could launch a counter-offensive by merely pressing a nuclear button, this will unleash the killer missiles, capable of destroying all incoming short and longrange enemy missiles TV reported. The underground city (location was not reveled) is the headquarters of the weaponry division of the Russian missile force. Since it is an underground facility, satellites cannot trace it down. This city contains 2,000 rooms, cabins and offices.Was the TV crew in Yamantau base?(20) The exact location of this large facility is uncertain,but reports said that location is near the Zlatoust-36/Yuryuzan nuclear weapons production plant and the Yuryuzan national-level nuclear weapons storage facility.The Yaman-Tau Gory [mountains] is centered at 52°25'N 56°45'E, while the peak of Yamantau Gora [mountain] is at 54°15'19"N 58°06'11"E. The town of Beloretsk is located at 53°58'N 58°24'E. This facility may be linked to the town of Al'kino which is nearby at 55°05'N 58°04'E. Russian Surprise



It is big underground base with not yet certain purpose. It has all what a small town needs to have.(21) According to defector from the main intelligence directorate of the Russian General Staff, Colonel Stanislav Lunev Russia is still terrified of USA power. Lunev is claiming that Russia's military is doing everything it can "to prepare for a war that it considers inevitable."(20) So in other words Russia is preparing for nuclear war and with Yamantau base (command center) it has ability to fight this war. From writer point of view this is just in case of nuclear war but Russia's plan is not nuclear war with US. But spending so much money of a weak economy in underground base is a sign that Russia military is serious. 6.CHECHEN WAR ANALYSIS The First Chechen War is usually seen, both in Russia and internationally, as proof of the decline of the Russian Army. Poorlytrained and badly-organized units were thrown into battle by careless and incompetent generals. The war will always be associated with images such as the burning tanks and BMPs on the streets of Groznyy on New Yearâ€&#x;s Day 1995. At tremendous cost in military and even more, in civilian lives, the Russian Army occupied Groznyy and the other major towns in Chechnya, only to lose them when the rebels launched a dramatic series of attacks in August 1996. The government was forced to negotiate a peace which gave the Chechen Republic an undefined independence. Since August 1999 a new war has been in progress, Groznyy has once again been captured and most of Chechnya occupied. The second war has certainly brought political benefits, raising Vladimir Putin from obscurity to favorite man in the March 2000 presidential election. Public support for the armed forces raise at any time in the last decade. Questions, however, remain. Why is the Russian army fighting more successfully than in 1994-96? Detailed analysis of the preparation and conduct of the present campaign provides some indication of the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian position. Although the war was provoked by Chechen incursions into Dagestan and a series of bombings in Russian cities, it is clear that Russian preparations for new operations in Chechnya began almost as soon as the last war finished. The high command never formally admitted defeat in that war. Nevertheless the Russian military leadership has acknowledged a number of deficiencies and since 1997 a series of reforms have been introduced. The political and military leadership have had a variety of aims in this program. The politicians wanted to reduce the military burden on Russiaâ€&#x;s economy; Marshal Sergeyev, the minister of defence, has tried to raise the status and funding of his own service, the Russian Surprise



Strategic Rocket Forces, at the expense of general purpose forces. For group of officers around General Kvashnin, the Chief of the General Staff, the major objective of reform has been to improve the Russian armed forcesâ€&#x; ability to fight a local war. In fact, their aim has been to fight this particular local war and wipe out the disgrace of defeat, reestablishing Russia as a military force to be reckoned with.Other aim was putting military machine back on track. Most of this group held senior command posts in the last war and some of generals have personal motives for revenge, having had sons killed or wounded in Chechnya. The reasons for the failures of the first war are not easily summarized, defeat was deeply rooted in the whole structure of the Russian armed forces. However, the general staff has particularly focused on four or five areas for improvement. Firstly, there is command and control. The army generals believe that the problems of co-ordination with other force ministries, such as the Internal Troops of the MVD, and their subordination to the MVD for much of the war, were fatal weaknesses. Secondly the whole manning and mobilization system was shown to be inadequate. Units assigned to the Chechen campaign were little more than cadres and had to brought up to strength from other under-strength formations. As a result, the army fought as a collection of "composite battalions" with little opportunity for personnel to train together before they saw action. Training generally was another major weakness. Russian infantry were not trained for the battles in cities or mountains which they faced; their clumsy tactics led to crippling casualties. All these weaknesses were exposed to view in the Russian and world media. Lastly, there were many complaints about the quality of the Russian equipment and the need for the latest weaponry. In fact, although there were some crucial deficiencies, especially with obsolescent radios, the real problem was how the equipment was used. Some such analysis seems to have been at the root of many of the reforms since 1997 and it is in these areas that Russian performance has most improved. Command and control has been significantly better than in the first war, perhaps because this is most directly under general staff control. The first step was to obtain political approval to change the status and responsibilities of military districts. Most of them have been reconfigured as "operational-strategic commands" (OSK in the Russian abbreviation). The old military districts were primarily administrative structures, with responsibility for Ministry of Defense units and establishments within their boundaries. An OSK is an operational entity, intended to command all the armed forces on its territory, including border guards, internal troops, civil defense ... The concept was new and it would be rash to assume that the other ministries have willingly Russian Surprise



surrendered primacy to the ministry of defense. However, as result of this change, military districts have been organizing a series of exercises involving all force ministries and with Chechen-type scenarios. New command structures have been tested and army procedures practiced by the other forces. Given the financial restraints on the Russian armed forces, these have been mostly command post exercises, but when possible they have been combined with field training by "permanent readiness formations" which have formed the backbone of the new Chechen deployment. The exercises tested a command concept based on "Temporary Operational Groupings" ( Vremenniye Operativniye Gruppirovki, or VOG) which are composed of a mix of forces, drawn from several ministries. Such a grouping was organised in the spring of 1999 as tension rose along the Chechen-Dagestan border. Originally the VOG was under MVD command, as the crisis lay on Russian soil, but after the August attacks on Dagestan, the ministry of defense took control. Since then the Chechen campaign has been commanded by the Joint Grouping of Forces in the North Caucasus, generally known by the Russian abbreviation OGV. The OGV is commanded by Colonel General Viktor Kazantsev, commander of the North Caucasus Military District and Kvashninâ€&#x;s chief of staff in the first war. Under him are a number of subordinate groupings, responsible for particular directions. Initially there were three of these, the Northern, Eastern and Western Groupings. Again their commanders were army generals. As the war has developed other Groupings have been added to command the cordon around Groznyy and the battles in the south of Chechnya. With a clear chain of command, coordination between the units of the various ministries has been better than in 1994-96, although it is still far from perfect. There have been incidents of air strikes hitting MVD troops because they could not communicate with the air force and the long-standing distrust, even hatred, between the ground forces and the internal troops has not yet disappeared. General Malofeyev, one of the armyâ€&#x;s rising commanders, was killed when trying to lead an attack by unwilling MVD troops in circumstances which are still unclear. The subordinate groupings directly command the units in their areas, a mix of elements from the ground forces, airborne and naval infantry troops, the air force, internal troops, border guards, FAPSI (government communications troops), Federal Security Service, Emergencies Ministry and so on. Their exact composition varies with their operational responsibilities and units and sub-units are moved between them as the situation demands. The Southern Grouping under major general Ashurov appears to have been organized in January for operations to block the Russian Surprise



mountainous southern border with Georgia and to consist of about 5,000 men, mostly drawn from the airborne forces, naval infantry and border guards. The organization of the ground forces units within the joint groupings reflects another improvement in Russian capabilities since 1994. There are no references now to "composite units"; instead there are "regimental and battalion tactical groups". The difference is due to the improvement in manning levels and the creation of "permanent readiness units" which was made possible by drastic reductions in the number of formations and units cluttering the order of battle. Permanent readiness formations and units are theoretically manned to 80% of their war-time establishment and other military districts have sent at least one such element to reinforce the North Caucasus MD. There have been some problems because units had to release conscripts with less than 6 months service at the start of the operation and have also been obliged to send back conscripts whose twoyears service expired in October & November, if they could not be persuaded to volunteer to stay. In units of the 3rd Motor Rifle Division from the Moscow MD this may have amounted to a return flow of several hundred men in the first months of the war. However a replacement system is working reasonably smoothly. In the Siberian MD, for example, a training center was established by a division. This has been preparing troops for mountain warfare and has sent over a thousand replacements for the 7,000-plus contingent of Siberian troops in Chechnya. As the whole Russian deployment has been better prepared than in 1994 and was much less rushed, units are much more combat-effective. Tactical organizations have also been re-thought over the last few years. The phrases "regimental tactical group" and "battalion tactical group" are now standard terminology. They are developments of ideas tried during the Afghan War and in peace-keeping deployments such as Tajikistan and Kosovo. Units are reinforced with other assets, particularly additional artillery elements to make much more powerful combined arms groupings which work together over periods of time. In many respects they appear to be closer to the standard practice in NATO armies than the traditional Soviet model. For example a battalion tactical group, formed around a naval infantry battalion of the Northern Fleet, includes a reconnaissance company from the Black Sea Fleet, a Nona 2S9 SP mortar battery from the Caspian Flotilla and a 2S1 SP artillery battery, engineer company and other assets from the Northern Fleet. Within the artillery "mixed regiments" have been organized, which include tube and rocket artillery sub-units. Some of these have been included in regimental tactical groups and others retained under control of Joint groupings to reinforce important sectors. Russian Surprise



Sometimes sub-units are organized for specific tactical missions and titled accordingly. Thus there have been references to "storm groups and detachments" for fighting in built-up areas, which is a traditional term. But there have also been mentions of "manoeuvre groups" operating outside the towns, although with little detail on their composition and missions. This is evidence of greater tactical sophistication in the Russian army and perhaps it was a start of a tactical revolution. But the armyâ€&#x;s personnel problems still impose severe limitations on its capabilities. This is still basically a conscript army and moreover an army which has been complaining about the quality of its recruits, conscript and professional, for many years. It is clear that the generals are not confident in their soldiers' ability to match the Chechen guerrillas in close combat and there have been several incidents in which Russian units have been worsted in close-quarter battle. The high command has tried to plan for this and to avoid contact battles. They have employed overwhelming firepower, or the threat of firepower, as much as possible. Villages have been surrounded and the local leaders pressed to persuade the guerrillas to leave. Where this has not been successful, air and artillery strikes have been called down until it is safe for ground troops to advance without opposition. Any contact halts the advance while new strikes are organized. It is calculated that 80% of fire missions have been carried out by fixed or rotary wing aviation, and 15-17% by artillery. The air strikes are split roughly equally between the helicopters and the fixed wing SU24s and SU-25s. Such tactics may seem closer to the mythical "Russian steamroller" than a sophisticated army of the 21st century, but there has in fact been a significant change how this firepower is applied. In the past both air and artillery strikes were planned and tightly co-ordinated at the operational level of command. The First Chechen War made it plain that this did not provide the speed and flexibility of response that the modern battlefield requires. In the present war tactical commanders have been able to plan and control their fire support in a way which is foreign to traditional Russian practice. Regimental and battalion commanders have been given their own zone of responsibility for reconnaissance and destruction by fire (the "zonal-objective" system). Within those zones artillery support has been generously allotted, to a norm of at least one artillery or mortar battery per company. It is perhaps not surprising therefore that much of this artillery has been applied at short ranges. The proportion of artillery missions involving direct rather than indirect fire has probably not been equaled in Europe since 1914.

Russian Surprise



Air support, or at least helicopter support has been organized on a similar principle. Helicopters have operated in "aviation tactical groups" (ATG) composed of 2-4 Mi-24 attack helicopters and 1-2 Mi-8 transport helicopters. ATGs are assigned to regiments with a forward air controller in regimental headquarters. More FACs are found at battalion and sometimes company level. This provides more responsive air support to the tactical commander, but there are teething troubles. The Russian army does not have enough trained FACs and casualties among them have been high. One-month courses are being run to provide more FACs as the war continues. Meanwhile the Mi-24s often rely on the accompanying Mi-8s to direct their attacks. The Mi-8s are also ready to recover the crews of downed attack helicopters. About two-thirds of attack helicopter strikes have been organized in this way. In addition, pairs of Mi-24s on "free hunt" have sought for and attacked their own targets. Despite the complaints about inadequate equipment after the first war, the present conflict has not seen the Russians introducing new weaponry in significant quantities. Given the well-known problems of the Russian defense budget and the almost total lack of spending on weapons procurement this is not surprising. There have been reports of some new weapons systems being used on an experimental basis. There were early references to the deployment of Ka-50 and Mi-24N attack helicopters but older models have born the brunt of the battle. The BMP-3 infantry combat vehicle has probably been used for the first time. The Sevastopol Motor Rifle Regiment has been mentioned as part of the Siberian contingent and it was identified in 1998 as the only regiment completely equipped with BMP-3. There has been a reference to the need for a reserve of BMP-3 power packs. The trials of the "Stroy-P" pilot less tactical reconnaissance system seem to have been a success as the ministry of defense has ordered one system. One weapon which may not have been successful is the V-94 12.7mm sniper rifle. There are reports of sniper detachments returning their weapons and drawing the older SVD rifles. Apparently the weapon is too heavy, it is too noisy when fired and the sights shift after prolonged firing. One report, with a photograph, showed a pair of TOS-1s in action. TOS-1 is a heavy flame-thrower system on the T-72 chassis, the big brother of the RPO-A infantry flamethrower which has certainly been used in Chechnya. In the civilian press TOS-1 is described as having a "vacuum bomb" warhead, which is the usual term for a fuel-air explosive. There are unconfirmed reports that FAE bombs have been used, although this has been denied by senior air force officers. Certainly fuel-air explosives are ideally suited to the tactics which the Russians have been using. (22) Conclusion: In year 2000 the Russian Army has changed from Russian Surprise



disorganization giant to dangerous battle force. In year 2004 they had 4 years from chechen war to correct mistakes from past and to introduce new weapon systems in units. The cut down on funding can be devastating in one hand but in other hand it can mean that they just replace a lot of old war material with new much better material. 7.RUSSIAN AND US AIRFORCE HEAD TO HEAD US air force and Indian air force met in 2004 in “Cope India� air exercise and the result showed that US can no longer take air superiority for granted in a conflict. General Hal Hornburg, head of the air force's Air Combat Command said: "We have to learn if we want air superiority it doesn't come cheap and it's not automatic."Much of study is secret but Indian (Russian made) SU-30 beat F-15 in a majority of engagements."In general, we may have learned some things that suggest we may not be as far ahead of the rest of the world as we once thought we were," Hornburg said. The trade journal Aviation Week and Space Technology reported that the exercises showed the SU-30s had a clear advantage over the F-15C in a long-range fight. The US and Indian aircraft were seeing each other at the same time with their radars but the SU-30 pilots were able to simulate-fire their Russian-made AA-10 "fire-and-forget" Alamo missiles first, the weekly said. Study also showed the SU-30 has a more advanced radar than the F-15C.(23) In year 2000 Russian naval reconnaissance jets twice surprise a U.S. Navy battle group (Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier ) off guard in the Sea of Japan. Two Su-24MR Pacific Fleet reconnaissance jets planes accompanied by Su-27 fighter jets from an air force unit stationed in the Far East managed to fly over the Kitty Hawk, photographing its deck, before any of the carrier's fighter jets could take off on Oct. 17. It is repeated on Nov. 9 exactly. "The arrival of our planes came as a complete surprise to the Americans. Photographs show there was panic on the aircraft carrier's deck," air force chief Anatoly Kornukov told reporters in Moscow. Konstantin Makiyenko, deputy head of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, said the Su-24MRs do not boast any stealth characteristics or carry any equipment powerful enough to jam the radar defenses of the U.S. Navy battle group.The commander of the air force unit that sent up the Su-27s, Lt. Gen. Anatoly Nagovitsyn, told reporters in Moscow that the Kitty Hawk was being refueled when the two Su-24MRs advanced during one of the sorties. This, he said, made it impossible for pilots of the F-14 and F/A-18 squad based on the Kitty Hawk to scramble off the deck until the Su-24MRs had flown over the Russian Surprise



carrier for a second time. Nagovitsyn didn't specify whether it was during the Oct. 17 or the Nov. 9 sortie when the Kitty Hawk was being refueled.(25) 8.RUSSIAN ECONOMY TODAY According to preliminary financing figures (in report from August 6 2004), Russia posted a federal budget surplus of 285.3 billion rubles in the first half of 2004, or 3.2% of projected GDP for the period, a Finance Ministry source told Interfax on Friday. (26)The amount of Russian oil export revenues reached $10.28bn during the first three months of 2004, exceeding the corresponding figure for January-March of last year by 17.2 percent.(27) So we can see that country economy is stable and growing (thanks to big arm contract with China and other countries and oil and gas exports) and it doesn't show any chance to stop. Russia don't depend on oil imports like west countries and military production is on high level. Every aspect for creating a big war machine is on. 9.US SPENDINGS The US war machine is the most powerful in the world but it's spendings are reaching critical level. Even though $65 billion was given towards the war effort, the military is looking for $12.3 billion more to last through the rest of the fiscal year. The report from the Government Accountability Office, Congress's independent investigative arm, warned that the budget crunch is having an adverse impact on the military as it shifts resources to Iraq and away from training and maintenance in other parts of the world. This study ,the most detailed examination to date of the military funding problems, contradict White House assurances that the services have enough money to get through the calendar year. According to GAO the services have deferred the repair of equipment used in Iraq, grounded some Air Force and Navy pilots, canceled training exercises, and delayed facility-restoration projects. The Air Force is straining to cover the cost of body armor for airmen in combat areas, night-vision gear and surveillance equipment, according to the report. The Army is overspending its budget by $10.2 billion for operations and maintenance. Air Force is also exceeding its budget by $1.4 billion, while the Marines are coming up $500 million short. The Army is even having trouble paying the contractors guarding its garrisons outside the war zones, according to report. Russian Surprise



The Pentagon said the initial $65 billion would work since there would only be 99000 troops in Iraq by September 30th. The number of US troops is going to be at 138000 for a long while. The Army War College before all of this came up reported that the cost of the war would be nearly $1.6 trillion dollars, including restoration of Iraq when US army is finished with Iraq “liberation”. One time the US people were told that told $12 billion was going to cover everything. Since US economy isn't great as before this can be good reason to watch US military in future.(28) 10.RUSSIAN PLAN 10.1.First stage “US down” Russia wants first to put US out of world domination and most important for Europe invasion to get US troops out of Europe. First to say that Putin and his team now has full control of Russia and he was an KGB agent we can predict that GRU (Russian intelligence) is now stronger than ever. His ties with military establishment is good since he ,like them, wants strong and again powerful Russian army. He has no even close to equal opponent in Russia and country economy is getting stronger (people are calm). So he can now built war machine in a mist of “Russia world weakness”. Russians knows that confrontation with US military is stupid. So they tried different way. After 9.11.2001. an attack on New York US military is “trigger happy” and the Russians want to use this. US military revenge first crush Afganistan and US left some of their military their. But that was not enough to slower US war machine. The Russians needed something else. After Iraq, the biggest loser in the 1991 Gulf War was Russia, Saddam Hussein's main source of military hardware and doctrine. The ties between the Russia and the Iraqis were very close at almost every level, in the military, in the intelligence services and in the foreign ministry and a lot of Russians generals and hard-liners took the Gulf War personally, and some of them looked for ways to get even. So the plan to get revenge and get US in a trap was in place. Russia sent two generals Vladimir Achalov, a former Soviet deputy defense minister and a former commander of airborne and rapid-reaction forces, and Gen. Igor Maltsev, a leading expert in air defense systems in Iraq. They had been helping Saddam for couple years and left Baghdad only six days before the war began, U.S. officials confirmed.(29) Achalov wouldn't say why Iraqi Defense Minister Sultan Hashim Akhmed decorated the two generals but he said: "We didn't fly to Baghdad to drink coffee." Both generals were communist hard-liners who were part of the coup attempt against the last Soviet president, Mikhail Gorbachev. The Russian ambassador to the United States, Yuri Ushakov, Russian Surprise



was summoned to the State Department to hear an official protest against illegal deliveries of equipment designed to jam the Global Position System locater signals used by American missiles and smart bombs, as well as new generation night-vision goggles and advanced anti-tank missiles to Saddam's army. The Russian government denied that it had any hand in delivering weapons to the Iraqis in violation of U.N. embargoes. But it was perfect opportunity to test those weapons on US military. Another thing was reports published on a Russian Web site, (site is closed now), as daily reports from the GRU, the Russian military intelligence service. They proved to be mostly true because what they said today US admits day after (in most cases). And the change in tactics was obvious in 2003 Gulf War. The avoidance of set-piece armor battles with Americans who out gun the old Soviet-made T-72 tanks, the use of hit-and-run attacks on American supply lines by irregulars operating in civilian clothes and from civilian vehicles, and the apparent attempt to preserve Iraqi air defenses for a final battle of Baghdad. The Russian advisers also may be behind the puzzling failure of the Iraqis to defend their positions south of Baghdad, and instead to withdraw some of their best troops and best weapons into the capital, and perhaps also into some of the cities the Americans have bypassed in their fast-moving drive to the outskirts of the city. But all of that was for nothing because Americans paid Iraqis generals to let them go in Baghdad. If You look behind that something “smell” wrong. They can't buy out the whole army. When war finished things were clearer. What Russian intention was not to defeat US (that was not possible by Iraqis) in open conflict but to stage a guerrilla war after Iraq surrender. That were why Achalov (airborne and rapid force commander) was in Iraq. He train Iraqis (Republican Guards) to fight US military in a guerrilla war. What we seeing in Iraq today is result of that. Russian generals made an assumption that when the guerrilla war starts US will get in a big problems. That it is. They have 138000 troops in Iraq (instead 90000 what was planed) and additional 10-20000 in Afganistan. Because of fighting they can't reduce the numbers and casualties are mounting (according to some reports beside almost 700 dead there are couple of thousand wounded). Russian predict that “trigger happy” US military wouldn't take the easier way (negotiations). That was obvious with battle in Falluja. Might US military though that they will teach a lesson to resistance fighters and people but after days of fighting and around 100 US dead soldiers they stopped military activity and admits their defeat by local militia. With that battle they give wings to resistance and made their position much worse. Russians now just observe the US agony in Iraq. As we look at US war spending (see 9.US spendings) we can see what was Russian plan. Now the Arab world is fighting the US (fighters from many Russian Surprise



countries fight in Iraq on resistance side even around 2000 well trained chechen fighters) and Russians needs occasional push and nothing more. They built Syrian and Iran army potential and hope that “trigger happy� US military will stumble in another war (Iran or Syria) what would mean total collapse of US war machine. That is not impossible and almost happened in July 2004 when group of Iran military stumble in Iraq and grabbed disputed territory from Iran-Iraq war. The incident began when Revolutionary Guards pushed about a kilometer into Iraq to the north and east of Basra in an apparent attempt to reoccupy territory which they claimed belonged to Iran. After that US Lt Gen Ricardo Sanchez ordered the British to prepare to send in several thousand troops to attack the Revolutionary Guard positions. Only British calm leadership saved US from another war. The Revolutionary Guard Corps has 125,000 soldiers and is equipped with 500 tanks, 600 armored personnel carriers and 360 artillery weapons. This unit is 25 per cent larger than the entire British Army and the around 30000 British soldiers in Iraq would go trough hell if they did what US general wanted. The Iran-Iraq incident lasted around a week and was resolved by a telephone conversation between Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, and Kamal Kharrazi, his Iranian counterpart."It did look rather nasty at the time," one official said. "But we were always confident it was a mistake and could be resolved by diplomatic means. We got in touch with Baghdad and said, 'Don't do anything silly; we are talking to the Iranians.' "While Mr Straw was trying to resolve the issue peacefully, British military commanders on the ground were calming their Iranian counterparts, the ministry said.(30) That was same situation like one in Kosovo when Gen Clark told Gen Jackson to send British troops into Pristina airport to prevent Russian troops from taking control. Gen Jackson refused. He was reported to have said: "I am not going to start World War Three for you."(30) But Russians are arming Iran and Syria with what they actually need for fight with US. That is: Sunburn anti-ship missiles (Iran and Syria),modern jets SU-27 and MIG-29 (Syria),Kilo submarines (Iran), possible nuclear weapon production(Iran) and maybe some other. More US confrontation in Middle East will benefit Russian plans. Russians will be happy if US try to attack Iran who has lot of missile capacity (Sunburn and China made modified exocet missiles) and possible could take out one US carrier with other smaller ships or even make more damage to US military. The other part of first stage is to try to bring down US economy. That can be achieved by simply cut of the oil supply and making the big Russian Surprise



market crises that will cripple US and West markets. That part of plan is under way as we can see that oil price is very high (45$ on US market) by constantly destroying Iraq production and destabilization of Saudi Arabia by terrorist activity. Since Yukos problem is resolve and Russian oil is in hands of government the oil will probably go to China. China is growing fast and needs oil in big quantity. That will leave west depending on Arab oil. Russia will benefit from oil crises since oil is big export goods. As far oil prizes go up Russia will gain more money for their economy. What Russia want to achieve in first stage is to get US troops out from Europe (expensive to maintained bases in Europe) and to reduce US military and economic power as well as other Western countries. When this is achieved the second stage can start. 10.2.Second stage “preparing for invasion” When US is on the edge Russia will still control situation while building her modern military machine as well as helping China do the same. Then second stage a US-China conflict can occur.Till that time China will have powerful air force and navy. Even today that is a fact. Us is planing a big exercise in the Taiwan Strait including seven carrier battle groups called “Summer Pulse 04”. This is show of force against China but couple years ago they needed two carrier battle groups for that and now seven! That is confirmation that China military power is rising rapidly with Russian help. Whit 12 Kilo submarines (Sunburn missile and Shkval torpedoes) and 4 Sovremenny class destroyers (Sunburn missile) and air fleet of around 500 modern jets (SU-27,SU-30) Russian generals are positive that at least 2 US aircraft carriers with a lot of small ships and large number of war planes will be US cost in the war. China will occupy Taiwan but has no chance to launch a attack on US. At same time Arab counties will attack US position in Middle East and US will face a total war. That will crush US war machine and destroy US and as well Western Europe economy. Since that Russia will join (first economy alliance)alliance with Belarus,Ukraine and Kazastan (possible some other) and be prepared for attack. On Balkan they will have an allie in Serbia&Montenegro who wants a chance to get even for losing war with neigbours in 1991.And than the final stage the attack will occur. 10.3.Final stage “the attack” If You look at Russian army one thing is a strange.Russian ground troops has personal of 321000 men and they have 21820 tanks,25975 Armored Fighting Vehicles and 14770 Artillery weapons (above 100 mm). It appears that on every 10 men there is a one tank (including administration personal and other non fighting units) or on every 5 Russian Surprise



soldiers there is one Armored Fighting Vehicles. This mass of weapons is built not for 300000 army but for more soldiers.Whit no war involved why Russia has almost 22000 tanks? They are cuting navy from big ships but their navy is more powerful than ever since modern weapons like Sunburn and Shkval torpedoes are on new ships and submarines. Air force is modernized and ready for any task. Probably answer is Russia is preparing for attack. This weapon power is enough to back a army of couple million soldiers what Russia needs if she is going to attack Europe. This weapons are main line but in stock there are numbers of weapons not modern but still efective.In Balkans 1991 each side use weapons from stock even T-34 Russian tanks (used at the end of World War II) and old artillery pieces. And Russian military production is on high level an can produce large amount of weapons. With couple of million well armed soldiers they can easy (using element of surprise) storm in couple of directions. One way is trough Scandinavia (flank of NATO),other would be in the middle toward Germany and third over Turkey and Hungary into Balkans. Since Europe economy will be low and only Army with solid battle standings were British and some France units the Europe without US will be doomed. The Russian war steamroller will crush Europe resistance. If the predictions are wright US will stop Russia and the war will soon end but it will be lot of blood in all Europe and world. That is why this is written. If all is true someone should stop this hell scenario before it gets more complicated. Hope it is not to late...

BIBLIOGRAFY Russian Surprise



?? (2) §§§§ (3) (4) Dragoljub Golubovac,Dejan Malenkovic:”Kremansko prorocanstvo” (5) ?item_id=360 (6) (7) toryid=420 (8) (9) (10) (11) html (12) 030327.html (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) Defence Today site (18) (19) ml (20) (21) m (22) Article.htm (23) (24) tml (25) (26) (27) (28) Russian Surprise



(29),13190,Galloway_04030 3,00.html (30) 06/30/wiran30.xml&sSheet=/portal/2004/06/30/ixportal.html

Russian Surprise



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